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Previous thread: >>93022998

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: How much time does it take for you to prepre a game?
TQ: I find most of my actual prep has to do with vtt stuff. Art, maps, music. But that, like most GURPS prep, is mostly front-loaded, because I tend to get a whole bunch of stuff when I'm first thinking about and curating a campaign.
Then, for individual sessions, I tend to just daydream about those, think about them while driving or cooking or cleaning or whatever.
TLDR hard to say
TQ: I prep stuff well in advance, enough to last for many play sessions. Its usually split between:
1. Really intricate dungeon with notes on every room and skill checks planned out.
2. Slop quickly made combat maps or pictures of villages and a huge list of critters i've made or plot hooks.
Right now I have enough setup, hooks, encounters, etc to last for probably 6 games.
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I ran one yesterday with total noobs in GURPS.
I spent 2 days creating the pregens, and a few hoursI adapted an adventure I know & reuse for cyberpunk in general (Altered Carbon, Cyberpunk and GURPS Cyberpunk, in this case).
I sincerely resent that GURPS books ofer a plethora of templates and ideas and not single usable pregens for kickstarting adventures.
I'd pay for a 5 page adventure + 6 related pregens for each GURPS book in some "Use this book tonight" kind of supplement. I think SJGames should offer them for free X-D
Yeah, no official adventures like that from SJGames, but oneshotadventures.com has a lot of GURPS adventures and they all come with pregens.
Having said that, those pregens weren't optimal; their combat styles were incompatible and I didn't review their eqwuipment before the adventure, so there was a machine gun shooting at the same time with a muay-thay fight in an open golf club 'coz I forgot to censor the weapons and/or calibrate what each character would be set to do... anyway it was random silly fun and they are getting used to other systems besides D&D and Pathfinder ^_^
I thought you wer a cruel prankster, because the URL you posted was far far away from what you promised.
Dangit, I knew I should have just told you to google it. My hubris thinking I could remember a URL!
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I've asked on another thread (>>93089864) about systems to run a game that would features characters like picrel (eg Rainbow Six with demonic powers) and one of the recommendations was GURPS.
How doable is running this game concept on the system?
Thanks, I abandoned geeky hobbies to become a big game hunter.
I've become healthier and have a lovely Norwegian GF now.
>How doable is running this game concept on the system?
Trivial. Tactical technothriller action is one of the easiest genres to run in GURPS and there are numerous ways to handle supernatural elements which can be easily added.
>Last time, on "Misadventures with 'GURPS Power-Ups 9'": Our mysanthropic amateurtagonist was attempting to split up the GURPS Basic Attributes in order to better differentiate disparate types of natural aptitude. First, he sought out an assessment in how those changes aught to be priced:
>After some requests for clarification on how Skills would be divided, he responded with a general description...
>... and eventually, even a setting-specific list of Skills!
>After some unconstructive comments...
>... some encouragement from the crowd...
>... and a thorough response to his initial detractor...
>... our amateurtagonist met a mysterious grognard in the road, questioning his re-assignment of the Power Blow Skill to the Strength Attribute, among other criticisms:
>After giving the mysterious grognard's positions full consideration, our amateurtagonist explained his own position on each matter, not seeing anything particularly wrong with them, either mechanically or thematically:
>Yet, the mysterious grognard was not satisfied, and resorted to accusing Old Masters of Martial Arts of having as little Strength as 8, considerably lower than even an average person, at 10 or 11! Naturally, he made other critiques, too:
>Yet, whether out of wisdom or ignorance, our amateurtagonist held firm to his convictions:
>Will our amateurtagonist finally get that attempt at a cost breakdown that he seeks, as a check on the quality of his own work of separating the large GURPS default Attributes into smaller ones? Will there be more useful criticisms of his work so far? Will a well-reasoned argument against his work so far be made? Will the mysterious grognard in the road be revealed as a wizened sage, or a pretentious fop? Find out in this episode of "Misadventures with 'GURPS Power-Ups 9'"!
Thoughts on my houserule?
-Bulk penalty for handguns at C
-Bulk penalty for long arms at C-1
-Long arms can be parried if melee weapon can reach C-1

Any other tips for making ranged attacks or shooting more difficult in melee distance combat?
Search for GURPS: Technomancer.
Particularly the black ops (like project Fanfir)
So how do you handle Secret/Secret Identity? I have a player that has requested to play with this, their secret in particular being discovered would probably mean they get rejected from their group. Should I disclose the secret OOC? What do I do if one of the other players asks about the secret? I've never done this before, on paper it's a good idea but I'm so scared of screwing them up.
I'd suggest to manage it with players knowing and characters not knowing it, so noone feels cheated. Clearly stablish situations where some kind of roll should be made ("Coming up with excuses", or "producing forged credentials" or such, and tell everybody that they are not defending a character victory, but creating the most interesting story you can make.
It has worked, although that's not the kind of game EVERYONE enjoys b/c there are people who look for ways of winning.
In my case, I'm having a celebrity/cosplayer hacker who exposes corporations dirty doings creating and discarding secret identities. They are not used as the advantage, but though Forgery and Disguise (Not a very subtle approach, we're just starting).
He knows that a Successful roll means some juicy secret, a failiure means nothing was earned and in a critical fail his character will get in some kind of serious problem
That's what I thought of doing. The secret in itself does not really hinder a "win condition" of the group (in truth the character in question does have the same goal as everyone else) but it clearly crosses some kind of line for the faction in question. Considering the roleplay is entirely centered around the group being part of that, I cannot adapt to certain outcomes.
I wanted to come up with funny situations where the player in question has to roll to avoid situations where their secret would be discovered (it wouldn't be all the time, but their secret involves something that can be easily discovered if not careful). Both me and the player find this fun. Still though, if the secret is clearly laid out in the open in one way or the other, it would mean that the player has to stop playing that particular character and I kind of dread the potential drama that could come out of this. I just hope things go well if it happens, or that I have a chance to make it fulfilling in some way.
Wtf is C-1?
And there is already a rule for applying weapon's bulk in melee.
Question: Is GURPS really that much more work for the DM as some people are saying and are the optional books worth it to ease the process of building your game/campaign.
Close combat to 1 yard.
It really depends on a lot of factors. Compared to D&D run as intended (i.e. no house rules, running an unmodified published adventure) it's a shit-ton of work, but then basically every game is (save for a few oddities like In a Wicked Age, which deliberately simplifies the GM's role). The majority of the work is going to be working out the plot, research, setting the mood, figuring out map layouts, and so on. Actually generating content which uses game rules is only a bit more effort than with a simple system and won't make much difference.
However, this can change if you either put very little effort into preparing the non rules content or get obsessive about doing a really thorough job of generating rules (e.g. designing dozens of vehicles using the full 3rd ed vehicle design system, writing your own magic system, detailed character sheets for numerous NPCs).
GURPS you pick and choose what rules you want to use. You could pick out the little pieces that make it really easy to run. People get hung up on the fact that the game actually has rules available for things DnD doesn't support and get overwhelmed reading about reaction rolls and bleeding etc when they are completely optional.
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I have made decent progress on creating the bank for my heist one-shot with the first floor complete. But I am a bit stuck on designing the basement level where the vault is located. I want the vault to be in the center so it can be completely circled but there's a lot of empty space left. Need to add something in the top right portion, maybe a server room of sorts.
The blocked off doors at the bottom cover up a condemned section of the basement, which will probably lead to a conveniently placed sewer access.
Of course this is just a simple mock up of what I'm planning. I already made the first floor to proper scale that'll fit a hex grid.

In the meantime I need to read the Action books again and take what I think will be useful for this. Is there anything heist related out there that I don't know of, maybe in some pyramid magazines?
It depends on what you want out of it.

If all you want is to run yet another published Dungeon Fantasy adventure, GURPS may not be a good fit.

However, if you want to run your own games, your way, and you're determined to put in the work for that, regardless of system, GURPS is great, because it does those custom jobs better than anything else, whether it's for a one-shot, or a full Campaign.

So it really depends on exactly how you want to play.
This all seems very reasonable.
To make shooting at close range even more difficult, enforce the implied rule from Tactical Shooting that you can't use Aim unless you make 'sighted shots' which requires using All-Out Attack (Determined). However, don't use the Tactical Shooting rules which allow +4 from AOA(D) at melee range.
Use Harsh Realism for Tactical Shooters - Peripheral Vision.
Is the Recoil stat for ranged weapons actually the innate inaccuracy due to its form? Otherwise it seems strange that Superman with ST 1000+ would have as much trouble keeping a 9mm handgun straight as a normal man.
It's both the "internal rattling" (whatever this shit supposed to mean, might be just Kromm going senile) and the actual recoil. As for why you can't clamp it down to the immovable bench to mitigate any external factors, there is no actual explanation. Just a bunch of cope to avoid admitting they didn't think about this edge case.
And yes I'm pissed because of how intellectually dishonest Kromm acts about gun mechanics.
It's not so much a matter of strength as much as being able to control your reaction to its movements. Like it's cool and all that you're strong enough to resist that sudden impulse of force, but do you have the feel and the control to be able to perfectly counteract it and not overcorrect?
It shouldn't be called "recoil" but there's still fairly significant variability to point of impact even when you do bolt a gun down like that -- look into sled guns. Most of the variability is a result of differences in the bullets, load, atmosphere, and mechanical imperfections in the gun itself (like exactly how the bolt is closed this time versus last). Generally not a large factor at shorter distances, but still can be big enough to surprise you.

Thank you guys for your constructive answers.

I do not have experience with a lot of systems and I am tired of the restrictions of what I am used to.

I yearn to try something new and GURPS seems perfect and I love the fact that it is generic.

I guess I will try it with a one shot, something simple to see how it goes.
Anyone knows where can I find GURPs PDF in spanish?
Any link?
Are there any rules for Guns skill (or another skill) affecting reload speed? For example, to simulate well-drilled line infantry able to fire off more volleys per minute
The Quick Reload perk covers what you're describing
One of the best ways to get started with GURPS is by concocting some otherwise simple character concept that you've always wanted to try, but would never fit into the Class-based pigeon holes of what you were playing. If you're careful about sticking to the details relevant to a setting, you can get downright baroque with how specific your character's features are. This degree of freedom is entirely normal, and to be encouraged!

Also, when running a one-shot, keep something in mind about all those tables with modifiers... It's not about spuriously adding penalties; it's about what those tables allow you to do that you couldn't without them, and making clear the requisite difficulty. Stabbing someone straight through the eyesocket and into their brain is a very narrow target, but the near-instant death is a great payoff.
Don't forget "Fast-Draw: Ammo", for drawing those full clips from their pockets as fast as possible.
There's Fast Draw (Ammo), which realistically would be taught together as part of a shooting style; some styles would go a step further and also teach the Quick Reload perk.

Outside of that there's not a lot to speed things up, because GURPS sort of assumes PCs are highly efficient to begin with. If you handed me a gun I'd never touched before and told me to reload it in the middle of a firefight, I'd probably waste a lot of time and take more than three seconds. You could houserule something to that effect, maybe adding a second or two to reload time if the character lacks points in Guns, has an Unfamiliarity penalty with the specific gun, and so on. This is on top of any time wasted due to Combat Paralysis, Fright Checks, etc.
Sometimes I wonder if "Fast-Draw" is a bit mislabeled. After all, it's as much about how you store the thing in question for quick access as it is about the actual drawing of the thing. Should someone storing a magazine loosely in an oversized pocket be able to Fast-Draw it? Hell no.
Tactical Shooting talks on this a bit, giving modifiers to Fast-Draw for well- or poorly-placed gear, or for guns the style and placement of the holster. So yeah, you can Fast-Draw a spare magazine from your cargo pants pocket, but you'll be rolling at a penalty, and for normal people with, say, DX 11 and 2 points in Fast-Draw, a -2 to your roll drops your success rate from 74% to 50%.
>Like it's cool and all that you're strong enough to resist that sudden impulse of force, but do you have the feel and the control to be able to perfectly counteract it and not overcorrect?

In reality? Yeah. Bigger, heavier guys control recoil better than smaller, weaker people.

Guns are frankly a mess when it comes to the statistics. Required ST is a combination of weight AND recoil, since light guns with more kick (like magnum revolvers or magnum shot shells in a shotgun) often have higher ST ratings than heavier gun with less recoil (like most rifles); while the RCL stat is both felt recoil and maybe something to do with controllability of the weapon from mechanical functions.
>because of how intellectually dishonest Kromm acts about gun mechanics.
I honestly think he's like that because gun stats are probably the most arbitrary things in the game. Blatantly so, but they don't want to admit they are for one reason or another.
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Using GURPS Magic, what are the most essential spells for a wizard in an ISWAT team?
Do you guys have any resource suggestions for if one of my players wants to play a summoner type wizard?
>Like it's cool and all that you're strong enough to resist that sudden impulse of force, but do you have the feel and the control to be able to perfectly counteract it and not overcorrect

In real life? Yes. If you shoot pistols you'll know. Simply boosting your forearm strength improves groups.
Recover Energy, Great Haste and Healing spells are always useful.
Night Vision, Flash, Purify Air, Invisibility, Mage-Stealth for that tacticool feeling.
Resist (Thing) can be a game-changer.
Far Hearing/Seeing
Knowledge spells in general can be useful for an investigation, something the fighters are probably not very good at.
I forget, is ISWAT as aggressive as their name suggests or do they still participate in the cloak and daggers style of game than the rest of Infinity does? If it's the later, some Communication & Empathy or Mind Control spells might be exceptionally useful. Pulling knowledge out of a local's head can circumvent a lot of issues, and erasing someone's memory can help cover up any ops that go too loud.
The Lesser Key of Solomon
I'm the guy who's running Night Shift and I want some feedback.

The player character who got intertwined in Infinity ended up "dying" but the rest of the party was able to download his mind onto an ultra tech computer and shove his body into a Nano-stasis pod they found lying around. Infinity currently has the computer (and all of his super high-tech books), but the party still has the pod.
It's a low res brainscan, but the character has Gadgeteer, Photographic Memory, and has demonstrated an uncanny ability with ultra technology so they don't want to give up on loosing such a valuable mind. The character already has a robot body built, so once they get the simulation up and running he can get back to work inventing things. Infinity doesn't know about the nanostasis pod, they just heard that he had "died".

How would Infinity reasonably handle this situation? Nobody currently at the gas station knows Infinity even exists, they just see some guys come around every once in a while who hang around the gas station and do science stuff. Infinity doesn't know how he died, just that he died and the party created a brainscan.

Tbh this seems like a great opportunity to introduce an evil twin into the game, once the rest of the party figures out how to cure 17 pi+ to the vitals. I just don't know if that makes sense for Infinity.
What book is that from?
Underground Adventures
How does Mana Enhancer work, exactly? It says it increases the mana level "only for you and people or things you're carrying." How does this functionally work on a no-mana world? Can a mage with Mana Enhancer cast missile spells, or do they fizzle out of existence as they leave his low-mana zone and enter the world's no-mana zone? What about buffing an ally with a spell like Shield or Haste? Does the effect persist on the targer, or does it not work due to no mana?
As far as I can tell (strictly rules-as-written) instantaneous spells can still be cast into a no-mana area (GURPS Magic says that temporary and lasting spells are dispelled when they enter and permanent ones are suspended, but doesn't mention instantaneous ones). Since this would arguably seem to violate the 'spirit' of no-mana zones, the GM is free to rule otherwise.
Missile spells seem to be OK to use so long as the caster is allowed to cast. Once it leaves your hand, it isn't considered a spell but instead a 'normal' physical object (albeit often one which doesn't seem to obey normal laws of physics). Again, the GM is free to change this as he sees fit.
The buff wouldn't last when they enter the no-mana zone, since entering a no mana zone kills such spells. If the missile spell reasonably creates something physical (like Ice Knife) that can hold together without magic, then I say it works just fine in a no mana zone. Fireball is a lot more iffy, just do what makes the most sense for your world. So long as your rulings are consistent and communicated ahead of time it'll be fine.
Do Infinity Patrol agents pay taxes? And if so, to who?
The character with Mana Enhancer works as a "well" of magic energy. When casting a spell, it draws energy from it to make it happen, like filling a bucket with water from said well. If you throw that bucket onto someone, the water won't disappear even if the land around it is dry.
At least that's my interpretation and the cost of the advantage seems to agree.
The Infinity Patrol is part of the United Nations. IRL, UN employees definitely pay taxes. ( https://tax.un.org/content/who-we-are ) So I would assume that the Infinity Patrol's employees pay taxes to their respective home countries.
(If the Infinity Patrol recruits a new employee from a different timeline, I guess that on Homeline he counts as stateless until a country chooses to make him a permanent resident or a citizen.)
I'm starting a new game of GURPS Fantasy pretty soon, but I'm torn on what magic system to use. One of my players is infatuated with Ritual Path Magic, but I'm leaning toward a system of spells as powers (like taking innate attack (burning) 3, adding the explosion and extended range modifiers to it, and calling it fireball).
Thoughts? I heard that RPM is a nightmare for the GM to manage, so I'm a little hesitant to jump into it for my first campaign. I've read up on it and it seems pretty cool from what's in the books, but a lot of horror stories are kinda pushing me away.
The IRS (Infinity Revenue Service) makes Centrum look like sloppy unorganized teenagers and the Reich hide under blankets.
Don't fall for memes, give RPM a try. It's fine, if you and your players are not retarded
Running it becomes a lot easier if you condense all of the pricing info onto a single page.
that one's going into the collection
There are likely some improvements I could make, as I didn't spend very long on it. If you have any suggestions I can make an improved version.
Ask your player why he likes the idea of RPM.
If he likes the idea of being able to customise spells, then consider DF Invocation Magic or Discworld Magic as more polished versions of the RPM concept.
If it's all about the flavour, then Path & Book Magic is better than RPM.
If he wants both, then you may need to go with RPM.
The good news is that it does actually work a lot like advantage-based magic, because you will often use Enhancements and Limitations to determine energy requirements.
I strongly recommend looking at Effect-Shaping RPM, because the energy-gathering rules are a bit of a shit-show (significant potential for abuse with devious players) and involve a lot of rolling.
Regardless of which magic system you decide to use, you need to have a conversation with your players before hand about pushing the boundaries of the rules, because all of them are abusable and the more flexible ones (especially RPM) are more so. Reserve the right to just say that game-breaking ideas don't work, even if you allowed them to work previously. Enforce genre conventions (although sometimes 'finding clever loopholes in the laws of magic is awesome' is one of them; don't punish intelligent and creative uses of magic if you don't have to).
What's the best way to handle doors on a static battlemap? Should they be visibly open all the time or is it better to keep them slightly ajar like normally seen in layout plans and blueprints? Or do I bite the bullet and turn them all into props that can be opened and closed?
>Or do I bite the bullet and turn them all into props that can be opened and closed?
My personal preference. Lets the players interact and it blocks vision.
Slightly ajar makes it a lot more obvious they are doors, which is part of why they are shown like that in floor plans.
More specific than that, and it depends on how you are managing your battlemap. If it's a tabletop thing, then yeah, use a little sticks or plastic rods or something you can swing (or slide) around. If it's digital, depends on how much effort it is to implement, but seems like it will matter for things like automated line of sight / lighting if your software supports that, so probably worth doing.
It'll be digital. I better put in the effort and make them movable "props" to help the players keep track of what doors are open or not.
are you using a tabletop simulator? In foundry, you can just add things like doors and walls directly onto a map.
You only need to read the LITE version (from wich only two pages are relevant).
the rest of the whole ecosystem is optional.
the fact that you will WANT to add optionals is the gist of why GURPS is interesting ^_^
Beware that there's a GURPS LITE 4th edition in spanish that after the 3rd pages starts with mangled portughese.
Ni idea quiƩn lo tradujo al castellano, pero queda horrible, no se entiende y es el que todo el mundo comparte. No sirve :-(
I'm using foundry.
If it0's a responsible player, tell him your doubts and agree a set number of sessions (3?) to try his buld to see whether it works, and agreee he'll retire/die/ascend/settle into a more profitable life if it's too much work for either of you.
Any chance you're bank heist anon?
Either way, walls and doors in foundry are pretty simple. I'm a smoothbrained brainlet and I got a handle on it pretty quickly. Just know that, once you've got it set up, you'll want to take a token with vision to all your doors and wall corners to make sure you don't have any annoying gaps.
Not much at all. I've already got every template I'm going to use on my PC somewhere, and I have random encounter tables for the travel portions of the adventure. The most preparation I do is read the players sheets before the session so I remember their general capabilities. Road trip adventures are easier to prep, no matter the game, I've found.
Yep that's me. Thanks for the tip.
virgin tactical grid vs chad theater of mind
Nice. I look forward to hearing about how your game goes!
Doors in Foundry are fun for players, because it's a little button they get to interact with that transforms the map. It can add quite a bit of tension in the right circumstances.
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Help me out here, anyone know where that article explaining why padded armor sucked IRL is located?
Has there been any attempt to rewrite Banestorm without the artificial limitations (no technological or political advancement)?
Why would you rewrite an entire setting to remove... what, less than a dozen paragraphs of easily ignorable fluff?
Introduction of firearms, printing press, electricity, telegraphs/radios, among others, would change the setting drastically. So much I don't feel fit to do it myself.
So you want a setting that's not just free from the yoke of enforced medieval stasis but actively no longer medieval. You want an entirely different setting my man.
Perhaps, but it's also possible that if I wrote my original setting (do not steal) about Elves casting as spell that goes wrong and causes interdimensional storms that brings people from several worlds, I'd be called out for copying Banestorm.
Like a Dr Strange/Spiderman sorcery fuckup but with elves?
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That's just Torg.
Be the change you wish to see, anon.
>Cannons in Caithness mark the beginning of changing attitudes on technology
>Dwarves of Zarak start to embrace advanced Earth technologies to great effect
>Megalos collapses after a succession crisis into several independent states. No longer able to field great legions and war wizards, cannons and guns begin to be found in armies
>An emboldened Al-Wazif takes large swaths of (what was) Western Megalos and becomes very wealthy. However, Wazifi mages resist technological change more stubbornly than in other countries
>Al-Haz, skeptical of magic, embraces technology, becoming an industrial power. Merchant interests start challenging clerical interests.
>Araterre becomes a great naval power and begins exploring and colonizing the rest of the world
>Underground Engineers, no longer underground, rise to prominence and high positions in society, with engineers becoming socially similar to mages (Court Engineers, Engineering Guilds)
>Guilds gain further power and start to, in some places, usurp local lords, ruling outright
>A Dark Elf schism occurs, with a new movement willing to embrace technology and other human ways in order to "rejuvinate the Elven nation." A Dark Elf army has cleared large swaths of the Orclands in a campaign of extermination and had begun using powerful magics to grow a new great forest for a new great Elven nation
>The Djinn attempt to cloister their statelets off from the outside world, understanding that trade and commerce lie at the foundation of great technology but fearing what further trade and contact with outsiders might mean for their security.
>Tredroy becomes an independent power after embracing technology. Advanced coordination of mages and cannons lets the city hold its own against three armies in a long, grueling war. A disguised Dexnavi becomes the first Grand Prince of Tredroy and oversees Tredroy becoming a great industrial power and the cultural and intellectual center of Ytarria (with Megalos' decline)
>Sahud, armed with guns and cannons, pacifies and integrates the steppe clans of the northern Orclands
>Mages are still a force to be reckoned with, as spells like Reverse Missiles are devastating to tercios and artillery batteries, and magical fires easily lay waste to magazines. War Wizards begin to greatly focus on countering those tactics to protect their armies guns and ammunition.
>Major theme: the power of the merchant classes growing to challenge the aristocracy (and clerics)

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