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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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De Witch of De Swamps edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93124565

▶ Thread Task: Post Americana fantasy. Voodoo elves, Native folklore, Appalachian monsters, MOTHMAN! and so on. Mexican folklore is fine too. Same with stuff from America's hat (Canuckistan)

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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TT attempt. I'm not too familiar with Americana Fantasy

Actually, there's something I might try...but in the meantime, have this
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New thread, new adventuress. I realized I needed a nerd girl to round out the party, and since most of the other weapons were some form of staff I decided to make her primary equipment a little more animated.
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The party so far.

I guess I need some antagonists now.
NO offense but they kinda look like RWBY knock offs
I don't know what that is so none taken.
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Sorrry, that was Bigfoot. Now this is Wendigo.
And here's the Sasquatch. Sweet dreams.
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>"Embrace death as the cure of all plagues"
And these were all done with AI? How? Especially with that shaded face thing
>And these were all done with AI? How? Especially with that shaded face thing
Yeah, but what do you mean by shaded face

Still wondering what anon in the last thread meant by his friend going bald
The goat girl, mostly. One of her expressions has, well, a half-shaded face
Nice. Would you kindly reveal Your prompt, pretty please?
Fun fact: "actual" wendigos are closer to a zombie. I tried cooking up something that had that in mind while still having a nod to the "popular" depiction. Alas, Bing wasn't having it, and local SD's output was disappointing. This was the closest I could do.
OIC, I didn't specifically prompt for it; she just had a shadow because of the wool and "angry" emphasized it.
>a satyr with the upper half of a man, goat legs and hooves, wearing a deer skull, voodoo dance
Thank You very much.
This thread is off to a great start.
>thread task
>"Mexican folklore is fine too"
Good i have no idea about US fantasy.
Beware the dreaded Dropbear!
Not to mention the Ticking Jiggers!
That's Oz, mate.
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Did someone say dropbear?
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Suppose I'll post these, haven't posted anything for a while.
Look great.
Yeah, Western fantasy would be good for the thread too.
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This one isn't mine, but a lot of Westerns take place in the desert and would have fit the last thread task, too.
It's so creepy and hairy and gross. The perfect thing for a swamp drow to summon.
Slop of La Llorona
He's just a chonky boi.
>He's just a chonky boi.
To the tune of Jamiroquai - Cosmic Girl.
>freedom golem
Hey, old /slop/ royalty!
"They fly now?!"
Welcome to the Bayou, stranger!
Impressive, what did you say to Bing to get this?
The clothes? It was pretty simple.
>wearing just a chinook eagle-shaped headdress, beads, loincloth, barefoot.
Most of the time it would just put more clothes on her. But occasionally got one past the filter.
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Hey... I'm Old Gregg
Much more dangerous when fully grown.
>the SASSquatch
Are you blind? It looks really bad. Like even putting aside that it's generated. Are you just brain damaged from child porn or something?
>really bad
Some of them look generic. None of them look "bad". I've seen way worse from professionals
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First villain is a go
It's a *really bad* anime-esque show that's part bad melodrama and part floaty, over-the-top fight scenes.
Is this the same guy?
I appreciate the butt definition
Very aesthetic.

Cool creaturas
Making enemy monsters using slop is something we have been underutilizing
Good one
The snake and the carriage are especially good
Nice, very classic
Thanks for the ideas for my game.
The deer woman. Called Anukite by the Lakota, though many native tribes have stories of the deer woman who would appear to men and seduce them into the woods to kill them.
Or visit men in their dreams and if they have sex with her, they're driven mad. But when she visits women in their dreams they can gain her powers of sexual attraction or artistic prowess.
She can appear as a normal woman with deer hooves to just a normal-looking doe to anywhere in between.
Why does every culture have tales of fucking animals? And don't go getting high and mighty about Europeans because... Zeus. Just... fucking Zeus.
You're lying to yourself. The faces aren't even on the heads. Or made of complete lines.
Nice. Great work getting the eagle face on the headdress. Bing really fought me on that.
I just wrote "wearing an eagle headress" and got it but only about half the time. Bing is capricious. Some it rewards with goodies; others it condemns to the purgatory of Dawg.

If the eagle is facing sideways, is that an "indian sidecut"?
I see it as like back in the late 80s, early 90s when it became a fashion statement in the hip hop scene to wear your baseball cap sideways.
Do kids still do that? Or are they still wearing those awful broccoli top haircuts?
This prompt has a pretty high tolerance for lewds.
Yeah, any sort of "native" tends to lend tolerance to lewdity. I found a lot of nudes in African settings, too.
Hawaiian also does it if you know what you are doing.
Huay Chivo (aka Chivo Brujo) - the sorcerer-goat of Mayan myth. An evil man who would transform himself into a goat (or a dog or a deer) to sneak into villages and devour their livestock.
>"Anon, come outside! Come quick, I want to show you something~"
Coyotes have never steered me wrong before.
I think I had a salvia experience like this
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Are you brain damaged?
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Good job, Galloping Gal Aure! You saved the town from the rape cactus!
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I like this.
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>want a character with moustache
>keeps giving me a wizard beard instead
Are you describing an old man or a wizard sort? That triggers it to put a beard on. "middle-aged" tends to get a more weathered look without it always wanting to put a beard on. Asking for sunken cheeks and high cheekbones can also make them look older. Or just prompting for wrinkled skin without calling them old but be prepared for a look like beaten leather.
this us really cool
Halfling discovers Pygmies.
Hair everywhere but not on feet.
Reverse halfling.
Prompted a skinwalker, I got something more resembling a werewolf. Other results were even more shitty, and resembling ghoul.
Looks mummified
Typical Drow
Down with the Oppressive Matriarchy
Sorry anon you just booked yourself an all expenses paid "vacation" to the spider pits.
I'm not a furry... but.
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When I first heard about Oregon's tales of Lava Bears I imagined something cool like this. But what they turned out to be was a population of pale-coated black bears living in the lava flats of Oregon's high desert who shrunk really small due to malnutrition.
No, but you're developmentally retarded. Somehow you've made it to adulthood without being able to look at things directly.
today's word is RISOGRAPH

that's all
have a great day
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I am trying to get a picture of Feldon from when he was a student in Terisiare, including the white robe with blue details that can be seen in pic related. I have been trying with Bing but to no avail. Here is the prompt I am using:

"Middle-aged wizard in magical academy, full body picture, short brown hair and brown beard with white streak, white wizard robe with small blue details, holding a walking cane with a round metal pommel, comic book style"

any advice?
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New villainess unlocked.

The Goblin Queen's sword is made from all-natural materials, including the skin of the previous Goblin Queen.
>capture the goblin queen and try to collect the bounty
>the town guards send you to jail instead
God has heard your prays, and he doesn't like it
It content blocks me on everything associated with this prompt unless its a guy
Does it fit TT?
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Hello /slop/. I am morbidly curious and also know next to fuck all about AI art, would it actually be possible to feed an AI a generic stock photo as a base with a bunch of extra prompts for elves and ethnic people of indeterminate genders and end up with current year D&D artwork?
Apparently lmao
We know WotC isn't above AI art either
You can use things like Novel AI and upload an image and edit parts of it via inpainting. Bing can also get you stock photo-looking elves in business meetings but it won't be particularly consistent.
Yes, there's literally an app on hugging face right now that lets you copy the pose and composition of a picture and slap an original character on top of it.
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Best I could manage, but I don't know the character or the setting.
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I was thinking the thread was for historical American monsters, not modern ones.
Is this Bing? How’d you do this?
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sauce me pls
I hope they use the BUSINESS handshake one
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No. As you can tell from this thread, the technology is not remotely good enough for that amount of detail consistency. It's just rushjobs by mediocre professionals. The same framing and composition that makes for easily digestible stock photos also makes for easily digestible corpo-approved character scenes. It's not a conspiracy, you're just stupid.
Stop replying to yourself, loser. It looks bad.
Generate her pregnant
That anon may be stupid but those images by starving artists are still low quality corpo images
They can retouch AI art for that human-made flair while cutting corners.
Besides, why is AI making corporate slop any more or less of a conspiracy than humans making corporate slop?
Cute smol dragon.
Technically human-made corporate slop is more of a conspiracy because there are more people involved, but I'm just being pedantic.
Oh they definitely are, I'm not arguing against that.
Are you asking that as a genuine question or are you just shitposting? You really don't know which one requires less extra leaps in logic?
Digitally painting it from scratch is unironically less work.
>Are you asking that as a genuine question or are you just shitposting?
75/25, it's a rhetorical question, if they're trying to sell me bad art I don't care where it came from.
>You really don't know which one requires less extra leaps in logic?
The future is now old man, there is no way to prove AI wasn't used at some point in the creative process.
Would it really be tinfoil hat to think they might have used AI for drafting and layout before painting a more coherent version? I'm moving the goalpost from touching up an AI original, but I do think the resemblance to the stock photos is uncanny.
Yes. It's pretty out there to assume that there's extra steps and tools being added that would require a lot of people to be lying about their process, abilities, contracts, and social media presences.
Is there currently a way to use dale styled prompts in sd, with similar results of course? The dog has made most of my old prompts virtually useless.
Those front curtain things drive me crazy
this is already a lot better. What prompt did you use? I need to change the skin color and the facial hair a bit.
This could be done in Stable Diffusion with the anytest ControlNet model.
Nah, Dalle prompts don't translate. I have to use a completely different form of prompting when I use NovelAI or Midjourney.
Race: Dwarf
Class: Bard
Background: Pirate
Background? Seems to still be a pirate
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>goblin, 1girl, red_hair, short_hair, pink skin, loincloth, marker drawing, comics
>student uses AI to cheat on a paper
>every teacher understands that it's possible and uses countermeasures
>artist uses AI for "inspiration" and to save time in layout and drafting stage
>no, it's completely impossible, he's required to get every tool he uses authorized by the half the corporation and post about it on social media
What are you on dude, you sound like you're doing damage control.
Are these even made with Bing? Because they’re impressive. What are the prompts?
NTA, but underscores in prompt usually mean that SD was used.
Old gen of Krampus.
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Pic originally made in october of 2022.
Amazing how fast the tech has developed when comparing it to other stuff in this thread.
and then a recent gen like this with same prompt
Unironically sovl vs soulless.
If that's the same prompt on the same AI then it's really bad that it lost the lighting. People have talked about an AI art feedback loop and the more "normal" the art looks the more I worry about that.
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>on the same AI
It's not
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There we go. That's a relief.
It would be interesting to see what "alluring" does to otherwise identical prompts.
It either gives me more sexually suggestive results or endlessly summons the dog
nah, she was midjourney
Would someone here please post a prompt that would get Viconia DeVir from Baldur's Gate 3?
>we have drow at home
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Jersey Devil.
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New villainess is the softest and squishiest yet. Took a while to decide on a weapon that fit her theme.
She's not orange enough for Jersey
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Many dogs died to bring us this image
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The weapon is her spine?
You should probably see a doctor
I'm tired
I still love you, anon.
Can you post a prompt to get her?
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My attempt at the Jersey Devil based on more traditional descriptions of the thing.
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Here's one few people think about.
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you can create stuff with sd3 to see how it also can get even worse
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You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.
How’d you get the smoke figures?
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For the first image with the skull?
>ghost, performing smoke magic
For the second with the girl?
>embraced by a smoke ghost
The term for a group of elves is "pancy". That is a pancy of elves
oh no she's in danger
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I choose mothgirl!
She must be really bad at carpentry
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She's trying her best though, bless her heart
Advanced elven smoke signals allow real time communication. This is a problem when the teenage girls keep wasting all the firewood chatting all night.
Easter Bunny meets Krampus.
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Thank you Brother Wolf for your trust, I shall not let you down.
TT, literally
>image limit reached
New thread when?
Who's baking?
I'll be up in 5
Next thread

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