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Remember the fucking title edition


Previous thread: >>93044584

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: What's your favorite build for whatever reason?
Anyone here play Ruins of Azlant before?
Longtime 1e GM here. I might be playing 2e soon and I want to play a skald. What's the best way to do that? I want to be as close to a Norse skald as I can.
What qualities about being a skald are most important to you?
Being a Viking-looking dude and singing songs to inspire my friends in battle. Preferably a few different kinds. And preferably not raging song. Also being able to roleplay the different sagas and such that I know, but they don't have to have mechanical distinction necessarily. I could just play a bard but I want to take as many skald-like features as possible. And also be good at fighting, although I don't envision myself wearing any armor heavier than chainmail.
Fighter or Rogue with Bard dedication, other martials with physical key ability scores work also, but those two have it easier with action economy.
>What's the best way to do that?
Keep playing 1e
>Verification not required..
That's my goal but I wanted to be prepared in case I'm outvoted.
When moving from 3.5 to 3.75, did they leave any spells out of the phb? Were any spells lost/gained moving from 3.75 to 2e?
Corefinder cleric aligment domains. I'm unconvinced about those heals/harms even if outsiders and such automatically have aligment auras.
I love debuffers and pet characters so conjuration and necromany wizard is probably my favorite archetype to play. Recently I've been playing a 1e witch and the hexes are really fun to play with.
1e with the unchained action economy system is just 2e but better.
>And also be good at fighting
only dedicated martial classes are allowed to be good at fighting in 2e. Your options are "Fighter with a Bard Archetype" or pounding sand. Barbarians are locked out of Concentrate actions so they can't do any Skald shit
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I have a silly idea in my head. A pair of Hellknight partners from the Order of the Chain whose last names are Locke and Key.
The new Commander class that's in dev right now might do it. Reflavor Tactics as inspirational stories, you get your support and your frontline survivability.
I like the idea of having my next character be a Hellspawn from Cheliax, someone who has gone adventuring to get away from being a second class citizen. What would be a good devilish parent that would make sense and give a good base around how the character would look?
PF1e - why did Paizo show so much favoritism to sorcerers and oracles, and what should be done to nerf them short of just outright banning them entirely (which I absolutely will do if they cannot be rebalanced).
You can't be outvoted, anon. Just join a 1e game if you don't want to GM it. Stop letting other people tell you what to do or how to have fun.
Meh, sorcs are fine. Maybe bad even compared to shit some wizard builds get into.
Whereas Oracles just need some common sense limits on what stacks or comboes with what, but that is primarily multiclassing issue.
Wizards at least have the limitation that they are prepared casters, anon. If you properly ensure that the player is not cheating, they're fine.
You might make that argument about Oracles, too, in a way. Like if you have to constantly oversee what they're doing then it's a problem.
The difference is that wizards don't need to be banned to be ok, they just need to be prevented from cheating. Whereas, it doesn't seem that there is ANYTHING you can allow about Oracles that isn't insanely batshit wildly overpowered. It's either allow the class or ban it completely, it has nothing to do with cheating because the class just straight up breaks all the rules and limits that other classes have to abide by.
The reason Sorcs are a problem is that they don't have to abide by the limitations that prevent wizards from getting out of hand, they can cast spontaneously and more often in a day on top of that. Their limits on spells known are irrelevant because there just aren't many spells of a given level that are worth the action to cast, and pages of spell knowledge exist to just completely shit all over that limit anyhow.
I'm just outright banning Oracles and Sorcerers is what it's looking like. Definitely Oracles. Sorcerers I might chop down their spells known by half if removing pages of spell knowledge isn't sufficient on its own. Probably just ban the class anyway.
Howdy /pgg/.

For Pathfinder 1E, should it make sense that a bard's inspire courage ability, and the Flagbearer feat should apply to animal companions? I am the GM in this campaign, so my instinct is to allow this because I want to keep the bard from being too underpowered (they are already very underpowered), but I want to know if there are any flaws in this.
I don't think there's a reason why they shouldn't, but I haven't looked into that particular situation too much. As far as I know, Inspire Courage is just a straight up "allies in this radius get a morale-typed bonus if they can hear the performance", and animal companions are not generally immune to morale-typed effects.
Rulewise there in no reason why those should not apply to animal companions.
And bard is definitely not underpowered class unless you compare it to shit like chained summoner
The bard is not an underpowered class, but this person's character is an underpowered build.

My instructions to my players have been to prepare for any type of scenario, and that while many fights can be avoided, there will be mandatory fights. In other words, skills and utility magic can be important, but you must be able to provide some utility in a fight, no ifs ands or buts about it.

So logically I'm slightly concerned about our 20 Cha bard's ability to survive certain encounters. Particularly with Comprehend Languages and Borrow Skill as their first level spells.
What's wrong with a bard who has 20 cha? And those are perfectly functional spells to start with. It looks like they're doing bard correctly.
Maybe you should consider that bards are not heavily-armored frontline juggernaut there-is-nothing-but-combat brutes.
i don't think you understand how the game works
Comprehend languages has a few uses, but I can't find much use for borrow skill, especially when your party members aren't going to be as flexible as you with regards to their skills. Maxing Cha can be helpful for the extra spell slot, but if you are going that route with a bard, you need spells that are not incidental but which will see regular use. Charm person, for instance, would be a good use for that stat. Doubly so since you could combine it with comprehend languages to charm goblins and other humanoid enemies.

In any case, I don't necessarily need there-is-nothing-but-combat characters, but I need everyone to be able to participate in combat. This game takes place in a series of demiplanes linked by portals. They are seeded with monsters and traps and treasures like typical dungeons, and a fair number of the encounters *can* actually be bypassed with good usage of skills or spells. Hence why I tell players to prepare for anything. However, there is always a monster guarding the portal that cannot be bypassed by any means other than fighting. More specifically, the portal will not be created until the monster is dead, so diplomacy can never be used to solve this problem no matter how good your skill checks are.
Is there way to selectively block or remove some memories?
Going for a hag encounter where the hag will offer a trade where PCs will lose certain memories in exchange for other stuff PCs want, and I was kinda wondering if there was a way to do that legitimately instead of just GM fiat...
Does Fighter with Bard work well? My understanding is that Fighter has a tight enough action economy already and Bard is all about burning actions every turn to sustain buffs.
>Fighter has a tight enough action economy
Not really. Fighter damage boost is always active and they do have access to very good action compression feats.

Probably the easist class to grab bard with
So I might have a possible tumour I want to thank you guys for giving me some enjoyment in my shithole of a life. 35 years old and never had a GF because of my subhuman height of 5'4" and the fact I am average in looks. I hope your guy triy to enjoy this wonderful hobby as much as possible. Got a few months but thanks guys I enjoyed shit posting with you lot.
Also no I just wanted to say thank you to you cunts if bad shit happens
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Anons, is there a reason why Razmir seems to prefer Sorcerers among arcane casters (especially in 1e) despite him being a 19 level Wizard? Judging mostly from the fact that the Razmiran Priest npc is a Sorcerer.

Also, about him being a Wizard, is/was he ALL about wands and scrolls of cure wounds? Or does he have some sort of divine backing? This is a guy who's cult influenced a prestige class....
Less chance of being outed as fraud if the other casters around do not actually have a fucking clue what they actually are doing magic-wise. Also sorcs are high CHA and that helps in multiple ways, including but not limited to being eye candy.

Probably no direct backing, but multiple are interested in what is going on in Razmiran. And it is not like poking a hole in dimensional fabric to let some positive energy in is particulary difficult for an experienced wizard...
Any good dual class recommendations for a Pistolero Gunslinger? Party already has a Rogue and Investigator, so not sure what to go for.
NTA, but what kind of mean vendetta do you have with Oracles? Haven't heard of such crazy shit. Unless you mean Dual Curse's Misfortune, which is very good, but not THAT good.
Also Wizards and Arcanists can get away with grabbing Quick Study and fondling their balls for the puzzle's solution
there are tons of spells that influence memory. one that could be cool is sequester thoughts, which extracts memories and stores them in gemstones, so the hag can literally take them from the players
DUAL class?
Some sort of ranger.
fighter is the class with the freest action economy after the monk
for example if you get a non-agile weapon with strong crits you have more damage on your first attack and less incentive to attack again
Because Sorcerers have the Razmiran Priest archetype that lets them cast from divine scrolls/wands without expending them using a slot one level higher, that means they can cast greater restoration by paying just once for the scroll, plus they get False Focus to get away with cheating a bit of money out of some spells with material components
Fighter has really good action compression, depending on what you're looking for. You've got access to Snagging Strike and Sudden Charge from level 1 Combat Grab and Intimidating Strike at 2, etc.
Be wary of press actions disguised as action compression. They aren't really action compression.
A bard fighter is squeezed very hard for actions without lingering composition.
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Speaking of Fighters, are they the best grappling class? I really like Order of the Chain mechanically and so I want to have one on the backburner just because both the MAPless attack then grapple with a flail without needing a hand free, plus the upgraded grapples seem like such fun little feats I’d love to just make use of these. My only issue is I have no clue how to introduce said character if my current one dies, seeing as we’re playing Abomination Vaults, so I’m not sure what an order of the chain hellknight would be doing in Otari.
Literally any class with an STR key and wrestler is the best grappler.
I don't think its good as I've only looked into this with Drifter but Swashbuckler plays like an action shooter film.
Cleric Wrestler is the best as Healing Font is absurd and might domain gives Athletic Rush which gives a +2 to your athletics checks.
>Does Fighter with Bard work well?
yes, it's probably one of the single best archetype choices in the game.
>action economy
bro fighter is the one class who wake up out of bed better than anyone else. They don't spend actions on Rage. They don't spend actions on Hunt Prey. They don't have to jump through LITERAL hoops like Swashbuckler or metaphorical ones like Thaumaturge. They don't have to fail their Overdrive roll and want to commit suicide so they can reroll a class that's not garbage like Inventor. They don't even need to worry about occasionally feinting or similar like Rogue. They don't need to spend actions entering Stance like Monk. Fighter Just Works, they are the least action starved class in the entire game. You Lingering Performance+Inspire Courage/Dirge of Doom for one action at the start of the fight alongside a 2-action activity like Sudden Charge or whatever and then the rest of the encounter you just play like a normal fighter. If you use a bow or two handed weapon you can Shield, you can keep scrolls of True Strike in your Gloves of Storing and use them without needing to waste your turn on Trick Magic Item, at level 7 your Detect Magic lets you pinpoint 5-foot-squares yourself without needing someone else to do it and point out the location to you, you basically just play like a regular fighter with a bunch of bonus goodies for the price of a couple feats (and feats are the one thing you have in spades as a fighter)
>A bard fighter is squeezed very hard for actions without lingering composition.
which is solved by simply taking Multifarious Muse which allows even Archetyped bards to get the full benefits on an entire bard subclass. It's pretty dumb that the remaster didn't just make Lingering Composition a baseline bard focus spell and it's still locked behind Maestro, seriously it's pretty much the definition of ivory tower design pretending everybody's NOT gonna just grab it ASAP
Is Sentinel the only way to gain fully scaling Heavy armor proficiency on classes that don’t normally have it?
To my knowledge yes. Armor Proficiency got buffed recentl, so now both it and Champion dedication can get you to expert, but only Sentinel gets you full scaling.
That’s so odd. I wish the others would at least allow Master, because I quite like the thought of a heavy armored Ruffian but ending up with a worse proficiency in Heavy later on feels weird to me. I get that it wouldn’t be until 19, really which means it’d likely never come up, but still, the thought bothers me.
Now that kineticist exists you can get scaling heavy armor on anybody with Armored in Earth at least.
Pretty much makes kineticist the best dip in the game for any unarmored defense casters, especially since you can also get a second element later and snipe shit like protector tree
Eh, still costs 2 feats compared to one. It's still really good.
My Monk will be sticking with Monastic Archery until she gains access to Wild Wind Stance. What good Level 1 Monk Feat can I get to replace it. I already got Ki Strike at Level 4.
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What regions are the most interesting to you to have your player characters from? If, for some reason, you had to choose just one for your next, say, three characters, which would you choose?
Human magus from the distand island of Minata, whose parents also happened to be skilled magicians specializing in metamagics. He was trained by Wayangs.
A girl in middle of her adolescence, with a lithe build, endowed with long black hair, glistening teal eyes, and a fair complexion. A floral ornament adorns her head to help fasten her lengthy locks. She wears a white kimono with her convent's seal woven on it, along with floral and avian designs. Her kimono is bound by a teal colored Obi(sash), and a gold Obijime(cord) is used to further secure the sash and compliment the colors of her dress. The hem of the kimono is cut high above the knees to allow her legs freedom of movement to do acrobatic and athletic feats. She walks unshod, unaccustomed to footwear; a consequence of her days living among theSylph nuns, who viewed such affectations as hindrance to free graceful movement. A gold ribbon with a lotus flower pinned on it is tied around her left ankle as a girlish accessory, which hints to child-like innocence. The arcane tattoos peek out of her kimono's collar and sleeves while those etched on her legs are laid bare for all to see.
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The main problem with Sorcerers is the existence of pages of spell knowledge. This, in combination with the fact that there's fewer than ten useful spells of any given spell level means that you lose absolutely nothing by picking Sorc over Wizard. They don't have to even pay a feat. They don't have to waste even a single minute.
Oracles also have the problem, but they add on top of it medium BAB and full casting while wearing good armor and shields. This is also a problem with Cleric, Druid and Shaman, just for the record, but at least they have the decency to be prepared casters. Even worse, literally all of the most broken abilities in the game are part of one of the Oracle's mysteries or curses. Not all of the broken abilities, just all of the MOST broken ones.
No. I'm banning Oracles and Sorcerers permanently.
>just dumps pages of spell knowledge everywhere with the exact spells sorc is lacking
You know, you should ROLL the stuff that cities are selling and not just doing free for all?
You know they can craft items, right? Craft Wondrous is literally the only feat in the entire game that is universally agreed as mandatory if it's allowed. It's even more important and powerful than Leadership and Sacred Geometry combined.
So really, it's an argument for both banning the classes and the feat.
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>fair complexion
Your scalp is mine.
Crafting page requires the spell and that reg cant be skipped by increasing the dc
Next time I plat PF she'll be a middle aged Pharasmin Kitsune Cleric from Taldor. Not Angen itself, but one of the smaller towns in the region where she was the main healer/midwife/funeral priest, and has gone adventuring after "retiring" from those duties having trained up successors, had kids and grandkids, and became a widow.
Please let the oracle get a decent improvement. My favourite class from 1e and they did it dirty
Favourite classes in 1e
Oracle super flexible class that can fill out different roles (2e did the class dirty)
Champion I love muh paladins the class fantasy is easily my favourite
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She's more east Asian than white
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I played a 36-battle, 10th-level playtest of Pathfinder 2e Battlecry!'s commander and guardian classes. Here is my playtest report:

Yes, I already filled out and submitted the official survey forms around ~20 hours ago, and I linked this document.
>someone thinks fucking spontaneous casters of all things are more broken than prep casters in PF1e
They're literally training wheel classes you monkey
You're an autist and an avatarfag Edna and you regularly annoy me but that's an impressive document. I appreciate you using your hyperfixation constructively.
I don't have the extensive experience you have, but I have played as a guardian for a few sessions at levels 3-4 and I agree with a lot of your criticisms about it. My biggest problem with the class is that because taunt is so situational in actual play (and hampering sweeps is also a lot more situational than it looked to me on paper) I feel like I rather rarely get to interact with my own class features on my own turn. Most of my turns are just spent tripping and demoralizing, which I could be doing as any martial class.
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Yes, you might notice that "Trip" and "lay on hands" appear in the document very frequently, and they are hardly exclusive to a guardian.
2e, what items or spells cure or try counteract petrification?
And as a GM, is there any method of mass reverse petrification? Like an aoe heal, but instead of heal its cure petrification.
I know i could invent some random mcguffin to do it, but maybe theres a way in the rules.
Sure footing heightened to rank 6.
Greater salve of antiparalysis.
The freedom ritual.
None of these affects multiple creatures at once.

If this is some sort of low threat environment where there are a bunch of petrified creatures just waiting, I'd allow the players to research a ritual to do it.
I'd just homebrew a mass stone to flesh ritual fit to purpose.
I’ve volunteered to try GMing for my friends so our GM can actually play a character as well. Would you guys recommend any APs other than Abomination Vaults (I’m currently about to start playing it is why)?
Do short low investment adventures until you get the hang of it.
Troubles in Otari or something.
Getting 5 levels into kingmaker and deciding you'd much rather be a player would be a waste.
I'm trying to settle a argument, does anyone else see it?
I have a question regarding encounter #5, since the base monster core lich is prepared shouldn't he be unable to cast 2 dominate or 2 chain lightnings or am I missing/forgetting something
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Yes, you should be looking at Drain Soul Cage.

i'm 100% sure there are already a dozen reddit threads about the heckin reference
Does Season of Ghosts have a Foundry module? Looking over the APs and this one I’m thinking is the one I want to run.
What would be the consequences of making the spell embrace destiny have an hour per level duration?
Party is currently level 3. Not super optimized. Maybe switch hitter oracle would use it.
Nevermind I was a silly fool who forgot to actually check and saw that it does. A more appropriate question is do the Foundry modules ever go on sale?

And is Season of Ghosts a decent AP for first time RPG players? 3/4 of my group are brand spanking new to RPGs, let alone PF2e, while the other has played 5e for a few years now.
Beginner box definitely does have a module and is suitable for the completely new.
I think the only time I've seen them go 'on sale' was a year ago when humblebundle did abom vaults foundry key with the pdfs.
Ah, gotcher! I’ll have to keep an eye on humble, then. I’ll definitely make sure to run them through the beginner box, too. I know they do want to make their own adventurers too but seeing as how the beginner box is built for the premades to excel in, except maybe rework the Cleric since her stats and spells are a bit off, iirc, I’ll keep them to the premades and use the beginner box to try and get them to get the hang of PF2e and then go real in depth with SoG maybe?
Discord is 1000% a Protean Lord more than he is a Tumult Dragon.
When’s Player Core 2 releasing again I want to eye up all the updated stuff in it
It's helpful for you too since you need to figure out how to contextualize the players desired actions into activities the PCs can make checks for.
Say a player wants to lift a heavy portcullis, you might ask them to stride, interact to stow what they're holding and then attempt a DC20 athletics check to force open, taking the DC from the standard DC table. And on a success they clean and press it over their head.
One day I'll make a guy from Iobaria that treats everything unknown as some attempt to kill everyone.
Has anyone started playing Wardens of Wildwood yet? Any standout good/bad things about it?
2e. I have a player/ranger who keeps wanting to dip his arrows in shit to "poison" them.

I'm cool with it but I'm trying to think of a way to incorporate it mechanically without being too good for the minimal effort being expended
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Make the poison weak, due to the fact that crap is a low cost material. 1 poison dmg per round or something. I don't know, just make sure it doesn't get good enough to replace ACTUAL poisons. An infection from shit is not the same as being hit with a fast-acting neurotoxin.

On a related note, he could have made something worse.
>In 12th century China, a slightly more advanced version of the shit catapult was used, which Stephen Turnbull writes about in his snappily title book Siege Weapons of the Far East (1): AD 612 - 1300. The weapon, which the author calls an "excrement trebuchet bomb" was a type of explosive device made from hemp string and filled with gunpowder, human shit, and poison, which was lit with a hot poker, before being flung at the enemy.
I'd just tell them it gives enemies a DC10 con save with sickened 1 on a failure.
it just gives you a disease after the fact
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Disregard my "1 poison dmg per round" idea, the other anons have better suggestions.
As if that were the only problem with Oracle's power level...
>Look at 1e player recruitment ad
>See GM has pre emptively banned gunslinger and chained+unchained summoner
>look at the listed current player party composition
>CoDZilla on full display
God, is there ANY faster way to advertising you're a shitter and a retard than banning fully nonmagical martial characters but leaving druid unmolested?
>BUT THEY TARGET TOUCH AC, THAT'S SO OVERPOWERED! he cries as the druid turns into a green man
Doing a lot of damage in initiative based combat to a guy 30 feet away from you is like the single least disruptive thing a character can be built to do in 1e, to even reach the point where a gunslinger is good and shooting people in the face requires they have full buy-in, follow the plot hooks, enter the dungeon, walk into the encounters and not avoid them, and willingly get within breath weapon range of an enemy before..... shooting them a bunch.
Yah. Though I got to admit that after GMing couple games with gunslinger it does feel a bit shitty for GM that with fullBAB-highDEX-touch targeting that slinger can ever miss only by rolling nat1.
Especially when scatter property nulls mirror images and concealment.

Would not ban slingers though, but I get why some GMs find them frustrating.
1e. Anyone have any wisdom for building a hamatulatsu master monk? Things to definitely take and things to avoid with it? Looking at maybe pairing it with monk of the sacred mountain, but I don't have any monk experience to speak.
Summoner is at least vaguely justified due to the way combat completely bogs down when you get that guy who insists on constantly throwing hordes of shitty fodder minions at everything.
Should my 2e Nethys omnicaster in free archetype be a Cleric with a Wizard dedication or a Wizard with a Cleric dedication. More than anything the Cleric's d8 hit die is appealing to me
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This plus Assurance seems pretty good if you're playing a STR character that needs to sneak for whatever reason. Am I overlooking something?

Obviously it requires an outsized about of investment but the mental image of a huge dude in Bastion plate disappearing into the night is amusing.
IIRC the devs are on record sating Assurance doesnt count as a roll, so Sneak Savant and stuff like Steady Balance dont apply, because you didnt roll shit.
>You can forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).
Makes sense.
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Maaaan. That's dumb.

I guess I wasn't going to take it anyway since it's competing with other stuff that actually fits my dude, but still lame.
Is anyone else hoping Magus will get a Heavy armor scaling feat like Warpriests do so you can have a Full Plate Arcane caster with a weapon without needing the Sentinel archetype?
Do you ever think about how there are no horses on the Isle of Kortos since the centaurs keep killing them? Do you wonder if the folks at Paizo purposely invented Axebeaks as a Final Fantasy reference?
>campaign constantly punish you if you open a magic book during exploration because it's always a trap
>decide to never open a magic book till we're in a safe enviroment
>campaign punish you for not opening that magic book which had the solution to encounter
I hate when APs do this shit
I hate when GMs "teach" players to play one way with constant negative reinforcement to then punish them for playing that way
GM is not supposed to make things too easy for players. Clever solutions are usually required and bruteforcing or delaying solutions is often punished
Players will cry about this stuff while also failing to pay attention to the fact that the book is ten times the size of a normal book and has a big skull on it.
They will constantly complain about summons and familiars being useless but won't summon an imp to read a few lines.
Then why punishing players for following a tactic and then when they learn they shouldn't use that tactic punish them the moment they don't use it? If every time we open a magic book during exploration means really bad news (like turning a pc into stone when we don't have access to stone to flesh yet, or trapping him in a gem shield for days, etc) you only make them not want to open a magic book till they're on a safe enviroment like a town. Specially if you deny any way of scrutinizing the magic, like saying spellcraft or see magic don't work till you open the book which triggers the trap
Nice try to stir some shit into the conversation, no the books weren't ten times bigger or had skulls on it, in fact they were described by the GM as normal books with normal titles, in fact we cast detect magic on them over how "common" the GM made them look too be. And after 4-5 times always bein traps we stopped oppening them during exploration. 3-4 times more were traps but we were already on the town. And the next time became almost a TPK because the solution was in once again one of these common books that ping with detect magic and the GM blame us for not reading it before the encounter.
APs do this constantly I dunno why you complain, at this point you should know how things are
GM bad, but you sound like you deserve it.
The DM job is to get you, what part of that you don't get? he's allowed to use whatever at his disposal.
Well, you see, that's where the clever solutions part comes in. Scenario is:
>There are magical books
>Players open one and it explodes on their face
>Players now know that the magical books can be dangerous. Players are however a bit slow learners so they open one or two more books that also explode on their face. Then players find more magical books.
Now then, lets have trivia. Which of the following solutions is the right one?
a) Keep opening the books
b) Ignore the books
c) Seek hints or information about these magical books. Maybe that huge wallpaper in previous room that represented a guy with BIG RED BOOK SOLVING A PROBLEM is some sort of hint?
d) Books explode when opened. Maybe it does not need to be us that open the books and it could be instead that summonable little guy who is immune to explosions doing it instead?
e) Walk into obvious trap room that was represented in that HUGE WALLPAPER EVERYONE IGNORED and then complain that GM is unfair
>reading a Pathfinder race's culture be like "I wonder what kind of poly they are"
Is it a case of piss wizard? Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, etc.
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I'm going to have to list all the poly factions and be painted a schizo, aren't I?
Does Swift Sneak work if you are using Quiet Allies so the whole party can sneak around?
poly what m8
polymorph enthusiasts?
polly want a cracker?
Avoid Notice and Sneak are two different activities.
Swift Sneak explicitly says 'You' three or four times.
I thought so but wanted to double check since I'm playing a rogue and since my party is always with me, I can't really see the point of grabbing that.
It's mostly for hiding and sneaking in encounters.
In any setting that made sense, those centaurs would either have been wiped out already, still in a constant war with the civilized people on Kortos, or enslaved to replace all the beasts of burden they butchered.
For pathfinder 1e, out of all the many different caster classes and alternate options they give you, what is the best "Esoteric Mage" class? What class lets me play a mysterious wizard whose powers are mainly bizarre utility spells and hyper-niche incantations that aren't really useful in combat, but work in mysterious and mystical ways compared to other spellcasters?
Monk so you can cast the Fist spell
Any huebros interested in a chill tuesday night 2e game hit me up in discord at t.m.7968
Not experienced with casters but off the top of my head,
>Tarot Student arcanist & Harrower prestige
>Ritualist prestige & Occult Rituals in general
>Idealist cleric and the weirdness of bringing a plane and its native gravity to you
Everytime i see a picture or video of one of you people, you are the most dysgenic motherfuckers i have ever seen in my fucking life. Every video. Why are you all like this? What is wrong with all your voices FFS. No wonder you are all filled with fear, hate, rage, and hypersensitivity all the time. God damn.

Anyway, how is playercore 2 shaping up? Hopefully they fixed the oracle and made the giant barbarian better.
Is there a way to sunder limbs off enemies? I assumed it would be under called shots but that just gives minor debuffs whereas I'm straight up looking to literally disarm people.
PF, so I just found out Gorum is dead, how does that work? Does he still have the followers?
From what's been shown it seems like they streamlined it in the right ways.
Monks get crit spec for brawling, barbarians can just rage when initiative is rolled, champs have had some details shared that seem very good. Swashes get feats that automatically grant panache without a check.
I don't know if anything for casters has been divulged apart from the obvious sorcerer stuff relating to elemental and draconic bloodlines.
>powers are mainly bizarre utility spells and hyper-niche incantations that aren't really useful in combat, but work in mysterious and mystical ways compared to other spellcasters?
nothing that has access to any normal arcane spell list. so sorcerer, wizard, and arcanist are right out.
Occultist is SUPPOSED to be this but often ends up being a diet wizard, given how implement schools work you can tailor your spells to something like what you're suggesting though, especially with the various focus powers.
Witch is just Wizard with slightly less blasting but conditions removal and some better debuffs, so it's not gonna be what you're describing either.

If you want to be a "caster whose spells are not good in combat" what is going to be your main combat contribution? do you want to have out-of-combat utility and just shoot shit with a gun or stab them in battle? plat Alchemist or Investigator, especially something like Psychic Detective
>horses are dead
Explain this, pathfinder quest
>setting that makes sense
lol, meanwhile the centaurs actually do exist as paid postmen, with one poor centaur getting caught whilst shipping some mail to absalom, as detailed in Troubles in Otari.
Not with sunder maneuver if you meant that.
In fact without houserules, GM fiat, or third party stuff the only accessible ways for PCs to make enemies actually lose limbs (not just withering them or some shit) are Rend Body psychic spell line, and polymorphing into a creature that has such ability naturally
Monks need to be able to choose at 1st level whether to be Expert in Unarmored Defense or be Trained in Unarmored & Light Armor. Not so necessary if Monks get stance activation as part of initiative.

I do not expect the Swashbuckler additions to be good

is it better to prestige into Duelist as a Rogue or Swashbuckler? Rogue you wouldn't get access to it until lvl 9, but you'd get access to a handful of really useful Rogue Talents, plus that nice extra 4d6 sneak damage on a flank, which you'd most likely be getting a lot with a Duelist, seeing as you get bonuses on AC to not get hit moving into position, on top of 8 levels of being a skill monkey to pump as many skill points into things as possible.

Swashbuckler, meanwhile, gets access to Duelist 2 levels earlier, and Panache gives you a bit of different utility, especially if you're playing a crit build, not to mention Swashbuckler into Duelist feels more narratively cohesive to me than Rogue. I think if I had to choose between the 2 starting classes i'd probably go with Rogue because even with the 2 level delay you get way more out of it. alternatively, i could just go Swash archetype Rogue to get a discount proper Swash

i'd like to hear your guys' thoughts though, i'm objectively bad at theorycrafting/character building to the point that with my current magus i didn't realize that Enduring Blade duration is based off your level until about halfway through level 17
Axebeaks come from DnD first
Defintely from Unchained Rogue, definitely not from chained Rogue.
Though in all honesty Duelist is not really worth it from neither rogue or swash case, but I guess you have more of a roleplay reason to aim for it.
Apparently has the biggest revision of all the classes in the remaster. The biggest thing is they basically have focus spell reagents where they use quick alchemy with "versatile vials" that can be replenished in exploration. No word on any prof changes.
Not much has changed apart from some quality of life like barbs can now rage multiple times in combat and can rage at the start of combat as a free action. Some of the weaker subclasses have been buffed and given more such as the fury.
Alignment has been stripped off and you are now given "causes". The base class now has an inbuilt aura that works with its features and will have more feats. A new focus spell was shown but it looks kinda meh compared to lay on hands. They also have inbuilt sanctified strikes.
Devise a Strategem got made a little bit more useable and a few bits of cleanup to make the class more understandable but i still see it falling into the same meh combat style.
Is pretty much the same just with some cleanup and you get a crit spec for free now. Would of really liked an option to choose between legendary AC or legendary unarmed at level 1.
Another class that is getting major changes. Curses have been simplified massively and you have a unique condition called cursebound which increases when you use powerful abilities with the same trait which do not include focus spells. The more complicated effects of curses are "opt in" by taking feats. Also inbuilt thematic spells. Overall sounds like a very big improvement.
Basically the same but with updated bloodlines for lore changes and more passive blood magic abilities you can choose as feats.
A shitload of new feats and a new trait called bravado that lets them enter panache for free when using an ability with that trait.
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>Unstable DC lowered by 2 and some fixes to gadgets that shipped without complete info
I just want real focus spells.
Its time to accept that Guns & Gears was just a shit book. If you wish really hard Paizo may remaster it but i very much doubt it. SoM and G&G are stuck in the weird post core limbo where Paizo didnt know what power level they wanted classes to be so they always shot for low instead of high. This changed with DA but even then Psychic still has some questionable design.
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I basically have, I'm just mad the power armor class is bad because power armor is cool and I wish it was good.
Called shot entries for each body part have Debilitating Blow subcategories that detail how body parts can be severed. It can be done, but most entries are "mangled or destroyed" and GM gets final say.
Are Crossbows any good? After seeing that the Reinforced Stock is Finesse I like the thought of making a Rogue who’s just a proper ye old Crossbowman with a pavise and chain with his kettle helm. Never touched them or Rogue before, though.
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Strictly inferior to bows but that doesn't mean you can't play them.
If you want to be on theme it's probably better to do a fighter with ranger dedication since fighter is the man-at-arms class.
Crossbow ace is gonna be important to be able to compress take cover and interact to reload together.
Ask GM about allowing you to interact to plant a tower shield as a fighter feat 1 or something, or using pic.
Ah, yeah I forgot that Crossbow Ace is Ranger exclusive. My current thought, mostly because I really enjoy the thought of making use of that Dex to damage Thieves can get with the Stock, plus the whole big sneak attack bonus certainly helps Crossbow damage further, is to go Thief and multiclass archetype with Ranger just for Crossbow Ace. Probably ditch the Tower Shield since I realize it just wouldn’t quite work with it. Actually, Ranger with Rogue multiclass might work better too. Crossbows are such funny things, much harder rhan bows to work with beyond how nice the 1d8 Reinforced Stock is.
The Precision Hunter's Edge seems intended for stuff like crossbows where you want big single hits instead of spamming attack actions as well, and at level 3 you can double down on the 'big hit' theme with Intiate Warden for the Gravity Weapon focus spell.
Just be a fighter.
You don't need extra damage die, you need bonus to hit, which works like extra damage die but better.
I figure what you do for feats is sudden charge, then ranger dedication to get crossbow ace and hunter's aim to be able to bullseye stuff if you have a whole turn to aim.
I played a crossbow ranger for a little while and what I noted is that you can have all the precision damage in the world, you need to hit.
>no response from the centaurs of kortos
DM I ride my horse to absalom, thank you
yeah, it's largely for roleplay that i'm building into Duelist, next campaign is gonna be more of a chill one and we're not too concerned about actual viability
What are some good monsters that Cheliax would send on a scouting mission to an island temple of Pharasma? Trying to build a good combat for a party of five level 8 adventurers and I need something that can be a fun fight before they get to the boss. Pathfinder 2e as the system.
If the DC for it has been lowered by 2, will Assurance finally let you succeed on it for more than just a single level?
You cant use assurance on flat checks. Overdrive shouldn't have a fucking roll to begin with or at least have a better pay off.
overdrive isn't a flat check. you might be thinking of unstable.
The original post was about Unstable. Overdrive hasn't been changed and Assurance still only works on Overdrive at level 7.
I see, am rarted, should sleep.
If they’re level 8, you could go with a Diabolist of some corrupt noble house with some summoned Devils, or Hellknights of the Pyre who’ve been led to believe that this temple needs to be purged for heretical beliefs and are only pretending to be Pharasma’s. Plus it could let your charisma characters have a time to shine if you go the Hellknight option and manage to convince them to leave in peace?
Oh, so that's where Exocist went. I remember seeing his guides and posts but heard he left 2e for greener pastures. One of the few usernames I thought had a good grasp of the game's overall balance (and problems).
Anyways, your rundown of both classes is about the same as mine.
I ran a party with a commander, guardian, bard, and champion (respecced into a fighter with the champion MCA later) at levels 1, 7, and 16. The champion (/fighter) blew the guardian out of the water at all tiers. The commander held its own next to the bard, but was always very spammy, either with Strike Hard! or Demoralizing Charge (Fortunate Blow got spammed at level 16, often comboing into Demoralizing Charge).
Something that I think you might miss with an all-martial party is that having a healer caster (in a pinch, Soothe is... adequate) means that the guardian redirecting damage to itself matters less (compared to a champion). 80-90% of the time, a cleric doesn't care whether it casts 2-action Heal on the tank or the striker, and the damage taken is the same (at best).
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>Something that I think you might miss with an all-martial party is that having a healer caster (in a pinch, Soothe is... adequate) means that the guardian redirecting damage to itself matters less (compared to a champion). 80-90% of the time, a cleric doesn't care whether it casts 2-action Heal on the tank or the striker, and the damage taken is the same (at best).

Many characters across these parties had Lay on Hands and regularly used it, such as to heal up the guardian. You can generally assume that, whenever feasible, someone was using Lay on Hands to heal up severely injured allies. In the document, I repeatedly note "adjacency formation." This was not only to let the guardian use Intercept Strike; it was also to let the guardian use Lay on Hands on a melee ally or vice versa.
So if I have Catfall and I’m carrying someone would they take damage even if I don’t?
Depends how it gets ruled.
I'd try to find a simple way to do it that rewards the players.

I'd probably rule it as falling on a creature, except that you land on the guy being carried. The way that works is the carried someone takes a reduced amount of the fall damage you took with a low DC reflex save.
So if you have catfall and reduce fall damage to 0, neither of you take damage.
If you fall hundreds of feet and die, the person being carried rolls a reflex save and takes all the damage on a crit fail, half the damage on a fail, a quarter on a success, and zero on a crit success.

The two alternatives of the creature being carried being unaffected, or the creature being carried suffering their own fall damage and landing on you don't appeal to me. Either too simple or too complex and punitive.
You can't wildshape into greenman, they're supossed to be unique
If you bothered to read even the first line of their description, you'd see how wrong you are: "Ancient beyond measure, the legendary green men are avatars and guardians of the primeval forest." It's written entirely in plural. Of course they're marked as solitary, because you're usually not supposed to drop multiple CR 26 creatures in one encounter, but they definitely aren't unique.
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Greenmans are individual demi-god like creatures, with mythic ranks. The greenman's sheet is for you to put slap a name and title. It's
also shit, because RAW you don't get the Vines because it's an extraordinary ability not granted by Plant Shape. Plus, see the image, Mark doesn't want you to polymorph into them. Have fun with two slams. Next time Fey Shape into a Whisperer
>made giant barbarian better

But it's already strong. Only subclasses that need help are Fury and Superstition.
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Anyone know if there's an existing action/feat anywhere in Pf2 for picrel?
Weapon Inventors eventually get a feat that let's them attack everyone within 30ft of them, so there's that I guess? But you have to be
>level 18
>an inventor
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>Next time Fey Shape into a Whisperer
yeah the point on green men is a bit moot since there's equally busted options. six 3d10 tendrils vs 2 slams and 6 2d6 vines isn't much difference. The actual problem is Ultimate Wilderness was a rushed piece of shit book (hence the fucking Shifter) and Paizo had basically checked out of developing 1e by that point, so it's full of either broken (as in nonfunctional, like OG Shifter pre-errata), or BROKEN (as in lol lmao wtf) shit like Feyform giving you CR20+ fey abilities since balancing purely by size category might work for animals and elementals but is obviously retarded for FEY.
Triple shot for fighters or archers.
Triangle shot for monks.
Oh cool, thanks.
Shit, how did I forget that this feat exists? Looking back I read it a little over a week ago.
You wont get the vines, and there's an argument for no making the 3d10 mist tendrils touch attacks since its (maybe) a result of the Whisperer being incorporeal, not to mention the following:

- Do you add strenght to the mist tendrils if you're not incorporeal? IMO i'd assume yes (you don't get incorporeal from Fey Form I-to-IV)

- Is the to-hit and damage bonus from getting +4 STR or +2 in case of Green man enough to off-set Power Attack and size penalties to accuracy?

- Are you even doing THAT much damage to raise eyebrows? Unless you got really lucky rolling stats or have really good point buy you're sacrifice spell DC for melee damage, but you'd still have to pre-buff with spells to reach EDVs similar to other martials. You're also using natural attacks, you have to pay for a AoMF and get some way to bypass Damage Reduction.

- Using wildshape (unless with certain archetypes) usually turns into a net-0 or even -1 armor. Unless you, again, prebuff or get the wild enchantment. Planar Shape is a must for DR.

Those are some opinions I've had while trying to excel at being the "Wildshape Druid". Meanwhile the moment I went for the "Summoner" tactics I just started wrecking shit like nobody.

- Buffing my Animal Companion with templates, animal growth, hell, I asked the Brown Fur Arcanist to cast Form of Dragon on it once and it almost soloed an encounter.

- Use Wildshape for mobility and CC the shit out of enemies while your AC and your teammates wreck shit.

- Saurian Shaman for standard summoning murder-buddies for your friends. Conjuration has your best CC spells so goin for Augment/Superior Summoning you get to buff them with the 1+ DC

- If you want to get in melee with your AC I recommend the Goliath Archetype. Grab the Shikigami line of style feats, Surprise weapon trait to off-set size penalties/bab. Grab a CL20 Traveler's any tool. Vital strike + Furious Focus + Power Attack, turn someone into a crater. Your armor also doesnt go away
This was so much better than getting actual information about the upcoming book
Paizo seems to be under the impression that we all care about their fanfictions.
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>- Using wildshape (unless with certain archetypes) usually turns into a net-0 or even -1 armor. Unless you, again, prebuff or get the wild enchantment
Fey form doesn't make you lose your armor since you're transforming into a Fey, not anything called out in the Polymorph subschool. You don't need the Wild enchantment. You can also cast spells normally (although everybody's still gonna have Natural Spell).
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No but gibsmedats who only use archives of slowshits to play need to be fed their daily dose of narrative slop as punishment for playing for free
how do I build him in 2e, /pgg/?
Better question, how do you stat HIM
rusthenge is a good starter adventure that can slot into seven dooms if you want to keep going
Male human fighter.
Is mystic theurge really that bad?
Any musical instruments besides the Battle Lute that you can use as a weapon? Third Party is fine. Got the idea of making a Thaumaturge for my next game in the vain of John the Balladeer.
Depends. It does what it says in the tin and you will have a fucking shitton of spells to cast per day from having two spell lists available. Combined Spells feature is useless for anything than grabbing Lesser Spell Synthesis and maybe some niche uses.
But in all honestly, how many spells you need daily? And is it worth losing caster levels and class features from actually advacing the classes instead of just spells? I would argue probably not.
Level 100 fighter.

If a Starfinder 2e tactical laser rifle is 60 credits (6 gp, according to Field Test #1) and the equivalent of a +1 weapon, how is that not too cost-effective for a 1st-level character?
A +1 weapon rune in PF2e is 35gp just by itself. Does Starfinder 2e have different starting wealth rules than PF2e?
Likely because despite what Paizo says they’ll probably go the original SF1E route where it’s not actually 1:1 compatible with PF2E even if they have the same framework of rules.

An alternate scenario is that the 60-credit price is simply a misprint.
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The absolute state of westmarch pathfinder
It might not be, though I’m not sure on the price conversions. SF1e lists the Azimuth class Laser Rifle (level 1 LR) as 425 credits. Characters start with 1,000 credits so at an eyeball’s glance of me not caring to do math it sounds about right if they’re changing how much credits are worth if they want the starting money to be equal to 15g in Pf1e.
Corefinder Destruction domain. Also apparently corefinder is getting rid of crit confirmation, dunno how to feel about that
Good luck bro
>Literally no mention of game theme/genre or anything actually about the game
Too busy telling everyone how degenerate they are to produce anything of real substance. This is the modern world anon.
>gay furry
I'm pretty sure the first line says everything you could possibly need to know about it.
Gay furry is the genre
It's an ERP game. Thats the genre.
>GET ’EM! [Action]
>Directive, Envoy, Visual
>You single out an enemy for you and your allies to focus your attacks on. This concentrated assault weakens that enemy’s defenses. Select a creature within 60 feet that you can see. That creature takes a –1 circumstance penalty to AC until the beginning of your next turn.
>Lead by Example If you attack the target you select before the end of your turn, you reveal a weak point in your foe’s defenses. You and your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to damage rolls against the target. As your envoy level increases, so does this damage. Increase the damage by 1 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.

According to Thurston Hillman in the Starfinder Discord server, the penalty now applies to Reflex.

And according to this document, the damage bonus now starts at 1 + half Charisma modifier.

But does the envoy's lead by example for Get 'Em! apply on the triggering attack's damage roll?
>The Abomination Vaults as they're described to have been while Belcorra was alive are much more interesting than they are today
What's the point of running players around a place for them to find out "this place USED to be cool"?
That's what the ("unless with certain archetypes") thing means, When you're playing a Goliath or Progenitor Druid, you "Wildshape" into Fey or Humanoids (Giants), which keep their armor, So you save money on the wild enchantment. Another nice way of armoring up is the Ice Armor spell. Mage Armor is also good.
>no fun allowed
>>no fun allowed
the entire thesis of 2nd edition in a nutshell. that's what happens when you make a game system SPECIFICALLY for Organized Play and made with feedback from your boss Lisa Stevens coming into the office to scream at people over shit people were doing in her home PFS games.

organized play is the fucking devil, it's the Great Satan haunting RPGs and Paizo decided to make an entire system for it.
What would be the DC check for making Napalm.
exactly, it feels like the roseguard already cleared the dungeon ages ago and we're exploring the long forgotten ruins
Which is funny cause according to the book they... never went below the Keep. Like obviously there was this big, probably 2-3 story keep and stuff but you'd think when one of your bro's drops into the floor you'd maybe try to go look for him.
>Want to play a character with all 4 damnation feats for the theme
>Realize the only one worth 4 feats, maleficium, has maybe one good target per spell level, with some not even having that.
Explain to me why they didn't make more than 4 feats.
If you're grappled/grappling, do you threaten squares? can you still help flanking?
Maybe Thaumaturge? Gives you more uses for that charisma score and a highly welcome boost to your damage.
The grappled condition makes you not threaten squares, so no. Because of the you also don't count for flanking.
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I do not see why Twirling Throw deserves a chance for the swashbuckler to throw away what is presumably an expensive, runed-up weapon.
So fucking stupid.

If they want to make it so a returning rune isn't mandatory, just make it return. That feat just means anyone that's playing a thrown weapon swashbuckler is still going to use a returning rune, they're just going to feel shitty about it because it only protects them from 1s/errant attacks against a higher level foe instead of it being the only they can get a weapon to return.

It would be a good playstyle-enabling feat otherwise.
Once you hit level 14 and can learn perfect finisher then it's probably fine, but before that you definitely just want a returning rune.
On the bright side, you get Panache on anything but a crit fail now instead of just a success.
What's better for a melee Spiritualist, Ectoplasmatist or Phantom Blade?
Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.
Actually, retrieval prisms are 12gp apiece and can make up for a crit fail at the expense of probably making you wary of throwing anything else untiil you can affix another talisman. The gold cost evaporates into insignificance really quickly.

And any swashbuckler is fine to go into melee and perform a confident finisher, it's not like a swashbuckler built for throwing that has to fall back on this is totally fucked and useless for a whole battle.
What's Dirty Trick?
Something new introduced in PC2, presumably. Hopefully Dexterity version of athletics maneuvers.
That's what Paizo did to Gorum

Hey, if you grapple a flying creature with lets say a grappling hook, you still need to use the
reposition action to bring it down to the ground?

1 action: Simple ranged attack to grab
1 action: reposition for a 5ft on success, 10 on crit

That check out?
Perfect Finisher and Twirling Throw are both actions, so they can't be used together, unfortunately.
Yes and no. Yes, that is the only means the grappler has of moving the target.
However, they'll fall to the ground anyway if they don't Escape by the end of their turn, due to the flying rules. I would recommend hoping that this happens instead of trying to drag them to you 5 feet at a time. Escape will still increment MAP and waste an action, at least.
That said, knocking them prone will cause them to instantly fall, although unlike grappling they'll be able to Stand and Fly again on their turn without having to Escape. If your party members Delay properly they can still take advantage of it, though.
Oddly enough I'm not entirely sure you can actually grapple with a combat grapnel at range. The Grapple trait uses a weapon's reach, but throwing a weapon at someone (like you would with a combat grapnel) doesn't actually increase its reach. You just toss it. RAW, as I understand it, you can only actually grapple with a combat grapnel if they're in melee with you and within your normal reach. You can wing it at them at range, but you can't hook them with it. Similarly, the Reposition action requires that the creature remains in your reach at all times, so even if you could grapple a creature at range, it still wouldn't be within your reach and thus it would remain ineligible for Reposition.

That being said, I feel like I'm missing something, because there's no way that's RAI. Assuming you can actually grapple somebody at range with a combat grapnel, and that they count as within your reach while grappled, you've got it mostly right. It's worth noting that even weapons with the Grapple trait don't automatically grab on a successful Strike--you wouldn't want to Strike them with the grapnel, you'd want to use a Grapple action. Furthermore, creatures can't take Move actions while Grabbed, which means that if it fails to escape on its turn it'll fall to the ground on its own because it didn't take a Fly action that turn.

Also worth noting that just Tripping someone in the air causes them to immediately fall to the ground, which is probably easier in most cases.
Ah shit, I (>>93178306) wasn't even looking at the weapon rules. I just assumed they functioned how the original anon was saying they did and it was about Reposition.

Rereading the question, I assumed anon meant combat grapnel or a similar weapon, but it looks like it's a literal grappling hook (https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2725), since simple proficiency is mentioned.
At that point, it's firmly in GM territory. What the DC is, what the effects are (and whether they mimic the Grapple action), etc. I'd probably rule it offhand as letting you tether yourself to an enemy, who can then make a skill check to untether themselves, but it's going to vary a lot

Anyone got any experience running either a homebrew, or 3rd party adventure that had parts where the players could get in over their heads? Y'know, enemy might be beyond what they can handle. Or if they avoid combat, somehow get a hold of an item far higher than their level like a Level 5ish party getting their hands on a Level 17 item.

Trying to figure out just how on-rails I have to be. What I mentioned above is an example. Big grand temple to a god, one of their "holy relics" would be a Level 17 item. Now it's supposed to be trapped and the temple is fairly well guarded. It was just something I ended up thinking about.
Regarding monsters, if we're talking just grabbing stuff out of the Bestiary that's significantly higher level than the PCs, you'd generally be operating beyond what the game supports. Most games with the 1-20 leveling scale don't really support players taking on encounters too far away from their party level (if you go far enough back in D&D, back to like B/X, you can get that a little bit), but PF2E is particularly punishing. In 1E, for instance, you'll eventually get to the point where players are hopelessly outclassed because they'll only have any effect on their opponent on crits (or crit failures on saves). This is true in PF2E as well, however, due to crits also being triggered by succeeding by a 10+ on your roll, higher-level opponents with larger bonuses eventually get to a point where they will just crit you every fucking attack. It's brutal.

What this means from a practical standpoint is that if you want to make an enemy that clearly outclasses the players but doesn't immediately evaporate them into red mist, you're probably going to want to keep it within a few levels of them and just increase some relevant numbers or add some interesting abilities. Give it a boatload of health or regeneration or DR if you want to make clear that the PCs need a gimmick to kill it.

Regarding high-level items, honestly, item level doesn't mean much. Item level matters for DCs on things like crafting and identifying magic items, and it controls whether items are available in particular settlements, but it doesn't generally *do* anything. It's just a number that gives you an idea of how late-game an item it is. There's no reason you couldn't plop down a level 17 item in a level 1 dungeon. It'd be a kick ass item, but it wouldn't fundamentally break anything. And if you're homebrewing a godly relic, there's nothing stopping you from just saying "fuck it, it's level 20."
That's what I initially thought but now I have doubts my, threatening is the ability to attack a square, you still can do that, grapple remove your attacks of opportunity. But I don't seem to find anything that completely settles the argument
Well, I wasn't using relic in the PF2e terminology. It's "just" a Robe of Eyes. I'm creating a spreadsheet to help me figure out how to convert stuff from 5e to PF2e, which I know is basically remaking most of it. But thankfully the adventure has level ranges, and I can try to keep things within those ranges as they progress.

Glad to hear about the items though. Some others elsewhere seemed to think even dropping a +1 armor at around Level 3 would be something you "absolutely should not do!". It sounded like an overreaction.

One thing I'm realizing is there's actually going to be far less of the PL+4 encounters that official Paizo shit is crammed full of. Since a lot of the named villains are expected to have backup.
>Threatened Squares
>You threaten all squares into which you can make a melee attack, even when it is not your turn. Generally, that means everything in all squares adjacent to your space (including diagonally). An enemy that takes certain actions while in a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity from you. If you’re unarmed, you don’t normally threaten any squares and thus can’t make attacks of opportunity.
>When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.
>Moving out of a threatened square usually provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening opponents. There are two common methods of avoiding such an attack—the 5-foot step and the withdraw action.
>A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler’s CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.

It is quite clear that threatened squares is a separate thing from AoO, and the grappled condition does not mention anything about removing threatened squares, just that grappled character cannot make attacks of opportunity. I'd especially bring attention to part "even when it is not your turn".
So you do Flank characters while grappling unless something else prevents you from attacking.
Pinned condition however prevents you from attacking normally which means no threatened squares for the pinned creature.
1e question with grab from monsters
Lets say a monster has 4 attacks, all with grab
And already in its first attack it manages to grapple you.
Lets say in its second attack it also hits, does the monster get another grapple check due grab? can, if successful, try pin/grapple damage?
Lets say the same happen with the rest of its attacks. Does the monster get to do:
4 normal attack damages + 4 grapple checks (possible 3 of them being grapple damage)

Lets say it has constrict
Does the monster now:
4 normal attack damages + 4 constrict damages + 4 grapple checks (possible 3 of them being grapple damage)

?? sounds insane
No. If it has 4 attacks with grab he gets 4 chances to start a grapple, one with each attack that connects. That's it.
Maintaining grapple is normally a standard action and you cannot "stack" grapples with grab attacks.

However creature can do Attack->Grab(and cause all the effects that the intial grapple check could cause)->Release grapple as free action->next attacks.
It is considered a bit unsportsmanship to do that against players though.
This month my group finished running Rise of the Runelords, I was the DM and it took us about one year and a half. We had a great time and it's a bit surreal to me we finally managed to run a proper, longer term, campaign.
What I want to report is that it's not true pf1e combat falls apart as you hit the mid-high levels, we had a blast all the way and didn't run in any of the issues you always hear people throwing around. All it takes is everyone at the table knowing what his own character does, and this should be a given by any metric.
>is that it's not true pf1e combat falls apart as you hit the mid-high levels,
It is mostly an issue when you play with netdecking randoms and bad GMs. 1e allows a ton of shit that will become a problem sooner or later, but that does not necessary mean that everyone should just pick that shit without any regard.
Pretty much. We had a couple of highly optimized characters with high some of the strongest archerypes in the party but that's not an issue at all as long as the players just use them as intended rather than deliberately trying to derail che campaign and cause issues for everyone.
Doesn't everyone who goes for throwing use the thrower's bandolier since treasure vault came out? I do like that the range increment penalties get ignored.
The Swash remaster has not impressed me. It seems like Paizo has focused way too hard on the panache problem instead of all the other underlying problems with the class. No mention of making Opportune riposte not shit, no mention of built in auto progress for your style skill. Making bravado feats just means that those are the go to picks for the class now.
Paizo's hesitancy over auto scaling skills kinda baffles me.
>need to do this one thing well to function
>you can't just do it well as part of your class, you have to spend your level up points on it
>this means all examples of this class wind up looking almost exactly the same and kills the illusion of choice Paizo is trying to sell you with the skill advancement system
Inventor gets Crafting, which is neat, but also one of the most disclaimer-heavy skills in the game. If you're near a level-appropriate settlement then it's only real use is repairing shields and the occasional check from the GM willing to throw you a bone. Otherwise it's just used for Overdrive, which is a bad class feature.

Thaum gets an auto-scaling recall knowledge skill that let's them skip INT which seems pretty nice. But also begs the question of why Paizo hates the INT stat so much since it hardly does anything even on the dedicated Recall class.
What would be your take on a Devil themed character? Being a tiefling is free.
So far I have thought of: diabolist prc, infernal bloodline sorcerer/bloodrager/arcanist/eldritch scion, Amodean Advocate cleric, Infernal Agenda Witch and pact wizard.
Tyrant Antipaladin
>Paizo's hesitancy over auto scaling skills kinda baffles me.
That and anyone who has played swash or been in a game with a swash will tell you that its just a worse fighter or worse rogue. Its the same problem with Ranger where its "niche" isnt even that much of a niche because the features they have dont make them that much better than a generalist class.

>Scaling style skill and a free skill feat for that skill ever bump.
Lets them focus on that skill without any need for investment which lets they spread out and get some of that rogue skill monkey pie.
>Buff Opportune Riposte
Swash needs a powerful reaction like its other martial contemporaries. Knock its trigger up to fail but only while in panache so it gives you a reason to stay in it. Still wont be as broken as Reactive Strike but its at least now useable in every fight.
>Better Niche Focus
Give them the +1 to style skill as base and give them Derring-Do as a feature at level 3 to really cement that they are the best class at using this skill.
where can I find the Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics, as many as possible? tried the trove and they have only one classic from 2015 and DA archive has only one
Avapened Duck
Phantom Blade 100% because it actually gets class features.

Alternatively, Totem Spiritualist with one level in fighter or bloodrager for weapon/armor proficiency is more powerful.
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>rebuilding a character for a FA game
>Knight Vigilant would probably be more useful to the party
>Knight Reclaimant is so much fucking cooler
Fuuuuuuck. Do I go full smite or do I make responsible front line decisions?

Fuck me. It's a trick question anyway because I think there's only been two or three combats where actually body blocking even worked. Reclaimant it is. Gunna drop the sun on some nerds. Eventually.
What’s your thoughts on a goblin Fighter who’s just so buff he looks like an unholy abomination of a miniature Orc complete with chad jawline
I think they at some point they realized that Recall Knowledge is a shit action tax for a lot of classes (see: casters). Commander also has an auto scaling Combat Lore that they can use at initiative for Recall Knowledge AND they can roll it as their actual initiative. Every mental key stat character should have something similar. It would certainly help casters with having shit initiative progression unless you pay the feat taxes. It's just bizarre they have the solutions to a lot of problems in their own game implemented in other classes, but just refuse to either slightly rework game mechanics or just copy stuff.
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I'm currently playing an investigator and I feel personally victimized by Diverse Lore. I feel like if investigator was getting something similar they would have mentioned it in their last big reveal too, so I imagine I'm out of luck.
Why is this thread autosaging?
Wait wtf
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Jannies put in a week autosage limit some time ago because of 'bumpanon.' It's a blanket board thing. Sucks for the Nechronica threads.
Small green sam sulek
Did he bump a thread autistically or something?
>Jannies put in a week autosage limit some time ago because of 'bumpanon.'

Okay I was annoyed at this autosaging but that is a worthy cause. There's a few threads I eventually just stopped opening because they'd be 90% image bumps replying to no one with a generic one-sentence prompt. Mods getting a win for once.

Wonder if they tried banning him first. I have to assume they did, was the dude literally ban evading so he could shit up the superhero system threads? I guess it could have been a couple of people with similar annoying behavior.
If it's the same bump Anon I'm thinking of, he would just perma-necro particular kinds of threads with nonsense bumps when they hit page 10 regardless of how dead the thread was. They'd survive forever and the longer they lived without any actual discussion to keep them alive, the more they just became a series of disconnected image+prompt posts with no actual discussion happening. The threads themselves became unreadable but never died. I'm mad at him because he did it to every thread about superhero games, which I used to enjoy keeping open in a tab and checking in on, but eventually just stopped opening when they all inevitably turned into chains of bumps.
There would be multiple junk threads up at a time full of noise and nonsense discussion. We still get them obviously but they're more likely to die now.

I miss the time when we could have productive threads up for a month for the less popular systems but I guess I understand why they did it.
Is there any particular reason why he did that or was it just autism?
Just autism probably. Although he could have been deliberately shitting up the board as well. There have been talks before from corpo shits of ruining forums by filling them with boring noise. You can look up 'mining the chans' for a few articles on 4chan stuff in particular.
PF2e, what's a good free archetype to pair with Summoner?
Medic is always useful. Sentinel is also always useful. Rogue is amazing on any caster. I don’t play summoner I don’t actually got any good suggestions.

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