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Previous Thread: >>93080016

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>40k Music

>40k Art

>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder

TQ: Best bands for 40kRPG sessions?
Question for anons.
If a weapon has the Proven (x) quality but you're using a weapon with damage measured in d5s does Proven apply to the 1d10 die roll or does it apply to the d5 result after you divide it?
Would a Proven (3) Knife (1d5) damage have a minimum damage of 2 (1d10=minimum 3, 3/2=1.5, rounded to 2) or 3 (1d5=minimum 3)?
2nd for cranking my hog and blowing ropes
Bringing this q to the new thread.
Where is my CSM rules for WanG?

Check out Doctors-of-doom dot com for some well-made homebrew rules including playing a heretic of any kind.
I would say it applies to the d5, because it's a d5 weapon and needs all the help it can get.
Not that I can find. I'd apply the 2x SB to that and lightning claws regardless, not sure on power field. Bare minimum check Legends of the Expanse for the power field emitter upgrade.
Warhammer uses a latin/gothic aesthetic though, this isn't like regular sci-fi with quirky planet names and quirky peoples, this is feudalism that has drowned under 10,000 years of its own weight, and there's an expectation of age and lost grandeur behind each name and world. Just naming things for teh funneh isn't real 40k.
Not all planets in 40k subscribe to the same aesthetic. There are quirky and/or themed planets, and for all the billion worlds of the Imperium there's that many more planets in the empty spaces between. Some of them have non-imperial humans. Others were colonised yesterday. And 40k was born in bad puns.
>Not that I can find. I'd apply the 2x SB to that and lightning claws regardless, not sure on power field.
I'd also recommend adding some sort of rule for using them to tear down doors and bulkheads, since that's what they were originally supposed to be for. Probably something like allowing you to make a passable opening in structures or obstacles using Demolitions + some bonus for the weapon's effectiveness as a tool.
Yeah. Unless the GM does some table ruling, or you somehow have chain melee training only, you might as well get a power fist instead. Especially if you don't have the 5 SB to avoid chainfist penalties.
>Just naming things for teh funneh isn't real 40k.
Ultramarines. Iron Hands.
40k is built on joke names.
WAS built on joke names. It's like saying 40k is a satire. It USED to be. But 40k doesn't satirize anything anymore. You can't satirize fascism when there are actual existential threats out there that justify it. You can't satirize the law and courts via the lex imperialis when you have the western court system of the EU and US becoming a direct copy destroying peoples' rights. The people who grew up on 40k now run the show, and the old ways were lost in return for mass market appeal. Everything is serious now, because you can't have a netflix show and sell funkos with big-brain satire.
'oh no the corpros have slurped the soul out of the game and now everyone has to be super serious about everything' why, are they gonna SWAT my house when I name my naval officer Flint Locke? 'no you don't get it everything is terrible so you can't joke about it anymore' my brother in christ that is precisely why the game was made, you colossal fucknugget, you absolute pants-on-head buffoon. it's to make mockery of all the bullshit but cranked up to forty thousand so we can joke about it. same energy as asking a boomer about their home life and them joking 'oh my wife's gonna kill me for the life insurance money one of these days' because they're trapped in a loveless marriage and humor is the best coping mechanism they've got.
it is you, anon, who is missing the entire point, and it is you and those like you who took the funny out of 40k. give yourself a mountain dew enema and then go shit on an anthill.
I get it, you don't play real 40k, I accept your concession already.
>ultramarines are super strong marines who are blue
>iron hands of the iron hands has iron hands
>big brain satire
Ultramarines then
>super strong marines who are blue
Ultramarines now
>Derived from an ancient Terran phrase meaning "beyond the sea of night," the Ultramarines were once known as the War-Born, until reunification with their primarch and incorporation into Ultramarian culture of the Five Hundred Worlds.

Iron Hands then
>iron hands of the iron hands has iron hands
Iron Hands now
>After their primarch was poisoned by one of the Necrons' world-purging engines known as a Wyrm (such as the one owned by Trazyn the Infinite) in a land of ancient devices of metal and stone of gigantic proportions, the Iron Hands sought to emulate the strength of their primarch, who was disappointed in how they focused on their weaknesses over their heroic deeds, but tragically died before he could restructure the rust that had overtaken his legion.

Anon...it's okay to admit you're wrong, and things are more serious now. Just calm down, take a breath, and move on.
>TQ: Best bands for 40kRPG sessions?
A tangential semi-answer: the opening of the Monster anime could fit as a session opening for a DH/DH-like campaign.
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So, how much backstory are you typically expected to write up for a character in Rogue Trader? It seems kinda daunting.
>how much backstory are you typically expected to write up for a character in Rogue Trader?
Write enough to explain why your character is present in a Rogue Trader's entourage. They don't need tons of individual detail in most cases. RT parties should generally have coordinated and linked backstories, so talk to other players to see where you can connect to their ideas if you're having trouble (and really, even if you aren't).
We'll be ready for you to sit down and start having fun again just as soon as you quit huffing your own farts.
That depends a lot on the character you're playing. If you don't want to come up with much backstory, an Astropath or Navigator could conceivably end up on a Rogue Trader's crew with basically no pasty beyond "I was born with spooky powers and this ship is where I was assigned when I finished training." On the other end of the spectrum, character types like the Missionary, Arch-Militant, or Explorator, would probably have been through several adventures before they'd ended up with the RT.

In any case, nobody is expecting you to write up a novel to hand out to the other players. But you should know some important events in your character's past that you can either discuss OOC if your group does a character generation session, or mention IC early in the campaign as the characters get to know each other.
If anything, the 'now' of 40k should be taken as po-faced doubling down on the joke.
>If you don't want to come up with much backstory, an Astropath or Navigator
Considering the house politicking and economic wars that navigators are part of, I'd avoid navigators if you don't want to delve into the specifics of their house and backstory.
Astropath plus Navis Primer's writeups on different astropathic choirs and how they affect your character would be very easy entry, though. If you can't be guided into writing down a few thoughts after that ... idk what you'd need. Grass and a bj? Sensory deprivation tank? Applying more than no effort? The world may never know.
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In my 40k, which is real 40k, the Emperor was a turbo-nigger about xenos because Earth was the site of one of countless proxy wars between the Old Slann and the Necrons in the eternal, unending War in Heaven. Growing up in Phrygia, Turkey, he was perfectly primed to see the constant battles between the Necron Triarch-guided Kingdom of Egypt, and the Old Slann Juridicial-guided Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. To free Humanity from their alien "gods", he chose to become Alexander the Great and conquered both places, leading him eastward, to eventually find the Golden Throne in the Himalayas...
Is Imperium Maladictum worth picking up, or am I better off sticking with the Fantasy Flight stuff? (in particular, I mostly run on Foundry and I was looking at the core system module they have on there).

Not trying to start an edition war, but I've been out of the loop and I'm curious what it does differently and if there's some genuine improvements.
I think the trick is occasionally including silly things but playing them completely dead-straight because the people in universe wouldn't understand the joke or see the humor in it if they did. that's how you make the setting feel familiar yet alien.
What specifics would you be interested in?
(as of now, IM does lack the thematic mechanics layer of RT and OW and does not offer support for things like DW and BC, so our comparison point would probably be DH/DH2E)
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Prior anon here who was working on the map. After getting plenty of advice regarding names, fonts and effects, I'm kind of happy to reveal the second version of the Zerzuran Chasm map, or at least the Safe Zone parts of it.

I'll be posting blurbs and small history bits about each planet sometime later in the week in a PDF.
... I can't read a dang thing on that except Dragon's Gate and the sidebar unless I zoom in.
It's supposed to be a large sector map, so that is to be expected.
You might say, but it does prove that putting a rectangle behind the planet names would work in ways that does not.
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The rectangles really do help.
Just came out. Threat assessment: demons and heretics.
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Guess it's back to the design phase. Again.
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I'm an idiot. All I needed to do was redo the color of the names and make them bigger. Sometimes you gotta just mimic the maps in the RT books more closely, which is what I did this time around.
Hoping you guys might be able to help. I'm looking for a piece of homebrew I read a few years back that was basically chaos version of the Only War Regiment creation system. I had a look in the homebrew link, but it wasn't there. Does anyone have it?
Good question. I'm fairly sure I've seen one around, but never saved it.
would be interested in this too, it sounds cool
War animals in Only War: Are they basically just equipment or are they/should they be more like the NPC companions?
I don't know what they're making it in, but if it has layer transparency like in Photoshop, you could set a plane of... probably red and do a very low opacity color burn or possibly a subtraction to create a sort of anti-glare effect on the stars.
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You could increase the transparency of the nebula layer to make things a little more readable without giving up the aesthetic and without needing to add the black stroke effect to the text layer. Then it would look a little cleaner, especially for the Dragon's Gate.

Also, if you add a subtle Outer Glow to the planet icon layer you can make them more distinct against the map terrain without blowing out the aesthetic of your map. These are the settings I used and you can compare how it looks at full-size working resolution compared to what it looks like at a /tg/-compatible resolution.
That would probably work really interestingly against the map texture. It could look very unique.
have sex
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How do I get started with 40k rpgs, what is considered the standard rule book most people use and run, a cursory glance shows its all differant rule sets vaguely similar with some discontinued and a current edition I dont really see anyone talking about or referenced in the op (wrath and glory).

My plan is to play solo to get a feel for the system first and set a story at first centred around PDF during the Khai Zhan war (fluff from the old cityfight codex centred around a rebellion supported by the night lords) with the PC(s?) acting as a runner for their PDF commander and conning inti contact witg random encounters from a roll table inbetween pre planned art peices as they navigate the city, using the only war ruleset and then if notable characters survive transitioning that to dark heresy? Is that a thing that's possible or is there a better way of doing it? I just got done trying out delta Green so I have a decent idea of how a d100 system works
>piece of shit phone autocorrect butchering most of my post

>conning inti contact witg random encounters from a roll table inbetween pre planned art peices

Coming into contact inbetween pre planned set peices
I remember what you're talking about but I don't think I have it in my library.

Wrath & Glory and Imperium Maledictum core rulebooks should be available in the main link, but nobody has really shared the splats in this thread before hence there's not a lot of discussion about them.

I would say try picking up the newer systems rather than the old ones just because you'd have more interest in stuff that's being actively supported. For the D100, go for Imperium Maledictum.
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Having trouble trying to get the transparency later on the nebula layer down; it keeps looking the same when I save it. I was able to figure out the outer glow layer for the planets though, so that looks a lot neater.

You're thinking something like this?
Based hog cranker
Yep, just like that. What tool are you using?
The opacity/transparency of the nebula already looks lower. You can see in your image that it's not as saturated.
Paint.net. It's free, and downloaded a few plugins to help.

Huh. I might have fixed it then?
They have availability ratings. They're equipment that might be given personalities and might get shot out from under a PC the combat thereafter.
Sounds like you already know what you need. Only War into Dark Heresy.
You could go with IM as an anon mentioned, but many who started with the FFG systems prefer them, warts and all.
Say, what font did you use for the larger grey names?
Heretica/Requiem Inquisitor
Looks like it was deleted from the Internet, so here's a link to Heretica Inquisitor. Requiem is proprietary but really it's so similar to Heretica it doesn't matter.
Hum. Trying to find the Heretica/Requiem versions, but they are distressingly rare. Got a link I could use?
Oh shit, thanks!
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Alright, after a ton of floundering, messing up, deleted posts and a lightbulb moment of realizing what an idiot I was: Round 3.
That looks pretty good.
If you really want the Dragon's Gate and that blue star to pop, you could use an additional layer to do some kind of color burn effect just for those regions and make them a little brighter.
>So, how much backstory are you typically expected to write up for a character in Rogue Trader? It seems kinda daunting.
None, only write backstory if you feel particularly inspired. You're not playing some plucky adventurer with a history full of trouble and a head full of hope. You're playing an expert, veteran, master. You're somebody that is already somebody. Your accolades should speak for themselves, and the adventures you undertake with the Rogue Trader should be your legend. Ciaphas Cain, Eisenhorn, even the God-Emperor of Mankind. Their origins don't matter, their actions do.
Rogue Trader campaigns live or die by the camaraderie felt among the players. Nothing is more disheartening than a group of randos doing their own thing on the bridge. If you really want to give your character some flair? Don't write a backstory, talk to your fellow players and shoot the shit on theme, tone, direction and style. Typically, everyone should look to the player assigned Rogue Trader, and follow their example. Does this sound like a lot of responsibility for a single player? Hell yeah it is, they're the Rogue Trader! It's literally the name of the game!

A great example of this was with a group I was in where the Rogue Trader wanted to be a bright-eyed Arthurian-type "child of destiny," very charismatic and fateful but not really good at much else. Following that example, everyone started modeling their characters after Medieval archetypes; the proud barbarian-knight (Arch-Militant,) the good-hearted scoundrel (Senschal), the mysterious wizard (Tech-Priest.) Hell, they even had Fae living in the bowels of the ship (Aeldari Corsair.) Every Rogue Trader should have a gimmick, you need one when you're a trillionaire operating your own mobile nation-state. The best way to get the gimmick is to communicate, and find what everyone likes.
>You're playing an expert, veteran, master.
Expert, maybe. Veteran? Not necessarily. You'll have four ranks of characteristics and skills between you and mastery, less any that you get through chargen.
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Depends on what you mean by "write up." Most groups are not expecting you to actually write a biography, but your character should have a background that you know about, with several major events in your life that you can share with the GM as a basis for future plot hooks.

Fortunately, the rulebook contains a chart specifically designed to help you come up with an appropriate backstory in the character creation process. If you start at the top and work your way down, moving one choice to either side at each row, you'll end up with a thematically consistent character that needs minimal fluffing on your part.
>If you start at the top and work your way down, moving one choice to either side at each row, you'll end up with a thematically consistent character that needs minimal fluffing on your part.
Unless you pick penal colony and try to path into a reasonable corebook (ie; free) birthright. All the scummy options are at the other side. It's weird.
Okay, gamers. Need advice. I'm running the first book of the Haarlock Legacy, and the PCs are about to arrive at the Great Estate of Gabriel Chase. I've been reading over that section of the book, and came to the conclusion it's fucking dogwater. While the build-up to the 13th Hour is very fun, there are precious little suggestions on plots to occupy the PCs until it's time for the final chime. It seems like PCs are eventually going to be caught waiting around for the final confrontation, more than sneaking about solving mysteries or uncovering rare treasures.

I've got some ideas on how to spice up Gabriel Chase, but I'm just one widdle guy with gwasses, so the more eyes and minds I can get on this, the better? Hell yeah.
The ideas involve seeking out missing guests, which will reveal that the Chaos Cultists that have infiltrated the Estate are up to no good. I've also given the PCs a treasure map left by Erasmus in the Red Cages for a "bit of good sport," which should keep them busy. I'm planning to have the rewards of that treasure hunt include xenotech, culminating in a Halo Device. I'm going to *fuck* one of the PCs over with that, hehehe!
Well, yeah. It's not a perfect system, and most groups I've seen tend to ignore it when there's a good narrative reason for doing so, but the point is that the chart is there if a noob to the setting can't figure out what options to pick without some added structure.
Are enemies from Black Crusade or Only War overtuned for DH characters?
They work fine, provided the DH character is geared and ranked appropriately. OW enemies in DH can be considered starting rank 2-4, while BC enemies are best used starting rank 3-6.
>t. retard
I would say that the Manse is really an excuse to run a variety of different themed mini-adventures or quests. You have the jungle domes, alpine pastures, and the gothic forest that, combined with haunted and time-warped nature of the estate could let you play around with fairy tale or Gothic tropes as you put your players on the hunt for some missing NPC. You know the type: A big old-growth forest, so thickly overgrown that no light penetrates the undergrowth and an acoustic shadow keeps you from hearing shouts or screams just a few feet away. Ruin-like follies abound where players can get their bearings, and the rolling pastures mean you can come right up to the drop-off of a stony rill and not notice what's beneath your very feet.

Don't forget that the staff of the manse has been "supplemented" by the ordinary civilians from the Quaddis administration. You could use them to play off not just the haunting atmosphere of the manse and the coming danger, but also just the general off-ness and mystery surrounding it. Let them be the source of rumor and fable about the strange effects that the Clock has on the estate, with maybe some being genuine facts that will help your players in their searches or in preparing for the confrontation.

The Solar Colonnades are probably going to be very well-trafficked, relatively speaking, because they are on the outer edges of the manse and give guests and staff an out from the mentally-taxing interior. You could have a lot of encounters here or tense chases and battles since these are going to be where random NPCs can get in their way, become casualties, get embroiled in fights, etc. and use it plant the seed in the players' head that this is all an architectural pitcher plant as they try to keep from being pushed over the edges if they're on higher tiers and realize there's no way out.
You have a fine way with words, sir. These are good suggestions. The mention of turning the Estate into a sort of Fairytale replicator is tickling me, especially when I hark back to my reading of the section and it hammers in how the Estates are *wrong,* the grounds are *wrong* and even the people who work there are *wrong,* being sinister black-dressed phantoms that give the blue-robed Administratum serfs the creeps.

It would probably be wise to establish early into the session that Nobility are near-universal sociopaths, and the ones who have entered Gabriel Chase are particularly callous in their disregard for human life. I was going to have the PCs arrive to a series of "mock" Trials where the nobility take some of their servants, accuse them of crimes real or imagined, and have volunteers from the crowd serve as judge, prosecution and defendant. The trial might be false, but the punishments will be grisly real. By doing this, I'll teach the PCs and Players that they're around people whom a dead body, or abuse, torture or outright killing of the "lesser" will be tolerated as long as it's part of some twisted game or trick. Sure, the Revel is when the *real* agonies begin, but emphasizing how the servants are scared means they'll be pliable to the PCs coming in for conversation, maybe even aid, which will give them an "in" with the Nobility.

The Solar Colonnades will be really fun, the party's Inquisitor is very theatrical and will provide engaging conversation. Some of the PCs have sour pasts with System nobility which will be emphasized here, and indeed I was looking for a good place for one of the Players to be the "Victim" of the 9th Hour, with one of the nobility *recognizing* them and announcing their motherfucking life ends three hours hence. From there, I'll probably have any PCs who spend too long outside become the victim of a "huntsman," going again into the fairytale nature of the Estate.
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The Lost And The Damned homebrew is on Ordo Discordia.
So i have never been the biggest(or for that matter second biggest fan) of the 40K rules. But lately a lot of my pals have been getting into the game and i am kinda entertaining the idea of getting me an army.

Problem is that the only armies that really speak to me is Imperial Knights. I like me some big stompy robots. Admittedly i also like the look of the HH Mechanicum, but is bored or downright put off by the design of the 40K Admech units.

So basically my question is: I am considering Imperial Knights as my starting army. Is this a good idea?
No, you clearly can't read for shit.

Hmm...You are right. I cant read. The perils of talking and reading simultanously.
It is just a game.
Reminder that the most well-loved and well-respected author of 40k discards almost all facets of 40k for his novels and replaces them with his own stuff (enuncia, perpetuals, etc)
Enuncia is basically just sorcery with some of the mysticism taken out, and perpetuals are just an update of the old "sensei" concept from early editions

A lot of Abnett's most famous stuff was written circa 3rd edition when GW was still trying to decide what old lore to keep, and what RT era stuff was too silly or nonsensical

In his more recent novels you will see more use of tabletop terminology like tempestus scions and other corporate shilling, but he is not as bad as some of the newer writers who lack the confidence to introduce any new ideas of their own to the setting
>he is not as bad as some of the newer writers who lack the confidence to introduce any new ideas of their own to the setting
It's not a matter of confidence. Unless you are a big name author outside of BL, or a veteran with friends on the inside, the authors are told by the Marketing team about the models they are authorized to write about, and concepts they are not allowed to touch, since the purpose of the fluff is to sell the models. They can't go outside the strict guidelines marketing gives them, and they can't make anything new unless it has a model. So peeps like Abnett and Fehervari, who have their own private universes and have success outside of BL, tend to get a pass, while newer peeps are restricted to writing about Spess Mareens.
This. It's just far too noticeable after 2013, and it inhibits the quality of what we get. That's why I kind of like the RPGs more than reading Black Library fluff these days, though I still have a backlog of stuff like Siege.
I prefer to call them never-dies.
Nah, Patience is an Inquisitorial Telekine, not a Battle-Sister of the order of the Bloody Rose.
>That's why I kind of like the RPGs more than reading Black Library fluff these days
The RPGs like WanG and IM are being tabletop-ified too now.
I don't think it is just marketing. There has been quite a few books focused on the civilian side of things like the crime, horror, and rogue trader stuff where authors use "generic cyberpunk" or "vague mentions of serfs and gothic architecture" as the backdrop without making any effort to make their worlds unique or interesting
Right but you can still make up your own stories with your players, you can set it in any homebrew region you like, and you don't have to engage if you don't want to with the Indomitus Crusade or post-Crusade stuff.
Which books? I haven't seen any recently but I would definitely like to give them a look.
Bloodlines is a standard cyberpunk crime noir along the lines of Blade Runner or Altered Carbon. It is an okay story in its own right, but one would have though someone like Chris Wraight could have made it more "warhammer-y". You could probably change a few hundred words in the novel and put in a completely different setting. There are four other Crime novels set on the same planet by different authors, but I haven't read any of them.

The "Horror" books, the Blackstone tie-in books, and a lot of the other stuff I have read recently have mostly been going the "generic medievalpunk" route that GW seems to think it can trademark or something.
Is this the one where an AI is hiding in a noble estate and it kills people who begin to realize what it is?
I don't think so, it could be one of the other "Crimes" novels though
That’s the one where the main character is a Genestealer Cultist, one of the ones that got the Kiss.
>when I name my naval officer Flint Locke?
I'm... not going to tell you if I'm stealing this...
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>You can't satirize fascism when there are actual existential threats out there that justify it.
>You can't satirize the law and courts when you have the EU and US
lol, imagine if you made a product when someone like Thatcher was in charge of a country, it'd be like making a satire of an orange man wearing a not-burgerking crown who sits on his phone all day with limp-wristed women hissing at him later this year after a few ballots have been counted
>you can't have funko-pops with big-brain satire
40K isn't big-brain. It's fun.
And if you're going to look for big-brain satire anywhere, you'll be disappointed, because satire is populist art that exists to remind a large audience of something they experience frequently. Its creator has to be intelligent enough to know how to make a product that everyone understands without needing to use more than one braincell. Funko-pop selling should be possible with good satire.

I also don't understand why you need "Sci-Fi Feudal Bureaucracy where the monsters in the dark are REAL" to be a satire unless you're unironically one of those people who needs to justify why they're consuming an "evil" product that no-one has ever banned in its lifetime.
The overtly murder mystery books put me off when these started to come out. I've always known it to be a woman's genre and GW's decisions since then (e.g. made-for-"rebellious"-women Squats, Femstodes) make me feel validated.
>The overtly murder mystery books put me off when these started to come out. I've always known it to be a woman's genre and GW's decisions since then (e.g. made-for-"rebellious"-women Squats, Femstodes) make me feel validated.
That feels like a massive stretch

The Crime novels came out around the same time as the Altered Carbon tv show being popular. Other series like Star Wars have also experimented with cross-genre stuff like crime noir and horror when they run out of ideas

Also "rebellious women" looking models have been common since 2015 when AoS came out
You fool, you've replied to the wrong post! Luckily I obsessively keep this thread open in the hopes that something interesting will happen between all the whiny fuckshittery about whatever the latest brainrot is.

Go forth with my blessing, anon, and use incredibly stupid joke names. The spirit of Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau is with you!
Here is your compensatory You for me failing to click the right number

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