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Discuss everything kobold-related here.

Races of the Dragon is still one of my favorite books. Really depicts the little fuckers interestingly. I especially love the idea that they don't have commoners among their society--they're majority expert.
They're cool but the cowardly dumb creature meme is shit because it could literally be anyone and anything else
Hell it's literally skaven
>cowardly dumb creature
Not how they appear in ROTD at least. They're depicted as basically grizzled communal partisans who want the planet to fuck off and leave them alone to mine. Human-level intelligence.
Is he still doing quests?

I like to think them completely subservient to dragons, a lesser race made to serve their master's every mundane need like an army of dedicated fans.

Like critters who self domesticated themselves and made themselves indispensable. Like for example a dragon must have not only treasure but also a cohort of Kobolds to manage it's lair to be considered successful.

Occasionally they may offer themselves to other masters for lack of draconic overlords but will always jump ship when the chance presents itself.

(Also most skills like scale polishing aren't as popular among non scaly bosses for some reason).

But unlike dumb goblin grunts and other witless peons they take their servitude seriously and provide specific services, they live in a very specialized society where they fulfill their role in the tribe at best they can.
I love how one-sided their relationship with dragons is. Half the material in DnD and Pathfinder is about kobolds is how they aspire to live up to dragons in some way. Meanwhile, metallics won't deal with them at all, and most chromatics have some other race they prefer working with like lizardfolk or hobgoblins.
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As part of moving away from inherited D&D lore a bit, PF is retooling kobolds to be less dragon-specific (though still heavily associated with them), and more Assigned Minion At Birth weirdos who absorb/emulate the natures of others they work for. So in theory, at some point we should have vampire/ghost/demon/etc kobolds to contrast the typical dragon kobolds.
the tranny of lizard races in fantasy
I Fucking hate kobolds
>Hell it's literally skaven
Meme skaven backstab everyone and snort drugs.
Meme kobolds are just stupid idiots who get everywhere.

The only thing that relates the two is the porn where someone draws a mouse, or a lizard, puts big tits on it, and calls it a "Skaven" or a "Kobold" despite having nothing to do with them... and they get their skaven to talk like normal people without even throwing in a single yes-yes because the content creator isn't even a secondary.
I run kobolds not as the creations of dragons but the creators of dragons. They tend to worship all sorts of things, from big rocks to animals, monsters and people. Whatever kobolds worship becomes a dragon. It can take time if the cult is small, and requires a huge number of them to create truly powerful dragons, but more intelligent beings often seek to grow their cult once they realize what's happening. This connection remains generally secret, as those who seek to escape this worship or reveal the truth lose the adoration of the kobolds and the effect collapses them down into a kobold theirself, causing no one to take them seriously.
>Assigned Minion At Birth
You weren't kidding.
jesus christ I didnt even read that
this board has turnd into /co/mbler
It feels good to run a sword through them
but getting like 5 on a hammer swing and watching the little lizard troons fly?
That's it bros
"Assigned X At Birth" is as a deliberate trivialization of the subject matter, much like the "gotta be one of my favorite genders" meme. Shows up on both sides of the isle because it can be both pithy expansion of the genderspecial and low-brow Reducto Ad Absurdum in the vein of "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter".

The "tranny of lizard races" may be referring to lore introducing natural sex-changes based on surroundings, but IIRC that was with regard to the actual demographic pressures as a very weird, biologically dubious, but ultimately with good purpose feature that'd fit right in with more than a bit of "Gygaxian Naturalism".

Certainly better than the dozens of permutations on the like of "Elves and Dwarves are sexual dimorphism of one species"....
>because it could literally be anyone and anything else
It could be, but it's kobolds. I mean that's like saying that orcs are dumb because the big strong dumb raiders could be anything else.
>biologically dubious
I think the only biologically dubious part is that kobolds are generally suggested to be reptilian and I don't think any reptiles are known to change sexes once they've actually hatched. Mostly it's frogs and fish that are known to do it.
I don't like them being people. Or even a civilization. Or even playable. Or even capable of reason.
The internet has made kobolds a bit too cute, childlike, and 'look at me'. I don't trust anyone who associates themselves with kobolds whether it's their fursona or mascot or whatever they want to call the 'tiny and unthreatening but kooky and wacky persona I put on to be thought of as adorable by internet strangers' symbol they use kobolds to be. No, I don't want to see yet another Kobold Artificer that 'collects the shinies' and 'goes through le garbage' and 'puts together le explosive and dangerous contraption robot thing'. Fuck you. I'm against designing things out of spite but in every game I run kobolds are just dragon-themed homunculi either abandoned by their molders (dragons can do magic so they just make them out of clay or whatever) or actively working in their creators' lair. Either way they don't have sex and their minds only exist to think of new ways to murder intruders and gnaw on their corpses. Get your inane, self-infantilizing cuteshit out of my games.
They were capable of reason as far back as 1976 at least. I think you need to get a reality check.
>Hell it's literally skaven
The old muddled description behind the lizard/dog split DID include rat-like tails, and Warcraft's Kobolds are more rat-likr than anything else.

So sure, Skaven are GWs Kobolds.
They were certainly intelligence by 1987, since that's the year Dragon #127 came out and introduced Tucker's kobolds. Even if we suppose that Tucker's kobolds was a made-up story, that still means that the idea of intelligent kobolds who could think and plan creatively was already established.
I know they can fucking talk and shit, and maybe that makes them interesting as far as enemies you can capture and question about traps further in or have funny scenes where you make your gnome or halfling go in with a disguise to snatch a key off of one/convince one to let your group pass, whatever hypothetical situation you could come up with where they talk and have an INT/WIS score.
But what I mean is I don't want them to have any ideas or use for their tiny brains than being the monsters that they are. Making them player characters or creatures you can properly coexist with just opens you up to the shittery I just described.
I think it'd be interesting if kobolds were depicted as just SO adaptable to their environments they change appearances but are almost always easily recognized as kobolds. Like growing fur in colder climates or to attract larger species who like soft floofy creatures, becoming amphibious when living on ships, becoming spikier to ward off predators or make evil overlords with spike fetishes favor them, etc.
Like Charles Darwin's wet dream
Well that's dull. Look I'm not saying that your players should be bleeding heartsand spare the poor widdle kobowds or anything. Bunch of assholes invading a mine and killing anyone who get near, yeah, deal with them.

But I don't think any man or god has ever conceived of anything less interesting than a race of individuals, fully capable of thought and reason, that then proceeds to think the same way every single time. Those are enemies you have in a video game due to programming limitations, not an RPG.

I mean, any thinking group of individuals are going to form a society, and any society is going to produce outliers who don't conform to its standards. And yeah maybe they kill those outliers, but there are always going to be exceptions who slip through the cracks for one reason or another.
Your a gay femboy furry tranny arrent you
...I feel like this is best done by a kleptogenic practice, where they quickly outbreed with local creatures to snag useful traits. Not as a coom thing, but as an inversion of Half-Dragons.

Outside the Alignment "exemplars", you also have the Beholders having deliberately hostile xenopsychology making massively antisocial behaviors utterly unavoidable.
>but as an inversion of Half-Dragons.
Read that as invasion of half-dragons. That's a game pitch I'll hold onto.
Lotta buzzwords there
>My Idea
Kobolds are naturally adaptive due to their survivalist instincts and their most common method was to latch onto the apex predator (dragons)
>Your idea
Kobold girls have LOTS of SEX this isn't hornybait tho
you should always know the difference between the savage and wild kobold
The wild kobold are from kobold breeders that where made a while ago, they are soft and like to suck your dick, rape you or have a conversation with you, they are easley recognizable from the more rounded body, big hips, bright color, bigger size, always have scales, general symetry and most importantly fat juicy tails.
Savage kobold are the one to really watchout for, if they can they will ravage you worst then undeads, your remains wont be found and are extremely violent, you cant talk to them nor you can reason with them as they just want you dead. Report says they are unpleasent look to them for every species of kobold, furry or scalie they all have thin boney limbs and a bearing snarl to their face, their tail is boney and thin like a dog, the individual join are visible.
Be safe out there
Your idea was "they adapt rapidly to their surroundings" without any mechanism. My idea was for that mechanism to be taking the adaptations from existing residents by flipping "Dragon breeds with Thing for Half-Dragon Thing" to "Kobold breeds with Thing for Half-Thing Kobold". In addition to fleshing out your idea with a "how", it makes the population ludicrously resilient because a single survivor can repopulate with virtually any animal.

Discussing novel sexual reproduction is not intrinsically coom. Rapacious monsters have long been utilized as a threat of defilement, or to denote "subhuman" status in this case of routine bestiality. While the term "Kleptogenesis" was coined to refer to all-female salamanders with traits from a group of five species, there's little reason it would not refer to the Rape Goblin.
This distinction is normally termed as "Feral" versus "Wild", with the former being a normally-domestic creature living in the wilderness.
obolds are an artisanal culture, one that values perfection in everything they do. This incessant need for perfection leads their artisans to destroy all they perceive as marred by imperfections, breaking leather-hard clay back into slip for minor markings of a creator's claws. This stems from a belief that their mortal impermenance must be combatted via artisanship. If any kobold can leave their mark on the world through creation, it's an avenue they will take to be remembered by more than just their mate, would they be outlived.

These artisans are responsible for much of the folk art kobolds are renowned for, their bone pipes and carved stones. Many an adventurer has caught themselves idly ruminating on a stone depicting Migg, the champion of the Chained One, carved through teeth marks by a kobold. Of course, their comprehension of these things isn't a given. Many depcitions of Migg travel the space between literal and symbolic, emphasizing the qualities of Migg the artist wants to embody. These nuances are difficult to discern and tied up within years of the development of kobold culture, which splintered away rapidly from any other sentient race.

Their art goes on display in several famous galleries across the world, in the Triumverate's blossom or about the walls of the West End's preminent cabaret. Numerous kobolds have dedicated their lives to the production of paintings pleasing to their souls, but there have been instances of peculiar kobolds destroying their displayed work for one reason or another.
Kobolds have a curious tradition, in which they indulge liberally from their hatching to their burial, though the tools of which are not freely distributed. This compliments their habits of using psychoactives in shamanic ritual, attempting to touch the grey beyond with smoke in their lungs. They have a peculiar belief with this, as well, thinking that the smoke keeps their soul tethered to the material while they traipse through the fields of the dead.

These little-dragons choose very pricey habits, all told, smoking a variety of different things. They smoke saffron stamen soaked in decoctions of Psilocybe and A. Muscaria. This is kept in pots well away from most of the tribe, rationed amongst all by tribal shamans and reserved for occasions all deem special. Normally they smoke a mixture of dried cave moss, tobacco, and a particular variety of fragrant cave wheat. These are imbibed as a form of community activity, or a social embrace for the whole tribe.

Kobolds also make good use of pine resin in folk medicine in treating cuts and scrapes. The resin is particularly fragrant when burnt, and makes a great firestarter in a pinch. Most commonly, the resin is used in a traditional treatment for claw-bed dermatitis. The semi-solid resin is laid upon the infected area as a goop, and bandaged with silks. In a matter of weeks I have seen great external discomfort transformed into healthy scales once again.
The cultures the average kobold warren comes into contact with do not intermingle well with them, with the exception of one. Dwarves, for all their mining tendencies and artisanal ways, come to blows with kobolds for their flights of fancy and disorganized tendencies. A kobold cannot tolerate a gnome, due to Makula's lies chaining their great dragon in the infancies of the world. However, kobolds and orcs have unlikely partnerships in the wilder parts of the world, and often live in relative harmony. The orcs have their own traditions around drugs, mainly due to their belief that 'bad air' carries infections. The orcish practices surrounding incense, and especially the burning of resin-infused paper, have been readily integrated into kobold leisure. They make a manner of a cigarette out of orcish scent-paper, full of fragrant saffron and tobacco. The pleasure of smoking such a cigarette cannot be understated.

Numerous kobold tribes have explored the use of deliriants. These have been observed to be used in several ways, in pursuit of battle-trances and shamanic touching of the Grey Beyond. I have seen warriors ingest the seeds of Datura whole, or drink teas from the bell-shaped bloom. Their rage afterward is apparent, seemingly ignoring the pain from the claws of their opponents, and when they come down they have no further pain. Shamans brew teas from these substances, flavouring water with the mashed pulp of belladonna, the petals of devil's nail, and the brain matter of the sentient plant species Mandra. This tea is used in communion with gods, finding themselves at a spiritual crossing in pursuit of themselves.
An excerpt from an analysis of species Draconis Rhinus

Biological Analysis of Kobold Bodies

Kobolds are superficially similar to other reptilian humanoids, like Lizardfolk or Dragonborn. They are cold-blooded, digitigrade standers, and make habitats in similar places. There is some evidence of morphology between common habitats, informally dubbed 'Field Kobolds' and 'Cave Kobolds'. It has been observed that field kobolds have stronger, longer legs meant for running, as well as better defined tails, likely for balance. Cave kobolds, by contrast, have larger heads and smaller bodies, with shorter, thinner tails.

A kobolds tail is partially prehensile, able to be used to brace themselves on objects and even support their weight. Theirbodies and extremeties are covered in scales, and in kobolds with innate magical abilites or weaponized breath, the color seems to correlate in a similar fashion to dragons. Ergo, a copper-colored kobold is capable of acid-related magic or breath. Commonly, the front of their abdomen has a second, lighter shade of scales as observed in a snake or monitor lizards.

Their teeth are very tough, and are much akin to other Draconis in that they regrow when they're broken or forced out of the maw. This is a great boon, as their omnivorous diets consist of tough cave creatures and thick vegetation and kobolds eat stones and ores. This aspect of their diet is necessitated by the formation of their scales, which derives strength from the minerals and nutrients in those rocks.
Naturally, a kobold's habitat has much to do with their developmental capabilities. Cave kobolds have smaller bodies but larger heads as compared to field kobolds, due to time spent in the dark and cramped habitats. They are especially adept at trapmaking, which is a pastime shared amongst all kobolds. Many times our researchers found themselves inconvienced or humilated by even their most rudimentary efforts, which one would think would be incredibly easy to spot. The natural capability that kobolds seem to have for trapmaking is second only to their ability to hide these same traps inocuosly.

A kobold's warren or glade is very much a community. They feel a great sense of debt to each other, and work together very well. They do this in defense of their tribe, but also in defense of each other. Kobold mating practices are quite alien to other sentient races. It's difficult to make sweeping generalizations about a diverse population of sentient creatures, but they are much more bohemian than other sentients. The male does a dancing display that's intended to attract the attention of a desirable female. She will create a nest for the male, and they will lay together and fertilize the eggs. In many warrens, after the mother has spent enough time with her eggs, she will move them to a communal incubation room. In this room the eggs are buried beneath grasses and left to hatch. The eggs are attended by rolling shifts of kobolds, a group usually made up of the oldest, most beautiful kobolds. They also take care of the whelps of the warren, a job which they do not take lightly.
These rooms are also home to a curious social phenomena. Kobolds have a deep love of trinkets and tchotchkes, the shinier the better. Many scraps of minerals, unrefined gemstones, and their like make their way into this pile, that a hatchling might not be deprived of a trinket for too long. Sometimes these objects hold great sentimental value to an individual kobold, and sometimes they are a new hatchling's first meal.

The group of communal mothers is actually responsible for much of the decision making that the tribe does as a whole. They are looked to as a source of wisdom and understanding for hopefully obvious reasons. Kobolds can live in excess of 110 years, but frequently die in defense of themselves or their warren before then. These matriarchs have been seen as young as twenty years old, in a frequently besieged warren, and in excess of one-hundred-fifteen in remote locations. They are eternally looked to in times of strife, and can even be shrewd tacticians in battle. Despite a biological quirk present in kobolds, which is to be detailed later, the researchers involved in this project are not aware of any kobolds belonging to this group who became men.

Battles in kobolds warrens are usually resolved quickly via mediation, underneath the guidance of the matriarchs, but if there is an overpowering military force to upset the status quo the other kobolds will cow to their demands. However, no observations of kobold behaviour have seen them fiercer than when they fight to defend themselves and their young. In times of such strive, they usually unilaterally fall under the command of a kobold they find the most pleasing. The largest kobold army ever amassed, according to oral histories, numbered in the thousands. It was a front mounted against the gnomes, which was seen as encroaching on ancestral kobold lands.
Kobolds exist to be occasionally raped by their dragon master.
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Which way kobold enjoyer?
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>Races of the Dragon
I shall stick with old-fashioned Dogbolds, thank you very much.
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When I was a young and horny lad, I thought that the 2E kobold had a dick with a drop of semen coming out of it.
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Newest version of the d&d kobolds.
>no tits
Why is WOTC so scared of sexy monsters now? Even the succubi are de-sexualized.
This is a good take.
>This is a good take.
Hmm. I look at them and think about Skaven.
Because for SOME REASON sexuality is oppressive, not liberating, again.
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something beautiful about this reply. taking a joke post 100% seriously and using it to push your boogeyman agenda. fuck i love this website
I find it hard to believe all artists stopped drawing big titty, birthing hip women because of personal taste.
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they didn't stop drawing them dipshit, it's just artists are drawing other things now too.
fantasy is no longer a niche hobby strictly for kissless virgins who goon to elves all day. other people are part of this hobby too, whether you like it or not, and they like different things than you. artists respond to that new need. grow up
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"Screeching Retard Cringe Humor" is probably my single most loathed form of "comedy".
t. fake grog
>grow up
I'll touch grass when you use the shift key and stop writing like an illiterate.
LMFAO I wasn't trying to call out lowercase sage I hadn't read his post yet.
The Kobold was originally described as having scales but the broader features were described in mammalian terms. Later TSR material flipped between rat and dog features in art, but the scales remained in the text until WotC took that and the dragon connections to make the current "mainstream" interpretation.

Given that was 3e MM1, they've been lizards for longer than the net pure-dog artwork the Japanese fixated on.
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All of the back and forth between lizards or dogs drove me to kobolds being descended from synapsids/therapsids to explain the mix of reptilian and mammalian features.
A normally, B and C if I'm feeling horny or want something more cutesy

Dogbolds go back to about 1980 with the early CRPG Wizardry 1. It was a huge hit in Japan, and that's the point of divergence.
humans tongue my anus
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trick question, all of them.
grim example of TDS

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