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Bahamut grants your character one wise as thanks for saving him. What do you ask for?

Note: If you wish for multiple wishes you get nothing.
Triple world hunger
For him to permanently transform into a dragon monstergirl.
You won't let me wish for more wishes? A'ight, let's fuck with your life.
I wish to know why a dragon god cares about a tiefling who's got a weird thing for the Raven Queen
Can I be Bahamut for 1 year and a day? We can switch.
I wish for him to never grant another wish.
I wish for him to make oxygen the single most dense element on the planet.
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>thanks for saving him.
I was actually trying to end his tyrannical rule over Dragons...
I ask him to please stand back on the X, while I reset the God trap that just misfired.
>single most dense element on the planet.
That is impossible to grant while you still exist on the same planet
I wish that everytime I made a wish that Bahamut granted that I would be sent back in time with the effects of the previous wish added onto the next wish.
Thanks for the chuckle, anon. Take a (you) and get outta here, you rascal.
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"I wish for Tiamat's personality to change so that instead of being evil, she is good. You're welcome."
One wise what?
>checks to see if god immunities apply to curses of opposite alignment
>they don't
Iiiiiiiinteresting. I shall make note of this for later.
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Gold dragon GF.
i wish you go give tiamat a kiss on all five of her mouths
>One wise
Can I have another wise? It appears this one is cracked.
First explain how Bahamut appeared in a non D&D setting and how my not at all divine character saved his life.
I wish to be reborn a true platinum dragon and retain all my memories, my free will, my soul, and my personality.
Can I have a class change? I ain't doing much damage with this rock in a sock.
I wish for a lollipop and a pony
I want this too, I am willing to settle for silver if no golds are available.
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>For Silver
You know nothing.
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I'm a simple man, I just ask him to set me up with one of his daughters.
i ask him if i can crash on his couch.
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You know what I haven't had in a while? A good piece of cheesecake. Like I mean a really good home made piece. With syrup and maraschino cherries.
Please do my homework for the rest of the summer. I'm so tired lately
I wish that he’d be my friend.
I wish for the ability to grant my own wishes.
make Dragonborn core again
If it was the PC I am currently playing in a solo game, then the wish would probably be for Apotheosis.
A loving metallic dragon wife to have dragon children with
That’s like saying “the law says I can’t steal automobiles it says nothing about cars.”
Each day the first Willpower check you make automatically succeeds.
The comic in general is nonsensical.

Genie could/would just say no.
I wish to live a long life in the peak physical health for my age.
he says no and your wish was squandered
It's a dumb joke, it's supposed to be silly.
Actually based
Some Epic Levels would be nice, could probably get more done with those than a Wish over time anyway.
I mean my PC is on a quest to rescue his genie girlfriend from a blue dragon with a magically hidden lair, so just in case wishing for a genie and her lamp to be returned to him is too close to wishing for wishes, he can just wish to be teleported to the dragon's hoard. He'll deal with the big blue bitch himself.
I wish for the ability to cast wish at will
Dragon girl harem, I'm talking at least one of every colour.
And yes, that does include the spicy flavours.
Thanks bro. I'll make sure to produce plenty of half-dragon paladins for the cause.
They can't actually. Genies don't grant wishes because they want to in the first place, they grant wishes because they're bound by oath and magic.
The lawyer basically found a flaw in the original magical contract the first bound the genie to granting wishes.
Still doesn't apply here, bahamut is only granting ONE wish, probably because he's read the comic and knows how granting multiple wishes ends.
carry his child and give birth to a draconic sorcerer demigod
>my soul
You die stillborn because your puny mortal soul was nowhere close to powerful enough to sustain an true platinum dragon body.
That argument works all the time. That argument is in fact how the law works in most countries.
Grant me the lifespan of a elf, dwarf or other long-lived species. I'm not dumb enough to go for immortality. D&D wizards can't live forever but adding a century or two of life seems viable for the powerful ones.
>you get reincarnated into an elf infant and lose all your class levels
Because your already playing the special snowflake race so may as well doubledown
>sorry honey but the 45inch strap on stays on durring sex, now BEG !
I think you are possibly as stupid as the person that wrote that shit comic.
I wish for perfect discipline and total self mastery.
I wish for Bahamigger to kill all dragons, including himself
Dragon GF is the answer. But I couldnt handle a gold ojou sama. Genki copper or nerdy bronze bould be best.
Lawful Good means he has to.
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Funny one of these kinds of threads actually landed on something that actually happened to a party I was in (sorta). We passed a trial of his to rally the race of dragons to fight a returning dark god and each earned an epic boon. My artificer dwarf took immortality because he's unable to stop himself from micromanaging things and just got done creating our settings warforged. DM implied he would have become a god of invention and commerce before the next game in that setting.
That argument does not work all the time. Automobile and car are synonyms, and people not knowing they mean the same thing does not make the law no longer apply. Even if someone seriously tried to argue for this, the courts would simply clarify that yes, as far as the law is concerned, these two words mean the same thing (duh) and send the person to jail regardless for grand theft auto.
The only cases where laws get successfully appealed is when there's legitimate grounds to claim they're too ambiguous or confusingly worded (in such a way that even the attorneys cannot successfully agree to a universal meaning). In these cases the courts will sometimes let the defendant off on the technicality and then they will establish a legal precedent for how to interpret said law OR strike the law from the books if they consider it impossible to interpret in a reasonable manner.
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Any dragon but brass desu. Even black, although it would probably go like picrel.
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I like to imagine his GF was one of the rules-obsessed Pathfinder silver dragons instead.
>honey it's 4am wake up we need to patrol the countryside for bandits
>I just stepped on a beetle, I need to check with my mentor if it requires a funeral
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Human and heart, what legends.
Wasn't there a whole thing about their child dying then coming back from death to be a badass or something of the sort?
Or maybe I'm thinking of the elf + silver dragon couple instead.

>Genki copper
I like the sound of that.
You're wrong.
Kill everyone with ancestry born outside of the borders of Europe in the last three generations and free their pets or domestic animals.

This is not off-topic just because you want it to be, trannyjanny. OP asked the question and I responded sincerely. You don't have to like it, but you do need to stop seething and pissing and shitting yourself over people having opinions you don't like.

>Lawful Good means he has to.
No it doesn't. Alignment is descriptive, not prescriptive. Just because he's Lawful Good doesn't mean that he has no judgement of his own. It just means that in most regards, he acts and has acted in the past in a manner congruent with Lawful Good in general.

Not sure why this trips so many people up. Bahamut could eat you in a fit of rage and it probably wouldn't even make a dent in his alignment.
I think the funniest shit is that you seem to have stumbled upon the singular silver dragon type, which seems to be "female and retarded". It's actually weird. I have no idea when I last saw a male silver dragon in a CRPG or adventure/module, or a silver dragon that wasn't exactly that kind of "I need to check with my mentor" type deal, simping for the approval of someone greater.

Golden Dragons are of course the opposite. Always male and always wise and shit. It's honestly weird. It's like dollar writers can't pull off themes or archetypes without making carbon copies.
I wish to be an immortal steel dragon
>free my wife and daughter to me, untouched by the predations of the man who holds them prisoner and those who served him

literally the only thing my current character is concerned about is that they're being held captive by a maniacal wizard intent on feeding as many souls as he could to an ancient ritual device so that he can break out of the extra-dimensional prison he's effectively trapped in, and the wizard has basically promised that they'd be the capstone sacrifice for the ritual. my character is concerned that, while the ritual isn't finished yet and we're preparing the final assault on his seat of power, he might just kill them anyway to spite my character if the fight doesn't go in his favor, which means their souls would most likely be lost forever. while that possibility isn't exactly stopping him because he's forcing himself to weigh the world against 2 people and cannot allow himself to hold them above any other family held by the wizard, i can't imagine my character would last much longer than the epilogue if the wizard kills them, even if he avenges them.

i dunno, this is the first real character i've actually dug deep emotionally to play and it's been a part of my life for the last few years, so it's been weighing heavy on my character's mind, and therefor mine as well
That's what the second splork was for.
One wish is too much for me. I'll wish for just half a wish instead
I want to have a dragon wife. Interpret it however you want.
in 13th edition bahumet has been in hell for a long time, either trapped there, or fighting to hold back the night depending on who you ask. As tribute for setting him free what I would ask is make DnD the tactical combat game that we deserve
if it works like you are saying then his "loophole" makes even less sense, because he only wished for the sentence the genie said to have a different meaning, not for the "original contract" to change. so the genie is still bound by the contract that forbids him from granting additional wishes even if the sentence he spoke has now a different meaning.
on the other hand, if the genie is just granting wishes because he wants to, he can just decide not to grant additional ones. so it doesn't work in both cases
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>I want you to dump 19 trillion Rakghouls onto level 1340 on Coruscant, I will not explain why.
>"But what exactly IS a "half a wish"? To answer that, we need to talk about parallel universes."
SMBC is one of the most colossal faggots on planet earth
I wish for all the non-dwarven races to all be put into a concentration camp and mass murdered.
Nah I'm good brah, you can keep one for yourself.
I wish for his ability to grant wishes, except exclusively to myself and with no downsides thanks.
>I'm about 100 gold short off plate armour, so if you could spot me the cash that would be grand m8.
t. 8int 8wis fighter
I don't want to make you run around completing my wishes, so just give me enough power to fulfill them myself.
>neanthethal sub human
So did he and tiamat fuck?
Silver (the moon) being feminine and gold (the sun) being masculine is a VERY old archetype.
I agree that golds are mary sues, with the exception of Mengkare who's a little sus even if the writer says he's uncorruptable.
I don't think silvers being super lawful autists makes them retarded per se, without that they're just humanaboos which is boring unless you're creative about it.
I wish for Bahamut to give me the ability to blj.
Increase my bf's cock by 5"
they're brother and sister.
Yeah, and?
What he means is yes.
How about a blessing to be a immortal weredragon with full control over my transformations similar to someone born with lycanthropy or who was made one through ritual? Rather than a uncontrollable curse.
I ask him to bring me to Yrth, and maybe move there permanently.
As a dragonborn I have kind of a small laundry list of things I’d like that falls into ‘buffing Dragonborn as a race’, would the subsections count as multiple wishes or would I need not be able to wish for one of the things? The small list is:

>Scales to always count as natural armor
>tails and claws being useable in fights
>being able to use the breath weapon multiple times per-day (or at least recharge on short rest)
>the breath weapon to also gain a range/area boost
>the ability to sprout wings and fly

If I can only pick one though I’ll take flight.
>grants you a compulsive dragon wife with a memory like an adamantine-trap who knows exactly how to get what she (and you, even if you don't realize it) wants
My character is a Bronze Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut. His only wish is the safety of the town in which he has now settled.
>buy her something nice for the anniversary
>she goes over to her horde and pulls out the same thing from last year
I wish for him to make /tg/ slightly less shitty again.
What do you mean, all the criticism of GW or WotC's political messaging or pictures of attractive women in /slop/ were deleted.
That's the only thing wrong with /tg/ right?
I remember when we used to talk about "traditional games" sometimes, instead of every thread on a non-WotC game dying unless it devolves into /pol/ bait. Smaller RPGs and board games used to actually get some discussion, instead of retards just competing to be mad about something.
>/pol/ is shitting up the board
>/pol/whiners totally aren't though
Funny that. It's impossible to so much as talk about new DnD bad art without a bunch of flying monkeys shouting "pol pol pol" when literally nobody actually likes the slop art. You can't have a derailed thread if a bunch of hall monitors don't stan for their million dollar corporation.
I wouldn't know about the D&D stuff, but in NON-D&D threads, lately every time I try to have an on-topic discussion there's nothing until someone mentions trannies or X-cards or something being "woke," at which point we get 50 posts in an hour piling on whatever the sperg tangent of the day is. Or no one says anything controversial and the thread just dies. But either way, almost no discussion of the actual game in question occurs.
turn me into a fukken dragon nigga! I'm all about that shit, fucking polymorphing, breathing fire on chumps, big ass pile of gold and shit.. shiiet.
why you do this to me?
Adriana! You maka me SO FREAKIN HORNY! STOP threatening me with the strap on, you're gunna kill me! I can't take it no more! Imma become a queer and live with uncle joey!
then ignore them
For him to turn into a female that is madly in love with me
That or for every wish spell to never ever have functioned
Golds are great but id go for Silver personaly
They seem cuter
Kryptonian physiology.
>he didn't craft something for her under the tutelage of the ancient at M'aCyees
Missing my point. My wish was about the LACK of engagement with posts on smaller games that AREN'T /pol/ bait. If you want to whine about the author's politics or the x-card or something you'll get a big thread, if you want to talk about the actual game, it's crickets.
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Gonna need to ask where wishes stand on the
>Can an Omnipotent Effect/Entity create an object too heavy for it to lift?
sort of thing. Mainly to decide which character sheet I use as a subject, since some of them are likely to technically be higher ECL or CR than his manifestations in Deities & Demigods.
If you're more powerful than him then grant your own wish lmao.
I would wish for more Bahamuts to save.
Then post your own threads and bump them for interest, anon. Stop being a baby.

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