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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
Here is 0.1 of my Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
Super late reply, but I wanted to thank you for the suggestions. I've noted them down because they're good ones.
What would actually happen if Naruto had the Rinnegan?
Ask Kishimoto. Your only going wto get fanfic tier answers from anyone else.
I dont know how you work so fast but neat, my daughter loves this movie.
Theres a 3+ hour long video on youtube about what if naruto was an uchiha. Watch that.
>my daughter
Bro's a real human, not a subterranean reptile like us! Get him, boys!
Does anyone have the lore and setting documents for Triune Scriptures? The jump itself is easy enough to find, but every link I've found for the worldbuilding stuff is dead.
he'd probably die, Naruto didn't have nearly as much chakra as Nagato and even Obito having his chakra level boosted by Hashirama cells can barely handle a single Rinnegan..
Isnt that because its not his own? Eyeballs work poorly when you steal them.
Read the title as Smaug at first which made me realise a lot of dragons are basically the standard collector type.
Naruto has the whole ass (half ass, I guess) nine tails in him
I use some psychological tricks to keep myself motivated, and usually don't bring up jumps unless I'm pretty far along. I hope you like the jump.
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A dragon isn't a dragon without treasure.
Here you go anon.

What would a perfect bed do in Exalted? +2 dice to Performance and Willpower recovery rolls?
Unnecessary elaboration is padding.
>Strictly speaking, the first sentence alone tells you what it does
I'd say first sentence doesn't have any concrete mechanical information about the perk (unless "independence of spirt" had a meaning in exalted the reader should know).

You could delete that sentence and the perk would have the same amount of useful information, and imo reads just as well.
>Naruto didn't have nearly as much chakra as Nagato
That's actually not true I don't think. Pretty sure Naruto had more than Nagato. A singular clone of Naruto in the war was able to do a lot of shit that would have Nagato at least straining himself a bit. Obito himself isn't exactly a chakra monster, he's durable but as far as raw chakra goes its not necessarily a lot. Nagato himself only really competes because of experience, a willingness to use all of chakra until he is nothing but bones and hax. An argument could be made without one of those three things he would not have given Sage Mode Naruto or KCM 1 Naruto as much trouble.
I have links to them, but they're 4plebs links and 4chan won't let me post them as a result because apparently that's spam.

Or smuthunter could post them while I'm yelling at my computer, that works too.
Seems reasonable, and the extra dice for Willpower recovery would be really handy for people who don’t have high Conviction.
Yeah I'm trying to figure out what to give my followers during my time in Mortal Heroes and I figured perfect homes would be nice. Then I started wondering about what those perfect items would actually do for them.
Thank you, much appreciated.
I may have misunderstood Anon's question, I assumed this would be about having the Rinnegan implanted in him like Nagato did.
yes, but thats not part of his default reserves(though it slowly increaes those over time). If Naruto wanted to keep the Rinnegan active he'd have to tap into Kurama's chakra every time he needs to use the Rinnegan, which would weaken the seal further and risk going berserk(the wind release training tapping into Kurama for the Shadow Clones was only possible because they had Yamato there to supress Kurama)
Naruto during the war arc had already stolen a large portion of Kurama's chakra. That gave him way more chakra than he naturally had
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>Cursed Technique - Nah, I'd Win
>By declaring "Nah, I'd win" in regards to a battle with a particular opponent, the user has a 50/50 chance of either winning or losing the next time they battle that opponent regardless of their discrepancy in strength. They can increase the chance of victory to 60%, however if they lose they will die horribly
Best Jumps to form an Adventuring party?
Bisected humans drawn with a regular bone instead of a spinal column sticking out of their lower body triggers me in a way that seeing regular bisected humans doesn't.
Log Horizon.
>Naruto during the war arc had already stolen a large portion of Kurama's chakra. That gave him way more chakra than he naturally had
Pretty sure the way that worked was that Naruto and Kurama each had their own chakra supplies. Naruto could switch between using his chakra supply (base form) or using Kurama's chakra supply (KCM). Which means the parts where he isn't in KCM see when he goes Sage Mode against Third Raikage, chucks a Rasenshuriken at Madara and sends an army of Giant Rasengan wielding clones at an encroaching forest made by Madara that was all him.
Lay off bro it's just her boner.
No, when facing Kurama on the island at the start of the war, he and Naruto entered a chakra absorbtion battle, wherere they each could steal a portion of each others chakra that willl be sealed independently and will replenish on its own. Naruto won and got a decent sized chunk he could tap into at will to enter his chakra mode, which he did before he created clones and distributed them across the battlefield.

Later when he and Kurama came to an Agreemenet and he unsealed him, he was able to fully tap into Kurama's chakra and take as much as was there.
No, it's a reminder the character is a funni cartoon person whose biology works on gags instead of anything that makes sense in a setting that isn't already a Steamboat Willy-tier cartoon and this is upsetting to me in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual setting or story for some reason.

Monkey's pawing wishes is second nature to most of them.

...by FRIDAY? Damn dude I know this one's taking longer than usual and I hesitate to use the word "soon" because by my own reckoning if I haven't made a jump in 2 days it's already going on for too long and I'm still tweaking things/striking a balance between Winnower autism and not completely drowning you all in word vomit, but it might be done soon by your reckoning and it's definitely taking far too long by mine, let's put it that way.
Etrian Odyssey and Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon are my go-tos for adventuring parties. A close third is Persona.
Nothing you said is wrong. You are misunderstanding my point
>wherere they each could steal a portion of each others chakra that willl be sealed independently and will replenish on its own. Naruto won and got a decent sized chunk he could tap into at will to enter his chakra mode, which he did before he created clones and distributed them across the battlefield
This means when he is not in KCM he is not using Kurama's chakra. The reserve he stole from Kurama thats the "kurama chakra supply I mention here"
>Naruto could switch between using his chakra supply (base form) or using Kurama's chakra supply (KCM). Which means the parts where he isn't in KCM see when he goes Sage Mode against Third Raikage, chucks a Rasenshuriken at Madara and sends an army of Giant Rasengan wielding clones at an encroaching forest made by Madara that was all him.
Perfect items were errata'd out of the game. Exceptional mundane craftsmanship can no longer provide equipment bonuses.
Was 3e really gay enough to remove perfect equipment? What fucking nonsense. I'm glad the core book pissed me off enough to not touch it.
I don't know, but 2e was. There's no reason to bring up 3e's mechanics because all of our jumps are for 2e.
3e removed prayers giving you motes because the devs were that scared of the mote economy, now praying to an Exalt just gives them warm fuzzy vibes in the form of WP.

There are things I like about 3e, but the overall design is a massive turnoff because it attempts to put function over substance, and never really achieves either because of the utterly unfathomable priorities of the writers.

There is a fucking paragraph about local cuisine in every single location entry in AT8D and those fucks have the gall to complain about wordcount.
Shard includes 3e mechanics in his Shards of the Exalted Dream jumps and everyone but the Sidereal creator said you can choose to use 3e mechanics if you wish. I presume perfect equipment got removed since those are just artifacts.

True I'm not going to defend all the design decisions of 3e. I only like some of them. Like turning away from perfect defenses as the end all be all, sorcery workings, shaping rituals, evocations etc.
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>TFW. It's been a decade of JumpChain and you've basically done nothing with your life.
So how's you all's day going?
>Monkey's pawing wishes is second nature to most of them.
So if you dead with them you gotta be very, very specific? So can they just choose not to grant wishes to prevent that spamming a wish in their face problem like in the perk example? Also, how likely is it for one to accept becoming a waifu for someone for shits and giggles?
Perfect equipment is not mentioned in 2e's errata which is why I asked.
>So how's you all's day going?
Done nothing with it.
An updated version to a perk/power I posted yesterday for Alchemical Solutions, added examples as suggested by anon.
As it was the one people seemed to think was stronger it gets to 400 slot for Thinker.
>Exceeding Excellence (400): Your ability to learn and improve your skills in any field is massively enhanced, with a few hours of study or practice being sufficient to reach what any normal person would consider the pinnacle of mastery and you can keep going beyond that. After dedicating a few days to a given field your abilities in it will reach a point where they are indistinguishable from a dedicated power specialized for it, allowing you to not only perform that skill with truly flawless execution but bending the laws of physics to push well beyond what would be possible without a power to support you. After training with your weapon of choice you’d fight on par with dedicated combat thinkers or even match a proper Champion as they bolster their skills, study engineering and you might be able to make devices of similar quality to simpler tinkertech with nothing more than mundane technology. Given time to build yourself up you’ll become a phenomenally potent and versatile individual but remember that this doesn’t provide any truly new abilities on its own or help improve your base attributes aside from potentially unnatural skill with various forms of otherwise mundane self-improvement.
To show some appreciation, what is everyone's favorite OC made by Ricrod?
Getting ready to be paid handsomely to sit on my butt while people place baseball for three days. Unfortunately it took six days of brutal work in the Alabama heat to get to the point where I can have my easy days, but hey, that's how it goes.

I'm planning to use the time to relax and maybe work on jump documents.
Ric, this is a Wendy's.
....mechanics? I remember naming one of the perks after one of the 3e Charms as well as throwing Karvara in as a drawback for the memes, but I don't recall saying "you must use 3e Supernal mechanics and canonise the Chivalry of Death, which is literally just normal Abyssal things but it's pointlessly vague if the Neverborn actually meant them" anywhere.

>only like some of them
Yeah, pretty much. Evocations are a weird spot where I like the idea of them but it also seems like in practice and based on the corebook examples they gimp what you can do with an artifact from the get-go. Something I think the devs have realised because looking at the example artifacts in later books you seem able to do way more without unlocking a new charmset.

I am considering all the things I have done with my life and will continue to do in the coming week, and seething about the existential ennui of being a mere cog in a malevolent planned economy by engaging in this self-insert mary sue fanfiction writing prompt

You had to be so specific for true safety that Mara built a little puzzle to communicate wishes instead of thinking or speaking them so her dumb monkey brain wouldn't accidentally do something like summon the Michelin Man while thinking about ice cream and just focus on hitting the panels so Riven would have no room to screw her.

>just choose not to grant wishes
Absolutely, yeah

In the sense YOU mean? There are far easier ways to get waifus, like trying to fuck a Hive Wizard. Riven abused the shit out of that wish to string Uldren along into nearly freeing her with a mere illusion. I cannot stress enough Taranis was an extreme outlier in terms of being a good faith wish dragon.

(Mara is technically Uldren's sister not his waifu but he simped for her to a level some men don't even devote to their actual waifus)
Oh right also the initiative system. I disliked how ticks work since it was hard to explain to players.
Same, I got the work that I told my boss would be done in five months done in a week. Now I'm just going to laze around getting paid handsomely for doing absolutely fuck all
I liked the Catian waifu and Rabbitan secretary from Asobi ni Iku yo the dog girl was gross tho
It cant be a decade. Really?

Eh its a fun hobby I can do for free while working. It costs me nothing.

My day went pretty good, got a raise of $1 an hour, been getting some overtime, made some money in star citizen and got a new ship with in game currency. Pretty good. I just am constantly paranoid that whenever a day is going too good there is going to be a counterbalance somewhere waiting to fuck me which tinges every good day with a sense of unease and paranoioa.
>seething about the existential ennui of being a mere cog in a malevolent planned economy by engaging in this self-insert mary sue fanfiction writing prompt
eh, it's not any less malevolent then your average unplanned economy.
or semi-planned economy.
really, all economies are founded on evil.
Hidden Dragon or Dreaming of Dragons.
Got scorched by heat and humidity. Got rained on. Got covered in mud and chewed on by my dog. Got to tard wrangle my other family. Got to do dishes. The usual.
Continuing to fiddle with my chain. Jingle jangle.
>....mechanics? I remember naming one of the perks after one of the 3e Charms as well as throwing Karvara in as a drawback for the memes, but I don't recall saying "you must use 3e Supernal mechanics and canonise the Chivalry of Death, which is literally just normal Abyssal things but it's pointlessly vague if the Neverborn actually meant them" anywhere.
I never said it was all 3e I meant stuff like you have in Modern an item its extra easy to get evocations for. I don't like how supernals work but my general assumption is you can hybridize 2e and 3e to whatever makes sense and isn't completely broken in context whether that be lore or mechanics.
I like that one who's your rival in Yugioh GX. Mainly because later in my chain she gains the ability to Yugioh battle people to death, which is both funny and cool.
High School DxD?
I have like 5 jump wips that could be done if I could just stay motivated. Maybe I should work and finish them all then drop them in thread all at once.
Apply Scroll of Errata carefully, some of its decisions are questionable.
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Just continuing to write my fic while at work and post here.
I'm conflicted on the initiative system. On the one hand yeah ticks are already quite abstracted. On the other hand it also means 3e combat leans towards either you rushdown the other guy and BTFO him with onslaught penalties and QUICK SHOTS and just unloading absolutely everything, you get rushed down, or you end up in an awkward stalemate

The prior combat systems were far from perfect and I'm aware things aren't as frenetic if you don't minmax for unfairly advantage enemies but...it feels like the system leans towards encouraging you towards all or nothing, if that makes sense?

Also I'm really sad at how boring Solar Melee is in 3e, fluffwise. I do approve of Solar Brawl leaning fully into DBZ, though.

True, I'm not up to date on how much organ harvesting Murrica does but you guys have MKULTRA

>it's the same in the West too
I'm not sure if I should be depressed or relieved.
If I blasted the DxD Underworld to smithereens, would anything really be lost?
That is called the fuckening and it is always right around the corner.
Yeah but I literally can't even find the errata that anon is claiming exists.
OH shit, I forgot about that, yeah that's fair. Brain full of Destiny junk from trying to get through Darkness before Shadow of the Erdtree drops.
>True, I'm not up to date on how much organ harvesting Murrica does but you guys have MKULTRA

Less than china but more than japan. Its more cost effective to just sell the whole person, which btw is rampant in the usa right now.
All the hot devil chicks and the refugees would flood the Earth.
Page 15.
>Superior equipment only comes in fine and exceptional forms—all references to perfect equipment are now treated as exceptional equipment.
>I'm not sure if I should be depressed or relieved.
Look, it's always like this. You take a job, you lie to your boss about how hard it's going to be by an order of magnitude, then you collect the difference.
The sugar momma from Isekai peace
Yeah there are definite flaws to it, far from ideal. But if I have to choose between extremely rushdown combat or combat that I need to explain how ticks work twelve times in one combat I'm going to pick the former.
No, but if you killed everything in there the Angels will like you a lot.
I like the Misaki and Swire expies.
I have never been in that place.
Sounds based. There's only one God and man should neither pretend nor aspire to be Him.
Oh I was looking at the Nov 14, 2010 version. I'm just ignoring that.
Not just the west, Mexico has some near dirt wages. It was crap like that which made me move to Texas
>No, but if you killed everything in there the Angels will like you a lot.
NTA, but I wouldn't mind expanding my angel harem, guess I gotta go kill everybody.
Which type of saber is that?
I'm reading Redo of Healer. It's neat seeing the edits the anime made to the story. In the original Keyaru's sister mom dies biting off her tongue while being raped in front of her husband and there's no part where he sees her again. Also I'm pretty sure the sword hero is a man in this version.
I didn't ask.
I remember Gaunlet taking issue with the Scroll of Errata version of Piercing, so you should be fine. SoE also has fun little bits like this.
>Without special powers that explicitly allow it, no one may spend motes to ignore the ritual ingredients of thaumaturgical procedures.
Despite the fact that the ritual ingredients are there to substitute for the motes a mortal doesn’t have.
Fairy/Steel type
The Company Formerly Known As White Wolf's idea of God is a control freak who may have blown himself up smiting Lucifer, so if you have to LARP as a good Christian boy this is literally the worst franchise you could have chosen to.

I remember getting a commission off someone who lives in Mexico for like...a good restaurant's set dinner where I live, and him thanking me profusely for keeping the lights on in his house for another week.

I was so confused I actually stopped being horny to have a conversation with him to ascertain that yes, apparently the money I use to wine and dine myself here can keep a non-affluent Mexican from being thrown out on the streets for a month.
Working on jumps whilst watching RAW.
And I dont care if you asked.
>if I could just stay motivated.
Actually decent advice
That's doubly retarded since the entire reason you can exchange motes for resources is because you can channel essence.
>I was so confused I actually stopped being horny to have a conversation with him to ascertain that yes, apparently the money I use to wine and dine myself here can keep a non-affluent Mexican from being thrown out on the streets for a month.
It's called exchange rate, anon. I could literally buy a GOOD dinner with 2 dollars here on Brazil.
You know what they say about broken clocks.
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If you do it as a humie in a heroic fashion the Valkyries will also love you.
Caster type, I think
Don't Valkyries become as weak as mortal women if you have sex with them?
Exchange rate means that 1 dollar is 20 mexican peso. There's a reason why tourists barely notice they're being fleeced to hell and back when they take trips to third world countries and why third worlders want to go to the USA so much: it doesn't matter if you're earning pennies and living in a ditch, each half of your minimum wage you send to your family is another month they get to live, and live well.
Speaking of which. Shard, being Chinese and all, have you encountered any Triads in Hong Kong? Back in Mexico, my uncle met a couple of cartel tards a few times when he was buying some booze
Yeah but that's fucking insane, I literally cannot fathom my pocket change being worth a fortune in Brazil

>fleeced to hell
Ah, so it's like Vietnam. Actually kind of sad when you realise how much of the good cheer and constant party time is because most of the local economy depends on white people coming over for a good time and not caring where their money goes.
>3e removed prayers giving you motes because the devs were that scared of the mote economy, now praying to an Exalt just gives them warm fuzzy vibes in the form of WP.
The 2E version of Cult 5 gives 6 motes an hour, a rank 3 Manse or the occasional stunt can equal that.
Important to note in 3e you gain motes every turn just by being in combat so the mote economy is mainly a matter of out of combat concern.
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Remember how much fun you had in C2077 using tech weapons to railgun people through walls when they couldn't even see you coming?

You really think the corpos don't own any of those?

The enemies in C2077 being polite enough to not use them on V is a game balance mechanic, because nobody would play the game if you kept getting headshotted by unseen enemies from across the map and through the building. But jumpchain settings are not polite, don't care if the average player is having fun or not, and do not nerf themselves with 'game balance', you are playing in Honor Mode 24/7 and the bad guys will gladly cheapshot you in un-fun ways.
Who are you asking?
So like, you know how Wisconsin and Detroit are basically different worlds? I live in a gated community specifically to never rub shoulders with potential organ harvestmen. It's a long way from the city in the rural districts technically, but interlopers aren't welcome unless they're here to clip trees or wash walls generally.

There are unpleasant folks here, it's just work and leisure have generally kept me far from them because I hate the drinking culture and love my liver.

That's the thing. It's such a pittance of motes and it matters so little in 3e that removing it feels awfully petty.
Might want to delete that. Jannies don't like cameltoe.
I've seen it posted many times in the past, so I'll take my chances.
I don't know what point you're trying to make when I just slapped on a gorillion more Sandies than David ever did and ran literal rings around Adam Smasher. I'm assuming Adam is supposed to actually be a powerhouse in the actual setting yes, and not a chump you can out-box.
Based choice of words.
The enemy does use Smart guns in the game. Which can still shoot you behind walls. I think the only reason they don't "have" tech weapons is the same reason their bullets don't ricochet, it would be a lot more projectile calculation. Having good augs helps mitigate the concern of tech weapons a lot or you know hacking their cams and then disabling their firearms.
>things in jumps based on videos games are not exactly like they are in the video games
Lies and slander.
To be honest I didn't discover the meta of shooting people through walls via tech weapons until my third playthrough. I went deep into quickhacks, grenades, and sniping people from as far away as I could get until I got a high quality Sandevistan, then I re-specced into being a superspeed crack addict with a katana. Worked out pretty well for me.
I miss the OG Legendary Ping.
>Worked out pretty well for me.
Canonically, it didn't.
Works for Morgan black hand.
Canonically most people don't even have automatic guns.
David was just a slightly above average guy who lucked out and got an experimental prototype, V is not only built different but has access to way better overall gear.

Unless you mean "V canonically dies unless the blue eyed dude has a secret cure up his sleeve" which yeah, fair.
Don't spew bullshit, enemies spawn with tech and smart weapons, and they do shoot you through cover - especially when you're crouched behind chest high walls.
We will see how cash money those corpos are when I blow their orbital infrastructure and blockade their ports.
V still does canonically beat Smasher even if he is a chump in game that doesn't mean that if you go into the jump a dying V still can't manage it. Early game V can punch out Cyberpsychos even before he does the big op and after the big op his learning is supercharged due to having two minds one body, skill feeding directly into his brain, a mutable brain that can adapt to most cyberware, etc. They are just a freak of nature.

Does it justify Adam Smasher dying like a bitch in game? No. But its at least plausible especially if you want to wank it as Alt was weakening Smasher during the fight which is possible.
Canonically absolutely nothing worked out for V; they were as good as dead the moment they walked into Konpeki Plaza. But my build got me through Don't Fear The Reaper multiple times, so I'm calling it a win in my books.
That was exactly what I meant.
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Rested. Talk to cousins about work. Played Master Duel & ripped people’s nuts off with my shitty Gate Guardian/Chimera deck. Will go back to work on chain/jump in a few hours.
We will get a lucky break eventually.
Also may or may not have saved the president, overthrown a dictator and sent a living WMD to the moon or captured her.
>Canonically the most humane and cost effect option to assault Arasaka is to throw tactics completely out the window, listen to the washed up terrorist/falseflag corpo proxy/rockstar living rent free in your head, and go Columbine on everything the corp can throw at you including Smasher by yourself
>It fucking works and you don't even have to die immediately after the assault

Conclusion: Corpos are scared of provoking people into realising that action movie hero logic beats strategy every time.
Inbetween Library of Ruina cyberware, Metal Gear Rising cyberware and Cyberpunk cyberware, who comes out on top? Consider the lowest chumps, the average guys and the top tiers
Arasaka was also in disarray due to the fact that its in the middle of a civil war, their leader is dead and Yorinobu may sorta kinda want you to win.
It's 100% Library of Ruina cyberware, with only people like Raiden and Armstrong (with Monsoon close by) having any chance to compete. Cyberpunk is trashed by both sides.
>Early game V can punch out Cyberpsychos even before he does the big op
NTA but that just reminded me of my first playthrough of Cyberpunk where I was trying to take down one cop cyberpsycho-the one with invisibility, the one whose buddies all said they'd help her but then immediately turned around and sent a militech kill squad to deal with. I didn't know how to even take someone down nonlethally at the time, so my best guess was to take her down unarmed. I wasn't even level 10 at the time, didn't have any notable cyberware, I just went in with my fists raised and punched, parried, and punched some more until she was down for the count. One of the dumbest and funniest things I've done in game to date.
Top Tier cyberware: Ruina, MGR, Cyberpunk
Lowest Chumps: MGR, Ruina, Cyberpunk
Average: Ruina, MGR, Cyberpunk.
I would say LIbrary of Ruina but the MGR universe is batshit insane enough I'm not entirely sure if I want to bet on how the setting would have escalated if Revengeance got a sequel.

I mean, canonically Desperado can build robots with Mistral and Monsoon's combat specs. After Armstrong's death, who knows what would've been done with all the combat data left in his organisation?
I want to say Lowest Chumps in MGR are better than Ruina since pretty sure bottom of the barrel cybernetics are only slightly superhuman and middling. Where as in MGR that still leaves things like nanomachines that completely links the senses of a squad with full command and control capabilities + full body cyborg police.
Never mind the 2nd part. The sword Hero is just a crossdressing Lesbo
But what if I just want a wish dragon waifu that makes monkey paw wishes? Like they become waifu and in exchange they get access to worlds where they won't be stopped from making bad faith wishes.
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I know I have no right to say this after DxD, but why are you doing this to yourself?
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(You)r type.
Let's not forget the fucking claytronics and the strong AIs. I'm pretty sure Revengeance would NEED to be the end of the playable timeline because otherwise they're already on the cusp of Singularity.
It may be a version behind, but this remains the peak Cyberpunk aesthetic.
The absolute state of Shiroufags.
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My robots have hit puberty, what do i do?
Desperado troopers beat Brotherhood of Iron-tier guys but otherwise they get massacred by everyone else.
And I'm pretty sure Cyberpunk goes down to even the shitters of MGR.
I baited myself into thinking this was a series with a save state power (it isn't). Now I'm committed.

To be fair, it's kinda fun to read in a way. Like, just doing spot the difference with the anime.
Artoria is trash her alt timeline sister who gaslights herself into being (you)r wife is better
Nah, Artoria Saber remains the superior choice, FGOfags need not apply.
Re Zero was right there, dude...
Even in her own game Medusa and Medea are better
Restore to last good configuration.
For me, it's Morgan.

(The real Morgan, not the weird autistic fairy from FGO)
Isn't Morgan technically also an Artoria?
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Damn son.
>And I'm pretty sure Cyberpunk goes down to even the shitters of MGR.
Depends on the individual. I think any "Legend" can beat the shitters in MGR. There are many that wouldn't scoff at Geckos which still are stronger than the average robocop.
Respectable choice, if still wrong.
Medea is for the wobbling
I'm looking forward to it. I absolutely hate isekai like Redo of Healer or Rise of Shield Hero and love jumps based on series like them because it's fun to hate and smash the place up.
bat an eye, I mean.
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How do you feel about the classics?
What's Ruina cyberware like?
Oddly, or perhaps not that odd, most Breaker powers appear to just be energy transformations that enable or enhance other powers. In light of this combined with the fact that I'm a complete hack of a writer this blatant knock off is the preliminary Breaker 400.
>Living Lightning (400): You are able to transform yourself into a largely intangible body composed of lightning, control and sense nearby electricity, as well as generate it in various forms including hurling powerful bots at your enemies. Your body can partially shift into this state and will do this automatically in response to danger, making you almost impossible to hurt without exploiting the few weaknesses this form has. While simply getting wet isn’t a problem being submerged in water will drastically weaken this power to the point that water up to your waist will make it impossible to enter your Breaker state and objects made of rubber, in addition to their insulative properties protecting them from the worst of your power, can also strike you without triggering the usually automatic defense. In terms of sheer firepower you can rival Legend and while the more creative applications of your control over electricity may take more work to figure out than simply having dozens of different effects to add onto a bolt of lightning with time you might surpass him on that front if you’re clever with this.
Eh, not as good. Robocop's fun, but it's not "become a force of digital death whose merest glance kills dozens and whose passing enslaves machines to your will". There's always a place for rooty tooty guns and shooty that is better than human and punching things to chunky salsa, but being able to slow walk through a heavily armed military fortress and just make everyone who passes by you die because you turned your attention towards them for even a moment is just fucking amazing.
Morgan is a human-shaped schizoid tire fire I wouldn't trust to take care of a pet rock. Much less to have her mouth close to my dick.

Remember the golden rule: You can stick it in the crazy, but do not tell her your real name or take her home. And for fuck's sake do NOT put a ring on it.
As a Jumpmaker, I tend to look for things like what the stand out draws are for going to the setting. Unique powers, items and whatnot. Redo is somewhat short so far, but the Philosopher's Stone seems promising. It basically broadens the scope of what a type of magic can even do, which is why Keyaru could use his reverting healing magic to instead revert time. Could be fun to mess around with in other magic systems.
Oh sweet, this will be an excellent addition to my lightning Jumper's arsenal.
Really good, top tier guys can casually level buildings. And I do mean casually.
Okay but what if she can divine your true name through her mystical sight and uses your sperm to enact a sympathetic curse that binds your destinies together deeper than marriage?
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Start upgrading them of course!
Could be better. Had a blowup for some inconsequential reasons that stacked up. Went out walking until I got sunburn and legs went numb. Reevaluated life on that walk and how nothing really went the way I wanted. Also I really bit the fuck out of my tongue earlier today. Just crunched that motherfucker. Still hurts.

You doing alright in your neck of the woods?
You kill yourself, ensuring she will have to follow.
That's what Ars Nova is for.
>So how's you all's day going?
That's rough, buddy.
You kill her.
The duality of man?
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You say that but I'd be surprised if a lightning jumper doesn't already have what I'm clearly getting this idea from.
It is what it is, Zuko.
I mean that’s the 1980’s Robocop. The 2077 version would be a lot more impressive.
Do people really jump One Piece tho?
How to ensure it sticks?
I think so; there are waifus, good powers, and people that a jumper would want to beat the shit out of which all tend to be big draws for a jump.
Particularly sharp rock.
Tell Val to stop drinking and to treat you better.
What if she raises you back up as an undead dread knight to be her husband for all eternity?
Is it a good idea to put an option in to buy already being at a high level in litRPG type jumps or should everyone just start at level 1?
What would you say is the OTB of Toaru, ignoring "being the protagonist".
She can't do that, fortunately.
I mean, we have Overlord with Realm of the Heroes and Level 100.
How fast is leveling in world?
It depends how you structure the rest of the Jump or plan to structure it. Do you want options that reference higher levels without immediately providing them? Do you think the purchases work at both Level 1 or say 10? 20? Are the drawbacks written with the intent of challenging one and not the other? I think the option is fine to provide, but whether it should is based on how you want to structure everything.
>What are Servants?
Summer Morgan has a ring which means some fucking how she did marry (you)
Copies of the original, meaning she won't ever have you for real. You'll be free and a clone will take the fall for you.
Except for (like a dozen exceptions). Many of which can be achieved via Raw Power. Like multiple Rhongomyniads of Raw Power.

There is no escape.
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You get this.
It's a plastic ring (you) gave her at a holiday festival so basically yeah that's as close to marriage as FGO can get
i would like that. always being high level regardless of the game system in question sounds like something to be smug about.
>sounds like something to be smug about.
Unless there's a dumb cheat/exploit that can only be used by level 1 players. You know how these isekais go, this isn't that improbable.
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I will know when the jump is finished.
Also probably Ars Magna + Luck + Level 5 Accelerator + Next Generation Brain
Konosuba exploits.
being the protagonist is not, in fact, the OTB of toaru. touma himself fucking dies multiple times, he just comes back, but jumper wouldn't come back because they would chainfail instead so don't try to be touma.
Probably not that fast for most people, though heroes are the exception (insert Todo pic here).

Like, Kureha Krylet is a legendary super soldier who has been fighting in countless battles as a one woman army since she was a little kid and she's in the mid 40's, near the high end cap of human potential since people have individual level caps. She's probably only 16-18 because LN but most people aren't killing anywhere near this amount of enemies, let alone by themselves instead of with a party (meaning she's getting 4x the XP)

Actually, there could even be a potential purchase for having a higher level cap/talent values
>Lathe Preference.
Wait, how?
And now the Blaster 400.
>Irresistible Force (400): From your body you can emit a large fast-moving explosion of irresistible pure force at will, while sufficiently durable targets could potentially survive being hit with such a force these blasts are All-or-Nothing effects and nothing short of losing a conflict with a similarly Perfect obstacle can really obstruct them. Thrown out with full force and no other thought you’d release perfectly spherical bursts moving as fast as blastics of sufficient size to see small buildings simply vanish into clouds of debris. If you wish however you may shape these blasts for improved range or precision, potentially just poking holes through anything not sturdy enough to be instead be rag dolled by such a force delivered over a potentially rice sized area. Fortunately you yourself are immune to your own blasts; unfortunately you gain no particular defense against becoming an immediate high value target the instant you fire one off, other than simply blocking incoming attacks with more boom of course.
>r_omnicodex:0 "The Omnicodex"
>r_omnicodex_desc:0 "Eons ago a benevolent race of Cyborgs set out to ensure the perpetuation of biological life by sampling and indexing every race in the galaxy, to ensure that any extinction event need not be permanent. While their goal of galactic salvation was eventually thwarted by foolish zealots and a disgusting Hivemind, their legacy remains."
>ancrel.6000.name:0 "Omnicodex"
>ancrel.6000.desc:0 "The Omnicodex contains detailed genetic data on thousands of sapient species that once inhabited the galaxy. Our geneticists could use that data to revive an extinct species on one of our planets.\n\nOnce we have selected a planet, the geneticists will go through the Omnicodex and pick a species suitable to its climate."
>ancrel.6000.a:0 "[planet_option_1.GetName]"
>ancrel.6000.a.tooltip:0 "§Y3 Pops§! of a new species with random traits are spawned on §Y[planet_option_1.GetName]§!"
Sypnatic Lathe is (spaghetti coded as) a planet.
That's how it works gameplay wise. The lore implications of this however, are kinda staggering.
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If you wanna be realistic, V should've been forced to blow their own brains out after getting hacked by a random Netrunner at the very start of the game.
Man I haven't had a chance to play Stellaris since Eridanus, how's the game going?
Cosmogenesis fun.
New machine content fun.
New Synth Queen crisis railroaded as shit but fun.
God Overtuned + Augementation Bazaar Megacorp to max out trade value is busted.
Still trying to figure out Cybernetic Creed.
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>No meme hands
>Next Generation Brain
What's that?
I can't build the Horizon Needle, what's up with that? There's some implication it's to be used with a black hole but I can't build it in a black hole system, either. Obviously I have all the resources. I can choose it but there's nowhere I can place it.
Could he beat Gojo tho
Meant to build it in your home system.
I have no idea what most of those worlds mean, but more machine content sounds nice. They were normally pretty boring. Can they trade now or something?
Also the Free tier Breaker power, as not 'all' breaker powers involve turning into something weird.
>Gravity Modulation (Free): Through control of gravity’s effect on your own person you can choose which direction is ‘down’ for you at any given time, potentially to the point of allowing you to fly simply by making whatever direction you wish to go ‘down’ or hover in place by rapidly reversing the direction. Your control over your personal gravity can also extend to anything that’s no more than five times heavier than yourself; this wears off after exactly seven seconds and is not Manton limited, with predictable results for anyone you send flying straight up with a tap. This comes with an immunity to most fall damage even without actively using your power, a complete cure to any vertigo, and an exceedingly strong stomach for sudden changes in acceleration.
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Yeah, they let you be individualistic machines from the getgo now, with ethics, happiness and trade and all. Plus, new (madly busted) ascensions for them as well.
Cosmogenesis is the new player Crisis type.
There can only be one Imagine Breaker at the time. It's a big rule. You either take the option and replace Touma or basically steal it from him.
Yes if he knows how cursed energy works
big brain perk
>Yes if he knows how cursed energy works
What does he do about Domain Expansion?
>basically steal it from him.
I can barter with him.
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Honestly I'm just amazed the devs realized this could happen and instead of patching it out or ignoring it they wrote a custom description for the new preference.

Also, is the Omnicodex a fucking Halo reference!

>a benevolent race of Cyborgs
The Forerunners with the Mantle of responsibility.

>set out to ensure the perpetuation of biological life by sampling and indexing every race in the galaxy
The conservation project to stone genetic samples on the Ark

>to ensure that any extinction event need not be permanent.
Brining everyone back after firing the Halo arrays.

>their goal of galactic salvation was eventually thwarted by foolish zealots and a disgusting Hivemind, their legacy remains."
The Flood, and I'm guessing either the Covenant or the ancestors of the Prophets?

It just seems extremely similar now that I'm reading it.
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I mean in the sense that if you take the Imagine Breaker in the doc Touma just suddenly loses it in-setting.
To the confusion of a lot of people
Idk how the jjk world works to be honest.
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The devs took some inspiration from the Gigastructures mod?
Attending to a ghost-themed Chain, working on a couple other personal projects, trying to figure out which of my WIPs I want to finish if any or if I want to start a new Jump entirely, so on and so forth. If I could just pick one and stick with it until it's at a point I'm satisfied with, that'd be great, but no matter how many times I tell myself to do that, no matter how many times I manage it for maybe an hour or two, it doesn't stick.
>To the confusion of a lot of people
I think the amount of shit a Jumper would get for suddenly walking around with IB almost balances out the fact that they'd have fucking IB.
What is there to make a geographic area bigger on the inside? Like to make a 50 mile across forest the size of a continent once you enter it? Ideally without having to do upkeep on it.
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The other option is that jumper suddenly is Touma.
and that confuses even more people
The FE buildings are busted as fuck.
Wouldn't this fuck up Gremlin and Crowley plans very badly?
Generic Creepy Pasta has a perk for that.
I haven't played this shit since you could choose your own hyperspace method, what the fuck's a Lathe?
>Idk how the jjk world works to be honest.
Gojo can expand his domain (basically a reality marble from Fate), stretching it out outwards from him to encompass everything in a big radius into his inner world. The instant you're in there you get brain damage and can no longer think, which lasts varying lengths of time depending on how resilient the victim is.
>Touma gains a fistful of EXTRA harem perks overnight
Domain expansions would probably hit him, but mostly because they have a sure hit effect on them.
So, is the standard Stellaris galaxy finally stronk enough to match up against 40k?
>Honestly I'm just amazed the devs realized this could happen and instead of patching it out or ignoring it they wrote a custom description for the new preference.
From what I've read from the dev commentary, the Synaptic Lathe is a massive work of code wizardry, so it kinda makes sense they took care of that.
>It just seems extremely similar now that I'm reading it.
Well, here's the loc, directly.
"Ruined World"
"Massive, dilapidated structures cover the entire surface of this world. At one time, this city-planet must have been home to billions - but now it is empty. Whoever lived here must have left clues about what happened to them, but finding them will require a detailed examination of the surface."
"After much fruitless sifting through the ruins, a number of clues directed our search towards remains of a kind of planetary data processing- and storage center. If we can find a way to gain access to whatever records remain, they will be invaluable for unraveling this planet's mysterious past."
"Once we found an entrance to the data center and forced passage through the wreckage, it was a surprisingly easy task to reactivate- and interface with the computer systems. Self-repairing circuits and learning algorithms quickly came online to restore limited functionality, and communicate with our own computers"
"The cause for this burst of activity quickly became clear: This planet was once the capital of a machine empire known as "The Omnicodex." Named for their driving purpose, the Omni were a hybrid of robots and cyborgs who had attempted to assimilate samples of all biological life in the galaxy, in order to prevent their extinction in the face of unknown galactic calamity."
"Before their downfall, the Omni managed to sample a great deal of races, and much work was put into developing a device capable of re-creating them if the need should ever arise. This device - The Omnicodex proper - is apparently stored somewhere nearby."

Already was. 40k would lose to modern Earth.
Is the Synaptic Lathe SUPPOSED to be utterly, brokenly overpowered?
I'm not entirely unconvinced that the whole Cosmogenesis progression isn't a Halo reference. An endgame Stellaris civ (and the Fallen Empires) are basically the Forerunners already and if you go Cosmogenesis you just flat-out become the Precursors and are able to edit the laws of reality and all physical and mental principles on at least a galactic scale on demand.
The Omnicodex has been unearthed. This unique device contains the genetic sequence of every race that the Omni were able to sample, and can re-create them using only basic elements as raw materials. Unfortunately, it seems the Omni did not have time to perfect it before meeting their annihilation, so there is no means of selecting which of the many sampled races would be created in any given activation of the device."
Yeah, but I feel like if I did that, I'd try to fairly compensate him. Dude suffers a lot.
... I mean kinda? Although, the "you have to do research to get past the bullshit shield the crisis has" is closer to the Blokkats/Compound than the Katzer.
Anyway, it's arguable to which is more railroaded. Sure, Kattail is written to have bullshit time travelling quantum immortality but (on reasonable difficulties that don't assume you've taken ACoT), you can just blow him up before the big battle moon gets operational. Meanwhile with Cetana, you have to watch her slaughter all FEs, which really sucks if you have Scion as your origin.
>"A colossal reservoir computing system designed to connect billions of sentient beings, organic or synthetic, via an intricate array of cables, transistors, and life support pods. The intensive strain on individual processing organs will inevitably lead to brain damage for any networked 'component.'"
Arguably was since Nemesis.
Doesn't that only work on buildings?
Also where would I have time to make a building the size of a continent in under 10 years?
>An endgame Stellaris civ (and the Fallen Empires) are basically the Forerunners already
That's an insult to an endgame Stellaris civ. Mine would NEVER be defeated by some retard with a gun and his traitorous AI wife.
>sufficiently durable targets could potentially survive being hit
>these blasts are All-or-Nothing
I don't understand this bit, these two descriptors sound contradictory.

The first part makes it sound like sufficiently tough, but otherwise mundane, objects could potentially tank it. The rest of it sounds like the force comes from physics fuckery, and without your own fuckery you're fucked.
It's a giant machine that you can feed pops to, in exchange for absolute fuckloads of science points.
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Of the ones I've read, White Chocolate from Sevens. She thinks the world of you since you kinda helped her not die, and has a simple dynamic even if you lean toward the idea that she somehow ends up as yandere as some of the other locals. Not sure if she'd be the one of the only things keeping my mopey ass from going full edgelord or the worst (best) enabler were it an actual chain. Apparently, there's a nonzero chance of her being some thinly veiled unknowable terror if the slop mines have anything to say about it, but that might actually explain why she's so weirdly perceptive and good with animals...
On a note related to said jump, a manga version for Seventh just got rolling near the end of last month. MC looks like much less of a babyface and the sister has a presence that feels like it'd be at home in Akame ga Kill.
It's a Paradox GSG DLC only features.
I think that answers your question.
If anything it feels fairly useless. Sure, it can generate a lot of research if you stuff in a lot of pops, but the upkeep gets astronomical and it chews through those pops quickly. I just use it as a dumping ground for xeno slaves.
>Meanwhile with Cetana, you have to watch her slaughter all FEs, which really sucks if you have Scion as your origin.
If you took Scion you're playing on easy mode already.
And, arguably more importantly, 'Advanced Logic', the very secrets behind the inner workings of theu niverse.
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When he isn't busy jobbing accelerator can mess with magic thanks to his loli squid demon. I guess it depends a lot on how much info Accel has on how these things work.
>The instant you're in there you get brain damage and can no longer think, which lasts varying lengths of time depending on how resilient the victim is.
Depends on how much it affects his connection to the misaka network and his wings
Given that he is brain damaged already.
>Here lies Touma, he died of snu snu.
Dude, Misaki was about to blow him in the hospital, Lessar is basically ready 24/7 for him and Ann would have gotten all the way with him if not for Othinus cockblocking.
More harem perks.... god damn.
>Yeah, but I feel like if I did that, I'd try to fairly compensate him. Dude suffers a lot.
I can understand that, good call anon.
Well nothing can stop the walls of force, they will bulldoze anything without slowing down even slightly. But if something is tough enough they might be rag dolled by the unstoppable force instead of being reduced to a fine mist by it.
NTA, but Elden Ring is far more important than Destiny, so people would (understandably) think you'd prioritize preparing the update for that.
So, does Cosmogenesis end with your civ realizing what the Vultaum did or did they retcon that
You know what I just recently discovered that's really funny? You know the Machine Assembly Plant? It's the building everybody gets that gives a planet Replicator jobs. Well, it's limited to just 1 per planet. So you can only ever get 3 Replicator jobs after you upgrade it. Right?

You know what ISN'T limited to 1 per planet? The Robot Manufacturing Nexus, the Fallen Empire building that's unlocked at Crisis Level 4. Which gives 2 Replicator jobs and then 5 after you upgrade it. And you can build as many of them as you have building slots. If you stack this with Modularity and Machine Worlds you can get upwards of +250 pop assembly on a planet. And you can do this to as many planets as you want. A fun thing I did was basically offshore your actual robot assembly to a handful of Habitats and build Transit Hubs in those systems. Then they just fill up your planets through auto-migration. It's fucking wild.
Doing their special research project gives you progress on the Cosmogenesis Crisis path.
So, who knows really.
Can you make so buying IB makes it so Touma can have a happy life?
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Stellaris has been able to stomp 40k since the Nemesis DLC added Star Eaters and a gigantic bomb capable of annihilating the entire galaxy.

Even before that was a thing you could already make your empire a slightly watered down version of DAoT humanity, and pump out NOT! Space Marines at the same rate the Imperium can pump out regular guardsmen.
I guess that makes sense.
>and pump out NOT! Space Marines
Or spam Titans (maybe they're knights) if you're a Machine Empire/have the Cybrex War Forge (in which case they're definitely Titans).
Did they fix ground combat so it isn't a slog
a +400 drawback.
>The Shadow of All Things (+400): Despite all the horrors inflicted on the denizens of Creation by the Primordials they were not truly evil, merely alien and unable to see such small beings as worthy of consideration. With one crucial exception. The Ebon Dragon is, by definition, the worst being to ever exist. Literally. His entire existence is defined by his opposition to and lack of anything that could be considered a virtuous or even positive trait. It is his work that turned the Champions of Creation into twisted mirrors of themselves, both in causing their madness and enabling the corruption of half of the Solars. It would not be wrong to say that everything wrong with Creation was in some way the fault of the Ebon Dragon. In taking this, he yet lives and halfway through your time here he will arrive to make everything worse for everyone, even himself. Perhaps the biggest saving grace to this is that out of all the Primordials, perhaps of all beings in existence, he is the biggest coward, the most prone to screwing himself over, and the least likely to find real allies of any kind. Unfortunately you will not remember taking this, no actually maybe it is fortunate. . . yes it is a kindness that you won’t worry is it not?
Man with Gun conquers all things.
They added orbital bombardment surrenders, which let you take planets without landing troops on them.
Loses to Middle-Aged Man Searching For His Wife
care to explain that one anon?
Out of curiosity, how good is cloaking tech/cloaking detection tech in 40k?
I'm playing spiritualist so no assembly. I'm fully specced into pop growth but for some reason it takes something like 20 years for a new pop to grow on a freshly colonized planet. I'm guessing growth is scaled against total pop amount in my whole empire instead of just on the planet in question which, frankly, is retarded.
Running joke: since the writers don't know shit about weapons, some 40k vehicles (mainly Imperial ones) apparently have worse specs then WWII weaponry.
Not even the Power of Friendship can beat Stellaris, sorry.
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I can but I won't.
>Misaki was about to blow him in the hospital
I will now read ToAru.
But where the fuck do I even start? I'm a secondary and watched Index 1 & 2, all of Railgun, and read some of the Railgun manga.
It's been like that since 3.0, to fix the end game lag.
The Imperium's largest battles canonically involve a few million men and a few thousand tanks and all their tech is shit. Literally the only thing 40k has is space ships and even then 99% of the time battles are fought on the ground so it doesn't matter.
There's only so much I can do before the DLC is actually released, so we'll see.

On another note, making Xivu Arath the primary Hive narrator is giving me SAN loss because of how she's hawking all the weapons with CAPS LOCK. I feel like I'm writing a combination of Gohanposter and the ShamWow guy.
Dick got you too, huh?
auspex are basically tricorders for anyone who actually knows how to use it, so it ranges from Star Trek 'atomic frequencies' and 'life signs' to the dumber folk who can't even get anyting but radar running in a war machine the size of a space station. It's fucking random.
Last time I checked it was both. Each pop costs more total assembly then the last and that's based on the planet, but they also cost a bit more based on the total pops on your empire. Total pops BUILT, I think, which you will definitely realize when you run a death cult and the diminishing pop growth starts to eat into your bottom line.
Tetrajoule broadsides.
>Didn't watch Accelerator and the movie
That's just kind of sad. I mean, damn. I knew that superheavy tanks were a poor choice, but you'd think that scifi supertech was making up for the advantage. Guess not.
>On another note, making Xivu Arath the primary Hive narrator is giving me SAN loss because of how she's hawking all the weapons with CAPS LOCK
Why not Oryx?
>It's fucking random.
I see. I'm mostly just asking because Stellaris empires can get some pretty hefty cloaking put onto their ships, which I feel people tend to ignore in these discussions.
A less awful drawback.
>Unintentional Nudity Instigation (+100): For unknown reasons issues pertaining to the loss of any clothing you might wear are going to be an issue going forward, sometimes this will merely be the topic coming up but you ending up disrobed in less than entirely appropriate circumstances seem to happen with unusual frequency and often at times that make redressing yourself more difficult or inconvenient as well such as in the middle of a conflict or even just far from any source of fresh clothing. Alchemicals do have the means to make this somewhat less improper but they also have issues of Clarity making them less caring about their nudity, likely to the chagrin of themselves after the mechanical fugue of Clarity is no longer in the way of embarrassment.
Man looking at the actually up to date Scroll of Errata I found a lot of things I actually like. The fact charm combos are just a thing you can do if you know the charms is a great change.
There's also the famed 4 joule broadside barrage. It's in Rogue Trader - BattleFleet Koronus:
>"Look at her, son. Isn't she a beauty? Over two hundred Vulcan mega-bolter defence turrets, fifteen tetrajoule Sunsear las-broadsides, prow plating ten metres thick, the finest auspex masts in the battlefleet… And the lines on her! Fluted prow, elegant statuary… those xenos scum won't know what hit them!" – Bosun Phineas Jhule tempts fate at the embarkation of the Fire of Heaven
For the record, if have a 1.5 liter water bottle in front of me, a 60 joule broadside would raise its temperature by... about .01 Celsius. Being exposed to the sun for a few seconds deals more damage then top-tier Imperium ships, apparently.
Oh lord, that sounds like an anti-feat. One of those massive writing mistakes that gets pointed out when folks are feeling catty about a setting.
Easy trick just stay at max clarity and you won't get embarrassed plus you get bonus dice.
>NOT! Space Marines
Inferior in every way to Xenomorphs. Except for Collateral Damage I guess but nobody seriously gives a shit about that and I doubt 90% of players even know what Collateral Damage does.
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In-universe they probably accept that their reality is a simulation, but instead of becoming suicidal they decide to see if they can hack it and install a bunch of mods.

An Endgame Machine Empire in 40k, especially after the latest update, would be absolutely terrifying to all the locals. I doubt even Chaos could do jack shit to stop it.
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What, like the stuff Flash does every so often?
Functionally, seeing as the Dark Eldar and a number of minor raider Xenos like the Slaught all use cloaking and fool auspex I'd say Stellaris might have the edge there.
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>But where the fuck do I even start? I'm a secondary and watched Index 1 & 2, all of Railgun, and read some of the Railgun manga.
If you have seen the first seasons and railgun then you can hop into the light novels.

Usually the watch order is Index > Railgun > Railgun S > Index II > Movie > Accelerator > Railgun T > Index III
and then into the New Testament novels.
(if you want to can discard decelerator and the movie)

If you have seen all railgun already then just watch index 3 and hop into New Testament.
While this would mitigate the issues it would also see you frequently stripped out of any power armor you might make or acquire. Which Alchemical charms make an accessible option even if you don't have a tinker power.
Nah, that's an exacerbating statement. Basically an overblown thing he said, the Anti-Feats for the Flash are... well any time anything has ever touched him really.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how assmad would the Imperium be at jumpers end game Stellaris human empire just for existing?
Didn't the writer just misspell terajoule?
The Minamar absolutely would job to Master Chief though.
For Personification from Fate/British Empire would the avatars have memories of before you make them?
Like could you pull out the spirit of a house and get info about a murder that happened in it or would its memory only start after it comes into form and before that its vague knowledge of itself.
Depends on the Empire's ethics, government type and whole bunch of other things you should probably specify.
Think you missed the bottom part of the image pal.
They'd be extremely assmad until the Jumper Imperium altered reality to retcon all their Space Marines into crossdressing femboys in hot pink bikini power armor.
Because it's mostly talking about weapons and warfare, and Xivu is literally the Hive Goddess of War. The Hive's chief god is not a Zeus equivalent, he is a Hermes equivalent.
Who needs power armour when you have max installs of EXOSKELETAL ARMOR PLATING
15 terajoules is around 3.5 kilotons of TNT. Literally several times less yield yield then the Hiroshima & Nagasaki nuclear bombs. Not AS pathetic but still pathetic.
>Think you missed the bottom part of the image pal.
Sorry, read through the exacerbating statement that took up like 70% of the image and thought that was what was being shown off.

Yeah, that would be an Anti-Feat.
>a gigantic bomb capable of annihilating the entire galaxy.
What the fuck? That sounds wild, I need to pick one up for my galaxy killing needs.
maybe you shouldn't make any characters from the setting "narrators" because that's always been cringe as fuck
>An Endgame Machine Empire in 40k, especially after the latest update, would be absolutely terrifying to all the locals. I doubt even Chaos could do jack shit to stop it.
I mean, to play the Warp Daemon's advocate, there is Scrap Code. Then again, at that point a Machine Empire will have roughly a 1/4 chance of already having dealt with The Contingency's hacking.
>Collateral Damage
It kills pops! I need pops to feed into my ever growing economy!
My "human" empire currently has around a 5% amount of regular humans, with a 12% total of humans period.
The rest are xenos. The current president is a worm in a jar. None in the council is human.
Yeah they'd be pissed.
Galaxies are huge.
Do you really need to kill an entire galaxy that often?
Nta but the way it's written I think it's saying 15 blasters that are each 1 terajoule
Technically speaking it doesn't annihilate the entire galaxy, it converts every single star into a black hole. And also that isn't its actual intended purpose, that's just an unfortunate byproduct of the process of forcibly tearing down the barriers between reality and the not!Warp to transcend your whole species into a nigh omnipotent Chaos God.
Index III it is then. Thanks, Ric.
>Needing a weapon to destroy a galaxy
>that took up like 70% of the image
It's for the juxtaposition, or something.
That sounds like built in clothes, which will come off. But if intent on going high clarity you might as well also take this.
Metal Mind (+100): Many of the Charms and powers of the Alchemical Exalted cause or require them to enter an efficiency focused state referred to as Clarity. You however have a different but outwardly similar problem, you are just kind of like that. Similar to Armsmaster you are obsessive about living and acting efficiently as well as quite terrible with social skills in general, good enough looks might let you get a girl anyway but you’re going to be a buzz kill regardless. Should you be an actual Alchemical this will also make Clarity easier to build up, harder to shed, and cause worse penalties with no added benefits beyond what it normally provides.
That's even more pathetic. That's less yield then a blockbuster bomb. Literally 1945 technology tier.
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The xenomorph armies are my favorite, though personally I always imagine them having an extreme amount of diversity and aside from generic xenomorphs they also include stuff like Pokemon, hybrid dinosaurs, Resident Evil style BOWs, and Fallout mutants.

To be fair, cloaking is still a fairly recent addition to the game. And it doesn't really matter much since the A.I will literally never use it against you. Personally I've only ever tried it with my science ships to have them sneak into closed borders.

It's called the Aetherophasic Engine. Technically the galaxy destruction part is a side-effect of it's true purpose. It's supposed to send the civilization that builds it to the Shroud in order to become gods, but it's really ambiguous if it actually works, and now that we have the Cosmogenesis Ending I think it's more-or-less confirmed that the Nemesis path is just an elaborate form of murder suicide on a galactic scale.
It's at this point I'd like to regretfully point out, that despite being himself Armsmaster has game.
They're not YOUR pops yet. So it's not your problem. If they didn't want to be horrifically killed by nightmarish genetic monstrosities then maybe they should have surrendered to the orbital bombardment.
>Doesn't specify when in the Imperium's long ass timeline this is happening so I can't really respond well.
So! To use this to ask a different question! How pissed would a group of folks be if a Imperial Guard General got the ability and performed advanced serum research that made Felinid's into a superior warrior species to the Space Marines due to using a combination from HYDRA Centepde Project of a vast number of technologies (Including but not limited to; Super Soldier Serum, Ultimate Spider-man Symbiotes, Draka upgrades, training from Baki and Kengen Ashura, Chi, and manufactured Exaltations)?
I mean, given by how the Shroud starts to frantically try to stop the Engine from activating too, either that shit is for real or it's murder suicide in a more then galactic level.
>transcend your whole species into a nigh omnipotent Chaos God.
what the fuck x2
No, but the one time I actually DID want to kill a galaxy, I only had a universe killing bomb, so I had to make do. Fortunately it was 40K so there were few people I killed that didn't deserve or want to die.
>It's for the juxtaposition, or something.
Fair enough I guess, still it tripped me up and got me on the wrong point, on that I appolgized.
Anon, I can kick that shit down like a sandcastle anytime I want, I just like to commit unfathomable atrocities in STYLE, and doomsday devices are pretty stylish.
All pops are my pops, they just haven't realised it yet.
>. And it doesn't really matter much since the A.I will literally never use it against you
I have seen them use it, just not very effectively. Which is just the same thing.
And the recency thing is also true, especially since First Contact is a DLC/story pack that isn't really talked about too often.
I mean, considering the Zroni....
Tis all good. I did have other images of Flash's anti-feats but I just felt like using that one today.
>If they didn't want to be horrifically killed by nightmarish genetic monstrosities then maybe they should have surrendered to the orbital bombardment
It's sentences like this that make me proud of the Stellaris community.
You guys don't keep mindlessly pumping gigantic stacks of clone armies with a paragon commander?
I know that the higher tiers of Super could do that shit with their pinky, but actually seeing an entire galaxy being shattered like a glass plate by one person is both abstract and viscerally horrific.
>Tis all good. I did have other images of Flash's anti-feats but I just felt like using that one today.
And they (Super characters) have 'heavy equipment' that even they strain to be in. It's a fucking laugh.
I always assumed the alchemical built in armour is about as covering as anime level bikini armour like it gives you defense but you're still almost naked like Ushiwakamaru's armour from FGO.
It's up there with
>and that's how I sold an empire their own people as food
And perhaps the silliest sentence ever devised by a game community,
>hell, lizardpopes literally pay a chunk of their proceeds in prismatic walruses
... guess what game that one is.
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Have in mind that what you have seen + movie + index 3 is basically what will be covered in the jump
So tell me of anything you see that you want included.
First Contact has the two Minamar origins, Fear of the Dark, Pre-FTL insight techs and cloaking tech.
Clone Armies, at least the origin are in the humanoid portrait pack, and Paragons are from Galactic Paragon.
There's a weaker version that's subdermal and hidden but the better version is called Exoskeletal Armor Plating for a reason.
>when your invasion force consists of a whole bunch of different Army types
Answered the wrong post, I was trying to talk to the xenomorph guy.
Uh, which group of folks?
Imagine if they were lead by a Psionic Ascension Luminary too.
Chainbutt, your tutorial jump is one of the Souls games. Which do you choose?
Superweapons are cool.
Dark Souls 1. Just because it has 1 in it.
Does Elden Ring count as souls? If so that, if not then DS1.
Elden Ring, Darksouls and Bloodborne all count as options.
Yes. Everyone would hate it because it upsets the status quo and elevates mutants into a position of power.
Mugen Souls, because you weren't specific enough. It's probably just as dangerous if not moreso in some ways because NIS RPG numbers, especially if Mugen Souls Z is added to the mix.
Ah, gotcha.
>>93092876 Ah, gotcha.
Personally, I think people are sleeping on armies recruited from a species with Very Strong, Juiced Power, Noxious, Cybernetic, Integrated Weaponry, Ancient Dreadnought.
Armored Core 4/FA.
Sweet, then definitely Elden Ring.
The Zroni were the uncontested masters of Shroud manipulation. I wouldn't count them just because nobody before or since has matched them.
Dark Souls 2. It's by far the least dangerous and you legitimately can just be comfy in Majula with no horrible catastrophes or anything.
You said Souls, not Soulsborne. Don't be a faggot. Accept your mistake like a man.
Can I take Demon Souls. That is a souls game and you don't have to be undead. If so I do that.
The insanity introduced in Limbus regarding each of the Wings and their respective Nests is enough that I doubt MGR could realistically keep up.
Actually if Bloodborne is now acceptable I choose that one. I know it a bit better.
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>that awkward moment where you go back in time/through dimensions during an astral rift and either try to dissuade them or encourage the Zroni to breach the Shroud and annihilate
>this leads to the schism that ultimately annihilates their entire civilization
And that's how you accidentally became Satan to the Zroni people.
It is a souls game.
>It would not be wrong to say that everything wrong with Creation was in some way the fault of the Ebon Dragon.
And if there is something he’s not responsible for, rest assured he’ll take the blame.

>Alchemicals do have the means to make this somewhat less improper but they also have issues of Clarity making them less caring about their nudity, likely to the chagrin of themselves after the mechanical fugue of Clarity is no longer in the way of embarrassment.
Meanwhile the Solar method is to have so much self-confidence you aren’t bothered in the least.
>the A.I will literally never use it against you.
I get spammed with messages of caught cloaking attempts into my borders which is annoying in more ways than one. Why is there no diplomatic consequence for what's essentially an act of war?
The top level 'power' in the Exaltation power category.
>Solaroid (400): Standing as the mightiest among the Exalted and the true rulers of Creation’s First Age the Solars were once among the most powerful beings to ever live, while you’re centuries at least and likely millennia away from attaining the vast power held by the Lords of Creature during the First Age you now possess that same divine weapon grafted to your soul which served as the seed for that world shaping excellence. The powers of the Solars are simple and potent; they take their skills to extraordinary heights, bolster them to outrageous levels, and develop powers based on their excellence in those fields or the nature of the Unconquered Sun. Should you prefer a less conventional path however you may instead become one of the Solars less traditional siblings, an Abyssal who acts as a dark mirror of the Solars dedicated far more towards killing than even those who killed their universe’s creators or an Infernal twisted by those same creators to be their new Champions against the world stolen from them.
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>ring fingers + Brainwashing + Trace Empathy = Wedding Rings
>As with ring fingers, the user's fingers separate into 60 rings. When one of these rings ends up on a person's ring finger, that person will believe they are the user's wife and completely love the user and obey their commands. The effect only activates the first time the victim speaks after having the ring on their finger. Once the ring is removed, rhe effect will linger on the victim for ten times as long as the amount of time they had the ring on, meaning if they had the ring on for an hour, they would still believe they were the user's wife up to ten hours later
How evil is this power?
But anon, you would have no fingers because they will all be rings.
I only need to lose my fingers for one day and then I'm good for ten days.
>Why is there no diplomatic consequence for what's essentially an act of war?
Because you didn't declare war on the nation trying to sneak into your borders?
Can you declare war on someone for spying or sabotaging you and getting caught?
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Nice. However, I have protocols to uphold.
>while you’re centuries at least
You can if you're the Cloud village
>you’re centuries at least and likely millennia away
>you are centuries at least and likely millennia away
>Lords of Creature
Forget to add, this is one of those cases where the contraction doesn’t work even though the uncontracted version does.
Dammit, fixed.
And this one fucks with the formatting of my cleanly justified text. . . .
>If the empire had discovered the identity of the infesting empire, it gains the Diplomacy status Ate Our Star total war casus belli against that empire for 20 years.
In certain cases.
Well if you have to choose between slightly awkward word choices and bad formatting, always protect the formatting.
Is blowing up stars for kicks the only actual use case of spy networks
Too late, I'm now autistically rearranging and swapping out words in that line to maintain both.
Nta, but make sure to train until you don't need to go all in. Like, figure out how to separate just one ring from your hands. Or six rings, maybe. You can probably live without your pinky semi-permanently.
Spy networks are useful for having intel on empires that don't let you build embassies, at least.
Outside the very rare case you want to do stuff with the Galactic Imperium, the slight tech boosts from Steal Technology and information gathering... Yeah pretty much.
Anon, think about how many things you use your fingers for in daily life. One day will be a lot longer than you think.
Pinky is actually damn important. At least for grip strength and also swordsmanship.
Speaking of Stellaris, why'd they bother making the espionage system at all when it sucks so hard? It eats up an envoy assignment, the don't really amount to anything at all in effect and they require influence. Not to mention everything needs to be micromanaged. You can't just toss an operative at another empire have them get passively sabotaged in the background.
His waifus will be his hands.
There's got to be a mod that beefs it up, right
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Ah, an anon after my own heart.
I don't think that's very relevant here.
It's the same thing with spy shit in most strategy games, ether it's basically useless or it's really annoying when the AI uses it against you.
Swordmanship is always relevant in every Japanese IP.
If it was actually useful it would be insanely frustrating in multiplayer.
What about Spirits who don't gain motes for stunts?
People play multi-player? Do they hate themselves?
That's what the waifus are for.
This guy gets it.
>Do they hate themselves?
Considering how imba Virtuality is, yes.
Stellaris multiplayer is either a metaslave hellhole or the best experience you've ever had in your fucking life.
For real, Stellaris multiplayer games where everyone actually goes through the trouble to create a flavorful empire instead of leaping to whatever exploit or hyperbusted archetype the current version has were the best experiences I had in any game period.
Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and cia agents. It's time for me to talk about turning MGE into a magic the gathering set once again.

As always, I have way the fuck too many black cards. Like, sure, I have 87 black cards and 81 white cards. That's not too bad. But it doesn't account for the other 30 black cards I have in my idea document for various monsters I just haven't gotten around to doing yet. Or the other 10 white and black cards I have in a seperate document because I wanted to stop looking at them for a while. Meanwhile I have 56 red cards, so, you know. It's lagging behind somewhat. And on that note, Druella is now equipment tribal because the Lescatie book describes like twenty different swords and armors that I can make use of. Blarg. I might be able to get away with making mirrors of them in other colors to represent them from before Lescatie was taken over, but eh. We'll see.

Also, totally unrelated, aparently MSE has a feature where it can simulate opening packs based on the cards you have. Playing around with that for a while was fun.
>Three Muskateers
Huh, well that's not something I expected. Thanks for the jump
Fixed it. Also the 200 tier of the Exaltation catagory.
>Celestial (200): Despite not quite living up to the sheer power and perfection of the Sun’s Chosen the Lunar and Sidereal Exalted held strength well beyond that of the more common Terrestrials and in their own specialties had powers that even the Solars could not easily match. Lunars using their protean flesh possess a variety of strange powers often involving changing their body to give them various advantages, could build a library of alternate forms they could take on for disguise or combat, and the nature of their powers focusing on innate attributes allow them to be a great deal more versatile than a Solar could become without far more effort. Sidereals are the wardens and directors of fate, their powers are often strange and allow them to control what is by changing what is meant to be through their manipulations of destiny. The Sidereals have the least capacity to develop their natural powers in novel ways but are the greatest masters of the essence based martial arts found in Creation, their most potent works in the area being exclusive to themselves and those Solars fortunate enough to learn directly from them.

Should I be merciful to the Lunars?
>Note a Lunar who is not a survivor from Creation is unlikely to have form fixing tattoos, which may be a problem for potentially horrifying reasons.
Why is the drunken space rhino pleasure barge big enough to make the moon look uncomfortable more intimidating then wispy conehead megamind in Destiny?
You're welcome anon.
I don't know shit about Destiny, but there is a long and storied tradition of terrifyingly armed to the teeth megaparties in scifi that starts with Douglas Adams.
>Should I be merciful to the Lunars?
Say that Autobot put the Lunar Exaltations through the wash before they went through the portal, so they’ve had the Wyld Taint removed.
Different, frankly better inspired developers.

Lmao if a leak I've found is true and there really are more "Witness-sized things" in the Destiny universe out there
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Skibidi rizz sigma fanumtax my peeps(?) how is everyone doing?
Autobot is not going to be involved with the other Exaltations reaching Nowhere (Earth Bet). Either survivors who escaped from Creation their own ways or the Exaltations reaching Nowhere themselves at most potentially following Autobot to find the way there.

Nobody in the story except Crushing Grasp appears to have a favorable view on the non-Alchemical Exalted.
Are you going to include any scenarios?
You know working with children has gotten me the opportunity to use all that slang intentionally completely wrong.
I fucking love seeing their faces when I say something is "very skibidi."
Still working on jumps.
I feel like having the option for it is fine. If people want to spend their CP to start ahead of the back there's no particular issue with it.

Unless of course you *need* to be high level to meaningfully interact with the plot, in which case I feel starting at lvl 1 might qualify as a drawback that gives CP.
You know, it's funny, at a certain point at the game's development I'd consider it? But the escalation has been so fast and rapid fire that they all seem a bit like jokes with the benefit of hindsight. I could gate being a Hive God behind a scenario but being a Hive God not only ain't shit anymore unless you aspire to be MORE than just a Hive God, becoming a Hive God is as easy as just getting Sword Logic and getting some really good murderers to tithe you their Sword Logic by murdering the wrathiest Hive. I could make leading and maintaining a House a scenario, but the Fallen have done NOTHING except lose, seethe, lose again and only survive as a species by falling out of focus from the plot. And I can't write a Worm God scenario at all because THE WORM GODS OBEYING THE WITNESS OUT OF LOVE FOR THEIR KIDNAPPED MOM utterly fucks all prior characterisation for them.

As far as I'm considered, there is only one scenario, and that is to kill everything in your way.
And they would be correct to hold those views.
Actually fuck the Lunars, figuratively and literally. The jump will have an option to be a survivor from creation which would come with the Tattoos. New Lunars can figure shit out, or not and need less /collared/ Exalts need to help them.
Because the Witnessis overall a terrible design made to force in some random capeshit villain into the ongoing plot. It was only redeemed somewhat because its final form unidonically goes hard, but we still needed to deal with its stupid-looking ass for half a decade after Unveiling gave us an actual depiction of Darkness that fit all the themes and didn't look like someone came in a thermos.
neat. Looking forward to the jump.
>Autobot is not going to be involved with the other Exaltations reaching Nowhere (Earth Bet). Either survivors who escaped from Creation their own ways or the Exaltations reaching Nowhere themselves at most potentially following Autobot to find the way there.
Hmm. Maybe the Wyld Taint just wore off with time/the end of the world.

>Nobody in the story except Crushing Grasp appears to have a favorable view on the non-Alchemical Exalted.
Considering Autobot is probably the one telling them about the non-Alchemical Exalted, that’s not surprising.
>I could make leading and maintaining a House a scenario, but the Fallen have done NOTHING except lose, seethe, lose again and only survive as a species by falling out of focus from the plot.
Mithrax, Shard.

>As far as I'm considered, there is only one scenario, and that is to kill everything in your way.
Peak Winnower grindset
Mithrax and anything tied to him would and should be part of a hypothetical Destiny: The Light jump. And is therefore not my concern.
>New Lunars can figure shit out, or not and need less /collared/ Exalts need to help them.
Where would they get the Moonsilver?
I will put my Traveler floaty ball next to my funny looking Demeter balloon from Fate.
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I like the backdrop image, but you might want to consider a different text color.

>A Hero Is Chosen
It’d be funny if you used this on a monster.

>Clue token (again)
Was the first Clue token stolen by a woman dressed in red?

>Elegant Alp
Black decks would have a field day with this.

>Fallen Gods Blessing
How many is that many?

>Hero of Dakness

>Lilim Cloth
Presumably, Equip Succubus 1 means equipping this makes a creature count as a Succubus.

>Wandering Knight
>Who is my duty even too?
Please leave the Traveler alone.
They could get some from Autobot, or the Jadeborn if some of the refugees the Viator 'collected' from Creation make it over. They could magic it up. As long as they don't all get executed by a paranoid Metropoli of course, but what are the odds of that. . .
But anon it’s so cute.
How do the TF2 mercs compare to your average Overwatch hero in an 1v1 or 9v9? Thinking of having them as the main characters of a chain
Yes, and it's also very tired. Don't bully it.
It's not very useful, no. Not so much because it's totally worthless as because of how absurdly situational every single operation is. Steal Technology and Extort Favors are the most useful ones but even they're underwhelming. It only gets you 1 Favor and provides 30% progress in a random technology, both of which aren't all that great for the investment required. Smear Campaign and Spark Diplomatic Incident can be really funny if you just use them to bully the fuck out of a specific empire but most of the time empires tend to either be Rivals or have like +700 relations so the impact is often pointless and quickly negated. Crisis Beacon can be a hilarious "Fuck you" depending on the Crisis in question. If you roll the Scourge it all but guarantees that empire is about to get fucked up. But all of these are ridiculously situational and either not worth the effort or circumstantially useless 90% of the time.
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My chain goes jingle jangle while I procrastinate on my jumpmaking. My non-relevant watchthrough of Death Note just reached the episode following L's death.

Here's the live document for Megamind. I'm not even halfway through the powers section, but I could use some suggestions for expanding it. What's there pretty much encompasses what's featured in the movie and cash grab, but I feel like it could be bulked up.
I don’t even need it to do anything but just float there.
>How do the TF2 mercs compare to your average Overwatch hero in an 1v1 or 9v9?
Like action movie characters fighting superheroes.
...I set that to white, why the fuck is it black. Oh, right, because moving stuff between files occasional resets things. Blarg.

>Clue token
Nah, I just made another one for Hakutaku because the original one featured a mermaid on account of... Sea Bishop, I think?

>Elegant Alp
Yup. It's a more specialized version of Impassioned orator, but the benefits are better as well.

>Hero of Dsomething
You make me want to make a Xehanort card. Or to name it hero of Dankness. But yes, darkness.

>Fallen Gods Blessing
One. It was originally supposed to invoke devotion, but I scraped that.

>Lilim Cloth
Nope. Just an alternative cost. So basically you can equip it to a succubus for 1, but anything else costs 4.
Actually, the best explanation for removing Wyld Taint is the second age Solars cleaning it out. If Order Affirming Blow can help the Alchemicals it can help the Lunars.

>They could magic it up.
I could see Celestial Sorcery making Magical Materials.

As long as they don't all get executed by a paranoid Metropoli of course, but what are the odds of that. . .
>Trying to execute the Exalts that are all about being really hard to kill with a side order of revenge on those who’ve wronged you
Hmm, yes, nothing could go wrong.
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Damn it.
If it can help, you did more than a lot of people did. Plus, you are allowed to do nothing with your life.
...NIce the Unholy Trinity ref.

... I'm concidering if I should buy VV or not despite it being a cashgrab because I actually really really like V despite it's flaws. Unrelated to Jumpchain I know.
So instead, I wait for Smut's Taimanin Yukikaze, and pondering if I should jump Misfit of Demon King Academy despite the seemingly Nasunature of the setting or not since the swords in there are speaking to me.
I really hope there will be an option to buy Metroman's powerset in a single purchase that fits in a companion's budget. Or failing that a waifu who just has his powerset.
An anon suggests a 'Metrowoman' looking to settle down and be a housewife, which I do plan on adding.
Will you be able to import companions into that option for the powerset?
>Presumably, Equip Succubus 1 means equipping this makes a creature count as a Succubus.
Strictly speaking the formula for equip is [Equip][Quality][Cost]. So Equip 2 just means you can equip it to anything for 2. If something said Equip legendary creature 1 and didn't have a secondary equip cost, you would only be able to equip it to a legendary creature.
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Chainbutt you must promise, before you leave, never see or influence the lives of anyone on earth ever again. This includes recreations, projecting, alternate versions, etc. This obviously precludes the Pact, or seeing your family ever again. Jumpchan then views the future to see if you have a >90% chance of keeping your promise. If you do, you get a chain. If not, you don't. Bear in mind that once on the chain, there is nothing holding you to this promise. You already got the chain, and it can't be revoked.

Do you get a chain in this scenario?
It's the Jadeborn getting executed in this case.
There was a part of the Story where Aisha woke up in Autobot while she was being worked on and ended up getting a tour of the place and some shiny things. But one of the shiny things she was being given turned out to have early stage robo cancer that got through security. The Jadeborn she was having fun with during that part reported it to the local spirit, and the spirit passed it up the chain of command to the Metropoli this was all happening inside of.

The Metropoli was not amused, it was all but outright stated that the Jadeborn were all executed for the mistake.
No because I would've followed through on the pact.
Yeah, importing companions into OCs is a standard feature of my jumps. At least my more recent ones.

I don't mind anything else with this scenario but fulfilling the Pact. It wouldn't be right to get a chain and never come back to give everyone else one.
>Even the timeline is shaped like a brachiating worm
Realistically the mercs SHOULD lose pathetically, they just would never.
>Impassioned orator
Huh, neat. Also I note Freedom Seeking Succubus has a new image, and I don’t see Cursed Blacksmith Origin of Swords in the changelog.
>Nobody in the story except Crushing Grasp appears to have a favorable view on the non-Alchemical Exalted.
The basic Infernal martial arts has a move that makes them immune to precog, with such only returning the result, "The monster is here." It's a perfectly logical reaction, until they're in social Charm distance.
What's the Pact?
>Namefag virtue signaling
Probably not, there's a well above 10% chance that I'd end up breaking that rule with nothing enforcing it so Jumpchan would see this and not give me the chain.

I mean really who could resist coming home to fix shit with your original life and hand out chains with goofy alterations to the premise for each jumper?
Man, the Jadeborn can’t catch a break. Reminds me of how one anon here pointed out that the Solars just asked UCS to tell Autochthon to tell the Jadeborn to stay in line, and UCS asked Autochthon to tell the Jadeborn to stay in line, and then Autochthon went and pulled out the Great Geas.
If someone gets a chain they come back to give the rest of the thread chains when they Spark.
If one of us gets a chain, we'll find a way to return and give everyone else here a chain as well.
It's a risky move making posts like this when a halfway powerful jumper will be able to identify you even as anon and recognize you aren't part of the Pact
Sorry, rereading my post and realizing it may have been ambigious. To be clear, you fully informed/told Jumpchan will be checking the future. Not sure if that changes answers.
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Yeah, I found something else for it. I'm not 100% sure it's better because the bigass sword doesn't scream thief to me, but the previous one was irritatingly asian for some reason.

Cursed Blacksmith is from the second batch, I think. I only started the changelog with the third update.
I mean, I probably get the chain then? If I am prevented from fulfilling the Pact that is different than being able to and not doing it. I wouldn't hold it against anyone for taking that deal.
Possibly. On one hand I'd like to return one day to mess around and fulfill the Pact. OTOH a chain is very long and I might just stop caring about Earth. I'd also be afraid of the consequences of breaking a promise made to an entity capable of bestowing a chain which has a good chance of keeping me in line.

What happens if I chainfail?
>Alchemical Solutions
>Show up with a circle of Solaroids utterly displacing Taylor from the main stage
Also, will the infernals have a Master power to give birth to your own Hiearchy? Or at least one for that Malfeas charm tree that gave birth to Ligier to have your own sun second soul.
I need even more subsouls
>never see or influence the lives of anyone on earth ever again. This includes recreations, projecting, alternate versions, etc.
I would accept, there is no reason not to, but this removes a lot of jumps since they take place on Earth.
There is plenty of worlds anyways. Still retarded.
If you buy an Infernal Exaltation as your power you become an Infernal Exalt with your powers being an Infernal Exaltation and can do all the things being an Infernal Exalt lets you do.

Whether this means you can double up on certain powers with multiple Infernal Exaltations any other such cross jump interactions are up to your own fanwank.
Jumpchan fucks off afterwards either way. The only consequences are that whatever you do will be perfectly modeled by Jumpchans future sight.

>What happens if I chainfail?
You go back to the setting of jump 1.
>Yeah, I found something else for it. I'm not 100% sure it's better because the bigass sword doesn't scream thief to me, but the previous one was irritatingly asian for some reason.
It is a bit more Succubus Warrior, but maybe she decided to take advantage of the boost to strength from monsterizing. And it is better then the previous image, yeah.

>Cursed Blacksmith is from the second batch, I think. I only started the changelog with the third update.
That would explain it. Maybe one of these days I’ll work out the v2 changelog.
No they told Autokun that either he could make them bend the knee or they would do so with force. Autokun is also an autistic retard who did so instead of taking them and running away.
Wow, I'm impressed. Not!Ronaldo somehow managed to be such a bitch with like 2 sentences in V: Vengeance I completely forgot about the actual conflict to hate him for being even more of a hypocritical posing little bitch.
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I don't know why you're surprised. Ronaldo's a fucking bitch, and so are any variants of him. Fuck Ronaldo, all my homies hate Ronaldo. The fact that he can potentially kill Makoto is just one reason for hating him, but it is a reason.
NotRonaldo can't take criticism.
I liked how it all ended up for him, it's like Atlus aknowledged they wrote a terrible character, but instead of doing a complete reversal like with Ronaldo's Record Breaker, they just make him disappear.
A big fat explosion would do that.
Don't expect the plot to be be better. Especially if you take Chaos at the very end. What the fuck holy shit.
What if we get sent to a jump taking place on Earth?
The reason was to avoid war but events did go as anon described.
>second spoiler
I'm sickened but curious.
Let's just say that Yoko is 1/4 based, 3/4 retarded, and that they got seriously, seriously lazy. REALLY fucking lazy. I'm feeling insulted.
Only New Law sense, this is a legit good ending, with the cut ending dialogues telling you that while you inevitably struggle, you will succeed.
My nigga it really didn't. They literally demanded that the Jadeborn be removed as a threat, one way or another. Considering what happened with the Primordial's oaths what was in store for the Jadeborn wasn't likely to be pretty. See the "sanction of his own choosing or else" bit.
>The Deliberative decided to present Autochthon with a choice. The Primordial could inflict some sanction of his own choosing against the Jadeborn, or the Solars would take military action to bring the People of Adamant under the direct rule of Creation’s new government. The Unconquered Sun himself presented the Deliberative’s argument to the Primordial, and Autochthon chose to place the Great Geas upon the People of Adamant, forever removing them as a threat to the human race.
Oh fcuking christ I should stop watching and get back to jumpmaking. I thought the imminent meltdown I'd have would be fully in-character and related to Jumper's first babymama and triplets being at odds with his goals.

But nope, the eternal war between Law and Chaos is irrelevant when the real enemy of all sense and rationality is the Ronaldo Faction.

>"You shit on people for relying on demons but use a sexy snake lady to fight them with! You're a hypocrite!"
>Stabs snek
>"Nuthin personnel highschooler"
>Doesn't do anything
>"You gotta be THIS edgy to be a cool kid like me!"
>starts spouting insane Winnower schizobabble like he made some kind of point
>"Later, losers"
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I mean, you can work backwards to v2 by deleting everything past that, but I have no idea how you'd tell what was v1 and what was v2. Maybe based on the cards I posted in thread, but I started with over 100 cards, and the second update was just short of 200. I definitely didn't post all of them in thead.
>Ronaldo is the ultimate enemy
I fucking knew it. At last the world can finally see how fucking absolutely SHIT Ronaldo is.
>The Primordial could inflict some sanction of his own choosing
This did not need to be something that fucked them up so horribly.
And the Solars didn't exactly lift a finger to make amends after noticing the effects, either.

Keep in mind the Solars didn't even try to do anything to help restore the Dragon Kings' shattered reincarnation cycle while building crack-pissing dinosaurs and giant robots and reality warping gauntlets.
At the risk of causing a great deal of Salt I must reveal something that is going to make certain anons extremely butthurt. Alchemical Solutions takes the generous view on what counts as Shaping for Shaping Defenses. This is an Alchemical perk based on that.
>Favorable Interactions (200): When Essence nonsense comes into conflict with Shard nonsense it would appear that like with most things, the Exalted win. Carrying this truth into other universes beyond this one you’ll find interactions between different power systems tend to work out heavily in your favor; your shaping defenses will protect against various powers which work via ‘reality warping’ even if their source is rooted in natural physics and if you were to use a parahuman All-or-Nothing defense to protect against an Exalt’s perfect attack charms it would defeat them with similar primacy despite the Supremacy of Defense only existing being on the Exalted side.
My brother in Christ the Solars would not accept something minor. Seriously what were the oaths the Primordials had to take? The Great Geas is less bad than than the alternative.
Don't worry, like I said, they just make him disapear in CoV.

>Stabs snek
The worst thing is that his plan is rather sound, not very nice, but one hundred of lives is fair price to pay to stop the Qadistu, even if let's be honest, he would have probably been killed.
But he blow it all by being an edgy motherfucker.
Are you guys STILL talking about Exalted? What reason could you possibly have to discuss this shit literally every fucking day, for hours on end?
The Primordials ravaged the world while treating humans like ants to be burned for their amusement, I doubt the Solars would've inflicted similar to the Mountain Folk over a conflict that essentially boils down the them unexpectedly turning off the electricity to some of Solar's stuff while they were trying to build up their society.
It has waxed and waned throughout the day.
The early Solars, well the Solars in general, were anything but merciful. These are the motherfuckers that wanted to dissolve Creation just so they could remake it in their own image.
The Primordials built the fucking world and created the ungrateful gods and all they were repaid with were rebellion, the Solars committed multiple wide scale mass genocide, preformed countless atrocities against themselves and their subjects, and doomed their universe to inevitable self destruction. The Yozi are literally just the good guys.
It depends, if Gojo start with the domain he should win, if there is some reason that wouldn't work correct me.
Accelerator could just deflect Unlimited Void because he pretty much has simple domain up constantly.
What reason could you have to talk about Naruto or Bleach long since after both Kishimoto and Kubo have indicated they don't give a fuck? Why spend your allotted time on this spinning watery rock playing pretend at all?

Some thing about the human condition will never be understood. Accept this, and move on.
And that's unironically more merciful than what the Solars did to literally every lifeform except humanity. Who, mind you, they ended up getting needlessly killed in their petty feuds with each other BEFORE the Great Curse set in.
Remember Heartwind!
No, because at least Naruto and Bleach were made with passion and have fans who care enough to write expansive fanfiction and make fanart and such not
Exalted is a game in active development that not even the fucking devs care about.
If making expansive fanfiction and fanart is your qualifier, than Exalted easily meets that criteria. Exalted is the shounen king of TTRPGs. Cope and seethe.
Can you point to even a single example of just a youtube video of people having a play session of exalted
There are more people who played a game in RWBY with GURPs
I am an Exalted fanboy and I rarely find significant amounts of Exalted fanfiction and fanart when I actively go looking for it. If you know of a good repository for it please direct me to it.
>the ungrateful gods
All this Anti-God and Anti-Solar propaganda. . . A big point of the game is that things would be much better with the Solars in charge.
Conky favored the human sacrificing Dragon Kings and gleefully watched as humans had their hearts carved from their chests.
Meant for >>93093857.
Slaves can learn useful skills.
The new Law ending is probably the best ending in the franchise. Certainly the only Law ending that isn't comically fucking evil, at any rate.
They should have fucking stayed as slaves too, that's where they fucking belong
And meanwhile New Chaos is just pure WTF.
Like I said, Yoko is 1/4 based, 3/4 retarded And needless to say the cutscenes you see in Law doesn't make sense at all in Chaos
Fucking lazy.
Keep in mind the game was supposed to come out later this month.
Spacebattles, unfortunately. As for the fanart-lots of it got nuked off the old ones official forums and while some remains on the new one it is but a trickle by comparison. Deviantart too.

I won't lie, we've fallen from the heyday when Exalted the idea living rent free in people's heads was a hundred times more popular than Exalted the actual game.

>there is no Critical Role but for Exalted
And that's a good thing.
>Devil Survivor 1 had the best Law ending of all time but in the most optimistic SMT universe
>Law ending in Strange Journey Deep was the best Law ending in a "classic" SMT apocalyptic universe
>Then SMT V which is somewhere between the two in bleakness has both the Beano and his friends being the most happy in the Law ending
Current Atlus loves YHWH and doesn't know how to write Chaos because they don't want to write Chaos, they want to write Ronaldo
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Total Misaki love!!!
The developers clearly care about Exalted, but it seems to me like they're embarrassed by the jrpg elements and non-politically correct stuff, so they feel a need to change it.
Don't fucking lie, Exalted was never that popular to begin with, it's always been super niche. VtM was also super niche compared to D&D, which itself was niche, and that was an order of magnitude more popular than Exalted.
Total Misaki Death!!!
No, Atlus hates YHWH. What they LOVE though is the idea behind what his perfect Law he envisions SHOULD be; a perfect universe where everything goes right and gods and humans can coexist in peace. It's why they've been pushing that sort of shit hard ever since Devil Survivor 1, reinforced it with Record Breaker, played with it in Strange Journey, and went really heavyhanded with it in Bonds in IV. V: Vengeance is just the next logical step.
Late First Age Solars were spiraling hard.
It's easy to have good Law ending when there is no YHVH.

Also this>>93093989
>embarrassed by the jrpg elements and non-politically correct stuff
So the parts of Exalted that are actually Exalted and not westoid garbage?
>>starts spouting insane Winnower schizobabble like he made some kind of point
But the Winnower is always right or something, that seems to be the general impression I've gotten from your interactions with them.
>Thigh highs and elbow gloves.
She's a very lewd girl.
But his deflection field isn't simple domain, it's more similar to neutral limitless.
Yes, because those are cringe things that only immature people like.
Esper powers in general work similarly to domains, imposing their inner world onto the outside. Perhaps anon was referring to that instead?
No it's way way WAY more powerful than Limitless. Vectors apply to higher dimensions, Gojo's limitless probably can't even block Accelerator because space and Cursed Energy both have vectors the way he manipulates them.
Since when did Exalted have JRPGoyslop in it?
>Don't fucking-
Hush, little pup. Your incessant barking is irking your noble masters.
Yes, that could be, but this means that it would be eroded by UV, and it hasn't the function to interefere with the surehit, wich isn't an inherent funcyion of the inner world, but something that is programmed within the barrier, in fact simple domain doesn't use the inner world, unlike domain expansion.
The problem is that the sure hit of a domain ignore vectors and is automatically applied to the target.
The Winnower is a greasy minmaxing powergaming shithead who only exists in lore tabs, and whose biggest success canonically got beaten up by some unknown race so hard it was chased back to it's equivalent of a Throne World.
No? Domains can be blocked. They evidently have vectors. That's the point of bringing up Simple Domain, Domain expansions are very much just an AoE, they're clearly still bound by the medium of transfer of effect to target. So Accelerator can basically control it with his Esper power, because you still have to touch him. Gojo doesn't get hit by Jogo's domain expansion because Limitless is enough to avoid the sure hit, because it's not an absolute effect, since you still can't pass through Infinity.
>but this means that it would be eroded by UV
By no means is this the case. You can't interact with Accelerator in ANY WAY unless he lets you. Unlimited Void doesn't get to ignore this, he deflects it back at you just like he deflects telepathy or teleportation inside of his body.
Shard only claims that the Winnower is correct because it 1) defines his chain and 2) defines pretty much any aspect of existence you could name. The Winnower is why you must eat to live. The Winnower is why societies go to war with each other for what the others have. The Winnower is why a civilization that lacks adversity and experiences will inevitably stagnate and collapse. The Winnower is why conflicts emerge across social dynamics. The Winnower is why resource scarcity increases as creatures begin to dominate their given ecological niche. By virtue of being and doing anything, you are engaging with principles derived from the Winnower.
I never claimed the Winnower is correct
You prove it correct though.
Can we please not engage with Shard's schizoposting for one goddamn day? Talk about jumpchain
You first.
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La petite mort
She is and she's great. We love her for it.
How is Misfit of Demon King Academy? Because the spells and swords are making me all hot and bothered.

Yeah, because it's only Shard's. Totally.

>La petite mort
It's La Petite Morte, ya fucking Nasu.
Shard, you've ranted about how some settings "won't become the Final Shape" as though that's a point against them and every time you go full cultivator schizobabble about enslaving and lashing people to a gold-encrusted anti-entropic conceptual generator made from calcified infants or whatever, you very much validate the Winnower's entire argument that only by proving your claim to existence above all others can you ensure that you do not fail to exist. You don't need to outright say "I think the Winnower is right!", you prove that it's correct by your actions.
Where were you when Bleach/Naruto arguments over the same fucking topics repeated every 6 threads?
Final Fantasy 7 was one of the things that influenced it.
>Yeah, because it's only Shard's. Totally.
So, you're calling yourself also a schizo?
>call out Anon out of his obvious retardation
>Anon think I'm one of them
I never learn.
Anon, that's a different person. I'm the original guy you responded to, and at this point, we're now both calling you schizo
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Sorry I don't speak the language of the faggots.
I was saying that if we consider the AIM field a domain it would be eroded, the reflection is irrelevant, since the sure hit is applied automatically.
How can I be a schizo, when I never claimed to be anyone, and just called the guy who think I'm you a retard?

That's actually a popular saying, la petite morte.
>sure hit is applied automatically
No it's not. It literally doesn't apply to Gojo by default, it's blocked by Simple Domain. You're just wrong
Because you came out in defense of Shard for literally no reason.
If the leaked lore is any indication, the Winnwoer could not give less of a shit about the Witness, to the point it "my sedimentary necrolite" (necrolite being a type of rock that stinks really badly if struck). Literally, it is calling the Witness a fossilized piece of shit in the most passive-aggressive way you possibly can.

And under its philosophy, if the Witness got its shit rocked by a bunch of randos then that just means it never had any right to exist at all and was never going to become the Final Shape. It's killers would have proven themselves the most correct and the only ones with the right to exist.
>greasy minmaxing powergaming shithead
So, no one here can take issue with it without engaging in hypocrisy?
*it calls it
>Because you came out in defense of Shard
Yeah, clearly, he need help from me.

That one Jumper whose ambition in Destiny seems to be just tying a piece of string to the Traveller and flying away with it like a comically large balloon can
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You're a shizo. Stop replying to me you french apologist, you disgust me
Fair enough.
>Yeah, because it's only Shard's. Totally.
Ok, then why did you imply that there's this other schizo posting present thread that implicitly makes Shard's schizo posting acceptable?
Yes. Most people here couldn't take issue with it even if they tried, simply because almost everyone here has said something along the lines of wanting to rape X character because reasons or using mindrape/harem perks on others or genocidjng entire people and settings because they personally offended them somehow. That or agreeing with and engaging with posters who do.
the sure hit is applied to everyone in the domain except for Gojo and those he touches, the simple domain interferes with the sure hit in the barrier, I don't see how this disproves what i was saying.
Ric, I played Planescape Torment, which is one of the reason why I know the saying. Kneel.

I didn't imply jack shit. Like I said, I'm calling out Anon's retardation. That's it.
Jesus, you guys are autistic in the worst way.
Given that would guarantee humanity (and the Eliksni and the Cabal and...) dies a horrible death, the Winnower actually would approve simply because it would prove that they couldn't keep the Traveler around and couldn't support their claim to existence.
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I will never kneel to a dirty french.go back to your dirty country full of Arabs and Muslims
No, the sure hit is applied to everyone in the domain it can apply to, which doesn't include people it CANNOT APPLY TO. The Sure Hit effect of a DE is not an absolute effect, it's not conceptual in nature, it doesn't pierce through defensive techniques. What you're saying is wrong in the first place
None of this would be happening if the "Goku species" that just beat up the Witness in a way that apparently did not involve exploiting the Dissenters so hard it ran away to the Ascendant Realm simply finishing punching it instead of show mercy.
>Simple Domain neutralizes a domain's guaranteed-hit function by affecting its barrier and not the imbued cursed technique
the simple domain isn't a shield that parries arriving attack, it interferes with the barrier to stop you from being targeted, if it worked like youbsay it couldn't hit Gojo, since he's protected by neutral limitless.
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I commend thee, kneel!
The simple domain interferes with the sure-hit effects of other domains by creating a bubble of space around the user which isn't other domains, treating the user as being outside the other domains.
It's basically staying dry while submerged in a body of water by creating a bubble of air around yourself.
It's meant to be a clear parallel to the Gardener stopping to show mercy when it fought with the Winnower. Problem is, they made the mistake of assuming the Witness is an actual being that has agency and that cost them.
That's not what that word means.
Fuck the heat.
Exactly, it stops the barrier of DE from targeting you Accelerator doesn't work like that.
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>I commend
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
As expected of your inferior race. Go munch on baguettes and snails as you lot do.
Been gone for about a year. Any news on Fate China?
"Only drawbacks left".
Shut up and look upon perfection. >>93094187
>filename has 5E in it
That is also not what that word means.
Accelerator works exactly like that. The barrier and the technique still apply a vector, Cursed Energy applies a vector too, either way you can't touch him.
Hey Val.
I've been defeated.
But I can't fall there.
What the hell are you saying, litterally the first domain expansion of the series, Jogo's was used to hit Gojo, Gojo still parried the attack but he was hit.
The domain doesn't apply a vector, everything within the domain is automatically hit, not saying that Gojo beat accellerator, since he doesn't start with the domain abd accellerator might have something to defeat infinity, but UV should hit him.
>everything within the domain is automatically hit
Except no, because you can't hit Gojo or people in a simple domain. So they have a vector. You can move a Domain, you can push the domain away from you, you can avoid being hit with the Limitless. So shut the fuck up you fucking idiot
>Domains do not have vectors
Magnetic fields have vectors, universal inflation has a vector, gravity has vectors and so does time. Domains have vectors and so does cursed energy.
Domains can hit Gojo, read chapter 15, Gojo explicitely says he can be hit by Jogo in the domain, even if there are countermeasures like hitting the attack with CE while it hit you, the simple domain intereferes with the sure hit as the quote i said show. Moving the coordinate of a barrier doesn't demonstrate the sure hit following a vector.
CE absolutely has a vector, but i don't think the sure hit effect of a domain has one, it's simply automatically applied to every target within the domain, bypassing even infinite distance, but thank for giving some reason, i am happy to argue.
>bypassing even infinite distance
It literally doesn't. Gojo in a DE doesn't get hit when Infinity is working, period. You can say 'oh, but he does get hit it just doesn't pass through his barrier' but that's just it, it doesn't get past his barrier. The sure hit effect definitely does have a fucking vector too, you're being completely facetious if you think it doesn't, there is absolutely zero basis to argue it doesn't.
>Moving the coordinate of a barrier doesn't demonstrate the sure hit following a vector
You say this, as if you saying it is enough evidence to serve as proof on its own. You're just wrong, it moving means it has vectors, that's what vectors are. Anything that moves has vectors, any form of transfer or energy or information is a vector translation
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>Crystalises your pathetic DE with Crystal Valley (Idoru)
Gojo in a domain is hit, reread chapter 15, it litterally touches him and when Jogo asks if his jujutsu will reach Gojo he confirms, moreover it's the reason Gojo had to answer with his domain against Sukuna's.
The barrier and the sure hit are different things, the barrier moving doesn't change the sure hit applying automatically on every target in the domain.
That isn't really fair, LIZ is the strongest force in Fate.
No JJK character could even TOUCH Himiko, who predates the Heian era itself.
Let's actually walk through this step by step. What is a domain? It's a barrier with a Cursed Technique installed. Barriers are made with cursed energy. A domain expansion is, literally, an expansion of a domain. It takes up physical space and grows from an origin point at the jujutsu sorcerer. Domains are made of cursed energy. They operate on the rule that the cursed technique applies everywhere because it's been expanded to cover the space inside, including inside of the body of anyone affected...but ultimately the domain itself is the medium of effect, and it flows and can be interfered with.

Ergo, Accelerator can grab the domain and break it in half, throw it in a dumpster, and also reverse the flow of your cursed energy just like he can reverse the flow of someone's blood or reprogram their brain, because you're touching him with your CE with your domain expansion, he's touching the domain with his vector field, and it is an object he can affect.
The sure hit doesn't work on accelerator period, because accelerator simply reflects any attempt to interact with him. His ability literally works on shit that attempts to manifest inside of his body, it doesn't matter how many hoops you try to jump through to rationalize it sure hit effects have vectors.
Any updates on Futa Elf?
All true, if accelerator uses his power on the barrier itself while it expands, or after, he destroy it, i was just arguing about his inability to reflect the sure hit, thanks for making this essay, really well put.
Instead "it just works" doesn't seem a good explanation, only because in his setting powers have vectors it doesn't mean every setting works the same.
Didn't Accelerator not want to fight Cendrillon because magic effects that don't utilize vectors like voodoo/sympathetic magic fuck him up?
No every setting works like that because vectors have an IRL definition and that definition extends so exceedingly far that it really doesn't matter how you describe Unlimited Void, Accelerator can deflect it. If you want to say an ability doesn't have vectors you have to describe an ability that doesn't have vectors, any description of an ability which at all involves the movement of anything, even conceptual effects, have vectors. Sure hit effects cannot not have vectors because the way they're described involves the application of an effect with an origin and a destination, movement of energy, transfer of information, etcetera.
So if Azatoth wake up there are vectors involved, reminding you he dreamt those vectors in the first place?
No, it was because he was initially unfamiliar with the specific vectors involved like how he at first couldn't deflect Dark Matter. He eventually figured out the vectors of magic, now magic can't affect him anymore because they still have vectors
>Comparing a domain expansion with the total collapse of all existence
JJKfags, really
You said every setting works like that, so i used the most extreme example i could think of to negate that.
Does all magic in Toaru work the same?
Accelerator is the kind of person who can encounter completely alien physics with hyper complex math attacking from convoluted angles and figure it out in like, a minute of thinking. He was tricked into using magic during that arc and afterwards learned to deflect the backlash from using magic as an Esper from the experience.
The comparison does you no favors because it's a complete non-sequitur.
Domain expansions are not Azathoth waking up. You would be better served taking about Nyarlahotep...who still has Vectors.
>learned to deflect the backlash from using magic
I thought he just kept his internals functioning manually the same way he did with Worst.
Why are you all shitfighting like Accelerator has immutable power over mathematical dynamics anyway? Canonically all you need to do to kill him is pull your fist back slightly then hit him
It was just to show that no, not everything has vectors, anyway we know that the sure hit isn't carried by CE, wich has a vector, since Gojo isn't capable to see it, while he can see CE, and malevolent shrine shows that the cut don't come from him as a line, Higuruma's even forbid the concept of violence within itself, i don't understand why you think that they can't be a conceptual power that is applied automatically to everyone within.
Now that you make me think of it it's basically the wobbly punches, he is capable of accurately understand every vector, comprehending the nervous system but he is unable to realize someone is pulling back his fists.
Is there such a thing as a xianxia setting with normal people?
I feel like the base version of Freak would be better at 100 and the upgraded version for +200.
It doesn't matter if it's a conceptual power applied to everyone within because as far as Accelerator is concerned that's still a vector. How is that any different from a teleporter putting a needle in your brain or a telepath controlling your mind? EM fields technically work exactly like you describe and in real life technically don't have vectors, but Accelerator can deflect them anyway because actually they do have vectors by his personal understanding. The sure hit effect can manifest directly onto accelerator and he can still deflect it because it's still applied from 'somewhere'.
In that setting teleporter travel through the eleventh dimension to travel, but your argument based on Accellerator's personal reality is a better argument, but saying that allows him to deflect anything, comprehending things that are created to surpass similar barriers seems eccesive to me, wasn't he hit by Aiwass automatic defense?
Bro, how much are we willing to tolerate JJK wank
Aiwass is a transcendent being so far above and beyond reality that even literal omnipotents have no fucking idea what's up with that motherfucker
Like shit if you extend that logic to energy manipulation, maybe if instead of scientifically accurate lightning you just cast some sort of lightning spell that makes the lightning jerk back at the last moment THEN zap the bejesus out of him then Accel wouldn't be able to deflect you like he reliably can Misaka
>literal omnipotents
They're really not that omnipotent now that Crowley tagged them all with a curse and the Anti-Art Attachments just blasted them to the Shadow Realm
No they're fucking omnipotent, each and every one of them fully capable of overwriting the laws of physics across the entire universe and replacing history with whatever they want, deciding arbitrarily what events should or should not occur and how, with power sufficient to destroy anything and everything effortlessly.
Wasn't that defense created by Aleister and not Aiwass power? Anyway the magical gods are not literal omnipotents and that's an example of Accellerator not being capable of redefining an attack as a vector.
NTA, the magical gods are in fact, literally omnipotent in the text. It just straight up says that they are
It's an on-topic discussion, and it's not wank, since i'm bringing examples abd explanations, saying "this setting wins because of muh cosmology" is dumb, since powers have a defined effect that can lose against a counter.
Yes, and it's an obvious hyperbole since they can't surpass the omnipotence paradox and more or less drew with Aleister, all at once, even the moon cell is often described as omnipotent but it isn't.
>since i'm bringing examples abd explanations
Anon you have no rational explanation that can possibly justify your 'sure hit effects are absolute and conceptual in potency and cannot be blocked by abilities from other settings'
>omnipotence paradox
Anon that's not enough to declare them not omnipotent. It makes them Logically Omnipotent which is still omnipotence.
I'm not saying that they can't be stopped by anything in other setting, but the effect is conceptual and you need special abilities to stop it, Accellerator instead is being wanked as "nothing in any setting is able to interact with him" even if it's not true in his own setting.
He would be capable if stopping certain domain, like Dagon's, since they materialize attacks in contact with him, but Higuruma's and Gojo's don't do that.
Good point, but the fact that even after surpassing it, wich both Othinus TRUE GREMLIN did, they are unable to do many things, like restoring the phases they changed, and must overlay new phases.
No, shut the fuck up. I don't care what your opinions are, present a rational argument or fuck off. Stop repeating yourself and say something of merit to back up your argument or stop arguing already, you have no fucking reason to be this recalcitrant unless you're just a fucking JJK wanker
Crowley did things to them against their will.
Touma punched out Crowley so hard he exploded into a loli.
Therefore they're bitches.
Cope and seethe.
Also there's another kid with his own special hand that isekai'd them lmao, they're just anime 5D imps.
I already brought many points, while arguing with people that tought DE couldn't surpass neutral limitless, you bring a reason according to wich a sure hit follow a vector. And domains are absolutely conceptual, since Higuruma's can forbid the concept of violence
Jumps with punk protagonists/aesthetics?
Nta, i'm the one who's arguing against them, but wasn't that because they wanted to, and could return if they wanted?
Dude I'm not going to continue responding to you, you aren't worth arguing with. I'm just going to say you're wrong and then ignore you
So I'm doing a build for Free Cities and I'm realizing just how scary the effects of Future Societies must be for potential infiltrators.
They come in expecting to monitor and maybe sabotage this enclosed city that just appeared out of nowhere, but find themselves slowly becoming more absorbed into the city's culture that longer they remain a resident.

Reasonable, made adjustment.
Thanks for conceding.
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With the new DLC looming over the horizon i am finally starting to play the Elden Ring copy i bought last Christmas
Anyone got some tips for an Astrologer who just finished the tutorial and got called Maidenless?
Terra Hypnagogica.
SMTV jump when?
I've been busy playing fetish rpgmaker games, what are we arguing about today?
Picking up a small sidearm melee weapon will help you preserve mana so you're not wasting it on trash mobs. Also summons are your friend, you'd be surprised how useful the wolf pack summon can be just for taking a boss's attention off of you.
How Domain Expansion would interact with Accelerator's esper powers, I think?
No clue, I was playing a fetishy sex game called a house in the rift that I am pleasantly surprised has some really neat concepts and is pretty neat even outside of the sex stuff.
I was arguing about certain DE being capable to hit Accellerator, in theory even if in practic it would fail, but we just finished.
I see, well the obvious answer is "something something vectors" and Accelerator automatically wins unless the DE in question is cool/weird enough that something something Accelerator crying and brain damage.
I was playing Gumia's Unbelted Terror that posited that dwarves are the reason you find all sorts of weird dungeons and random treasure chests all over the place; they're like a sort of mystical pest that just dig into places that look abandoned and set up dungeons completely at random. One guy apparently went on vacation for a week, came home, and found that his basement now had a hydra and a +2 flaming sword in a chest in it.
>everyone is playing a fetish game right now
Shameful behavior, jc.
I'm not playing anything, I'm jumpmaking.
I am unashamed. I'm proud, even.
Jumpmaking for a fetish game, I bet.
No, that'd be me.
I'm not playing a fetish game, I'm in the middle of adding a fetish game jump to my chain.
Heh thats pretty funny
The Great Mouse Detective.
Fun is fun, its better than spending $70 on a triple A game thats honestly a disappointment
Go play a fetish game.
If you want to min max, go rush the the meteor staff & spell in the caelid swamp ruins after getting Torrent.
>Everyone is omnipotent
Remember that Gilgamesh is also omnipotent and also jobs hard.
Whenever a Nip character gets called omnipotent you know they are going to lose soon.
They didn't really burn humans for their amusement. They just made human thr weakest in a pretty crazy world dominated by their spawn, their pets and the Dragon Kings, so they would be in constant fear and give them ambrossia via prayers.
I mentioned specifically >>93094597 here how the moon cell was described as omnipotent, wich started the wankfest of "CCC Gilgamesh is beyond omnipotence"
I'm not playing a fetish RPGMaker game rn but I do eventually want to finishCurious Tales of Yaezujima
C'mon, don't be a square. Everyone's doing it.
No thanks.
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Does MHA have Tiktok or Twitter or Facebook or Youtube do you think?
They have their own equivalents. Remember, it takes place a few centuries in the future.
Gentle Criminal was doing stuff on social media, wasn't he?
Yeah, he was basically an obscure youtuber trying to make a name for himself. Kinda.
doesen't take place several centuries in the future?
I assume it would have a monstrous monopoly social media platform that absorbed all others and is way more ruthless in trying to maximize screen time. Maybe still seperate apps though(like how Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp are the same company but different apps).

Personally I like to imagine that it would belong to Disney.
It's funny to me what a meme alignments are, like how for example Chaotic Neutral creatures end up being the most evil of all alignments despite not classifying as evil.
I feel like the Accelerator vs Gojo question is failing to consider that both of them are going to immediately start reverse engineering each other's abilities the moment they get near each other. Gojo's going to see Accelerator's life energy and go 'what the fuck is that' and probably start working out magic (he doesn't have the drugs for esper powers) and do it better than most magicians, quickly innovating spells intended to directly counter Accelerator's shenanigans, while Accelerator's going to analyze cursed energy with his power until he can manipulate and immediately pull out some higher quality wings based on it which bump his abilities some inestimable quantity, and probably start reflecting it, generating unlimited quantities of it, and using techniques based on it too.

Both characters are very good at taking in new information and systems from the world around them, and turning them around to use for themselves.
No I'm just posting the wip she dropped like a year+ ago and lamenting that it will never be finished.
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Best villain that series ever had.
That's not how the Six Eyes work, they're no where near that powerful.
Gojo would look at Accelerator, have no fucking clue what he's looking at, then instantly die when Accelerator ignores Infinity to turn Gojo's skull inside out.
I cannot deny your words. Gentle is best criminal.
Nta but the six eyes tell you the CT, in this case the esper ability, of the opponent.
Hey you are actually... wrong.
Does Era training count ass fetish?
More like a Smooth Criminal.

Oh yeah. MHA is done right? Finally I can think about builds and Quirks, almost unfortunately since MHA really shit the bed.
Would anyone be upset if someone else finished this up since Val fucked off?
No they don't.
Why the fuck would they do that?
How does a middleschooler get this stacked?
Has she been manipulating her own hormones with her power?
Will she just keep getting bigger, or has she peaked?
He knew Miguel's technique by looking at him.
Okay why does that suddenly mean he can know an esper power?
I think it's supposed to be, but who knows how long the epilogues will last.
How does that translate to learning magic? Gojo took a while to figure out RCT, and to be frank, Cursed Energy is pretty basic bitch compared to other magic systems
I mean, to aru magic's not exactly hard to perform. People stumble onto it by trying occult shit they find off the internet.

Seeing funny energies good is one of those things they do.

Yeah, I admit that I'm saying this assuming that Gojo sees Accelerator first by virtue of... well, Six Eyes being way better at long-range analysis, and not thinking of a fight as them both being teleported bloodlusted into a death battle murder arena. Accelerator crushes handily in an immediate fight, yeah.
I was equalizing, if i don't Accellerator can't perceive cursed spirits and is killed by dagon
I didn't say he would learn magic, i said nta, but i would say he might include some of its principles, after awakening his ability is ridiculous, he can change the characteristic of his domain at will, and like accellerator he's capable to subconsciously analyze everything surrounding him and classify it as a threat.
It still isn't?!
>to aru magic's not exactly hard to perform
Toaru's magic is so absurdly hard to perform that just learning about it in the wrong way can literally make you bleed from your eyes ears and mouth.
Where does this come from?
I fucking hate you JJKfags
Accellerator need to touch something and he can't surpass limitless distance. He may control cursed energy's vectors that are twisting space but if gojo doesn't understand espers accellerator can't perceive cursed energy
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Other than Fate, where can I find a good place to pick up the ability to make making items out of human body parts?

Like I mentioned last thread(>>93089431), my jumper got an undead empire going on, where he mainly animated skeletons and the rest of the body parts(eyes, flesh, organs, brain, teeth, nails and the like) are repurposes like making the skin into parchment for scrolls or using the blood for vampires.

Fate got a cool theme going on with Kairi, but it's not really scalable, just from the way magic works in setting.
>The projectiles traced gentle curves through the air and killed several homunculi in the blink of an eye. But the shotgun only had two shots before it had to be reloaded. Not missing this chance, the other homunculi charged forward. Shishigou, still reloading, paused and took out a bizarre object—something slightly shrivelled and of a dark-red hue. It was a magus' heart.
>Shishigou tossed the thing at where the homunculi were most concentrated. With a wet sound, the heart landed beside them—it rapidly expanded and then exploded. The teeth and nails of the magus that had been concentrated inside penetrated the homunculi. They soon died with expressions of agony, as though having been force-fed some kind of poison.
>Of the many necromancers in the world, it is likely only Shishigou Kairi who have managed to turn the bodies of magi and magical beasts into such brutal killing devices.
Can I delay getting a chain until I die of old age? If so, then yeah I probably would.
>Accelerator needs to touch something
Accelerator is touching you because you exist in the same universe as himself.
Why are people wanking off this Accelerator dude so hard? I'm sure he just gets punched.
He does
Limitless is a cursed technique, and space has vectors. Accelerator would just disrupt the cursed technique and learn how to manipulate space to finer detail than even Gojo could comprehend within seconds of meeting Gojo, even if he couldn't see Cursed Energy, which wouldn't last for more than a few minutes as Cursed Energy has vectors, so Accelerator would figure it out
He was controlling wind and windmills nullified it
That's not it being hard to perform, that's esper incompatibility and/or running into magical hazards like grimoires. It's so easy to perform that an untrained schoolteacher could be reliably walked through a ritual in minutes. It's really hard to research and develop for, to work out how to do it right, mostly because that generally involves reading grimoires. The idea is that Six Eyes and a bit of time could let Gojo abridge that development process significantly.
I haven't read too much of toaru, when does he do something like that?
*clears throat*

Touma's dad started a World ending Ritual entirely by accident.
When he reverse engineers and resolves the unknown vectors from Dark Matter converting light into Dark Matter superlight, when he starts fucking with telesmera appearing from other dimensions/layers, and maybe when he has to resolve brain damage from being fooled into casting magic might be relevant, off the top of my head.
Toaru magic is dangerous because of Sparks, which is generated by the conflict between Phases.
Even Magic Gods and Crowley need to worry about the consequences of Sparks, it's to the point that Crowley is cursed to literally always fail no matter what he does because of the Sparks. Grimoires are the same, because magic is Phase based research into magic eventually leads you into learning shit that is incompatible with the reality you live in from other Phases and mixing it together causes you to generate Sparks, so Grimoires are double bad as a repository of incompatible Phase knowledge that generates conflicts in basic models of physics from alternate layers of reality.
The idea that learning magic is safe if you do it independently is completely wrong, you generate Sparks either way
Nta but he never used the vectors of space.
>The idea that learning magic is safe if you do it independently is completely wrong, you generate Sparks either way
Didn't say it was safe, just faster because you're not having to deal with the cognitohazard getting jammed directly into your brain causing trouble and trying to get you to spread it.
How useful would Level 5 Esper tier intelligence be for using Magic?
It's not a cognitohazard, Grimoires are just recordings of magic. That is deadly on its own but it's just because of Sparks.
NTA but Ric already said that's wrong.
What perks would cure cold sensitive teeth? I want to be one of those freaks who can just bite into a popsicle with no hesitation.
Ric is a retard, fuck off.
You are a retard.
This ToAru stuff seems way too autistic for my tastes. It's funny cuz there's that screencap of anons talking about it using high level math, but then the setting/author goes "Akshually, everything is a vector!" Out of convenience.
Modern Geopolitics.
Retard, everything is a vector in real life
Do we have any powers/perks that are strong against evil beings? I wish to stack them if so.
Cleansed from NuBee's Bodymod, if you consider cold-sensitive teeth a "defect" on the level of near-sightedness.
Teleporters in To Aru manipulate some eleven spatial dimensions in order to do their thing. Accelerator interferes with space along those dimensions to reflect their abilities.

That said, so far as I'm aware To Aru doesn't have any kind of space manipulation along the lines of stretching or bending, bigger on the inside type stuff that Gojo uses with Limitless, no. They have a lot of very close effects that would probably translate though, like those I mentioned, and Accelerator has shown a very strong power to innovate and adapt to wildly out of context bullshit being thrown his way. He responded to entirely novel kinds of light being generated via Dark Matter and used as lasers, analysing them in time to save himself, as well as matter moving through space via unknown vectors being reflected after analysis, and similar extremely exotic space-related effects. At the very least, space expands along vectors he should be able to interfere with. In action, if we try to respect both side's abilities and assume they're able to at least interact with each other a bit, it'd probably be either him slapping the Limitless shield a few times, getting closer each time, or trying to hold on for a few seconds while he calculates and slips in, and then he's through. They're both anime verses, those're the tropes. Gojo probably teleports away at some point and then new tricks get pulled out.
Things without direction, like my life, aren't vectors.
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That is not a ToAru exclusive problem
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Warrior, Martial Artist, [1000]
>Rough training [free]
>Rebellious Spirit [900]
>Peerless [600]
>Martial Cub [free]
>Tiger's Soul [500]
>Martial Peak [200]
>Prodigal Son [0000]
Martial Arms 1st tier [free]

Jump is finished enough for my needs.
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Could Sukuna beat Accelerator?
Very funny, I'm talking about the post.
Based on what they're saying, hell no. He'd end up cutting himself in half.

He could win if he has Mahoraga, maybe.
>To Aru doesn't have any kind of space manipulation
It does, there was a level 5 Esper in the Misaki manga iirc who was a space manipulator. She was sealed in a cube of Shadow Metal
Accelerator can't reflect light, pulling your punch at the right time wouldn't physically be possible if his ability reacted that fast.
This is wrong because grimoires are actively intelligent and able to do things. That is, the information in the grimoires, not the books or tablets or whatever. That one time Xochitl's grimoire betrayed her and actively sabotaged her magic, and they stopped it by tricking the grimoire into thinking she would pass on it's knowledge was really telling.

>but then the setting/author goes "Akshually, everything is a vector!" Out of convenience.
Pretty sure that's an Accelerator thing, rather than a setting thing. He talks about how the vectors in someone are diminished, meaning they've been dead for a while, and just in general describes vectors as things that aren't really vectors. Given that it's possible to fool yourself into thinking your esper powers work in a way that wouldn't make logical sense, and then for them to actually work that way, it's probably just that he's delusional enough that everything starts to look like a vector if he looks at it long enough.
Sukuna's technique is hyper-lethal in its simplicity. Accelerator needs a brief period before he can integrate foreign phenomena into his calculations. If Sukuna goes for a killshot immediately before Accel knows what's happening, yeah.
So Accelerator doesn't actually control vectors?
>Aside from the powers of the lightning god, Thor can also use the powers of an almighty god. This magic moves the entire world around him to place him in a position where he can easily defeat his enemy and win. Indeed, even if his target is on the other side of the world, the ability allows him to move the target towards him. It operates automatically, adjusting position and distance in such a way that none of the enemy's attacks can reach him and that he is in the ideal position to attack, such that a win or a draw are the only outcomes.
>Indeed, the powers make it so that Thor rules the world and moves it by his will, the narration boasting that he /can avoid being defeated by even Accelerator/, and that only way to truly kill him was to destroy or remake the world. As such, it is limited to the current world, meaning that Thor can't overcome powers which go beyond the current world, such as a fully empowered Othinus.
>pulling your punch at the right time wouldn't physically be possible if his ability reacted that fast.
You assume anything Kihara do makes sense. Accelerator very definitively reflects railgun shots moving at least Mach 3, their speed was measured and shouted out in the first five minutes of episode one of Railgun. Do you think it's physically possible to pull your punches that fast?
No, Accelerator controls vectors, anyone who peddles the nonsense that what Accelerator controls isn't vectors are idiots who don't know what vectors are. Vectors are literally anything that moves at all, which is everything.
It's funny how Sukuna is so much worse in vs matchups than Gojo outside JJK. It's kinda like how Itachi is objectively weaker than Madara, but he stands a way better chance against someone like Saiyan saga Vegeta simply because he has multiple hax win conditions and a form of invincibility.

Itachi is still better than Gojo, though. Totsuka blade GG.
Actually, iirc someone did the math on the reverse punch and it requires something on the order of megaton forces to pull off?
Well yes but actually no. He got punched because of Imagine breaker and he fought the guy who helped develop his ability so he knew the exact point he needed to pull back his punch so that Accelerator's esper ability would be forced to let the attack through.
Totsuka blade can't travel infinite distance in finite time.
It's more accurate to say that he thinks he controls vectors, and that he controls anything he thinks is a vector. Similarly, it's more reasonable to say that an electromaster like Misaka Mikoto controls anything she thinks of as existing on the electromagnetic spectrum than that she actually controls electricity. Meltdowner, another electromaster, was making electrons into something that acted like neither particle nor wave with the product being laser beams that'd cut through any material.

Something like that, except that if he was using that much force he'd be moving much faster - we see the raindrops moving behind him in the anime, so we know he's not actually doing that. He's just spouting some science shit about a weakness in Accelerator's mathematics that makes sense conceptually and it works because that's what Kihara do.
I know that teleporter travel through the eleventh dimension, Accellerator simply can manipulate the vectors of that movement, not the vectors of space itself.
No, Accelerator definitely does control vectors. Stop peddling lies
Nah, Accel just thinks vectors are vectors.
Nta but subjective reality is a thing, esper power alter themself according to how their user think they should work, up to a certain point.
Vectors are vectors my guy
Stop spreading misinformation
>Anything that moves is anything at all
Tons of things don't move, like abstract concepts, many magical abilities (not speaking about ToAru in particular), space itself (though it bends so I guess it does move? I'm not a scientist), those magic rods in D&D that get fixed in one spot...
The totsuka blade is a spirit weapon (basically a soul sword). Gojo can filter matter and energy, there's no evidence he can filter "soul".
Wrong. The universe itself is moving relative to itself, everything experiences movement and thus has a vector. Magic has a flow of energy and information inherent to its conditions and mechanics, space and time both experience movement.
JUMP #0134: Eiken

Location: Zanshono Private Academy
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Origin: Zanshono student
>Nice hands (100)
>An actual student (free)
>Head of the class (free)
>Man of many clubs (100)
>I happen to be an expert on this topic (100)
>Minimal standards (200)
>Club president (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Family pasta (100)
>Zanshono franchise (400)
>Import (300)
>I am Densuke Mifune (+0)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)
>Trap bait (+100)
>Chaos, thy name is Eiken (+200)
>Part-timer (+200)
Total: 1600/1600

Ryan +600
Gender: Male
Origin: Exchange student
>Playboy sense (free)
>Smooth talker (free)
>Idol (100)
>First among equals (100)
>A friendly game between men (200)
>Better to be famous than smart (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Lorelei +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Eiken Club
>Huge tracts of land (free)
>Innuendo (free)
>Just Eiken stuff (100)
>Odd squad (100)
>Eiken science (200)
>Eiken club charter (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Sophia +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Eiken Club
>Huge tracts of land (free)
>Innuendo (free)
>Just Eiken stuff (100)
>Eiken science (200)
>Eiken club charter (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Dress code update (200)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)
>Nearsighted (+100)

Mortimer +600
Gender: Male
Origin: Exchange student
>Playboy sense (free)
>Smooth talker (free)
>Idol (100)
>First among equals (100)
>A friendly game between men (200)
>Better to be famous than smart (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Elizabeth +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Zanshono student
>An actual student (free)
>Head of the class (free)
>Man of many clubs (100)
>I happen to be an expert on this topic (100)
>Minimal standards (200)
>Club president (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Talisa +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Zanshono student
>An actual student (free)
>Head of the class (free)
>Man of many clubs (100)
>I happen to be an expert on this topic (100)
>Minimal standards (200)
>Club president (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Heather +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Eiken Club
>Huge tracts of land (free)
>Innuendo (free)
>Odd squad (100)
>Just Eiken stuff (100)
>Eiken science (200)
>Eiken club charter (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Gaia +600
Gender: Female
Origin: Eiken Club
>Huge tracts of land (free)
>Innuendo (free)
>Odd squad (100)
>Just Eiken stuff (100)
>Eiken science (200)
>Eiken club charter (300)
>Absolute Bra (free)
>Zanshono uniform (free)
>Ridiculously large tits (+100)

Commentary: If I have to deal with Eiken's shenanigans so do my companions. Not much more to say to this really. This is a vacation of funny and innuendo-laden hijinks. Though there are a surprising amount of nice perks and items in this jump.
Anon one of the core principles of esper powers is /personal reality/ if they think that's how their esper power works it's how it works.
I'm death man. My power is a magical ability where if you say my name you just die. There's no vectors involved anywhere in that process.

2+2 = 4. No vectors there either.

Time doesn't literally move like a river. The concept of time moving is something we make up, but it's not a physical thing that literally moves.
It's obviously made up of chakra, since it's part of his Susanoo.
>fiction, let alone anime, taking liberties with science to do cool shit
>There's no vectors involved anywhere in that process
I don't know man, that seems to me like you're just ignorant of the process and refuse to open your eyes to how your ability receives and transmits information.
I'm not denying they are, what i'm saying is that Accellerator's power is influenced by his view of the world, subjective reality is a component of esper powers.
It's not part of his Susanoo, though. He found it and somehow uses it with the Susanoo, but it's specifically noted as a spirit weapon as opposed to the sword of literally any other Susanoo.
Hey at least with raildex the scifi shit is just magic shit pretending it's scifi shit. Personal reality is just Idol theory on a personal scale
Technically Accelerator like every esper controls a personal alternate reality centered around himself connected to some weird energy that's generated by it. However the rules of that reality in this case are "Vectors do whatever the hell Accelerator wants".
Nta but>>93094447
No you're moving the goalposts. Here: >>93095348 you try to contrive an argument that Accelerator is talking bullshit about controlling vectors because he can read the information of a dead body and use that to determine information about time of death, which is stupid on the face of it because a corpse obviously fucking has fewer vectors the longer it's been dead, because it cools down. Then when you were called out you started moving the goalposts and revising your original argument like a fucking liar.
No it's not, and whoever argued that was a fucking idiot. Esper abilities and idol theory have nothing to do with each other, Esper abilities are not magic.
That isn't me, i'm just saying the subjective reality is a thing, i said nta, isn't that shorthand for "not the anon"?
I simply do not believe you're not that anon.
Good point, i would say that it's still made of liquid, so under the effect of neutral limitless, but you bring an interesting interpretation.
Where's the Architectfags to derail Raildex esper talks when you need them?
Not my problem, i'm not that anon, believe what you want.
It's really crazy how Itachi just found an all-sealing sword and an all-reflecting shield offscreen, gave it to his Susanoo (?????) and we still don't know where the fuck those things came from even if they're SUPPOSEDLY legendary artifacts Orochimaru could recognize
Fuck off.
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Is there a Lancer jump?
I'd much rather this autism than his faggotry
Aww. No weird upscaled robot dog mech for me.
Well in this situation a vector is basically just movement, and if Azathoth is dreaming reality that means everything is mental activity in their mind. Meanwhile if Azathoth's dreams can result in reality then their thoughts can probably do the same thing. So I guess it depends on if this counts as movement or not.
I like how Lovecraft lore gets wanked but the strongest thing in the setting is basically a sleepy anime girl in a nightcap having a cozy nap
Cthulhu get's BTFO'd by some rich guy's yacht
>Personal Reality is just Idol Theory
I'd understand if you said a Personal Reality is just a small Phase. However how do you manage to get 'power from weird personal rules' equals 'power from mimicking things'?
Except every time they compare personal realities and phases, or the reason espers can't use magic, or holistic espers, or Crowley plan with the imaginary number district, or the author going on saying he fippled the logic of the science side using magic and the magic side using science.
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Shard..... Rough homo sex with boys is now canon in elden ring. please update the jump now
He's too busy going insane over sword logic and wish dragons to care.
So it's not only me who think AIM field are similar to miniscule phases.
back to the mech thread, faggot
Unfortunately asking for jumps in the mech thread is incredibly off topic
>They come in expecting to monitor and maybe sabotage this enclosed city that just appeared out of nowhere, but find themselves slowly becoming more absorbed into the city's culture that longer they remain a resident.
That reminds me of a perk I saw somewhere that makes it so if someone swears to be loyal to you, even if they didn’t actually mean it, they’ll become more and more loyal over time.
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Does that mean i could have an Esper power that's just does whatever i think is funny?
Is Lovecraft actually a comfy setting for those who are easy-going enough to not worry about their place in the universe?
Nta but probably that would be a level 6 power, to impose a rule so far reaching, if it is possible at all, wich i don't think is.
There's a character whose power seems to be "is a shounen hero", so maybe?
To be fair that’s Cthulhu when the stars are wrong, so he was woken up in the middle of the night and promptly got bonked in the head. No wonder he just went back to sleep.
>The Radahn perk makes you such a chad that you will turn your brother gay
Nah, which sucks because there are some cool mechs in it.
Nobody ever fucking does that in the LNs, that's secondary shit.
You know everyone is calling these leaks out right? Have you seen the "leaked" boss fight? It's jank as fuck, he's still using his mounted animations. The horse hitbox is still there even with no horse around.
Nope, there has been talk of one. Make it I guess.
I don't actually know anything about Lancer, beyond the fact that character classes are whatever kind of mech you pilot. I'm only vaguely interested because youtube keeps suggesting lore videos for it and the Lancaster looked fun
Reminder that Imagine breaker is a must because everyone besides magic gods just fucking die when a magic god makes a new phase.
Sounds like a skill issue.
I intend to solve the problem by not visiting that autistic universe.
Well both off them are basically 'this thing overwrites reality in the area'. Meanwhile AIM fields did create the Imaginary Number District, and unless I'm misremembering that is a Phase.

Well on one hand despite how it works espers have only one power. However on the other hand stuff like "I control electromagnetism", "I control movement", and "I make stuff that did not and could not exist until I made it" all count as one power.

So it probably depends on if it would count as one thing or not. However you could probably replicate Loony Tune type stuff with 'matter transmutation' or something like that.
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With Miquella looking like that id smash that boypussy, no joke. Imagine that eternally tight hole. Not to mention that Miquella is prettier than any girl in er lol
Zelda have it. Which one? I cannot recall, but they also have perks to be strong against good
Is this the real reason Malenia fought him? That's hilarious
Look, if Miquella were a girl and Malenia were a boy it'd be understandable.
That's the chick everyone was trying to cure the magic aids from when the Elden ring jump was new right?
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I have finally found my OTB for the jump
>e's just spouting some science shit about a weakness in Accelerator's mathematics that makes sense conceptually and it works because that's what Kihara do
Can Kiharas warp reality?
Noted for future reference after I get Darkness done.
The Misakas were fine when Othinus did it.
But for real I'm waiting for the DLC to actually drop, I'm not putting in anything for suresies based on "leaks"
>I mean, you can work backwards to v2 by deleting everything past that, but I have no idea how you'd tell what was v1 and what was v2.
Simple. You post these in the form of mega links, so to make things easier I just download them as zip files, and I haven’t deleted any of the old ones. Obtaining a list is a matter of grabbing the v1 and v2 zip files, copying the names of everything in the v1 folder, then moving the v1 images to the v2 folder and copying down the name of every card that doesn’t have a duplicate. I tried it and it took me something like 20 or 25 minutes.
The Kihara in question relevant to the topic was the one that helped develop Accelerator's esper ability. So he knew the exact part of Accelerator's aim field to punch to force his ability to let him punch Accelerator.
Jumper shall build a house on the moon and claim it for himself. Then sue all those countries with moon rovers and such for leaving trash on his lawn.
You mean the punch that warps reality.
Essentially the Kihara trained Accelerator wrong as a joke.
Not really? There was a specific point in the aim field where if you pull back on a punch Accelerator's automatic defense would reverse the vectors going away from him into hitting him.

Pretty much
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You guys forget that accelerator hot over that weakness over the course of the fight anyway and amata coasted on accel choker getting out of juice until he pulled the black wings.
Amata is a terrible example of accel weakness because it was literally programed into him and he still surpassed it.
Not to mention the clonoth bullshit. I'm still processing that one.
I mean there is like 20 Kiharas at this point in Toaru canon, and among them, one of them is a literal sapient dog who is so smart it can use the Magic God killing superweapon
New Zelda game announced BLADE
At some point in NT it's revealed that Aleister has the magic of Archetype control and has created the Archetype of the Mad Scientist to prop up Academy City, so yes actually Kihara's warp reality or more accurately are a byproduct of reality warping applied to make them exist in the first place.
The Legend of Link
>Can Kiharas warp reality?
Feels like it sometimes.
>Not to mention the clonoth bullshit. I'm still processing that one.
Nta but the clonoth is a third tree, beside the sephiroth and the qliphot, that accellerator created, i think
Hey NuBee if you're here, would Priscilla be fine with me touching er tail?
>>93096157 (me)
Sorry cut, anyway i think the Clonoth is the Misaka network.
Imagine Instrumentality except it's metaphorically and semi-literally a tree made of Railgun clones and Accelerator planted it, I think. Except there were already two of them that'd been planted by gods, the Sephirah and Qliphoth trees, and this new one is special because it's made from humans from the ground up. The other two trees are the basis of... not magic, I think, but angels and magic gods probably?
Accelerator and the clone network and Qliphah made another counterpart to Sephirot and Qliphot
Good night thread.
Sleep tight
Night, sweet knight
>Metroid Prime 4 Beyond in 2025
Let's fucking go
The Sephirah and Qliphoth are Phases, or rather more specifically, they're models of cosmological construction. The universe actually looks like the Sephirah and Qliphoth
If astrology works to predict the future why not move the stars, am I right?
That's something like the actual plan of the Transcendents in the new new series of books
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Futurama has the tech for that.
The fun thing about Metroid I've come to realise is that while there is escalation, like Raven Beak is legitimately the scariest thing she's fought in a setting with hyperdimensional crystal aliens and all-consuming darkness blobs even if he mostly fights like a stronger Samus, the universe itself never actually feels any smaller for it. There is no Thanos, there's just different types of alien infestation or deadly birdlike things.

They can just make up something like a living planet she has to go inside to blow up and I wouldn't bat an eye.
>They can just make up something like a living planet she has to go inside to blow up and I wouldn't bat an eye.
So Phaaze?
So for the Light of Terra (Part 1) Companion section to have one option from every major faction, it's missing an Inquisitor, a Commissar, and a Sister of Battle. I know the Sisters of Battle get represented in The Heathen Trail but I'd still like to include one in the primary document for those who don't want to take that DLC.

Am I missing any factions people want to see besides The Great Four Evils?
Nono, an ACTUAL planet not something infesting it. The Hellstar. Or Ego the Living Planet, that sort of thing.
It’d be nice to have a Space Marine from a different chapter then the Alpha Legion.

>The Great Four Evils
Excuse you. Great Three Evils and one proper way of viewing reality.
I thought Phaaze was a living planet.
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So like-what exactly IS the Final Shape anyways? I mean, I fully understand the concept of it-a self-correcting absolute pattern that cannot be reduced and effectively conquers the entire universe-but like...what are its properties? What would the Final Shape look like? How would it interact with the rest of the universe if it suddenly emerged? How big-or small-would it be? Generally just...not just in concept, but materially, what IS the Final Shape?
Depending on how niche you want to get you could add a Rogue Trader, Psyker, Gene Stealer, Enslaver, Thunder Warrior, or something weirder like a Q'Orl, depends on how wide of a net you want to cast. Adding a Squat would make sense at least.
Finally, after 7 fucking years.
>sees the title
>sees the end
>[please wait... brain is loading...]
>finally thinks to look for the rules text on the card
If you want the black to be easily readable against such a busy image, you have to do similar to some of the fancier planeswalker cards and add a layer with a gray/white tint to create a frame for that text. I don't think anyone can actually parse the entirety of the second line because of the shadows the empty space of the cupboard casts.
Hexagon, from what I've read from thread.
>still waiting on Silksong
It depends on who you ask.

>Oryx, most of the Hive
Everything dead except the Hive, killing and fighting forever. Or whoever beats the Hive. An ultimate lifeform with no weaknesses left, and is therefore happy forever.

>The Vex
Infinite nested universe in which Vex control everything, and everything that could possibly exist has everything that could possibly be done to them inflicted by the Vex, just to see if it's possible.

>The Witness
Basically the ending from The Lego Movie but without actual glue. The Witness freezes you in whatever it thinks you deserve, your greatest triumph or worst humiliation. Apparently this collapses all possibilities into a vaguely avante garde statue; it's not clear what this implies about the parallel timelines in Destiny or the Vex interpreting their inevitable destruction as THE DARKNESS consuming everything instead of this weird petrification. It apparently freezes the rest of the universe too in an entropy-less state. Also it puts it's fucking arms everywhere.

>The Winnower
Whichever one of the guys mentioned above beats up everyone and wins. It does think the Witness is a boring crybaby loser despite it also basically being the first champion of it's principle, though.
Does she need a seat by any chance? I mean come on, what a fucking glorious booty she's got in that pic.

Also out of all of those, we only have actual video footage of the Witness' Final Shape. At least, enacted on Earth.
>If you want the black to be easily readable against such a busy image, you have to do similar to some of the fancier planeswalker cards and add a layer with a gray/white tint to create a frame for that text. I don't think anyone can actually parse the entirety of the second line because of the shadows the empty space of the cupboard casts.
>...I set that to white, why the fuck is it black. Oh, right, because moving stuff between files occasional resets things. Blarg.
That's not a bad idea, though if I remember correctly Knights are huge, so that could be a problem. Maybe I could attach a Knight to the Tech Priest Companion in Part 2 when I rebalance all of that nonsense.

I was thinking of replacing the current Space Marine guy with someone more flavorful and interesting. Unless people like Silent McGee. I was going to have a Salamander and a Space Wolf instead.

Hmm. I'm not looking to make an insane amount of extra work for myself, but Rogue Trader, Psyker, and Squat all make sense to me. Then again, if I add those in the Companion list is going to be wildly Imperium focused. Gene Stealer is a nice idea to give the Tyranid fans more options. And I even know a decent but about them thanks to the Cain books.
My takeaway from this is that literally nobody knows what the Final Shape actually is but several people are very confident about what they think the Final Shape SHOULD be, and the Winnower doesn't care and is just happy to see who comes out of that brawl on top.
I like Force Commander bad hair, but I also dislike what Babylon did by making him an Alpha Legion railroad option.
>Maybe I could attach a Knight to the Tech Priest Companion in Part 2 when I rebalance all of that nonsense.
Seems like a good idea, especially since the original has the Tech Priest double up on Titan duty.
>wildly Imperium focused.
Some suggestions to counteract that.
Eldar Exodite, Harlequin.
Tau, but based on the two (well three please add Monat) combat doctrines they have. And a Kroot.
Silksong will release alongside the Bloodborne PC port.
Yes actually. The Winnower, who actually coined the term, basically just thinks that if you leave the universe alone enough one dominant species/faction/pattern will eventually override all the others whether it's world domination, becoming one with the universe in a literal sense or the Lego Movie ending. The Winnower itself admits neither it nor the Gardener can truly decide the outcome of the game.

It just wants everyone to fight more because it thinks even though the rules have changed, someone is still going to eventually come out on top even if it's not the Vex.
>someone more flavorful and interesting
That wouldn’t be difficult.
What are you thinking on in terms of the Light of Terra and its customization?
When you eventually find the rock throw spell (or whatever it was called, the one that conjures three rocks that home in on your target) make sure to cast it with the catalyst in your left hand. For some reason this gives two of the rocks infinite range, whereas casting it in your right hand has normal drop-off ranges for all three rocks. Trust me, this particular trick will come in clutch in a *lot* of places.
Samus is only attracted to birds.
This reminds me of something. Technically the Winnower's freak out at the Gardener altering the rules of the game was the Winnower being short sighted. After all if something can cause the Vex a problem that means the Vex didn't actually reach Final Shape.
>Commander Bad Hair
Well, I'll try something and if people object I can always work him back in.
>Eldar Exodite, Harlequin
Both fantastic ideas, thank you.
>Tau Monday
I'm afraid my Tau knowledge is where I'm the weakest. What's the name of the combat doctrines? I'll be sure to do my research.
Literally the first alien Companion I slapped on my list. Love those little wildcards.

Yeah, exactly.

I'm not even close to working on that section yet. I'm going to do this document by document so I don't get too in the weeds with my planning. My plan is to work on Part 1, then Part 2, then chew my way through the DLCs, before finally doing Part 3.

That is a wildly optimistic plan though. We'll see how far I get on this.
What are some of the strongest race options we have to be a ghost?
From my admittedly limited understanding, the Winnower doesn't really care about the "Final Shape" as a sort of perfect organism or the like-he just wants to see a single repeating pattern that takes over the entire "game". With the Gardener adjusting the rules that meant his favorite pattern no longer ends up dominating the game like it used to and there's no actual guarantee of such a pattern emerging. Maybe the Vex can adapt, maybe not, but either way they're no longer the default winners and it annoys the Winnower something fierce that new patterns and random life emerges all over the place without falling into a single repeating pattern.
Danny Phantom, be a time god ghost.
If we're being VERY technical the Vex didn't get a chance to actually fight anything before running away from the wrestling mathematic systems in terror and making themselves real by force. And the Winnower doesn't seem to count itself or the Gardener as things life has to fight to qualify in it's eyes, because it makes a point of noting that it can be only one thing in the game and the Gardener can only push it's view, and it's more interested in the choices life makes in response to that.

And it's VERY not clear what if any non-Guardian problems the Vex had throughout the history of the universe. The Witness' species were apparently using "glass minds" to see into the future which implies (assuming the Vex's origin story is still canon) at worst they were conquered by them, and at best that the Witness' species found the Vex and started domesticating them and the Vex just kind of went along with it because they're too autistic not to. Like supercomputer-shaped cows.
In Bleach ghosts can be really powerful, Abyssals are arguably ghosts.
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Danny Phantom ghosts start at being able toss cars and ramp up to gods of their obsession. In just a Dark Dan destroyed the Earth and only left scattered survivors and a single city. Then he destroyed that city by using ghost powers to destroy ghost immunity shields.
>What's the name of the combat doctrines?
Mon'tka (The Killing Blow) which is about big strong strikes, Kauyon (Patient Hunter) which is about luring the other guy into elaborate ambushes and Monat (Lone Warrior) which can be basically described as "FPS protag".
>We'll see how far I get on this.
I wish you good fortune anon.
This is mostly correct. The Winnower isn't annoyed at life as a whole, it was fucking pissed that the rules changed at all but even in Unveiling it basically shrugged and went "Oh well sucks to be you, git gud. I'll give you loot if you agree with me enough to worship me, though". If anything in the only leaked Rubicon lore to my knowledge it's more annoyed at THE WITNESS than anything because yes, while it will acknowledge any victor, it also thinks the Witness is boring because it just keeps going BAAAAAAAW LIFE HAS NO MEANING all the time instead of enjoying itself.
Wait we will get upgrade of LOT? Maybe remake chaos path less dangerous?
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Horny martial arts jumps?
What. The. Fuck.

Boy Malenia fucked up her brother's plan something good.
Martial arts is inherently horny
So the Final Shape is Kudzu.
I don't think the Veil is nearly as cute as the Traveler but will also tie a rope to it and carry it off.
I tend to forget that everyone in Bleach is just a normal continent destroying ghost. And then they ramp up even higher in power.
Choice of Kung Fu literally has a shapeshifting fox spirit waifu that can use their illusion powers to place you into a several day long narcotic pleasure state that's literally called "The Fox Hole".
I mean if you think about it Vex is basically kudzu if kudzu started as just an idea, and achieved the singularity before becoming real.
Thanks again anon. I appreciate the inspiration and information.

That's the plan. Maybe. Don't quote me on it. But I'm trying.
Maybe being a Fate servant?

Ghosts in Shaman King can also be pretty strong, but their ability to influence the material world is extremly limited without a Shaman making use of them.
One of the DC jumps has a pretty good one IIRC.
I'm gonna use Personification from Fate/Britbong to manifest The Gardener and The Winnower as cute waifus, then mating press them both.
I don't really believe they are capable to destroy continent but yes, except for fullbringer and quincy everyone is a ghost.
Dead or Alive and Kenichi are pretty horny martial art settings.
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NuBee Bodymod: Adjustment, Cleansed, Sex (F), Intelligence 4, Rejuvenation, Grooming, Perfume x2, Aesthetics (Young), Detailing, Disinfect x2, Normality x2, Polar Bear Club, Homeostasis

I'm just a 4'5" short haired legal legal goth lolipire. Black hair and red eyes.

Animal Crossing
Origin: Camper, F, 22

Drawbacks: Buggy +200 1200
Perks: Take A Load Off, Harvest Season -100, Living Ruff -150, Crafting Expertise -200, Daily Chores -300. -750 450
Items: Thermos -50, Barrel of Fruit -100, Radio -100, Golden Watering Can -200. -450 0

I wanted to do a mecha chain again, but this time focused on actually getting the perks to make my own mecha instead of just buying and upgrading one. Harvest Season and Crafting Expertise are absolutely amazing for that.

Also, I really like the idea of just making a living off of being a craftsman.

Origin: Q-Branch Support, F, 22. -100 900

Perks: Technical Training, Basic Training -100, Road Rage -300, Gadget Master -150, Universal Exports -300. -850 50
Items: Slinky Dress -50, Bugs. -50 0

I'm tiny, so picking up Gadget Master to let me make smaller things is nice. Plus I only gotta do like thirty minutes of exposition before retiring to do whatever the fuck

Origin: Human Toymaker

Drawbacks: Continuity
Perks: Medic -100, Body Builder -200, Spark of Life -400, Tinker, Craftsman -100, Dark Science -200. -1000 0
Items: Dieselpunk Weekly

Finding a good jump with small conflicts that'd let me make mechs was a bit annoying but I eventually decided on this one entirely because Spark of Life would let me have full hands on my mech.

My plan is to live off of my barrels of fruit while working to kludge together a proper farm setup. Then I'll have to kludge together a mecha to hunt down The Beast with to stop the plot from happening, so I won't have to worry about roaming toxic murderbots.
As he should. God I'm so excited for Sword Logic and Wish Dragon bullshit I can't even fucking describe it. Hell, I might just make an entire fucking chain based around being a Wish Dragon.
>Plus I only gotta do like thirty minutes of exposition before retiring to do whatever the fuck
Not in the Craig movies.
Part of me wants some kind of item that can convert humans into Eldar, but I’m not sure how you’d justify it.
I'll be honest, the only bond movie I ever watched was Goldfinger, and I stopped after they introduced a character unironically named Pussy Galore.
The path of the Dick Punch and Tiddy Slap. Very powerful.
Damn anon you made me remember that there was another kind of martials arts cyoa. Had xianxia elements in it but I can't remember the name.
I think one of the beginning scenes was the MC being revealed to have a super high blood compability with a previous emperor or something? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?
It ramps up fast. Starting street level hollows to people trying to destroy the entire universe in less than a year. All while the kids are still in school. Imagine peaking in high school. That is the fate of most shonen protagonists.
So, what you guys are saying is that the Winnower would approve of Worm Entities?
They do not sound like waifu material.
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>Wants to look like THIS
Their goal of reproducing endlessly forever, yes. More as a side effect of the goal (absolutely everything in the universe being entity upon entity forever and ever) then the goal itself
Chibi Robo
Origin: Drop-In

Perks: Needle and Thread, Green Technology -100, Chibi-Engineering -200, Hide and Seek -100. -1000 0

This is a bit of a weird jump to come to next, but Green Technology lets me fuel my mecha by feeding it random trash and Chibi-Engineering is pretty great for making effective blasters and various kinds of modules for domestic tasks.

Being able to turn my mech into something that can clean up, beautify, and tend to nature sounds pretty nice
Also the process of The Cycle. Like, The Cycle is almost identicle to what the Traveler and the Veil have going on between them
It was Path of Martial Arts, and thread occasionally has fairly lengthy conversations about it.
Fingers crossed that Skyrim will make a jump for it when its no longer a WIP.
Thanks anon I was completely blanking on that name.
And yeah I found that through this thread so I thought there might be a good chance someone might know what I'm talking about. Finding interesting new media is one of the beter bonuses of this hobby.
I want to go in as a Danny Phantom ghost and see how powerful I can get with the Bleach plot pushing jumper harder to fight and kill.
... And now I'm completely blanking on where to go next.

I was thinking Fallout because it's exactly the kind of setting that could use a friendly trash powered mech stomping around recycling and restoring the wastes AND I could pretty easily build up a whole faction dedicated to doing just that.

But Fallout's also a setting that wouldn't really allow itself to recover from the Great War, and the one fight I've been in was against a old rundown machine smaller than me outside of my mech
Actually that looks kinda cute. Neat mechanic too. Feels like it might be related to Link Between Worlds somehow just because of dark rifts kidnapping people, though it's interesting that Link gets sucked up instead of zelda. Those portals probably lead to the dark realm though, not Lorule.

Also fuck. I would say that i have three months to make totk but honestly I don't think that's happening.
>New Zelda game
They finally make Zelda the protagonist and they don't bother calling it The Legend of Link? A shame.
RoboCop. Pitch a mecha alternative to the whole mechanized police force idea.
Is Robocop the kind of setting that needs mecha recyclers running around fixing up the environment?
They do around Detroit at least.
It's basically Detroit during the peak of the US policy of "fuck the environment time to line the pockets with heavy industry!". Its basically a giant Superfund project.

Oh and people will actively work to destroy any mecha working to fix the environment because you're violating their right to pollute.
So, no. Although I do like the idea of beating the shit out of someone because they're violating my right to fix up the environment.
So why does Kaido look cool when Big Mom turned into a potato? Aren't they from the same generation?
Because eating constantly without working out makes you fat
Kids from the same class don't turn out the same way. Big mom is the cheerleader who peaked in high school and became a landwhale after pumping out a dozen kids.
Because the artist draws all old women as ugly potatoes?
But she's still really fucking strong, you'd think that at worst she'd end up like a female version of blackbeard. Which is still bad but not. . . literal giant potato.
Why did you jump One Piece?
Are there any fantasy worlds with like Magi-Tech smartphones and PCs? Otherwise still a fantasy world but with some of our modern comforts and like dotted about.
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I just thought my friends would adore the place. Especially THIS specific friend.
Haki and waifus.
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The only one that comes to mind is In Another World With My Smartphone, but smartphones don't really become a thing until after one of the MC's harem members starts making them
To crush the world goverment.
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I like the place but the mc is a faggot
Doesn't that happen in The Eminence in Shadow as well?
I don't know, sorry. I haven't read/watched that as I really dislike the premise
Isn't she back to Australia? They didn't even live together. Assuming that Val isn't just NuBee larping.
But you liked in another world with my smartphone? Great taste anon.
I haven't read/watched that either. That bit of knowledge comes from doing a wiki dive while trying to find out the level of power a Null Magic spell can get.

Generic isekai protagonist #61 is less grating than "adult chuunibyo is always right somehow" though
>Ars Magna
Wouldn't Alister shit be better?
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Lolaleister isn't offered in the jump
Companion or riot.
>Coolest thing isn't offered
Why even bother then
I thought she moved to Texas to be with Nubee. But then it's been a while since I paid any kind of attention to their nonsense.
Nta but did Aleister act in OT?
Are there any cult leader captains in One Piece?
She did then moved back and started getting shitfaced and high every weekend while supposedly going to visit him sometimes.
Was thinking about that Master Crafter perk in Fortgotten Realms. Anything you make is always a masterwork item. What are some setting where jumper can just appear, boast about being some rare crafter and just confuse people about how some child could be that good?
What are some horror games that got proper jumps instead of gauntlets?
Probably not if you're a stranger, especially if you murdered your way through the Painted World. If you got to her non-violently and stayed around long enough maybe.
Any Isekai because the peasantry only reason to exist is looking perplexed at enlightened reincarnators introducing novel concepts such as "farming" and "shoes"
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...Huh. I probably shouldn't be surprised someone did that, but I kind of am anyways. Neat. Some of those names look like things I changed, but for the most part it works.

MSE is only great most of the time. Sometimes, for some of the weirder card format, it forgets all of the formating when I move it across files. Mostly double faced cards, but some others. The Dungeon card was the worst because when I first moved it from my test doc to my changelog it completely reset it and I had to manually rebuild it.
Can post the art you're using for that card on it's own?
I think the Underworld in Highschool DxD has stuff like that.
I recall one where the MC invented cooking with fire. The people already had steel armor, fantasy, but advanced nations and magic items, not no ever used fire to cook. And fucking up a fish was punishable by death if even one person complained. They got bread by leaving it in the sun and it was considered the food of nobles.
I feel obligated to bash in the skulls of everyone who lives there with a rock.
I don't think this one got used on a card properly, but it was used as the background for Succubus Nostrum after I fucked around with it and edited a bottle of vodka with boobs into the image.
Thanks anon. That pic's gonna be perfect the next time I do a shopkeeper chain.

I think it's the first pic of a store I've seen that was specifically an art supply store
Love this Isekai
It was a shonen with biological super science
I sold Nomu's to the world goverment btw
Travel the world with my wife finding fun stuff to do.
Why did Gojo put on the Toji drip before being cut in half? That was honestly just bad moho to begin with considering what happened to that dude
I was already a fem!Luffy and wanted to have fun adventures.
Eh, I'm sure even the high end Nomu is kinda fodder if you're an actually strong One Piece character.
>...Huh. I probably shouldn't be surprised someone did that, but I kind of am anyways. Neat.
I mean, your work’s been interesting enough to keep me reading. It helps that I like MGE.
>caveman isekai where the peasantry's reason to exist is explaining post-Neolithic concepts like "farming" and "writing" to the MC
If you fiddle around with the syntax, I think you can just generate a tree for each folder with a command line prompt and run those through a difference checker for text files. It'd save a lot of manual work in exchange for a bit of time figuring out how to tell the OS where you want it to look for files.
>Miquella is a shard esque remove free will=peace for everyone ordertism dude apparently
Shard what the fuck kind of blackmail do you have on Miyazaki?
When you're already mermaxxing, why wouldn't you learn Merman Combat, Fishman Karate, Merman Gujutsu, and Fishman Jujutsu?
But does xhe fuck Radahn?
The only things I'm salvaging from that bloodline is Marika and Melina if she counts.
I figured something like that was doable, but I suspected that working it out would take longer then doing it manually. Also it was hot, so it was the perfect time to do something that would require some time and not much brainpower.
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...I didn't even notice that. I saw the colored boxed in the upper left and my brain went 'cigarettes' and then tuned the rest out. Damn you for mentioning it, because now I want to change Succubus Nostrum to use a different background.

Fair enough. You've said that you don't know mtg well, but have you learned enough to think I'm doing something wrong anywhere?
>slave isekai to explain why people love you if you give them food and how it is okay because no one wants to be free anyway.
You can do it Blade, I believe in you.
Apparently she got a promotion which ruined her life with overtime or something
How long after Breath of the Wild is Tears of the Kingdom?
Is it worth it to visit The Citadel to fuck the protagonist of that game?
Not if you use a substantially stronger One Piece human body as the base when making them
>Also fuck. I would say that i have three months to make totk but honestly I don't think that's happening.
IIRC something like 10 years. I don't think it's specifically stated anywhere, but that one couple in Tarry Town went from getting married in BotW to having a pre-teen daughter in Tears.
In this particular case, please believe in me less.

We don't know! More than five years but less than ten.

I used to be able to fucking focus on things. I miss being able to do that.
You're an awful person.
Depends, what do they look like?
As a general rule, or because I made a card that only works in one specific and kind of rare game mode? I assure you mtg has done worse. They have cards that only work if you're opening packs with other people, or that cost less depending on what order they were in when you opened them from a pack.
What low power worlds have cool magic swords?
What is Jumper's kitchen like? Do they use extensive gadgets to prepare everything or do they cook their food in a simpler way?
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Sorc builds are about to get buffed in the jump huh.
Any chance of adding things related to the video-game continuity Doom Syndicate, or are they pretty much doable with the current plans?
I cook with mystic martial arts and simple tools of the finest quality materials and enchantments to increase there quality.
Nothing better to do, so I'm doing what I mentioned earlier and changing many of my gauntlets into regular jumps with depowering drawbacks. Specifically: Amnesia, Condemned, Cryostasis, Penumbra, Hellraiser, and Yume Nikki. The more I look at them, the clearer it is I didn't balance these jumps around not getting a stipend. However, I'm stumped on what to do about the scenarios. I've been trying to avoid scenarios whenever I can (freebees with extra steps and all that), but I give myself a pass on gauntlets since they were pretty much the only incentive not to take the regular jump toggle. Now that it's no longer a gauntlet, I don't have that excuse anymore. I'm not really sure what the best course of action would be here.
>Fair enough. You've said that you don't know mtg well, but have you learned enough to think I'm doing something wrong anywhere?
I haven’t noticed anything bad. Some cards are more situational then others, but that’s the nature of the game.

Also it occurs to me, there are various cards that target colors in various ways, such as Destroy all (color) Creatures and the like, so a card that defends against them could be useful. Something like [Demon Realm: Enemy spells that affect all Black Creatures, Lands, or Artifacts increase their cost by your Devotion to Black -5] or what have you.

Reminder every human you interact with in Shadow of the Demon Lord is made out of demons and you can learn to make them explode and release the demon.
Which of these horror game sounding settings would be good for an early jumper to have cool sword fights with enemies who were definitely expecting you to run away instead?
Your specific brand of autism and continued insistence posting that off topic nonsense here is offensive.

Is that clear enough for you?
I don't know if I can post an image without being banned. The game is a doom clone made by a Gurofag, the protagonist and several of the bosses, are mostly naked cyborg women you blow to pieces, technically all of the enemies are but they're dressed in sci-fi power armor and mechanicus robes and shit
Gauntlets all having zero starting cp is dumb. The goal should be to make the gauntlet very hard but enforcing 0 starting cp is a bad way of doing that (as seem by some of the very easy gauntlets)
i prefer to tickle
Amnesia and Penumbra. Considering they pretty much popularized the "run and hide" style of horror game.
Enemies in Condemned are so drugged out they're barely sentient, and fully expect you to fight back.
Enemies in Cyostasis are only interested in killing you. Whether you run or hide is irrelevant.
Enemies in Yume Nikki just teleport you away on contact, so 1-on-1 combat isn't the best approach.
Hellraiser is a movie series, not a game, but most of the antagonists are immortal sadomasochistic demons. You couldn't really have a proper battle with them since pain or injury really aren't deterrents for them, and that's assuming you can put up a fight at all, since most Cenobites can just summon chains from the shadows to tear you to pieces in an instant.

I literally asked two weeks ago what people would think about me leaving my gauntlets as gauntlets but providing a full stipend. Most of the responses I got were somewhere on the spectrum of "that defeats the whole point" and "are you trying to be more like reddit?" so I backed down.
>off topic
No u. This is relevant to my chain.

Generally speaking there's a connection between focus and price. A normal counterspell is 3. A counterspell you can pay part of now and part of later is 4. A counterspell you can pay none of now and all of later is 5. A counterspell that only works on creatures is 2. A counterspell that can be defeated (see Spell Pierce) costs 1. Given that the set very much hinges on 'Humans/Succubus/Everything Else', it's somewhat akward to design spells that don't play to at least one of those in some manner. I'm pretty sure I designed at least one or two creatures that only work when you block them with a human, so if your opponent doesn't have any of those, you know, fuck you.

>Devotion to black - 5
That's just Ward. But that isn't a bad idea. Might put it on a plane rather than a enchantment though.
The jump for it is pretty bad & the world of The Citadel seems like it sucks but the Martyr is straight sex so I'd say so, yeah
Damn, you must love horror, genre
>...I didn't even notice that. I saw the colored boxed in the upper left and my brain went 'cigarettes' and then tuned the rest out. Damn you for mentioning it, because now I want to change Succubus Nostrum to use a different background.
Sorry anon.
>but the Martyr is straight sex so I'd say so, yeah
Ikr, the game is ok but the martyr is worth jumping for
I'm more into horror games than movies. Hellraiser was kind of an exception since it was one of the few horror icons that was a total blindspot in my cultural awareness, so I figured I might as well go all-in and binged the whole franchise.
>Generally speaking there's a connection between focus and price.
Makes sense.

>That's just Ward. But that isn't a bad idea. Might put it on a plane rather than a enchantment though.
Feels like an enchantment would work better, but go with what works. And now I’m remembering that idea I had for altering an opponent’s Devotion score to your benefit. Something like “Pay X Black mana, opponent’s Devotion to Black is considered to be Y greater”. Might be a card there.
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Aleister doesn't do shit until NT. Literally he only appears at the end to pout at Fiamma.
Turns out Kaito seduced Megiddo after a mildly impressive (actually very mediocre) show of mental strength despite the fact she already had a love interest in Ozma... So I guess the harem perk there is also a NTR perk
Shard is a bugman and that thing runs in Asian culture.
It's like claiming the same for every capitalism/Jesus allegory we have in the West because some tripfag id running a capitalist/Jesus Jumper.
You can just make a scenario that locks you from using OCP.
Sorry I may be out of the loop bit but whats that thing about jesus being basically a capitalist? Haven't heard of that before.
What world should a martial artist go to next during there chain to really kick things into the next gear?
Burn Legend.
Isn't the objective of Buddhism, the most popular religion in Asia, to remove your will altogether?
Gundam Future Century.
Ric, make canon companions 10 CP each or something there's too many people I want to steal.
I don't think he's saying capitalism and Jesus are related, he's just pointing out those are both very common themes since they're the new and old religions of the west, respectively.
>I literally asked two we...
people are dumb
though adding +1000cp does seem like it would make the gauntlets much easier, which is generally bad imo
(hard is not the same thing as lacking choice)
You are giving it up and everyone needs to do the same.
It is also more like giving up attachments rather than will.
>I literally asked two weeks ago what people would think about me leaving my gauntlets as gauntlets but providing a full stipend. Most of the responses I got were somewhere on the spectrum of "that defeats the whole point" and "are you trying to be more like reddit?" so I backed down.
We have at least one gauntlet that offers 500cp.

Gauntlet rules are more suggestions anyways, considering the gauntlets that let you keep your powers, the one that lets you keep your powers but diminished, the ones that let you buy a perk to keep powers, and the one that lets you import whatever weapon/armour you want
Which servants would take being friend zoned the worst?
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More like 100cp each lmao
Any of the Yandere ones.
The mommydom GF berserker one
I’ll deal with it. I don’t actually have to ever look at the card again for a while and if by some grace of god I get to actually play with these I can probably repress that fact before then.

It might, but that would be more the kind of thing I put on a lilim to represent them turning a location into a Mamano realm. Maybe I’ll replace alt Druella’s persist effect with ward? Anyways, for a more established place, I’d want to use a plane card. It helps that I want more of those anyways.

I don’t think I have much of anything that pings off an opponent’s devotion? AltGargoyle lowers it because it’s designed to deny them access to their god cards, but I can’t recall making anything that uses theirs as a measurement of anything.
No, see, his suggestion is genius because it tricks your autism into taking ten Companions you didn't want to deal with when you only wanted one.
And I just notice she doesn’t have a p/t
I wanna go back to sleep.
>Maybe I’ll replace alt Druella’s persist effect with ward? Anyways, for a more established place, I’d want to use a plane card. It helps that I want more of those anyways.
Why not both.jpg

>I don’t think I have much of anything that pings off an opponent’s devotion? AltGargoyle lowers it because it’s designed to deny them access to their god cards, but I can’t recall making anything that uses theirs as a measurement of anything.
I thought there was a card that did damage based on an opponent’s devotion, but I was thinking of Eros God of Love. I suppose cards dealing with an opponent’s devotion are an idea you could play with and see if you like.

>I wanna go back to sleep.
That reminds me, for your writeup you should tell Anabel that where you come from you don’t get married until you’re adults. It might get you enough time to finish the jump without failing Lilim's Love
Bro would pull up to your house at 2am with the boombox and the Indian spaceship and if you say no to him he's nuking your house with Ea.
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More like 200cp each canon companion lol
How would Madara feel if after Hashirama stabbed him through the back in the Final Valley he french kissed him and held him until he "died"?
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9anon in Neon Dreams of Organic Toys can import my groupie/Kith and Kin from the same jump so that I can give them perks and the like?
>I missed this
Are there any good perks for keeping your intestines inside your body after getting your gut cut open?
the manga early chapters has an ugly bastard that lives rent free in my head
Intestines like being in your body anon. Just shove them back in and they'll squirm back into place
It is.

The Final Shape takes on the properties of whatever becomes It, as Shard explained. The original Pattern involved everything turning into Vex as the most optimal build like some deranged pre-cosmological form of carcinization, but the current contenders all vary.
A Tzeentchtodes
The Pattern was already the Final Shape and the Winnower notably does not consider itself something anything has to confront to prove its status, it is outside the game entirely. It should be noted that the Vex were a literal pattern, rather than some actual group of beings. They were a pattern that continuously emerged because beings in the game would continuously evolve and adapt into a certain format, with this format always being the Vex.

Imagine if all of Jumpchain across every community unanimously decided to only ever make the most optimal builds for every jump forever and those optimized builds were always the same regardless of context or circumstances. That's the Pattern.
We actually got all the Rubicon lore leaked, Shard. Whilst it doesn't have the Winnower re-reveal, it DOES validate the leaks because it has the lore about the Witness becoming something separate from the Penitent/Precursors that was leaked alongside the Winnower stuff from the API. Most likely, we might be getting that lore at the end of Echoes alongside the Vex stuff and the Qugu fighting the Hive
>Generic isekai protagonist #61 is less grating than "adult chuunibyo is always right somehow" though
That a hot take.
Around 5+ years.
I want one. . .
And Zelda is the protagonist? Here's hoping they do a 99% good game instead of a 97% one.
I don't know anything about 40k, why does she have a Sukuna eye?
Current Accelerator? No, he's already dealt with things like Sukuna but better.
>Generic isekai protagonist #61 is less grating than "adult chuunibyo is always right somehow" though
Huge disagree, I'd watch a thousand Cids before I watch one more emotionless, boring high schooler become god in episode 1 with his only personality being him killing people who hurt his friends.
NTA, but the fact he doesn't fuck his harem made me drop the series as well
Where the HELL do find those things?
Also good to know that I'll be kicking the bussy ine balls.
It's a magic demon bird in disguise
I mean it's not just that, it's also the cheap reason behind it, and a lot of various factor other than the fucking but yeah.
There was this thing with GW insisting that female Custodes were always a thing, then someone made a comic where this point was being made by an obvious agent of the Changer of Ways because no that is very much not the case.
Both does work, though I might put that on a different lilim. One of the fanmade ones, maybe, if they get an alt version for the commander deck.

That would be even more hit and miss than a killspell that only worked on one creature type. Hard pass.

So, fun fact. According to Kenkous fantastic fetishisticwoeldbuilding, succubus finish puberty at ten at the latest. And she’s a lilim. I don’t think I actually stated how old she is, but she’s probably already able to pop kids out. That said, Lilims love isn’t actually an issue at all because of how I’m running the chain - that is, via planeswalking rather than via fiat. I’ll be staying in MGE for the full decade, which is a nod toward the fact I’ve basically failed that drawback and don’t really want to leave her as a result, but once that times out and/or I find a way to take her with me that stops being a problem.
What are OUR horniest jumps?
Out of Cruel Space maybe?
I'm working on it

Likely Nirvana Yuga
The hero of the gun sounds like a catholic priest.
I'd have said a christian priest myself but that's splitting hairs really.
Shit. That's a magical idea. The Light of Terra is a perfect place for her too.

Picking just one from this expanded list is going to drive people insane.
I don't think that's ours.
Didn't the pope used to have castrated boys around him all the time?
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/erg/, and also the review embargo dropped today so all the early access review sites and youtubers are posting videos with clips of new shit.
It is.
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The harassing fat noble? Iirc it was send by her brother the king for mildly schizophrenic reasons
I feel like asking for a (probably heavily disguised) Man of Iron would be too much, but it's worth a shot.
Maken Ki.
>8 New Weapon Groups
>95 New Weapons
Yeahhhh, uh, even while being optimistic that's gonna be rough to balance me think.
Oh absolutely. Someone already posted frenzy-poison perfumer bottles.
So it is. Neat. Didn't think it was.
You'd know more about that than I would i'd imagine.
I'm going to be honest and say that I don't know much about the Men of Iron. I know they're extremely heretical to the current Imperium and that they were essentially AI given man-shaped forms. But that's about it. Were they banned and mostly destroyed because mankind feared them deciding to eradicate mankind one day or something?
Frenzy bottles sound fun imo.
Now if you are talking about bottles that does both poison and frenzy...
Who is this based person that is fully admitting his desires to himself.
Yes I am. There are frenzy bottles, and the bottles can be infused.
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Still on the fence about Amnesia and Penumbra, but these are the main two I really felt didn't benefit that much from being gauntlets.
That sound either fun and useless and boring desu.
Straight up PvP duel is all about evading and punishing the guy in front of you, frenzy bottle are just gonna make things faster or superbrained and breadeader than before.
And if it's for chases an ganking, it's just encouraging the guy in front of you to either run away, go even faster, or try to evade better.
>I don't know any homosexuals that are worse than that
Are there any homosexuals in that world? Or any japanese medias for that matter?
Here's hoping it has dungeons worth a damn.
Homos are relatively common in Redo. Lots of them diddled Keyaru and the sword hero is a lesbian crossdresser
>Or any japanese medias for that matter?
There has been gays in japanese media since the 80s anon.
They're both insufferable because they always end up being useless cucks who go through the exact same arcs. The only difference is that Cid will comment on the fact that it's a cliche while he goes through those cliches.
Even earlier than that anon. https://nerdbot.com/2019/06/26/a-history-of-lgbt-representation-in-anime/
What are the neck things supposed to be?
The insult tranime didn't come from nowhere.
anon, do you think Yaoi appeared out of nowhere?
Now we can make a joke about Redo being progressist on multiple front!

It's a joke.
Well half a joke, since Yaoi and Yuri are a thing, and I'm plunge into the lava take and say a lot of them don't count since it's all about the ecchi or forbidden love.
Or: they are just shit.

I could make a joke about CLAMP, but oviously no.
There was an AI/Human war and AI was banned some time after that.
This didn't take much to change.
Rebranded is almost more accurate.
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Hey it's like real life!
>Didn't the pope used to have castrated boys around him all the time?
Castrati were a thing from the early Byzantine Empire that later got popularized throughout Europe, including the Vatican.
AI in 40k is inherently Chaotic evil with a capital C for Chaos. The Warp is the sea of souls and where the mind and spirit reside in the 40k setting, and it's a pretty fucking terrible place full of hyper corruptive demons. When you die, your soul gets tortured forever no matter who you are or what you do, that's just sort of a thing. Anyway, code in 40k is sort of alive because it can interface the Warp, but this is a bad thing because it means all forms of digital intelligence rapidly go insane.
I'm pretty sure the Man of Iron walking around disguised is just fine. There was also the AI in the dark age ship that was disgusted with how shitty 40K humans had become but wasn't Chaos corrupted. The Votann and Tau who use AI also seem fine.
Does the eminence in shadow jump has a mc replacement option?
Yeah nah that shit is all doomed by chaos. Scrap code is the real problem that makes AI in 40k completely unfeasible, you just can't make it work at all. Any situation that looks like Chaos can't or won't affect things is just Tzeentch biding his time/self sabotaging for extremely convoluted/stupid reasons.
>place is so shitty that when you die it's literally worse than death
holy shit
Do people actually read the stupid jump or just jerk off to Kiara fanart and call the thing a porn jump?
Does your DxD jump have one?
With this taken care of, the only ones left are Amnesia and Penumbra. All the other gauntlets I made I'm content leaving as gauntlets.
NTA you probably won't actually get tortured forever, you'll most likely just be eaten by some variety of spiritual predator like the Enslavers
>No stop Hibari-kun
Shit list
Souls aren't immortal in 40k, so unless some god even Big E apparently has an afterlife in new lore has taken an interest in keeping them around as a servent, only psyker souls are going to last all that long before fading away.
Shinmai, was it?
That feels a little too extreme to be completely factual.

Good news, I do have what I think is a neat idea for a plot hook to go with a disguised Man of Iron. So he's making it into the Non-Imperium Companions section. I'm going to need to do some wiki diving to make sure I get details right, but I've got time. I appreciate the suggestion.

I really do need to stop adding more choices though. My idea pad has 25 characters on it right now and I still have to come up with a few for the Chaos side of things.
Unenlightened thinking. All souls are of the same substance as the background powers of the Immaterium, there is no distinction between you and the rest of the Warp, and the Warp is consumed by utter suffering of all kinds. Ergo, even should your soul collapse, you will live on forever as part of the realms of Chaos, and suffer untold eons all the same
nah. the writers forgor about that, AI works just fine now.
Feel free to shunt some campanion ideas over to the DLCs in the main campain is getting to stuffed.
Thanks, I can't say I liked those original odds of fucking up and enduring approximately ten years of constant torture just to jump these stories. Seems like the kind of thing that could permanently fuck you up and choose to go home without thinking instead of jumping on and get therapy perks. Just not worth the risk...
Forgot to remove Gauntlet from the title here since you wrote it in under the image.
Go to muppet treasure island first and become untorturable.
>Bitch, Where’s My Sandwich?!
Real question, where you drunk or playing with ChatGPT when you were naming things?
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I don't drink and I didn't know about chatbots back then
(You) will stop existing as a thinking and feeling individual. At that point your soul is no longer being tortured anymore than your body is as it gets eaten by worms. Although something about the way you write tells me you might not be arguing in good faith here...
With this attitude, you will not achieve Moksha in this lifetime. I hope you'll see the light in your next reincarnation as a human.
That's pretty much my plan, yeah. But the idea phase comes first. I'll shuffle around bits and pieces once I discover how much material I made for myself with all the inspiration tossed at me by you guys.
Warp Warp fruit and Six Powers.
Just how many levels of sheer badass the EMPEROR will continue to gain?
The ultimate fight between Shinmai and Maken Ki.
Yeah otherwise the Votann wouldn't exist since they rely on AI for warp navigation even if theirs is slower, it's safe enough they can go outside of their ship while in the Warp and dick around for loot on Space Hulks.
To sing sea shanties and flirt with giant, deformed women.
If that worked then why wouldn't everyone do it
AI is so much fucking easier to advance on the techtree than every form of warp travel, Gellar Fields fucking suck and basically everyone has touched on AI tech at some point
The pic was from Sevens/Seventh
Jumper is too autistic to notice women flirting with him and has no waifus. How can this be changed without harem perks or getting ride of his autism?
Bullet's fruit.
Ah, but if it were a gauntlet then I wouldn't have that "untorturable" perk for those ten years in Hellraiser-land...
get him a neurotypical extrovereted companion to act as a wingman.
If he doesn't care let him be.
>wingman tries to hook jumper up
>jumper spends entire date explaining the history of marbles
It works cause the Votann are running on the same tech their ancestors had that they haven't forgotten how to use or maintain because the computers containing all of the stuff they need to survive is still there and not in 20 million little fragments like it is for the Mechanicus.
Get some oc waifu.
Or stop being geh and get some strong Harem perks

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