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Lead Tasting Event edition

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn
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Sorry for the late reply anon, just saw your reply.

>The Story So Far:

>At the outbreak of the war, the first to respond were the Oathsworn (a Dark Angels successor with close ties to a forgeworld), the Gray Knights, Craftworld Vadhagh, the Mantis Warriors, the Cadian Ironclad Vanguard, the Squat Host of Ygdrasil, and the Armageddon Steel Legion. For 3 grueling months, they fought for every inch of the sector, but were steadily pushed back by 2 fronts of Ghazgull's Goff Orks, the Thousand Sons, The Pestilent Host, and the Bloody Cry.

>The Khornate Warband of the Bloody Cry made incredible waves, stomping through hoards of squats and guardsmen, only being stopped by the Oathsworn, for a time. After clashing in combat numerous times, the Dark Angels had to retreat numerous times, leaving their leader incensed at the depravity of the traitor leader. The only thing that could blunt this animalistic spearhead was the ingenuity of the Farseers of Vadhagh, smiting hoards of Berserkers with grace and precision that put Astartes to shame.

>The Thousand Sons bombarded the Imperial Guard regiments and the defenses of each planet, sowing discontent and fear among those who dared to stand in the way of the servants of Tzeentch.

>As of now, the Imperials have been beaten back onto the planet of Armageddon, planting their feet as they know this is do or die.
So what's your latest /grog/-relevant acquisition?
Found any good miniatures? Grabbed an aged codex or White Dwarf issues from a charity shop? Luckily inherited a whole stash?
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Not Oldhammer but I did get the classic 3e captain, one of my favorite miniatures ever.
Does anyone have a scan or photo of the weapon and profile summary page from the 3rd ed Ork Codex?

The pdf I have of the dex is missing it so I don't know half the weapon's profiles. Much appreciated!
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Mine doesn't either. I grabbed my physical copy and it's there. I have the third printing and the pdf doesn't mention which printing it is so it may be the first.
what page is this on? I went flipping through mine to try and find it and I couldn't. I must be going blind
Very last page of mine.
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Weird, this is the last page of mine. The text above is the same it seems, but mine doesn't have a summary.
That's what my pdf shows too. Must be a print run issue.
How odd!

Thanks for sharing! Much appreciated.

Tryna get an Ork list done for an Armageddon campaign this time next year
Got 3 kg of metal bits, didnt get to check whats in there yet cause I had exams at uni till yesterday. Might post later if there is anything intresting
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Looking forward to seeing what you turn up, anon!>>93155978
I found a terminator sergeant body and some arms in a bag of metal bits, including a terminator librarian force axe! So he's gonna get a psychic hood sculpted to his helmet and pal around with my RT termis.
Good morning Sirs

I will tidy my collection this month and take stock of all my projects
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Holy fuck, anon, I was waiting for the thread to re-open to ask the exact same question.
Yeah, apparently my spanish printing of the Codex comes with the same issue. I feel fucking scammed! The fuck is this bullshit!
It’s the price you pay for pretending to be in the hobby longer than you actually have been.
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I've been saying all the time I joined in 9th and just wanted to try the older editions to play with the local grogs, who very much appreciate another player in the group.
Stupid niggerfaggot, go spray your crotch infection somewhere else.
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You are stupid friend.
What I find strange is how this doesn't seem to be a widely reported issue. I hadn't heard about this before, yet the pdf in the pastebin as well as these two physical examples in two different lnaguajes come with the issue.
How very weird.
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Iirc they left it out because the one in the first printing of the codex more or less matches the ork weapon list in the big rulebook’s quick weapon reference, minus the stuff that’s new to the ork wargear part of the book

Also, played some 3e yesterday. My Mantis Warriors vs DAbro
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If you want i can post the big rulebook table for you if >>93161351 is correct.
nobody's pretending except for you, pretending somebody shouldn't be interested in old games and old editions, pretending you're special for (possibly) having played some of it at the time
what do you want me to do, thank you for your service like some military vet?
>the ork weapon list in the big rulebook’s quick weapon reference
Was that one the 4E Core Book as well? I can't remember right now.
>My Mantis Warriors
I'm not too sure the MWs would favour the bulkier MK-III armour, but they look great so who cares. Glad to see I'm also not the only one who prefers the old helmet to the newer one.
Not /tg/ but it's the same deal with Smash Bros discussion on /v/.
Try to talk about anything other than the latest one and spergs will come out of nowhere to try and derail the thread and shriek at you for "not moving on".
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Here’s the BRB version for comparison
A warlock/shadowseer for my small group of old harlequins.

I've been putting off painting them for ages but I've got a game coming up soon that I plan to use them for, so finally time to nut up or shut up
I am relatively new to this thread, thoughts on recasts? I have placed an order for an IG force to play on a cityfight board I am working on. I obviously don't mind recasts, but I am curious how you guys would feel if your opponent in an 2nd/3rd edition match had an entirely recasted army? I just can't afford to pay 70+ dollars for each infantry squad.
It looks decent on the table it is fine by me
The only time I give a shit if something is recasted or not is if someone's trying to pass it off on ebay etc as original.
All good with me. Some of my metals are recasts as well.

Not sure about the 4e book, I skipped 4e since I was a bit busy around then. And I agree about MKIII, but it’s my favorite armor pattern so I have to include it in any army I do lol
Hey gang, you guys got any ideas what I could do for a platoon of Armageddon Ork Hunters? I was thinking of grabbing a handful of troopers from each of the metal IG Regiments, and The Last Chancers, and the Old Necromunda models and just chopping them to pieces and mixing and matching them with Ork pieces. Like, Catachan body with a Tallarn's turban head, with a shoots in one hand and an axe in the other, for example. Just make em look real rag tag and weird. Or should I strive to have Ork Hunters with a semblance of a uniform? I feel the rag-tag appearance would be more appropriate for Savlar or even Traitors.

Love em, quickly becoming the only way to get those specific models. That and 3D Printing Scanners but that's a whole world into itself.
I have always loved the idea of a rag-tag mixed regiment, as long as you think you can cleanly cut those sculpts I think it could look great. Will definitely have to use some greenstuff. I think you can still have some uniformity with their paint scheme, they can have different uniforms and gear but as long as the general tones are close it will look like a somewhat cohesive force
No worries. Are you using some kind of map/system for the campaign part or is it just ran through the GM (I presume you).

Nothing really intresting- some(4) damaged metal scouts, 7 metal termies without arms, 6 metal 3rd ed terminator librarians XD. From the intresting part there is one scout biker, body of a metal fabius bile and amalgamation in the picture. Oh and 1 full metal rocket launcher marine from 2ed.
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here is the picture i forgot to attach.
does anyone know of any white dwarf issues or other guides that show how to paint Biel-tan eldar? I can't find a decent guide to save my life
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Ah, you've chosen the pain of painting white armour.
Here's the '94 method from 'eavy metal. The trick in this one is primarily using Orc Brown, which was kind of a yellow-y, sand brown. Modern methods use similar off-white colours to build up from and mix in with white paint, but the basic method is the same; only use hard white as the final highlight.
Otherwise the colour scheme is the same as ever minus the guns are red here because well, it was 1994.
Trying to build a Farsight list for 3E. How good ar crisis suits with the WS/I upgrade?
Both actually, I find that leaving players alone just gets people disinterested after a while.
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What grassmat did you use? Looks nice
Honestly not good, even with the upgrade it brings the crisis suit up to being essentially a worse, more expensive marine.

You a crisis suit in melee loses access to the two main selling points of the unit, which is the wide variety of ranged weapon choices and jump/shoot/jump.
Thanks, it's the old citadel grassmat
thanks mate, I think I'll give that a try. any idea what a modern day equivalent of Orc Brown would be? maybe something like new citadel Balor Brown? also, I will for sure be painting the guns red and yellow, love that vibrancy.
lovely to see as always
Not got a clue about modern citadel paints, I've not used those things since they stopped making the Foundation ones, but it looks like this apparently.
It is? Huh, seems so bright.
Have you tried finding it in DakkaDakka's paint chart?
yeah, that was the first place I checked, can't find Orc Brown in either of the citadel columns strangely
It looks like it's too old for that chart, being first generation citadel paints before the hexagonal pots with the same lids.

Those things were kinda shit, especially by modern miniature paint standards, being a bit thin (the yellows and reds were pissweak and needed extra work for at least a couple of revisions which I still find myself habitually using even on modern red/yellows as they're that ingrained), but also kind of amazing and genuinely transformative. With those paint sets and them getting popular, suddenly we had proper high density pigment acrylics for miniatures, in nice bright (not dingy attempting to be accurate for historical model kits) colours, decently widely available, with some instruction for use. I don't know if they were the first 'miniatures' acrylics to market, they genuinely might have been. But they were the most important.

The step up in usability from all that was commonly available from before that, which was basically enamels and a combination of stuff like some oil paints, inks, pens and the like (really early John Blanche models are some great examples of what could be done with those old paints and things but he was quite literally having to draw on black lines and dots with a fineliner pen in places) from before was insane.
Why? Why does the Ork Codex 2nd ed. have the B&W pages past the intro at 3x per page, squished down for ants?

Just wondering if anyone caught that.
this might sound somewhat sad but does anyone have any tips for solo-oldhammer? I really want to start playing some old editions but have no one who is even remotely interested in playing. so I plan to start playing solo and while I don't think I'll have any issues remaining impartial for each side I am interested in hearing any tips that you guys may have for solo scenarios and the like. cheers.
Hard to tell from the photo, but the closest colour in current citadel colours is either
Balor brown, James desert or zandri dust
Pick missions before point selecting and tailor army towards specific goal? Try various point size battles? Pick random stories that incorporate your guys from white dwarf or black libarary or even fan fiction and relive the battles or smaller battles associated with it... Armageddon for example? Also depending on forces at disposal you could have a betrayal scenario where on a random dice roll of 6 at start of each turn an allied force arranged against an enemy may turn coat and attack both ally and foe? Eg Eldar betray imperial guard aginst orks, That may push your impartially though.... Lastly for shits n giggles have a vortex field, chuck 4 or 5 vortex templates down and using scatter dice watch the hilarious results?
speaking of BRB - does anyone have the codexes/army lists from the 3rd ed rulebook? My pdf doesnt have them attached
It looks like 229 Dark Sand by Coat d'arms.
I would approach solo games like I'm the gm running a narrative driven scenario. Both sides are NPCs and will have objectives to achieve. I'm just there to move models and roll dice. Then maybe write up an after-action report to summarize the battle. Actually sounds kinda fun, I might try this.
Design scenarios around the models and terrain you have.
Use random generators for inspiration but don't feel shackled to the results.
Give each army a rough battle plan. They don't have to stick to it but it helps make decisions.
Please yourself: add, ignore, or change any rules if it will make the game better for you.
Start simple and get playing instead of dreaming about playing.

Also: I am shit at remaining impartial so I tend to deliberately skew scenarios against "my dudes" and not worry about playing "their dudes" rather badly.
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old harlequins are great models, i wish i had gotten more when eldar building
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i should try this. i havent actually played a game since second edition time so its been roughly20 odd years ago. these 2 armies have never seen a battlefield
wow, you definitely should try it out, it's a shame for such beautifully painted minis to get no use.
What kind of area you live in? You don't have any friends, neighbours or family members interested in miniature wargaming? I got a full sized gaming table with loads of terrain and multiple armies at home and have transported them to set up tables for events too. I've played with family members, friends, neighbours and strangers Ive just met games with since I had everything at hand and knew the rulebook inside out. I joined local gaming club too but vast majority of my games i've played have been in my living room since its so much easier for others to just grab a sixpack and come over. If you really want to play something, you need to be able to provide at least means for it. Old games have so much higher bar for newbies to get into unless there is someone to hold their hand and spoonfeed them too.
yeah, my family thinks wargaming is stupid and the players at my local shop actively refuse to play older editions even though I offer to bring all the rulebooks, lists and terrain we need.
I have that issue too, but no idea why.
For me it works fine in foxit but not in mega's viewer.
Put up an ad? I found someone printing mechanicus symbol stencils at work and hunted that person down to ask him if he wanted to play some 40k. Ended up hosting three day gaming event at work, made retrohammer table for it and ran 40k 2nd ed tutorial mission on it. Sounds like you got everything else covered, now you just need to bait people to try the edition you want to play.
Coming up with backstories/personalities for the army characters is fun and can help with deciding what each side's units do. You don't have to go super in-depth, just the broad strokes to add flavour is fine.

Also the rogue trader rulebook has a whole bunch of tables of scenario ideas.
Anons help! I'm looking for an old conversion of an Ork vehicle - it was larger than the OG battlewagon, had a slanted roof and forward-fixed battlecannon. Probably painted in black/Goff colors. It was most likely some old-ass conversion featured in WD. I tried to find it but failed, either the pic or even just the name of that specific vehicle would be fine.
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This one?
No, the two-sided slated roof is what I'm looking for. And it was bigger, maybe a battlefortress or whatever the big Epic ones were called?
But mentioning Epic was a good idea, it was called Braincrusha and I already found a few.
Brainstorm a few decisions and use a dice roll to choose between them for your opponent. Gives you a little bit more "oh, this is interesting to adapt to"
What is a suggested size for a 2nd edition 40k battle? 1000 pts? 1250?
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A very decent game can be had at 300, 500 or 750 especially if you use the rules for limiting stuff a bit (no character with more than 2 wounds, 5 man squads for space marines, armies can be lead by anyone of veteran sergeant equivalent or up, some restrictions on wargear I can't remember but mostly booting out certain items and limited maximum points costs).
Otherwise yeah about 1250-1500 for a 'proper' game. The game gets ever more unwieldly the larger it gets so 2k is do-able but pushing it (you may want more than 2 players with more points than that) because that tends to involve elongated psychic phases and some fucking tedious close combats if a lot of units get into it at the same time and don't resolve quickly (bogging down nasty units with unbreakable tarpit units for instance or just low quality shit flailing at each other). After experiencing that, that's when you start to see a lot of house rules appearing to rework certain systems.
2000 points of a mess of Orks here (studio army so it's 'one of everything that's painted') for instance.

You know, I don't think I've ever seen people post up their own old (or even current) army lists here for 2nd or 1st edition.
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Actually my bad, that's actually a very late Rogue Trader era army, not 2nd. About the same though for size, just some equipment differences in places mainly.
Thanks Anon. I'll post mine 1000 pts once I make it than hah
I think the pdf in general is fucked. Downloading it results in several of the pages looking blank.
Here's my classic beginner as fuck, completely unoptimized, lost probably every game army list for 2nd compiled out of what minis I have and some lists I found in a pile of white dwarfs recently:
Boring Space Marines:
Captain 117
plasma pistol, power sword, conversion field
Tech marine 58
boltgun, power axe, servo arm, jump pack
Codicier Librarian 132
force axe, psychic hood

Predator with autocannon and heavy bolter sponsons 120
Attack Bike with Multimelta 110
Bike Squadron x3 bikes, sergeant has power sword 147

Scout Squad 152
Sergeant has chainsword, needle rifles x3, heavy bolter with hellfire shells
Scout Squad 108
Sergeant has chainsword, 2x combat shotguns, 2x scouts with swords
Tactical squad 360
Missile launcher with frag krak and plasma missiles, plasma gun, chainsword

And if I didn't fuck up the math that's 1304 points.
This would have been usually playing smaller games with bits and pieces of this list, but you can clearly tell that this was a beginner just going with what they thought was cool after getting the mandatory basics together of a Captain, tactical squad, techmarine for vehicles, librarian for psyker shit. It gigantically lacks in high strength firepower, anything to take on tanks or terminators or big tyranid creatures and the like. Yeah you can uprate that psyker in levels or throw more wargear on the characters and upgrades on the vehicles but at its core this is an army that bits of should be taken out for 750 point games or smaller because it just doesn't have the tools.
The techmarine having a jump pack was a good idea though at least, that meant he could keep up with mobile vehicles to repair them/crew them.
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More Codexes. This time IG and CA '04.
I recommend switching techmarines jump pack for a bike or tarantula. Also why does sniper scout squads sergeant have a sword? Just give him a boltgun to rapid fire with or upgrade him to veteran and give him a sniper rifle too, that way gets to shoot at targets of his choosing. Might want to drop shotguns from other squad too and just give em swords too. Give captain a Master crafted plasma pistol too instead so he can fire every turn. I'd switch the missile launcher from tactical squad to devastator combat squad. I know these are what you have to work with but you get more mileage from your marine force by optimising the synergy. I had those kind of mixed squads at first and quickly noticed that I need to specialice more with marines in 2nd ed since they are so expensive points wise. If you get to shoot once per game with your missile launcher since everyone else in squad kept moving, you wasted almost 100 points. Missile launcher in scout squad is very good. Also consider getting apothecary
Literally just what the models had. I was just an idiot kid in '97-98 after all.

And here's what I'd try and pull out of it for a 600 point game, as recommended in White Dwarf #206, and the updates in #209 (combat squads, force leaders) using the same models:

Tech marine 60
boltgun, power axe, servo arm, blind grenades, jump pack

Attack Bike with Multimelta 110

Tactical Combat Squad 170
Plasma gun, Veteran Sergeant with chainsword and melta bombs
Scout Squad #1 152
Sergeant with chainsword, needle rifles x3, heavy bolter
Scout Squad #2 108
Sergeant has chainsword, 2x combat shotguns, 2x scouts with swords
600 points total.

Still no fancy wargear and criminally lacking in high strength weaponry but at this scale of battle it should be a bit better, especially dealing with objectives since it's got a little bit of mixed capability. The shooting isn't that strong since it's scouts mainly but with infiltration that should allow for some interesting positions, and small games are typically terrain heavy affairs on 4x4 boards. The Tactical squad didn't need the veteran sergeant but it was a flavourful upgrade to have him as force leader instead of the techmarine. Giving him meltabombs was a cheap way of cramming a last hope extra anti-vehicle attack into the army (sticking to the original miniatures).
Each unit clearly has their place on the battlefield though with the sniping scouts at range, the tactical unit in midfield, and shotgun scouts up in the enemy's backfield, with the bike roaming to find something nasty that needs blasting, with the techmarine making use of themselves wherever, maybe beating on something that can't fight back with his axe or just throwing a blind grenade somewhere annoying. Never underestimate the power of just cutting something's line of sight at the worst time for it as those line of sight arcs were not that wide after all. It's still pretty shit but I think I'd have fun with this.
Picked up an Armorcast Reaver, looking forward to assembling and painting it
Does anyone have printable wargear cards for 2nd ed by any chance?
Recast or original? Either way, post pictures please
Yeah, i'll post them when I get home. Tho you can find them by googling too
Got metal bile but needs fixing, it could be fun to kitbash the lad into one of the clone versions to run as chaos warband leader.
At work, so no pictures right now but i'll post them in ~6 hours if you're interested. And as far as I can tell, it is original.
Damn thats nice, how much did it cost you?
Anyway there's so many things I would definitely do now if putting together a marines army for 2nd.

Like have a combat squad of devastators with a couple of lascannon or heavy plasma guns for some actual punch.
Use a veteran sergeants ability to carry special weapons to load up on extra plasma guns or flamers.
Liberal use of blind grenades to help keep marines alive by limiting incoming fire/enemy charges.
Being sure to make use of those cheap bits of wargear like the Scanner or some Bionics because they're actually quite useful.
Specialised assault squads equipped for fucking up particular shit (tank/dreadnought hunting versus clearing whole mobs of stuff and so on). There is so much you can do with tailoring assault squads with their gear it's crazy. Or you can fully min/max like a cunt with them and just chainsword/powerfist combo the whole lot, slap a character with them and watch them fuck shit up (as long as it's not something really nasty like genestealers, that needs a different hard-counter).
Going either full cheap scouts with swords, grenades and bolt pistols only or loading them up for proper supporting stuff so giving the heavy a multimelta (easy conversion thanks to sisters of battle bits) for a close-up squad to ambush with, sniper rifles only on the long range squad, and ditching shotguns entirely.
Use veterans. Yeah it's 30 points more for a full squad of essentially tactical marines, but it makes the base to hit number for shooting a 2+ and their gear doesn't cost any more, plus going to WS5, I5 makes them a surprisingly passable close combat unit against a lot of regular troops, and Ld9 doesn't hurt either. In small games a combat squad of them would be just fine too.
Tarantula. Around 50 to 85 points for a BS5 (targetter) twin linked (mostly) heavy weapon of your choice. 'nuff said.
520 USD, after shipping, tax and import fees
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Not that anon, but that's honestly way less than I expected
Yeah it was a steal, which is why I jumped on it. Generally, they're a couple hundred bucks more
Well, you could get couple extra models to do just that. They are not that expensive and best thing about 2nd ed is the small model count, especially for space marines. Perfect opportunity to give touch ups for older models too. Post pics of your marines please
I really REALLY want one of those
Check HuskyForge on Etsy, he has a rotating stock of (fairly okay quality) recasts
This. I really want the Ork codex, as i feel it is an army for total bro's.

yet, now i guess i have to go buy it in the flesh...
assuming it's available.
whoever made that PDF...should fix it....
My pdf of the ork dex seems fine, have a link:

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He also literally has a reaver up right now

Don't worry about FOMO though, he restocks about every 1-2 months.
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Thinking of Orks, what would be good in a small 2nd edition ork list?

Buggies? Bikes? Dreadnought?
Big mob of boyz or several smaller mobs?
I'm guessing avoid a lot of the artillery due to the erratic nature of it versus few, low cost targets.
A lot of the clans have some quite useful abilities when it comes to gearing up a boyz mob in a more specialised manner so there's plenty to theme on there, like you don't have to take the whole circus you can just push one small aspect. And orks have passable shooting in 2nd, honestly probably better to focus on that over their close combat stuff, though the emphasis will still be on close range shooting due to average BS, they still get bolters, bolt pistols and a potentially lot of heavy weapons...
Bear in mind if you want a dread you have to also take both a mek and a painboy, they are pretty good though from what I've seen.

They also sorta suffer from how very RNG-heavy the vehicle damage system in 2nd is. This also applies to bikes/buggies/wartrakks but at least they tend to fly off in random directions and explode which is fun.

You probably want a couple of mobs of boyz and then also some blobs of gretchin to march in front of them and soak up damage. A weirdboy is probably also a good idea given how important the psychic minigame is in 2nd.
Thanks. Those i find online seem to be always missing some.
Also when it comes to mobs, for my money Bad Moons are the best all-rounders, then go for Deathskulls if you want more heavy weapons or Goffs upgraded to Skarboyz (+1 WS and S for 1 point, absolute steal) if you want melee fighters.

Evil Sunz and Snakebite boyz are alright if you mount them on bikes/boars. N.B. Evil Sunz are more expensive than vanilla bikers, but also get access to special weapons.

Blood Axes and (as much as it hurts my soul) Freebooters are just strictly worse than Bad Moons for the same cost, due to having worse access to special & heavy weapons. I guess Freebooters sort of make up for it by giving access to Freebooter Kaptin characters, up to you if that makes them worth it or not. There is also the added consideration that Ork pirates are very fun and fluffy, which is always a cooler choice than picking what's more competitive.
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Here it is, laid out on my bed. Like I said I still gotta put it together
What even were orks back then? Sure not the red goes faster 'ere we go bullshit they've become. Were they just generic space merc monsters?
They're not THAT expensive where I'm from, but they're definetly well above the 3e dexes.
Thanks, anon.
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Still full of character, and the RT orks very quickly grew rapidly into recognisable orky form. They started pretty generic as fantasy orcs in space that are just classic hate everything that isn't orcish, pure brutal thugs with a little touch of black comedy thrown in.
But because they're also big green goofs as well as murder machine assholes, well, a bunch of white dwarf articles/bits established via Adeptus Titanicus/Space Marine and eventually a Waaargh the Orks! not much later, it's all the usual clans, nobs, gretchin, shock attack guns, speed freaks and the like that it's been ever since. Even the fungus thing was in there, just not quite the same. And a different life cycle. That came with the Gorkamorka stuff I believe. That and orks were technologically capable but mostly from being very good at copying, and a lot of their stuff was just made for them by people they conquered.
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So for a 600 point list maybe something like:

Warboss 105
65 Power fist 10, kustom shoota 20, refractor field 5, bionic eye 5
Mekaniak 43
18, kustom shoota 20, mek tools 5

Battle Standard 54
Ork bearer 50, plasma pistol 4

Warbuggy (heavy bolters) 45
Warbuggy (multimelta 20) 65

10x Gretchin 50

8x Bad Moon Boyz 114
6x bolter boyz 78, 2x plasma gun boys 36

5x Bad Moon boyz 123
3x bolter boyz 39, 1x lascannon boy 1x missile launcher boy 84

Assuming I didn't fuck up that should be 599 Points. Here was my thinking:
Warboss and banner goes with the the shooty boyz as the centre of the force. They can keep moving and put out some dakka or sit on an objective. Probably with the gretchin screening them, or with them just put somewhere awkward. The smaller unit is purely there to give fire support, and the buggies can zoom about doing something explosive. I thought about doing one big mob of boys for resilience but figured even in a smaller game, it's probably better to be more dynamic in being able to act, so a fire-support, push unit with a disposable screen is the theory.
I wanted the standard in there to help keep stuff like the gretchin in the fight even as their numbers get rapidly ticked down. It feels like a weirdly small amount of models for an ork army, even a small one. But they are swapping numbers for some decent hardware and I think that counts.
Thanks man
Well my 600 points marine army would be something like(I am eyeballing the points costs):
Chaplain with a plasma pistol or some combi plasma (120)
Veteran combat squad with plasma gun and some weapons on the sarge (180)
Dreadnaught with rocket laucher and 1 melee arm (150)
Techmarine with a bolter and power axe (55)
Add scouts for the remaining hundred.
Thats 13 models. Your orcs outnumber me at least twice over hah.
Actually i would probably grab a squad of guardsmen instead of scouts to bolster the numbers a bit, but my point remains- that orc band would not be so few in number as it would appear on the 1st glance.
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Can /grog/ help me find a picture? It featured four black and white pictures of space marine tanks, a morbus bombard being one of them. I could have sworn I saw it in this general. Maybe it was in a fan magazine of sorts back in the day, because I can't where I saw it despite how much I've searched for it in the archives. Many thanks in advance.
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Would anyone happen to have a template for this banner?
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I’m printing an Ultramarines army. I’ve only got experience painting minis, never played the game. My friend plays 7th ed, so that’s what I’m going with. I don’t want to chase the meta too hard, but what are some units that would be good to have in a well-balanced army? Also, did they just use 6th ed guard rules back in 7th ed? Looking at old codices, I was surprised to not see one for the IG.
I think you are in the wrong place friend. people here dont much like nor know things about 7th edition. Try 40kg
fair enough, thanks homie
just ordered a 3rd ed rulebook, any tips or popular house rules I should know about?

Skimmers are pretty strong in 3rd, to the particular benefit of Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Tau
Thank you, you saved us all!
Saim Hann Wildbros stay winning
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Here's my current go to IG 500pt armylist, just played a game on it last night.

Commissar with bolter and refractor field 48pt
Squad of guardsmen with chainsword, missile launcher and grenade launcher 142pt
Chimera with blind grenades 145pt
Armoured Sentinel with lascannon 90pt
Ogryn hero with mesh armor and stormshield 68pt
Total of 493 points

I'll post a little battle report of the last nights game later
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>I'll post a little battle report of the last nights game later
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So we decided that we both would play IG for this game of 500 points. My opponent picked single squad of guardsmen with veteran sergeant and plasmagun, combat squad of those shady looking Dark Angels space marines and absolute behemoth of Leman Russ battle tank. He drew Dawn Raid mission card which meant he had to deliver a squad with less than 50% casualties or undamaged vehicle into my deployment zone to score. I drew Guerrilla War which means I had to beat his troops in melee or blow up that battle tank on my side of the table half to score points. So I knew my best bet was just to get that Leman Russ out quickly as possible. We got to deployment and I hid in the corner where I could get proper cover from that fearsome battle cannon.
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I got the first turn and managed to blow a sponson off the Leman Russ, making it unable to score victory points. I managed to get a very decent salvo into those pesky space marines with my trusted multilaser but all of them managed to get their armor saves. I then played my strategy card and dropped some napalm on the guardsmen, of which only two managed to survive. My opponent started rolling down towards my deployment zone with those space in tow, while I managed to survive the initial blast from that battle cannon unscathed, I knew this game would go down hard soon.
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And it sure did after my opponent played his strategy card, Barrage, which blew the fuck out my commissar and half my guardsmen including missile and grenade launchers. My sentinel didnt manage to penetrate that hard armor of Leman Russ and I was getting desperate. I knew I had to deal with those space marines just running towards the end goal and tried to get another shot at them with my multilaser but the blast from the battle cannon blew my tracks, flipping the tank over. Only single crewmember managed to crawl out of the wreck. I knew it was over. On last turn, space marines rushed to the end of my deployment zone and the game ended with scores 1-9.

We jokingly played this whole ordeal as an communication error which those fallen angels had caused and took advantage of. We really like these 500 point games where every unit matters and those cheaper units get to shine, like my sentinel there. The Leman Russ was such a overkill in game as small as this, even if it was fun for me I don't think we'll be doing that again lel.
Looking for a specific piece of 40k oldhammer black and white picture. I think it depicted one or two space marines speeding down a street on bikes. There may have been an ork in the picture.
Side question - looking at Rogue Trader art I get vibes from Judge Dredd and the Heavy Metal movie with a bit of Start Wars for the smuggler and Mos Esley lawless town aspect. Is this me projecting or was it genuinely the inspiration at the time? Don't know how coherent the universe was. Is there an article or something that goes into details about the very early days of 40k?
Yes, 2000AD was a massive and obvious inspiration for 40k, along with Dune, Moorcock, Star Wars, etc. There are interviews with Rick Priestly where he goes into the influences. Citadel had the Judge Dredd license and produced a range of minis during the 80s around the time Rogue Trader launched.
I don't think I'd include the strategy cards in such a small game myself, a lot of the effects are quite minor but some can be pretty swing-y (even discounting the mandatory removal of virus outbreak) at such a scale.
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Not marines but maybe this?
Yes, that's the one, dunno why I thought they were marine. Frankly this pic looks nothing like the shape that Warhammer would later take.
It kills me how they took advantage of the laid back attitude of people like Moorcock and then went on to aggressively copyright their own stuff.
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Local club had its quarterly Bring and Buy sale.

I got 5 metal Scouts, 2 librarians from 2nd and 4th edition, a damaged Chaplain, an Apothecary, and the limited edition Black Templars Castellan Draco all for 50p each.

Got the Star Wars 3D prints as they were 50p each too and the Emperor on his throne looked suitably generic.

So pretty happy. There was one guy with some really old stuff but it was eBay prices.
What people always miss about talking about "Rogue Trader" is *which* RT. Early RT? Pretty much what you're talking about, just a melange of pop culture-relevant sci fi and 80's nerdy stuff. But as WD articles and supplements came out it changed bit by bit, and by the time you get into the latter half it starts to look a lot more like the version of 40K that people think of as "2nd edition", which was really just a collection, codification, and reconciliation of RT's fluff as it existed at the end of its lifetime. There's some good video interviews/reminiscences with the OG Warhammer guys on the Filmdeg Miniatures youtube channel you'd probably find interesting.
Yeah pretty much what >>93208706 said is important to understand. I’ll preface this by saying I was like six years old at the time, but looking back the “coherent” vision of 40k starts to come into its own around 1990 and 1991, you can see it with the WD articles and model releases. The throw-shit-at-the-wall approach existed largely in the CRB of Rogue Trader and to a lesser extent in Book of Astronomican. After that you start to see concepts like armour marks, Eldar aspect warriors, and Chaos legions/primarchs all in their formative stages. I won’t lie, there’s something very appealing to the early Rogue Trader era. I think 40k has become increasingly incestuous with it’s ideas, and aside from using the word “quadrant” every other sentence the RT fluff is still a fun read.

Some “modern” stuff that folks bitch about is hilariously old though. The faux-Latin is everywhere in Rogue Trader, they’ve always been LEGIONES ASTARTES!
Yeah strategy cards are hard to balance. We both got quite powerful ones, which pretty much blasted all infantry from both sided in single turn. Some are so much better than others. I think both should have their own decks to draw from, like with psychic powers tho we share those too, especially the adeptus deck
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Time to make the banner next...
50p each?!?!
awesome work, what are you thinking for the banner?
Thanks! As for the banner, I honestly don't know. When I entered the hobby, the paper banners were on their way out, and my faction of choice had a handful of them as solid metal minis. I'll have to do some research.
I came across these last night when i was looking for a banner to put on this >>93202810
Chap, hopefully they can help.
Thanks man, I'll check them out.
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No worries
Forgot to post this as well
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Found some updated datafaxes for stuff last night, 2020 editions, is there any more up-to-date versions? I assume this stuff is usually hidden away on some f*cebook group.
To be fair, I think the issue with the modern faux-latin is more first that it's pretty shit(Astra Militarum? "Star Military"? Jog on eh) and that the motivation behind its increasing centering by GW is suspect - 40K *used* to have faux latin(and even faux latin puns) because the guys making it thought it was cool. Now when they add it they do so because the term everyone already knew and liked that they want to replace can't be trademarked.
nice, £2.50 for those Scouts is a steal, classic sculpts
Google project anvil, that datafax is from there.
Yeah that's where the 2020 versions are from, and that blog has stopped updating as of 2022, I was wondering if there's newer versions with more stuff around. Some of those Horus Heresy vehicles might be ok to add after all. Or many classic Forgeworld bits that were not included in that lot.
Thanks for this.
https:// mega .nz/folder/CTgGhTAD#IO6zlf0wjmA93PB9ZFuhQA

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