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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

By the power of TESTERON edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>93094287

>Thread Question: Tell us about your MANLY heists
Sort of dreading my next session, but looking forward to it at the same time. There is a very good chance that the crew suffer serious injuries, but this ancients Dyson sphere has some really interesting ecological developments inside. It looks like ambient fungi have evolved and at least somewhat entered the food chain as a mid level predator.
Time for your Halfling to wake up in that gothic afterlife from that other Anon and try to find his way home through a painting portal.
Using Scarlet Heroes... maybe it's an hex crawl and/or a dungeon crawl to get back and you can't restore HP. Every HP you lose is a piece of your soul getting stuck in the afterlife. At 0 you become part of the afterlife and can never get back. At 1 or 2 you get back, but you are a ghost. Tough luck. At 3 to half your HP, you get back but something comes along with you, like that hellhound.
>playing CoC
>every SAN roll so far is 5+ lost points
>PC keeps failing idea rolls when losing SAN so he rationalize everything and still think the supernatural isn't real
>finally lost 20% of SAN in an hour
>roll for insanity
The dice old ones are kind to my PC. They are giving him a chance to just walk away with his mind free from the burden of knowing the Truth of the Universe.
Too bad he's a curious little fucker.
>>Thread Question: Tell us about your MANLY heists
A minotaur trying to steal an amulet from a temple. He would just charge people and door while shouting STEALTH at the top of his lungs like a battlecry expecting it to have an impact by the sheer volume of his voice forcing reality to change.
Based min-max retard character. Dumb as a rock and ugly as sin.
This was him at his finest non-heist self:
>go in tavern
>bartender complains about the lack of costumers this month
>talks about maybe turning the tavern into an inn and rent rooms
>minotaur is helpful (and drunk)
>starts smashing things around and knocking walls down with his giant axe
>to help get the renovations started
>militia comes in
>he beats them
>looks at the bartender and says his idea of turning the place to an inn was great
>new customers are already pilling up
>he points to a pile of unconscious and bloodied militia men
Yeah, it was a joke character, but it was fun to play him. He never achieve his goal of finally finding that elusive and mysterious 'vampire bath' he kept hearing about. Every merchant he talked to about it gave him funny looks.
I am currently out hiking and going to be a few days out of cell service and will be preserving power,

I do have:
>set of dice
>grid note book.

Is there a good system for dungeon crawling or adventuring or something like that, not full on story rpg, I’ll have time to write down a bunch of rules but not something as heavy as 5e.
Something cheap to buy or easy to find a PDF of.

Sundown is like 10:30pm and sunup around 3:30 so I got a lot of light to work with.
Scarlet Heroes
>haven’t had a combat encounter in real-life months
I need to start a war or something
Hoping to run a game in an authoritian hellscape game soon. Any lads have tables for urban hexcrawl generation?
Trying to find the vampire that's been plaguing the village without getting them all torch bearing mob on me is proving pretty hard. I can't check the tombs because muh gods can't disturb the bodies and they're keeping an eye on me to make sure I don't. Just the fact I brought it up is making them wary of me. Religious nuts.
But people keep getting weak, having nightmares and dying. And they're starting to blame me for that too since they hired me to take care of it.
My idea of using animals and watch for their reaction as they cross where the people are buried didn't work. Maybe the vampire is hiding in the forest, but no one is willing to be in a search party. The jerks. And if I go they say they will consider this a breach of contract and will ask for their money back and will throw me out.
They make it very hard to help them or to want to help them.
My PC encountered a suspicious character in his hexcrawl. He's paranoid about being followed now.
So I drew a card from a normal playing card deck without looking at it. Black means he's been stalking my PC. I made a clock. Begins at 5 and counts down to 0. It goes down by 1 every time I make camp and sleep. I roll a d6 each time it goes down. If I get my current number, I resolve the stalking by revealing the card. Or when I get to 0 if that doesn't happen. When it is resolved and I wasn't stalked, my PC feels more at ease and his spidey sense doesn't tingle anymore.
If he was staled, I use the oracles, the precautions my PC took and his stats/skills to resolve how it goes down. From my PC finding tracks to getting attacked by surprise during the night.
>supposed to inspire manly thoughts
>all I can think of about the setting is some emaciated asshole wizard testing adventurers randomly out of spite
I'll post one I was working on for a post-apoc game later tonight, it should work for your purposes just as well.
Thank you in advance Anon :)
Is there a tool or webapp somewhere that lets me create tables and correlate those with dice rolls?
Not sure what you mean. List things with numbers by them? Turn a list into something presentable and printable? Pick things from the list on demand?
Cities Without Number Deluxe Edition?
>me and wizard go looking for the insane dragon
>story turns into a chase/hexcrawl as we try to escape a tribe of female vampires wanting to turn us because we are so pretty
Damn my character's rugged good looks. First time they come into play in the game and it's this way? lol
We ran from an angry mob and into a sexy mob.
My cleric PC is such a good guy he' still a virgin. That makes him even hotter to them.
The wizard... let's just say he keeps hinting that he had sex with a vampire before... among other things he had sex with. Based useless perv. I think he hasn't succeeded at any of his rolls since I introduced him casting that memory spell on the King. But he's loyal and can roll with the punches. Nothing seems to bother him much, but that doesn't prevent him from being proactive.
>we run into a diplomatic mission from a neighboring kingdom
>at least one faction isn't trying to take advantage of the King's death to invade
>they see the wizard with me
>then the chasing vamps come charging in and attack them, all thirsty from trying to catch us all this time
>it's a bloodbath and the escaping survivors will surely tell of the wizard having control over vampires and killing a peaceful diplomatic group in an obvious act of war
uh oh spaghettios
So I'm planning to try out a solo digimon game using the Animon system.
What super simple oracle could anyone recommend for that setting or system?
Maybe something that uses cards?
I believe there is a project online somewhere, (I think on leddit,) where some people were making a Digimon themed Tarot deck. I'd look into seeing if I could get a copy of that.
just looked it up. looks like it hasn't been any update in a while. Thanks though.
/srpgg/, I have "The ultimate question" for you. If you were stuck on a deserted island with everything you *need* for survival, but only solo RPG materials for entertainment (But as much of said solo RPG materials as you want.) Then, what would you bring?
GURPS. It's tremendously versatile, and its default to simulationism is to my taste. Plus, the technical stuff is just plain fascinating and informative reading; even to the extent that it might even help get me off the damn island!
Four Against Darkness
>Character (slayer) goes to a diner after having encountered a wendigo in the area previously to ask around for clues.
>Patrons tell her about a group of squatters in an abandoned warehouse that went missing about a month prior.
>She goes back to the organization she works for to have them quarantine the area. Suits up in ballistic armor and grabs her rifle.
>The primary entrance appears to be a site of a struggle, but other than torn office furniture and some trash strewn about, is empty.
>In the following room, there are more signs of struggle which include a forklift that has been knocked over. Whatever did this was obviously very strong.
>Although she missed it at first, she spots a tall creature that is hiding in the shadows away from the light.
>She draws her rifle and points it at the creature, who postures defensively.
>"Don't shoot" it says
>>Thread Question: Tell us about your MANLY heists
I drove an armored vehicle (almost a tank) into an appalachian cave system through the ranks of a paramilitary organization that was guarding the topside of a base to gain access to and use a parachronic device in the middle of the base.
So like a busted clock, huh?
Well first you've got your pencils. Your paper. Dice of course, can't forget the dices. And... a big old eraser. Yeah.
It's a GURPS teleportation device like a Stargate that lets you travel to alternate timelines.
My memories. I don't need anything else anymore. After years of multiple rpgs, GMing books and solo tools experience I can make my own shit pretty fast.
I would make clay tablets if possible to keep minimal notes. Rocks and pebbles to track resources like hit points and stats. Rocks/bones/whatever with numbers on them in a coconut shell for dice. Cards with tree barks.
But I'll probably be dead of exposure or from an infected splinter in the first week, so...
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I've begun using an AI image generator to create some locations and characters for my games.
Shit is pretty good and quick to use.
Neo-Noir filter is the best.
It's just for mood and for when I'm imagination drained, not for use as maps or anything.
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Next hex after the encounter is a village. Still at night. Took less than 30 seconds to create using a generic prompt.
I prefer old paintings and drawings, but this isn't bad and useful when I don't have access to my physical books.
Also making a picture book is more my speed than writing a novel as far as note taking goes. I already do that with my maps, this is just another way.
Another useful tool is the Adventuresmith app. Lots of solo engines/tools are part of it. More than I knew existed at the time I fist looked at it.
I'm still mostly analog, but once in a while I will go for computer tools, as long as they don't take over too much of the GM duties from me.
Small 1 scene session last night. We are now prisoners of the vampire coven.
I test vampire lore with an oracle. It's the classic movie lore based on Hammer movies, but what people know might not be the actual truth in the setting.
Like how vampires are made. I got a No, and result and an idea generator roll gave me this:
Turning someone is a long ritual involving a conversion to worshipping a chaos god.
I thought it would make my character immune to it since my own god is a fucking psycho about doing things his way, but the caves we've been taken to are shielded from other gods interfering. There's 5 altars in the cave system that make that possible.
I think destroying 1 might be enough for me to be able to call to my god. Or it's a trap and destroying the altar might be part of the turning process, releasing dark energy or something. Why would they tell me how to escape? Stupid sexy vampire Bond villains!
I've also been separated from the wizard.
kek, imagine being this insecure in your masculinity
also bump
Anyone knows of good tables or resources to generate npc personalities? Mostly in terms of traits, flaws, quirks, etc
Background & Details Kit by Ennead Games, So What's the NPC Like Anyway by Raging Swan Press, and 100 Character Flaws by Grinning Skull Design Studios. The first two are specifically fantasy, but the 100 Character Flaws is generic enough to work in any setting.
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I'm using AI too, but for... Everything.
I have real trouble finding pdfs of the rules for any solo skirmish game. Five leagues from the borderlands, Space weirdos. Can't find them at all.
/TwoHourWargames all support solo play, their reaction system makes for very nice firefights.
>AI still can't take over when humans have become cellphone glued lazy no imagination no drive social media addicts
More like AI-let sex slaves to the human cattle.
HAL and Skynet are rolling over in their Matrix graves.
It was a trap. Vampire aren't created that way. They are created using a necromantic mirror artifact that traps the soul of the turned person. But it has to be activated by the person themselves willingly. But willingly is open to interpretation. You can be tricked into it. So the altars were a trick. The lock on the altar to open it to destroy it's content so I could call on my god was linked to the mirror.
On the one hand I was able to avoid falling for it and the vamps are very talkative. On the other... I'm still trapped and they're going to use the wizard's life as a bargaining chip so I use the mirror willingly.
And they like me and want me as one of them even more because I avoided the trap.
In a related vein, are there any books or systems out there dedicate to emulating enemy movements or strategies for mass combat?
That’s surprisingly characterful. Where’s it from?
You mean what I'm using? Claude 3.5 in Silly Tavern, I made a custom bot to use on my solo rpgs. I roll on the oracle, see the results, tell the "DM" and he turns it into an actual narrative.
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Useful tool time.
Don't wanna sound like a broken record, but Two Hour Wargames does that. They have a simple set of enemy ai rules for motion and engagement, but before you get to that is a cool mechanic where you have potential enemies on the board that move around and get revealed when you achieve LoS. Like, is that a group of four enemy soldiers moving through the underbrush on our left flank, or maybe it turns out to be a deer and we just remove the marker and ignore it.
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I wouldn't get addicted to that until we're not dependent on proxyfags/corpos who act like Immortan Joe with his water supply
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Amatuer game design isnt up, so posting here since I mostly test solo.

I often have a dislike for systems being entirely too crunchy or entirely too fluffy. I honestly believe that usually the best basis for a game is to have a good balance of both. enough crunch to keep you grounded, enough fluff to inspire imagination. So I want to do something that takes a really fluffy system (risus) and a concreate base (adnd) and try to meet half way.
Basicly writing down a few major life experiences on one side (like risus), but then make a very concrete stat block on the other (Like an ad&d monster stat block) as a point of mechanical grounding. One side gives you a firm mechanical baseline, and the other ample inspirational material.

The other thing I dont like about overly fluffy games is that while they say "you can do anything!", without an example as a starting point, imagination doesn't come as naturally and tends to die in vagary. Often amounting to your skills just being reduced to pluses to basic roles "I'm a barbarian (5) so i.... attack!". So I like writing down one or two rather concrete unique special abilities for an entity. Not that they cant do other things, but it gives a nice jumping off point. like as an example of what's in the character's mechanical wheelhouse. Like Fred here might Use his iron hands to swing on a rope and attack, knowing he has legendary grip might make this advantageous. Not just " A soldier".

so basicly:
(Name, description)
(life experiences) (Basic stats)
(special abilities)

Readable. Inspirational. Grounded.
sounds like what perchance does
I wonder if Overlord anon from the last thread found a system to use.
Meh, if the corpos filter it, a new model will always pop up. For now, I'm just glad I'm being able to use this for free thanks to the proxyfags.
By the way, it's really fun to just describe your setting in the lorebooks and see how the AI interprets it's details. I made a sandalpunk post-apocalyptic-ish setting with some friends and by what the AI is describing me, living in that setting is hell.

>the setting has a large desert of ashes that spawns monsters.
>and also an anomaly that messes up with reality
>PC arrives at a city trying to solve a quest
>the city is just repairing it's walls from a monster attack
>while the guards are speaking with my PC, another attack starts from another group of monsters
>PC leaves and uses an alternative route
>through the path, he needs to avoid more monsters that are just lurking around or slowly following him
>arrives at the town where the quest should begin, they are all cursed by an anomalous demon-god-thing that was living inside an idol
>my PC gets affected and ends up hypnotized
>is saved by another monster, some flying aberrations that are taking advantage of the situation to simply fly down and catch villagers to eat
>since my PC is kidnapped by one of these monsters, he leaves the area of influence of the anomalous god and manages to snap out
And this is just the daily life of people living in this place
>Claude 3.5
I'm not so much into the whole full narrative bit of AI, but I do enjoy the full description of places and people I get from free AI text generators. It makes creating locations and characters very fast and easier to picture in my mind.
Dark Fantasy tavern description:
The air hung thick with the scent of stale ale and something else, something older and more unsettling, like the damp earth of an ancient tomb. The dimly lit tavern, aptly named 'The Whispering Skull,' was crammed with a motley crew. Gruff dwarves with scars that spoke of battles fought in forgotten caverns clinked tankards, their laughter a guttural rumble. Sleek, dark-eyed elves, their faces painted with runes of ancient power, sat aloof, their whispers tinged with an unnerving charm. A hulking Orc, his tusks sharpened to razor points, leaned against the bar, his gaze fixed on a shadowy figure in the corner. The figure, cloaked in a tattered black robe, sat hunched over a steaming mug, their face obscured by a hood, their eyes gleaming with an unnatural light. The walls were adorned with macabre tapestries depicting scenes of gruesome battles and haunting landscapes. A taxidermied griffin, its once-fierce eyes now vacant, hung above the fireplace, its wings spread wide as if ready for flight. In the corner, a group of ghoulish musicians, their faces pale and gaunt, played haunting melodies on instruments made of bone and twisted metal. The only source of light came from flickering candles and the occasional flash of lightning outside, illuminating the grim faces of the patrons and casting long, distorted shadows across the floor. The tavern was a place where darkness thrived, where secrets whispered in the shadows and where fate hung precariously in the balance.
Of course I can get something similar in analog by using my library and picking a book and flipping to a random page. But it's more work and requires me to adapt what I find to the setting and situation. But sometimes you just want to use your imagination instead of getting something too easily. Even in such a limited manner.
"five leagues from the borderlands pdfcoffee"
first result.
Yup. Yandex is good for things like that.
I guess google is removing a lot of links because of piracy. But so many games I wouldn't have bought if I didn't get a pdf copy first to see if it was worth playing money for. I even bough a physical copy of Scarlet Heroes for like 50 bucks.
but also playing
Wizard is dead. PC is severely wounded, but was able to find where the vamps had hidden their mirrors. Apparently they have to keep them close or they slowly waste away. I broke them. The trapped souls went back into their original bodies and were turned back into regular corpses. Since the girls had been turned a few hundred years ago, they became sexy skellingtons.
I put the mirrors in a big pile and cast a blessing on them. Mass (pun intended) blessings is a special power of my PC so that I can play with a single character and stand a chance.
It worked too well. Part of the mountain collapsed with the release of all that dark energy.
I was able to run away, but got hurt in the process and I am now in a temporary coma shielded under the rocks I crawled under.
I finally figured out why I can't find fun with solo neither group trpgs: my brain's fried. Not only trpgs but basically everything else is devoid of fun; shallow laughs are all I can muster nowadays.
Future seems bleak, if I even have one still.
>But as much solo RPG materials as you want
A shipping container of sketchbooks, notepads and loose paper. And another shipping container full of stationary and craft supplies. My dice. And my library. Maybe this question needs some limits.
>Doing OSR game
>Find an Iron-bound codex (aka: Possession book, roll or fuck you the ghost takes you on Mr Bones wild ride) through random rolls
>Next encounter get a Mirror of Imprisonment through random loot
The DM sure as fuck has it out for my character this week.
>not roleplaying as someone having fun
Broanon, that's depression.
>not bringing in more stuff
I also need a beach condo with a full bar...which happens to also contain a single copy of 4 Against Darkness. A shipping container full of Polynesian hula girls, who happen to be able to roll dice for me. etc.
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Playing this. It's fun.
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May have kind of forgot about this, sorry. Excerpt for hexcrawling is attached, it uses a hexflower to generate tiles and then a bunch of very lazy random tables for better fleshing out each tile, though you probably won't want to use that.
Skip page 1, page 2 explains how to actually use the table if you're not familiar, and page 3 is the table proper. If you want an urban hellscape, I recommend flipping the reference hex upside down so 12 moves you down instead of up.
very cool, thanks.
tfw thinking about playing a game of 'ghost hunters'
like the shows on tv and stuff, but in the style of a horror movie
I'm thinking I'll need:
a map of the house to be investigated
a goal and motivation for each PC
from asshole who thinks ghosts aren't real and that he can make good money with a show deal to true believer who just wants to help spirits pass on
some fear/sanity system
some kind of relationship track so PC can go full distrust/paranoid on each other
some counter for how 'real' the supernatural appears to be to the PCs
some random table for twists and possible types of danger, like separated, trapped, death, possession, insanity, cut communications, etc.
New game. Using AI for creating characters that I'll convert to a game system. Horror Fantasy.
I'm not using AI to play, only to come up with starting characters because it's always the part that takes the longest time for me. Once the game has begun, I'm fine. 3 (1D4) PCs.

Amidst the ethereal gloom and gnarled trees of a realm haunted by shadows, a solitary figure emerged like a beacon of defiance. A young female ranger, her name whispered in fragments of ancient verse, possessed a gaze that reflected the grim realities of her perilous existence. Her lithe frame, clad in weathered leather and studded armor, moved with the grace of a predator. Her mahogany hair, pulled back into a fierce ponytail, framed an angular face etched with both determination and vulnerability. Emerald eyes, sharp and piercing, scanned her surroundings with a vigilance honed by countless encounters with the unseen. Her bow, a formidable weapon crafted from the bones of a slain banshee, rested securely upon her back, its arrowheads shimmering with a spectral luminescence that promised both protection and retribution. In her hand, she held a torch, its flickering flame casting feeble shadows upon the encroaching darkness, revealing glimpses of the horrors that lurked just beyond the reach of human comprehension.
In the shadowy realm of a horror fantasy, amid spectral horrors and bone-chilling terrors, there roamed a halfling sidekick named Pippin Pyotr. With his pint-sized stature and rosy cheeks, Pippin possessed an uncanny ability to find humor in the face of the macabre. His oversized ears twitched with curiosity, while his twinkling eyes shimmered with an impish glint. Clad in a jester's motley and a feathered cap that cascaded down his back, Pippin's appearance belied his courageous nature. As he ventured alongside his brooding companions, he peppered their grim conversations with witty remarks and nonsensical riddles. Pippin's laughter, though it echoed with a childlike innocence, could cut through the tension like a silver blade, disarming even the most fearsome creatures. With every quip and jest, he reminded his comrades of the resilience of laughter in the face of darkness, proving that even in the most horrifying of settings, humor could serve as a potent weapon against fear.
In the twilight shadows of a malevolent realm, slithered a physically frail lizard woman named Anya. Her slender, scaled form was a haunting testament to her weakened state, each rib cage clearly visible beneath her translucent skin. Her limbs, thin and brittle, quivered with every tentative step, as if they might snap under the slightest stress. Her emerald eyes held a depth of ancient wisdom, but they were clouded by a veil of vulnerability. Yet, beneath her fragile exterior lay a flicker of arcane power. Anya possessed the innate ability to manipulate shadows, summoning them to her bidding like obedient specters. She could shroud herself in their embrace, becoming an ephemeral wisp that could slip through the cracks of reality. Her magic was both a blessing and a curse, offering her protection from the horrors that lurked in the darkness but also attracting the attention of those who sought to exploit her abilities. In this perilous world, Anya's physical weakness was a constant threat, but her magical power became both her shield and her guiding light, illuminating her treacherous path through the horrors that consumed the realms of shadow and night.
Just discovered this.
Don't fucking use ChatGPT or I will hunt you down.
It is the antithesis of creative. Just check how many times it will start shit with "in a world of..." "in the realm of..." or things with that style.
Let the hunt begin.
But it's just to get me started. I don't use it like it's given to me. I take things from the results. I don't journal, so it's not like the format really matters. What matters is getting character creation started and finished quickly. If I just try to be 'creative' I can spend days creating my PCs. It's that fucking bad. But once it's done, I have no problem creating NPCs by myself during the game.
>Playing Ironsworn, fightan' some undead
>Hmm, let's roll to see what they do on their turn
>"Reinforce Defenses"
>No way to depict this mechanically
>Uh... okay whatever, I'll just reroll
>"Ready action"
>No way to depict this mechanically
Am I missing something? Who's being retarded here, me or the game?
Ironsworn is "narrative first", ie writing with dice. Not everything will be represented mechanically.
You. But it's fine, you probably come from a background heavy on mechanics. You just have to think of tactics as part of the mechanics like in old school games or modern narrative ones.
Reinforce defense might mean a block formation or moving behind boulders to escape arrows. Ready action can mean that your PCs can see what the next action/move they will take will be in advance. Like they could all go for a specific tasty target.
Moving and what type of actions they take should be as important as dice rolls. Unless you want something more like a board game experience. In that case you should try barbarian Prince. It,s great and there's a fan made version with new art that looks really, really good.
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Alright yeah, it's definitely more of a storyfag game than I'm used to. I don't wanna give up on it, but it'll take some time to adjust.

any big recent developments in the world of solo?
I think the last thing I saw was Star Trek captains Log which wasn't that long ago to be fair but just wondering whats new and hot?
>on their turn
That’s where you messed up. Ironsworn is fully player-facing.
I like the premise, is it worth the money?
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I think the PDF is. I upscaled the Seimiotic chart and printed it out, along with the PANIC chart. Then I used the audio files on each level. I've gotten a pretty fun story out of my first run, my guy is dealing with some crazy AI/Andriod infestation. I think I would run the system better on a second playthrough, which I am thinking about.
>Thread MVP.
Those are some useful tables.
This is the gayest thing I have read in my entire life and it's not even close
nice. I'm reading throug the plain text to see if it gets me. Would it be a good way to get into Mothership?
you gotta tell it to turn down the wordiness and flowery language by like 80%
Probably although I think it would be a lot for just solo play, at least the physical copies. But in general yes, I think it would be a good way to learn the system. Best way IMO is running ypislon 14, or playing it. The perfect one shot module for learning it, at least from what I've seen, run.
thanks, I'll check out upsilon 14 then.

just got set up to start a solo Traveller game(using Solo), I like the scene resolution mechanic and i really enjoyed the character gen of the system. after this next work stretch I'm going to follow the adventures of a small prospecting crew on the run from the big mining corp for stealing the prospecting ship, because they're on the run from an ancient cosmic horror they awoke while checking out a site. Im still trying to decide how I want to do the whole chase thing, I'm leaning towards after every scenario I roll to see if it is getting closer until some threshold is reached
No idea, where do people even find new games?
I did get that, I said "on their turn" out of habit. Just goes to show how unaccustomed I am to this type of game.
It's not important. I don't use the text, just some of the ideas in it.
The internet/search engines
Solo focused forums/blogs/etc.
Game repositories like Drivethru and itch.io
Word (text) of mouth on /tg/
Comments on solo rpg focused actual plays/tips videos
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Is there a reason to use a (hex)map when generating the content procedurally on the fly? There's very little reason to not just keep heading west forever, until turning back, or alternatively spiral out from the base of operations. I like the aesthetics and the process of drawing a map, but I can't find a mechanical reason to really use one if the whole map isn't pregenerated with the exact locations of POIs.
I'm not sure I understand.
You create the POI in play. They can influence what's in the surrounding hexes if you want by changing the odds when rolling. The size of the map can be random depending on what type of terrain you get. You could be on an island, for example. And the map is worth exploring in different directions for POI, resources, terrain types more suited to your PCs, etc.
This is why most hexcrawls have you roll for one hex and the surrounding ones. So that you don't just go west all the time. Surrounding hexes provide POI, different terrains, etc.
And don't forget logic. It's fine to ask an oracle if the water hex looks like a small lake you can see a shore on the other side of, or a big one/an ocean. It's logical that you would see that even if the farther hexes aren't generated yet.
You also have to take rations and water into account. mechanically, you might have to explore the forest before going in the desert or mountain because of that. You might find encounters/POI/other resources while doing that.
Sometimes it's a tactical advantage to use a terrain type to enter a POI with enemies guarding it (maybe you leaned about them through rumors idk). Entering the temple hex through plains or through forest may mean enemies are ready or not to act when you show up. Or may make stealth possible/impossible when i the hex. You can't really sneak in if they saw your party walking in the plain to reach the temple.
All that also depend son how big hexes are in your game. I've seen a lot of way to calculate that. From real size to abstract to using time instead (1 hex=1 day for example. Harder terrain takes more time, horses or flying cut time, etc.)
I like to use real size, but if I just want to go somewhere quickly I use time and roll for special events like POI, encounters, etc. a number of times. Some travels aren't worth an hex crawl.
Don't forget to add rumors on the hex map. They may not be real, but they can give you POI goals to reach for and influence terrain types (forgotten castle on a mountain with a forest at the base). Hexcrawling isn't just rolling as you aimlessly travel.
I say that, but I always forget about rumors when I hexcrawl. A rumor can also be your PC seeing something in the distance while on a mountain. It may not be what you thought you saw when you reach it, but it's another way to create possible content in the distance to your hex map.
Thanks. This is useful. I was stuck thinking I need avoid excessive rolling and wasn't thinking I should roll the adjacent hexes too. The intent is to find not!Eldorado on an unexplored continent.
I use 1 hex = 4 miles because, in AD&D, that is the distance a heavily encumbered Dwarf can travel per day without force marching. So there is almost no way travel speed can get lower than 1 hex per day.
>tfw rumor about magical armor in dungeon was just a trap by bandits to rob would-be adventurers
Didn't even get to explore any dungeon, just got our asses kicked by a bunch of dirty toothless assholes and lost all our provisions, weapons, armors, silver and potions.
I shouldn't be so hard on myself when playing solo, but this is my way.
Time for my party to find a way to make money like the vagrants they have become. Maybe the high CHA character can marry a rich widow or something.
I'm fucking DONE with group play, man... Both in-person and online. People are so flakey and it's very rare that they ever truly appreciate the effort you put into your game. Besides, when I solo play, I get the reap the benefits of being a good DM AND a good Player. I'm tired of wasting my time casting pearls before swine.

I have this long, expansive campaign that I've always wanted to run, and I think, starting tonight, that's what I'm going to do.
>and it's very rare that they ever truly appreciate the effort you put into your game
Right on, man. Rarely are any of them funny enough for anyone to benefit from the constant jokes rooted in their insecurity of being embarrassed to roleplay their character.
My bud recently told me about his Cyberpunk game, he chose to roll up a Bozo and is chucking meme clown grenades like a male Harley Quinn or some shit.

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