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Guys, I played Shadowrun 2nd edition back in the day, and I'm thinking about getting back. I liked just like it was, the character creation, selecting weapons for vehicles, the combat, we didn't do much netrunning, but when GMing I amused myself building networks.
So, is the latest edition worth it? Should I RETVRN to 2nd? Something in between?
What about this Anarchy thing?
pls help
The general rule is
>Do you speak German fluently?
If yes, Shadowrun 5 has a flourishing german community with loads of house rules and in a few cases complete rewrites of massive sections of the rules (and in two cases full rule rewrites)
If no, Shadowrun 3 is the most complete edition.
>Do you prefer more interesting lore over being feature complete?
If yes, Shadowrun 2 has better lorebooks than Shadowrun 3, and while much of it is compatible, some of it is not, but Shadowrun 2 also has far less balance than Shadowrun 3.
If no, Shadowrun 3, just ignore the stress/surgery rules, literally no one uses those.
>Do you want a campaign where the characters are the super heroes of shadowrun instead of just assholes in setting?
Shadowrun 4 tried this, some people love it, most people hated it, which is why Shadowrun 5 went back to earlier power levels.
>Do you want to be a contrarian?
Shadowrun 1 or Shadowrun 6 depending on which kind of contrarian.
Don't touch Anarchy.
Nicely reviewed anon.

Additionally, SR 4 is intensely granular, you can spend an hour customizing a pistol.

Most ( or some} of the editions are usable with Herolab or Chummer to build characters and equipment
>>93141854 #
>>93141993 #
Good summaries, though I'll add that 4e also made a fairly large step in aesthetics and to some extent gameplay to the 21st Century. Everything is a smart device, everything is wireless, drones get more important, and everything becomes shiny and Apple-y. The setting on general actually seems like this might get better for a while (until fans hated this and later 4e splatbooks, and 5e took a hard turn back to pretending it's still the 80s). This is much of the reason for the 4e hate.

Also the fact that of you have a hacker and a mage, combat can end up being three different games at once... and this despite smart and wireless event making that hackers can have a more immediate role in conventional combat (in 4e, a good hacker can literally turn your opponents' guns off).
>Most ( or some} of the editions are usable with Herolab or Chummer to build characters and equipment
Then it's worth remembering that NSRCG exists for SR3.
2.01D is best, it got worse with every new edition. 3 is still alright, 4 onwards is terribad.
Can't really blame them because the world didn't go the way people imagined in the 80s and 90s, so the classic cyberpunk feel had to be changed to not break suspense of disbelief. But it is how it is.
Is there still a working copy of 2E SRCG floating around by any chance?
Nicest of summaries, anon
It seems that my itch will be better scratched by the updated nostalgia of SR3 (I prefer the black and white books)
Many thanks
For me it's 3e with some 2e guns
2e's lore is so damn good
What is your opinion of SR 20A (anniversary edition)?
NTA but I like it. 20A is a more polished product of 4e and what he said about the tech level and depth of customization was correct. If you want to play a version of shadowrun that actually seems like it branched off of modern tech and not bladerunner, 20A is it.
That being said 3e is my favorite, but I can actually convince people to play 4e.
Tl;dr, you want cyberpunk Neuromancer style? Go 3e. If you want post cyberpunk (like GitS SAC), go sr4a.
If there is I don't know it.
I know there's a russian site that hosts some of the old 2e stuff people made, and I don't know if the plasticwarriors site is still around, but you'd have to check for those.

That's what my table does.

Didn't try it.
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bugs spirits are my favorites, either as adversaries or lore alone.
which are the best supplements and fiction about them?
pic related is the one I always think of
It's the version of the game ink kw best because I've played the most of it. It's fine, and no more broken and poorly edited than the rest of SR. As other mentioned you can get into really granular character and gun customization. People dislike the spike in PC power level but honestly outside of the broken armor rules that should be homebrewed anyways the game can be quite lethal.
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shadowrun returns
The correct answer is none. None Shadowrun.

Because Shadowrun is a shit game from a shitty, criminal, Mormon, company. Never buy Shadowrun. Never play Shadowrun. Shun anyone who does, until CGL is bankrupt, Loren and Randall are killed, and Battletech is a dead game and all its resources are put into making a version of Shadowrun that might be good someday.
Run Shadowrun in Cyberpunk
Takes a lot of work to convert though.
FASA is mormon?
Yes. When Loren Coleman (the CFO) embezzled $800k from the company, the CEO of the company, Randall Bills, forgave him because God told him to. He said this in an honest to god press release. Ask in /srg/ or /btg/ and they should have a screenshot. They've tried to memory-hole the incident and especially Randall's reason for not firing the literal criminal, but it's not like the internet forgets things.
>Which Shadowrun
1e + the first couple novels
ur close to three decades too late, use gurths conversion guide in the plastic warriors nerps
>the CEO of the company, Randall Bills, forgave him because God told him to
Essentially accurate. A text copy of the email that Bills sent internally to the company is located here: https://pariedolia.weebly

I have screenshotted the relevant text about Bills deciding to forgive Coleman instead of firing him or pressing charges, because they are both LDS, but the entire letter is worth a read.
Can we crowdfund a run against Coleman? I did some digging a while ago and found out that his kids are easy to locate via facebook, maybe we can abduct them and blackmail him into giving the ip to someone more worthy
A Davion Battletech fan drove to the line devs house with a shotgun and threatened to kill him over the direction that game was taking. What's stopping you? You can't tell me that Battletech fans love their game more than you love yours, right?
Which novels specifically?
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There is an actual play podcast called Pink Fohawk that uses 2e and tries to promote the edition.

They have a discord where you could connect with other people playing/running it.
he probably gave the money to the church
Why hasn't anyone gone full davion-man in defense of SR?
Shadowrunfags don't love their game the way that we Battletech fans do. They lack spirit and initiative and conviction.
Can’t simply drive over there from krautistan, sadly. I just wish Pegasus would someday get a hold of the ip. They do good work, but there’s only so much they can do with the shit cgl produces.
>buying roleplaying games instead of pirating them and printing them out or putting them on a cheap tablet
You're adorable. Can we keep him, thread? I promise I'll feed him, and wash him, and clean his hutch...
Please, no one do this. I understand that posting here is an admission that you have a social disability but even as a joke, do not drive to a devs house and threaten them.
But someone already did. And it got them what they wanted. That sets the precedent that it's ok.
Slap yourself upside the head and start reading an edition you aren't familiar with until you can run a oneshot. Then start over.
lolno. he bought himself a new bathroom. which some will say was definitely a porch.
$800k for a bathroom is ridiculous. You can buy a 5 gallon bucket at home depot for 4 bucks and that's plenty to handle most dumps.
i like this pic
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Shadowrun was always better in the art than the rules.
It’s why all the modern retroclones or reinterpretations of it in different systems fall apart because they can fix the rules. But aesthetic is 50% of why it was popular.
agreed. in fact, i think the only thing i dislike about the aesthetic is the elf ears being too spock-like in some of the early art. modern elf ears are a lot more visually pleasing.
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>modern elf ears are a lot more visually pleasing.
i'm sorry that i'm absolutely correct on this and you have no way to argue otherwise
Ears just being pointed is the ideal.
Huge warcraft ears only work with a cartoony aesthetic where you don't think about how they work with helmets, movement in enclosed environments, and so on.

I don't think anything post-Porchgate is worth buying, not only because it's untested, barely edited shit - but because CGL doesn't deserve the money.
i like it too
but I also thought "fart mage"
but thinking deeper, maybe he is a necromancer, and a fart is nothing but dead air, so
Where are you supposed to find games for this these days?
You start one with your friends. Playing with internet randos is where madness lies.
I don't have friends and all the places that used to be recommended here are dead.
This anon gets it. Personally I run Shadowrun 5, mostly because I have a google drive with a fuckload of the books, and because sixth edition is a steaming pile of shit.
>I don't have friends
Then you have more important things to work on than trying to find Shadowrun games.
I don't because I can only get friends with shared interests.
That's not how any of this works, but you do you. Good luck!
How's your game going?
Shadowrun? Both going great, thanks for asking! Playing in one, GM'ing the other. The non-SR ones are a bit hit and miss at the moment and mostly filler. No, you won't get a storytime, sorry.
Who gives a shit about storytime? The last time showed how little people knew Shadowrun. How long have you been playing?
Initially started around the tail end of second edition, quickly thereafter switched to third. The current games are both fifth. So, what's that, about 25 years, give or take?
Yep, it was you after all! Only you can deliver such tone deaf remarks about "internet randos" anon, for you live in a privileged bubble away from everyone else. For the rest of us, Shadowrun online is the only way to go.
Do you think we don't play online? Do you think the people in those games are the same people as back then?
I stand by what I said: If you don't have any friends then you've got way bigger problems than "just" being no-games.
And you won't solve those problems by looking for games with random strangers on the internet. Especially now, with paid GM'ing spreading like cancer.
Doubly so if you start looking on 4chan of all places.
>Do you think we don't play online?
Oh anon, you always get so tense when you're teased! I remember how you were confused finding out most Shadowrun games died early.
>Do you think the people in those games are the same people as back then?
I know that at least one person in those games is the same as back then and that's good enough for me to say yes.

>I stand by what I said: If you don't have any friends then you've got way bigger problems than "just" being no-games.
Noone's denying that, but friends are in very short supply these days and what anon said isn't inaccurate. If he really wants to play a game and he finds other people when playing that game, they might end up friends because of that game instead of playing a game with pre-existing friends.

>Especially now, with paid GM'ing spreading like cancer.
>Doubly so if you start looking on 4chan of all places.
Non sequitur. Nobody's going to run paid games of 5e, they only like 6e. How have you felt about the events in the past six months? You were fond of saying oy vey and I haven't seen you in a while...
>Nobody's going to run paid games of 5e
For someone who recommends finding games or even friends by playing with internet randos you seem to know surprisingly little about what's going on in the places in which people actually play with internet randos.

>I know that at least one person in those games is the same as back then
>You were fond of saying oy vey and I haven't seen you in a while
Please don't forget to take your meds.
>For someone who recommends finding games or even friends by playing with internet randos you seem to know surprisingly little about what's going on in the places in which people actually play with internet randos.
But I do anon. The places that advertise paid games of Shadowrun universally pull for 6e. You stay in your bubble with your old friends so you're not aware, don't blame me for your own ignorance.

>>I know that at least one person in those games is the same as back then
Think anon, think! If one person is in a group, are they a part of that group or not?
>Please don't forget to take your meds.
Wow, you've grown up. You used to cry when people called you autistic and now you're parroting the meds taunt the cool kids here say these days. I'm kinda sad anon, you were a big inspiration to me to clean up my act and now you've stooped to my previous level.
You still haven't told our friendless anon >>93194298 how to find games these days.
Please, go ahead, share your experiences with him instead of doing whatever you think it is you're doing here right now.
My advice still stands: Work on a stable social life, make friends and acquaintances, start a game.
Got something better? Don't keep it to yourself, share!

Also, https://startplaying.games/search?q=shadowrun+5
I was talking to you anon, not him! I haven't seen you in a while and I was getting worried you'd been too busy to show up here. You've never been able to explain to any anons here how they're supposed to go back in time and get friends who were into Shadowrun like you.

>My advice still stands: Work on a stable social life, make friends and acquaintances, start a game.
Your boomer-tier advice hasn't stood the test of time in many years.

>Got something better? Don't keep it to yourself, share!
But anon, that's what I'm asking you! Don't keep it to yourself, tell anons how you think they should make friends that want to play tabletop.

Advertising your games now?
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>But anon, that's what I'm asking you! Don't keep it to yourself, tell anons how you think they should make friends that want to play tabletop.
I can't answer for the other anon, but what I plan doing is play a bunch of solo games until I get some moderate rules mastery.
not that this will give me many friends, but if I'm successful in finding people to play a game, and then I just fumble for endless minutes around the rule book, it will kill any chances of having a group
That's not the right way to go anon. I'll share with you the advice that anon shared with me and others long ago. Shadowrun is a game where everyone, not just the GM, should know the rules. They should be able to explain what they're actually doing and bring up the book to help others remember. Everyone teaches each other, and even the players are mini GMs.
imagine being so lonely that you can't even fathom making social connections like a real boy, in meatspace, without time travel
jiminy cricket you make me sad anon
Imagine living under a rock for ten years and missing political and economic upheaval. Couldn't be me!
you right boy, it's THE WORLD's fault not yours, couldntbe dontletanyonetellyouotherwise itsthesameforeveryoneeveryoneisjustasdoomedasyouare whatsevenrealanymoreonlyyourpain
Shit you're mad. Hope you get well soon bro, wouldn't want you to troon out and rope
I'm not talking about anime or WoW ears where they stick out to the sides. I'm just talking about ears that are longer, with a bit more of an angle to them. Here's a comparison between 1e/2e art and more modern artwork.
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The novel "Burning Bright"
the one on the left is third.
i don't recognize the second one
the third is 4th
the fourth is 5th.

I have no idea what you mean by 'second edition'.
the one on the left is 1st and 2nd edition (they both have the same cover art). Second from the left is 3rd.
good dog
Has some of the 5th ed german stuff been translated? Does the edition still hold RAW to start out?
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to find someone who speaks both German and English and also plays Shadowrun
>Unfortunately, this kind of gameplay comes with the caveat of actually needing friends. And wrangling multiple people's schedules just to play is usually harder than the game itself. Playing with randos is a mixed bag, and so matchmaking is probably the greatest avenue for improvement for these games. Maybe in the future we'll be finally able to filter online lobbies by average IQ, but I digress... Anyway, assuming you've got friends, or at the very least aquaintances, you'll get to experience everything [the game] has to offer.
watched the newest dosh video, came across that part, and remembered how the assblasted clown above reacted to pretty much the same statement in this thread
there are many games you better don't try to play with randos, you stick to "friends, or at the very least aquaintances"
made me chuckle, that's all
kek you got btfo hard bro, you never proved him wrong
I see them everywhere.
kek schizo jumping at shadows
At this point the best Shadowrun is Wetwired with the AI art pulled out, Sprawlrunners for Savage Worlds and Shadowrun Genesys.

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