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Who Goes There Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:
Who Goes There by John W. Campbell

Questions for the thread:
>What is the longest gap you've had between gaming sessions?
>How long did your games run for?
>Have you ever had things like doppelgangers feature in your horror games?

Questions for Horrorverse refugees:
>Thoughts on longer Book Club topics in the future?
>What do you think of the Thing as a novel/film?

Previous Thread: >>92997292

Please try to keep arguing to a minimum. Don't respond to bait/drama posts.
And as usual, try and keep it alive, or at least undead
Book Club starter questions:
>What works?
>What's cool about it?
>Why is it so effective?
>What is the best part of it in your opinion?
>Thoughts on the characters?
>Is the villain effective?
>If you had to pick a moment that really scared you, which would it be?
>Is there anything you feel could have been expanded upon?
>What would you change?
>Would you use it as inspiration for a game?
Thanks for baking!

Working on a sci-fi city setting (capital of Mars, nearish future). What are some themes/districts/factions that you like to include in your sci-fi horror?
I'm so sorry. I would have made a thread but the old one left the archive and I didn't have the OP info saved.
Anyways, had a fun time running Paper Chase recently. Had two players, one who was totally new to CoC and RPGs in general (only played a few sessions of DnD with a previous group before realizing it wasn't his kind of game) and a veteran player I invited to help out the first one in case he was struggling.
The veteran opted for the standard private detective, while the new player... surprisingly made a greasy but friendly fat butcher who was a friend of the missing man from the adventure and volunteered to help. I was surprised how much he committed to roleplaying a totally normal dude and did a great job of being freaked out when scary stuff happened (he early on caught sight of reflective eyes staring out of a tomb and it unnerved him for the rest of the adventure).
Had to dodge a bullet because they were planning on just calling the police after discovering the ghoul tunnels, which the pre-made doesn't account for. So I had one of the ghouls seal them in the sepulchre where they found one of the tunnels while the transformed uncle climbed in to speak with them. Great scene of them hearing something clawing its way out of the tunnel, while also hearing the dozen other ghouls swarming around the outside.
They agreed to grab books for the uncle and tell the nephew that he was dead. Overall great time and the newbie really enjoyed it.
Debating on doing either Heart of Darkness, Amidst the Ancient Trees or Dead Light for the new player next. I've already run the latter two, however, so I have fewer people I can call on to play it again.
Where is it and how far along terraforming is mars? Olympus Mons or the paraterraformed then flooded Valles Marineris seems like natural points. If it's later along I'd say ecological and environmental succession ought to play a role. Just as an ancient Mars swarming with ayys dried to death earlier colonization would eventually be swamped by rising sea levels.

As to my own themes I like ambiguously outright supernatural stuff tossed in there. Crypto rig craze leading to multiple spontaneous combustion incidents? Mammon demands payment in blood as well as lucre. The boarder existential horror of baseline humans being sub-optimal compared to cutting edge barely sane transhumans is pretty neat too.
Not quite what you're asking for, but I'm always fond of a secondary antagonist that is separate from the main villain.
I'd guess sci fi specific horror happenings. However multiple antagonists is indeed a riot, all the better when their plans intersect from time to time!
Don't fret over it, anon.
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Im getting into map making for delta green and I'm useing the sims to get an idea before making it in blender and why is 1206 Spooner Avenue so shitty as a house. Its ugly, like its meant to be yes but its unrealistically ugly. It annoys me
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music from a darkened room is the one mission ive managed to play of delta green. it was a good time
The main city is in the Vallis Marineris (and the Chinese have a large base in the Hellas Basin). My Mars is still basically unmodified: terraforming (as I see it) is a thousand-year project, and right now there isn't even a political structure to push it forward. There are a few speculative "build it and they will come"-type projects, VC funded startups who think if they get a working program going they'll find a business model along the way. I like the succession idea, though: dried-up ayys are definitely in the cards, reworking a lot of Machen into scenarios. And maybe the underground maintenance levels of the city are starting to flood due to melting permafrost (Mars may be much wetter a planet than previously thought), which could lead to a nicely-creepy under city scene.

I didn't like going too far into transhumanism, because I find setting-wide mind uploading or similar to be too distancing. But that doesn't mean the corps (and the cults) aren't testing those technologies, with predictably horrible results.

I tend to make the recurring factions less antagonist/protagonist, because fundamentally they're humans and fill an important role in the ecosystem. I like them to work in either role, and the PCs can choose who they work for or against. But they can definitely find themselves at cross-purposes. My main factions are corporate, union, political (UN), military, and duster (Martian independence).
I'm really looking forward to running this with my group and making them shit themselves
I am once again petitioning to have Carnacki the Ghost Finder added to our list of inspirations.
Or at least William Hope Hodgson.
How how would a police or government department such as the CIA FBI or border force respond
if they noticed that one guy took out a whole squad armed with ar’s using a 9mm pistol at 200+ meter distances
Ghosts of Mars.
We have to find some way to keep discussions fresh. I even went into a little OSR spiral for a bit because that thread is non-stop talking about nonsense.
In a way, I'm glad we all get along for the most part, but it feels like CoC is ''solved''.
has anyone ever had a player eat a monster before. Like they kill some supernatural spawn and the character runs up and starts chowing down on this monster
How would you handle this?
I know Call of Cthulhu has a monster or two where doing so is necessary for gaining eldritch knowledge or for rituals. The events of one of the CoC video games occurs because a bunch of villagers eat a star spawn.
Can't say I've had a player do it. Did it happen to you?
>The events of one of the CoC video games
Interesting. Which one?
>but it feels like CoC is ''solved'
Not for my games. I've had to split Power into Discipline and Spirit to differentiate mundane willpower and magical potential. I've also added a corruption mechanic that runs parallel to Sanity that tracks any mutations (imagine an "insanity" stat that was zero at character creation).
Several times with one incident plunging the entire party (including some npcs) into a group hysteria with one character obsessed over cleanliness insisting the other equally mad PCs cook their ghoul meat before eating it. When they finally snapped out of it, they were sitting around the campfire munching on ghoul skewers. They were fortunate the cook made his Luck check and didn't add the hallucinogenic incense (found at a shrine) as a spice.
I think it's just called Call of Cthulhu.
Any news on the Ocean Game release?
Yeah, just had a player run up and start chowing down to absorb its power. I said to put his power up to 90 as I was never gonna run a game again for this group. Too chaotic and I dont think classic CoC is suited to them
CoC has kind of the opposite situation that OSR does: its different editions change at a glacial pace, to the extent that there's no real debate over the system itself, and very little to discuss house rules or 'hacks'.

If there was going to be anything to discuss, it would be scenario design, but those conversations usually get sidetracked by taking about fluff or flavor.
Hey, I'm not sure if this is a Mothership module or not, so I'll describe what I remember:
Pilots wear cheap tinsel haloes, the joke is that they're like angels as they drop the PCs in.
It's highly implied that it's literal fire and damnation Hell at the center of the mystery and it's leaking through.
That's "The Drain," by Ian Yusem. PCs are penal-legion prisoners invading a massive colony ship turned warzone. Decent module for what it was; felt a bit style-over-substance to me, and probably foreshadowed the start of Yusem's villain arc as a Mothership writer.
I feel also, ironically, we're somewhat hampered by the fact the latest edition of CoC is considered the best, or at least no one has any major objections to playing it.
Like, I've never heard someone advocate for returning to a previous edition. That shit eats up, like, 25% of DnD, Pathfinder and Warhammer discussions.
Nope. We still only have the (really beefy) preview.
Im very happy with myself. Played our second delta green game and gave my players a spook twice. Made a shadowy thing walk past the station on the map and only one player saw it and everyone failed their roll to calm Brandon down. I love immersive maps so much shame I have to make all of them myself for delta green
What's an immersive map, in this context?
Just a very detailed map. Not a suggestion of what's there but the actual environment itself. I find it much better for online play VC only as it can be kinda hard to immerse yourself when there's nothing on screen imo.
I've never found such things to be worth the prep time, but you do you.
I understand that a lot. I do also enjoy just making things so I fund any excuse to make something new. My players reactions are always worth it but I can see why for some its a waste of time
That’s a good bad movie.
Any links to good CoC GMing?
I'm kinda nervous about my first time.
Villain arc?
If you didn’t know, SLA Industries 2E is doing a new Kickstarter for new books.
It’s funded too but that means it’s just milking the same few old nerds of their money.
System is arse but the art is finally consistent. Even if the original stuff was more thematic.
New species, actual explanations and some sorely needed fluff for a big chunk of missions.

The funniest a DG product has let itself be in years, and the most interesting in approach.
Well you can't just say that and not share further details.
What's the situation?
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So I've been reading a bunch of CoC scenarios that I plan to weave into a Monster of the Week campaign with an overarching plot as the connective tissue. It's set in modern day Lovecraft country, the players already made their characters and they're all students at Miskatonic

I've just read "A Time to Harvest" and at first I was really digging but I really didn't like the ending. The fact that it ends with what was originally a red herring cult summoning Shub-Niggurath and killing almost everyone in the little town without even giving the players a chance to impede the massacre doesn't appeal to me, it barely has anything to do with the Mi-Go which were the whole point of the scenario to begin with. It also does something similar on every chapter too:
>All your college friends got kidnapped and brain swapped, their original brains have all been discarded btw
>Agents of the aliens return with their bodies and poison everyone on campus making them go crazy, a lot of people die in the process
>Nice, you guys got an oil tycoon to sponsor your fight against the aliens! What's that? Oh, Deep Ones just woke up and started murdering all the staff downstairs
>The mercenary team sent to help just got slaughtered by a Dark Young! Weren't we here for the Mi-Go?
>While you were busy dealing with the Mi-Go you didn't notice that a cult just murdered everyone in this small town
The scenario gives a lot of hints to the players that something isn't right with those kids[/spoilers] but they give the Keeper no info on how they can be stopped before the final climax. So far I thought of two solutions
>Run chapter 1 and 2 than make my own final chapter
>Run it normally but at the very end say some shit like "You're all filled with determination!" and then give the players Pulp character sheets so they can kick ass end save everyone
Seth Skorkowsky on YouTube. Great for tips and reviews of scenarios.
I'm all for giving an option to kick ass but depending on the tone of the campaign and the mood at the table you want, just throwing them into Pulp may be a misstep. If anything I think a solution might be to better arm them, perhaps adding a mechanic where they can rally some of the towns folk to try and fight back?
But when all else fails just keeping the bits you like and discarding the rest is the tried and true method of getting what you want out of published materials.
The whole idea is that while I'd be running some short scenarios like Dead Light and Mr. Corbitt I'd be running Time to Harvest chapters occasionally until the last one for the campaign's definite end so I can see it being a memorable send off to the characters. Also I know my players well enough that I'm sure they'd vibe with it at least more than a series of completely unavoidable massacres

But I get it, I'd prefer to have it the other way, the PCs going Super Saiyan and beating all the monsters is my second option, It just requires less work than adapting the scenario

Have you played or ran Time to Harvest?
You could always have the Mi-go be as surprised by the Shubbies and Deep Ones as the players, and have to go to them as an Enemy-Mine type scenario. You know, they're the equivalent of investigators for the aliens, they are aware that there's something about to pop off so are infiltrating and trying to stop it in their own way and for their own nefarious purposes, and then when it all kicks off they suddenly have to find allies so they don't get destroyed as well. You could even keep at least some of the original brains alive and at least vaguely sane (or at least said to be alive) as they're needed as interpreters / hostages for the fun guys, who haven't the faintest idea how to approach their body's former friends in a non-hostile way. At the end of the scenario, assuming anyone is still alive, they could return a few people they bodysnatched as payback but still decide to keep an eye on the surviving PCs because they're much more interesting subjects for study. You'd then have a way to bring in Mi-Go as recurring enemies, observers or occasional allies, a bit like if the Cigarrette Smoking Man from the X-Files was actually a giant bug in a skinsuit.
In the campaign the deep ones are just test subjects the oil tycoon guy had on his lab for researching the mythos and they have absolutely nothing to do with the plot, I guess it was the mandatory mass murder per chapter, I have no problem just dropping it entirely. I do like the idea of the Mi-Go returning the brains of the NPC friends to their rightful bodies in exchange of the PCs helping them against the Shub cult. It'll require more work because I still want to follow the scenario at least till the second chapter because the brain swapping seems really fun, one of the students gets the brain of a british historian from before the US independence who starts spouting "bloody hell" when he starts reading modern history books
He started out as a BLM-loving anarcho-whateverist, making a couple of interesting but not very profitable modules for Mothership. Then, for The Drain, he decided to get serious, not so much by improving his content or gameplay but just by hyping the project as hard as possible.
It was a great success, and he used the clout gained by having Mothership's most successful 3rd party Kickstarter ever to shift into producing projects that other people wrote, culminating in Hull Breach. This was a high profile, high production-value project, a 200+ page hardcover that involved basically half the people who had published scenarios up to that point. It raised (if I remember correctly) about $1million on Kickstarter, with the whole slate of stickers and patches and other trash thrown in. There was a video trailer. There was a special deluxe edition. There was a months-long campaign of teaser images and 'update' tweets. There was a hype train surpassing any official product.
When it shipped, it was...okay? Some of the stuff was good, some was mediocre, some was a little half-baked. It felt (to me) like a collection of solo projects dressed up as a professional production. Ian Yusem pocketed the lion's share of the profits, paid the rest of the team their pittance, and immediately disappeared, having completed his metamorphosis into a consumerist rent-seeker.
>Guys writes a series of successful scenarios
>Helps other people get their scenarios published
>Publishes a big Kickstarter, and it delivers.

Where is the villain arc here? Because the actual product wasn't what people wanted?
Honestly, by Kickstarter standards it wasn't awful. After I typed all that out I decided to go back and see if I could find more details, and I'd like to amend two points. First, he didn't exactly disappear - he's still active on the Discord, though he hasn't put out any new material, and mostly seems to be answering questions related to Hull Breach fulfillment. Which is frankly pretty reasonable for someone who had their project blow up way beyond expectations. Second, while I remember hearing about writers not being paid fairly for their contributions, I couldn't verify that from anything online. Hopefully that means it never happened, or that they reached some sort of agreement and the writers deleted their complaints.

I think I'm unfair to Ian because I kind of let him personify complaints I have about the ttrpg community in general and Mothership in particular. He's basically a case-study in how if you want to make a living in this, you do it through advertising, hype, and print quality because those are the things people use to justify their purchases to themselves. Mothership in particular used to be an ecosystem dominated by very small teams (often individuals) putting out small, focused projects, often free or pwyw, simply because that's what they felt passionate about. As people try to turn their hobby into a career, that passion gets compromised. Even though the production quality goes up, the underlying material becomes risk-averse, a calculated crowd-pleaser that not even the writers will be excited to run at the table. I was following Mothership pretty obsessively in '21-22 and got to see that happen to Ian in real-time.
How would the Martians from War of the Worlds do in the Cthulhu Mythos? What are some interesting ways to work them in?
I actually GMed a custom CoC scenario for halloween that placed the PCs at the start of the invasion. It started as a red herring quest as the players were searching for the protagonist of H.G. Well's other story "The Crystal Egg" and the muguffin of the same name.

I gave the players the freedom to traverse 1898 London in search of leads and clues but it was a red herring in one sense: the true horror was the small hints of the encroaching Martian invasion (via newspaper handouts distributed each in-game day) from the opening of the cylinder on Horsell Common to the day before Martian tripods reveal themselves on the banks of the Thames River proper. Had the players advanced far enough in the faux main scenarion before the arrival of the aliens, they would have followed clues that lead them into encountering Griffin, the Invisible Man, as he experimented with the crystal egg.
Why does nobody ever portray the tripods correctly? They're described in the book, but every adaptation gets them wrong. Even the musical, which is otherwise fairly accurate, gets the tripods wrong.
And no, pic related also isn't entirely correct, but is better than most.
Getting plugged into Zine Month was the start of it. That became all about the money.
>Carnacki the Ghost Finder
A man of culture. HorrorBabble recorded all his stories, they also have The House on Bordeland unabridge if you enjoy audiobooks

Alright I'll bite. What's wrong with the tripods?
>Like, I've never heard someone advocate for returning to a previous edition.
I say it. But it's not like 7th has big problems, it's just small personal ones. There's too many ways to soften the blow with Luck points, advantages and rerolls and when they fail it can be a game ending result when it wouldn't have been before. So it's less gritty and more lethal at the same time. There's just something about a PC entering a dark place and they could die on a single roll that invokes suspense. Having a safety net, even if it can fail and kill you later, kind of make it less suspenseful for my players. It makes them less paranoid and more likely to take risks instead of being cautious.
The Color Out of Space entities. Are they intelligent, or operate based on instinct? Or is it intelligence just not wholly aligned with human understanding of intelligence? Are they intelligent but humans get them wrong because we tend to project our own primal motives onto them? Do they even think of themselves as "hostile" to humans?
Also about fish-people (Deep Ones?). I’m not clear on whether or not they’re a separate race from humanity entirely or if they’re more of a hybrid race? So the ones living in Y'ha-nthlei are on the extreme end of spectrum, the people of Innsmouth are sort of middle-ground in the journey towards that direction and early members of the hybrid race live as humans. Is it a hereditary trait and it’s a "natural" evolutionary progression all such of their race goes through? Was it a specific hybrid clan of Deep Ones that go through that? Or can ANY human, even those with no hereditary link whatsoever to the Deep Ones can initiate a process that will transform them into one eventually?
I feel that the Martians would have been kept off Earth by the Elder Things since the Elder Things seem like they were at war with everyone else, very much a "get off my lawn" community. But if the Martians realized the Elder Things were out of the picture they may decide Earth was open for new ownership. Martians without a ridiculous weakness to germs would wipe out Lovecraft-era Earth’s conventional forces…conventional, that is. There’s a LOT of things on the planet far above humanity who may not take kindly to a neighbor coming over making a mess. There’s a lot of things which wouldn’t respond well, probably, to being stepped on by a tripod. Maybe Martians DO exist in the Lovecraft world, but they know better than to make a move on the Earth, stay low-profile lest they rouse something they really, REALLY don’t want to bother.
Looking at it now, and apparently every single DG official publication is going to be PUNCH RACISTS LOL if this and God's Teeth is any indication.
They're a separate race entirely, but they can crossbreed with humans and create hybrids who eventually turn into deep ones. According to the greater lore, they can crossbreed with any humans.

As for the color, I'm only familiar with the original story, and the answer should always be "we don't know and we don't know." The Color is neat because it's more pure cosmic horror. We barely known what it is or how it functions.
I agree. I feel like my ideal version of a Cthulhu game is something of a Frankenstein between 7e and DG that I'm too lazy to make. I've found that even basic CoC characters in 7e are far more combat capable than in previous editions due to how the skills and actions economy work.
To have a proper Tripod:
>Legs must be flexible up the entire length (think Dr. Octopus from Spider-Man), not stiff line AT-ATs
>Heat Ray is in a box-like device the Tripod is holding with arms around its head. The tripod is capable of putting down and picking up the heat rat, and it’s not built into its structure
>Heat Ray is not a laser where you see the beam, but more like a search light. You see light where it’s coming out of the device and where it’s hitting, but nothing in between. Also, anything hit by the beam catches fire
>Tripods make a sound like “Ulla ulla ulla” on repeat. The musical makes an acceptable deviation by replacing the repeated Ullas with drawn out UUUUUULLAAAAAAAs.
Does anyone have a link to that repo with a shitton of pdfs for CoC? I've been looking everywhere for it and can't find it.
Share thread.
Thanks friend, it's been a while since I've been on /tg/.
They're so bizarre it's hard to say what they're thinking, if anything at all. I've personally always viewed it as the Colour Out of Space being the cosmic equivalent of a fungus. It grows and spreads where the conditions are right and seems to act with some kind of motive because of that, but it's really all just growth and self-propagation.
Yeah I've seen that too. When I first got into ttrpgs I got disappointed that the colour was usually portrayed as something with a brain. Idk the idea of it just existing and growing like any plant would is more scary than it being space aliens
In regards to Tripods almost everyone gets them wrong on a conceptual level. They’re NOT war machines! The Martians aren’t "fighting" humanity; it would be like declaring war on a swamp. What they’re doing is pest control. Tripods are basically like farm equipment clearing a wooded area for a field and fumigating the place. I mean they literally used an environmentally friendly pesticide gas.
Also something I keep forgetting to ask about: what is the divide between "cosmic horror" and just weird fiction? Like, if it’s fantastic, strange, etc, but not horrifying you’d call it weird fiction but not cosmic horror even though there may be cosmic horror entities involved? So, Color Out of Space deals with an alien bacteria but it raises to cosmic horror because the narrator is watching events scared out of his mind? If Mountain of Madness didn’t go further then just dealing with the Elder Things would that have ended up just being weird fiction?
I think you're pretty much on it. There's no formal boundary between.
A lot of Lovecraft is basically just weird fiction, without any pronounced cosmic horror. In one of his letters he says about having "Poe pieces and Dunsany pieces, but alas, where are my Lovecraft pieces?" His earlier stories are more Gothic: haunted houses, cursed bloodlines, hanging around graveyards at dusk, etc. Later he started to adopt more of a weird fiction style, with mad scientists and aliens. I'd say his 'Lovecraft pieces' start to show up in the last third of his career, when he really starts to embrace some of the ideas he toyed around with in earlier works.
Cosmic Horror is centered around the theme of man’s insignificance and ignorance of true reality. Colour Out of Space is cosmic horror because something we don’t know anything about, existing in a state outside of our normal reality, shows up and does whatever it desires with no way for us to stop it. As one of the last lines of the story goes:
>This was no fruit of such worlds and suns as shine on the telescopes and photographic plates of our observations. This was no breath from the skies whose motions and dimensions our astronomers measure or seem too vast to measure. It was just a colour out of space—a frightful messenger from unformed realms of infinity beyond all Nature as we know it; from realms whose mere existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes.
Meanwhile, weird fiction can be about just about anything. It’s more about how bizarre you can get. It’s kind of lost now, but weird fiction was intended to be a break from gothic fiction, which had set themes and types of monsters. Weird Fiction was going away from that and introducing more bizarre scenarios.
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I view them as sorta animalistic in terms of intelligence. The events of the story seem like a breeding cycle, given that it escapes back into space at the end but one part stays behind (perhaps a runt of the litter unable to escape gravity).
However, one thing I think is frightening as an idea is that it doesn't view reality the same as we do. Like, it doesn't know people are around it or that it's sapping them of life. What it "sees" (in the sense that it can see anything) is completely different from what we see, that there's no way we can connect or communicate.
Pretty much.
I see it more as that the Martians, having conquered diseases, probably also conquered war as well, and hadn’t built proper war machines in a while, so the tripods were a bunch of civilian tech cobbled into a fighting machine. Hence why the heat rays are something the tripods hold, rather than an integrated weapon. I imagine the heat rays may have been something used for industrial purposes as an easy way to heat something up. The tripods may have been construction vehicles or cargo loaders or something like that.
what if the entire martian invasion was just a couple bullies taking an equivalent of a forklift for a joyride, along with dad's revolver and some fart bombs?
>mostly seems to be answering questions related to Hull Breach fulfillment.
This is what kills the person behind the successful passion project - suddenly >90% of your engagement with the community you love is taking bullshit from autists that think you owe them something AND might even be right.
The lesson is to never treat your hobby as anything more than a cost, economically speaking.
Unlikely, considering after the Earth invasion fails, they invade Venus. If all your friends died horribly doing something, I can’t imagine you’d immediately run out and do it again but somewhere else.
IIRC, the book implied the Martians were fleeing some catastrophe on Mars and needed a new planet to live on.
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>unscrew cylinder
>immediately crushed, melted and boiled

Christ imagine being on the pre space program Venus of hot, fetid swamps without an immune system.
Unlikely. It seems to be a very determined colonization effort.
So….about Cthulhu. Is he actually a bonafide outer god type of entity or more of an extremely ancient alien life form with biology outside of human understanding?
What would you say was the difference?
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I don't think he's an Outer God. For one, he's trapped on Earth under the ocean. Hell, he had a war with the Elder Things. Not a slaughter, a war.
Guys like Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath and such seem to be able to manifest anywhere and aren't really tied to one place or time. And I can't imagine they'd ever have a "war" with a mortal species.
Don't get me wrong, he's powerful. The fact R'lyeh exists in curved space speaks to his ability to warp reality. But he's not quite "Supreme Archetype" or "Soul of the Outer Gods" level of power. His biggest positive is having a large cult because of his psychic signals, but that's not really a major boost.

Seriously, I can't remember if he said specifically that he regretted it, but I recall Sandy talking about how people get too caught up in the categories of monster. Cthulhu is a powerful entity who exists in a death-like slumber under the water. Several different beings worship him. "God" is just a word that human being came up with.
Via the Great Race of Yith body-time-hopping (I think?) it was revealed that the sentient race which will inherit the Earth after humanity are big cockroaches or something like that. Do we know anything more about this race?
Wish there was more talk about it but I guess the entire audience is situated on their discord* and maybe facebook.
Which I guess makes sense since it's very unfriendly to people who aren't willing to pirate all the 1e books.

Playable ghosts might be jumping the shark, even if you were technically always playing ghosts.

*Can't participate since I got ding dong bannu'd for HATING the shaktar part of species guide.
I've been playing delta green with some freinds and they are all enjoying it to the point they ask me mid week when the next game is.
I really really want to run impossible landscapes but I know its a weird ass and tricky campaign. We are all artists playing so I feel that its perfect for us eventually. How long do you think a group should be playing delta green before starting?
>How long do you think a group should be playing delta green before starting?

Enjoyment of Impossible Landscapes is inversely proportional with DG experience.
Remember to homebrew an actual ending.
Best not to categorize. What we refer to as a 'god' can mean any number of apex entities within their own mythological ecosystem. Compare a local village kami to Apollo, then to YHWH. Entirely different frames of reference, scaffolds of power, portfolios of responsibility...
Unlike an entity like Yog-Sothoth who is considered coterminous with time and space, Cthulhu is limited by both time and space, so just based off of that there is a power differential. But Cthulhu's power alone is enough to reduce mankind to gibbering madness, and that seems pretty godlike to me.
Maybe a couple adventures, enough to first of all get a solid grasp of the core mechanics and proper "how to" regarding dg (knowing what questions to ask, how to form connections based on clues, how to make sure you don't cause any loose ends) and second of all to familiarize yourself with said how-tos enough to then to feel completely lost when impossible landscapes completely throws them away
>we're all artists
Let me guess, furry porn?
Yeah from what I've seen with some of the delta green stuff endings arnt really shown probably because there's a million ways a case can go.
Right I'll run at least two cases and see how we all are before diveing into it.
and shockingly no, not a single one of us is a furry. Hell not any of us are weebs. Not to say we are well adjusted members of society we are all maladjusted as each other but at least none of us draw furry porn
>Yeah from what I've seen with some of the delta green stuff endings arnt really shown probably because there's a million ways a case can go.

It's not like that, in a more conventional DG module you have different ways in which something can resolve because you may or may not fully contain the Threat, get fired for all the shit you pulled or just die. IL simply doesn't come with a proper conclusion once you reach the final area and hang out.
I will also recommend running at least one or two adventures between the first and second adventure of impossible landscapes. Not only does it make the 20 year timeskip a lot more palpable, but it also means there's something with a different feeling to the reat of the campaign, as a sort of break. You can tie them in to the rest of the campaign too if you'd like.
Guess i've been reading the odd ones out lmao.
I'll keep that in mind. Seems like something I'll have to figure out once we get really into the game.
When we finish night floors I'll check to see if they want to do this as it does seem like a good idea
Nope. All we know is that the Yithians want to manipulate events so humanity is wiped out and this new race comes about since they'll be their perfect new bodies.
That’s Delta Green fluff. Not necessarily true to the original story or Call of Cthulhu.
Lmao. Thos module is terrible.
Fuck that, I want a ghoul that screams "nigger" as loud as humanly possible
That's the most even-handed approach to the topic I've ever seen. What's the issue?
Its being talked to like a child like you dont know other people have feelings and might not want to be called a slur and policing what your group of edge lord friends do.
Then again in a few of the WOD 20th anniversary books they tell people not to bring knifes to larps...
Nobody ever went broke by assuming the general population are fucking idiots.
Eh, I’ve seen worse. Mainly Fate of Cthulhu. That book is the most condescending thing around.
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Working on a modified spooner house for delta green. I hate blender but I've put too much time in it to quit now. It hates me so much and I hate it. I just want a nice pretty map
Whoever keeps making these >>93156686 posts pisses me off because it feels like he's telling me the punchline without the setup, baiting my interest without elaborating on how it's cool for at least a few months now. I'm still interested because the art looks sick, but I'm kinda turned off by the $30 price tag. Is it really just "kkk ghouls lol, now go rock their shit Agent" or is there something more?
I don't know where I got the $30 from. It's $10 actually. And to clarify, is it just kkk ghouls lol or are there weird and spooky monsters like the Worm from God's Law and the hybrid cultists in God's Teeth?
First consider: Erich Zann
Then consider: The Fraggles
>There are ping pong games that must be played, and songs that must be sung.
I feel like as a 4chan user you shouldn't get too offended that "Don't be a fucking dipshit" is a thing that people need reminding of.
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Planning on running a horror game and going for gray alien abduction/invasion vibes set either in a university or a small town. I was thinking of using Call of Cthulhu for the system but I don't know enough systems to know if there's a better option.

Are there any good CoC scenarios that could be retooled or looked at for inspiration? Maybe something with the Mi-Go?
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I know that was a joke, but I've had this in my head for a while and I want to shout it into the void.
Erich Zann is the most badass human character in Lovecraft's works. Fuck Randolph Carter, the fact Zann was willingly facing horrors beyond imagining EVERY NIGHT and relentlessly playing to hold them back is so badass to me.
I'm not normally one for inserting "spirit of man" shit into cosmic horror, but there's something about Zann which is just so fucking cool.
I have inserted an Erich Zann analogue in every single game I have ever ran, ever, and because none of the people I know read that kind of story I get away with it.
I'm attempting something with the same focus, but with Fear Itself' miniseries rules. I like the idea of a narrative spiral into doom/alienation.

Let me know how your goes, anon.
You are a true paragon anon.
It's KKK ghouls because inhuman monsters with wildly different ethos are definitely going to line up with the mental picture of what a Current Year shitlib imagines "racism" to be.

Bonus shot of the author inserting his fanfiction about who really did the Atlanta Child Murders (it definitely wasn't the black homosexual though, just trust him).
Because it's a leftist power fantasy about the author mowing down "racists" (anyone who doesn't agree with him 100% on every issue) in a game where, RAW, if you aren't good at covering your tracks you end up in prison.

It breaks frame and exposes the juvenile mindset of the author.
Eh it's more how it's said. I would prefer a short list of basic social etiquette than a paragraph explaining why racism is bad.
This is how I would format it personally
Don't say slurs at the table. It makes others uncomfortable unless everyone has explicitly said otherwise.
Then again anyone socially inept enough to do it will ignore it anyways so too me there's no point and it feels like the creator getting on his soap box and screaming about how not racist he is.
Your last line plus the fact the rulebook has a mechanic for "various ways to break down and dispose of a corpse".

But when it comes to "racism" it's suddenly "just be a good heckin humanerino" reddit morality. Pick a lane, Arc Dream.
Oh fuck and shit I might ahve to run a thing
No time to word must bump thread
Oh wait no we're on autosage

Uh, anyone know a good Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green one shot I can run to sub for

And by one shot I mean something that can be finished in 1, maybe 2 three hour sessions
To sub for what? An entire coke bottle?
Oh sorry candlejack ate part of my message.
Just subbin in for my regular group.
Tabula Rasa from Things We Leave Behind.
Damn, that's a little disappointing. I was interested earlier but now I'm a little curious on how much it sucks. Could you drop a pdf of this?
It's in /TheGreenBox

It's actually a pretty good scenario, and the KKK/Racist angle isn't even retarded in itself. But the guys at ArcDream cannot present a single race/gender/idpol concept without it having some injection of shitlib "hey I put a sign in my lawn" presentation. And I say this as a staunch leftist.

I'll keep running and buying Delta Green things I like, but every time I read some smug post from (mostly) Detwiller and Ivey, I wanna roll my eyes into the back of my head.

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