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>Age of Sigmar 4th edition comes out next week
>No hype not even a hate thread for it

The games utterly a cultural and financial dud face it
>no hate thread
>I'd better make one
The narrative system looks so bare bones it's frustrating.
AoS is warhammer for people who dont normally like warhammer
It's because AoS fans actually know how to stay in their general, unlike bitter TOW spergs.
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Honestly, the new Stormcast are fun to paint, but they shouldn't have put them in the starter box. And they're doing Hammers of Sigmar for the in store paint jobs even though the boxart is a different color scheme.

They are fun to paint, but what the fuck are we doing here? Why are they gold and blue again? Why am I windmill sweeping a bunch of Gold and Blue Stormcast (that were not selling at all basically) to then paint up a bunch more Gold and Blue Stormcast to not sell again? What is the goal?

To give you a picture of how fucked the situation is, I am using the artwork of the old fatcast stormcast as the painting guide for the new vigidilators or whatever the fuck they are called. They are slightly slimmer, but what was the point of all this; to replicate at product that didn't really sell that well? Like, it's down to even the exact color scheme a repeat of the same stormcast. And Stormcast are not Space Marines; they very rarely get purchased new in box ever.

Gen Xers are retarded illiterates that insist on making the same mistakes they've been making forever. Gold Stormcast are a fucking tumor.

Pic related. How GW would have told us to paint the in store sets if they had a brain in their damn heads.
Have you seen spearhead? Tiny gameplay area, even more playing the system so it's basically just a more expensive trading card game stacking random extra conditions, & the decks are like some bastardized version of the Too Fat Lardies rulesets.
It's not even enough to be angry, at this point it's just so tiring.
Dies it gave random exploration procedures?
No, Congo still has the market cornered for that.
I don't care who GW sends, I'm not rebasing from 20mils.
>Why would anyone ever again give AoS piggies even a pity hate thread?
Ask OP.
>They are slightly slimmer,
There’s a world of a difference between a 1st gen SCE and 2nd gen. The change in the designs makes painting them infinitely more easy the way parts of the model sit on top of each other and are designed. There’s less to break up your scheme as a new painter most who paint full models not price meal that is an actual difference among other more opinion driven views on design
I’ve also personally found more space to experiment on the new ones
Those shitty foam mallets.
Wouldn’t be Warhammer without a mallet
People who are hyped mostly hang out in the general
People who make hate threads hopefully got over it
Lol. Lmao even.
It’s been a decade anon. Go play TOW and forget how GW killed Fantasy because of grogs like yourself.
Fucking wild how weirdly accurate this is.
>not even a hate thread for it
But you literally just made one.
Does it need a bunch of hype threads?
One general thread is just fine.

Personally I'm very excited for it. We already started playing with new rules and I love it!

It's a lot more dynamic with all the commands you can use in the opponents turn.
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>People still think that popularity of a game on a Belarusian potato frying forum is a valid indicator for anything
Lol, lmao. Next you will tell me FaB and Lorcana are not popular.
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It's just not very interesting
Reminds me of those 2000's webcomics.
>No hype not even a hate thread for it
That's a great thing, no idea why you see it as a problem in any way or form.
How fucking brain-damaged by social media one must be to complain about lack of hype/anti-hype?
That goes for literally every GW game system at the moment. It's a combination of stripping away all support to funnel people into set lists, factions and new editions of the game thus ensuring half the playerbase can't even play the game the way they want. Massive delays means no one wants to commit to building armies before they can be sure support is coming and it's resulted in most people being in a waiting room for so long they've lost interest.

It's funny how you see on here that 3D printing is the biggest threat to GW when their games wiill be long dead by the time it is even close to accessible enough for the majority to displace GW products significantly.

rent free
>How fucking brain-damaged by social media one must be to complain about lack of hype/anti-hype?
Normies are trapped in a constant state of emotion-hunger. It doesn't matter if whatever is happening is good or bad as long as SOMETHING is happening.
>How fucking brain-damaged by social media one must be to complain about lack of hype/anti-hype?
His point is that it means there's a lack of general interest. You have to be pretty stupid to not understand this.
So interesting you have posted it longer than you’ve been in the actual hobby.
It helps when you're not the only one posting it, schizo.
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even after seeing it a hundred times I'm still dumbfounded by how awful this looks
What would happen if you just painted them like the box Mr. Redshirt?

its like a car crash, you just cant help looking at it and realising its somehow even worse than you remembered it.
it is truly the gift that keeps on giving (offense)
Say what you will, I will now and always love the Mortuary Factory.
Shame, its got a load of nice sculpts. Never played it, but bought some of the minis just to paint something neat.
Have any of the rules leaked?

it does have a certain late 90s pc RTS charm about it I suppose.
I like the Destruction faction lore. Gorkamorka serving as a god the various savage races worship, all in different ways.
AoS 4 isn't getting rid of the double-turn so there's absolutely nobody interested in talking about it who's not already fully drunk the Kool-Aid, and those people stay in their containment general. Why are you surprised nobody cares?
Gotta be real, Kruelboyz need some shit aside from monsters, they have zero more jobbers

Hobgrots with spears or shitty bows, "armored" gutrippaz or something like that, Swampboyz that are just gutrippaz diving or covered in swap shit, Javelin throwers

There's lots yet they still get monsters or heroes...

Also are some anons fyreslayer players here, how are you guys holding with not getting any minis?
Double turn is great and more games need something like it.
They say Fimir in Age of Sigmar are a Destruction race now instead of Chaos. Says they reproduce by the Meargh laying clutches of eggs. Could be they switched to Gorkamorka worship after he gave them fertility back and said fuck Chaos. So, maybe they could have Fimir as Heavy Units for Kruleboyz?
fimir are a footnote at best, because no one cares about them.
40kfag here,
What they're promoting looks so much like 10th edition I'd be afraid to touch AoS at this point.
It would be fine, but i feel that Kruelboyz are in need of heavy units that aren't monsters

Fimir with Ironjaws would feel like another bunch of brutes

As for ranged Kruel only have the Crossbowmen and that boltthrower, Ironjaws have the savage boyzs with bows but that's it

They are like chaos, into the melee with almost zero ranged except magic
It looks better than 10th by some margin IMO. It's a shame to lose more complex army abilities but the more interactive commands seem great.
The minis are embarrassing lol
Have they talked about it for 4th?
Thats quite literally the entire point.
Only reason why Fantasyfags care about it so much is because AoS had shitty legend rules for their factions, and didnt get rid of fantasy models fast enough, they shouldnt be associated otherwise
and buying the Skaven for use in TOW
Kruleboyz need cavalry, preferably lesser gnashtoofs (gnashteef?), a unit of nobs, the banner banner is literally a nob, and the miredrake. Right now, they have a cavalry hero with no other units that can keep up, and are desperately missing an elite unit. Also, I'd really love another hobgrot unti, and a hero for them, but those are sort of bonus.
Really? For some reason I always thought they had gnashtoof cavalry like ironjawz had a big boar and little boars
they have a gnashtoof cavalry hero, but no unit to go with them

its the lumineth situation all over again where they release wave 1 with units that have no corresponding heroes and heroes that have no corresponding units, then finish the release in wave 2
GMG gameplay video.
Still haven't found someone to take the stormcast half. Might have to put it on eBay alongside the rule book and game board.
Anon 'TOW fans' are just AoS players shitting up the Warhammer Fantasy thread, WHFB fans are just playing 6E.
Why would you need a thread specifically about 4th ed's launch date? The AoS general works fine
Because GW extending the release over like 4 months was already really fucking annoying when 40k did it and despite AoS 4th not looking nearly as much like a garbage fire there is still really nothing to be hyped ABOUT that hasn't already been analyzed to death. Like the new anvil of apotheosis seems like it might be neat but they announced that 2 fucking months ago and not a peep since.
Pretty much. The only time I see anyone in WFHB generals mention AoS it's talking about buying minis for legacy factions. (or complaining about specific sculpts being too shit and that they might as well go for 3D prints)
AoS is still successful by sharing models with 40k and TOW for compatibility. Daemons, Skaven, Orruks ect. It makes it so that the game is cheap for GW to keep it afloat while being able to focus on things like cool models for unique factions and gives the rules writers more leeway to be original and creative.
Laughably untrue.
The rules unfortunately look really terrible.

My group are eying Warcrow. A few of us want to try Conquest too.
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The replies to this never get old to me.
Its Total Fags: Warhammer people
small boars came out like 10 years ago, while big boar came up in 2023
I like the ghosts.
Never played it though.
There's plenty of hype for it on places outside this shithole.
Yeah you'd know
Does this need excuses? WHFB was made for DnD models, nobody makes excuses for that. 40k was made purely to poke fun at Thatcher and has Space Marines with homoerotic undertones. AoS by contrast is far tamer than those embarrassing beginnings. I guess Fantasy fans just forgot how embarrassing it started as?
WHFB generals are dead, tho. AoS generals are very active. AoS is alive because it has a decently sized fanbase, even in 4chan. 40k fans buy some of their models to boot. WHFB is pretty dead, even on here. Total War is where their new fans congregate, and they won't touch the tabletop.
All you need to know about these AoS seethe threads and the people who make them is that they keep posting these old images from 1st edition. All you guys do is regurgitate the same meme complaints. It's like GW is your ex wife or something.
>Not even the haters care about sigslop
So i actually find this really fucking funny because it shows how fucking tone def GW was.
Just as I predicted, the majority of people who were playing AoS were only playing it because it was the fantasy game available, the moment TOW came to be, everyone fucking i know jumped to it whole sale, complete rebasing of models and armies, everything.
No one gives a shit about sigslop.
For me its a matter of the price of the models have finally reached the point they are beyond their perceived value.
I dont care how much some one wants to scream piss and shit about it. A fucking plastic land raider, that has been the same fucking kit for like 15 years now, is worth 90 dollars.
GW can suck the fattest fucking bad of dicks.

I can buy a Jewelry cleaner, and eBay rescue models.
Yes and inflation is a thing. It’s basic economics. Just admit you are a no-games contrarian and move on.
>Tonedeaf bastard calls something else tonedeaf
Go back.
>Yes and inflation is a thing. It’s basic economics
a 20% increase over the last 4 years alone on a fucking product they have made their money 10x back on is not inflation its just being greedy as fuck.
There is no reason the razorback/rhino kit is as expensive as it is.
This. It’s simply basic economics to give GW more money for the same models
More money for a kit that has not fucking changed in over a decade using material that has a 1000%+ markup on.
Just because it has not changed does not mean the kit suddenly does not have value. It’s a plastic model kit, not an automobile.
It’s simply basic economics
There is no world in which a plastic toy kit goes from costing no more then 40 bucks, to 60 fucking dollars.
The model is over 10 years old.
That is a 50% mark up in just the last like 5 or 6 years.
It aint that valuable shit is stupid priced now and defending it is even more stupid.
GW used to be able to get away with that kinda pricing because you paid a premium for plastic kits. Which BTW plastic kits were and are so much better the resin or metal.
GW used to be known for having really good quality, easy to build, and durable kits thats why you paid so much. Thats not the case anymore, GW designs are not that great, other people do it just as good if not better, but they still charge like they are the best.

6 or 7 years ago i would swing 40 bucks for a rhino, now? thats insane to ask 60.
They are embarrassing only in the sense that they are embodying the fundamental issues that GW has at the moment.

They create an environment in which everything is so highly delegated and filled with awkward nerds that people are afraid/coached into not looking at the products and marketing in a self-critique way. Maybe compartmentalization is the more proper term as they treat us pretty nice Mashallah. Like, the guys in painting don't really have a way to tell the folks in marketing if something isnt going to work; things of that nature.

So you end up with things like the Custodes Army Box getting shipped half way around the world to be only thrown straight into the trash because no one had the balls/abilty to tell the sculptor or product designer, etc to not make a new shield captain that is as short as a dwarf.

Basically the company takes no input from basically its employees, customers, or even really investors and it's just the same gen x and boomers running the corporate version of a safe space for the feelings of some fugly gold and blue armored diverse women. They literally don't even focus group concepts or products; Stormcast Eternals wouldn't survive a single focus group if they were placed among other factions. Because they are fucking boring.
>There is no world in which a plastic toy kit goes from costing no more then 40 bucks, to 60 fucking dollars.
In our world, we have this thing called inflation.
>GW used to be able to get away with that kinda pricing because you paid a premium for plastic kits.
GW was the only company back then. Your only alternative was some company making poisonous lead robots for battle-tech. These days GW is so successful because of their well known IP combined with kits that are both detailed and easy to put together. If you weren’t just a secondary you would know how much easier the new kits are. Go look at the Forgeworld Land Raider Mk1 from Horus Heresy and compare it to the current Mk1 kit made in plastic. Night and day difference.
>6 or 7 years ago i would swing 40 bucks for a rhino, now? thats insane to ask 60.
Have you seen the price of McDonalds recently? Everything is more expensive. Stop trying to pretend like it’s GW sitting in their tower of evil. You can blame shitty politics like Brexit for things becoming more expensive along with the pandemic absolutely destroying the economy.
>t. Doesn’t understand basic economics
I wouldnt mind the inflation if the overseas tax wasnt fucking me over.
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I'll get excited when they drop Warcry rules for the new units in the box. The skirmish game is just infinitely more fun.
>comes out next week

Retard, it only goes up for PRE ORDER this weekend.
>They literally don't even focus group concepts or products
Good. An addled boomer vision is better than no vision.
Hope they release a new location for them to duke it out soon rip first edition chaos warbands tho, lucky I managed to snag Iron Golems before the announcement
>Sir this is a Wendy’s
I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip
>4th ed
Oh fuck HYPE! Please please please let me like this game again!
>the random heads copy and pasted
huh, those are terrorgheists and a zombie dragons head now that I take a close look at it. No clue what the other one is though.
>the price of the models have finally reached the point they are beyond their perceived value
You can see this in ebay auctions for used stuff still on the sprue, it goes for half or less if it's old. I picked up 2 screaming bells/censors for $20 and I didn't even have to snipe them. Got lots of cursed city models for a few bucks each. etc.. GW is massively overpricing this shit but that and the FOMO is their sales model.
How are the tournaments for AoS vs the old world in your area? In my city metro there are multiple tournaments for TOW every month and it's hard to find an AoS event.

I don't think I've ever even heard TOW being mentioned at my LGS. AoS is in a slump due to 4th being almost here, so lots of LoTR play with some 40k here and there.
this is true, I play 6th and have basically abandoned the fantasy threads because of how intolerably bad they are now
AoS is so artificial even its hate needs to be propped up.
I've never even seen someone play TOW let alone heard about any events related to it.
I haven't seen or heard of anyone playing TOW in the wild, seems like they all just play in their house on the carpet or something
Which city?
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I play mostly melee armies (Nighthaunt, Koatls Claw) and Ive got a friend who plays Skaven with multiple spellcasters and WLCs. How do I play against him? Cant avoid WLCs since this fucker only rolls 2's when it comes to it, and his fight on death spells just makes it impossible for me to survive.
there isn’t one, he made it up because he’s never played either game
AoS tournaments run monthly in my area.
I treat as nothing more than a social gathering event, since the top 3 are dominated by the same faggots, using armies that can't be beat without a silver bullet list and healthy amount of luck
stop bumping this shit thread lmao
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newfag here, what's FaB?
>is it FaBulous?

GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
• Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
• Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
• Akhelian High-Lochian
• Akhelian Knights
• Shoalherd
• Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
• Wight King’s Court
• Grave Guard
• Corpse Cart
• Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
• Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
• Freeguild Bombardier-Major
• Botanite Apothecary
• Lector Unberogen
• Devoted Acolytes
• Outstrider Cogfort
• Dispossessed Gearwalker
• Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
• Dispossessed Ironclads
• Dispossessed Drakegunners
• Highscryer Outpost
• Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
• Temple Guard
• Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
• Manticore
• Chaos Lord
• Chaos Sorcerer
This will never stop being the funniest fucking shit
flesh and blood
/acg/ queen
Man this sounded so good and then I got to the
And realised you were just making it up.

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