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was he right?
When are Clanners ever right about anything?
the hell even is going on with the kickstarter? seems like it's been at "everything is in the warehouse, shipping next week!" for two months.
He didn't even realize he was his own target until the council pointed it out while looking for more things to kill. He's a dumbass. Probably learned it from a Cappie.
Some people have gotten shipping confirmations already, but not many. So it should be getting out soon.
Have a game next weekend, just had to explain that we're using BV2.0 instead of BV1.0, this is like our third or fourth game together. I'm wondering if he's been using 1.0 the whole time.
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Donegal Guard, unknown regiment (might go 5th). Currently awaiting some further minis to make it a full Battalion. Hopefully some of them will be with the kickstarter, if CGL deins to actually give us our rewards after grossly overcharging us for shipping.

Thats a nice clan force anon, but its no WoB force. A Shadow Division would be using a lot of Celestials with maybe a captured clan mech or two, and the protos were a failed experiment. But, it is a nice later era Clan frontline force.
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And 1st Genyosha, minus a Hatamoto Chi, Hunchback, and Catapult K2, all unfinished on my desk, and 2 more Shilone that ive misplaced.
I think that event last thread is the most extreme example I've seen of someone needlessly turning a small mistake into being ripped apart by the entire general.
Dark age jade falcon-tier pointless, counter productive belligerence.
so for a jade falcon force, you're gonna want a lot of ullers, lokis, and summoners. less commonly so would then be fire falcons, black lanners, night gyrs and turkinas. if you go into dark age there's their revitalized line you can look into too but for the time being those are ironwind only unless you know a good 3d printer.

for clan aerospace, you must remember 2 clanner omnifighters = 1 point. additionally, clan pilots aren't any better than inner sphere pilots, they're also 4/5
Looking at it, im unsure if he was baiting or actually genuinely serious, I know we have had a massive influx of newfags who dont bother reading the lore or understand that if you turn up with 3 stars of clanmechs, an elemental star, and a proto star, then try to claim its an IS force for the Jihad era, people are going to laugh in your face. Kind of like turning up with a Lyrian Guards company of 4 Dragons, 2 Quickdraws, 4 Panthers, a Crockett and a No-Dachi. People will look at you and tell you that its obviously a Drac company. Having a paddy about it doesnt change anything.
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There aint no way I could do that.
Is there any way to get a griffin besides the Beginner box?
I love the crab so much I do not care if it is functionally extinct in 3025 you cannot stop me from using it
nta but it's not really that hard but i wouldn't do it to any painted minis. like snipping the base off the mini, turning it so its feet are one the edge one over. then snipping it in half across the waist will and glueing the top half back on will give it a wide power stance. add snipping the right arm off to raise it up as if it's firing and you got a new unique pose. another thing you can do? swap the left and right legs. once you snip them off the mech diaper, just snip off the former inside of the leg smooth. it won't have that armor bump on the outside but no one will notice.
kell hounds
legendary mechwarrior 3
in mul, is there an option to hide all 'inner sphere general' mechs and only see the faction specific ones?
Nobody's going to.
You could put an orca in your 3025 lance, go where your heart takes you, but people are probably going to call it weird.
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My blue angels rhuds hiding behind the wolfhounds, with the green griffons and crusaders
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Thuds* even.

Thunderbolts! Are Go!
Presented in supermarionation!

Team Space America! Fuck yeah!
Gonna save the motherfucken Sphere Now!
Team Space America! Fuck yeah!
unfortunately not. which faction are you trying to find mechs for? could also help narrow shit down by era too
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CGL will hire anyone except people who play battletech...
>verification not required.
NULN oil really works poorly when it pools in the cracks of the clouds of jump jet exhaust.
looks kinda glossy too, needs to be shook up more i think.

CGL will hire people who think having assigned at birth sex slaves is a positive thing. I used to think people talking about the porch incident being covered up because of mormonism were just schizo's but now i think they might be on to something.
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Also it's worth saying that anyone who *isn't* Caps will take Vindicators and either part them out or run them into the ground and throw them out. The Caps deliberately designed them to use non-standard components to make it harder for other people to support and maintain them. Since the Pixie, Griffin, Centurion, and most Wolverine variants all fill similar battlefield niches and absolutely mog it in at least one respect there's no real reason for them to go out of their way to keep it running. Whereas the Caps need it to fill almost every one of those roles and settle for the jack-of-all-trades.
What are the simplest Drac and Capellan paint schemes? Gonna print and paint some opfor, but I don't want to spend any more time on them than I have to.
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Select the faction whose mechs you want to see. Unless you meant all faction specific mechs sans IS general. In which case just select all the factions and skip IS general.

7th Comguards 417th division, level III. Still debating adding more vehicles, and I have a pair of Hammerheads and Rapiers arriving at some point in the future.
Red dracs.
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I tried something different with my Steiner mechs, really not happy with how it's turning out.
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My collection is somewhat sporadic but my general idea/aim is a Rasalhague company that went through the invasion and was eventually modernized with the Dominion. Any mechs in particular that don't make sense to include?
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>The Caps deliberately designed them to use non-standard components to make it harder for other people to support and maintain them.
>Man discovers that most black is just actually really dark red because it uses iron oxide, thus making his Steiner mechs actually Purple Bird.

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I use mechs by their speed in initiative, so a 6/9 would be activated before a 4/6

...or is it the other way around... yes it is. Slowest mechs activate first, to further simulate the nimbleness of the lighter and faster machines.
Crusader 3K (4/4)
Scorpion 1N (4/5)
Quickdraw 5A (4/4)
Crab 20 (4/4)
Rate it
Sword of light. Solid bright red all over. Ez pz.
Unicorns/10 unless you're a Ghost regiment, in which case 3034+/10.
Its also based in abbadon black, with sections painted over (without gwtting all the way into many gaps) with wraithbone and other sections with corax white. So a lot of the black in the gaps of rhe jump jet is actually black paint and not the nuln.
I wanted my smoke stacks to look like smoke from a really dirty fire.
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well, it sorta explains the quality of mw5's story i guess?
Why does the Catapult in the back row have arms?
Force is currently built around a Jihad era timeframe, just as a general rule though I may want to throw in some of the later totemic mechs at some point. I'll keep that in mind.

Thanks for the advice though! Most of what I have now was built from what I could get in the regular force-packs.

Reposing is not that hard, just needs a hobby/razor saw and a tiny bit of patience especially with something like the Wolfhound. Reposing arms and heads would go a long way to making them look different.
I tired to make the jump jet fwooshes look like pictures and footage i have seen over my life of the smoke pouring out of volcanoes.
A really thick dirty nasty bkack smoke that gets greyer and whiter at the 'edges' of the cloud as it dissapates.
That's a Viking, bro.
Has anyone used the MechPack addon for the BEX mod (for the HBS game)?

This one: https://github.com/AkiraBrahe/BTX_ExpansionPack
It was not a small mistake we ripped him apart for, it was being a petulant cunt when people said "you made a large mistake, but nice models". Then he doubled down.
Anon showed up and announced they had a British East India Company force. Half of it is a lovingly-painted and historically-correct Zulu Impi with the age-set markings from 1872. The other half is a mix of BEIC troops and Hessian grenadiers, all organized like a French Dragoon unit.
>40k (ugh)
>Nurgle unit
>Half is Sisters of Battle in an immaculate Order of the Argent Shroud scheme
>Other half is mostly demons and Legionnaires, but in squads of nine, with Imperial Guard Tanks, and the leader is riding on a Tzeentch Screamer
Anon showed up, acted like a Cockfalcon, and we refused his batchall
And now he's passive-aggressively whining about getting blown out.
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No, the Catapult that has 0 (read: ZERO) LRM's on it but does have two very out of place arms.
They look good on it, but it is a WTF headscratcher.
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Viking: when the answer to "How many LRMs?" is "Yes."

I think only the Nova Cat and Bane beat it.
Thanks for the insights anon. In that case, I'll just start with LCT/CMD/(SHD or CAT)/WLV, since I already have them all, and skulk about a bit for deals. Probably be a bit before I can start painting, unfortunately, and that's assuming my paints are still good after a few years in a box.
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Cestus CTS-6Y

in this case I believe the sculptor reused the Catapults hull.
I see.
The model looks good but it absolutely screams Catapult, attempting to reuse the main body of such an iconic mech for a literal-who unit is a mistake.
But it does give me an idea for a custom Cat with 6 medium lasers using arms from an archer on the base model, I'll have to try bashing such an STL sometime.
What did you mean by this? There's no purple.
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>Complains about Sphereoid corruption
>Uses contractions
>Absolutely dezgra behavior
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>What are the simplest Drac and Capellan paint schemes?
Several Drac regiments are either medium grey or tan with a couple accent panels. Really easy to hit them with Coyote, Flat Dark Earth, or grey primer, panel line, and drybrush. Red is pretty fucking annoying to make look good, and many of their other units are flat white or camo. Which are also both really annoying to get looking good.
Simplest Capellan scheme is McCarron's Armored Cavalry, just paint them silver and panel line. Or a heavy drybrush of silver over a black basecoat.

The stock Catapult mini re-used the Marauder's legs and a light resculpt of its body, while the Champion re-used the Cat body with light embellishments and the Marauder's jet turbines.
>The bash
Hell yeah. Get Mechforce up ins.
Why did the clans stop using contractions? Are they stupid?
They don't mind contracting words, they just hate to use '
Take a look at the mech on the right again. Look closely.
The dark blue one?
Any smaller dropships that carry something weird like 2 lances? I have a 3025 unit that is sub-company sized, but I don't want them to be yet another leopard crew
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Im not in total disagreement. There is a better sculpt out there but my lack of a printer limits me. There is always metal. The mech itself is a solid performer
So the Clint is named after Clint Eastwood, and the Jenner is named after Bruce Jenner, what other mechs are named after real world people?
Owens and Uziel for a starter.
Jesse Owens I assume? Nothing comes to mind for Uziel.
The Owens is named after an old Irish song, associated with cavalry units.

The blue slathered in dark red "black"
it's probably named after the gun called an Uzi, which in turn is named after its designer Uziel Gal
The netflix version?
Shortening words with ' is corrupting the Purity of Star League English.
You would not violate the Sanctity of Star League English, quineg?
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I give it 50/50
You would not violate the sanctity of your sister, no?
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Davy Crockett, right?
Are you going to perhaps issue a BATtle CHALLenge over this? Would you be willing to grant SAFe CONduct? I assure you, if we come to blows over this matter, you will feel quite Powless in a way you have not since you last tussled with the RISing sTAR of your SIBling COmpany.
Not a mech, but the J. Edgar Hovercraft is named after J. Edgar Hoover, in perhaps the shittiest pun in Battletech.
It it because it has a skirt?
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When I try to update the Community Asset Bundle for the HBS game, it almost immediately says "The CAB upgrade has failed, please report to the maintainers with the logs from this tool".

I checked online and some folks said to try using a VPN; this didn't help.

I successfully downloaded it as recently as a couple months ago, though the installer has since updated.

Does anyone by chance know the solution? Thanks.

Pic not related.
if I add the coolant truck to fill up last 300bv or so, does it make my list combined arms?
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Was able to get 8 medium lasers, more heat sinks and more armor in exchange for dropping the LRM-15's and ammunition, turns into into a pretty decent brawler.
Don't see how to drop the no/minimal arms quirk in megamek lab though.
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That's between you and Frederick Steiner.

Side-note: How's the eye patch staying in place here? Is it glued on?
Probably through a waxy removable glue of some sort.
You keep it in place by glowering, like a monocle.
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but that was the official and proper use of star league english, as deemed to be the case by the star league
abandoning and attacking contractions is itself an attack on the star league
same way a buttplug does.
There's rivets or something on the upper corners so he said just bolt that shit on I guess
As you can clearly see there are a couple of nails securing it to his head
Could be an implant and those things are just bolts holding a cover over the electronics. I’d hope they have stuff like that by then.
>I’d hope they have stuff like that by then.
It was available but Freddy didn't take any fancy implants after Teddy blew half his face off. It's just an eye-patch.
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Got a learning game in today at the FLGS - Succession Wars, 6k BV. Conceded defeat after 8 or so rounds, but it was still fun.

>>My Forces:
>Grasshopper (5H) [4/5] - lost the RT/RA towards the end. Called defeat here.
>Catapult (C1) [3/4] - got one-two punched in the head with the Griffin's PPC and then the LRM-15.
>Centurion (A) [3/4] - through armor-critical from the Orion's AC/10 and it hit an ammo bin in the LT.
>Enforcer (4R) [3/4] - mostly intact, but no RL armor left and a crit took out a foot actuator.

>Orion (K) [3/4] - lost LT/RA/HD armor, somehow avoided taking crits when shots went internal.
>Crusader (3R) [4/5] - exhausted all LRM-15 ammo, lost all LA armor.
>Griffin (1N) [3/5] - lost all CT/RCT armor, nothing went internal.
>Enforcer (4R) [3/5] - lost all leg armor and two jump jets.

>>After-Action Thoughts:
>Always take the opportunity to get on a higher level next to an opponent to throw on the Punch table when Kicking.
>Don't split fire too much, should've focused the Lance onto the Orion when it was charging down the middle.
>Hilly terrain hindered Centurion's ability to keep up with the rest of the lance to get in the fight.
>IntroTech mechs with too much ammo need to get rid of it as fast as possible, miss the shots you don't take.
>Missed opportunity to press the Catapult into the Orion with the 4 Medium Lasers in lieu of the LRMs when I had the chance.
>Shouldn't have jumped as much as I did since that screwed with heat after so many alpha strikes.

As this was the second time I lost a Centurion to an ammunition explosion, my opponent recommended I switch to the Large Laser variant for the next game.
honestly think 3/4 is worth it. I would go for 4/4 and make the lance heavier
>my opponent recommended I switch to the Large Laser variant for the next game.

The LL Centurion is much more survivable. Not just less ammo, but a lot more armor as well (I think max for the weight).

On the other hand, you lose 2 damage and make 1 extra heat.

I wouldn't normally recommend it as a "straight upgrade" or anything, but if your Centurion keeps dying, you should definitely consider it.
Most mechcommanders concede just one turn away from turning it all around with a lucky roll.
Agreed, the phenomenon is well known in the simulation and especially Combat Mission community. If you're hurting the enemy is almost always hurting just as bad; I think it's almost always worth playing a scenario out to its conclusion.
IIRC the Lion (one of the Clan droppers, anyways) was initially a SLDF double-lance transport.
Uziel is an angel - both the guy and the mech are named after it.
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Ha ha ha crusader go fwoosh.
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The green griffins. For even MOAR FWOOSH.
I thought you meant that the MG ammo in the center torso exploded...again.
So far the only game I've had so far where it didn't feel like it could go either way until the very end was one where there was a very specific loss condition for my side that the other side didn't know about and accidentally achieved about six turns in.
>loss condition for my side that the other side didn't know about
That's retarded.
I'll give it a try. I've been using BEX + Big Deal addon for over a year now.
>ywn see the timeline where Focht goes blakist and gets a cyber eye
Well, that too. But jumping crusader is just silly. Its
>so we herd you liek fwoosh, so we put jump jets on your mech so whilst you are going fwoosh with your missile fists, you can go fwoosh with your jump jets! You can fwoosh whilst you fwoosh, dog.
Use fwoosh from jump jets to cancel fwoosh from missiles and hover perfectly in midair
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And of course the blue angels thunderbolts.

Because one lance of 4/6/4 jumpers is not enough, i neeeeeeed more.

4 entire lances of comparatively heavy battlemechs bunny hopping towards the enemy in bounding cover leapfrog advances.

I just use the MUL. Whether that's 1.0 or 2.0, I have no idea. Why are there even different versions?
That shows BV2. And there's two versions because BV1 had some notable problems.
For being functionally extinct it sure showed up a lot in both the BT and MW5 videogames.
The vidya often play fast and loose with availability to let us use more of the fun mechs instead of sticking to the IS General availability list.
>play fast and loose with availability
The availability is whatever you want, the video games are playing correctly.
All of you faggots obsessed with arbitrarily restricting the game for undefined fluff lines about exclusivity, rarity and extinction are objectively wrong.
Based crab enjoyer.
What mods are you trying to run?
BT has cybernetics, and Comstar is the most advanced IS faction. I just figured it wasn't actually an eye patch, but some kind of sensor unit or comlink or whatever.
Brother Crab enjoyer
anon, that's not what an exhaust plume looks like. Even at it's dirtiest it looks grey and brown, not black. Most of the time it's just white.

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Been awhile since I actually played MW5. Thinking that the 5th DLC was going to be the final one and then finding out that there was a 6th one really put a damper on me wanting to start a new career/campaign, again. Done that about 30 times by now.
Anyway, loaded up my file that has the most days passed in game on it and decided to look up 4 medium mechs, 2 that are supposed to be common and 2 that are supposed to be rare.
I've encountered nearly as many Assassins as I have Phoenix Hawks and have somehow encountered more Crab than Wolverine. Sure, statistically it's possible, but it should be unlikely.
As someone who's still early game and playing in Steiner space, I've seen an absolute fuckload of UrbanMechs, but I suspect that it's because of YAML wanking it. Does the Clan Invasion actually happen in the game?

But that shouldn't matter; it's the CAB install that's failing.

I'm doing it now from an old precache I downloaded off of Nexus; hopefully it's good enough.
MW5 stops in 3049, so no. The upcoming MW5: Clans is less an expansion and more a standalone game, like how MW4: Mercs had very little to do with MW4: Vengeance

I meant, is it any good? Modmods are hit and miss in my experience, especially balance-wise. I recently tried Flashpoints of the Inner Sphere and they were all super heavy, unbalanced crap.
I actually ignore the additional Flashpoints added by BigDeal, only use the additional mechs it adds.
FPotIS somehow fucks it so that only their flashpoints appear, ever. I even tried playing with the weights and it didn't work.
GTFO, this isn't /v/
That means nothing coming from an illiterate retarded bitch.
>being this cranky
It is the smoke i have seen.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class from Sandhurst, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on the Clans, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top gunslinger in the entire ComGuard . You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in the Inner Sphere, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the HPG network? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of ROM agents across the Inner Sphere and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the ComGuard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the galaxy, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.
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Seeing lots of Urbies is normal. Same with Locusts and at least in Steiner space, should be normal for the Commando even. Coincidentally, that file I took the pic for is one that was also using the YAML mod and starting in Steiner space. I just wanted to be able to pick up some Commandos and get a solid light lance early on. Finding some Wolfhounds though, well, that's a bit trickier.
god, at this point I might screw detail and just spray paint over prepainted orion. it just refuses to be stripped
Seeing a lot of Urbanmechs might be you just seeing the same lot of Urbanmechs a lot. You do end up reselling them, and those mechs gotta end up being used somewhere.
Speaking of Urbies, I've determined that it's possible to strap 3 PPCs to a UM-R60L by stripping off absolutely everything else except for the minimum required heatsinks. I call it KILLTUB, and it's retarded, being able to take 5 shots before overheating and getting mission killed if any of its heatsinks blow.
God help the enemies of House Steiner if I manage to find Endo and DHS for this thing.
Neat. So you at the LZ next year when your finally arrive. Hopefully the clans haven't invaded by then.
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>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
>a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
True and factual. My go-to Urbie is actually an R60 refit with a 140 engine at the cost of downgrading the AC/10 with an AC/5 and two machine guns; serves as a tanky little striker/objective demolisher at 75kph.
Lately though, I've been trying out the Phoenix Hawk, and I'm actually mildly upset that it's a ubiquitous mech because it's just really fucking good. Handles like a dream, everything just works, and even when I limit test it, at most I take structure to the arms.
He was wrong to only built one plotship.
You mean the giant fucking battleship, based on Snow Raven plans, that be pulled from literally nowhere?

They could have just given him a McKenna or a few Texases and say they were taken from Brian Caches.
Don't you fucking badmouth the PLOTSHIP ZALMAN!

It was pretty fucking retarded, but not as much as Bear production.
Rocket and jet exhaust is not a jacked up F350 rolling coal. There's a reason I posted videos of actual rocket exhaust from real launches.
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>First person to come up with plans to steal the Mackie from the Terran Hegemony
>Killed Geralk Marik with copies of said stolen battlemech in earliest (pretty sure) deployment of mechs in combat
>We don't even know what he looks like because there's no pictures of him
Seriously? We're not talking about some footnote in the lore here, this is kinda important.
Wasn't the first deployment of mechs in combat when a lance including the Mackie's first test pilot laid waste to an entire DCMS tank company?
Is this BattleTech General or BattleTech: A Game Of Armored Combat General?
Was it? I think I might've mentally lumped that in with the initial Mackie test against the Merkavas. My mistake.
So after the plans leaked and everyone started making therr own hiw much trade of bsttlemechs was there initially? I know the Camerons tried to restrict the spread of technology and goods, but did you have trade of battlemechs and their designs between the different houses?
how many points over the bv limit (6000, 8000, 10000...) are you willing to look/gloss over?
I'm a 10% man. More than that and your ass is geting a beating for breaking Gentleman's Code.
10% is way too high. That's enough for entire extra units. You feeling stubborn about the mechs you want to use in the game, then lower some pilot stats. 1-2% over is much more fair. Remember it's okay to go under the agreed upon BV too.
Gave my answer in response to the other anon. He's certainly more generous than I am about it, but also seems more likely to get upset if you take advantage of his generosity. I hope you're not asking this question though because you plan on making lists that always go over. Use some discretion. My most recent game I had all my pilots at 3/4. It was a little over, but I asked my opponent if that was fine as otherwise my Panther being at 3/5 made the points work. He was okay with the higher stats just for the sake of convenience and knowing that all my guys had the same stats.
Stop trying to make the Falcons look bad, it's working.
well i was asking because it was because it's either something like 30bv under or 5bv over with what i have/will have. cool
10% doesn't mean shit when BATTLETECH happens. I'm more than willing to give my opponent that handicap.
if i go over i explicitly tell my opponent and ask if they want me to lower something or if they want to raise somethings g/p
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Man, he was almost Shadowrun's problem and not ours.
LOL! Oh anon, your innocence with your question is refreshing. 5BV over is totally fine. It is a very tiny and insignificant amount.
Okay Kaiba. We get it. You're the best player ever.
anybody know what's the ACES box?
Anything less than 1 point.
Who is this?
Rem Alternis, BT's "new" community manager (it's been several months).

I'll be honest I don't keep up with catalyst. What's he done?
Additional information: she's the one that used the furor over the "Pride Anthology" to hijack the BT subreddit, who has taken control of most BattleTech communities online and started banning people who disagree with her, and who has fired well-liked demo team members.

She's very unpopular, but people aren't allowed to say so.

I do honestly wonder why Catalyst hired her. I mean that literally, not rhetorically; what were the decisions that led to it?
2% is about it. Depends on the base points though.
Bryan Young
Oh no... i am having intrusive thoughts /btg/...

They are telling me I should paint my banshee's brilliant shining fucking GOLD...

Quick! tell me why giant golden gods BNC 3S is bad.
Because it should be a Q.
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SOL has to be the simplest drac scheme. Just gw baal red contrast (hit recesses with vallejo sepia shade if it comes out too bright), highlight with vallejo orange red, add details and voila.
The need to prevent the Shadowrun crowd from burning down company HQ and making off with the porch.

I "solved" the problem. The problem was on my new laptop, which runs Windows 11 (pro, if it matters). Updating the thing on my old (Windows 10 pro) machine worked fine. Now I'm copy+pasting the files over.

What Windows 11's problem is...I cannot say.
NTA but what was the problem with the Shadowrun community?

Also, Dumpshock does seem still "free".
0, and I'm usually short somewhere around 50-100 points myself.
They wanted to hire internal and she's literally the only person in the entire company who is qualified for that job and/or is the only one who will do it for what they're paying.
Is that Jackrabbit just a rip off version of the AC/2 Commando?
What was she doing for CGL before?
Some shadowrun demo team stuff iirc.
They don't make a bnc 3q mini. Only 3s.

You will take the slow one and you will like it reeeeee.
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Jesus. Reading through that really drives home why he's Stackpole's heir apparent and CGL's new golden child. I guess BT novels are going to be fair to garbage for another 20 years.
Win after 7 is explicitly designed to not work.
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What trans character is there in BattleTech?

I meant, there could be a hundred; I'm sure that the Canopians have the ability if no one else does.

But is anyone explicitly trans?

Should I not be asking this question? Is this going to derail the thread again?
>I guess BT novels are going to be fair to garbage for another 20 years.

When has this every not been the case?
The problem is/was that Shadowrun has been all but abandoned because it's Battletech that makes money. The latest Shadowrun books are phoned in to a level hitherto unknown to mortal men, and almost no attention is paid to the game at events. The community is perpetually at the edge of revolt, and their spaces are heavily policed to silence (rightful) dissent.
They used to be fair to middling with the occasional stand out. The statistical distribution has shifted more toward the garbage end with fewer gems.
He's the guy that thinks Focht is a ladyboy. Not sure if that's who he's talking about though.
>>8 year old "trans" kid
Yeah, it's the whole Focht thing. Even though Stackpole himself said a month or so ago that it was never a thing and that someone else had already used it and he didn't want to copy it.

people are starting to realize it's meant to be an example that the tech is that much advanced as compared to what we have now rather than an attempt at representation
>He's the guy that thinks Focht is a ladyboy.
>Yeah, it's the whole Focht thing.

What Focht thing?

Frederick Steiner was a dude. Anastasius Focht was a dude.

Was there some sort of intermediate female stage?
There's a throwaway line in one of the books where they consider Focht might have been a chick when trying to figure out who he is. This was latched onto by Bryan Young then Stackpole, recently, said that he wasn't and was never going to be.
They mentioned once in a novel that they knew so little about him that anything was possible, such as maybe being a woman in disguise, or "Focht" being some kind of codename.
That was a lie, it didn't work...but I think I know why.

Windows 11 straight-up will not let me set a folder not to be read-only. I keep changing it, it keeps changing it back. Why does it even let me uncheck the box?
Blessed Blake preserve us.
So Bryan Young is just latching on to some throwaway kind while completely ignoring the context to push some headcanon? Seriously, who the fuck is this guy?
Is your install in Program Files? Windows has been really messy about permissions and shit on things installed in there going back several iterations now, and I know issues with some games and especially modding them comes up if they're installed there.
>throwaway kind
throwaway *line
No, it's in C:\GOG Games\BATTLETECH
>Seriously, who the fuck is this guy?

At a guess, someone who very, very badly wants there to be a major trans character in BattleTech, and who is willing to do what it takes to believe that.
>At a guess, someone who very, very badly wants there to be a major trans character in BattleTech, and who is willing to do what it takes to believe that.
Wasn't this the biggest problem people had with the Pride Fanfiction Anthology?
That stories were selected more for their hamfisted LGBTQ 'representation' than being BattleTech?
there's a reason he's one of the couple official authors that had a short endorsement featured in that "fan"zine.
Weren't there clanners unironically going "uwu" or something in one of the stories? There's representation and then there's just fetish stuff.
That's the biggest problem people have with the alphabet people in general. If it was just about representation, it wouldn't matter if they were good guys or bad guys. They would just low key fit into the universe.
Holy shit. They are so fucking gold. Even liberace is gonna be looking at these pimpin banshees and say daaaaaayum.
>Weren't there clanners unironically going "uwu" or something in one of the stories?
No, but if I remember right the dialog was nearly as cringeworthy.

>That's the biggest problem people have with the alphabet people in general. If it was just about representation
Thing is, nobody wants to be labeled the "Bad Guy," and discrimination historically uses such generalizations to justify itself.

>They would just low key fit into the universe.
I'd agree this would be better, but for it to have any focus at all requires there to be some sort of issue.
Like, a Canopean Planetary Noble requires everyone on her Planet to be Female; It's a little crazy and more than a bit fucked up considering they could actually do it, but it will start asking questions the writers are nowhere near able to handle.
MWO's banshee has six fingers per hand
The other problem Shadowrun has been having -- for almost a quarter century -- is that none of the people who founded Catalyst are from the RPG side of FASA. They're all spine fiction authors, editors, and occasional wargamers. Every single RPG-related project they've written on their own has violently cratered. Often laughably so. Even the ones they license and copy-paste terms from the new IP into have performed like fucking garbage. There's a mix of no enthusiasm from the owners (who are often the people physically running their convention booths and scheduling events), which means no event support, the old catch-22 of "bad rules breed bad sales, no sales means no investments to improve it", and something of the Siembieda Problem. IE recognizing that the brand is a millstone around their neck, but narcissistically refusing to let it go to anyone else because they'd never get it back and it'd be admitting defeat.. while also resenting the community for demanding updates Catalyst knows they can't write and calling them out for their bullshit.
All he'd have to do is just put one in his Fox Tales stuff. Boom, he has what he wants and can be touted as "the leader of LGBT representation in Battletech". Instead he looks to twist the meaning of another authors words despite being told otherwsie
>Thing is, nobody wants to be labeled the "Bad Guy,"

Too bad. Sexual proclivity isn't a virtue. It's just a characteristic like hair or skin color. If you can't make bad guys from a group, then they suck. Need a gay pirate as fucking mean as Ryan.
It was a Combine pilot who went "uwu" towards a Ghost Bears elemental. When I read it it was the third story I read and pretty much ruined the whole thing for me
I think it was actually "rawr"
Actually, yeah, I think it was that
I don't know if that makes it any better. Especially since it's a Combine pilot to a Ghost Bear elemental.
Bryan young seems like a bit of a wokie but I enjoyed both his jade falcon books and there was nothing in there suspect other than already canon clan attittudes towards sex. If they want to make someone gay they could do Devlin Stone, as someone pointed out a few threads ago. He never married or showed any kind of sexual attraction to women and had two younger advisors/aide de camp he was close to (david lear Tucker). Lear in particular he was really upset about when he died and he disappeared shortly after. Sure it doesn't mean he's gay, he might be assexual or just very private, but it would make sense
>ww2 game
>opponent is bringing Italians
>his force is a mix of Japanese and Russian infantry with an American tank and a British field gun
>all using any relevant rules for the equipment/nation, tanks using m4 stats, etc
>"but it's muh Italians"
sarna after 3060 be like https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Capellan_Confederation
Before it's a mess, after it's empty, regardless of the article it's useless beyond figuring out which book the information you want is in.
>they used captured and leased equipment all the time dude
>what do you mean that's not a reasonable explanation for the IS-7 in my 1939 italian army?
WOB used clan technology but not so much clan mechs, can't actually think of a single canon example of them using a clan mech anywhere. They hated the clans and would be loath to use their equipment. Doesn't mean it would never happen. They used celestials, comstar/SLDF mechs, a few new WOB designs and their own custom refits of classic IS designs.

We have the mechs used by the Opacus Venatori from 3066/3072, not a single clan mech to be seen amongst 30+ unique different mechs
On the other hand, we have FochtStsr fielding an entire division of Clan Mechs, organized in Stars and shit.
a RAT posted in the previous thread says a shadow division has a one in thirty six chance of bringing a clan mech in any weight class, so the odds of WoB clan mechs being present at all is very low, let alone bringing something like a level III of protomechs and clan mechs.
Probably less than that across the board, as other RATs for Shadow Divisions (like the one in Hesperus) have zero clan units in them.
Oh hell he's that retard.
Paedophile. Thats a fucking child abusing paedophile.
So one clan mech per level 3, that seems reasonable.

I'll be fair, my own WOB militia have a single Hunchback 2C amongst their number.
>if you kick you roll on the kick table at -2
>if you punch roll on the punch table.
Ok makes sense
>Melee weapons hit on the regular hit location table. But they can choose to hit on the kick OR punch table at +4 in ADDITION to the particular melee weapons bonus
>But if you have an elevation advantage your kicks hit on the punch table and you can't punch. And if you have an elevation disadvantage you can't kick, and your punches use the kick table as do your physical weapons
>if you are forced to use a certain table due to elevation you don't get the +4 penalty.
>you can only attack with one melee attack a turn, except weapons that say you can attack twice, and except punches where you can attack with one or both arms, but only if the opponent is in front of you.

Yeah, this isn't intuitive at all, not even including pushes, charge attacks and all the various penalties for not having x or y actuator
a single clan mech is reasonable especially in the militia, a lot of whom weren't even political and didn't really care especially about the word of blake, or know how bad they were prior to the jihad. It's also a 2nd line battlemech.

Headcanon here but the best use of clan omnimechs captured by blakist forces would seem to be giving them to mercenaries/allied forces or using them in false flag attacks
>But if you have an elevation advantage your kicks hit on the punch table and you can't punch. And if you have an elevation disadvantage you can't kick, and your punches use the kick table as do your physical weapons
>if you are forced to use a certain table due to elevation you don't get the +4 penalty.
If your enemy is standing at arm level, his kicks are going to hit your upper torso, and your punches are going to hit his legs.
Asteroid scenery
It's always like this. We can't have an interesting character who also happens to be gay/transsexual/whatever, it absolutely has to be a blob of gay/transsexual/whatever with some token character description taken on. Painted in their flag and pushed as hard down your throat as you allow.
Ok this IS intuitive but its still complex
Not really.
When you think about it, Battletech is the Evangelion of the Real Robot genre, in that its mechs are designed to evoke a more organic, animalistic design, being artificial muscle wrapped around artificial bone.
Yeah nah, I'm getting "child abuse for the sake of ideology" vibes here.
Sorry to hear you've lost both hands anon, I hope this doesn't impact your daily life too much.
So I saw this and it was pretty cool but…how the fuck are you supposed to aim, or think, or not throw up if your mech bounces that much with every step?
I remember playing mw3 when I was young. Then a few years ago a friend got me into co-op MW5 for a little but we dropped it. Some time ago I tried MWLL a few times, but it was kinda jank and dead, although the combined arms aspect was great.
And now I downloaded megamek recently and been mostly getting asskicked by the AI but I love it.
Am I lost to the Battletech pipeline?
Ignore him. Its nuln oil anon sperging out again. He's legitimately as bad as Manic now. Note how he replies to himself.
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we don't have an actual true to canon depiction of mechs in motion. it's only cartoons and semi-canonical video games.
mechcommander gave mechs extremely smooth and steady gaits.
canonically mechs that move extremely fast are uncomfortable/a bumpy ride. The celerity drone mechs move so fast (16/24/32 hexes with masc) that when they were first encountered in combat and on sensors it was assumed said sensors were broken as piloting something moving that fast would be impossible
About a decade ago Microsoft forced my laptop to update to Windows 10. It bricked it. Laptop never worked again. I avoided it for as long as possible, found ways online to prevent the auto update and then I guess one day Microsoft found a workaround for it because it started the process without me ever giving it the okay and it killed my computer. Fucking bullshit man.
Your story of encountering problems with a Windows 11 conversion doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Battletech ain’t a very religious setting bro
i mis-clicked my reply, so sue me, faggot.
also, it is known as a JOKE, you fucking autismo retard.

HERE, JUST for you being a fucking gigantic retard, I will GREENTEXT the joke for you so you can identify it. you zero-reading-comprehension nutter.

>You will take the slow one and you will like it

I am horrifically incompetent at miniatures anything. we have covered this many times. I am not stupid enough to tempt fate by breaking out Ze Hobby Knoife. sounds like a good way to accidentally gouge out both eyes and a tooth.

that's why a running mech has a bigger penalty to aim than a walking mech.
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So the Banshee design was generated by ai then.
Make sure to play with environmental rules for a lunar biome. Make heat buildup interesting.
Battletech pipeline? What are you talking about? There are people who got into Battletech from the books, videogames, tabletop game, and even the cartoon. It doesn't matter what your entry point into the series was. You're here and all of those things are Battletech.
Yeah, with how you're constantly sperging out against others and trying to come up with pet names for everyone you personally don't like, you've managed to convince me that there never was a manic anon. Or that if there is a manic anon, it's you.
>Battletech pipeline? What are you talking about?
I'm joking about getting slowly sucked into the game.
God bless Texas
He's also the retard who made "white privilege" a thing in the clans.
>Marena was used to being underestimated. She was a Black woman and a merchant in a world dominated by barbarous Clan warriors like the lily-white Malvina Hazen.
He's a fucking hack who thinks directly shoving modern politics into the plot makes his writing "impactful."
NTA, but oh yeah, there DEFINITELY was a manic anon. but that was like years ago, he / xe /it faggoty tranny thing was a nightmare. he somehow got to massreport NEA, warship anon and lamfag into just not even posting anymore. i have not seen lamfag or warship anon post in forever, thanks to mani'cs psychotic hate campaign of mass reporting (falsely) their content. since lamfag was workingon rules to unfuck lams, without making them OP. and looking at de-fuckifying aerotech. warship anon as the name implies was working on making Warship a NOT retarded, NOR stupidly OP part of the seeting with spacetech rules for them that also didn't suck.

AFAIK those projects are now dead forever thanks to Manic. the fucking cunt.
It's a persistent issue for all giant robots and it is always solved through the magical act of hand waving.
Fronc Reaches is Texas, Taurians are more akin to Mexico during its Emperor days
Most people think the ceremonial dress of the jade falcons is a bird costume, but it's actually a white robe and capirote.
merchant makes sense and I don't find it hard to believe there would be colorism in the clans. Especially the jade falcons which seem like one of the whitest clans. Look at the art for malvina, Jiyi Chistu, Aiden pryde, Joanna and elizabeth hazen. They are predominantly white and blue eyed. For the same reason I wouldn't be surprised if white members of the Smoke Jaguars faced similar discrimination.
dude, manic was literally in the last thread
Bullshit, the clans have transcended that kind of discrimination.
The clans care about your caste and whether you're trueborn or not.
Casual discrimination makes no sense among the warrior caste, it would just be endless Batchall's
How did he think that purging all the clans which went to the inner sphere wouldn't include his?
I still don't understand the WoR
Racism is as old as humanity
You mean that the Concordat is not a free market AnCap paradise?
What will I post on the OF now
it would be more subtle and subconcious stuff than anything else, you'd stand out as different.
Doesn't matter, isn't a thing in the clans.
Didn't you hear though? It's only forcing politics if it's something they don't like, otherwise it's just "normal" and shouldn't ever be questioned.
Things like this >>93151020 are why they will never be accepted.
Would the tortuga dominions be the ancap 'paradise'?
The Clans are human, ergo they are racist
Then point out all the posts. If they were deleted, use one of the archive sites that lets you still see deleted posts. You're making the accusation, time to provide the proof.
>I don't find it hard to believe there would be colorism in the clans.
Then you don't know shit about them. A clan warrior is more likely to see one of your ancestors in your brow line and eye color combo and then call that ancestoe out as a dishonorable surat than they are to give a shit about your skin color. 'Race' in Clan politics has been replaced by the Trueborn/Freeborn divide, after that comes Clan competition and after that comes bloodline which is closely related to Clan competition.
>but my IRL identity politics say everyone-
>he thinks racism is a modern phenomenon
Oh sweet summer child
look at all the communists and people in the french revolution or islamic terrorist groups, witch accusations who purged others and then later got purged. If you keep purging the less extreme members

A: Everyone remaining is an extremist
B: The remaining most reasonable extremists are now the target/object of suspicion even if they are still very extreme
C: Everyone accuses everyone else of being traitors in the hope that it will draw attention away from themselves and make themselves look more pious
>Sexual proclivity isn't a virtue. It's just a characteristic like hair or skin color
Yeah, but too many would treat is as a vice, as proof of why this person is BAD!.

Hell, they'll automatically assume that if you support transgenderism at all, it's because you have a sinister motive:
A pursuit of strict discipline in all things (autism). Nicholas thought you could optimize laziness out of people.
>they really are, my politics say they have to be
Clans don't really seem to have any hang-ups about racial phenotypes. Like if they're decanting more dark-skinned sibkos, then that's because their blood house founders were dark and not because they've been pushed to live under highways by whities.
If you think what people say today is bad you should read what people were saying a thousand years ago.
>A clan warrior is more likely to see one of your ancestors in your brow line and eye color combo
Where do you think that comes from? Yeah it can be independent of the color of skin thanks to clan gene editing but isn't always.

Also I really wouldn't be surprised if the scientists running the breeding programs don't have their own biases
>oh yeah the trueborn from so and so's genes are good tactical ferocious fighters but they issues in xyz
If that person happens to be of a certain race..
I mean whether this counts as race or not is debatable but the clans go insane when X sibko has the genes of clan widowmaker. And bloodlines have been destroyed or go in and out of favor depending on the success of warriors using that genetic material.

The Hazen bloodname has probably taken a bit of a hit recently for example. In the phelan kell books there were unpopular bloodnames that nobody wanted to the point that iirc they let an elemental fight a trial for it even though it wasn't an elemental bloodname
>but what about this irrelevant thing
the original quote is underestimated, nobody is saying that other clan warriors are going around calling them slurs or whatever. Also you could see significant overlap in anti freebirth discrimination and racism. If most of your clan are of a certain racial phenotype and you are getting freebirths of a different phenotype they can easily overlap
golden banshee lance is finished and drying. photos to follow once they've been labelled BNC. probably tomorrow morning.
>Humans will stop being racist in the future because…they just will! Star Trek says so!
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>we have all the tools and societal control required to eliminate this skin color we in our clan supposedly believe is inferior within a generation
>but we won't
The esoteric, unknowable schemes of jade falcon.
Yes, that's how the clans have always been, secondary.
And yet here there is, proof that the Clans are racist just like anyone else.
That's your proof? That's normal everyday autistic arguing that always happens in /btg. From now on, I'm just going to roll my eyes and keep scrolling anytime I see someone mention the infamous and dreaded "manic".
>No, he's probably that ass who got so hung up on that Not!Clanner Wobbie...
Yeah you guys made sure I had a lot of posts to scroll past yesterday because I didn't want to deal with, let alone read, the stupid argument that was happening.
Again, looked like normal 4chan retardation to me.
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That's why everyone's pointing out it's completely out of place and at odds with how the clans have been depicted for 40 years. It's a hamfisted attempt at inserting out of place IRL politics into BT for virtue points by a politically motivated hack writer.
They were never racist, racism was never a thing in the clans, sexism is also effectively a non-issue.
Race has generally never been something the societies in BT cared about, the draconis combine is considered unusual just because of how much they discriminate against women in the military.
WTF? Why are the posts I just responded to deleted?
>Where do you think that comes from?
From the deeds of your ancestor that the offending warrior doesn't like. If your ancestor wasn't notable in some way they wouldn't notice/give a shit.
>Also I really wouldn't be surprised if the scientists running the breeding programs don't have their own biases
That would be outside of the purview of the other castes: Clan warriors actually take massive fucking issue whenever they find out the scientists are fucking around with the genebanks behind their backs. A warrior's legacy is sacrosanct, period, end of story. If he earned honor then his legacy lives on as Kerensky intended.
>The Hazen bloodname has probably taken a bit of a hit recently
Names can and have been redeemed too. Widowmaker and Wolverine get exterminated because of the deeds of their clan, not how they look. DEEDS are all the Warrior caste cares about.

You can argue until the oxygen deprivation kills you, but the fact is that the founding premise of the Clans is that Nicholas did successfully purge them of most basic prejudices with his honor/meritocracy system. Clans still experience prejudice but they don't have racial prejudice as we see it today because they fundamentally don't have the same views on racial groups that normal people do due to their use of eugenics. If you can't get that through your skull then you're just being obtuse.
Can't opress them if they're gone, trothkin.
Maybe you'll notice how the post with a screencap of one of manic's posts and the post in this thread made by manic were almost immediately deleted.
Why is he still here if all his posts get nuked every time?
Because he's an obnoxious, supernaturally autistic retard that takes pride in how annoying he is, and he simply persists in making pointless, incredibly low quality reply walls just for the sake of it.
He has repeatedly stated that he has no intention of self improvement, that he will never make an attempt to accommodate the people in the space he invades, and that he has an open dislike of battletech as a setting.
Yeah I noticed. Lot of post nuking happening this morning. It's like this thread is going through the 1st Succession War. I'm starting to think that the jannie is manic. You got to be insane to be a jannie afterall, they do it for free.
considering how often actual content gets nuked... manic MAY have snuck back as a jannie.
>no racism
>no nationalism
>no classism
>everyone is guided by their benevolent leaders who know best
So Battletech was the communist utopia the whole time?
clanners are not human, they are vatborn scum
excellent, finally. someone realises what the clanner menance is. they're fucking mutant test tube freaks. golem. fucking cauldron born zombies. soulless fake humans.
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>no classism
The Clans are super autistic about class, idk what you're talking about there.
>no nationalism
I mean, strictly speaking the only legitimate government is the Star League, whose only rightful inheritor our leige, The Dragon. I suppose since all other contestants are lowborn pretenders without merit or D*vion scum you could say that nationalism is an outmoded philosophy.
You know, now I'm wondering if the guy who kept arguing with me about the Panther being shit and the Cicada being great was manic. The only argument that guy could come up with was that the Cicada can run away fast and he refused to acknowledge things like the Panther having jumpjets and being able to reposition easily while staying at range.
There was just something about that guys arguing that was beyond regular levels of stubbornness.
And, if you can read that post before it gets deleted, he's also convinced of the genuine belief that everyone is as bad as him.
Well I meant more the Inner Sphere. But yeah the fact that nation-states are basically dead in Battletech is a commies wet dream
>...So is that why they're nuking their own post?
An attempt at covering up their footsteps? Remember, if the person is crazy, you can't expect them to take logical actions.
They oppress "freebirths" (read: REAL humans) because even they know that deep down, they are soulless abominations manufactured like the very mechs they were made to operate.
I read it. I've managed to read every deleted post this morning before they've gotten deleted. There are ways to see that a post is still there, even when its been deleted.
I think the shadow hawk 2K would be better if it were a fat panther instead of having the LRM5
Nation states aren't dead in Battletech though. They're just really large (and balkanizing further in the current timeline). There's also loads of regional internal politics in all the factions.
>Isles of Skye
>the semi-independent Muslim faction in the Combine
>all the Davion Princes constantly getting in shitfights at the wrong time
>the FWL in general
>Warrior House politicking in Liao
>the Periphery
Stupidity is merely one of his symptoms, he also capitalizes words for no reason, like "Fusion Engine" or "Myomer" or "Industrial Mechs", he makes absolutely abnormally common use of ellipses, he loves exclamation points, he has an obsession with symmetry, not to mention the fetishes.
He is uniquely annoying and autistic, to that point that knowing a few of his afflictions would allow you to ID pretty much any post he made, even before he was flagged for automatic deletion.
Nations might not be dead, but nation-states sure are, replaced with globalized multicultural secular pseudo-kingdoms that adhere to no particular nation. You can be an American in Battletech, but there will never be a sovereign “American nation” ever again, the best you can hope for is to have an American republic as a vassal of a higher kingdom.
Make reference to almost killing his mom, he usually responds to that.
>but there will never be a sovereign “American nation” ever again
Yeah...? 'Cause America doesn't exist as a polity anymore and most of humanity lives beyond earth.

The kingdom is the nation. You're a Drac or a Liao or a Regulan or whatever. Same as today, the scale is just bigger because of FTL transport and communication.
You’re confusing nations with states. The Kurds are a nation without a state. The Dracs, Liaos, and Regulans are states without nations, or to be more precise, a state that contains numerous nations without upholding any particular one above the rest (the only possible exception being the Liaos)
just because north korea says there's only one korea and the other side of the country just hasn't understood their place yet doesn't mean they arent a bit nationalist over there
Now replace North Korea with the United Nations and you have a more accurate ensemble of what a typical BT state looks like ethnically
Unless you think shared ethnicity is a requirement for a nation, the draconis combine(with a majority of its population being citizens of that state, sharing its history, official language, official religion, and customs) is a nation.
The Dracs are like halfway to being a nation-state, they have the weird religious stuff but no real sense of unified culture
Shut up Nuln.
Also, that's not manic. Your on about envy anon there. Manic is the lorelet whom had a symmetry obsession, used loads of "...", and constantly horny posted about cow girls and obese slug girls.

>Yeah, with how you're constantly sperging out against others and trying to come up with pet names for everyone
I think I named Nuln but that's it. Manic, envy, and ca were all named by others, and Banshee named himself.
Oh, my bad, I meant culturally, religiously, and ideologically as well.
get fucked retard, I am not 'nuln anon' you can't name anyone you giant faggot tard. you are not lord of the internet.
"Kuritan japanese" is their unified culture, it's what the majority of kuritans believe they are and act as. It is how they behave and interact every day, it is how they construct their buildings, it is what they eat, it is their media, it is their customs, it is their laws, it is the language they speak, it is the names they take, it is their belief in the dragon and his unquestionable, divine right to inherit the star league, the title of first lord and rule humanity.
Discrimination based on skin color makes zero sense for the clans.
Remember - trueborn are genetically engineered. Which means that some geek in a lab coat DELIBERATELY made her a black female in an attempt to make a genetically perfect warrior. If the clans thought blacks/women were inferior, they would simply discontinue them. Like the Ford Pinto.
Wym? They have a state-enforced culture that permeates almost everything they do. They're one of the more culturally unified Great Houses with the exception of the mostly-autonomous Azami.
Clanners don't even need women warriors for breeding. They can take anyone's genetics and use them to create eggs or sperm.
Which means clanners are demonstrably and consistently not sexist (or more accurately, the clanners' warrior culture perceives any differences between men and women as not impacting the overall ability to pilot a 'mech).
The Warrior caste already contains elemental and pilot morphisms. Skin color is pretty small potatoes, especially when most clans are already genetic melting pots.
Nuln or tmnt, you might as well be one and the same, newfag. It's not just me whose tired of you, but enjoy building that strawman
Okay so all the bad-guys Inner Sphere factions are nation states
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I think the real problem is that people default to 'contemporary' racial lines instead of stuff that would better fit the setting - while yeah, using modern regional terms and such is necessary shorthand for how people look, I found stuff like Trellwan to be interesting in how there was implicitly a population of people who had been there so long that you could tell a native Trell from an offworlder/foreigner, and that in general people have been settled long enough to be considered 'indigenous' on worlds like Trell and Verthandi - though moreso Trell, since the Trellwanese sound less internally divided given Verthandi has the rift between the 'old families' of scandinavian settlers and the newcomers to the world. That rift itself could probably be argued to be racial/classist. With Trellwan, the internal rift is more political given the Militia/Royal Guard as an interservice rivalry exploited by an official making a power grab, but still - basic pseudo-racial tensions that don't just follow contemporary black and white, but stuff shaped by actual stuff in-setting like being a tidally locked near-periphery backwater hellhole lorded over by the mercs in the starport, or by different waves of settlers forming the basis for basic family/racial tensions.
This said I feel like the most that I've seen race matter on the 'large' scale is maybe FedSuns resent of the Dracs after Kentares resulting in anti-asian vibes, but even that sounds like it was something that got tempered. Per-planet politics don't define Sphere-wide society, so you're not wrong, especially since it doesn't make sense for the Clans.

as a side note having started with stackpole books and finally reading the early GDL books i think the GDL stuff is way more kickass, both decision at thunder rift and mercenary's star would be awesome action games
The first two GDL books are probably the best the setting has to offer outside of Exodus Road. They're excellent pulp novels and we will never get an exotic location like Trellwan again.
>kentares resulting in anti-asian vibes
Even then, that would be almost entirely cultural discrimination, since the DC, like all the other successor states, is extremely multi-ethnic.
>So why weren't there any single sex Clans?
Because they aren't gays
>But Nicky allowed the Ghost Bears to do Family stuff...
Yeah which he wasn't faggot.
Fun fact: This means that it's possible to be a Clanner with a male mother and a female father, since they count who contributed the genetic material used to create the eggs/sperm in the test tube, respectively.
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Was stomping around in my Highlander, mopping up a little assassinate to recruit a pilot and his Marauder, distracted by random Panther when in the corner of my eye i spot...
I've got a friend who refuses to pilot anything other than the Kobold hero PH whenever he can help it. He loves that mech. The only way to pry him out of it is if we're running a 400 ton mission and we need him in an assault
gauss be upon ye
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GOLDEN GODS, slowly lumbering upon you!
Fuck off manic.
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look at these shiny motherfuckers! golden armour!
They need to polish their gold armor, looks kinda dirty.
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and the dirty forest runner dogs. tricolour wolfhounds while you are too busy watching the golden wall of doooooooooom lumber upon you, these sneaky bastards run in behind and shoot your ass.
no parade scheme survives first contact with anything outside the hangar.
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What color scheme do the galedon regulars use?
I notice that most all the combine lances I have are free floaters so I wanted to try my hand at regulars for once
Most Galedon Regular units use color schemes based on light blue, tan, white and gray. Parade colors are usually gray with light blue stripes or tan with white stripes.

Eromangan, that's what
Anyone else having trouble getting on the Sidsu site?
I can't tell if it's just my internet shitting itself, and i want to back my points up with data when i'm discussing shit with my BT playing friends.
Are there any personal transportation mechs listed? Mechs for ordinary people to get from point A to point B like a car?
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yeah but they're of questionable canonicity, like the Ambassador
It makes sense though. Rural planets often have questionable infrastructure, and mechs have the advantage of being cheaper and easier to operate than conventional cars.
There are. All Jade Falcons are gigantic fucking faggots.
ALL clanners are giant fucking faggots. it just depends what kind of faggots they are based on what clan they're in.
>mechs have the advantage of being cheaper and easier to operate than conventional cars.
You having a giggle in your $18,000,000 (plus tip) gas guzzling cheap slow industrialmech m8?
Using an industrialmech isn’t a fair comparison, I couldn’t afford to purchase a Bagger 288 to ride to school either. But when you want to, it’s pretty easy to make a mech cheaper than a conventional vehicle. The Urbanmech being one prime example.
it's still 1.5 million c-bills for an urbanmech, which is also the last thing i'd want to drive if i wanted to get anywhere faster than a bicycle could get me
a militarized APC with a machine gun is 45k c-bills and goes twice as fast
i mean shit, you can get a hover jeep that goes 10/15 for 18k
And yet an Urbanmech with a fusion engine and jump jets manages to be cheaper than a simple armored car with an ICE engine.

Strip away the armor, the weapons, the jump jets, and replace the fusion engine with an ICE engine and you have something that is absolutely cheaper than a conventional car.
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you shaved off a hot 500k from the asking price...
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...vs. the canon Rolls Royce Fiver Roadster, designed as a luxury model, which is a whopping 5,100 C-Bills MSRP. And it's all electric!
>Rolls Royce
>says Aston Martin in the pic
maybe the astoundingly high prices are making me go blind - and you thought dealer mark up in 2024 was bad!
So then make it smaller. You don’t need a two story tall car. And get rid of the neurohelmet and gyro as well, neither will be needed for simple transportation
>So why weren't there any single sex Clans?
Because being freeborn is a political status. You can't just have everybody be freeborn.
What makes you think the mech factory is going to build your special order? They have military contracts that pay more and you think that they'll make a special order for you that will make them less money? Nah. They're going to just keep on with their higher paying contracts. In the event that they manage to produce a surplus, the government militaries will still be likely to buy that up for more than your personalized leisure ride.
A 6/9 APC is like 60,000 c-bills.
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>Aston Martin making a car that can actually be produced in bulk
>cheap, but somehow popular with the rich anyway
>and it's an EV that weighs as much as pic related
Forget the Union exhaust calculations. This is the most unrealistic thing I've seen in all of Battletech.

amusingly enough, pic related got an EV update that weighs ~1410kg, but that's almost entirely the battery. I believe that we'll have more efficient motors by the time fusion engines are being built by the hundreds, which means smaller batteries, so sure 1000kg is plausible. The specs on that car aren't even the weird part. Just that it's Asston Martin
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this is as small as you can get without breaking construction rules for ICE engines, and removing the gyroscope on any mech is like asking for a car without central drive train...
...and it's still 100x as expensive as the higher-end car
is your life going to fall apart if giant robots are more expensive than cars?
Anon, the 10/15 hoverjeep runs on a 15-rated ICE. You are not getting cheaper than that in a mech.
A Sleipnir APC cost 1.4 million c-bills, so you’re actually paying the same price for an APC as you are for an urbanmech,
What about primitive components?
A generic wheeled APC costs a little more than 68k.
Is the Sleipnir the only APC in battletech? If must have a medium weight APC the Goblin is only 600,000.
what components? there's nothing left to make primitive, it's an armorless, weaponless box with legs that you can outpace on an especially spirited forklift
and that APC you keep bringing up is pretty damn well-armed and armored compared to the dirt cheap ones that you can find elsewhere, let alone the nameless ones in the infantry construction rules
You could also just pick up a VTOL. The Anhur goes 130kph for 1.3m C-bills. The Ferret would be an easy basis for a light VIP transport (normally it's just a pilot but you could cook up an equivalent with two seats) and it's only 50k while going an eyewatering 250kph
>All Jade Falcons are gigantic fucking faggots.
Explain existence of Diana Pryde then
Sleipnir is a cheap ICE conventional vehicle with light anti infantry weaponry. If it costs as much as an Urbanmech, it’s super easy to make a civilian mech that’s cheaper than a car.
Primitive gyro? Primitive cockpit? I'm just asking while you have it open, I'm interested what the cheapest possible mech you could make is.
Monarchy didn't work out, huh? I wish you better luck with FASAnomics, anon, though it's a low-hanging fruit.
>three threads in a row now, anon has tried to compare mechs to some flavor on convee and painted himself into smaller and smaller edge cases when corrected as if his life depended on it
Is this the same guy, or are people somehow not grasping the point of big stompy robit game?
People build mechs cheaply in their garage Anon, you don’t need it from the factory, just slap it together yourself.
Is there a breakdown of costs by c-bills? I know they break it down by BV in one of the screens.
I need a 3025 combine trooper/cavalry mech that can go at least 5/8 but preferably 5/8/5. The shadow hawk 2K hasn't cutting it for me
Indymechs don't really need the same sort of facilities as battlemechs. The hardware simply isn't to the same standard and cottage/local industry is entirely possible with them.

That said... indymechs. They're industrial machines for moving stuff around, not personnel transports. Without the neurohelmet stuff they won't even walk that evenly.
Wolverine, Dragon, Quickdraw
I mean we already have robots today that walk perfectly fine without neurohelmets
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unfortunately i don't know how to get that up on this program, but keep in mind a battlemech primitive cockpit is still 100k alone according to sarna
A Battlemech primitive cockpit made for war. You’re not really considering just how cheaply these things can be made. You can pump them out of a garage with hand tools.
Indymechs do walk fine, but they move and balance worse than battlemechs and you wouldn't want to sit in one just for moving around in if you could help it. You have hoverjeeps for that.
if you're really still certain about this, professor fasanomics, can you pull up the Jihad Secrets: Blake Documents pdf and show me the price for primitive industrial cockpits?
Eh, a hoverjeep will be pretty expensive and it won’t carry as much of a load. Not to mention it requires more expertise to use and build.
You can build a car in your garage cheaper.
Not really, were you gonna get the axle? The wheels? The driveshaft? Myomer is cheap, plentiful, and it’s all over the place.
Thoughts on the PHX-1D?
It runs a 15 rated ICE. They're cheap as dirt. A 5 ton hoverjeep with a fusion engine, armor, and a ton of cargo space is just over 40k.
Where are you going to machine the joints and skeleton though? And the balancing system.
Good luck figuring out how to build one without the know how beforehand
You can conceivably fabricate all of those in your garage machine shop, but you have to buy the myomer, which is already going to run you about half the cost of just buying a car.
Go down to the pick n pull to salvage them.
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since you're ignoring this, a primitive cockpit alone is still more expensive than taking a few hours out of your day to go to your local Space Aston Martin dealer
myomer for a 20 ton mech is still 20k, which i wouldn't call cheap, and i doubt it's plentiful on this rocky wasteland planet with no roads that you live on
It's better than regular pixy.
Myomer is cheap as hell, you can buy it in bulk, it’s basically the rope of the setting. The only parts of the mech that are actually expensive is the fusion engine
But is it good?
If y’all would stop raiding /k/ we wouldn’t get people like this
Pixy is good, thus slightly better pixy is also good
People are raiding /k/? Fucking why?
It's probably the same autist stirring shit on both boards. There's a particular flavor on inanity to his posts.
Because Battlemech autists will do anything to convince themselves that their game is realistic and totally plausible
>claims people from here are raiding /k
>Calls the game BattleMECH
Sloppy job raider.
>he doesn’t know the difference between a battletech autistic and a battlemech autist

To be fair, the anti-Asian fluff they always add to the FedSuns is pretty stupid, and is a blatant attempt to make the Draconis March have something bad about it. Like, it never actually comes up, and its always clear that the Draconis March's main problem is with the Dracs themselves.

I think a more fun angle for the Drac March would be to lean into its high number of Jews and Sunni Muslims, and the Christian angle of the FedSun as a whole, and its lower development level to the rest of the FedSuns, and give it a distinct "blowing up weebs for God/Yahweh/Allah vibes."
You are in the /btg. That stands for BattleTech General. Tech, not mech. I don't give a shit about gundams. I like Battletech. You clearly do not belong here. Piss off.
Then stop shitting up /k/ with your battletech raiding
It's a 40kid deliberately trying to stir shit because he's insecure and has a parasocial relationship with james workshop.
You don't even know who I am. You however, are a troll.
Says the man deliberately trying to derail the thread. It’s interesting how you refuse to actually discuss Battletech in the Battletech general.
This thread doesn't organize raids, as you could easily tell right now or from the archive. It's either some deranged dude or the usual suspects who have paid GookMoot five bucks so that their bots can shitpost at the speed of light.
He will get no more attention from me. I have pointed out his lies and others can see how he now squirms.
Battletech does tend to attract those kinds of autists
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Not that other anon going on about the mythicically expensive cars, but I could see a celebrity buying a mech in place of a private jet if they live on a planet that dosent have enough water to bother buying a plane over. that being said, the cheapest mech I can find is the primitive trooper mech running in at just over 1 million Cbills. for that price you can buy about 5 small andurian strike fighters (with pulse lasers) for 227,000 a piece and just fly everywhere you want to, or just under 70 boomerang spy planes 16,000 some cbills each.
>that being said I could see some rapper in Marik space buying one once the tamarind abbey district began modernizing their military and fazing them out, nothing quite says hard core mf rappa OG like a drive by flamering of your opps at 97kph.
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Why would you flaunt being poor by confessing pride in the ownership of an aircraft?
They need the 'mech to fend off the Yakuza panzer division two blocks down.
See that's the problem, BT was color blind, and its the idiots going on about "muh racism/transphobia etc" making it about that shit, because its their shit not BT.
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Wanting to have a deep periphery alternative to rocket launchers and auto canons, here's what I came up with:

Mech/Vehicular Recoilless Rifle
>closer range then missiles like Rec Rifle long range is missile mid range
>cannot be intercepted by AMS as projectile is launched at higher speeds
>unguided, direct fire ie lines of sight
>unlike rocket launchers can be reloaded (at least mechs and heavier vehicles internally), light vehicle crew need to do it manually in field
>various warheads?
>each RR fires singularly, but be mounted in array like machine guns
>can have damage measured like auto canons?
>recoilless effect has no negatives from firing on move?
>has back blast that can kill if not cleared

I doubt many people would get on your case for just using rocket launchers. It's not like the Marians are a particularly brainy faction.
Each of those mechs are as rare as unicorns.
>Scorp is the base model
>crud is a modest drac rework
>Crab is the downgrade export version
>Quickdraw just swaps the LRM for more lasers and sinks
Nothing all that weird in this group.
General rule with the deep periphery is you can have innovation so long as the innovation involves pumping out something shitty and primitive. Only exception is the clans.
Or you can breath in space and ride giant octopus-shaped spaceships.
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if using ghost of Obediah construction rules, you can already mount BA recoilless rifles
>IS medium recoilless rifles
range: 2/4/6
damage: 2
Heat: 0
mass: .25 ton
can't remember the ammo per ton but they pretty much fulfill what you want, aside from being slotted into arrays, but if you're using RPG construction rules you can probably homebrew a BA weapon array or something
also standard cannons exist, being primitive tank mounted cannons they have a penalty to damage when hitting targets with bar 10 armor (most every mech and convee that's not a support vehicle) witch also fit the bill, albeit no arrays either.
For real, when I see someone complaining about unicorns, there better be at LEAST two Royal SLDF designs or Clantech where there ought not to be. Not a bunch of literal introtech variants.
>double the damage and half the weight of a lmg
BA guns are restricted to BA for a reason
Was there a book or manual or something of the sort released relatively recently that had specifically a render of the dragon sculpt in benjamin regulars colors? I remember seeing said dragon not too long ago but I cannot for the life of me remember what the book was. It may have even had a pleiades hussars orion too
You can make a case on the Crab since there were only about 100 examples knocking around in the 4th SW, but he's got the right variant. Nothing else in the lineup pings as all that rare.
>Poster allegedly embraces progressivism
>A thousand years ago people were horribly racist
>Now it's a lot more subtle and being deliberately examined and attacked culturally
>A thousand years from now a society founded on gene editing and meritocracy, with the incredibly specific and indeed nigh-religious intent of leaving the racial and political divisions of their past society behind.. will be just as racist as it its today for today's reasons.
>Forcing stories where this is true into a universe where it wasn't true is a good thing and should be encouraged
>Instead of using the new cultural biases the society created, exploring what they mean and how they interact with Human society
>maybe even illuminate our own a little bit. You know, like science fiction does
I realize you're probably not much of one for logic, but surely you can see the part where your own internalized bias is making you turn your brain off here.
It's step 4.

The more relevant issue is that most of the Southwest, the entire Pacific Northwest (including the ruins of Unity City, the former capital of the Star League), the entire northeastern seaboard and especially Hilton Head, California, and Arizona were all hit repeatedly with high-yield nuclear weapons and several Cobalt devices. The Cascade traps volcano was reactivated, and Mount Rainier Castle Brian was reduced from orbit with a weeks-long nuclear bombardment. There were repeated retaliation strikes against partisan activity throughout the Great Plains in the Amaris Coup with chemical weapons and orbital bombardment along with a systematic genocide of anyone within a few hundred miles of Amaris' palace in the Canadian plains.
In addition to that, a significant chunk of the former US population emigrated to space before the founding of the Hegemony and got nuked to fuck in the ensuing 900 years. The USA got fuuuuuuuuucked.
The pixie is good in its role. People confuse this with "The pixie is good" and then get surprised when it loses a fight against a heavy.
Don't do that or I will mock you. Stick to your role.
A blakist fighting the SLDF?
Hot damn you are retarded.
Plus one thing that’s made pretty clear in Battletech is that globalism won HARD. Without the USSR, there was no communist boogeyman to keep the right wing somewhat afloat, and the most far-leftist parts of the America political body took over and pretty much instituted a One World Order where nationalism was dead and enlightened despots ruled ostensibly on behalf of the common folk.

Obviously the 2nd Star League.
What is its role then?
>What about primitive components?
>what components? there's nothing left to make primitive, it's an armorless, weaponless box with legs that you can outpace on an especially spirited forklift
I burst out laughing at this. Sounds like a pissed off mechtech having to explain to his customer why is idea is stupid in the plainest English possible.

I thought the idea was that the globalism question was never answered, even when it went out into space and became uh... galactic-ism, so McKenna just had to hard-solve it for people.
Pretending to contribute and hoping for an ammo TAC that'll allow it to make its bv back, maybe.
It loses a lot of close-range firepower for a very marginal increase in survivability. The extra sinks still don't really let it use the jets and MLs effectively. It would genuinely be a better design if they dropped one of the MLs for a flamer, especially considering the running issue Davion designs have with infantry control.

The really funny part is that there is a very significant ethnically-Japanese population in the Drac March that fucking hates the Kuritas for being cultural skinwalkers.
I mean, the Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation held onto nationalism, but the rest? The Clans, the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth, and Free Worlds League, they all embraced globalism in its totality.
Oh look, made up bullshit that conveniently aligns with all of your current year politics.
Kicking bugs in the shins until they die from it.
Id argue that all of the successor states are heavily nationalistic. The nations are just reslly big. Feddies are proud of being feddies so on and so forth. There's plenty of nationalism.
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Both are true - a lot of the people that rejected globalism and had the frontier mindset left Earth early and often. Which led to competing cultures of nationalist spacers and hegemonist Terrans, a long-running problem that is the source of a lot of the cultural friction in the setting to this day
But what if there are no bugs to kick?
>t. secondary
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Why does rasalhague get the best unit insignias, it's not fair
Feddies might be proud of being feddies, but what does that mean exactly? It’s like saying that you’re proud of being a member of NATO. That’s great, but NATO isn’t a nationality. You’re not a NATOtian.
6/9/6 with far too much armor for a light mech to get through. They can't hurt it and evading it costs a painful amount of MP, more than most lights have.
Then you committed 1k BV to a suboptimal pick.
NATO will grow larger.
The Federated Suns are a distinct nation. A nation is defined as a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. The Federated Suns are a nation. They occupy a particular territory and share a common legal code and overarching culture.

FWL is still very nationalistic, its just that its got multiple nations within it. It's multinationalism.

The Lyrans are absolutely the most globalist faction, to the point it nearly once voted itself out of existence because of how little a fuck the various planets give about being Lyran.

The FedSuns tends to run down the middle. The two Marches are described as being very nationalistic, which is easy when you have a clear spook to define yourselves against. Being FedSuns nationalist is more about being proud of the Six Freedoms, which are an add-on to your planetary allegiance.
Funny enough I've actually seen some custom tank builds designed for the Deep Periphery. It's from a quest on another site about a DP noble. The idea is the tank is based off the chassis of a farming combine they militarized since they still have access to an old factory line from pre-civil war (the planet is notably located around the area the RWR used to exist.)
Here are some of the variants
Freirehalt Farm Combine Militarized Chassis: Footman 1G 53 tons, 13.5 tons of Armor. 1 LB/10X Autocannon (T), 1 Machine gun(T), 1 SRM-4.(T) Searchlight(F), Trailer Hitch. Features 2 Tons of LB/10X ammo, 1 Ton SRM missiles, and 1/2 ton Machine gun ammo. Carries one ton of troops, and a ton of prisoners. (Two Tons of Troops) (Generalist Tank, Does a little bit of everything, not excelling in anything.)

-Freirehalt Farm Combine Militarized Chassis - Footman 2G-MBT. 53 tons, 11 Tons of Armor, 1 LB/10X(T), 1 Machine gun(T), 2 LRM-5(T), Searchlight and a Trailer hitch. Features 2 Tons of LB/10X ammo, 3 Ton LRM missiles, and 1/2 ton Machine gun ammo, Sacrifices Armor and Troops for Additional Long Ranged Firepower (Mid to Long Range Medium MBT, most likely to be the Primary Variant if we are being honest.)
Freirehalt Farm Combine Militarized Chassis - Levyman 1G 53 tons. 14 Tons of Armor, 5 Tons of Infantry Troop Space, 4 Machine Guns (1 R, 1 L, 2 T), 3 LRM 5s(T)/1 Lrm15(T), 2 Tons of Machine Gun Ammo, 4 Tons of LRM 5 ammo/3 Tons of LRM 15 Ammo. (Heavy Occupational APC: Operating in the Background Supporting it's Infantry or rolls in after the Mech Fighting is over to Siege and Occupy any compound or facility that has yet to surrender or is too valuable to attack with Mech Scale Weaponry)
And what is the “culture” of the federated suns? British? American? French? They can’t seem to decide and they don’t seem to care.
>I mean, the Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation held onto nationalism, but the rest?
The Cappies went natsoc again after they lost approximately two thirds of their territory, but the Dracs still completely operate on the basis of the political unity of humanity as proposed by the Hegemony during the Unification wars, same as the Davions.
They're old regime France.
Yes you heard me right.
17XX culture survived until 30XX totally unchanged and unmolested by the passage of time.

Go read a fucking sourcebook.
Just wait until you see the other lance
JR7-F (4/4)
DRG-1C (4/4)
PNT-9R__ (4/4)
And then I'm not sure for a 4th mech. I planned on the shadow hawk 2k but I don't actually like shawks so I was considering maybe a dragon 1N, kuritan pixie, or another 4/6 mech like a hunchback

It's more of a values thing. You're proud to be in NATO or the FedSuns because it means your planet isn't part of something shittier, and you're part of a military block that helps prevent you becoming part of that shitty thing, while letting you generally do your own shit.

Do the FedSuns share an overarching culture? They have massive religious diversity, and in the Marches, linguistic diversity as well - and even political diversity. And that's by design. If the Dracs own your planet, the religious and cultural diversity goes out the window. The political options get sliced down if the Cappies take over. I don't think any battletech faction can really be said to have a culture on the planetary level given the difficulties of space travel. Its more the noble and military aspects of the factions that develop distinct culture.
>Feddies might be proud of being feddies, but what does that mean exactly?
Their overlord hate roads and flush toilets.
They're Canadians.

Bascially Americans who occasionally stop and state that they're very sorry.
You're actually retarded, all the great houses are heavily nationalistic, the Dracs and Cappies just have stricter societies. There's a reason FedCom fell apart as quick as it did, yeah Victor's bitch sister instigated it but they were quick to decouple and fight each other at the drop of a hat.
Drac idea of political unity isn't the kind of IS-wide alliance of the original Star League, but the IS unified under the rule of the Dracs, operating by Drac rules. As far as they're considered, the entire IS is ancient Drac clay and it's their manifest destiny to rule over everybody else.
On the surface they're Brits, but more a spin on Arthurian fantasy Brits, but they take a lot from French and American culture too since early era FS under Hanse were the designated good guys of early Battletech.

>Using FedCom Civil War as an example

The FedCom Civil War is where the nonsense of the setting became deep nonsense. The Lyrans were always the most globalized out of all the five factions. Hell, as another anon pointed out, the state has such a weak sense of itself that it nearly voted itself out of existence, and it was considered remarkable that an Archon was able to convince them not to do it. The one part that does still have a clear nationalistic edge is Skye, who keeps trying to leave. The FedSuns would have made much more sense as the nationalistic half.
Don’t confuse militarism and authoritarianism with nationalism. You can be militaristic but unless you have an actual nation to be nationalistic about you’re not a nationalist.
I'm inclined to say the FedSuns are most like the Habsburgs.
A single ruling house lording over a massive sprawling territory that they struggle to effectively manage. They also generally let the locals do whatever they want as long as its not rebellion or Protestantism.

this is actually 99% of monarchies. it's not unique
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The FedSuns are more Canada in that they're a blend of Britain, France and America.

They have the parliamentary system of Britain for planets, but also an Arthurian fetish. They have the high-culture of the French, and the American love of guns and enshrining of freedom. And then add in Canadian style multiculturalism.

Plus everyone living in the FedSuns periphery is an American redneck, look at the planet names.

Except for in the Skid Row of the Capellan March, those are Canadian rednecks from the names.

So heres the bigger question, which FedSuns March is the coolest?
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There's an old Canadian joke that sums up the FedSuns very well.

"Canada could have enjoyed:
English government,
French culture,
and American know-how.
Instead it ended up with:
English know-how,
French government,
and American culture."

The FedSuns is basically exactly if Canada went the dream-scenario route. Its British parliamentary-monarchical government, French snobbery, and American guns.
>The idea is the tank is based off the chassis of a farming combine they militarized
But that's... not how Combines work...
It's a tank for uhhh demining. The wheel at the front creates ground pressure. Don't worry about it.
Hey man, the stuck armor and a gun on a tractor and called it a day, don't underestimate Periphery jury-rigging.
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Just ask the Harvester Ant and the Grommet.
And then slap the shit out of the person who wrote the agro-tools as melee weapons chart in TacOps.
Actually I was referring to the fact that the interior is a Threshing Machine, Mine Flails are totally a real thing.
Capellan March has tequila AND vodka.
>Hey man, the stuck armor and a gun on a tractor and called it a day, don't underestimate Periphery jury-rigging.
But it's NOT a Tractor, it's a Combination Reaper Harvester Threshing Machine!

>And then slap the shit out of the person who wrote the agro-tools as melee weapons chart in TacOps.
Especially since the Harvester Head is like, the least complicated part of the Combine!
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That's not how it works in real life, canonically they've taken machines like the Harvester Ant and pulled out the combined to stick in machine guns and SRMs/LRMs.
new thread

>That's not how it works in real life
The reason Combine Harvesters are so big and boxy is because half the damn thing is sifting through crap to extract seeds!
>FWL is still very nationalistic, its just that its got multiple nations within it. It's multinationalism.
The thing there is that there is nationalism for the FWL itself. People wear "Marik" purple without being from that part of the League. They fall in with the federal government as the overall FWL against separatists and foreigners. They feel more pride for that larger system than their local one. Yes, there are nationalist movements for individual member states, but we've got independent movements for individual United States of America states. I know it's a hornets nest, but you can actually see this stuff happening over time if you look at the history of the US from around the 1850s through WW2. A lot of states chose to have really shitty "state seal on blue background" flags specifically because they didn't want to even look like they had more loyalty to their state than the nation. Meanwhile, others went all in with individual state pride. Even on the Confederate side, there was a tension between Confederate loyalists and state-in-the-confederacy loyalists.

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