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Carcharodons Edition

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>Thread Question:
What obscure faction would you like to see get models?
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1st for post progress in your hobbying in the last year.
Q’orl. Gimme nids 2.0
I hate you.
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>red corsairs stomp terracon
>sudden influx of buyers for red corsairs decals
have fun getting nerfed into the ground in the next update, chaosfags
>Gimme nids 2.0
They aren't really much like nids aside from surface level insect theme (and nids dont even have insect bodyplan bar 2 models), so I think there is enough space for them
What do drukari play like? Can i just run all boats? Are they fun to play against?
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Glassiest of glass cannons, all boats is not just workable but optimal. And yeah they’re fun to fight.
>have fun getting nerfed into the ground in the next update, chaosfags
Armywide assault was letting actions be done too easily, thats gone now.
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If you're not interested in the ghostkeel, the new one is objectively the correct choice in every situation.
>Devilfish + breachers is the bread and butter of most tau armies, so some players might even pick up multiple copies of these combat patrols
>When you inevitably pick up some crisis suits, you'll have a coldstar commander ready to lead them
>It comes with the killteam sprue for the pathfinders, which is a big bonus I never expected to see from james. (It's got great bits for customizing infantry, or you can resell it on ebay for like $20 and get some money back)
>If you end up buying multiple combat patrols but don't want a bunch of pathfinders, you can also use the spare bits from the breacher sprue to build them as a strike team instead
>If you pick up a hammerhead, you can convert a devilfish to a skyray with the spare parts

The old combat patrol was good for the ghostkeel, and the fireblade was a very nice plus (especially since you could build the strike team as breachers), but the other 3 units were the among cheapest and most commonly available units in the tau roster. Still, the ghostkeel really propped it up. If you really want a ghostkeel and can find the ghostkeel combat patrol for regular combat patrol prices (i.e. $130 or less instead of $175+), the old combat patrol might be worth considering.
>What obscure faction would you like to see get models?
Zoat Dominators as Agents of the Hivemind and I demind the "can field mindslaved unit from any army" rules back.
How shyte are the clear bases bros
>post progress in your hobbying in the last year
Bottom is one of the last paintjobs in my old blue scheme, which was "basecoat and the drybrush necron compound" and nothing else. Was still figuring out how to paint my green skin and have good shading in the recesses, too.
Top is my most recent models that I took a picture of. My green skin and blue are now exactly where I want them after numerous changes to the style. Now I'm just getting shit done.
I don't know of any obscure factions.
They're ass, and anyone with self respect converts to BASED brass rod
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Connect them to your aircraft with these and you'll never have a problem with them other than how retarded they look
>BASED brass rod
I use a silver rod for my fly stands. Does that count?
Theyre fun to fight. Their units have like no HP
>BASED brass rod
Do you have a supplier that provides them at convenient lengths or do you buy bulk brass and cut it down yourself?
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>What obscure faction would you like to see get models?

Most Podels
The nice thing about using brass rods is that you can make them ever so slightly higher (so the lowest part of the model is above 5") and thus unable to be charged.
The thickness you'll need even for the largest vehicles is easily cut with some tin snips

DQ'd then summarily executed
Stop doing stuff like this it makes them turn the game into even more of a board game than it already is.
He's making a reference to a tournament where almost this exact thing happened a few weeks ago
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Id say the loxatl from bloodpact
That just makes me sad
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Made my first ever conversion, which was a somewhat slow but good learning experience, I am much more confident now with greenstuff. I called these barbgaunt counts-as "Needler Slayers" as a sendoff to 1st ever nid miniature sculpted (Hunter Slayer).
Also painted a thrope, now painting another converted guy.
Lovely grimnyr, painting rock as ice and having a red/brass scheme does make it look much more dwarfy than the default scheme votann have debuted with.
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>Autistic TO makes the call that it is fine at the table
>Goes away and checks later with his personal model which is under 5", DQ'd and bans the guy
>People reply to him that their unmodified version is also over 5", others say theirs is under
>Basically just a case of variation
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We’ll that’s horrifying.
according to some recent (bad) tournament rulings they can be modeling for advantage with the dogshit (complicated) hover rules.
That's an amazing paint job but the model makes it look like he's throwing a handful of spaghetti at someone.
>with the dogshit (complicated) hover rules.
Fuck all to do with hover. Engagement is just 5" vertically.
I didn't really pay attention to the whole thing. Never knew if the guy was actually saying "this model can't be charged because it's more than 5" up" or not. Because the ruling absolutely should've been "measure to the base fuckwad. You're in hover, so you can be charged."
what game is your pic referecing?
Nobody contested you could measure to base, the argument was about if they could measure to wing tip
Engagement range is too the base of the model or touching the model. If anyone argues with me about it I’ll break their little fucking hover stands.
cry of fear, a classic.
>Engagement range is too the base of the model or touching the model.
It has never been touching anything, engagement range is not base to base. Its 1" or 5" vertically. Thats why you can charge things that are on a raised floor or containers.
Yeah obviously, but I never understand why they were measuring to the wing tip instead of the base? Even IF the thunderhawk kit originally is supposed to be 6" above the base it should still be chargeable in hover mode. It shouldn't matter how high it is.
Would Carcharodon transports and bikes have a hammerhead theme or is that just too corny?
the only nerf is going to be to warp talons anon.
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Because the charge is radically different..?
The problem was that the judge ruled that you cant disembark from the part of the aircraft thats above 5" (the wings), which goes along with the GW tournament rulings, but then decided in a later round that their buddy who is on their literal branded pro team could charge the wings (which then must be under 5" and therefore disembarkable).

He made a ruling to help his friend, then had to make a ruling against his friend that contradicted his earlier ruling so he was forced by the people watching to not be too obviously corrupt. He waited until after the tournament to DQ the player in question to give his friend the win for tournament circuit points which are used to qualify for other events.
Italian Votann be like
he sat there autistically arguing and measuring the aircraft trying to rule in his friends favor, couldnt actually get it to work in his friends favor and so waited until everyone went home to DQ him and give his friend the win.
Fair enough, I guess. I still feel like a good solution would be to just say "it's chargeable" regardless of the actual height of it's in hover mode. But then again, I don't play real tournaments so this sort of thing would never come up in one of my games.
I had a dream that Margot Robbie made fun of me for using home made terrain instead of using official GW plastic terrain kits.
Again it has absolutely nothing to do with hover
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>>Thread Question:
sounds like a cunt
thats how I played it with my buddy IRL who was charging my Blackstar in his first game. But at a tournament they should try to have consistent high level rules and the rules say you are charging the models not the base.

Imo all 40k should be base to base because it makes it much simpler for everyone and prevents dumbass confusing rules like this. Also alternating activations.
Should have ripped off his pants and shove your terrain up his his ass.
I'm not saying that the problem is with hover, man.
Honestly I'm kinda done talking about it. I didn't follow the situation and I really don't care about it now. I'm glad my LGS doesn't use aircrafts all that often because the whole thing sounds retarded lol
hover is relavent because it says the model loses the aircraft keyword which is confusing to everyone. its basically a normal model that's just magically in the air.
just base them like any other ground model and it's no longer a problem
It's overall amusing to me that people will still find these hilarious things to argue over until they're blue in the face but noooo grogs ruined scatter and templates because they argued who was under them can't have those time to argue about charging units half an inch behind ruins or a flyer that's over 5".
Hover and the aircraft keyword do absolutely nothing here. They do not factor into the interaction whatsoever, nobody was contesting its eligibility to be charged, simply where that charge could end and be legal, i.e in engagment. Which doesn't change regardless of what type of model it is or the keywords it has.
There is no argument or complexity to be had here really, it is either under or over 5". Thats literally it, grab a tape measure and see. 10 seconds. The whole "controversy" was that a judge made a ruling one way then a ruling that directly contradicted it
this, the judge was just bad at his job and had an obvious conflict of interest. then used a bullshit asspull to make a ruling once the models were off the table.
Imagine if someone showed up to a tournament with angron on 6" stilts. They wouldn't be allowed to play. But show up with a similarly sized unit on a 5.1" rod and suddenly it's totally legal because one keyword says it's ok. This is the issue Hover is causing. I should be able to put my angron on stilts.
this is something where an errata that says "all parts of an aircraft are treated as being exactly 5" off the table" solves everything but GW is bad at rules. this allows for their wierd rules and good modeling both.

Just like tournaments set rulings like all walls are x height or all windows are treated as closed. just sand off the autistic sharp corners when they come up and the game is pretty okay.

GW just need to put the official stamp on these really common tournament staples.
modeling for advantage only exists because of 40ks "true LOS" system, which makes any kind of kitbash potentially "modeling for advantage" when a shitty judge is mad you are a better painter than him.
I was just about to mention this in response to the other anon: sure it's a bad ruling by a TO but it's also the thinking behind that whole situation. Now certain models can just be deemed illegal because you're modelling for advantage when you really just don't want to use the stupid, heinous flying sticks.
>>93062988 doesn't have anything to do with LOS
Show me where the keyword says it can be on a flight stand, I'll wait
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dont ever feel about your oen attempts at lightning Night Lords anons
>give me magnus a 20" high halberd
>sure he cant be in cover but he can shoot the whole board
>spend the first 3 rounds of the tournament having him shot off the board T1
>in the 0-4 bracket of the tournament I get dq'd because I blew up a custodes tank T1 with my donger sighting halberd

its over for modelers
> because one keyword says it's ok.
>This is the issue Hover is causing.
Hover does nothing here. I don't know how many times it has to be said before it sinks in to your thick fucking skull

If I turn up with a KLOS and the axe up it can be more than 5" up and not a charge target. Or a Stormsurge with the gun pivoted upward rather than straight forward.
Or GW could spend some of those record profits to not have half-baked rules for the wargame they made for their models?
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Sorry admechkeks, TSchads run the automata game in 40k.
I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you fucks. They're a small, mom-and-pop company and do not have the time, money, or resources to do this.
>me when I forget obscuring is infinitely high
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a drawing of anon point. hover and aircraft are only relevant in that they confuse players.
God damn art school graduate over here
actually in 10th this would work. everything would have cover to magnus because some part of the sighting halberd would allow cover to be drawn but it can still see everything unless they are in the "wholly within" the footprint of a ruin.
>show up to game with my repulsor executioner that has a gun that can extend up to 60"
>Place model in corner, extend gun barrel all the way across the deployment zone
>Can draw LoS from any part of the gun barrel because it's part of the model
Sorry, buddy, that's just how the game plays. Really hope you brought lots of terrain.
Ruins block los UNLESS you're wholly within it, bud..

not the other way around.
Wait until you hear about my cultists on 60mm bases to moveblock you!
You laugh about this shit but we had a guy show up at the store a few editions ago with bases that had bolters on periscopes who proceeded to argue that you can't shoot them because you can't see the marine.
Finished my Necron Legion and got my 2000 points of orkz built, primed and getting some contrast laid down.
>bolters on periscopes who proceeded to argue that you can't shoot them because you can't see the marine.
How did this work? I'm probably retarded but was it a periscope sticking out of the base as if it was water, with a bolter strapped to it?
You guys are making 40k look like a bad game
Just bits sticking out of a base with a bolter on the end of it. There was about as much effort put into this as you'd expect.
As if that'd fucking work. All of my minis are modeled 10" above the base so that no part of them can be within engagement range. I can move freely.
Man that sounds funny. Hope he was laughed out of the store after trying that shit
They have bases, and you measure to base :)
My bases are also 10" above the board
So they're physically floating?
Built and magnetised a haruspex/exocrine. Plus I primed it.

On a side note, making a spraying station with crocodile clamps and skewer sticks is something I should have done a long time ago. It's so convenient for subassemblies.
I rigged the board with high powered magnets beforehand and my magnetic bases oppose it.
Ah so you can never hold objectives, complete non-kill secondaries or charge. Smart
Ah ha but I can turn the magnets off to have the models swoop down onto an objective once all your cultists are dead on turn 2
>Couldn't bother to make the tank look like a tank
>But didn't forget the topknot
Spotted the undercover GW employee.
Was about to mention this. Newish player at this point and biggest pain in the ass is dealing with people's takes on terrain, los, and their models. I just want to play the game not spend +10 minutes with a measure and some cases someone's laser to double check shit
you're passing judgement on these models like your own aren't just contrast slopped on them
Well yeah, as evidenced by this thread that people don't actually know or read the rules.
>and some cases someone's laser
I fucking hate that this is acceptable. "One sliver of my model can see one sliver of your model as you can see with this wobbly laser im holding so your model is dead now". Everyone I've ever played that uses a laser to determine LoS is always the biggest WAACfag ever and not worth playing against.
At this point if I see someone using a laser pointer during a casual, or worse: crusade, game I'm probably going to pack up because they're not worth playing at all.
Based dubs
Every corner of the universe having large scale threats that are only one of the already existing factions makes the setting feel smaller than what the books and lore try to accomplish. Wish we got a DIY xeno faction where you pick traits or abilities to create a your dudes species.
seething again?
Personally what I hate now is the "the terrain (ruins) has an area around it and if you are behind that area you are not targetable despite being visible."
I hate that shit.
Hobby freedom?
the amount of times people in these threads accuse others of just using contrasts even when they post models leads me to believe nobody here even knows how contrasts look when applied
Triggered shitter.

Lasers are fine, especially if you have said the intent was to hide it and you get to scooch it a couple mm to a place you always could have gotten to
I mean just use ruins without a physical footprint
How does this list look like? For a tournament.

Imperial Knights
Strike Force (2000 points)
Noble Lance


Knight Castellan (545 points)
• 1x Plasma decimator
2x Shieldbreaker missile launcher
1x Titanic feet
2x Twin meltagun
1x Twin siegebreaker cannon
1x Volcano lance
• Enhancement: Revered Knight (Aura)

Knight Crusader (445 points)
• 1x Avenger gatling cannon
1x Heavy flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Thermal cannon
1x Titanic feet

Knight Paladin (425 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Meltagun
1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Rapid-fire battle cannon
1x Reaper chainsword


Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear

Armiger Warglaive (150 points)
• 1x Questoris heavy stubber
1x Reaper chain-cleaver
1x Thermal spear


Callidus Assassin (100 points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades

Culexus Assassin (85 points)
• 1x Animus speculum
1x Life-draining touch

Voidsmen-at-Arms (50 points)
• 1x Voidmaster
• 1x Artificer shotgun
1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 4x Voidsman
• 3x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
3x Lasgun
3x Laspistol
1x Laspistol
1x Voidsman rotor cannon

Voidsmen-at-Arms (50 points)
• 1x Voidmaster
• 1x Artificer shotgun
1x Close combat weapon
1x Laspistol
• 4x Voidsman
• 3x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
3x Lasgun
3x Laspistol
1x Laspistol
1x Voidsman rotor cannon

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ive been OOTL so im confused

so you can charge any part of the vehicle model as long as you're within 1" horizonally?
and thus WAACfags are modelling their vehicles to have turret guns pointing up etc?
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>I rigged the board
What a fucking...
What color do I paint a dork eldar boat?
My combat patrol fucking exploded while moving and pretty much had to be stripped due to scratching and regluing.
I wouldn't say people are purposely doing it, guns being up on like stormsurge or whatever is a normal pose.

The aircraft that this was about was a problem because the standard flight stand puts the model at just about 5" off the table, with some variance. Which makes a difference
alright, explain it to me like im a retard

how does being above 5" affect this? you cant charge that part of the model? (and thus must charge the base)
A man can dream anon, a man can dream
Engagement range is 5" vertically
so the base must be charged instead of the wing?
If the wing ends up being over 5" then yeah standing underneath it you're not in engagement. If it's 4.9999" or below you can be.

The tournament problem was that it was ruled one way then retroactively ruled the opposite way and the player DQ'd
This is a great answer.
If GW focused on their model production and actually simplified the rules they could print money. It would help if they reduced prices too.
because the TO wanted his tournament buddy to win right?
GW offers you the opportunity to write the Rules for 11th.
What do you do?
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Finally got around priming 2 units of zoanthropes a neurolictor and a parasite, it's painting time this weekend

It's a shame that the parasite is overcosted, it's a great model and has some fun rules
I write AoS 1st edition rules but 40k

kill the game.
I delete all dice rolling from the game and assume every result is the average of a dice roll.
Whatever color it was painted before?
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Like, this year? All these guys sans Knight and Culexus.
why do tumblrinas color fair skinned characters like a deep brown that you'd only get if your family lived in egypt for 6000 years
Idk m8 but I hope they keep doing it because it looks hot
Squat Votann
that's really cool
I like the antique porcelain look for the knight
Don't know if that's the case, was just a bad call either way
Try harder
because inclusivity and what not, but in reality it makes them horny even though the faces look ugly as hell
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Other anon's explaining it badly.
Engagement range is 1" horizontally, and 5" vertically. This is to make it so somebody can't be safe from charges from being on the second level of a ruin, which was a problem in 8th edition.
Some aircraft say "Measure to the hull, not the base."
Some of those aircraft come with an official base stand that can be optionally built >5" off the ground. Because your model can't be within 5", you can't end in engagement range, so you can't fight them with most models in the game.
>captcha not related
>Ballistic skill 5+
>Only one attack
>Only score 1/3 of a hit
I can't wait to track fractional damage on my 1 wound troops
Bring back the psychic phase
Bring back templates
Bring back upgrade costs
Raise point costs, it's insane how large 2000pt armies are these days
Keep keywords
Keep bodyguards
Keep battleline
Go back to giving psychers a pool of spells to choose from instead of fixed loadouts
which aircraft has that rule?
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I don't want to go back to arguing about whether or not a guy is under a template.
For the last one, how do you propose you encourage people to bring anything but the fastest psyker to get people in range of the best powers? The current system is pretty good at curbing that.
i genuinely like how the emporium/mechanicus weapons are always clunky as hell even if they are advanced, really shows you how much they have fallen and how the likes of necrons or eldar are ahead tech wise
This guy, few more Arbites. That’s it.
cards for stratagems/objectives/events
alternated activations after movements
multi-models move trays for horde units
push/lure mechanics on top of morale
more moves, less range, less lethality
target priority obligations for most units
custom damage charts for large models
interactive duels mechanics for vips
optionally destructible terrain elements
actual rules for alliances and distrust
>multi-models move trays for horde units
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Come and take it punk ass.
You gonna talking shit about how you gonna claim this thread for the warmaster in 30 mins or so aren't you?
>For the last one, how do you propose you encourage people to bring anything but the fastest psyker to get people in range of the best powers?
How is that relevant?
A lot of good psychic powers are buffs which you can cast on your unit and then yeet it.
Just remember Catalyst Onslaught Dimachaerons in 8th edition codex during 9th edition shredding things in spite of being former dex.
this is off topic of what you said a little but is the emperor Turkish or some shit? i heard he was fucking Turkish
He’s a Mesopotamian, his birth predates the Turkic peoples into the region, so he’s probably indo-aryan or some kind of Semite.
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>told ya I could get it, boss!
I know a decent amount of lore/fluff but one thing always confused me: the big E's physical form, like sometimes I hear he is an average guy projecting his godly form psychically to appear imposing and king like, and sometimes i hear he does it involuntary because his aura is so powerful that people see him differently depending on what they deem is a powerful leader for humans hence why most see him as a golden bigger space marine since that would be the most common image of peak human
but what is the truth?
I didn't know you were also the guy with the floral pattern knight.
Really impressive painting, great work anon.
The truth is that he could be anything, between his own psychics power and the kind of genetic fuckery he could have had done during the DAOT. Iirc some sister of silence POV showed him as just a normal, kinda buff, guy. Nothing crazy. But through Biomancy anything is possible.
true, big E's physical ambiguity makes him even more similar to the chaos deities ,also I read somewhere he is now tilting his head and mildly moving his neck? but also because he is "awakening" or "re-energizing" he is getting closer to becoming the dark prince?
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and inevitable
Not really, they're mostly a waste of time
only if you want to be retarded and include individual bsb movements for combat
I gotta get the runt herd. So cheap still and some great sculpts.
It's the wife's work, actually. I lack the patience for such freehand.
Thinking I should just put a base on my defiler. I figure the same size as the soul grinder's base would be acceptable?
>Play games with buddy using new sisters codex
>So absurdly overpowered its actually funny
I like how they chimped out over eldar fate dice then buffed miracle dice to be even better than fate dice ever dreamed of being.
The amount of guranteed 6s to fuel your meltas and D6 damage guns is ludicrous
You make me sad about the state of the game and I play or interact with neither of the factions
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>like nuns with guns
>get dude with a sword
t-thanks, James...
isn't that a chick
that's a nun with a gun
The retarded ruling was about deep strike more than anything.
You measure from the model for deep strike aka in question the crisis suit needed to be 9 inches away from the wing.
BUT because GW is retarded you measure from the base if the model is "too high" for the charge.

Meaning the guy would have needed some absurd 11 inch charge from deep strike to charge the thing.
TO was dumb as shit and should have just said "measure everything from the wing or everything from the base"

The biggerer issue was the TO made a call, then hours after the tournament ended decided to change his mind and ban the dude with zero input. His justification for doing so was stupid as you said, an extra .2 inches of height can easily be explained from bad quality control from GW or glue.
People are now claiming the player in question was a that guy fag but that feels too much like late justification from the TO getting caught.

The banned dude was playing against the TOs teammate too which fags are all ignoring to muddy the waters even more
Would a Dark Eldar Wych make a good girlfriend?
huh? priests are men, and there's no boob plate sororitas wear, and its not specified on the page of the model
these guaranteed dice seem to be a bad mechanic they don't want to get rid of because the game devs are so high on their own farts. why not have made it something like the ability to add or subtract 1 to a roll or something I dunno
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Why do I get more hungry when painting and assembling than I do when playing vidya?
id rape that dude then man, idk what to tell you.
A game that has rules which don't care about your units being in Napoleonic gunlines formations rather than actually formed around or using terrain is one I wouldn't touch and I bet most people wouldn't either
Do you enjoy having skin?
its a model from a character from black fortress. she is a missionary not a priest.
>Who Is She?

Once a hive ganger, Pious Vorne now fights alongside Taddeus the Purifier, having discovered the joys of faith (not to mention burning heretics). Vorne has a pathological love of incendiary execution and seeks to slay any heretics who see the Blackstone Fortress as a refuge from the Emperor’s light.
>because GW is retarded you measure from the base if the model is "too high" for the charge.
That's not a thing.
I'm autistic, so no.
Alright, I like it better then.
>Claims your world
>Refuses to elaborate
Then you might enjoy having a Wych GF.
Just remember, no takebacks.
i swear i remember seeing a model of a priest/pope in the middle with a bunch of sisters of battle next to him for a kit or something, is there priests who fight with the sisters because i don't know much about emporium lore besides the big ones like the marines and the emperor or the tech priests
>If GW focused on their model production and actually simplified the rules they could print money
They already print money. Their factories run 24/7 and they have trouble keeping things in stock.
Ministoroum priests regularly take up arms and fight with squads of SoB as well as guardsmen.
Yeah, there are Missionaries and Preachers who roll with the Sisters

That model is from Blackstone fortress and supposed to be a woman. "Vhorne the Pious[3] is a Missionary zealot...." "she became known as "the Pious""
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Anon thats literally their rules commentary for aircrafts.
that is pretty cool, so they are the male equivalent of them?
Are sororita not supposed to be "men with weapons are forbidden" that's the primary reason why they are only woman?
Maybe in a way but the SoB are the official militant arm of the priesthood because of some old rule that forbid them from having "men with arms" or whatever. Priests are priests, and they have to be have big ass chainswords because it's a cruel universe.
illegal. you have 4 allies not 3.
the church* I should say
Those preachers are not part of the order, they just tag along.
Still hate that shit, the army is supposed to be about girl bosses.
post a table where units are using terrain
oh man the femcustards get to be equal to the male custards but the male priests don't get guns like the nuns? oh well...
Well they aren't in the Adepta Sororitas, they're Ministorum missionaries who have Battle Sisters for protection
how would you adapt this for an Aegis Defence Line?
no reason, but melee khorne and death guard are annoying and I would much prefer to volley fire from a little tower for that sweet -1AP
Who dreamed up the idea that Precision should work the way it does, or attached units and key words.
It's not even simple, it's counter-intuitive and leads to bad rules interactions.
the thing to note here is the model was magnetized so it was a bit wobbly as well. the dude put his finger on the model to stabilize it while measuring, that's in the picture they took off the set up for evidence, and the was used as 'evidence' that he was tilting the model so one wing was higher. which is still bs because the TO still made contradictory rulings. also literally anyone would put a finger on a wobbly model to stabilize it.
yea but they are all from the ecclisiarchy and they are not supposed to have an army other then sororita for that reason and why would they take those with them if they hate them as fanatics with the sole reason to follow their beliefes it seems kinda inconsequent. or did i missunderstood something?
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And the deep strike rules.
Which call for you to ignore vertical distances.
So engagement/b2b says NOT to ignore vertical distances so because they are too high but deep strike says to not so you measure from the wing.

So the TO claimed he modeled for advantage since the wing was too high.

All of this could be fixed by GW having less shit rules but the TO deciding to ban the dude hours later based on literally nothing else but his own dumb logic is the main reason for outrage.
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>*shoots you in the fucking face*
What? Precisions pretty damn simple.
If a model has precision it decides after it rolls to wound to allocate that wound to a character model IF it has sight of the model.

So I roll 5 successful wound rolls against a unit with an attached character with 4 wounds. I allocate wounds to it until he fails to save 4 times then if I have one left over I allocate it to the unit.
Alternately I can just choose to not allocate any wounds to a character, its purely my choice.
he can appear however he wants. his special power is "charisma". not every psyker is good at every type of psychic power. the emperor can do anything but his real specialty is mind manipulation. he can appear however he wants separately to an entire room of people and read your mind to tell you whatever you want to hear
Rolled 3, 4, 1, 1 = 9 (4d6)

>0 AP
Nothing about what you posted says you need to change measurements for 9" deep strike based on if a model is upwards 5" or more.

It literally says to ignore vertical distance in your fucking image
Those guys are not an "army", they're just priests that carry a personal weapon, basically a civilian. And they're both fanatical and don't really hate each other, at least not as a rule.
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Yea the TOs fucking article explaining why he banned him even made it worse since half the article is some random schizo rambling about edge shooting which isnt even what the dude was being banned for.
Hell the retarded TO even said in his own article it could have been not the players fault.
They don't hate each other they play nice because it's one big happy church.
>1, 1
Guess I'm fucking dead
The sons of Malil
nta if custodians can get girls why cant the sob or sos get guys? i am being genuine
But why not just allocate the attack from the very start.
>I have precision
>this allows me to target your character despite being in a body guard
>I roll to hit vs. the character
>i roll to wound vs. the character

That's the most intuitive way to do it and allows characters with higher toughness to still get their benefits when attached to a unit as well as when separate.

>and why would they take those with them if they hate them as fanatics
this, men can accompany the sisters as priests, advisors, mechanics, logistics etc. they just can't bear arms.

even then they have crusaders who are mostly men that flaunt the rule by being super secret bodyguards / special agents.
One is a haphazardous change that amazon bullied out of gw and the other (sob) is because of a neat fluff reason.
i don't like femstodes, but it makes more sense than female astartes or misters of battle.
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Comments aside, (I know it's a chicken) sick agri-world knight
No they can clearly bear arms based on the fact that all of the priest models you can get are armed, oftentimes with some really fancy weapons.
Anon you measure from the model and not the base for deep strike for a hover mode aircraft.
But a model 5 inches off the table is measured PURELY from its base. The dudes wings were 5.2 inches or something so they weren't eligible to be charged so it made it so a deep strike charge on the unit required an 11.

So its a dumb situation where according to GWs rules its too high to be charged and count the models hull but height has nothing to do with deep strike so you still had to measure all deep strike from all sticking out bits aka the wings
There's no reason they couldn't, I just wouldn't like it because I like their identity as an all-female fighting force. I don't really have a strong opinion on Custodes, and so I don't play them, but being all-male was never a foundational cornerstone of their identity, they just were, without any lore specified reason like sisters or marines had, as far as I'm aware of at least.
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Gay facts with Greyfax:

Fact number 113:

Even though Celestine, being a warp entity, can change her physical appearance and size to suit her needs, she usually remains a similar size to Greyfax, either just slightly taller or slightly shorter depending on the. Ahem... "situation."

This makes wearing matching and / or complimentary armor sets much easier on both of them.
well this fucking sucks
yeah but like to balance shit yknow?
i guess?
>and why would they take those with them if they hate them? As fanatics....
like this it probably makes more sense.

I mean not hate the priests but hate men with weapons in general.
You're overthinking this, the men just aren't literally part of the Sisters of Battle. People can have personal weapons, but just because the force is in the book, doesn't mean it's literally part of the lore organization. Are cultists literally chaos marines because they're in the chaos marine book?
Actually so cool.
That makes no sense anon, they're basically all buddies there and they support one another. They're pretty much comrades-in-arms.
>Character is T9 leading a unit with T2 (pretty sure a neurotyrant is close to this with neuroguants)
>Shoot a precision gun at it
>Wound T9 character as if it was T2 for some unknown fucking reason
As the other anon said, it would make way more sense to have the attack treat the character as if the unit it was with wasn't there. Roll to hit and wound the character and the character alone, and then the character makes its saves on its own.
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Not a good list for a tournament. You need more armigers and less big knights for better board control.

Knights are in a weird spot where big knights can hinder your game, even though the big stompy boys are what draws players to them. This is a trap.

For tournaments right now you need two big knights and the rest are armigers and assassins.

Get yourself Canis Rex. He's an autotake and hits on twos. Callidus is good, culexus is good if up against psyker enemies. Voids-man are good chaff but, again, if you got armiger heavy then they are redundant.

Best list at the moment is Canis rex, 10 armigers and a callidus.

Or Caniss rex, callidus, 6 armigers and an atrapos to fuck up any anti-tank they have.

Also fair warning as a Knight player myself you will probably not win this game as you'll be too busy having sex. It's a real problem for knight players as we get drenched in pussy from how good our faction is.

Also try to protect your models at tournaments as the pussy juices flowing everywhere will bleach your models.
SoB have fluffy lore reasons for why it's a bunch of chicks running around as an army because using entirely chicks (or really chicks mostly) for your military force doesn't really make sense. Hence the in universe lore reasons establishing why such a force exists even though on the face of it it doesn't make sense.

They don't hate men with weapons, I think you are confused. There is no "men hating or hating armed" element of SoB. It's simply that legally the official priesthod can't field their own army or "armed men." Sisters are a way to get around that, but this isn't examined closely because the Sisters 1st loyalty is to the Emperor and they will (and have) ignored priests giving orders they deem contrary to the Faith.
>top 5 signs your opponent is using loaded dice
Looks bad the green highlights especially are too chunky and stark. Strip and and redo it slaaneshi shitposter. Also as is tradition I must urge you to kill yourself.
>can do anything
then why did he need plot armor and anime bullshit to beat the evil bald man?
The sisters don't hate them, the men are forbidden to carry weapons by the feds, hence they enlist the sisters. The sisters associate with them because they have common views and goals, they're almost never opposed or antagonistic, outside the occasional "priest was actually a chaos demon" plot twist in a book here or there. But by and large, sisters and preachers get along fine.

>SoB have fluffy lore reasons
Yes, but it's really only true until it gets retconned. I was saying there's no reason GW couldn't retcon it, not because in the current canon there was a possibility of a man enlisting (since there isn't).
>I think you are confused.
Well to be fair i did ask if i misunderstood something and it seems i did.
>But a model 5 inches off the table is measured PURELY from its base. Go ahead and point out where's that's said. It isn't in your images.

It might change based on hover, but thats entirely separate to being a tall model
>I was saying there's no reason GW couldn't retcon it
SoB or Custodes? There are reasons for both. But they can do it. It's just stupid.
At least check if the gay fanfiction thing you posted hasn't already been posted, nerd
Well, only one of these factions had an auto-jihad going on.
A screen from a game i played Yesterday, necrons is me, some of them look a bit shit cause they were some of the first minis i painted
>some of them look a bit shit cause they were some of the first minis i painted
Look fine to me
Looks good.
Because they're not an official part of the chain of command, they're not men under arms, and just happen to be priests "self defending" on an active battlefield.
Anybody leak the Lelith novel yet? Even just a synopsis?
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Shit the pic is here
Elves. Vect cameo. Ynnari.
Referring to sisters specifically in that case. And I made no claim that it wouldn't be stupid, just an understanding that they're just trying to sling plastic and if at any point they think misters of battle would sell they will make them happen through any retcon, lore pivot, et al. Hence what I initially meant by saying there's no reason there couldn't be male sisters at some point. It's just a matter of whatever GW arbitrarily decides.
Agents Rules allowances at 2k is two Retinue and two Characters. It's legal.
i always wondered, can a sos match a space marine or would she get mashed?
Ignore them, they are filthy secondary that doesn't play the game and know the rules.
>but being all-male was never a foundational cornerstone of [custodes] identity
In every piece of lore they received previously, they were a brotherhood exclusively recruited from the sons of Terran nobility.
To be clear, I don't have a dog in this race because I don't give a shit about femstodes, but you're just outright wrong on this part.
Relax, I didn't know.
she would get mashed?
>i always wondered, can a sos match a space marine or would she get mashed?
If it's just standard SoB vs. standard marine it's not even a fight. But then you have varied levels of SoB and Marines, they are not all equal.
And at any point Sisters can just pull out some bullshit FAITH thing and win and power levels for characters are completely different.
But yes, a standard Sister of Battle is just a highly trained woman in power armor with a smaller bolter and will have no chance against a space marine.
I'm not not relaxed.
If she spends some miracle dice she can.
Cool Knight B.
gotcha so SM for the win, but just like any other character it depends on the writer
thanks man
>Literal who Succubus issues a challenge to Lelith to duel in Commmoragh's arenas
>Lelith goes back and cadually fucking disembowels the bitch
>It was all a ploy by Vect to get Lelith back to Commoragh since he wants her to go and break some heads for him so he can assert himself as top dog again
>Lelith agrees but only in exchange for Vect sending supplies to the Ynnari, which he doesn't lkke but agrees to do
>Solid half of the book is just Lelith tracking down and stabbing Archons and Drachons
>Literal who bitch comes back revived and amped up by Haemonculi, says Vect wants Lelith dead
>Lelith immediately decapitates her and figures it's a ruse, hunts down the Haemonculus who did it and stabs him to death
>Vect is happy and tries to offer her a apot back in Commoragh, which she turns down 'for now'
>Lelith goes back to the Ynnari, the end
What about when you factor in faith dice and oath of moment?
Bro what the fuck is this camera angle
They have a good chance because they're fanatical and the church is stupid rich so they can afford to arm them with some great equipment.
But this lore was intentionally exclusive, like there was nothing saying that custodes HAVE to be male, just that they were male.
bird's eye of terror view
Well, sounds inoffensive.
Maybe a bit bland, but at least doesn't sound horrible or really stupid.
I mean, if we're talking tactical vs battle sister, the tactical wins basically every time. Sisters are just very well trained humans with minimal augs at best. You already have the representation of better equipment via power armor vs flak armor.
Well that's why I said a sister could just pull out FAITH and do something beyond their own skill/powers.
And for example a Retributor is way different then a sisters and can be lugging around a multi-melta so you could easily imagine her just toasting a marine.
I'm not really considering the pure tabletop mechanics though because obviously it's very abstract and everything is simplified to the point that an orc, sister, eldar, space marine, guardmen, could all hypothetically beat each other and it just hinges on some d6 dice rolls.
They're also capable of actual miracles if they believe enough. It's a good chance seeing how marines have died to plenty of enemies that don't have good chances whatsoever.
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>there was nothing saying that custodes HAVE to be male, just that they were male.
It's just a token strong female lead book, except in this case the character's already an established strong female so it's just sort of a boring plot.
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Yes, but pointing out edge cases does not make you right.
You're 100% right but if you said this a month ago but anyone who actually cares about any of this is just going to put their fingers in their ears and refuse to listen
A chance is a chance anon, that's not really a case of right or wrong.
Take your logic and apply it to your local lottery. Does it make more or less sense now?
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Hey, that's pretty much the color scheme I'm planning on changing my Necrons into. For now they're your typical Sautekh silver, but I've started painting various canopteks and vehicles partly in dark green and I like the look. Once I'm bored enough I'll give my infantry shoulders in the same color, shouldn't be too much work.
Also I'm changing their modern weapons into green rods.
Yes. Like I said, I don't have a dog in this race, and do not mind femstodes. I just don't much care for retcons in general, and would have preferred they get acknowledged as being a new thing in-universe.
Instead of
>There have always been femstodes
we could have had
>Hey we ran out of terran sons to recruit from
>Ok, start recruiting terran daughters
That doesn't really say anything anon. Hell, the original poster was asking if they were a match or mashed, a good chance isn't a match.
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Should I bother magnetizing a Goliath's weapon loadout now that high STR weapons are gone and Lascannon is the king?
no i meant one o one and so far yeah it seems she would most likely lose unless she has a big weapon like a multi-melta or some faith and help from big E
I would for future proofing.
Just confirms what I already figured, that Vect is probably one of the Ynnari's secret supporters from the beginning. Wouldn't surprise me if he's been funnelling resources to them and carefully ensuring Yvraine escaped Commorragh from the start.
It makes transportation a lot easier, future proofs, and if done well lets you use as either the truck or the rockgrinder. Also lets you set it up as a wreck if you are short on terrain
Are you trying to say that this is bad? Those are way finer and neater lines than I would ever be capable of.
I'm going to be so fucking pissed if it's a TS exclusive unit. I fucking haaaaaaaate legion codices so fucking much. Let me take plagueburst crawlers and maulerfiends in the same army.
It better not be, ad mech deserve automata to flesh out the cybernetica side of the faction.
so, i remember when i was hoping for more tech stuff in chaos factions and then i hear about that demi god who is trying to become the fifth deity who controls tech? sounds that chaos will actually be getting some new daemon engine or two
Chaos wishes
Probably. For now it's only as far as them having a dedicated detachment for daemon engines.
It was in hover mode which uses hull measurement
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Hate to break it to you but GW is obviously on to something for TS.
They mentioned the same thing about ad mech showing up in pariah nexus with tons of super weapons as well.
When Vashtorr's fluff dropped it namedropped two previously unseen daemon engines ("Calamity Engine" and "Infernal Bombard") that are made by the Forge of Souls along with the Soul Grinder, so maybe.
i just REALLY like eldritch tech of hellish horror man
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I painted the sisters combat patrol to completion, just finished these repentias to add to it.
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Yeah but GW straights up mention automata and robotic thralls for TS and something called Tech-Sorcerer that are working on them.
My second army is TS so it would be nice but battle robots would also be great for ad mech. TS is still missing stuff like those spire duelists and stuff.
Anon how many T9 characters are leading T2 units.
Do you have some examples to share?

Were so locked down in what can lead what at this stage a character NOT sharing the toughness of its models is rare.
Hell its normally the opposite where shit like spiritseers/necrons are way less tough than its bodyguards (though characters are running around with invulns/fnps that their guard dont have)
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Glory to the old Gods!
I believe this is the pop culture reference you want to be making.
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Junith is T5. She'll be leading T3 sisters. So considering the difference that makes on Str 2 - 4 weapons, str 5 weapons, and things like Str 6 weapons, the effect is pretty significant.
Also she's mounted, which normally would help out so you can't be targeted with anti-infantry weapons, but of course she is also considered infantry is she leads an infantry unit.
Are people happy with tenth even as a starting point for the next phase of the game?
I don't know what the fuck that means
NTA, but similarly to how 3rd and 8th redid swaths of the game to build upon later.
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It's been 8 years without new toys for TS, well, except for Infernal Master but he's just one HQ. It's way overdue for them now.
Admech on the other hand has had like 2 waves of models already. Ugly, but still something.
I've never played before 10th edition and I think it's fine.
No, 10th got off to a bad start and it's an awful foundation for further editions unless their goal is to crash the IP for a reboot or something.
You nu40k zoomers are so fucking spoiled and impatient. You expect new releases yearly when back in the day every army had pretty much the same model line for decades at a time with maybe one or two releases TOTAL scattered in there.
4channel is adults only website
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>that ork player who puts his army in a garbage bag and carries it around slumped over his shoulder
I'm 35
What is your old ass doing on here Gramps? The Internet is for young people.
>weapons, but of course she is also considered infantry is she leads
Literally wouldn't matter.
Just like wraiths can be hit by anti infantry weapons because of the character inside.
The unit has all the keywords even if you arent using precision.

Its one of the many reasons why admech is so shit. Kastellan robots eat anti infantry weapons
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What a horrible time it was. Sorry you have to go through that grandpa.
>Literally wouldn't matter.
I am well aware. But if the precision rules were *different and not these weird ones, it could matter.
Keyword sharing is a poor mechanic currently.
Suck my old, dangly ballsac youngblood.
Didn't they add a rule to avoid adding that keyword or nah? I didn't buy the codex or bother to download it because I'm disappointed in what they came up with.
If keyword sharing werent a thing half the detachments wouldnt work
I'm not saying "rip and tear the entire system."
I'm saying it's current iteration is lacking and leads to some bad interactions.
>Admech on the other hand
I'm not talking about Admech at all.
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I tried coming up with a datasheet for Trueborn Kabalites based on HotA for composition. Thoughts?
Yes. If anything, 11th needs to be simplified even more so a standard game only takes about 2 hours.
Why put yourself through that pain?
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What pain?
imagine the kind of cocaine the pre-Fall Eldar were snorting
I bet that shit would give you a high like a space shuttle burning up in the atmosphere
Nope, units have all the keywords unless it specifically says otherwise like stealth/lone op/infiltrate etc.

Its what lets say immortals or lootas gain canoptek/mek keyword to let the unit work with detachment rules.
But its also what makes it so anti infantry works on something like wraiths.
>big knights are a trap
a trap designed to ensnare those with good taste and correct thoughts
I just looked it up and it says that the datasmith loses the infantry keyword when attached to robots.
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Redpill me on the daot, we’re they a liberal xenophllic democracy and thus how they were so advanced, or what?
Oh damn they must have changed it.
Good for admech, one problem down 99 to go
Don't worry anon they said that there's a big cyber powered injection coming soon.
>Anon how many T9 characters are leading T2 units.
You cannot say that "this isn't a problem because it doesn't happen often". It shouldn't happen at all. Thanks to this you've got rules writers making retarded statlines like fucking Ghaz being T6 just so that precision makes sense for him.
You cannot spit on my burger sometimes when I go to your restaurant and say that it's not a problem because you only do it 1 out of 10 times. It shouldn't even happen once.
Big CHARACTER Knights are actually a lot better in the new rules.
Since they can shoot and do actions.
Little knights have a 50/50 to get buffs from the battleline rules now too since about half of the missions have them.

Honestly wouldnt be shocked if knights got a bit of a resurgence now since their biggest issue of having dogshit action monkeys is now kinda gone.
ngl I'd have my Neurotyrant leading a group of Neurogaunts if it wasn't because of this, because it feels like they were designed with each other in mind but anybody with precision or even just overflow going to the Neurotyrant means taking his retinue causes him to have the durability of a water balloon. Especially given how many weapons deal high damage these days.
You could give him Tyrant Guard sure, but the Neurotyrant is the budget version of the Hive Tyrant so if you want to go all the way just grab the Big Daddy of all Tyranid HQ Choices proper.
The ruling government of the Age of Technology (there were a lot of lesser empires, but there was a central space government as well) was called the Federation. The Federation was a democratic republic in space that preached virtues such as tolerance, but it wasn't as pretty as it might sound. The Federation had numerous wars with xenos empires, necessitating that it equip all its colonies with extremely deadly weapons like warships, satellite defenses, and of course Knights for ground defenses. The outer colonies were all intrinsically beholden to Terra's leadership and demands, leading to a great deal of friction and a sense that freedom wasn't quite free. A lot of colonies were wiped out by various threats before they could cement themselves. As a result, xenophobia was the common sentiment of the times, despite a shaky peace treaty with the Eldar and other major xenos empires of the era. That said, humanity still widely believed in reason over superstition, and strove endlessly towards trying to finally create a utopian existence for itself. However, its technology never quite reached that point. The necessity to constantly fuel the Federation's need for resources led to the creation of the Men of Stone, AKA the Leagues of Votann, who went on an expedition into the galactic core to mine all the shit the homeworld needed to keep its industry alive and its people fat and happy. The Men of Iron tended to the needs of humanity at large, but they eventually grew sick of being abused by a fat and lazy humanity and rebelled, ending the Age of Tech forever.
So, in short, humanity had a better quality of life (way higher), was far better educated, but also completely clueless about the Warp and psykers, which would be half the cause of the Age of Strife when warp storms started wiping colonies off the map and rogue psykers started evolving into existence, proceeding to summon daemonic incursions that all of their tech was ill-suited to killing.
I think Emperor was right about humans not being allowed to rule themselves
>source: my ass
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Best knight scheme I have seen in a while
Exactly my point. The current rules for precision were written for characters that only have the exact same toughness as their guards. And it simply doesn't work when you factor in characters that don't follow this rule, or force writers to completely break characters that shouldn't follow this rule.
aren't you the guy who let his gf paint his knight up like that
IK/CK could just take allies as action monkeys, no problem.
Holy fuck pick one
Source: 9th edition Knights Codex (life for AoT human colonies being extremely dangerous necessitating Knights for defense), Leagues of Votann 9th edition (the Kin are the Men of Stone), 9th edition Codex Daemons (daemons are inherently resistant to technological means of murder, only weak to 'emotional' methods such as close combat and psychic powers; this is why humanity was so vulnerable to them in the pre-Great Crusade era), too many sources to count but at a minimum the 40k Core Rulebooks (Men of Iron rebellion and warp storms in the Age of Strife), that one short story about the Federation ship that time warps into 40k and gets blown up that I can never remember the name of, HH series (trivia about the Human Federation/knowledge of the Eldar/Human peace treaty)
Gw has decided to make models more often so ofcourse we expect that
not canon
10th edition codexes either have less lore or the exact same lore slightly rephrased from 9th.
im 36
Help me understand these. What are they? The louvers(?) suggests they're used for ventilation, but then why would they be gyroscopic and located on the legs? Are they venting their boots? Maybe they're supposed to be stabilizing thrusters, but then why do they have louvers? And do they actually have thruster engines in their calves?
10th isn't canon neither
What character can ontap a neurotyrant with precision that couldnt do it if it didnt have a bodyguard?

People dont bring neurogaunts because they make moving the tyrant annoying and because the tyrant isnt important.
Its a 100 point flamer that buffs shadow in the warp. You dont really care about protecting it outside of synaptic nexus.

All of this is besides the point. Anon said precision is confusing, its the simplest rule in 10th.
Of all the retarded shit that 10th does especially in the charge phase or the contradictory rules you have to find out dont work due to rules commentaries precision is so far down the list of things to complain about because even with precision and even with things being on the attackers side with it, character profiles are so swingy with 4+ invulns everywhere that most people dont even try to snipe characters barring pre nerf Technomancers and spiritseers.

Like to an extent I dont even disagree with your complaints about precision but your examples are so fucking dumb I honestly wonder if you fags even play 40k or just sit in here posting about it.
Oh. Carry on then
you have to understand that james have little to no understanding of engineering
they're stabilizers because nothing about jet packs makes practical sense in the first place so might as well add clutter that makes it look like it could maybe be practical to the unknowledgable
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old man accidentally stumbles in /40kg/ instead of old school Warhammer thread and gets triggered
I think that TS players have the right to complain when they have one of the most anaemic army lines in the game
having models be ancient irl made them more sovl
It actually kind of makes MORE sense that some women would be custodes, because lots of the terran pre unification countries were matriarchal and some would just only have female heirs due to luck/unluck.

If we are just converting noble heirs to custodes some of them would probably be female, even if it was a major minority.
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It wouldn't be a knight army then now would it
>Anon said precision is confusing
It is counter-intuitive and works poorly nothing you said changes that. Just because other stuff is dumb does not mean I can't mention this is dumb too just because I was looking at stuff and thinking about it again.
It can easily be changed to be not counter-intuitive and function better.
>why do they have louvers
What exactly says a thruster can't have them?
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36 more like dirty dicks lmao GOTTEM
A CK army with a couple units of nurglings is still a knight army, yes
>Nurgling allies are now dead due to action changes
Demons and Nids got so btfo by the changes its honestly hilarious
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KNIGHTS do not ally in other units, other armies ally in KNIGHTS
Right, it actually makes the action monkey issue worse for them. Like I want a 150-170pt wardog doing cleanse, fuck that
They have more than world eaters but ignore it because their army rules
First of Thrusters can have Louvers, it is used by some jets for example they are faster and more precise in regulating the thrust what makes sense for stabilizing.
Second to that a lot GW creates makes no sense, it is a cifi setting and not everything need to make sense. Look at the pipe on his leg it literally goes into the leg itself and the top fins are between the thrusters and nealy useless that way.
TS have it almost as bad as WE with the tzaangor spam GW pushes on them
Did you miss the part where Titanic units can still shoot and perform an action in the same turn now?
Titanic CHARACTERS anon.
Not battleline
Nope, because large knights still suck dick. Especially when you are having your 450pt model dictated on where it needs to go so you can score 3VP.
I figured the moon shoes were some antigravity magic bullshit, and they just kind of awkwardly hovered while the backpack provided forward thrust force.
The ones with the big auto cannons are fucking stupid though, they'd literally blow themselves out of the air after shooting once.
Wardogs/Armigers aren't titanic anyway and all the big knights are characters

It basically just fucks things like baneblades out of doing it
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Im bored at work.
Does anyone have pictures of models pictured with not(!)models?
i fucking hate when the armies paint scheme is a core part of its lore
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I have a friend visiting me and she is really into mechs so I had my first foray into gunpla with a 1200+ Full Mechanics kit. Its insane how much sprue I got for 60 dollars, which makes me want to kill GW execs all the more.
You say this as if you presume I would think that WE don't also need more models
No but seen some infos around from first few chapters

She is vatborn, got outta tube as a child and spent her childhood growing up in some haemonculi lair with fellow slaves. Later escaped with her bestie, saving her life. Bestie comes back haunting her years later as an antagonist. Lelith never cared for the deldar torture thing and saw it as massive nuisance to her primary goal in life which is being the best of the best fighter. Finally got cured of soul thirst by yvraine and she can focus on being the best properly. Apparently she isnt a thinker type person. Acts as Yvraines champion/guard.
Is it a real girl or a 'girl'm
Can you post the whole thing?
Im still going to be salty because GW at least had the decency of giving you the mutalith beast when WE could have gotten the slaughter brute.
The novel is still on preorder. How the hell did you get it?
I didnt but if you make google sing you can find some people who did get it already somehow
Whyd you do it anon? What power did you gain?
the west has fallen...
it looks like it was drawn on in ms paint after they took the photo
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>Contrast paints
Only one why they could do that. One of the storehouse guys guy a redundant copy or one from the GW office napped one. GW must investigate it.
imagine starting after those were a thing
Don't forget to thin your paints!
Why would I have to imagine it
Do you enjoy going around with a clipboard too?
I don't know what that is supposed to mean.
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>making green stuff stowage for my vanquisher
>Use an old wooden box with a tau gun a friend gave me to look like the crew have looted a weapon
>Frequently play against said tau friend, and will be painting the gun up in his specific scheme

It's the little things.

i dont mind contrast paints, i've used them myself, but so many new painters are just being told to slap on a single coat of contrast colors and call it done, its creating some really bad habits. i dont know if its necessarily worse than the endless greytides or chalky thick blob men of previous generations but its definitely noticeable
Is there a procurable copy of the new Chaos codex somewhere? I want to preview it before I buy it.
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How to git gud at painting vehicles without an airbrush?
One of the only ones that’s both fun to play and play against. Glassiest of cannons means anything you choose will die but your opponent can have fun blowing up your stuff in kind. Boats is the scalpeliest of play styles so you really have to think about what to do in every phase.
Bigger brushes for more coverage
Drybrush as much as possible for texture
Painters tape or sticky tack for patterns
Washes because they do a lot of the work for you, especially if you use them for detail work. Washes pool naturally and leave a nice edge highlight.
Sponges for rusting and chipping effects.

At the end of the day you’ll always have to end with brush work (especially for the pic you’re quoting) but a vehicle will honestly not take more effort than half a squad.

The last thing is rattlecans but if you’re at that point you might as well just get an iwata neo and a small auto compressor. Rattlecans will run up in cost quickly and the NEO is a wide enough spray arc that it’s perfect for vehicles.
You are fucking based. THank you. I salute you!
You sure it was democratic and tolerant, or was I tjus a oligarchy that had limited tolerance
We’re it said it was a human federation, especially a democratic one, and the other human empires and government types
>People dont bring neurogaunts because they make moving the tyrant annoying and because the tyrant isnt important.
no, meta people don't bring the neuro-combo because of that, I specifically don't use it because my attempt to have fun by buffing the gaunt horde with it's ability for melee gets stopped by the strat to duel
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What can I add to a scions army to make it more interesting? So far it's just scions and tauroxs, also have an inquisitor.
Inquisitorial Agents
Allied Knights
A Tank or two
Maybe a flyer
I'm tempted to add some knights, probably a paladin or errant

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