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Chorf Appreciation Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh (embed)
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6 (embed)
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H (embed)
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Warhammer Wikis:

>Alternative Models:
https://pastebin.com/xPeM9szL (embed)

>Previous Thread:

What new models do you expect for the rest of the armies?
for Empire
new wizard sculpts since the collage wizards don't really fit with how magic works in TOW and a mounted character model for Grandmasters which includes a Demigryphs option since that was a new option in TOW for Empire.
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I hope they are cooking new Forest Dragon for WE (so I can convert it into a Black Dragon for my delves)

I've seen this cool af hobo conversion in Mountains battle report, you can make something suitable out of them
stfu you whiny fagoot
Hoping they make an official Chaos Lord on Dragon. Haven't pulled the trigger on getting models to kitbash one together in case they release a new one.

Not that guy, but you nogames need to just leave. If the minis don't look like empire then wtf are you doing?

Everyone's marking those posts as off-topic right?
you dont have to worry about perry fags when you had real factions like skaven and vampire counts on the table, really goes to show that Brets and the empire fucking SUCKS.
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My little set of greenskins I made, I think they'd be decent proxies.
For the fucking losers who are playing (or rather NOT playing) and posting fugly, non-warhammer round based shit - just fuck off to a historical wargaming thread. You are like a retard showing up with pokemon cards at a MtG tournament. You are an off-topic faggot, simple as that. And by the way I am a new poster who have grown tired enough of your fugly perry minis to actually post. Stop being an attention whore and go suck a dick in a historical thread.
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Post models, nerds.
You accomplish something over the weekend, right, anons?
nice scorpion!
those are fine. Since they have square bases and are at least somewhat reminiscent of warhammer. Your perry shit is just cringe, you autistic faggot
>where dwarves?
This is getting silly, I feel shorted
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Counting it as a steed.
Squares arent really the most aesthetically looking base here, im going to be honest.
Man you've really shown those straw men what for
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Pulls out the book.
Well good thing the point of squares isnt aesthetics but functionality...
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I didn't mean to start a flamewar, I was just trying to talk about warhammer fantasy :(
(And subtly gauge interest in my sculpts)
eh.......Idk bout that buddy.
lets see:
Can form actual ranks
Precise movement when turning
Can easily judge flanking/direction
No large gaps between/inbetween bases
Easier to measure, account for when checking hits
Easier to judge base sizes due to them increasing in 1/4ths and so on
Different base sizes can actually line up

Durr hurr not more practical than rounds!1111
Round bases have 0 positives beyond a subjective factor in terms of aesthetics
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these are sculpted digitally, right? I'm trying to understand how much it would take to commission a few weapons and arms to have alternative builds to a guy I designed
You did not, your models are fine. But we have had a retard posting his irrelevant minis in half the threads, for months.
Is that the vulture from the new bone dragon kit? Neat idea.
you can do all of that just fine with rounds tho
>people literally shitting on the guys who made a lot of warhammer's classic range itt
riiiiiiight. strawmen.
yeah no. Why even respond with such utter nonsense?
idk man, id rather eat a round base than a square base.

I mean talking shit about a dude who blew his own arm off with a cannon is just funny.

Good sculptors though. Doesn't mean I want to ser their historicals across the table in warhammer.
"its fine to have revolvers in a medieval movie because the director have made westerns as well"
Are you actually retarded? Do you hear how fucking dumb you sound? You are embarassing, just shut the fuck up and stop posting.
these your sculpts? pretty damn sweet anon! very characterful. point of criticism, sorry, but the chainmail under that gobbo's robes has pretty big holes...ah, you know what? it still works for good tabletop quality.
Yeah, felt like a waste to not use him. And ofc that shitty kit wouldn't let you easily build him standing.
People don't dislike Perry, they dislike retards posting round-based historical models in a warhammer thread... people dont hate dogs because they ask the person bringing one to a cat show to fuck off
LMAO who the hell is talking about cowboys here, 'buddy'? fucking retard. we're comparing german landsknecht and their literal fantasy counterparts
>rrrrah ughn oioooon you cant use medieval knights as bretonnia proxies!!! there's nothing related about them at all
holy fuck, you guys kill me
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the new kislev mini are going to be garbage arrent thy?
I dunno I like bears.
>tfw my Empire collection has GW models from WFB editions 5th to 8th, Battle Masters and other board games, 40K (converted), AoS, Perry and Warlord historical ranges, Reaper Miniatures, and at least a dozen more different sources
>tfw it all works together just fine regardless
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I like bears too thier cute animals
I dont like wow tranny artstyle incroching on kino
GJ ignoring his point completely.
Stop attention whoring, nobody cares. Its a wonder you haven't been banned already. You must be insufferable in real life as well
They will probably be flanderized to hell due to total war. 50% of the army will be bears,vdespite the bear cav being super rare in the lore. Prob plenty of women as well...
holy based
>avoiding the topic
>no rebuttal
>ad hominem
>(quasi) appeal to authority
i accept your gracious surrender
Not the same poster. Schizo

Using 15th century knights that don't match Bretonnia's aesthetics is a different thing.
don't bother, he is just an attention whore.
ill tolerate your aos models, but fuck off if you have perry shit.
Wizards, knights, grandmaster, basic state troops (a bit of hopium), the three Emperors, eventually Magnus the Pious if/when we get to the Great War Against Chaos
>High Elves
Spearmen, archers, sea guard, swordmasters
>Warriors of Chaos
Forsaken, hard to say what else with so many StD releases in AoS - maybe Slaanesh and Tzeentch cav on daemonic mounts
>Wood Elves
Forest dragon, tree kin, war dancers
Tuskgot chariot, centigors
>They will probably be flanderized to hell due to total war
To be fair, CA can kinda put out only what GW allows them for in TWWH, so basically the design for Kislev and Cathay was already guided heavily by GW's hand.
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I painted this chaos champion and got some accessories ready for some games that will be happening very soon. I may have gone a bit too hard on the gloss varnish & blood effect paint, but I always do that so I don't know what I expected. Do his red robes make him look too much like he's been marked by Khorne? I was thinking of running him with the mark of Slaanesh, because I don't really like my other Slaanesh character models. Or just chaos undivided.
No one is shitting on perry or the sculpts they're shitting on the guy who keeps trying to pretend his historical models that he doesn't use for WF are on topic
Yeah, I probably wouldn't care either if he wasn't the kind of cunt who responds to every single actual game picture with endless sperging about how horrible it is when there's an unpainted mini out of one-hundred painted ones or gay-ass grindr demands over /fit/ pics when the faggot clearly doesn't play the fucking game.
Have you guys just considered ignoring their posts? Ever heard of the wise words "don't feed the troll"?
Don't be silly, anon. We all know that ignoring things you don't like is a herculean task for fa/tg/uys.
Breh don't respond to obvious bait. Especially from an old thread.
I did not. I didn't the weekend drinking.
Dude posted a pic of someone's balls. Maybe you should learn to ignore obvious bait.
Not gonna happen until AoS’ new edition is out, I suspect.
Chaos Dwarfs were Bryan Ansell's final pet project which didn't enter production until after he left the company - it feels like no one at GW actually wanted to do them in the early 90s and were just going through the motions because Ansell still had some pull in the company. The Perry's intentionally sabotaged the model range and they sold incredibly poorly - they had the lowest turnout for the Dark Conspiracy global campaign at the tail end of 5th. By the time the FW redesign came around, Fantasy was already one foot out the door and GW wasn't going to waste any money on a relaunch of a historically-unpopular army for a game they were trying to shitcan.
I take it the aos black coach doesn't fit on a square at all huh? oh well, it looks nice but it seems intimidating to paint anyway.
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>Snotling Mob
>Squig Herd
>Mangler Squigs
>new Grail Knights
>new Questing Knights
>Hippogryph lord
>Sir Cecil Gastonne
>Border Princes Brigands + Bombard
>King Louen Niggerslayer
>Luthor Harkon
>The Red Duke/Duke Merovech
>new necromancers
Wood Elves
>Forest Dragon
>Glade Riders
Would it be a pipe dream to hope for the finecast bloodknights to be turned into plastic? I dont hate the new ones,but they dont offer that same level of...intimidation? I dunno what the exact word to use for them, but the atmosphere just isn't the same. Also I fucking hate Skeleton horses.
sorry, not going to happen, I'd rather suggest you seek out metal recasts or scans to 3D print
meh, ill probably just look around in 2-3 years time to see if anything else notable pops up when vc is a real faction I guess.
Guess it's a miracle that they're finally coming back if the rumors are true. Even if it's in AoS form.
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Im grateful that Nagash managed to become a god, I wouldnt be interested in fantasy if Necromancy wasn't such a big part of it.
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Which one looks best? This is for a middlehammer skaven army project.
for skaven, top right
So Ogres are the only mercenaries?
I like bottom right personally, very heavy contrast. Kind of reminds me of the darker basing from 6e and should make for a nice difference to the (presumably) earthy tones you will have on your rats.
That's what I'm thinking too although otoh the dark grass looks more suirable for an evil army whereas the green is too joyful. I guess I could try to find yellowish static grass for contrast and suggest death and decay.
Ben, you don’t own anything on a square base.
I actually thi k CA were the ones being not-retarded about design. Seeing as they have been open about GW not allowing anything they didn't like (Including petty stuff like not letting empire troops use shotguns, and allowing specifically only two characters from dreadfleet so as to not weaken their copyright on dreadfleet). Generally designs in the total war games have been pretty OK about not getting too silly until the new warhammer 3 factions.
Hate as much as you want, but the secondaries are a huge market, and at thus point a large part of their audience started with secondary media. A huge part of their 40k audience for instance probably came in by ways of dawn of war or memes rooted in dawn of war.
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Okay dude, whatever you say
those perries? Not warhammer, fake fan!
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those are rectangles
which province has the most amount of Morr worshipers again? was it Ostland or Nuln? Empire seems boring but that one focus of worship and its dynamic with the undead interests me.
Would've thought Ostermark, don't they have those knights of Morr?
>caving to shitposters
>ESPECIALLY the Ben schizo
Will you people never learn?
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>those are rectangles
The ogres in the upper left corner are very much on 40mm square bases, smart guy. And here's some more on squares.
Ostermark and Stirland, because they both have the misfortune of bordering Sylvania
>ESPECIALLY the Ben schizo
Literally who? Yeah yeah "lurk moar", but who the hell cares?
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>bordering Sylvania

Sylvania is rightful Stirlander clay!
Diggin' them gobbos!
Nah, but I did just come back from buying myself a couple of more toys to carve up for my beastie boys.
Go back to shoveling nightsoil
While that would undoubtedly be cool I'd personally prefer a customizeable Daemonic Mount with a sprue that includes mark-specific bits.
For my spooky bret exiles with cannons and blunderbuss brigands, I'm wanting to convert a Sergeant for the peasants

I was thinking maybe I should make him a headsman with either a big axe or executioner sword?

Open to model suggestions or other ideas for him
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You're not wrong, but try asking that from the Sylvanians. Much like Marienburg is rightful Empire clay.
Maybe the Gaoler from HeresyLab? (picrel) Available as physical and STL.
If he's had a past life as an executioner why not dual wielding butchers tools? Beheadings by axe/sword are reserved for people of station/status it's a nobler way to die to a weapon of war rather than being hanged like some common criminal. Kit him out with drawing & quartering tackle.
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Maybe base it on this mammer jammer right here?
Oh or go with an ogre! You can actually squeeze a basic bull on to a 25 base.
I love thos old "bone armour" minis.
>butchers tools
Because he's an executioner not a butcher.
If not an executioner of common folk; Why would an executioner of nobles join a band of brigands?
Give him better clothes & develope a back story for him.
Well, perhaps to keep the brigands in line

Also, the Brigands would relatively wealthy given their access to gunpowder weapons

I suppose the character could however be made into an all-round jailer type with torture tools
How about a ball and chain whirled around his head?

Here's an idea; Band of town-dwellers granted rights to trade and other activities expelled for economic shenanigans, making themselves rich and legging it before the local lord's men come down on them when things start to come to a head. They flee with their former lords (who has taken a vow to bring them to justic) force never far behind them.
I quite like the ogre idea but I also like my models to be framed nicely by bases and this is a big too squeezy
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Reaper has some baller human sizes executioners.
Pic related is like $10 in metal with scenery or $4 in plastic.
Lol, lmao
>Reaper has some baller human sizes executioners.

He says, showing an utter piece of shit no sane man would ever like.
I do appreciate his muscles at least.
Your bait should at least try up be believable.
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Made progress painting the Greatswords, contemplating what I want to do to base them.
Bro what
Are you painting with house paints, that looks so thick, like you mixed your paint with PVA glue
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is it really that unreasonable?

I think in hindsight, army painter is hit or miss. The metallics seem fine, but the base paints are messy when it comes to seperation. I guess the next question is whether to simplegreen&take two, or if it can be salvaged.
Hi /wfg, ive dropped wfb like in 2006, sold my pretty badly painted DE and OnG like a year ago but left lizardmen because i still like em and they were my last army, so they are most niecely painted.
I didnt y
Touch any aos slop been Ive seen they made some good models as of late (some lizardman included) and wonder if buying something like warcry set or some other seraphon stuff to put on wfb/ow bases is worth it (as models seem pricy). Ive seen that gw dont plan to make any lizard content for ow beside ruleset, so thats a bummer. Anyone can comment if starting a legacy army is a good idea atm? Im still mostly intrested in painting, but i dont want to start it if new ruleset is shit.
Good work. Keep it up.
It's a little too goofy for me. Maybe in a more blanchitsu unit like Flagellants.
>Anyone can comment if starting a legacy army is a good idea atm?
I feel like this question gets aired so much at should put it in the OP.

Legacy armies have full rules, are fully playable and tournament legal. They are getting adjusted with FAQ as regularly as any other army.
If you have people to play with go for it.

That being said, it's important to remember. This is a side game at best to GW. And like whfb before it, they can cancel support at a moment's notice. But, that also doesn't really matter because you can keep playing the rules as long as you have the models and PDFs. People are still playing Sixth.
>Anyone can comment if starting a legacy army is a good idea atm?
Legacy doesn't mean bad just that GW hasn't promised to put out any extra support so we can't expect models (outside of AoS or 3D prints) and probably no rules beyond the 30~ or so odd pages in the army PDF unlike "core" factions.
Lizardmen are doing fine overall, as far as I can tell the only ones who are a bit upset Skaven and DElfs who have a couple of units who are too expensive for what they are but even then it's not a big deal and they aren't getting stomped constantly or anything.
> too goofy
He stands next to a jester with frogs on his drum sticks
if he's looking for something else he's looking for something else
Jester is also too goofy and gets replaced.
Tbh the whole unit is in thin ice, being GW..
Thx for answers, can anyone tell me if new lizardmen molds from aos would fit on ow/wfb bases? Stuff like new cavalery molds that would replace coldones for example.
Also anyone have expirience with warcry? I would like to buy some sets just for the minis alone (for painting) but just for shit and giggles, is it a good system? I thought to just use models but maybe if its good game than its worth to check it out.
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You guys are way too nice, I appreciate it. Goblin thief is free if you're interested. Put them all up on cults3d, should show up if you search oldhammer and sort by date.
Those designs kick ass, anon. I'm not sure right now about pricing for custom commissions on my end. I'm trying to turn this whole venture into a sustainable little business, and I'm looking into maybe setting up a patreon once I have enough of a following to make that viable. I wouldn't charge out the ass for customs, depending on how complicated it got, but I'd probably make it so only one or two people could get that tier each month. I'd suggest shopping around a bit and make sure you find someone who can do those justice, they look like a lot of fun. I'm still building up a customer base, but I'd like to take on commissions once I have that.
>Put them all up on cults3d, should show up if you search oldhammer and sort by date.
You should drop a link. There is some sick free stuff, but yours is not showing up.
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Seeking Dwarf experience.
Never played TOW before but used to play WFB. My favourite parts of the Dwarf roster have always been Rangers and Gyrocopters but they've been limited in previous editions. I now see that I can take Rangers are core along with essentially unlimited Copters.
Would this kind of list be viable as it's so different from the usual Dwarf style? I'm thinking something like 20-30 Rangers, 4-6 Gyrocopters and 1-2 Bombers for a super-mobile shooting list.
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>4-6 Gyrocopters and 1-2 Bombers
I'm not sure but won't that get me banned here? I just searched oldhammer and sorted by date and I'm in the first page. Look for the ai images of orcs and goblins, kinda yellowy in color.
Try it and see. Depending on your local scene it might be okay or it might get crushed.
Mobile shooting is the dwarf meta right now.
Rangers, Gyrocopters and Irondrakes with Trollhammers with a couple melee blocks to mop up.
I am thinking about getting the sisters of twilight as a mini, your thoughts?
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> Kislev
> Getting minis
The official mini or some 3rd party model? They're pretty cool either way though
I think round base janny is actually the offtopic poster / gaylord.
Don't listen to him anon, it's just James trying to entrap you.
>I'm grateful that Nagash managed to become a god
Unfortunately for Nagash (and everyone else), his newly attained godhood wasn't enough in the End.
eh..he got the title at least. Thats all that matters.
That's certainly an idea. I've stuck mine on a horse so far. Seems to fit. Maybe greenstuff a little carpet saddle or something
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>Be me, working on a steam tank
Anons, do I do my steam tank in black with gold trim or gold or black trim?
>New turret feels off, maybe it doesn't feel the 'same' aesthetically as the rest of the tank
Do I go casemate and just rock it without the turret? I've already recasted a duplicate hull-top and it's all magnetized so I believe I should be able to do both technically speaking but I think I'm leaning towards turretless
>What to mount on the top?
I've got some spare components of a helstorm rocket battery, I've been considering magnetizing it to the hull top in place of the new turret along with mounting a repeater hand-gun on a pintle where the tiny steam barrel thing is normally mounted on the hull near the top-hatch.
>Shields or no shields?
I feel the thick shields maybe lean it towards a more cartoony aesthetic not helped by the new turret design, but in some paint schemes (usually painting them metallic) I think they look slightly more like applique plates rather than just infantry shields hanged on the side.
Just in case anyone needs it, here's the White Dwarfs: 91368d06e8f129ef26b2a1256d25e5c4d9af981f
That's just a nid gun
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it's a frog gun, it's different I swear
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>inb4 40k
the miniature in question is mainly fantasy, only that option would be overly sci-fi
>its never going to happen becuase thy said "anytime soon"
>this mean we will never get minis its not like thy will have plans later

that will eventually pass and honestly I dont remember or seeing any evidence for them halting a production of minis because of the war
you look like you've got your own little style and a good grasp of the oldjammer niche, if I were you I'd aim for hero models more than normal troops
much more eye catching, justify higher pricetags, more likely that someone picks them one up on a whim, and I'd guess there's already a sizable amount of oldhammer infantry, scans and whatnot for the basic dudes

a somewhat daring thing would be to try making a flashy goblin specifically to gift it to sugden, she likes goblins, she likes oldhammer, she does paint tutorials and is reasonably good publicity for your miniatures, might give you a bump
Did you expect them to say "we are canceling this because russia invaded their neighbour"?

Of course they will bring Kislev back at some point. I just hope they will retcon the shit out of it because Kislev in Total War is wack as fuck.
>AoS 4e shilling is starting now
Dwarfbros are gonna be waiting a while huh

Yeah, I'm guessing it was a power play by the AoS team to undermine specialist games as much as possible to avoid hemorrhaging sales to the better fantasy game.
I doubt that it was probably just a production problem and GW didn't think it could produce enough before it turned to attention fully into the production of AoS start boxes
I only painted MESBG over the weekend.
Thanks for the tip! That's a good idea and a good point. I love Sugden's videos, being featured would be a tremendous boost and an honor.
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I gotta be honest I haven't touched any of my TK since they launched
>Gift things to e-whores for nerd cred
It's a sad world we live in.
look, if it was a gift to an e-whore he should gift gobbos to random vtumors that happen to dabble in warhammer
if it was for nerd cred he should just post his stuff on some anonymous blog only

giving products for free so that someone with followers gives you near-free advertising is something so retardedly straightforward even GW does it
Make sure to like and subscribe teehee
> comparing sugden to e-whores
Come on man, you've just outed yourself.
She's cool
Sugden's cool and resin is cheap. The real reason for the unlikelihood of that happening is because it would basically be a gift to me and my business. I don't expect it will ever happen, but if the opportunity ever presented itself, you're damn right I'd try it, it would be the first chance at a positive change in my life in years. I want to do this full time.
Honestly buy the way gw is I wouldnt be surprised if thy came out and said that
Dope man, super dope!
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For TOW or WFB? Knowing how the hobbyists can be, could be either lol.
I had to Google her. It's pretty clear she is.
Good luck friend.
I got into the hobby after they got squatted so I got them for TOW but I do have plans to make them cross compatible with older eds though I'm not sure if it's worth the effort since they apparently sucked ass from what I've heard.
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>they apparently sucked ass from what I've heard.
In 8th they suffered from the Curse of Great Cruddace, being pretty sucky save for construct spam.
In 6th/7th they were pretty good still as far as I know.
And then there are of course 3rd party rules using the WFB base sizes, if they're played in your area. Don't really know about T9A, but in WAP9th Tomb Kings are pretty good.
Definitely put them on 20mm bases so you can play 6th edition with them. Their 6th edition army book was really cool, they had their own special kind of magic and everything.
That's because you love men
Dude, Horns of Hashut from AoS are kinda' lazy as fuck model-wise, but they could easily be incorporated into WHF as vassals living around the periphery of the Chorf's Darklands territory, driven to gather slaves as sacrifices for Hashut & to pay tribute to the Chorfs rather than be abducted themselves.

Also, Kharadron Overlords would make sense exploring over the Southlands & Chaos Antarctika, having fled from their holds during the ancient War of the Beard or when Skaven first emerged. Perhaps they could even encounter a breakaway civilization of Sky Titans living beyond the seas, possibly in a "Black Knight" satellite-like floating city.

The Druchii should have a half-Elf war-thrall/janissary/mameluke/ghilman caste specifically bred via magick/alchemy by the Cult of Slaanesh to serve as more-rapdily replenishing cannon-fodder.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, pls reply with rare lore on minor races/nations & chaos godlings/deities.
>Horns of Hashut
Yeah, subjugated human tribes make sense. Sure why not.
>Kharadron Overlords
The never released FW campaign book about the Second Battle of the Black Fire Pass, focusing around Dwarfs and greenskins, would have had additional focus on new Dwarf technology, taking them towards a more steampunky style, to some degree. So, sort of plausible as an idea, even though I find the AoS models themselves way OTT to fit into WFB, and I would just assume the more innovative holds like Zhufbar and Barak Varr being behind such motions instead of some sort of "exiles".
>Druchii half-elf war fodder
Half-elves are so old lore that I don't think they really fit into the current setting. Besides, all elves would be far too prideful to sully their heritage like that with human blood, a race whom they view merely fit as slaves. Besides, they already have their slaves they can use as cannon-fodder in war if need be.
But all that can be true in your headcanon of the lore, and no one can stop you.
>being this much of a newfag
How anal are people here about basing?
Extremely, ill personally visit your house and find all your strands of hair and dead skin that you exhaust and glue it onto your bases overnight.
Simp more.
She's a shit painter with a pretty face.
Here? pretty anal. Most FLGS are pretty chill though.
>Besides, all elves would be far too prideful to sully their heritage like that with human blood, a race whom they view merely fit as slaves
Dark elves take human sex slaves.
Malus Dark blade has a whole scene about good raiding crew running a train on a Bretonian damsel.
>bred via magick/alchemy by the Cult of Slaanesh
New fag please go
A pretty face and deliciously hairy pits
I'm not a bong so she's a solid 4/10.
You neglected to mention the fags killed the bitch when they were done with her, elves don't like making mutts with humans
Their clearly not above fucking them though, which was my point.
It only takes one weirdo to father a small legion of mutts. Would make for a good army background.
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>The uncontrollable urge to take a unit of like 62+ chaos warhounds set as vanguard for my single core unit
What did the Perrys do?
High elves are apparently fine with it. The one we saw proudly raised his half-elven son.
Druchii are so racist that a mixed druchii and asrai child is seen as a degenerate abomination.
Alright, will do. I should have enough bases lying around. Ordered a pile from China.
I do really like the idea of the army without all the over the top 8th stuff
not sure if this is what he's referring to, but there's an interview about the creation of the chorfs and one of the perries goes on to recall about the hats

basically he was asked to give them hats, and since he's got very much a down to earth, realistic historical aesthetic sense, he gives them reasonable hats
but it wasn't enough and he was asked to make the hats bigger, and he does, but not enough again, so back to sculpting, and this goes for like 3 or 4 more times where it becomes either sort of a joke or kind of expected for the hat to be rejected, until at one point he makes the hat unreasonably big, practically as big as the dwarf itself, I don't remember exactly if it was some kind of bait for ansell to see if he was actually seeing the sculpts or just rejecting them blindly because he knew perry had to be goaded into breaking his realistic style

I'm sure you can find the interview in question on the tube
Might have been this one
>The one we saw proudly raised his half-elven son.
Which one was that?
>What new models do you expect for the rest of the armies?
Chaos should probably get some Marauder/Norscan stuff, give that the energies of Chaos are currently weak.
Gilead's Blood, the father Nithrom and his son Erril.
It also has a good Norsecan that sings to elvish lyre, empire boys swooning over a muscular Kislevite woman, and all the villains are Italian(Tilean). Yes, even the guy that has a Spanish name and the dark skinned man in a turban who kills the Bretonnian knight.
Erril even keeps his father's elven blade at the end, a really neat story that doesn't take long to read.
Neat, I was utterly disappointed by the Tyrion and Teclis book (except Urian, he was interesting), and I'm currently reading some other supposed elf centric book that has cooler trolls and humans for some reason. Should probably puck that up, need more good elf fiction.
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All the plastic kits from that era have soul. Not so much detail though, dont look too close at my beastmen's horns
>Necromancy available to most armies
>Can't take skeletons and zombies as allies/mercs if using a wizard with necromancy
Not yet, anyway.
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Here you go, champ.
Those are minis made for AoS a while ago. They haven't even announced Chaos Warriors to release yet, and we won't see their new mini/minis until some time after that.
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>shieldbearers, are we there yet?
What are some must have Wood elf units, and is the toughness sprite + twilight spear combo as busted as it seems?
nope come back in a month
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Sadly, there seems to be some sort of Gay Circus blocking all the roads ahead. It's advertised all over the billboards. Sadly, Dorfs won't get anywhere and until they're out of the way.
Only fitting that it's skaven ruining the dorf's day again
Chaos Dwarf fans are to Fantasy what Squat fans are to 40k.
There I said it.
Cunts are exactly the same.
My money is on August.
So brave
And then Berlin by Christmas!
These are such a huge improvement on the hammerers and longbeards. New sculptor knows his dorfs
It must suck being one of the few people in GW who isn't retarded or bad at their job.
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Has anyone used these long 25 x 100mm bases (same type you get in bretonnian archers kit) to do unit fillers or do interesting multibase posing of models within units?
im planning to do this with skeletons and zombies
living dead peasants come with a couple shovels so they will be unburying eachother or something
>if new lizardmen molds from aos would fit on ow/wfb bases?
with most AoS/ToW legecy stuff, people had already experiented and tried them on sqoure. Try google and reddit
>new cavalery molds that would replace coldones
AGGRADON LANCERS are AoS monster cavalery sold by 3. If you dont mind the money, go for it but if you want just some 'updated Cold ones' use RAPTADON CHARGERS
How fun is The Old World to play? How fun would a Night Goblin army be? I'm not looking to make an army that wins, just want something to roll dice and laugh at the results. I'll make a winning army later. Just really want to paint some gobbos.
t. I played Warhammer Fantasy Battles in the 90s. Think it was the 5th edition.
Old World is pretty fun, but a lot of the special rules and very swingy stuff was removed. Fanatics are abhorrently overpowered though, much like most things in the OnG book.
TOW is fine.
Night Goblins are broken strong (fanatics are far too strong and way too reliable) then entire OnG book is severely overtuned for their points.
BASED reddit Ratz fucking over the shorties
It's fun and the Orcs & Goblins armies are the ones with most amusing randomness and they've got a very varied set of options with Orcs, Black Orcs, Wolf Gobs, Arachnid Gobs, Night Gobs, Trolls, Rock Lobbas, Doom Divas etc.
For Night Gobs in particular the Mangler Squigs and Night Goblin Fanatics both roll random movement beyond the initial direction.
A large chunk of non-Night Gob units are impetuous meaning they are forced to charge on a 1d6 roll 1-3 if they're in range of enemies as well.
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Uneven trade. Dorfs might be delayed but the rats got fucked out of the game and are stuck in AoS now.
>How fun would a Night Goblin army be?
Very. If you follow the rule of three, you lost shouldn't be oppressive and you can take suboptimal choices and still do well.
Huh, well. I was half expecting goblins to be a funny mess but I'm kind of pleased that they seem to at least try to have some balance in the game. My choice is still fueled by my passion for goblins so regardless of their strength I still would've gone forward with the project. I'm just happy that TOW is giving us another chance at a non-AoS Fantasy version of Warhammer. Don't hate AoS but I feel like a lot of the minis are a bit too overdesigned for my tastes.
Oh no they get to play older eds and legends rules with a huge new range of plastic models you can get on the cheap due to being in a starter
How horrible
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>huge new range of plastic models
Lol. Oh yeah. We're all real jealous of your modern GW sprue designs and layouts. Enjoy your box of 10 rats for $100 with 358 components designed like an Escher painting. Lmao.
Good. They were always a dumb faction.
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They're starter set pushfits...
Doesn't affect me in any case, I can't stand skaven but you're being a retard, anon. Skaven are probably gonna be cheaper than actual TOW armies.
>Skaven are probably gonna be cheaper than actual TOW armies.
The fuck does russia have to do with the faction based on the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth?
Probably the fact that Kislev isn't only based on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but also Russia. You know, just in case the Tzar/Tzarina, Boyars, Streltsy, the bear motifs, the accent etc. didn't give it away already.
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Besides names like "Tzar", "Kreml" and fixation on snow there is not much of Russia in Kislev. The name itself sounds like it's based on Kievan Rus. Even bears aren't stricte a Russian thing, Poland was the only army in history to have a bear soldier during WWII. Streltsy as far as I know is a common word for "shooters" in all slavic languages.
It's a general slav faction but it's retarded to assume Kislev got canceled because of the Ukraine conflict.
They just bit over more than they could chew when they announced Kislev and Cathay and they predictably 'unannounced' them again when reality set in.
From experience/what an empire player complained about to me.

Goblin characters have very good cost efficiency, a cheap goblin boss or warboss with a great weapon is a very nasty addition to an infantry block (apparently).

Squigs also seem brutal.
They have a !baba yaga, a !peter the great and the streltsi are very much their historical russian version (or were, until TWW made them some weird thing).

Kislev is a general hodgepodge of slavic and even some central asian stuff, but russia is absolutely a big part of it.
>what an empire player complained about to me
Empire is the worst supported faction so from an Empire player's point of view every other army would seem strong.
That is true, the particular complaint I remember was "I literally cant do it (the thing I suggested, that being using cheap characters as force multiplication) because the goblin player had cheaper characters with better stats than mine" or somesuch
Imagine having to justify Cathay being in the game when you know damn well the world gets destroyed before they ever interact with the others factions.
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schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop
What kind of justification do you need for a faction other than thematically fitting into the setting while still being different from existing factions?
Lizardmen and Wood Elves would never interact yet nothing stops them from being played against eachother. Same can be said for tons of faction combinations in the game.
Baba Yaga is a common legend in a lot of Slavic mythologies.
How were Russian streltsy any different than, for example, the Polish ones from the same period? They were all using halberd + gun as far as I know. And the Polish ones wore mostly blue coats while the Moscovites were red but I've seen their colors switched sometimes in some illustrations so I guess that's not a rule.
Lorelet here: how come Dwarf Slayers do not succumb to Khorne?
Because khorne wants people who actually suceed in killins stuff, rather than people who die in the attempt. Emo dwarfs just dont make the cut.
*Bardiche, not halberd.
They become slayers as a punishment not because they are bloodthirsty psychopaths.
Dwarfs are pretty resistant to magic and gods influence, see: Chaos Dwarfs.
Slayers value things beyond mindless bloodshed, and thanks to the natural resistance of dwarfs to Chaos they'd be unlikely to fall.
Because that might end up adding some diverdity to the chaos or dwarf factions or their lore.
They theoretically could, but in the same way an orc is fighting for their own gods and thus very unlikely to succumb to khorne, slayers are dedicated to grimnir and are trying to remove their shame, giving them a mental block to khorne fuckery. Along with their already high resistance to chaos in general, its just not very likely to happen to the average slayer schmuck that dies a few months into his oath by getting his skull caved in by a troll
Empire players were mostly bitching until they found out just how strong gunlines are.
And they're still in line to get more army options.
>even more monopose than the old clanrats
>that seamline down the middle
So this is what ratfags waited a decade for, huh?
I feel almost sorry for them. Almost.
Maybe someone more versed in lore can correct me but my read is that being a Slayer is a means to an end. The wanton carnage that they engage in is not the end goal itself, which is more in line of what Khorne wants. I'm sure there's more to it than that but that's the main takeaway for me, but also that Chaos in general seems to struggle with having influence over Dwarfs.
>until they found out just how strong gunlines are.
>current meta to melt dragons at low point cost
>Trying to melt a dragon with a gun line

A cannon will misfire itself to death before killing a 3+/3++/5+++ 10W Dragon even if the other player makes no effort to defend themselves.
How good are gunlines really? I only played against Dwarf gunliine and it was not as strong as their close combat troops.
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I'm about to put these empire swordsman on rounds to match the rest of the army and no one can stop me

>Push fit CADslop

Kislev takes inspo from all eastern slavs, not one single nation
>Kislev takes inspo from all eastern slavs, not one single nation
It's good to see that GW is pushing for a pan-slavic Poland Empire (emphasis on Poland).
>Kislev takes inspo from all eastern slavs
If they did they would actually be interesting, but they aren't.
They did and were pretty cool and interesting before they were turned into a cartoonized generic joke in Total War. The consequences of videogamization are irrecoverable
Gunlines are specifically quite bad at killing flying monsters, thats literally a core weakness of theirs.
You can really see how shitty and retarded GW sculpts are when they're put next to Perry sculpts. Like what the fuck are wrong with their legs LMAO niggas will call this "Heroic"
ma the perry fags are at it again
A 3 cannon list is pretty much a hard counter to dragon lists going by initial tourney results.
Much better than people gave them credit for originally. The right positioning can really put the hurt in against fairly strong armies like VCs.
There's also similar things with other armies people have been complaining about like WoC turned out to have a really nasty answer to heavy magic-using armies with help of infernal puppet.
I'm mostly curious if we'll end up seeing similar things with Skaven and DElfs.
Let's do some mathhammer.
Assuming a great cannon vs a
T6, 10 wound, 3+/5++/5+++ dragonlord
You first need to not misfire (5/6)
Then hit, which is pretty likely given the big base (call it 5/6)
Then wound (5/6)
Then get through armor (5/6)
Then get through the ward (2/3)
And finally the Regen (2/3)
Giving you roughly a 23% of doing an average of 3 wounds to a dragon lord.

If you assume four great cannons, roughly the same cost as the dragon lord, you can get about three wounds a turn. You need to do that for four turns which seems unlikely without a canon being destroyed or the dragon getting into combat. In tournaments you aren't even allowed 4 canons.

You could use other artillery but they are likely to perform even worse for their cost. The math can also get worse if the dragon has higher toughness, better saves or shenanigans stopping multi wounds.
>Let's do some mathhammer
No fuck off.
>oh no disprove me
>Like what the fuck are wrong with their legs
Squatting down is a power stance, you would know this if you were a power lifter.
Back to 40kg you fucking faggot lmao
>whilst standing on your toes
Lol you fuck off with the "gun lines cover dragons" shit
Being luckier than your opponent is not a useful counter.
Don't skip leg day m8y.
>No don't engage with the hobby intellectually!
>It's my right to play Timmy lords!
Don't you have some primarchs to push around a table?
>gets accused of being 40k waacfag
>"no u"
nigga your gunline argument was retarded and you start crying
I don't think you are in a position to be condescending when you have the maturity of a 5-year-old
I'm not the anon you were arguing with, pussy boy LMAO lets see that Physique
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Gun lines are weak.
Unlike these guns.
I can respect the dedication to get that kind of Popeye physique
>cannons don't instakill dragons for the point cost so they're not an answer!
Meanwhile in reality they're 125 points each and will ensure your demigryph knights and demigryph grand master won't have much trouble taking out a 700pt+ unit leaving most of the rest of his list vulnerable AND they're useful against other units to boot.
Empire isn't weak in the least.
Popeye had strong forearms, this guy has pensil wrists

>pop culture soiwars shirt
Nice dad bod
>Popeye physique
I wish. Forearms are holding me back.
It's not the they didn't insta-kill it's that they don't kill at all.
They aren't a meta anti-dragon pick if they don't actually function against dragons.
Great cannons probably help with dragon ogres, trolls, giants, demigriphs and all sorts of strong multi wound models but they aren't dragon killers.
>demigryph knights and demigryph grand master
Yes, I also take monstrous calvary to prove that my gun line is strong.
>soiwars shirt
It was a gift. I don't dress up for the gym, because I'm not there to cruise for cock like you.
>Nice dad bod
Thanks bb. Post yours and in might let you call my daddy.
>post yours
Any time fag
its always the perry fags that start posting the gay shit.
>why can't my 125 point unit dependably kill a 300+ point unit??????
when did this become grindr?
I'm sweating ...
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Slayers don't want to be slayers
>Why can't my 4 125 point units designed to kill the specific target kill the target over the course of the entire game
A unit not destroying a comparable points cost unit from a fistancein less than 3 turns isn't an indication of it being weak, it's an indication of it being balanced lol. If any given ranged unit that's supposed be good at taking out another unit could take out said unit before it got into melee than there would never be a reason to take anything but those ranged units.
I'm struggling to understand why I would ever choose *not* to play Mortuary Cult over the stock list.
That is a long list of perks to counteract not having some units.
> No NecroKnights?
Just use Serpents.
> No Warsphinx?
Put it under a Prince
> No Tomb Guard?
Didn't want them anyway.
TOW probably was not designed to be a perfect tournament-balanced game

A 30% RoI per turn is the ballpark for normal, not a hard counter. Hard counters should be ~50% RoI.
The chaos lord on dragon you used for the math is almost as expensive as 5 cannons lol
If that were true than counters would be king and the things they counter would worthless lol
When you two have sex can you film it and post a link here? Thanks
After finally finishing Gotrek & Felix, I am now genuinely angry at the End Times for forcing Felix's death that way, doubly angry that GW has the audacity to bring back Gotrek in Shitmar, and furious beyond reckoning there are clearly paypig faggots out there who are dementedly retarded enough to read Gotrek's Shitmar books if they feel the need to keep making them
It's 544 points. Throw in a 44 point engineer if you want.
Doesn't kill it in less than four turns. When most games are five. And it relies a lot on handwaving in the empire players favor. Other canons perform even worse.

In the real world, outside of astronomical luck, it is basically impossible for equal points of cannons to kill a dragon lord. It's not going to sit still and do nothing while you shoot.
ill be sure to read his aos books just for you :)
Ghoul slayer does seem interesting tbqh solely for the fact that he's dealing with FEC.
>It's 544 points
NTA but the average Chaos Dragon list starts them at around 680 points and you can easily go higher.
Imo most of the whining about Empire being weak and whining about 'monsterhammer' are just the fags who want the infantry dominance that made WFHB ungodly costly and boring for new players.
I'm not gay but.. God damn
Whatever you think about the meta Dragon lords and expensive characters drive down the model count and make it easier for new players.

I think that focusing on killing is probably not the right way to counter Dragons or other death stars. Most seniors have access to wizards that can shut them down for a third the cost.
>Ghoul slayer does seem interesting tbqh solely for the fact that he's dealing with FEC
Because you're an npc retard who enjoys mindless faction wank and is so enamoured by the IP you'll consoom anything with the GW brand on it, even if it directly spits in the eye of its previous soulful works.
>$58 for 10 monopose figures
>$62.5 for 5 monopose cavalry
>all of them broken up into 20 different smaller part out of spite
People actually pay this shit.
Uh huh.
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There's nothing soulful about a toy commercial.
Yeah, I think every army has at least one and often more than one reasonable answer to Dragons. Either a hero unit of their own with monster slayer/killing blow or a wizard with crystal column/miasmic mirage.
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Now compare that to $18 for 40 high quality SOVLful hand sculpted miniatures from Perry. Makes you really wonder, how much of a cvckold does one have to be to actually buy GW™ miniatures first hand?
Speaking of the fucking Perrys, their greatcoat French command is about a third what Warlord charges for theirs for a set they sell without any(Waterloo starter). But until I have enough space cleared out for the Joseon I can't order them nor bashi bazouks.
Toys from my childhood= soul
Toys from your childhood= gay and stupid
nice historical, I prefer the ancients myself.
How could you.
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It can be pretty easily in the hands of a competent writer
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Warlord is the second worst company behind GW as they're owned by ex GW fags and market themselves towards GW fans. Go mention Warlord Games in /hwg/ and watch the thread derail
This was his only good one, William King sucks.
I liked the first tyrion and teclis book.
This one sucked too.
We are enemies now.
truly contrarians hold nothing sacred
It's a common occurence with gender dysphoria anon, it's a phase they grow out of eventually
Felix should have bled out in the gutter from a random mugging and gotrek should have died to some random goblins arrow. Max is burned at the stake for heretical magics and ulrica becomes a generic vampire cunt.

Fuck that series and its slop-brained troglodyte fanbase.
I can really see how retarded and off-topic those round bases are.
The average chaos dragon is "chaos lord on dragon, shield, lance"

That alone will curbstomp most things. If you are worried you will be shot you can take a crown of eternal conquest for 40pts. Maybe a paymasters coin if you want to splurge.

The chaos lord on dragon both doesent need and cant really get meaningful upgrades beyond niche defensive shit.
>ulrica becomes a generic vampire cunt
She can't reach vampiress boomvana until she finds a fat hack to be her lover whom writes erotic fan fiction about her like Katarin or Genevieve.
>A unit (great cannon) not destroying a comparable points cost unit from a fistancein less than 3 turns isn't an indication of it being weak
>but the other unit (dragon) destroying 3x its point cost in 3 turns of melee combat is also balanced
Those arent generic vampires. Your generic vampire is some monster that eats people and eventually tries to take over the world before being killed by a witch hunter or their own apprentice.
The thing is Empire doesn't need infantry dominance because they have demigryphs. On the other hand, Dwarfs absolutely require either shooting dominance or infantry dominance to be able to function at all since they don't have anything else.
>Beloved book series that has been around since the inception of the setting is... LE BAD
Damn it really is the contrarian olympics here, isn't it?
It's already got a 3+ and 5++ baked in, it didn't need much more.
I've seen people take other stuff, but it's mostly to absolutely humiliate people in melee.
>dwarves don't have anything else
They can already threaten dragons from rushing in by having a pimped out Dwarf King.
End times slop that never should have been made.
Unfortunate that they're the best unit in the book.
Chaos dragons are not weak to "gunlines" - just taking 3 cannons to shoot the dragon wont accomplish a whole lot and just give it more value (because it will be "wasted points" if they shoot it but dont kill it, which they realistically wont).

Dragons are weak to "target denial".

A dragon will be in combat turn 2 most games, its the fastest thing in the game short of specialist bretonnian character builds. The dragon will not be reasonably dead (or even close to it) at that point and will subsequently be largely immune to shooting while it munches on tasty things IF the other army has any unit worth engaging. Evasive smaller units like what wood elves would field in 8th are capable of providing a dispersed formation of awkward engagements which mean that even if the dragon charges turn 2 it will simply not kill its own points in value by the end of the game.
A static, compact, formation (like a gunline) will not do that, and will in fact be quite vulnerable to those kind of fast and hard to kill missiles (see also bretonnian pegasi lords, wyverns and whatever else have you.
And gunlines, actual gunlines, have to be tight and compact formations because they want to cover as little ground as possible, to provide as few flanks and openings to regular troops.

Cannons are the best tool the empire has to deal with dragons, but they are not actually very effective, theyre just the only thing in the army that has the chance to kill it (seriously, try and imagine any other circumstance where they manage to bring down a dragon, because god knows an empire general isnt going to do it).

100% my point. Its simply so much in terms of "raw stats" that its innate 5++ is enough to make it game winning in mot cases even "naked". Its 10 wounds, has around 10(?) s7 Ap2 attacks, a stomp, terror, high unit strength and good WS and armor.
I have not yet seen a dwarf king that can actually kill a dragon (chaos, vampire, elf, doesent really matter).
A dwarf king can threaten a dragon though, by trying to deny it wounds in combat and then relying on his units static combat resolution to do it in.
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I can only imagine
So are people here actually losing against dragons nonstop or is it just armchair theory?
I have not yet lost, or come close to losing, with a dragon. Every game I have used a dragon has felt like an exercise in restraint because I know I could just send it down the middle and most likely win the game.

I dont know if people are losing to them a whole lot, but they feel strong enough to the point where I stopped using them because I felt bad.
I just realized they carry little beer steins with them. Cute.
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Tell me about the shieldbearing practice. Does it have some autistic rules like once you get on you can't get off until the battle is done?
Just how shameful is it to die and let your lord fall?
>Does it have some autistic rules like once you get on you can't get off until the battle is done?
I dont think ive heard of any, I imagine if the king deemed it necessary to get down he could just give the order and him and the lads would continue fighting with him on foot.
>Just how shameful is it to die and let your lord fall?
Very, probably. You failed your duty to your king as one of his most honored guard.
I gave up playing Empire until they get their book or a rules change after the 8th game against my brother's tomb kings when he started bringing 2 dragons and I couldn't kill even one when I pointed three cannons and a hellblaster at it and he made the save against the one wound I made with my dragon slaying sword and killed my general after. I could get demigryphs and it might help with some shortcomings, but I'd rather just wait and see what's in their box before I buy/print anything since I don't think they'll amount to much.
Most big tournaments have been won by armies with one or more dragon lords or beastmen.
>how to win in TOW:
>1. have a dragon
>2. have a beastcock
>give your life in protection to the king, as you swore to do
>"how dare you die in protection of your lord?! Your family will never recover from this go to dwarf hell"
>feel strong enough to the point where I stopped using them because I felt bad.
That's where my local meta is at. There's a gentleman's agreement to just not bring them.
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Could have died gracefully and let your king know, duh
Bring multiple illusionist wizards, throw down miasmic mirage/crystal column and those two dragons will be mostly wasted points while you crush the rest of his army with more fun units.
Last I checked they were getting far but not winning against VC wail lists, Viletide Beastmen and stuff like that.
Which is a core issue of the game they need to address in some way because dragons are fucking cool and you shouldn't be obligated to not bring them to have a fair and balanced time. Horus Heresy has a similar issue with dreadnoughts, but the agreement is to just bring a couple of them and not run an entire army of them so it doesn't need addressing, but to have a unit you flat out can't bring on account of how oppressive it is if your opponent doesn't have one? Not good.
You were put in a position of trust and your failure failed that position and possibly put your king in danger. Thats probably quite shameful.
>Crystal column
Yeah, I've tried that one and it works, but it's cheesy and stupid and I don't want the game to be a one sided shitshow where his dragons are totally useless like how they make my gunline useless. I want him to have fun and have his dragons do what they're supposed to do, but I also want to be able to kill just one of them over the course of the game if I max out cannons/hellblasters. That's not how the game works which sucks, hence why I'm not really playing until I get an army book in hopes it'll put us on equal footing
Multiple dragons is pretty cheesy imo.
1. "threaten" as in "make it get stuck on the king and not let it kill other stuff
2. you'd have to be clinically retarded to let your super-fast maneuverable death machine get stuck on a M3 dwarf
No, it's fine if you die, you just can't let your king fall. You gotta keep standing even while dead.
Things I'd like to see in the Dwarf book:
- Thunderbarges
- Grudge Rakers
Things I will probably see in the Dwarf book instead:
- a really weak slayer army with Goblin Hewers
ET shit, another of 8es mistakes
This lmao.. so easy to spot fake grog sigshitters
Does anyone have to have a good version of this map? This map was released by GW in 2004 and shows the travels of Gotrek and Felix.
You are objectively wrong, and have bad taste.
All 7 books of Gotrek & Felix, by William King, were awesome.
Would you then mayhaps share the pic of it itt?
>"I'm not a fan of the model"
Yeah we can tell, hard to find an idiot who is.
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I like it
This pic goes hard. Sauce?
I don't know if you're cursed or blessed
I'm surprised Gotrek and Felix never went to Brettonia or Tilea in any of the books
How the fuck did they drop the ball so fucking hard with that dragon? Who the fuck gets "dragon" from "Egyptian". I mean God damn. It's right in front of them. A fucking crocodile. That's all it had to be. But noooo, they did a fucking dragon, like a room-temperature subhuman.
The howdah is one of the worst parts of the model though, utterly at odds with previous examples in the faction (see the sphinx) and a cluttered mess all around. Also connects to the dragon weirdly.
Dragons exist in WFB
Egyptians exist in WFB
Why can't an Egyptian dragon?
What's the sauce on this art? Looks Scythian/Cimmerian/Alan inspired.
Looks kick ass, I'll watch it tonight whilst painting
Zombie dragons are already a thing with the vampire counts, and they're pretty boney as is. Shitting out another one for the TK just feels lazy and uninspired when there were so many other, more thematically appropriate, options just left untouched.
Well don't say I didn't warn you.
I actually saw this slop in the theater way backnot that I remember it
reusing established setting elements rather than inventing new shit to fit stereotype is good actually.
"oh theyre egyptian so instead of the established creatures of the setting they should have random and hitherto unknown egyptian mythology monsters because fuck cohesion!"

Dragons are a thing which exists and would have existed in nehekhara, dragons are therefore a thing the tomb kings would have interacted and which they would have managed to ressurrect as mounts. If anything the attempts to make it look more egyptian (with a more crocodilian skull) are the issue, and it should have been a more generic dragon skeleton (then again GW cant decide what dragons look like, so hey ho)

Mossacannibalis (does everything from really hardcore porn to historical stuff). Its a redesign of some legendary hero kislev got in TWW.
If you were to make a mount/monster for tilea or estallia, it should be a manticore or griffon, rather than some retarded and new thing from spanish mythology or italian folklore. If you were to give araby flying cavalry they should be riding pegasi rather than some weird arabic monster.

The common setting elements are what give a world cohesion. If everyone just has 100% unique shit with no overlap or connection you dont have a world, you have several different caricatures living in their own isolated box.
>"oh theyre egyptian so instead of the established creatures of the setting they should have random and hitherto unknown egyptian mythology monsters because fuck cohesion!"
They kinda threw that idea of the window in 8th with medusas and demigriphs and stonehorns and shit.
Now every faction gets a bunch of monsters no one else gets.
it's fanart by a female Korean artist of a character from Total War Warhammer 3 version of Kislev
Demigryphs are fine, theyre a play on the existing "-gryph" monsters (the griffon and the hippogryph) as essentially an even lesser version of the two, Stonehorns are also fine for the same reason rhinox and sabretusks are fine, ogres are defined by having weird primordial megafauna from their mountains - at least in theory, you can argue the execution of the stonehorn/thundertusk is questionable.

The HPA is also fine for example, or the lizardmen having weird dinosaurs, or the dark elves having the hydra.

Mossa is a girl?
Demigryphs and stonehorns also importantly fit a role that doesent really exist/isnt already covered. Monstrous cavalry/"medium weight foot mounts" werent something there was a lot of outside of the various demonic steeds. Heavy foot monsters, especially mounts, are also quite rare.
They werent an existing monster, but renamed to be more unique and be some whacky cultural thing. They were new niches which fit within the world and didnt overlap with existing stuff. The sphinxes are also fine for similar reasons.

Taking the skeleton dragon and making it a bone crocodile (literally just a big crocodile) would be fine from a lore/world perspective, but it would be pointless as the warsphinx exists and this be a bad decision. Taking the skeleton dragon and making it a !skeleton dragon (some weird egyptian flying monster) would be abhorrently bad, as you both introduce some stupid new monster but also have that niche of "flying big thing" covered by existing stuff.
>All this terrible shit is fine because reasons
>But Egyptians getting an alligator? No, that's crazy!
You're weird.
Everything there fits, and medusa does fit because elves are somehow based on a Greek background.
they didnt get an alligator, or what should have been a crocodile. They got a fucked up dragon instead.
Yes dipshit, "because reasons". Reasons are what define whether any given thing is good or bad you fucking moron, dwarfs cannons are good, the ironblaster is stupid nonsense, why? Because of reasons.

And yes, a giant alligator which fills the exact same niche as a previously established thing (the sphinx) would be bad, it would be a pointless unit which would either replace the sphinx as the king mount or be itself useless. If we were in a world where tomb kings didnt already have constructs for various roles? An undead crocodile dredged up from the river mortis and decked for war would have worked (or some sort of skeleton mammoth/elephant, or a rhino, or any other number of possible things), but we dont, and as such their inclusion as a unit would be bad.

A crocodile as a monstrous size steed could still work, but thats ultimately something very different to either the dragon or the proposed !dragon.
>Mossa is a girl?
mosy likey and as well as a Christian if I had to guess
lol, lmao.
I agree. But all of your reasons are gay and self-contradictory.
they do have a lot of odd art of Jesus other than that I got nothing
>Mossa is a girl?
I had the same reaction when discovering Glazen(Tsunderebaka), Ginsisir, and most of the people that make content for the "female lesser enemies" tag on pixiv were also women.
Which of the following are contradictory einstein:
>Repeating setting elements are what ties a world together and makes it a cohesive whole
>units should not be redundant and fill already filled niches
>creating new units within existing themes to fill new roles is fine
Tomb kings and Brets should have stayed dead.
They have a lot of christian art (meaning mythology, saints, whatever) but they also have a lot of other religions and history in general. I wouldnt be surprised if they were christian, afaik its pretty common in korea, but I dont think its super major in their art.

The big one would be if Kingbang was a girl
>ollowing are contradictory einstein:
>>Repeating setting elements are what ties a world together and makes it a cohesive whole
>>creating new units within existing themes to fill new roles is fine
These two.
Mammoths exist, but rather than the seeing element ogres got stonehorns and thunder tusks.
Rhinox exist, but instead of reusing them they get another monstrous cavalry.
Almost all the 8th Ed centerpieces are are bad and detract from established themes.
8th ed models were honestly kino. Not a single thing that was awful, probably the best stuff this setting will ever see.
>Dragons are a thing which exists
>and would have existed in nehekhara,
Doubt, since Nehekhara wasn't elven territory
>dragons are therefore a thing the tomb kings would have interacted
Again, doubt.
>and which they would have managed to ressurrect as mounts.
Tomb Kings haven't been shown to resurrect anything bigger than a horse or a giant vulture. Anything bigger than that is a construct made of stone and animated.
GW could have easily instead used a pre-existing idea similar to the Khemric Titan, making it a massive beetle construct - which could have still flown. That would have been way more on-brand for the Tomb Kings.
>If you were to make a mount/monster for tilea or estallia, it should be a manticore or griffon, rather than some retarded and new thing from spanish mythology or italian folklore
I'd much rather see some unique mount rather than the umpteenth repetition of the same old monster mount
>If you were to give araby flying cavalry they should be riding pegasi rather than some weird arabic monster.
Joke's on you, pegasi are in arabic folklore, and they're not even a copypaste of the Greek myth.
>mammoths exist
And are a very different weight class to either of the things ogres got. The war mammoth is like 700 pts for a reason.

>but instead of reusing them they get another monstrous cavalry.
Where did I say this one was good? Mournfangs were not mentioned or discussed at all. Strictly speaking though rhinox didnt actually fill the same role because rhinox cav were never a proper unit, but at the same time just making rhinox cav a proper unit would have been more elegant than introducing some new monster just cuz.
I know its hillarious that GW is still trying to make new models when the PEAK was already established, its all downhill with female bretonians sadly.
>Doubt, since Nehekhara wasn't elven territory
Dragons exist and have existed all over the world, elves did not introduce them as a species or define their habitats. The elves just have a kinship with dragons, and more specifically certain breeds of dragons (which tend to view their continental kin as primitive and degenerate). There are dragons on every continent and in every corner of the world except lustria (iirc) - where they were displaced by the carnosaurs and other megafauna.

>Again, doubt.
In every corner of the world there are dragons and either dragon riders or dragon hunters, its simply inevitable. The empire doesent ride dragons, but it has people who must on occasion kill dragons because dragons are big scary monsters. The same goes for dwarfs, or bretonnians, or the norse, or anyone else for that matter (we dont know of any, but I would bet the people of araby have local heroes who in times of yore slew ancient wyrms who once rained fire and death down upon the people).

The tomb kings had an expansive empire ruled by proud warrior monarchs, them encountering and hunting the various monsters that would be found in their lands is imo basically a certainty. Youre going to have tomb kings who slew giants and trolls and even dragons. So from that point its just a matter of raising it back up again.

>I'd much rather see some unique mount rather than the umpteenth repetition of the same old monster mount
Im not against unique mounts if they are actually unique, as opposed to being !(thing) in practice. Cathay in TWW are a particularly bad example with reskinned pegasi, manticores and harpies.

But repetition is good, repetition is something the game needs more of. Shared special rules, shared weapons, shared mounts and monsters, thats the shit that makes it feel like its all one big world that everyone happens to share.
I'm struggling to think of an 8th Ed model that was good.
Some of the unique heroes being.
and im struggling to think of anything before 6th edition that was good, probably even 7th edition if im to be stern.

longma are great concept but I dont like the execution of it from TWW. Frankly I wish cathay was more wuxia focused than Xianxia.
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The aracknarok is a pretty good kit imo. With very little conversion work you could make a free forest goblin rock lobba with crew outtah the flinger bits
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It really does seem like the GW figure is made to appeal to children compared to the Perry fig, but I can't quite put my finger on why exactly. The bare clubbed feet certainly aren't helping
why dont the bows have a string
>Im not against unique mounts if they are actually unique, as opposed to being !(thing) in practice.
>But repetition is good, repetition is something the game needs more of.
Lmao okay
I think longma are fine since theyre so minor, but honestly dont know what would be lost if they were just made straight up pegasi. Its the sort of thing which in game (meaning the tabletop) would only be done because they need longma riders to have that 2+ save and as such gave their pegasi scaly skin (but even then you have barding).
I haven't tied one on
he holding a bananas hehe.
That is a good one.

The rest of 8th with its magic chariots and shit can go.
>he didnt like the elf hawk chariot
Yes? Thats not even contradictory. Repetition is good and something which should be strived for, but unique units (when done well) can be a very impactful and effective part of setting a factions identity in both mechanical and thematic terms.
Reusing existing things as much as possible is also just good game design, expressing what ideas you have in as simple a way as possible makes the game more elegant and flow better.
Virgin CADslop vs Chad Hand Sculpted Miniature
Since the thread is autosaging now is the time for shitposts.

>Valkia the bloody
>Norscan "Consort of khorne"
>Khorne is known as "The wolf" to the norscans
>Norscans are Scandinavian expies, making Valkia white
>You just know.
Got a 2500 point game against Orcs with my Bret exiles. How fucked am I?
That's why I'm not reading the books after the first six.
They match up well. Don't forget your first charge rule to negate his warband and horde on his units.

If he brings more than 3 fanatics he's being a dick but having lore of battle and pillar of fire/ your ray spell might be useful for them just in case.
her tribe is literally called "schwarzvolf"
Complete newfag and have no games under my belt as I'm still building my army.

I keep hearing people say Infantry suck and the game is just montsers and heavy cav.

Is this true? I wanted to play a proper rank and flank game and despise hero-hammer.
>Is this true?
Yes and no. This edition leans towards fast units like cavalry because charging gets you an initiative bonus, and no step up means that hitting first is a big deal.

But it's not as dire as people make it out to be. Some armies have great infantry and even the armies with the worst infantry have SOMETHING they can do with the infantry they have.
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Dwarf airship (aka thunderbarge) is definitely not a 8ed invention.
>even the worst indantry have SOMETHING they can do

I'd heard that the only thing infantry are really good for is being a speedbump to your enemies monsters and cav.

I guess that's better than nothing, but it just feels odd to me that you can charge a unit of cavalry straight into the front arc of a deep block of spearmen and have that go well for the cavalry.
>I'd heard that the only thing infantry are really good for is being a speedbump to your enemies monsters and cav.
The guy you heard that from was wrong.

Almost every faction has at least one great infantry choice. If you look up thread people are complaining about night goblins being too good.
>The Druchii should have a half-Elf war-thrall/janissary/mameluke/ghilman caste specifically bred via magick/alchemy by the Cult of Slaanesh to serve as more-rapdily replenishing cannon-fodder.
Or just "drugged warriors slaves" like in lore ?
No, a select few people are just bitching because they want the game to be thinly-veiled historicals and can't stomach not being able to insta-win by fielding $600+ worth of infantry like in the MSU-dominant edition that killed fantasy.
I've found my units getting bigger and bigger.

Stacking buffs on more models and doubling the enemy unit strength causing an auto break means I really like 40 unit strength units of infantry now and 12 or more cavalry models.
I've been considering trying out a block of 9-11 Chaos Knights with the banner of Rage and a Daemonology Sorc Lord.
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do we REALLY need too though?
Because Chaos is a meme. Dumb fuck Chaos worshippers try to pull shit saying
>hurr everytime you do a hecking violence you fuel Khorne so actually you're already a Chaos worshipper so why not just legalise it for me??
But it's all horseshit.
Chaos is just the IT system of an alien power plant gone awry trying to justify it's own existence, just tell it to shut the fuck up and empower your magic banner.

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