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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Rifts threads gain no traction here. We're starting a new game tonight, pro-Coalition. Thanks for all your replies in the past couple of weeks. I wish we could get an in-depth thread on Rifts going but there just doesn't seem to be any interest in it. It might as well be a dead game
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dead games are the best games
they dont get fucked with by tourists & grifters
I can't deny the truth of your post
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We're having a blast playing our Rifts game. It's not a dead game if people are still playing it! Haters can suck my giant dick cannon.
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They should fit right in. Or get turned into onions slime by the Kydians.
What I'm playing tonight, 5th level Grackletooths Operator
>longform tax sheet
based & actuarypilled
This GM made his own character sheets and had been using them for over twenty years lol
Post up a pdf of the blank sheet desu
It's not just here, the discord and even the forums are much slower than they used to be. It's not a dead game, but it's fan base is slowly dying, and/or getting much older and less interested in arguing on the internet. I've met Pally players IRL who never talk about it online. They don't care.
Yeah, I can't say I care very much anymore
I'll try to get one tonight
I wish I could record this game for you guys. I have a k9 Sniffer CS Dogboy in the group
There are additional sheets, I'm just waiting on him
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>not fucked with by grifters
>Kevin not being a big grifter himself.
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24 years later and Bill Coffin is still alive & shitposting about Big K across the interwebs
Is he? Where? This I want to see. He had some good insights into how Palladium was run about... 20 years ago, on rpg.net.
I'm thinking of donating all my old books to my LGS for their library, but if I ever get the itch I don't want to have to buy back my whole collection. I understand that the books will likely experience some wear but I don't want kids taking them home with them.
Don't do it
Outside of the few tourists who hopped on for TMNT memberberries, anyone actually playing Palladium is already well entrenched & the modern comics crowd arent the gamers that the comic shops were selling Palladium product to on a shelf in the comic shop in the 90s.
Maybe I should just put it in my garage on the shelf. I kind of don't want girls to see that stuff in my living room.
>bateman copypasta
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>Rifts threads gain no traction here

We do have a somewhat regular Rifts/Palladium general, and it does get some traction, but for whatever reason sometimes it just goes a while without getting reposted.


Never give your old books or cards or whatever away unless you are truly desperate for the rent money or moving halfway around the world and really cannot take it with you. Don't do it. Don't!
You'll regret it
Palladium is for gearheads so the garage is probably a good place.
desu I'm jealous of your garage
I'm not. I spent 6 months cleaning that place out just to have it filled with other peoples crap.
>Never give your old books or cards or whatever away unless you are truly desperate for the rent money or moving halfway around the world and really cannot take it with you. Don't do it. Don't!
I just don't want them to sit on the shelf, i want other people to enjoy them.
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How furry are Dogboys on this scale?
Dogboys arent Cats ratard
Mega-good boys

About 100%. Whatchugonna do about it?
Probably 90.
Full dog head, furry body, mostly human limbs with claw nails.

A TW dagger that teleports targets to Atlantis would be like a million credits, I would think.

She is gonna get symbiotes SO HARD

You might have some trouble since that is a support class. You migh-
>Plasma ejector

You'll be fine.

Donate it to your local correction facility. Keep the tradition alive!
Yeah, I love that gun but I had to stow it to infiltrate an enemy mine. I kept the ion pistol however. I never even fired it
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About as furry as it gets, anon. They are bipedal dogs, straight-up.
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Splicer here. I'm throwing another idea at you.

Splicers has always had its roots in horror and messed up shit. So what is something messed up that they haven't done yet? Male impregnation. My idea is that prisoners and the insane can either be converted into biotics or be implanted with a gorehound or other small biotech monster embryos. The embryo is about 45 additional pounds and will remove a sizeable chunk of flesh when it's birthed.

I don't really know what should be the reward for this instead of being transmutted into an insane super soldier. Maybe your sentence is commuted? Maybe you get nothing and are sent back to jail, grateful they didn't make you a super retard.

I should explain. Gorehound are biotechnology attack dogs. Roughly the size of a female adult tiger or a small horse. They have the same speed and strength as a host armor and be fitted with the same weapons. The downside is that they do have the brain of dogs and do not possess thumbs to use tools.

Biotics are generically altered soldiers. Top down rearranged to be fitted with no weapons and their mind and memories erased and replaced with information fitting their task. They are not as strong as Host Armors and have to spend a lot of Bio E to get on that tier. They get progressively more insane with weird fixations that can get them and others in danger. I is of note they are considered in the same social caste as Gorehounds. They do usually keep their thumbs and can use tools.
Will bump because I love RIFTS artwork
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Me too. I wish it inspired more fan art, though.
Fan works get DCMA'd by Uncle Kev because he's a boomer that barely understands the internets.
That does sound like a horror movie. Hope your players are okay with that level of gore.

I don't think that's been the case since the late 2000s.

Roleplayers don't go to libraries to get RPG books.
After the TMNT reprint, what's the next project that's planned? There was supposed to be some kind of annoncement last weekend?
You'd be lucky to get any kind of announcement from anyone involved in Palladium about anything

Was this the Coalition War or the Free Quebec sourcebook? I always feel like we got a little blueballed there by Palladium because they couldn't let the Nazi's actually lose a fight. Even if it was to other Nazi's with a canadian accent.

>They build 2 glitter-killers for every Glitterboy they THINK NQ has.
>They think they have like... 400 or so, so they made about a 1000.
>[NQ starts laughing in 5000 Glitterboys and a factory that makes more]

Seriously the moment the Coalition discovers just how many of those things they have, let alone the factory would have been fucking hilarious.
After the embezzlement that stopped because he can't afford to do it anymore.
I do believe it was the CWC book

Post cover peel
>That does sound like a horror movie. Hope your players are okay with that level of gore.

They have successfully biten a combatant's head off 4 times. 6 unsuccessful attempts. Only one time have the desecrated bodies as a warning to an oppositional village.

That said I've thrown weird stuff at them. The ol' people merged with walls, eyeballs in the wall, and one time they were talking to a Librarian and a half formed biotic popped up from his gene pool and the librarian gently but firmly pushed his half formed body back into the goo.

It's splicers, flesh is the only thing you can trust blood is love!
I don't have it on me
You get a pdf or doc/link of the blank character sheet?
Fuckin awesome dagger, huge threat to splugorth national security
Ah yes the new buzzword keyboard commies use to deflect from all video commies taking all the money and never redistributing a dime lmao
I posted them in the thread
wrong board famalamadingdong
nm found them on wayback, used to be hosted on the old madirshman charactersheet site,
there from 2001, so its missing the rue shit
Based old school rifter
Found an thorough & sincint overview of combat and missl for RIFTS. Anythings similar, for longfrom RIFTS content?
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This looks like the previous RIFTS liveplay from

>My headhunter can't be this cute!

Missile combat should always be discussed. Technically, a swarm of missiles are the most powerful weapons in the game.
Yeah, missile rules are a very confusing and hotly-debated topic. From a design-perspective there should never be a rule that says "X can always hit no matter what". Massive penalties are acceptable, but there should always be a chance.

So, can a Hyperion Juicer (which is basically The Flash in speed) dodge a swarm of 20 missiles? Given the power levels in Rifts and Phase World, that really should be a possibility.
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Worse, I'd say it's always misapplied when it's used in recent years. I mean there is no shooting or anything!
>So, can a Hyperion Juicer (which is basically The Flash in speed) dodge a swarm of 20 missiles?

No, you cannot dodge a missile swarm of 4 or more. It's just too much missile at that point. It's a good test to see if players remember Roll with Impact. This is the power of the missile!
>New West
Nice. My favorite splat by far
You can shoot the middle group down with like a 70% chance, iirc
>New West
Tpmak? Let me guess. Your captcha

It doesn't say what the roll is but I would think it's a called shot, at least. Anyway it's a 60% chance to take some damage. The rub for players is that it must take an action otherwise you roll with it or put it on your arms.

So experience I have as a GM trying to kill speedy bastards:
>I houserule that shooting a missile means rolling higher than the shooter that shot it. No, it doesn't work as well as I had hoped.
>You can plink like a bastard by launching groups of 4 to soften them up or burn actions. If you look at these launchers they actually have tons of missiles and pilots usually get many actions driving these PAs or vehicles.
>Sometimes it's worth firing everything and seeing what happens. If you're a friendly GM remember that MDC armor evaporates after the attack, leaving the PC still alive.
>He doesn't tpmak
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I do not tpmak at all
You're missing out
If I ever get to make a character for Rifts I'm going to make a Heroes Unlimited conversion and take Body of Metal, Growth, and Magnetism. Then I can use the magnetism to fly and operate a rail gun.
I'll just like, kick over APC's full of Coalition Soldiers, have guys depress the trigger until they run of ammo, have turrets shoot at their own guys, collapse buildings on people..
lol, fucking ultimate edition, nerfing shit.
Cause friendly fire incidents, stomp around with a boom box crashing through the jungle playing Iron Man by black sabbath. Wear chains around my shoulders and my boots to entangle people. Go around in big steel toed shit kicker boots stomping on dead boys and turning them into paste.
Just fucking pluck girders out of buildings and smash shit with it. Get in wrestling matches with UAR 1 Enforcers. Pluck SAMAS out of the sky and throw them into buildings.
Fucking roundhouse kick a dragon in the nuts.
finished with my woman cause she couldn't help me with my nuts!
Just like stomp up and down on coalition grunts like your trying to stamp on a huge bug. Just smash them into paste with my fists! BAM BAM BAM
and like, if i have to fight vampire, i'll like, hit it with a CHAIR! SMASH! BAM! POW! and i'll just keep hitting it with furniture, ill smash a whole couch over their head, and crack the couch in half then rip it to pieces!

Then like, BAM! Elbow drop!
stay still ya little buggers, you think your measly 4d6 laser rifle is going to jack against 800 + MDC and 1d4x10 MD per melee round?
Bitch, do you know who I am? I can punch for 2d6x10 mdc on a power punch, I body check a tank its got a 50/50 chance to never walk again! I'll have you know I've been involved in numerous raids on the Coalition States and have over 100 confirmed kills during the Siege of Tolkien! If only you'd known what kind of ley line energy storm you'd brought down upon yourself, you would RUE the day you picked up that c-8 laser pistol and waved it at me! Your freaking dead, dead boy!
I'd have to like, hose down my feet with a pressure washer, cause there'd be bits of bone and tendon stuck in my heel and i'd need to wedge it out with a crowbar.
Get somebody to cast immune to energy and immune to fire, then just go ham. I could fly like 10,000 feet up in the air, and just like slam down head first on somebody.
I'd play a Dragon Juicer with a bunch of TW weapons. Get the force cannon from federation of magic, that magic chainsaw, and the dragon flamethrower. Auto dodge biotch
Based af Iron Man
Here you go. This one isn't too bad, I think
>Body of Metal, Growth, and Magnetism.

Isn't that two major powers and one minor?
Man my first copy of vampire kingdoms was already peeling badly when I bought it used in the late 90s. By the time I lost it finally it was totally fucked, god I loved that book. Atlantis held up really well though.
I've had problems with all of them. Even the hardback RUE is falling apart
Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart
What's it about?
The game? We're CS soldiers that had to defect basically

Defect in what way? Like becoming a mercenary company to signing up with another governmental entity?

Very nice. my first palladium book was a copy of powers unlimited. Now it smells of cigarettes and is covered in coffee stains, which is weird because I don't smoke or drink coffee while reading.
Someone's been sneaking into your house at night to run bootleg games of Rifts without your knowledge.
I came across pic related got a good laugh out of it.
Because it never came out or...?
its 3 major
Good shit lol, love palladium ads man, classic
Some of the new-ish art for TMNT looks quite good, very old-school vibes, for which I'm grateful that they didn't try to repaint it as some kind of anime/cartoon "urban yoots" style of art.
Man that's awesome but I wish they bandannas were all just red

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