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New format edition

>release date for the 2024 Player's Handbook
September 17, 2024
>release date for the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide
November 12, 2024
>release date for the 2025 Monster Manual
February 18, 2025


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

>Previous thread: >>93104201

Question of the Thread: What do you plan to kill this weekend?
>wah! why is X changed?
>wah! why did you fuck up Y?
Make it yourself next time.

>wah! if no one made it then, we don't need a 5eg thread!
5eg is also a containment thread, otherwise you'd end up with a 5-10 5e related threads flooding /tg/ and killing real threads.
>newfag finally made the threads
thanks cuck
>What do you plan to kill this weekend?

Time, I plan to kill some time and work on my own setting since we're going week 4 into not being able to play

>Want to make a Circle of the Moon but for Dragons instead of Beasts
>Look to see what 5e has for Dragons
>It's just the 3 True Dragons and a very small handful of whatever else

Looks like I'll be porting over whatever WotC didn't feel like porting over themselves
I'm here for the gnomes.
You'd be the first
cute tiefling, would touch her hindquarters
headhunter my beloved
>paladinfags are going to be shitting and crying about how much they hate 5.5 and shilling for 5e for years to come
As a DM I am looking forward to counterspelling my paladins smite spells.
Thats a girlfailure halfling
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>5.5e takes pf approach and allows small races to use heavy weapons
>heavy weapons are reduced damage die (great axe is a d10, halberd is d8)


>GWM works with versatile weapons

So now that the edition is almost over, what were the best builds looking back? Reminder that noncombat shit is irrelevant.
according to everyone and their brother. Abjuration Wizard, or Hexblade Paladin.
I said best, not the most mediocre.
Anon. Thats the point.
5th ed isnt ending. Theyre just pozzing it up a little more.
Versatile GWM would be fine. Will let Monks use Dex GWM, though.
>Totem Warrior/Thief grappler
>Champion/Berserker crit fisher
>Assassin/Battle Master sharpshooter

Which one of these would you suggest that I play?
And where is one to leave one class and go into the other?
Totem Warrior/Thief seems very simple with five levels in Barbarian and the rest in Rogue, Champion/Berserker the same with three in Fighter and the rest in Barbarian, but I have doubts about the Assassin/Battle Master.
sounds based as hell

>monk takes GWM instead of dex or wis or CON
poor sod.
Does anyone have any good maps of
>a drow house
>a drow noble house
>a drow town
Images online look pretty bad, and I really need to slap some stolen map content together last minute because my players are working with npcs to attack an entire drow town with two noble houses.
A guy in my discord group has been having a fucking meltdown over how bad he feels the new paladin is.
For context, he has only ever played some kind of a sorcerer/paladin multiclass in about 8 different games over the last decade. He has a very specific class fantasy he feels they are trying to ruin.
Most fun I personally had was an Arcane Trickster.
Objectively strongest (at levels people actually play) is probably Moon Druid, Twilight Cleric, Divination Wizard, or Aberrant Mind Sorcerer.
Most annoying as a DM is either Devotion Paladin, Shepard Druid, or various kinds of Sentinel/Polearm Fighter builds
They should clearly play Zealot Barb, it's what they actually want after all.
Why devotion?
when were you when paladin dies?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when crawdad ring

‘paladin is kill’

It's always strange seeing 5e get gayer and more inclusive, yet the fanbase becomes more doggedly traditionalist with their characters. Is WotC's efforts to shove gay Mexican Orcs down your throat making people feel more comfortable with making straight white guys?
>yet the fanbase becomes more doggedly traditionalist with their characters
I think this might have something to do with where you’re looking.
Probably just because it is the one I have dealt with the most personally and that makes me biased. But the immunity to charm and fear aura shuts off a lot of encounter mechanics even beyond the big save bonuses, especially couples with dispel magic.
Realistically Watchers is probably the more powerful one with Counterspell and a party-wide initiative bonus.
Has anyone leaked the book reviewers got yet? Or did they do a sufficient job vetting who they gave pre-release copies to.
Kek, yeah I know a guy bitching about it and he purely plays as a power gamer for the power fantasy
I've always understood Paladin to be one of the top tier classes because they were really good at melee and had the power of their auras giving very good always-on-effects.

Out of the two, I'm glad they nerfed their damage output (which many classes are already good at) rather than nerfing their aura as many suggested since that's the only thing that paladins have that is 100% unique to them.
>Twilight Cleric, Divination Wizard, or Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
There's nothing particularly strong about any of these.
>they nerfed their damage output
They merely removed the option to spend all your spellslots in a couple of rounds by smiting on every single attack. People who play with more than one encounter a day aren't going to see less damage output from a paladin.
All of them are front-loaded and become very game warping from an early level with a ton of flexibility to suit almost any party composition and any campaign.
Do you think there are significantly more notable subclasses for sheer power?
(I intentionally excluded Chronurgy because it's only pseudo-official)
True, nerfed their ability to btfo round one - which I'd say is nerfing their output since it getting to take one guy out of the fight early can have big gains later on.

A lot of games I've played in have only a couple encounters per long rest, so in my experience it can have a solid impact on things.
They really don't. The fact that you're being as vague as you are is just more proof.
I'm not being vague. I can point directly to the first subclass feature of each of those subclasses as the reason.
You are being evasive.
Care to offer your counter example of an exemplary subclass?
There's nothing to counter here as nothing has been presented.
There's nothing particularly strong about any of your opinions.
>See a situation where I could use Font of Magic to spend some sorcery points to make a non-magical weapon into a magic one for a bit
>Look at 5etools
>This feature is now just gone
Am I insane? Did I trick myself into thinking this existed? I thought you used to be able to turn sorcery points into temp health and making temporary magical weapons?
Imma run a oneshot for a friend meetup coming up next month, the final encounter for my 8 level 10 players will be a blue dracolich and some of its cultists in its ruined desert city lair. It’s going to start in a city where all the players retired getting flooded with refugees from the desert to the north, which will be the hook. The desert is going to be consumed by an arcane storm caused by the blue dragon’s resurrection. I plan on leafing through FTD for ideas but do you all have any fun ideas that i can poach on top of what I’ll find there?

We have an adult green dragon and its spawn hurling itself at our keep next session, so hopefully we’re killing that.
Is there any point in taking more than 11 levels of Fighter? What should I do with the last 9 levels?
6 more levels of fighter then you can cap with another 3 levels of fighter or something like war cleric/rogue if you don’t have a lot of bonus actions or maybe warlock for utility out of combat and a pact weapon or familiar for cool factor. You can even get a stupid book too if you’re a nerd. Have fun
It was old UA, which are now hidden on 5etools by default.
Not in 5e
Depends on the subclass, but going to 11 is also a big stretch. 6 more levels for 50% extra attacks isn't really worth it.
Stopping at 5th or 6th is a lot more reasonable if you aren't interested in higher level fighter features.
I feel like two ASIs are a very good reason, after that it depends on the subclass.

Rune knight for example gets an additional rune and can use each rune twice instead of once/short rest, that feel pretty huge. Battle master gets an extra die, a die if he has none on initiative, and 2 extra maneuvers. Eldritch Knight gets arcane charge (misty step when you use action surge) and samirai gets an extra attack every turn if he has advantage on one of the attacks.
>They merely removed the option to spend all your spellslots in a couple of rounds by smiting on every single attack.
They also nerfed them by making Smite cost a bonus action, which is a 50% reduction in number of attacks at low levels and 33% in tier 2+ once they have Extra Attack. The difference between only making one attack per turn at low levels versus two is especially significant.

Good news for TWF paladins and dexadins at least, with Nick they can now make two attacks as part of their attack action, effectively keeping their number of attacks the same as pre-nerf, and paladins now get access to every fighting style. I think switch-hitter dex paladin will be a lot more common now that STR paladin got nerfed so significantly, they can't really benefit from Polearm Master consistently, Great Weapon Master got nerfed, and warlock dipping no longer works as well since Eldritch Blast scales off Warlock Level alone so ranged options aren't as accessible.
Twilight and Peace cleric are ovetuned because channel divinity is a short rest resource that they get on top of all their spell slots and other abilities. Divination Wizard is fine, faggots who whine about Portent need to stop having a five minute adventuring day, it's the same as losers seething about Lucky because they can't wow people in their One Big Scripted Fight a Day. Stop being a loser and actually play the game with more than a single boss fight per session before three hours of coffee shop flirting.
>they were also nerfed because of X
>proceeds to explain how X isn't actually a nerf
>which is a 50% reduction in number of attacks at low levels and 33% in tier 2+ once they have Extra Attack.
Anon, you don't really think that PAM is going to continue to grant an extra attack, do you?
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I just learned about this, wtf is wrong with these orcs?
that chick is a drug-addicted precognitive vietnam vet with a laser gun and an uncontrollable thirst for blood, I don't think she's representative of an archetypal heroic fantasy character
>Level 5
Extra Attack, obviously worth
>Level 6
bonus feat, definitely worth it
>level 8
regular feat. Good stopping point if you're not interested in further fighter levels
>Level 11
third attack, which at this point has some diminishing returns and isn't as sexy (going from one attack to two is a 100% increase, going from two to three is 50%, three to four is 33%, with a bonus action attack and Nick you could already have 4 attacks at this point and are getting a fifth to go from 4 to 5 for only 25% more)
>Level 12
another feat. If you went to 11 you should go to 12
>level 13
the new feature gives advantage on attacks if you missed one, which is alright but by level 13 there's a lot of other ways you could have advantage by now and Topple means you're forcing a billion saves against prone so it's not that great

With new fighter you want level 9 for new indomitable adding fighter LEVEL to saves and going to 12 is a safe stopping point.
nta, but if more recent releases are anything to go by "BA Attack" is something basically any build can get access to.
Even then, it being a spell and using your BA does mean you will be able to do less things compared to before, where it wasn't a spell and didn't use your BA.
>With new fighter you want level 9 for new indomitable adding fighter LEVEL to saves and going to 12 is a safe stopping point.
13th for the advantage after a miss doesn't look too bad. Also second use of a now much better Indomitable.
It's objectively a nerf for 99% of current paladins. Paladins aren't even allowed to take TWF as a fighting style option currently, the number of people playing TWF Dexadins is miniscule, and Smite was absolutely nerfed regardless of any other features since it's now once per turn, counts as a spell for anti-magic, counts as a spell for counterspell, costs a bonus action locking you out of any other bonus action that turn.
Where can I read all the new 5.5 stuff?
Do we know if the Epic Boon feats are character-level or class-level based? Getting to turn one miss into a hit every turn seems pretty solid and the scaling of other features + feats iirc is decent enough to potentially justify more progress.
They did specify that fighting styles aren't class locked for paladins, but yeah I agree it's a nerf.
The comparison is old paladin to new paladin. even if they nerf PAM there's other ways to get a bonus action attack, including just brute forcing it with a double-bladed scimitar.
>Attack with vex light weapon
>attack with Nick offhand as free action part of attack action
>extra attack draw your DBS and attack a second time
>bonus action attack with DBS
it's the same thing Beast barbarian does currently, since new TWF is literally just the Beast barbarian ability copy+pasted
Now those are more reasonable arguments, and I agree that it was a nerf.
Still well deserved imo, and they got better features to make up for it anyway.
The Bonus Action part is a bit too much of a nerf, just limit to smites to once per turn.
Smite nerf was good because one class arbitrarily dealing 3d8 for a level 1 spell slot to someone just because they're an undead is basically like casting a spell like diss whisp without the halfing of damage and even with the chance it crits. Its pretty dumb and only paladins really defended it.
>They did specify that fighting styles aren't class locked for paladins, but yeah I agree it's a nerf.
Yes, NOW, but we're comparing current paladin to future paladin. The biggest reason they're making Fighting Styles into feats is so they don't have to print an entire new book with """optional features"""" patch notes like Tasha's every time they want to add more fighting styles to the game, since now the class feature says "you get a free fighting style feat" instead of "pick one fighting style from this list", it's like how in 3.X feats would have tags so they could say "you get an X feat (item creation feat, combat feat, meta magic feat, etc) " and they could print newer ones later without needing to errata the original class
I assume they're class level since WOTC will maintain "multiclassing is an optional rule" as a shield from having to care. That said the number of times you'll reach 19th level is vanishingly rare, that's playing enough sessions that the Wizard has a Wish every single day enough times to eventually level up not just once, but twice. The vast majority of even high level campaigns end with like one big campaign defining battle at 16/17th level. Continuing to adventure for another three levels after getting 9th level spells is not gonna happen for 99.9% of players. It really only matters for one-shots and cringey """"living world"""" westmarches, in which case sure you'd want the boon to brag to your discord kittens about before the FBI arrest you
It only makes sense as character level, since they're supposed to also work as epic level progress after you peak at 20th.
>Paladins are good at killing undead!
1974 called, what are your thoughts on Watergate?
Too many gates and too much fucking water.
I will play a one shot this week with a new group (I know half of them though).
Some of them are new and others I don't know, but it seems one is bringing a fucking yuan-ti halfblood to the table. We are level 3. AFAIK we already have a moon druid, a ranger and potentially another druid (the two druids are female players btw). Not sure about the other 3 guys. That being said, should I play:
- Tabaxi Revived Rogue (either alert or tough with the ruined background)
- Variant Human (fey touched for invisibility and hex) Revived Rogue
- Variant Human Soulknife rogue (feat for either mobile or dueling/thrown fighting style or maybe fey touched too)
- Variant Human Divine Soul Hexblade Sorlock (I know...)
- Variant Human War Magic Wizard with 1 level dip in fighter (crusher feat with a maul)
- Variant Human Circle of Twilight Druid with a 1 level dip in Arcana Cleric
- Variant Human Fey Touched Monk
- Some form of PAM abuse (with either vhuman barbarian, paladin or fighter)

Soulknife, Revived and War Magic are my favorite ones flavor wise, specially the revived tabaxi since I already have a puntastic name and a charming backstory. I just want it to be relevant enough in combat as to not be overshadowed by the dude clearly powergaming with yuan-ti while still being able to be useful beyond combat and within the respective character archetype (in a roleplay sense, not in the subclass sense).

Also, should I get alert or tough on the tabaxi revived rogue?
Anon...Chromatic orb is 3d8. Guiding bolt is 4d6. Both can crit at 1st level and from better range than up an undead's ass. The power of smite is that it was opt-in on a hit and could not be wasted, crits were just a consequence of adding to damage dice.
Different youtubers are sharing parts and pieces shared with them (Officially, and unofficially, DND Shorts isn't sponsored so he's likely pilfering from others who were sponsored and got early data, where as Dungeon Dudes are sponsored and shared World Tree Barbarian)
>Dungeon Dudes
They feel like the younger and onions version of the Nerdarchy guys, but their material is actually better than most shit WotC pumps out.
I'd rather play with the dungeon dudes than nerdarchy desu senpai
Counterpoint, they're an additional 3d8 to an attack which can also be with shit like a greatsword for 2d6+3d8. Thats pretty nuts my nigger.
they're cowboys. so what? it reminds me of eberron
This is what I meant.
Why is the art so mixed?
Sometimes it is cool as hell and sometimes we get this? lol
>offer to draw my groupmate a mini
>ask what his character looks like
>he describes the class example image from the book verbatim
what the hell do i do besides just remake the example guy? i really hope this doesnt mean that his imagination is limited to what he can see
this is a drow manor in patfhinder's AP second darkness 4 - endless night
there are plenty of other drow city maps in it
you can find the pdf on libgen
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forgot picture...
This orc art people are having meltdowns over looks absolutely perfect to me: Orcs are now colonial settler cowboys. Now I just need a native american race for them to make half orcs with. Suggestions? Should it be humans? It's a little boring but somewhat unexpected
That's a penis.
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drow city
That's what you get when you hire a lot of artists and give them next to no guidance aside from "put niggers in it".
>I just need a native american race
Why must everything have a direct, real life analogue? Why it cannot be its own fantasy thing that makes sense within the setting with no heavy handed real life "inspiration" (most likely for ESG and current thing brownie points)?
Because it's more fucked up and brutal this way. The candy coated veneer melts away to reveal the fact that these freeedom-loving orcs oppress and genocide the people around them. Their religion is one of manifest destiny, leading them down a bloody path of carnage while the rest of the world looks on without even a wince to spare for the lives and futures lost. An aesthetic bathed in tears, but with movie magic to let the adult children sleep at night.
I'm running a one shot after dming a campaign for a year.
What do players want from a one shot? I've never played so I have no player perspective
>inb4 ask your players
too late the game is sunday and I told them I had a cool idea (I didnt have any idea)
That is incredibly retarded on so many levels.
I will be charitable and assume it was intentional.
>troonoid detected
>opinion discarded
>Ameriburger with no ability to tell right from wrong
I am from a Latin American country with a past of brutal maoist terrorism. You are most likely a brainwashed retard.
Sounds like a place with its own genocide of the native population you can be in denial about. What color did they bleed when your orcish cowboys killed them?
Are you retarded?
Honest inquire.
Maybe stop believing bullshit like Frantz Fanon's marxoid postcolonialism.
>planning on joining a game
>find the only one at the lgs
>races are limited to a small pool
>said races only have access to certain classes for "muh lore"
>bard is now a background instead of a class, its been replaced with ua mystic of all things
guess i wont be joining a group for a while. fuck that dm
You like to call me retarded a lot. What were they called? Morochucos? Llaneros? Gauchos? Chagras? Huasos? Chalanes? Como se llamaban los que mataron? Sabes eso por lo menos?
This is incredible anon thank you
>>races are limited to a small pool
>>said races only have access to certain classes for "muh lore"
>>bard is now a background instead of a class, its been replaced with ua mystic of all things
I see nothing wrong with this.
Quienes? Los españoles? Si eres un gringo, seguro crees en la estupida leyenda negra creada por los anglosajones hace siglos.
Lo peor que les paso a los amerindios en mi pais fueron las reducciones indigenas, pero desde el inicio del Virreinato (diferente a colonia) los indigenas tenian derechos y muchos incluso fueron nobles (ver lo que es la "Republica de Indios") en esa epoca.
Repito, deja de creer en la leyenda negra o en estupideces marxistas como la mierda que pensaban imbeciles como Frantz Fanon.
You're too much anon. I'm the one with the ideological blinders on? You've got a cute little cockgobbling denial of genocide while living on land that wasn't meant for you. Con la piel blanca leche, seguro. Porque no estudias un poquito, nene adulto
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>oh noes, a chungoid!
>a heckin tendyjeetarino!

It's honestly kind of fascinating watching the inbred degenerate before my eyes like this
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>revived rogue
Yes, you are. I am telling you that there was no genocide committed by the spanish here. The closest thing to a genocide was the shit that aforementioned maoist terrorist did (like killing babies with boiling water, killing entire villages if they refused to join their stupid guerrilla and whatnot).
Also, I am mixed race and the closest thing to racial supremacists here are people that want violent revolution to "bring back the bronze-skinned race back to its former glory."
BTW, you are an actual racist piece of shit for assuming I am white and that it somehow is meaningful for this discussion.
A gnome NPC related to PC's backstory developed a crush on them and everyone seems to have enjoyed it (it was unrequited) so I might add gnome love interests to every character going forward.
is it particularly infamous?
I don't think it is worse than picking a yuan-ti.
I'm not talking about the Spanish, you cum vacuum. I'm talking about the genocidio del Putumayo, about your government forcibly sterilizing the natives. Plan Verde ring a bell? You are so consumed by imported fervor you don't even know your own history of genocide.
>is it particularly infamous?
Not particularly. We just had some guy in a recent thread who was complaining that the rogue player in his party was overpowered, only for it to turn out that he was using that specific UA subclass.
But obviously it's still a Rogue we're talking about.
Reading over 5e.tools the revived rogue doesn't really seem that strong - what was the guy complaining about?
>your government forcibly sterilizing the natives
This is bullshit. It was propaganda based on the blatant misreading of the actual numbers. It is the conflation of consensual and non-consensual sterilizations (most of them due to a language barrier). It was merely a family planning program. The non-consensual sterilizations remained around the same in number (a very small number btw) with the government that supposedly saved them from the evil overlord Fujimori (that committed the terrible sin of shitting on commie terrorists apparently).
Also, the wikipedia page is full of bullshit. For example, Fujmori was not condemned for crimes against humanity (lesa humanidad). It was merely a comment of the judge and not the actual sentence.
PD: If you are talking about Putumayo, those were mainly angloids and our own corrupt government, retard.
I think we've lost the plot on this conversation, this is a 5e general
A dungeon with some quick encounters with enemies that hit hard and die fast. Any location can be good, no need to reinvent the wheel, but there can be a twist that you let them discover. Maybe the children are evil are psyionically controlling the (normally peaceful) goblins. Maybe the cultists need the blood of one of the party members and they summon an aspect of an ancestor of the PC who was an evil adventurer.
Or they turn up and happen upon some kind of mystery with three leads to follow: any one will identity part of the solution as well as lead to another lead. If you have anything magical, remember Detect/Dispel Magic and be prepared for what info that spell gives.
>what was the guy complaining about?
Movement speed and hiding. Most likely he was just a new DM, since that's the usual people who think Rogues are OP in any way.
You are right, but kinda expected when some dude tries to pretend that (Freirian) generative themes are not being used in a heavy handed manner for social engineering purposes while also baiting with genocide talk (and racism while assuming I am white).

My original comment was merely an opinion about art with no bait included (see >>93131558).
Something i've noticed with a lot of DMs struggling to handle players in fights is their fights are always "here are 4-6 enemies, reduce them to 0 hit points and keep your hit points above 0".
I feel like a genius just by telling them to make sure fights have a goal outside of that so that players cant just do one weird strat to do damage every time. In 99% of these cases the impossible to beat broken strat stops working when the player needs to do anything else alongside DPR.
>Admits government aided and abetted more than one genocide
>It's bullshit anyway
Sure buddy. Have fun in Peru, hiding behind people with darker skin than you while calling everyone who thinks you're braindead a marxist.
>well over a century apart from each other
>"lol its the same government"
>still makes it about race
>ignores the part where the only racial supremacists here are brown ("bronze-skinned")
You are retarded.
every other martial should have been brought up to Paladin in terms of "wow, I can actually see a reason to play this class instead of just being a fucking druid/cleric/wizard:, nerfing paladin is dumb and counterproductive
you forgot warlock
>official conmtant and UA

There is a large difference anon.
This is what stands out to me about it. Paladin is a great class, but it's great because it brings something to the party beyond just swinging a sword well.
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Revived Rogue is fine except for the edge case of using your bonus action to use Bolts from the Grave to sneak attack, and then simply holding your action to attack when an ally of yours hits somebody that you'll hit them too, so you could get two sneak attacks per round pretty reliably. There was a whole bunch of screeching and seething from the usual retards who nerf rogue while leaving Wizard untouched when the UA released, which is why it was dumpstered and deleted and we just got Phantom rogue instead in Tasha's which has much weaker versions of the Revived's abilities.
Phantom gets to cleave HALF their sneak attack dice amount to a separate target a couple times per long rest, doesn't get any bonuses to poison or disease, and doesn't get the "you don't need to breathe and only need 4 hours of pseudo sleep" benefits despite those being mostly ribbons.
It was a real shame that wails from the grave was limited to PB/day. I don't think it was strong enough to be limited, and it really set it apart from other rogues (cleave damage) since most other rogues have unlimited resources, except for arcane trickster who has spell slots.
In fact, I want you to leave this thread less of a retard.
The myth of forced sterilizations was perpetuated by Toledo's health minister Fernando Carbone due to political and religious reasons. Fujimori made it so women did not need permission from their husbands to seek anticonceptive methods, including sterilization, and made sure those services were available. Most, if not all, of the non-consensual cases were due to the language barrier (spanish-native tongues like quechua) and we can see a similar number for Toledo's government. The political reasons are obvious (Toledo was the first of the new brand of leftoids) and the religious ones are that Carbone (and others) were associated to extremist religious organizations that opposed any form of anticonceptive method.
The funny thing is that the local feminists and socialists ended up pinching their nose and helped him perpetuate this myth because it was convenient for them and were butthurts because Fujimori shat all over their maoist dreams.
Very interesting, eh? This pattern of socialists and feminists betraying their principles (by collaborating with a very conservative faction and reducing women's bodily autonomy respectively) for power and to destroy what they see as a threat for their ideology. Very similar to what happens with modern leftoids and Islam.
what's a fey besides gnomes and elves that has a reputation for being smart and looks a lot less human than either of them?
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arcane trickster being practically the only rogue worth playing for a decade, only to get buffed even further with OneD&D with the new True Strike, is genuinely retarded.A six level gap between getting your subclass and getting your second feature is simply too much, and it means every rogue feels the same BESIDES Arcane Trickster since they continue to gain spell slots as they level up regardless of not having more subclass features.
>A six level gap between getting your subclass and getting your second feature is simply too much

True and real. I was so happy when I saw the first rogue UA for onednd and most other classes had standardized subclass levels.

And then they reverted it. fuck.
Whole lotta retardposting in this thread
I wouldn't consider your post to be a lot.
we're on 4chan anon. I'm the only one NOT doing that
proving my point, retard
Then post more, cause the other retard who replied won't shut up
>said the retard
lmao salty projecting retard
go on, tell me more about your barbarogue
barbarogue is a heckin' valid multiclass, nigger
>giving rogue levels in a class that don't help it wield a hand crossbow
>giving barbarian levels in a class that don't help it wield a polearm

>A dungeon with some quick encounters with enemies that hit hard and die fast.
thanks. I'll try
>tfw just got killed from a deck of many things in my last session
>playing a class only one way

>every martial class must be a pole dancing faggot
with what purpose...

>Rogue 5 with two shortswords against an average CR 5 monster
>21.8 dpr
>Rogue 5 with a hand crossbow, crossbow expert and sharpshooter against an average CR 5 monster
>31.1 dpr
>Barb 5 with two shortswords against an average CR 5 monster
>22.5 dpr
>Barb 5 with a glaive, PAM, and GWM against an average CR 5 monster
>35.1 dpr
>Barb 2 / Rogue 3 with two shortswords against an average CR 5 monster
>20.1 dpr

congratulations, not only are you doing 2/3 as much damage, you're doing less damage than either class on its own
Yep, a whole lotta retardposting
>beyond just swinging a sword well
I'm not sure the smite nerf interacts with paladin being able to do things beyond just swinging a sword well, given that it just improves your swinging of a sword.
And this is why Sharpshooter and GWM need changes. Mandatory feat taxes suck.
what would you do with this map? I mean what kind of setup
my ideas was maybe a slowly creeping jelly from one side, and a door that requires checks to open on the door
or maybe mooks climbing from underneat and surround party while they cross
maybe they are with commoner npcs and the slowly crawling jelly transforms them into ice zombies
>just use theatre of the mind
I mostly do, but sometimes it's nice to have a map for some of my players who prefer it or invested heavily into speed, which is harder to take advantage of in theatre of the mind
>>Barb 2 / Rogue 3
what a retarded straw man. Nobody advocating for barbarogue thinks you should start taking levels in Rogue until after you have Extra Attack and potentially your 6th level feature. You take rogue because barbarian barely gets anything after it's first 5-6 levels and you absolutely want to avoid Brutal Critical which is the worst feature in the game.
Imo, PAM and CBE are worse offenders. Feats should not grant bonus actions attacks, that should be relegated to subclass features.
That's what I'm saying. Paladin does useful things, and swings a sword well. A class like Fighter just swings a sword well.
And then, WotC, rather than giving a Fighter more things to do beside swinging a sword, or making a Fighter swing a sword extra-extra well, just decided to make the Paladin worse at it so that the Fighter looks better by comparison.
All four feats are dumb, I agree.
>make the power attack from GWM available to everyone
>make the bonus action PAM attack a basic polearm feature
>change SS to +5 to hit/-5 to damage, because why does a feat named sharpshooter decrease your accuracy
>remove the loading property thing from CBE
If you're group didn't bother doing this before SCAG was printed, you're a bunch of retards
Thanks for the line of bullshit, little cuck. I'm sure your dad enjoyed teaching it to you while you were together in bed.
I personally like GMW as a feat
>melee, so greater risk (going into melee) greater reward (chance for AoO)
>-5/+10 follows this trend
>BA attack granted from GWM isn't a consistant DPS increase, its a bonus.

It's very cool. Meanwhile
>removes one of the weaknesses of ranged attacking
>removes one of the weaknesses of ranged attacking
>literally >>93132523 Why DOES a feat named sharpshooter decrease your accuracy?

And then you have CBE
>removes the last weakness of ranged attacking
It's so bullshit.
So when is D&D going to get an urban fantasy setting?
>Captcha KT00PS
>dm asks if we would be okay with adding another player
>feel like we’re well balanced with a four member party, and just hit our rhythm working together, but if we add one more person it should be okay
>conversation doesn’t come up for a few weeks
>day before next session
>dm just added four new people to the campaign/discord
He hasn’t even explained why he wanted a bigger party. That’s a whole second table worth of players, man.
going from four to five is reasonable, four to eight is fucking insane.
I recently started a game with six and I already wish there were fewer. For me 3 or 4 is the max number of players I want, I know 6 is a common amount and "classic" adventuring party size but even that many feels like too much a lot of the time.

The one benefit is that you can have multiple cancellations and still continue with game night, which is why this current group has so many, but I'd rather just have 4 people who can actually show up on time than 6 flakes (I know this is asking for the impossible)
It did back in like 2017
>>The one benefit is that you can have multiple cancellations and still continue with game night
This is why 5 is the best. It's just a bit too much but if people know what they're doing, it cna still flow well, like knowing when to hang back.
>But I'd rather just have 4 people who can actually show up on time
This is pipe dream.
>I know this is asking for the impossible
as long as you know.

Good luck with your games.
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What do you guys think of the world tree barb?

>Barb 8 with a glaive, PAM, and GWM against an average CR 8 monster
>34.5 dpr
>Rogue 8 with a hand crossbow, CBE, and SS against an average CR 8 monster
>34.3 dpr
>Barb 5/Rogue 3 with two shortswords against an average CR 8 monster
>29.4 dpr

keep deluding yourself dumdum.
yeah but muh expertise!
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That's this guy's melee reach with a polearm
a level 5 GWM+PAM barb and a level 15 one have nearly the same damage, you get almost nothing from continuing to level in barbarian. The fact you're purposefully sandbagging the barbarogue in these examples just embarrassing
29.4/34.3 =/= 2/3
>thinks white room simulations are representative of what happens in most games
no games strikes again
>level 15
I agree that barbarogue is peak whiterooming
I seriously hope martials keep getting good things.
Smite's nerf was pure bullshit. Hopefully the greater emphasis on their spellcasting feature is worth it. Do we know anything about rogues?
Why did they do away with the artificer?
>I know 6 is a common amount and "classic" adventuring party size
I've literally never heard this. Four is always the number I've heard as the classic party size.
>t I'd rather just have 4 people who can actually show up on time
>(I know this is asking for the impossible)
Not impossible, not by a long shot. They just need to be people you know well, and you have to host the game in person. Tomorrow is session forty with my current three-player group, with only one missed attendance when a player's mother was literally dying of cancer.
The name of your friend starts with M?
Is she female?
Not unless he has big news to share with us tomorrow.
Missing out on 5 points of DPR when using calcs by somebody clearly biased against it certainly seems fine.
If you only cared about DPR, you wouldn't play either a Barbarian or a Rogue, after all.
Are fighting styles ultimately worthless compared to other features?
Consider a fighter with a 2 level soulknife dip.
Provided extra attack works with psychic blades, these should benefit from fighting styles the most (built in two weapon fighting, benefits from dueling and thrown weapon fighting), yet it adds up to a rather meh attack action overall, specially when compared to anything else one could have gotten otherwise.
>wait, do I have a horrible grasp of statistics?
>no, it must be whiteroom nogames bullshit

go be stupid somewhere else
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Cowboy Orc Settlers by Day
Mexican Cartel By Night
>roided out male with a perfect physique
>flabby, fat and disgusting orc females instead of athletic tomboys
it is all so tiresome...
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Pretty cool song.
I bet THAT particular orc is the only one cool enough to hang around.
barbarogue is a very fun concept, leans into the Predator/Silent Hunter type I find fun in a way ranger doesnt'.
I dunno, bet that fat orc makes some good food
Isnt "Huge southern mama" something of an iconic archetype of the south/western stories?
>fun concept
not really, and fun is a buzzword
buzzword is a buzzword.
I think peak whiterooming has to have:
>at least involve a triple dip multiclass
>preplanned 1-20 character with, magic items included
It is, but it does not excuse not having a single athletic tomboy female orc or how flabby the female "warrior" looks by comparing it to the male (that is not even a fighter as far as we know).
see >>93132300
>triple dip multiclass
Leave my sorlockadin (hexblade) alone!
>preplanned 1-20 character with, magic items included
So the barbarogue meme. Got it.
you're right it aint fair, we should have bbws and bears equally
wdym by 'meme' in this case? Are there places that hype it up as an op combo or something?
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Just wait until you see the gay dwarves and green Chinese elves.

Quite telling when they release a player's guide before a DM's guide.
5e has never cared about DMs
lurk moar newfag
Croids dont have a creative bone in their body bro. That's why the orcs look like cowboys in the first place.
I could assume what you meant based on general tg-lingo but there are enough arguments shitting up a general because two people use slightly different definitions of a word so I wanted to avoid that.
Once people start arguing over the meaning of shit like "meme" just stop replying. You know damn well how barbarogue is a meme in this general, but if you don't than "lurk moar newfag" is legitimate advice.
Fair enough
see >>93132300
I've always enjoyed barbarians conceptually, and desu I'm pretty happy with the changes made to them. Do I wish there was some more there? Yeah sure, but being able to basically always have a rage available + the non-combat usage for rage + not just damage on attacks with brutal strike + less dogshit subclasses is great news.
Yeah, that's what I just said, you're retardposting. Good for you for getting the point.
I'm glad you realized you are retardposting as well.
Thanks fuck they've finally stopped calling feats optional, that should shut some of the retards here up
>no u
You're a funny retard. Those are the best types. So what subclasses did you pick for your retard build?
Barbarogue. Its the only build to play.
Yeah, no shit. I asked what subclasses. For me it's berserker/thief. The two subclasses that should have been class features. along with bear totem resistance and assassin, but that doesn't have the feel I want
Assassin / Eagle Totem. Sniping.
archery is the only one good enough to be a class feature
I never take feats because I'm too lazy to go through them all and choose one, I just grab ASI and go back to fighting monsters.
fucking based
only gay part about this is that the dwarf is using oven mitts (baking is fine and the bros gotta eat). a true dwarf would take it out and carry it bare-handed.
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Someone didn't see the tattoos of each other's beards.
That's actually really cute.
Funnily enough, every leftist friend I show these to finds them cringe as fuck.
it is retarded and should not be the presentation card of the race
it could be a cute, fanmade thing, but this is not its proper place since it does not portray the actual character of dwarven culture
Fucking terrible. At least make them pretty ffs. They are mid at best, particularly the black one (not even being racist here).
Nothing cute about sodomy, zoomzoom.
CBE+SS is still unsurpassed.
post the american elf queen
Dwarven culture is now all about gayness. Think Greco-Roman but even gayer.
Come to think of it, looking at that >>93133154
with the gay, interracial couple with a child, Elven culture might be completely gay as well.
I haven't seen the art for Halflings but I assume that will be homosexual as well.
>it does not portray the actual character of dwarven culture
It shows five dwarves minimum each engaging in a craft and business and with clear close-knit connections, with two of them so devoted to their partner they got tattoos of each other's beards. I dunno what part of that somehow betrays what a dwarf is to you, but it looks pretty accurate.
In my setting orcs are aggresive tribals with low IQ
is that a fucking drow?
the same matriarchal drow with a gazillion slaves?
>dunno what part of that somehow betrays what a dwarf is to you
Pathetic strawman.
My statement was
>it does not portray the actual CHARACTER of dwarven culture
And it does not. Have you ever seen people engaging in their (physically and mentally demanding) craft? Does it look like that? Does anything there strike you as particularly tough? What do we know about what they hold dear as a culture from that picture? As far as I can see, they could just be humans. No reference to any sort of religion? What about a portrayal of their (mostly misplaced) grudge against elves? They wasted too much space in making it le whimsical when they should have been making sure they covered a lot of aspects about dwarven culture beyond "makers of things". No mention of their propensity towards greed and anger neither.
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How about making dwarves polynesians/pacific islanders?
>t. surface dwelling knife-ears
given it's modern WotC, they're definitely meant to be gay/ a couple. however - with how beard-centric dwarves are portrayed as, I could see close brothers getting complementing tattoos. or a father getting them of his sons and vice versa (I think it's kinda dumb as a concept, but as long as it's been introduced, it doesn't have to be strictly gay).
>Does it look like that?
>Wahh they're not FOCUSED enough they're doing it too easy that doesn't count!!
>What do we know about what they hold dear as a culture from that picture?
>No reference to any sort of religion?
Their fucking room's design, blind man, it's a mixture of harsh artdeco and Celtic knotwork and there's two fucking deities carved into the forge.
>What about a portrayal of their (mostly misplaced) grudge against elves?
Yeah that's an integral part of their identity, I don't see elven customers, there you go. Can you in turn show maybe one fucking piece of art from PHBs past that has that element, straw-chan?
>No mention of their propensity towards greed and anger neither.
Oh no it's not stereotypical enouigh for grog-chan? How horrifyingly insensitive.
I don't even care about the literal faggotry at this point. It is the faggotry that >>93133397 points out that bothers me the most.
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"Faja look! it's a Negrelf with a green thumb!
>two fucking deities
Not distinct enough and not given enough protagonism.
>harsh art-deco and Celtic knotwork
Congratulations. They managed to at least convey a single, superficial aspect of the dwarven aestehetic.
>not stereotypical enough
Correct. That is basically a requirement if you want to convey something as broad as an entire culture in a single image.
As I said
>wasted space trying to be le big chungus wholesome and whimsical
>even above fully capturing what darves are about
And that is without even considering phenotypes (that would match that Celtic knotwork better, stereotypically ofc).
Not even trying to bash the artist. I think it would be good art made by a fan or maybe as part of the next edition of their cooking book. Sadly, it is a style that is a bit too soft for this particular goal.
>guaranteed replies
Let me fix it. I would consider less bkank spaces and a wider shot, but let's work with what we got.
>make the dwarves more celtic
>draw ethnically different halfling and gnome
>put them inside to signify their close ties with dwarves
>make religion more prevalent in the details
>draw a half-elf
>put him outside to emphasize otherness
>convey tension between the merchant dwarf and the half-elf - maybe by pointing at the half-elf with the proper expression/body language
>draw a dwarf outside
>make this dwarf, despite his insular and grudgy nature, be friendly with the half-elf since they also see them as mediators in some circumstances
>make people working hard actually look like they are working hard
>replace the baker with a jeweler working in tandem (maybe an artificer/engineer) with someome else
>beard tattoos are a retarded idea
And pretty sure way more could be suggested (and would be improvements).
>ship dwarves
>crafty navigating pioneers
stop! you're only making them hotter
>tfw no moth girl gf
I don't know Man. It's definitely a different kind of fantasy aesthetic than the usual stuff, but it's kind of imaginative and evocative in its own way. They have a certain sort of charm to them that I can see appealing to a lot of people. It's not like you can't still just play everything in the Tolkien mold if that's your preference
this shit is still in the """tolkein mold"""", it's just Rings of Power instead of peter jackson's trilogy lmao
personally, I don't hate mexican orcs
>personally, I don't hate mexican orcs
I'd be fine if it was eberron shit, where mexican ranchero orcs wouldn't even be that out of place, but didn't they make a big point of jerking off how OneD&D is going back to Greyhawk as the default setting? I can't really see those orcs fitting in there.
Fuck off, faggot shills.
>but didn't they make a big point of jerking off how OneD&D is going back to Greyhawk as the default setting?

The fuck? that's news to me.

that would be cool.
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mexican orcs are allowed if I'm given fat-assed tradcath latina orc women who demand their human husbands put a dozen kids into them, and instead of praying to saints they pray to legendary orc tribal heroes for shit.
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I'm going to be real with you, Yes But Also Fuck No.

Paladin is overtuned to shit. Its got spellcasting, good armor, good shit everywhere, save AOEs, gimmicks up the ass, the whole fucking lot and it plays like a fucking OC class sometimes versus rogue and more. Its not that every single martial should be as good as Paladin, every class should be good and be useful and fun, but Paladin hoards everything to the point of it just being fucking stupid.

Let me just get a free +10 to hit. Let me just make my weapon a +1 for free basically. Let me just get temp hp for my boys or free advantage on some checks for 10 minutes. Let me just reflect attacks as radiant damage or turn the fucking fey and fiends. Free 30 feet healing word, free advantage on saves that matter, advantage for a minute on a motherfucker.

Let me just fucking go ahead and deal 2d8, which might very well be more damage than my entire fucking attack for a negligible cost. Let me just outdamage every single other martial short of PAM GWM shit but I can also do that and better. Let me just keep doing this and claim I'm great.

You guys have been overtuned to shit for a long time and deserve the nerf. Everyone else deserves a buff but you also deserve a nerf. Claiming everyone should be on the same step as you is stupid because nobody should be on the free extra attack damage every single attack train with saves and kits this fucking strong. You deserve the nerf hammer.
stop being retarded. in a game where cleric/druid/wizard/bard exist paladin is what non-full-caster kits SHOULD look like. You need to ask yourself "Is what I'm getting out of this class worth giving up Fireball at 5 and Wish at 17?" and for every martial BESIDES Paladin the answer is "fuck no". Paladin is actually fun and worth playing if you're tired of just being a full caster every game, and if your campaign goes past rusty shanktown and you actually end up playing well into Tier 3 and Tier 4 you will still feel cool and have fun while the ranger and rogue and barbarian are wanting to an hero and reroll a cleric or wizard
>oink, oink i love slurping up wotc slop
shut the fuck up piggy
Who the fuck reaches level 17 ever Anon, the vast majority of games are sub level 8. Paladin is fun but its clearly overtuned and I am saying what needs to be said, Paladin is fucking stupid strong and needs the nerf hammer while everyone else needs a buff that isn't placing them where 5e Paladin is. This isn't what kits should look like, this is what kits should at the very maximum of efficiency be, because I don't want a game where Casters get to magic fix the game but I also don't want this mega overloaded clearly cringe as shit unbalance to be the common thing so now every single martial class gets to outdamage eachother in some ludicrous ass DPR race and every new subclass is more powercrept than the last.

I want rogues with double attack minimum and more dodge abilities and more, survivable sneaky shits who can actually do guerilla warfare and not bend to spells, guaranteed evasions and monk like speeds. I want barbarians with flat damage resistance and the ability to survive combats and getting into the thick of it, swinging and slashing through the chaff in rage. I do want paladins being the bannerholders, keeping everyone making saves and smiting evil, but not as you fuckers do it, not with your DPR shit, not with your overloaded kits, not with you little fuckers doing 3d10+15+9d8 damage because you hit thrice on a dude and spent 3 level 1 spells.

Fighters and Rogues and Barbarians don't need an average DPR of 66 while still having your gimmicks and spells and save auras which are massive. We deserve buffs but fuck your powercreep inflation.
Combat is the only thing that matters.
>Let me just get a free +10 to hit
lmao wut
>Let me just make my weapon a +1 for free
Yeah, fuck forge clerics
>Let me just get temp hp for my boys
Yeah, fuck twilight clerics
>free advantage on some checks for 10 minutes
Yeah, fuck the help action
>Let me just reflect attacks as radiant damage
Yeah, fuck subclass abilities
>turn the fucking fey and fiends
Yeah, fuck clerics
>Free 30 feet healing word
Yeah, fuck healing potions
> free advantage on saves that matter
Yeah, fuck a thing paladins can't do
>Let me just fucking go ahead and deal 2d8, which might very well be more damage than my entire fucking attack for a negligible cost.
Yeah, fuck having more than one encounter a long rest
>Let me just outdamage every single other martial short of PAM GWM shit but I can also do that and better
Yeah, fuck buffing martials, I'm a motherfucking cleric. Wait, you're not talking about clerics?
>Who the fuck reaches level 17 ever Anon
people whose first edition wasn't 5e and aren't terrified of domain play or fighting things beyond goblins.
>Objectively strongest
>Divination Wizard
You're a retarded faggot who's either nogames or runs 10 in-game minutes in between long rests (yeah yeah you can only have one long rest per day, but nothing stops you from resting for 23+ hours).
Opinion instantly discarded.
>fucking OC class
Paladins and Sorcerers are -the- Mary Sue/Gary Stu classes.
They literally gets their powers because they're just so special.
At least bards are supposed to actually put some effort into learning to play instruments and to do random shit, and warlocks pay a high fucking cost by whoring themselves to some powerful being.
>all that shit
Yeah, fuck clerics too, they're also overtuned to shit little fucks who get stuff like spiritual weapon for free and also spirit guardians as spells and also level 1 3d10 and also summon god and also everything else so they also need a nerf hammered on them. All the stuff I posted are Paladin subclass powers Anon, read up.
My powers of roleplay are nothing in the face of Dm forced combat
>arrive in woods
>waylaid by banditos
>quickly greet our new travel guides
>thank them for the offer of safe travel in exchange of food and gold
>tell them the news of the local town putting together a posse to clear the woods
>roll for initiative
I was hoping to give them the money they wanted while also telling them people were coming for them
Where is that from?
Weird that the only one with a realistic skin colour is the black one.
We all know why that move was made.
>realistic skin colour
That's the point, why making the black one have a realistic skin color instead of something a bit more fantasy looking but still dark enough to be read as "irl black person".
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What are some good cleric spells to buff oneself? Gonna be playing a cleric for the first time, want to do something like a melee self-buff tough guy that also heals.
Aid, Spirit Guardians, Holy Weapon
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>I'm so angry I... I... I will turn into a TREE!

I think it's stupid from a flavour perspective. Trees and magic and shit are for druids and maybe rangers. Not barbarians. Barbarians are for being half-naked and beating people to death with rocks.
>he's never used medium armor and shield barbarian
Missing out desu, you last a long ass time when shit misses you a lot lot more and you still do some pretty good damage.
I have and it was pretty fun, but in my mind the pinnacle of the barbarian class will always be the stereotype.
This, EVERY story of a combat encounter ending in one round always involves a paladin.
>domain play in 5e
Your DM must be quite dedicated to add in all that and tinker with it constantly to fit with 5e
>How did it go, was it better than dealing with spell slots?
Yes. I would personally reduce the amount of spell points you get at higher levels, same should be done with spell slots, but it's easier with a single pool than separate slots for each level. Spell points are more intuitive and easier to track (especially if your players come from /v/ background, and are thus familiar with various mana systems, but the first TTRPG I've ever played also used "mana" rather than pseudo-vancian slots). The disadvantage (depending on your point of view) is that you can nova better by using all your SP for higher-level spells if you only have few encounters, instead of being limited to only few of highest-level slots, or spam low-level spells (Shield) for cheaper where you'd have to use higher-level slots normally.
>captcha: NNYGR
>Why did they do away with the artificer?
Because retarded fags keep saying artificers = modern guns and iron man, and WotC always prefers to throw the baby out with the bathwater rather than putting effort into things.
>is that a fucking drow?
Of course
>the same matriarchal drow with a gazillion slaves?
What are you talking about? That would be evil, and drow are black, they can't be evil.
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>I'd be fine if it was eberron shit, where mexican ranchero orcs wouldn't even be that out of place
Of course they would. Halflings are mexican rancheros. With dinosaurs.
Orcs are swamp dwellers.
>but didn't they make a big point of jerking off how OneD&D is going back to Greyhawk as the default setting
there will be no default setting, Greyhawk will just be used for some example campaign.
>he's never used medium armor and shield barbarian
Medium armor IS being half-naked. Why do you think it's called half plate?
what fey deity i should pick for a feywild peace cleric character?
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Because it ain't full
prob gonna take the place of Ancestral Guardian as my favorite barb
Half-Plate Chads rise up!
Of course it isn't
Building a boss for a level 3 four man party with an npc ally. The party is freshly rested. The enemy they are going to fight is a vampire spawn who attempted to use dragon parts to evolve himself past the limits of a spawn, I was going to use the dragonflesh abomination (https://5e.tools/bestiary/dragonflesh-abomination-ftd.html#google_vignette) as a base with some adjustments to its breath attack and healing, maybe giving it some of the vampire spawns weaknesses. I can’t decide if it’s too strong or if it’s going to get bodied in two rounds. Party is a druid, barbarian, bard, and ranger
>Your innate magic stems from the essence of war, legends, and steel. You or an ancestor might have pulled an ancient weapon from its resting place, infusing you with its magic. You may have been bequeathed your powers by a legendary warrior becoming their successor. Or perhaps you are the reincarnation of or alchemically created version of a now deceased great soldier. Or you may claim to be the descendant of a mythical hero that fought in an ancient Outer Planar war, such as in Acheron. Regardless of the origin of your power, the might and valor of a warrior flows through you.
>am sorc is not strong
>subtle silvery barbs for ONE SORCERY POINT
>they get full value of sorc point to spell slot conversion so they can cast more high level spells than other sorcs
>free telepathy
you are insane or retarded if you think aberrant mind is bad
>>subtle silvery barbs for ONE SORCERY POINT
>>they get full value of sorc point to spell slot conversion so they can cast more high level spells than other sorcs
>>free telepathy
>most theoretical "builds" have levels in the double digits, many are built all to level 20
>few ever get properly online before level 10

What's the most busted thing I can play in 1st tier play, levels 1-4? We may be able to bring along one uncommon magic item, subject to DM approval.
Otherwise everything from PHB is good, everything from other books is subject to DM approval (Xanathar's is probably all good too), and we use the standard array for stats.
If you want something thats just plain strong, straight Paladin.
>What's the most busted thing I can play in 1st tier play, levels 1-4?
Moon Druid is very hard to beat at those levels.
Moon druid is probably the most powerful if you aren’t going to 5
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Vuman War Cleric with GWM.
cleric is shit before spiritual weapon
That's why he said War Cleric
>19 STR, 16 WIS
>two attacks every turn with +1 to hit and 2d6+14 bludgeoning damage if you do hit
>Bless is the perfect way to support your own build and the rest of the party at the same time
>3 uses every long rest might not sound like much, but between the extra features from GWM and bonus action spells like Healing Word, it lasts the whole day
>at 2nd, you get Guided Strike, which is perfect for GWM
>at 3rd, you get the possibility to use Magic Weapon in case enemies have resistance or immunity to nonmagical damage
>at 4th, you get another use of the bonus action attack

This shit is busted, let me tell you.
What spells do you ban and what's the reasoning behind it?
None, assuming they come from an official source that isn't a setting specific book.
It's not cool, everyone can somehow do it, and it's a pain in the ass to keep track of in combat.
I don't ban spells but whenever players reach level 11/13 we have to have "the talk" about what kind of game they expect to have going forward and how their spell selection could drastically alter the scope and tone of the game going forward.
Specifically whether they enjoy travelling or finding sleeping accommodations and whether they really want to pick up a spell that is effectively going to remove that part of the game going forward or not.
There's also the gentleman's agreement that enemy casters won't start using any weird combat spell exploits unless the party does it first.
My only real issue with these is that at a glance, these don't read as elves or orcs, they read as half-elves or half-orcs. They're too human and samey.
Of course. Most leftists hate this kind of corporate, high contrived art more than righties do. It's actually very hard to find a leftist, or anyone, that will complain about how warcraft or usual D&D orcs look. This kind of thing isn't about leftist or rightist values: it's about being as safe and easily digestible as possible. Companies like Hasbro are more interested in products that are consumable by all than challenging or interesting to many. This means that orcs and elves - and everyone in these books - needs to look like a basic human with tusks or long ears attached. That's easily understandable and consumable to literally anyone, even if it's interesting or beautiful to nearly no-one. This is also why half the characters in the PHB art have deranged "I'm having fun!" expressions on their faces: market research has told Hasbro that that makes people click on stuff, so surely it'll make them buy stuff.
whats the quick rundown on the wizard and druid changes? ive been meaning to read all the changes but never had time
>This is also why half the characters in the PHB art have deranged "I'm having fun!" expressions on their faces: market research has told Hasbro that that makes people click on stuff, so surely it'll make them buy stuff.
I'm fairly sure this is entirely on the shit artists.
We've yet to know exactly, unless one of the early copies was already leaked.
I think it's safe to assume that Wizard got next to no changes (aside from the QoL improvement to the scroll learning ribbon feature). Obviously some of the spells may have changed drastically so that will impact how the Wizard will play.
The Druid is a great mystery because they never reached a point where everyone was satisfied during the playtest.
>party has found a Deck of Many Things
>drawing the Knight card is a real possibility
>"You gain the service of a 4th level Fighter etc."

Should I get a general idea of what each party member would get if they draw the card, should I just improvise if it happens, or should I even go to the point where I finish the characters in advance?
Hold. On. A. Fucking. Second.

Ever since D&D became popular enough for articles about how problematic it is to get clicks, I've been hearing about how awful it is to caricature real-life minorities with fantasy creatures. There's a review of Tomb of Horrors complaining about how black people don't ride dinosaurs and it's racist to say that they do. I run into people in real life who when random topics will come up with declare "that's racist," "that's culturally appropriating." I met a guy who thought Horizon Zero Dawn was racist because the Nora culture was native american while some of them were white. This guy was "cool" and "Popular" and had incredibly mainstream faux-edgy Rage Against The Machine politics.

They freak out about third-party content being full of racist chuds, the old editions are full of racist chuds, mysteriously the only "safe" source of RPG content is current-year Wizards of the Coast (a Hasbro subsidiary) Official 5e D&D, with all of it's diversity-and-inclusion disclaimers and non-binary NPCs.

They wanted Something Done about Orcs because they were black, which was bad, so now they're...mexican? Which is good?

Why the ever-fucking-fuck are these monsters not tearing apart WotC? They should be howling for blood, heads should be rolling, they should be demanding a boycott. The Latinx have been Disrespected.
As long as the Sacred Negro isn't offended, everything else goes.
There are even more bizarre changes, like the Totem Barb. Totem was "cultural appropriation" so it was name swapped.
But then they added a direct reference to Yggdrasil in the new subclass. Isn't that also "cultural appropriation"?
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Yes Anon, political identity warriors and racist criers are not consistent, cohesive, comprehensive in their real ideology because they themselves are mega racist and generally are pretty useless for the sake of an actual good situation or improvement of sincerely good representation within the games and instead lazily put on the whole side shave garbage and 20 black dudes (but never the hot black chicks) around.

Which is stupid because if you really actually want to like, bring in any kind of super good shit, bring in attractive girls from other races and countries. Half the fucking chuds of bygone years went for the rice fever, but remember that these people don't actually believe in anything with any sincerity, its corpo, so they don't want to cure racism or ostracizing people with black chicks so white dudes chill out or whatever, they just want to put in random shit the HR departments and grifters to the corpos shill.

Also orcs were just steppe spiritualist raiders. People seeing dumb as fuck raiders from badlands raiding civilization with mega mysticism as anything but that showed how uncultured and mega racist they really were, but they just had to show they're even worse than us.
Wait...why does every fantasy race have it's own sub-ethnicities that happen to correspond to human ethnicities?

This only makes sense if every fantasy race is a half-breed with humans and something else (something turbo-magical). Like, out there there's a spooky fey ur-Elf with magic powers, and what currently get called elves are really human-elf hybrids that actual elves view as scum, despite them apparently having carefull had sex with every human ethnicity across the planet to make sure there will be [not]asian elf-human hybrids and [not]african elf-human-hybrids.

It feels like culture is in the grip of some sort of paperclip-maximizing AI, but instead of being told to make paperclips, it's been told to make everything Diverse.

Instead of Asian Dwarves, you could just fucking make a fantasy setting where the human nations and cultures actually matter, like how Paizo did with Golarion, and you can just play as fantasy asians and fantasy arabs and fantasy moors, and dwarves can be fucking dwarves.
What on earth does a Death Note fan film have to do with D&D?
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>What's the most busted thing I can play in 1st tier play, levels 1-4?
the answer is twilight or peace cleric which is boring as hell which is why you don't see it discussed often. at Rusty Shanktown levels 1-4 before anybody has Extra Attack or Fireball or any fun class features nothing beats Twilight Sanctuary in terms of raw power and survivability. Even if your DM focus fires a single person out of the entire party one at a time and ignores the other party members entirely to avoid the round by round THP being useful, you can get around that by having the focused person Dodge, level 1-4 monsters hitting somebody with disadvantage is barely gonna happen and they STILL need to chew through the THP
I wouldn't go with Champion Berserker unless you use the 2024 of the later.
Assassin/Battlemaster isn't worth much either imo; Totem Warrior/Thief is the most fun of the bunch imo, prioritise getting to level 5 or 6 first as a barb before takuing your thief level, you could even go with just 2 level of rogue and go back to barbarian or dip into fighter after that
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Are there any rules for how each materials affect weapons, armor?
>Specifically whether they enjoy travelling or finding sleeping accommodations and whether they really want to pick up a spell that is effectively going to remove that part of the game going forward or not.
>Level 11
>does 5e have rules for [literally any aspect of the game besides team sports brawls[
what do you think?
No, but I would rather check thank to create something to see that it was already done by a third party.
Then why can no one else see that? Why do normies lap it up? Why do so many people have these braindead buzzword-laiden takes? Why am I a bad person for noticing the lack of consistency? Why am I the only one who manages to trip up on their stupid fucking invented-just-this-second rules when Wizards can make Orcs Mexican, and That's A Good Thing?
Shit the fuck up
Stereotyping Mexicans is weirdly trendy to 'muricans. Might be because of all the "latinxs" larping.
> Abuelaaaa
> Millions of siblings and cousins
> Everything dirty and messy hehe but it's cute tho
> Permanent yellow filters
> Every day is cinco de mayo
> Sombreros
Material? What material?
Mithral and adamantine are specific magic armors, so it can't be combined with anything else.
There's silver and adamantine for weapons, but all they do is to get through some specific damage immunities (well, adamantine autocrits objects)
Normies don't care. Its just that simple, they ride the wave of least resistance and if the public starts being super racist they usually go with it, same with anti racist. Its literally the Anon equivalent of becoming a ghost, just go along with it, minimize costs, effort and all that shit to make it infinitely better.
How are they mexican or latinorx or whatever the fuck. Looking at the art the only way that makes sense is if you think two hats, a desert and a single poncho makes them mexican.
>Material? What material?
Mostly mundane shit like gold, copper, bronze, bone or wood.
As for why I want those rules, I am planning a Not!DarkSun game those rules are relatively important.
>Mostly mundane shit like gold, copper, bronze
Do you know what "mundane" means?
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>Do you know what "mundane" means?
it means "nonmagical" and has for 20+ years when people talk about mundane materials having different properties for armor and weapons. unfortunately thanks to people like "See Invisibility doesn't let you actually see invisibility" Crawford heading the design team we're not allowed to have nice things
>Why do so many people have these braindead buzzword-laiden takes?
Welcome to politics.
>Why do normies lap it up?
Welcome to mass media politics.
>Why am I a bad person for noticing the lack of consistency?
Because you've chosen to frame yourself that way.

I'm going to say something that you probably won't agree with but I think it's the explanation that you're asking for: Most English-speaking people are socially and economically liberal. Racists are bad, and corporations are also bad, these are among the very-few shared beliefs that our moral consensus is built on. Even when people describe themselves as conservative (and a lot of conservative voters don't), they frame their position as a compromise, and they appeal to liberal ideals when doing so. If they support corporate power, then they do it by framing corporations as underdogs, insisting that the federal government is worse. If they support 'traditional' social values, it's because straight white males are an oppressed minority, and it's wrong to oppress a minority.
Every corporations is economically conservative and that isn't going to change, they don't want taxes, they don't want regulations. So they're trying to make up for it by being extra-liberal on social issues (which don't matter to them), and in a lot of ways it works, people eat it up because getting mad at some theoretical basement-dwelling racist is way easier than getting mad about the global economic oligarchy.
Having a "Totem" subclass made Barbarian cultural appropriation of native americans. So yes, a single poncho does in fact make them mexican, and therefore racist.
And giving the entire party a boost to saving throws is very good for combat, glad you agree.
So, firstly, you need to understand that this wasn't done to make orcs 'not black'. Nobody at Hasbro cares about that. If you look at all the other races, the trend is the same: they are changed so that they look like normal ass humans with one or two slight cosmetic variations, in order to make them more easily digestible. This is what large companies care about. When you already have people's attention, you don't need to spark their interest with distinctiveness or creativity - you just want to make sure your product is 'accessible', in that even the least interesting and thoughtful people can project onto it. That's why all the races look like half-human versions of themselves now. Because it's easy for literally anyone to imagine themselves as being themselves, but with tusks or with long ears or with horns.
>Why the ever-fucking-fuck are these monsters not tearing apart WotC?
There are actually a lot of people, even in the 'left' camp, calling the race art for 5.5 utter shit. They're not criticizing orcs for being Mexican, because that aren't didn't make them Mexican, it instead went with the baffling decision to make the cowboys. Which people are complaining about.
Was this really because of an attempt link up with Thunder Junction and just didn't get timed right?

Some other anon was saying Hasbro wanted to combine the creative efforts of MtG and D&D for synergy and cost-cutting; why make two styleguides when you can just make one, and then cross-promote them both?
>Implying the concept exists at all in DnD
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>Was this really because of an attempt link up with Thunder Junction and just didn't get timed right?
I'm guessing this is it. Remember the PHB got delayed by several months due to the OGL fiasco and WOTC having to run damage control and switch to Creative Commons and wait for the heat to die down, but the lead-time on book publishing is like a year from being finished and going to the printers to getting shipped and in hands of customers.

Had WOTC not publicly shit their pants, this new PHB would have come out in time for """"""synergy""""""" with Thunder Junction, and the gay cowboy artstyle and coloring on that art is way too similar for it to be a coincidene when WOTC/Hasbro have been intentionally trying to tie D&D and MTG together more and more in recent years as they try (and fail) to cash in on the same "Muh Synergy!!!!" strategy as Disney and Marvel
Why didn't they pick the actually cool art of MTG (aka the older but not too old art from previous expansions)?
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But look, if you want buttfucking, at least go with elven femboy buttsex (Corellon himself is a fucking trap) and not with gross, bearded asshole dwarven sodomy.
>"See Invisibility doesn't let you actually see invisibility" Crawford
You're fucking retarded. Out of all thw things to bitch about, you had to go make something up
>t. jeremy
You already know the location of a creature unless it's taking the Hide action even if it's invisible, so the only benefit is having full obscurement making your attacks have advantage and attacks against you have disadvantage. This is why Shadow of Moil and Greater Invisibility function essentially the same in combat.
Crawford ruled that See Invisibility doesn't do anything against someone under Invisibility, that they still get Advantage on their attacks and Disadvantage on attacks against them......which is exactly the same as if you hadn't cast the spell at all and simply hit them normally.
>I'm mad that there's the implication that gays who aren't sexually attractive to me are in this fantasy world
I mean, I'm pretty sure Ed Greenwood wrote buttfucking into Forgotten Realms.
Because that was made by Straight White Men, even if the artist was a woman.

It's not about using old art (that's what the Theros and Strixhaven and Ravnica books were about). Every MtG set has a styleguide, an internal document full of sketches and lore that establishes the art direction, that gets given to artists so that there's design consistency. It's why everyone on Innistrad has those same bi/tri-corner downpour hats and why all the Lorwyn elves have horns and hooves.

But why only use that styleguide for one product, which represents creative work that isn't going to immediately be sold, when you could use the exact same work on another product? Just have every MtG set also be a D&D release, no matter how much that damages any distinctiveness of the two brands.

MtG isn't even particularly suited for D&D; MtG has been high-fantasy, more about settings and peoples and big schemes. Zendikar was the only setting that explicitly had "adventuring parties," which was the theme of the damn set. It isn't a Warrior/Thief/Wizard/Cleric Investigate a Dungeon property.

And the most important part of MtG, the Colors, doesn't intersect in the fucking least with D&D mechanics.
That's because invisibility is a condition, which See Invisibility doesn't remove. Somebody didn't read the PHB.
Elves and dwarves were always gay, with elves being the femboy kind of gay while dwarves were the "bears".
> What about women.
Elves were extremely egalitarian regarding gender, with men and women being pretty much the same thing.
Dwarves barely acknowledged women and dwarf women were often depicted as masculine rather than as someone a straight male would desire.
>expecting the game to appeal to those that play it is unreasonable
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>That's because invisibility is a condition, which See Invisibility doesn't remove. Somebody didn't read the PHB.
See Invisibility says you see Invisible creatures "as if they were visible", so unless you're arguing every normal attack should be made with Disadvantage you're lying through your fucking teeth just like Crawfish
God, Crawford really is the fucking worst at his own game. How does one motherfucker manage to come up with so many bad calls? You'd think he'd make a good one accidentally by now.
>this art style
There's nothing new about this style of art. It's just generic, flavourless mid-tier stuff, which basically all looks the same and always has. The only difference between this and what middling artists produced 20 years ago is that this is made digitally.

Even the 'everybody is smiling and looking welcoming' thing isn't new. It's come back into fashion now that execs have more robust data gathering resources to bludgeon people with, but there's been eras where literally all commercial products did the same shit.
Right, but "sodomy" is a "sin" referring to the Talmudic tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, none of which exist in any of the DnD settings.

>I'm the only kind of person who plays the game!
Full retard.
>retard doesn't read the PHB
>thinks a spell does something it doesn't
>spergs out like a retard when the rules are explained to him
I'd be lying I said you're not a retard. Can you post the exact line that says See Invisibility removes the Invisibility condition. The exact words that say that. Because if not, you're lying through your teeth saying that it does.
Totems are an actual cultural religious practice. Ponchos are just clothes and cowboys wore them.
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Still waiting for (You) to post where it says it removes the invisible condition anon
>he thinks most people are the kind of person to prefer dwarven bearded asshole sodomy to cute elven femboy buttsex
>or to no out of place and irrelevant homosexuality just for the sake of it
Again, retarded.
They were not gay. Elves were androgynous tilting towards feminine while dwarves were more masculine (even their women). NONE of this implies homosexuality as a central aspect.
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I want this to be a set of rare magical weapons, ideally ones that don't require attunement. So far I have a Mace of Smiting, a Giant Slayer battleaxe, a Dragon Slayer shortsword, and a Dagger of Venom. Any suggestions for the shortbow, the sickle(?), and the other dagger?
mithril makes weapons and armour lighter, gives weapons the finesse or light property, armour counts as 1 category lower
adamantine weapons always crit objects, armour makes you immune to crits.

silver has niche uses as a weapon against specific creature types
i gave one of my players a fancy shortbow not too long ago, it might be too similar to the dagger of venom though just based off the name

>fairy shortbow, rare
>this bow appears to be crudely made from a singular, unworked branch but the string glistens with a dazzling silver as it catches the light.
>this bow can be summoned or dismissed as a bonus action
>the first time the bow is drawn, a spectral needle appears nocked and ready to fire. enemies hit by this needle take an additional 1d6 damage and must succeed on a dc 13 con save or become poisoned for 1 minute. additionally, if the target creature fails this save by more than 5, they fall asleep for 1 minute.
>this property cannot be used again until the next dawn.
>As a central aspect
Nobody said that.

>Elves were androgynous tilting towards feminine while dwarves were more masculine (even their women).
Men fucking men is gay, women fucking women is gay.
That's what you get when the race is coded as "in practice, they only have one sex/gender", unless they're not supposed to fuck at all.
>Wait...why does every fantasy race have it's own sub-ethnicities that happen to correspond to human ethnicities?
This is my problem with it too.
It’s why my favorite subclass is Soul Knife and Echo Knight, cause they aren’t 5e classes, they are for a different kind of game
>Nobody said that.
Then why display it at all in art that is supposed to convey the essence of dwarven culture (and so it must be efficient and effective in doing that and not some other bs)?
>"in practice, they only have one sex/gender"
Nothing about "practice" is pertinent to the fact of them having two genders while also being androgynous (one race heavily biased towards the feminine and the other towards the masculine) beyond what humans can be. It is not that they have "in practice one gender." It is that their sexual dimorphism is different (and somewhat less pronounced) and this leads to different sociocultural outcomes and civilizations.
>mithril makes weapons and armour lighter, gives weapons the finesse or light property, armour counts as 1 category lower
Note that none of this is true in the rules.
if men are pretty much the same as women, heterosexuality makes a lot less sense.
Maybe for dwarves since they're supposed to be lawful (ie follow rules because they're the rules), but elves being fags feels like a default for them unless you're a massive tolkienfag
Breed with more Orc Mexicans, Sword Coastian man! And make more Half-Orcs! They are approaching the borders of our city-states/territory every day!
Liberals keep constantly obsessing about le foreign foods in regards to migrants, I wonder if they made Orcs Mexicans so they can add Mexican food/tacos/tamales in their shitty D&D games too.
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Unlikely. If they really cared about Mexican cuisine, they'd understand the importance of buffing martial artists.
Do hags ever *actually* give people what they want?

The trip I see again and again is
>I want magical help
>I go to a hag
>I get tricked!

But it's like military units who capture and then kill those who surrender to them. If hags keep doing this, if every time a hag offers a magical solution it's a trick or a trap, why do people still go to them for help?
they disguise themselves as regular old ladies, people go to them because the sweet old grandma couldn't possibly be some evil being, right?
also, maybe they just don't know wtf hags are. They might know how to read sure because the local priest of some knowledge god taught them, but in depth knowledge about the lore of their world? nah they don't have internet
Yeah, but only the craftiest people can get a decent reward from them. Players who are good at using leverage tend to get Hags to give up the REAL reward after the fake rewards are called out/survived. When a hag is cornered and left with no option she will cough up a decent reward.
Perhaps a better question is why hags are so undercooked for their supposed threat level and general creepiness. Yes, you can give them an army of scarecrows etc, but RAW they're not particularly good at magic and only mediocre at fighting.
Because RAW is the worst way to play. Generally it's best to never be a RAWtist and do fixes for the flaws in the core game when you can.
Serious question why does anyone still play D&D? Disregarding the gay shit the devs are intent on making the rules as bland and "balanced" as possible to kill any power fantasy and worse the rule expansions for the last decade have been basically nonexistent and the premade adventure content is basically non-existent outside of recreating old adventures.
Why the fuck are you using RAW statblocks?
The same reason it has the most players. It's easily to find a game and homebrew fixes you like. It's a self-feeding cycle
nta, but its not even fucking hard, 5e is the vanilla of tabletop
retarded indeed
It regenerates 1/6th of its health every round mate, its gonna get bodied in three rounds, and thats just fine. Add minions if you want more time
Totems are just poles and swedes danced to them mate, Ponchos are a symbol of Central American glory, please fuck off
I feel they fall under the category of enemies who aren't hard to deal with once you get to them, but getting to them is the real issue. They certainly aren't interested in facing meddling adventurers head-on either.
Give me one reason to swap to the new rulebook in my games instead of just sticking to what me and my players know.
Better martials.
>Give me one reason to swap to the new rulebook in my games instead of just sticking to what me and my players know.
you want better fighter, barbarian, and monk that have more of the fun features they were meant to have in the DNDNext Playtest but got cut to pander to OSR fags who hate the idea of class features besides spells and "BEND BARS, LIFt GATES"
You hate feats like GWM/SS letting martial characters kill your monsters too quickly.
Wores martials.
Martial whores
This doesn't answer my fucking question, dickheads. Even a coven is pussy shit, this is a piss poor design choice.
is 4d6 + 4 negrotic damage and 1d8 + 2d6 + 4 piercing damage per round from a safe distance under ideal circumstances too much at level 3?
Yes it does
>Why are hags shit
Because you run them like shit
black magic
>Human Barbarian
>Halfling Rogue
>Elf Wizard
>Elf Fighter
>Dwarf Druid

What do you see being the biggest issue with this party composition?
New thread:

>Dwarf should be wizard
>Elf wizard should be female minotaur cleric
>Halfling rogue should be an elf rogue
>Elf fighter should be a dog with warrior sidekick levels
gfdi derailed by a typo
so... it should be fine, right?
No, idiot, it's because they're shit by design. They're supposed to be magical and have their own style of spellcasting and they can barely cast spells at all.
It's just the social dynamics and personalities of a major American coastal inner-city environment copied and pasted into adventuring and fantasy.
>black people don't ride dinosaurs and it's racist to say that they do.
I think I know what that person meant when they said this, but it's also stupid as hell and I'm 100% sure everyone on earth regardless of their race, gender, etc. would want to ride a dinosaur if given a chance.

>instead lazily put on the whole side shave garbage and 20 black dudes (but never the hot black chicks) around.
This is why I am convinced all these people are just racist assholes. They only ever add in black people who are annoying as hell, adhere to all the conventional negative stereotypes, or replace an existing white character in order to draw attention from controversy.

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