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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Deputy Sheriff Edition

>What is Genesys?
Released in November 2017, Genesys is a pen-and-paper generic/universal RPG system and toolkit by Fantasy Flight Games and EDGE Studio, using a refined version of the system presented by their Star Wars RPGs (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny). Its central mechanic is the Narrative Dice System, using pools made of specialized dice to create narrative results. The intention is for the system to be a highly flexible narrative system, adaptable to most any conceivable setting and premise.

>Twilight Imperium: War for the Throne, a new adventure campaign book, launched April 12
>After an extended delay, official physical dice packs are now available (tip: get 2-3 packs, preferably 3, to cover all potential dice combinations)
>Twilight Imperium: Embers of the Imperium, the space opera sourcebook, is now available
>A map for TI:EotI has been released

>Where can I find the books?
Check the Online Extras pastebin below for something useless. The core book is the only mandatory book.
>Do I have to buy the fancy dice to play the game?
Only if you want physical dice to roll. There are plenty of free dice rollers available online, now including the official dice roller app on mobile. Check the Online Extras pastebin for links.

>Player-made Genesys settings

>A quick and dirty primer on how the dice in Genesys work

>Online Extras (dice rollers, generators, PDFs, reference material, etc.)

Previous Thread: >>93001085
Right now I'm beginning to cobble together a apce western/ borderlands style campaign.
Surprised we didn't have a hack for this, or did I miss anything?

Vibe I'm going for is something akin to Trigun, Rimworld or like I said Borderlands. The space part should mostly be visible in a few select weapons, vehicles, as well as playable robots and a bit of adversarial alien fauna. No space travel.
Suppose this isn't to hard to cobble together so I guess I just make my own, if there is nothing.
What's with the flying shell casings? Revolvers don't do that
What advice would you give to a total noob at this system?
Depends. Are you going to GM or be a player?
If the former then defenetily get the EPG and your Core Book. The EPG has essential information on homebrewing adversaries and vehicles. Also don't force yourself to get too fancy with threat/advantage. If you can come up with something nice that's cool. Otherwise check out the the tables in the CRB for deriving some mechanical "default" options. The combat one is pretty good for adapting for various other situations.
Women. Every. Single. Time.
Just bumping this thread, while I'm working on my hack. Using the Cultural Manufacturing Differences table from EotI as inspiration for different weapon manufacturers to give it a bit more of a Borderlands feel.
Not a bad idea. Just remember, Torgue doesn't make their guns out of freakin' wood!
I don't think her revolvers made them, sir.
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Did somebody said Trygun?
Who would be interested in playing in an online game?
Figured we're not many people in this general, but are we enough to run a cozy campaign?
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Sound interesting, but I see one big problem.
Time zones. Let me explain.

I live in Poland, and if I would want to play with gay from USA, I would have to wait to a midnight just to start.

One solution's for this problem would be to use "play by post" format.
It will be slow, but at least we would not need to wait for every one to have free time.
Sure, it's something we have to take into account, but nothing one couldn't manage.
Play by post is an option, or doing occasional oneshots or open table games. First thing though is mustering enough peole.
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>play by post
I'm down, American timezone however.
I've done archetypes for the playable races from WildStar, if that counts. That's pretty space western in its own way.
Why would you want to specifically play with a gay?
I would be down
>Space western
In what way?
Sci fi with western aesthetic.
Let me give you some setting snippets:
>Humanity colonizes the galaxy via so called "seed ships"
>These ships look for hospitable planets for starting a colony
>First they deploy drones and machinery from orbit to terraform the planet and getting rid of its inhabitants
>Then the ship lands and parts of it get reassenbled into automated infrastructure
>Droids are produced to perform menial tasks amd help getting the colony started
>A first generation of humans is produced by cloning facilities.
>Droids provide care and education, as well as infrastructure for them and their descendants to live in utopia until they build another seed ship.

Used this framework already for other settings. What I have in mind for now:

>Seed ship is damaged during the terraforming phase and has to crash land
>large parts of the planet are left as wastelands by the incomplete terraforming process
>tech is heavily damaged. A few generations of humans are cloned and brought up by malfunctioning droids
>Later generations start setting out into the wastelands in search for fertile enclaves
>Due to ressource scarcity in the wastes and lack of a central power, raiders start terrorizing settlements
>Since the seed ship fails to provide utopia tech the humans develop a plethora of futuristic fire arms and fancy land vehicles, with what they can harvest, reverse engineer or come up on their own
>Also western aesthetic

I'm also adding some religious shenanigans, and feisty native fauna that survived the terraforming.
Main inspirations:
Not a bad premise. The Wild West worked the way it did because any authority figures were isolated most of the time - the power and technology of the government was stuck out east and took time to roll out to the west. So it would make sense if the central authority, still housed in the remains of the colony ship, were still trying to roll out advancements and power across the land. It's just taking slower than usual this time because of the faults, so the further you get from the colony ship, the more wild things get.
At least, that's my understanding of the matter.
Yep, this.
Might also turn the crash site into a little bit of a cyberpunk metropolis. Just to add a bit more hypercapitalism.
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I get a little bit of Outer Worlds vibe from it.
That might be a little excessive. You already have the theme of "the government you know can't protect you this far out in the wilds - not yet, anyway - so people and communities learn to protect themselves in what limited ways they can." Implying the colony ship society is itself corrupt will just make things feel worse.
Would be down for a one-shot or short campaign but probably going to be difficult due to timezones and scheduling.
What would you run it with?
I'm using foundry with SWRPG and played around with small genesys adventures. Works great but needs some fiddling.
Most likely

Used it with two other groups and so far I really like the minimalism.
Yeah, that's pretty much the original dedicated dice roller. Semi-private channels give you all the space to run rolls in a place everyone can see, and all you need is a browser.
As long as you have character sheets and a place to roll like >>93166938 suggests, you should be good to go. Genesys doesn't require mats/maps, unless you want them as reference.
So is this happening or what
Just make a Discord server if you want to organize a game
That's typically what happens - a Discord gets made for a specific game, whether to run it there or at least organize it.
I suppose yes. Right now, I still have a buzzy schedule for the next few weeks, but after that I will initiate something.

Not a huge fan of Discord. Usually I avoid it like the plague. My preferred option would be, I create an e-mail which I post here, so whoever is interested can message me and then I would send out jitsi or bitpoll links using it.
Figured that's the most accessible way of doing things and we even skip on chinese spyware.

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