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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

PREVIOUS THREAD: >>93027837 #
I really screwed up baking, omly did it because no one else had.
Actuoal Previous thread: >>93061003
So an update, did some more probing attacks on the sabbat and anarchs, I think I saw a doppelganger of R.E.G once but they immediately path of mercuryd away, in the direction of Magdeburg. The anarchs call their fighter's "Community Security" most of them are jumped up brujah, in a show of respect i gave them a chance to surrender to me so i could drop them off at camarilla territory they declined and attacked me. after the fight I drew left some clues that the sabbat was behind this, just to make the sabbat anarch alliance worse.

now a topic of discussion, Weird things elders say/do
i will go first, the last time i visited my sire in person i had to explain to her the futurama death by snu snu joke, (because someone said that at her when she was in America last time) she frooze up for a good couple seconds after the explanation and said "sorry for asking"
>after the fight I drew left some clues that the sabbat was behind this, just to make the sabbat anarch alliance worse.
Excellent. I will be forwarding this post to my associates in Berlin. If you would like to reveal any other attempts at espionage on an open forum, please feel free to do so.
This was a couple nights ago the short tempered brujah anarchs already got mad about it and attacked the sabbat.
update, i stole the truck and im on the move now. all these interstates look the same, though. im 90% sure im in arkansas now. anyone got any ideas for where i should go?
As fond as I am of my sire, he once asked me how familiar I was with astronomy and physics. Since I did not study the sciences in college, I told him I was not especially familiar.

He then proceeded to explain gravity and how it worked at a roughly grade school level to me. This was to illustrate a point he was making, which for brevity's sake I will not go into the details of. It left me rather surprised as he is an otherwise rather well-adapted Elder, but to him gravity as a scientific concept was still rather cutting edge. It's amusing to think back on but at the time I was rather annoyed, as I could not correct him on the finer points of modern education without breaking decorum.
>The anarchs call their fighter's "Community Security"
>look inside
>Law and order

>Weird things elders say/do
one of the only gangrel elders i met was one of the einherjar, embraced from the norse vikings, he was rather polite and well groomed for a former marauder, but he always seemed genuinely confused why we wouldn't do things like sacrificing a goat to Odin before we made a decision or went to fight. Furthermore when he first woke up he went into some kind of weird frenzy, not biting and thrashing and letting the beast ride him, but he broke down crying in joy, only time I've seen an elder do anything like that, because he was relieved to see that the world hadn't ended. Last I heard from him he's living a secluded life in Siberia hunting the werewolves there. Currently, last I checked, he's 6 and 0 with the local lupines.
Hello everyone, do any of you have experience with Temporal Anomalies?

I'm currently on loan in another city and it seems that the Chantry here connects to you all from across time, as it is only 2006 where I hail from.
I would like to study this phenomenon more but find myself unsure where to start; there seems to be no related resources in the library and I am unable to return to my Lord mentors for guidance at the moment.

I am unsure how I would repay for any services or information acquired through this medium at the moment, but would be open to experimentation.
Go away, stinky.
The source of the Allegheny River
41°52′22″N 77°52′30″W
A good fellow resides there.

>Weird things elders say/do
Failing to understand that their specific dialect of their language of birth is not commonly spoken any more, yet expecting everyone else to understand them.
My sire was born into a mixed french-occitan family so she occasionaly mutters in a 11th century mix of french and occitan.
I don't really have any fun stories about my sire, but I do have an elder in my warren. It's not that bad, but she's been getting into taxidermy lately and she likes to pose dead rats like they're old timey ladies and gentlemen from the 1800's.
I think she has tea parties with them but I haven't been able to confirm it.
>the fight I drew left some clues that the sabbat was behind this, just to make the sabbat anarch alliance worse.
Really all you did was put some heat on Totentanz, the Baron's requested us to take more duties within the AZ from him, which leaves more of his forces to focus on terrorizing Camarilla territory.
Keep up the good work Trike.
okay had to look up "Trike" up all i got was mostly gibberish about a being third wheel. Which yeah, its called being an Autarkis mercenary. anyways its not like these sabbat guards are noticeably stronger then the anarch ones the heightened morale is balanced out by the brain damage/rot of being a sabbat shovelhead.
>just saw a guy slow down time around him during a fight
Wtf frens i thought truejah were a myth conjured up to scare uppity brujah. Does this mean other whacky bloodlines actually exist?Have you met any?
Shut the fuck up or ill slap you again bitchboy
Nah, sounds fake to me.
"True" Brujah are indeed real. I have encountered a few. Unfortunately they decided to make an enemy of me and suffered for it.

Baali, the vampires with damnation in their very blood are also real. So are Kiasyd, the fae-blooded ones. There are a great many bloodlines of death that mostly offshoot from the Cappadocian line. Off the top of my head, those are the only bloodlines I have encountered.
hey that's pretty cool, saw a Kiasyd from a far once but never interacted with small bloodlines directly
Ok lets assume you are not a larper. Why have you not wiped out the "normal brujah" yet?A lot of them were nice and grouped up in one place for a while( brujah council in the soviet union) but Baba Yaga literally did your job for you...
>if i did not make it obvious i hate the little shits as much as you do so please hurry it up with your "total Troilite death" schemes pls
We did. But that's in the future. So we can't fuck with that too much or we might screw it up
I once gave a book to a True Brujah, he was clearly excited about it because he very slowly cracked a small smile, that was probably the most emotion he had shown in years. besides that i met a daughter of cacophony once at a ball hosted by a toreador, she was a great singer.
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight
Nice. Do you sell staked ones?
Malkavian War Journal Night None
>I'm sick of these goddamn Malkavians on my mutherfudging plane

Travel to Europe was fairly uneventful. I managed to avoid another situation like:


I don't know if the woman was just crazy or perhaps she had second sight. No one else could see me I'm sure of it but she looked me in the eyes. I just smiled and waved then but this time was flawless.

Which was really grand because, I in my wisdom actually rang up the gang. We got Crazy Larry, and Crazzzy Steve, and Crazy Steven, and Cracy Stephen, and Crazy Steffen (all brothers of different mothers, quite mad, would not fit in the overhead bins no matter what I told the stewardess). We have other Crazy Steve (note the one zed, he's the catatonic of the group), Abigail, We have the Marlboro man, Some of the Antitribu that I keep contacts wtih, these guys don't have very descriptive names, the Weeper, Judy Punch, Agent of Change, you know. These guys never took a marketing class, but you'll have to forgive them, their Malkavian.

So we got the Crew and we managed to subdue and stake the louder ones and the ghouls got them into the cargo hold and I myself just obfuscated on board, I took a seat in business class and mostly minded my own business. There was a bump of some kind but we were already coming in to land at that point. Most of us were a little cranky, We were flying around the date line and that puts most Vampires with funny feelings. We took off at about 10pm and landed at just about 11pm a day later on a 15 hour flight. The bump apparently was Crazy Steve, trying to frenzie after awakening and not being able to feed (apparently the only thing that will disturb his coma). The boys turned steve into a lawn dart and I hope we can retrieve him.

We found a place to hole up and honest we ate like six people max. I'm so proud of us
>next time: Vaulderie and Malkav, the tuning princple.
>honest we ate like six people max
You idiot. Don't be proud of that. You left a damned mess.

> The boys turned steve into a lawn dart and I hope we can retrieve him.
Damn you.
>don't know if the woman was just crazy or perhaps she had second sight.
You made a minute amount of sound that did not fit with the ambient sound level. It can happen at any time, and no matter how skilled you are in obfuscate, some rate of failure is unavoidable, especially in crowded areas like planes.
>Malkavian War Journal Night None
Why are you publishing this here, you fool? You are going to ruin our OpSec! You had better be lying about at least two thirds of this crap!

>but you'll have to forgive them, their Malkavian.
It's spelled "their" when it's possessive. When it's a contraction of "they are", it's "they're". And when you're describing something being somewhere, you say that it's "there". But there is nowhere we could ever find your mind. Your consciousness and rationality are lost to the void, caught in the depths of the Abyss.
That explains everything. I should not have expected anything more. I'm the fool for getting my hopes up.

Don't drag my consciousness across the astral plane for this crap, or you will regret it. I'm not Astral Projecting into there, especially not with the hordes of Spectres coming out of the Death Camps.
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I feel lighter!

Crimson Pinstripe Suit >>93081530

The sword hanging above my head, for the first time since I've been embraced I feel like it's gone!

I don't know if I'm completely free, but whatever! I'm going to jump! I feel like there's no limit to wherever I can go! As long as I can feed once in a while, no forces on earth can capture me!

Farewell friends! I'll send pictures from wherever I am once in a while! I promise to write!
Sabbat, eat my dust!
Are you sure you're not a cammy? You sure sound like one sometimes.
As a member of the Sabbat Inquisition, I prefer not to shit where I eat. I also fucking hate dumbass naming conventions that are obviously intended to trip you up! I mean, I know what you mean when it's 3 z's, but that is going to be a pain in the ass when the Ventrue Antitribu approving my 'narcotic and explosive precursor chemical' budget asks what the difference between all of the different Ste(v)(ph)(ff)(fan)(en)es is. Even worse when I have to explain why I set off a petrol bomb inside of someone's vintage 1936 Pichard Yacht (I was very happy to see the psychic impression of that wretch being diablerized by her own childe from the psychic residue of that Fedorov Avtomat the Soviets gave my domitor when I was but a ghoul) because I know how much of a wretched sack of walking excrement that woman was.
What I'm saying is that the reason why Caine cursed our progenitor was because he was a dumb fucking LARPer who couldn't keep his mouth shut and we should learn from the punishment that the Dark Father saw fit to put on all of us for that.

Our curse is Caine's way of telling us to not try so hard.
You're welcome little Red. To be fair I did NOT go the way I expected. I guess it's a "storytime" is in order? Please realize this will reveal some of my own secrets I'd rather not get out, but oh well.

You guys might be wondering why the chantry is in shables & there was a construction crew here in the morning that was me & the Praefectus Castrorum. I spent much of my last night pouring over the documents I stole, but alas came up with nothing. The documents he carried in his attaché were of contracts relating to our young Red's exploits & deals but they did not include her contract. Infuriating i know. So I decided that it was only a matter of time before he realized he had been burgled, so I took the matter straight to him instead. I confronted him with the contracts & threatened to burn them all. If he wanted them back he would give me his Red Errand Girl. This of course provoked frenzy. The ensuing scuffle brought the attention of others & it was not long before we were in front of the Primogen with our grievances. I accused the Praefectus Castrorum of breaking the traditions & of being in league with traitors & worse, dark sorcerers in not one himself, I was accused of being a traitor & a theif. The Primeogen declared that Certamen would be the best way to prove ourselves. (Mostly I think he just didn't want to make his own decision)
One of the more annoying aspects of being undead is the inability to take medicine, at least easily. Access to antidepressants would be pretty nice sometimes
I always rather thought it was more an exercise in getting exactly what you want. But it's your lucky day, Once we get a little more to ground here we'll be able to do all kinds of things. Replacing the turnips with shovelheads, Ghouling the cheerleaders, Perhaps a killdozer powered by vitae and spite? Push over some gangs, vampiric blood acid attacks, bringing back the D.A.F,


Really stir the pot. Any requests or suggestions? I'm not making promises but I'm sure we'll have time for at least some of them. I don't want to step on your mainline's toes but I'm here to help.
Well this is a nice thing to see, I'm happy for you Red. If you're ever around Spokane and i'm here, i'll show you around
>Perhaps a killdozer powered by vitae and spite?
This is the only one I want to see. The original was quite good. I want to see that thing runninginto a chantry.
As for a suggestion,
decryption key is the first three letters of this post
Or was it words? Bird is the Word (and the law)
Congratz red, you're as free as the wind!
nice Viginere cypher, if you wanna kidnap me you are gonna have to send some more competent folk.
Certamen the ancient Tremere magic duel. (It was better than to allow us to destroy another wing of the Chantry)
Terms were simple, if I lost I died. If I won Red was mine. Usually Certamen bans physical attacks but given Red's sire's martial prestige & powers I complied. I wanted to destroy him in all his power.

We were escorted to the arena grounds & the Praefectus Castrorum was given time to cast whatever rituals he wanted. As I've previously posted I have been enshrouded in a multitude of sorceries for a few nights now. The battle commenced with no further delays. The opening volly from our lauded Praefectus was Lure of Flames, I doused them & responded with a swarm of rune cared tokens designed to kill just about anyone who touches them, he countered with his own Movement of the Mind. He responded with Conjured swords, & I countered. The duel continued this way for several rounds. The Praefectus Castrorum then charged me with his vine-staff. My guess was that he was low on blood & had bolstered his physical Disciplines & used the Path of Mars. I used the Path of Blood to rapidly drain everything he had left. His blow still landed, but thankfully my ensorcelled clothing & a few other tricks I had up my sleeve I won't mention saved my life. The Praefectus was a husk, I was bloody but alive. Victory.
So now I lick my wounds, I may stay in Berlin for a while. This roaming monster & three way war is interesting enough, though I long to return to Ohio. I hold little Red's blood contract in my hands, like I said I would. I hope she enjoys her vacation...
>So now I lick my wounds, I may stay in Berlin for a while
For Red's sake, don't. Or if you do, get that goddamned contract out of here. The big dogs are showing up and the other night's encounter with the fake Reds tell me the Tremere ain't the only Magic Bozos in town. And these ones won't be so civilized as to give you time to give notice for a duel, prepare; or heal.
Woo! Best news I've seen all week. Happy you're free now Red. I'll pour one out for you wherever you are. Come to Seattle some time and we'll have a ball.
Do the right thing. Turn that contract into dust and let her enjoy her nights in peace. The only reason to keep it longer than it takes to destroy it is that you might find a reason to use it.
I can see Rainer to the south. Be seeing you soon. You ever tried lupine blood before? If not, you're about too.
>bringing back the D.A.F,
Honestly I'd be willing to sign a ceasefire for DAF, 2nd best thing to ever come out of the wall being constructed.

Sorry for not updating much, I've had my hands tied but things seem to calming down. It's all quite on the Eastern Front, too quiet for me. Even the shovelhead blitzkriegs have all but stopped. A lot of elders have shown up though and that shit is making me reaaaal uneasy. Remember that Einherjar guy I mentioned? We saw him for the first time since he left for Siberia and he doesn't even look human before, we almost gunned him down thinking he was a lupine until our aura-reader got a look at him. Thankfully it seems most of the elders showing up are on my side, for now, but I'd be a retard to lower my guard in the midst of a turf war.
Fuck my grammar is terrible, I think staring at a map of Berlin almost 12 hours every night is starting to rot my brain.
Topic of discussion: What is the most grevious injury you have ever survived? Bonus points if you avoided torpor.

Through my mastery of Fortitude I have endured many grievous injuries, to the point I can easily endure a fall from terminal velocity. Makes for an excellent escape technique, actually. Though the closest I have ever come to final death was a felling axe taken to my neck during a Sabbat ambush. It came about halfway to cutting my head clean off, though I paid the mongrel back with my sword. The look on his face getting his hand cut off by a Ventrue with her spinal chord visible was... amusing.
I got run over by a lumber hauling big rig truck. Wasn't even my fault, mostly. I had been lurking around a lumber camp, snagging supplies and a few meals. Pretty easy to feed off a bunch of exhausted men sleeping in tents, they just chocked it up to working too hard or drinking too much.
The night had just begun, and evidently one of the truckers was behind schedule, wasn't watching where he was going, and slipped off the road, went tumbling down the hill side. I had enough time to ask "The fuck is that sound?" before several tons of steel came barreling down the hill and onto my head. I got swept up in the tide of timber and truck and got dragged a few hundred feet down into a valley. I was mangled up in the wreck, and if it weren't for the grace of Fortitude, that'd have been the end of me. As it stood, I had to give up my corporeal nature just to get out of the mess and slink off. I lost everything I had, either broken beyond repair or lost in the flurry.
Not my proudest moment, it gave me some insight into why deer keep getting plastered. In the time it takes for you to realize there is a problem, the problem is already slamming face first into you.
Pretty story. I like how all’s well that ends well. Though there are some things that I’m curious about. Just pieces that aren’t fitting in a puzzle, in a way.

You see, what is the deal with the Reds? If I believe the accuracy of what another fellow here told us, some (perhaps all) know your Tremere teleportation magic. Red’s being chased for a long time. So why is there now loads of fakes, all at the same area, who are trained to have powers like her? How come there is such a generous soul that would mass embrace and teach secret Tremere arts just to protect one girl, in the middle of a war?

And thinking about it. Those clones… they behave strangely for kindred. Despite wielding kindred blood magic. Like per se, being able to move while being staked? I have heard of a ritual to remove one’s heart for such effect, but it would mean that some unsavoury individuals are pulling some strings in this mess.

Let me advance this theory of mine. What if those clones that are roaming around are not decoys, but rather a product? A mass produced product.

Really, Red represents a game changer. When you tried to bring up better alternatives to her services, she pointed out how her group teleportation is leagues above any option currently available to kindred society, to kindred society as a whole. Really, except for crossing the oceans like she pointed out, there’s only one flaw to her ways. She’s alone, and there are so many clients. To support that statement, you stated to have a suitcase full of blood contracts related to Red’ work, but none of them is Red’s original contract.

I think the real reason her sire “frenzied” when you threatened to burn all the contracts, is because you are holding the copies’. Each bound to their own master… not only you were about to set those psychos free, but would have ruin the most ambitious project kindred civilization as a whole hasn’t seen in centuries.
>Mass Produced Kindred to Order
Sounds like something those Cammy Fucks would do.
I rarely see my sire in person after I left for Prague, so I communicate with him using a ritual, which allows me to magically send him letters. He insists that all my messages to him must be written in flowery, verbose Medieval Arabic (think Sir Burton's translation of "The Arabian Nights" as a point of reference). Writing each of the letters requires a lot of time and effort. I pretty sure he does that just to troll me.

The worst was when I was blasted by a ball of green hellfire hurled by a Baali. It completely incinerated my left arm, shoulder and a part of torso. Fortunately, despite the excruciating pain, I was able to stab the bastard with my trusty dagger enchanted with the Burning Blade ritual, killing him.
Took me a lot of time and Vitae to recover, and I eagerly started learning Fortitude after that.
Rainer's gorgeous this time of year, I really wish I could go hike it again and see the sunrise. But yeah we got things ready for your dogs. Kinda scared about the lupine blood but what's the worst that can happen, right?
As far as I can tell he was working with the Setites. I think he was trying to engineer a problem to showcase Red's talents. The others are golem or ushabti, maybe a talented thaumatugy or two made to look like her, l as far as I can figure. Just another trick to add to the illusion that she can be anywhere. It's why I don't want to leave Berlin just yet, the mystery is still there & I think he was just a part of it. As for the other contracts I got a hold of, they are just boring stuff like domain treaties between other parties, boon promises & such.

Her contract was burned shortly after I made sure it wouldnot hurt her or anyone else to terminate it. I didn't want to take chances. She might have some residual brain washing but unless she wants to pop by for a closer examination I can't do much more. I'd like to teach her a few disciplines so she can protect herself better but that's her decision not mine. I've never embraced a childe for fear of passing on my personal curse or creating some aberrant bloodline but it would be nice to adopt. At least until she forgets about me
I made these recently, they might cure depression. And if you're ever in the area you can drink them. But if you drink them I have to watch.
I forgot the image, here they are.
I had the head looked at, after checking if it had, you know; fangs. The Guy said it was the head of a Hamite. Which after several blows to the head (his), he translated into Northern Africa, Middle Eastern, Egyptian.
>As far as I can tell he was working with the Setites
Setties. As in Ministry of Set? Egyptian God of Chaos?
So the other day I found out on this forum that the devil and probably God are real, but now other gods too? Is Odin real? Papa Legba? Did the Buddha actually ascend through Nirvana? I know there's a clan named after Hecate, is that just them apeing the name or are they also related to a real god?
Set is actually fairly well-documented as a Vampire of the Third Generation, commonly known as an Antediluvian. They're what the Sabbat is terrified of.

Though his spawn do think of him as an actual god, he is just a very old and powerful vampire. As for other deities, who knows? These are mysteries few of us have ever gotten to the bottom of and those that have rarely share. Though for your consideration many ancient vampires took on the personas of local gods in order to cultivate a massive herd. Mithras, Odin, Artemis and Ishtar just to name a few ancient gods that were used as personas by vampires.
Honestly them being vampires makes a lot of sense and is reassuring that there hopefully aren't a bunch of actual godheads just running around. Also about Odin, before I got turned I got a tattoo of Vegvísir, that doesn't tie me to him or give him (if he's even unalive still) any power over me, would it?
>Set is actually fairly well-documented as a Vampire of the Third Generation, commonly known as an Antediluvian.
Well, that explains why no less than two Cardinals and a Dominion of the Black Hand have designs on Berlin.
I doubt it. No blood magic could make a ritual so powerful anyone with a specific symbol would be bound to the vampire. I'm only a dabbling occultist but that sounds impossible.
>brain damage/rot of being a sabbat shovelhead.
Wow rude. I'm a shovelhead and my thinking organs work very good. I may have had to pull a bucnh of scar tissue out but it do okay.
>One of the more annoying aspects of being undead is the inability to take medicine, at least easily. Access to antidepressants would be pretty nice sometimes
I miss being on antipsychotics. Now I can't tell if it's just me or if there's an obfuscated Malk or Ravnos nearby fucking with me.
>I want to see that thing runninginto a chantry.
Wow I've known what a Tremere is for like ten nights and I hate them this much too.

Unrelated to any topics but I heard I can turn into a girl now, how do I do that? Do I just push it in? Like an outie to an innie?
That's reassuring. I had a feeling I was fine but I had a feeling vampires didn't exist so I'd rather just ask someone than think I'm right.

If what I was told by my buddy was true, you can get the effects of a drug if you drink from a human under the influence of it. Might be difficult to swing with anti psychotics but you might be able to
Thats not to say there's not a number of awful shit people can do to make you their BDSM Hypno slut.
The one as a Lick you need to worry about is Blood. Specifically blood from lower gen (generally older) vampires, makes you obsessed with serving or pleasing them.
There's a milder version of it with the ritae of Vaulderie, where you an three or four other licks draw blood, mix it together in a vessel, and take a drink until it's empty. This ritual breaks other blood bonds by binding you to the other drinkers, who are reciprocally your new best friends.
Thanks for the heads up, and especially for the ritual to break blood bonds. I'm gonna keep on doing my best to not be anywhere near crazy and/or evil vampires are. It's been working out pretty well so far.
>This ritual breaks other blood bonds by binding you to the other drinkers, who are reciprocally your new best friends.
You forgot to mention a few things.
For one, the blood bonds formed by the vaulderie do not fade with time as other blood bonds do. A new vinculum (the term used for the bond created through the vaulderie) may erode an old one, but this process is even more gradual.
I want to also draw attention to the
> who are reciprocally your new best friends.
This is not necessarily true. The Vinculum is unpredictable and the level of attachment that packmates may find to each other can be entirely incongruent with their genuine feelings about that cainite.
Two packmates who love each other may have only a weak bond, yet two who are at odds may find each other bound to each other strongly.
These connections are not necessarily symmetrical either. One may have one strongly bound to him while only having a weak bond to them.
Yet all mankind moves to the rhythm of the Almighty Dollar, even when it has been divorced of its physical form, being now only true spirit since Richard Nixon split the dollar from gold.
Though, there is still a tie with Almighty Dollar and the spirit of Petroleum, though that one may fade as the American Empire does.
Money is one of the strongest forms of magic, they just call it 'Economics' and claim that it's a science.
You want to know the real reason they hate the Sabbat and Malkavians and Malkavian Sabbat and Sabbat Antitribu Malkavians?
>We're all Crazy and Evil and Malkavians and Sabbat just won't pretend anymore.

The sooner you get that thru your head young blood the better you will do. The most pure, most restrained, goodest good Vamp is still 49% Pure fucking evil on their absolute best good day. The beast walks in all of our souls, and frankly it's fingers can be heard piloting us like finger puppets even when we are not frenzied. It and the fear of it and the lust for it are you now. Start thinking of it in terms of 'What can this vampire do for me right now' and 'what will this vampire do to me long term' perhaps if


Had done that, she would be free now instead of having a new master.

>You're a predator now, not even human. Get it thru your thick fucking skulls.
A warning, Grey. The Vaulderie is going to be a hard sell even for other Camarilla Kindred due to its association with the Sabbat. Anyone who suggests you join in their vaulderie is almost certainly a member of the Sabbat attempting to sucker you into their cult, and wash away your humanity until you're just like them. Though $andoval is being honest with you about its many side effects and unreliability.

I am flattered. Perhaps the Tremere should begin to worry, for it seems we Ventrue have magic of our own.
We can literally conjure gold & diamonds. Who has time for insider trading & marketing when the mysteries of the blood still need answers? Cappadocius, Tzimisce & Saulot were right, evolving the vampiric condition is what we should be doing. But safely & without evil, selfishness, & infernalism

The beast can be bound, gagged, caged & dropped off a pier if you've got the right knowledge.

And Red is free
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>But safely & without evil, selfishness, & infernalism
>without infernalism
The devil is a loser, why would you follow a loser?

It is undeniable that such opportunities wouldn’t be excluded from their agenda.

An interesting theory, but one with a critical flaw to be an ushabti. Those beings lack magical abilities of any kind. Which has been disproven by one Red using the teleportation blood sorcery. Plus regular puppets degrade in mere minutes in the presence of a single human. How likely would they survive that long walking outside in a city? There are those who have a special gift and does not degrade over time or near human… but do so immediately once confronted with the truth of their identity. Even if one would have a puppet believed it is a kindred and has it staked, with the durability of a regular kine mind you, what are the odds it wouldn’t realize something is wrong when they can still move around freely? Or when taking the stake out?

The mystery of the Reds isn’t as simple as it seems.

Just like how you should be wary of Praefectue.

Have you not wondered how a Tremere elder, who has put around 50+ blood sorcery wards on a suitcase alone, had nothing to prevent a spirit from taking it? An elder who is in possession of such important items, having no protection against ghostly spies in his quarters?

I suspect he wanted the documents taken by you and brought to the primogen, and he let you have them. I think the fact that he mostly used physical powers, and that you “beat” him at his own strength further proves that point. Otherwise, why not make use of the arcane knowledge that he possesses thanks to the setites and that you have no counter for? Why, for a man that is able to provide blood in extra for R-E-G’s multiple temporary shelters throughout the world, who is known for his capacity with logistics, be the first to run out of vitae? Especially when focusing on more physical disciplines at the end instead of right at the start, like how he is supposed to be specialized at?
I mean feel free to watch sunrise, eat food, love. Surely a magician of your caliber has no problems with such things.

>Red is Free
>New Free
>Free (tm)
>Free because I can always make a new Red if needed

All I want to know is if you're drinking Red? Who's Drinking co-Caine I mean Pepsi.

I mean you want people to follow you don't you.
I can’t prove it yet Crimson Pinstripe Suit, but I believe that the primogen and other powerful individuals are working together with Red’s sire.

Why would they let you win? Perhaps Red has outlived her utility as prototype once the fakes were made and working… but that would leave a loose end.

No. It is my belief that they allowed you to win to shift the attention out of them and unto you. Some would likely go through you to get to Red since you have the contract, even if you claim to have destroyed it.

Her sire though, as a level of Dominate that can bring her to him whenever he wants.

I suggest you be careful.
That was a joke, Crimson. I am making light of the claim that economics is magic.

Well if we want to be serious, mysteries of the blood are all well and good, I enjoy dabbling in the occult myself. But without a real, tangible power base it is meaningless because you won't last long enough to find those answers. Cappadocius and Saulot are both gone with most of their spawn for a reason, only the Tzimisce survived because they cultivated a temporal power base, however primitive. It is why the Tremere are in the Camarilla. True power doesn't lie in money, strength or even knowledge, as some knowledge is worthless, but in what those things can afford you.
Ideally I'll never have to use it and if I do it'll be with people I trust deeply. I'd rather have what peace I can find now that I'm a vampire, so I value knowledge that can keep me and mine safe and free more than anything else. I thank the both of you and everyone else here who's been willing to help me with that, I owe all of you one.

You might be right, you might not. I doubt either of us have any idea of how being a vampire actually works. But personally, I don't fuck with defeatism and I'm not going to stop trying my best to be a good person even as a vampire. Anyone who thinks we all have to be evil shitheads can get bent.

That sounds like information I need to save up for, but consider my interest extremely piqued.
Well. I've touched base with the rest of the Stake n Take guys. Their reports so far, have been:
Fake Red fell to pieces
Fake Red that Path of Mercury Teleported out
Three Eyed Cowboy from Big Lebowski stole the Van, had to walk, no word on the Red they had in custody.
Fake Red exploded into very Angry Snakes. "Angry" was emphasized.
Did not catch any of the Reds, just started abducting dogs.
Excuse you, I'll have you know the Dunsirn bank branches have singlehandedly funded mortal *millions* spent on the Tzimisce hospital fronts and research grants. We very much have time to budget for one of the single most important undertakings of the kindred.

You misunderstand I believe, a fundamental point of the goal of ascension. There will be no need for webs of mortal lies and favors, for we will ascend beyond those concerns. Godhead secured as the fate of our race is a purpose that cannot be delayed by those that are beneath us.

I may have need for a meeting with you soon, kindred to kindred
I'll buy you a beer the first time you wake up from frenzie in the middle a construction site dripping with blood from the dozens that your beast oh so helpfully decided to kill and pile a floor up so that you could stand on the floor below them lapping the blood as it ran down like a fat kid licking the slurpy machine nozzle.
>And that's where I discovered that dynamite and blasting caps were a surprisingly okay means of body disposal .

You think I'm a neonate? The gulf between our abilities isn't a vast as you'd think. I tested his blood after I killed him, it was genuine. I also destroyed his body utterly. His rooms were warded, but hastily, it wasn't like it was his own personal haven, just a chantry suite. A quick trip to the Shadowlands where his outer wall wasnt there from old renovations & then pop back in. His briefcase was heavily warded, but I used a different trick to bypass that.

I think the Prince is in on it but not the Primogen, the Primogen here likes it quiet & unchanging, but who knows, i cant account for every plot.

Let me ask you this about the fake Reds. How do we know they were actually teleporting? Or how far they were teleporting? My guess is that they were maybe a handful of Setites using entry level magic to put on a good show. The one that attacked the wide smiled Sabbat either had its heart removed or perhaps it was just an Ushabti figure not meant to last long. What's the difference between teleporting with the Path of Mercury & being unsummoned as a created being? It could be that they aren't "teleporting away" so much as becoming unmade". It would also explain why there are so many copies, it's not hard to get a handful of figures in her likeness.

>I mean feel free to watch sunrise, eat food, love. Surely a magician of your caliber has no problems with such things.
I don't. And no that's not posturing.

True. But bringing people to your cause can be done more thoroughly through the powers of the blood, than by politicking. Of course, you're absolutely right, everyone who has tried for apotheosis has died, or disappeared. Usually by diablerie by those ambitious fools around them though, so I guess it's better to go it alone? Wonderful philosophical argument. Would you like to take this farther? I wouldn't want to detract from the other posters here though.

I won't teach a filthy rat frog blood magic.
>You're a predator now, not even human. Get it thru your thick fucking skulls.
I was a predator before as well, humans kind of are apex predators when vampires aren't on the table.
Hmm slumming it up? Or just stupid, I can't decide.
I'm sorry greyfrog. I have my own prejudices to overcome. While I will always offer a helping hand or some advice I won't teach my magic out of clan. Maybe if you were a gargoyle.
I do not think it would detract. Besides, others can feel free to chip in.

Controlling others through disciplines is very effective, but these disciplines have limits. You can control a person, and then control much of a larger group through them, but even that eventually reaches a limit. This is not to say they are useless, certainly it is no coincidence we possess both dominate and presence. The blood bond also has many drawbacks. Personally, I prefer discipline use to the blood bond in most cases. The real drawbacks with over-reliance on powers of the blood to secure resources and support are that it is firstly, unsubtle to those aware of our nature, namely other vampires. It reveals your position, and makes it easy to isolate those key figures your operation relies upon. Secondly, it does not always work, especially when wielded against other supernatural beings. If you attempt to bind someone with your powers and it fails, you have made an enemy for unlife. Even if you succeed, bind the wrong Kindred and you make more powerful enemies who you can not reckon with. So while they have their very important place, powers of the blood are not everything. Often times it is easier and more productive to persuade conventionally, as none of us possess the overwhelming force possible to make all others comply.

As for apotheosis, I would say an even and steady approach is best. We exist forever, unless something destroys us. If one truly wishes to become something more than "just" a vampire, they will need security, power, and stability lest they be undone by those ambitious fools. Your Clan's unprecedented success in the field of blood magic garnered you many enemies, and the Camarilla has provided the Tremere with that security and stability required to sustain themselves.

I suppose the final question I have, and I propose this to the entire thread, is why seek this hypothetical godlike state of being? What do you gain, and what does it afford you?
Not sure why you'd need to meet me, don't think we've talked before.

While I'm not going to necessarily accept the apology, I'm too mad about it. Could have just said "I can't share that sort of information outside the Clan" and I'd have been completely fine.

Not sure why you feel the need to try to lower others. Maybe you just suck and get mad when people are happy? That reminds me of my Sire and he was a bitch. No idea how old you are but you should probably try growing up, maybe meeting some people who aren't also assholes? Give it a shot, might be worth a shot.

Fucking hell I walk away from the computer for an hour or so just to come back to a slur, some weird petition, and the other guy.
Actually no I need to chill myself. Shits tough for everyone out here and I don't need to add any to the heap.
Crimson, it's all good, just don't do it again please.
Mac, what's up? There's not a lot I can do for you, but I'm willing to hear you out.
Anon, you seem like a really sad person and I truly hope that you can change for the better and be happy again.
There are some things beyond the value of money that require discretion to be moved about, are very generously compensated for.
If you or whoever you send come to Seattle, hit the tunnels. If you run into any Nos tell them you're here for me and I'll come find you. I'll make no promises but I'm not against meeting.
>I tested his blood after I killed him, it was genuine.
So you killed him now? I thought that by husk you simply put him into torpor. Or bled him dry. You even went as far as destroying the body. I commend you on that.

How was the blood tested, if I may ask? Any way to foul such a test? I can certainly think of one. Vitae, once drank, stays in the body in its initial state for a while. Which is the case most commonly seen with lupine blood. Kindred who ingested some will be more likely prone to frenzy until they completely purged the vitae within themselves. Tell me, if one kindred was made to look like another, and must keep a reserve of blood inside their body to pass any mystical blood divination, would they likely use physical disciplines once they run low?

>His rooms were warded, but hastily, it wasn't like it was his own personal haven, just a chantry suite.
Hmm, so the ever paranoid Tremere can leave such obvious flaw of security in their own home? I will take note of this.

About the Reds, I know nothing more than what is written here, my own knowledge and personal deductions.

>>93101262 has an interesting account

Usuabti don’t just fall to pieces. They either disintegrate or revert back into their figurine form. One used powers not usable by ushabti. Last one exploded into angry snakes. Interesting. From my understanding, there are only two powers of the ministry that yields similar results. “Mother of Monsters”, though normally the kindred survives its use. Really, Ophidian Infestation could fit the bill, when used on someone else. Both cases, those are not entry level disciplines. One’s even an elder exclusivity. Thinking about it, only thing that could fake a teleportation while being common enough for many fakers to learn would be Obfuscate. Though the talent needed to be used while being in direct line of sight is quite advanced.

I do not mean to insult you, but I have made my habit to untangle any web of lies that I see.
And they say Malkavians are the crazy ones.
>I do not mean to insult you, but I have made my habit to untangle any web of lies that I see.
I get it. I don't think any of these guys are lying, but I get it.
The last kindred I saw you give a recipe to hasn’t been here since
Path of Blood to test. I used his hearts blood. With all the Reds & other mysteries in Berlin I figured it was prudent to test him too. Yes, he was a husk after I drained everything from his body. My guess is that he simply didn't have as much time to prepare. I used the Path of Blood to artificially raise my generation & stored a large amount of blood. I also used Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion on a staggering amount of small items I then implanted into my body to be called upon when needed. Simply put, I had more fuel in the tank than he did. When he eschewed traditional sorcery I figured he didn't have anything left. Fighting in melee doesn't demand the constant expenditure of vitae as Thaumaturgy, I can drain a human or high gen Kindred in a single moment with a combination of paths & my Talisman. Most fights with Kindred come down to how fast you can destroy the body or the blood reserve.

As for the Reds, I don't know. Ushabti or constructs in some fashion along with some actual kindred was a guess. I'm staying in right now, I'm not the type to beat the streets. I'll pay anyone who brings me a fake alive whatever they want within reason.
I think it is an innately human trait to seek out these new Horizons, what one gains from seeking something like Golconda out is the chance to grow, to change as a person and be more what your clan, sect, or even the curse of Caine has ordained you to be.
I seek apotheosis for its own sake. Through spiritual refinement & constantly pursuing higher goals we can become our most exalted selves. The Philosopher's stone if you will. I want to remove all shackles & wear all mantles. I don't have a name but I have a purpose, & that is to know everything, to master everything, & to live eternally. And I want to look our progenitor in the eye.

As for the whole control thing, you said that true power is political & no, it isn't. Any Kindred with the right approach can create himself a powerbase overnight through blood bonds & mental/social disciplines & blood contracts like Red's. There's even Necromancy to give you power over the dead. Sure there are repercussions, but the weight of that sudden powerbase can take effort to uproot. Think of the efforts needed to free just Red from one enterprising elder. Now if he had also expanded to other kindred & maybe ever infiltrated the other factions & tied them into contracts & blood bonds. Hell the Sabbat send shovelheads because it's easy. So no, political power pales in comparison to the Blood. The Blood only has a two weaknesses. Potency & Scarcity. Like my duel with the late Praefectus Castrorum, I had more blood reserve than he did so I won, & I shouldn't have to detail the might of elder blood versus thin blood. That's another advantage of Thaumaturgy by the way, you needn't be an elder to master it. A neonate with the zenith of Lure of Flames burns the same as an elder with it. At a certain point more Paths become just a very niche option in a huge armory of weapons & tools. Elder disciplines give them weapons neonates simply can't weild.
Respectfully, you are missing my point. True power isn't political. Nor is it who has the biggest generation, more blood, or the mightiest disciplines. Power is the ability to enact your will. It isn't one thing, and someone who seeks power is a fool if they only pursue a single avenue. No money and you run into an eventual hard barrier of what you can accomplish without risking the masquerade, in a way money and institutional influence saves you blood for when you need it. No cultivation of your disciplines, and you'll be destroyed the minute someone who doesn't care about the consequences comes to kill you. No allies, and you will be betrayed, and none of us, not even the Antediluvians are strong enough to face down the rest of the world by ourselves. Do I deny the blood's power? Absolutely not. But to think it can be used in all cases to get everything you want? It's short-sighted. Kindred make alliances with each other for a reason, we cultivate influence among the mortals for a reason.

We Ventrue have a cautionary tale about one named Medon. Medon was a childe of the Antediluvian himself, the mighty fourth generation. Medon, like many of his peers acted as a God to his mortal flock, however he made a single mistake. Medon was a cruel and wicked tyrant, worse still, he was arrogant. He believed his disciplines and his blood could overcome any mortal will, no matter what he subjected them to. Medon met final death when his roof was destroyed at noon. Medon is what happens when you use brute force disciplines to solve any and every problem.
>Three eyed cowboy from big lebowski>
Ah my obfuscate worked well it seems, thank you clan nosferatu for teaching me that one. To be fair steal is a strong word, all i did was make myself look like actor sam elliot, walk up to the car and asked to have it in exchange for an autograph and the idiots fell for it.
That's a fair reason. Though personally I don't see the need for a mystical mindset when it comes to self improvement and breaking your limitations. For fear of coming off as a braggart, I have something of a reputation for beating older Kindred. To grow isn't the realm of a transcendental state, even the limitations of Caine may be broken through will and determination. Honestly, the difference may be entirely semantic here. Our supernatural powers follow a logic, even the deepest of occult mysteries have rules they follow, even if they are rules we do not understand yet.

You seem like a virtuous man, Cowboy. Which makes me question what I have heard repeated often about the Salubri.
I think its perhaps a matter of taste of how to describe the motivation for self improvement, i just happen to like some mysticism in mine, especially after dealing with true mages who frequently break the rules of reality, simply because they will it, some whimsy and wonder helps brighten unlife. As for the rumors about my kin, no we cant consume souls, but sometimes a dreadful reputation helps in battle, an enemy in flight is one less worry.
>As for the Reds, I don't know. Ushabti or constructs in some fashion along with some actual kindred was a guess
I offer another idea. A Mage could be involved. I have some theorethical understanding of their practices, and everything observed so far lies within the the powers of a master of the so-called Correspondence Sphere. It supposedly allows to warp the space itself, teleport and be in several places at once.
Fake Reds could be true copies of her, they could be Ushabti or some other artificial constructs imbued with the powers of teleportation or countless other possibilities.
If I was able to look at a fake Red or at least at some object touched by her, I could try to test my hypothesis. I'm quite sensitive to magic of all kinds and I've already observed Correspondence effects firtsthand.
Unfortunately this "Sphere" could be also used for warding and concealing, so it my further complicate things.

And if a master Mage is involved - it complicates the situation even more.
They're keeping the "Red" that staked me at a Coroner offcie in the Cammy part of Berlin.
Speaking of true mages, I’ve been told once these beings are humans possesed by spirit called "avatar" which is actually a wraith of sorts left behind by a destroyed demon. That’s total bullshit or is there some truth to it?
Hey friends. How much do you need to drink from a drunk mortal to get absolutely chernobyl levels of shitfaced? It's been nearly twelve years since my former coterie and I fucked up so monumentally bad that the Sabbat burned the city almost to the ground.
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>Information on this ugly motherfucker.
>The GPS coordinates of one buried Nazi Gold Train
I hate to break my policy of responding to anonyms. But he was an abyss mystic; he probably imploded.
No they were called daemons back in the renaissance though. Nobody can agree on what they are since each mage sees their avatar differently one commonality though is that the avatar tends to be the opposite sex of the mage but that isn't always the case.
> I’ve been told once these beings are humans possesed by spirit called "avatar"
>a wraith of sorts left behind by a destroyed demon.
That I cannot know. The nature of the avatar possessed by mages is odd. However, it may well be connected to the Triat, as some have avatars of entropy, stasis, or change.
Since this is the only thread with "vampire" in the OP I'll ask my question here.

Everyone knows that a vampire can't enter a house unless he has been invited in by the owner.
How does that work on a metaphysical level?
Would it be enough if the vampire truly believes that he has been invited in even if that is not the case?

In which of the following scenarios could a vampire enter?
>1. Vampire can hear the verbal invitation by the owner.
>2. Owner invites the vampire in through a proxy who verbally passes on the invitation.
>3. Vampire receives a personal written invitation from and handed over by the owner inviting him in.
>4. Vampire receives a personal written invitation from the owner but handed over by somebody else.
>5. Vampire receives a perfectly forged personal written invitation claiming to be from the owner handed over by somebody else.
>6. Vampire receives a perfectly forged personal written invitation in a sealed envelope claiming to be from the owner handed over by the owner without the owner knowing of the contents.
>7. Vampire receives a personal written or spoken invitation from and handed over by the owner to enter his house whenever he wants who has since moved or died but the vampire doesn't know of his death or that there is a new owner.
>8. The owner of the house verbally invites the vampire inside but the vampire is not in earshot and is never otherwise informed of the invitation.
>9. The owner invites the vampire in by written invitation but the letter is lost during delivery.
>1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
>5, 6, 7

It's a reference to hospitality customs and their accompanying superstitions going back centuries in Europe. Have you been tested for autism recently?
Don't lie you absolutely do devour souls. What else would you call your burning touch? Even your other subclans can feed on wisps of souls pulled from their very breath. Don't act innocent.

Fair, I thought you were just talking about political power & alliances. Now you're talking about will, which I can get behind.

Vampires aren't barred, not unless you have some rare hang up or curse.
Does anyone remember the civil war?
Things used to be so simple.
didn't Lord tremere steal saulots soul when he diaberolized him so arent you soul stealers as well? also burning touch really that's the ability you are using for this the ability that causes rotschreck? Not unburden the bestial soul, can you even keep your own propaganda straight? For a so called Moral man you will immediately turn on someone if it means towing the clan line, maybe i should use that favor to make you stop spewing your bile about the salubri, it would be worth it to spare us all from the well memorized boot licking.
Thankfully not, Tovarisch. I remember far too much and the Amerikanski civil war was before my time.
Tonight I dance under the moonlight
I'm talking about Ending the Watch & Dream Combat (valaren 5 & 6) mostly. My Clan leader may have committed diablerie on the demon Saulot but I have never partook of that sin. Meanwhile you Salubri have a cult of sire eaters named the "Seven" do you not?
What the hell does VII have to do with the Salubri?
Glad to see you back, cousin.
*Page 78 of Lore of the Bloodlines, also see "The Eighth" flaw on page 80
Crimson suit out here straight referencing irl books. This ain't wodg bro
If you two want to have a 'oh god you are the worst diablerist' competition, you are doomed to fail when compared to the children of Haqim, who make diablerie a way of unlife, a pillar of their path of enlightenment.
Are you sure you want to cite forbidden Tremere texts held only in a couple of chantry libraries in Central Europe?
As for 'the seven', for as much of a crime against Caine their diablerie is, (from what I've been told by the Salubri Antitribu) they know what they are getting into when they receive the embrace, and they commit amaranth on their sires knowing that it will happen to them as well.
A fair bit different from the other cases.
*Wasn't trying to but >>93111546 brought up VtR stuff so I was trying to clarify.

Also I put an *asterisk* for OOC.
Why do you think we cursed them? Bloodthirsty assassins deserved it
If they have a welcome mat I go in.
I can twirl and twirl and twirl. Your potion has made me light as a feather. I thank you under stars.
Lets see the balance
>other: 75%
Based alchemical rebises
More likely it's the resident malks being malks
Fuck I've been meaning to post here more often, but duty calls and I don't want to risk getting hit by a raid and being late to the party because I was shitposting on a web forum.

>What is the most grevious injury you have ever survived? Bonus points if you avoided torpor.
The worst scrape up I've ever gotten into was getting a baseball sized chunk blown out of my abdomen, followed only closely by the time I had my hand chopped off in one of my first scrape ups with the Sabbat. The boys in my pack have suffered far worse though, Krissy once had a blunt 2x4 drove right through her chest by a tzimisce monstrosity, and my best friend Marty almost got turned into a nugget by an elder brujah he pissed off.

>I know there's a clan named after Hecate
You're thinking of Hecata, the pact between the Cappadocians, Harbingers, and Samedi to fuck up the shit of the Giovanni.

>Is Odin real?
Sorta, LBB beat me to the punch but he's a grandpa of clan Gangrel, I've ran into some of his great great great grandkids and they're either fanatical pagans or they don't believe in him at all.

If Set was what was in that sarcophagus I have a feeling we'd all be eaten whole by now. I'm being kept in the dark by the Quaesitors tracking it down, but what I've been illuminated on by Ldescu is that it's definitively something demonic.
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I miss being alive sometimes bros.
And I am not part of the seven, just as you are not part of the monstrous Antribu House Goratrix, who strangely in 1998 all died, say have you checked on Lord Tremere since then? I had a weird dream back then about a Pyramid with a third eye as its capstone, but I'm sure it means nothing. also no dream combat does not kill the soul i even checked this using auspex, the person i fought went to the shadowlands.
So "merely" a powerful Setite Infernalists, not an Antediluvian?
That's a relief, even if it puts me right back to wondering what the hell De Guy wants with Berlin.
Not going to talk about Ending the Watch though are you?

Look, I'll be honest with you, I'm not saying that the Tremere haven't done some dastardly things when we were young & fighting for survival, but you should stop lying about not being soul suckers because you do. You can steal little bits & pieces sometimes, or the whole thing.
i have rarely done an ending the watch but if it bothers you so much I have verified that those souls also head to the shadowlands, and lets assume that, there is as you keep lying about, an option for me to steal someone's soul in those interactions i have never done that, just as you have never diablorzied anyone, even assuming the bold faced lies and propaganda of the tremere hold even an once of truth I have never stolen the soul of anyone, unlike Lord tremere who committed two acts of diablerie, and payed the ultimate price of being evicted out of his own body by the souls he victimized.
There are things to miss about mortality. On the other hand, would you really want to go back to being a vulnerable, weak mortal knowing what you do now?
Do you honestly believe in the conspiracy about the fall of house Tremere in Vienna? I searched for years and years for real concrete proof but every time I find too many wrong details and too many different variances between different sources. I'll probably start investigating deeper with this new fellow seeker of truth I've found in the last thread, even though I still am a little cautious about him, I'll never trust a Nosferatu after that fucked up incident in Paris
So you do suck souls
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I always rather felt it was some scraps of folk magic, a primative ward. There are some locations where you can feel it still, some churches vamps won't bother, some homes that always seem to get overlooked when the badness arrives. Hell the whole family falling apart and feminism was probably created to defeat these sort of primative wards. It's not that the Vamps make the bad side of town bad, it's the that the bad side of town is unprotected both physically and spiritually.

Dead things don't have a sex.

Just imagine
>See the sunrise
>Roll credits.
Sometimes I can almost understand those Toreador dogs.
Have you seen a Salubri in person? I ran into two who couldn't feed without taking it violently. Honestly the soul sucking checks out.
I'm definitely going Berlin to take a look after I'm done with my ritual. Fortunately it's a short ride from Prague.

Total bullshit. I've already said that it's most likely a part of human soul which can "Awaken", granting the Mages their powers.
>each mage sees their avatar differently
Yes, this is consistent with what I know.
>one commonality though is that the avatar tends to be the opposite sex of the mage but that isn't always the case
Interesting, never read about it. I wonder how did you obtain this knowledge?

>If you two want to have a 'oh god you are the worst diablerist' competition, you are doomed to fail when compared to the children of Haqim, who make diablerie a way of unlife
Only Warrior caste is addicted to diablerie, which is a tragic consequence of the foul Baali magic.
>a pillar of their path of enlightenment.
Path of Blood is merely a perverse subversion of the ancient and noble Road of Blood.
Also your hyporisy is incredible. Members of your Sect eagerly engage in diablerie at the first opportunity without any magical complusion. Some of the oldest and most prominent Sabbat members are so addicted to it that their auras are completely black - and yet you condemn Banu Haqim.

Here we go again...
I also remind you that this curse was broken and Banu Haqim of Alamut are definitely going to make Tremere pay. And they are led by Shulgi of Ur, second childe of Haqim himself, who is more powerful than your entire Council combined.
They would also probably go for those of Banu Haqim who left for Camarilla after his awakening.
Which ironically makes us reluctant allies, though neither me nor my clanmates have any love for you or your kin, Tremere.
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If you were not embraced, would you ever be able to embrace your destiny as the Racist Brujah Gamer?
But was the bloodthirst not a result of another curse?
>a tragic consequence of the foul Baali magic.
Exactly right
>Path of Blood is merely a perverse subversion of the ancient and noble Road of Blood
Also true.
However, you take umbrage with me judging your sect by the most blood, and then proceed to do the same with the Sabbat.
>Members of your Sect eagerly engage in diablerie at the first opportunity without any magical complusion.
To compare most Sabbat to the Black Hand or the war packs who commit such things is as fallacious as to claim that all Assamites are bloodthirsty diablerie addicts.
Know that as your section has fled the company of those who worship your progenitor, you have as much interest as we do in seeing the Antediluvians eliminated.

As for the nature of a Mage's avatar, I say that the fact that some of them have the ability to override memories and in turn make one who was previously sane driven insane (as has been known to happen to those unfortunate enough to be a Nephandus due to their Avatar's prior hosts) leads me to believe that the avatars are a form of spirit that is connected to the Triat (Wyrm, Weaver, and Wyld) in some way and are external to the human spirit.
Why is finding teachers soooooo difficult?!

Looks like I gotta find myself one, prefferably high gen antitribu nobody will miss too much, kidnap him and force him into blood bond. All this can be avoided if he just names his price (which he eirher won’t or asks for something ridiculous), but no, we gotta keep our secrets, our precious little bargaining chips to ourselves.
>As for the nature of a Mage's avatar, I say that the fact that some of them have the ability to override memories and in turn make one who was previously sane driven insane (as has been known to happen to those unfortunate enough to be a Nephandus due to their Avatar's prior hosts) leads me to believe that the avatars are a form of spirit that is connected to the Triat (Wyrm, Weaver, and Wyld) in some way and are external to the human spirit.

Little different from Osiris's egyptian wraith-priests.

Ah yes, you keep repeating that propaganda don't you? Your resident methusalah woke up & broke the curse & how he is oh so powerful. Pull the other leg.

>Dead things don't have a sex
Gender is important in a lot of hermetic philosophy. It's still important.
What is your clan & what do you wish to learn?
Tzimisce; valeren but I doubt you can offer that.

Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion seems useful but I don’t know any thaumaturgy and to m ver limited theoretical understanding that is an advanced technique.
Just carve an eye in your forehead with a spoon & ask the Sabbat Salubri to teach you. I won't teach a fiend thaumaturgy, but I could teach you some other stuff if the price is right
Wow, are you illiterate? i never said that, is this your beast talking? If so its pathetic, the amnesiac who had his entire history stolen in a flash, all because house tremere needed a slave who wouldnt remember his past. You scream the same line over and over about soul stealing like a broken record because you can only yell the propaganda when challenged, but even you know that the public story of the salubri being soul suckers was farce since you tacitly admitted to phrogger a few threads ago i beleive you said "you are saying the quite parts aloud" to him over the story of saulots diablorization and the rise of the tremere. So drop the morale pandering, you can hate me but do it honestly. This isnt about morality its about politics
There is one thing to consider. There is no reason to believe an Antediluvian would just start eating everything it sees. While commonly held as fact by the Sabbat the only source on that is the prophecy of gehenna. In fact, the last recorded actions we have by any alleged clan fathers are not terribly different from the actions of other ancient powerful vampires.

Hypothetically, Set could have been awoken.

These threads seem to be slowing down at a pretty rapid pace, so I may as well ask now, would any of you mind if I used your characters as NPCs in games I run in the future? Can't say that I have any VtM or even modern WoD games planned in general, and frankly my table runs things pretty far from default but I would feel wrong if I didn't ask permission however far in advance.
>But it's important to the Tremere.
No one cares. Hosue Tremere thought they were going to become Mages and become Vampires instead, locked out of the literal one thing they desired beyond all else, should both tell you how important sex is to the living and that it doesn't apply to the dead

Oh boy, look more obtuse Venjew word play. What social and cultural roles are you referring to when you say gender? Surely not Kine Society and Kine Culture? Are we all 'Beast-Presenting Individuals'? Are the elders 1800's masculine? 1900's masculine, 1650 Norman in England Feminine? 2kbce Sumerian? How do we map all these important differences? How are we going to tell the female presenting vampires that they only get 8/10ths of the vitae on average. When are going to march in Khazackstan with our LGBT brother and sister kine? Maybe we all become 'Assigned beast at Embrace', ABAE. The only important thing to remember is that

>you are dead,
>All Vampires are Bastards
Maybe that will get thru your sick modern rot brains.
I don't hate you, Tri-clip-clops. I respect you, but you're the one who keeps painting us Tremere as evil. If you want to suck souls do so, just be honest about it. Where is your proof that those souls you tear our of invalids & dying martyrs pass on?
Sooo how much can be found out about individual kindred on these machines? Theoretically let us say a Gangrel wanted to find and reconnect to her former coteriemates, how might she do it?
I don't recognize all those terms there in the middle, I might not be as hip & with it as I thought. Are you some brujah anarch? I said Gender simply because Sex is important might have given the wrong idea. Sex/Gender is the same thing. If I you've got XY you're a man, if it's XX you're a woman. Don't they teach this is schools?

All kindred might be bastards but not all kindred are dead

As for Clan Tremere's "folly"... I can't say. What was Lord Tremere's goals, what was his apprentices'? I follow my own path to apotheosis & that's enough for me.
I've really enjoyed these threads, I'm not sure if people would be interested in moving along to Qst or some other more dedicated space to continue doing this with maybe just the very hint of rules? The occasional six sided die roll off if needed. Perhaps nominating a 'hand of Caine' if people get too original donut steal with their characters?]/spoiler]
My sire over the years has made contact with mages numerous times, she shares those contacts with me, i simply asked one of them about avatars and he told me that.
yeah sure go ahead
>not all kindred are dead
There are uncursed kindred out there? Would that even as the same fucking thing?

> i can't say
I know those do not disparage claims in the pyramid contract are a real bitch. Thankfully I am not signed onto such nonsense. So let me speak for you

No online database is kept on vampires. That information would be extremely dangerous to us all. You'll have to find someone the old fashioned way.

Not saying it's dead yet, just that personally I'm finding it harder and harder to have stuff to say. No shade cast at the people who enjoy it but I don't have much interest in discussing metaplot and the nature of splats that don't even exist at my table. Also just on a practical note only go to /qst/ if forced off /tg/. Even if we go the zombie general route there's worse threads on /tg/ right now anyway. >>93116869
Drop it tremere, say something original for once, rather than just repeating the one thing you can say without your internal pyramid self censors acting up, do you have any proof that your offical story is anything but lies or that i specifically consume souls, no you dont, so drop it. We could be here until gehenna with you repeating yourself over and over again with a talking point we both know is false.
Try Fangbook. Some hacktivist thaumaturges made some social media thing for that.

There are a few ways to live again. Necromancy is one, golconda I a possible other. And remember, Caine never died.

I wont comment on your tempertantrum, try to save face.
There's definitely an aspect of you have to involve yourself in these threads now that most of the obvious catfights are done. I guess squatting in a thread here vs squatting in qst is about six one way half dozen the other. I guess play it by ear
All we have is your word that souls retire to the afterlife. You said you've used your demon disciplines to End the Watch of others. Therefore, if you can't prove that you didn't devour their souls then I can only assume you sucked them out.
Oy blyat... Well thank you for letting me know, lady.

lmao Fangbook? That's sounds great. Thank you, Tovarisch. Is it a website or one of these new "app" things?

I'm not interested in moving to quest. Feels like it would just die faster there

Feel free to use my guy in your games. Build him however you like as well.

He's actually secretly a Caitiff in clan tremere. Whatever happened to take his name & memory stripped him of all identity, including clan. He worms his way into power & knowledge to protect himself. Its also why he spouts the Tremere propaganda, he doesnt want to give them any reason to suspect him. He may have also had the curse inflicted upon him by the clan to make him a pliable weapon. He has a soft spot for the lost.
Isnt the "demon" saulot in charge of house tremere now? And better yet doesnt his blood already run through your veins? You and i are pratically brothers. Also as long as you continue to act like a dominated slave i will continue to deny your accusations. Go and shout at a wall it will give the same results.
i really like that idea holy shit it all makes sense now
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Set is dead.
Feel free to use this guy. I never made a sheet myself, but the one Demiurge made is good. Although I think Dionisio would have Necromancy 5 after training with cranium1.
I don't know if that makes me more or less comfortable with the idea that he's prancing about Europe right now. Furthermore that means the Quaesitors are fucked, least if all the legends about the antediluvians are true. I mean... Whatever happened with Ravnos in India alone is enough to cause concern, even if Grandpa Ravnos was in a frenzy, imagine that level of destruction but from something in control of its actions.
>Would any of you mind if I used your characters as NPCs in games I run in the future

Feel free too use wolf, real name Johann Fechner. The whole debacle about his clan is something I don't know how to tie off properly, in the campaign i played him it was an idea my DM got that, being as he was embraced as part of a nazi experiment, his heritage would be rather murky. Truth is he's a Tzimisce deliberately inflicted with a mutation, but he hasn't been around long enough to realize what his actual curse is, that he lacks a curse until he blood bonds someone or is blood bound. He never realized he was bound by his pack, or at least its original leader, but now he is permanently cursed with the curse of the gangrel, and with his service to Ldescu and the Tremere, will soon inherit their curse too.
Thanks! I think it's a pretty fun idea. My original vision had him as a secret salubri but I ended up tossing that for this instead

Caine & Abel were brothers. Look how that turned out. We also have Tzimisce blood too. You keep talking about Saulot controlling our progenitor, infind it hard to believe you were able to get into his chambers let alone conversate with him
Keep shouting into the void it wont change anything.
Samedi sounds like bad news to me, voodoo is scary shit.
Also its kind of poetic that the descendants of literal living gods don't believe in them.

Ditto dude

Honestly I probably would. Chances are if I just keep my head down as a human I'd love out my life like normal. There's not enough of us, too many of them.

Go for it, same goes for anyone in the off chance they want my guy. Just have fun with him.
Did you guys pick up any new hobbies after being turned?
I took up gun twirling because I'm not afraid of shooting myself anymore.
Every couple years I try my hand at a new hobby, I learned how to play the guitat recently
I generally stay quite busy, so little time for new hobbies. Unless you would count sword fighting, but that has a practical use.
Fighting games and training rats to do tricks. One of my mates down here has a bunch of different fighting games and we like to play tournaments as a group. I'm pretty bad at them but I like Soul Calibur the most. As for the rats, I know Nosferatu can do stuff with pest animals and I had pet rats when I was alive so I started keeping a few that are nicer and more approachable. I've been working on a circus routine with some of them and it's coming along pretty well, I've just been busy lately so they're out of practice.
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>"other" stuck at 3 votes
>Malkavian War Journal Day Five or Six
>Tuneing Madness

Okay, it's been a few days and we've had some limited successes which is great news. We're slowly forming a herd and contacts for resources we're going to need like fertilizer, Baptisms that kind of thing. Probably the best thing is we found is that Crazy Steve survived the fall. Turns out the locals reported it as one of those 'Lethal Frozen poops fall off Airplane kind of deals'. He landed on an old german house we had him in a wet suit for transport and it worked pretty good. Might make that a standard thing. The Malkavian Aerial and Aquatics division.

In addition to Steve being the first member of the Malkavian Aerial and Aquatic team, we've been taking the lay of the land. And let me tell you, this place would be powder key without vampires. I don't know if you know anything about Germans but they get a little stabby around brown people and apparently someone decidied to invite in the muselman hordes, but only fighting age males. I won't bore you with the details of the feeding, the ghouling, the rooting tootin' sons of guns beiruting we're doing but its going well.

The more serious of us have managed to pick out some classic CRT televisions (damn whoever invented flatscreens), but the Vaulderie and Dementation circle seems to be working. I mean we're not not crazy but we're getting things done. We got a few people listening to the static, the rest of us are drawing up plans, We got street arabs, and shovel heads and IED's and there was even talk of getting a zeppelin, but that seems a bit garrish. Totes has been keeping to himself , and apparently the only people who see Triclops are those he wants to see him. But two can play at that game, I'll keep everyone updated.
>Turns out the locals reported it as one of those 'Lethal Frozen poops fall off Airplane kind of deals'.
If only the blunt force trauma had taken him.
> Might make that a standard thing. The Malkavian Aerial and Aquatics division.
Curse your foolishness! Your wings will burn up in the harsh moonlight as those of Icarus over the sea!
>this place would be powder key without vampires.
And you don't want to unlock what's underneath the powder lock!
>the feeding, the ghouling, the rooting tootin' sons of guns beiruting we're doing but its going well.
This is good progress. Check if any of the Imams are Setites, as the serpents like to take over religious orgs as well as drug dealers.
>The more serious of us have managed to pick out some classic CRT televisions
I will be in contact, then. Tomorrow at 1700 UTC I will have a packmate's ghoul send a message to your circle over the airwaves (shortwave). At least one of you will know the right frequency (I will not share it here).
>there was even talk of getting a zeppelin, but that seems a bit garrish
Don't tempt fate. The technogarchy will come down on you for that.
> apparently the only people who see Triclops are those he wants to see him.
Don't rely on sight, your eyes will deceive you. The other senses, then. The smell of the incense blown from the hills from Golconda mixed with the charnel pits of Carthage is how you shall know his presence.
Haven’t been online much lately, got a new job and been busy . Glad to see this is still going.

I picked up woodcarving to help pass the time. I like being able to lose myself in all the little details.
Don't worry, you'll see me REAL soon hope you're ready!
Anyone else think the kine taste really weird now? Was there some new medication introduced or something? I've been pretty out of the loop
It's all those chemicals in the water.
Also, they are turning the kine gay.
Isn't that Microplastics? Who's Idea was that.
Microplastic, forever chemicals, plus some weird shit we don't even know about.

Good to see you Phrogger. Have you met the other frog in the thread?

You cannot defend it can you? You know you devour souls.
Does compiling lore count? I like to collect the points of view of the lupines, the fairy folk, the spirits of the dead, etc. I find that sometimes if you read between the lines you can find out the truth of myths
are you by chance compensating for something? Is this a purely performative show of faith, a demonstration to your masters that you fit in and shouldn't be looked into? Or has someone gained control of your mind and made it so that the mere mention of a salubri transforms you into a blubbering fool, who can only parrot the same line over and over again. Honestly both possibilities are equally likely to me.
Answer the question, Tri-clip-clops. You dodging it announces your guilt far more than my accusations could.
I can’t say that I have met them.
To be fair, the former is not impossible. Unless you are a true master within the Pyramid, rising in rank subjects you to greater scrutiny as you become privy to more sensitive knowledge. It can be a careful balancing act. I’m only as free with my words as I am here because I know a Nosferatu who set up my connection for me to ensure it can’t be tracked back to me. The wonders of mutual favors.
I already answered your question time and time again, and you kept rejecting it so im done answering your questions. Tell me are you a little "different" from the other tremere, a would be pariah? Is this tantrum you are throwing a result of that? Or is it jealousy that i am upfront with my clan and caste?
I suppose so but i think we are past the point of where even the most preformative of displays would have ended, I think this is just his beast speaking and ranting at me.
The Dogs, Steves; what are you doing with all those Caine damned dogs.
It's okay Tri-clip-clops, are you at least doing the world a favor & killing those Sabbat? I haven't had a chance to leave the chantry in a few nights.
Topic of discussion: What is your opinion on ghouls? My clan's favored disciplines color my opinion, and generally I find ghouls unreliable compared to a dominated or enthralled person. Ghouls should be trusted advisors and servants with notable skills or other abilities worth preserving for eternity. I am also sympathetic to ghouling someone you care about, though I fear the blood bond would muddy any relationship.

Very tangentially related, every once in a while I hear about independent ghouls. Is there a way they neutralize the binding power of vitae? Because the alternative of only ever feeding on a given vampire once (at least within a year and a day) sounds extremely difficult to execute, especially when most domains would not tolerate such a ghoul if revealed.
>Ghouls are unreliable
You know that thing where if you have a hammer of a solution, every problem looks like a nail? I'm sure you have fascinating stories of success with domination, but when has it gone wrong. When did you scripting go wrong or when did you finally go past 'decent' mental slavery and just break your toys? **what if you only ever broke your toys, just imagine, you glorious crimson queen redolent in the absolute mindfucked legions of the damned under you, capering prancing, shrieking MAD. YOU HAVE TO GET MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD Regal BUT MAD
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You know what they say.
>When you have dogs
Make Chinese Food
I ghouled my german shepherd and he does well enough for what he needs to do. And because this is 4chan, let the people get it out of their systems: Yes, I am both 'Gangrel' and 'white woman' ha ha ha very funny.
I used to play vidya a lot, least before I became sheriff, for a time back between 2017 to 2020 I played a lot of League Legends until they added Yone and then I just said fuck it and moved over to Dota. Stopped playing that too, just got bored of it. I suppose it makes sense i like video-games, I used to love playing Mensch ärgere Dich nicht with my platoon, and I was infatuated with chess when my grandpa introduced me to it as a little boy. Other than that, I still enjoy night fishing and hunting dangerous game. Tried to learn computer coding when it was a brand new thing in the 90s, but never got the hang of it.

I love ghouls, the boys me and my pack keep around are always helpful and never give me any shit, unlike the kindred I have IOUs on. I never bound any of my family or my lovers though, it's bad religion. Not everyone is meant, or needs, to be roped into the world of the living dead. Ghouled animals are also the best helping hands I could ever ask for, it's amazing how many little secrets you can rope in even as a gangrel lout if you keep a flock of pigeons drinking from a spiked bird feeder.
I actually find it to be the opposite, a ghoul, well taught and correctly trained, is miles better than a dominated mortal if for no other reason than that no matter how smart you are, you cannot possibly account for every single eventuality. Thralls are incapable of thinking for themselves in a way that allows them to effectively react to the unexpected, whereas a ghoul can improvise and adapt in such circumstances, like, purely hypothetically, hunters finding your mortal agents. A thrall could be followed with relative ease, but a ghoul, being much more aware of themselves and their surroundings, is more likely to notice and take the appropriate steps.

On the topic of independent ghouls, I think I mentioned something about it a while ago, but there have been cases where a ghoul’s bond was broken, usually through the death of the Domitor, and the ghoul retains their abilities unbound. I once saw such a ghoul, he had turned into a hunter out of a vendetta against his old mistress. He had a small house on the edge of town where he kept a small handful of neonates restrained and unable to speak any commands while he forcibly fed from them, and to keep them from falling to torpor he would abduct other mortals to feed his prisoners. Awful stuff, really.
>I love ghouls, the boys me and my pack keep around are always helpful and never give me any shit, unlike the kindred I have IOUs on.
I'm flattered, though generally I like to use a more elegant touch with dominate than simply crushing a mind until it snaps. These powers can backfire, which is why I never leave something fully up to a thrall's execution.

Presence is what I use when I need a flexible and adaptable servant, Dominate is for embedded schemes, basic tasks, or most commonly in my case, memory erasure. Ghoul's are theoretically more autonomous than someone you have charmed, but the blood bond makes them not only liable to do something incredibly stupid "in your best interests" (Presence also risks this, but to a lesser degree), but also an addict. I also don't think they're a good anti-hunter tool besides a supernaturally powerful servant that can operate freely during the day. Ghouls have supernatural abilities themselves and do not age, which means hunters can spot them, and figure you out through them. I don't like delegating too much responsibility to underlings in general, it makes even prudent Kindred get sloppy. So when you need someone to do something, I find disciplines far more reliable. I'm not against ghouling in principle, I just find that many Kindred overuse it.

That hunter ghoul story is quite awful indeed. I do wonder though if there is a way to neutralize the binding property of vitae without a thaumaturgical ritual, I find it implausible that every one of these independents, as few as there might be, are all either unbondable or have a similar complicated set-up to your hunter.

Animal ghouls are interesting, I am good friends with a Nosferatu who keeps a ghouled rat. In truth the thing is more of a pampered pet than anything else, but he does occasionally use him as a spy. I haven't given it much thought myself, and I would like to learn animalism before I try it, so I have a backup plan if something goes wrong.
Animalism is required to get anything out of em other than attack pets, but even without it having a few ghouled dogs can do a lot to keep you safe. Vitae doesn't just make em stronger it makes em more aware too, even a lazy elderly poodle will be able to serve as a decent watchman against any shovelheads that lack obfuscate.
Haven't been here in a while. How's everyone doing? First thing I've done when freed was swimming in the mediterranean sea, then I went to paris and tasted some blood wine at the top of the Eiffel tower (by top, I meant the literal top). I think I abused a bit of the stuff because I next woke up in Spain without my clothes. Honestly, I haven't teleported without clothes ever since my very first weeks at learning the path. Plus some rare blunders a few times when I started my job. Right now, I'm on a pilgrimage to India to find Golgonda!

It's not that I really seek enlightment, whatever Golgonda is, but I do am curious and got free time on my hands for the first time in forever. Worst case scenario, I'll get some nice memories! Might bring souvenirs if anyone here wants some!

Also heard there was a place named Golgonda in the USA, so I might visit that place on my way home.

You're welcome, in fact if you do I'd be eager to read about it!
Congratz im happy for you, also if you meet any of my watcher caste kin tell them i said hi.
Are you using a pet name for me? Anways yes i am.
I don't like using them, they remind me too much of junkies. That said, if a job needs to go down during the day and you need someone capable of finesse and improvision, a Ghoul beats out a Dommed mortal any day of the week.
Yes its a pet name. You're a cowboy, cowboys ride horses, horses go "clip-clop". You are also a triclops.

I'm really glade to hear from you little Red. I have some business still in Berlin, but afterwards you should pay me a visit in Ohio. My assistants in the Vitaegg project report they might have seen progress with the latest brood & I'll need someone to handle deliveries if you're interested.

Would you be opposed to dress as a red feathered hen as a sort of mascot?
Ghouls are useful when building my cult. There're some rituals that can blood bond someone just by them meditating. All it takes is one ghouled "therapist" or "new age yoga instructor" to have a routine class to create a cult in a short period of time. Ghouling heads of business or politicians is also useful as it gives them a need for something only you can supply, it keeps them controlled. I like to obscure the bloodbinding too so they don't know what exactly it is about me that soothes their needs. A ritual on Engaging the Vessel of Transference gives me a nice portable bottle of my blood that will trade out with theirs with a touch. You can disguise that bottle as just about anything, a thick medallion, or the end of a scepter. A tap to the forehead & they are fed. That way if they start to get weird with you instead of ambushing you & putting you on a meathook to milk, they go after the container which is far more expendable.

Animals can be useful too. Especially as haven defenders. Some of the best allies though are the dead.
My sire has gad a ghoul butler for many years now to help watch over and run her estate. He is by far more loyal and more competant than any dominated individua, and he is a dear friend not just to her but to me and my siblings as well.
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Would I be in danger if I saw one? Since you don't like us Tremere, I feel like I'd be killed and get my soul devoured or something

Eager to see where the vitaegg is at!

>Would you be opposed to dress as a red feathered hen as a sort of mascot?
>even a lazy elderly poodle will be able to serve as a decent watchman against any shovelheads that lack obfuscate.
Well speaking purely theoretically, a mercenary ghoul could trade services for doses of Vitae. With proper spacing between drinks and being careful to never drink too frequently of the same kindred a ghoul could theoretically avoid being bound. Another option could possibly be drinking the blood of thinbloods, though I suspect such a ghoul would not be particularly powerful.
Watchers dont like fighting, they generally like to observe and influence. But they have had the least interactions with the tremere so they have less of an axe to grind, if you are apporached by one, just be polite and courteous and explain your story to them, and they will probably look kindly upon you.
Alright then. If I see one I'll say hi for you
I am generally sketpical concerning claims of true friendship or love coming from a ghoul. The blood bond makes it impossible for one to know if those feelings are genuine, or if they can even exist at all when supplanted by it.
>I never bound any of my family or my lovers though, it's bad religion. Not everyone is meant, or needs, to be roped into the world of the living dead.

You are unwilling to inflict it upon those you care about but random strangers are fair game? You disgust me, sir. Well I made choice of inflicting ghouldom and embrace only upon those I consider either friends or family because that is the only right way to ever go about those things.

Perhaps the right question isn’t what ghouls can give us, but what we can give to them. And the perks are numerous. The purely biological benefits aside, a wise domitor can set a lost soul straight and make them do somehting usefull with their lifes instead of wasting it on trivial bullshit. That being said, I belive it is only right for domitor to eventually offer an embrace to a ghoul.
>You are unwilling to inflict it upon those you care about but random strangers are fair game?
Think of it like this, you need someone to kill for you. You need someone who will be willing to end a life, to be utterly dependent on you, to worship you as a god, and follow your every word without second thought. Now your two options are your family members, who lead a quaint, innocent life, or to rope in some petty street thug with a life expectancy in the single digits. My mother and father died in their sleep, peacefully of old age, and my brother's grandkids are alive to this day, and from all I can tell their lives are perfectly stable and they're content and satisfied.

If I had ghouled any of them, the story would've been much different. They would've gone out because of my actions, my command, and *my* business. They never would have chosen to die for me, but because my blood is fucking heroin to them, they will throw their life down to further my political scheming. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself, neonigger.
You are free to believe whatever you wish about the situation. But i have known my sire's ghoul since night 1 of unlife, and he always treated me well.
speaking of independant ghouls one of my players in a campaign im gonna run wants to be one, we will see how that goes for her
>rope in some petty street thug with a life expectancy in the single digits

Excuses. That street thug might have turned his life around next week for all you know. Perhaps if you were on first name basis with the thug, yoiu would see him as a more than a single use tool.

>My mother and father died in their sleep

Same here but they got better. You could at the very least offer it (or go straight for embrace if you can get away with it) to them as an option. Erasing memories is pretty common skill among us, should they say no.

>If I had ghouled any of them, the story would've been much different. They would've gone out because of my actions, my command, and *my* business.

Beats being dead. Besides, ghoul does not have to stay ghoul forever, embrace is an option.
Oh, I'm sure he has. I just would be hesitant to consider friendship or love that comes from someone blood-bonded genuine. If you could ghoul someone without the blood bond, that would make it clearer, but also far more dangerous.

Say you had someone you love dearly that you can not stand to lose to time, yet the embrace is not an option for one reason or another. Are you truly left with only the option of blood bonding them?
Pherhaps but i feel that you are being too cynical, or maybe im too positive.

As for your other question I personally dont know any other options, if it means anything my sire's ghoul tells me he consented to serving her and she backs that up as well, i think that if they wish to be a ghouls its morally permissible, if not still a little sad, i personally never ghouled any of my family, my parents and siblings lived long happy lives passing away of old age, they knew what i am but still loved me anyways, i still see my neices and nephews and their kids, and it always a joy.
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i'd be glad if you use my character as a NPC in your future games. Here is my old charsheet. Yes, my character is a diablerist, he learned and used the Rite of Bitter Rose to diablerise a 5th gen Methuselah from Mycenian Greece and shared the benefits with his coterie. The ST ruled that it was an advanced version of the ritual which also masked the effects. His sire knows and fully aproves.

I truly hope he is not as overwhelmingly powerful as my sire says. He (and his subordinates) are also strangely quiet since his awakening and shattering the Tremere curse. I hope he expended a lot of his power and is currently recuperating, otherwise his wrath could be terrible. Even my own great-grandsire (his childe) is afraid of him, to the point he (and his followers) decided it was better to join with our former hated enemies rather than exist under his rule.

>you have as much interest as we do in seeing the Antediluvians eliminated
I can somewhat understand your declared goals, but I've faced Sabbat in battle and most of them were nothing but feral beasts. Older ones were just disgusting monsters.
Is this really necessary for fighting Antediluvians?

I find them extremely useful for taking care of necessary affairs, such as my finances or day security. I have several ghouls and I always treat them well - that's just common sense.
Don't be lured to death so quickly Red. The Salubri hate us & just because one three eyed snake lies on a messaging board doesn't mean he's actually nice. The Watchers might even rip your soul out & prance about in your skin.

I'll take the elf picture to mean you wouldn't want to fulfill deliveries while dressed in a 6ft tall chicken costume holding a basket of vitaeggs? That's fine...

Would a hat & smock be okay?
Report on the Berlin front. A large reptilian man was spotted in the sewers. Amid many jokes about flushed pet alligators, there have been six dead kindred, a coterie of young nosferatu & gangrel, with a malkavian, they used the sewers as a haven. The tremere that was brought in to auspex told me they were torn to pieces. The Prince is stonewalling me. I don't think he liked that I killed Red's sire
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>a coterie of young nosferatu & gangrel, with a malkavian,
Oh, I’ll be careful then

Honestly the big chicken mascot costume is for people with low self esteem and teenagers with a summer job at a rotisserie

Though I wouldn’t say no to a crimson pinstripe miniskirt and hoodie! You’re known by your suit, make it the brand, and people will be less likely to forget you!
Crimson is just compensating because he doesn't truly fit in with clan tremere, so he thinks screaming about me every chance he gets will make him normal. i don't mean go seek out the watchers i just meant that if you have to interact with them be civil, diplomacy gets you far in both life and unlife, besides you have path of mercury, you can easily escape most situations.
Yeah, honestly the only thing that limits me is my blood supply.

Sabbat have been chasing me for a while, and it’s a bit funny seeing them getting frustrated and either taking plane rides to catch up to me or relay their mission to another coterie throughout the world

A group jumped on me hours ago, literally, six to eight piling up on me football style. I blinked and took them up with me skydiving. None of them practiced their landing strategy if anyone gets that reference
Not to put a downer on your enthusiasm but even the best meaning 'Take Alive' order can become something rather more macabre if you piss off enough vampires. Just remember Sabbat Vampires have sires too and are just as inclined to hold a grudge. I guess it's only to be expected that Thaumaturgy is an edge in the modern nights, but when flaunted you have to expect your enemy to adapt.
Last time they took me alive had ample use of car batteries and other kinds of torture for me. I won't be taken again, and they should get the cue by now!
>car batteries
Does that even count for more then foreplay among humans these days?
I guess it was sort of like a handshake, or a business card or something, the first thing you do after you learn someone's name so you can learn what they're about.
I mean, it was in my circles, anyways.
Having been third rail-stomped, I can say electricity exposure survivable for a given Lick, but it's no picnic.
Then again, neither is Not-Quite-Terminal Velocity. I was wondering what what Eddie was talking about with that angry text with the picture of the moon was about. Poor guy landed on a tree, had to be extricated with a hacksaw.
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Then again, neither is Not-Quite-Terminal Velocity. I was wondering what what Eddie was talking about with that angry text with the picture of the moon was about. Poor guy landed on a tree, had to be extricated with a hacksaw.
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Something like this?

I can get you a hoodie & miniskirt. Would you want it ritually bulletproofed? I'll your measurements & a safe form of delivery.
So what's the actual deal with combination disciplines anyway? Are they passed down like regular disciplines? Most licks barely acknowledge they exist. I think I have one.
The shadows whisper secrets. The red one’s vitae shall be on the tongue of another.
They are not passed vertically, but can be taught horizontally. Aptitude with utilized disciplines makes them easier to learn. If you have one you would know. I have developed a handful over the years to make myself more tricksy and difficult to detain. Certain individuals even specialize in combining disciplines together. Ultimately, the possibilities are endless!
Klling criminals and low life thugs and draining them dry. makes me feels like Batman with .superpowers
Its great for avoiding getting caught on camera.
My boils grow back every day, but I can't help but pop them on purpose. It's so satisfying.
It's a way for us in the "higher generations" to keep expanding our supernatural powers even if we cannot achieve the same level of mastery as elder powers. I know a few, I believe my lineage's affinity disciplines has quite a lot of potential when combined.

As long you don't break the masquerade, go for it.
Theyre okay, but Thaumaturgy is vastly superior & usually does similar things
Nobody wants to hear it, but thaumaturgy is going to replace us all one day. Blood magic can do basically fucking anything any of us can do and more.
>not my ancient art o-
Yes, it can't.
>but it can't do it better th-
It already is.
>but they don't even kno-
They don't even have to, if they need to fill a niche they'll just reinvent it.
It's true, I'm sure if it gets out of hand god will smite them down. Turns out threatening the day to day has effects. I am disappointed that more Kindred aren't using technology to it's full extent. I mean I know not all of us are going to figuring out how to launch stakes in excess of the speed of sound, but common people.
Technology feeds thaumaturgy though. Hacktivist thaum & the Path of Conjuring both have infinite uses in this modern
>Funny Red Man Uses Funny Words
Well I guess we're all doomed then.
-sent from my igargoyle
Thanks. I wasn't sure. It definitely feels like I'm using two together than something new.
Mine breaks cameras too.
I want to teach it to other Brujah. Freak clans think they're special with their "unique" disciplines.
Thaumaturgy also takes time to draw all your symbols and do your recitations.
Most clans with "unique" disciplines do have quite a nasty habit of over-relying on them, the ones in the Sabbat are especially bad about it.

Not to say the powers are useless, just that over-reliance on those powers makes them predictable and deficient in other areas. "Common" disciplines are incredibly useful. Mind manipulation, emotional manipulation, preternatural perception, invisibility (yes I know that's technically not how obfuscate works), control of animals, to say nothing of what you can do with superhuman strength, speed, and endurance.

In your estimation, which clan do you think is the worst about their "special" Discipline? I am considering the Lasombra, for though their shadow powers are deadly, they tend to use them crudely and im the same way, making them easy to defeat. Then again, though I have only known one well, Ravnos rely so much on Chimerstry that I had to learn from a Gangrel what their third affinity discipline was.

Not really, most Paths can be used reflexively. Rituals can take time, but thats not the same thing.


Ravnos & Tzimisce for sure over rely on their pet disciplines more than others. I'm the perverbial pot calling the kettle black though, for as much as I tout my own clan's tricks. I'm the first to admit that the specialty of the Tremere is a hammer & everything else is a nail.
>I am considering the Lasombra, for though their shadow powers are deadly, they tend to use them crudely
"Crudeness" doesn't sound like any Keeper I've had to deal with. They're nearly as obnoxious about making it look good as the fucking Toreador.
Something can be both performative and crude at the same time. Their technique is crude, uninspiring, and a blunt implement. Wreathing themselves in shadow to look more "scary", blanketing the entire room in shadow to either make an escape or to weaken their foes before the attack, and of course, conjuring forth shadow tendrils and trying to grab you like they're the first and only of their line to ever think of that little trick.

Oh sure, they put a lot of effort into the veneer of cunning and grandeur, but in truth they're fairly predictable brutes. Maybe the Elders are different, but I somehow doubt that.
Tell me about Tzimisce overrelliance. Give me that valuable outsider perspective.
Tzimisce. They turn into freaks and still get their shit kicked by someone with proper physical disciplines. I tore one in half because the fucker tried to assume his battle form to start a fight.
I have yet to meet a Tremere with good reflexes.
See above.
Much like how most everything begins and ends with Thaumaturgy for
Tremere, everything begins and ends with vicissitude for the majority of Tzimisce. Every time, it’s ghouls with bone knives embedded somewhere, skin thick enough to stop a bullet, reinforced bones to let them hit harder, something. This is without getting into the most common modifications I see Tzimisce make to themselves.
That being said, I have met precisely one Koldun in my time, and once we stopped trying to kill each other to get away from the sunrise, she turned out to be an excellent conversationalist. I wonder how Elena is doing these nights, actually.
Every Tzimisce operates the same way;
>They threaten to turn you into a chair.
>They have a horde of monsters in their basement they want to feed you to
>They have one really huge monster they think is their trump card.
>They turned themselves into a woman

Path of the Focused Mind will make someone quite fast, & it never hurts to learn Celerity
The zulo form is little more than a party trick in the era of guns when not combined with other disciplines. He got what he deserved for being a moron.

Monstrous ghouls are kind of useless. Ghouls make poor sleeper agents, but highly trained one that looks and sounds exactly like for example one of your ghouls and has a canister of gasoline can potentially accomplish a lot in a single day, don’t you think?

>This is without getting into the most common modifications I see Tzimisce make to themselves.

Pretty privilege is real (both genders I tested it myself). Bonus points if you know what your mark thinks is pretty.
I mostly just make little guys I like from games and movies and stuff, they're like scale figures but they run around on my desk. It's pretty fun!
>They turned themselves into a woman
Sometimes they turn themselves into "other"
Don't mind me, got lost in my way to hunter.net
Honest question, has anyone ever seen, or believe that they have seen or even knows someone who has seen Caine? My sire thinks she might have met him once, but even then she isn't sure.

besides we all know that caine is no longer a taxi driver he is now an uber driver
Dude, I bet you would feel it if Caine was even in the same STATE as you. You'd probably melt if you saw him.
If we could feel Caine from that distance we would be able to track him with incredible accuracy.

With any luck, he's fallen into a torpor he will never awaken from.
Oh yeah, I guess that's true. I should have thought of that. I still imagine it must be overbearing though, right? Like a kitten staring at a rhinoceros.
Possibly. I once felt a Methuselah's presence. It's interesting, she used a Malkavian prank to mask her entrance into the city, and by the time we figured out the joke we had become used to her presence and did not notice. But once I realized we had an ancient in our midst, it manifested as an ebbing and flowing sense of dread.

If the Noddists are right, Caine has mastery of all disciplines. At least all the "common" ones, according to the Book of Nod itself. So Caine could use Obfuscate to walk up and talk to you without you feeling anything, or he could use Presence to make you go mad just from his aura.
We're all other , male and female doesn't make sense for dead things.
Unlikely, If Caine exists as depicted in the stories, it mean that god exists as depicted in the stories. IF God cursed Caine to punish him, letting him sleep it off seems counterproductive. Comparing our everyday vampiric processes to Caine is unlikely to be the apples to apples comparison you think it is. Hell even if Caine exists he may be the only vampire that can never enter torpor in order to 'face his punishment'. Hell Caine despite being the boogy man of myth may be the most human, I mean if there was one thing linking vampires it would be their beast, and for Caine, would he even have a beast? Is God his beast? Or is Caine our beast? If it's an act of god, it must be by definition miraculous and what do you have to compare to for a miracle?

>someone else who appreciates classic pro wress...
Oh it's a hunter. Never mind.
That's insane. I wouldn't have figured a Malk Methuselah would have been present enough to think of something like that. Or maybe they're more stable at lower generations.
This is all predicated on an if. There must have been a first vampire, the only alternative is that every single Clan arose independent of each other, and what we know of our most ancient history runs contrary to that. But I am skeptical that the first vampire is Caine, the first murderer. I wouldn't rule it out, but I don't have any blind faith in it. Maybe the first vampire has long since been destroyed?

Say he is Caine, and that God still cares enough to torment him further. He must still be hiding from us either through isolation, Obfuscate, or both. I think this is for the best, we do not need a self-important murderer ordering us around because he is our progenitor. He would have lost any right to rule when he abandoned the First City to the deluge.

Oh that's the funny part. The Methuselah was Lasombra. She just manipulated the Malkavians into pulling a prank that distracted us from her arrival. Actually had us thinking it was a Malkavian Methuselah at first, then that it was just a prank.
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>Oh that's the funny part. The Methuselah was Lasombra
If it makes you feel any better, she was about as mad as a Malkavian. Last I saw of her, she was swallowed up by something on the other side of a portal to the Abyss she had torn open. I know not if she met final death, but I have seen no evidence of her activity since.
The most likely answer to the Caine question is that the biblical figure is an ancient vampire who spawned a mythology around him which over time has become known as Caine the first murderer, as kindred often do through history. There must have been a common kindred ancestor or precursor, but the idea of the mythical Caine and the First City, of the dreaded Antediluvian third generation coming to kill us all and drown the world in blood screams the exact kind of doomsday religious fearmongering that has been touted by nearly every generation in the history of humanity, and none of them have been real yet.
Pay no attention to the Ancient Vampire driving his entire mad and turning their illusion into no-shit reality warping, the Wizard of Oz has spoken.
Can't say that I've met him


I believe Caine to know far more about the kindred condition than anyone else. Perhaps even learning it vicariously through us as we strive to innovate. I don't think is is capable of proper torpor either as you say. If mine exists, he is a vampire that was never embraced. Meaning he never died. That has to add something to the equation as well. Something I have no proof of, but suspect is that Caine can shut down any & all Disciplines around him reflexively, meaning he can hide his nature from us completely. Also, I think Caine cursed all of the Third Generation for their actions leading to the flood/fall of the First City. That's why even lesser bloodlines have Curses & clans like my own developed their own Curses when they diablerized their way into it. Though this does call into question the state of the clanless caitiff.

I believe in God & I believe in Caine but I don't believe in Gehenna. Cyclic history is real though & if we don't get a handle on our problems we could have a Masquerade breach we can't clean up, or maybe the older generations do wake up at least here & there & begin ancient rivalries anew. It doesn't need to be a Third Generation to cause problems the other 4th & 5th gens are trouble enough
Most of us still have our bedroom tools, & everyone has chromosomes no matter how much a Tzimisce had their way with your nethers. I'm not calling someone an "it", I'm calling them by their gender. Hell, there are some ancient egyptian spells that can even allow us to breed if we wanted. Though that would create a Dhampir & be a violation of the Traditions
>the other 4th & 5th gens are trouble enough
You speak truth, Comrade. Especially ones of Malkav's brood.
>It doesn't need to be a Third Generation to cause problems the other 4th & 5th gens are trouble enough
Current events in Berlin weighing on your mind too, Stripesy?
>I'm not calling someone an "it", I'm calling them by their gender.
Oh how very genteel, is this before or after you're murdering them? As you're slurping their lifeforce away to supported your mockery of life do you think to youself
>At least I asked their pronouns?
No like the rest of us, you simply savor in their warmth, their life and then extinguish it like a monster. It would be a bit like calling a vampire who pulls johns (do these zoomer kids still call them johns?) to feed a sex worker. Perhaps in parody but not really. I know malkavians get a reputation as being the ones who laugh but I have to admit being unable to see that the roles of the living are an act for us, a pretense, something a predator mimes at, inauthentic to us.

That's funny, after all

hαhαhα, ώhαt αR Yㄖᵘ 丂ㄖΜ кiℕĐ ㄖf fᵘ匚кiℕᎶ ķiℕ hαhαhα
>there are some ancient egyptian spells that can even allow us to breed if we wanted.

That's interesting. I've always thought it was odd how the myth of dhampirs predated thin-bloods. I tracked down a very reliable and well verified account of a dhampir being born in Scotland, but it's missing a few key details. Would you be so kind as to share the information on this Egyptian spell? I would be happy to send you a copy of the Scottish account.

And this, neonates, is what happens when you let the beast win. You can't even acknowledge the basic fact of biological sex. I'd give this one a year before he goes completely feral.
I need info right now. Where can I find 500 BC recipe for family meals. I don't know how my master plans to eat it but I know damn well he will eat me if I don't make it.
>Biological fact of sex
You lot seem to be struggling with the biological fact of life and death. I'm sure this current fad will surely make up for the people you drink dry and the others you get killed with your politics.
I hope this can be of use to you. From a former ghoul to another. (in the email field)
Since they changed this site so that you cannot see the email field, I will instead recommend you to Max Miller's 'Tasting History'.
Stop making me agree with the Ventrue and Tremere. We are corpses, yes, but even bones still show the remnants of the beings that we once were, even down to the cell. A Cainite man is still fundamentally male in mannerisms, body, and psychology.
>fundamentally male
Do most fundementally male bodies once deceased reanimate upon exposure to blood? Do most fundementally male bodies have hidden fangs, the ability to have an ecstatic bite, the ability to lick wounds shut?
Do most fundemental males catch on fire in the sun?
Do most fundemental males if severely damaged turn into a protective torpor state or suspended animation.

>Mannerisms and Psychology
This is even worst for you. How many fundemental males show the predatory mindset of vampires? How many fundemental males risk losing themselves after a night of excess? or deprevation? This is even before the clan curses?

Yes we have dead cells, but we are not those dead cells. We are not merely 'enculturated people who have affected mannerisms and psychology ' We are not blank tablets or dead cells or people. We are the the curse tablets, the vitae, the predator. If gender is the social or cultural differences in the roles and expectations of the living sexes, we are not feminine (although some of us hunt that way) we are not masculine (although some of us hunt that way), If you want to take it seriously you would need make a new word for it. It's vampself, it's kindred, it's a society that pretends or affects parts of humanity but is no no way of humanity. If the society is so drastically different then surely the genders must be, If the organism is so drastically different then the sex must be. How do they say it so charmingly in political circles? Oh yes, you are clinging to spooks.

By all means, act male or female or bisexual or gay, but we all know you're doing it to cultivate a herd or project power, or mix in with a vulnerable population so that you can feed freely. It's an act, its a mimicry we use to feed. Perhaps Predatorself is the word we should use.
cope and seethe, ywnbaw
You sound gay as fuck dude.
You seem to be deranged. Perhaps some centuries in torpor might help you. If not, walk into the sun.

Firstly. I don't murder or feed directly on any kine. I'm ascetic. Second, gender exists no matter the species of the creature. You're raving about how gender reacts to the sun... you realize that that is like saying only male horses should have four feet or other such nonsense. Being dead does not erase your God given & science proven chromosomes. Gender is not a garment one can just disrobe themselves of. You could possibly argue that you are a eunuch or barren, put that still implies your inherent gender still existed before rendering you sterile. Study the more mystic aspects, it will help show you that gender still exists even in death
There are wraith-priests who are like undying wraiths tied to one specific body, servants of Osiris. Like the old egyptian mummies myth. They have their own magic, one of these spells restores the virility of a dead man. See the attached file.
Based and truthpilled. I don’t really know why some of us attach so much value to maleness and femaleness, something that is so intuitive nobody who isn’t some kinda queer (or shapeshifter) ever consciously thinks about it.

Cope. You will never be mortal again.
Look the twins, alike in intellect.

Here perhaps this is your level
Charming acronym, how would it go. You will never be a Human ever again?YWNBAH

Gender, the cultured performance of sex no matter what, creature, Are humans a species of Kindred to you. The more you talk the more like a pretender you sound. It's disgusting, honestly I expected better of the vaunted Tremere, perhaps you need to I dare say read a book. May I suggest some selections from Freeman and Collins?
>You can't just disrobe yourself of gender
Oh, no one can change their gender? Not even in death. How stiffly ideological.
The Tremere are rumored to have a lot of phallocentric rituals. Their first chantry was supposedly grown out of Gortrix’s severed cock.
>All Tremere are Blisters
Explains a lot, the tremere are the herpes that kindred just can't seem to get rid of.

Culture has nothing to do with this. You are male or female based on the chromosomes you had while alive. Humanity could be said to be the larval form of Kindred. Just as a catapillar may dissolve itself in its Cocoon & emerge completely changed, it is still the same catapillar but with wings. Magic is gendered. The ritual I mentioned the wraith-priests of Osiris perform is in ritual around the gelding of their god-sire & will not work on a woman. No matter how much you polish bronze you cannot make it gold.

You can be mad all you want, you can make every excuse you can, you can pretend falsely in every way, but those illusions are your own. God & circumstance made you how you are & you cannot change it. If it was as you say thaumaturgy & magic would not work as it does. That is an enforcement of gender greater than any tzimisce lie of the flesh, or derangement of the Malkavian. The forces of the universe decree it not me. Argue with the sun, it will have the same significance yet will be far more brief

More than a little. The four-sided skirmish continues. I've been bared from meeting with the Prince again after the death of Red's sire. Rightfully he thought the only reason I came was to assassinate the Praefectus, & it was done at an indelicate time for sure. Either way, I've been posting spiritual & wraithly eyes on as many street corners I can. Seems like the Reptile thing has claimed more, a group of Anarchs in a car were smashed to bits before they could get to a Sabbat foothold
>The ritual I mentioned the wraith-priests of Osiris perform is in ritual around the gelding of their god-sire & will not work on a woman.

Does it work on chimeric men or XXY, XYY etc. karyotypes and other freaks of nature? Did anybody ever tried to perform this ritual with a troon? If so, were the neopenis and neotestes of highest Tzimisce craftsmaship?
Only works on XY. The outliers you mention are genetic trash or an unviable simulacrum. Might as well as if it it would work on a dildo. It only works on dead men.
I somehow doubt anybody ever put this to a serious test. Gotta admit gender essentialism might apply in this one edge case for all I know. After all it comes from a culture that believed Set was defeated by tricking him into eating salad with Osiris’s special dressing.
Lol, try that again without sounding angry.
>humans are larval kindred
Ask me why I suddenly suspect that you don't know what you're talking about.
Most likely the caitiff are the vampires closest to caine, in terms of their curse. This is probably why so many fear them, they are in a sense the purest vampires.
Take a human, apply a catalyst, get metamorphosis. Aren't you malks called Broken Butterflies?

Sure... everything ELSE is the exception, not your malformed world view.

"Clan Caine" & all that?
Take a tortured metaphor, apply it beyond it's intended target , get bullshit. Aren't you Tremere actually bullshit artists. Note you've already burned two inapplicable metaphors just to get to this point.
Maybe, I think sometimes caine's curse on the clans falters allowing a pure vampire to be embraced.
Would it be the curse failing, or the embraced being "purer"? I don't like the idea that clanless caitiff consider themselves close to Caine. Delusions of purity & rulership & all that are bad for stability
Interesting. I have sent you a scan of the account from Scotland. It's not surprising, albeit a little frustrating that your wraith spell only effect's men's virility.
I see we are still on this line of discussion. Too many posts to bother to quote so I will instead openly address: In what world do we begin to lack sex or gender just because we are clinically dead? We still think, we still feel, we have the same bodies as we did when we were alive. Nothing about our condition precludes us from being male or female.

In fact, even the beast acknowledges sex and gender. My clan is evidence for that, as it is well known that such things can play an important factor in our blood requirements.
Seeking a way to become a mother?
I would argue death would.
>but what about your clan is evidence for this? I thought mostly your clan was proof that even the heel of caine can't extinguish the class conscious cockroaches.
I have always been interested in the topic. So much effort has been put into ghouls to the point we have found a way to breed them semi-reliably and produce revenant families. But as for dhampirs, interest is fringe even now. But every once in a while, I find reports or whispers of vampires that have managed to overcome that aspect of our curse. It has seemed in my studies that it's easier for men to overcome the curse than women, but not impossible. Consider it a personal fascination of mine.

I just said how my clan is an indication of this. There are Ventrue who can only drink from men or women, along with other factors of course. Ventrue blood requirement is not a case of being a picky eater, it is not something psychological that could be changed by a Malkavian's powers. It is a fact of our existence that can only be altered if our prey goes fully extinct and even that requires a long torpor.

So if death ends all notions of sex, that would naturally mean then that you believe souls are neither male or female, yes? Thus grandpa stops being male the minute he passes away.
Souls have gender. I've talked to wraiths about it.

If you'd like, when I've got some time I can try to engineer a ritual in inverse to the Osirian virility. Possibly look into mysticism practices based on fertility of the Nile..?

Would you be willing to perform a joint experiment for ritual fertility purposes? This might even help with my vitaegg experiments.
What exactly are you suggesting in regards to a joint experiment?
To assist me in an experiment to impregnate a female Kindred of sound mind & body, & significant pedigree to not be considered thinblooded. The only way to make sure the ritual works is to successfully impregnate someone & bring the child fully to term.
>we have the same bodies as we did when we were alive.

Our bodies used to not burn in the sunlight for example.

>My clan is evidence for that, as it is well known that such things can play an important factor in our blood requirements.

Being a vietnam vet can play as big of a role. Is vietnam vet now a gender? I aknowledge the 7 genders created by God Allmighty, the 61 invented by Tzimisce and Malkavians and the one invented relatively recently by Sikorsky but now I will have to expand my repertoire to include one for every single Ventrue that ever existed.

>Thus grandpa stops being male the minute he passes away.

Well, since gender is apparently determined by gonosomes and he no longer has any in xis ectoplasm.

Wonder why nobody invented female version already. Because sustaining the ritual for 24 weeks minimum is going to be enormous pain in the ass. You wizard are pretty dumb sometimes.
I see. I understand the purpose, though there are other concerns. Unless you have a purely scientifically minded donor, no woman is going to want herself and especially the child in question to be studied in a lab somewhere. Unless you could provide a viable volunteer and give a guarantee no harm would come to the theoretical child, I am hesitant to agree to work with you directly on this. Please take no offense at that, caution is necessary in dealings both online and with fellow Kindred.

While I don't think it would count as a violation of any of the Camarilla's laws, such things could have further reaching consequences if brought to light. There are many Kindred who would either want this knowledge, or want it destroyed. I would however be happy to continue exchanging any reports, leads, or other information I come across.
You are being deliberately obtuse. We do not drink based on any one factor, you moron. We can however, make distinctions between the blood of men and women. I believe the Tremere can do the same with Thaumaturgy.
>Fussy baby
That's your evidence?
I have to admit I don't know the inner works of necromancy but wouldn't the world be drowned in ghosts, geists and the like if even 1 or 1/10th of a percent converted after death? I understand that curses exist, can sometimes (extremely rarely) spontaneously generate but the mystic mindset might as well throw the entire world to madness. You talk of essentialism but if it's all magic, it might as well be a fairy tale. In which case both and neither of us might as well be right.
>it's not psychological
I mean Ventrue and Malkav are brother clans afterall. Ruled rome together, shared power together, Share dominate together, Share dementation together. Are you sure it's not psychological? We were supposed to be logic and foresight, sadly this is what we are reduced to these days.
I heard it from the acting Baron. She "requested" I look into the sewers, seeing as the fake Reds haven't been sighted in a minute. I saw something down there, not sure if it was your Big Reptile or some other freaky cryptid joining the jamboree, what I do know is it doesn't have a heartbeat. And its Aura is fucked. haven't seen one so stained with diablerie since Festivo '99 in Oakland.
Whatever it is down there down there it's old, cruel and hungry.
Ah I see. While I would guarantee the safety, protection, education, provision, & even nurturing to the limits of my ability for the child, I cannot by my own moral restraints supply a mother. I thought you were volunteering. You must accept my reduced embarrassment on the matter. Of course, if I ever do find such a volunteer I can perhaps send you resulting reports & conclussions.
The Shadowlands are deep. There are entire kingdoms of wraiths below the depths of the tempest. And Oblivion awaits those who go deeper still. Not every soul becomes a wraith & not every wraith is forever. But how does this relate to your ungendered nonsense

If a human body imbibe too much colloidal silver they turn irrevocablly blue skinned. This does not abolish their gender.

Sorry forgot to sign my name
I don't know if it'll make a difference, but I don't think it's so complicated. Sometimes my sire gives me a vagina and she still refers to me as male. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes.
And something she has a penis and she still insists she's female, mostly. Sometimes.
Damnit, maybe it is complicated.
For the love of fuck shut up about this
All this gender talk just reinforces the idea that Tzimisce just want an excuse to say it's not gay or weird they want to turn into ten year old girls.
It's fine. I would simply not be comfortable in that position. However, if my own attempts at reconstructing a ritual are successful, I will inform you of the results anonymously.
Pretty much.
How many ghouls do (you) have?
One, my brother. He helps take care of our dog.
Wait... who are you going to test it on?
I don't have a completed ritual, just a fragmentary one. I do plan on testing it myself but not to scientific or academic rigors. I would want to, hypothetically, keep as many eyes off of the process and the potential baby as possible, if you understand my meaning.

As I believe I said earlier, it is a personal endeavor.
I don’t really know if I even can make one, but I also don’t really want to find out
Ah, I don't see why I would not be able to assist you, especially if you've already sourced a would be father. If I do the experiments on my own, odds are I would have to volunteer as father or raid a sperm bank, & I have no wish to create childer let alone an actual living child. I fear they could inherit by particular curses. Providing for a foster child, especially security is easy but being the father to a child is not for me.
It's a... risk management concern. I do not want to advertise I am seeking a remedy to undead infertility, because while this site is anonymous, someone could theoretically reconstruct my actual identity from other posts I have made, especially if they have friends among the harpies. Since my attempts to obfuscate this fact have fallen flat, I may as well be blunt. I do have a mortal husband, well fiance technically, we're planning the wedding. I do not believe you have any ill intentions, given your behavior with Red, but someone who knows my identity, which would be necessary to learn about the process scientifically, is another point of failure to the inherent risks with pursuing this line of work. You are a Tremere, and while I don't think you have any ill will towards me, you do have other loyalties writ in blood. I do not want this information getting out, painting a target on the back of my potential child and I. I also wouldn't be comfortable with my theoretical baby being studied. We are not the only Kindred with an interest in this topic, I have heard that the Fiend Vykos is obsessed with the topic as well, and the Sabbat in general would likely consider it a portent of Gehenna. Moreover, if it gets out it creates a point of weakness enemies within the Camarilla could exploit.

So please take no offense when I must decline your offer for anything more than an anonymous exchange of reports and rituals. I fear I have already said far too much, but my dignitas demands I be forthright as more subtle attempts have failed. It is not a situation that I would be comfortable in, and it is information I can not risk falling into anyone's hands. So I believe it would be for the best if we dropped the topic. I hope my partial ritual will be of use in your studies.
I see. I apologize for being obtuse.
May your nights be filled with joy.

I was mostly just trying to add something to the conversation, this thread is dead.
There's no need to apologize, these are just the unfortunate realities of our unlife. Threats and enemies everywhere.

Hey, I get it, I was in the weird position of trying to RP around something true that the character wouldn't want to discuss for the aforementioned reasons, without anything like voice cues or descriptive writing to make it clearer. This is our first thread to hit time based autosage. Next one may be make or break for /shreck/. Let's all try to make it the best one.
I hope and pray for you and your family's safety, hopefully this has not impeded your safety.
Thank you, genuinely. I doubt it has, I cover my tracks well. You'd likely need to know me personally in order to piece together my identity from my posts here. It is still ultimately a risk I can not take. I am however quite glad we could all have some humanity about this.
Good luck. But are you sure you want your child to carry this curse? Even in a diminished form it's still wrong on some levels.
It is a worry, but if I believed we were so irredeemable and cursed, I wouldn't have tried to keep a family in the first place. I view our condition as a modification in circumstances, not a true metamorphosis into something different. I am the same person I was when I was embraced. It may be different for one carried by a proper vampire, but from what little we have on thinblood spawned Dhampir, they are essentially slightly weaker Revenants without the flaws due to the inbreeding.

If there are complications, then it is no different than being a parent of a child with a risk of birth defects. It doesn't mean they should not be brought into this world. If I believe our unlives are, for all the issues still worth unliving, then an echo of that is more than worth living through. Besides, there are advantages to our condition, an echo of that advantage is nothing to scoff at.
>and the Sabbat in general would likely consider it a portent of Gehenna.
My pack's priest and I are combing through our PDF of the Book of Nod and related acrophya, just in case it is.
For what it's worth, I don't think the Dark Father would disapprove of it going by the tale of The Lovers.
But yeah, even for a really skeptic Cammy; you're talking about an overturning of the status quo of the last 12,000 years of you succeed.
Though, that's one sharpened chair leg of an "If."
Would dark father approve of mass embraces? i doubt it yet here we are.
Isn't there something in the Book of Nod about a girl born of a vampire with a moon shaped birthmark being a part of the prophecy of Gehenna?

My theory and/or hope is that I will not be the first, this account from Scotland claims to have occurred in 1187 or maybe 88. If it is legitimate, a vampire succeeded in the same task over 800 years ago.
>Isn't there something in the Book of Nod about a girl born of a vampire with a moon shaped birthmark being a part of the prophecy of Gehenna?
Yes. Save us some trouble. Have a boy.
Have you had any dealings with Revenants? I know it's not the same but your kid would basically be one of those freaks. I wouldn't want one trying to claw out of me.

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