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Modeling edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]

Post models.
>New necromunda season focusing on hive secundus and genestealer shenanigans
>Still no fucking delaque vehicle model for the ash waste
Does gamesworkshop hate them?
Are the weird looking genestealers going to be a playable faction?
My bet is they're either random NPCs or brutes/hanger-ons for the genestealer cult gang template
I wonder why the nu genestealer has scum+conversion kit.
Did GW figure out that GSC where the cheapest gang and so decided it needed to stop and made this kit.
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My Bloodspawn
What about the basing?
You actually got me to double check. Since that pic I added very minor basing.

That said I loved painting the Bloodspawn, such a cool design! Just wish the Rotspawn was half as good.
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Does anyone have the MESBG pdfs they'd be willing to share?
Retard nopainter here. Been staring at the Night Lords, thanks to the new Kill Team. Is Kill Team actually fun if I just want to spend about 2-3 hours having fun with strangers?
Why make these weird non-predictions when they already stated that the malstrains are their own gang in Secundus, and the "normal" genestealer cults remain their own separate gang which exist elsewhere on the planet.
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>Is Kill Team actually fun if I just want to spend about 2-3 hours having fun with strangers?
It's okay if you play it infrequently with casual players. In my experience playing it semi-regularly, it got samey really quickly. Maybe this has changed since I last played (about a year ago) but there's little practical variety in the scenarios and most teams have very few meaningful options so there's no real room for experimentation and wacky "thinking outside the box" builds to keep it fresh. If you're new to miniature gaming and are just looking to dip your toes into the 40k universe though, it's not the worst place to start.
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what're ya lookin for fren?
Thanks lads for the replies on my Mordor siege bow query in the last thread. Missed it before the thread died. Will base it up after all I reckon, keep greasy fingers off it.
>conversion kit

It's literally just heads so likely left over space from the fucked up Genestealer sprue.
If they gave a shit they should have stick to the first reveal concept of Delaque, which didn't look like fucked up grandma. The dumbest redesign ever.
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Why would they change from this concept? They look perfect! Much better than the Thin Men we have now.
You have acces to 8 different vehicles and unique delaq crew, giving you one more won't make you play ash wastes you faggot.
Sprue space, harder to cut. They had their chance to make one in the 2.0 kit, instead they doubled down on the grandma ninja, Jeesus and they have the audacity to sell the generic "not delaque" hanger on with an open coat as a FW reshit.
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I'm coming back after a 10 year hiatus, so whatever core stuff I need to learn the game and build lists would be much appreciated!
I'll start you off with rules, army list, and one expansion book. Which faction you wanna play the most? The book expansions add characters and Legendary Legions for most of the factions.
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I'm keen on Isengard (my old faves) and Mordor (that new Gothmog sculpt is so nice).

I've got a game to reintroduce me to the rules this coming Friday - super stoked!
Making this Mega of rules and such stoked some of my passion, so ima just include all the books and some additionals, like the old kino magazines and some outdated supplements that have good modeling advice. It'll take a lil bit as the magazine folder is a lil chunky. I hope your game goes well!
Absolute legend. Have fond memories of reading those magazines at my mate's house as they were coming out. I'll make sure I post here again once I get something painted or after my game - whichever comes first.
You're looking for the Rules Manual, Armies of tLotR, and War in Rohan/Gondor at War either one for your choice of bad guy. The real goodies are in the Bonus folder. Make sure to post your dudes! o7
the \ should be a / but otherwise it should work
Thanks, boss. Downloading now. <3
Anyone got the rule book for blood bowl?
Looking for PDFs of Spike! issues 16 and 17 if anyone would be kind enough to share!
Anyone got a link to the Book of the Outlands pdf?

It's like the only one I can't find.
Any Necromunda players can advise on how to actually get melee to actually be viable? Or tricks to get into melee?

I really want to run a Goliath gang but everything seems to want me to shoot with them rather than punch and brawl.
Smoke grenade and line of sight, If your terrain set up have a no man's land where people can take potshot at you then you're probably fucked. if you can shoot, shoot, because pinning.

Not all scenario are gunfight, there're one that force people to move so getting into melee is inevitable.

Goliath with genesmith can be insanely tough and hard to kill. You can have a gang of full of T5 W2/3 Goliath which may or maynot give you the label of being "That guy" at the local scene, so use that at your own peril.
You don't need pants for the victory dance
Cause baboon's better than weasel
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For my next big tournament in October for Blood Bowl, I am really split on 3 teams to bring. Long and short, my 3 main teams have gone to Warhammer World over a period of years. Humans, the last one, did the worst.

I am now considering the following:

>Runback with Humans

I buggered up badly in my roster and skill composition and played poorly. Didn't even get 50% win rate. I feel like giving them another chance but I have never "runback" a team in tourney ever.

Would be a new team and I did a 2-day tournament with them before. Fun and a new selection. Plus I can compare their performance to my other Chaos team.

>Pro Elves
I brought them to Warhammer World for a 1 day tournament but bringing them for a 2 day tournament would solidify them as one of my main teams. That and I am quite comfy with them. Like the Elf BS.

Who do I pick?
Is Scales of Talaxis a good set of Warcry terrain?
All the older sets are utter rip offs
It was alright, but the 2 pieces of terrains were incompleted and was sold separatedly by GW, Which is an even worse deal than Scales of Talaxis

The full terrain have a complete platform.
I'm talking about the Ravaged Lands: Scales Of Talaxis set
And I'm showing you how the completed terrain looks. Why would I show you the Scale of Talaxis again?

This one
How is it incomplete?
use your eyes and compare? >>93142015
Any anons care to help me?
Never played Blood Bowl over the table before, but after learning that I have a large league locally I've signed up. There are two 'divisions' of 12 players each. The organizer allows secret league teams with restrictions, and he isn't playing a secret league team himself. The teams competing are

Division 1
>Shambling Undead
>High Elves
>Dark Elves
>Four Nations
>Chaos Dwarfs
>Chaos Chosen
>Imperial Nobility

Division 2
>Pro Elves
>Dark Elves
>Black Orcs
>Chaos Dwarfs
>Necromantic Horror

League matches don't start for about another month, might right up match reports for my games once it gets going. I've only played on BB2/BB3, so a lot of these teams are brand new to me. I'm one of the Dwarf players.
Damn good paint job
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Finished my first blood bowl team and I got a picture of them on my new neoprene mat

Go with Pro Elves because I really like that team as well. I’ve never played them, granted, but I want to paint up a team sometime
>Intercepting catcher
Does anyone play tomb kings? What are your thoughts on them and what’s your favorite 3rd party seller of them? I love skeletons and so a team of them is right up my alley
Not planning to highlight? The black and brown bits look particularly unfinished.

That said, intercepting catcher is a kek.
Yes, they're a subpar team with nothing to really carry them. TG are worse than Undead mummies for no good reason, and skeltons turn jelly super easy leaving your positionals exposed for bullying. You can't dodge so your positioning has to be perfect since once you engage you can't back off and re-arrange, and you pick up the ball on a coin flip so be prepared to fumble over and over.

That said I can't get enough of them, the aesthetics and four big guys is so satisfying and when you do win it feels great. Don't start with thro - I speak from learned experience here - they are simply too crumbly and the Pass skill on them is bloat and a meme. Instead just start with your 4 TG, 2 blitz (carry ball with them for SPP) then fill the roster out with skellies. You can pick up a thro later in the season for an extra emergency ball fondler for when your blitzbois are busy, but I would still not use them as primary carrier.

>third party
Not sure on that but I'd avoid Willy. They're the ones I bought and the photos are super misleading, the TG are the same height as the damn blitz-ras and barely taller than the linos, incredibly disappointing.
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Made a servitor out of some spare bits and other parts I had laying around. Thoughts on this miserable fella? I have armed it with a heavy stubber, but I don’t think I’ll use it for my Orlocks since I got an Ambot on the way, but it was fun to build it.
Which rival decks are in the Rivals of Harrowdeep box? I'm curious how they play given I could use them any other warband
Anyone have a scan of WD479 campaign rules for Underworlds?


Not sure what to paint next. Thinking a couple bolters, another grenade launcher, and the rivet gun because it looks cool(even if it doesn't get a lot of use). Or maybe a 2nd gang or some terrian.
been out of the loop for a long time, but I remember Inquisitor being real fun. I see a lot of people are using 28mm for it now which is great. tragically all my friends died in a boating accident so I mostly play various solo games. has anyone tried inq with the help of all the solo RPG tools out there?
I have ash waste nomads war party. I want to build 500 point gang from these. Except, I have very poor understanding of rules and synergies. Any help or videos that can get me up to speed?
Ash Waste nomad is one of the "side gang for flavors" and out of all of them, are probably the most boring, their gimmick involved playing the ash waste scenario and it's not even that great.

Being a side gang also mean they lacks the crazy extra rule that the house gang get. Turning them into basically "generic dude with guns" gang.

Weapon choice : it's not like you get crazy amount of choice from gang list, it's pretty obvious what to pick : Leader is melee-centric, champ is range centric (with your only two choice be either long rifle or Charge caster. Ganger can either be range or melee, the 1 free specialist ganger you get obviously will get long rifle.

Recommendation : play other "generic dude with weapon" gang like Venator, Outcast, Genestealer cult, Chaos, Ash Waste enforcer using the Ash Waste model and pick whatever weapon you want.
Nerves of steel and renderizer on a champion. Ganer specialist with grenade launcher and give him smoke grenades.
Anyone has Legion Imperialis Solar Auxilia infantry and infantry from other 6-8mm scale minis like GHQ ones?
Would love to see a size comparison between the two, to see if i could mix some in for more variety
What makes dark elves so good in blood bowl?
Ag2+ av 9+ and 4 blitzers
>coomer arm methstealer
there was a photo floating around here where anon had lined the legions infantry up alongside the old epic infantry and a bunch of common proxies. they fit right in. little bit bigger than the old epic stuff, little smaller than the chunkier 6mm from vanguard and microworld. GHQ infantry are on the finer side for the scale (as usual for historicals). I probably wouldn't mix them within a unit, especially on the same stand, but having them on the same table is fine.
here it is with some notes added (original had some unclear / bad identities).
I don't have GHQ I can put alongside mine but I'd expect them to be comparable to the onslaught stuff.
you might also check khurasan, their 6mm is a little chunkier.
That's a fantastic paint job m8
I watched a video talking about how well blood bowls teams are performing. Old World Alliance was listed as one of the top performing teams, but they just seem like worse humans. What does OWA have that’s making it successful?
Some very experienced players that know how to make them work? I heard something about not taking the Blockers and the Runner at all so its basically just a retarded Blitzer, and Frenzy piece added to the list. Dont ask me. Maybe have a look at the well performing OWA lists specifically.
Hey folks I am looking for a copy of the newest core rule book for Necromunda. I would like it to be either a PDF for epub format. Please and thankyou!
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How is Warcry doing? Do we expect to see a new edition alongside the AoS 4E release? I'm eyeing Questor Soulsworn for a long time now but Warcry is not a thing in my area and I wonder if it's worth to talk people into giving it a chance.
>How is Warcry doing?
Pretty good overall. 2nd edition recently got it's first big balance update which while not perfect, more or less addressed all the most glaring balance issues and added new profiles for most of the new models that were missing rules (Ironjawz new stuff was unfortunately left out though). The one dev they seem to have working on the game made it pretty clear in the metawatch interview that dropped alongside that balance update that they're keen to keep Warcry updated with new model releases regularly from now on as well which is a good sign.
>Do we expect to see a new edition alongside the AoS 4E release?
No, Warcry's 3 year edition rotation is staggered 1 year apart from AoS's release schedule - We're not expecting a new edition until at least summer 2025.
Local guys have suddenly taken an interest in Blood Bowl so I wan to make my own pitch for my team. What are the current official pitch measurements? I feel like I'm not finding consistent info elsewhere.
I really enjoy it. Fortunately have quite a few players in my area.

Like the other anon said, it's 3 year cycle is different to AOS so next year which likely will have KT too.

A good thing about it is it's super easy to learn so great for pick up games and more casual players
Anyone got a pdf for the Necromunda: Hive Secundus Boxset?
Ask again in three weeks.
Gotcha, in that case does anyone have a pdf scan of The Devastation of Tallarn? Apparently the Heresy thread got its archives nuked. And Im trying to see where I can find a copy to download.
Hey, why don't you try One Page Rules?
>Never play ash waste
Stop projecting you poor nigger
Because it's shit
How do you know that?
Because no one plays it (no one i know at least) and we already play our systems why change?

I'm not trying to promote the One Page rules.

I'm trying to research and find an answer to the question: what might motivate a person playing a particular GW game to try another game, using the same miniatures, not supported by GW, but with, for example, better rules?

Is hype necessary? Does everyone around need to switch to this new game? Is a powerful media campaign needed to influence such a person?

After all, we all have many different complaints about GW games. But we continue to play them. And for a long time, no one made alternative rules that we could use to play with the same miniatures we love.

And finally, One Page Rules appeared (They even have online calculator). But only 1.5 hobbyists play it, there is no thread on /tg, no youtube channel... Why? Why is this happening? Is there not enough advertising? I want to understand.

I dream of alternative rules for Kill Team, where you could build a roster, but the rules themselves would be similar to the current ones (without phases, like in Wh40k, lol). But I understand that this is a huge job and no one dares to do it. Would you play something like this?
does anybody have a link to the old Necromunda combined rulebook? the one from the late 90s?
How do you like my WIP, tg?
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finished the two big shooting targets from the Arnor list.
It's probably on Yaktribe.
one page rules is a red herring. it's better than gw slop, but only barely.
you're asking the right questions, but you need to keep going.
>but with, for example, better rules?
That's the key thing here. I've played OPR, it's not good. Yes it is marginally better than 40k but being slightly better than one of the worst wargames on the market still leaves you with a game that's pretty bad. OPR exists in this awkward space where it cleaves too close to 40k for the mouthbreathers that actually enjoy that game to bother with it, and for that same reason normal wargames who recognize that 40k is a fundamentally shit game also stay away from it as well. Sure I'd rather play OPR than 40k, but there are at least a dozen specialist games with superior rulesets and gameplay that I'd play before OPR. For a 40k alternative to succeed it doesn't just need to have better rules, it needs to have rules that are better enough by a significant margin, rules that are better enough that it meaningfully stands apart from 40k as an actually good game.

You are not finding answers because you're asking the wrong questions, because you have the wrong preconceived notions.

There are plenty non GW games that do the gw universe better, like Heralds of Ruin or Inq28.

You seem to be a slave to trends, and think others are, as well. Well, most are, and that's why GW is king, and why One page rules is also becoming popular.
Nice ninjas bro
Lads I'm getting sick of playing legionaries, what's a kino team that's almost opposite of it.
I've started collecting kill teams and terrain, and I have a few friends interested in playing, so I need a way to safely move a couple dozen models, not including the boxes I can drop the tokens and terrrain bits in. How do you transport /yourdudes/?
Foam or magnet case are the most common options, i use both. but if you have good magnets i would say magnet case is better. There are thousands of youtube videos out there how to "cheaply" make them or other options. When is startet i just took a box and killed an old pillow stuffet is inside to soften things and used some paper to make spots, so the spiky bits don't get stuck in the material.
I use a pluck foam case for my skirmish needs. If I didn't already have the case I'd probably use my friends velcro button method though. You can get a set of velcro buttons cheap at the dollar store then just glue one side into a plastic box and the other under your minis base. With how light plastic infantry-size minis are it works great.
>I'm trying to research and find an answer to the question: what might motivate a person playing a particular GW game to try another game, using the same miniatures, not supported by GW, but with, for example, better rules?
Me, offering you a demo of the game, in person. Or any socially competent, friendly person that you have time for. That's what it takes in my experience.
Couldn't tell you exactly without getting home from work and digging my starter box out but the bases are all 32mm so you could work with that. Maybe give them some wiggle room with 35mm squares and see how that goes.
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Got the killteam box with the new Night Lords. I just want to paint and make my own little Night Lord armies. Can't wait. I have no idea how to paint or anything lol.
>I have no idea how to paint or anything lol.
Check out some beginner guides on youtube and see if you can't find a simple tutorial for tabletop-quality Night Lords. It's not too hard to get decent results with your first minis these days following a good guide.
Don't know if he's done a NL tutorial but when I was starting out I really liked sonic sledgehammer studios.
Love your witch king's robes and armour anon. Any tips for painting big masses of black like that and it not looking shit?
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Today marks the third time I've lost on a Dreadfleet box auction this month. Worst part? I've lost to the same guy three times.
What compels somebody to buy the same fucking boxed game three times in a row, in the same month no less? What mental illness is this?
Dude has spent thousands of dollars this month on Warhammer shit, looking at his past activity. All auctions. What the fuck man.
Dude saved you from one of the worst game designed by GW.
I'm not going to actually play the game as intended I'm going to sit in my bathtub and make boat noises.
well tough luck buddy i got mine for like 140 burger bux from amazon.
for the most part people don't play the actual dreadfleet game. or only play it once. the usual move is to take the nice terrain and models and use them for Man o War (or an alternative like Uncharted Seas).
Why do people recommend avoiding stunty teams for new blood bowl players? Is it because they’re all weak and die to stiff breeze so it feels bad for new players?
Anyone got a pdf for the Necromunda: Hive Secundus? I've been looking everywhere for it, but I've been having no look so far.
Not sure if you are an idiot or trolling.
Oh, when I checked the Community post, I thought that mean't it had been published and released. Of course, they wouldn't release it not 2 months later, my bad sorry for asking.
>people recommend avoiding stunty teams
Gayest opinion since the acolyte release. Discarded.
I mean, sure. I just don’t understand why
Stunties have an intentionally low winrate, and they do a poor job of teaching fundamentals.
not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm looking to make my own copy of space hulk since I can't find any decent copies locally.
anyone have any leads for sourcing prints, assets, and proxies?
You may want to check out the kill team general as well.
OPR exist as a jumping point for people that finally get annoyed by GW regular slop.
My personal issue is that my local group has a fascination with using multiple monsters and vehicles. Outside of 40k and OPR the only thing that comes to mind that mixes things like vehicles and regular troops are historicals like Bolt Action.
And people hate it because they can't use their robot spider and boring space marines
OPR exist for those that annoyed but not ready to brake the chains of 40k
Big guys are on 40mm bases. The rulebook has instructions for making a pitch. I'm bed right now, so I won't check mine.
Looking at Blood Bowl because it sounds like stupid fun and the teams are all pretty cool looking.

LGS told me there's two types of teams: Stunties (to have fun) and Normies (to win the game)

I was thinking Gnomes because lmao geese, but I'd also do Dorfs maybe. Don't have a fucking clue beyond "buy team, buy book, then play"

Guess the question then is:

I don't really care to win in most cases as long as it's a fun loss. Is there anything important I should know about the team options going forward in terms of being a scrub?
>Is there anything important I should know about the team options going forward in terms of being a scrub?
Figure out if you're playing in a league or in a tournament/matched play. If tournament/matched play - teams are "tiered". Depending on their tier, you are able to take more/fewer skills to compensate. So in a tournament setting, a tier 1 team will get fewer bonuses to their roster than a tier 3 team.

If you are playing in a league setting, many people will advise you to shy away from squishy teams for your first time because you'll feel bad when all of your players die.

I highly recommend humans. They can do everything that you as a new player will want to try, and when your gimmicky ideas fail they are good at 'normal' gameplay as well.

Any human team? Did glance my way at the Norse teams.
Dwarves are based, especially in league play. As for tactics, the most important thing you can learn is how to form cages, and how to defend against cages.
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Any opinions on War of the Ring?
We've been starting with it but being such a niche game it's difficult to find actual play opinions and issues that may arise. At the moment, we've seen that magic can be very powerful (we've found most people capped 2 mastery levels per 1k).
Somehow movement and combat resolution seem a bit too free, and you're not really punished for losing a combat like in say WFB, you just fall back and have a chance to recover from demoralized before fighting starts again.
Well stunties are fun for one off games, but I think I can be quiet disheartening to get beaten into a bloody pulp every match. Dwarfs have the very engaging playsyle of a brick wall.
Whensomeone says human they mean human human teams, not Norse, Amazons, Imp Nobs etc. But norse are a good team, they just have bad armour.
you're not going to get that many opinions because not a lot of people played it. it only existed for a short while and it never really found an audience. the people who wanted the more intimate, hero-driven lotr engagements had MESBG, and the people who wanted to do big battles along the lines of helms deep or siege had Bo5A (lotr warmaster). WotR being in the gray area between was something nobody was really asking for.

I think it's a pretty good game though. does what it sets out to, plays pretty quick once you get the hang of it, balance is decent. I'd encourage you to try it a couple more times before passing judgement.
>Dwarfs have the very engaging playsyle of a brick wall.
Ah yes, the one downside to playing dwarfs, the endless seething hatred from your opponents.

The LGS would probably be one-offs exclusively. 40k still hogs tables alongside LOTR. I was warned about Dorf because of some sort of Hellflayer-type vehicle being unfun as shit to get hit with.

And noted on Humans. Thanks for that clarification.
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Had a test game of Necromunda before we kicked off our campaign. We've all played Underhive loads but not the big new rulebook. Started off well.
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Mining laser acolyte did well blasting a chaos champion and ganger into the next world....
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Star of the show however went to Brother Morle the neophyte who blasted a solid slug through the barricade and into a cultist, knocking him back into the MeatMaker 40,000™ and taking him out of action
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>knocking him back into the MeatMaker 40,000™
I love this kind of cinematic .hit.

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