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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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what are some settings or games that don't follow the crappy "traditional fantasy" slop?

stuff like eberron n more
Eberron and manapunk shit blows, get fucked.
The one you make yourself.
>crappy "traditional fantasy" slop?
Define this.
Talislanta is a very unusual exotic fantasy setting with non-traditional races, magic, cultures and civilizations. All the books for it are free on www.talislanta.com.
Try FATAL, the MLP Edition
Speaking of MLP, there's a game in the shared multiverse with a cool and different setting. You play as "transforming robots" from the planet "Cyber-tron".
Write one
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Depends on what you consider "traditional". Would you say Elder Scrolls is traditional because it has elves and orcs in it?
Have a look at Wildsea. It's like a naval-based setting, but with an unending forest of giant trees instead of an ocean, and ships with chainsaws instead of sails.
It's not my cup of tea personally, but it's definitely got some niche appeal, and I respect the creativity.
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I think it's really cool idea that these "transformers" are multi-voltage but is there an expansion book or errata sheet? I flipped through the main book and there wasn't anything about them having the right size cyber-travel plug.
Runquest Glorantha
lurk moar too
Is she asking him if it's cool? There's no need for those question marks.
Take any fantasy setting you like, and make it human only. There you go. The "genre" possibilities suddenly explode. People think different races (species) expand creative potential when they in fact neuter it. Ends up being a bunch of humans walking around with Halloween masks nine out of ten times.
Most California marketing flavour fantasy is a lot like eberon though. It set the template for
>modernizing post war fantasy with technological anachronism
That is wotc standard.
Game of Witcher shades of blood brown core is the alternative standard.
Both are meh. Trad castles and princesses was never very interesting either but it's not anywhere near the standard anymore.
>stuff like eberron n more
OP has good taste, I'm shocked.
>what are some settings or games that don't follow the crappy "traditional fantasy" slop?
Most newer settings, these days. Look around at some of the newer games and ignore surrounding memes.
Shadow of the Demon Lord is fine if you like grimdark and have patience for 5e terminology; Shadow of the Weird wizard looks like it'll be better, though.
Check out some of the old Planescape books if the idea of urban adventures full of mutants, fiends, and monsters in the Outer Planes sounds interesting.
Spelljammer's not bad for similar reasons, but the tone is different.
The older Ravenloft stuff is a supreme horror twist on traditional fantasy.

On the other hand, you could just reskin Eberron to suit your needs: living bio-airships instead of elemental powered, clockwork trains instead of lightning rails, and so on.
>Would you say Elder Scrolls is traditional because it has elves and orcs in it?
Elder Scrolls as a setting might as well be standard fantasy slop, given 99,999% of the setting's inhabitants don't have the means to interact with the more esoteric stuff.
>Dog fucker comics
This includes the protagonists of the games.
>games that don't follow the crappy "traditional fantasy" slop?
>stuff like eberron
ah, a lobotomy patient!
>forced tranny politishit game
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>Not traditional fantasy
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Pronounced "yike"
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>it's like a joke from TowerGirls except even more cringe, and it's onions and not funny.
>OP hates traditional fantasy out of contrarian subversion of tropes, but is so uncreative that Eberron is his goal.
Imagine being OP.
These races as we know them were made up in the 20th century, though. They barely relate to European folklore, they mostly just borrow names (and hobbits not even that).
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Truly dense take. Either you are talking about something you know nothing about or you know just enough to be an insufferable pedant, I don't know which is worse.
>nono Tolkien elves don't wear pointy shoes so they have NO RELATION
Tolkien elves are pretty much medieval poetry fairies.
Exalted, Glorantha, Tekumel.
At this point, someone stripping out all the Tolkien, DnD, and steampunk craft and delivering an actual classic fantasy RPG would be more creative.
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>Be me
>fuck traditional fantasy, I'm tired of high magic realms and everyone having feats and cute animal companions, etc.
>Pick up a copy of Shadowdark
>Hmm...I could spin this as a Hyborean realm
So...I've got a game going where no one has hp above 10. Survivability is difficult. Magic items are rare, and undefined. Mysterious. Dark. Monsters are dangerous.
I've framed the realm as depressing, dark and the major themes are *corruption" and *decadence* like a Robert E. Howard novel. I don't allow bards either.
So...there's a shifting of gears that I hope my players can notice.
Earthdawn. Metaphorically, it's like the fantasy equivalent of Fallout.

The world just saw a magical apocalypse, as Horrors from the Nether (another dimension) invaded. They had prior warning, though, so a whole bunch of different peoples made magical bunkers called "Kaers" (dungeons), and hid for several generations. Unfortunately, everyone's "safety meter" seemed to get stuck at "not quite safe enough", and it wasn't wrong, per se. But some enterprising sorts decided to risk going for a walk outside, and found the remaining dangers to be manageable. So, after restarting civilization, the standard Adventurer mission is to go out and find a Kaer, dig down into it to slay any Horrors and defuse any traps, and see if anyone, or, failing that, anything, noteworthy survived, and bring what they find to the surface. So, instead of digging down into a Dungeon and merely finding treasure, you dig down into a Dungeon and find a culture, either intact or dead; you frequently rescue entire societies of people! That's a much more epic win than you get from D&D.
The fuck is manapunk? Isn't Eberron dungeonpunk?

Whatever it takes to start a pointless argument with no real conclusion.
Gross. I fucking left the 80s behind for a reason.
Can the game support a Beast Wars campaign?
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>games that don't follow the crappy "traditional fantasy" slop?
>stuff like eberron
They use this stuff called "energy-on"
It's elfnoir actually
Unironically Conan.
Especially as it has genuine good old racism in places.
Non-standard D&D settings: Dark Sun, Ravenloft, that recent one based on Greek mythology, my friend's dieselpunk sky pirates setting
Other Fantasy Games: Ars Magica, Blades in the Dark, Conan (any version), Dark Ages: Vampire, Exalted, Fading Suns, Godbound...
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Congratulations, you just convinced me to read through Earthdawn. I've been vaguely aware of it for 25 years (ads included in my Battletexh box sets), but that explanation is what finally bumped it to the top of my list
Tolkien elves don't even make humans sick or swap out their kids as changelings baka.
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Traditional fantasy is based. All these fedora tipper muh unique setting types are lame as hell
>DUDE my setting is cool because mushrooms
>DUDE my setting is cool because science
>DUDE my setting is cool because elves are evil and orcs are misunderstood!
Cringe, puts me to sleep
>stuff like eberron n
The Chronicles from the Seventh moon is Eberron light without warforgeds and more golems.
Also, a Brazilian setting.
They can build resetting 'wish traps' but no one develops large-scale teleportation blocking spells, even though Forbiddence and similar are already a thing. Everyone outside the cities is stone age, and making a new city is near-impossible. Because every city scrys the entire planet constantly and no one brings scrying blockers along until you can get defenses up.

It's like this person tried to take the rules literally to build a world and forgot how the world would react to the changes made in turn.
Played a short 3.5 campaign set in the tippyverse once, was a fun pants-on-head retarded setting.

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