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Captain Rex edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93085238

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TQ: Was Captain Rex based?
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>TQ: Was Captain Rex based?
Yes, also he is one of the many favorite clone troopers of mine. Also commander Cody should have been the second clone protagonist.

Based? No. Sympathetic sure, but not based. Honestly one big problem with TCW is we don't see many if any Clones that are bad people, which I find hard to believe given who they are cloned from. While it would cause some dissonance seeing Jedi leading armies of bastards, I find it more dissonant that the overwhelming majority of the clones of a hired killer are actually nice good boys.
I can excuse him not wanting to kill his friend, someone he considers his brother. So much happened so fast, he hadn't had time to process it. Now leaving his friend, someone he considers his brother, ON FUCKING FIRE was incredibly fucked up.

What really doesn't make any sense is why he spared him in the Kenobi show. He's had years to process the failures of the Jedi and witnessed the horrors of the Empire. This is supposed to be what convinces him that Anakin is gone and all that remains is Vader. So why the fuck does he spare him this time? From this point on everything Vader does is his fault! Including the deaths of everyone on Alderaan, which is hilarious given all of this started out as him helping Organa.
>why he spared him in the Kenobi show.
Because of Episode IV
Why are you so mean to that anon?
Also what do jews have to do with all of this?
Easy now anon. Also SWT is not a faggot. He is hetero.
That's the thing, though, he doesn't have to just walk away, choosing to spare Vader once again. All they had to do was have Imperial shuttles zip overhead, land, begin deploying Stormtroopers who fire at Obi-Wan forcing him to disengage and flee. That's pretty standard Star Wars right there, right down to hopping in a ship and jumping to lightspeed to escape (something Last Jedi took a massive, unnecessary dump on).

If they're worried about daring to ignore Vader's demand for a 1 on 1 duel, either have an Inquisitor sense Vader needing help or you could even have the Emperor sense Vader's failure and have him send the order. The former could do it hoping to curry favor with Vader (a stupid idea, bu they are pretty stupid) and the latter to piss off Vader and to try to ensure Obi-Wan is captured/killed since the Big Emps doesn't want Jedi Council loose ends.
A Muun…
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only a faggot would do shit like pic related though
because he didnt like being told to take responsibility and reign in his audience
To take responsibility for what?!
Reign his audience for what?!
altight context is needed
>wookieepedia updates ki-adi-mundi's wookieepedia page due to the acolyte
>he then complains because ki-adi-mundi being in the acolyte is a retcon and they changed his birth year on the page turns out someone falsely/incorrectly put his legends birth date on his canon page, wookieepedia just edited it out at the same time or something
>this causes wookieepedia to get flooded with complaints and allegedly threats
>someone calls him out to reign in his audience as basically anyone can put 2+2 together in those complaints/threats coming immediately after he specifically complained about it on stream
>he gets pissy and instead of taking responsibility, bitches at how dare people accuse him of the actions of the others
>back and forth
>he's now threatning to sue anyone who accuses him of this shit
and ALL of this is because of a fucking trading card published back in 2013 being "contradicted" in an entirely different canon

its actually pathetic
Ah okay, anon. Thanks for the information and context. Right now I’m going to get drunk.
>white knighting some pooptube rumormonger sperg
He still won't sleep with you.
Calm down anon. Be nice and polite. I don’t need him to sleep with me nor do I want to sleep with him. We are both hetero male.
You leave him alone, you hear!
I think you're the faggot, it's not some eceleb's job to police anybody that watches them.

Wook deserves any shit they get anyway, they're all a bunch of retards and the site has been run-down and barely-usable for years, nevermind the mod team being a bunch of unstable cunts.
There's been a shitload of studies that show personality does have a genetic component, Anon. Neither nature nor nurture are absolute factors in how someone develops, but to say personality is purely developed is absolutely false.

And even if it wasn't, they grew up mass produced, being called numbers, and trained for the sole purpose of killing. That doesn't tend to create nice people.
That is correct and you’re right.
That's the gayest protest I've ever seen.
What’s wrong with being gay? There is nothing wrong with being gay!
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>One thread arguing over autistic rules interpretation
At least it is kind of game talk?
>Another thread about /tv/ moaning.
Acolyte is out, people are going to moan...
>Thread with sadness over games ending
Fuck AMG!

>Ending AND starting a thread with eceleb talk?
Here is where I draw the line. Fuck SWT and fuck the Wook. The only people who should care so much about Ki-Adi-Mundi's birthday are whichever wife is baking the cake.

What another non-controversy designed to rile people up rather than talking about anything else. About the only decent people in this thread anymore are Unlimited anon, I don't even like card games but at least he posts something.
Hey I post about my games sometimes.
Fuck you!
I'd storytime about my RPG games, but I can't keep the word count in my game journal low enough to be reasonable. But let's try something, I guess.

What do you guys think makes a good ship captain in star wars? Maybe even just the guy who's in charge of the crew, instead of a proper captain?
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Decided to find my box of Armada ships to have a game in honour of its (official) death. Did anyone play the campaign box sets? I saw them for cheap and wanted to see if they were worth it.
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Not played them but if they are cheap you may as well get them.
bad batch is just more seasons of the clone wars and thats okay
Bravery, cunning, and legitimate care for their crewmates. Star Wars is a very classic, conventional morality setting, filled with adventure. The best captains will thus be the most heroic captains that have a heart, as well as competency at their job.
Hell, they could have had Vader calling down turbofire lasers on his position, especially if they do the whole, "But sir, you'll be in the fire zone," bit. Obi-Wan has to disengage and Vader gets some badass cred back for sheer ballsiness. I don't see how that could endanger the, "When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master," line since turbolaser barrage isn't a Force technique. Anyone can do it. Obi-Wan still would have won the duel, Vader would have just saved his own crispy banconated ass.
I don't remember clone wars being about endless fetch quests, fighting blaster-proof monsters every other week, and babysitting an 8-year-old kiwi with the thickest accent in the galaxy.
The rulebooks are terrible at laying out information and Rebellion in the Rim is better than Corellia but both add new aces and stuff. You have smaller fleets (200pts) so for lower play counts need to control multiple ones. From what I remember some rules felt fiddly but upgrading and stuff felt fun.
>Was Captain Rex based?
pretty based. At first was kind of wary of him not actually being Alpha-17 as was originally planned, but, like Ahsoka proved himself to be a good character. The Umbara arc really solidified my like for this character.

I like to headcanon that he was in AotC as the trooper that fell off with Padme and got a proper rank up for escorting her with his life.
then you havent watched TCW, thats like half the episodes
Your headcanon in that regard sucks.
that's why its headcanon
never mentioned it was good headcanon
You’re right. I apologize.
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>then you havent watched TCW
I have. Multiple times.
>thats like half the episodes
No, it's not.

Nice try, retard.

Still amazes me that you defend The Bad Shit, because Ventress was resurrected in it. Absolutely fucking hilarious, lmao.
It's a nature vs. nuture thing.
I'm sure some of Jango's personality came from his upbringing.
Clones were raised in a nice, safe place with lots of control and structure in their lives. A good deal of their training was focused on obedience. That they turned out to be generally more chill than Jango is no surprise at all.
Also I don't see what that has to do with him being based or not.
but i'm not ventressfag schizo
Rex was based on Jango
>Was Captain Rex based?
No, he felt like an OC in the same way as Ahsoka did and in a way he was never able to overcome. He was the super special clone that never appeared in the movie and took all the focus away from other Clone Commaders who are more interesting because you see them actually commit Order 66. And while Ahsoka has serious character growth and development in Clone Wars (most of which was tossed out the window in everything Rebels and after) Rex had nothing.
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>He was the super special clone
He wasn't all that special. He was just another clone. Anakin's second in command, in the same way Cody was Obi-Wan's second in command.
>that never appeared in the movie
Movie never gave us Anakin's own Cody. So Lucas created him for the series.
>Rex had nothing.
Why the fuck are you lying, retard? He had an entire character arc going from a perfect, exemplary, obedient soldier, who was more concerned with ephemeral concepts of duty, to an actual thinking human being, who learned to value personal relationships and loyalty.
Rex is quite possibly the best character in Star Wars. The only clone more based was fives, but then again, Rex did spend the rest of his life trying to make up for how he failed Fives.
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For me? It's "The Deserter" episode and Rex choosing not to turn Cut in by the end of it. From then I knew, he was the real nigga.

Speaking of which, how come nowadays Star Wars shows (with the exception of Andor) just refuse to write fucking dialogue? Like, you just don't get a scene like this anymore. Just characters debating, having different points of view, convictions, and talking it out.
the modern star wars fan cant understand concepts like "talking" and "dialogue"

they need zoom zoom lightsabers and the force
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>whichever wife is baking the cake.
>Speaking of which, how come nowadays Star Wars shows (with the exception of Andor) just refuse to write fucking dialogue?
Probably because the Lucasfilm that made TCW in the late 00's is not the same Lucasfilm since the Disney takeover.
>One thread arguing over autistic rules interpretation
Gain the Advantage puts you behind the target, that's the way it's meant to work, it emulates cinematic dogfighting and gives fighter pilots a way to meaningfully defend themselves because FFG can't handle evasion based defense without massive investment. And, what EXACTLY is the problem with having it work that way? Why object to this take at all? Because you're so addicted to complaining that the idea something you hate isn't as bad as you thought is intolerable?
>that hair
Is Marge Simpson a Cerean?
>Rex lives through Rotj
How? Why is filoni obsessed with doing this? Don't clones age quicker?
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I post about shatterpoint and legion
>How? Why is filoni obsessed with doing this? Don't clones age quicker?
blame reddit for pushing that, not Filoni
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"Oh HELLO Han Solo, I was just wondering if you were READY for me or my plan to smoke GLITTERSTIM while filling our bellies with DIET SODA while playing Battlefront 2 for the PS2"
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>"But have I mentioned the clone?"
>"What… What kind of clone?"
>"The only kind that anyone ever means when they say 'the clone'. The last clone, I think. We found him in cold storage. He's a medic… but the way he fights… you've never seen anything like this. No one has… not in a generation, I'd guess. And he's so angry. And he's so sad. He used to have millions of brothers… now he's the last. But he still hears them. They whisper to him. He's still fighting his war. I don't think he can ever stop."
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Painted some Legion B1's. Tried to do a snow theme for the first time.
They age twice as fast which means Rex is physically only 72 years old during rotj. It's completely reasonable for him to be alive, even though he's old he obviously keeps himself in good shape.
they look nice, how long did they take you?
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I did two squads at once. Combined 4-ish hours. This is the other squad with the mote conventional bases.
Cool stuff!
>TQ: Was Captain Rex based?
Did he had any personality?
I think so. Do you?
>Do you?
I don't, because Rex was basically "textbook good clone" and nothing else
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Set two has made it into some people's hands, so I think the full set has been leaked online by now, or at the very least shots of some showcases have been floating around. Prereleases start in about two weeks.

But for now, reveal posting goes on. Specific emphasis on Jabba-related stuff in this batch.
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Including Jabba himself, who throws out bounties that reduce the cost of his units and, for some reason, has the highest HP value in the game?
>First Order
>Final Order
>Sith Eternal
>Knights of Ren
I'll call it like it is, the Sequels do have some cool names. I'd put them on par with Lucas Era 'Confederacy of Independent Systems' as cool names. Just, a shame they didn't really have much meaning behind them.
Really? Well he was in the beginning. The early seasons of TCW, desu.
"Confederacy of Independent Systems" tells you exactly what it is. A separatist movement, probably a very bureaucratic one, and obviously to an American audience "confederacy" is a loaded word.

First Order, Final Order, Knights of Ren*, and Sith Eternal don't do that. (*Knights of Ren kinda does, in that you'd imagine it to be an order of Knights like the knights of the Round Table or something; except that they... actually aren't that?)
But it does sound cool, you could make it what you want them to be.
You sound cool as well.
I dont get that symbol/the sith eternal?

like is that the symbol for the sith? just the sith eternal?
is the sith eternal just a rebranding? or some new reborn from the ashes sith cult?
Either its a new Sith cult that was specifically isolated to Exegol, and Sidious picked them up to be his new goons, or its the name of the Banite Sith, but I find the latter unlikely.
im fairly certain the symbol has been used alongside darth vader in some supplementary material
The issue isn’t the idea, but the original poster started the argument by saying the FFG rules were perfectly fine, and used his homebrew you posted as an example of that.
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literally nobody gave a fuck about this guy a week ago

now apparently everyone cares about him?
Cody was the textbook one, Rex was the more daring one as he took after Anakin.
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Cody should have been the second clone protagonist of TCW. Such a fucking missed opportunity! I fucking wish I was in fucking charge of fucking Star Wars!
Yeah I don't get the butthurt
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>I don't get the butthurt
I do and I sympathize with them.
It's just Disneyshills pushing le memberberries.
Nobody gave a fuck about that dude in the movie, his line became a meme for a reason.
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Huh? I thought some people liked Ki-Adi Mundi. The minor Jedi character that showed the partly the reason why the current jedi order were flawed. I know that 4chan(nel) never liked nor loved Ki-Adi Mundi.
yeah obviously but who cares if conehead man pops up? It's just because they couldn't get yoda or he's saved for the finale
>now apparently everyone cares about him?
Its because the new show contradicts him. The Sith being fucking gone for a thousand years is supposed to be a big deal because it explains the jedi being as sloppy as they were during the clone wars or something.
I wish Anakin never fell to the Darkside, Windu executing Sidious and order 66 was never activated.
Not really. All it does is add a new depth to the line. In the show right now it's blatantly stated that they need to hide this shit from the council or risk the Senate and the Jedi's political enemies getting involved. In the task for meeting when he's there it's once again reiterated. In TPM he's the first person to interject and say Qui Gon's talking bullshit and that Sith aren't real even though Qui Gon describes the exact one-for-one description of a Sith Lord, and it eventually gets Qui Gon killed because they don't send him back to Naboo with any reinforcements.
It adds a whole new layer, maybe he denied Qui Gon's claims so quickly because he wanted to cover for himself and the rest of the members of that task force all those years ago, the one that kept it hidden from the Jedi Council. Adds depth to an otherwise literal meme character. Also further showcases the corruption of the Jedi Order during that era and why they needed to fall.
Wasn’t he?
yes, another contradiction that has been happening for years. Force healing in TROS, fucking Obi-Wan as a show, anyone being able to use the force and be a Jedi in Ahsoka, while being contradicted in a show coming out at basically the same time. People choose fucking conehead to be the thing they chimp out over? They will just say "achtually he's not a sith" or just roll with it. Who cares at this point, canon is a dumptster fire since TROS.
Fuck off!
Fuck you!
Not really unfortunately :(
No, I’m sorry for being rude and angry.
>Force healing in TROS, fucking Obi-Wan as a show, anyone being able to use the force and be a Jedi in Ahsoka, while being contradicted in a show coming out at basically the same time
all of those arent the acolyte, thats the difference
thats why people chimp out over it
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>Its because the new show contradicts him. The Sith being fucking gone for a thousand years is supposed to be a big deal beca
For one thing they never mention the word Sith in Acolyte and not at that meeting with Ki-Adi-Mundi, they just assume it's a splinter order/Dark Jedi type deal. And as for his age there was never any G-canon confirmation on how old him or most of the alien Jedi were in the films or Clone Wars. Canon has always been known to take or leave details from the EU since Lucas was in charge. Like when he revived Eeth Koth after a visual dictionary said he was shot down in a gunship on Geonosis.

But if you want to invoke the EU, Yoda even fought Dark Jedi in one of the Tales comics. And it's not like fallen Jedi aren't alluded to being a thing given the Citadel in Clone Wars was said to have been created in 522 BBY during the great peace. So even in G-canon the existence of fallen Jedi after the Sith's supposed extinction is a thing, and it warranted the Jedi building an actual prison to hold them.

Anyway Qui-Gon was smart enough to pick up on Maul's fighting style not being Jedi. In the case of Mae it might be that the Sith is purposely training her in a way that won't make it obvious she's a Sith. Darth zipper isn't giving her all the important lessons yet. Which actually gets brought up again in Clone Wars with Ventress being Dooku's acolyte. Luminara tells her she recognizes the fighting style of Dooku; a former Jedi, albeit sloppier, not a true Sith. But also I imagine discovering Anakin and believing he was the chosen one was a factor in Jinn's conclusion too given the prophecy is about destroying the Sith, and suddenly this red sabered guy shows up as him and Anakin are leaving Tatooine. Plus Qui-Gon had made contact with the Priestesses prior to this according to TCW, so he was probably aware that the Sith would return. He had outside knowledge and visions. The Jedi in Acolyte don't. They're very skeptical.
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I'll explain the issue.
>Old lore has Ki-Adi-Mundi's birthdate not for another 40 years so the Acolyte contradicts lore as he is already alive and a Jedi.
>I'm pretty sure his old birthdate was on some random CDROM so who cares (pic related).
>Usual suspects have been complaining it breaks lore because of this.
>Therefore this represents how Disney is dumb and bad (as if we needed another reason).
>Enter Wookieepedia, which everyone hates because it is a shit resource and politically bias. (E.g. trans friendly policies of its host Fandom or dumb shit like the Breast debacle.)
>Wookieepedia rushed to edit the Ki-Adi-Mundi page to fit the Acolyte.
>Star Wars Theory mentioned this on a stream and suddenly a bunch of people flooded the Wook trying to change things.
>Wook more or less tweeted that SWT was responsible for the barrage of hate their way.
>SWT claimed he would sue (he won't) because they had defamed him.
So the controversy is over a fucking birthday that never really mattered to begin with. Acolyte is shit and there is plenty of stuff to complain about but this isn't one of them.

We went over that before the show came out and a bunch of people complained already that the whole show contradicts lore but the Sith were obviously still around doing shit.

>Sol bought a bunch of redshirts who will all die.
>The main mission is off the books.
>High Republic has splinter force groups and they even mention this a bunch of times.
>No one believed Qui Gon after he fought Maul on Tatooine.
>Jedi fighting that Sith might not be well versed in the history and know he is one.
I think the series will most likely end with the middle management council covering up what happened or with all the Jedi on that mission dead it just becomes a cold case. They're already setting that sort of thing up with how reluctant they all are to share their findings with the High Council let alone the senate for fear of the Jedi's reputation being tarnished. Which is fair because Dooku going rogue did put a stain on the Jedi's reputation in the Clone Wars and contributed to that anti-Jedi sentiment and the conspiracy that they orchestrated the war as a power grab.
Sol is probably the only one who will realise "egads, it is a Sith" and the writing is on the wall for him to die, probably saving Mae and Osha to make up for whatever happened back in the past.
Depends if any of them know enough about the Sith to come to that conclusion unless Darth zipper is confident enough to spill the beans because they're all going to die anyway. The order has Sith/dark side experts but I like the idea that the Sith purposely targeted some of those because they'd be potential threats, like what happened with Sifo Dyas.
>Depends if any of them know enough about the Sith
Already mentioned that. Potential lore breaks (or most likely not) aren't really this show's issues anyway.
I know the reasoning is retarded, I am just saying what the reasoning is.
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The whole thing has been manufactured and amplified by grifter youtube channels and influencers that profit from hateclicks. Notice how every week there's some new talking point about the Acolyte that usually centers around a dumb nitpick like fire in space or Mundi's age. Neither of which contradict George's canon. The whole twin conception thing is more controversial, but the outrage surrounding the other episodes feels so forced. I feel like rarely see any legitimate criticisms of the show beyond ranting about woke or nebulous claims of bad writing and acting with no elaboration. And I have issues with the show but it just feels like most of the discussion around it is incoherent ranting about inconsequential details or external politics.
You don't understand Ki's birthday is the key to everything...
There's also the fact that they're not perfect clones of Fett. They've been genetically modified to be less independent and more obedient. "Totally obedient, taking any order without question," as Lama Su said. Yes, I'm still annoyed about the damn chips.
I feel this is a broader cultural problem. Stems from the same place as people not wanting to talk about politics. Which I should remind people that Andor was INCREDIBLY political.

But I think in general people want to be right without putting in the mental legwork of understanding WHY they are right. Dialogue scenes that you mentioned like those are characters with opposing viewpoints arguing WHY their viewpoints are correct, and stem from their beliefs. However, people nowadays tend to avoid arguing, either because they're worried they'll offend the other person by pointing out they're wrong and they'll resort to anger rather than admitting that they're wrong or don't know something, or because they again, don't want to be wrong and don't want to risk someone popping their echo-chamber bubble we have nowadays.

The people who wrote a lot of the clone-episodes were from military families and so were used to tackling a lot of the huge real-world themes that those experiences entail, and I think came from a place where they understood a lot of different angles of that experience and the drama that entails from those different sides as well as the reasoning people have. And with the author of Andor, he's written a ton of spy thrillers and seems to have been giving a lot of thought to the nature of democracy and autocracy and was able to write a story with those themes in a serious manner- and he was specifically examining both why people won't automatically sign up for the Rebellion, but also why they need to.

And I feel like most writers in hollywoods are just hacks, and I mean that apolitically. So the themes they delve into tend to often be pretty shallow.
Only real critique I can give is that it's a slow burn. Like Andor better, Kenobi felt like it had more whimsy (ironically). Book of Boba Fett's flashbacks were way more fun (the Tusken Raider stuff). None of that makes Acolyte bad of course.

But yeah- I call it the outrage industry. I doubt most of these people even have genuine political convictions, cause whenever they fail to make something bomb they just claim it as their own, they recently did this with the Fallout show claiming it was woke and gonna bomb (to be fair I also thought it was gonna bomb but because it was done by the same people who made the Halo show) and now that it's a cultural phenomena they're claiming that it's because it was secretly made by conservatives. Despite, you know, the central theme of the show being about how corporatocracy is evil (and I noticed, ignored the part of the lore about the literal shadow government that was prepared to have 90% of the population die off in a nuclear war).
Many dialogue scenes are frankly, flat and boring. I am not saying they need explosions but how they are shot is important and any tension between the characters is a form of action in itself. People like Luthen in Andor because there is some underlying things going on in the peformance, the music and how it is shot. That might not be much but it is something.

Also reading comic books I have noticed some of the flattest dialogue ever when it comes to political talking points too and none of the characters feel like they are in that situation. It always feels like a sermon and not two people talking. It is very you talk, I talk, a result of years of communicating online making writers feel like human beings converse like that. When we don't.
>The whole thing has been manufactured and amplified by grifter youtube channels and influencers that profit from hateclicks.
It doesn't help when your main actress does a disstrack on instagram against the haters that is very political with cringe dancing.
>Which I should remind people that Andor was INCREDIBLY political.
Was it? Mostly it was about police state doing police state things and some people didn't like it.
>Only real critique I can give is that it's a slow burn.
I mean there are plenty of critiques one could make, most of the characters feel boring without enough characterisation. The show lacks a lot of underlying tension and is prone to wheel spinning. The problem of streaming tv not building individual episodes correctly, so it moves at both a fast pace in revealing stuff that also contradictorily feels weirdly slow at getting anywhere in the plot. Some of the witch dialogue could have been better (people hate women using the force yet we have female Jedi masters). Structurily how the show has been set up too is a big one and I think a core issue for why the show is fundamentally meh. Many scenes have felt more like trailer bait than anything.

Even if its twists somehow come together I don't see it overcoming these faults, it is still unsatisfying viewing. But of course most people want to talk "lore issues" or culture wars.
I wish The Acolyte never existed in the first place. Also Ki-Adi Mundi should have never appeared in the Acolyte.
I have no strong feelings about it either way but if any prequel Jedi were going to appear in Acolyte besides the ones that were already revealed as being old in High Republic like Oppo and Yarael, it should've been Plo and Luminara. He's wise and implied to be like 300 in the Clone Wars tie-in comic by Henry Gilroy and Luminara is complacent af so her age making her a stick in the mud like Vernestra would work. Hell why isn't she Vernestra's padawan? Mirialans train each other.
What about the droid attack on the wookiees?
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Hmm, nah. I rather have no Plo und Luminara in the acolyte either.
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Just painted my first imperial mini.
The scheme is supposed to be based on the Crimson Empire, and I'm quite happy with the result.
What are some of your non-standard Legion color schemes?
its not like luminara can be character assassinated further
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What I find funny about the Acolyte is that its a High Republic show, but weren't the Nihil supposed to be the bad guys of that era? I remember the HR being advertised as "Who do the Jedi fight if there are no Sith around?!?!" and the answer was supposed to be the Nihil. But lo and behold, the Acolyte fell back to Sith/Dark Jedi being the bad guy once again.
I'm an EUChad and I don't give a single iota of a fuck about Lucas, but I can agree that the rage is artificially created. Mundi's age, if anything, is an improvement. Its a space-age setting. There should be dudes in their hundreds kicking ass.
This is the late high republic 100 years until prequels. It was never meant to be a high republic multi media project addition. It's just a prequel to prequels with sith set up ala most EU type stuff that sets stuff up and isn't needed.
Because the Nihil are boring as fuck.
I won’t have any of it. None of it. No more!
>There should be dudes in their hundreds kicking ass.
But don't you think this takes away from the setting? Like nothing changes for 1000s of years.. and then Sith take over and we have an Empire for what, 25 years? Like on a galactic scale and since everyone lives for hundreds of years, that's like a blip.
There is no escape.
Last days of Sodom, repent on your sins /swg/
did you mean Therisno E'Scape, my gungan jedi oc
imagine the neck pain
But on the galactic stage how many of these long-lived species are getting heavily involved in massive wars? Humans make up a large chunk of the population. And other common species like Twi'leks and Rodians have the same lifespan as humans pretty much. Now Wookiees can live for over 400 years and Pau'ans can live up to 700 years in both legends and canon. So long-lived aliens in George's films is nothing crazy but among the Jedi Wookiees are said to be rare and Pau'ans seem more isolationist.

In Ki-Adi-Mundi's case, he clearly aged in the century between Acolyte and Phantom Menace with his hair turning white implying he's not THAT ancient, unless for whatever reason they live centuries and hit the wall at a certain point rapidly ageing. But if I had to take a guess, Cereans having two hearts means they only live double that of an average human so 180-200 years. He's been around but he's no Yoda. Plus he's not in the High Republic books/comics that take place around 200-300 BBY.
>literally nobody gave a fuck about this guy a week ago
excuse me? his comic was based.
what is a thy bidding my master
it's a disaster, skywalker we are after
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>You there!
>Show me your favourite Starfighter/freighter/small ship or your spice and twi'lek girl supply gets docked for 8 months
The Acolyte's writers didn't read any of that boring-ass lore shit, they had a statemenrt to make and an agenda to push.
And when teh reply to any and all criticism is literally 'shut up you racists nerds' tthe result is a complete shitshow like what we see unfoolding, which is a vaguely Star Wars looking show tthat has nothing to do with Star Wars, ignores Star Wars lore, breaks teh background universe's established rules and coherency while insulting the people who used to be Star Wars fans.

The real tragedy is that these people actually do not understand what tehy doing wrong.
Or, alternatively, they actually do know what tehy'ee doing and deliberately destroy the franchise for some political objective.
The witches in Acolyte seem to have their roots in the Path of the Open Hand cult who're basically the true big bad of the High Republic series and founded the Nihil. So there's a bit of a connection that era in the show but it's not acknowledged outside of them being hunted, nor is it very clear if the Jedi know the witches are connected to that religion or who was hunting them. Reminds me of how Jedi Survivor had the Bedlam Raiders be an offshoot/descendants of the Nihil though.
it's a custom TIE design i just slapped a solar panel on every cardinal direction please don't hit me in your spice rage mr sienar
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And could Iplease have a Dathomiran Zabrak instead oof a Twi'lek?
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In one of my games I flew a Kom'rk that was painted bright pink and had red hearts on it.
Went well with our rebuilt hot-pink Dreadnought.
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i'm legit mad that only like Wrecker and Crosshair used a rifle while the rest of the squad always used those fucking pistols.

I just wanna see clones/stormtroopers etc. be operator as fuck, is that too much to ask?
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>it's a custom TIE design i just slapped a solar panel on every cardinal direction

>We're all out of Zabrak, only other option we have right now is Rodian, take it or leave it
I get the point about these species not having an influence still doesn't really help the overall issue. Even the Acolyte mentions stuff like R2 units being used for outer ship repair. The star wars galaxy is just completely stagnant and putting these huge numbers on things don't help that impression much. I dunno, it just begins to cheapen things when your big bad guy plans don't really change the galaxy that much overall. It's hundreds of years of nothing changing much.
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>I designed it myself and built it myself in a spice and corellian whiskey fueled stupor sir!
>I call it the ZCeptor!

>Magnificent isn't it?
man, mundi was a bit of a dickhead huh?
I think Disney Lucasfilm intentionally set the show closer to the prequels at the tail end of the High Republic era so it wouldn't be a huge departure from the established aesthetic. But then High Republic isn't too far removed either. We don't know how things will look heading further back into the timeline. But I hope it is less stagnant and there are noticeable differences in the technology seeing as outside of Tales of the Jedi I think Legends did a poor job of that.
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I just dislike the sets they use for towns in the Disney stuff. Almost everything just looks like Tatooine with a different filter
This is body horror.
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Oh yeah fully agree with that it drives me crazy how the architecture is always derivative of Tatooine/has to look "Star Warsy" and the biomes are just Earth with nothing really exotic or unique about them. It's one of my biggest frustrations with Disney Star Wars.

You look at the prequels or Clone Wars and see how much variety there is with the worlds. Just focusing on ROTS you've got Kashyyyk, Utapau and Mustafar as key locales and look how they all have very distinct architecture and environments. You just don't get anything like that in current SW or it's extremely rare.

I'll admit Ueda's architecture looked kind of unique but you barely see that world. Just inside the bar with Carrie-Anne Moss dies.
I (probably wrongly) blame Bioware for the EU's tech stagnation over thousands of years. Despite taking place 50 years after Tales, KOTOR looks a lot closer to the prequels in its aesthetics. That being said I always liked KOTOR's art design, I just feel like it would've fit closer to the movies in time than 4000 years prior.
They continued it with SWTOR so...
But if he could be turned to the Dark Side...
Yes! He'd be a powerful ally
Another dark Jedi
He will join us or die

We got Death Star (Death Star)
We got Death Star (Death Star)
And you know that we got it (Death Star)
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I feel like with their aesthetics KOTOR and SWTOR should've been circa 2000 BBY in the place of the New Sith Wars on the EU timeline. The problem is the Old Sith Wars not being that far removed from the Old Republic era. The technology in those comics looks like it belongs somewhere closer to Dawn of the Jedi not the prequels.

I'm curious how canon will differentiate the Old Republic from the prequels and High Republic visually. I mean in the context of the OT the Old Republic was the one we saw in the prequels, and High Republic shows it at it's zenith even more. So how can you make the Old Republic prior to the rise and fall of the Sith Empire that different?
Aren't the Nihil led by an objectivist psycho with a magic box that calcifies force users?
What's this from?
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I'll post a fighter, but I only accept payment of chubby gungan waifus
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Yes but his family were anti-Jedi cultists.

High Republic character encyclopedia.
Are you just stupid or something?
I wouldn't say nothing changes. Before those 1000 years of peace, there was a massive era where wars between Jedi and Sith were very, very commonplace. Jedi and Sith feudal lords squaring off against each other. Then before that, you had a Sith Empire vs. Republic Cold War. Pius Dea theocracy for thousands of years. There's a lot of changes, the 'Old Republic' isn't the same as the post-Ruusan Republic, which isn't the same as the SWTOR/KOTOR Old Republic, nor the Pius Dea Republic.

So no, 25 years of Palpatine's Empire isn't all that irrelevant. Even during the 1000 years of peace, you had things like the rise of megacorps like the Trade Federation, which I would've 100% preferred Weed Republic and Acolyte to explore, but nah, gotta stick to Sith and Not!Sith.

And that's without saying that those people that live on for hundreds to thousands of years would be very small in number. Your average bumpkin on Tatooine probably lives up to 90-100 years at best still, for the Core I could figure something around the 150-170 bracket, for the rich.
I don't see a problem with this. Fuck OT Purists, the OT should just be a blip in the radar at best.
So I'm going to be running a Clone Wars campaign soon in FFG, but the proposed characters have me perplexed. Two people want to play a master and apprentice, and the other two wants to play clone commandos, but the campaign starts at the Battle of Geonosis, so I'm not sure how much XP to give them to start with, especially the Jedi.
Whoever designed the Yoda model and instructions for Legion needs to be put against a wall and shot, holy fuck is this bad.
Sometimes, fuck George Lucas.
Can the astromech be fired as a torpedo?
Yeah well fuck you too big time.
buy Incom, we have Dathomirans!
No spice or glitterstim, though.
And we had to sell the swing set to pay for food.
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Nah, fuck you Gen X. Maybe you and I should settle this right here
It makes the prequels and everything else a blip too. It makes nothing in SW matter at all.
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No fuck you! Bring it on!
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A Rodian is just fine for me.
>I'll explain the issue.
All so tiresome
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Playing some Armada tomorrow with my m8.
Nice. Take pictures to post here to remind people it's not forgotten.
>Gets defrosted
>Everything is shit
Being Kix is suffering
It's...heroic fantasy. 99% of heroic fantasy is about enforcing the status quo against the bad guy who wants to change the world for the worse. The other 1% is restoring the former status quo after a bad guy won previously.
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That’s a pretty cool colour scheme Anon, very baller

>I love the Mankvim! I love my retrofuturistic rocket ship!
A Rodian gf is for weak fools who can't handle a Sy Snootles gf.
>It's...heroic fantasy. 99% of heroic fantasy is about enforcing the status quo against the bad guy who wants to change the world for the worse. The other 1% is restoring the former status quo after a bad guy won previously.
Well yeah no shit anon, no one is saying everything is ruined or anything, it is a nitpick at most. Just something that Old Republic and lore doesn't really think about, change over time. Of course that was never the focus and it is just a fantasy. It just feels silly though sometimes that nothing changed over a long time.
So I played some legion today, and my B1s, in like 5 turns of shooting got a total of 5 hits... all saved. I'm so salty, it's funny af but the salt is real. Should I swap them all out for B2s?
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Something did change though anon, Jedi fashion!
I do like that it seems they're on the cusp of changing from the white robes to the prequels brown robes.

I think fashion is a very useful tool in helping flesh out time-periods and factions, showing us how something evolves over time. Probably the best example in Star Wars is seeing the evolution in design from the Mandalorian armor to the Clone Trooper armor to the Stormtrooper armor.
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>Mace Windu: I think it is time we inform the Senate that our ability to create fashion trends has diminished.
>Yoda: Only a Dark Designer of the Sith knows of our weakness. If informed the Senate is, multiply our fashion competitors will.
Sounds like they're working as intended
I'll be honest, disney star wars still isn't as bad as the prequels

I think we sort of have two Disney Era's. There's the Sequels, which I think we can all agree get worse with each one, plus the two spinoffs (Rogue One is generally liked and Solo is a bit more controversial but far from the worst).

And now we're in the Disney+ era. And I'd say that's been an improvement. But I'd also say quality is all over the place- though I don't think anything that's been put out is straight up bad (yeah you heard me right).

I think almost anyone will say the Prequels are better then the Sequels, but I think it's hard to compare the Prequels to the Disney+ era given it's a different type of production.
>t. Disney mom
>but I can agree that the rage is artificially created.
You aren't EU-chad, you are just STranny
That's just a problem with the prequels
B1s aren't really supposed to do more than chip damage in most cases.
They serve several other purposes: forcing the enemy to spend their activations before you activate your big hitters, order control, both types of medbots, capping objectives, and finally handing out aim/dodge/observe tokens to more important units.

If you *really* want them to do damage, there are three approaches:
E5s to get that 1 critical through the cover on a consistent basis
E60r for some mediocore impact hits, ideally supported by aims.
Rad cannon + viper if you want a memey close range brawler type with poison tokens.

B2s are good yeah, but the optimal build (T series + B2HA) is like almost three times as expensive as a naked b1 unit. Not the same battlefield role.
>t. Gen X tranny still mad about Jar jar
Fair. yeah mine are set up with the rad cannon. When my buddy plays the army he gets 9 hits out of 11 dice, and when I play it I get like 2. So it's just the dice dooming me.
Yeah I never really thought of that, the fact that they don't really fill the same role. Just troops are troops to me you know. But it gives me something to think about, thanks.
Yeah, separatists don't really have your standard "troops" archetype of the other factions' rebel veterans/stormtroopers/Phase 1s.
You can use Pyke mercs like that, but that's not the point of playing seps, is it?

On the topic of b2s, think of them as a cockroach type of unit. With HA, their shots remain effective and dangerous as long as the heavy weapon lives. They are basically impossible to one tap, and can take 7 wounds without being reduced to a single model objective monkey.

They also play pretty well with the bugs, as neither unit requires an order.
yeah, well my B1s were all kitted out with the binos and stuff to give other units dodge and aim tokens if their fire was going to be minimal or useless. I think I have a B2 heavy list down for 800 points, obviously at higher points B1s will have a lot more room to be included in the list.
I just love the little roger rogers though, and they came with the starting set so I was sorta leaning more towards them initially. But since my list runs Kraken, and Magna guard, I've also shifted my BXs to being melee oriented, since melee seems objectively stronger then shooting, since it can tie up a unit depending on if it's acted or not they can't get shot at for a full turn almost.
Also I may not be able to roll shooting or white save dice to save my B1s or droidekas, but my melee dice were hot today.
I know it's bait, but I'm responding so 5/10.

Most of the Disney stuff is so bad that it has made people ignore or excuse a lot of the problems with the Prequels and EU, of which there are MANY. It annoys me, but I understand it, because with a handful of exceptions the Disney stuff has been so bad that you want to circle the wagons around the PT and EU, because there were at least SOME good stories/material/ideas there.
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Not everything needs to evolve, though, especially if the results aren't very good. Pic very much related.
>And I'd say that's been an improvement
To a degree, it’s seems they have been backsliding pretty badly ever since the hit that was Mandolarian season one (I personally blame the suits but I can’t quite chalk up every bad thing in the series to them, just most). The Mandalorian season 3 for example was an extravaganza of missed opportunities that makes me a bit pissy, and the less said about Kenobi and bobf the better, I dread to see how they rape Andor season 2.

I’ve even seen people defend Trioculus because of how hard the st shat the bed, when people start looking fondly on Dark Greetings you know something is fucked.
1st Legion
Dark greetings are at least really funny.
>I dread to see how they rape Andor season 2.
It's technically possible they won't!
That is true, while we got some memorable lines out of the st (for better or worse) none are quite as funny.

I wish I had your optimism Anon, I truly do but I have a feeling in my gut that it will be more raped than Fran Drescher
All I Need Is An Idea...
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Considering Acolyte, he probably had Alzheimer
looks like hot garbage, sorry to say
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It looks based, love me Dreadnoughts
So did any of you guys set up the ISD jobbing thread as an "empire did nothing wrong" containment thread or was that a happy accident?
I'm loving it.
Yes and it does the R2 scream as it crashes throught the cockpit of the enemy snub fighter
Very Dread
Very Nought
I would like one entire massive fucking fleet of them, please
Double kek!

R2D2 and his scream are cute as fuck. I wish I had a astromech droid companion.
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imagine the vacuum capabilities
Especially if your dick was already wet ;)
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Why are first order trooper armors so bulky?
>It's technically possible they won't!
Nah, KK has seen something that has been received well without her direct input, so she has to put a stop to that
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they look like they have no neck whatsoever. Phase 2 clone trooper armor is still peak
To show you that fat people with bad posture can be stormtroopers too!
They conscript the NEETs, thus the need for a thicker armor.
*teleports behind you*
Nothing personnel, kid
If Luke Skywalker only took part in the battle of Endor and slaughtering Stormtroopers & scout troopers alike with his green lightsaber.
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>Is Marge Simpson a Cerean?

No, she's from the same species as Jaxxon. The hair is there to hide the ears.
Fuck off.
Hell yeah

Shut up Thrawn.

...also, I'm now having to remember how impossibly cringe it was to call that fleet the Katana Fleet. Like... does that setting even HAVE Katana's? And call them as such?
I can't think of any time a katana being used in star wars, but I wouldn't rule out it's existence as like a vibrosword in some EU media
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I miss the EU amazonian dathomiri witches...
>tfw EU nightsisters
That book did something when I read it in my impressionable young years
I wonder what this guy diet is.
Snu snu
I'd imagine he'd get some super compressed high calorie standard rations one of which would get you through a day, also Scouts are probably trained to scavenge/hunt for food if needed
You’re right about that too now I think of it. After all, they are scouts.
Is there there a special forces stormtrooper type in EU. Like a SEAL or SAS equivalent?
That guy used steroids. It’s the only way for him to become this big and so muscular!
Bacta is a pathway to many gains some believe to be... Unnatural.
Guys, someone blew up the Jedi Temple, who would do such a thing?
Terrorists and separatists! Who else could it be?!
>Guys, someone blew up the Jedi Temple, who would do such a thing?
The Sith, the Mandos, the Imperials, some rogue Jedi, some fucked up Spacers on a weird quest

take your pick
I bet it was Villie.
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Fuck the YT-1300 class and all those who fly it
The YT-2000 is and always will be the better looking, superior ship
They're still here, anon.
Maybe a little less Amazonian in this case.
She DID 'acquire' Cal's midichlorians, though.
Maybe it was that orange Jedi girl always running around in a skirt
Yeah my party has one. It is pretty cool, and oone day we wil get most of the systems wsorking.

If we don't get killed by an angry mob first because our 'enterprising' co-pilot/mechanic/totally not a smuggler got a really great price on slightly used speeder parts and stuffed teh ship to teh gills.
While the rest of us was stuck in a city wide general strike with peaceful protests (i.e. anti-Imperial rioting witth street fighting agains the Imps in half teh city)
Totally not a Rebel uprising the CorpSec Administrator 'allowed to happen' to fend off an imp takeover. And we certainly doon't know jack shit about nothing.
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would you a droid?
Not me personally but my cousin would.
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This droid would (you)
Dance dance sex sex dance dance sex sex droids dancing
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Don't know why, but I love this thing
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Okay, let's clear this up once and for all, which race would make for the best gfs and why is it Zeltrons?
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It definitely wasn't the best of the Visions shorts but it did have a cute droid girl.
And I'd love to play a very combat-lite RPG as a band trying to make it in the galaxy. Booking gigs, dealing with shady agents and hucksters and, most importantly, tracking our finances as we have to calculate if the gig we get on one planet is worth the cost of travel there and back and all the band's other bills that need to be paid. Not the least of which would be Bill, our manager, and Bill the parole officer for our drummer.
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now, then and forever
He said girlfriend, not sex toy.
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>tfw no artsy bounty hunter gf
Why are people so mad about Ki-Adi-Mundi now when he was always the most retarded jedi master?
I just use it to pile on more onto this coneheaded fuckknuckle
Two brains inside that towering sixhead of his and they are both as smooth as butter
Don't worry about it
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How about this? Is this better?
mind tricks dont work on-a me, only dathomiri!
Astromech droid on the left.
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I have informed my elite team of starfighter pilots from the Imperium and Alliance to find you and wipe you off the face of this galaxy.
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chucked paint at some Geonosians to tag out for a B1 unit, Poggle and Sun Faq on the to-do list, although they don't seem worth it unless you are leaning into the buzz boys.
they can't shoot me down in my T-65 All Terrain Interceptor
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That's a Chir'daki, you philistine.
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What would be some interesting twists and complications to add to a mission centered around tracking force sensitives to recruit?
Another group coming to take the children away, posing as Jedi.

The kid's Force powers become worshipped by their primitive society

The parents were already (non-Force sensitive) Sith worshippers and want to raise the kid in the Sith way.

The kid is royalty or the heir of a prominent noble family.
Thank you.
How often does the Empire have open air pro Empire preachers on the streets to proclaim those that don't pledge their loyalty to Palpatine?
The recruit is extremely mentally ill.

The recruit is being hunted by witch hunters for demonstrating unholy powers.

The recruit severely hurt someone (by accident) with their powers, and doesn't want to touch them again.

Another group of Force users arrives to recruit the candidate.

There is no recruit. The whole thing is a trap.
Murder mystery. Either:

1. The recruit is taking part in a murder mystery weekend, and the only way to reach them is by infiltrating the game.

2. The recruit, the recruiters, and a bunch of others are stranded somewhere . . .and people start dying.

3. The recruiting team and several promising candidates get stranded . . .and the recruits start being murdered. All the evidence points to someone in the group.
Whose bright idea was it to not include building instructions in Legion models? Why do I have to go to their dumb site to look for instructions.
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>which race would make for the best gfs
Pantoran’s all the way baby!

For an unrelated question for the thread have you ever used a Hardcell transport in your games? I think it would make a pretty neat mobile home base for a player group.
Just seems silly to "nitpick" at a foundational genre convention that's upheld across not just that genre, but a wide variety of other fiction to boot.
It's not a memberberry if it's literally a bro in the background that has one line that 99% of people don't give a fuck about
Marginally. It's mostly just uncanny valley, here.
Clone armor still looks the best out of all of them because they just had to design one set for their race of genetically engineered supersoldiers... Stormtroopers they had to accommodate for the average joe and for the First Order their standards were even lower so it had to be able to fit any malnourished orphan that they found.
that cope relies entirely on the showrunners having deeper thoughts than "pretty colors, space lesbians, and stupid, incompetent men"
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excluding the classic letter-wings, the Cutlass-9 is probably my favorite snubfighter
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For some time now I’ve head canon’ed the Cutlass as the main starfighter of the Commerce Guild. It makes sense since it is a SoroSuub product and SS itself was a part of the Guild, and for the largely patrol oriented missions they seem to have both before and during the CW the Cutlass would make a perfect patrol craft.

Anyway good taste, I just wish that it had a faster atmospheric speed than 900 kilometres per hour (fucking writers)
>They conscript the NEETs, thus the need for a thicker armor.
They conscript kids and train them for decades
If their troopers are fat, it's the First Order dieticians' fault

It depends. Having someone shouting on a street corner isn't going to generally work as it'll annoy people going about their business. You'd be more likely to see pro-New Order rallies and events held, with local events supported & subtly co-opted to ensure they don't cause trouble.
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And it is that one single line, no Sith for a thousand years, that contradicts the entire plot of the current shitshow.
So obviously they choose him too maximize the deconstruction of canon?

I don't knoow, anon. It would be 'babbys first story' tier easy to write this in a way that dooes noto contradict the moovies, that doe snoto require existign characters to forget a crime spree and the death of a few Jedi and Masters.
but these peoople chose noot to do this.
They chose to shit on existiing stories and characters and the universe. It's TLJ all over again.
Stormtroopers are good!
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Redpill me on the Yuuzhan Vong
Tyranids if they gay
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>make the coolest guy possible
>has like, one appearance in TCW
>was gonna appear more but the episodes got canned
>was gonna be in 1313 but that also got canned

when will he get his due?
I just found out that the High Republic has a widespread military confrontation with the Hutts during the Nihl’s short-lived state.
Jedi and Republican Peacekeepers in their dumb 70s space-gear assisting colourful local forces against colourful mercenary/gang/Hutt staples.
And it’s brushed over in like an issue.
The Hutts find their military gains in adjoining sectors are being whittled away because they didn’t expect to encounter so much opposition or for the Republic to react so forcefully while the Nihl had weakened their hold on the Outer Rim.
They are
>whatt if we have humanooid Tyranids invade the SW galaxy? They'll be alll spikey and edgy and immune to the Force and use biootech instead of noormal tech which willl be totally better in every way than the noormal tech and tehy have magical bllack holles or something

Basicallly this

Early 2000s EU was shit, but it served as a counterpooint to the awful mess of the first two PT movies.
that's a pretty reasonable headcanon imo, iirc the wook entry states that large quantities of them were built and sold everywhere before getting shut down, so at the very least it's like the situation with the Headhunter, where everyone and their brother at the very least knows a good secondhand market for mothballed. between that and the fact that there were 9 whole iterations of it in the model line over their history, they had to have kept quite a few for their own purposes
The Clone Wars was planning on reintroducing the Vong and make force powers apply to them. I think if they tone down on the OP thing and just make their strength being "another galactic scale cvilization" that would be fine. The biotech is cool and gives them a neat alien aesthetic, you don't need to make it super speshal and unstoppable biotech
Yeah, I know. But to be frank I would have preferred the TCW-ed Vong plot to be the Sequel Trilogy.
Just make them less OP than tehy were in the EU, and use them as a New Biig Bad that forces the NR and Imp Remnants to work together.
desu the Vong being force users that manipulate it in a unique way that's alien to Jedi and Sith similar to the Nightsisters would've fit really well with them using living technology. Have it so they're in perfect symbiosis with the living force of their planet and their worldships were all grown from that. Instead of them being cut off from the force. Personally I thought maybe they could've introduced the Vong in the galaxy where Peridea is in Ahsoka. If that's a more ancient place where the force is wielded more primitively and like magic. I doubt that's the case now but yeah I could definitely see a version of the Vong working in canon. We have the Drengir who're dark side plants already so the idea of the dark side in nature being a major threat in canon isn't new.
The idea of an army of creatures bioengineered and grown with dark side sorcery would be very kino
I didn't say it was perfect I said it wasn't garbage, the issue was the assumption there was no way for a pilot to actively defend themselves, and there is.
>what if we just took and idea but made it milquetoast
You're the problem.
>nooo! muh mawy sue edgelowds!
Vong were a mistake the first time around. Toning down their faggotry would only improve them.
Keeping them deleted from the canon is still best.
Vong having an acid-spitting sword-whip-staff that can stop a lightsaber is more than enough to make them an extremely dangerous faction, all the rest of their "ackshully better" BS is just nonsense.
I'm glad we've grown enough to admit the vong were always retarded
>he doesn't fly a 1300 with a centre cockpit
Shiplet doesn't even know about variants lmao.
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So. Fucking. Good.

There's no point in doing things halfway, again you're the reason why all live action Star Wars is unwatchable boring slop.


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