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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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A duel to the death edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93063237

▶ Thread Task: A duel at dusk, Showdown at high noon, a heated debate, dance-off, and other kinds of battle between two persons. Be it cowboys, swashbucklers, street samurais, jedis, jousting knights or battling wizards

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
Kinda TT, as could act as eventual challenger
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his hovercraft is running out of juice and he's way too close to the ice wall.
>A duel to the death
based setting.
Aussie fantasy doom-like.
I bet you berate other anons for avatarposting?
Excuse me?
Posting other characters doesn't mean shit, since this orange orc appears even more frequently than Coco or Piro, or other elfs you apparently hate that much.
Thanks! This is a heretofore unexplored region of my world that I am starting to flesh out for my next campaign.
Don't forget his hairy dwarf and the highland cow minotaur.
I wouldn't mind him posting any of them if he wasn't such a fucking obnoxious hypocrite.
Don't forget all those morbidly obese, dirty dwarfs and orcs he was posting earlier. And he still wants to act as /slop/ sheriff
>unexplored region
I guess living on the continent for fifty thousand years doesn't count as proper "exploration". You need to wear a fancy hat to count as explorer.
He's an annoying fag, but I don't remember him complaining about avatar fagging.
Bitch as much as you want to but once in a while post some pics. (We're on the imageboard after all.)
He reports any Piro/Coco/Aure posts as avatarfagging and makes the "Unfriendly reminder" posts.
He's the worst part about these threads because he's such an arrogant cunt who posts off-topic shit all the time and the janitor protects his incessant faggotry.
"Say uncle! SAY UNCLE!"
Hi plague-anon.
I've already done it, twice...
You can't recognize which ones are mine? Good

I remember one his post with his name and trip, when he spoke against "avatarfagging" when one anaon posted two pics of his ballerina knight in the row.

Speaking of the devil himself.
Oh, I'm all over these threads. Most of my posts go undetected.
I'm the one who used to complain about avatar fagging. But them I fell off the thread and now I don't care, and I'm glad you're all still having fun here.
Based. Reminds me of my many, many Croaker from Black Company gens.
Tell me about it.
Some anon declared he can "recognize every my post", yet he apparently can't recognize me unless I post some specific character.
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She couldn't believe that the judges let her rival dual-wield instruments. That is clearly cheating
He haven't seen any combat in that armour, look how squeaky clean it is.
Man, dalle is so lobotomized right now. Doing anything remotely dynamic is not worth the effort, and you have to sacrifice a lot, either in detail or in your own time.
Was very handy for my game, but it no longer has a purpose
Ask yourself what's better: risking life and earning meagre money by fighting rigged fights or not risking anything and winning lotsa money by betting rigged fights.
Is he the most unpopular accountant? Having to wear armour to after multiple assassination accounts
Don't forget about my Goblins.
Define "dynamic". What are you unable to do?
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>Ahh! I told you not to bother me during saber practice!
Yeah, I've just run twenty-something generations trying to get it to to properly color skin in a way it could easily do a few months ago. They've butchered it.

Can't stand Musk, but if he manages to take down OpenAI he'll have finally done something good for the world.
So is AI art dying or something? I wanted to illustrate some fanfic maybe but in the near/semi-near future when I have time for that. Looks like now I won't get anything done.
>So is AI art dying or something?
Oh yeah; already dead. 100%
>thread task: duels
>"Plague, It's time..."
Change of palns
>"I'm afraid that won't be possible"
So be it...
Got any advice for said skin coloration work?
Keep making gens until the stupid program forgets whatever nonsensical safety features is making it deliberately ignore what you're telling it to do. Fortunately, the one good thing they've done is make gens fairly quick even without boosts. If they ever change that, this program is cooked.
What is the prompt here?
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I'm not that anon, but I've found that it will try to make iterative images resemble previously generated ones. On top of that, I sometimes have trouble with different skin colors. My advice would be to try again with a completely different prompt, and be sure to specify the skin color you want multiple times in the prompt just to be sure.
The prompt wouldn't really mean anything as that is a generative image-to-image based on something I got from Bing. You can tell because of the .png extension. Just thought it was cute despite not being at all what I was asking for.
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Dance off? Let's go
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May as well post an oldie
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dem muscles
Loving these, prompt please.
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Every single one of my six players are either professional or amateur artists. Do you think they would be mad if I made AI pictures of NPCs and locations
If they're reasonable adults, no.
But you did say artist so... probably.
Do it anyways.
That's a great picture for the most part. I wonder if an inpainting tool could fix her eye.
Maybe, If they do it's a big redflag
That one wasn't mine but is there a free AI that does inpainting?
Dezgo is good for a free one.
Have you ever had backlash from players/DMs?
>crop the image to a 512x512 area and upload that
>paste it back over the original image after it's inpainted
I sware.
Most were just impressed by the tech. Only one got upset, but they were an artist on deviantart who used to make money selling commissions and it dried up after people started flooding the place with terrible AI porn.
None, but I've been friends with my players for several years so I'd tell them to suck my cock if they did
>It was clearly ai and perfectly fine for these threads.
I guess we're not allowed to post live-action? Too bad, I have a bunch of fun Traveller screencaps.
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This one was almost really good except that it thought her wand was connected to her bowtie.
There are some on huggingface, never though they were that great though. Even the really good paid ones have limited data sets.
It's been two hours already! Surely that burning hole in the sky is going to go away soon?
Just pour that sweat right into my mouth
The Battle has Concluded and the Gladiatrix Reigns Supreme
Might as well use this while it's available, the porn degenerates are already making their hideous Taylor Swift bullshit with it. I give it a week.
Really? It refused to work even my mildly risque images.
I fucking loathe /aco/ but they know how to manipulate the algorithms.
They are masters at getting their stupid fetishes past the filters. And ruining it for the normal people.
They are weapons-grade autism that has been weaponized to fuck over AI.
"You did well, hero, to fight your way here all alone to avenge your brother. Now it's just you and me."
"And your brother."
"And your father, too."
Is this loss?
Scale of smart to lazy, how lazy am I for using AI to make NPC images and then using AI to scan those images to create backgrounds, personalities and goals etc
I'd rate it roughly a who gives a fuck out of 1-10 so long as you and your group(s) like the results.
You're straight up not playing a game anymore, dog.
Reply to an old post, but I haven't been on yesterday.
>By the way, what the heck made this?
The same Bing Image Creator that most people ITT use.

The prompt was:
>80s dark fantasy style oil painting, heavy metal album cover, a demonic sorceress summoning souls from hell
Though I should warn you that this prompt loves to generate "unsafe" images that then end up getting blocked, so you might need to try a couple of times before it lets something go through.
Previously, clearing search history in bing account and browser and then logging back in reset boosts for me, anyone have a different trick?
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Cool cowboys
Work smarter not harder
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>Pirates? Space whales? Nevermind all that; if you've got the credits, we'll haul your freight.
It was based on an old character of mine that got retired is now a GMPC adopted by our GM for when he needs an NPC to do something or hire the new party for a job
RIP kitty
Y-you too.
I really like the side-by-side styles here, what prompts did you use anon?
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Hadn’t checked slop in a bit. It’s nice knowing things don’t change much
Unless Microsoft switches to a better engine/model or removes the restrictions on the current one, I wouldn't expect to see anything new here. As long as people just post stuff they like and keep the drama to a minimum, that's honestly good enough for me.
She mad.
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I enjoy knowing the solid slop anons are going strong with their characters
Minimal drama is key but I love me a good troll that starts slop going mad
I notice that it has a bit of trouble with small details like eyes, yes.
That looks very good anon. Could you please share how to you got that cartoon style?
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In the unforgiving land of Amazonia, the tribes of the savannah and jungle often clashed over control of the scarce waterways.
Based, how did you get this, especially the outfits and muscles?
>a still from an 80s cartoon, [prompt]
>I fucking loathe /aco/
Why? They didn't wreck Designer. That jeet who downloaded the pics from 4chan and tried to sell them on twitter did.
The Anagramic Wars
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Thanks anon.
What prompts did you write to get the outfits of the females?
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>corset and skirt with boots
an oldie but a goodie
remember when we named the dog "Bingo"? Those were the days
NTA, but what was the rest of it?
"Whose cuisine will reign supreme?!"
Are you sure about that?
>it has a bit of trouble with small details like eyes
That orc was clearly asleep when you shanked him. He's still lying on his pillow!
Why wouldn't they be upset.
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Only a fool or a paladin enslaved by the Gods woud waste the element of surprise
Prompt for this was "A centaur with the head and arms of a kobold and the legs of a dragon"
Would a party fighting against a monster count as a "duel"?
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This would probably be a better fit for TT. Probably not a "duel to the death" but at least it's a duel
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Nice legs
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It's a shame strapless cuirass ups your chances of getting blocked
What is up with this artstyle? It looks upsetting, like a wax statue melting. Or is that on purpose?
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The prophecy speaks of the Day of Flame, when the skies shall darken with the wings of countless dragons, blotting out the sun. On that fateful day, their fiery breaths will reignite the realms of men, setting it ablaze anew.
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Will Obsidienne manage to best the Scarlet Thorn in one-on-one combat or will she lose everything in a duel against her most hated rival?! Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion!
That is a really tiny head
Why WOULD they be upset?
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Race: Genasi
Class: Monk (Four Elements)
Background: Smuggler
Oddity: Sleepy. You never sleep enough. Once in a city you can spend the entire day and night in bed.
>High above the bustling city, a young air genasi thief lay sprawled on a billowy cumulous cloud, her long blue hair fanning out around her head like wisps of smoke. Her chest rose and fell with each meditative breath, and as she yawned, tiny green snot-bubbles emerged from her nose, floating gently into the sky before popping with a sound not unlike snapping fingers. Unbeknownst to the little thief, the pouch at her side had tipped over, and the ill-begotten gold coins inside began to spill out, glittering in the sunlight as they tumbled down toward the streets below.
And that's why we don't buy living bags.
Anyone tried using bing for a randomly generated dungeon grid map?
I really fucking wish the fucking dog would tell you which naughty word is content blocked, I'm not even trying to make anything rude you piece of shit
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The thing is, when it's the dog, it's not the prompt that's the issue, it's that the AI is dumb and being trained on random internet pictures, tends to be very horny. So if you get a Content Warning block, that's the prompt that's the issue. If you get the dog, the prompt is largely fine in its residual components but when it comes together its filter looks at it and thinks it made porn.

And the Content Warning isn't even that hard of a block. I've had a prompt go through just fine and then I delete a comma and suddenly Content Warning.

Any ways to "get around" or "trick" the filters are just voodoo. We don't know what makes the algorithm tick, so what we come up with to trick it may work for one anon and not for another. I use multiple accounts and have had prompts that worked in one account get Content Warning blocks in another. Exact same prompt and wording.

TL:DR the filters are dum, don't take them personally. But I totally agree that it would be nice if it told you what was triggering it to block the prompt.
>So if posts were deleted because if feet,
That wasn't an argument I was making, I just wanted to post a picture of my green ninja.
More like 2024,amarite
You also have to clear the bing ai history, copilot, from the account page
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>I'm sure to win, because my speed is superior.
I was thinking the exact same thing but I forgot to post lol
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I created this kinda by accident, but it seems to fit this thread.
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More fitting for /v/ I suppose, but this is probably the best battle picture I've made so far, at least it's my favorite.
I'm surprised I've been able to get it to consistently create angry spear-chucking cannibal headhunting native savages.
Which subreddit could I take something like OP pic and post "Sample art for a beautiful duelist in my new RPG, what do y'all think?" for maximum brain damage?
Probably something like https://www.reddit.com/r/characterdrawing/
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Nta, but why?
These remind me of some of the first gens I made with Bing. This wasn't my very first, but is the oldest I still have saved.
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>But who has musical duels?
Boy, let me tell you what.
DND literally just introduced a bard of dance.
Not everybody posts TT related shit, yet I don't remember anyone complaining about it.
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Rate mine plz
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How did you get the figure to the left, especially the skin color?
>"this song slaps"
>What four strings say to the face?
Duelish enough?
"Oi! Outta the way, cunts! Ol' Carl's got fleshies to skin alive!"
What’s the prompt for the magical attack?
>a monster is hit by magic bolt
Does anyone remember UKgobboanon? Does he appear on slop sometimes?
>But who has musical duels?
I rember. Haven't seen his gobbo in a while though.
Same. I remember he was on /slop/ several months ago, and had pretty shitty situation IRL.
I hoped that maybe he would appear here some time, but seems like it was the last of him back then.
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I miss the wizard poster. His stuff was always fun.
He was good too...
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Rate my slop plz
Central character doesn't have a weapon. E for effort.
>So it comes to that skirtman
>It is a kilt
Very cool
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Has anyone fucked with the Luma stuff?
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Too many people are fucking with it at the same time
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I've made a few things.
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Disappointing. It took 45 minutes to do this.
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I've tried a few times but only had one come back with any modicum of success.
>shadowy pitch black skin
at the very start before anything else
Looks really cool
I like the character design. Not so sure animating it really added anything, but the style is nice.
You are a very sad individual, you don't look like him, they will never exist
No? Maybe I just like the anime aesthetic, as vain as it can get sometimes.
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There are times I get things where it's like, I didn't ask for this, but thanks!
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Anime aesthetic can be good.
Then perhaps post your off-topic shit to /a/ instead of spamming /traditional games/?
Oh look, wannabe sheriff is back
>inb4 NTA
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This is great.
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I miss Comfyposter.
There's one more image to go so you don't have to worry
Well that's new. Long-ass cooldown timer before making a thread.
Make janny's nightmare by elf related TT
Was tempting, but I didn't feel like taunting the dynamite monkey today.
So you're baked?
So maybe next time
which ai is animating this?noob here,

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