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Last Thread: >>92992845
>Thread question
What's your favorite type of polearm?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
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rebrandly /HexChit
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Anyone here play Father Tilly Escalade? Thinking of getting it.
Would anyone happen to have the Saga books? Specifically age of hannibal and age of crusades
Crusades is in the Saga link above. Not sure about Hannibal though.
been trying out a few games of rebels and patriots, seems quite unbalanced, skirmishers just destroy everything, units become disordered all the time, 1-2 point units easily beat 6 point ones if they shoot first
Does anyone have The Barons' War: Outremer supplement at hand?
I don't know about Rebels and Patriots, but I've seen quite a few games that are extremely punishing. Impetus, for instance, while a great game, can have a stroke of luck completely change the course of battle. If, for instance, some skirms shoot against an important unit and get 1 or 2 hits and then immediately cause disorder + casualties, making the unit lose the Impetus bonus, you're pretty much fucked.
The bayonet.
Yeah p. much. Love me some bayonet fighting.
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Good answer

The spontoon purely because they're utterly useless even as a PDW and possibly weren't really even used to dress ranks (though it makes for a great look)
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spotted on one of the discords
I take it saga Alexander is under a different name in the link?
Anyone know any Age of Sail combat games with higher resolution Sailing Polars than Littlebeard? https://crabfragmentlabs.com/littlebeard
7/8 Points of Sail is way too low-res for anyone but newbies. I'd much prefer something more like 19/24 points of sail, because it really highlights the difference between Fore-and-Aft rigged vessels and Square-Rigged vessels that much more clearly without fudging things. Anyone know of anything?

Also, anyone know where I can get historical data from which to work out Sailing Polars from?
I'm just now realizing that Hail Caesar is actually Warmaster with extra rules, granularity, and differentiation between armies... I've never actually played it just because I always considered it to be "GW crap", but beside the licenses they seem to be taking in a few lists (more of a pop history approach), it doesn't sound half bad.
Experiences with the game, anons?
Needs houseruling. My old club has moved away from it, but even though they were the target market (boomers with vast tables and collections) they still thought movement rates were too extreme amongst other things)
What has your club moved into? What do you recommend?
I've tried Basic Impetus so far, and I liked it, but I feel it looks a bit awkward with 28mm minis. I've also played Clash of Spears.
some homebrew thing, but I'm yet to play ancients with them since I moved back to the same state
the other thing about HC if you're playing in 28mm they expect you to have a vast collection
haven't played or read that many age of sail wargames, but how would you implement that many points of sail? overlap between people I play wargames with and recreational or professional sailors is not insignificant but the homebrew systems I have played are not that granular
It is good fun with meme units like Apple Bearers, Naked Spartans etc ie stuff that wasn't the meat and potatoes o history but fun

The emphasis is on fun, I like it and pike and shotte and blackpowder just fine. Never played BA
I personally recommend DBA, and DBMM.


It's an axe on a stick, or a spear axe, however you slice it, halberds rock. Pike a close second. Maybe for third the kind of throwing spears that could also be used for thrusting.
>you mean javelins

No I mean not javelins, not thrusting phalanx spears, but all purpose throwing spears
Throwable Spears for the win; preferably without requiring a Spear Thrower, but with that as an available option.
Are roman swords made to stab or cut limbs? I see people arguing this all the time, saying that the blade is thick so it opens a wide wound when stabbing and other telling that is more like a cleaver, the extra weight making easier to chop limbs. Honestly I think it's both, what's your guys opinion on this?
>How would you implement that many points of sail?

I'd start with a Hex map. Every ship, at its full potential speed, under worst typical conditions, moves, at minimum, 4 spaces. At 4 spaces out, there are 24 hexes a vessel could theoretically move to (wind permitting). The rest of movement is a matter of how to round down when you have 3, 2, or 1 movement left, which should always default to the same angle from or a wider angle from the wind as the intended Point of Sail. You can limit movement distance if you'd rather preserve the movement angle, but acceleration penalties may apply.

Fore-and-Aft rigged vessels have reasonable performance at 19 Points of Sail; Square rigged vessels have reasonable performance at 15 Points of Sail, with reduced performance at additional windward Points of Sail. That leaves room for mixed sail plan ships, like Barquentines, to work well at 17 Points of Sail.

As per Sailing Polars, each vessel should have a separate movement length number for each Point of Sail for a given wind condition.

Wind direction should be determined by a 24 Compass Point Wind Rose; it should generate direction (1 of 24 Compass Points), Speed (as per the Beaufort Scale, for a number of very good reasons), and Duration should be rolled too (but I'm not sure according to what). In theory, I'd like something like 3 dice rolled for Duration, with 1 die public, and one die for each side as private (to reflect some experience with what to expect, but with a degree of inexperience).

I don't know how I'd handle acceleration. I imagine that wouldn't be too hard.

Damage has probably been done to death in a variety of other games, and is probably a solved problem.

So, that's about how I'd do it.
Stab, because they weren't even consistently edged before Marius.
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Said I would stick to 20mm for skirmish games but it's gonna take up so much space, just gonna do everything in 10mm from now on and slowly sell off my 20mm, fuck it
No but that sounds nifty. I've been fascinated by the 30 Years War for a while now.
>10mm skirmish
I mean it's probably doable but 15mm seems less painful
Yeah 15mm skirmish works great.
Done some 10mm skirmish games recently with my AWI stuff, I base 4 inf or 2 skirms on a base, works well for me, I use mostly 6mm terrain though
without having thought it through too much that does seem somewhat viable, might be worth exploring if you cant find a system granular enough for your tastes
I regret getting ird of my 1/72. Persist, seek other storage solutions
Rebels and Patriots is exceptionally high death toll. Gunfire is lethal by design in that game

There are two ways to play these Osprey skirmish games.

On a small table with HEAPS of ground cover, ie a real skirmish in the brush with a lot of terrain.

On a bigger more open table with screening units and the bigger practical points load.
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This really seems counter to the reality of the AWI where skirmishing was more about contesting space and disrupting manoeuvre and small arms fire did not cause the majority of casualties
Historical skirmishes, of like companies of troops, during the smoothebore period? Sure. But R&P is a one to one game, arguably platoon or half company size and encompases ACW as well.
yeah, after a few games it made sense to have screening units, and to treat it as a skirmish game, not a line battle
>small arms fire did not cause the majority of casualties
during a small skirmish? even during the large battles I am reluctant to believe that, since there were a handful of small cannon at most for most AWI armies
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Who manufactures best Mongols/Tartars/Cumans out there in 28ish mm?
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So you're looking for something super granular where specific ships are slightly improved sailing capability over others?

I don't know any wargame that really goes into that kind of detail, and honestly I don't know if you could even realistically find that kind of detail beyond just kinda making it up based on as many first hand accounts as you could find.

Generally in sailing wargames you're worried about 4 different directions to the wind: In irons, close-hauled, reaching and running. In my experience anything more than that isn't really necessary.
If you're trying to do an America's cup sailing simulator, it might be different.

War by sail (pic related) I think handles wind nicely and is based on a ton of period research. While it doesn't go super in detail to ship's sailing capabilities (some ships are "unweatherly" which have a larger In Irons section on the Wind aide shown in the picture), it provides plenty of detail of interesting maneuvers that captains performed, such as boxhauling and clubhauling, and covers lots of ship types like Galleys and hybrid oar/mast ships. Ships can increase and decrease sail, and get a slight bonus to turns if turning away from the wind (wearing). If you want a game where ships murder each other in interesting ways it might be worth looking into, but if you're after something like the ASL of naval combat, I don't think it's really been done as far as I know.

The most granular age of sail wargame I know of would be Close Action, where you can assign different crew to different roles, and even that only has 4 wind facings (Luffing, Close-Hauled, Running Downwind, and Broad-Reaching)
>small arms
>small cannon

I'd be reluctant to call even an amusette a 'small arm', field pieces are not small arms by any stretch of the imagination

If you look at something like Cooch's Bridge, one of the most intense skirmishes of the war you have an engagement between light infantry which lasts several hours (and part of a several day back-and-forth) and still ended with a bayonet charge
Oh I see you meant 'at most'

Battles in the AWI were very low-casualty and the worst losses were typically in assaults on held positions - like the 40th foot attacking the lunette at Brandywine and the New Jersey brigade's assault on Cliveden

Protracted firefights weren't all that common, like at Monmouth and Guildford Courthouse
Well Polybius wrote that the Macedonians were horrified by the wounds caused by Roman swords. Limbs and heads cut off, deep stab wounds that spilled entrails. So it seems the Roman swords could be used for both, though their training emphasized stabs.
Yeah but Polytribbiani fearsed the Smashadonian Fat Flanks. It was like a pink belly or s Chinese burn done on your sides.
Any chance of the War Diary magazine?
In WAB, these are just called Throwing Spears.

They're the kind of spear that barbarian infantry often used.
Yeah, I've been trying to write my own rules for AWI based around a campaign where battle deaths/wounds are low unless specific conditions are met (tested the battle of bunker hill several times and got mostly historical results for example)
think I'm going to add a skirmish scenario that determines how a battle will be fought(if at all) too
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what are some good naval wargames? Preferably with some big guns
now to just wait a month for my pendraken delivery to arrive
At least to my fingers, there's really no difference between picking up single 15s and single 10s.
For something like the Rampant games where you need to constantly move clusters of figures, you're probably better off with two 6 figure bases, counting down losses with dice, or base in 1, 2, 3s, to make change. Done the latter with 6mm. No usability issues.

But really, that approach would benefit play with the larger scales as well, so not much difference there either.
I've played Find, Fix and Strike, which is fast but doesn't thrill me. It's very arcade-y, and the movement doesn't feel like it has any weight or inertia.

I want to try GQ3; that feels like the next level up.

And I've also heard good things about Nimitz - it's by Sam Mustafa, who is one of the people this board tends to rate.

I also have pdfs for NavWar, Harpoon, Victory at Sea, Battle Stations, and Surface Action. I haven't really read into any of them enough to have a strong opinion.
Is there any historical games similar to Mordheim/Frostgrave, etc. where you play a custom made warband of 5-10 guys and is very narrative focused with injuries, treasure, etc. between games
Have you looked at Silver Bayonet?
Electi Studio's Dead by Lead is a recent one that came out last year that's basically cowboy Mordheim, I've been enjoying it a lot. Gang size is a little smaller than what you're looking for though, I'd wager the average gang is just 4 models. It supports playing anything from 1 lone gunslinger to a posse of 12.
Firelock Games Port Royal hasn't come out yet but it looks like it's going to be a golden age of piracy version of exactly what you're looking for.
En Garde!
>the average gang is just 4 models
I should clarify, that's the average STARTING gang size. If you skimp on equipment and take lots of flaws for your guys you could definitely fit a few more in at gang creation.
Thanks anon, even just those names help so i can look into them more
Any of Nordic Weasel's "Five" games - Five men in Normandy / at Kursk, Five Leagues to the Borderland, Five klicks from the Zone
Is it still a Throwing Spear if you can still use it for melee?
>>H&C Megatrove
>rebrandly /HexChit

Where are the Helion books here?
Woah we have /hwg/ girl in the latest tundraworks marketing
Noone cares. Stop shilling that garbage.
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perfidious bong detected
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>is a second generation chinese immigrant living in Canada dating a transwoman
>constantly tries to shill his shitty CADslop minis on fucking 4chan to the two dozen anons in this general (lmao)
Not even in the correct hemisphere
Dude, that motherfucker has a Stinger missile, no wonder everyone's out to get him.
>can't play ACW because le white trash flag will get him ostracized by the leftist uni ringleaders

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trust me there could be a whole company of real females at historicon and this board would say they were all trans.

Go out, touch grass, and just see for yourself.
>defends CADslop made by a chinaman and chaser
>hates white people
How original
Can you shut the fuck up you Laurentian faggot.
Go give some jeets LMIA or something.
Is it still a melee weapon if you can hurl it?
Anyone know where I can get 28mm Japanese matchlock gunners in plain clothes? All I've been able to find are dudes in armor.
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Do you guys think Wargames Foundry stuff would fit 1st corps miniatures? Was thinking of mixing in some phalangites from both, as 1C ones all have their sarissas upright, none of the ones they sell are pointing towards the enemy.
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Bills! Great for cutting, stabbing, hooking, pretty much whatever you want. Just finished off this block of them, only another dozen to go.
Not the same era, however the guys on the left are 1C and the guys on the right are WF. They don't match perfectly, but for me at least they work out good enough. Hope this helps.
New starter set, what do you think?
Swaps out the the recon IFVs, T-62s, and M60 pattons for infantry. I think it's better because infantry is a big part of the game and the starter set being all vehicles was a little dumb.

I'm a little sad Team Yankee is barely discussed online. it's such a fun game and the list building and rules are cheesy but honestly it kind of makes the game charming.
Let's see Paul Allen's starter set.
The issue is more a matter of, "Is the kind of spear that is designed for melee and for throwing necessarily called a Throwing Spear, or are Throwing Spears exclusively for throwing?". It's a matter of correct terminology, not whether or not one thing can do two jobs.
>"General! We're taking heavy anti-air fire!"
>"WTF is anti-air private, get back in line"
Whats up with the potion, the pouches that look like webbing from WW2/Vietnam and the shoes that look like a woman would wear them right now?
Looks like some fantasy bullshit to me. Pretty disappointed seeing it as the OP pic.
>touch grass
Chinese communist detected.
Assault group and Fireforge have some nice armored sculpts, though the East Asian cataphract aesthetic might not be suitable for Mongol splinter states. Not well read on Cuman or Tatar armaments.
Nice but I would rather play their Clash of Steel games because 1. I'M A SIMPLETON AND 2. VROOM
If you paint them in the same batch, more or less.

Does anyone have the most recent ADLG edition? I see the 2014 version but want to give it a read before I commit to buying a hardcopy.

Not really. I've already checked them and their ikko ikki aren't what I'm looking for. Thanks tho.
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Does a PDF of this actually exist anywhere? Anons... pls... I've searched every archive of TSR AND Ancients possible and it's missing from them all... a single mention of a pdf from a 2018 post is all ive found
Helpful 'nuff, thanks anons.
>finish painting and put stuff on bases
>forgot to paint one figure
I usually put 4 figures on a base but I'm wondering how to get around the 6/12 figures for games like Lion Rampant, plus MHWBK with 16 figure tribal units
I could just use a couple of extra individual bases for the small units maybe, I do have skirmish trays but not sure I'd want too many individually based 10mm figures
Does anyone have or know where I can find a PDF of Smooth & Rifled? I checked through our folders.
There is a class of spear that is primarily intended for throwing but is sturdy enough to be used like a melee weapon, heavier than a javelin but not as long as the traditional spear of a Hoplite etc. An either or weapon where javelins, being lighter might have greater distance,
Some of the modern accounts of hoplite warfare actually suggest that Hoplites may have carried grades of spear and javelins as well. Ie not necessarily just a barbarian weapon
Yeah, I've done similar a few times, but more like painting one platoon of something and it comes to basing time....and I'm one painted figure short. Somehow. Even though I checked and was sure I had the right amount.

I've never seen a V4 scan, only V3. 95% identical from what I've heard, though I don't play it.
Would the Barons War crusader, templar, and similar minis be appropriate for a 3rd Crusade army? I've seen a couple with a great helm, which is a later development, but I mean apart from those. Also, can I get away with Normans as Sargeants (think Perry Normans for the 3rd crusade)? or even as knights? or was everyone wearing a tabbard by that point? any good sources to read about the equipment of the 3rd crusade would be really appreciated. Additionally, opinions on Outremer Faith and Blood?
>Does a PDF of this actually exist anywhere?
Why is everyone so dwarfish?
BW range is suitable yes, they're meant for that time period.
Tabards were present and presumed widespread, but we dont really have info on if they're truly ubiquitous by Hattin, we only have the art and symbols to go off of for this really, so take it as you please. However i'd lean towards most having one. Great helm is fine, provided it has a flat top. There were a lot of helmets, and its hard to neatly categorise them or put definitive dates on them. Many had flat tops and fully enclosing face protection, the great helm is just the extension of this around the entire head. Fully enclosed helments were relatively common from at least 1180, and Richard I wore one. Great helms are a little bit more 13th.c, but thats only in a few years time, and imo they really dont look out of place + the difference from other helmets is really very minor. My one complaint (except for the relatively poor casting quality) are that some of the foot knights with 2H weapons have some really ridiculous things which look like giant scalpels, imo you should remove these and replace them with axes.

As Serjeants? Yes. As knights? Its a bit of a stretch, but its possible up to around Hattin. You could field them as poorer knights i suppose, or as Armenian mercenaries who are behind in their fashion. Imo the norman infantry as serjeants and armoured crossbowmen age a bit better than the cavalry as knights.

Check the Ospreys linked at the top.

Have it but havent played it (trying to convince a friend to get it), so no opinions yet.

Would advise you look into Victrix, they've got good norman sets. Their Italo-Norman cavalry in particular could probably fit in for Hattin, and the infantry+Xbows could too. They have a 13th.c knight set out soon which will fit well.
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>some of the foot knights with 2H weapons have some really ridiculous things which look like giant scalpels
Like this thing on the right? It looks like a polearm like a fauchard or glaive... but not on a pole. It's a bit odd alright
Yeah, looks awful.
Why are WOTR men at arms always depicted and painted with shiny bright armor when in every single contemporary artwork from the WOTR all armor is depicted as being blackened?
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In hindsight, I dislike the small bases, feel like I have to be extra careful picking them up, but I've already painted a whole army and am no way rebasing it
So when my ACW stuff arrives I was thinking about a completely different basing, 6 figures on a base maybe 20x30mm, or 8 figures 20x40
what do you lads do for 10mm?
Might be the paint used decaying/chemically altering over time. Or it was painted to reflect more expensive armour that had underwent blueing or some other oxidisation (like what would’ve been done to turn parts of the armour gold coloured)

NTA but it seems to me that a small amount of the men in that painting have some metallic armor, with blackened helmets.

In the back left, engaging the men in blue and red armor is a guy with a grey suit and black helmet, I assume that's supposed to be polished armor, and in the cavalry group on the left, second row in the green tabard is another man with grey armor and a black helmet.

Perhaps blackened was more popular? Shiny armor more difficult to represent in painting because of limitations in available paints? I don't know anything about the period, just speculating as it's an interesting question.
Silver armor isn't hard to represent, theyve been doing it long before the WOTR in painting using greys. The blackened armor here is deliberate
I wouldn't even say it's blackened, rather it's likely 'cheap', hammer-finished munition plate

I have seen several painting guides recommending finishing most MAA with darker armour for that reason
Why is it so hard to imagine a good skirmish with variable troop types in the Ancient world while it's so easy doing it in the Medieval world?
When I think about games like Clash of Spears, that have a good variety of troops (for instance, republican legionaries, triarii, velites, cavalry, mercenaries, etc. in a small engagement for Romans), they seem so artificial. Like those troop types wouldn't be able to function outside of massive battles.
For the medieval world that's completely different, stuff like Barons' War, SAGA, or Lion Rampant really work. It's not hard to imagine even a heavily armored knight taking part in a small skirmish. But it's weird, because there's nothing that's making a knight better at it than a Roman legionary, or a Celtic Solduros, or whatever the fuck you can think about. Exceptions might be troop types like phalangites that only really work with very dense formations in mind, but I could even see a hoplite doing at least something in a skirmish...
I wish there were more skirmish games set in antiquity, something similar to Outremer: Faith and Blood, or even something like Mordheim/Frostgrave.
Try Fistful of Lead. It's a toolbox ruleset that lets you do whatever you want, whatever era you want. I use it for a lot of my own esoteric stuff. I know there's some specific sword and shield/medieval themed books you could probably use for antiquity.
Just play Mordheim or Frostgrave with historical minis. That's what I do
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On the perry range they have a glaive which you could cut the head of the weapon off that model and then attatch this one so its sleightly longer. Its not unreasonable to have a short glaive but it just looks kindof bad, like the head and staff lack detail, so it looks like someone glued a scalpel head to a match stick.
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It's definitely a bit of this, we can't assume paintings are accurately reproducing colours because pigments don't work that way over centuries. It can also be the particular artist, artist locality and availability of materials and such; we have to be very particular about sources. Can't just pick a set of pictures and go 'yeah this guy's depicting it like this therefore it's like this'.

>>93104666 You know what is possibly really wrong about this era/locality in wargaming? Potentially way more wrong than worrying about paint colour?
Blocks of billmen being a thing in English armies.
Anyone happens to know the base size for foot leaders on Saga? I got Victrix models and want to know if I can fit a whole spartan command group in the same base size
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>Image of Swiss fighting HRE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Dornach

>You know what is possibly really wrong about this era/locality in wargaming? Potentially way more wrong than worrying about paint colour?
Blocks of billmen being a thing in English armies.

What do you mean by this post? That bills weren't as commonplace as is thought? Would make more sense to see a variation of pike/half pike and bills.
Which Perry spruce is this? I don’t recognise it from the agincourt or war of the roses knights boxes? Are they the mercenaries sprue?
NTA but it's probably true, in all contemporary sources it only lists Men at arms and archers being hired by nobles or kept as retainers. WOTR was an age of professional paid soldiers, not levies or conscripts, so it's unlikely they had blocks of billmen. Archers were typically armed with swords and pretty significant armor, and are implied to have had bills nearby for when it was time to drop the bows and engage in melee. The majority of "infantry" style melee fighting was done by nobles and their men at arms.
Its the mercenaries command sprue, I think you get 2 in a box of mercenaries, and they are cheap as dirt on their own.
they are historically accurate by the way
Victorian closeted homos polished suits of armor, removing the original paint or finish.
I usually don't like generic toolbox rulesets, as I think that they miss important themes of periods/settings, but in this case there's something about the rapid nature of Western combat that might be good for some fast and dirty ancient skirmishing... I'll look into it.

It's not a bad idea, although I'll have to houserule it heavily, but I think it would be more appropriate for fantasy games, given the Strength, Toughness, and Initiative characteristics (which I reckon would be shared among 90% of humans in a regular, historical setting).

I'm also interested in discussing the more philosophical aspects of why we don't see as any skirmish games set in Antiquity, and why it kinda "looks wrong" or "feels wrong" when you're playing one of those games and you have 3 legionaries running around supported by a couple of riders and 4 or 5 velites. It shouldn't, but it does...
No they arent. Its possible that what they're trying to represent was historical, but those things look too stupid and impractical to be feasible.
What are they even supposed to be? What? A giant kitchen knife, and some abysmally represented cut-down polearm?
You can see one with silver armour at the back.
Also polished armour was very fashionable at the time, especially among the English, at both the end of the HYW and during the WOTR, so both existed alongside one another, and the choice of depiction may be a choice of preference or may just reflect that the huge amounts of armour needed for the armies that sprang up for the WOTR were largely unpolished.
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The image was just for the armour colour from a different but not too distant locality/timeframe, and that it looks cool.

This plus the billmen thing seems to be only really coming in documentation in the Tudor era which is later with a significant shift in style of warfare, mustering of troops and so on. It's quite possible the whole thing stems from a reenactorism (because most WotR reenactor stuff grew out of English Civil War groups as far as I remember, and so carried over the pikes and shot to bills and bows mentality plus much older, not so great research), or a miniatures wargaming thing stemming from way back because of miniatures not being able to swap between weapon types. lot of crossover between those two groups too.
Nah, they're real. Back in the day this is what they used before greatswords were a thing. Technically the greatswords that some of the Barons War minis use are way too early. I can't remember the name of the weapon but essentially it was just a big sharp cleaver that could be sharp at the point. Great in Mount & Blade.
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It's probably a representation of the "glaive" like weapons from the Morgan Bible.
This is the clearest pic of it, but I think there's some other pages that show someone in the background with the same concept of weapon.
There's another 2 types of cleaver like weapon, one of which is shown frequently in the Morgan Bible and is often called a "falchion". It's a single handed weapon with no hand guard.
myArmoury has multiple threads on it.

For years I assumed they were "historically accurate" because they were contemporary depictions, but I now think medieval artists were about as reliable as any modern person today at depicting military equipment. This book is a visual retelling of the Bible and so it's possible it's just a made up weapon meant to represent what a priest thought ancient Israelites would have been seeing.
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>ordering six highlanders from Perrys to bulk out my 71st regiment 1st battalion
>accidentally order a flank company instead of a centre company
Learn from my mistake /hwg/
I'd say the Morgan bible is probably accurate 'cus it seems like the artist in general has a really good undersdanding of military equipment.
It might not be so odd as thought
Heard some scuttlebutt about Victrix releasing Russian nappo models this year, anyone know if there's any truth to it?
Isn't the "Morgan Bible Chopper" a weapon of contention among historians because no physical examples exist/have been found?
The thing he is holding is far too short and triangular to be that, althought that may be what its meant to be, although i've never seen that weapon in any other illustration and i've never seen any evidence for it existing. Also if it is only depicted as being used mounted there, is that sufficient to justify it being used on foot?

Perhaps, but the one the knight is holding doesnt look anything like that. TAhe blade looks like a hobby knife, its also on a very short pole.
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Is that not this thing?
>Also if it is only depicted as being used mounted there, is that sufficient to justify it being used on foot?
Possibly but as depicted you'd think it'd be easier to use on foot
It is yes.

But the one on foot the miniature has is half the size, which would defeat the point (if any) of using it?
Ah, my mistake.
Wish me luck anons, in about a week I'll be running my first ever con game. Gonna be doing a slightly modified version of the FFT3 quick rules to play the Battle of Damansky/Zhenbao Island
>The image was just for the armour colour from a different but not too distant locality/timeframe, and that it looks cool.

Good choice anon, I do like the old swiss artwork.
Bought a bag of Victrix imperial romans to use in Saga. Now I have 40 models I can't use because there's no imperial army rules. Remember to read the rulebook before buying miniatures.

Anyways, which brand would you recomend for republican romans? Saga has a nice starter set but they look pretty bad. Victrix is cool but I don't want to have 20 spare models on sprues, it seems like a bit of a waste
Sublime taste in conflict. Good luck Anon.
What's the best period to play if you're a White Aryan fascist? Excluding WW2 of course
AI generated maybe?
Javelins are not spears. They are dogshit for fighting in melee with.

"Thrusting spears" are like 8 feet long, so not really meant to be thrown.
The Pilum and The Spiculum are basically throwing spears.
Anons, sell me on 15mm miniatures. Also, who are the best manufacturers? According to Madaxeman, it's Khurasan and Mirliton, and as far as I've seen, I have to agree. Mirliton in particular are incredibly well proportioned, and Khurasan are painted beautifully on their website, but overall look great too.
Any pitfalls of 15mm minis? Is standard DBA basing for them still the way to go? Or individually just like with 28mm?
On a boat polishing an abundance of stainless steel and I'd appreciate some podcasts that may have passed me by, listened to a couple of yarkshire gamers and lardies
oh and wss
Warhammer 40K
Tell that to Saga?

Also the Dark Ages was really small battles, the period before and after had much bigger battles.
>republican legionaries
hastati are basically Anglo-Saxon shieldwall infantry.... Maybe more discipline at most.
Age of Invasions are not Imperial?
played Rebels and Patriots with a scenario and turn limit and it prevented it from becoming a bloodbath, both sides only had a handful of casualties, my commander was wounded in the last turn, was pretty fun
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News from psc:
Monte casino and kustrin soon.
(Battlegroup commander) New WW2 game based on Northag.
New 15mm Cold war Battlegroup game.
28mm skirmish game.
Books dedicated to historical scenarios, starting with the 21 panzer div.
Pre ww2 books, Scandinavia, China or Spanish civil war for example.
Early ww2 asia/pacific books.
New models and accessories to support the mentioned games.
Ah; the Spiculum could be used for thrusting as well as throwing. Was it any good at slashing?
I meant more like 1 on 1 combat. Something like 2 or 3 equites leading 5-6 hastati style troops and 3-4 skirmishers against a mounted duo of celtic nobleman, and druid, their 2 soldurii bodyguard, and 4 levy warriors and 3 skirmishers. Add a campaign system and you're golden
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A small 6mm board that's a WIP. The brown sticks are the outlines for a forest I'm experimenting with. Once I add some more forests and flock in the brown patches better I think I'll be done
>when a Saracen says something so christophobic you have to hit him with that True Crusader Stare
looks cute
I do and i sent it to the MEGA guy a few months ago, but if he hasnt uploaded it then idk how to do so here.

Depends on the period.
Great work, Anon.
I believe Italy during the 7th and 6th centuries would be a suitable location for skirmish combat. Combat was very fluid and though the rich were clad as hoplites they fought in single combat in a loose, open order system using javelins besides spears, axes and swords. A leader, a few retainers and lesser warriors and skirmishers would be great. You have the Etruscans, Romans, Samnites, Celts, Ligurians, Campanians, Greeks and more.
Should I have any bow armed troops in my Boshin War project? I've never read anything that specific mentions bows being used, nore seen any art that depicts them, but information on how traditional troops were armed isn't very detailed and precise. I've got way too many matchlocks, plenty of muskets and RMLs and a small number of breach loading Riflemen.

A side note, and a long shot, has anyone any suggestions for Ainu tribesmen?

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