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Bolt edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Color Pie mechanics

>Read this before you post cards for the first time, or as a refresher for returning cardmakers

>Design articles by Wizards

>Primer: NWO and Redflagging

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: http://pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: http://pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: http://pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Q: How can I proxy my cards for testing?
A: <https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM //> https://mtgprint.cardtrader.com

>Art sources

>/ccg/ sets
(/ccg/ collab set in development)

OT: 92931806

Thread Challenge: Design a card that does 3 damage.
OT was actually >>93008646
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Is this an existing wording? Seems unneeded on the card regardless.
>Is this an existing wording?
You know you can just check things yourself, right? You don't need to ask another person to do it for you, then wait for their answer.
>Seems unneeded on the card regardless.
it provides a functional difference to how the card works. If "noninstant" was removed, the card would play differently. I'm not sure what anon's vision was for making the card, but functionally if this was their intention, then no the "noninstant" is not "unneeded".
Needs the Trap subtype.
>I'm not sure what anon's vision was for making the card, but functionally if this was their intention, then no the "noninstant" is not "unneeded".
My unneeded comment is mostly in regards to power level. It seems like an unneeded limitation.
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Alaranon checking in. Which of these mechanics feels the most Grixis (as a plane) to you?
>Mechanic 1 - Twist on Madness
>(Whenever this card is put into the graveyard from anywhere other than the battlefield, you may exile it. If you do, you may cast it until the end of your next turn.
>Mechanic 2 - Persist meets Decayed
>(When this creature dies, if it didn’t have decayed, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a decayed counter on it. (A creature with decayed can’t block. When it attacks, sacrifice it at end of combat.)
>Mechanic 3 - Persist meets Cascade
>(When this creature dies, you may exile it. If you do, return target creature with a lower mana value from your graveyard to the battlefield.)
>Mechanic 4 - Eternalize meets Decayed
>[mana cost] ([mana cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token copy except it’s a 2/2 zombie in addition to it’s other types and it has “This creature can’t block.” Activate only as a sorcery.)
I'd like for the mechanic to be something that could relatively make sense on mono-colored creatures of any of the three Grixis colors.
Have an unrelated Grixis card btw.
1 doesn't specify creatures, which makes it less grixis in my mind. Since cascade is a thing that relates to all the shards comming together, 3 feels less like a mechanic that specifically speaks to grixis.
So 2 and 4, though none of them feel like they'd be out of place in grixis.
>Mechanic 1
The main difference I see here is that you can also cast if if you Mill it. That probably means the costs need to be higher than Madness costs typically are, which just means that it's less likely to actually trigger.
>Mechanic 2
Not terrible. It does a decent job of showing off how Grixis is constantly trying to recycle and the life force is getting weaker.
>Mechanic 3
Reminds me vaguely of Soulshift. It is at least safer than Cascade since you need to fill your graveyard first though. I will say that this is good enough at pulling cards from the graveyard that I'm not sure it fits on mono-U or mono-B though.
>Mechanic 4
This is actually quite interesting, for reasons similar to 2. It could likely play similarly to Unearth, since you choose what you're bringing back and when, though it'll have a specific (weak) statline. But unlike Unearth, the creature can stick around, which means that it works better than Unearth for Blue.
It's meant to prevent cheesy ramp/combo plays in the first few turns and not to act as an additional protection piece.
If it could target instants too, it could be used to protect your own combo against opposing force of wills.
Thanks for the feedback anons. Do you think ability 4 would be more balanced or promote better gameplay if the token gained literal decayed rather than just the can't block clause?
I think Force of Negation's wording of having the alternate cost only available outside of it's caster's turn is a more elegant solution here.
>Do you think ability 4 would be more balanced or promote better gameplay if the token gained literal decayed rather than just the can't block clause?
It would allow it to function more akin to Unearth on any creature with Haste. Though I think it also sort of limits the creatures you could print the ability on.
Like, if you not!Eternalize a creature, and it has a tap ability or some effect like 'Zombies you control get +1/+1', a player probably isn't going to attack with it if it has decayed. Granted, they might not attack with it anyway, since swinging with a 2/2 later into the game only does so much.

Adding decayed does make it safer in a sense, though it likely means that any creaturse you make with it should primarily have ETB/death triggers, or effects that trigger when attacking/blocking/dealing combat damage.
Explaining the reminder text of decayed might also make the keyword more wordy though, and Eternalize is already a pretty wordy keyword.

I will also say that you might have an edge in that you could potentially get away with not having it as Sorcery speed, since the tokens can't block. A deck with Blue would certainly appreciate that, though obviously it'd be yet another factor to be wary of in card design.
Shouldn't it be 'the active player's'
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I'm working on a Pokemon-themed set, beyond some reprints, this is what I have made so far. Does anything stick out as too good or awful?
The immediate one that sticks out is Lake of Rage. Being able to repeatedly create 4/3 tokens which have the option of fighting something could likely snowball very fast.
If the token was legendary, that'd be something, since you couldn't end up with a pile of tokens, but even then I'm not sure if there are any other lands that come anywhere close.
How do I force MSE to remove flavour text? I'm building an Odric like card (i.e. shared keywords) but toggling the keyword button just makes it switch from displaying skulk to vigilance
I think you mean reminder text, not flavor text.
To get rid of it (or add it) click inside the ability like vigilance then hit Ctrl R (or just right click and choose "Reminder Text").
If you did mean flavor text, that's a matter of not typing below the dividing line. (Reminder text for rules is in parentheses, but flavor text usually isn't and is only at the bottom of the card).

I may be remembering wrong, but I think some frames/styles add the reminder text for certain keywords by default.

Reminder text yeah, and I did that, but it just switches to the reminder text for a different ability
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How about this then? I took a look at other lands that create tokens and it seems the best ones require sacrificing the land.
New versions of my Prescript mechanic cards
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Forgot the image lol
Proselyte's Blade is a better counterspell in every way. It should cost at least one more blue bringing it closer to an upgraded cancel. I could also see adding a colorless mana to the prescript cost.
For sense quarry, it should say onto the bottom of your library, not in the bottom.
I'm pretty sure eradication should read any number of creatures rather than any amount, but I could be wrong. And it should be target creature you control, rather than under your control.
On index-claimed backstreets, you don't have to specify any one color. You can just say add one mana of any color. I would just copy the text you used on the loom, as the formatting looks right on that.
For yan, double strike is rarely in black or blue as is trample. You could cut both and it would still be a strong card. If you want it to have keyword abilities, give it something closer to blue and black like deathtouch, flying or ward.
Same thing for the sword, trample is more of a green ability.
I can see distorted blade being very annoying, but I'd have to play with it to know if it really needs an adjustment. Probably increasing the prescript cost at least.
Birth of a Prescript is crazy. It gives every card with Prescript flash. It needs to be a sorcery and cost more especially for a common.
Saccing the land basically addresses all of the issues with it, yeah. It's largely a matter of it being a really big token for it to be repeatable.
This sounds really weird - could you please take a screenshot of your card, or post all the keywords you're using?
I want to try to duplicate the problem you're having.
Also, what style/template are you using for the card, and have you added any custom keywords that might be messing things up?
I typically use the "Modern Style - After 8th edition" and I haven't encountered anything like what you're running in to.
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Land cycle for a set with an "artifacts and enchantments matter" theme. Used the Theros god weapons' ordering of the types for the ability but probably should flip them.
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I ended up deleting that card but have Odric as an example

I also tried copying the keywords and leaving the description blank, but that leaves a () at the end, this is the Echo style
Do you have to turn off the reminder text for each keyword individually?
Good news: I was able to duplicate your issue and solve it. Duplicated it by highlighting skulk, trample, and vigilance while skulk had reminder text - - it did the behavior you describe, turning one off and the other on.

I solved it by using the Reminder Text button "(...)" at the top, while highlighting only a single keyword at a time (and the comma next to it). I started with vigilance, used the button, and it just got rid of vigilance's reminder text, then did the same while highlighting skulk. I'm not sure why the button would be the solution, but it seems to have worked for me.
Pic related shows the final step.

(I'm also not sure why your version of skulk's reminder text says "this creature" and mine says "that creature" but maybe it's not related to the problem you've been experiencing).
Yes - doing each keyword individually is probably the key to to getting it to work.

thanks anon, that worked

you the man
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Keeping the thread alive.
This might be a dumb question, but why does the land being an enchantment matter? I feel like it’s supposed to trigger a “whenever you cast an enchantment” effect, but iirc lands don’t qualify as having been cast because they’re not a spell. Unless it being an enchantment changes that?
Not the anon who made the card, but to trigger enchantment interaction - like you said, draw triggers from things like Verduran Enchantress, maybe reatures/auras that count how many enchantments you have in play like All That Glitters. (It would also work for cards w/affinity for artifacts once it's in play).
The fact that it's only an enchantment and an artifact ONLY when in play makes it come across as more balanced, too, at least compared to straight-up artifact lands - nothing that searches for artifacts/enchantments from your deck will find this card, only land-search whatnot.
>nothing that searches for artifacts/enchantments from your deck will find this card, only land-search whatnot.
>as long as it isn’t on the battlefield
I think you have that backwards?
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>those activation costs
What the fuck.
You use digits, not words, for numbers referring to damage, and I'm both unsure if you should try bringing super haste out of silver border and sure it should be costed much higher on this card if you're set on it, but I get the intention. Otherwise seems fine.
Super Haste can't actually be worth more than 3 due to rough math on Turbo Slugs own price (3R) and comparisons with creatures with a similar power.
Serra Angel and Whirler Rogue linked up! need it or keep it!??!
1/1 thoptors?
Looks like it would feel good in play, you can attack with weenies in the air or you can use its ability to turn one of your big ground dudes into an untapped attacking flier. Could probably be cheaper.
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Ah shit. Yeah 1/1 thopters.
I'm actually not sure it could be reasonably much cheaper, as the set I have it in has two mechanics that would synergize extremely well with it, one that creates equipment tokens, and one that lets you reuse activated abilities.
>1RR or 2R
>Deal three damage
>If you have a full party, you may create a 2/2 knight token or a treasure token.
Is there any better way to word this?
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Thread Challenge
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Thread challenge
Can't believe I missed that second 'deals.' Ah well, it's fixed now.
Take a look at the formatting on this card
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Its an unglued card, but I'll allow it!

Yes, yes I do, whoops.
Since that's the case, I guess it's only useful for search-for cards. (Unless there are cards that care about the total# of artifacts/enchantments in your deck/graveyard - more cards that care about creatures/any cards in your graveyard though).
I don't like it as much now, as there are already plenty of cards that search for lands. I guess it would be good in a blue-artifact deck, or an enchantment deck. If there was a full cycle of those lands, I think some of the others would be more useful overall.
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Damn, looks like the guy who was posting the Lovecraft-themed set was ahead of the curve with his Myth keyword ability.
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Thread Challenge
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I'm pretty sure I had designed a mechanic that was basically surge before surge was printed, but I'd called it burst.
The reality is that if we can come up with a mechanic then so can the actual designers.

pic not exactly related.
I need that in my sanguine bond/exquisite blood deck.
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Someone help me reflavor this fallout nonsense for a frodo // sam partner lord of the rings flavor deck.

The synergy is too good to pass up but it's so out of place compared to everything else in the deck.

Maybe something like "Hobbiton Market Stall"
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Had to go back to some older backups and lost some progress, so stopped for a while.
But plucked away at a few designs. Was unhappy with how almost every "Tribe" in this set was human, with one exception for a mermaid tribe.

Shifting some around. Settled the WB faction being tiger people. Focusing on weenie aggro, with life gain facilitating wild aggression by securing tempo even while you have no blockers. I felt it was a good place for a BW faction to be, while also a contrast to previous ones in the same color pair.
You can't have targets as part of an if statement. It would have to be something like, "When you reveal a land card this way, ~ deals 3 damage to..."
I'm willing to believe you, but that seems pretty arbitrary.
It isn't. Targets are always set in ways that can be responded to, and you set the target of a spell or ability as part of casting or activating it.
An ability can't retroactively target something later. If you want it to, you have to parse it out as an extra trigger. See the wording of Keranos.
Not that anon, but how would this sound: "...choose a creature you control or yourself ~this deals 3 damage to the chosen player or creature."
The only other way I can think to phrase getting around targeting would to to try to mimic the "among creatures you control" phrasing you see on cards that distribute counters without targeting.
Interesting replacement effect for a white weenie deck. It would combo well with extort, too.
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Some templating and framing updates coming down the pipe.

>As of bloomburrow
"enters the battlefield" will be replaced with "enters" (since enters is always followed by "the battlefield" the other two words were redundant)

>As of Foundations
CARDNAME will be replaced with "This [cardtype]
All enchantments will use the nyx frame.

Personally, I am a fan. The CARDNAME formatting always struck me as overly clunky, I like that each permanent type now has its own frame, and "enters the battlefield" was something I wanted keyword for ages.
What do you folks think?
Yes that wording technically doesn't work in the rules. if you want it to be eternal workable you would need a different wording but if you are okay with silver border use the Solaflora wording
Enters feels a bit clunky to me, but I'll get used to it. Same for using this [cardtype] rather than the card's name. I'll have to see how it works out after a few more sets come out with those changes.
>"enters the battlefield" will be replaced with "enters" (since enters is always followed by "the battlefield" the other two words were redundant)
Enters is a transitive verb, this wording update is INCORRECT and should never be used.

>CARDNAME will be replaced with "This [cardtype]
This, however, is perfectly reasonable and helps to clean up the confusion with copied creatures and self-referencing.

The switching all enchantments over to the Nyx framing is just sensible. Visual clarity is always a high goal for design, and it's even more vital to do it with the borders now that half the cards have 200 bloody variants. Most of which have alt borders but hey, at least it helps.
Quick bump
Is this a fake bump? Did you sage this post? I find it hard to believe that the thread would drop back down to page 10 in less than seven minutes.
Its yours also a fake bump? The fuck?
Still on p10.
Autosage was changed a while ago to prevent threads from getting bumped if they were more than a week old.
Well, since the thread is gonna die anyway.

I got a bunch of cards I've printed proxies for before - on shitty premium photo paper, then glued to blank poker cards myself. They do the job.

But I've always printed using MSE - and now I'm not sure how to get the scaling right for images. Do I just make a blank full-art card and stick Proxyfren's images in there? Am I just stupid?

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