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I want to create a cute sad emo girl who talks to ghosts and has an association with death and the supernatural. What classes and builds would best fit her character? This is 5e if this helps.
>wider than 2cm
>not in 480p
This is not my goth waifu. This is an imposter.
just cry about "rule 0 muh fun" till the DM agrees
always works
Death domain if evil, Grave domain if good
but the real advice is play a more interesting character
necromancer, cleric of death should wear armor and that would fuck up the emo aesthetic, use black robes and leather as you should. race can be whatever.
Shadow Sorcerer? Undead warlock of you want to go that way.
Post more goth girls.
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spirits bard
There's a rogue subclass, the phantom, that's about trafficking with ghosts and collecting trinkets for/from the dead in order to talk to spirits or become more ghostly yourself.

There's a barbarian subclass, the Ancestral Guardian, who uses ghosts as advisors, attacks, and party-wide shields. With unarmored defenses you don't have to refluff armor gear as emo aesthetic.

Bards have a College of Spirits subclass where you use crystal balls or animal skulls as casting foci, do seances with the dead, and allow partial possessions of yourself in order to borrow the power of spirits and ghosts.

Pick your poison.
>This is 5e if this helps.
It's actually a considerable hindrance.

Make her a Cleric of Persephone. She'll go around finding the spirits of the recently unjustly deceased, and offer to raise them as skeletons so that they can take justice for themselves. She can dress them up in nice outfits and make them presentable, and introduce them to the party, and help them say their goodbyes to their friends and family before they finally go off to their rightful afterlives.
I remember when those shorts started getting popular a few years ago, I thought someone was re uploading works from the early-mid 2000s.

I had thought goths went extinct around 2014...
Go with Warlock, any subclass but Pact of the Undying is pretty fitting. Get pact of the chain for cute imp familiar, at level 9 you can get an ability that lets you cast Speak with Dead for free. Of course you can get it earlier at 5th level but not for free. There’s also a bunch of invocations you can get besides that that could fit the theme.
Do ask your DM if you’ll even get to level 9 in your campaign though.
I would say you should just play Dark Places & Demogorgons and play something like "Supernatural Goth," "Parapsychologist," "Revenant," "Snoop," "Source," any of the Witch classes, "Mystical Ghost Hunter," or "Voodoo Practitioner."
Some of us older people still love gothic chicks.
Our dreams will never die.
Do that rogue subclass where you play as a dead guy or whatever.
>Talks to Ghosts
>Association with Death & the Supernatural.

So 5e is flush with magic, that last bit is almost a foregone conclusion.

I'll ask instead; do you have a particular heroic characteristic, combat style, or idea of How they're contributing to the group they're a part of? Is the above checklist the primary focus or a set of traits that aren't necessarily part of what your character Does either professionally?

Either way, here's a list of suggestions.
>Mainly a Warrior type?
Barbarians who take the Ancestral Guardian option call up spirits of their ancestors who can aid them in battle. Talking to your DM might let you adjust who or what exactly you're calling on if it doesn't change the mechanics, so calling up petitioning souls from the afterlife or ambient ghosts to help out might work for your concepts.

Monk, using Way of the Long Death, might work as a more grim version, less ghosts more killer, but would be a bit more difficult to play and might be a bit off of the "Cute" even if "Sad Emo" check out for it.

>Supportive Magician
Bard with the College of Tragedy might be exactly what you're looking for, though idk how flamboyant you want to handle it.

Cleric of the Grave Domain is literally a priest of the deities of death and the afterlife. One of the more well-known renditions of this was basically a gardener who tended to a grave of the natural world, and technically served a deity of the natural world, he just happened to be of a familial tradition that focused on that and protected a sacred gravesite of a hero of the deity of death.

>Sneaky Stabby type
Phantom Rogue is perfect in this; talk to ghosts to shift your skills around, learning from them, ghosts occasionally let you tag a second target with your Sneak Attacks, it's on point if you wanna go for the stealthy finesse option.

>Black Mage/Magic DPS.
Warlock is fine for this, with the pact with an Undead or Undying entitiy for the spookier side of things, or the Celestial pact can also suffice if you take it as working for an Angel of Death or Cosmic Grim Reaper type that is trying to usher souls along. It's worth noting that while most of the others can be Somewhat easy to handle in-fiction responsabilities, some DMs will put more emphasis on using a Pact or even a cleric's Deity as a means of providing motive as you're typically somewhat at the beck and call of the entity you're pact-bound to or worship.

Wizard has the obvious school of Necromancy but this might not do a whole lot for your base concept unless you're okay with also being a bit bookish both in-character (as that's how wizards work) and above board since Wizards also require a bit more tracking on your spells known, prepared, and learning them outside of leveling up.

And of course, if you're alright being a bit more Nature themed in how you present yourself, the Druid with the Circle of Spores is on point, has plenty of themes of life, death, and recycling from one to the next and back again, though less of a spiritual/ghostly representation of it, but you could also get that from your character's Background to some degree rather than or in addition to your Class choices.
How about I fucking kill you? How about that?
He wants emo, not edgelord.
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I’ve looked at the classes everyone has suggested, and ultimately the one that looks like it most fits the play style would be Grave Domain, a class I didn’t know about until today. Heavily focused on the spiritual aspects. One inspiration was Death of the Endless from DC. A “guide” for the dead, who helps bring peace and comfort rather then be scary. I also am trying to see if I could maximize the character as a total support unit, which cleric naturally fits into. The idea of a Warlock Celestial Pact to go for the Angel of Death/Cosmic Grim Reaper sounds amazing, thank you very much for that. I have no idea if a multi class will be feasible given how contradictory clerics + warlocks are, but if I can make it work I will. It seems like it will be one or the other. Probably Grave Cleric with the original idea, but I can always try a new character with Celestial Warlock. Thank you very much anon.
My character rapes all her holes with his tentacle cocks.
Necromancer are not cute, plus nothing about OP's post indicated that this character was meant to be a bookish nerd.
I want for you to stop being such a cockmongling faggot, so I guess we both wont be getting what we want.
Would a divination savant wizard work? Talks to ghosts and all that... Enchantment and and necromancy spells would also be on theme.
Goth is as much about attitude and outlook as it is about being creepy, and you can always fluff things to fit.
you don’t need a build, you don’t even need a system, you need a time machine
Warlock of the Undying.
There's a character build/concept I have called "Living Dead Girl"

Warlock of the Undying with the at-will False Life power, and the Pact of the Talisman. It has lots of strikeback-when-hit reactions. Background is that she OD'd or tried to kill herself or something and got brought back not quite right.
Love it.
A multi-class could work, but should be noted wouldn't be an easy option with those two.
>Cleric is a Wisdom-Based Spellcaster. The DC's and some of the functions of their spells are going to key off That ability score.
>Warlock is a Charisma-Based Pact Mage. The DC's and some of the functions of their spells and invocations will key off That.

That's not a deal-breaker mind you, it can work, but Warlock also doesn't Combine its main magic-using feature with Cleric the way a Sorcerer or Bard might, where while you won't gain access to higher level spells, you'd be able to stack them for higher level spell-slots to up-cast spells from both lists. Because Warlock is a Pact Mage, there'd be no synergy and your main feature would falter for both.

That said, it's not so much a fluff contradiction; in earlier editions there was a Prestige Class that specifically combined Warlock and Cleric features as someone who had come to worship their patron, or who had made a deal with their deity in addition to their devotions. They were called Eldritch Disciples. 5e doesn't have many combo-effect features, though they're also usually less necessary with how it works.

However, you can just as easily apply that fluff to the relationship your character has with their deity or patron and wrangle it from there. The same campaign that the character I mentioned earlier came from also had a Trickster Cleric whose patron was an Archfey capable of granting spells to their favorite follower.

Hell, I've got plans for an Astral Self monk multiclass with Warlock for a character in an upcoming campaign, with the "Patron" Being the potential idealized person he could've been if he hadn't fucked up his life/soul doing something stupid, and the Astral Self being that manifested as his regrets in his past mistakes.

Just talk with the DM, see what fits and worry about how you want the mechanics to present it second. The rest should follow from there.
Firstly, you should ask the rest of the group if they're comfortable playing long with your awkward fantasy about being a cute girl.

Because unless everyone else is as emotionally stunted, they're probably not going to want to sit around listening to your describe your cute outfits and doing your best teenage girl impression.
You should ask this question in >>93039596 instead of making a new thread for it, dumbass.
This works with that:
Just make a necromancer (traditional) divination wizard who talks to the dead to get answers
This isn't real. This can't be real, it's not 2005 anymore.
shut up stupid
>Stealth Nia thread on /tg/
Never thought I'd see it, but I welcome it
Cleric(grave)/warlock(celestial) multiclass is peak sparklebitch. Kudos.
tl;dr 1.) Warlock doesn't multiclass well with other spellcasters, it's a bit more complicated and you might want to ask your DM for help building the character.
tl;dr 2.) You're going to want to pick either charisma or wisdom to be your main thing, use that as your main spellcasting stat, then maybe put a 12 or 13 in the other stat.

If you asked me as a DM I'd just tell you to play a shadow magic sorcerer, it's simpler and you'll have less bookkeeping while still being a full-powered charisma-based magic user.
To think, this thread could have just been a post in the 5e general.

And you wonder why nobody likes the system here.
Obviously everyone just hates it because it's popular.
It doesn't get annoying at all to be treated like a villain whenever you want a small pocket on the internet to be able to speak freely about its faults.
It doesn't get frustrating whenever the script flips from "rewrite what you don't like" when expressing flaws with the system as a player to "your shitty homebrew will never be any good" when demonstrating you rewrote what you didn't like.
It doesn't get irritating for everyone to forget these conversations happen on a daily to werkly basis, because acknowledging any point that isn't the system's popularity would hurt the narrative that's being pushed.
The crusade to have this small corner of the internet unanimously enjoy D&D or shut up is really worthwhile; wouldn't it suck to have even one or two people not buy D&D because of a bad opinion?
wtf is sparklebitch?
i know that YT channel bro. its a psyop. she's not real bro.
Magical Girl
None, 5e is utterly unsuitable for the kind of game you seem to want.
shut up. your homebrew sucks btw.
Play characters that arent fetishes.

Play anything but 5e
I hate it because it bores me to tears, but anon is still a retard for sperging out about generals. It's not like most of the random threads that pop up day to day are worth the server overhead to store their titles anyway.
Oh boy! You certainly can go fuck yourself!!
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You play Bizenghast instead, not kidding
My god, dude, just play World of Darkness, it's clearly what you want.

Post the channel
First find a game where the your character would fit into the setting. Cute pic btw
>necromancers are not cute
Could you be any stupider?
>horror shit
And with one click I've lost all interest.
have you considered asking
>>5eg ?
You clicked?
You have to homebrew something
5E is a fucking shitty system with the depth of a puddle
Actually did a double take when I saw it, thought I was back on /co/ for a second
ditch the multi-class idea, they're too opposite both in gameplay and flavor. Having 2 otherworldly sugar daddies would muddy alot of roleplaying. Just shelve celestial warlock for another character down the road.

Give her shit strength and almost as shit charisma. Get a bunch of those speak with dead type spells no one ever uses and let the DM know you're using them, he'll probably work in a few situations where they're really useful. You should also try to use them proactively in any way you can think of. Try to ritual cast spells as much as possible when out of combat again for flavor.

Don't take any, I repeat ANY healing spells. Take any cleanse or support you want but if all it does is make HP go up leave it in the book. You don't want to become a basic healbitch. You wanna do all the funky thematic shit like status effects, and spare the dying and corpse preservation. No one ever dies in 5E anyway.

I would also reccommend if you start using animate dead, either houserule no initiative so everyone takes their actions at once, or loan out your undead to your party members once you get past 1. No one wants to watch one guy take ages deciding what his little 6 man zombie party is doing while they twiddle their thumbs, but they won't mind each getting an extra pet zombie to control on their turn.
You'd think if OP likes this awesome system so much he'd actually know how to use the rules to make what he wants.
Roll 20 for state mandated gf
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>necromancing a necromancer thread
Let it rest.
Also, necromancers who dress like whores need to stay in halloween stores.

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