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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93109770
My favourite.
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>Your predecessor passed on his title to you because he didn't want his schizo insane powerful daughter that he locked up in a basement to get it.
>She is your enemy in one of the quests and wants to run your pockets because she believes it's all supposed to belong to her.

Thoughts on this concept.
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>run your pockets
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Pocket dimension, I think. It's a common premise and makes perfect sense in the context of anon's post.
The jpgs of Planeswalker Rising are slightly higher quality. They were compressed by am anon to make the pdf . . .which is also slightly out of order.
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run your pockets - A term used to announce when someone wants to rob you. The full expression is "run or give me whatever is in your pockets" then it just became, "run your pockets".
if she is waifu material fine otherwise shit
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Not everything about waifus. She wants to decapitate you because that is the only way for her to take the title and everything under it.
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then shit
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I like it
Fixing God's Fuckups has the best magic system out of all NSFW cyoas I know. Even if things like Pantheon of Pleasure, Divine Trials and Isekai Form Toxic Eclipse are better in general.
Why did he do this to me? What did i ever do to him to deserve his kid, an all powerful mage with more knowledge and power than me, a random muggle, to want me dead?
You are strong. Allies gather around the strong. That is the only requirement for succession.
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>You are strong

Stand proud.
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I'm very sad that the supposed update to it never came out.
I swear, someone really ought to just make a JJK cyoa at this point.
JJK CYOA already exists and was posted on Reddit.
I mean other than the interactive one that's literally just the jumpchain.
There is some text-only one in mcyoag.
Dragonfall's companion system sucks because it requires you to sacrifice the points you'd otherwise use for personal power on allies (which can add to your power but lacks the appeal of it being *your* power); that places social leaning dragons below NEET dragons in term of power.

You could have dedicated points for companions, but then you suffer from the opposite problem of social dragons having both the NEET dragons' power and also allies that can boost their strength and provide other services (connections, misc abilities, seggs).

You could get rid of the wishes mechanic and have them be requests that you fulfill yourself, having you earn the companion after completion. but the wishes are actually a surprisingly interesting mechanic for someone like Tok to come up with.

Any ideas?
Don't care, stop talking about it, you are either Tok or trying to summon that faggot when we are having a relatively peaceful thread.
can i segg the schizo cunny?
he already said no
With power, all is possible.

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This one when? Genshin cyoa when? February when?
>February when?
you have to wait next year for that
She's a grown woman.
Worthless schizo then. I will just slaughter her.
Twelve thousand years.
something tells me you missed the joke
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Ford Gods won.
Sounds interesting, but I'd be interested if there was another resolution than just murdering her
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Someone said they would make one, but that was a year ago, and they only updated us once. Hope they come back like the avatar.
There's no Fords in that image you retard.
Didn't anyone even like the class (Fighting Style) of JRPG Traitor?
I liked the Dragonfall companion system. Channeling some of (your) power through the wishes was an interesting mechanic to shape the setting. Made more sense in context, too, than just being asked what kind of world (you) found (yourself) in.
It's always been the weak point of the cyoa. I enjoy how it describes the powers and how the different elements work, but they don't really add much to the story you are building. The game gives you so many points that you are likely to take half the powers available, meaning most of them will feel redundant and only there to fill slots, and some of them are simple and straight powers while others go on a poetic rant that both makes them look unbeatable by any heroic party while also not really explaining what they do.
I can't fault people who simply decide to skip the power section.
Would have been better if we'd been given a little more to spend on them. As it was I barely cared.
Too bad we will never get a remake of JRPG Traitor because the author went and hero'd himself and we will never see him again,.
is there... proof of this?
He didn't actually kill himself, he just disappeared and left the CYOA in the state it is.
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post yfw a cyoa is more than one page long
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>Try to find the Naruto CYOA
>Archive is just spammed with MCYOAG Naruto spam
Holy fuck I hate them so much.
I'm starved for choice but this is still a really interesting universe.
I am reaching the companions part, I write about who they are and how can they be of use to the player, but I am missing something.
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Would it benefit my CYOA if I included a page talking about the person you will be fighting in a quest? Nothing super detailed just relevant information and some people under them.
Yes? How else am I supposed to know what I am getting into.
This one?
Yes. This one had the companions. Thank you, fren.
We got any good wuxia cyoas?
I wish.
Italics please remake Magi Case where nothing changes except names aren't as retarded
Does anyone remember a name of the cyoa where you embark on a transhuman self-ascension journey?
You had to manage risk and finance with an element of randomness involved, lading to potential fail states should you be too greedy or unlucky.
Sounds really shit. Was it the reddit one with green background and AI images? If not there is another one, I also don't remember the name but at least it means you did not dream it.
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Thank you very much, anon!
>weekend comes
>threads are still dead
>no OC
>all discussions devolves into shitposting
There is no reason to post.
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Posting my Shitpost Wizard OC again. I'm writing the another shitpost CYOA after I finish my shift at work. This time - I compiled some stuff based on typical shitposting on /a/ and /fit/.
Thank you for OC!
I choose Monster Fitness. Hopefully she has a house and some way to get food. I can't be dedicated to martial arts if I also have to keep working full-time
I read this and made a build but I did not realize it was OC.
>Monster Fitness
Because I want to be like a superhero.
>Big Bouncy Beach Babe
Because her aura helps me better the world, and she sounds sweet.
>Normalcy Aura
Because I don't want to avoid being harassed for being like a superhero.
I like Convicted Sex Offender Preworkout, Monster Fitness and Gyaru Pussy. The first two will turn me into an immortal RAPE MUTANT (you bet I'm going to fuck monstergirl once I can beat her) and the third will make a me a sexual tyrannosaurus.
It was also posted last time.
Honestly, I'd probably pick the same.
Yeah, I should have predicted these will be popular together.
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>Italics please remake Magi Case
The Magi Case is receiving a redux version that will enhance the base CYOA with additional options, companions (reduced profile lengths too), and choices in terms of cases/quests for you to go on. I also learned that putting hidden cases (/things to investigate) in companion profiles was a wrong move and will make a secondary case (quest) list where you investigate things that are more individual / clan focused: Ager Civil War, Aozdou Murder Conspiracy, Blood Moon Incident under the Bathory Clan, etc.

>where nothing changes
Nah. It's better for you guys if I do the above because I want to enhance your experience going through the CYOA, the way you make your builds, and ultimately decide what is your destiny after becoming involved in countless magical affairs as a special agent. Will you stay on the job to ascend to the top ranks to continue to help keep order in the world? Will you make a discovery of a lifetime and craft a new form of Magic? Will you retire and have a family? etc.

Though the redux won't be out for awhile due to it not being on my release order. I really want to put out new content for you guys to enjoy. Hopefully I can even put out a nice short one or two pager today or tomorrow based around an idea I've been sitting on for awhile.
Are you not playing elden ring italics?
>I really want to put out new content for you guys to enjoy.
Thank you!
>Hopefully I can even put out a nice short one or two pager today or tomorrow
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one
>Are you not playing elden ring italics?
Nah, I already beat the base game. I personally am not enthralled with Elden Ring, it was okay. I didn't pick up the DLC because I ended up getting spoiler'd, but the whole final boss relationship is sus.

>A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one
It's not going to be extremely deep, very classic here of your options go adventure like you would find in the early days of the general.
>I didn't pick up the DLC because I ended up getting spoiler'd, but the whole final boss relationship is sus.
>videogame that is about gameplay and not story
>does not play it because of the barely existing story
Holy, so this is the power of autism.
He keeps proving how retarded he is, how can people not see it.
Elden Ring's gameplay was okay. So yeah, I needed something a little bit more to get me over the finish line.
Anyone got that Harbringer superhero cyoa?
>videogame that is about gameplay
Demon Souls 6 is so tiring though.
When I made it to Irithyll DS3 without dying until I finally got punked by Sullyvan and his SUTANDO POWA the gameplay was stale.
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I'm still stuck at work, but I collected images for my new Shitpost Power CYOA, inspired partially by the actual shitposts from this site. I'd like to thank the anon from the previous thread for providing the sicko mode image. When I'm back from work, I'll add text and fix placements.

Before that, what do you think about the idea of powers having clear drawbacks?
>Before that, what do you think about the idea of powers having clear drawbacks?
has been done before and it worked just try to not go overboard with the drawbacks
>powers having clear drawbacks
Very important reminder: the drawback is taken into consideration before the power. What you get doesn't matter if you have to be mindraped, for example.
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Drawbacks add a layer of depth to the choices, but like the other anons said you can't go crazy with drawbacks.
define mindraped
What's wrong with being mindraped? Like just walk it off, pussy.
My preferred strategy is to just go Inventing, then get a companion with Power Amp so they can buff my power and I can create permanently stronger inventions.
Thanks for suggestions. I kind of want to make the flaws to be the inherent part of each shitpost power. Sort of build in consequence and limit for each power and an inherent risk for those trying to abuse them.
Actually, JRPGanon shifted over to the /trash thread, and started a lewd biomech cyoa called Otrera Bestia . . .then disappeared.

He did say that his offline life was becoming very busy, and wasn't sure when he'd be able to write again.
so, am i the only one who is really worried about planeswalking in verses completely controlled by the golden god once i become a scholar?
i mean, from my understanding even if a mentor where to planeswalk in those verses they will be completely fucked, with no way of getting out.
possibly the only solution to that is doing what err did and become an outer god by killing one yourself, but im not sure if that would change anything.
the only tankisa cyoa worth playing.
Apparently there's an alliance between the Scholars and the Golden God, and the higher-ups trust it enough to offer the Golden God's thaumaturgy to rookies. So in the near term, I'm not worried about it.

In the long term? That I worry about, as the Scholars and the Golden God have very different, and very strong, views on magic. I see the current arrangement as more enemy-of-my-enemy, than friendship.

And even in the friendliest alliances, "accidents" happen.
>The outer gods bad!
>Then they sided with the biggest and strongest motherfucker outer god of them all that also is the biggest control freak in the multiverse
it kinda grinds my gears a bit
What's stopping me from taking a powerful power system like cultivation that can easily consume others for power and massacre worlds that are weaker than me?
a million years of closed cultivation
Bugman settings are incapable of existing
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The Golden God isn't the strongest overall, he's just the strongest in the region of reality that the Scholars claim as their turf. The cultists and the Yith probably have Outer Gods of equivalent strength anchoring their sections, too.

Kind of like how everything in the solar system orbits the sun, while planets beyond just see our sun as just another star.

(Not the author, but I picked his brain when he was still frequenting the thread.)
>He did say that his offline life was becoming very busy, and wasn't sure when he'd be able to write again.
Should have never got involved in crime.
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>Finish writing all the options for CYOA
>Hardest part is putting it all into PS with images to make a CYOA.
>Otrera Bestia
So he became just another be the troon shitposter. What a shame.
I mean JRPG Traitor has a lot of bisexual companions.
Join us and you'll never suffer from the oc drought again.
>Be the troon shitposter
The cyoa is be the monster that fucks all the girls into a drooling mess with your dick how the fuck is that troon
Rolled 2 (1d2)

> Origin
Literally no idea
> Requirement
> Planeswalking
Acceptable Taste
Advancement Level x2
Aptitude x2
Early Backtracking
> Death
Standard Limit (5 lives)
> Personal
Ontological Inertia
Karmic Immunity
NMP Field
> Planar Magics
Planar Runes
Blood (Gain strength)
> Literally No Idea Origin
More Power
> Academic Options
Societal Traits
University Life
Burnout Prevention
> Connections
Father Trome
Alleni Brievena
Riley Jane Frith
> Mentor
Alec Nicholson

According to the lore document you can specify not just words, but entire (single) concepts with Societal Traits. So, my plan is to first go for a world which contain magic capable of instantly giving the caster entire degrees worth of knowledge, bypassing the need for studying. Then I'll learn that magic, form a bond with the world and just use that to complete the requirements. If it doesn't my build is geared towards living in the most comfortable world possible while I study. I'll also take my two immediate family members with me, and see if I can't get Alec to induct them into the organisation proper. Also also, I'll try to convince Riley to instead of gunning for immortality, focus on magic that'll make her life easier in the 'shithole'.
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>quite probably the strongest thing, period.
>it dominates everything it touches
>it keeps the center of the OMNIVERSE plain and nonmagical
even it the lore page its reiterated he resides at the center of the omniverse.

anon wtf are you talking about?
every kind of magic scales down or up depending on the setting, also good luck cultivating for thousands of years to become more powerful in your verse while being a nobody in all the others, meanwhile bramor who learned planar magic not only is gonna be at the least at your same level on the verse you choose, but he is gonna beat your ass in every other verse
Even has the companions, holy kino. I hate the author so much, when asked if they plan on porting the companion pages, they just said "use the old one", so now every time I do it, I take the drawbacks and bonuses twice, one from the current, one from the old. If they didn't want me to just "use the old one", they wouldn't be so damn lazy, and I dunno about you guys, but I'm ok with getting ninja aids twice if it means I become basically a god, even if I drop dead at 22.
just don't understand why Tok is incapable of moving past that shitshow. So nobody liked it, big deal. Goddamn, stop samefagging, it's pathetic.
Rolled 13, 3, 8, 7, 1 = 32 (5d15)

This has always put me off making a build. But I'm going to go ahead and finally throw together a 'narrative' only build. Because like you said, it's an excellent fantasy life generator.

Sex: Male
Age: Adult
Race: Human
Fighting Style: Spirit Talker
Perk: Popular

Rollan for team.
I think this is the cyoa that got me to actually look into MtG lore and start reading the books.
Why the fuck do you even need ninja aids twice? Just go for Perfect Integration (super cheap with perks) and/or Mad Science.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Sex: Male
Age: Adult
Race: Human
Fighting Style: Spirit Talker
Perk: Popular

13, 3, 8, 7, 1
Hero: Eve Viloro
Healer: Zana
Fighter: Shuraki
Mage: Alfher Nikomachos
Wanderer: Isabella

Interesting party. Not one I would have picked. I can see Shuraki and Alfher butting heads. Isabella being a bit of a wildcard but maybe even protective of Eve and Zana. Zana and Eve will probably get along great. Bringing out and reinforcing each others inner child. Also access to a skyship is pretty cool. Just like in my JRPG's!

Rollan for overlord.
Rolled 3, 10, 3, 10, 7, 2, 1, 11, 6, 10, 11, 10, 5, 11, 8, 11, 6, 12, 4, 12, 2, 5, 3, 11, 9 = 183 (25d12)

Sex: Male
Age: Adult
Race: Human
Fighting Style: Spirit Talker
Perk: Popular

Hero: Eve Viloro
Healer: Zana
Fighter: Shuraki
Mage: Alfher Nikomachos
Wanderer: Isabella

Interesting party. Not one I would have picked. I can see Shuraki and Alfher butting heads. Isabella being a bit of a wildcard but maybe even protective of Eve and Zana. Zana and Eve will probably get along great. Bringing out and reinforcing each others inner child. Also access to a skyship is pretty cool. Just like in my JRPG's!

Overlord: Tagus, The Beast of Slid

Again, not what I would have picked but thinking about it it goes well with my Spirit Talker class, the fact the party has an airship and that the loyalty mission is the destruction of Sidith, where at least one party member is from.

The next few sections are broken down in to a choice of 6 or twelve so I'm going to just roll a bunch of d12's. Will probably finish the build and a bit of a story later.
The author is a known hack who didn't even try to separate canon companions from fanon companions or expanding on them.
I like the coompanion system. I don't mind sacrificing points for allies. My main complaint is that their powers are not properly explained. Making it difficult to make satisfying choices instead of relying on head canon.
>but the wishes are actually a surprisingly interesting mechanic
generally speaking separating companion points with power point tends to be a better mechanic, at the least for me, the main problem in dragonfall(and in many other tok cyoas) is the cost, for example, meili costs 3 urembers, i could have used those 3 urembers to buy the tier 1 crawls update.
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According to the author, that was just what the Scholars tell the rookies. In reality, the Scholars are one of the three great planeswalking factions, with the Yith and the Lovecraftian cultists (partially sponsored by Yog-sothoth) existing in a cold war dynamic. The Scholars have most - maybe all - of the human universes (and lesser human planeswalking factions) in their sphere of influence. But that's hardly the whole of the multiverse, with the other two controlling vast stretches, too.

It wasn't really relevant to the cyoa, as only the Prodigal trainees have a chance to go beyond the universes that the Scholars control. However the author and his friends are (or maybe were) running a GURPS tabletop rpg in the same setting, and so they've fleshed it out quite thoroughly.
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I'd serve Yogsothoth if he gave me a Gazer waifu.

Anyway I was planning on doing a build for this but I keep losing my motivation, especially when I keep running out of points. I had to ditch all the Planar Magic because I already picked runes but I'm still 20 BP over budget.
Meh, here it goes.

>Origin: Arcana
I'm just getting this for Advanced Runes.

>Requirement: Prodigal
For discounted stuff.

>Global Options:
>Magical (free)
>Aptitude II (free)
>Demiplane (30BP)
A place to keep all the shit I loot in various universes

Don't feel like I'll need this, given my path.

>Self-Improvement II (15BP)
So I can load up on augs and have them stick.
>Memory (10 BP)
Part of the computer brain combo.

>Soulbind Item (10BP)
So I can keep my loot.
>Planar Runes (10BP)
I'll have lots of time to learn, so I don't mind figuring shit out myself. Will probably tie into runes.
>Arcane Origin: Advanced Runes (10BP)
Even more runes for fuckery.

>Prodigal Options
>Low Planeswalking (5BP)
>High Planeswalking (10BP)
>Low Personal (5BP)
>High Personal (10BP)
>Low Planar Magic (5BP)
>High Planar Magic (10BP)
The meat of why I took Prodigal. Cheap options are great.
>Delay (-10 RP)
Because this is an Escape Option build.
>Extra BP II (+20 BP, +30 RP)
>Escape Option (+10 RP)
The crux of the build. I'll switch over to Academic with this and take...

>Global Options:
>Acceptable Taste (free)
>Advancement Level II (free)

>Academic Options:
>University Life (+5 RP)
Universities are safe havens for studying. Always need this.
>Burnout Prevention (-10 RP)
Never give up, a key protagonist quality.
>Higher Standard (-5 RP)
Free points with Making Progress.
>Instruction (-10 RP)
To teach is to learn twice, as they say.
>Making Progress (-20 RP)
Free points if I'm going to be an academic.

Personal Options:
>Ontological Inertia (+10 RP)
>Destinyproof (+10 RP)
>Karmic Immunity (+10 RP)
>NMP Field (+10 RP)
Freedom from consequences, and the ability to just not be disturbed while studying.

>Mentors: All (-20 RP)
Needed to pay off Extra BP...

So the Computer Brain combo is Memory, Processing Power, Focus and Parallel Thought, allowing me to both learn and solve problems at ridiculous speeds while making sure I remember everything I pick up. My plan is to find a way to augment my processing power to the point of a AI takeoff (probably through magitechnological means) and then reach singularity with access to planeswalking, planar runes and a pocket dimension. Thereafter I'll keep my computational substrate in my pocket dimension as a Matrioshka Brain while forking off about a hundred instances of myself to learn 100 subjects at once. I'll send a fork to the University to learn everything I can (breaking all the failsafes the University has on me will be part of this), another fork to bargain with Yog Sothoth for a Gazer waifu, and the rest of me will build a stellar civilization to safeguard my intelligence, enshrine my knowledge, and research stuff to annihilate everyone who tries to take me down. I'll get to the point where I can have forks just passively adding to my knowledge base.

Short OC soon.
What's it about?
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Here's some short OC.
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post your oc
> Location
The Prosperous East
> Occupation
> Weapon
> Martial Arts Style
Pure Heavenly Cleansing Arts
> Love interest
The Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance
> Fate of the heavens
Rise of the dark heavens

6/10 cyoa, not the worst or the best.
Location: Central Plains
Occupation: Brigand
Weapon: Bow
Martial Arts: Ancient Sage Toxin Arts
Love Interest: The Fairy of Melodies in the Frontier
Fate of the Heavens: War in the Central Plains

All RNG'd. I'm going to murder this Anon >>93141435 and fuck off from the Central Plains.
not multiplayer
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>Location: The West
>Occupation: Merchant
>Weapon: Fist
>Martial Arts Style: Archdemon Soul Malformation Arts
>Love Interest: Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance
>Fate of the Heavens: War In The Central Plains
Our hero was born a merchant in a harsh land, and when an unorthodox sect attacked his family, he awakened as the reincarnation of the Heavenly Demon and slaughtered them. Cue the Heroine, who comes to investigate and takes on our hero as her disciple. Gradually, even though our hero knows that he cannot possibly be with her, they fall in love with each other anyway. With an upcoming war on the horizon, it is time for the Demon King of Yan to make his reappearance, and for the Heroine to become his queen... or a kingslayer.
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The West


>Martial Arts:
Weapon: Fist
Style: Archdemon Soul Malformation Arts

>Love Interest:

I pass the love tribulation.

>Fate of the Heavens:
War In The Central Plains

I will massacre all living beings and devour Heaven and Earth.
Any superhero/psionic themed CYOA specifically about finding synergies?
i feel like you are confusing planeswalker rising with the wanderer of broken worlds cyoa, all i remember ahs saying is that they exist and also that the scholar are at war with the elder things who control a small cluster of verses, but that's it, he mentioned humans being a sort of constant in the omniverse since there is a platonic form of humans.
It's pretty good. I kind of feel like some of those fuckhuge NSFW CYOAs are better than worksafe CYOAs, and for reasons unrelated to the NSFW aspects. Like, Divine Trials or Pantheon of Pleasure are pretty great in terms of tone and narration.
The writing on this is pretty difficult to parse through, please proofread it next time. The design is alright but the writing really needs some heavy work.
post it
HOLY FUCK IT'S MASSIVE. There's no way it's not insanely bloated.
here are the exact quotes by ahs:
>There are true Elder Things and false Elder things. The true Elder Things are an ancient race of outer god-bound planeswalkers but other outer gods create universal-level imitations of them and their enduring presence itself can create similar, but lesser, entities in universes with a strong outer god influence. You will never meet the former before going to the Citadel and you will likely never meet them afterwards either. They will attempt to kill Scholars on sight and are very often successful. You will not meet the latter unless you choose Tal as a mentor or otherwise choose to fight them.


>It's not so much of a disservice as a sad reality of planeswalker groups. The vast majority of them are cultist groups attached to one outer god or another, as the easiest way by far to get out of a universe is to be helped out by something already outside of it. Just like the Yith, the Elder Things are servants of an outer god. Fortunately for them, they have far more independence than the Yith or the vast array of cultist groups, but they are severely limited in their planeswalking by the nature of their planeswalking method.


so the anon here >>93140716 can give up on his gazer waifu, also taking all the mentors feels like a very bad plan for a prodigial, you will run around doing errand all the time
No choice, need to pay off all the crap I took. Unless I can sell off Demiplane and Soulbind Item, but those seem really useful.

Anyway this multiverse without Gazer waifus sucks, I'm going to make one.
The Facility by Peil.
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finally, the only problem i have with it is that is too short
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If anyone played this, does ++torso give all the parts from the new torso or just the limbs?

It says all limbs, but if that's the case wouldn't spider be the only viable choice?
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Yet another orient adventure cyoa.
No more OC left for non-weebish white men, it's over.
>shitalic's kind of oc
Wasted effort
Disagree. It got builds and feedback.
Maybe it's rough and isn't amazing, but he got results and learning opportunities.
Not a waste
Very happy to see some Thunderbolt Fantasy art here. Have you seen the show Italics? If not you really should, it's beyond a doubt the best series of the 2010s for me, got me into puppets
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season 4 fucking when
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you can deduce that its not made by italics by the quality, italics never made a good cyoa
It didn't cater to my tastes
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Someone on the latest /a/ thread claimed that Pili announced it would be this October during a convention, but I'm not sure if he was telling the truth
Fox was great, didn't like him at first but he grew on me. Picrel was one of the best scenes of S2 lol
I think he's one of the few people that actually handed Duck a defeat.

Looking forward to how DUck screws Locust over, personally.
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Since Locust already monologued his motives to Duck, he's probably already planning something. I look forwards to it, also excited to see 10mei get involved in the plot
Also, 10guy wasn't really ducked, since he never acknowledged defeat and seethed until the end
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Didn't know we had so many puppetchads ITT
DollWaifu would be proud...
I should make kguy using it
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Oh man I remember this one. I liked the Mr. Incredible (physicalmaxxing) and Melisandre (pyrokinesis and shadows) builds.
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Codename: Udûn

>Awakening: Late
>Self-View: Superiority
>Facility: Center
>Memories: Combat Training, Games

>Control 1
>Potential 2
Potential gives free power points, so it's pretty much mandatory. Control is so I don't panic and fuck myself.

>Companions: Anton, Alice, Scott
None of them really matter to me since I'm escaping alone.

>Peak Human M1 (1)
Just so my main body isn't too weak. It also buffs all my clones and I have a lot of them.

>Shadow Servant M1 I1 (3)
>Dark Clone M1 (1)
>Sentient Double M1 (5)
>Group Summoning M1 M2 (2)
>Battle Shadows M1 I1 (3)
>Legions M1 (3)
>Soul Capture M1 (4)
In total, I have one copy of myself with all my powers and both I and the shadow have 100 lesser shadows who are all at least human plus when it comes to fighting. And I can summon them all up at once. And they can use weapons. This doesn't include slain paranormal power users who have been soul captured by me.

>Absorption M1 (Fire) (1)
>Heat Generation M1 (1)
>Ignite M1 M2 (6)
>Pyromancy M1 I1 (6)
The full pyromancy suite including immunity to heat. Here's the fun thing, pyromancy does not have the "drains stamina completely" clause that lightning and cryomancy do, and it allows you to fly, create firewalls, fire golems, the like. And my shadow clone has it too.

>*Quantic Double M1 I1 (6)
The * means powers obtained through Potential. What Quantic Double does is that it lets me deploy extra pyromancers; my shadow clone now becomes two shadow clones and I can send one my Quantic Double to support them. Since I share a mind with the double, it also lets me personally keep an eye on things.

In general, our hero has a personal army with multiple commanders, along with defensive and direct attack powers. The Sentient Double in particular allows him to operate from complete safety and wreak havoc, while Soul Capture lets him yoink useful powers and add them to his collection.
>Control is so I don't panic and fuck myself.
You got the order of operations wrong. Control is so that you don't fuck yourself if you panic.
>Have you seen the show Italics?
Yes. I've seen the show and the only reason I watched it because the puppetry reminded me of Jim Henson, RIP. The reminder was not 1:1, it's just been a long time since I seen a show using puppets.

I made the CYOA, though. I already announced I was going to put out some short OC.

Well, I'm glad you liked it. I sort-of wanted to do some more wuxia stuff since inventing the Meirin Clan in the Magi Case. Doesn't help that I've played/beaten (multiple times) some Wuxia games like Hero's Adventure and Wandering Sword.

Maybe, one day I'll make a true Jianghu Adventure.
>the only reason I watched it because the puppetry reminded me of Jim Henson
I haven't seen much of the muppets, but I see how you can think that at a first glance. Did you enjoy it?
>I haven't seen much of the muppets, but I see how you can think that at a first glance.
When I first saw it I got reminded of Dark Crystal and Labyrinth more than Muppets for some reason. It was something about puppet animation in general, honestly the last time I saw puppetry used in animation was like in Tim Burton's stuff.

>Did you enjoy it?
Suppose there were a great mountain of rock -- a league long, a league wide, a league high, uncracked, uncavitied, a single mass -- and a man came along once every hundred years and rubbed it once with a Kashi cloth. More quickly would that great mountain of rock waste away and be consumed by that effort, but Saint Slayer would still not be released.
>Starting Location
The Nothern Region


>Martial Arts Weapon

>Martial Arts Style
Archedeman Soul Malformation Arts

>Love Interest
The Priestess of the Demon Cult

>Fate of Heavens
Conquerors From the North

I train, study, and work to become the next Heavenly Demons but Invaders have come to Conquer our lands, so the Priestess and I lead the Demon Cult against the Invaders, stopping them from leaving our Northern Region using our knowledge of the lands to strike out them and then disappear to strike them again at their weakest points. Working to bleed their strength and prevent any supplies from flowing through our lands, the Alliance of Martial Sects and Imperial Army fights those that escape from our lands, crushing them piecemeal style. Led to our Win after 100 years, where our Strength led to Freedom, Freedom led to Change, Change Led to Peace, and Peace Led to Wisdom, securing the Northern Region for ourselves, becoming Autonomous from the Central Government, and securing respect and tolerance of the Demon Cult. As I have become the Next Heavenly Demon, taking the Priestess as my wife, to have an extensive family who can replace me when I pass and strengthen our region against any that would threaten us.
Any, it doesn't matter for either Memories or Companions.
Meditation, The Mentor
Control Tier 2 (for free)
Discretion Tier 2
Responsibility Tier 1 (for free)

Nathan, Elie, and Sarah.
Nathan is an excellent scout, Sarah can easily immobilize a target (even if they don't wear clothes, she just has to keep ribbons of sturdy fabric on her at all times) and Elie has a very powerful damaging power as a last resort.

>Powers Type
Esper (22 Mind points, 6 General Points)

>Powers Selection
Suggestion (all, -4)
Defence (all, -4)
Inducement (first three, -4)
Impulse (all, -5)
Restructuring (-3)
Contact (first one, -1)
Senses Hacking (first one, -2)
Scrying (all, -2)
Mind Reading (first two, -3)

Puppeteering is not worth attracting the attention. Defense is needed in order not to fall prey to other Espers. The combination of Suggestion + Inducement + Impulse is very powerful, especially since Impulse doesn't seem to require line of sight . Get ambushed? Order the ambushers to kill each other. Restructuring is straight up overpowered and can be used to turn even the staunchest enemy into a steadfast ally if I can look at them for a minute. Contact is there to keep in touch with allies, especially since it is implied the link never breaks unless dismissed. Senses Hacking and Scrying allows me to permanently see through their eyes if needed, which allows me to be forewarned of any danger. If Impulse or Restructuring can be used while looking through someone else's eyes, they're even more broken, and I don't see why they couldn't.

>The Revelation
Depends on the Facility, who cares.

>Your Decision

>Gettting Out

Communication is Compromised, Men in Black, Black Ops Soldiers

>The Plan
Oh and Mind Reading is there to identify targets, and it's even stronger if it can be used alongside the Mind Control powers + Scrying.
>Nobody took the Tang Heroine
It's over.
>these completely normal and overall sane replies
it's over
it's finally over
we're healed
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It's an another victim of the cyoag derangement syndrome. Such loss of potential cyoas...
You are a man of culture. Best girl and wife, btw.
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NEED loyal Tang wife. They are always the best girls.
sorry bro the golden god says non-100% humans are illegal and deletes your gazer
Yes. I choose my powers based on how it fits the class instead of picking randomly what seems cool or nice to have.
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My powers are a rather large part of my identity. I could never be NORMAL.
The very idea scares me.
>View of Self
Superiority I suppose, but I'm not a dick about it.
I wouldn't compare people to dogs. More like... if you were one of the few able-bodied people in a world of invalids.
The Foundation
I came here a long time ago. I like to think I enjoy a certain level of trust with the custodians by now.
Studies and mentor.
We're like a big family here. Miss Swayze looks out for all of us.
Control Tier 2 (1)
Discretion Tier 1 (0)
Potential Tier 0
Responsibility Tier 1
Overdrive Tier 0
Versatility Tier 0
(There's a lot of options here and some seem kinda mandatory. It's suprising how there's no way to earn more stat points.)
I'll join the multiplayer if there is one.
I'm the uncle Tom type.
>powers type
Even miss Swayze doesn't know the extend of my powers.

>Mind Control
Suggestion (20)
\Independant 1 (19)
Inducement (18)
\Independant 1 (16)
Defence 1,2,3 (12)
Impulse (11)
\Independant 1 (8)
\Independant 2 (7)
Restructuring (4)

Contact (3)
Mind Reading (1)
Surfing (0) (I'm out of mind points, will have to eat into my general ones)
Absorption [3]

Peak Body [2]
Muscle Density 1,2 [0]

As far as the facility knows, my powers are superhuman strength and martial arts.
My supposed special reflexes are really just reading minds before sparring and gaining foreknowledge through that.
Miss Swayze can't know how much of her mind is my doing.

This is the only life I've ever known.
And I can't have YOU lot making trouble for all of us


Field Agent
I'm not too ambitious, a higher position just means more scrutiny. Let me run around and get into scrapes. That's where I'm comfortable, and I won't feel pressured to reveal my full power.
Remarkably similar builds that seem to mostly neutralize each other. The second has the obvious advantage of superhuman strength, but I feel the first would still get the upper hand thanks to much stronger Mind Reading (unrestricted by eye contact) and being able to largely operate at a distance by scrying through proxies.
Also the lack of discretion tier 2 means this build would not have been able to influence Foundation staff in any significant way without having been noticed, so the backstory about the Esper powers remaining a secret just doesn't work.
The nosebleed shows up only when I use my powers in 'longer than usual or in a more power form'.
So only when I'm surfing or restructuring basically. And I only have to make sure I'm not doing it in fully view of everyone.
Restructuring would still be noticed, though. Sure, Miss Swayze probably loves you at this point and would think little of her favorite student having mind control powers, but without Memory Crafting, you can't alter her memory of the nosebleed. She might feel disinclined to talk about it, of course, but it's pretty naive to think that in a place where Espers exist, Faculty staff would not regularly get mind-read by their colleagues.
I have to say though, now that I think about it, just add Memory Crafting and that's a really sneaky build against anyone who doesn't have Defence tier 3.
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I think committing to not really using restructuring outside a few specific instances throughout my life is enough justification to come up with that advantage for myself.
A nosebleed is a purely visible tell after all, somebody has to look at you before you've got the chance to wipe your nose. If I'm alone with someone and looking at the back of their head, if they're sleeping, if I've got another excuse to be using my powers, I've got some wriggle room.
>I'll join the multiplayer if there is one.
Kek, I'm making a multiplayer just because of this.
Why don't you fucking multiplayerfags go back to your containment general.
Fair enough, the sleeping clause included in Restructuring does make its secret use plausible after all. Still, discretion tier 2 would probably be a good idea, especially since you took responsibility tier 1 despite not really needing it.
If your around, could the anon with the goddess OC and yt channel with christ-rock & latin hymns post their channel link?
I've got an earworm from one of the videos I can't quite remember from the old 'beautiful palestine' poem-song
Only CYOA I can think of that really is focused on synergies is interactive; minor powers CYOA.


Pretty basic in execution but more thought than most power pickers have. Only glaring problem other than being the most uninteresting thing in the universe to look at besides Planeswalker is that the isekai world options it gives are just outright weird. A bunch of them just don't make any sense at all as options for an 'isekai with powers' situation.
How did people even liked this? It is so fucking mediocre. I guess there was nothing better back in the day.
The western region
> Martial Arts Style
War god of thunder and storms
>Love interest
Unconquerable poison of the great houses
>Fate of the heavens
The number one under the heavens

Just the classic Xianxia story of the seemingly powerless and unknown guard beating up all the nobles and conquering the arrogant young mistress to stand as the strongest under the heavens.
>The number one under the heavens
>the tournament
>man is not in a central plains sect
It's a trap and you're not in on it. You're dead.
I'm self inserting mostly but this is needed for the extra control.
>View of self
Everyone has their own gifts, and 'better' is completely subjective.
> Facility
The Foundation
It's the nicest place and brings me closest to the root of my powers.
Studies, Meditation
Obviously actually knowing what my powers even are is important, as is ensuring they work the way I want them to.
Control 2, Discretion 2
This guarantees that I'll never be left without my powers and also I won't die of blood loss.
Chloe, Elie, Mariana
Chloe and Mariana are both people I'd like to be friends with and mystery boxes I want to open. Elie is there for the sake of actually escaping; hopefully I can convince him to tone down his crusade.
>Powers Type
>Mind Control
Suggestion (Mandatory 1), Defence (Mandatory 1 2 3)
> Elemental Manipulation
Absorption (Mandatory 1, Cold), Cold Generation (Mandatory 1, Independent 1), Freezing (Mandatory 1 2, Independent 1), Cryomancy (Mandatory 1, Independent 1)
>Reality Warping
Probability Manipulation (Mandatory 1), Luck Augmentation (Mandatory 1, Independent 1)
I want to make stuff as cold as possible so I can absorb it and boost my luck powers to the moon. Also ice powers are cool as hell (pun retroactively intended). considered going flame as they could actually control and move their element, but Cryomancy implies you can do that with the cold vapor.
The Scrolls
See, this kind of shit is why I want to understand my powers so badly.
Honestly I would've stayed if not for the damn microchips.
>Getting out
No man left behind.
Police Activity
Men in black, Mobsters, Military Mobilisation, Black Ops Soldiers, Breach of Secrecy
Welp. Just got to pray my luck holds I guess.
>What's the Plan Now?
Fight, Join Others
Just letting this go on is obviously not tenable, but I certainly can't go up against all this alone.
Anon, overcoming the obviously rigged tournament and killing the hidden sect assassin they send after you who invariably underestimate you because they fail to see mount Tai is a mandatory part of the genre.
That's the part meant to make you think you're safe because you "solved" their trap. The real trap is all the orthodox sect masters attacking you at the same time the moment you win and are exhausted from the final fight. There's no way they would just let you challenge them and be on top. The entire point of the tournament is to bait out strong outsiders to eliminate the threat they pose.
Cyoag has fallen. Billions must become authors
More like a dozen
Unless you're the reincarnation of CHeonma, and cackle evilly as the old fools deliver their qi and cultivation to you on a silver platter.
I will never again say anything bad about how long italics takes after trying to work on oc myself
That works, but not for anon since he took War god of thunder and storms and not Archdemon Soul Malformation Arts or great ancestral blood arts.
Ah well.

Also, why is it that Koreans are so big on the Cheon Ma (Heavenly Demon) thing and spears?
>italics cumeater
>samefag supreme
we need to cleanse this place
Koreans looked at one version of wuxia/xianxia and hyper focused on it forever.
>4 frail old men thinking they can defeat the strongest under the heavens after I learned all their techniques from their noble students who I massacred during the tournament
With such a weak mindset it's no wonder you needed to take the archdemon path for easy power.
But doctor, you are chaosfag!
Don't forget the power fantasy autist.
You forgot the lifespan/immortality guy.
And this is the Mr. Incredible (meets Nightcrawler) build.

Codename: Fedora

>Awakening: Early
>Facility: The Center
Needed for Memories. Combat Training gives so many points that you'd be silly not to take them.
>Memories: Combat Training, Games
>Stats: Potential T2, Versatility T1
Needed to fully realize the build's power.
>Companions: Anton, Alice, Michael
All three of them ate the combative types, but Anton is the bro who'll help plan an escape, Alice is the one who'll try and change my mind, and Michael is the asshole who'll try to kill me no matter what.

Powera: MUTANT (leaving humanity behind)

>Insight M1 (1)
>Prescient Reflexes M1 (3)
>Battle Precognition M1 I1 I2 (6)
Reflexively dodge bullets with my augmented body, and Battle Precognition is basically Auto Combat from Dame Skill Auto Mode. It's especially nasty because I have Flash Step and Superstrength, which means I am Nightcrawler with Juggernaut's physical prowess.

>Organic Response M1 (1)
So I can both pleasure myself at will and supercharge my physical strength even more.

>Peak Body M1 (1)
>Metabolism M1 (1)
For toxin and disease immunity
>Muscle Density M1 I1 (2)
>Super Strength M1 (3)
>Hyper Durability (3)
The required secondary power to make full use of Super Strength, and especially Organic Response-Boosted Super Strength.

>Jump M1 I2 (7)
>Flash Step M1 I1 (4)
The full Flash Step combo, allowing me to move rapidly between targets after unleashing superstrength slashes with a titanium katana ot something.
>Teleportation M1 (3)
Nobody will ever contain me.

>*Quantic Double M1 I1 (6)
Now there's two of me, the super strong, super tough, precognitive and teleporting me. This is a Potential power btw.
>Revelation: The Test
I kill the guy, of course, but after that I realize that I am not a gun, and that I will kill on my own initiative.

>Decision: Escape
I think only 1 person I know has ever chosen Stay, in this thread.
>Getting Out: Mass Breakout
Time for multiplayer!

>Complications: Police Activity, MIBs, Mobsters, Nemesis, Breach of Secrecy, The Inquisitors
Police, MIBs and Mobsters are obvious, Alice is obviously my Nemesis, and I'll have to beat her into submission. Hopefully defeat equals friendship. Michael will probably be part of the Inquisitors, and killing him will be one of the things my chap has thought long and hard about.

>What's The Plan Now?: Join Others
Since we're all wanted, I need strength in numbers. We can decide what to do later.

Fedora and Udun >>93144161
will pretty much hang out together, since they both agree on building up a community of fellow espers.
Italics and Tankista give OC. The fuck is your problem?
>Reddit hasn't stolen it.
Looks like we are finally free.
>failed novelist
>meta enabler
Okay, Tok.
For a moment I wanted to write a short CYOA based on these characters, but then realized catfag would have no purpose.
Snide narrator.
Sorry anon
It's better than nothing, sure.
Or perhaps a dormroom setting
don't do meta
Could not resist defending them, cumeater?
>t. shitalics
Ah yes, I can picture it now - the narrator just want to get rid of the disruptive elements in "the Lodge" (the thread).
Perhaps we could implement that old idea from the author high school prompt we had a few years ago, where everyone had a specific power related to them.
This place sounds like a dorm sometimes, so it'd be accurate.
>All these Western Regionfag builds
Why in the fuck do you guys want to live in a shithole desert?
So that I can freely harvest lives.
For what? It's not like you get stronger killing people.
You have to be blind to not see the literal first martial arts style.
Sorry, I'm not an edgelord that dies a retards death.
HArd times make strong men, also the protagonist always starts in a shitty area and overcomes his circumstances to become god.
It's wuxia. Too low level for anything like that.
THat's exactly how wuxia works though. In Wandering Sword, the MC grows up in a shitty sandy town much like the Western region, but meets a girl from an orthodox sect and they spend the night together, then he grows up, joins Wudang, runs into her again, masters the Wind and Cloud Sutra and defeats his former classmate who turned evil. It is also possible for him to romance the head of the Nanjiang Poison Sect, the Fire Sect at the same time as his childhood friend.

He didn't grow up in the western region, he was a literal escort who had to travel through it on a job. His master's daughter also gets kidnapped starting his journey.
He did though, he just came back because it was part of the job. There's an entire sequence where he comes home and sees that all his relatives are dead and his home is in ruins. Also, it's not even his master's daughter, it's his savior's daughter and she's the head of the Nanjiang Poison Sect

Anyway, the idea is that wherever you start, fate will push you to where you need to be, and what's important is striving to go as high as possible.
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>All of the newer authorfus are students living in a dorm, studying to make it into CYOA University
>Old authorfus are teachers, senpais, and other full-time CYOA-U employees
I want Kitsune tonguing my anus while Motoko moans like a whore while she impales herself on my cock.
I was partial to Kanako, myself
>Verse of the Automaton, Verse of the Runemarked, Limerick of the Honest Rhyme.
Verse of the Automaton allows me to commune with and absorb technology. The idea is to improve myself and my manufacturing abilities to eventually become an ACU from Supreme Commander piloted by a hard takeoff AGI.

Verse of the Runemarked allows me to complement it with magical runes, allowing me to fill in the gaps that science can't currently fill. Having a computerized mind will also help me to research and innovate new and more powerful combinations of runes.

The Limerick isn't too much of a hindrance, I don't intend to speak much (communicating via text messages or electronic signals) and once again, AI should let me come up with appropriate rhymes.
someone should make that cyoa
>Starting Location; The Prosperous East
>Occupation; Brigand
>Martial Arts Weapon; Staff (Glaive)
>Martial Arts Style; Wild Beast King Martial Arts
>Love Interest; The Aspiring Heroine of the Alliance
>Fate of the Alliance; Conquerers From the North
>Scenario; A former bandit lord, convinced to become a general at the behest of an Aspiring Heroine, finding redemption from his past and becoming a hero.
Thank you for the OC.
Entropiss lost
> All three of them ate the combative types,
How did they taste?
Entropist is still a better cultivation cyoa.
> Entropist
> Cultivation
I member.
cope harder
Robot cyoas?
The blessing that guy got was not appropiate but you don't even need a blessing to act as a cultivator in that, both parts of the discussion were retarded.
Thinking about it, I don't really need control Tier 2. I'll take your advice.
Honestly one of my favorites too. Just has nice subtle narrator characterization.
Runes, man. Turns out "fun worldbuilding projects" online can do wack shit if you accidentally bleed on it.

I wonder if it's possible to slink in even if the gates aren't open for non-Prodigals. Pie in the sky thoughts.

>Academic Freebies
Scrimping and saving in this section. Getting an Actual Demiplane(tm) was really tempting, but I can squeeze a LOT of synergy out of thirty points' worth of options.

>5 Respawns

>Self-Improvement 95
>Memory (Life?) 85
>Ontological Inertia 110r
>NMP Field (Dark) 120r
Useful effects that are hard to replicate but give significant benefit.

>Summon Food 80
>Heal (Nature) 75
>Detect Lies (Life) 70
>Soulbind Item (Blood) 60
>Planar Runes 50
Not getting mandatory spells for free is irritating, but they're pretty useful spells.

The main fudge I'd request: Tweak/refactor purchased options to work as the first spell for varying elements. Exclusively because I want to chew on more elements than I'll need.
>Life (Detect Lies; potentially look-don't-touch on Memory or Inertia) 45
Sensing how healthy minds/souls function is bar none the healthiest way to start learning this. Even if Parallel Thought would be more direct, and Craft Soul is glittery.
>Light (Clarity) 35
>Dark (NMP Field) 30
A thaumaturgical framing of light/dark as insight/concealment suggests that the University, a locus of insight into everything that's known, has a deep fundamental skew against the thaumaturgy of "not knowing." Worst case, dark adds oodles of style.
>Nature (Heal) 25
Another "look, then learn to touch" entry point. The other spells are nice, but heal is way more useful for the situations I'm weak in.
>Dimension (Extra Space) 15
Wildly useful, in every respect. Hooking this up to Pocket Space would get me even closer to building a ghetto Demiplane, but I'm stretched thin enough 5 points would need to strip my Light spell or something.

>Blood (Soulbind Item) 10
Knowing how bind-item-to-person works lets me annex bigger items (or spaces) faster, and there's some absolute cheats buried here too. Layering this with runes, Nature, and Darkness can create some wild effects with a few basic skills. Hell, use this and Life to pervert your own soul """safely""".

>Advanced Runes 0
I'm mostly being lax because this is a guaranteed set of fundamentals. Proper runework can solve most problems Nature bulking can't, thaumaturgical advancement and magic synergy is ease and style points. Shame I can't take Read Book too.

>Burnout Prevention 130r
>Higher Learning 125r
>Making Progress 105r
Net positive, desu.

Fetrain, Sharpe, and Yiv were my picks back when, and they still seem fine. Internet buddies, blood magic ally.

Nice balanced combination of books and worldly advice, and she can probably lend philosophy or interplanar-history-of-X-subject texts much more easily than "actual" magic.
>Advisors: Enalin, ??? Alyiele?
If anything, this decision's harder. Alyiele being a mentor helps get practical lessons that aren't "worldly advice" without being beholden to her approval, and Enalin has a ton of specialty knowledge about interconnected life and how cool dragons are. Half the rest are options for the third.

A conservative year+ in our world (pinkie promise not a shadow don't get me philosophical) should help me get a handle on things, and then I'll make progress learning normal studies while I try and get a practical view on horseshit like Agnostic Thaumaturgy As A Concept and Processes Behind Interplanar Mirroring (Seriously Why Are There So Many Humans)?
novelist spoted
any cool power+minion picker come out this year?
Play Entropist again.
didn't like that one
This is barren. There's nothing to talk about.
>Go to Reddit
>Two page OC in 24 hours gets 60 upvotes and 7 comments.
>One page pick-a-pill in 24 hours gets 400 upvotes and over 100 comments.

You can't make this shit up.
>go to reddit
go back
Besides T*k and EntropistAnon (pbuh), are there any CYOA authors who peaked with their first creation?
Dragonfall was tok's first?
Italics here. I have some short general questions. In an update to the Magi Case what kind of items would you like to see more to have in your inventory? How do you feel about self-made companions with their own unique feats?
>what kind of items would you like to see more to have in your inventory?

>How do you feel about self-made companions with their own unique feats?
Bad idea. Companions with premade lore is so much better.
Auctor-killing superweapons.
The Liber Juratis.
Like that anon said, maybe an artificial relic made by magi experimenting on those known.
Shut up, Italics.
Acquiring a Holy Relic is already an option. I meant something interesting, magical, etc.

Familiars are already a sub-section.
A sex robot
Join the Ford clan.
But I want to have a sexbot without being a part of the clan.
Automatons / Dolls are Familiars from the Ford and Ostane Clans.

Liber Juratis belongs to Empedocles.
Something to kill Empedocles.
Stop trying to kill your wife.
Tol's first cyoa was Nemesis, which lets the user make any cyoa into a PvP situation.
Well, Sockminster never finished his second cyoa (Fairy King), nor did DTA/Shirley (Tome-fu)

We've got a lot of one-hit wonders, though, who never got that far. The author of Fulcrum is a good example. Supposedly he said that since his first cyoa broke out so big, he didn't want to try and top it.
>try and top it
What a egoistical fag. CYOAs aren't something meant to be made to top. You're supposed to make it for fun.
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Well, think of what would be useful to a a.magical cop. How about something like the slightly psychic paper from Dr Who, that proclaims its holder a cop with the appropriate jurisdiction? Or a neutralizer, to wipe muggle memories? Or a magic analyzer that can compare a spell to a person's personal magic, sort of like fingerprinting?

And you write pretty interesting companions, Italics. I'm not sure rules for custom built ones are the way to go.
Why not take both Enalin and Alyiele? Learn how to handle nature AND society like a pro? It would knock some more Requirement Points off, too, helping you finish faster, or provide a cushion to pick up another Connection or an Advisor.

Also, since you're going so heavy into magic theory, why aren't you taking Notola, the magic theory teacher? Or Err, the brilliant ne'er-do-well who keeps rewriting magic theory with his stunts?
Fun fact: He spams all his image builds as a stealth promotion for Nemesis.
tok is a metafag?
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Confront The Hog Within
Because the Prodigal notes suggest that two mentors is a good balance for pragmatic personal development as well, even if I don't thaumaturge my way into the academy with my way even further barred.

Plus I'm enough of an attention seeker to REALLY not wanna commit to needing Alyiele's approval... and I did mention half the other mentors being worthwhile teachers, so mentioning two of the ffukn ten valid options (math at the core of human experience? That's combining runes and thaumaturgy!) is mostly just pointing out the things I assumed was obvious.

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