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"You are under arrest" Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams

>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Tournament stats the game is balanced around:

Do you like mostly flavorful but generally useless abilities like arrest?
Yeah but they would be cooler if Kill Team added better narrative campaigns so that shit like that could be more meaningful (arrest models get removed from a roster of x amount of games type thing).
Only if it fits well w narrative games. KT spec ops rules are kinda ass though. I hope they improves with 3.0

Yeah I love my fluffy flavorful junk abilities, hell I don't mind a semi-useless operative here and there if they look and feel cool and thematic.
Sometimes, i played the doggo even when it was crap. But like the previous anons suggested it would be cooler in a more narrative driven environment.
Btw the Autosavant Agent exp boost is a rule that only works in narrative, what is odd but i use him because of that.
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I've had a lot of questions spinning in my head for a long time, probably about a year. And I've finally matured enough to ask them. I hope for your honest answers, dear co-hobbyists!

- For example, what do you think about the idea of making all tac and strat ploys one-time-use and very few in number, like only 3 for the entire game?

- Do you play Kill Team because it's the Warhammer40k universe? Because you can use the beautiful Warhammer miniatures? Or purely because of the rules?

For instance, why don't you play other skirmish games? Is it because of the community? Your friends don't play them? You don't like the miniatures? The setting? The game rules? Too lazy to learn something new? Why?

- I see a lot of criticism towards the idea of bringing back roster building. Is everyone really willing to trade the ability to build their own team for more universal rules that create a sense of balance? Did you really not enjoy creating a roster in the previous edition of KT or in the big WH40k?

If you didn't/don't like creating a roster, why not? Not enough motivation to figure it out? Not really into the math? Don't want to compete with those who might be better at assembling the roster? Why?
I prefer when they're useful enough to at least get some use in actual games, even if it's rare. Compare the Arrest action to the brood brothers medic's unique melee weapon
>risky play that could end up hurting your operative more
>even if it succeeds, you immobilize one of your operatives
>in practicality it's often better to just go for the kill
Meanwhile the gene-needler is a surprise tool the medic can pull out that, while not particularly effective or useful in practice, can provide value far beyond that of the bayonet option. It's risky and only really useful in certain situations, but when you use it and it succeeds it is a lot more rewarding.
That's my preferred flavour of minor unique ability, and those I absolutely love. Stuff that is never useful feels bad whether you're using it or not.
Question 1: I am not a fan of the limiting to use only 3, there are not that many per team in most cases and some are so nieche to use. The limit once could work for some teams but others are realy dependent on them it would kill the balance right now.
Question two: Both but mainly the miniatures and because others play the game. (otherwise i would probably play Necromunda)
Question 3:I like rooster building more (depending on how it works if we use 40k 10th that is nearly current kill team) but the form they are in right now gives "low efford teams" more character more uniqueness in some way, it is better to balance provokes nicer minis from GW and is easyer for new players. I would just like to get more equipment or options for the operators themselfs and/os more "specialists" then you can take in a rooster like with inquisition, not like yaigers.
>what do you think about the idea of making all tac and strat ploys one-time-use
Terrible idea. They are a core part of the game and an excellent way to balance teams.
>Do you play Kill Team because it's the Warhammer40k universe?
Initially, but it's a really fun game. A thinking man's game compared to 40k being for the children to spend Christmas and birthday money on.
>why don't you play other skirmish games?
I like this one, and haven't the inclination to get more models for a new game system. I have been eyeing up Warcry but none of the models speak to me. Except one that has big ghoul like things, they look cool.
> Is everyone really willing to trade the ability to build their own team for more universal rules that create a sense of balance?
Yes. I am content with the amount of character I can write in for my guys. I paint them, build them, tell their story. Theat they are almost perfectly balanced against everyone else is even better.
>If you didn't/don't like creating a roster, why not?
See above. I DID like lost writing. Then I tried Kill team. It took a few weeks for it to sink in how rosters worked, but now I know it's vastly superior to list building of KT18. The thing is, lost building is almost impossible to balance because people can take whatever the fuck they like..
>Generally Useless
I'd enjoy useful flavorful mechanics more but yeah a couple of very niche rules/mechanics/models are fine. Especially if they're cool as hell.

>One time use
This would need a rebuild of the game. I would tend to be against it, I don't want Strat ops and Tact ops to be game redefining.

>Is it the minis
Somewhat, the universe somewhat, the play community somewhat, the balance a lot.

>why not OPR
Lack of people to play with. Any game can be fun if you have people to play with.

>Is everyone really willing to trade the ability to build their own team for more universal rules that create a sense of balance?
Yes, even in a semi competitive game, balance is hugely important. Would you want to play chest without a queen and a knight and a missing three pawns too?

>If you didn't/don't like creating a roster, why not?
I don't hate roster building but fixed teams avoid the aspect of net decking, meta chasing and in general gives the game a bunch of space for flavour

>Not enough motivation to figure it out?
Cheeky buggar. The reason people don't actually like this sort of list building is that it's dull as pigshit,. Either its not solved and time consuming or it is solved and there's a definite answer and all the design space used in less then optimum game design was just wasted.net decking doesn't take some magical quantity of brains, if you make a game where the pressing question is 'what is the worst priced and over powered unit' you can't be surprised when you find the answer to that EVERYONE copies that. Occassionally changing the answer doesn't help this it just forces you to invest more time in solving the stupid question which leads to more net decking.

I would take entirely fixed teams over that any day of the week. I would like a few more teams that encourage varied paint jobs.
In Big WH40k there's entire cohort of players, who perfectly understand that, while they're good players, but(!) they're not the best players. But they still want to win. And they do it by assembling the best, the most original, not-meta rosters.

If you take away roster building, you also deny these kind of players the possibility to win.

The same type of players existed in KT2018. They're non-existent now.
>Building a strong non meta list against the best meta list, being a worse player and still expect to win.
Sounds like bogus, The lists are meta because they are the strongest, or strong against the strongest, if you build anything else you either create a new meta list or just don't have a better list as the others.
Wouldn't it be the same as taking a strong team that is not a meta team in killteam?
>oh there may be an even more meta pick then the current meta the True meta
>Stop that I jsut mean some people really like to persue an even MORE mechanically strong option
>Stop that It's not the meta, it's anti meta
>Anti meta is not meta its Anti Meta
>if you deny roster building you deny Meta Chasers

Okay stopping it now.
>They're non existent now
Good. You say this like list building also doesn't push away certain kinds of players (Anyone who loves a certain team, people who don't meta chase, people who get sick of hiding behind coward rocks). It's a zero same game and EVERY choice will push some players away. That's okay, mechanically varied and balanced is always going to be my pick over
>what do you think about the idea of making all tac and strat ploys
Seems like a rather arbitrary change, since they're already limited by CP and this would reduce granularity for balance and fun.
>Do you play Kill Team because it's the Warhammer40k universe?
Yes. I enjoy the lore and it's nice to have a game to capture it. KT21 just so happens to also be a rather good game at capturing that.
>why don't you play other skirmish games?
The ones I've tried have either been entirely unrelated to 40k or failed to feel right.
Official GW game also means changes that liven up the experience and a much easier to find community, which both help.
>I see a lot of criticism towards the idea of bringing back roster building.
I liked roster building because of the creativity it afforded me and the opportunity to play teams that were truly my own. I'd happily have it back... if GW could handle the balancing properly.
KT21 definitely has lost some stuff from the lack of options, but not as much as it has gained by making the game so much more about on-the-board decisions compared to KT18 or any edition of bighammer. Listbuilding certainly could work to enhance KT21, but it would require GW not to mess up the whole game due to either stupidity or greed.
> making all tac and strat ploys one-time-use and very few in number, like only 3 for the entire game?
Depends on the strat or tac, for all their faults GW has been pretty good balancing strats and tacs so they're either limited, increase in cost or onetime use if they're OP.

>- Do you play Kill Team because it's the Warhammer40k universe? Because you can use the beautiful Warhammer miniatures? Or purely because of the rules?
I like the 40k universe a lot and while 40k proper is cool the game can be an expensive slog. The rules are cool but there's a learning curve and it can be hard to get friends into KT because of it.

>For instance, why don't you play other skirmish games?
I play Warcry and some of boxed GW boardgames like Bladeborne and Deathwatch Overkill. I've been wanting to play Necromunda.

>- Did you really not enjoy creating a roster in the previous edition of KT or in the big WH40k?
Roster building is cool for more narrative focused games. So like for something like Necromunda or Mordhiem it works but even still it's with a limited selection of models. I used to hate that KT21 had limited rosters compared to the previous edition but I gotta say with the number of teams that have been released its become a moot issue. Suddenly there's a huge selection of different teams to try out. Shit a pay pig like me loves. Also towards the end KT18 got to the point where you had shit like people running 6 deathwatch veterans with frag cannons.

>If you didn't/don't like creating a roster, why not? Not enough motivation to figure it out? Not really into the math? Don't want to compete with those who might be better at assembling the roster? Why?
I liked building rosters for more narrative focused games and KT21 being more competitive based it kinda does mess with the dynamic. That said I would like more customization in narrative campaigns for KT.
Is arrest even flavorful? Why would an Imperial cop try to put xeno or mutant filth in cuffs instead of executing it on the spot, let alone an armed and active enemy? An actual, real life cop wouldn't do that, and they shouldn't. The only context where it would make any sense would be for a tac/spec op that requires you to specifically detain an enemy model for interrogation, which doesn't exist.
>But they still want to win. And they do it by
Looking up what won the latest GT and then dumping 500 dollars into buying copies of a single unit that you can look forward to seeing soon, unpainted and half assembled at your local gaming table? Who cares about those guys?
>Don't want to compete with those who might be better at assembling the roster?
I don't want to compete with people who are WORSE at assembling a roster. What a fucking waste of time for both of us if I won before the models got put on the table.
>Is arrest even flavorful? Why would an Imperial cop try to put xeno or mutant filth in cuffs instead of executing it on the spot, let alone an armed and active enemy?
Arbites need to capture a target for the Inquisition/tech priests/whomever so that they can interrogate them/experiment/whatever. Only issue is that you can't arrest models with more than 10 wounds. Would prefer if you could arrest any model if you lowered their wound count to less than 10.
What kill teams would you like to see in the future? For me it would be new Legion of the Dammed models
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An entire white dwarf dedicated to obscure but technically existing-in-the-model-range factions.
Men of Iron

Necromunda Gangs (or something similar as a placeholder for those models) maybe we get one for ne new necromunda genestealer stuff instead of a real nid team.

Khorne Zerkers, IG conscripts , Ork nobs, Ork horde, DEldar torture club (hemonculus + gore horrors ) , Pleasure Cult
Yeah, that's what I mean by having a tac/spec op for it. That way it'd have a unique strategic value in both the crunch and fluff, rather than just being unimmersive alternative to a regular fight action.
IMO this is part of trend in bad design. The rules tend to be evocative of a theme, in the way that like, cards in a TCG are, but they do a horrible job at actually representing anything concrete that doesn't fall apart with smallest amount of scrutiny. Arbites are space cops, and cops put people in cuffs, so there should be a model with a pair of cuffs with a special arrest action. It seems like that's basically the extent of the designers' thought process. The "Neutralize Target" spec op is supposed to represent assassinating an enemy leader... except an incapacitated model only has a 1/36 chance of actual being killed, and 1/6 to suffer any drawback at all. What catering to the MTG audience does to a company, I guess.
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Penal Legion would be an obvious one I guess. Surprised that is not a thing yet, because that is what the whole game is based on.
Does anyone know if Votann Ironkin heads from the hearthkyn salvager box fit on Yaegirs bodys?
do we have a pdf or scan of termination, yet? i'm looking to read the fluff and lore involved.
>start with Hunter clade
>love arquebus model, it's absolute dog shit
>get HotA box
>blaster for the gunner is AP2, no draw back, can overwatch, comparable damage even without MW3
It's not fucking fair.
As always, any excuse to showcase a minor xenos faction.
Hrud, Rak'Gol, Barghesi, Sslyth etc.
They should bring in some universe beyond stuff:
Kill Team Stormcast Eternal
>(Thunder Warriors alternative build)
Kill Team Fellowship of the Ring
>(Abhumans Guard regiment alternative build)
Kill Team Bretonnian Knights
>(Crusaders alternative build)
Kill Team Vampire Counts
>(Khrave alternative build)
Don't think there is a full scan yet,

It is the time difference i guess (when they where released) and now GW does just not care. but also if you would try to compar you should use the darklance instead. blaster is more the equivalent for the plasma.
I know we just got one but a second inquisition team with stuff like a Jokero weapon smith, daemon host, and the ability to ally with a few of xenos teams or marine teams.
A team with more out there support choices would be kino, yeah. I made my DWV a sanctioned eldar mercenary for fun, but a team that brings marines, xenos, and xeno/archaeotech would be fantastic.

The actual HotA equivalent of the arquebus, the dark lance, is just as unusable-tier. Actually, with the obscurement-ignoring surveyor ability, you could get genuine use out of the arquebus by covering a lot more area through heavy terrain, so technically the arquebus is better.
Revamped Scions. No regular guard included.
Daggers that cost .5 EP. Dedicated strats, etc.
That just sounds like kasrkin played with scion models and with a buff to their knife equipment
Rumours indicate you might get jump pack/drop troops scions in the next box though
Haven't played in a while but got my hands on the Striking Scorpions bits (always liked them but never felt like collecting a whole Eldar army just because of them), what am I in for? Is the team any good or will it be an uphill battle?
Bespoke Tyranids. Probably including those new von ryans leapers, for example
I'm not even a nid player, its just disappointing they don't have one when even gsc have two now
Blades of Khaine are pretty solid, but while you can run them as all scorps it'd be a bit of an uphill battle in most matchups
Btw you need 8 dudes to play.
Why is BoK only 8 when all the other Eldar teams are 9 agents? Aren't they a little bit underpowered at 8?
Yeah, Kasrkin apes the stormtrooper niche, so they would be similar. Where is this jump pack scions rumour? Scions are already drop troops
gsc are cooler than nids
appearently they are performimng way less then corsairs or hands of archon on turneys, that may be because they are glasscannons and hard to play, or not.
BoK are universal APL3
How I'd buff arrest
>Remaining wounds of target below 8
>Arresters can walk away from arrestees without risk
>Team buff/enemy team debuff for cuffing leader or more than half the enemy team
Xeno mercenaries
Chapter specific Marine squads (things like space wolf sword & board vikings who can knock around enemies and push them into or off of terrain, Blangel vampires with risk/reward blood mechanics, Salamanders who collect artifacts on the field to get random buffs, etc.)
Imperial knight pilots
Tyranid with a mini swarmlord (a swarmlad if you will)
Orks wit metal bits n combi shooties
Necron lads
Guardsmen team number six

They specifically don't want to take away the space marine power fantasy by letting them be arrested. They don't care if Arbites are underpowered as long as space marine players feel like they're the best.
I like that buff a lot.
Just say Arbites have like a mindshackle device that can paralyze individuals on a physcial level or some shit. Marines get owned all the time in the lore no reason it should be different here.
Meanwhile the Castigator can walk up to a daemonic manifestation of rage and bloodlust and tell him to sit in the corner and think about what he's done
>KT Approved Ops no longer listed in the store
why's that. are they already out of date.

No, it's because GW runs printing things like cards and books out of China, and Yemeni pirates make that difficult.

Marines don't get owned all the time in BL books, unfortunately, and that bolter porn fantasy is taking over the setting.
I meant more like codex fluff but yeah black library being 90% marine books they tend to make them look good. We need more xeno books.
sure, things get sold out, but I mean that the item is not even listed. the url 404s.
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>New edition, AppOps deck is now useless (wasted 25 bucks on it)
>Not New Edition, update with Bheta Decima cards and fixed tac ops, AppOps deck is now outdated (wasted 25 bucks on it)
>GW did an oopsie poopsie, will be back, AppOps deck is not outdated (cope option)
Why does the Voidscarred kit suck so much to assemble? Why are the parts of a similar number not together on the sprue?
I've had this experience with like several of the kill team sprues.
All Votann heads are interchangeable with one another. The kits are phenomenal in terms of options and customizability. They all wear the same standardized armored space suit so all parts are interchangeable with one another barring a few obvious exceptions that won't matter to you since you play kill team.

T. Has 2k worth of Votann
This sir is a fucking lie (or elaborate sarcasm). The Ironkyn heads are not interchangeable (the helmets as well) the warrior ones don't fit Yaegir or Hearthguard ( not berserks obviously, have no thunderkyn can't test that right now).
Hrud, Khrave, Rak'Gols, White Dwarf Teams, Noise Marines.
I did not find this to be the case.
Really? Which ones? I have almost all kill team releases and have not struggled with many of them. Scouts weren't fun, some of the Kasrkin weapons were fiddly to line on slings and power lines. Otherwise they've been mostly fine.
Wrong, but they DO fit the thematics of Kill Team much more than Tyranids.
maaaaan I haven't even picked up the pack I ordered from my lgs
>White Dwarf Teams
as in, there are teams whose rules only exist in white dwarf? are they on wahapedia, just without an official KT box release?
the sprues are designed to maximize bits per sprue for storage and shipping, not ease of use
plus a lot of KT boxes are just <normal kit> + upgrade sprue, so the upgrade bits aren't designed as part of the original models
I found this, I loved the Voidscarred models once painted but I really couldn't bring myself to buy a second box because of it. Far too fiddly for me and the pieces were scattered all over the place if you didn't stick religiously to the loadouts.
What were these rumors?
They were included in the first KT Annual book and are also on waha yes
oh, so anon just wants official boxes for em?

that's fair. which makes me wonder, does anyone have a 3 sorc + 3 rubric proxied KT?
It is probably just me being stupid but why has the Yaegir Gunner a pistol on his model and no alternative arm? As far as i can see he has no pistol neither in killteam nor 40k (if we ignore equipment what we should).
No, as in more teams that have models and would be cool to have a bespoke team but don't need the special attention of a special box release. Like Death Guards, Sternguard Vets, Khorne Bezerkers, Custodes/SoS, Incubi and other DEldar flavors, Necron Lych Guards, Power Armored Sisters of Battle, Daemons, etc

Now that I think about it, Exodite Eldar would be cool as fuck for a bespoke team, run them up against Tyranids for the next box set lol.
Have you been reading The Infinite and The Devine by any chance?
I mean you can find proxies for them, I'm fond of 2 Sorc 4 Rubrics for 3 flammers, a khopesh and two guns
>I mean you can find proxies for them
I'm more curious as to how people chose to model them and to see the conversions. I think the guy who did legionaries with normal marines did a cool job.
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a few friends and I are getting into KT and picking out teams, I don't really care about tierlists or whatever but is the hunter clade with the sicarian options decent or will I just get shit on, and if I were to go that route do I need anything other than a single box of rust stalkers?
If you want to play hunter clade you need rangers/vanguard, you can play max 5 sicarian in a 10 man team but if you play only 4 you have a 11 man team what gives an advantage over the other option. In that 11 man configuration hunter clade is quite mid from power lvl not bad not good.
I really want to see Vespids v Warpspiders. The Spider and the Wasp.
So just to make sure I understand what you're saying, even if I fielded 4 sicarians there'd still be a need for 7 skitarii just to play?
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>If you want to play hunter clade you need rangers/vanguard, you can play max 5 sicarian in a 10 man team but if you play only 4 you have a 11 man team what gives an advantage over the other option. In that 11 man configuration hunter clade is quite mid from power lvl not bad not good.

This is your rough power rankings from a month or two ago? Clade is sort of mid and complicated. If you like the customization and lots of different guys and list building its a fine team. I've lost to them before.

>Teams to Avoid
Compenidum Teams aside form one or two
>not all of these teams are bad but they are old and lack a lot of punch compared to some of the newer teams. If you can get compendium teams on the cheap and make everyone use them its great, otherwise you risk lagging behind.
Space Marine Scouts
>Just not in a great space, only place if you enjoy the aesthetic (which I do)
Imperial Guard, Kasrkin and Exaction
>again not terrible but other teams are eating their lunch and more. Other teams do it better,

As for compendium teams that might be worth it, Custitties and Grey Knights are both strongish (more so Custodies for being able to take sisters of silence)

Maybe avoid the newest releases and felgore if you didn't want to get sweaty about it.
KT21 is balanced enough that if you pick any of the bespoke teams (you can find a list of teams in the OP that shows which ones are bespoke) there should be no balance issues; it'll always come down more to player skill than balance issues. That is not to say it's perfectly balanced, some are definitely favoured over others in the hands of equally skilled players, but the game itself just places more agency in the hands of the player during the game.
Hunter Clade is a pretty solid, not too advanced team that still requires some brains to play, so it's a good choice.

Yes, it's an 11 man team (or 10 with 5 sicarians/5 skitarii, but as other anon mentioned it's somewhat suboptimal) so you'll need a box of sicarians and skitarii to build a full roster.
Gotcha, that's helpful
I do have a box of secondhand skitarii that the guy gave up on assembling so I think I'll just go that way to start at least
Yeah they look awesome when done up.
As a sidenote, don't take the aquebus, being big is bad and having unwieldy AND heavy means it is near impossible to get in position and shoot properly.
Dark Eldar Haemonculi Coven (1)
> powerful acohyst or aspirant Heamy leader
> tough, tricky wracks - all specialists (roughly 6)
> one grotesque-equivalent which can be built to specific functions that can be exchanged for 2x scourges or 3x wracks

Exodite/Eldar Scouts
>snipars, fighters and a big pet

Minor xeno factions
> Simple as

Proper tyrannid team:
>Specialist warriors and a sprue of quirked-up gaunts

Eyes of the Emperor
>Retired custodes
>Actual custodes
>Sisters of Silence

Elysian drop troops

Catachan team
tanith first and only
a new tau infantry weapon class
Anybody have recommendations for cheap terrain or FDM-friendly STLs?
forbiddenprints has some good terrain
Looks nice, is it workable on an FDM printer? It seems kinda high detail for that
most of them are modular with several parts needed to assemble the whole thing. you can try one of the sample ones for free and see how it goes. about detail it depends if you're doing the organic ones that resemble hives, corruption or small stuff like terminals
No, a few friends are though. Why do you ask? XD
Yes King
This is why I don’t really like KT21 now that the dust has settled. There is no more creativity in playing it. The game was fun in the beginning for its novelty, but once you play teams a few times it just becomes learning the correct pattern in which to play.

There’s no secret sauce that comes from a player’s mind in KT21. All competition is dictated by the balance dataslate because you simply take the same set of dudes with no customization for every game.

I don’t want to play Elliot’s Wild Ride and practice the same inputs until I am the master. I want to creatively use tools in ways that even the designers didn’t foresee and perhaps come out on top.

KT21 is sovlless.
>KT21 is balanced enough that if you pick any of the bespoke teams (you can find a list of teams in the OP that shows which ones are bespoke) there should be no balance issues; it'll always come down more to player skill than balance issues.
Literally delusional
I dunno, I pretty much always win against worse players even when playing compendium and pretty much always lose against better players no matter what I'm playing, with the exceptions being cases of extremely good or bad luck
>I want to creatively use tools in ways that even the designers didn’t foresee and perhaps come out on top.
This literally happens constantly, which is why the tools get buffed and nerfed, or why a team like Blooded had a winrate in the gutter for months before someone started suddenly winning massive tournaments with them without any balance change.
>someone started suddenly winning massive tournaments with them without any balance change.
Notorious cheater.
Creativity lies in the models, the narratives, your tactics, the boards you play on. Creativity doesn't die just because you have a set roster to work within.
Different guy, but it certainly does. Creativity in the construction of your force has always been a core part of wargaming.
Bro you've nailed it. I support every point of your post.

It happens rarely and it's as creative, as finding that you can cut bread not only with sharp knife, but also with a dull knife. Or you can drink beer both from can and from glass. Wow, so creative.

You are right
>muh creativity
If you passed basic grade school stats class you can just figure out which unit does the most damage for the least points and if you're too retarded for that there are warhammer calculators that will crunch the numbers for you
Imagine being this confident and wrong.
I wouldn't go as far as to say the game is perfectly balanced but anon is mostly right. The majority of bespoke teams and a good amount of compendium teams are good enough to compete against the "meta" team of the month. If you compare KT to 40k there is no question as to which game is better balanced.
How many striking scorpions are enough for the blades of khaine KT? Got the chance to grab 5 of them for pretty cheap, but idk if 5 are good enough for a game with friends
8 is the number, but you can supplement it with banshees and/or dire avengers instead of more scorpions.
So what would be the right proportion? I'm thinking 2 dire avengers and 3/3 scorpions and banshees. Or should I go full melee and do 4 scorpions and 4 banshees?
You'll nearly always want a shooting option so it's good to take Dire Avengers to help your melee guys as they cross the board.
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>New Votann Bladekyn in both the box art and book art is depicted as that ugly ponytail female head
>but in the actual book writing they are described as being a female ironkyn
Because in normal Warhammer all Votann battleline units by default have a pistol in addition to their main weapon. It looks like GW intended this to be the case originally for Yaegirs but decided to make it a separate option probably because they are quite cheap points-wise vs normal battleline Votann and did not bother to update the model to reflect this.
>warrior heads don't fit in Hearthguard
Are you retarded? They're literally the same heads, I'll go take a pic of my Hearthguard right now with their headswaps. Unless you are talking about the helmet options in which case yeah.
>It looks like GW intended this to be the case ......
>.....did not bother to update the model......
Well kinda makes sense. now i have to look for something else i can put in his hand and hope it looks okay.
IRONKYN heads not the normal ones.
>Even number of gantries in BD
>Not a single approved op map has them symmetrical
This triggers my autism so badly
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cant paint bases for shit or in general
Uh oh, stinky!
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fine heres some boring grey concrete fuck you :_(
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Didn't get any of my usual opponents today but invited a friend for a friendly narrative game where he borrowed one of my teams. Deathwatch ambushing some corrupted mechanicus on their way to deliver data by jumping out of terrain features.
Was fun and had some tension, though my opponent bunched up his entire force trying to run down the shortest possible route (which I had very clearly reinforced) and allowed me to chokepoint him and get this beautiful shot with the heavy flamer.
Honestly aside from an art piece I don't like busy bases myself.
How much damage did you inflict on him?
How do you guys paint your ITD or Chalnath terrain? Colors? Styles? How easy was it?
It's just (weirdly tall) generic imperial terrain you can get lazy and just do two colors.
Either dark gray or nonmetallic brass and glowy spots for screens & other tech. Skulls white (obviously). I'm doing a bioshock inspired bend with some rusty colored pipes & blue glowing stuff.
With the flamer? 6 damage to the leader, and then killing 3 vanguards
Because his entire group was concealed there were some odd LoS situations, where the leader was visible so the two guys behind him were hidden, but because those two were hidden the three behind them were targets.
Are the arbites any good?
Yea, a bit strange mix of close range shooting and melee but they are totally fine.
What's the best fit rules-wise for a Black Templars Kill-Team? Is assault intercessors really the best option available?
Scouts maybe.
Otherwise not without proxys.
1.) Terrible idea. A lot of teams rely on ploys to be playable, imagine Reanimation Protocols being one use for the entire game. lol, lmao even.
2.) I do play other skirmish games, this is just the best one.
3.) The roster building was cancer and I'm glad its gone. I hope to god that James doesn't cave to the braindead wanklets who piss and shit in their diapers while crying for bringing it back.
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Sucks to be you.
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More suckage.

Bases really aren't hard. Drybrush everything, get a good smooth rim and you're away.
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Are Scouts decent? Seems like the shotguns are solid but nothing about the team really stands out aside from the forward scouting options
Legionaries. Just proxy the Legionary profiles with Sword Bretheren
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They're okay. Kind of in a weird spot because they don't have enough bodies to be a horde but they lack the APL and wounds to be elite either. You kind of end up in a mushy middle with very little to distinguish yourself other than, like you said, the forward scouting options and your specialists.
>Good smooth rim
The amount of times I've seen perfectly good bases spoiled by a messy rim jobs. Good rimming is an art and should be respected. I'm happy to see that there are cultured fa/tg/entlemen on this board who have mastered the art of a good rimming.
Can i buy just the rulebooks/tokens if i already have enough bodies for a team?
I might be terminally retarded and not see obvious shit
More often than not it's cheaper to just buy the starter set than the rulebook and essentials kit.
To play you need Base rules, Team rules, Team, terrain, token, dice, something to mesure distance. How to obtain the team rules can be tricky (depending on the team) if you want them as a physical copy.
>How to obtain the team rules can be tri-
Yea that is if you don't want a physical copy.
Print them out and paste them on cards or a book
A "REAL" original physical copy i thought that was clear. You always can just write it yourself or print if you have the rules in any way and the tools....
I mean I guess. A lot of the rulebooks have spec ops & mission rules too, but almost always specify the original box set terrain.
Fuck,oh well. more plastic for the pile.
Can i get away with just buying the box for the team i want, or is it just a plain better idea to get the big box?
Any big box from before Bheta Decima is near impossible to get. If you don't mind spending slightly more for slightly less just get the core & essentials
Yeah, that seems to be the easier road
Ive had my 40k stuff gathering dust and wanted to start with some Guard/Kasrkin since KT looks fun
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I appreciate the respect. I have always been opposed to black rims but have recently discovered the joy of them. Any desert base, the Void War bases, necromunda bases, they all benefit from a black rim. I love rimming blacks.
Pick up the starter set. It gives you literally everything to play with. If you don't want the orks, sell them. You could sell at 50%rrp and be left with everything you need to play with another experienced opponent for way less than buying separately. The mini core rulebook is also neat and the starter set is the only place to get it.
thats not black
Painted with Scale 75 black, I don't know what to tell you anon. Do you know about painting realistic colours? Nothing in real life is ever pure white or pure black but light grey or dark brown. Vantablack is the closest we can get with paint and it looks wrong, like a hole in reality. Look it up.
>verification not required
I know that you fucking faggot redditor, but that is dark gray you blind retard
Your mum is dark grey.
>capcha: GMAD
Looks black to me.
>scored to ruin models by adding magnets for weapon changes
>it's actually super easy and I'm loving how they come out
>6 teams unmagnetized previous
Any good ideas for removing arms without absolutely fucking the paint job? Or is it just hopeless now? Couple teams I printed out with resin but most are gw plastic.
If you glued them with plastic glue it'll be way harder. A hobby chisel is your best bet. Get a super sharp edge in it and just wiggle it along arm joints, barely any pressure. Let the blade work. Resharpen periodically and eventually you'll get it off.

If you used super glue then stick them in the freezer. Super glue becomes very brittle when frozen, you can often snap arms off without damage. Though if they are painted I think you're going to struggle to do so without dating a paint job.
Sounds like the slow and steady is my only way then. Luckily most of my high weapon option teams were printed so shouldn't be too difficult.
Black brown...
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New to killteam, i just bought hand of the archon

What are they like compared to other teams? Are they to play? Against?
a bit of a tricky do or die team because you need to be killing to get pain tokens to be able to kill more.
they also have a great alpha strike with the torment grenade
Probably the best place to start and continue playing. They have a good variety of specialists that dont have to work together
Most popular and least popular teams?
Kommandos (or Nemesis Claw if you count their popularity because they just came out)
Nemesis claw, it also happens to be broken
Dead gaem
Are you they? I only see people bitching about the Mandrakes myself.
Yes theyre both a pain in the ass to play against, i rsther play against gellerpox
NTA but I have looked through their rules in preparation for when I get around to building them. I didn't see anything that stood out massively to me, they just seem like a different flavour of legionaries. What about them do you consider broken?
Kommandos are most played, I play against them more than any other team. They are in the starter box, were the first team to come out in Octarius (next to vet guard) and are quite strong. They've been tweaked quite a bit and we in a good place, I'd say top 20th percentile.

Least literally any of the Compendium teams. If you mean bespoke releases then Phobos, hearthkyn and Blades of Khaine all seem unpopular. Phobos released in an end of season box which never seem to be popular, people are committed to their teams that already released over the season (Fellgore being the exception, due to strong rules amd epic new sculpts). Plus it is just more marines, who are boring in kill team's vast apart of thematic and interesting teams. Hearthkyn for the same reasons, plus Votaan is newer lore (sort of) so hasn't got the interest. BoK struggle to play without mixing operative types which means buying a minimum of three boxes to make them playable. No one has time for that, that's half a 40k army and part of the appeal of Kill Team is that you only meed to buy and paint a single squad.

Honourable mention for Inquisition and Chaos Cult. Because both those teams are decent but need a huge number of models from separate kits, therefore cost a fortune to buy. I'm so glad I picked up Ashes of Faith.
If i would like to play Deathwatch against bespoke teams. What would be a buff that does not go to far? An additional warrior? being able to take two fighter and/or gunners? Any other ideas?
An idea I've had but not playtested is to give the deathwatch operatives the Primaris, Reiver, Incursor, and Infiltrator keywords.
That gives them access to both more utility ploys and more utility equipment, like the omni-scrambler, transhuman physiology, smoke grenade, and grav-chute to name a few. This gives the team a lot more utility - something they lack, being basically made up of nothing but a bunch of good guns - and in addition, the thing they are currently lacking to be fun is ploys and equipment.
I also feel that access to those abilities and items feels appropriate - it's deathwatch, after all, if anyone can bring unusual equipment it should be them.
The RWDS of the worst regime ever is less trigger happy and more willing to sit the defendant in front of the court than the friendly american cop. Things are getting crazy out there.
Hmm yea that idea isn't bad i hope i can try that next weekend.
One box teams?
they're marked in the team summaries
Ork Nobs, ideally with clan focuses
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It's obviously not fair of me to ask for more Dark Eldar teams when they are already more blessed than most factions.
But I am asking once again for more Dark Eldar teams.
Give me my Wracks back, GW.
Forge of Souls indentured daemons
what do I need to get into kill team aside from the models?
What you absolutely need is
something to measure distance (can be a ruler)
tokens for marking order and readyness (selfmade will do)
Terrain (even just books, toilet rolls or small boxes will do)
and an opponent/place to play (local game store is a good way to find them)
the rules (that can be found online in multiple ways, for free)
Thanks anon, Im wanting to do the Hearthkyn set as im a fag for DRG
Wich one the Salvagers or the Yaegirs?

I "only" have 530,7 hours in DRG.
Salvagers as they seem more DRG themed. Ideally id have a few in the colours of the DRG guys and then go standard DRG yellow for the rest
>game time
gotta pump up those rookie numbers
Sounds nice, show pics if you are finished.
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forgot barricades, which also can be self made.
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Planetary enforcers of any kind by palatine enforcers because the models are there
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>I do play other skirmish games, this is just the best one.
Could you please explain it more?
How important is it for you to know, that this game is made and supported by industry biggest company? Or that fact doesn't matter for you? I want to know.

>The roster building was cancer
Why? Again, could you please explain?

>Looking up what won the latest GT and then dumping 500 dollars into buying copies of a single unit that you can look forward to seeing soon, unpainted and half assembled at your local gaming table? Who cares about those guys?

People, that you've described here are trully disgusting. But there is also a major part of community, that doesn't care about GT-winning-rosters at all and want to build their own roster. And i do care about those people.
I tuned out of kill team for a year. How's Kasrkin BS these days?
We waited for your return. Everything is exactly how you left it. Nothing has changed. Welcome home.
Elite points got buffed massively
>any of the Compendium teams
Commorrites are cool.
The models are nice but do you really need another 8 Wound 2APG 10 man team with a Sniper, a Melee Expert, a Medic, an APG dispenser and a Special Weapon? We already have like 8 of those.
Aren't the Hand of the Archon a straight upgrade for them?
Sure but that doesn't make them bad.
Not that anon but roster building being cancer was because people would min max their teams. So you'd end up with a team of five deathwatch veterans with frag cannons or an entire team of grots that board control. A lot of balancing issues arose when you had the ability to pull from so many different units with so many weapon options. Simply put having fixed teams and limited rosters makes it easier to balance the game. I get it though, it does limit the "your guys"-ness of your team but kitbashing is still a thing and no one bats an eye if you decide to kitbash a necron team and play them as Gellarpox. That said there is room for a more role play heavy/narrative based version of KT that resembles Shadow War Armageddon or Necromunda/Inquisimunda more.
As one of the players that like to customize, I think there's a great middle ground that Inquisitorial Agents showed could be done.
I have also found a great option for providing a good amount of choice without overloading the options list. Say a team has 10 models:
>1 leader
>say 2 gunners
>you are forced to take 4 warriors
>for the remaining 3 slots, you can choose between 6 more specialized operatives
Vetguard almost does this, but I think it sort of misses the mark a bit on other design aspects for the specialists. What the method does is allow for changing team playstyles, customization, and cool specialist models without a circusshow style team where every guy is special.
I genuinely hoped Inquisitorial Agents would be the model for Kill-Teams going forward. They're a great middle ground between fixed teams and modular roster building.
Only issue with that is price, so every team needs to be able to be played independently in addition to having a super faction mixed roster team.
The big problems of fixed teams right now are:
Often there is no choice/question what "specialists" to play
Non specialists are just garbage
Equipment choices are strange, mostly boring and not to much
The equipment should be what gives your units "character" but then on the other hand it would be more work, more confusing and in most cases ends in the same way.
the hole politic behind what they do with specialists is to have "unique" (a bit strange if everyone has the same unique models) nice models without the need for kitbashs, 3dprints, or any other thing following the politic of no models no rules.
Well and obvious what was already sayed BALANCING.
My buddy wants to include some night lords in a Rogue Trader list similar to how Inquisitorial agents can pull units from other lists. I like the idea, especially if the Rogue Trader is being naughty or is outright corrupted, taking on particularly vicious mercenary pirates.

What would the best way to break it down be? >Inquisition split - 7 from the RT list with the Trader being mandatory, up to 5 from NL list?
>7 RT/3 NL
>? RT and a single NL

Ultimately idc and if its busted we'll fix it, but I am wondering if there's an optimal way to do it because we do a lot of 1v1v1v1 and 2v2
Is it true that games feel like they are predetermined
most of the RT power comes from their bombardment, don't let NL have it, do 3 NL, 5 NL if you're taking the Rogue trader specialists, only do 7 if you're forcing yourself to take the 3 plain voidsmen, maybe even 6, the simple fact that you have objective goons makes a half and half approach objectively superior than either one
no totally the opposite, KT is where skill flourishes and 40k is where listbuilding is king.
do 3 NL, 5 RT if you're taking the Rogue trader specialists*
Still BS4+. Team still sucks balls because of it. One more balance dataslate left to correct it for this edition. They’ll be BS3+ next edition at least.

In other news, game is basically on life support and has been for a while.
he wakes
Watching a game of KT18 and it looks like a Combat Patrol game. Why would you want this back?
Chances we get a noise marine team someday? We got deathguard, warp coven and legionary (khorne in my book). I keep seeing some amazing proxies and want a reason to print them.
KT18 kind of sucked.

4th edition appendix KT is where the game should retvrn.
Anyone got a pdf for the new termination boxset?
bad players focus on listbuilding because theorycrafting lets them feel skilled
Only if you're playing against someone way better.
Beat Intercessors with Exaction Squad the other day which is a terrible match up for me
We have Wyrmblade, Inquisitorial Agents, Hunter Clade, Blades of Khaine, and to a lesser extent Warpcoven with a high degree of team building customization and everyone warns others away from those teams because of how much they cost. Brood Brothers also has three very different HQs that are all viable and more specialists than they have bodies.
There is no skill to KT21.

At a competitive level, it involves "grinding" on the same pre-set map layouts. That's not a skill, it's boring repetition.

At a casual level, it's just a beer and pretzels dice game. Again, no skill. Just some luck and fun.
how so?
listbuilding FOR ME is a way of building "my dudes" or changing up the playstyle without changing the team.
The models right now have character but if you are not the one giving them that character it feels wrong.
KT18 was bad in many ways but the main reason many (not all) played it was because of the "my dudes" feel. that is why so many startet kitbashing the inquisition team (or some others).
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As a new player im kind of dissapointed by the list building. I bought hand of the archon and it seems like im always going to bring the eight specialists and one agent? And there doesnt seem like many weapon options. Im worried every hand of the archon team is gonna play out the same

Do you feel theres enough player expression in the game or do you feel like kill team is too auto pilot right now?
Yeah this game has basically no listbuilding unless you play compendium or warpcoven.
I'd kinda like an orchestra themed EC successor as a Kill Team, maybe with the option to make them classic rock n roll rainbow noisemarines. Or like make the noisies and have the orchestra as a sprue upgrade sorta deal.
or inquisition or blades of khain (that work how compendium should work) or hunter clade.
(compendium listbuilding? rarely any listbuilding there, most teams have less listbuilding then bespoke teams, some have equipment the rest just two or three choices max)
Imagine getting to paint models with Vantablack. So prciey. But worth it? Maybe
vantablack was made by a faggot who got pissy when people used it without his permission
You can literally build "your dudes" with your own character. CYRAC just won a big official GW tournament with gellerpox made out of necrons.
>As a new player
>the same "player expression" meme thats been spammed here for years
>practicing something means theres no skill involved
I dig the proxied custards.
>You can literally build "your dudes"
You just reskin a "someone elses dude".
Using necrons as gallerpox (i don't mind) but it is not legal on official turnaments (as far as i know) and many hate it if proxys are so far off.
I have some spare Void War bases I wanna burn (10x 28mm and 32mm). what are some good one-box kill teams to go with them?
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if you're so obsessed with "list building" and "yourdudes", just play 40k. That's basically what 1st edition was
>but it is not legal on official turnaments
He literally just did it this month and GW literally just gave him a golden ticket and he literally got nominated several times for best painted
>You just reskin a "someone elses dude".
Paying 20 points for a pistol and 5 points for a knife is "player expression" but a full conversion of a model, selecting a pistol from the datacard, and buying a knife for 2EP is "reskinning"? You're more retarded than kasrcuck
Where can one curious abkut researching these rules for shits and giggles find them?
>10x 28mm
The new Yaegir are odd but really fun and they're one box
Nemesis Claw is realistically a one team box if you don't mind a little conversion work to make the specialists that share bodies with other specialists
I can't wait for them to come out as individual boxes...
Nobody wants exact KT18 back. But we can't forget freedom that we had with it.

So in ideal case, we'll have rules from KT21, rosters from KT18.

That would be a perfect game.
>wow all these games with listbuilding are terrible
>kt21 sure is fun but I wish it had the thing that made those other games terrible
>no I'm sure it's just coincidence that every time a game has list building it's terrible to play
>You can literally build "your dudes" with your own character. CYRAC just won a big official GW tournament with gellerpox made out of necrons.
Proxying models doesn't make you creative, stupid.
>>practicing something means theres no skill involved
Repetition of something provided isn't a skill. Skill requires some spark of creativity to differentiate one's actual superiority. Just repeatedly practicing any given TO's maps more than the other attendees doesn't make someone an actually good player.
They're on wahapedia.
But if you played in 8th or 9th edition of warhammer, rules are the same, with just 1-2 tweaks and model by model activation.
So rules were not that laughable, as you're expecting.
Actually, roster building is what makes terrible game at least bearable. There are no people in games with roster building, that want it to be gone.
It's where i'm moving currently.
>CYRAC just won a big official GW tournament with gellerpox made out of necrons.
>get interested and look it up
>it's 90% just direct model proxies with the bare minimum conversion work on a few
John is perhaps the lamest man alive.
Should at least have made a proper flayed one theme.
But the bugs on the left are cute whats that? Something from AoS?
The worms are necromunda right?
I bet if he weren't one of the most known youtubers they would have kicked him out.
why? in doing so, they've opened the door for others to do the same
If you want the OG Kill Team rules, they were a game mode included in the Warhammer 40,000 main rulebook for 4th edition (kind of like how Combat Patrol is a game mode for 10th edition).

It was expanded with contemporary White Dwarf content (in fact, this version of Kill Team itself technically predates 4th edition, first appearing as a 3rd edition mission in US White Dwarf November and December 2003). The 4th edition Kill Team was expanded to include Tyranids in White Dwarf July 2005, added Nemesis features in White Dwarf October 2005, and some added content in December 2005.

The next edition was basically a mission from the Warhammer 40,000 Battle Missions book, circa 5th edition. This stayed 99% the same when a specific Kill Team rulebook was released digitally during 6th edition, and digitally and physically (in a once-printed boxed set) in 7th edition, with bare-minimum but essential tweaks to stop broken interactions from rules changes in the mean time.

The 4th edition rulebook and Battle Missions book should be easy enough to find, even with just a Google search.
Exactly and that is actually not what they want.
They don't like proxys and kitbashes that go beyond a certain degree.
>We got deathguard
Only in the compendium, only because they have a unique faction and model range in 40k and that was what the compendium was built to do, get people playing a new game with their current models whilst the Kill Team range expanded. They are one of the few 40k factions that have not had any kind of bespoke team or rules in any way. You are not likely to get noise marines until there is a dedicated Emperors Children 40k release like the World Eaters got, and even then you won't get Kill Team rules for them. World Eaters came out after the Compendium and have no rules, ergo Emperors Children won't either. Look at nids, they got a whole revamp that would have been incredibly easy to create a team for Salvation. It didn't happen, they are still using the compendium.
>khorne in my book
They can be, but saying they are is stupid. They can also be Nurgle, Slannesh or Tzeentch. Or Undivided, or a combination of both. I would go as far to say that the Khorne abilities and ploys are the worst in that team, Only tolerable because the Nurgle stuff is so good. Slannesh/Tzeentch are totally valid marks to take, They become super fast and shooting.
There a lot of people dooming about Terminus being the end of KT. Do we have any info about that? OR about the next release?
In the preorder announcement GW said that box was bringing the Bheta-Decima narrative to a close. The meaning is obvious.
Hello could anyone tell me on average how tall the chaos legionnaires models are?
Crunching the grade school math to figure out where the moronic GW designers went wrong as they have for the past 40 years doesn't make you creative, stupid. Wow, you figured out which special weapon is undercosted this edition and took as many as possible, how creative.
>gellerpox box is 60 dollars
>the picture has 300 dollars of models
Yeah GW is definitely seething that people are buying multiple kits. That's why they regularly feature conversions in white dwarf and on warhammer community and even put out tutorials on doing it
>the picture has 300 dollars of models
most of the models are quite easy available discounted, build from cheaper models or and leftovers. As content creater most of that was probably free in the first place.
Typically people don't stop with gw models/bits especially in printer times.
I sayed they don't like proxys/conversions beyond a certain degree they even state that in the tournement rules.
"-Each miniature must accurately represent its entry on your army roster
-Conversions must be checked in advance with the events team, to ensure they are appropriate for organised play."
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Termination confirms, this is the end of the Bheta-Decima season.
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About 45mm, including base. A Kabalite and baarricade for scale.
So i guess late november we either get:
A. a new season announcement
B. a new edition announcement (most likely)
C. a seasonless box announcement (like ashes of faith)
D. nothing they just drop kill team
A + B, it'll be a .5 edition though so it'll be advertised as just a new season but with enough rules revisions to warrant a new corebook
Compendium 2, baby.
Let's fucking go.
wouldn't gw do the exact opposite usually? calling it a new edition despite being just a major patch to the rules?

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