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Proserpina Hussars edition

Last Thread: >>93113921

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Are there any mechs with vampiric names?
There's a really shitty dropship.
Fuck Clanners, all my homies hate Clanners.
Oh yikes.

Super niche. How could it be fixed to be more useful?
It already has 3 fucking platoons of infantry. If you're not in a mech fight that's a lot of doods.

Otherwise: You can't. It does one thing and the only way to do anything else is to make it a Fireship.
The vampyr salvagemech.
I'll restate what I said in the previous thread.

If you want to write Battletech fiction, you should be forced to read Thucydides' history of the Peloponnesian War, or AT THE VERY LEAST the Melian Dialogue

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

For a setting which is largely based around the political interaction of various independent and competing powers it has some of the worst and most simplified depictions of international relations. One faction is nearly always just turned completely retarded for plot points.
See that actually makes sense, I don't quite get why the Dropships is named Vampire but the Vampyr being a salvaging mech actually fits.
Does anyone have any close up pics of the backs of their mechs? I want to see how people do the heat vents/jump jets.
sure bud, we will take your very good idea very seriously
Despite being a big combine fan, I don't know really anything about these guys. What are the hussars about and like?
>we hear you loud and clear, and will consider your points, your post is very important to us here at 4chan.
So my friend has a force of FWL mechs, done up as the 3rd FWL Legionnares. Looking at them, I noted that they were stationed very near the chaos march, a time period I find cool.

My question is - do we know which Davion or Liao units were active in the Chaos March? Did the Lyrans or Dracs get into it? Basically trying to find a cool OPFOR option.
>>93125112 #
Not as of yet, give me a bit and I'll grab one.
>>93125554 #
He was around last thread but got wiped.
Mods, whilst we are all grateful for you ridding us of manic, I am genuinely curious to know what he did to earn censure-on-sight status. Guy was/is an annoying, aggravating, mentally stunted, cunt of a retard, but bar the constant horny posting I didn't see him break any rules though I don't blame you for banning him just for existing, guy was genuinely bad [/spoiler[
The answer to 'was X fucking with the Chaos March' is uniformly yes.
The game isn't that deep. You have the good guy kingdom, and the bad guy kingdom. They punch each other with giant robots.
Pretty sure that is what he is complaining about quineg?
If you're spending that much time and effort thinking about the setting, you've already missed the point of it.
Which one is the good guy kingdom?
It wont help if you read it. Youre a retard who seems to imagine Thucydides glib summaries of complex issues are realistic history. The thing about retards like you is it doesnt matter what you read. Youre a brokebrain retard.
He probably said slavs arent white or something. That gets you banned on sight among tg mods
Cappellans and Kuritans
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Depends on whose in charge at the time. Sometimes it's the Davions or the Steiners, occasionally a Marik, sometimes one known dynasties of the clans, Clan Wolf being particularly popular. The Kuritas and Liaos are usually the bad guys.
Recent woke bt has plot armored the Cappies as part of the pro Asian and anti white agenda. Clan Wolf is the plot armored bad guys since they got Terra
That would be like telling George Lucas he needed to take a few astronomy classes at the local community college and then rewrite Star wars a little more accurately
Irish are white now. But they werent until like 1950 or so. Klan didnt let in Catholics until 92 or so. Because they thought Italians and Irish werent white
Lucas would have benefitted from more formal academic training in any discipline. His mind is too monomaniacal. He needed discipline.
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Can I have some general ideas on where to put faction logos on the really small armed and legged 'mechs? I'm freehanding not decaling
Get one of those brushes people use for rice calligraphy.
I feel like if the setting was trying to depict a complex political environment, they wouldn't have chosen to make nearly every faction in the setting a monarchies. Writers make their factions monarchies for one simple reason, it's super easy to follow along, even a child can tell who the good princess and the evil queen is, and those are the only two big characters they need to worry about in any given story.
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I surprisingly don't, but I could take some later. I always paint them gunmetal with a nuln wash. It's pretty basic. Some people like to give them a orange/white hot metal glow if you want to draw attention to them. You could check Camospecs for examples.

Pic not related. I decided to do some highlights on this Cyclops before work.

Depends on time period.

Davions are generally the most limp-dicked, i.e. less evil throughout most of history. Kurita has had the most evil moments.

But the Capellans were originally the good guys then slid into evil. The FWL were the bad guys at the fall of the Star League, but slowly evolved into the good guys. Lyrans vary wildly depending on the Archon.

Honestly the Periphery are more good just be the default of having less capacity for grand evil.
On the Madcat, the missile boxes and fuselage cockpit. Just look for any wide space you can. The calf armor is also large enough.

It's also because they don't need to keep coming up with new last names.
Monarchies still exist and participate in the complex world. North Korea for example.
Periphery are pirate lawless scum who mooch. They wouldnt exist without the great houses.

Agreed capellans are good guys now that bt is woke
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It's just basic human wiring. We're social animals that like competent leaders. In the modern world, we also desire escapism from the cancer of ineffective corrupt multilayered bureaucracy posing as democracy in the same way city people want to "get back to nature" and homestead with chickens.

In other words, same reason giant robots are a man's romance.
With fusion engines being so common, why can't mechs just...fly? Gonna tell me the power of a STAR isn't enough to keep these things airborne?

They're a floating regiment, but a good and elite one. That's about it. They're more style over substance.

But the style is cool. They take on vampiric theming, hit and run to whittle down the enemy, and come from a swampy planet mostly poisoned with nerve gas.

If CGL weren't hacks they'd develop the culture of Proserpina more and its associated units accordingly.

Instead we got "Hmm which units do we have turn Black Dragon? Hey, thinking is hard, lets just copy-pasta units that went rogue during the Ronin War, fucking decades before the Jihad. Oh, there's still a Prosperina unit left what do we do with it? W-wait.... the Prosperpina colours use green and blue... and the Pesht Regulars use green and blue! Eating all these crayons has made me a genius!
Thanks faggot, you just proved his point and now he won't shut the fuck up about it.
The only successful monarchies were ones where you ignored the monarch. Why should someone have authority purely due to the accident of birth? I have to let some evil retard rape my chickens because he was born to some other evil retards who might have had competent ancestors?
LAMs exist, they were just kind of limited edition because of the complexity of manufacture, and then went basically extinct after Star League collapsed and the first two Successon Wars bombed half of the Inner Sphere back to the bronze age. Blakists brought LAMs back during the Jihad, but that just gave them a bad name because the Blakists were genocidal maniacs who bombed half of the Inner Sphere back to the bronze age.
>I feel like if medieval europe was trying to depict a complex political environment, they wouldn't have chosen to make nearly every faction in the continent a monarchy
But North Korea is a very simple place compared to the rest of the world.
I'm thinking about mixing a metallic gold with red to do the insides of them, and then mixing a metallic silver with white to do the interior raised portions, and then a black/Grey mixed with metallic silver to do the perimeter/exterior portions. I wish I had more paints instead of having to mix everything, it leads to inconsistencies between sessions and it takes a more more paint.
There's a reason why everyone defaults to monarchy when shit hits the fan and civilization collapses. It's the most basic, simple form of organization you can possibly have.
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>and then went basically extinct after Star League collapsed and the first two Successon Wars bombed half of the Inner Sphere back to the bronze age.

Fun Fact. There were more LAM's in the IS left than Crabs in 3025. It's only killing the Lexatech LAM Island megaplex Star League Wonderfactory on Irece that killed them off. No spare parts meant no support. Still had a few struggle into the mid-3050's. Far Country is famous as having the last one in fiction before the Jihad.
Do you use the same paint mix for weapons and actuators?
>blakists were genocidal maniacs that bombed half the inner sphere back to the bronze age
This feels extremely overplayed, since every single one of the great houses did the same thing for hundreds of years and a million times worse.
No it isnt.
I know of LAMs but just jump jets alone should be enough. You have a star under your ass. Moving ANYTHING with that kind of juice should be trivial.
There are much simpler forms of society than monarchy.
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>Blakists brought LAMs back during the Jihad, but that just gave them a bad name

Nobody gave a shit about the bad name. It was the Regulans that nuked the new production factories because they were on Gibson, you know, the primary Blakist nest.
They get hot.
The thing with the blakists is they broke the nuke taboo. Rendering worlds useless for generations. Sure, the succession wars sucked but they tried to keep damage to civilians and all that to a minimum.
Civilization is thousands of years older than monarchies. There were all types of tribal civilizations, village communes, priest run civilizations. Youre stuck in bad 1960s mass produced textbook scholarship. Get some actual knowledge before talking or maybe stick to whatifalthist youtube comment sections
What makes a LAM different? I know they dropped LAMs for gameplay reasons more than anything but still, flying mechs should be a thing. Jumping doesn't count.
You're underselling it, because it also has the most undercooked internal politics.
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>Rendering worlds useless for generations

Dude, you need to look at the occupied worlds map between the beginning of the 1st Succession War and the 3rd. House Lords bombed like 30% of habitable systems off the map and a ton that survived are reduced to shells of what they were.

The real reason the Blakists were reviled is they made enemies of everyone all at once except the Taurians. You know things have gone full retard when legions of clanners are fighting with the IS to kill you. If they had just singled out one enemy at a time instead of attacking literally all the house capitals except Luthien at once then they would be remembered way differently.
LAMs have wings and engines made for flight. A regular mech with just JJs is like a rocket, a LAM is a spaceplane and has different components.
Not if you want to run a civilization that spans further than a few hundred people.
>What makes a LAM different?
The transformation mechanisms.

ASF's are flying mechs that don't transform.
It pretty much is. There's only two things you need to know about North Korea to understand it. The Kim Dynasty, and its relationship with China.
The first two succession wars were interstellar total war, each great house suffered billions of civilian casualties from direct action alone. Nobody refrained from using all weapons at their disposal, nuclear, chemical or biological.
The third one only started winding down because the great houses devastated each other so much that they couldn't wage total war against each other anymore.
Fair enough. Monarchy is the simplest type of government you can have if you want to run anything bigger than a city-state.
Sure dewd.
No it isnt. Monarchy is incredibly complicated. Even in one cultural zone there can be wildly differing visions of monarchy.
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>Yuros charge for water americunt.

I read up on it and I found that serving tap water is apparently a major source of income for restaurants.


Okay so I guess question is then, whats a cool FedSuns or Cappie regiment in the region?
But the idea of monarchy is inherently super simple. All that cultural shit is just tacked on after.
Except it was only one minor super crazy faction of the Blakists that started it and dragged the rest of them into it. They literally flushed the actual elected leader of the WoB out an airlock when the 2nd SL broke up and said "Engage main battery and target Tharkad City."
They have a caste system based around inheritable political reliability scores.
That doesn’t really matter for understanding the nation’s leadership
Far Country is unfortunately famous for having other stuff as well
All Jihad justications are literally excuses because they were written after the fact to justify the original DA timejump. So you're not technically incorrect.
>Be in the military/starve to death
yeah it seems pretty simple
There was still a fully functional LAM factory right up until the clans overran it and got possessed by the spirit of the line dev who hated LAMs. There would be LAMs right up through ilclan if the line dev hadn't had every last nut and bolt from the factory melted down by seething clanoids. iirc, he even had them go on deep raids just to target existing LAMs so they could destroy them and all their spare parts. Absolutely unhinged behavior.
You cant have it all ways. I thought you were talking about complex state organization. The idea of picking someone to be in charge is super simple. But thats not monarchy. Its complicated as hell to explain to a neutral party why a state rulership should be heritable.
Like if you think that class isn't a factor you gotta consider when trying to understand Great Britain...
Mixing regular paints with metallics never works out for me. You should try it and see if it does what you want it to do. I approach it in a "work with what you have, buy what you need" way. Maybe a bit of metal medium would cover all your bases. Then you're just mixing color and medium instead of color and different metallics. That being said, think about whether or not the inside of the jump jet /needs/ to look metallic. I've seen plenty of people achieve that effect with regular acrylics.

Yeah, same thing, though on that one I used a sepia wash and it worked just as well. Forgot to add that I do highlight it all with silver. It's about as basic as "painting the metal bits" gets. I like the way it looks so I stuck with it.
>Its complicated as hell to explain to a neutral party why a state rulership should be heritable.

What usually ends up mildly frustrating me in discussions of what BT "is" stems from this glossing over of some (to me) very important facts about BattleTech.

1. It has existed as an active, evolving entity for decades (even through the dreaded ClickyTech shit); it has naturally changed over time because everything changes over time (even if the change is subtle, or resisted). So what BattleTech "is about" has changed.

2. It has been spearheaded by multiple people. Setting aside the plenary of different authors, you at the very least have different developers. It is literally impossible for them all to 100% be on the exact same page, coming from the exact same contexts, with the exact same creative ambitions.

This isn't to say that it's not worthwhile to try and chip at the chunk of marble to see what statue is in there-- on the contrary, I think there's a LOT of value in looking (and re-looking) at the accumulated dishes of so many cooks from so many kitchens. But to me you have to at least start by setting your framework--the body of work you're looking at, and the body of work you're putting to the side--and acknowledging that it is as much an act of creation as it is archeology.
There's even an entire formation in the FWL called the Marik Guard who had a large number of LAMs. It wasn't a complete LAM regiment, but it was close, and it only got disbanded in 3029 after getting caught with their pants down so bad that they lost most of their LAM supplies.
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Always smarter to coat a metallic with a candy coat/thick wash if you want a particular color and the metallic effect.
>I thought you were talking about complex state organization
Correct. Monarchism is the simplest form of state organization.
Yes. That video is complicated and still a drastic oversimplification of state structure and operationsZ
>Its complicated as hell to explain to a neutral party why a state rulership should be heritable.
It doesn't need to be explained. It doesn't need to make sense, or be understandable to people.
And Im saying its still not simple. Your distinction might be correct, but even if it was, its meaningless.
So, an angry sperg killed LAMs because he hated them? I would bring them back to spite his ass. LAMs are a natural evolution of BattleMechs. They can't be stompy robots forever.
Okay mr caveman. Grunt grunt swings club
But it is. You can't possibly get more simple than "this man is in charge, man's son inherits"
You can. We members of this community pick this guy to be in charge.
I only paint the front of the mech for the pictures I post here, saves a lot of time
That inherently comes with a bunch of baggage on how to pick the guy in charge and who counts as a member of the community.
So does saying someone’s kid is next up
here: "this man's in charge"
And the that man, who is in charge, is most likely going to say that his son will be in charge after he dies. Boom, now you have a monarchy.
Forgot my picture
See, now you've complicated it.
No, thats not a monarchy. At best if that person does a great job for 20/40 years there might be a monoarchy. But only if a hundred things work out right. I get that you want it to be simple. But that doesnt make it so
Yeah, LAMs are kinda in the same place as blazers. They exist in an era that is usually married to a rules level too low to allow them to be used. Even the deepest, darkest big succ never lost LAM technology, but most people playing deep dark depressing succ-times are also playing strict introtech. When the timeline finally catches up to the rules level, LAMs are gone and blazers are obsoleted.
>At best if that person does a great job for 20/40 years there might be a monarchy.
Well not really, that man is in charge, him doing a good job is not a prerequisite.
This is why immortal, eternal god-kingship is the best form of government. All of the benefits of an absolute monarchy with an empire-building heroic philosopher/warrior king, with none of the drawbacks of shitty lines of succession and retard heirs letting the empire crumble.
Unfortunately, it seems life extension technology got kicked in the head in the IS, and the Clans think it's haram.
that's despotism, just with an immortal despot
I dont think I have to explain why this is silly
Well if you've seen the Liaos (or North Korea for an IRL version) yeah you kinda do.
Im having at least 3 convos, but Kim needs to comstantly blast propaganda to the masses, justify his exitence to China, and keep his generals and family in line
As the video above alludes to, a monarch is just a guy in a funny hat without administrators to carry out his will and soldiers to enforce it. If you don't keep those administrators and soldiers happy and loyal, you get put in a puppet kingship at best and a body bag at worst, in favor of someone more willing to play ball.
I can't tell if all the cuck meatriding for monarchies is legit or just a troll around here.

But within the context of Battletech, are people honestly missing the point of the setting? That monarchies are retarded? That monarchies, with their unlimited power and ambition gave us the Success Wars?

And even the Star League was just a ticking time bomb, not to mention what they did to the Periphery, which is also shit because of its monarchies.

Like, its a setting you're supposed to engage in as the mooks and mercenaries, doing your best to survive. And the reason its so hard to survive is because the people making the choices are retarded monarchs.
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There will come a time when we will miss the days of far country. That time is near, some already do.
Honestly, I think Lord Farquaad summarizes BattleTech's politics the best: "Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make".
Probably not the point of the setting, the most destructive war in human history was waged almost exclusively by republics, fascists and communists.
The definitively worst societies in battletech aren't even monarchies, the average standard of living across the inner sphere was better than that of the best nations of modern day earth, the absolute peak of humanity, its undisputed golden age, was explicitly achieved because of the efforts of a monarchy.
You're just so anti-monarchist that you view monarchy as absolute evil and the cause of all woes, even in fiction.
I think BT needs a rules rewrite or something. Too much stuff just doesn't make sense or is unusable because...reasons.
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Does anyone know where I can find this pdf? Seems to be entirely memory-holed.
I have Worldwide Events for 2017-2019. I could use the rest as well.
>Anon cannot fathom a 5 minute NPCGP Grey video about hereditary succession.
By the point we attained that in Europe, politics were, in reality, largely put into motion and shaped by bureaucrats.

Before that, he ruled together with his war-leaders, who actually managed his lands in his name.
>are people honestly missing the point of the setting? That monarchies are retarded?
That's not the point of the setting. If that was the point of the setting, the writers would say so. The writers instead say that it's about good monarchies vs bad monarchies.
>Before that, he ruled together with his war-leaders
Who were just smaller monarchies below him.
>it's monarchies all the way down
Only demo team members from 2020 would have access to it. It was never published like the other ones.
very sad
Its not even canon and they didn't publish it.
I was mostly just interested in the map sheets that came with it.
The maps are posted at the bottom of the sarna article though....
There's a like 30gb share of maps on one of these old threads
Anon... look at the resolution
You are right. Welp, good luck then. They excised most of the /btg/ demo team dudes long before that. Otherwise NEA could help out.
I gotchu senpai.

and apparently f-a-m wordfilters to senpai
Just wait until you see what onion is filter for or desu.
Just my 2c but I think mods should be more aggressive in changing wordfilters. Anyone but the greenest newfag knows what onions is.
But if it changed to a different food every few days?
I remember it when filter was changed for butter.
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5 platoons of generic infantry added to my support force.
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15 field gun squads also finished
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And all my rear echelon battalion completed so far. I have some strikers and demolishers held up in acquisitions red tape.
Here's two different examples if that helps
very cool
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Looks gorgeous. Just a quick heads up. Support weapons tend to be represented on tripods while field guns are wheeled like field artillery.
Oh, were you planning to paint some mini? it'd be a real shame if someone were to... take a nap, right, here.
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>What makes a LAM different? I know they dropped LAMs for gameplay reasons more than anything
They dropped LAMs because the guys who owns the company don't like them. Multiple playtesters came back with coherent, simple, functional rules that didn't break the game or cripple them and were told, in so many words "We don't want good LAM rules, we want them to be unplayably bad and complex to discourage people from using them". And no, it wasn't just NEA who had proposals.
One of hte persistent playtesting balance problems is that formerly there was a "shit or get off the pot" rule which made you swap out of the powerful hybrid mode after one turn. Randall et.al. wanted them to be able to stay in Hybrid mode permanently to "give people a reason to use the new three-mode miniatures". You may notice a contradiction in these two statements of intent about LAMs. I am not sure they do. They also said Hybrids must use WiGE movement for some retarded reason it's because the rules are pointless trash wedged into Total Warfare to fill page count and they felt bad nothing used them, and refused to budge on this even though VTOL rules are less complicated.
Anyway. Needed to vent.

>What makes a LAM different?
They can switch back and forth from mech to aerospace fighter, many with a special high-mobility hybrid mode that gets substantial speed increases -- one of the most common balancing suggestions was to reduce this from the current 3x the mech mode's jump rating to 2x -- and swaps into ground-effect mode. It can then boost up into aero mode the next turn. Bimodal (no hybrid mode) LAMs have to be landed, transform, and either walk away or take off. These did not exist until retconned in in the Jihad. LAMs cannot mount most weight-saving tech (again, a deliberate "fuck you" retconned in at a later date, along with internal bomb bays)
In-universe, LAM pilots require training in not just aero piloting and mechs, but also in LAM ops.
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Appreciate it. I'll track down some appropriate minis.
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The minis did get finished though. 19 more done today.
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starting to reconsider making these pirates gimme ideas
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Around Dracs, never relax
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Someone compared the paintjob to Rubicante from Final Fantsy IV.
He's a dementedly honorable fighter, wanting a good showdown, a fight that's your strength and wits vs his. Fighting weird is fine, but fighting dirty isn't. He's the kind of boss who heals you before you fight him.

Which got me to thinking: If they're not pirates, perhaps a merc group that specifically got a taste of zell and thought "Actually, we like that"?
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We're over here playing Battletech and anon is playing the Imperial Guard.
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I appreciate the repost, but that does not have the "And Hell Followed" maps.

Fuck, I remember Weeaboo and Thomas Jefferson. Just a solid kick in the boythingy.
There was a D&D character on a charop forum whose damage roll was somewhere around there, it was a sun titan hulking hurler throwing a huge chunk of lead.
i could make that work the other idea i had was likely lyran ultra nationalists in the hinterlands but i could always use some more mercs just need to give them a fourth to finish the lance
I recall NEA (didn't know it was him then) creating some effect that produced hundreds of quadrillions of damage. Easily enough to blow up a planet in 10x10x10 cubes of rock. 3e D&D was retarded in so many ways.
>hundreds of quadrillions of damage.
Yeah, here it is.
And that's obviously NEA, as per this.
I don't think that's NEA unless he talks about himself in the third person. Like the Nuclear Urbie is obviously him, but I don't think that Swordsguy == NEA.
Been a busy day today. Got my Address Verification email from QML at about 8 o'clock this morning and then the Clan Wolf painting guide this afternoon
>Got my Address Verification email from QML at about 8 o'clock this morning


Now I want my goddamn Leviathans email.


Yes, that's my old handle there. I don't think I've posted there in over a decade. That place got so miserable, worse than here, because every problem had to be solved by CharOp and *nothing else*. Actually roleplaying or finding creative solutions to problems was considered a house rule and therefore not a valid answer to issues.

The context of the anti-osmium bomb was some chucklefuck created a monster by stacking a ton of templates and giving it incredibly huge numbers (4 digit spell resistance, IIRC?) in saving throws and spell resistance. And then he came and asked if any spell could actually hurt it, even assuming a 50th level caster. That was my solution. Strictly speaking it's an imperfect one, because it assumes a perfect one-to-one reaction between matter and antimatter atoms, and it assumes the caster is built so that they can pass intelligence check to know super-rare lore, but that wasn't the point. The spell effect could, in fact, hurt it.

Oh, and the person I'm talking about is Battle Pope. *He's* the Urbanmech pilot, not me.
IIRC the Urbie is UrbiePope, AKA BattlePope, AKA the Fucker in the Turkina
You play DnD? I thought better of you. 5e is garbage for garbage people.
Thank you both, very helpful.
If you knew anything about the systems, it'd be pretty clear none of that speculation was taking place in 5e
look at the date of the posts in the screenshot you fucking baboon.
ThatEvilOne is the sculptor.
He thinks highly of namefags. You shouldn't expect him to be smart.
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Don't worry. I don't play 5th edition. I'm running real D&D.
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>15 field gun squads also finished
>I wasn't aware my respect for someone could plummet this quickly without direct physical violation of another human being involved.
what's this bike helmet thing LOL
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To be fair. I don't plan to use them all at once and I play scenarios and campaign almost exclusively.
Tell me this Javelin variant is a videogame exclusive.
It isn't.
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Nevermind, looked it up myself. It's real. How is the Javelin able to pull this off?
>how is a 30 ton mech with 10 DHS able to pull off having 7 tons of weapons that generate 21 heat
Hey guys I'm going to Triple F Burger(Not Queen's Burgers), what do yall want?
>Duuurrrrrr! I'm going to take him literally to make myself feel smart instead of recognizing it as a common phrase to express surprise.
Never change /btg. Never change.
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Man that sucks, I want a plane that transforms into a Mecha. I don't care if it's unrealistic, it's cool.
I'll have uhhhhhhh...
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you can, just don't play dark age and ilclan
Wow, this just makes me want to play with LAM's MORE.
remember: the number 1 way to enhance your enjoyment of Battletech is autism
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I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.
I once got a blowjob while I was playing Megamek.
Yeah when I think of LAMs i think of Veritech fighters where it had a Robot mod, GERWALK mode and a jet mode.

But from what people told me that they only had 2 modes. Gerwalk and Jet Mode and honestly thought it was retarded if that was the case.
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LAMs usually have "gerwalk" or airmech mode as an interim state.
A couple, like the screamer, only have airmech and jet mode, but there's also only like ten functional LAM models in the setting's entire timeline.
blowjobs suck
Confucius say
Like the other anon said, LAMs have three modes.
>Battlemech mode
Works like a mech
>ASF mode
Works like an ASF
>AirMech mode
Pic related, the in-between mode. Works like a WIGE.

What honestly bothers me though is the fact LAMs still need fuel for their ASF mode when they have a fusion engine in them.
Don't ASF need fuel as well?
I wouldn't play ilClan regardless, I have to draw the line somewhere
It's reaction mass for the jets. Battlemechs need it in space too (although each jump jet also carries a tiny amount built in). In atmosphere, a mech's jets compress the air into reaction mass. I don't know if atmospheric flying ASFs or LAMs "need" fuel, but they definitely would need it when they go to space.
Is there anything explicitly, actively HAPPENING in ilClan right now? Like, seems to me we only have setups and there's no active conflict, only people posturing and minor shit now that the actual ilClan trial is over.
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You got things like the champion: a LAM that failed as a LAM(too heavy) and was turned into a working regular battlemech.
The scorpion LAM: a quad mech they tried to turn into a LAM, but was deemed a failure, it technically could fly(probably).
The shadow hawk LAM: a functional conversion of a mech to a LAM, deemed a failure.
Pretty much every other LAM actually works, most of the time.
FWL and 'goons are crusing the wolf empire and there was a brief private war between a really rich FWL noble and the Marians. Anduriens are riding the Cappies asses since they're distracted waiting for the wall to fall. I assume more is going on in other parts of the IS.
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I guess the closest thing we'll get as a successor to LAMs are mechs built around partial Wings and IJJs and other jump tech for a fast jumping glider-mech.
Also, I only read that the champion was originally a LAM, but I don't know when and I don't know where, and I'm not actually sure that's how it went, it's been over a decade.
Get me the whalemeat special with orion rings and a Dr. Clanner
Extra pickles.
The Champion itself was made by the guys that made the Locust, and ended up very popular with the Star League. They tried to take advantage of that popularity by building a Champion LAM, and ended up scrapping the idea because they couldn't get to work.
it's oddly LAM-shaped
Kurita and Davion are at each others' throats as usual. Davion has reclaimed New Avalon and most of the Dragon's Tongue, but fighting continues.

Former Lyran space is a continual meltdown with fighting between small factions, basically a Mercenary playground
a playground of destruction?
I'll definitely be giving these a try when they come out in the US!

There's even a reference to the Fire Javelin in the OG 3025 TRO
Can I purchase ASF\Ships\Dropships from the package yet, or are they not a thing?
That ain't the 11A.
The 10F only has four lasers and SHS
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What Mechs would they pilot?
anyone see any new sculpt in there? last kuritan one had the new javelin and hatamoto-chi painted
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An attempt was made, not sure if I'll carry it over to other mechs.
Doesn't the New Dallas Core potentially mean anyone could try at making LAMs again if they have the tech base?
In no particular order:
Tamar broke away from the Steiners. Took some ex-falcon worlds.
Ex-Falcon merchants started their own faction.
Some second-line Falcons are still trying to hold things together.
Alaric was a dick, rejected Ghost Bears from nu-Star League. Bears had a little civil-war over it, but then decided to go beat the shit out of the Dracs instead.
Some art leaked showing Alaric bowing before some Dracs.
Ravens are scheming and fucking multiple generations of Davions.
ARDC is a thing again.
What's the best Battle Armor available to the FedSuns?
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Agreed. I KNOW how much of a clusterfuck it would be. I don't care. Shit's awesome.
Ironically you can do vastly more disgusting things with Partial Wings and iJJs than LAMs could ever pull off. This is from the folder of extremely stinky Solaris stuff from the no-holds-barred, utter twinking hellhole Solaris side games my group does to blow off steam

On the one hand, fair. On the other, it's still pretty impressively dickish, especially given how seldom they usually show up compared to missile teams.

>Some art leaked showing Alaric bowing before some Dracs.

I saw the art with the Cappies making overtures to the Dracs, but where was the Alaric one?
>if they have the tech base?

This is the tricky part. Only Clanners and Blakists really have that level of general tech.
the grenadier is the biggest and most heavily armed
Wash and drybrush it.
Probably, but it would be completely from scratch and a lot of the latest tech just doesn't work for LAMs, so they'd be making the bad old ones and then they'd have to establish all the training and institutional knowledge of how to even operate these things from scratch. Tall order when you aren't literally the Star League.

I'm curious as a newb starting to go through things, but how would the FedSuns even use Battle Armor? It looks like they really are at a paucity for Omni-mech production, and most of the omnis they get seem to be more for fire support. And unlike the FWL, the FedSuns battle armour doesn't seem to get the magnetic clamps.

Are there vehicles for transporting battle armour? What might the FedSuns use?
Probably just transport vehicles, anything with a big enough infantry bay can carry BA.
It's not really fair to compare them to FWL BA though, the FWL took the ball and ran with it. They've got BA that is exactly as good as Elementals minus the one tech base related problem of not being able to jump while their SRMs are still loaded. They've got a bunch of great designs and were able to produce them all in huge numbers. Everyone else in the inner sphere lags behind the FWL for battle armor development.
battle armor is used for pretty much everything infantry would be used for, which includes a lot of things outside of the standard battletech mech skirmish
The bad old ones being the normal Stinger LAM with 3 medium lasers and that generation of LAM, right? Because those LAMs don't seem too bad for what they are, other than the Wasp LAM. The Phoenix Hawk one isn't that bad either.
There are lots of vehicles capable of transporting battle armor. The FedSuns in particular have the Cavalry Attack Helicopter "CADENCE RAIN", which can move 20 hexes per turn if it likes and carries a 4 ton infantry bay, enough to deploy a squad of battle armor, and it has vehicular stealth armor.

General rule is that unless you're House Kurita, inner sphere forces prefer to transport their battle armor in vehicles over clan style riding on omnimechs.
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>Penis Hawk
I was suitably impressed with the build, then I read the actual name of the mech and burst out giggling.
They're just not that good due to the underlying LAMness of them. In a world of pulse lasers and tarcomps, I think all of the old LAMs would get ganked pretty quickly. A new LAM with DHS and ECM and other new toys might not.
Can you put reflective armor on a LAM?
Setting aside the option of transport vehicles, the Feds produce the Templar, Blackjack-O, Black Hawk-KU, Avatar, and Sunder omnimechs by the 3060s, and later the Centurion-O, Inferno, and Templar III, as well as the Zibler, Manteuffel, and Ajax omnivehicles. Additionally during the 60s they're able to purchase some of the other Drac omni designs, and would pick up clan omni designs piecemeal from salvage and later direct purchase from the SharkFoxes. They would have to put some organizational effort into making formations battlearmor friendly by grouping omnis together into complete lances or companies, but it is something they're able to do.

NTA, but are there any good options pre-Jihad?
The various heavy APCs basically exist for this purpose, as prior to the proliferation of battlearmor any use of their standard versions is just clown car level for conventional infantry. They make more sense in their up-armed variants that only have one platoon of capacity, until battlearmor come along requiring that extra transport tonnage.
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Finished my warriors and Mechbusters
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Fast movers inbound.
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too small for turkina?
>so we got (partial) wing and talons, all we have left is beak then?
That's clearly a Huron warrior
I can't decide if Mech Beak is a weapon the Jade Falcons or Solaris VII would come up with first.
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Couldn't you install a mech lance and flavor is to be shaped like a beak?
Do tanks have crew skill stats like mech pilots do?
Yeah, like when a mech kicks it and sends it a few hexes away. The crew has a skill check to see if they can land their tank on its treads.
Yes. Infantry does too, although their "piloting" skill is actually the anti-mech swarming skill iirc.
Yes, The piloting rating is called driving but is otherwise the same.
is the ostscout waste of bv even as a kicker?
Okay, now hear me out:
Demolisher II-X with max-driving skill crew

How good would it be?
The Maxim hover has a few good infantry carrier options and it's availability is IS General, so anyone can get it.
Given their stated effectiveness against 'Mechs, don't Elementals kind of just gagglefuck convees?
Ehh. Tanks don't have legs to leg attack, and swarm attacks aren't actually as scare for conventionals as they are for mechs because there's no head to get. Sure, they're scary, but all clan tech is scary for tanks. Elementals are especially good at dealing with tanks and infantry
>unless you're House Kurita, inner sphere forces prefer to transport their battle armor in vehicles over clan style riding on omnimechs
>unless you're House Kurita
It's always funny to me how the Dracs are always the most clannish great house. Crazy, glory hounds willing to jump right into an honor duel.
elementals kill anything they can get into close combat with
>dealing with tanks and infantry
*mechs and infantry

The Clan honor duel system was inspired by former Kuritans, so no surprise there. Plus, they take back the Smoke Jaguar occupation zone and absorb the Nova Cats, so they have the best access to omni tech and other clan tech.
You can use the master unit list to search that stuff out, but unfortunately the MUL was designed as an aid for alpha strike players, so if you don't know the acronyms for that you have to find something you know has an attribute and guess the term.

In this case, something that can carry a BA squad will be IT4. You can add faction filters and era availability filters to that as well.

When in doubt, the Maxim has a version that can transport a point of BA. The Morningstar command vehicle also has capacity to transport BA. I tend to hear Davion players being more attached to using VTOL as troop transports though, using units like the Calvary BA, the Karnov tends to come up a lot, too. The differentiation between cargo carrier and infantry transport has been left blurry in Battletech, I suspect because the devs or their friends like to use cargo to transport troops to the front, but for the time being there's no differentiation mechanically.

The Jihad is really a point where BA seems to be taken more seriously as a troop type. Before that in the BMR and earlier, BA was just a stat block without construction rules. Davions get better BA than most IS powers but had limited omnimech access. That doesn't mean they didn't have omnimechs, just not as many. The Templar is their most famous one, but they get access to pretty much the entire drac omnimech lineup from TRO 3058 as well, which was largely shared, I'm guessing as a part of solidary with the 2nd star league against the clans. In fact, by the time of the Jihad, the Dracs lose much if not all of their omnimech production, including the old Raptor 1, which IIRC wasn't produced outside of the combine rendering it oop when the law factory got trashed on Luthien.
what does a tank do about an elemental standing on the turret or engine deck?
>one elemental
it only inflicts 2-3 damage per turn with a swarm attack, so it'll take a while to get through your armor. just shake it off
Have another tank fire anti-infantry grapeshot at it.
Have the three other tanks with it shoot them with the machine guns and flamers a bunch of designs are saddled with. It can also shake them off with erratic driving.
Mechs have to deal with headshots, but tanks don't have to deal with the fact that roof armor on the turret and hull will always be laughably thin?
Not really a concern since Battletech gameplay doesn't draw a distinction between top armor and front glacis.
Each swarm attack also does a crit check, so while the 3 damage will take a long time to add up, a crit check every turn on a vee is the main worry.
Shaking it off is pretty much all a tank can try to do, or suicide-skid into a water hex. In spite of the fluff depicting swarm attacks as a huge threat to mechs, the rules ended up giving mechs so many advantages to avoiding them, from being outright faster, to knocking them off by jumping, to walking into a lake, to doing a belly-flop, to brushing them off with their hands. Tanks however seem to be the real chance for swarm attacks to be successful, thanks to the easier swarm mods and fewer options for knocking BA off.
>Each swarm attack also does a crit check
Is this a vehicle specific thing or I have I been playing swarms on mechs wrong?
Yes. Driving skills don't come into play as much as with mechs, and after multiple motive hits even elite crews aren't able to do much, but they're used for things like skid checks, moving into buildings, and the odd charge attack.
I think the defensive options are fine, a huge problem with swarm is that it takes so fucking long to start going. You need to spend a whole turn starting the swarm where the unit can do NOTHING else. Almost every scenario I play face-to-face you're turn limited to 8-12 turns which means you've given up 10% of your time with that unit to MAYBE do damage next turn.

Swarming battle armor should be able to do damage on the same turn it starts if the swarm is successful.
>The differentiation between cargo carrier and infantry transport has been left blurry in Battletech, I suspect because the devs or their friends like to use cargo to transport troops to the front, but for the time being there's no differentiation mechanically.
I think it's just a weird rules oversight honestly. There are infantry bays and compartments, and infantry compartments are exactly what you'd expect to see in an APC. Older record sheets just used "infantry bay" for any kind of cargo. Even stuff like coolant trucks, which are basically tankers with a big pool of cold juice is listed as having a 6 ton infantry bay rather than a liquid cargo bay. I dunno if cargo bays were on a higher rules level for some reason or if they just wanted a general storage component and erroneously decided that infantry bay would be its title, but I think there's some kind of rules autism at play.
TW: Pg 223 Swarm Attack Damage, under "Critical Hits"
Beat me to it, it's worth noting that leg attacks also have a chance to through armor crit
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Thank you. It just cried out for the name, and who was I to deny it?
That solves pulses, but not Flak, Precision, and especially LBX autocannon.

In double-blind, hidden-deployment, or hidden-information games it's worth its weight in gold. Isn't until the Owens and Hitman come along that it really gets threatened in its role

Ellies can load Infernos in their SRMs. This is exactly as horrifying as it sounds.
I suspect it's more of a "don't touch my rules" situation, kind of like how XotL had to backpedal on clarifying that TAG designating doesn't count as vanilla LRM spotting in BMM's "common misconceptions" section, but apparently so many people were doing it wrong they decided to change the rules to accommodate them, further locking NARC into irrelevance.

What I'd like to see is some sort of mechanic that infantry transported in a correct infantry bay has a better chance of surviving a collision / vehicle destruction than if they're just crammed into the back of a storage truck, and that unless specified as generic "cargo" space, specialized bays could only carry said type of unit or if that's too restrictive could only be filled to half capacity. Fewer infantry platoons in coolant truck bays.

But hey, if wishes were fishes.
I had the file open already to make sure I wasn't giving advice based on false memory.
Further, Yes. Leg attacks also do crit checks, while also having a much better chance at success than a swarm against mechs, and do the crit check right away rather than having to damage and hoping to not get knocked off in subsequent turns. In my eyes it makes it way more effective strategy against mechs.
It's an IRL military thing that the same vehicles are hauling pallets of supplies one day and troops in full kit the next. you can assume that goes double if a trooper in full kit weighs a thousand kilos and has magnets on his feet.
>oof armor on the turret and hull will always be laughably thin?
Eh, keep in mind even a tank's roof armor will be far more thick than the armor pretty much anywhere on a mech. See pic related for how much area a tank has to armor vs a mech.
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On the flip side of that, the tank only has 4-5 locations and the same one gets hit a LOT. A couple good hard hits might only strip a limb on a mech but blow half the armor off of a vee's side
Anything different when painting the old fasa plastic minis, like from the 3rd edition? I've only painted cgl and metal
You need real etching primer to adhere to the old plastics.
I mean, that's not even an in-the-military thing. There are families that load up a minivan with folded down seats after costco spending sprees, and there's no shortage of gen-x guys that like to brag about how they rode in the bed of a pickup truck on the freeway without a seatbelt.

But in both cases I imagine you could carry more stuff with a pickup truck than a minivan, and more of your passengers will survive a collision if they've got seatbelts on.

And while I'm sure you could find some way to transport a squad of infantry still somewhat intact in the storage tank of a septic truck, I don't imagine it should be as easy or safe as riding a schoolbus.
True, but half an armor is just armor. Losing a limb means losing combat capability and firepower.
Like the spray can hardware store stuff?
Yes, but the automotive ones will be less heavy and smoother on minis.
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I've had decent results with Rust-oleum matte 2x Primer (NOT Paint+Primer, that shit sucks and is horribly clumpy) in light coats. Pic related. Their camo paint, ultra-matte, and gloss/satin don't really work (the Ultra-matte leaves dust on the model, gloss and satin repel acrylics, camo paint has a very weird formulation and partly melted detail). You also don't want an enamel if you can avoid it, the acrylic won't adhere to it well. IME the best colors are oxide red, flat neutral grey, and flat black.
Automotive or plastic primer specifically rated for vinyl also works well, and the automotive will get a very smooth coat going. Stuff that's rated only for urethanes or styrenes doesn't "bite" properly.

The thing is, a 'Mech with breached armor is in trouble but it still has its limbs unless it wanders into Magical Death Acid. As soon as a vee gets penned, it's fucking dead. Low-armor turrets are a huge liability.
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Wrong pic.
Why would it be? One could just as easily argue the head should just be ignored and counted as part of the center torso.
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>Why would it be?
Geometry. A spherical or box-like shape has far less surface area to armor than a humanoid shape does for the same amount of mass.
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Thanks anons
Which still results in actual tanks having roof armor that doesn't stand up to HMGs at a steep angle.
Well, yes, but that's just looping right back around to why mechs would be impractical, and there's no reason to bring up that silliness again. Needless to say, if a future society figured out how to armor a mech to a decent level somehow, they also figured out how to make a tank's top armor thicker.
tanks in BT can already carry more armor than a mech of equivalent weight. how much of BT have you actually played?
Mechs have to armor their heads, tanks should also have to choose how much armor to dedicate to their roof.
why did julian just kill torinaga instead of taking some tactical leverage or advantage with him?
>tanks should also have to choose how much armor to dedicate to their roof.
...they already DO though. Did you not see the section for turret armor up in >>93132403?
Do you know that the front of a turret is generally better armored than the roof of a turret? And that the hull also has a roof?
Real world tanks have relatively thin top armor as a deliberate design choice, because you need to save weight somewhere and attacks most often come from ground level. When they don't, they tend to be in the from of aircraft launched bombs or missiles heavy enough to penetrate any feasible level of armor.

Tanks expected to encounter mechs and with access to magic armor have different design considerations.
>Do you know that the front of a turret is generally better armored than the roof of a turret?
Hence why there's also a "front" section of the tank.

>And that the hull also has a roof?
Which you have to penetrate the turret to get to in the first place.
Turrets are optional. Tanks without turrets can put the same amount of armor on fewer locations. And the way tank construction rules work, there's no limits to each location, you can make a tank that puts 300 points of armor on its front face and 1 or 2 everywhere else if you really wanted to. It would die as soon as anything shot it from any direction other than perfectly forward, but you could do it.
because the leverage gained would have just made everyone like sandoval more and if i remember the book he regrets what he did right after as it was impulsive and wrong
The turret on almost every tank does not completely cover the hull roof, not to mention turretless tanks.
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>The turret on almost every tank does not completely cover the hull roof
The part that isn't covered falls under the 'front'

>not to mention turretless tanks.
See >>93132738, that just means even more armor.
Then the head should just be counted as the center torso.
False. The head is its own 'turret'. If we added a 'roof' to the front and back of a tank, we'd have to add spots for the shoulders of the mech.
Shoulders are already a crit location. I'm going to assume you don't actually play. Bye.
Point to the shoulders on here then >>93132403.

Oh, you can't? I accept your concession, you are forgiven.
how bad was 'balance by tonnage' or 'tonnage instead of bv' days?
wait is that the same guy with the mini-star league, warship manufacturing, mary sue, deep periphery state?
Anyone with half a brain could tell that an Awesome was much better than a Charger.
Someone doesn't know about the vehicle hit location charts..

It was instantly and utterly rejected by the entire playerbase, and literally every publication that had Battletech content - including White Dwarf, Dragon, and fucking Starlog - had at least one and often several articles with their own balancing systems.
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>Someone doesn't know about the vehicle hit location charts..
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And just in case you're extra special
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Probably what they were referring to was that a vehicle with one armor on its sides will die if your opponent ever rolls a 5 or 9
Only the finest of editors work at the catalyst game labs.
the PSR penalty mechs receive from hardened armor seems pretty significant, but what about other vehicles?
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That's a kerning mistake in his PDF reader, it's not in the hardcopy or the reference cards.

Look up 12 lines from the start of your highlight, you stupid fucking chimpanzee. Read it carefully. Then look at >>93133032.
Now go put on your Spock helmet, we can't let you onto the slide until you do.
translated directly from the german
It's much more significant on anything you intend to flank a lot. Hardened armor does dramatically lower the odds of a crit and prevent the instakills, but it doesn't stop you from eating motive hits, and it especially doesn't stop LB-10X or an SRM swarm from ripping your treads apart. Also, VTOLs, hovers, and WiGEs can't take Hardened, which are the units that would theoretically benefit most from it.
Do flamers really not do anything in particular to battlearmor?
Nope. It's weird, you'd think there'd be some benefit against suits that don't have Fire Resistant Armor
what are the rules for Armoured motive system again?
Having heat sinks was a mistake
>*fields 20 savannah masters*
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the blue angels (lol) accidental paint scheme.

>huh, lets do an actual bright blue, now what else can we do with them.. I KNOW lets also do a really bright yellow! WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
>blue angels
kill yourself navy trash
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lol no. its not my fucking fault goddam amazon has been pushing some shitty documentary about them in my face every fucking time i so much as look at it. i just like the colours. blue and yellow. i want to do each lance in seperate schemes.

i have blue and yellow thuds.
white and red
cross cruds
and green griffins.

now to come up with a scheme for the banshee's, nightsky's and wolfhounds.
I find it weird that they've done several plastic jumping mechs and none of them were a jumping phoenix hawk
-2 on the Motive hit table... in exchange for sucking up 15% of the available chassis weight.

And a hearty "fuck you" to you as well, landlubber.

So close to having a lance of T-Bird Thuds to go with the Angels. All you need are some blue stripes.
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Err, TBird Cruds. Regardless. Even as a squid that's a pretty sexy paintscheme
so unless you're playing with climates rule or something, going all energy mechs are more effective in general?
Sorta. Pure energy loadouts are generally effective, but expensive BV wise for the same tonnage. An AC10 ends up a lot cheaper than a PPC for example.
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Theoretically - on the basis of a duel between individual mechs - yes. In practice certain weapon combinations are much more effective than going all flashbulb, all the time. And of course Gauss rifles are busted as fuck, with LB-10X, Plasma rifles, and a few other ballistic weapons not far behind. Spamming is almost always less effective than you think it's going to be.
pic related.
There's plenty of uses case for big close range hole punchers like an AC-20 or heavy gauss and the cluster hits of missiles or LBX.
Not necessarily. Especially in the time before heat sinks, the weight of weapon+heatsinks isn't always worth it. For example, and AC/10 is 12 tons, plus another ton for ammo plus 3 heat sinks to get to 16. A PPC is 7 tons, plus another 10 tons of heat sinks for 17.

This means that if we want our Mech to be more-or-less heat neutral, there's some competitiveness (though this is best shown with the PPC and AC/10, since they do the same damage and have almost the same range).

The AC/2 has a small but nontrivial niche as the longest-ranged weapon until lostech returns, and the AC/20 is the only headcapper in introtech. Even after introtech, very few things can put out as much damage in one spot.

The AC/5 is worthless, though. 2 less tons, 2 less heat, and 5 points less damage is not a good tradeoff almost all of the time, nor is the extra 5 rounds of ammo per ton.

In an era of lostech, autocannons again become useful in some niches for IS Mechs, since ferrofibrous, endo steel, and double heatsinks start eating up critical slots very fast. That AC/10 will full sinks now takes 7 + 1 + 9 = 17 critical slots, compared to a PPC's 3 + 30 = 33.

Because of in-engine heatsinks, though, this mostly only becomes a problem with assault Mechs, and then it's somewhat countered by large engines having lots of in-engine sinks.

But let's look at the Awesome 9Q for example. Pitban 240 engine, 4 PPCs, 19 DHS. A 240-rated engine snags us 9 HS that we don't need space for.

We need:
3 x 4 = 12 slots for PPCs
10 x 3 = 30 slots for DHS
(Also 2 for the Guardian ECM)
So 42 + 2 slots.

A standard Mech comes with 2 x 8 slots in the hands (can be made to be 2 x 10 without hands), 2 x 12 in the side torsos, 2 x 2 in the legs, 1 x 2 in the center torso, and 1 x 1 in the head, for a total of 47 (or up to 51).

This means that, for example, it would be impossible to try to add an XL engine or endo steel to gain a little weight.

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This is also why the double crits of superheavies are so fucking broken. Shame they clarified that you can't mount full scale artillery to them.
Let's replace one of those PPCs and 4 DHS with an AC/10 and one ton of ammo. This is 11 tons => 13 tons, so 2 tons more.

We save 15(!) critical slots, and replace then with 8, for a net savings of 7 slots!

If we do this twice, we can use endo steel and the extra weight and saved criticals precisely balance out.

In this new Mech, we've added the hard-to-define cost of risking ammo explosions, but otherwise "netted zero" (ammo explosions aren't nothing, but they're not the end of the world, especially not with CASE costing only 0.5 tons). The point of this exercise isn't to show that autocannons are better, but to show that they aren't necessarily worse, even in the age of lostech...specifically in assault Mechs. In a lighter Mech, you can usually solve critical slot problems by just not taking the fucking endo steel on your 70 tonner, which really didn't need those extra three and a half tons anyway.

That said, once you start thinking about the couple extra tons for a UAC, things start to become somewhat appealing.

With Clantech, you run into the issue that while ACs are much better than IS ones, the energy weapons are better-er, and FF, ES, and DHS all taking significantly fewer slots makes things not problematic at all. Probably the only place you need to consider ACs there is for things like the Dire Wolf or Turkina, the hugest fuck-you Mechs there are.
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>Shame they clarified that you can't mount full scale artillery to them.
Aw, lame
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Got around to taking a new full shot of Naginata Battalion.
Omni Company and Hohei Company
1st and 2nd Company
heavy gauss contained entirely within the center torso is pretty wacky
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Pack it up, pack it in
Let me begin
I came to win
Battle me that's a sin
I won't ever slack up
Punk you better back up
Try and play the role and yo the whole crew will act up
Get up, stand up, come on!
Come on, throw your hands up
If you've got the feeling jump up touch the ceiling
Muggs lets the funk flow, someone's talking junk
Yo, I'll bust em in the eye
And then I'll take the punk's ho
Feeling funking
Amps in the trunk
And I got more rhymes than there's cops at a "Dunkin Donuts" shop
Sure enough I got props from the kids on the Hill
Plus my mom and my pops

I came to get down [2x]
So get out your seat and jump around
Jump around [3x]
Jump up, jump up and get down.
Jump [18x]

I'll serve your ass like John McEnroe
If your girl steps up, I'm smacking the ho
Word to your moms I came to drop bombs
I got more rhymes than the Bible's got Psalms
And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned
Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned
'Cause I got lyrics but you ain't got none
If you come to battle bring a shotgun
But if you do you're a fool, 'cause I duel to the death
Trying to step to me you'll take your last breath
I got the skill, come get your fill
'Cause when I shoot the gift, I shoot to kill
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I came to get down [2x]
So get out your seat and jump around
Jump around [3x]
Jump up, jump up and get down.
Jump [18x]

I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top
I never eat a pig 'cause a pig is a cop
Or better yet a Terminator
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Trying to play me out like as if my name was Sega
But I ain't going out like no punk bitch
Get used to one style and yo and I might switch
It up up and around, then buck buck you down
Put out your head and then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead
I'm coming to get ya, I'm coming to get ya
Spitting out lyrics homie I'll wet ya
I came to get down, I came to get down
So get out your seat and jump around!

I came to get down [2x]
So get out your seat and jump around
Jump around [3x]
Jump up, jump up and get down.
Jump [18x]

Jump [32x]
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I get up
And nothing gets me down
You got it tough
I've seen the toughest all around

And I know
Baby, just how you feel
You've got to roll
With the punches to get to what's real

Oh can't you see me standing here
I've got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen
Oh can't you see what I mean?

Might as well jump. Jump!
Might as well jump
Go ahead, jump. Jump!
Go ahead and jump

Ah-oh, hey you! Who said that?
Baby, how you been?
You say you don't know
You won't know until you begin

So can't you see me standing here
I've got my back against the record machine
I ain't the worst that you've seen
Oh can't you see what I mean?

Might as well jump. Jump!
Go ahead and jump
Might as well jump. Jump!
Go ahead and jump

Might as well jump. Jump!
Go ahead and jump
Get it and jump. Jump!
Go ahead and jump

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
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I posted a day or so ago, but I've been bitten with the mech bug.
First purchases ever, comstar command and the urbies because they're cute.
I don't have any friends who play, so is there a good way to split this into two roughly even forces so I can try the game out with them for free? (To them) Or should I just get the starter box?
look up the BV2 point value of the mechs on masterunitlist or a program like solaris skunkwerks. skunkwerks will also give you the sheets for every model to print out.
Which of these options is the more WAAC choice, and which is the Fluff friendly option for a planetary or periphery militia? Adding a single LRM Carrier and spotter jump infantry to an existing battlemech lance, or running a lance of combat vees anchored by 1-2 mechs? Assume equivalent BV.
King Crab
Black Knight
Urbanmech UM-R60L
Urbanmech UM-R68

Urbanmech UM-R60
Urbanmech UM-R27

This is roughly balanced for new players the top of my head, force 1 has an edge in firepower and armor, force 2 has an edge in speed. If you want to get players interested, I'd recommend giving them force 1 while you play force two, because force 2 has the ability to control the engagement. Don't do that, instead make sure you fight within ac/20 range so the player with the KC doesn't get frustrated and quit. Also I would suggest not using the urbies at first, or just do the four urbies split as they are above on a single map sheet.
That's super helpful thankyou anon. I'll take note of those compositions and try to convince my friends to try it out. Much appreciated.

Is there anything that's a 'must buy' within battletech? I've been browsing online and it seems the UK has far fewer of the boxes of mechs available, and shipping from catalyst is prohibitively expensive. Other than the starter box, is there anything else that I should make sure to buy in future?
Nah. Pirate the books and buy individual mechs off of DI.
So, anons, a question. Would it be based or cringe to put together and paint up a merc unit in the same colours as The Bounty Hunter?
The people doing their best to bring Star League values, honour and dignity back to the inner sphere. IE the Clans.
You'd look lame as hell both on the table and fluffwise. Like that unit in that one short story who painted themselves like the Black Widows. "The Widows would have wept- or more likely shot them all -had they seen those clowns."
You should play BTA3062, you’ll never forget the first time you run into a Direstar. 11 clan ERPPCs on a Direwolf.
How does hardened armor work again? It's worth half the coverage per ton but each pip can take 2 damage before it is destroyed?
Here’s the thing though, it’s not unknown for other units to mimic his unit’s paint job. I just think it might be amusing.
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What faction is the CSA of Battletech?
The only "must buy" is whatever your favorite mech ends up being. I'd suggest 3D printing for your needs if you can or know someone who can. I like having a physical copy of the rules, and there's a handy double sided quick reference card that comes in the AGOAC and clan invasion boxes that would be very useful for players, but as long as you have the mechs and maps you can make do.
Do you play BTA3062? Because that Javelin variant isn't in the base game, and that pic is from the BTA3062 mod.
>defeated breakaway faction who has been reabsorbed by the victor and still moans about it and how they will rise again

Too many to list.
Don't buy the beginner box, it only has a nerfed version of the rules and two mechs.
>Do you play BTA3062
Only about 1500 hours of it so far, kek.
>that pic is from bta3062
There’s probably a couple of hundred mechs and variants I haven’t yet seen and that’d be one of them. Pull yer fuckin head in smartarse.
Why did the taurians stop selling autocannons to the marian hegemony?
Is this the setup to a joke? It sounds like one.

Yeah I mean the 'a game of armoured combat' box not the beginner box, to get some dices and the maps as well as more proper mechs, rather than paper ones.
Thankyou again for the tips.
No they really did, it really screwed with gladius production I was just curious if there was any particular reason or if it was just more cow autism
Defiance Industries, they're an etsy printer/seller in Europe. Shouldn't kill you with shipping and the range is wide.
new thread? new thread!

Not quite, they actually have their independence and both predated and outlasted their only actual occupier.
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If you weren't so quick to get assblasted you might have considered why I was asking the question to begin with and not gotten so angry about being proven wrong.
>>Only about 1500 hours of it so far, kek.
Only 1500 hours is why I'm being so lenient with you.
lets you survive AC20 and gauss rifle headshots.

gives you worse PSRs.
>In a lighter Mech, you can usually solve critical slot problems by just not taking the fucking endo steel on your 70 tonner, which really didn't need those extra three and a half tons anyway
Really depends on armor coverage. If you can turn 3.5 tons of space into 3.5 tons of armor because your mech was made of paper in introtech, then that's probably worth it. There are some heavies and assaults with close to 50% armor coverage, which is uh... bad.
twice as heavy twice the protection.

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