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All this talk about diversity and representation made me think
Was there ever a final boss or just famous female lich, in any setting?
I can think of only Vlaakith from dnd, but she wasn't very lich like.
How do you know that the liches you encountered weren't female? Did you try to slip a baby through their pelvises?
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Erandis Vol from Eberron.
Malekith's mom from Warhamer Fantasy
>How do you know that the liches you encountered weren't female?

Sub class as an Osteologist
there's valindra shadowmantle, an elf lich that pops up in some 4e/5e material like tomb of annihilation
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in far more shit than I even thought
Not a lich. Not even dead; she's a Chaos (slaneeshi) sorcerer.
Ravenloft had a ton of female final bosses.
Lolth, Loviatar, Glasya, Fierna, etc.
Have you ever played real D&D?
Mellifleur is female in some sources.
That's not a reliable test. There are males who would pass it and the majority of females wouldn't. The whole physical trauma of that set-up is kind of why c-sections are so fucking common now and why "death by childbirth" was so common before that. You shouldn't get your anatomy lessons from paranoids on twitter.
Diversity and representation is about Good being represented by popular icons not well rounded inclusion. Depicting Evil as popular icon is actually seen as oppression by the fanatical.
>hurr that's illogical and not equaity
True. That's not what the want
>Guy makes an offhanded remark
>Super sperg takes it seriously and ends with a 4chan cool guy one liner thinking he's not an absolute dweeb
NTA but just take the L and move on
Yeah right, fuck off dork.
Just finished Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition and completely forgot that she was there. It appears she is indeed a prominent figure, yet in that game was just a mook. Yeah, Valindra was named, but had no dialogues, no introduction. Was just placed at one of the levels in Arcane Brotherhood's tower. No explanation given.
Yeah I just flat out couldn't pass and the same happened to my sister. Just didn't work. If it wasn't for C-sections I would have probably either died or killed her.
Speaking of neverwinter nights
I loved plot of actually powerful lizardmen empire coming back after ice age
Are there any adventures/campaigns with similar premise?
Neverwinter Nights main campaign is infamously light in the plot department, lots of shit left on the cutting room floor
eberron, erandis vol
>I'm not crying, you're crying
Will you niggers ever learn?
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I can't remember if Arazni in Golarion is a lich or some other kind of undead.
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Also there's a female demilich in one of the adventures but she's not the main villain or anything.
>Entire crux of her was that she was violated and corrupted by Geb against her will, an benevolent force turned dark by powers she couldn't withstand giving the players the chance to try and redeem her potentially or at least put her to rest
>They decide to girlboss her instead and say she totes manipulated Geb and basically loves being fucking evil, because that's somehow better than having her agency taken from her
God I hate people
Whats your chart even imply? Because the fallacy isnt what that anon said. That anon said that all women dont have pelvises that wide and many men do. That doesnt men no women do and all men do, it means that there is significantly more to the story of pelvises than this "just so" pop culture nonsense suggests. Id compare it to the brain stops growing at 25 people.
Yeah, she's lich
But I kinda forgot that she's neutral evil, because even before alignments removal she was okay with good clerics and worshippers after becoming god
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No because hamming it up as the big villain is some of the only fun DMs get to have and most DMs are men and don't enjoy prancing around acting like a woman or using a falsetto. You see, when men pretend to be women, it is offputting. You know anyone like that, OP? Who pretends to be a woman and insist everyone plays along? It's annoying and disturbing to see, right?
Besides if you want to be some S and M tranny villainess you can always go drow, and be a sexy elf instead of a bag of bones.
Demands for representation and diversity only applies for goodies and baddies capable of redemption, they're still happy with all the genuinely bad baddies being exclusively male because that's how they see men IRL. Once you're so evil you're a literal fucking skeleton, you're probably evil enough that none of these hypocritical faggotshitcunts are working hard behind the scenes to change you into a chick or a nonbinary or whatever.

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