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Cadian Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Do you prefer infantry models, vehicles, or larger centerpiece models?
Combined arms
But Infantry models are the most fun to paint and customize
Infantry all day, I remember when a cool tank WAS a centerpiece. Game got worse when they tried making it a company scale game at 28mm, tables look crowded and goofy now.
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Were older armies really that much smaller? I thought it was more the fact games used to be played at 1.5k points more than that points have shifted down all that much.
>Proxy kit bash court of the Archon
Shit, I need to do that too at some point.
Haven't really got any ideas for a replacement for the snakeman though.
1.5k was a bigger game, with 1850 being the big game standard for a time. Everything has been up scaled since then, marines are bigger, tougher and cheaper. The land raider is no longer the biggest thing on the table, and there’s no army building restrictions so the reinforced platoon thing is hardly ever seen nowadays
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>eversor assassins aren't actually eversor assassins, they're the living weapons used by the actual eversor assassins
So eversors are just hidden CIA glowies activating the mother of all MKUltras
run their groomers over with your car
These niggers don't even use criminals, they just steal children and brainwash/torture/drug them until they're adults, classic glowie behaviour.
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16 more sissys to turn into cats, along with their favourite toy, a box on wheels.

Honestly, I think this is a really poor box, but, realistically, I don't want to go out and buy 3 boxes of zephyrim. So getting a 'free' tank makes it more palatable. I'd have liked more variety though.
I love infantry. Lots and lots of them. Tanks are cool, centrepieces are inherently cool, but nothing is as awe inspiring to me as an entire army all stood in uniform. It's also a reason I'm less of a fan of orks and genestealers, who are so ragtag and less unified in their outfits and armour.
Yeah, we don't buy GW trash ITT, and really, neither should you.
I would buy more GW stuff if they could KEEP ANY FUCKING INVENTORY ON THEIR WEBSITE.
Sorry sis, my army is 100% GW purchased plastic (except the resin heads)
I enjoy chatting with the guy who runs my local shop, and he does nice things like saving boxes for me when I ask, so I'm happy to support the location.
I feel that. It's been forever since sisters rhinos were in stock....
I would buy more gw stuff if they actually released more shit for my army
Vallejo air metallics have unreal coverage, I don't know how they do it.
I feel that too. I have several thousand points of Dark Eldar, AdMech, and Death Guard. I don't want to start another army, James. I want more shit for the armies I already have.
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Did you guys have a good solstice? I went a bit too hard yesterday, might hobby a little tomorrow once I recover.
Post models.
once the AoS 4th edition release window ends, we'll finally start getting Emperor's Children teasers, right?
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Are we still geting EC this year? I thought Valrak said they were coming next year instead
I hope EC has a cuckoldry fetish, because Grey knights are going to be fucking your potential spotlight in front of you raw.
>bought citadel glue
>citadel glue
They got you good huh anon
my god anon look into tamiya extra thin glue
If I’m being honest, the problem isn’t the glue, at least in my experience. The problem is that thin ass metal stem that constantly clogs and get pushed into the bottle when you put the cap on. Just get Tamiya or some other modeling glue with a brush, Op
I'm still saying army box drops November, full army release in January next year
>I hope EC has a _______ fetish
Good news!
I miss when a wraithlord was a big deal
Just wips still.
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>Emperor's Children
Please no, I don't want to buy more power armor
>we'll finally start getting Emperor's Children teasers, right?
No, EC will be in late 10th edition like WE.
You're obsessed with GW though. All you do is talk about it online all day.
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>surveys find Emperor's children confuse normies due to legion name sounding loyalist
>GW wants to remove sexual content from the game and lore to make it safe for a wider audience
>Clonegrim comes back, kills Fulgrim and all the EC, sons of the phoenix become the new loyalist EC
I know it sounds retarded but it could happen.
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>gw wants to appeal to a wider audience
>introduce femstodes, increase price of expensive army men
I would love a loyalist EC but I think having traitor EC as a fallen-esque whisper questioning the loyalty for clonegrum would be sick
Clones aren’t special and will never be important.
Clones have always been special, biggot.
Loyalist traitor fags, banished from /hhg/ have somehow found their way here.
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Still a bit rough.
>zoomer is such a tourist he thinks people making loyalist elements of traitor warbands is something spawned from HH
They never left either place.
Loyalist traitors is a trope older than you.
Sex the eldar.
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what would it take to get LATAM into warhammer?
You'd have to slash a few zeros off the peso price for a box of minis for em.
I feel like hedonites of slaanesh and the current KoS kit over in AoS disproves the whole GW wanting to get rid of sexy slaanesh thing
Make every chatacter a sanic/dbz OC level of overpowered. Everyone must be abaddon or gullieman level at the minimum. They should have enough warp powers to blow up planets.
man I wouldn't mind some kebab right about now
>0 (zero)
>ad hominems
Yeah, I'll be accepting that concession.
I could have sworn grey knights had converted some traitor marines into their ranks at some point.
The irony of commies yas qwaining over Femstodes and black/brown representation while GW prices non-whites out of the market is a juicy morsel.
You're thinking of the knights errant, marines chosen by malcador near the end of the HH to be the proto-greys, some of which were marines who abandoned their traitor brothers such as Nathaniel Garro
The knight errant had some traitor loyalists, maybe thats what you're thinking about?
The Primarchs are all literally clones of the Emperor with modified gene edits and are arguably the most important figures in the galaxy.
No one cares about AoS. 40k has a shot at becoming the new marvel capeshit, that's why they're sanitizing the setting.
They did.
Grey Knights were formed from Nathaniel Garro a Death Guard marine, Macer Warren a World Eater, etc. There's many.
They formed the Knights-Errant of Malcador, which would come to form the Grey Knights later.
Blood Ravens are just Tsons who got lucky enough to not get fucked by the Rubric of Ahriman.
Minotaurs (the bronze ones) are confirmed to be Iron Warriors by a guy who made them.
Silver Skulls are also Iron Warriors descending from Barabas Dantioch
Doesn't HH have blackshields, the group made up of nothing but traitors that abandoned their legions?
Primarchs aren’t clones. Clones don’t have souls. Slaanesh owns Fulgrim’s soul, end of story.
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>The Primarchs are all literally clones of the Emperor
>he doesn't know
Are there any Chaos Warbands that are confirmed traitors descended from loyalist Primarchs?
Besides the Dark Angels Fallen, I mean.
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What would jumex with mortarion's backwash taste like
Hard to say, I've never looked into it.
Why do you think the Emperor has to make a deal with the Chaos Gods to create the Primarchs? They are an exceptionally special case.
>Why do you think the Emperor has to make a deal with the Chaos Gods to create the Primarchs
Due to bad writing.
I always found it odd how Sanguinius does not have even 1 (one) successor war-band that fell to chaos.
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how quickly we forget the red corsairs...
Would that be a good thing? Like are any WE players actually satisfied with the scraps they got?
There probably was one or two that participated in the Abyssal Crusade.
And which Primarch are they descended from again?
>are any WE players actually satisfied with the scraps they got?
no. Gw knows I wouldnt have bought eightbound if they gave us juggernauts from the start.
It's probably the "inside joke" of Khorne eternally being cockblocked to not get BA.
Did you read my post?
did GW really memory hole the fact that csm are more than just the 9 traitor legions
Like menudo unironically
have they updated the release schedule for upcoming codex books yet?
They used to be called the Astral Claws
>The Astral Claws were founded during the mid-35th millennium as a Crusading Chapter in order to help stabilize the slowly crumbling Imperium during the Nova Terra Interregnum. Their founding chapter is unknown, as most records of their existence have been destroyed in an Edict of Obliteration, though speculation on their gene-seed stability and combat tactics point towards either the Ultramarines or the Dark Angels.
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>find a metal colour sergeant kell mini
>buy it
>wing on aquila on flag is bent
>bend it back in place
>it bent too well back in place
>superglue cover it to reinforce bond
>try to bend the whole eagle back in place
>snap off the wing
>go "screw this" and cut off the whole aquila

I'm still mad at myself bros. Don't underestimate your own strength when handling metal models.
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>blood angels are khorne adjacent
>never fall to khorne
>alpha legion are tzeentch adjacent
>never fall to tzeentch
>Almost every named character now has a special move which they usually shout the name of when using. They're also now all psychic, qnd build up their psychic power by screaming.
>Guilliman is made to look visibly younger with slightly longer hair. The Sword of the Emperor is no longer an actual weapon, but is something Guilliman summons as his special attack
>Yvraine is shoved aside to turn the Phoenix Lords into a Sentai force as the main representatives of the Eldar. Each one is a one-man army and Asurmen has a rivalry with Guilliman but the two would frequently work together.
>Abaddon is now twice his current size and wears a full helmet, having a special transformation where he discards the top half of his arnor to reveal a statuesque physique. He now also runs a council of Chaos Champions who each have their own unique gimmicks who he sends out to fight Guilliman and Asurmen
>Ghazghkull now drives an absurdly large motorcycle which he uses to smash into combat. He loves fighting Guilliman and Abaddon just because they're strong.
>Guilliman beats Abaddon in a really big fight after Guilliman learns how to go Super Psychic
End of First Saga, Second Saga
>Abaddon returns but is quickly dispatched by the sudden appearance of Farsight, who seeks to show that technology has not falleb behind Psychic Power. Also his battlesuit is now a time machine too.
>The Silent King will appear only to suddenly be killed off by Imotekh, who becomes the main villain.
>Celestine is shown as being absurdly powerful but she ends up marrying Marneus Calgar and sort of becomes a background character.
>Cato Sicarius duels Imotekh after Guilliman sacrifices himself fo save everyone from certain death. Imotekh is stronger than Cato, but Cato learns Super Psychic 2 and Asurmen intervenes to give Cato the upper hand.
sorry that you're so young you don't understand why traitor geneseed is a square on the homebrew chapter bingo sheet
This glue takes 0 minutes to ship to my house and does what it needs to. Worth the £5 IMO.
plenty, tertiary
>abbadon wearing a helmet
one can only hope
Name 3
Goddamn SJW censorship
blood wolves
red corsairs
brazen beasts
>posts no model
Adharon's Reavers - Ultramarines
Blood Wolves - Space Wolves
Dragon Warriors - Salamanders
I honestly wouldn't post a model I fucked up that badly here. Even with anonymity considered. But I believe him. Its more like a PSA post.
ignore anon, he's autistic and thinks people just make up stories about models
Ok, genuinely, why is my contrast paint looking like shit? I primed, and I set up my paintbrush to be a little wet, so I just need to thin it more?
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>me when i read eldar names
give us a picture
Eldar and Dark Eldar names are genuinely some of the funniest shit, and this is in a setting with Metal Hands the metal handed.
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>me when I read you're posts
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Fuck I forgot a picture. It doesn’t show very well, but it looks a little clumpy, like some parts aren’t uniform, and no I’m not talking about mold lines.
I thought his name meant ironman
Your story seems fake now.
You have to babysit the contrast after you apply it and wick up any major staining otherwise go back after it's fully dry and layer over it
clumps are either your primer or you got a botched pot of contrasts
This post it
Neither of the words are real, so it doesn’t mean anything.
manus is hand in latin
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wow. he's literally me
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>apply brass scorpion
>let it dry for 25 min
>apply strong tone over metal
>metallic flakes all over brush

am I missing something here?
A PSA about people making up stories for attention.
did you clean your brush after painting the metallics
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I actually like slaanesh, but I dont think its at all for the same reason other people do.
the new queen of Commorragh!
tick tock Vecty-poo
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Malys is but GW still refuse to give her a model
You WILL play against the Tau and you will NOT complain.
I will not. The only one complaining is the subhuman taufag.
*caw caw caw*
Infantry all the way.
Heavy infantry in particular.
Hes complaining, get him!
>Angry Tau Noises.
Possible who knows.

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Come sneak with me, my lord.
Yvraine was supposed to be a Malys model. Then the worst CEO GW ever had decided to repurpose it and the Avatar of Cegorach into being an entirely new faction that had zero hype behind it
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Slaanesh had to be killed off for the shareholders. Simple as.
but i am the tau
Please share more of your deep insider knowledge.
i prefer her
Unironically please, please let someone kill Slaanesh. I hate that They\Them One-Tittied Bitch.
>Khorne - wants to murderize.
>Nurgle - Gurgle-Blurgle Uncle Nurgle wants disease.
>Tzeentch - a fucking nerd.
>Slaanesh - a shebeast that needs to keep it in her pants.
That will only ever be speculation at best, like everything else to do with the introduction and subsequent abandonment of the Ynnari.
No one knows what the higher ups at GW were thinking.
Necrons are basically undead mechanical zombies, right?
Im really fucking lonely bros how do i get a sneaky gf
Check the alleys behind the casino on the reservation
The foundation is there anon, you just need to push those highlights. Break out the stormhost silver.
Both Nurgle and Tzeentch are nerds, but they represent different types. Both are obsessed with mathematics and planning intricate schemes, Tzeentch is just the type to love lolsorandumb plots and variety in his fun while Nurgle just wants the same slop served to him every time without changes. Tzeentch actually bathes but is so skinny and weird no girl would want him, while Nurgle is the type to fester in his own filth and then seethe when nobody likes him
No, we've heard enough insider accounts of this awkward phase of GW design to know it was mostly the new business suits at the top that moved in after Kirby's departure forcing their own mass market stupidity into the game, clueless about the settings' core appeals. As soon as GW could dumpster said suits the design teams immediately started walking the worst of the nu-lore back. It's also why in modern SM lore you barely see mention of the Primaris shit, nobody actually wanted it in the setting. The modeling teams just use it as an excuse to put out updated, improved models for SM characters now.
>Tzneetch is an autistic spasmo then.
>Nurgle is He Who Has No Life cranked up to eleven.
I take it then that Slaanesh is that weird friend of their's from Highschool that took on whiff of Pot and went off the bandwagon for the rest of time, and Khorne was an army vet that just NEVER stopped?
Khorne's the very disappointed military dad who gets angry drunk and beats them all, and Slaanesh is the "step-mom" that nobody else even likes but also feel strangely attracted to even though she's kinda fugly and clearly only in it for herself
Slaanesh rrminds mr of mistress t
Yeah, that makes sense.
If he had ascended, what would the Emperor have been? The once noble man with aspiritions of a better tomorrow having taken a twist into dictatorship?
But... it wasn't?
yvraine and guilliman should be canon
spoiler: doesn't happen and the book is a waste of time
>we've heard enough insider accounts
The Emperor is the corpo suit trying to buy the house the Chaos family is living in so he can knock it down and pave it over with a lifeless, soulless concrete parking garage. The Chaos family keeps pranking him like it's a 70s sitcom but he keeps getting irrationally furious because his perfect world can't be built as long as this absolute dumpster of a crack house still exists and keeps polluting his "beautiful" perfect heartless utopia
Yeah, because Kirby got sacked. The plan was to go full AoS in 40k
Other than the motorcycle isn't that basically Ghazghkull's character already? I suppose that's the true power of the orks, they can fit into anything with minimal, if any, changes.
god if only.
Well they won't clean up their act and the property continues to decay, of course he wants to buy it, and he SHOULD.
>Nurgle: Obese video game obsessed loser that Step-Mom babies.
>Tzneetch: Autistic spazz that could get into Harvard but is too retarded to fill the forms out right.
>Khorne: Drunk dad who hates his sons and wishes his actual wife was alive and day drinks too much.
>Slaanesh: Step-Mom that does terrible things to the neighbors sons, also makes crack and meth.
The Chaos Family, now on Comedy Central.
>Yvraine was supposed to be a Malys model.
She was always just a Yvraine model.
Malys has never had a model in 40k and no one even back then gave a shit about DEldar.
Now I kinda wish I saw that.
DEldar are the only Eldar that sell at a profit.
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How should Eldar be portrayed? What does the lore actually say? Does it give a firm synopsis on how similar or dissimilar they are to a human?
It was all cracked by /tg/ years ago. Ynnari was a way to consolidate all Eldar lines into one, the Visarch was a repurposed Corsair Model as well BTW. They just came up with this new bullshit faction to remove Slaanesh from the setting like in Smegma. It was a really strange time around 7th. Thank god Kirby got stopped
Even if it's true, almost nothing remained of the Malys part because Yvraine is like 90% CWE
Can the Emperor ever be revived, ever come back? Is there any piece of filthy xeno technology that can return him to his glory?
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Whatever the artist feels like.
At the end of the day they're just elves in space.
I just doubt it because of irrelevant Malys is, she doesn't even get an important role in a book, just a couple lines here and there.
You already did. Guilliman unfucks the Imperium at large, the Primaris reinforcements suddenly give the Imperium millions of new space marines so it can fight evenly with Chaos's surging power, the Emperor is evolving into a benevolent god that almost kills Nurgle with a super-saiyan burst of energy when Guilliman almost gets ganked by Morty. The Dark Imperium books were supposed to be the foundation of the new, noblebright lore swing but have been largely ignored ever since. The Lion: Son of the Forest walked back the benevolent Emperor lore and all but confirmed he'll go full Chaos God if the Emperor ever dies for real.
>Is there any piece of filthy xeno technology that can return him to his glory?
Yes, the Dark Eldar are actively trying to get an Emperor clone of their own to use as a big old psychic cork in Comorroghs warp hole after Vect tore a hole in reality doing his shenanigans.
They've been trying to set her up as Vect's rival for quite some time now.
Not that that means much when it comes to all according to keikaku Vect
I don't care about the Imperium that much, more what it would mean for the setting in general and specifically Eldar.
>DEldar are the only Eldar that sell at a profit.
If this was true GW would have updated them long ago already, and wouldn't have axed out their fineshart resin shit like 10 years ago, with only handful of sculpts getting updated.
I like lots of Infantry with supporting Monsters/Vehicles and a Leader as the centerpiece
Yvraine's whole model is Drukhari aesthetic, wtf are you talking about?
>huskblade-looking sword
>High Commorragh sexualized but also prim and proper black dress with lots of pointy bits
>uses a bladed fan and a sword which is Malys's stated weaponry
The new androgynes look is fucking terrible for the god of lust and ecstasy. But I do like some of the new AoS minis that go in a different direction like that fat piggy that just cant stop eating.
Which is stupid because how the fuck does anyone get to be a rival to Vect without getting a sun dropped on them again? Even with the clown influence how exactly does Vect just let another Kabal get that powerful?
>How should Eldar be portrayed?
However the writer feels like, they are just elves in space.
Making them or any character into 1 dimensional caricatures is retarded and boring.
man this book fucking sucked, how appropriate that the cover art is also atrocious
That's some "it was revealed to me in a dream" level sauce
That looks like the cover of a childrens book. : /
If at first you don't own, kitbash! I always have a whole in my lists that corsair void reavers would fill. As much as I do like their models I don't want to buy them over cooler bigger things at this point. But I do have a lot of leftover bits on sprue.

>1999 guardian bodies and heads
>Incubi glaive and spine
>Wraithblade sheild
>Disrupter from warriors
>Arms (powerblade and pistols) from the new guardian kit

Ngl the new arms give so much life to the old guardian kit that if they were an upgrade sprue put in box (like they did with cadians before the refresh) id have been okay.
A profit doesn't mean a huge profit. Even the most financially successful Xenos faction, the Tau, don't even come close to Space Marine profit margins. DE are just the only Eldar subfaction that stays in the green because edgy spiky elves is inherently more appealing to a mass market than utopian craftworlders and gay clowns
It is.
It was Eldrad that tore the hole in reality, not Vect.
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Alright it's more like 80%
Wasn't it Kheradruakh's skull room thing?
nah that just causes Aelindrach to consume more of Commorragh. Kheradruakh ain't a Chaos simp, he killed both of his Chaos-possessed brothers for being weaklings
According to the latest large scale community survey (Auspex Tactics) it seems Eldar are collected by 13.8% of the fanbase while Dark Eldar are only collected by 9.4% of players (own >1000 points). Craftworlders are definitely the more popular faction by a fair margin, and have had a lot more updates accordingly.
Is there any bigger L for the ancient psyker race than needing a monkeigh to do psyker things for them?
no because obnoxious eldar players will cope and delude themselves with any excuses they can manage
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Imagine being less popular than votann
You are right and 40kg just has elf derangement syndrome. Eldar doesnt top tournaments by not being consistently sold, and now they are a below average win rate faction you'll still see them bought. The only time they werent popular was the 8th and 9th edition time where they have 38%wr and playing them was traumatic
>>huskblade-looking sword
It's wraithbone, you're surprised that wraith*bone* looks like kinda like bone?
>>High Commorragh sexualized but also prim and proper black dress with lots of pointy bits
It's hardly sexualized, she's wearing a fully body suit with a corset.
Also the dress basically no pointy bits anywhere.
>>uses a bladed fan and a sword which is Malys's stated weaponry
Yvraine was a former DEldar as well, she literally fought in the gladiator pits, you're surprised she has a fan with small blades with her?
>Can the Emperor ever be revived
Yes, quite easily in fact. He's the strongest Perpetual ever born and he'd regenerate in a few days if they pulled him off the Throne. But then Terra explodes and the Imperium is gone for good. There are plenty of other ways of healing the Emperor too, but A) he'd still be stuck on the Throne forever to prevent the annihilation of Terra and B) Guilliman, the Lion, and Cawl have all asked this exact question and the people who have the means to restore the Emperor's health basically say "you wouldn't like him anymore if he ever got off that Throne." The Emperor that everyone expects is gone now, his mind is a shattered mess, you can heal his body but he'll never be a kind leader again. His human compassion and empathy were literally ripped out of his soul during the attack on the Vengeful Spirit. All that's left is a very angry, very unhappy killing machine.
lol cope, you apes can't even keep the Golden Throne running and you ran to us to build replacement parts because it's 90% stolen Eldar tech to begin with.
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Do you think Craftworlds use wraithbone swords that look like that? A Huskblade is a very specific thing.
None of what you said is canon, sorry kid.
>terrifying weapon of the archons with instant death
>just a basic weapon now
>It's wraithbone, you're surprised that wraith*bone* looks like kinda like bone?
Wraithbone is smooth and elegant. CWE swords aren't spiky, crude things. Her sword perfectly resembles a huskblade, down to the exact shape.
>It's hardly sexualized, she's wearing a fully body suit with a corset.
Corsets and full body latex aren't sexualized now?
>dress basically no pointy bits anywhere.
Look at her headpiece dumbass
>Yvraine was a former DEldar as well, she literally fought in the gladiator pits, you're surprised she has a fan with small blades with her?
They had to make Yvraine spend time in her life as a Drukhari to explain the entire design being obviously Drukhari and looking nothing like a Craftworlder. Thanks for confirming my point.
read a book, nerd!
imagine larping as a fantasy race, let alone the designated loser race of a setting
Read the End and the Death, read Dark Imperium, read The Lion: Son of the Forest. It's all there.
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>tfw Tyranids and all my favorite units finally get the buffs I've wanted for them to receive for so long
>but the Heirodule I only recently acquired and finished and used in one event has been squatted before the crusade begins, and I can no longer bring them
I shall remember you, my friend
I'll carry this army to victory in your honor
You forgot visarch LITERALLY being Duke Sliscus
imagine larping as space apes in space when you could larp as anything else more interesting and fun, but you choose to pretend to be scions of a dying regime that failed to achieve human potential and now spends most of its time destroying itself instead of achieving anything meaningful.
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>The Lion: Son of the Forest
I know the first 2 were trolling but this is a step too far
DEldar lost a ton of melee weapon options, but they actually didn't lose that one.
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I meant the statline makes me weep
uh oh eldartranny melty
Newfag nogames coping…
You could have just pointed to the fact that she has to wear a gauntlet on the hand that holds the sword, which is specifically a thing just for Huskblades because they can eat the soul of the wielder.
>you could larp as anything else more interesting and fun
why do you larp as space elves then?
What's the logic behind this one?
Ynnari infantry got turned into corsairs so actually the visarch was a corsair?
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they got a monkey paw immortality wish
consciousness uploaded to machines, or maybe a degraded copy, soul mostly eaten
they're robots with something else's memories, assuming those memories are even real and not a partial or complete fabrication. Imagine the mindfuck if their entire history was a fabrication and Necrons were just the robot army dead-mans-switch of a long gone empire. But I digress.

I liked them more when they were the transhumanist gone wrong faction. Tomb Kings are kind of mid. Tomb Kings in space even more so.

Wish they'd continued with Pariahs. The idea of them inflicting their own curse on others in order to recruit servants, perhaps even snatching their souls away in a similar manner as done to them. Flayed ones getting so demented and disassociated about being in a metal body that they start wearing meat suits and fetishising flesh is a poetic counterpoint to a faction like Admech.

They're more interesting than Tau, but I don't care that much about the faction. Just like shiny terminator robots because of the movie. Wasted potential, largely due to them being fluffed as "ancient, mysterious, inscrutable and very powerful" then ruining all that with shitty lore and novelization written by and for midwits. Too many personalities and characters, which subtracts from the whole mystery.

But sure, zombie robots. Below Orks on the Xenos tier list. Above Votann, but not Squats.
I'll admit it's better than the 8/9e one at least
Haven't done much with 10
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>has been squatted before the crusade begins, and I can no longer bring them
What kind of soulless hack wouldn't allow Legends in Crusade fluffy games, what the fuck anon? I advise you gently bring it up with your crusade GM/organizer.
If you recolored the Visarch's armor to black it'd look like a swanky (Slicus is known for his style) Commorite Corsair who's been collecting lots of trophies (Slicus is known for this too) like soul stones of his enemies. That's the logic basically.
I can try I suppose, I'd like it if I could
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Oh yeah because the Emperor was so kind and empathetic, like we he slaughtered quadrillions over the galaxy and enslaved that many only to die for his goal of achieving apotheosis.
Fuck the corpse Emperor, keep him in his prison.

The Emperor failed.
Of course you don't, you're a secondary
do it anyway, what are they gonna do about it?
Corsairs were 100% meant to be Ynnari, they even used them in one of the books as Ynnari infrantry before the release of Corsair box.
That was the Emperor when he had a functioning human heart. Now imagine the Emperor with no morality or compassion to hold him back. Khorne would shit himself in fear of the heartless slaughter the Emperor unleashes.
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Eh, maybe if you squint
Metallic flakes never leave the brush once you use metallics.
You're deluded if you think he ever did hold back or had human emotions to begin with.
He was literally never human.
based retard
You WILL find a Dark Eldar.
You WILL turn her into a Traditional Catholic Wife.
And You WILL raise a family away from the Imperium of Man or anyone else.
Yeah no. I'm with you concerning yvraine, but for me duke sliscus is not armored corsair no23. Gotta be pointy eared david bowie in space
i want this to be at least a short story
Probably something to do with the myriad special primarch-only powers associated with them, I'd imagine. Nowhere does it say they're clones, you're either making shit up or being misled.
Yeah except for the fact that they all have the face of the emperor and come from his genestock and nothing else
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Order the Starforged: Space Marine Chapter Banner Magnets. Do it now.
>Yeah except for the fact that they all have the face of the emperor and come from his genestock and nothing else
Incorrect. Erda provided the other half of the DNA. They're test tube babies, but not clones.
nu-lore ignore
These are kinda cool, just not 21 euro cool
only the blood angels one looks good and I'd still never waste 20 dollars on a magnet
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>Artilleryspam Guard - DoA
>Infantryspam Guard - Shit's kinda fucked
>Tankspam Guard

My time is now
The filename says Cirenk but the face and eyes say DevilHS.
has the gsc pdf leaked yet?
trust me, you don't want it. GSC were completely fucking cucked this edition
yeah, i started playing gsc when the tyranid codex dropped, and now that they screwed them over and made tyranid interesting i am going back to nids. still curious to read it at least.
They literally do not, I have no idea where you're getting any of this. In all of the official art, they each have distinct faces, even if they share the same blocky Primarch head shape. Try watching less YouTube lore videos, maybe?
Literally put a lighter to the metal tip and it’s unclogged in seconds. The glue isn’t as bad as you all make it out to be
read her book. Oh wait you're not important enough to get an early copy lmao
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>He thinks they abandoned the idea of rebooting 40k
They won't reboot 40k because unlike fantasy it's thriving
>trying to clean lhamean model
I'm starting to think getting a random chinese recast of a finecast model wasn't the best idea
40k makes them way too much money to reboot. So they'll stick to soft reboots and retcons. By the time they do decide to kill 40k and start anew it'll be because it stopped making money because they fucked with the lore so much it's basically unrecognizable.
Sword is a little too big.
>Kasrkin Sergeant in Kill Team: can take Hellgun
>Kasrkin Sergeant in Warhammer 40,000: cannot take Hellgun

Really makes you think.

>Cadian Sergeant cannot take lasgun despite there being enough in the kit
>Can only take autogun for rifle-equivalent despite it making zero logistical sense and is worse, in the fluff, than a lasgun for a myriad of reasons

>Only related slightly
>Can't have [stock]Space Marine Captain/Lieutenant with regular armor and then choose Phobos for +10 points or Gravis for +15 (or +20)
>MUH TOME OF DATA SHEETS (that are immediately made pointless by a thousand changes)

Can you take Dominion squads for SoBs or do you still have to take them with four additional Bolter Bitches?
40k got rebooted with the fall of cadia

primaris and primarchs are the reboot
The original finecast model is terrible enough to work with anyways, I can confirm. I can only imagine your pain.
the mandrakes box comes with weapon options for KT but none of them cross over to 40k
Sword is a little too Small.
ah yes a couple hero models and a new mark of marine armor is the same as the entire setting getting thrown out and replaced with a shitty attempt at copying 40k's appeal like AoS
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The Hand of the Archon official gunblades was even funnier.
40k is already 40kfied, the only part they needed changing is the marines
Son, primarchs are amazing Space Marine commanders. Pic related. This is Leman Russ. I have no idea what anyone is talking about when they mention vikings from a planet colonized by a furry convention.
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>coldstar commanders were designed for boarding actions
>can't use them in boarding action
Gotcha so you're saying there's no reboot at all and you're just retarded
Boarding Actions is an abortion of a game mode invented to sell a shit ton of overpriced terrain. I'm amazed white dwarf even still publishes new scenarios for it.
board actions are cooler than combat patrols or kill team
They were in 9th edition. The 10th edition "rules conversion" totally fucked the game mode beyond repair and they are never going to address it in any way.
So many of the core concepts of 40k got thrown out with the Primaris bullshit though?
>any tech advancement is considered heresy and ends in death for those involved, but it's a moot point because any genuine improvement is a lost cause because too much science and knowledge were lost ages ago, one disaster after another leads to universal distrust of tech growth as inherently dangerous
>any attempts to alter geneseed ends in cursed foundings
>1,000,000 SM max, 1,000 per Chapter, 1,000 Chapters
>the Imperium is falling apart, no hope, just a slow agonizing demise. The Emperor is dying on his throne and there's nothing they can do to stop it
>tech advancement is A-OK if Cawl says so
>altering geneseed is perfectly safe
>more SM now exist than ever before in Imperial history thanks to Cawl thawing millions upon millions that he saved up for 10k years, Ultima Founding created hundreds of new Chapters, existing Chapters got massive wave of reinforcements that at least doubled if not tripled their existing 1k limit, and not one Chapter thought this was suspicious or questioned the right of genetic heresy to live despite their backwards, ignorant ideology, not one Chapter said "but muh Codex Astartes says 1k marines only"
>Imperium is on an upswing in power and tech, Guilliman has sorted out the High Lords of Terra with competent individuals instead of ignorant dumbasses, the Emperor is growing more powerful than ever enough to directly fight the Chaos Gods in the Warp, and more Primarchs are awakening to join the fight and reform the Imperium back to being a positive force and destroy the ignorance of the last 10k years
I don't exactly dislike the character of Cawl but goddamn if he isn't used as the justification for a shit ton of lore raping retcons and surprise developments.
>WHERE did you get all the Grav Plates from Cawl?
not in the most literal sense, no, my point was that 40k didn't need a reboot and so didn't get a reboot, just lesser changes to marines and a timeline advancement to justify that and whatever other minor addition or change they wanted to have
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>Leman Russ all but confirmed to be the next Primarch to return
>His last words before vanishing were "At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime."
>Wolftime is basically the Fenrisian equivalent of Ragnarok
>TLDR: Huge final battle, the world is burned, submerged, and rises again
Yeah I'm thinking the 40k End Times are coming
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Very rainy solstice. Kept working on Special Agents Sam, Nightbitch, and Porntips Gizzardo.
What's the best counter against Dark Angels terminator spam?
>any tech advancement is considered heresy and ends in death for those involved, but it's a moot point because any genuine improvement is a lost cause because too much science and knowledge were lost ages ago, one disaster after another leads to universal distrust of tech growth as inherently dangerous
they have been adding new models since the game began, going "oh they were always there" is the same as what cawl's retarded lore did
>any attempts to alter geneseed ends in cursed foundings
>1,000,000 SM max
not a thing
>1,000 per Chapter, 1,000 Chapters
except for all those chapters that don't abide by the codex and have tens of thousands of marines
>the Imperium is falling apart, no hope, just a slow agonizing demise. The Emperor is dying on his throne and there's nothing they can do to stop it
still true
>tech advancement is A-OK if Cawl says so
still wrong
>altering geneseed is perfectly safe
never was a problem before
>more SM now exist than ever before in Imperial history thanks to Cawl thawing millions upon millions that he saved up for 10k years, Ultima Founding created hundreds of new Chapters, existing Chapters got massive wave of reinforcements that at least doubled if not tripled their existing 1k limit, and not one Chapter thought this was suspicious or questioned the right of genetic heresy to live despite their backwards, ignorant ideology, not one Chapter said "but muh Codex Astartes says 1k marines only"
>Imperium is on an upswing in power and tech, Guilliman has sorted out the High Lords of Terra with competent individuals instead of ignorant dumbasses, the Emperor is growing more powerful than ever enough to directly fight the Chaos Gods in the Warp, and more Primarchs are awakening to join the fight and reform the Imperium back to being a positive force and destroy the ignorance of the last 10k years
the 10e cinematic is literally just talking about how the imperium is losing more and more worlds every day
>>Cadian Sergeant cannot take lasgun despite there being enough in the kit
>>Can only take autogun for rifle-equivalent despite it making zero logistical sense and is worse, in the fluff, than a lasgun for a myriad of reasons
You get what you fucking deserve for not looksmaxing your squad leader with a baller pistol and melee wapon
>b-b-but I don't want them in melee and want them to shoot
>going "oh they were always there"
"It was always there" or "They found the STC" are more in-line with 40k's themes than "Cawl made it"
Strange head, kinda gives me stopmotion film clay puppet vibes.
Everything you just said was wrong. Chapters that went beyond the 1k limit without being Space Wolves or being on Crusade were declared traitors by the Inquisition. Not even going to bother replying to your retarded "wrongs" or "still trues." The 10e trailer is just a single battle on a single world being lost and Guilliman saying some vaguely ominous BS because the very next thing GW put out was the Leviathan lorebook where the Imperium completely deadlocks the 4th Tyrannic War and the Tyranids are now stopped in their tracks.
Not wasting time on you lorelet
you don't even read codexes let alone campaign books
Neither do you if you think there was a rule about only a million marines in the setting and not just a vague number of marines currently active lmao
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Nightbitch? I'm using a Kingdom Death head for her.
>vague number of marines currently active
The idea you somehow think these are the same thing is the ultimate proof of your stupidity
>Just finished Dawn of War.
>MC is so thick in the head he destroyed the Maledictum.
>He unleashes the demon, and proclaims that with the demon released, he will find his anihilation at his hands.
Does the story continue in Dawn of War 2? I want to know how he destroys the demon.
way to reveal you haven't read anything and just operate off of youtuber vomit and redditor memes
This plot hook continues in Dawn of War 3. DoW2 does other shit instead. It's lame and gay. Don't bother.
I heard Dawn of War 3 was the lame and gay one.
>not even an argument
There is no amount of mental gymnastics you try that will make Cawl's asspulls okay. Nothing in the lore has ever gone so extremely against the established setting.
it is
Don't worry, the setting will be stuck in his preptime for the Ragnarok that will never happen
Yea that one. wow expensive, do they have a pack with only heads or something?
sorry, I mean to say DoW3 is lame and gay, yes
2 is also retarded for abandoning base building as a mechanic and moving halfway to MOBA territory with its gameplay and introducing raid bosses but people for some reason still like it
I see you're getting mad, tertiary
Dawn of War 2 has an interesting campaign but the focus really was on the multiplayer. Its more RPG hero/squad management than a traditional RTS campaign. I have way more hours in DOW2 than DOW1 but I played it competitively with a 3 man team.
>calling WC3/CoH style RTS a MOBA
mental midget alert
Honestly I don't think it's really worth working on. Bunch of detail has been lost, a part just broke off because the flash was too thicc.
Guess I'll wait for GW to sell them again... not that it will be much better.
Its not moba like at all. It just focuses 100% on squad micro and rotations. You can still have 10+ units late game. DOW3 has base building and is 500x the moba that DOW2 is.
DoW2 has about as much in common with CoH as it has in common with WC3. That is to say, basically nothing. No base building, no resource management beyond unit cooldowns, as if they took an RTS and turned it entirely into micro hell, AKA a MOBA. Which is exactly what they did with 2 and 3 was just the next step on that road to damnation.
You're joking right. It's basically CoH with a warhammer skin
I’m looking for some female heads for my Arbites, I though it was weird to not include any females. I can’t even make my Judge Anderson.
skill issue
my brood brothers auxilia have not lost a game yet.
never played them. It's going to be fucking brutal next week.
>It's basically CoH with a warhammer skin
Are you retarded? CoH has all the standard RTS mechanics and DoW2 has none of them except microing your units.
>No base building, no resource management
so you never played DoW2

I'm a combined arms man.

I honestly like the well rounded approach. Hq, Dudes, A tank and maybe a walker or a transport.

Mass vehicles are interesting but I served my time in leaf blower guard and I won't go back.
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For Imperial players.
A Leagues of Votann prospect comes to /Your Dudes/ and says this to them.
Wat do?
Also, the only interesting arbite, who also has her own books is a female arbite.
I kill 3 marines per turn with my archon, cope
Don't bother playing 2. It's just a CoH reskin, and everything you loved about 1 is utterly gone.
Shoot first "I knew it was futile to bargain with xenos from the beginning."
Well if I wasn't a nogames my archon would kill way more so take that
why don't they see themselves as human anymore?
Beause they're xenos
Because they are completly genetical engeneered and most enclaves have absolutely no recollection of history so far in the back to know if they came from humans or not and even if they once did they are not kyn not part of the same culture and group, that is more important to votann.
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Votann lore is pretty cool
WC3 campaigns were 90% hero RPG leveling and gearing and 10% basebuilding, just like DoW2
I hate these animal heads on a stick ornaments.
Why do the bikes in the background have wings? Or is it something else we don't know?
The lore could be better but it is fine i guess.
Counterpoint: no it isn't
WC3 campaigns had much more base building and defense to them since they were coming from WC2 as a reference point. DoW2 was CoH reskinned to 40k.
But they know they come from earth, they know they're humans
>WC3 campaigns were 90% hero RPG leveling and gearing and 10% basebuilding
Blatantly false, what are you smoking?
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I don't care if they're good or not; I just want the God damned codex.
Has the sisters codex leaked/been uploaded yet?
It's right here you double neophyte
Kin are the last humans ever, indeed!

Feh, the Kin know in their hearts that the Imperium isn't "humanity"; it's three mutants and a devil worshipper shoved into the same frock.
Oh shit, thank you. May my brown ridge shrivel and peel off.
I'm pretty sure it concludes in DoW2R.
It and DoW2 are both good games, but they play very very differently from the original DoW1.
Maybe I just want pseudo-Elysian drop troops who aren't standard line troops that charge in and actually have... Different tactical doctrine? I know this is unfamiliar to anyone playing past maybe 8th but the Imperial Guard used to have different ways of doing things and you could even choose your own "specialty" in the form of Doctrines, which made /your dudes/ (now FORBIDDEN) operate differently. Crazy. I thought maybe things should be added to a game to make it interesting, not just adding bloat with a million different STRATAGEMS you can GOTCHA with your Krieg™ Veteran® Astra Militarum™ Squad©.
>"If that is what you want, then we will negotiate with you on OUR terms"
>*Space Marines begin the plasma spam*
DOW 2 is different but it's just fine.
DOW3 is a fucking abomination.
Chaos Rising concludes the story from 1 with confronting the unleashed daemon.
Retribution concludes the story with Azariah Kyras, the Blood Ravens' chapter master.
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What (you) and the current GW crop seem to forget is that the Imperium was never your standard "sci-fi human" faction in aesthetic OR themes. It's not the UNSC. It's not the Federation. It's a rotted, decaying corpse surviving only off of it's own strength, faith in a god who wanted no praise, and the old human vices of fanaticism, superstition and fear of the unknown. Innovation and invention mean change, and change is scary. That's why everything the Imperium uses has been in service for thousands of years and was made thousands of years before that. It's old and it's reliable. It's the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mindset taken to it's logical extreme.
Thanks for reading my blogpost
Also, I'd like to have some granularity without mandatory special characters.
They’re fine. Red ones look way cooler though.
I thought the Chapter Master fused with the Demon from the Maledictum because that thing was Khornite and CR was uncovering the corruption of Kyras and the Blood Ravens that Ulkair had propagated.
Sisters codex PDF out there, lads?
Reading Lelith's novel, the Aeldari consider Votann to be humans. A breed of humans that are distant relatives to baseline humanity.
Operation in space is not the same as use in boarding, like fuck you'd want to squeeze that fucker covered in fins into a ship corridor when terminators are notorious for not being able to properly move about due to constraints
Right, it's been a long time. Ulkair was bound inside Aurelia and that's why he had his feud with the Blood Ravens.
Kyras is just Relic continuing its strange turn with Khornate psykers.
Well the Eldar basically get to read the setting notes since they have recorded history and living witnesses for every event since the Fall. The only stuff they would have less accurate knowledge of would be things intentionally left vague in real life too, like the DAoT and the War in Heaven. And they still probably have a better idea of what happened in both than we do.
Oh good. Glad we have some valuable Mike Brooks lore to clear things up. Does Sakkon of Argad have a cameo where he smugly chuckles?
At the time of those games Khorne was THE recognizable chaos faction to normies in the way that Nurgle is today. The blood for the blood god memes were powerful even back then.
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>Sisters codex PDF out there, lads?
No James. Tell the lawyers to stand down.
That's alright, happens to everyone.
At the very least Kyras is still pretty awesome and he's both not a coward/failure nor a sorcerer
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Even if they're going ham with the artificial scarcity. Who the fuck is buying these things?
I liked the Kyras fight. At least when I played it the way you're supposed to with managing your squads and dodging his attacks.
Playing as Guard I just spammed Leman Russes. And Nids, well, there wasn't much point to tactics other than wave after wave after wave of 'gants.
Yeah we're all looking back at our shelves and thinking "boy am I glad to own that 8e codex!"
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Why cant sisters just be awesome destructive lassies?
kys faggot
They are.
I know people meme this guy to death but I honestly like this design a lot.
on Primarch using Tyranids felt awesome but did require good management of them to keep everything up. I really enjoyed the fight.
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>tfw I skipped on this battleforce back in 2018 and now the wraithknight costs as much as that entire box by itself
they are
Scalpers, idiot?
You get more requisition back when gant's died than it cost to make new ones. So you could just spam an endless swarm.
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Collectors like special covers and whatnot.
You obviously don't give a fuck, but there are enough people who do.
Personally I don't care for the style of these, but I got a copy of the special edition 9th edition Black Templar codex because I think it looks cool.
Some people also just have a single army so paying the price for a special edition every 5-6 years or so isn't a huge deal.
Why would scalpers buy something they can't get rid of?
That's the headcanon I'll stick with for my own sanity. Cheers.
They do see themselves as human, they just don't see other humans as "kin".
Other humans are just nothing but outsiders to them, ass backwards savage outsiders who basically know nothing or what they are doing.
Is the Lelith hesperax book good
obviously false.
if they saw themselves as humans they would try to get back earth, which would at least some of them still consider their birth right.

no way they consider themselves anything but a entirely separated race
Newish player here, how's this list looking for 1000 points?
>Death Korps Marshal w/ Kurov's Aquila (100pt)
>Tank Commander (Demolisher Cannon) w/ Grand Strategist (220pt)
>Death Korps of Krieg (20 man squad) (130pt)
>Death Korps of Krieg (10 man squad) (65pt)
>Death Korps of Krieg (10 man squad) (65pt)
>Field Ordinance Battery (110pt)
>Leman Russ Battle Tank (170pt)
>Scout Sentinel (60pt)
>Chimera (70pt)

Going with Krieg as the battleline unit since their medi-pack ability should mitigate the nerf to reinforcements. Dunno if I wanna take out the Tank Commander and throw in a Command Squad and use the remaining points for a less pricy tank.
The few people who've gotten early copies love it. However, they love it because it pushes a romance between Lelith and some literal who Succubus that was her childhood friend, and ending with the power of love prevailing over all dangers, rather than being about Lelith being a savage murderous Drukhari. So, let that temper your expectations.
Their knowledge of history is just fine, though? They know they're from Earth and everything that happened since they arrived in the Core.
That means female?
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Why did they put the points of indirect pieces like the Exorcist up, when the dataslate also hard nerfed them to begin with?
because GW is tired of watching tournament matches devolving into players sitting behind cover and waiting for artillery to do all the work
realistic war simulator :)
That wasn't the case before and it isn't the case now
Like how Eldar weren't winning 65% of tournament games before the nerfs, right retard?
If you weren't running 3x scorpius whirlwind, you were missin out on some lols
To be fair thats not a new thing.
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Don't know what fucking planet you're living on that Eldar indirect was leading to them being a meta faction prior to this dataslate but it must be one with an atmosphere of 99% retardium
GW hasn't been able to balance artillery since they removed scatter dice.
Bring them back.
>inb4 go play HH!
I do. I just want 40k to have good mechanics as well.
must be wild living in an alternate dimension where CWE were incapable of dumping 60+ MW on your army in a single shooting phase from indirect fire, no less
That hasn't been relevant in the meta for like a year nigger, please read posts before replying
Why do you think GW likes aos more than 40k despite one being way more popular?
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Ah yes the ever oppressive Eldar
When do you think I was referring to nerfs, you actual illiterate mouthbreather? I was making fun of how out of the loop you are regarding the game meta but apparently there was no need, you'll go out of your way to put on clown makeup and dance for me as it is
>When do you think I was referring to nerfs, you actual illiterate mouthbreather?
A period in time that wasn't "this dataslate" which was what the post explicitly referred to you dumb cunt
They always have been.
That artist needs to get original ideas or kill himself.
This dataslate didn't nerf Eldar, which you would know if you had even read it. Or kept track of balance changes at all for the last year or so. Kek.
Are you actually having a genuine stroke?

I asked why the Exorcist got a points hike this dataslate when they made Indirect significantly worse for everyone. Your answer was that a year or more ago, Eldar had a good winrate with a unit that isn't meta or relevant to this at all.

What the fuck are you talking about. Seek medical attention
Is it right that the Death Korps of Krieg Vox Caster and Medic can be the same model? I mean is it allowed that one model equipps both at once.
Do you guys think GW only buffed Tyranids melee because they know you can get Termagants for 15$ thanks to Leviathan right now. I mean lethal hits is ok but in my experience it's very swingy and most units will save them anyway especially with no AP.
Wtf is going on with Grey Knights? I thought they sucked
I'm pretty sure it's more that they NEEDED a bonus to strength in melee, because what Tyranid ranged guns are good have more a problem with BS and AP than actually wounding.
It exists.
I'd still prefer to have more classic squats, this seems rather bland and out of nowhere by comparison.
>if they saw themselves as humans they would try to get back earth
Earth doesn't matter to them, it being humanity's cradle gives it no more importance.
It's yet another rock orbiting a star like any other.
Nevermind that it is useless anyway with nothing of actual worth there anyway.
exorcist can never be good because as soon as it's good sisters will be running triple castigator, triple exorcist and GW clearly does not want to allow that.
What's the best way to tank spam guard right now?
Termagants probably aren't the thing you want to be buffing with the Hive Tyrant, unless you want to spam devourers. Even then could just have a Tervigon. The Hive Tyrant's probably better suited to hanging around stuff like Dakkafexes or Maleceptors/Exocrines. Giving Thropes assault (and lethal on the blast attacks) is also really cool too.
>90% of SOB cosplay/fanart has split pauldrons
>No model has this
I have concluded that 90% of SOB are nogames/nomodels and must be coomers.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
split pauldrons?
In general yes, but the meta list is baby carrier + land raider spam.
needs more orders
yeah I came back and templates were gone, wtf?
who forgot to pay the 2d4chan bill?
devil dogs and russ variants, demolisher and vanquisher
Well to be fair most of the sororita cosplays are probably inspired by the Inquisitor video game and there are many pictures where the sororita character has split pauldrons. Pic related. Most of the cosplay pics came around the same time as the game and where sometimes even payed to cosplay like that to promote the game. So you are probably right about nomodels.
I'm interested in learning more about the Deathwatch and how they interact with the wider Imperium. Are they known, or at least not kept a secret, to the wider Imperium and Guard and how do they react when in contact or having to fight alongside the Guard?
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Played a game against my nidbro yesterday at 1.5k points. Got a little report of what happened during.

Tyranids went first. We start the game and he moves up his Norn to the center objective, hoping to secure it for the game. Zoanthropes and Give tyrant+guard shoot and kill a shitload of Boyz from one squad, nearly wiping it. A mission rule allowed him to place 1 unit of guants from reserves on turn 1 so he places them on an objective. Overall his first turn wasn't much.
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On my turn, the Orks move up the board where they can. Some Boyz got too close to the newly set up guants and the guants reactive move away, meaning Boyz can't charge. The nearly dead Boyz unit uses it's painboy to get 3 Boyz back and runs to the center objective, alongside an unhurt 20 man squad of Boyz to steal the center objective, because I needed 2 no-mans-land objectives for a secondary. Nearly dead Boyz stay out but the full squad charges the Norn. Nid player uses heroic intervention to get his tyrant and it's guard into the combat. The Boyz and characters switch gears and fight the new unit instead of the norn, killing the tyrant guard and leaving the hive tyrant alone. Thanks to epic challenge he kills the painboy in return and the norn kills some Boyz.
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Turn 2, Orks call the WAAAGHH!!!, and the tyranids call for SoTW. I fail almost every battleshock test and nids score big on primary because I had no OC on objectives for the turn. The zoanthropes cleaned up the nearly dead squad of Boyz and their painboy. The guants that ran away on the other side of the table shoot and kill 2 squighog boys, rolling super hot. Some more Boyz die in the norn combat as well as the warboss due to another epic challenge (really good usage of this strat by the nid player).
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There were just enough Boyz left alive to score the center objective for some big points. Some nobz, which were behind a building after hopping out of their trukk (it needed to go elsewhere without them last turn for an action), move real close to the zoanthropes and eat an overwatch, losing 2 nobz. Squighogs move to the hive tyrant, and Boyz on both sides of the table move deadly close to their respective guants squads. The guants don't roll hot enough to run away. Charges are all made and lots of nids die. Orks are all over the board. On one side, the Boyz consolidate to drag an exocrine into combat (and for movement towards the objective it's on). At the end of the turn, 1 guants squad, the zoanthropes, and the hive tyrant are all dead. Big turn for the Orks.
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On turn 3, the exocrine fires out of combat and decimates the squighog boys left alive. Some guants that lived through their combat run onto an objective to steal it from the Boyz and try their hardest to steal it from them to stop me from getting more points, unsuccessfully unless the tervigon kills enough in its fight this turn. 2 ripper swarms pop into the Ork deployment zone to score Engage on All Fronts. Some nobz die to shooting but it's not enough and they kill the nuerotyrant in continuous combat. Elsewhere the ork boys pile into the exocrine and get enough into the objective it's on to steal the home objective from the nids, knowing it can't kill them all quickly enough. The tervigon, on the other side of the board, kills just enough Boyz to take back it's objective for the nids, and the norn finally kills enough Boyz to take it's objective back too.
Is this list playable, or would it be suffering to play/play against?
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The Orks are in the lead but they are running out of steam fast. I spend a comment point to get the 5 Boyz that died to the tervigon back to take back the objective and score points. The nobz go for the exocrine, thinking the norn is a lost cause, and make their charge. The Boyz with the tervigon aren't able to get far enough to tag the guants nearby and do nothing to the tervigon, which kills more Boyz in return. The exocrine is hurting but the nobz and boyz fail to kill it. The Norn finally kills the last of the Boyz that have been fighting it since turn 1, with only 1 wound taken.
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Turn 4 the norn, now free, goes directly for the nobz and some venomthropes that have been doing nothing take it's place on the center objective. Guants fire and kill lots of Boyz next to the tervigon after it falls back. The boyz are holding on by a thread, and across the board the norn shoots and kills 2 nobz before it charges in and wipes the squad. The guants charge the Boyz they just shot and overwhelm them, leaving only 2 left alive. The tyranids have taken this objective for good now. The warboss that was with the nobz goes for the norn and just cannot scratch its mighty carapace. The Boyz that are fighting the exocrine are still just dwindling it down and spreading into the nid home objective. They leave the exocrine at 1 wound left.
I mean, you're just going to lose because the stompa doesn't do 800 points worth of damage and doesn't require 800 points of anti-tank to kill. You'll have a flashy turn 1 and then probably lose one of them immediately.
>Are they known
They are not secret.

>how do they react when in contact or having to fight alongside the Guard?
DW are elite operatives against aliens. They either act alone or use the guard as a cover to do their stuff.
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The Orks aren't out of this fight yet. They've been holding 3 out of 5 objectives this whole game, and just need to hold off the norn from stealing back the nid home objective. On a quiet side of the board, a trukk shoots a ripper swarm to 1 wound left and then fails its charge, leaving the ripper swarm alive. Secondary draws will have the orks score massive points if they kill the exocrine, so my only command point goes to fighting it and making sure it's dead. Down, down it goes and leaves the home objective for the nids uncontested, for now. The Norn kills the warboss and licks his lips for a big charge next turn.
short and sweet, that'll do.
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On turn 5, the nids perform some actions that they drew and move up to hopefully kill some grots. The grots thankfully hold firm (somehow) and keep my home objective for me, while the norn shoots, charges, and slaughters plenty of boys. But the unit isn't dead. 2 are left alive after the rampage, but it might just be enough.

No pic from this picture but here was the remainder of the squad that had died to the guants next to the tervigon. They held to the very end.
The 2 ork boyz pass their battleshock and allow me to revive some Boyz at the use of my command point. 4 return to the squad, taking back the nid home objective for the final time from the norn, and they fall back to ensure their victory. Not an orky play but they wanted to stay alive to fight again another day. The trukk finally kills that ripper swarm.
The Orks, thanks to that final objective being taken back, win the game with a final score of 79-90 in the Orks' favor. A very close game all the way to the end.

I really enjoy green tide, even after the nerfs. It doesn't feel very oppressive like it did pre-nerf but man it's still so fun. I love flooding the board with bodies.
Thanks for the battle report, sounds like you guys had fun. Nice models by the way.
It was tons of fun. Next time we want to do a swarm of nids versus a green tide, even if it'll take a long time. Lots of bodies on the table is just so fun to see.
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womp womp
Yes but would it be fun?
Cool beans. Be sure to post more of that one when it happens.
Yeah we never really care too much about that. We just want to throw some dice
>played sisters vs orks
>he didn't waagh turn 1 and I shot half his stuff off the board with the salamander detachment
Paise the emprah.
Your greener was meaner.
Terrain issue
Are Sisters really that lethal even with the points nerf?
Skill issue. People are deploying against Bringers of Flame like it's Hallowed Martyrs and wondering why they're eating melta for breakfast.
I don't get theses lists that are nothing but melta guns, are flamers seriously not good enough vs. infantry to justify taking some instead of flamers?
Who's baking?
Bro you just love spamming your shit huh. Have considered saving some of the image limit with the rest of the class instead of dump posting 8-27 images every time you post
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Jumpcats have begun to assemble.
Index Sisters never struggled to find tools to sweep infantry, but S10 meltas are the toy they've been begging for all year. I don't really think there's been much flipping from flamers to melta, but Dominions being more playable v Battle Sisters might mean more models with melta on the table.
We are nowhere near the image limit and on page 7 and nowhere near the post limit. I don't think he has to worry about it too much.
And a lot of us enjoy battle reports.
So that's what the halberd looks like. GW has gotten terrible at showing their models' options
Do you find the 3d printed heads are too big for regular sisters? I bought some in the past and found they looked out of scale. Would you mind doing a close up comparison of a cat girl head vs. unhelmeted sister?
>/v/kiddie having another melty over people actually playing the game
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Yeah, it looks nice, but as you can see, it means the pose is VERY overbalanced to one side.
A friend actually printed them, but I can confirm, he had to scale them down a little to get them 'correct' and fitting. Apologies, my phone camera is very poor.
You sound like a person who'd benefit from painting a model.
shut up no games
How decent would this be?
>2 Battle canon Tank Commanders
>1 Battle canon Russ
>1 Demolisher
>1 Vanquisher
>1 Executioner
>1 Chimera
>1 Taurux Prime
>are flamers seriously not good enough vs. infantry
The issue isn't infantry. The issue is not having melta when a dread or brigand blocks your path

Rope yourself.
You have little OC, so if you want objectives then you'll need to physically block them most of the time.

your transports need passengers. If you want to go all vehicle then add some cyclops to fill your chimera
Androgynes or not, I imagine Slaanesh sounds southern, like that bitch from Helluva Boss.
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Show some respect for the Aeldarly
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I have two cats
The cat who will curl up in my lap and sleep while I paint with acrylics and brushes
And the cat who waits until I get up for any reason so he can steal my painting chair
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hey /40kg/
would you kill me if I put a couple infiltrator heads on my ruststalkers
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One of these cats is not gonna feel so good
They're both fine, none of them have ingested or made contact with any paints or even materials. I have no oils or sprays either as well, to make sure nothing happens on accident. Whenever they're in the room somehow I keep an eye on them, and if they try to get on the table by jumping onto the clean side-table I kick them out so they don't try anything.
It's not like they're eating my brushes or something, the chair is clean.
Well, except for all the cat hair, but no roller has been able to get it all out.

Post models.
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I need some music for playing 40k, what are some multi-hour pieces you guys like to play while painting or playing?
I'm looking for something tense but not too fast, 40k music for thinking basically.
breakcore/100 gecs
Let me see what I've got Anon.


I hope these serve you well.
Is it even worth it to ask for PDFs anymore? This dataslate proved that there isn't a single word in them that's safe from changes after publishing.

We have been over this. Lelith was always queer-coded. Mike's novel just pushed Lelith out of the closet. The relationship between her and Morghana was sweet and it's quite a start for ar redemption arc.
drop the Tank Commander, replace the Battle Cannon Russ with an Eradicator and then put in a Rogal Dorn
Also, drop the Field Battery and Chimera for 3 more Scout Sentinels
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Played a game against WE as Votann today, all three units of Eightbound got turn one charges off. Time to build those Yaegirs!
>barefeet in the LGS
Anon please

This is in my (barefoot) buddy's basement. Six of us show up every week and play on three folding tables pushed together. You can see Death Guard vs Necrons on the green mat and Tyranids vs Daemons on the blue mat in the back.
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Solstice was nice, finally got around to working on some veterans I glued together a month ago.
In second edition space marines were 30 points.

In 3rd edition they were 15 points, but you paid for a ton of addons.

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