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Proper formatting for once edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread

>Thread question:
What next supplement (outside of 2077 one, that's boring) you wish to be announced at GenCon? What you wish was explored in 2020 era?
I've decided to bring Panzerfaust into RED. I know other people have tried, mine is better. I know other styles are two special moves and this is three, but fullborgs are just better than you.

>Iron Charge
>DV 15
>Prerequisites: moved at least 8 yards and made a Martial Arts attack on an enemy in the previous turn
>Use the incredible speed and momentum of your full conversion body to deliver a devastating blow. Instead of making 2 Attacks with your Martial Arts Attack Action you can make a single attack against any target within 15 yards. This attack deals extra damage equal to your Body and pushes the target back a number of yards equal to your Move and renders them Prone.

>Deflecting Plate
>DV n/a
>Prerequisites: none
>You're made of metal, gonk. Act like it. For a number of rounds equal to your Martial Arts rating, melee and brawl attacks do not ablate your armor.

>Drill Fist
>DV 17
>Prerequisites: Deal damage to the same target with two Martial Arts attacks in the same location in the previous turn that ablated the target's armor.
>You made a dent, now exploit it. Instead of making 2 Attacks with your Martial Arts Attack Action, you can make a single attack that ignores SP below 15.
In either 2020 or red edition, or 3.0 I don't judge, are there any cyberwares that let you have something like centaur or spider legs?
>Thread question

Netrunning desperately, desperately needs more stuff. There are only a handful of programs available in RED, and almost no deck options. This may be unpopular, but imo quickhacking is gay and I hope it won't replace netrunning altogether.

All these newpunks just wanna be wizards and do the exact same stuff every other character can do...
>What next supplement (outside of 2077 one, that's boring) you wish to be announced at GenCon?
I still haven't read the original 2020 source book. I'm working my way through it right now. Red seems to have better systems but the semi-post-apocalyptic setting makes it sound like a shittier world to play in compared to the neon wonderland of the 2020s and 2070's.
>What you wish was explored in 2020 era?
When I finish with the source book I'll let you know.
As long as you maintain "Character can only know panzer faust, as there's no room for anything else when you're this good and concentrating on beyond human moves."
You want a conversion int -taur bodyform? I don't think ive seen any but probably something with all the costs of 2 or 4 cyberlegs + some sort of mount for the lower body part.

Go be your fury wolftaur, anon
>What next supplement (outside of 2077 one, that's boring) you wish to be announced at GenCon? What you wish was explored in 2020 era?
Fuck you. I want more 2077 stuff, especially rules for "deep dive" netrunning.
I kind of like the post-war setting because there still are neon wonderlands, they're just sitting next to bombed-out buildings now. I think that creates more interesting contrasts and new problems. The rich and powerful are still rich and powerful, the poor are poorer, the neon lights are turned on, but everyone struggles when the economy goes tits-up.
Interface RED vol 2 has exotics as the bonus chapter. It has rules to become a fucking dragon (for the surprisingly reasonable price of 11,000 eddies), you can probably squeeze centaur out of it somehow
I don't think that kind of restriction is necessary, what if a character has other MA skills before he borgs up? Does he get the IP refunded?
There's borgware for extra arms, just make it legs and use some Realskin, done and done.
Old netrunning isn't possible in a post-Bartmoss world, there is no Net, just isolated networks.
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Heading inside while we fill up, you want anything?
chocolate kibble
yeah can you get me a 5' 3" Latina baddy with a fat ass. goth if they have them. oh and uh some takoyaki
Are the 2020 copies being sold on Amazon by R.Tal actual prints from their original files, or crappy scanned image pods?
Broseph, bro!
Broseph lager for me too, broseph.
If they have the new Lizzy concert BD grab it for me. I already have the one from 2076 so if that's all they got I'm good.
I mean the post-RED “elevator” style netrunning, that still works. The one in the core rulebook.
If you want to make players use that more, make it necessary, throw more demons controlling security measures at them, juice up some tank drones and sentry guns to make it too hard a fight to face them head on, force them into the net architecture.
Teriyaki fries crickets and a Broseph
Is there a point you retire character, when they get too powerful, too skilled and too well equipped to have a reasonable chance of failure beyond throwing something like 50 psycho squad officers at them?
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if a party's gotten to that point, that's when you hit them with the Big Man so they can either prove they're bad enough dudes to bang Hanako Arasaka or die trying
>Is there a point you retire character
If they don't have a "get out of the rat race" retirement goal they can accomplish, they keep running until they die or get enough smarts to retire and run their own cool mercenary bar/anarchist group/crime gang/whatever.
Send them to space or europe tbqh, make them operate in a very constrained environment
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Turn them into a fixer. Let your Ref take over your character not because of cyberpsychosis but to be a gig provider. If the whole crew retired (hopefully someone lived) you can have the new characters run into old crew members as NPCs.
>"Oh yeah, Megabuilding 3, the scavs pretty much rule that place. Got a lead on a VIP they snagged. 'Don't know their exact location so you may have to flatline a few of their gonk asses until you find where they've stashed the VIP. Don't be gentle, they messed up one of my chooms from a while back and stripped his chrome, nearly zeroed the poor fucker. Anyway, on top of the regular pay, I'll zip a few extra eddies your way since this one is personal."
>the "poor fucker" being from a session with the earlier crew so the gig acts as a callback to that instance.
Large bag of cheese flavoured chips, brand don't matter. Thanks, man.
Looking at his actual stats I'm not convinced he'd be a huge problem for this group.
Two actions at the top of initiative, un-ignorable regenerating 18 armour, a rof2 6d6 shotgun, 9d6 smart missiles, rof2 6d6 fists and he’s not a problem? What are your players packing, are they all rank 10 solos in custom FBC?
>>Iron Charge
I'm stealing this for a KillBook Adam Smasher
>4d6+20 damage for anyone in his path
>Renders prone
>Pushing back 16 meters (half his MOVE)

Also here's my Kenjutsu (or Iaido according to Wikipedia)
Kenjutsu: Hard style of using your sword to the best of your abilities.

You can choose to evade a melee attack using Kenjutsu skill instead of evasion. If you have your sword equipped and succeed by 4 or more you gain a bonus attack on them during their round.

You can attempt an aimed attack at a targets head using your Kenjutsu skill. If you succeed you deal triple damage instead of double after the SP.
>Europe is just as constrained as space
kek, I love 2020 lore
>ERMK dropped a tiny bit of lore that Ziggurat NET (build surprisingly quick according to RED Corebook) is in fact build upon the Old Net nodes, and they got snatched by NetWatch when someone found out.
They're hinting at plot of Orion, aren't they?

Looking on how 2077 was made:
>Saving Sandra is mandatory mission
>Deepdiving to Old Net is mandatory mission
>Mayor quest isn't mandatory, but cant be missed
>Songbird story

I'm getting more and more sure they'll make a AI the major party of the story.
NTA but Omega Frame, Metal Gear and some Borg weapons would end Adam quickly if he's not clever in a fight
which he is not
Europe in 2020 is really shockingly like europe irl, except that Poland is nicer irl and the balkans are all friends in 2020 and nothing bad ever happened after the fall of Yugoslavia.
I said not a HUGE problem. They're mostly full conversions, one's a souped up ninja in a Spider, two heavy tank Solos in Dragoons (one's mine), a netrunner/nomad who has a demon to drive his armored pickup and another to shoot mounted weapons while he quickhacks, and an ACPA sniper with an antitank rail gun on a flight-capable suit. None of our main skills are under rank 10. The runner wants to expand his car's net architecture to fit more demons to run flying gun drones he'll keep in the bed of the truck.
Let's see...
ROF2 Shotgun doesnt do much, even with Slugs against Adam
This might actually be good if you somehow keep him from getting close or have party brawlers with extremely high HP. Ablating his SP wouldnt help much since his regeneration.
Doesnt do shit RAW his SP18 regenerates
Biggest RAW damage, might help

Now for some DLC guns
>Flechette SMG (Gunmas)
4SP less would help if next person deals high damage
>Harpoon (Woodchipper)
4d6 BUT halves SP, Still 12 damage on average isnt gonna rekt 9 SP per se
If you have a Nomad you actually have a chance of hitting with this thing. 8d6 is always welcome and might work against Adam
supposedly shoots two rockets, but the GM decides where they land... Sigh, dodgeable by 15DV its bullshit

I left out Homebrew Weapons, but I'm pretty sure the European weapons packed some Anti Material railgun, or rifle? Might want to look into that.
>look at my wall of text
God, I'm autistic.
>Doesnt do shit RAW his SP18 regenerates
It regenerates once, homie. Just once.
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Which is why I asked about when it's time to retire. The other Dragoon is talking about swapping to a Gemini just to keep things interesting.
>Oy m8 I always carry a spare 5000eb RAILGUN
>Officer It's for a case when this metal monster would get their SP ablated 16 TIMES (or 8 with explosives).
Nigga you're dead 2 times before you hit him 8 times.
You don't try to beat Adam with just guns, melee cuts SP in half by default.
SP halving is stupid, real motherfuckers add their BODY value to the damage to pass SP.
Now this is just me, but if you're that strong, I think you should either retire or try to pull a Blackhand and storm Arasaka Tower or some other similarly well-guarded location. If Smasher isn't enough for a challenge, how about him and half of Arasaka's security department?
you can't halve his SP
Where'd you get that idea?
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He also ignores ALL crits including bonus damage.
Also funnily enough he seems to lack a cyberskull RAW
Ok fair I missed that. Still, I'm pretty sure we can take him
You mean in a fight, right?
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>Adam smasher tech-upgraded his dragoon body-plating to not be halved by melee weapons
I told you niggas this was possible but you called me mad.
geez it's Thursday Night Throwdown all over again (in the jumpstart kit you only death save once a round and nothing inflicted additional penalties to the save beyond the additional -1 every round. My players ended up desperately fighting for their lives for 6 rounds against a guy who was already effectively dead but kept making his deathsaves)
Also, the whole as Novel that has Blackwall/AI (Sub)plot.
RTG doesn't put paid material in another paid material (which is why people in DGD don't have stuff from BC). This includes FBCs. Which is also why Adam has Berserker, it's so that they don't have to put FBC rules in.
try not to be triggered
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25 ish years later
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30 ish years later
These are only barely similar
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How the fuck did that happen, and also isn't being in a dragoon basically a free ticket for insta-cyberpsychosis?
Either way if your characters are loaded enough to have gotten all of this shit it and still have all of their brains then they should already be able to retire or just be one retardedly dangerous high-paying run away from doing so.
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So how was the mission kit then? Haven't had the chance to check it out yet.
I wish this game was an actual tabletop with hexes and such. People just talking into the air that so-and-so is happening is kind of, meh
I like it but don’t love it. The weapons are actually fun and I think a full 2077 rule set would be way better than red
The fluff is also better than anything they’ve put out for red itself. The mission is fine, nothing spectacular but it’s solid. Oh, and it ACTUALLY HAS RULES FOR ATTACKING FROM STEALTH! A whole section for it!

There’s a few glimpses of rtaltardedness in a few spots, and it’s very frustrating that it is just a starter set and not a core book refresh. That said, it’s got a map, several different play maps, tokens, pregen character sheets, sensible formatting, well designed cards for the weapons, decent enemy stat sheets, and little cutouts of the pregen characters to play with, so it’s an excellent starter set (but I didn’t want a starter set)

The map is literally just ripped from the vidya but it’s head and shoulders above the childrens doodles Red tried to pass off as maps
I just can’t believe James wrote it so that you have to roll Interface Vs Will, which is stacked as fuck against the hacker. Just to see if they notice - but they notice for free the moment you actually get off a quickhack!
and then later they can force concentration vs interface, which means that it’s essentially impossible to win even for the highest tier runners, and that shuts you out for AN HOUR.

Like, I get you don’t want it to dominate, but it’s already pretty hard to roll puppeteer or system reset (needing an 8 on a D10 for a role 4 runner) and the rest of the hacks aren’t much better than gunfire. And that’s of course before anyone takes ICE, which obviously mooks won’t at 500 but any corpos or serious edgerunners will take. Just like, let players have fun, man. Relax a little
I finally had a brain blast for a fun red campaign/forlorn hope style collection of missions
I looked at >>93171236 and was rereading the night city sourcebook and realized that there's a TON of valuables in the hot zone. the city centre and banks would have a lot of valuable deeds and legal documents, bank vaults would have some precious metals in their vaults and the museum had plenty of valuable art in its basement. the corpo plaza itself would have had servers in the basements of a few of the buildings. you could also put an infocomp office there. there's a lot of room for a campaign around treasure hunting for a mysterious client (nightcorp making a bid at reclaiming the legacy of Richard Night himself?)
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Wrist swords never worked in my mind. A short blade for stabbing and clawing (Robocop's USB spike, Wolverines claws, a punch dagger) have uses, but having a full on sword fixed to your forearm feels like really awkward thing to wield. I know there's the Indian pata, but that's about it.
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I think it would be difficult, even the pata gives more wrist movement. It's just less movement options. Ones like how Jensen has would be a bit awkward to use. I do think the mantis blades would be better since they are more about tearing into people.
huh, so the Beirut blast was roughly equivalent to the 2023 night city nuke, though obviously the nuke had a different thermal profile
>though obviously the nuke had a different thermal profile
Don't forget the after effects, nukes are the gift that keeps on giving.
Jensen's blades made even less sense to me. He's a security guard. Imagine if Elon had Tesla guards carry machetes instead of batons as part of their standard equipment. Ok, he'd probably do it for the lulz, but still. If Jensen had non-lethal batons that shoot out to strike and block with, it'd suit his role better. Later he could upgrade them for lethal blades.
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why must you edit it and make it a png anon...
>Wrist swords never worked in my mind. A short blade for stabbing and clawing (Robocop's USB spike, Wolverines claws, a punch dagger) have uses, but having a full on sword fixed to your forearm feels like really awkward thing to wield. I know there's the Indian pata, but that's about it.
I'd be more autistic about it if RED's melee weapons had any mechanic other than dmg and rof. But on flavor text i made for this homebrew of Jensen Blades, the sword blade can move around instead of locked in a fixed position like that. I just draw it like that because it's easier.

It can also do the thing where they come out from the elbow instead too. 5k for 1 installation (it's the entire cyberarm with no slots) and +1 to defend against Melee Attacks. You can also shoot it using Melee Weapons skill and grenade launcher DV with max range of 25m. Extra blades cost 500eb

What really matters is that the Jensen Blades are really fucking cool and i want to use them on muh character.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem to be doing just fine. And those were super inefficient models that left a lot of fallout. The great thing about nukes is that in order to make them more powerful, you just have to make them more efficient, meaning more of the material is fissioned. In the 60s we had bombs you could turn a dial to set how big of an explosion you wanted.
Don't bring a wrist knife to a wrist gun fight.
yeah only the Indians and Pakistanis really have particularly fissiony bombs these days. but tbqh I think in night city's case the large amounts of concrete dust generated by the destruction of the arasaka tower in the immediate blast might be particularly problematic RE: localized fallout
Well after getting invaded by a PMC I can imagine Sarif wasn't in the best mindset when making the decisions on what to put into Jenses, since they also put in the new experimental military room clearing weapon in him.
Johnny's account(which is biased and inaccurate in many ways to be fair) also showed them shoving that shit into the elevator and sending it crashing to the bottom floor. No airburst here. Although it is stated the fallout was a negligible issue since most had rad filters and protection as a standard thing for living.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were airbursts which barely left any fallout.
>why must you edit it and make it a png anon...
For ease of posting and I wanted all the designs together, you do fantastic art Lazer.
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Let's not forget Korea who presumably also has... some weaponry.
>yeah only the Indians and Pakistanis really have particularly fissiony bombs these days
I don't know how well I'd trust Russian nukes at this point.
It's crazy how Rtal's stance on balancing has changed since Cyberpunk 2013. 2020 and the games from that era are absolutely broken, nonsensical pieces of shit, but I love that about them. Enemies and players alike can blow each other apart with improvised explosives that can instakill anything short of a borg. There's not attempt made to make full auto API weapons even remotely survivable. Player too cocky or strong? The book itself recommends just fucking killing his character.

That's the kind of rockstar charm that sold me on the series. How times change. I adore this sort of everything is broken so nothing is truly broken attitude, but I get that this doesn't fly with the new wave of RPG fans who all come from video games and get bogged down in the numbers instead of thinking outside the box to solve their problems.

Old man rant over. I'm not shitting on newfags for liking what they like, just interesting.
I just read the missionkit profiles and it's dogshit. AI could write better stuff than this person did, it's straight up sad. I did not think it could be this bad. I expected mediocre, but not braindead slop
I feel the same way. this isn't dnd man, the players and enemies both have the same gear and abilities. so what's the problem with letting things get a bit wild?
Yeah you can't just have adam alone. He operates with a team of arasaka ninjas who do the thinking for him and are lethal in their own way. He was never a solo act until edgerunners decided they wanted him to be
Have they made new nukes since the USSR? Pretty sure it's still the same stuff, so if the Soviets could make three-stage hydrogen bombs in the 60s, Russians should have all the same stuff. Even US nukes are getting old by now, which is why they want to start making new ones. Half-life and all.
Didn't the videogame do it first?
The anime character profiles in the Edgerunner's Handbook with the backstories of the characters. The only one that's halfway decent is Kiwi's, Dorio's is the longest for no reason and some of them are straight up insulting to the reader like David's and Rebecca's. Oh, and Falco started his "racing career" on a tractor.
We just don't know. They can mine their own fuel without need for any imports, so they can keep making as many as they want.
One thing that raises a question is how effectively they can launch them, carrier missiles need more maintenance than the payload itself and Russia is plagued by pilfering and corruption.
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>how effectively they can launch them
Hopefully we'll soon find out.
Holy shit. I didn't think to read these before, but you're right, these are real bad. The story of David's birth sounds like a Sonic OC tier parody someone would post on here.
Tying Maine to phantom liberty (no explanation of the runner flashback from the show either), Lucy having a "happy childhood"... From the show I kinda got the impression that she was some kind of orphan raised by 'Saka's weird superhacker program from a young age. It's possible that I missed some shit that backs this up, but it just reeks of lazy supplemental material for desperate fans. It's like tie-in comics for a movie: none of the character backgrounds are of any consequence to the story, because they probably weren't even thought up by the same writers. Absolutely embarrassing, I'm not the biggest fan of 2077 but I thought this series had more dignity.
they've only claimed to have developed two new systems I'm aware of and. otb were delivery systems not warheads. if it's anything like their civil rocketry they are good at making the same shit they've always made and everything else is bullshit designed to make the domestic audience believe they are actually on the verge of conquering the solar system with death rays - which, given the claims about the poseiden, is probably exactly the case
Let's hope we don't, even if they could only launch them with a trebuchet, the borders of Kaliningrad are close enough to make that detonation range concerning.
He wasn't really a security guard anymore, he's basically converted to an assassin for sarif
He was still the head of security, he still worked on company matters. Sarif might have intended to use him as as assassin, but on paper and in his day to day operations he was still a security guard.
Nah in the video game he has guys helping him
I still think the oddest thing with Sarif is despite being the front runner on augmentation tech he's somehow just not involved with the illuminati. I don't even remember if it's explained why, you'd think they would have tried recruiting him thus making all the bloodshed not needed.
>When you want affordable ammunition, you use money that's within arms length
The illuminati are trying to suppress augmentation in the game's plot
Indeed, but that's kind of the point, would have saved a lot of headache to just not go heavy handed and send PMC's to attack and take his top scientist(whom does get recruited). Granted I guess a plot has to happen but it feels odd.
>Lucy having a "happy childhood"... From the show I kinda got the impression that she was some kind of orphan raised by 'Saka's weird superhacker program from a young age
The profile says this still happened and that her dad sold her into it which arguably makes it worse lmao
(i agree that it's stupid though, this would've been mentioned by her)
You know I wonder what the going rate is for selling children to Saka.
Where was it said that PCs start at rank 1 instead of rank 4 in Edgerunners? I remember a post about it on some previous threads before, but I think I might be blind because I dont see it
>affordable ammunition
Assuming those are suppose to be 50 coin tubes (like pic related), she's using 500 yen coins in the show, meaning that's $155 per shot.
Speqking of literal moneyshots, how does one make an enemy that shoots money, without the pitfalls of players going for the free money and/or going "haha whoops, the money is fake all along!"? I want to make something silly yet still threatening
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still cheaper than gyrojet
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Have them use a golden coin as a weapon.
Douse the money in gasoline, let the players burn for their greed. But the money is very much real, maybe they can save some of it by allowing themselves to continue to burn. Bonus points if that's less than the hospital bill.
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Has anyone actually done more damage to corpos than him?
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Which fixer would be the best to work with long term?
If you had elite augmented strike team break into your facility, kidnap and kill people, and shoot your head security officer in the face you'd probably want to give him some arm blades as well I think(along with other stuff).

As far as non-lethal options go his robo arms seem pretty good at knocking people out. Never mind some of the stun/tranq guns he has access to.
I totally forgot how after 9/11 airport security was issued bayonets.
>his robo arms seem pretty good at knocking people out
They're also perfectly capable of killing people without the need for blades.
>Never mind some of the stun/tranq guns he has access to.
Bullets are like little long distance knives.
I like them, but then again, I'm not in the business of looking for things to whine about either.
She's a dangerous woman, would be safer to stay away less you have someone after you after some fuck up.
>el capitan
Pays well, doesn't kick a lot of heavy hitters, great to work with overall.
Getting on his good side is probably guaranteed protection within certain parts of the city unless someone has a death wish.
I'm 80% sure she's an NCPD plant, so make of that what you will.
Great if you're a nomad.
He pays well but corpo square is a dangerous place.
>dogtown and pacifica
If the US Government wasn't behind 9/11 maybe they would have issued those bayonets to keep m.e.ltdown edgerunners from destroying any more of our financial hubs. But instead it was just a big theater.
>But instead it was just a big theater
Well they had to do something, what you expect we should have just let the existing institutions do their jobs instead of outright ignoring them and making five more that will also be ignored?
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Funny. But C'mon. I like some of his work. The Witcher game ain't bad.
Not when you first see him and he calls the chick that got written out of the plot "fuckmeat"
You don't really need a squad of ninjas for a meeting with the boss.
>They're also perfectly capable of killing people without the need for blades.
The average goon is easily dispatched but Jensen regularly went up against security teams, organized criminals, and esoteric freemason cyber cultists. I think it's fair to give him a little more than robo arms.
It still doesn't make sense. It's trying to create this backstory where her thing is "running away", but the reason for that isn't because she witnessed some corpo violence and it traumatized her, it's because she was a child slave forced to watch other children like her burn themselves out. She's clearly fine with killing the shit out of people. Violence was never a problem for her. I don't know why the freelancer who wrote these is sanitizing the shit out of the women in particular.

Dorio doesn't pull the trigger, Lucy hates war and Rebecca is some kind of cute saintess too good for this world. Only Kiwi gets a backstory that's relatively in tune with the setting, and she's the bad one that betrays the team so she gets raped? Completely misses the point of the setting and of the characters' appeal.

Also no mention of Sasha, the catgirl from the music video. She's supposed to be an important background character for Maine's crew pre-Kiwi, and this is exactly the kind of book where that info should be front and center.
He's escorting the boss as a bodyguard.
>How the fuck did that happen
>isn't being in a dragoon basically a free ticket for insta-cyberpsychosis?
Not the Red version, check Interface 3, new Dragoons only have a HL of 64, and that can be reduced down to around 40 with just a few seeks downtime. Down to 21 if you really want to.
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Is this really the metaplot?
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>freelancer who wrote these
Wanna see something funny?
Now that IS surprising. Almost unbelievable. Rebecca's entry reflects literally nothing about the show. Weird as hell, boss.
Could be a reasonable theory, all things considered what does it really matter who's brain is driving that body. Not like Saka ain't got the tech to pull it off.
I thought Trigger created Rebecca
That might be it, maybe Sztybor didn't have any interest in Trigger original material. And that's probably a lot of what makes the show good.

Who knew that Japs can actually have more restraint and subtlety than Western writers? And Studio fucking Trigger, no less?
Risk of death is generally a good one. Hell, use their greed as a way to get them to do something really dumb. "oh sure I can take the hit, want that dough" and then it blows their head right off.
In terms of character and competence? Hands is the best of the lot. But factoring in how dangerous their respective areas are? Probably regina, not likely to betray you and in a relatively tame part of town.

Padre also seems like a decent shot for a long term partnership, something something old men dangerous professions.
Makes no sense. The book doesn't read like it was written in Polish first, either. It's not translated, it reads like American freelance writing. I'd bet on that being a lie, and not because I think that guy is any good.
Even Neil Degrass Tyson has said nuclear fallout isn't really an issue with modern bombs
Depends on the ending, sometimes he's alone. Or, he was, I'm a poorfag and don't have a PS5 for the DLC.
Padre is probably the only one of them who can say the word "loyalty" out loud without bursting into flames. Strangely my sister hated all of them when she played.
>Also no mention of Sasha, the catgirl from the music video
She was apparently the sister of one of the dlc characters from 2077 but who knows if that was actually factored into anything
Europeans speak english, anon
>Padre is probably the only one of them who can say the word "loyalty" out loud without bursting into flames
I feel like I have to disagree with you there. Regina (for example) is repeatedly shown to look out for associates and just be generally altruistic in outlook.
Hands is all business, but even there you have a level of professional appreciation and respect. He isnt your friend (or at least would never say he is) but he wouldnt throw you under the bus, standards.

Really out of the 2077 fixers the only shady one is wakako, the others are either too under-developed to have anything beyond being good to work with or are actively characterized as principled in some way or another.
You're right. The guy speaks and writes in English. I'm a tard. I guess he's just a shit writer?
I agree on all points. I was kind of holding out on writing more fanfiction since I wanted to see what the "official" canon was going to be. Having read the little bios EMK, I think it would have been better off just pulling shit out of my ass based on what I read.
>Really out of the 2077 fixers the only shady one is wakako
I would have agreed with you but that cyberpsycho mission where you meet the Maxtac officer who was herself a former cyberpsycho made me start to question Regina's motives for the cyberpsycho stuff. But it could also just be me being paranoid.
You can do better than this, anon. The Polish fear the writefag.
>Mike: Never trust the megacorps especially the ones in real life
>Cody: Megacorps are OK as long as they make you feel good
He apparently wrote some of the 77 tie-in comics, and I haven't heard great things about them.
I'm out of the loop, what's the lore with Pondsmith II?
The 77 cast is genuinely unappealing on all fronts and I don't want to read about them
Dont we see how that particular psycho was apprehended in the first teaser trailer?

And sure, its possible regina wants to capture cyberpsychos to repurpose them as maxtac, but thats probably still better than just killing them and does seem a bit funky with some of those missions being you trying to go in before the police show up and ventilate the unfortunate psycho (iirc).
Based and correct. Fuck that game could've been so good if it wasn't focused on their stupid 'dying + tulpa' plot
I fucking hate the plot and the characters involved in it, but holy shit not even the side content has fun characters. It's skyrim tier. When the most likable talking NPC in your game is a vending machine you can't pretend it's all gold.
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Yeah I feel like I'm taking crazy pills hearing people talk about the game. Jackie is the best character but he's barely in it. V is obnoxious making every mission bad by default. At least the gameplay is fun and the world design is fantastic but just, damn, why'd they do it like this
I don't think they're scans, it should be the same as the 2020 pdf you got with CP2077 if you bought it on PC.
Is really anymore retarded than Smasher surviving a nuke at ground zero?
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>Rebecca is some kind of cute saintess too good for this world.
What the actual fuck? She's an unhinged murder gremlin with a softer side. That's like her whole character.

I mained her shotgun in the videogame that's literally called Guts and its a 4 gauge monster that appropriately turns everything into mangled chunks of meat.
>She's an unhinged murder gremlin with a softer side.
Seems like a case of the writer basing their writing on their memory of the character instead of the reality of it. We see a lot of good from her from Davids pov, or people just think her answering the door with a gun to the head as a funny quirk.
He also says Italians just built churches and didn't bother exploring.
>Even Neil Degrass Tyson has said
Anon in the future I'd maybe pick an example that doesn't publicly say absolutely retarded stuff every couple days. It's been almost a a decade since people actually respected NDT. Social media is a harsh mistress that way.
Becca has a heart but the whole "she was too sweet and took care of a ganger" does not sound in character for her. She gleefully murders countless booster gang gonks throughout the series.
I dont think being empathetic and murdering people is contradictory, at least in this instance.

My personal issue is that my impression from the series was that her motherly/nice streak came about after her brothers death, with her acting all around fairly bratty before that.
it's amusing rereading the NC sourcebook because small businesses are doing better there than in real life America lol. even in a dystopia ruled by megacorps has less monopolization than real life
>. Jackie is the best character
absolute reddit tier opinion
You know, I've always known that there was a disconnect between fans of the TTRPG and fans of the video game/anime, but the release of the EMK just made that even more obvious to me. Oh, well. I guess it was wrong of me to not expect some level of tribalism.
I have a question about the new edgerunners supplement.
What info does it provide about Rebecca?
that she never loved you, not really. you were just there
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This is all of it. There really is nothing else
They don't even get in game stats?
The two take very different approaches. There’s nothing wrong with that, part of me is just saddened by how the newer media is retroactively influencing the RPG because of how astronomically more profitable it is. And this is 100% a biased opinion, but the new stuff kinda sands off the countercultural edge the genre takes its name from for the sake of mass marketability, imo.
>What info does it provide about Rebecca?
Beyond what we already know, like her being best girl and too good for the cruel world that is Cyberpunk, not much. Her dad was apparently a famous Edgerunner.
Yea, I cant say this fits the rebecca you see pre timeskip. She did end up being an incredibly compassionate !mom with david, but that was seemingly a change, one most likely caused by losing her brother.
Well, there are some things I disagree with. I don't care for the Funko Pops or GamerFuel jars with the Edgerunners characters on them, for example. At the same time, I think CDPR did far more good than harm. I'd certainly prefer getting more 2077 content for RED in the future over more vanilla RED stuff, since RTG seem to be making the setting more and more unappealing with each new release.
Yeah reading this it really seems out of character for early Beca.
It could work but it makes her traits too on the nose.
For example in the show itself she masks her despair for her brother being killed by blowing up at the murderer and then complaining she was the only one with a right to kill him.
And then shows up after the timeskip with giant hands to handle bigger weapons as her old pistol failed to kill her brothers murderer.
All of that in a not too in your face way
Yep, nothing but fan canon. Considering how often she mixes it up with guns, I'm thinking she has some kind of subdermal armor. Her skin and eyes are obviously modded as well. Her arms are modded later of course. I don't know if they're gorilla arms or some kind of tech hybrid. Considering where she appears in the skill tree of 2077, she might be equipped with a berserk implant which might explain how she seems impervious to damage at times rather than her having subdermal armor if not both.
Would have to agree. Not everything CDPR did was good and a lot of the finer stuff about the setting was lost in the transition into a video game, the loss of caseless ammunition for no good reason and the fact that the variety of cyberware was inexcusably fucking bad just being some of my pet peeves.
The shit people also like to forget though is that RTals also made Cyberpunk V3 before this.
I'm shocked that RTG was still in business at all, because until RED, they were being propped up by officially licensed slop RPGs and the three people left buying 2020 books, and the licensed stuff is horrible.
Now that the novelty of RED is wearing off, it's nice to see people waking up and realizing that it's an incredibly okay system set in a sort of alright setting that used to be a good one.
Imagine being an office drone in 2077. You don’t need a terminal, it’s just in case the neural port isn’t working. You plug yourself in and you type or do data entry at the speed of thought. But getting distracted instead hidden by the manual lag but directly shows up in your stats for slower thought.
>Dont we see how that particular psycho was apprehended in the first teaser trailer?
Yup, she is Sexy Corset Woman.
Regina gives you a job to murder a cop. She says maybe there's an angle you can work, but she still gives you the job. And she helps cover up that dirty cop when you steal the footage from the Maelstrom garage. Did she know? Maybe not, but it was her gig.
Panam? Misty?
You have shit taste, the story is amazing, it's the best part of the game.
I like all three, people who exclude any of them are retards.
Panam is incredibly likable but the writing around her is some of the worst in the game. Shes very clearly a writers waifu and as such never suffers any meaningful consequence or is ever in the wrong.

She feels like she belongs in a different game/setting, rather than cyberpunk. One where her sort of larger than life omnicapable superheroics are more appropriate.
>Regina gives you a job to murder a cop
Yes, she prefers if you didnt but the hit is out and you are in the area (and if not you, someone else would do it). The hit was also put out by other NCPD officer.

>Did she know?
Almost certainly, iirc that dude is an informant of hers or some shit.
>Shes very clearly a writers waifu and as such never suffers any meaningful consequence or is ever in the wrong.
I do still love in the new ending she just completely ghosts V. Judy offers for V to visit if they are ever in Pittsburg, Kerry says he's up for getting together again once he's back from space, River has the decency to explain that he got himself into some shit and didn't want to face V after it, and Viktor offers to help the second he hears V's problem and implies they'll still get together to watch some boxing matches with some beers, but Panam is just gone and gets one of the other nomads to tell you to not call again.
The Night City Weather supplement does have radioactive dust as one weather condition NC has to deal with on occasion. Can't forget the Blood Rain either.
Honestly same, its actually treating her hair-trigger fuse personality "realistically" in that she isnt (or shouldnt be) a very reasonable person.

But in the base game everything about her and the nomads in general is too perfect. They have this borderline idylic society, get away with everything they do, and the only character who ever advocates caution or "realism" is painted as a sellout coward for it.
Honestly the better nomad story is the Bakkers in the background, especially with a nomad V. Since you can find some stuff on what happened to them and how the choice to join up with Snake Nation caused a fracture between the older gens and the youth of the clan causing it to crumble.
Disney Obi-wan-tier fanfiction
the weirdest thing is the way that she talks
I do not understand, why would a nomad girl not use contractions. it is infuriating!
Bruh she's wrong all the time, V kept helping her fix her mistakes.
It's kind of thematic since in the Tower ending, you've chosen the 'quiet' life, same as Victor and married Judy.
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As an avid Rebeccca enjoyer, I'm curious why they didn't touch on her sexuality at all in her bio. There are a number of subtle hints she may have been a Mox or at least a midnight lady enjoyer. There was also some tinfoil that her tomgirl nature was because they were a post-op tranny and that was one of the reasons David steered clear of her advances. That latter theory is a little too crazy for me but it'd be an interesting twist and it'd trigger a certain subset of Rebecca enjoyers for sure. There was also this snippit.
>On another occasion, she just had to stop and cuddle a painfully cute pup, thus garnering the attention of a group of passing scavs
While dogs aren't technically extinct, you wouldn't find one out on the street willy nilly. At least that's how I've read the lore. If it was "painfully cute", it seems like the kind of dog that'd be snatched up and sold off to some elite for cloning purposes.
>the loss of caseless ammunition for no good reason
Here's a reason: caseless ammo is a meme and people like to see a storm of shells coming out of an automatic weapon. That being said, I do believe there are some weapons in the game that fire caseless.
I could never understand where people got the idea that Rebecca was a Mox from, so I'm glad her official bio didn't make that a thing. The only thing remotely "Mox" about her is her preference for walking around in what is basically underwear.
>While dogs aren't technically extinct, you wouldn't find one out on the street willy nilly. At least that's how I've read the lore. If it was "painfully cute", it seems like the kind of dog that'd be snatched up and sold off to some elite for cloning purposes.
Sounds like a nitpick to me. 'Becca's backstory highlights her compassionate-yet-unpredictable nature. A cute puppy on the streets of Night City isn't some horribly lore-breaking thing unless you're just looking for something to be angry about. Maybe it was one of those Biotechnica spy dogs.
Nah it's shit sorry. A fucking borderlands spinoff game does the same story better
Misty is great, Panam sucks. She's attractive but her characterisation is bad, she's annoying, mostly because of what >>93176177 says. Seriously, why the fuck does she talk like that?
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>Wow look a basic trope she might totally be tranny you guys.
I know that you just threw that in as bait, but troons literally think and talk like this.
Good catch with the puppy thing though. I'm pretty sure that does actually break lore since V mentioned cats are the only animals left in night city, or at least the ones who put up a fight the longest when everything else died off.
The only thing Tales from the Borderlands and Cyberpunk have in common is the protagonist having the digital consciousness of a dead guy acting as the Devil on his shoulder. Rhys wasn't racing against the clock to save himself from an early demise, and V wasn't trying to secure the key to an ancient vault full of treasure. Even if you're playing as a Corpo V, you lose all of your corpo perks withing the first fifteen minutes of the game, so no climbing the corporate ladder like Rhys was trying to do.
Sorry you tanked any credibility by admitting to being a borderlands fag

Maybe you’d have liked 2077 more if V yelled PISS!!!! CUM! Every few seconds
I hate borderlands - that's the point, that a fucking spinoff of a shitty game series did the story better, also:
>Fuck the fuck off
>As an avid Rebeccca enjoyer, I'm curious why they didn't touch on her sexuality at all in her bio.
>bio mentions dogs
>bio mentions the homeless
It's all there anon
Dawg, just admit you love to jerk off to Tiny Tina, we all can tell
>But in the base game everything about her and the nomads in general is too perfect. They have this borderline idylic society, get away with everything they do, and the only character who ever advocates caution or "realism" is painted as a sellout coward for it.
Nomads are the closest thing the Cyberpunk world has to winners. They took one look at the way society was heading and made the wise decision to fuck off.
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Bomb gremlin is not for lewd.
The dog is more of a nitpick, but the reason a lot of people projected Mox/sex worker vibes onto Rebecca is there was no other lore for her.
>The only thing remotely "Mox" about her is her preference for walking around in what is basically underwear.
More the tattoos and her shamelessness when being forward romantically. Dorio walks around topless in what looks like hotpants/panties and robolegs. Lucy doesn't have her tits hanging out the way Rebecca (when her jackets open) and Dorio do, but her clothing accentuates her form nicely. In the old D10 style picker, you could literally end up nude. In the hypersexualized society that is Night City, having your tits and pussy hanging out doesn't really bother anyone for the most part.
As noted, that's not a theory I subscribe to personally, but technically going by the world's lore, getting a sex change operation in the 2020's was pretty simple. After a few hormone treatments and surgeries, you could replace your parts completely to become a woman. I don't want to get into the weeds when it comes to transgederism in cyberpunk since the point is to actually become a woman, not a "tranny" but I used the word earlier offhand. I imagine in the 2070's things were only streamlined further so unless you knew someone from when they were really young or had a way to track their history, it'd be easy enough to swap parts on the fly and turn gender into a fashion statement. The topic is such a lightning rod for dama and it attracts the mentally ill like flies on shit so I don't like broaching the it even though it activates my almonds. Also, if you want to talk bait, this >>93176909 is bait.
That’s pretty lore accurate lol. In 2020 nomads were all that + the only people who actually had parents + the most educated and well read people in North America
The Vall-Halla mini they released gave the prostitute both Mr. Studd and Midnight Lady. Cyberware and gene-therapy can do just about anything you want so long as you have the cash.
If I wanted to give Cyberpunk a shot would the Edgerunner thing be a good place to start? Asking because I'm about to get a friend to watch the anime and if he likes it I think I can get him and a few others to give it a shot.
It's a good start, yes. Coming hot off the anime would make it more appealing since the module connects to it.
Balancewise/mechanically, why do medium and heavy pistols have a RoF of 2?
The Edgerunner bios feel game-accurate, you start with a bunch of players who have Olympic-level abilities from session 1 and tragic life path generated backstories. They proceed to never play the details, only the broad strokes and die randomly.
The netrunner/nomad idea is fuckin cool. How long has this group of edgerunners survived?
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>but the reason a lot of people projected Mox/sex worker vibes onto Rebecca is there was no other lore for her.
>More the tattoos and her shamelessness when being forward romantically.
You know it's a sick world we're living in when a girl like Rebecca can't strut around in barely any clothing and publicly fawn over teenage Latino boys without being accused of being a sex worker. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? Next you'll be telling me that I CAN'T draw a giant cock and balls on the wall of that megabuilding.
If your friend likes the anime and is willing to play a TTRPG, then the EMK would be perfect. The rules are the RED rules, but with additions based on the 2077/Edgerunners setting, and the pre-made adventure takes place right after the events of the anime.
I'm going to guess that it involves the balance of pistols not having autofire compared to SMGs.
Maybe I should learn 2020 instead. reading weapon profiles for guns in 2020 was unironically my introduction to the entire genre, and every so often there's something in Red (or something that's not in Red) that makes me furrow my eyebrow.
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>Cyberware and gene-therapy can do just about anything you want so long as you have the cash.
Conversely, modern medicine is cool and all, but at present, you're essentially having sex with a dude who's had cosmetic surgery. Regardless of how they see themselves and wish others to see them, there's a limit to what can be done with a few hormone treatments and a scalpel. I think a more healthy outlet for people with gender dysphoria would be some VR or full-dive tech akin to something like The Surrogate with Bruce Willis. That's better than the axe wounds and sausage penises on offer to people wanting to transition today I'd argue.
I wish it wasn't like this and that people could swap genders like you do in a video game character creation screen but we don't live in that reality. Until we do, I see SRS as little more than the medical industry exploiting the mentally ill to get them hooked on cosmetic surgery under the auspice of "gender affirmation".

On the flip side, you got exotics in Cyberpunk running around looking like catgirls with razor claw hands and weird robot lizards with neurotoxic saliva built into their maws so they can larp as komodo dragons. Fucking wild.
Another thing, every girl in cyberpunk is a bad bitch, but Rebecca doesn't even try to hide it. Tattoos, foul mouthed, and dressing like a whore on top of the exotic body mods. Even if she's actually a virgin and is only larping like a bad bitch, I can understand David not wanting to stick his dick anywhere near that crazy.
I need some opinions chooms. We are going to try out the Mission Kit and I'm debating between doing some Monowire Karate stuffs or just Handguns for a Netrunner character.
The Monowire option definitely seems like it has more style and sexiness out of the gate, and given the setting that alone should make it the stand-out pick, but guns alone definitely would have a lower SP investment so I could put more right away into stuff that fits the personality/backstory. Any thoughts?
>Maybe I should learn 2020 instead. reading weapon profiles for guns in 2020 was unironically my introduction to the entire genre, and every so often there's something in Red (or something that's not in Red) that makes me furrow my eyebrow.
RED fucked up hard when it came to guns. Only now do we have things like Gunmas and Black Chrome to give us weapons with actual flavor. I honestly have no idea what the hell they were thinking with that "generic" crap.
It’s definitely the best place to start right now
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2077 isn't even internally consistent with retarded shit like Claire who plasters their truck with a tranny flag when that shit should be completely solved, if it was ever even a problem in the first place since I'm pretty sure cyborgs were starting to become a thing by the 90s in the timeline. We have beaten the gender problem already. Congratulations. You can go to a walk-in clinic and get a bodysculpt job to be whatever degenerate shit you want whether its a man, woman, futa, catgirl, orc, or some real life furry abomination. We are now all equal in our ability to mangle ourselves in whatever fashion we wish and corps are all too happy to help.

In any case, I think it is a much more likely scenario that David didn't reciprocate Becca's advances because he was already infatuated with Lucy and not because he could smell the fucking troonshine on her or some shit.
>retarded shit like Claire who plasters their truck with a tranny flag when that shit should be completely solved, if it was ever even a problem in the first place
Clearly they're still being oppressed by the CyberPope and his army of Mecha-Cardinals.
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>I can understand David not wanting to stick his dick anywhere near that crazy.
David was a damn fool. Rebecca was best girl, hot and bothered by the mere sight of him, and what does he do? Pass her up for Lucy. I will never understand that boy.
Yeah, the weapon profiles for Red just fuckin' bum me out, man.
My ultimate hope is to pick up one of the editions' rules for a campaign that's tonally/aesthetically similar to Cowboy Bebop, and I slowly feeling myself gravitating towards 2020 because even through Red's simpler I just don't feel it as much. But maybe that's my bias speaking.
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Netrunner girls just hit different.
RTG had page count set and they either put more fluff or statblocks. (They did make them iirc, and might put them in DLC)
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The third best Cyberpunk girl after Rebecca and Misty is Spider Murphy, so you may have a point.
I've decided. I'm gonna quit learning Red and start learning 2020.
What would a cyberpunk LinkedIn be called? I want to call it ChainedIn or LeashedIn but that's too obvious. GearedIn?
GearedIn sounds good if you want to keep the "___In" thing going, but you could also go for PluggedIn on that same note.
Now I want to write space in my campaign for a chromer networking site called ChippedIn.
It's not as good in some areas, better in others. The insane wealth of material is pretty great.
That's not 2020 era Nancy Hartley so you're wrong.
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>I will never understand that boy.
It's not a hard decision
Go with something as broken for minimal investment as you can, as a runner you're not going to be investing as much in direct combat skills.
The campaign has been going almost weekly for close to three years, in game it's been...two years, I think? We use a lot of downtime for therapy, gotta keep that HL up. We used to have a fixer in the group to facilitate our insane purchases but he got hit with rockets twice in one gig, lost both legs, and used it as an excuse to retire in a cyberchair, now that player is the ACPA pilot. Also shoutout to the guy who posted the latest version of his HB for that, player loves it.
Never played Borderlands nigger, so any similarities mean nothing to me.
>why they didn't touch on her sexuality at all in her bio
She has the body of a 12 year old and they're not retards.
Yeah that was the part I was kinda confused with, since the wording in the rule book for the Mission Kit seem to imply they want you to not really fuck with Net Architecture much at all, but that might just be for simplicity's sake (we haven't played much Cyberpunk so that isn't a bad thing).
You would say just shoot the pistol then since that "saves" 12 SP? I wasn't thinking of investing much more beyond the base +6 in either anyway for the meatspace combat stuff long-term since I know most of my money will probably go into different/better decks, programs, and hardware.
Rhys has the villain of the previous game stuck in his head. Said villain gets to hijack his cybernetics on Occassion. Maybe made deal with him that backfires fast. Rhys has to endure great physical and emotional pain to free himself. Becomes better person maybe.
Okay so no similarities beyond "two people in one body?" Gotcha.
Pistol also keeps you out of stabbin' range. If you can afford it get a Militech Perseus, packs more punch and if you fire it two rounds in a row you can make two attacks per turn. It's in Black Chrome.
I wanted a little bit more subtlety.
I think I'm starting to like GearedIn too. Especially with modern corpo-art style.
martial arts isn't a terrible idea, but it requires pretty significant attribute investment

if you're running the mission kit just go for handguns, and eventually spec into the improved smart weapons. even a low ref character can reliably do work in combat that way. going for a Burya tech pistol could also work
GearedIn's probably the best. After all, gears:
>link into each other
>are part of a machine
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So what kind of cybernetics does your average normie run have? Like if we took you, anon, right now and grew you up in this setting. Is it just some basic sensory stuff? I don't know a lot about Cyberpunk 2077 but it seems like the cybernetics create a DBZ power level kinda thing and I was curious if that was true
Neuroport, maybe an eye, integrated agent.
>he doesn't know about BL3 Tina
in 2020 sourcebooks you can see that most normies have fuck all ware. at most so basic audio or optical ware relating to their career like a voice stress analyizer. 2077 this also seems mostly true except everyone has neuralports. optics seem pretty common and a shocking amount of people have face plates - in other words significant cybernetic rebuilds to their skull
Well out of price range with starting money unfortunately.
Idea was to continue with those characters post-mission kit (assuming we survive), which is why we are making our own and not just running the template ones.
For the MA specifically I was thinking Karate anyway for the melee weapon/martial art special move thing, but I could also just save that for another character in the future. Also the WIL investment is at least somewhat a wash since concentration seems more important with quickhacking being a thing and if offsets a lower starting BOD stat. Really it is more because the idea sounds cool in my head and lack of play experience might make this work better for a non-netrunner character, even if they don't really have a specific stat they really want like some of the other similar roles (tech/medtech/etc).
do what you will but I would advise that investing in both melee and martial arts is very unwise - you're basically putting in triple skill points to do one thing. Melee/MA is quite strong in general but requires a fair bit of minmaxing in ref, dex, move, body and sometimes will. and tech/int are pretty valuable to a runner.
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Rebecca is the best girl (I even worked on some fanfics of her), but putting myself into David's shoes and giving both the girls even footing instead of letting Lucy have the headstart, I think Lucy would still prevail in most cases. Rebecca is too much of a bad bitch and after the death of his mom, David needed a lessy cazy bitch to keep him (somewhat) grounded.

Canonically, Lucy got to him first and sunk her claws in deep and Rebecca had no chance after that short of Lucy getting flatlined at which point Rebecca could come in for the rebound. I'm pretty sure Rebecca had given up on David romantically and settled on a platonic relationship before he even put on the cyberskeleton.
Wrong. But even still, I wasn't asking for erotica in her bio, just a snippet explaining she worked at the mox for a little while and maybe put out a few BDs to help eke out some eddies during a tough month or two. I could fill in the rest in my head. I don't need to know how she specifically modded her midnight lady to rip your dick off. This is assuming she did have some kind of sex work history. She doesn't have to be a whore for her story to be compelling, but the bio offered up by the EMK feels very milquetoast.
>and tech/int are pretty valuable to a runner.
Very true. I did have my REF/DEX sitting on 8 anyway, mostly since I was going off RED logic that you need to get to an access point somehow anyway, and stealth is certainly a way of getting there since I wanted to do a lower COOL character (I did have it at 2 but its 4 now since 2 seemed a bit too insane).
I'll keep the monowire idea in the back pocket for a sneaky solo then.
This is the most likely reason.
They are balless westerners that wanted to get rid of her.
While trigger fought to make sure she made it into the show.
>Rebecca is too much of a bad bitch and after the death of his mom, David needed a lessy cazy bitch to keep him (somewhat) grounded.
Fair, and keep in mind it has been a while since I rewatched it, but I would argue she is probably the better fit for the man he becomes post-timeskip, even before he puts on the cyberskeleton. They both gave the impression that they plan to die with a weapon in their hand and never retire.
the Japanese voice actors for edgerunners were WAY better than than the english ones... except for smasher himself, who sounds way better in English
it's well known that maxtac recruits from cyberpsychos they managed to take in alive
Regina's motives might lead there but I think she's honestly just trying to help them
based on the PL guy you can send her way she does actually get them treatment
>the bonus content for 2077 has the corebook for 2020 inside
That seals it, I'm learning 2020.
Pretty much. Nothing tops the English "who the fuck are you?" by my reckoning.
The English dub is okay. Better than average but that's not saying much. I haven't bothered rewatching it in Japanese.
Are there any loretubers with a comprehensible, slow, and clear voice?
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I played out a few different branching narratives in my mind. The instance of him using the Sandevisatan at the academy got recorded so that puts him down a collision course storywise with an Araska hit team or Adam Smasher at some point. Lucy only delays the inevitable trying to cover his tracks. The main plot kicks off with David chipping the sandy and taking vengeance on Tanaka which ensures he gets fucked later on at some point the way I saw it.
>I would argue she is probably the better fit for the man he becomes post-timeskip
Still a toss-up for me leaning towards Lucy assuming she and Rebecca start with David at the same time and both have equal interest in him. That being said, if Rebecca is more forward in the hypothetical scenario she'd win by default if Lucy is pulling the cold bitch routine. If Rebecca interacts with David first and supports him after he loses his mom, that would be a very strong emotional anchor point for their relationship.
Rebecca's english VA put me off a little at first but she quickly grew on me for what little screen time she had. Much the same way the english VA for Aisha Klan Klan from Outlaw Star did. Too bad Alejandra Cazares is a bit of a slam pig bordering on a ham planet in terms of size. Bitch needs to lay off the burritos.
BL3 is not real, it cannot hurt me.
can someone link me DGD? I know, I know, but I need to check it for something
They left enough fallout to kill over 60k people from radiation poisoning in just a few days mate.

The plutonium and uranium aren't the problem when it comes to fallout. Those elements are heavy metals slightly more dangerous than lead. The real problem is caesium sodium and frankium as well as many other short lived fission products that are thousands or even millions of times more radioactive than uranium.
Sharethread should have it. If you want to look for something specific, I could check my copy.
Completely true
Yeah but it’s precisely because they are so radioactive that they aren’t dangerous long term
There will never be a follow up this, CM did some crossover thing that showed the SBT characters were killed.
Every nanosecond Smasher was on screen was pure gold.
You forget hyperinflation.
In the 30 odd years I have been alive I have witnessed a currency devaluation of roughly 85% and that is without any form of hyperinflation.
>I could never understand where people got the idea that Rebecca was a Mox from
It's probably the pink/cyan colour scheme of the gang, prevalent in their art, bar, clothes Evelyn's hair/jacket fur. All the gangs have a bit of a colour scheme going on and rebecca's tatts, hair, guns, eyes and cyberhands etc seem to be all pink/blue. Maybe the cavalier attitude contributes to the notion as well.
I’m retarded, thanks mate

It's for business, so be careful or you might get BizzedIn

Honestly since LinkedIn is the more corporate, white collar social media and professional networking site, it would probably try to remain sanitized and consciously less goofy than the great mass of intrusive cocaine/energy drink ads but with that tinge of sinister cyberpunk irony. Something like CorpsConnect, RealYou, WorkForce, InLine etc.
>all short girls are lolis
Swing and a miss
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>Adorable ride-or-die gun gremlin who always has your back vs. a Motoko Kusanagi wannabe.
You're right, it's not hard at all. Why did David fuck it up, then?
Grown-up Tina was the best thing about that game. Their biggest fuck-up was not letting you play as her for once.
>I think Lucy would still prevail in most cases. Rebecca is too much of a bad bitch and after the death of his mom, David needed a lessy cazy bitch to keep him (somewhat) grounded.
Lucy literally rode David's hospital gurney into oncoming traffic. She's just as crazy as Rebecca, but Rebecca probably wouldn't put David's life at risk the way Lucy does. David just fell for the first hot girl who paid him any attention, and in a perfect world, he'd be alive with Rebecca in a nice place far away from the hellhole that is Night City, using Adam Smasher's head as a candy bowl.
>I'm pretty sure Rebecca had given up on David romantically and settled on a platonic relationship before he even put on the cyberskeleton.
Yeah, she became more like a sister to him, and she seemed to be the only one who cared for David's well-being. She was too good for that world and may Smasher burn in cyber-hell for taking her away from us.
Nothing motivated motherfuckers to replay 2077 than Rebecca's death, so they could kill Adam Smasher with a personal grudge.
Anyone know a good software or way to make decent looking Cyberpunk city maps. Something that isn't super detailed, mostly just roads and large blocks.
Lucy is completely batshit in episode 2. Her character flips on a dime after that for no particular reason
best reason i can tell is she was acting to keep David distracted so they could steal the Sandevistan back.
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All women are lolis.
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>reads popcorn flavoured kibble
Don’t read popcorn flavoured kibble
If only that were true.
We are real cyberpunks here, choomber
aren't they still connected thus the need for the Blackwall?
Any linear frame martial artist who uses tech as a dump stat is begging to get gigafucked by EMPs which is comedy gold for a referee.
and he doesn't get to decide who will escort Mr. Arasaka himself. if he only wants smasher then the ninjas gotta stay home
>Bruh she's wrong all the time

Going after nash was right. Its not endangering her current mission to chase old grudges because everyone just loves her that much, she has enough of a rep to have her clients invested in her success despite being new on the scene.
Going after saul was right.
Going after the tank was right. Corporations just dont care when you steal expensive hardware they were planning to sell.
Risking the existence of her clan to go storm mikoshi was right. Risking everyone for one person isnt even touched on as a possible dillema, not that basically anyone dies on what should have been an insanely dangerous mission and they get assloads of money out of it. Wohoo!

Everything she does or suggests is the right call in the end and works out for the best, everyone who doubts her is either evil or a pathetic coward.
>They left enough fallout to kill over 60k people from radiation poisoning in just a few days mate.
Which is basically nothing. The land was not left an irradiated wasteland for generations, a few people died in the immediate aftermath and thats it.
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What would be some interesting encounters the further the player gets from Night City?
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I wonder if Rebecca was bilingual or picked up some english from people. Japanese Becca spoke english some times, but english Becca never did the opposite or used another language.
>Falco, my man, what's up?
Japanese media has a weird fascination with splicing in English words or phrases. I don’t know the actual reason for this, but I heard somewhere that during the Economic Miracle times, English was seen as “cool” or “rebellious”, since it was the language of all the sick new rock music that was being imported.
She's probably speaking streetslang.
What are some things to consider before I homebrew COOL and ATT into one stat?
I'd go for it, honestly. At least in 2020, not sure how it differs in RED. But as it is right now, ATT is a dump stat for almost everyone. And seduction is an EMP skill, which leads to an awkward situation where being hotter and having nice clothes doesn't actually help you get hoes.
None whatsoever. RED did it and I've never seen even /tg lose their mind over it.
>a Texas republic convoy guarding Texas-made gear (Gunmart, Microtech, Texas Instruments missiles, probably a few more) heading to the West Coast for trade.
>a band of native nomads called the Cyber Comanche that raided a Militech convoy and now have military hardware to wage guerilla war with the corps
>street racers who find the unmaintained winding mountain roads thrilling (may be armed, may be blasting eurobeat)
>Bozo circus train (will be armed, will be blasting carnival music)
Lab-made werewolves?
Perfect. I don't know exactly how I'd move seduction and stuff around, so I'll leave those skills where they are for now.
by that guy's logic, >>93171299 is also a loli since she's under 5 feet tall
If you want to fuck with them have them run into shit like old military bases and number stations with the only radio signals for miles being random nearly incomprehensible pirate broadcasts.
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Considering the environment what sort of crops do you think would still be found around and probably common for backyard gardening?
You can't grow shit outdoors
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So looking at the stuff the game specifically labels as nomad food and drinks it makes me wonder what would a normal meal for nomads look like?
There's guerilla gardening in RED
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>onions paste
Japanese has various Western loanwords from Portuguese/Dutch contact (e.g. "pan" for bread) and then another round when they modernized in the 1800s (oft-sited example, "enerugi" for energy) and then later they got a BUNCH of English loanwords from the Americans post-WWII. Most of the loan words revolve around things that they didn't really have before western contact, like foods ("pan" for bread as mentioned earlier) or technologies ("konpyuta", computer). Though there's a lot that have no apparent reason besides sounding cool because the Japanese started associating english with hip and modern stuff post-WWII.
She only starts being relevant in the weakest part of the show (post timeskip) so I get it, she was unnecessary to the story
nah, maine was so much better in the dub and he's the best character, so
Sometimes I feel like I watched a different show than everyone else. I really like Edgerunners, but like, up to episode 6. Until then it's the best thing since sliced bread, then suddenly... Maine, who's been generally an empathetic guy (at least to his friends, of course he's still an edgerunner who'll kill people when it suits him) randomly starts hallucinating and chimping out. Then, the same thing happens to David, because the show seems to think that cyberpsychosis is like catching the flu.

I guess it speaks to the show's strength that even some of the REALLY stupid shit in the second half didn't completely ruin it, nor overshadow the big emotional beats. Anyway, point is, Maine was done super dirty imo.
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my bosses are starting to get a lil bit videogame-y with the escalating threat levels and using things in wherever they're at, but at the same time they are getting my players to think of solutions for how to beat them and actually acknowledge that even the battlefield can be used to their advantage
its a nice break from the "tank it and whack it until it dies" style from DnD though
>she was unnecessary to the story
Every story needs a Rebecca.
People keep saying stuff like this and I don't understand what the problem is. Both Maine and David were chroming up far beyond what is considered normal, even by Cyberpunk standards. Both of them were told to take it easy but didn't listen. And in David's case, he was frying his brain with repeated Sandy usage. Cyberpsychosis just seemed like an inevitability for those two.
I get that to an extent, the pacing was rather breakneck. The anime also doesn't 'get' cyberpsychosis in the way that it works in the tabletop and goes for a much more visceral and emotional outlook. It's really well handled but yeah, it doesn't help some of the episodes feel rather disjointed between each other
Cause in Maine's case it seriously comes out of nowhere. One episode he's a-okay, has his shit thoroughly together, then the next it's like he's been wrestling with this the whole time but it's never been shown before at all. He goes from 0 to vivid hallucinations and a complete personality change on a dime. I know I keep banging on about this, but the show's version of cyberpsychosis is just generic anime insanity. More like a magical curse than a slow erosion of human empathy. Easily my biggest problem with the show, it's a cheap plot device that doesn't belong. The nigga deserved better.
I think the problem with Maine is they imply it's an issue he's delt with for some time since they imply his military background that the sourebook goes more into, but it should have been shown earlier.
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>The only one that's halfway decent is Kiwi's
As expected.
Maybe they could've done more with showing Maine's descent into cyberpsychosis, but I don't think there was anything wrong with the show's portrayal of cyberpsychosis itself, especially when it can manifest itself in different ways.
>One episode he's a-okay, has his shit thoroughly together, then the next it's like he's been wrestling with this the whole time but it's never been shown before at all.
There's only so much you can do in one season with ten 25 minute episodes. Honestly its a wonder the pacing isn't way worse than it is.
That's one of the nice things about 2077 is the cyberpsycho missions are pretty varied into what causes them.
>guy got plugged into a faulty piece of industrial tech
>vet PTSD hits as he loses his meds due to no insurance
>maelstrom decide to instantly chrome some guy for fun
>maelstrom decide to summon a fucking AI into someones body
>gun DLC
Holy shit violence bros we are so fucking back.
This should have been in the corebook
that can mean anything, from jotting down some ideas that get pushed through so many drafts they become unrecognizable or to simply looking at the final product and saying 'sure whatever'
I feel the dub goes way over the top on the lingo. hell the japanese actually says cyberpunk instead of edgerunner.
Anybody got a link to the new book?
What pdf should I pick up if I want to see more special role abilities in 2020?
One of the more memorable ones for me is the veteran who gets his daughter kidnapped and (accidentally) killed by Tyger Claws.
What pdfs do I need to pick up if I just want to figure out if I like the system and I want to run a premade missionpack. Not looking to jerk my creative cock, just looking to get into the game
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Cute Polish-Japanese groomer wife, we need more girls preying on young boys like her in fiction.
Does this have a worldmap?
As in a global world map? No clue.
There are, however, a ton of different maps of Night City at different times.
It's not her height you brainless twat, it's her lack of a figure.
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....it takes place on Earth, anon.
Yes, it's fucking stupid just turn it off. But they won't because there's a lot of pre-war secrets in the old net.
Getting played by Nash was wrong. Trying to gloat to Rogue was wrong. Being too much of a cunt for the family to want to keep her around rather than exile her in the first place was wrong. Her plan got other nomads killed in the desert. Literally all she's right about is wanting to take the right to the Wraiths, and she wasn't the only one who thought so anyway.
In the northern badlands there's an unmarked shanty town, by where the Aldecaldos move to during the story. I went there once before they moved, and I swear to all the gods that ever existed, I was seeing things move at the edge of the screen, always staying just out of sight, behind terrain, buildings, or just behind me. I got the fuck out of there.
AD Police Files 3 was 27 minutes and managed to give Billy Farnworth a slide from "maybe this guy isn't doing so hot" to "psychotic break screaming kill me".
>Getting played by Nash was wrong
And also entirely not her fault because Rogue set her up, but not to worry, she gets hers back and suffers no long term consequences from that situation.
>Trying to gloat to Rogue was wrong
Suffers no negative consequences for it, and (if memory serves) has rogue actually essentially affirm that rogue thought she was going to pull it off in the end ("what took you so long" or something)
>Being too much of a cunt for the family to want to keep her around rather than exile her in the first place was wrong
They all instantly forgive her and welcome her back, no bad blood or lasting rift.
>Her plan got other nomads killed in the desert
And no one cares (and its not her fault anyways).
>Rogue set her up
Getting played is still being wrong.
>Suffers no negative consequences for it
She talked shit and got smacked down for it, that's the consequences. WTF else did you think even could happen? Rogue would send a fucking hit squad?
>they welcomed her back
It's called forgiveness, she was still exiled.
To be fair to Panam, the nomads are pretty retarded too and are the ones who got themselves killed rushing after a kang tao AV. Not much she could have really done.
Same situation with the shitty plan to get Saul back from the raffen rape basement by sending two whole people that only works because V happens to a complete Lunatic.
>Getting played is still being wrong.
Paying someone for a ham and cheese sandwich and getting a bacon and lettuce sandwich isnt being wrong, there was no mistake made on your end. Still getting your ham and cheese in the end is just a bonus.
>that's the consequences
Thats nothing, it is literally a lack of anything happening, there is no consequence or importance to it happening.
>It's called forgiveness, she was still exiled.
Which had no consequences for her, the moment she wants to come back she can and everyone loves her again.
I'm not the anon you're talking about but the literal only reason stuff works out for Panam is because V bails her out, over and over. And if you walk away from her or don't help her at any point, then she's fucked.
She also gets a LOT of her family killed during the plot of the game.

Also the anon who said she talks weird is 1000% correct lol, the fact that she never uses contractions is super distracting, like immersion breaking shit.
Honestly until someone said it in this thread, I never noticed. I have done maybe 30 playthroughs of that game, never picked up on it. I was too busy waiting for her to stand in a way that would let me take a funny pose behind her in photo mode.
>I'm not the anon you're talking about but the literal only reason stuff works out for Panam is because V bails her out, over and over
V is a constant in every NPC questline.
Yes, V is constantly bailing them out and getting them what they want, without him they fail, including Panam.
And yet other NPCs can suffer negative consequences, funny that.
How is this possible it wasnt announced?
Kerry or River don't suffer any major ones. Hell Kerry vandalizes himself into a business deal.. Really only Judy does out of the romance options.
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What the fuck is this shit, jesus I've seen better homebrew on discord
I don't like it, frankly.
Anon I think it's kinda weird that you don't consider "multiple members of your family dying" to be a "negative consequence"
I'm honestly curious whose character Faisal is

I recall Blackhand was Mike, Spider Murphy was his wifes.
Prepping a session for next week, have a general sense for the location's security. But other than that what do I put in it? Do I have to put weapons, loot, valuable tech? Does it even matter?
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>Lucy literally rode David's hospital gurney into oncoming traffic.
They had to get out of the meatwagon somehow. Anyway, David was so doped on meds at the time he probably couldn't appreciate just how batshit she was being. Both Lucy and Rebecca are crazy for sure, but Becca wears it more on her sleeve whereas Lucy is more subdued outside the persona she puts on to collect David for Maine.
>but Rebecca probably wouldn't put David's life at risk the way Lucy does.
Yea, she got captured by scavs and pulled the whole crew into that shit and had David keep from getting doorchecked at the Afterlife. Post timejump, she's okay with David gunning down gangers and taking on jobs that fuck with Militech while also observing him starting to lose it as he goes hard on the chrome. Meanwhile, all David sees of Lucy is her chilling in the bathtub and trying to (from his perspective at least) steer clear of dangerous bullshit.
>David just fell for the first hot girl
That's the big thing right there. If Rebecca had first dibs she'd have had a much better chance for sure. I don't know how many humanity points the moon date was worth, but it probably helped balance out that Sandy install for sure.
Give us a little more info choom. Don't forget that players will loot goblin by default (and then argue about how long it takes to rifle through dead guards pockets to get every last eddie, thanks for nothing Skyrim) so be ready for guard gear (at least guns) to be 'loot'. You can use poor quality stuff, or gear gets 'damaged' so it still works but the players have to spend some time fixing stuff which means no hustlin'. Some interesting loot could be 500eb stuff that's totally worthless to players (medical equipment, a big computer network for publishing articles to the citinet, a music set) that the players won't need, but will want to sell for fat stacks.
Gig is stealing a dataslate from a an Arasaka FOB tucked inside a travel agency in Japantown. First floor is all office, second is kitted out with security bots and an exec who's "off the books." Players usually try to sneak around or talk themselves in and out of problems. Thanks for the advice so far!
The chad from last thread put it into an upload. https://gofile[dot]io/d/SugYrR (be aware trawlers are on 4chan, trawlers could be anywhere, so do stuff like this so files stay up longer).

The rest of the books are in the trove thread in the OP. If you visit the sharethread and don't mind their esoteric ways they're pretty great.

The edgerunners mission kit can run a basic version of the game. In the main folder there is a pdf called the DataPack which has VERY short adventures, like a quick investigation and one fight (the clown one is my favorite) and Tales of the Red has a bit more detailed stories that can last a full session and has a few investigations and fights in each story.
NTA, but I could see the second floor having a small armory for the meat guards. Even if there's no available guns in the armory itself you could give the players to fill up a back with Arasaka weapon parts to flip on the market.
If you want a little inspiration the first questgiver in 2020's Night City Stories is an Arasaka exec, you could get a lot of flavor. The exec was a sneaky type too, had a trick where he'd invite the crew to drink at his open tab bar and see how gluttonous they'd be to judge their characters. Also a great way to impose the rare -4 intoxicated penalty.

Since this is 'Saka (and they're illegally in Night City unless you did away with that lore) they're going to be extremely disciplined guards even if their stats aren't. If a player fails a stealth roll and doesn't have a good cover-up for it, even if they're not caught consider having the threat level go up. Guards go from solo to duos, maybe a patrol comes through every 10 minutes instead of 15, and at one point they'll basically go 'fuck it we know somebody is here. If it's a false alarm well 'egg on our face' but we're not taking chances." That might curb looting.

As for looting, this would be a great opportunity to score some Japanese art to pawn. Valuable but awkward to carry and maybe jeopardizing the mission. There might be some ceremonial swords. They 'might' be worth 500eb for a collector but if used in combat they'll certainly be poor quality and might not even halve modern armor. If you want to drop hints for future jobs you could have a terminal near the dataslate have more juicy rumors or lore.
River gets kicked off the force, he sticks with his ideals, does the right thing, and is then kicked to the curb for it.

Kerry doesent have anything bad happen to him though, thats fair.
Thanks! These are solid ideas
He's saying it's not a negative for Panam because the other nomads didn't tie her naked to one of those windmills and shoot rockets at her until all that was left was a greasy smear as punishment. Or something like that. He thinks that if consequences don't meet some arbitrary standard he thinks is right, then it doesn't count.
I dont consider it that because the game doesn't consider it that either.

Oh no, two(?) people died on the final heist, getting the clan assloads of loot, theyre never mentioned again and nobody seems to give a shit. How terrible!

Or do you mean scorpion getting randomly taken out in a chain of events which she had no control over and which no one actually blames her for (as seen by her being invited back into the family right after).
>theyre never mentioned again
Because the final heist ends the game dingus. There is no after. Their deaths are mentioned during the heist, but that doesn't fit your retarded opinions so you ignore it. Or, you never played the game and have no idea what you're talking about.
does James believe he has a mandate from God to make sure guns are as boring as possible? holy shit. ERMK had some fun guns but these are obviously made from a template and maybe 3 are anything other than basic gun+attachment with the attachment cost factored in

completely fucking pointless, this stupid cunt needs to stop masturbating over his spreadsheets
I seem to remember people bitching that the core book had no gun nuance, no brands. Not only is that wrong (see pic) but when they keep add more stuff, you still complain.
James, please read solo of fortune and then kill yourself, you're too retarded to understand what people want

slapping names on literally the same generic guns and changing nothing at all about their stats is not fucking content and it's not what people want when they talk about missing the brands of 2020. ERMK actually managed to make individual guns fun again by making them distinct and different! in fact, a few of the guns in this DLC are also distinctive, like an excellent quality bolt action sniper, or a folding bow! that's what people want, not
>yeah here's a poor quality pistol, it costs as much as a poor quality pistol.
Gun quality does change stats, did you not read far enough to get to that part? Or did your tard wrangler tell you it was time for bed first? Gun brands in 2020 had three differences. Quality, ammo, and damage. And the ammo & damage was very rarely meaningfully different. See pic.
James, go back to your discord echo chamber where people will suck you off for shitting in their open mouths, and make more shit like the mission kit
Is there a point when building a character where there's no point picking up any skills of x stat because the stat is so low? building a fixer, I'd like forgery and maybe lock pick but I don't really have the points to spare to make tech higher than like 4 unless I start dropping int which also has a lot of skills. group will have 2 techies so even if they don't take the skill they'd still be on part with me at 4 points in forgery, and only base 8.
You know you have nothing, no argument, nothing to complain about, not even the latest gun book, because it was free, and it just tears you up.
no, James, I have plenty to complain about. and everything you make is free to me, because I'm not a retard
Aw, big mad. Maybe you need a nap.
to make an actual point to you, James, I will simply point out that Gunmass is much beloved and that this new DLC goes in the opposite direction of Gunmass. do more things like Gunmass, James. people want guns that are actually distinct from the generic. ERMK accomplished this as well, with guns having different profiles from each other rather than simply being medium pistol + quality

in fact, even if all you did was given some guns more attachment slots it would be nice. for example, if the assault rifle that comes with a grenade launcher still had two attachment slots, that would be a fresh change. The bolt action sniper is great, as it has a clear pro and con and creates an interesting choice for the player when purchasing their gear.
>lots of posts criticizing the new DLC
>the one that mentions James gets the shill riled up
does he actually lurk here to get butthurt kek
Nappy time, you'll feel better.
You're very weird
He gets the quality of reply that his pointless, impotent complaining deserves. Maybe if the book had cost actual money he could complain with validity, but it was free, so what exactly is he bitching about?
Yeah you definitely worked on the DLC.
>Lab-made werewolves?
Every time I get an excuse to post this pic, finding it is like pulling teeth
4chan is unstoppable.
I'd ask why you don't just rename it to something like "cyber werewolf," but almost all of my images are saved under 4chan filenames, especially in the cat folder, so I understand completely.
The DLC (and all of RED) should have had weapon profiles like this.
>I'd go for it, honestly. At least in 2020, not sure how it differs in RED
RED's COOL cut out of WILL, and ate ATT and most of EMP skills.
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I made one, dozo.
Sources are mostly Pacific rim, Home of the Brave, Eurosources, and Guide to the Net.
Wait, i thought Ukraine was independent? And the UK is part of the ECC
Also, there was no EBM coup of Germany, that’s the wiki being wrong. The coup referenced by maximum Mike which they cite was explicitly the EBM backed coup of romania by Vlad worshiping cultists outlined in tales from the forlorn hope.
Gear porn is the main reason a whole lot of people (myself included) got into cyberpunk stuff. The way I've shilled 2020 to people before was by mentioning how it had entire sears catalogues worth of cyber crap you could shove into your character. I don't know why they though it was a good idea to streamline this shit out of all things.
From a designer's point of view the gear porn sucks. It turns the game into a minefield of potential fuckups when you're adding to it.
KillBook update!

>Eldritch abomination moved to Certain Death tier, not sure about this one. On the one hand it has unique loot, which is healing factor, on the other it simply isn't as deadly as other encounters are designed to be. Maybe I'll move it back idk. I'd like to hear the opinion of two people actually interested in this, hell I'd like to hear one out from James too.
>Militech Kill Squad reworked a little bit - now the GM can choose whether they receive fire support from an ACPA, a Drone or a Howitzer.

I tried to push ACPA into Extreme Threat encounters, but it doesn't work that easy. Smaller Suits are weaker thus fitting into smaller threat levels. But I'm unable to make entire page worth of text about just a single frame size.
Same. I think I mentioned it in this very thread, but my intro to all of Cyberpunk was looking at the weapon profiles of guns on cyberpunk 2021. I still jump on that site from time to time, and I'll probably save copies of every page on that site sooner or later.
It literally does not matter because EVERY character gets access to the same gear, NPCs can use the same gear, and GMs can easily disallow some gear. It’s not dnd where classes have different tools and enemies have no access to player tools.
universal access isn't necessarily the fix - it can just turn combat into rocket tag or everyone has the 1-build or the counterbuild if there is to be any tension. L5R 4 had kind of a funny problem where there was one or two super tanky armour builds that were completely countered by hand-to-hand jiujitsu. So if you've got a character who is tin-canning it you kind of let him roll over encounters or hard-counter him with something he either can't stop or coin flips.
That being said if you craft the setting decently and stick to it all the unbalanced shit in the world won't matter, it will sort itself out because the setting will be able to answer question 'why isn't everyone already doing this/why hasn't someone already done this?'
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Maybe if you were designing a video game where every option competes with each other. But this is an RPG, we didn't used to need every single thing to be viable, especially in a game like Cyberpunk where style over substance is literally the subtitle and characters aren't expected to live long healthy lives.
Yeah, look at solo of fortune. It adds guns that are explicitly shit

You really don’t even have to go that far. I mean, what about a tsunami arms assault rifle that’s designed to be super modular and has, say, 5 attachment slots? Or a high powered revolver that lets you reroll one damage dice, or a medium pistol that forces you to reroll your highest damage dive each time you fire, but is extremely concealable? I’ll give them credit, the Red cityhunter, crusher, flichette pistol, gunmart rocket launcher and origami bow are all great additions! Most of the 2077 guns are also quite flavourful and fun. They really make you think about interesting ways of playing and make your weapon choices feel meaningful. A lot of black chrome is so close to being fun if they just got rid of certain constrains like needing an action to swap between firing the shotgun and firing the rocket launcher portion of that Ktech.
They can in fact make interesting and fun weapons when they ease up on this white knuckle obsession with keeping everything on their core book constraints, this mediocre middle they seem to love.
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Here’s two examples to illustrate my point. These are boring weapons but could be made interesting quite easily

The Dai Lung is a poor quality SMG with a drum. Good start, this now also means it can’t be concealed. Now, put the cost at 100 EB and disallow attachments because it’s so shit.

Now for the Arasaka freebleed, let’s keep it an excellent quality SMG with a silencer. That’s a nice niche for a weapon. But you could go two routes here. Let’s say that the silencer is integrated into the build - you could either make it therefore cheaper with no allotment for attachments at 500 EB, or give it two attachment slots at 1K. The former means you can’t pimp it further and reflects that it’s a purpose built stealth variant, the latter reflects that it’s a elegant design which incorporates its silencer in an unobtrusive way. Both options make it something to seek out
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But this I think shows a much better way forward. Look at this. You’ve got burst fire, you’ve got aimed shots doing extra damage, you’ve got lots of variable magazine sizes… AND you integrate the rang band into the weapon itself, so you can play around with that too! You could make a Battle Rifle that is basically an assault rifle with better DVs at longer range, or a carbine that’s just an assault rifle with the range bands of an SMG.
You don’t need to get rid of the generic weapon system to do this either, you can keep the generic Class/quality table (maybe augmented by the 2077 type split) and let players buy those generic guns and offer unique guns that expand that initial framework!
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Holt or Peralez? Who should be Night Cities next mayor?
Peralez wins in game anon, it’s announced after you beat his quest line
So is James or J. Gray to blame for the gear list sucking?

James is already notorious on here for his spreadsheets and making everything so generic and modular. Gray on the other hand seems like a bit of a storyshitter who's fine with light melee and medium pistols being "cutscene" weapons.

Either way I get the feeling neither of them actually played 2077 with how the guns are depicted in the ERMK compared to how they actually function in game.
Gray is just a line manager, I don’t think he does much design. He is apparently responsible for the hyperlink autism in the pdfs so frankly I think he’s based
It's not about balance, it's about keeping track of every fucking thing you've written so you don't write it in twice or contradict it.
>it’s not about [reasonable concern]
>it’s about [thing that an incompetent could handle by having a fucking internal index]
>He is apparently responsible for the hyperlink autism in the pdfs so frankly I think he’s based

Okay then, he's a cool guy and james is the devil I guess. Also, why is everyone bitching about this new DLC?

Yeah it's regurgitating old content, but it's a signt that R.Tal are listening to complaints about the gear list being too generic and modular. Also seems to be dropping price categories and the whole "exotic" weapons thing. Which are positive changes in my book.
Most of the guns are literally just generic guns + the price adjustment for quality + the price adjustment for any attachments and - any used attachment slots, so they’re basically just the generic weapons and generic prices
Anon, it's a list of corebook guns with corebook attachments already counted.
Read it before you make the opinion, please. There's 5-10 new weapons top.
>It's just about as much as gunmas
Yeah, I'm not the one mad about it.
Because I ended up having to google it again and I wanted to post it fast before the DLC argument archived the thread, so I didn't stop to rename it. I swear to Christ I have that same pic saved in three different folders by now but I can never find it.
It's Cyberpunk, gear fuckups causing problems is part of the fun.
Yeah but they have character. My main gripe is no melee weapons.
No, they just have much greater autonomy in USSR
To be fixed in next version I guess
Move the abomination to 3 tier, it's too weak.
Buffing it further will result in melee Adam Smasher, not that's a bad thing, but he already have melee attacks, so why bother?

>Militech Kill Squad
Looks like the ACPA is way stronger than atlas drone, two borg weapons, even with less HP it packs enough SP to be impervious to anything short of explosives, and Atlas can be sniped with shoulder arms. Not that's a bright idea, but possible. Btw we've reached the point, where a homebrew links other homebrew as source.

>Smasher's OP
As was meant to be

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