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Historic Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

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>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
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>What is E D H?


Thoughts on ACR now that all of the cards have been spoiled?
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My opinion keeps being the same:
Await Bloomburrow
Less egregious than I anticipated, some of the cards a inoffensive enough that I am considering including them on a cube I have with a Legendary Matters subtheme. Like, pic related just looks like some random bulk rare from an amonkhet coommander supplemental product.
Completely forgettable set that never should have been made.
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Place your bets
No emergency bans for MH3 stuff, at least. Nadu's doing a lot but he's nowhere near that level of being banworthy I don't think.
Did they give up on only having the B&Rs once every year?
Hopes and dreams
>Sorin Banned
>Amalia Banned
>Treasure cruise Banned
>Walking ballista Unbanned
>Kethis Unbanned

>According to our data all formats are perfectly fine, we will keep watching, see you next B&Rs! (Keep pumping that money bros!!!)
Amalia is going to get randomly sniped in Pioneer and the format is going to become an actual wasteland of Leyline Nykthos running over everyone until the format is 20% UW control again
Brain damaged redditors keep crying about como without realizing it's the only thing keeping midrange borefest piles from dominating the format.
They changed tack to only having that for Standard, with the window still open for emergency bannings if something like Oko ever happens again.
is mono green playable in pioneer still
sneaky snacker
>getting uroed out of the game on turn 3 is totally fine as long as blue isnt doing it and as long as it came from a $45 booster pack
why did wotc do this
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>Last deck I bought was Angrath
>Wanna use him in standard because Minotaurs and Pirates
>Can't because no one plays standard in physical format now
Not only that even after losing Karn the deck keeps being able to shit all his cards with Nykthos, Kiora, Festival and Trailblazer but the worst part is that now has a real Sideboard.
Anon, it's 2024, Angrath hasn't shown up since 2019.
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Here's your next crossover
I wish mono green existed in more formats
make a whole ponies set instead thanks
I bought his deck back in 2018/2019. If I wasn't told people don't play standard much at my LGS, I would have brought him with me to learn how to play physically.
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>UB marvel
>UB gundam

Come on, bois keep adding to this list
Where is the Amuro abortion card?
Banning Amalia will make Nykthos even fucking better
How easy is it to mill yourself in colorless?
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no changes in Modern, they gave us a heads up on that a few months ago, they would only consider banning/unbanning stuff after the PT MH3
no changes in Legacy or Vintage either, they'll use MH3 as an excuse to gather more data

Pioneer is where things get interesting, I don't think they want to ban multiple cards at once even though there's a strong case to be made for a lot of them, so my guess is that they'll get rid of Sorin because
>having a 6 mana, triple black pips being the second most played creature in the youngest, lowest power level, non-rotating format looks embarassing
>it will kill Vampires as a deck but Rakdos Midrange will be completely fine so they can't even hide behind the old "if we do this, people will be left with an unplayable pile of cards" argument
>getting rid of Sorin means never having to worry about designing new high cmc Vampires, which is something they will keep coming back to

Like I said you can make a lot of good arguments for more cards, but the Sorin + Vein Ripper situation is by far the most glaring one
What's the best simic deck in standard? Artifact aggro? Merfolk? Ramp?
the agatha's soul cauldron deck, yes
I would be 100% right with this because of the most fun archetypes born lately was Tree of perdition combo but as Sorin+Ripper is free in any RB deck is tainted with that bullshit
UB Persona
UB Honkai Star Rail
UB Bible Black
Is there any chance they would ban part of ruby storm because they're so hostile to good or consistent combo decks in modern?
no, they aren't touching Modern on monday, they said we only get changes after the PT
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Daybreak opened their API, it's not possible to scrape all league & challenge data of MTGO from their servers.
>it's not
yeah this is huge for data websites, in the coming weeks we should see some really interesting developments now that we can know which decks are going 4-1 or 3-2 in leagues
we'll also be able to know which archtypes/decks go 0-4 the most, so people can either readjust or exploit that
Also knowing the total numbers of decks being played per archetype will give real win/ration values.
UB Dragon Ball Z
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>When Bejita ENTERS
cool combo, maybe there is a build of this without the cringe sorin shit?
>maybe there is a version of this deck without a solid and consistent plan b?
mad poor?
because it will be needed after monday :>)
monday august 5th, yes

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>maybe there is a build of this without the cringe sorin shit?
it's kinda hard to envision it without sorin since he's actually doing double duty here, he not only cheats vein ripper, he also gives adanto vanguard lifelink and deathtouch which upgrades it from a mediocre beater to an actual threat

maybe you play doom whisper as a midrange threat that also increases the consistency of the combo, but that still doesn't solve the problem of adanto vanguard being kinda shit without sorin, I'm not really sure how to fix that
>good cards are cringe now
How big of a faggot are you? Do you like losing?
vampires are cringe and suck
Have fun losing fag
there is not a creature with 'vampire bat' typeline, will we get one in kinoburrow?
will it be broken for sorin?
Wait, does this mean we'll actually get real meta share data now? God, I wish we could've seen what Rakdos Scam was really at before the Fury ban.
A decade ago we used to get full MTGO data but they started obscuring most of the data because new metagames were totally solved in a week.
UB Ricky and Morty

And they will do even worse.
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>Is my 2 mana Hearthstone card going to cascade into a busted Planeswalker, a draw engine, or is it just a Nekrataal?
I hate Modern Horizons card design so much it's unreal
>2drop with 2 power and first strike
>all defensive 2 drops will now need 3 toughness as baseline
>gives you energy
>can 2 for 1 on turn 2 or just win the game later on
Yeah this game is fucking dead and if you're still paying to play this shit you are a whore with a gaping ass.
>enters the battlefield will become enters
But what is it entering?
wow dude how am i supposed to know?? why doesnt it trigger when it enters my hand? wtf wotc these cards literally dont work
It's a transitive verb in the MTG etb sentence structure so they're literally just changing it to broken language that doesn't work at all.
>he doesn't know
In order to simplify the number of creature types and cut back on redundancies, all Vampires are becoming "Bat Humans" starting with the Wacky Races set.
>looks like some random bulk rare from an amonkhet coommander supplemental product.

>Exile from anywhere, for any reason (I don't know... Tasigur, maybe?)
>Permanent free evasive 2/1 plus chump blocker + life gain.

>Get two of them
>Loop them to scry 2 and sustain life total every turn

>Get four of them into exile
>4 FREE etbs per attack.

>Get them haste / Amulet of Vigor somehow
>Can sac each one before the next one enters (enters what? lol)

awful design
Are draft booster boxes worth it?
>>Refurbished Familiar banned in Pauper.

>>PFP will mention Sneaky Snacker within Affinity as well as Writhing Chrysalis within RG Ponza.
*is the most underrated card in MH3*
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That's fine as long as it includes the menhera goddess, Lady Une.
Is there a MH3 draft archetype list out yet?
The shitposting would be UNREAL.
Magic would PEAK if UB Dragon Ball was a thing
Removing references to the battlefield is disgusting flavor fail.
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UB - Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens
make a commander deck with this and now you'll be able to play all the gay minotaurs you want.
As opposed to just buying boosters?
Sometimes it is possible to find boosters/bundles/prerelease packs with a lower per-booster cost than in displays.
So first you need to compile all of the available options.
>Refurbished Familiar banned in Pauper.
"after testing it for a while we came to the conclusion that bridges still aren't the problem"
Why does Wotc hate artifacts?
Why do they insist on keeping Affinity so OP? I honestly preferred the Age of Faeries and Tron over this boring-ass shit.
What happened to faeries anyway?
Metadgit gets hit by a Nadu combo in modern, a format with grief, thoughtseize and ample turn 1-2 hate cards specifically to stop this kind of shit
A deck that can't go infinite without lots of deckbuilding constraints because its always 2 draws per creature, random chance to be mana positive, until you get flicker/cobra/etc effects too
>"oh my god its nadu summer the game is broken wizards emergency ban pleeeessee"

Metadgit gets hit by Trailblazer Dupimancy combo in standard, a format where hand disruption caps out at cave bat and pretty much only thalia exists to hate on it
A deck that can use a whole bunch of slots of digs, interaction even tutors because if all you had to start was a fading hope and homestead courage you're already digging 6-7 cards deep for the next spell
>"wtf is this jank why would anyone play this deck lmao he just got lucky"

I can't do it bros. I can't take the fucking endless combos that are so fucking stupid and literally take like 3 full minutes to resolve per turn. This game is so unabashedly gay now, jesus christ.
>can't sit through 3 minutes
Another day of thanking gods that I don't play against such people irl.
>literally take like 3 full minutes to resolve per turn. This game is so unabashedly gay now
It's so funny that bots in this thread recommend playing YGO and PTCG as a valid alternative to MtG lmao.

3 minutes every single turn you fucking moron. It's like every single deck turned into a 70 iq mono blue player.
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This is healthyâ„¢.
19 out of 20 decks were running a full set of Vein Ripper btw.
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Its not my fault it takes 3 minutes, its the game shitting itself
Do you have one with Anons claiming Sheoldred is unplayable because of 4CMC and no ETB?
>Ripper in Sac
>Ripper in Greasefang (Now Mardu)
>Ripper in Fight Rigging
>Ripper in Tree Perdition
>Ripper in RB Midrange
>Ripper in GB ramp
>Ripper in MB (obviouly)
why /mtgg/ is so bad at card guessing?
WoTC cares about secondary market now so they'll never ever ban expensive cards
Rate my idea for card

Simiconicon {UUGG}
Enchantment (Rare)
When Simiconicon enters the battlefield, draw a card, then you may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.
Whenever you would draw a card and then may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield, instead draw two cards and put up to two land cards from your hand onto the battlefield instead.
Lol, lmao.
>This ability triggers only twice each turn
Tolarian terror is the best fairy, and in order to protect it you have to cut some other fairies from your deck and add more interaction
oh damn I think I know what we need

Stasis Orb {2}
Only two abilities may trigger each turn
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>Whenever a triggered ability of a permanent triggers, if this a third time a triggered ability triggered this turn, counter that triggered ability.
>This ability triggers only twice each turn
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Galvanic Discharge isn't particularly good, it's just that there's a couple energy cards that are good without support, meaning Discharge works as a support card on top of removal. Running an X/1 into a Discharge is brutal because 2 energy can go real far with Guide of Souls or Unstable Amulet.
>What if bloodbraid elf cost 2 mana?
What the fuck were they thinking with this card? Their biggest mistake was making it uncommon instead of mythic, MaRo must be beating himself for that
Don't be silly anon, BBE can't cascade into something the same CMC :)
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>It's just lifedrain
Arclight Pheonix and Sorin+Ripper are the actual problems in Pioneer, alongside Fable of the Format Breaker.
>Energy, Eldrazi and a Bird dominating Modern
Rotation confirmed.
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>Amalia is fine
Better than expected and oddly fitting flavor-wise. I haven't played a single AC but I like what they've done, maybe fans would tell me why I'm wrong.
It's a commander set, but it seems fine.
Odric died for this
The prevalence of Phoenix is largely down to the existence of Fatal Push preventing ordinary creature decks from being playable. BR is just the best shell to take advantage of Push's strength.
>EDH card gets replaced by an EDH card
Very sad day.
Is there a format where ordinary creature decks are good? This feels almost like a cope.
>Pauper could have creature decks if it wasn't for Tron and Affinity
>Modern could have creature decks if it wasn't for Tron and Lightning Bolt
>Legacy could have creatures decks if it wasn't for combo and free counterspells
>Pioneer could have creature decks if it wasn't for Fatal Push
Bolt has never stopped people playing large creatures you nonce. Bolt's existence never stopped anyone playing picrel. It was Push being printed that pretty much overnight made it unplayable.
I feel like recursion midrange decks could be positioned well atm for this reason. A lot of the broken creatures are in black already.
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I think this guy might be ok in modern in the right shell
Isn't creature decks a problem right now? I mean with Ward the powercreep of creatures has scalated, besides the creatures that must be answer inmediately or you literally lose the game because they have literal wall of texts.
There's no reason to run this over Frog.
When I say "creature deck" I basically mean creatures in the style of Tarmogoyf, ie. just big dumb beatsticks you'd find in "fair" decks. Yes Amalia and Wildgrowth Walker are creatures, but I wouldn't consider that deck a "creature deck".
Yeah, I think so too, Asmo, Cookbook, Emry, Rona, Mox Amber are all Historic and play nicely together.
I can't believe how much I hate Magic now
I mean, they're just different cards, frog can't draw a card the turn its played and flying isn't the same as unblockable, basim is looking for a deck that can cast a historic spell every turn while frog is a graveyard/hand manipulation engine that's hard to kill, frog clearly belongs in more decks but if you're building around basim's ability, frog can't replace him

I was leaning towards mishra's bauble and tamiyo but you're right, it fits well in the old asmo rona shell, hopefully the set makes on to magic online so I can actually test it
Stop looking at shit on the internet.
>Stop looking at Magic cards if you want to stop hating Magic
Draft/sealed formats can be won by just playing big/evasive dumb creatures, but that's probably not what you want.
>can't play draft at fnm today because of urgent shit at work
>can't play draft at fnm today because the lgs owner panders to coommander players now and only runs events for them
Eldraine draft was pretty fun, it's cool how much all the different mechanics interact with each other. Lame how some of the neat archetypes are just bad though. Never got a chance to draft the UW tappy deck but apparently it's shit and there needed to be like one more good fairy to make them work for instance. Almost good. How's showdown in the thunderlands?
>Get four of them into exile
>4 FREE etbs per attack.
Not free, you have to pay 2 and activate their effect or else they go to the gy from legend rule
White base aggro is good, grixis removal piles are good
The 6 mana simic legend is crazy good
Unironically yes. Just net deck or buy precons ans play with your friends.
Black Swords to Plowshares is oppressive, but Ancestral Recall is even worse. Just think, Phoenix is so format warping that they don't even have to bother to run Thing in the Ice anymore. Phoenix could be clowning on Creature decks even harder, but they're already extinct so why bother?
A lot of people don't actually realise that the only reason Sheoldred sees as much Pioneer play as she does is because she shuts down Cruise.
OTJ draft is a good format let down by too many bonus sheets making it too bomby. The core mechanics are fun in a limited context and colours are decently well balanced but it's let down by people just dropping these absurd mythics that can sometimes just flip the game then and there
What do you mean it's not fair for me to open a cruel ultimatum and a pest infestation?
>Hey Mark you won't believe this, but they actually fell for that "we've learned from our past mistakes" shit you keep putting out LOL
Aw damn. I thought most of the mythic bombs in eldraine were alright being awesome game winners or at least giving the opponent a few more turns to win except for like the gruffs which felt like the opponent could just play and mindlessly win whenever regardless of current board state but apparently that card isn't even as good as the other mythics. One extra sheet is good why did they ruin it?
Woah I'm watching the Jim Davis review and a 2/3 flyer for 2 with upside? That's because it's a rare right? 5 stats for 3 was a comfy baseline rate.
Considering how many useful cards it had would you say Muders at Karlov Manor was a good set?
People are overvaluing this card a lot. It does to so much shit it's crazy. You're lucky if you get any actual value out of it.
Mardu Midrange aka MH3 Tribal is putting up some good stuff too. Cool to have a midrange deck doing well in a field like this.
I had hoped we got mardu pyromancer back somehow with MH3 maybe having a "master pyromancer", but this is at least something.
Why nobody saw a 3cmc Planeswalker that can cheat out a Vampire while holding priority wasn't gonna be a problem when they designed Vein Ripper is hilarious, but the issue truly is Sorin. I'd say nuke them both in one go, though.
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On no, it ain't fine, it's just not as bad as those ones as of right now. I'd say nuke the entire formats meta and start fresh.
>Treasure Cruise
>Picklock Prankster
Fuck all of them. Get Pioneer back to Standard +, not Modern with shit removal.
Intrepid soon bro, trust the plan, just few more years
>Get Pioneer back to Standard +
what is this even supposed to mean? pioneer has been about cheating and doing unfair things pretty much from day 1
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What's the most fun colour combination in pioneer/explorer? Like what has the most freedom of choice between decks and whatever you want to put into them?

Gruul seems kinda like it
Congratulations, you killed the format, everyone who invested in it no longer has a deck because you're too autistic to play against a midrange deck like Phoenix without sperging out

It's all creature decks. Boros, RDW, Delver, Terror, Madness, Ponza, Ephemerate, they all use creatures as their primary movers and shakers. Even the combo deck needs Walls and Invokers. Tron is dead afaik so you don't have to worry about dying to Rolling Thunder. Same with Dread Return.
Absolutely wrong. The most deranged deck for the first year of the format was Nexus of Fate, which is laughable by today's metrics.
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I don't care about people's "investments" in cardboard stonks, faggot, and those decks are still completely playable without the idiotic busted shit lapping them up for free W's.
Why are these red cards in white?
Amalia and Nykthos literally don't exist without Amalia and Nykthos
>I don't care about people's "investments" in cardboard stonks, faggot
You'll care when nobody plays pioneer with you because you banned every deck
>The most deranged deck for the first year of the format was Nexus of Fate
what does that has to do with
>Get Pioneer back to Standard +
you're implying here that at some point pioneer wasn't about abusing broken interactions or cheating on mana, which never happened, just because nexus of fate is a weaker deck that what we have today, it doesn't mean that what it was doing wasn't unfair at the time

your point would only make sense if pioneer had actually had a point where playing fair was the most prevalent strategy, which again, never happened
you want to return to a point in time that doesn't exist
Bro Lotus Field was a thing from day 1 and still is a thing now
Stop acting like Pioneer was ever fair
>Mardu Midrange aka MH3 Tribal
You mean "Scam splashing MH3 mythics".
My brother in Christ, what a shit fucking post to make when everyone is asking for that besides
>Muh investors
surprise to everyone: there is no fair format.
standard: cheat with atraxa, emperor or sss and win
pioneer: cheat with sorin, amalia or birds and win
modern: cheat with eldrazi, energy or bird and win
yes, congratulations, fairness was just and illusion, you are now awake and can play this game to win.
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Thoughts on Kozilek's unsealing for affinity? I'm kinda torn on it ATM, not being an artifact really makes it hard to just slam in.
It means he wants extended, but his deck doesn't rotate out.
Lotus Field folds to aggro or any amount of control pieces.
They got a jailer, a mob justice and flash savior type cards but they completely left out the actual sheriff/deputy/lawman/mayor cards besides like grand abolisher which they ruined with cringe flavor text and replaced those with random freaking red cards in white for some reason. 0/10 hearthstone costume set.
Isn't there also literally a mayor card?
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Shouldn't white creatures be all about forcibly bringing laws and borders and shit to wild and free lands as fast as possible? This is red flavor text.
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requesting immediate assistance from boob anon
"Excellent job mapping the land, but according to the fire peak accord this is already blackwood native Llanowar elven land, and you're trespassing", there fixed.
It doesn't look like they'll be putting it on MTGO so I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist, just like Fallout and Dr. Who.
Netdecking is so fucking based
File deleted.
>combo that gets online minimum turn 5 that can't win on the spot versus turn 3 or turn 4 if you want to protect it that can win on the spot
How much time do I have to make 10k gold before cowboy hat draft?
>crushing deusions
>not white
Get a grip
Oh it's already going.
I don't do UB alters and I'm not about to start now.
Isn't that the flavor text? The abolisher bound the person because they tried to freely use the land they found first rather than let the law decide how to use the land before anyone could do anything.
I find cheated out Atraxa much easier to deal with than played fairly Atraxa. Players whose game plan is the later usually take the time to clear the board for its arrival but a turn 4 Atraxa usually hits while I still have a board that's developed enough to either beat it back or just go around it
that's okay, they are UR.
That would have been cool. "Great job mapping the land. You think it's yours now? Ehhh lets hear what the duly appointed Marshal thinks." That text reads like trying to claim ownership over the land at all is bad.
>obeka, splitter of seconds
>No split second
Other cards like this?
>Ruby Storm
>Ruby Storm
>Boros Energy
>Ruby Storm
Please... No more... Scam come back...
Nadu is extremely resilient to hate
Prowess is unironically too strong of a keyword. It's why Maro called it problematic for so many years. It's borderline impossible to balance.
Yeah, that also should be possible, they just opened their servers, so all the old data since daybreak took over is there.
This feels like it should be bait but "rewards you for simply playing magic" is dangerous territory.
>decks can have creatures that cast spells but they can't have spells that cast creatures

So what, you think all creatures should be vanilla only?
I like his hat
>go into temur prowess
>Mono R replaced it just as I got the mana base
It's not impossible to balance prowess. They just need to be a bit more cautious with it when combined with haste. Instead they make SSS, which has Plot, Flying, Haste, and fucking super Prowess. Meanwhile you don't see anyone complaining about Electrostatic Infantry or Khenra Spellspear.
Do you not know what Prowess is or are you just really stupid and unable to read?
SSS is literally fine, a good red creature NEEDS those things to make RDW relevant when fatal push and Sheoldred exist
Fatal Push isn't legal in Standard, you're aware of that yes?
Who is stupid enough to play standard?
Holy mother of based
>This is bad game design
>No it's not, because there are answers
>the answers you're thinking of aren't legal in a format in which the card in question is legal
>ummm who cares?? like maybe umm shut the freak up next time a woman is talking???
Outside of Standard, SSS is more of a RG aggro card than a RDW card.
The design is cool but the flavor text is doing all it can to make the card lame. Why is it always this way?
>SSS is literally fine
>B-b-but Red...
No. It's not in any way fine. Give Haste, Prowress and MOTHERFUCKING FLYING to a single creature, that you can also plot to cast it for free when you are ready is not fine, don't even FP existence when you have multiple protection spells can make it look fine
If they made Standard the normal game again, could I walk in with starter deck from some year like 2018 or earlier and duel someone to learn?
Because I have Angrath and a deck from M19 I wanna use.
This game has degenerated so much people are defending 2drops that win the game on turn 3
They should make a format for this. What would it look like if you could play cards from whenever but you can only play decks that were legal in standard at some point? That way you wouldn't be up against all the cards at once. Call it conventional or something.
Yeah, that's your wincon. What's the problem m8?

Because other decks win by turn 4 or stabilize.
>Because other decks win by turn 4 or stabilize.
Why do you think those decks exist? They exist because of the turn 2 kill engine. And then because the turn 2 kill engine created the turn 4 unbreakable fortress deck, they will have to give the turn 2 engine the ability to win the game late game too which is how you get faggot shit like SSS and Amped Raptor.
It's ALL SHIT, this game is fucked.
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based boomers
It's both RG and RDW in Standard atm.
How do you make this guy an actual problem for your opponent? How do you stop him from being Cut Down fodder?
>That's your wincon
Yes just like Geological Appraiser was a wincon, just like Ripper is a wincon, just like Amalia is a wincon you know what they all have in common? Besides being a wincon they are bullshit bad designed cards. That's the problem.
>And then because the turn 2 kill engine created the turn 4 unbreakable fortress deck,
lol no, the decks always want to stabilize as cheaply as possible. It was inevitable and happened before faster red decks.... SSS and AR came after those things.

RDW actually needs it
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Sex with LSV
>He forgot to ban Te5eri, Niv, BtL, Enigmatic, Fires, and Omnath
I have bad news about the state of your Standard+ format, anon
>Because other decks win by turn 4 or stabilize.
I regularly win on like turn 6 or 7 with a single Slickshot, post-"stabilisation" from the opponent. Being able to shit out an unblockable 30 damage in one turn is very silly.
I defend Amalia because she is one of the only hot woman left in Magic
>RDW actually needs it
Since the fucking Embercleave and Monstruous Rage what RDW truly needs is euthanasia, now more than ever with SSS addition
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why did i buy a set of solitudes
if youre me, you played control for a month and then sold the solitudes to get 100$ back in 2022
God forbid honest decks that NEED creatures to FUNCTION are good!
Embercleave was based thoughever
>explode 20 damage straight from the aether at any time, making shit like fetus push and solitude even more necessary
>play against friend who has sheoldred as commander
>plays this
>he wins and i cannot do anything at all in response
Holy shit this faggot just called SSS an honest card.
literally what is dishonest about it that is not applicable to any prowess deck
it's just a guy with no protection, sitting right there
it isnt his fault the spells around him are broken
Not even replying to this (You) farmer's bait posts. It's always the guy who doesn't use caps. He's probably Indian so doesn't know how the English language works.
>straight from the aether any time
>needs at least 4 cards
>needs at least 6 mana or 1 turn of prep

yeah, skill issue. You have instant speed removal nigger
You'll need to ban a bunch more shit after you ban those.
Plot meaning your opponent can never, ever tap out or they die.
>doesn't use caps
because i'm not phoneposting, i have a desktop computer like a real adult, zoomzoom
>He's probably Indian
I.... I can't even save 1 black land.....? IEEEEEEEEEE SAVE ME THIS IS OP
>Some people defending the "2 mana must be killed or wins the game" creature
Blows your mind.
You'll notice he never addresses the fact that it's legal in Standard, because it becomes a lot harder to defend when it can't be reliably killed with Fatal Push.
Anon there's 1 mana cards that win the game and haven't been banned yet, 2 mana is twice as that and far less of a problem compared to the rest of the bullshit going on.
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Learn the rules
How Amalia wins on T3?
t2 amalia t3 hobbit + walker
lifegain creature on 1
amalia on 2
wildgrowth walker on 3
hit with 20/20 amalia
land amalia
land wildgrowth cenote scout swing with amalia
t1-Lunarch veteran
t3-Selfless saviour+Walker
For example
>two full turns to kill her
Why Sam Combo is not as good as Amalia, i love the man but i can't make him win in the actual Modern environment
you better do because if the loop activates even if you kill her you are dead on turn 4 by Aetherflux.
Why don't they just make Planeswalkers have summoning sickness?
but they already do? you can't attack with a planeswalker the turn it comes down
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Now that Shuko being banned is almost confirmed, will the Bird survive the meta?
>Now that Shuko being banned is almost confirmed
there will be no modern bans on monday, they already said so
Do people unironically attribute quotes to fictional characters, like really?
Some of the most famous quotes ever are by fictional characters
Evatards are a special breed
>trusting Wizards of the Cost LLC in 2024
>Now that Shuko being banned
>Grief+Fury remained for years
>No ban in sight for Bowmaster and the Bullshit Ring
LMAO even
point at this delusional anon and laugh
Rei best girl.
anyone have more information on the Daybreak datasets that they released?
I wouldn't mind crunching some numbers on them
Banning Shuko does nothing. Nadu gets value from everything under the sun.
chances they ban sorin, treasure cruise or amalia?
very high
high but not as much
>treasure cruise
low, they've said on camera that phoenix gets special treatment because it's a "fun deck"
Sorin will die and we will be finally free anon, trust the plan.
trailblazer combo wins turn 4 not 5
only reason it can't win turn 3 is there's no 1 mana dork in standard, same deck in modern could be that fast
Phoenix is basically the Amulet Titan of Pioneer, that shit is never going to be touched unless stuff really gets broken broken. Phoenix being strong isn't the worst because it's a skill intensive deck that's mostly even into everything, it applies a fast clock that punishes greedy decks, but it's 'fair' and board based. It's the ideal top deck, they're not going to be looking to kick it out any time soon
I think what's most likely is Nykthos getting shot in the head.
give nadu the ring/crucias treatment
in MTGA it will now be

>Nadu, Winged Wisdom {1GU}
>Legendary Creature - Bird Wizard
>Creatures you control have "Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, you may pay {1]. If you do, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a land card, put it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, put it into your hand. This ability triggers only twice each turn."
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Wtf why does only japan get cute brown women?
I've been telling people Nykthos is bullshit for months and everyone just said gitgud
Sneaker Snacker is ironically a better anti-faeries card than a faeries card as it gives you an infinite flying blocker to eat all their 1/1's.
Nadu is pretty bad on MTGA outside of using it as a commander in the meme formats
>Sorin dies
>We just go back to normal RB midrange
Sorin-- Very likely to get touched
Amalia-- moderately likely to get touched (combo deck of the format, but can result in draw games and has a very annoying beatdown plan it can pivot to)
Nykthos-- likely to get touched
Phoenix-- Sacred cow
Hidden Strings-- Sacred Cow
Niv to Light-- Not on the Radar
SSS-- Too young to judge
>we just go back to a normal fair deck
I don't see the problem here.
Amalia is very likely to get touched by me
SSS is broken as fuck. Card keeps dropping in value because nobody has any faith it will survive.
Can I touch her with you?
>Normal RB midrange
>And Sacrifice
>And Tree of perdition+Cauldron
Where is the problem again with RB?

You wish, weird as this sounds, the goth cute girl goes to the fairy twink with daddy issues.
If they dare to ban something i really hope they have the balls to unban something too... Like Kethis or the fucking Walking Ballista
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Not anymore
I'm sorry but that thing on his hand looks so fucking silly holy shit
>free the most broken card printed in the history of the game
Yeah it looks like he's holding a scone with a Halo sword coming out of it
Kellan is fully redeemed as a non-shit character by landing a goth GF, getting over his dad and settling down (for a bit, anyway). Literally the only good thing to come out of OTJ lore wise.

Why has no one drawn Amalia with her sun umbrella and old-timey sun dress yet? Its canon.
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>Gruul is just RDW with questing druid + mutagenic growth
>Basically dead on Arena
This is so fucking sad, is Gruul, proper Gruul, that bad?
Gruul has always been shit. Anything gruul is trying to do mono green does better.
Don't know about fake gay retard MTG, but Gruul in both ponza and pure ramp flavors is doing great in Pauper right now.
Cacophony scamp is decent in bo1, gruul in general will never be good in bo3 though because it's so easy to sideboard into
Amalia exists to be molested by old west bandits (me)
If Shuko gets banned people will just discover the superior alternative that also adds redundancy to the Springleaf ramp plan
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Reminds me of the paradise scarecrow combo. Perhaps we could dig that back with some MH3 tech.
Cringe old art
It's not like Golgari is any better though....
Eh, golgari at least has an identity. Green but with removal and graveyard stuff. Gruul has always just been green but worse and red but worse. If your goal is to play a slightly faster green deck there are plenty of already really good green cards between 1 and 3 cmc. There's no reason to ever splash red to try and go faster.
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damn this card is sweet
Bros I want to go to my locals to try magic out but I have no idea how to play and I have no friends that do play. What do I do?
Quit before you start. Game is shit.
Try Arena
Go to a draft or pre-release, it's low pressure, FNM is always infested with tryhard wannabe grinders
Psychatog bros....
you're like a decade too late anon. this game sucks now.
Identity maybe but it's too slow to beat any of the meta decks
After some test games on arena I can confirm that this card fucks unreasonably hard but getting multiple down makes you deck yourself at record speed
Atogatog doesn't like this
Ope fucked that spoiler up pretty bad lmao
I'm still not really sure what they are because he never actually uses anything like that in the story. He just uses magic vines and lightblades, but those are more 'gun-like'. I guess they could just fire light projectiles or whatever.
It's a fairy gun. What's silly is he is wearing a cowboy costume.
I love this game! I think its great!
I'm really interested in crabvone with this plus satoru
Based, just like me.
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go extinct
>opponent plays esper lands
>casts no spells
>I do nothing but play lands and sculpt my draws with end of turn otherworldly gaze + impulse
>I have lethal combo in hand, just making sure I keep hitting land drops, just play land, pass
>opponent plays land pass, I dig
>I play land, pass
>opponent plays land, pass, I dig
>I play land, pass
>opponent misses land drop, pass, I dig
>I play land, pass
>opponent cast a main phase three steps ahead to loot and hits his land drop, leaving him with only black/white mana
>I untap and combo off

never fucking blink
never even once
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How is such a big difference in colour even possible? Basic Swamps from the same set - one is pale brown and the other one is almost red.
different region printers
Different printing facilities. European and Japanese printing = Good. Burger printing = Bad
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Do i play an unoptimized build of Mono B tonight at FNM or just wait till next week when my cards are all here?
Just bring a different deck imo
Fuck you im necroing at some point amd no one can stop me.
but you know the card is shit right? just wanna be sure you are aware of that fact
Ive been testing it against yawg and ur murktide, i can assure you faggot anon it is not shit
>ur murktide
call me when you face the real top tier decks of the format, faggot anon
Unless a deck has fought its way through arena bo1 format to mythic rank I don't consider it "not shit"
troon formats need not apply, no murktide over here
Thats why I want to go to fnm faggot. Can your brain not comprehend that?
In what world is drawing cards not good now?
>captcha: HRTMT0
Out. Of. Here.
the card is shit and sure go with necrodominance if you still believe you have a chance you will see for yourself how shit the card is if you don't believe honest advice.
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>Best of down
But why is it shit? You all keep saying its shit yet mono black decks still keep getting top 8's and 5-0's...curious isnt it for such a shit card anon?
Sorry your weak little shit decks aren't competitive enough to play in the most cutthroat and high skill format that exists, bo1 arena. Where everyone is exploiting the most optimal decks to win and if you bring your shitty brews they will get rolled instantly
gotta go to your LGS with a group of social outcasts who channel C3PO and say 'let the wookie win' because they know you'll throw a tantrum if your special snowflake standard elf tribal deck gets hit by a single sweeper
ChatGPT response.
Wtf you can barely scrape together 1k a day playing for two hours how do they expect you to save up 10k? Just make all drafts 7k so you get to draft every weekend.
>how do they expect you to save up 10k?
Best way to draft as a f2p is to make a few alts and grind 4 wins a day with some cheap aggro deck on each account until you can just rotate through them to do 1 quick draft a day off banked quest gold. Premiere draft isn't worth, it's full of draftsmith cheaters and autismos.
>so you get to draft every weekend.
You can already do that if you do dailies and don't have shit luck with quests. Plus recycling any gem rewards from your wins.
this really is the best way of playing arena
just use 3-4 accounts and craft a cheap pioneer burn deck to grind some wins
>cn2 recruiter is $12
>the retro border recruiter with the ugly art is $5
Just use Imperial Recruiter
imperial recruiter can't get solitudes
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Keep your Amalia. The blood petal girl is mine.
Idk how anyone plays arena. After a month of grinding I only had one half assed elf deck. I couldnt craft a sideboard yet so I just spammed BO1 and the matchmaking algoritm would consistantly kick me into only jeskai control matches where my opponent always had t3 deafening clarion after I won too much. And then after losing too much I'd be given matches vs bots that I could not lose.

This isnt to mention how faggots found ways to cheese the system which ranks decks via rare/mythic count in deck or how the shuffler kept being rigged and abused like 13 land rdw that always had 3 mountain opening hands.
>Idk how anyone plays arena
by paying money or by being good at draft
>shuffler schizo shit
yeah you're not gonna make it
>shuffler schizo
You can literally find videos during that time of people showing how to abuse the hand smoothing algorithm
>6th finger popping out over time
the AI can't help itself
You can also find videos of people showing how to visit alternate universes and stop bullets with their mind.
That isn't how standard works. Old cards are rotated out every few years. It's part of why people don't like playing it - old cards get auto-banned, so if you buy a card, it's worthless after a while. People aren't saying your old Angrath deck isn't viable or good anymore - they're saying it's banned entirely due to being old.
new aids just dropped
Just beat some tryhard esper control list with my 1-of bowl of porridge
>got him to 1 life while attacking but he got me down to just an omen hawker for creatures
>all my lands are tapped, just an enigma jewel untapped and bowl of porridge on the field
>he plays a blocker and then casts black march to gain 7 life which would put him out of range
>I simply kill my own omen hawker with bowl of porridge to fizzle the lifegain
>untap, activate a manland, tap down his creature with bowl of porridge
t. actual retard that thinks Necrodominance is good.
I'm trying to remember a set of cards. These were from roughly 12 years ago, and it was a trio of artifacts. One was a crown, one was a sceptre, and I forget the other, maybe a throne, but they had a bonus effect if you controlled all three at once. I believe they were part of a core set. Sound familiar to anyone?
That's the ones, thanks.
Nykthos should be killed
Why didn't they make it enter play tapped?
If you just play it in a midrange shell with good card quality there will literally be 0 bad hits
Oh no I pulled
Be glad Lurrus is out of the format
Every deck I've seen in explorer is drastically weaker than the decks I face in standard
how is that possible
Why can't I use different languages of cards to get around the "4 cards with the same name" limit? They literally have different names.
High elo in Standard and low elo in Explorer, or a rigged matchmaker.
Nykthos isn't broken in any other deck. The problem is Cavalier + Storm.
bowltiful anon, shrimply bowltiful.
Are we just going to ban every effective Green or Colorless threat because they're broken with Nykthos
This is like blaming Emrakul and Scapeshift over Cloud Post
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>losing to a fucking devotion deck
that's how you know pioneer is a fake format
Why is this dude an Enchantment
devotion is too strong a mechanic for my format BAN IT YOU HAVE TO BAN IT
No, just the ones that both tutor lands and draw Storm the Festivals so you can chain them to go semi-infinite. Nykthos is not a "Green" deck, it's a combo deck.
In the set enchantment creatures were flavored as creatures blessed by the kami. Also as manifestation of story magic.
He got super high
So MTGA puts you against players with the same type of decks if you're new, yes? When does game decide to throw you yo a player who ends the duel on turn 2 like Master Duel?
I thought every one in the LotR set was race swapped? Watching an MTG Arena video and the guy has Gandalf as his avatar but he's white and not black.
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You're allowed to be wh*te if you already represent a minority group, usually a sex deviant
He always did love the little folk.
>their instead of his or her
>mana value instead of converted mana cost
>enters instead of enters the battlefield
It's Emrakul's influence
Best way to play arena is to concede a lot to tank your MMR. Games are decided during the mulligan and turn 1/2
I entered your mom
>so yes, your cards get banned every two, now three, years so if you take a break you might come back and not have a legal deck anymore
>and no, we don't make entry products that you can take to an event and just start playing without being destroyed by every opponent, first because we're shit at predicting the meta and wouldn't be able to do it if our lives dependend on it (we're the people who let Oko go through), second because the business model depends on standard staples being really fucking expensive and inaccessible
And people wonder why Commander is the only format anyone plays anymore.
EDH is just as bad, if not worse.

EDH is just cancer all around.
Entry level is called arena
this but modern getting rotated every 6 months
>It's full of draftsmith cheaters and autismos
If anything quick draft is worse for this since the lack of time limit means autists can spend all the time in the world looking up the optimal pick each time. Also while entry is cheaper it requires more wins to break even compared to premiere
Shut the fuck up
Will honest creatures ever see play again?


Shuko banned for Nadu's sins
UB Star Trek (commander decks)
UB Ghostbusters (Brothers War-style inserts in a tangentially related set)
UB Elder Scrolls (modern-legal, LOTR-sized expansion)
UB Minecraft (standard-legal expansion)
UB Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Secret Lair exclusive)
UB Thomas the Tank Engine (Secret Lair re-skins of past and future train cards)
le shock

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