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AARs edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games and, many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>The Novice Troves; These troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

How'd your last game go? Post a brief AAR about it why doncha
I had an unexpected free afternoon, stopped by the LGS on my way home and joined a game of Dystopian Wars. NGL, it sucked. Game is slow as shit, and every unit has ten special rules. It's like playing against a deck of yugioh decks. I guess the AAR would be -
>Fleet admiral Pompiousness the third of the her royal majesties most honorable buoyant navy sailed out to meed the perfidious "science nerds" from antarctica. My fire control officer ordered a steady rhythm of torpedo and cannon shot at their strange and unsightly hulls. The lead ship then bellowed from its sound amplifiers "watch this you cucks, BEAST MODE" and began to pulse in a rainbow of colors, spin thrice in place widddershins, and shot us with a whale. We sank, confused and disappointed, but mostly confused.
I was a little curious, but now I know this game is molasses garbage.
Does anyone own this?
Couldn't find it in the share thread.
I just really want those meta-magic spells for Frostgrave, I've already spent too much on Frostgrave for how broke I am (plus, like 7 of the spells show up in the preview, so I'm only missing three).
I got into fantasy skirmish OPR with my wife and friends. Are there any cool alternatives with slightly more complex rules?

How complicated are you looking for and did you try the advanced rules yet?
>did you try the advanced rules yet
Yeah. I'm mostly looking for slightly more in-depth character creation and upgrade choices

Can I get some feedback on this idea?

> Using 78 cards deck of tarot cards instead of rolling for random encounters
> 22 "major arcana" ("the world", "the emperor", etc) mean that no monsters appear, but the card is saved until the end of the game, where it will trigger a random event.
> 56 "minor arcana", divided into suits of swords, cups, pentacles and wands make monsters appear.
> Swords cards mean undead encounters, representing fortune seekers that died while exploring the ruins
> Cups mean animal encounters, because cups = life association
> Pentacles mean either demon or construct encounters, beings ruled by magic
> Wands is random (either "other" category, or just more monsters of one of the other three groups).
> Suits would be roughly sorted so that the Ace is the easiest encounter and the King is the hardest
> Major arcana random events would possibly be something like small trials related to the card's flavor, which both warbands could attempt. Might involve a specific warband member, or random, or selected. Success would depend on a check. Winning could earn either a temporary boon (lasts only next game) or a small reward.

I wanted to add random events in some way, to increase the chance of monsters showing up a bit, and to make the table a bit more flexible (such as if I'd like an scenario to only have undead encounters or so on).
Mordhiem, and it's Empire in Flames supplement. Plus all the fan warband lists.
Thanks, always liked the models, but can't for the life of me get through a batrep and got worried from there. Maybe i should take my response to batreps more seriously.
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I got to play a demo game for conquest and honestly, the first half was pretty fun but the last few turns kind of killed my enjoyment
I had 3 ranks of bow chosen and trolls along with a blooded champion (character? general? idk the specific term) against the demo organizers list of skeletal legionnaires, caster general and some skeletal archer dudes with some spells (all also at 3 ranks)
the first few turns were pretty fun, maneuvering my bow chosen onto a hill to skirmish with his archers as my trolls charged to enter combat with his legionnaires
then the last few turns, since his dark power counter or whatever was at three, his archers started casting insanity and Solo'd my entire army over 3 turns after my trolls turned his general and legionnaires into a pile of dust.
first cast deleted my Bow chosen because he successfully casted his insanity, I failed to save 4 wounds but since I rolled 3 6s I actually took 12 wounds and my archers and character got deleted (they were already wounded from some previous shooting)
next turn I reformed my trolls and charged to get into melee and his archers shot at them first
Next turn he cast insanity and i rolled some more sixes and he deleted my trolls leaving me with no troops and him winning the game.
I have to admit, losing because one unit of archers the demo organizer described as "not worth taking and he only brought them to get killed quickly" actually soloing my entire army because I didn't kill them fast enough and they were secretly a ticking magic time bomb certainly killed my interest in actually get into the game, and soured my enjoyment of the first few turns because it turns out all the decision making and trying to read their moves was invalidated by "and you saved wrong so I win with magic"
BatReps are the best way to determine if a game is worth playing.
LOL, he brought Old Dominion to a demo. That dude wanted to stomp your ass. That faction is high learning curve to play and play against, to the point that the publisher recommends it for experienced CLAK players only, and never for a learning game.
I'd say you learned more about that one specific dude than you did about the game. I'm sorry anon, you got shafted by a WAAC asshole.
>I'd say you learned more about that one specific dude than you did about the game. I'm sorry anon, you got shafted by a WAAC asshole
I guess the Warmachine players had to go somewhere after the game all but died...
Can't spell CLAK without WAAC
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I was painting my harem girls and found this funny head. It seems the Aravises come with not only West Asian heads and European heads, and with the veils they can also past as East Asian, Sub-Saharan African, perhaps even from Oceania, but also at least one elf head. Meaning the half naked women are a multiethnic and multiracial set, which only makes my mind think that they're used as a form of Jannissary. Except they live with and sleep with you.
Considering how the Mamluks and Jannissaries ended up in not that long a time, I'm not sure this is the smartest idea.
Or it could be a defect from casting and I'm overthinking it.
>losing because one unit of archers the demo organizer described as "not worth taking and he only brought them to get killed quickly" actually soloing my entire army

That's all on him, just another game organizer that invites people for a friendly game just so he can pubstomp some ez bozos. No but seriously, i'm sad your first impression of the game was ruined for you that way, since it's the one game i thoroughly ejoy the rules of first and foremost. And i'm primarily a hobbyst and gamer 2nd.
I think I'll just simplify this into:

> Only suit of swords (14 cards) result in encounters, all 14 possible encounters are chosen before the game to make then fun and suitable to the scenario.
> Maybe up to 5 randomly picked major arcana => kept by the player who triggered the encounter roll, but the random event related to the card is done after the game.
> Maybe add few cards from another suit just to represent the chance of nothing showing up/nothing special happening.
> Old Dominion
Is this a joke. You almost completely ignore the morale aspect of the game (so in effect you take around half as much damage as anyone else)
Their magic shooting just rapes units. You just kinda walk forward and blast.
It's a brainless faction to play
Because of all the exceptions to the rules and preponderance of special rules. It's not difficult to play well, but it's harder to learn Conquest with them than other factions.
The studio painter is much better, to the point where I try to figure out how they got some of their effects.
The Asterians are odd because they look like they're painted badly but it's a decent paint job, it just calls to mind grey tide.
2nding this. If you're interested in learning the game, i'd avoid playing a faction that ignores some of the fundamentals of it.
New to wargames. Played some Gaslands and now want something with armies. Interested in oathmark. Considering one box of human infantry and one box of orc infantry.
1. is it dumb to get into a game no one around me plays?
2. will the human and orc minis be useful when I decide to switch to another mini-agnostic system (because no one around me plays oathmark)
3. Should i get minis from Wargames Atlantic instead (burger)
How do you know no one plays? Perhaps your friends might want to play if you talk to them about it.
2. No clue.
3. Which ones do you think look cooler?
1. This is /awg/, that's our hobby.
Serious answer, find out what's played at your LGS, don't let them decide for you but let it inform your decision. Worst case you have to cobble a game together yourself.
I will say that buying into a massed battle game that nobody around plays is more of a sunk cost than buying into a skirmish game nobody plays. Oathmark isn't super expensive though.
2. Yes, they're fairly generic.
3. Normally I would say it's 100% a personal decision, but WGA only sells orcs as a digital file, and as a fellow burger I can tell you you will wait forever if you buy them from only-games.
>find out what's played at your LGS
Blessed to have two bigger stores and a handful of smaller ones nearby. Sadly calendars are mostly GW games and one night of historical games. I'm interested in playing a wargame but IDK if I want to be an ambassador for a game I don't know myself. I also need more practice painting miniatures so i'm not too worried about painting a bunch of guys that only see the table occasionally especially if they're plastic. GW games are too much of an investment for my casual interest.
Appreciate the reply.
Trying to get into oathmark but I want to proxy their revenants with something more draugr like, anyone have recs?
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Reaper has "Rune Wights".
Reaper having a sculpt of something is the "Simpsons did it" of minis.
This was going to be my suggestion.
There are some draugr sold for the Elder Scrolls wargame.

I think I would also just try sculpting beards on undead minis you thought looked cool.
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>Watch one game of Frostgrave
>Get interested
>Immediately plan hundreds of hours worth of printing and painting to produce a sick ass table
I do this for every game I get into.
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Color scheme for the table as a whole
>I do this for every game I get into
Righteous. Post some of your other tables.
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I've sold off my Bolt Action stuff and most of my Warhammer terrain(kept the Sigmarite mausoleum), but here's the full 6x4 Battletech table we used in a campaign finale. This is maybe a fourth of my Battletech terrain.
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Frostgrave is the first /awg/ thing I've been interested in since I got into printing in late 22, so it's the first time I've gone full print happy for one.
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At least there's very little cost in printing and even if you grow tired of frostgrave it's still good 28mm terrain.
I just got a FDM printer and have been going hard on 15mm terrain
The worst case scenario is that I sell this stuff at the local game store's quarterly swap meet. Made $60 selling printed crystals a couple weeks back.
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Evens, get more Eureka amazons.
Odds, buy these from Eureka Australia.
Sauce? These are perfect for an, uh, oathmark project I have
Eureka miniatures. Australia.
I live in Burgerstan so the shipping is gonna be absolute cancer.
Mantic need a real in-house painter that paints in the same clean style as Eavy Metal, or even like a Kev Dallimore type.

Because using stylised and variable paintjobs just doesn't sell this stuff at first glance.
Oh, you mean the name.
It's the daughters of Set.
Speaking of Mantic, their twilight kin corsair women have just a massive wide stance. All of them have their legs spread so often they can't be based even on 25s properly.
It's so bizarre.
Danke. Shipping to the UK from ozzie land is painful but I'm awfully tempted
Do Eureka UK not stock them?
I only found them in the Australian and what I think is the German site.
The US site lacks a lot of things.
I love that the composite image I made keeps getting reposted. Enjoy your Bimbogyptians! And I hope the postage doesn't sting too bad.
Normally kinda hate goon minis, but somehow these bimbos feels a bit more funny and fitting. How much of the bandages are even sculpted?
>Mantic need a real in-house painter that paints in the same clean style as Eavy Metal
Naa, i'm kinda tired of seeing the majority of paintjobs aimed towards "realism". It's fine and even charming if some still paint the goofy "oldschool" way or w/e
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What stance is this?
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That's what I'm saying, Mantic should paint in the older styles, like Kev Dallimore or even GW's clean "basecoat and edge highlight" style, rather than trying to sell stuff with paintjobs that look like this.

Which are nice, but they don't sell the miniature itself to hobbyists. They look like they're from someone's personal collection.
>nooo, the paintjobs look too nice!
What an odd thing to say.
>don't sell the miniature itself to hobbyists.
To you personally. If I was in the mind to buy a battleboar steam tank, I'd consider that pig based on its paint job.
i cant stop fucking buying a variety of miniatures despite the last time i played a wargame was 7 months ago
please send help
i ordered 2 wargames atlantic boxes and a 40k box
i have roughly 70 unpainted miniatures at home
i just enjoy assembling and kitbashing so much bros but fucking hell
All of them, I own a few sets of these. All details seen there are sculpted and defined. Well, not the tattoos around the eyes, but you know what I mean.
Oh, i just assumed they were painted on. Thought the only sculpted ones were on the breasticles.
>only 70 unpainted minis
get out
Nice. Let us know how it goes.
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>German Eureka shop
Wish that were true.
Fucking amateur. I can knock out a box of 40 Perry Miniatures in 2 days
Both Conquest and Dystopian Wars look cool as hell but the games don't do much for me.
Post speed painted perrys
Like a third of conquest stuff looks super dope to me. The rest looks bad.
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What game is this?
I was going to guess historicals, but the Wizards came out of place.
Ruleset I wrote myself stealing from WHFB, Nevermind the Billhooks, OPR, and Bolt Action
Damn, it takes me longer than that just to decide to buy minis.
Also amateur here
Any tips
We don't do 40kish adjacent competitive eating here fren
We give good unmalicious balanced advice
An island of reason in a sea of stupidity
Why would i want to play against crap lookimg armies :)
that looks really cool.
I assemble the box and then spray prime all 40 guys white. Then working with about 20 at a time, I speed paint one cloth color on every mini(darker one first) then I assembly line speed paint the other color
Then I speed paint every minis shoes and pouches, then the wood on their weapons, then all of their hands and face, then I paint all the metal (weapons, armor, helmet) then I drop a wash on the metal and call it a day
>I can knock out a box of 40 Perry Miniatures in 2 days
Yeah, but how much can you bench?
That is a way to do it. I don't have great luck with speed paint or contrast. I do agree with working in big batches though. Just do the best part of a box and make the game fit the minis and not the other way round.

I really like a dark undercoat, but then with coloured rattlecans and soft caps I will do a zenithal but 2-3 layers. So normally it's browns and things to knock over the leather belts and boots and give a good base for skin and hair but it could just as easily be crazier colours for fantasy stuff.

Usually after that I find pre priming certain areas and using speed paints works but I think they are a bit patchy on whole minis. I would probably paint dip on the model to seal and shade it.
235, I rarely bench
Oh so you're autistic
Carry on
>I rarely bench
We can tell dyel bro.
Jk. Keep it up.
Autism helps in both the gym and painting minis.
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>Kev Dallimore type.

This is absolute peak of miniature painting, when your goal is to show your miniatures to sell them.
But some of Mantics newer* stuff isn't too badly painted either

*i dont check their store too often, so pic related seemed new to me, but maybe its not. But the paintjobs are quite clear to grasp and features and details are clearly visible.
Sadly my DOOM project fell through. The printer told me that the stls were of such low quality that he wouldn't recommend printing them. Was nice of him to say it instead of just taking my money.
Wargames Atlantic will (probably in tomorrows newsletter) announce 2 sets for a new "grand battles" scale.
>"grand battles" scale
What scale is that? 10mm?
they did not tell yet, there are just some teasers on facebook.
The problem with more of a freehand style is that it emphasizes itself instead of the sculpt. Take the boar vehicle there, I can't tell at a glance which battle damage is painted on or part of the sculpt.
IMO, a model selling paint job does not have the same criteria as a display paint job. It should look attainable (and yes I think new Eavy Metal fails for this) so you don't feel like your own paint job will automatically be inferior, and it should be based around washes and/or edge highlights so you can see the sculpt clearly.
>I'd consider that pig based on its paint job.
Why? You're not getting the paint job.
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I miss the good old days when they just said 15mm or 10mm even if neither were true.
Huh? did you rip the models from the game or smth?
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Its Samurai. Very good choice.

I didn't, the files that I got from cults3d probably were.
>Its Samurai
Foolish samurai warrior
>another new scale
Oh good, we were running low on those.
If you ask me everyone should photograph miniatures with a basic zenithal highlight. It's simple, shows off the product you're buying rather than a painter's skill, and avoids things like glare from metal.
Not that I object to seeing painted or bare minis as well, but a that seems far better as a standard.
But of course no one asked me.
>If you ask me everyone should photograph miniatures with a basic zenithal highlight
I was thinking the same. Or black/gray with a quick white dry brush
>If you ask me everyone should photograph miniatures with a basic zenithal highlight

I believe its Artizan Miniatures who do just a dark wash over their unpainted metal minis. That works too.
If a paintjob looks too artsy, its hard to see the miniature behind it.
The traditional "bare metal with a black ink wash" also works.
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Now if only all the traditional black ink over metal guys would take store pics with a camera from this side of the millennium. Looking at you GZG.
So question AWG. Should I get the Reva core and Drauger to make my planned list, I have alt reva for replacing the starter one. Or should I spend less and get the Zoraida core box for less? This is for a starter in malifaux.
I've not got personal experience with those crews, but from what I've heard Zoraida can be a bit tricky to start with rules wise and kinda awkward to buy expanding boxes for.
Also I'm admittedly biased towards Reva, she's really cool.
Where do I get 6mm or 10mm 3d printable armies and terrain? fantasy or sci fi is good.
Lazy Forger for 6mm sci fi (and a bit of fantasy). Their terrain in particular is really good.
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Yeah, it's 100 USD for the Reva box and drauger after shipping, where as Zoraida is 70 CAD for it, but yeah I heard it's hard, but it looks cool...
I just finished building alt Reva so I think I will go with her... Reva and Tara were like my two fave leaders aesthetics wise. Just the whole through the hole bit always makes me laugh.
I am disappointed to report that Wars of Ozz only lets you field the pumpkins as mercenaries in another army. I wanted a produce army. Oh well. The skeleton bell is cool though.
Can someone give me the TL;DR of the differences between Frostgrave 1st and 2nd edition? Considering giving it a go but I'm unsure which edition to go with.
2nd edition is basically a straight upgrade of 1E. Tied in some stuff from 1E expansions to make things a bit clearer and generally cleaned up balance across the board as far as spells go. I’m sure there’s a full breakdown of the changes somewhere but if you’re a new player there’s no reason to start 1E instead of 2E
I'd go with the Reva stuff, since that's the one that drew you into the game.
So much of Malifaux draws my attention. I need to just focus. I got the big hat box and the viktorias starter gangs so I'm painting up the Viks right now. Waiting on washes to dry and such. Will get some games in with them at the wednesday meet up and by then the Reva box should come in the mail.
Noted. Thanks anon
I have both rulebooks but I think the last Anon got it all pretty much. But if you need a comparison of anything let me know.
>Why? You're not getting the paint job
Are you implying that you can't see the sculpt under the paint?
Don't use real world "mystical" objects to game. There's no need to do it and there's potential downsides if any of that munbo jumbo ever turns out to be true. Or you piss off some random player by doing it and cause unneeded tension. You can use a standard deck or jazz it up like malifaux did.
Tarot cards are no more mystical than regular playing cards. Both were created to play games, and both had systems of divination and mysticism slapped onto them afterwards Anyone that freaks out about this is someone to avoid anyway.
Strange attitude when you think people should be avoided because they don't want to play games with divination objects. Bet you look like a toddler scribbled all over you with permanent marker.
The average American doesn't know that.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Sticks and tea leaves are "divination objects". Anyone that thinks tarot cards are dangerous is mental.
So how do you feel about fighting demons in a game?
Tarot cards ARE playing cards.
They were exlusively playing cards for hundreds of years before anyone did anything occult with them.
It's hilarious how much ouija boards are hyped up, but they're just a shitty party game from day one. Ouija doesn't even mean anything, it's just there for the trademark now owned by fucking Hasbro.
Nearly everything regarded as occult today was either invented as a party game in the 18th and 19th century or is just surface level ideas lifted from various pagan religions. none of it has even a fraction of the weight or significance its believers give it.
Look at this dude. You just know he's making the ghost say "give this guy pussy or I'll haunt you lmao". A true alpha male.
Can you please at least attempt to understand what the anon wrote?
>Tarot cards are no more mystical than regular playing cards. Both were created to play games, and both had systems of divination and mysticism slapped onto them afterwards
Applying the same standard to other common things also used for divination: you should also avoid sticks; dice; birthdays and calendars; needles and sharp objects in general; an interest in the stars; birdwatching, cats, spiders, and other animals; you should avoid words and numerals; tea; water; dust, dirt, sand, and other sediment; salt; fire; weather and air; sound; bread and baking; walking; sitting; giving birth; and much more. It's a profoundly fucking retarded position to take if you just choose to think about what you feel for once.
There is also the fact that the kind of guy that would be bothered by tarot for being magic would most likely not plat fantasy skirmish wargames in the first place
Are there any fun Samurai rulesets? Test of Honour seems to be locked behind paper-only gimmick card.
For that small scale, Killer Katanas is a boring dense simulation.
For 28 mil, Age of Warfare is just a Warhammer knockoff put out by Fireforge.
I guess it's 10mm.
Maybe I should get into small scale. Wargaming.
300 plus Miniatures in a box sounds like a pretty great deal.
i just bought a box of each. getting tired of anything above skirmish level at 28mm these days. models look really nice. ill see how it goes.
>$40 for 320 troops
Amazing. This would be $300 from GW™
What alternative ruleset will utilize this range of minis best? These boxes come with single minis as well so they can be used even for 28mm games scaled to 10mm.
Go with what drew you in. You can always pick up the 2nd option later.
Also, what the hell, that scythe on Reva looks like it'll snap off in a stiff breeze! Are all the new plastics that bad? I haven't played since the start of 2nd editon, and this isn't an encouraging sign to get back in...
Haven't really gotten into it but Sword Weirdos seems to have a lot of customization and feels like they were aiming for early warhammer edition fantasy skirmishes.
Clash of Katanas?
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Has anyone played Space Weirdos and Planet 28 and can tell me which one is better for small warband narrative skirmishing, or compare/contrast them?

I'm not very good at conceptualizing how the game plays just by reading rules
Total strawman. I play fantasy games and even have demon armies. That's not the same thing. I've heard enough people having shitty experiences after messing with divination and I think it's a bad idea to do it. If you believe there's power in them or you think there could be and there's a way to avoid it then you should do so. You lose nothing from switching cards to a standard deck and avoid a risk if there is one.

It's the same reason you don't seek out and collect cursed objects. Real or not it's stupid to fuck with stuff that could fuck you up.

>Muh science
There's lots of things science can't explain and there's enough abnormal experiences out there to think we don't have all the answers to the supernatural yet. Even if it's almost all bullshit there's still a small amount of stuff beyond our understanding and until we understand it it's best not to fuck around.
ok bro but why only reply to that one short post and not the points everyone else was making??
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Like what am I even looking at here

It's almost like Mantic want to sell them as blobs rather than showing off the individual miniatures like GW do. Mantic have stopped charging "blob" prices though.

They need a central vision of how to sell these things.
They're for putting in formation, they would look weird out of formation and people would wonder if they slot together well. You can still see the details.
This has the same energy as "if you don't like untested bleeding edge technology you shouldn't use electric lights at your house, it's all Science".
The Rider-Waite deck, and practically every deck since, was designed explicitly and specifically for divination. Anon isn't talking about an 18th centry Tarocchi deck you disingenuous faggot.
it's ok, I won't be playing with insane people
also, any "readings" (ie looking up in a table and reading flavor text to trigger some fight, shoot or will roll) would be about the in-game figures, not the players.
I did not care for P28. Armour is relatively cheap, and everyone has 20 wounds, so it was hard to hurt anything.
I don't care for SW's core mechanic of a dice ladder, but I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with it. Combat has results other than "gets hurt or not" including "fights bad" and "dives for cover", which is nice.
I prefer Xenotactics, which has an Infinity-style reaction system with a SoBaH style activation system.
All three are very simple and you could easily learn one, slap some teams together, and play a solo game in an afternoon.
>disingenuous faggot
Go fuck yourself. So the point at which a deck is designed to be used for cartomancy gives it magical properties? Why not suggest the "18th centry Tarocchi deck" in the first place?
> I've heard enough people having shitty experiences after messing with divination and I think it's a bad idea to do it.
You are stupid and so are your friends.
> If you believe there's power in them or you think there could be
then you're and idiot.
> It's the same reason you don't seek out and collect cursed objects.
Curses don't exist.
> Real or not
I want to take a good long hard look at that opening phrase. Jesus fucking christ you're a lost cause.
>There's lots of things science can't explain
You don't understand how science works, which tracks.
>Even if it's almost all bullshit
It's all bullshit, you simpleton, you fucking moron.
You sound almost as retarded as a theist.
The issue i see there is that they only show one picture of the unit in formation, which is fine and understandable why they show it. But its the only picture they show. No pic of the sprue, no picture of the command options, no pic of 1-2 individual guys. Nothing.

I dont even hate those guys, in fact, i think they are cool. But just compare the shop entry for those 3 boxes of miniatures:




With the mantic miniatures, you essentially buy them blind, not knowing what you even get. Like.. what is this:
>10x Plastic Salamanders
>2x Resin Salamander Corsairs Upgrade pack (enough for 10 models)

10 monopose plastic minis? A sprue with parts for 10 unique minis? 2 sprues of 5 unique poses?
What are the resin parts? Etc.
It just sucks.
>So the point at which a deck is designed to be used for cartomancy gives it magical properties?
Never, but it doesn't need to have magical properties to have an inherent intended magical use. It's a bit silly to tell people averse to that to just ignore it, or that they're not allowed to nootice it or something.
>Curses don't exist.
Wanna buy a Sonichu medallion?
>There's lots of things science can't explain
>You don't understand how science works, which tracks.
If you think Science explains everything, you're just as dogmatic as him.
>Never, but it doesn't need to have magical properties to have an inherent intended magical use. It's a bit silly to tell people averse to that to just ignore it, or that they're not allowed to nootice it or something.
Semantic quibbling aside, if the inherent magical use is the issue, decks Pre-Rider Waite shouldn't be a problem?
Yes but let's be honest, nobody gives a fuck about them and they're missing a lot of the symbolism that makes tarot interesting in the first place.
>>>93190801 #
>>Curses don't exist.
>Wanna buy a Sonichu medallion?
How the fuck is Sonichu related to cursed?
>inherent intended magical use
Intent can't be inherent. Objects do not have intent, people do.
I have a tarot deck. I don't intend to use it for magic.
>I have a tarot deck. I don't intend to use it for magic.

And yet, people believe in that stuff.
>cars aren't *inherently* for driving, that's just what the people who made them intended for you to do
Top stuff, where can I sign up for your philosophy class?
Philosophy is even less real than magic.
What exactly is going to happen when using a post- Rider Waite tarot deck for a game, what is the belief system that this happens in, cause it all seems pretty fucking vague so far
> inherent intended magical use
the decks intended use is whatever I decide to use it for, because they are bits of cardboard with ink designs printed on, mass produced in a factory, not magical talismans of great power scrawled in the blood of virgins under a full moon.
>bits of cardboard with ink designs printed on, mass produced in a factory, not magical talismans of great power scrawled in the blood of virgins under a full moon
/awg/ pinching pennies on their hobby tools again.
I just don't want my magical talismans getting bent or drinks spilled on them at game night, you know how it is
nobody's as careful with your gaming stuff as you are
Everyone who's publicly bought a sonichu medallion has ended up in a shitty place on life. It's a joke to say it's cursed because of it.

No one said something was going to happen 100%. Only that supernatural stuff exists to some degree or another. It's best to keep away from it since a lot of people have ended up worse off for meddling. The guy who coveres the Mothman stuff said he had to give up investigating as it started to stick to you if you looked at things too long. Doing tarot readings isn't going to make you drop dead of mysterious causes. But playing games with them for the sake of it seems like you're messing around with something potentially dangerous. So why not use normal cards?
you can easily find mantic sprues if you Google it. That box is plastic sprues with replacement arms and heads made of resin.

Mantic are now selling the rectangles and squares game. model count and basically models at all are becoming secondary to board space. They went all in on multibasing which allows for some impressive stuff but individual models are suffering and it's hard to base them traditionally and rank them up. I've started to use circle bases and movement trays. you still fit 12 model guys on and magnets hold them in place.
Based and materialism-pilled.
this is so fucking vague
>you can easily find mantic sprues if you Google it

Of course i can google it. Thats not the point tho.
Their online store presentation just sucks. Its not the customers job to find out what is inside a box of miniatures.
>publicly bought
That's the answer, if you want to be publicly associated with Chris Chan, you clearly make awful life choices.
Do they still make those big square bases that hold individual small bases for rank and flank games? I don't know what terms to search for.
movement trays
Yep, that's it. I'm looking for 50mm wide trays that hold 2x2 individual bases for Ozz. Looks like what I want only exists in STL form though. I haven't touched my 3d printer in over a year now.
50x50mm that is. Infantry is ranked up on five bases of four models each, but I'd like to be able to pull casualties off as they go.
Quite a lot of places sell mdf trays in various sizes. I usually use Warbases but I think you can also find a lot on ebay
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>>>There's lots of things science can't explain
>>You don't understand how science works, which tracks.
>If you think Science explains everything, you're just as dogmatic as him.
Science is about a process of figuring nested 'whys'. For every functional theory we have there is always a branching path of deeper 'why does it work like that' questions.
To think that because we haven't solved every problem it somehow leaves room for things that don't generate evidence is so profoundly retarded that anyone stupid enough to type that thought out must be mocked and derided for all our sake.
>Only that supernatural stuff exists to some degree or another.
no it doesn't, else we'd have evidence of it.
>It's best to keep away from it since a lot of people have ended up worse off for meddling.
No they haven't. See above.
>But playing games with them for the sake of it seems like you're messing around with something potentially dangerous.
Tarot cards are not dangerous because
>So why not use normal cards?
Tarot cards are normal cards

Your hippy/mormon/catholic/scientologist insanity is contributing nothing to this thread. Leave. Or I'll place a curse upon you with my inverted spatula while reading from my book of evil spells.
Both of you stop feeding the trolls. Starve to death, please.
Anyone have a good source for 15mm scifi scatter terrain?
What's the new hotness for rules?
Wargames Research Group unironically
>else we'd have evidence of it
There is plenty of evidence for unexplained things happening on the planet. Are you going to deny military videos of UFOs because science can't explain how the fuck aircraft can move the way we have video evidence of? Weird shit happens and even if only 1 thing is real in all the bullshit it's still 1 thing.

Can any one explain why gravity works? Not how but why? Because it's pretty fucking weird and it doesn't have a proper explanation for it's existence. Big things pull you towards them by what power exactly?

Movement trays come in the usual sizes if you look up your national store for them. Warbases are pretty good where I'm from.
OP's pic made me think, what's your guys favorite piece of terrain and for what game?
Warbases are great even to Australia
They make round cornered DBX bases which in my view look super classy
Desert buildings. Good for sci fi, the crusades, ancients, ww2...
Trees. They look cool and the same reason as>>93192917

They fit just about any setting, especially if you have removable foliage. You need to get pretty gonzo like sword and planet games before they don't fit.
>removeable foliage
Sounds neat, got any examples?
I've been looking at tree options but haven't found any that I particularly like. (aslo the high pricing of the non-FDM ones)
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Seconding trees. The secret is to start with cheap aquarium plastic trees from AliExpress and paint and flock them.
I have some of these. I like them IDK about dropping a hundred on 9 trees though. I think it was part of a Kickstarter for me.

I've seen some others. Maybe Dwarven forge?
Thinking now about this, it's not as impressive as I originally thought. 10mm is like 40% 25m. So like 6.4% of the plastic.
The 300+ models are more like 20 in a larger scale.
At that price i'll probably just suck it up and print some Printable Scenery trees. Not sure if it's worth flocking the bare ones over painting ones with sculpted foliage though.
I've had bad luck with flock shedding. It looks better than painted plastic imo, but it's really for dioramas not play pieces.
Kinda figured. I avoided a proper grass mat for similar reasons. Just touching the mat through the packaging made you feel it was going to shed like hell.
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In Deadzone, how do the pre-made teams like the Tersia Revolutionaries compare to the regular factions? Would it be a good idea to start with them or are they kind of gimped?
>15mm scatter
If you don't want to do printing or Etsy, Alternative Armies has some resin pieces. H0 railroad stuff works great for 15mm, cheap used from classifieds, but apart from barrels, not much scifi stuff probably.
Diy trash heaps from sprues and corrugated cardboard?
Cork walls if you consider those scatter?
But your best option in 15mm probably is printing or etsy.
Forgot the AA pic
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robot on the top right
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I've had these trees I made myself for a decade, moved to three different states with them, and they cost me pennies to make. 100 for a couple plastic Fortnite looking trees is wild
How did you stop them from shedding everywhere?
>some chunky lumps of resin spray painted and two color drybrushed
>3 mouse pad floor things
Genuinely insulting but I guess someone out there must be dumb enough to pay it
Post your trees.
I sealed them with a spray adhesive. They will shed a bit but once all the loose stuff falls off they're pretty good
Jelly. I absolutely drenched mine in sealant. Like so much they looked like mirkwood trees filled with spider webs, and they still shed quite a bit.
How did you make them?
Standard Woodland Scenic tree armatures with Woodland Scenic flock.
I'd post pics but I don't have them handy. They're boxed in a friend's basement.
Did you spray your trees with a Matte Scenic Cement or some kind of sealant after you were done painting and flocking the trees? It's supposed to help a lot with that.
I don’t feel like digging through my post-move nightmare basement right now to find them but everything I have is either the bunch of Battlefield in a Box trees I got for BOGO 1/2 off at my old FLGS or cherry blossom trees I made back when I was first getting into Bushido.

Not saying you can’t or shouldn’t buy premade terrain because I definitely did. Just that those trees seem exceedingly expensive for what you get. I prefer a flocked tree over something solid and painted, but even if I wanted that I think I’d look for a cheap 3D print and paint them myself
Did Iron Wind Metals forget to pay their internet bill or is the company in trouble?
If you used Woodland Scenics Tacky Glue, and these trees are more than a decade old, then there's the catch. They reformulated it around 2010 to be less toxic, and the new stuff is fucking worthless.
What you want to do nowadays is get a roll of painters tape and a can of 3M Type 77 spray adhesive. Tape off the truck and lower arms, spray it good and thick, and jam it in a bowl of tree flock, give it a good hour to dry and cure. Then, and this is what separates mediocre trees from great ones, do the spray and dip again.
If you do a big batch, one can will more than cover an entire 6x4 forest.
ran out of lead
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>roommates and neighbors interested in This is Not a Test
We're eating good this summer, lads.
>They reformulated it around 2010 to be less toxic, and the new stuff is fucking worthless.
These trees are about that old. I must have got one of the early shit versions.

I'm now really deep on plastic trees, but if I ever go deep on a full forest board, I willgive your advice a try. I really appreciate it.
I just want hard plastic miniature trees again.
What happened to your old trees?
Ok so you've posted the same photo 40 times now, painting is patchy as to be expected from contrast. Hard pass
They stopped selling them like fifteen years ago. Is it so wrong to want new thing?
Any recs on flocking?
Wear a comdom.
Good on you! I failed to dissuade a group from starting Necromunda over that. Still smarts.
New TINAT edition. Black Site Studio. So it's gonna be a US-only boutique thing once more. Wish they could have gone through Modiphius.
Glad I got out when Spartan died.
That sounds worse than Spartan Dystopian Wars, and it was never a quick game then.
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They're actually releasing a new edition of This is not a test soon.
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>New TINAT edition. Black Site Studio. So it's gonna be a US-only boutique thing once more.

Shit, really?
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don't have to be a chef to know when your toast is burnt
Reminds me of when I picked up 1e because it was hot at the club, took a look at the all the unnecessary special rules instead of stats adjustments, thought, nah this isn't for me, and gave it away
time is a flat circle
I used these methods for mine https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=75VcRTYpmEs&pp=ygUVUmVkIGJlYXJkIGJhcm9uIHRyZWVz
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I don't know if this exists, but I'm looking for a WARGAME that is halfway an RPG as well, heavily narrative, customizing your squad, with your characters able to make actions other than the typical "move, shoot, fight, charge, etc.". Like being able to describe an action they perform and then roll for it. Maybe with some NPCs they can talk to, like in a Spaceport or tavern or something

Does this exist?
Holy shit, is this real?!
5 Parsecs from Home leans heavily into the rpg and campaign generation side.
The much older version and 5core in general does a variety of model actions.
Planet 28 is very narrative heavy and iirc does
>Like being able to describe an action they perform and then roll for it.
>Black Site Studio
I keep wanting to try out their stuff particularly Don’t Look Back and Hametsu but they all feel really pricy just to play a solo/co-op game
Woodland Scenics. The trick is to mix a couple blends. I got dark green, light green, and brown. Poured them into bowls and made a mostly light green with some dark green and some brown and a mostly dark green with some light and some brown, and then had about 2/3 of a shaker of brown left over. I think I paid $20 total, and it did at least 50 large trees.
Hell yeah, I've been waiting on a hardback that combines all the splat books into one, ala Gaslands Reloaded.
>BSS TNT models look like shit
Well fuck. Those are so bad I'm now worried about the book.
It played much slower than I remembered 1e playing, and I passed on 1e because it was slow and bloated with special rules. It's like they regressed the game somehow, a rare case of a new edition being less streamlined and quick to play.
Don't Look Back and Lunar are both solid games, if you want to play on a literal coffee table. BSS really specialize in the 2x2 wargame design.
It's just going to be all the books compiled together, right? Please?
Broke out my old WaHa wood elves last night to try out Saga Fantasy playing Lords of the Wild. I loved their mechanics but I felt like such a dick doing some of the shit you can pull off.
>WaHa wood elves ... I felt like such a dick doing some of the shit you can pull off.
So they nailed the classic Welf experience.
Such a great looking army. Such a miserable army to play against.
At least my opponent was playing the undead so they just kept coming back. A nice slapfight of bullshit mechanics.
"When everything is bullshit, nothing is bullshit" Truly the best way to achieve balance in wargames.
Is there a go-to company for female medieval/fantasy minis, the sexy kind? The OP had some good links for singles but I’m looking for bulk/large sets.
Raging heroes maybe?
There aren't a whole lot of companies that cover both sexy female and both requirements
What scale? Because making sexy faces gets increasingly harder the smaller it is.
Shieldwolf are the closest I've seen to sexy in 28mm plastic.
>Female, fantasy, sexy, bulk set
In all my years I have only ever seen one product that fits that description.
Search for "Pelegarth Bloodmasks"
Thanks Anons, I’ll take a look at those!

Any scale is fine, I’m already asking a lot with those requirements.
There's these as well anon.
Thanks those look petty neat too!

Really like the look for Raging Heroes, especially their Sisters of the Orphanage line.

Shieldwolf is great too, the number of minis per dollar makes it really tempting.

Wrath of Kings right? lt does meet all my requirements but aesthetically a bit off from what I’m looking for lol.

Thanks again for all the suggestions!
>t does meet all my requirements but aesthetically a bit off from what I’m looking for
It's okay. You can call them fat. Lol
I think that would be more of a gameplay style than a game rules thing. It's fallen out of fashion in modern times, but playing a wargame with a GM to adjudicate stuff is perfectly reasonable. In the sense of a pure wargame, they control stuff like double blind or can adjudicate special actions like trying to push a boulder down a hill at the other army. But in a skirmish level game, they could definitely run RPG elements. Or maybe go the other way and run an RPG like Savage Worlds which has all the rules you need to scale it up to a wargame level of combat.
There's some fun sculpts in there. Very Hollywood 70-80's action movies. Love the C.H.U.D. face on the big mutant, needs some good glow effects on the eyes.
So many of them exist that you'll need to be more specific.
>being able to describe an action they perform and then roll for it
This really requires a referee (or solo play in which you're also the referee). Inquisitor isn't /awg/ but it was explicitly designed for this.
To some extent Necromunda and all its skirmish campaign descendants all do some of this, but by nature they focus on the skirmishes and the campaign stuff is mostly flavour and team building. I've heard This is Not a Test is pretty solid both in the campaign and game parts, and it's getting a new edition soon. Or Reality's Edge from the same guy which is probably more roleplay-ish.
> the /wfg/ Coast Guard fag
> 235
Oh so your female to male? Jesus I benched that much in like high school.
Can confirm lazy forger is very good stuff.
>Don't Look Back
After hunting for years for a reasonably priced copy of the 1st edition box over here, I finally gave in and bought a pdf of the new edition. 270 pages, has everything you need to play from the rules side of things. Terrain I have, and the BSS CAD sculpts I can live without. Got enough civilians and a Mike Myers from when Studio Miniatures was still around.

The printed book would have been 59 Euro before postage. I expect the new This Is Not a Test to be in a similar price range.
Nobody believes you. Especially without a body post.
Which I had a group to play it with.
I got a chance to see a game of Dropzone being played and it seemed very cool. The starter sets also seem silly cheap. Does the game live up to the hype?
I haven't played it since 1st ed back when it was still made by Hawk, but I really enjoyed it back then.
Holy shit, we have an Alpha Male in the thread. I repeat, we have an Alpha Male in the thread!
anyone have the PDF's of any Quar books??
They're all available for free on the zombiesmith site

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Today on Saturday Night Gaslands the Yakuza get to race the KKK
On the 4th race to earn the golden ticket to mars with 50 cans per team
Stay tuned for updates and remember to subscribe to GaslandsTV only for 89.99$!
50 bucks on the klanmobile
>ghostbusters disguised as ghosts
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First blood on the field!!!
The Great wave form the Yakuza team kills the KKKmobile with a collision, making a big explosion, ending the lives of its attacker and also the Akira morotbike
What an spectacle!
3 dead cars with a single move
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The Kamikaze and the American nazi party are on the front, battling for the first spot, the game is really close
So the Kamikaze goes for all or nothing, and shoots the Big Fucking Gun in a bet to completelly kill the Nazi party with one shot
And the damage goes by, leaving it with 1HP out of 10!
Shooting the BFB has recoil so the kamikaze car basically is out of the race
The only hope for the Yakuza is the Ice cream truck with grenades to stop the nazi mence
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The ice cream truck fires two grenades, but misses both shoots
And the American nazi party crosses the finish line with 1 hull point
What a close call, anything could have happened!
See you in the 5th race of the season which will be in 1 month due to vacations
Thanks for watching our live report, and remember to pay the bet before the Earth Police tax collectors come by and cracks your craneum
It's in decent shape. Honestly starter armies are good enough deals for it that getting one if you're a bit interested is almost certainly worth a try.
>decent shape
Come the fuck on man. It's doing about as well as Warmachine. And like the PP game, it's a pale withered pathetic shadow of the game it was at its peak, published by industry dregs, played by so few people it can't maintain a general.
No one plays it. If you want to play it, you'll need to make other players. So it's like every other game in this thread, except the current rules are garbage and you should play the old beta, except it doesn't have a bunch of the new models but that's OK because they're either stupid looking or so poorly designed you, yes you anon, can come up with a better concept and values.
R.I.P. Hawk Dave. You were too good for this world. We didn't deserve, and didn't appreciate what little time we had to bask in your madness. Seeing the state TTCunts left the Avenger in broke my fuckin heart
What game is the best "Metal Slug on tabletop"?
Quick question. Any idea where to find punk and metalhead minis that aren't carrying weapons? I'm working on a homebrew and I need to get my hands on a fair number of punks and metalheads. best I've found so far is Wild In The Streets (pic rel) and some from Spinespur, but I can only own so many goths.

Any suggestions?
Some of these I think could have worked, but they're all out of stock,

the assault group might have some in their moderns range
>talking mad shit about TTCombat
>didn't even bring up their resin cast quality
Boy howdy did I get some buyers remorse.
Probably Tonks on a superficial level but I don't see how you would ever replicate the game mechanics of a sidescroller on tabletop.
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Nothing will ever beat America.
Fun battle report. Fuck I wish I could paint weathering so well. Is that all enamel streaking?
Neat. Looking forward to the next one.
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Buildings for the Frostgrave table are coming along nicely. There's another house that needs a roof, and a bigger house with balcony on the printer right now.
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I also printed this barrel. Figure it can be a treasure token if it's full of potions or magic wine.
I keep trying to play solo skirmish games, like Shadows of the rangers and firstgrave, but my opponent won't stop cheating.

Annoybody got a source on rules for five leagues from the borderlands? Can't find it anywhere.
Best games that require a small number of minis? Like 6 max
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Crucify him on the tree of, uh... despair. Yeah, despair, that's the ticket!

Finally started working on shadow deep terrain.
A Fistful of Lead.
Rockwell's grandchildren were black, unironically.
these better be stls
you guys are starting to make me nervous about the TNT models, the previous ones looked good, I just hadn't got around to them
Anyone playing Gaslands here? I have a question about rules - if two cars collide and both declare evasion then nothing happens except that both get 1 hazard token and that's all? Seems kinda counterintuiteve if a buggy or even a bike full speeding at max gear collides with slow-moving heavy truck
>Anyone playing Gaslands here?
Did you not even bother reading a dozen posts?
It's BSS, so I doubt it. Thankfully Fallout STLs are easy to pirate.
Just punch him until he stops cheating.
Not sure if is still up in the share thread but it's where I found them ages ago.
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How complicated is it to paint figures like this and how long does it take?
not very complicated, and speed comes with experience.
edge highlighting, a very basic technique does all the work there.
Just start painting bro. Find some figures you like but won't mind if the pain job looks sloppy and paint away. When you run into a snag, there's a plethora of info about every aspect of miniature painting, read about your issue and apply the new knowledge you learned.
>b....b..but what if I suck?
Literally everybody sucked at the start. I certainly did, and I know my stuff isn't the best and will win zero competitios but im happy with my progress.
Those who git gud are men who can push past their own failures. Those who quibble about every little detail that didn't go right or are to afraid to touch paint to a model are mice.
What are you bro? A man or a mouse?
How long is a piece of string.
If you've never painted a model before, it's going to take years, hundreds of dollars, and a great deal of effort.
As a commission piece, maybe $200? But that's just a guess, an anonymous that takes commissions or pays for their models to be painted can give you a better estimate.
It looks like speed paint over zenithal with traditional edge detailing. A dozen 28mm figures to decent table top quality I could do in a week of evenings if I pushed myself, or two to three weeks at a casual pace. It's been a minute since I painted at that scale. If these were 15s, one night.
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I (KKK team)did the weathering with just acrylics, first with a sponge and a very dark brown and then a mix of differents browns applied as veladuras (?) And watered down streaks
As the cars are white its easyer to achieve some really nice effect, with darker tones like the dark blue Trump pickup the contrast is achieved with silver as the final scratches
In the photo you can see a bit of the weathering both on the white and on the dark colors, though its not very extreme as to not hide the freehand of the "birth of a nation"
The yakuza warband painter used a mix of sponge, acrylics, emanels and pigments
And the porn webpage warband used only pigments

Yes, the cars only get hazard tokens
Its represented as if they didnt actually touch in the collision, but did a risky maneuvre in order to not hit the other car
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How's the gameplay for Clash of Rhyfles? I've heard it's similar to Kill Team, is that accurate or not? Can you have unique load outs for each Quar soldier or is it uniform? What about the larger game what does it play like and how many units do you need?
That paint job fucks hard. Great work, anon
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Excellent paint job. Too bad most people will screech about racism or something seeing it. Do you have a hate bus?
Rockwell's grandkids were black, mate.
And? I'm asking anon if he kept with his American nazi theme and made a hate bus. You should really relax and stop taking literally everything as some sort of political fight and just have a laff every once in awhile.
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I feel it's more like Necromunda/Mordheim with it's wound system. You can take as many models as you want, unless specified otherwise in your army list. Point systems are usually 200, 300, to 500 points. (I say 300 is the sweetspot.)

You can "Buy" the Rhyfler's Handbook on the website for free ATM, I recommend it thoroughly as there's more armies than just Crusaders & Coftyr. Some are...

Recent power, real radical freaks
Arab Quar, think Lawrence of Arabia.
>hate bus
I feel ripped off.
Deth Wizards sounds interesting but Reign in Hell was such a sloppy mess I’m not sure I’m willing to give them money again. Didn’t touch their other games so I don’t know if they actually improved
What is he if he’s not racist a normal person doesn’t do this
>Im not political
Yeah, this is the dumbest shit. It's made to get a rise out of people. There's nothing being deconstructed or engaged with. This is just hateful shit for the sake of it. It's garbage. Just move on and don't give the dumbass any more (you)s.

Alternatively, I've been playing a lot of Unicorn Overlord, and really dig how much it feels like a tabletop game. I'm wondering if there is an actual wargame that does the customizable mixed units thing.
>being forced to compete in death games for the entertainment of the super wealthy is perfectly fine
>wait… the fictional killer in a future hellscape is a racist? This is unacceptable!
Touch grass. Or even better post your own minis
Yeah I bet it’s for the lore reasons. A swazstika here or there is fine but who goes through the effort to put a klans man on a tiny miniature you are way more than a troll
Has anyone tried quar? It actually looks pretty good. Is it worth getting the starter ?
Quar's fun as a beer and pretzels game. The rules are tight and work well. The Starter gives you enough to do like 500 point games, but I prefer 200-300 for a fast pace. You can also grab the rules online for free on the dude's website!
Has anyone picked up the Lead Adventure range yet? I didn't realise they had folded until most of the shit I wanted was already out of stock on Magister Militum.
It's Magister Militum that's shutting down. They won't get any new stock in. You still can get all? most? of the Lead Adventure lines on German sites like Miniaturicum no problem.
Got a couple of their postapoc packs over the years. They're some of the best 28s out there, full of character, no CADslop. Greeblier than the Copplestones for instance, so take a bit longer to paint.
Ah, misinterpreted the "picked up". Where did you hear they were stopping production?
I didn't realise Miniaturicum was the source for them these days, I did recall browsing LA models on a different site. I had assumed based on the lack of any outside of EU shipping information that Miniaturicum was a more provincial store.
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it's on the list, im trying to find the hippie van to make it, but no luck for now

the list is centered arround KKK with other far right thrown in the mix (like the trump pickup)

the next one to be finished soon is a pickup with a hanging flaming cross, counting as wrecking ball, the race car will be the same one from the polices that kneeled on george floyd, and in the google images theres a monster truck named "nigger depot" with quite a curious history

when i get tired on them I'll start the Black panthers/ black lives matter warband

cars with the black panther painted, rapper cars, one golden with a freehand of george floyds face.....

so i can get a literal "race war" going


arround the 30 people i've played with/seen me playing gaslands, everyone has had a good laugh and loved the paintjob, maybe the problem is yours mate
>cars with the black panther painted, rapper cars, one golden with a freehand of george floyds face.....
You better have a pimp wagon or two
>This is just hateful shit for the sake of it.

Its toys Anon, not hate.
>maybe the problem is yours mate

NTA but you are terminally boring.
He’s a lonely attention whore that’s it stop glazing the dork
>so i can get a literal "race war" going
lol nice
>makes things with skill, historical interest and awareness mixed with humour in silly post apocalyptic race car advertising game
Seems pretty nuanced and engaging for a game made with hotwheels. Its not suppose to be a dissertation. If its boring to you move on with your life and stop posting about it.
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You mean of a dead group from 100 years ago? And to make a troublemaker car gang in an apocalyptic world? Seems pretty spot on and a good idea. Do you tell flames of war players that they should not play as germany?
>Posts a fun battle report
>Answers questions about weathering in a detailed way
>doesnt say anything about politics
Anon please hes anything but a shitposter unlike a secondary no minis like you

On another note and leaving baiter retards,
I bought the mars attack game for 20 bucks at clearance
The minis are nice and has a campaign to play and also a wargame in the rules
Now i only need to paint the rest, for now it seems pretty nice
The only problem is that some of the miniatures from the campaign in the main box need to be bought sepparately
How are Deadzone's campaign rules? I got tired of Stargrave a bit as grenadier spam just got too crazy. I looked into Infinity's own campaign rules but the progression only affects a single character there.
I have to agree with the others. I main Old Dominion, but I'd never play them as the one organizing a demo. If someone is interested in them, I'll have them play them in the demo to get a feel for them, but they ignore quite a few of the Resolve & Morale rules, you need to explain their weaknesses (high volume of hits, ranged attacks, and keeping them pushed off objectives), and they are rough at low point games since at 1000 points they start off at Tier 2 and the other player likely lacks the tools in their list to handle them effectively.

The guy running the demo did a piss poor job, especially setting up a new player with a finesse faction like Nords against OD. Also, he absolutely should have mentioned that Kheres cannot be left alone, and need to be killed off in melee before they can start casting Insanity. I'm sorry that you had a shitty experience like that.

...You aren't in Canada, are you?
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It does not have to.
Its a silly game, about silly gangs with silly cars with guns fighting each other. Having an over the top "racist" themed gang just fits into the setting like any other theme.
Its not better or worse than having a gang themed around the usage of just construction site vehicles, a police gang or maybe a gang with lots of red stars and other communist icons (bonus points if the toy cars used are actually ussr made diecast cars)

Why do you have to be such an autist about a deeper meaning anon?
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Don't engage with the bootlickers who post this crap, just ignore and report.

I've played several naval games but yesterday at the club I played the first one with actual boats, all been airships and flying battleships until now, pics in a bit.
Really telling which posts get deleted for being off topic compared to the constant trolling.
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Cruel Seas, moire of a /hwg/ but good fun, not seen torpedo tokens for years.
I can see cruel sees in a somewhat weird world, maybe similar to crimson skies, just with boats instead of planes.
No idea how Miniaturicum handles overseas postage. Better just ask them first.
>It's no creative because I'm the final arbiter of creativity
I don't think I'd trust the opinions of jannies either.
IDK how I feel about ships with the wake behind them modeled.
From their website:
"Wir bieten derzeit leider keinen Versand ins nicht EU-Ausland an."

(i.e. no shipping to non-EU countries)

If you really really need some LA miniatures, and they still sell them, i could be your middle man if you trust me enough.
Its a printed card speed indicator, the faster the boat moves the longer the wake is. Its there so you remember your speed last turn, can't go from slow to full speed without going via combat speed first.
Nice. There's a neat idea.
Someone should buy a beer for the guy who thought of it.
Torpedo boats? Extremely based.
Nice biker. What model is this?
Well I mean both bike and biker. Can't find any good scale-fitting bikes, let alone with a rider
I feel like that might be off the North Stat Gaslands sprues.
I've got a hankering to play a Weird West game and the two I've whittled it down to are Wild West Exodus and Dracula's America. I'm slightly more on the side of Exodus after watching some battle reports but if anyone has played one or the other and could share some thoughts that would be good.
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Upside of getting into Frostgrave: I have an excuse to buy neat random minis
Downside of getting into Frostgrave: I have an excuse to buy neat random minis

I figure this crab monster can count as a Snow Troll if we stick the Amphibious Tag on it or something

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