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Strange new lands edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93157521

What's the most interesting location you've had in your games?
The soulscape of each of our party members.
You are level 3 and can use unearthed arcana, but no flying/yuan-ti races. What do you build to hit as hard as possible AT WILL while still being tanky/elusive?
What are the damages? How did druid do?
Vhuman Totem Barb with GWM
>2d6 + 10 + 2 + (Str) slashing
>advantage with reckless attack
>resistance to all damage except psychic
Pretty straightforward.
Vhuman Revived Rogue with magic initiate (get Hex).
>3d6 + (Dex) necrotic damage with cunning action bolts + hex
>1d8 + 3d6 + (Dex) piercing damage from readied action attack, hex and sneak attack on someone else's turn
You are a rogue, so you can dash/hide as a bonus action. You can trade 2d6 necro damage for a burst of speed if you go Tabaxi. It is not tanky, but at level 3 rogues are pretty elusive.
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Have you thanked your party caster yet, /5eg/?
>1d8 + 3d6 + (Dex) piercing damage from readied action attack, hex and sneak attack on someone else's turn
It would be 1d8 + 2d6 + (Dex) piercing and 1d6 necrotic, but yeah. This seems crazy strong. That being said, a lot of it seems somewhat conditional to there being a competent frontliner on your target (and never, ever getting caught).
This seems to be the most straightforward one. How does ti fare compared to a level 3 moon druid?
class/multiclass for this feel?
Druidbros, we got too cocky...
I'll thank him when he goes a single session without hitting me with a spell or his fucking Wildfire spirit
Elf fighter wielding a warhammer or dwarf ranger wielding a longbow?
elf fighter, but you also take 2 levels in war magic
No more onion.
Moon Druid
Polearm Master Battlemaster or Zealot
Crossbow Expert Battlemaster or Rogue
An elf missing a finger, judging from your pic.
>Winter's Breath (Water Only). The elemental exhales an icy blast in a 20-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take a number of d6s in cold damage equal to the spell's level and have their movement speed reduced to 0 until the start of the elementals next turn.
Is there a better way to word this Anons? Its for Summon Elemental. Also do you think its best if this still does half damage on a successful save?
>summon drops half a fireball every round in addition to everything else you’re doing on your turn
Anon I implore you to reconsider
you're nuts pal you're nuts pal you're nuts pal you're nuts
>it casts a 2nd level burning hands with a worse save

Don't exaggerate.
Your funeral.
Too much huh? I can reduce the damage! How's about 3d6 + the spell level in damage? Take note it cannot use its multiattack when it does this unlike the Draconic Summon.
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I went with something much simpler and based it off the slam damage.
Lets not forget it can do this every turn. Its not taking your action or bonus action either (outside of summoning it that is), I personally it should scale unlike the Draconic Spirits breath weapon since this effect is taking its entire action but if it should do damage still on a success is a bit tougher to work with depending on if the numbers could be too high or too consistent in comparison to the multi attack.
Yours works well too! For mine I'm just using the effects from Baulder's Gate 3's Conjure Elemental spell just a bit more simplified.
>hunter with a halberd (cleave)+horde breaker

>attack orc A
>cleave orc B
>horde breaker orc B
>cleave orc a
>attack orc a
>cleave orc b

That's a lot of attacks. The literal bushwacker.
Umm, chuds? Where are your female players at your tables?
We have no female players, only a transmasc and an enby.
What would you personally pick to make a Kurosawa film style Samurai? I'm partial to Battlemaster Fighter with Tunnel Fighter as the fighting style
>female player joins for a couple of sessions
>leaves without saying a word to either players or the dm
i dont know
All were girlfriends or wives of other players and all either break up before campaigns end or get filtered like other players with not having the attention span to learn the rules.
That's it. I'm making the most stereotypical Mexican orc! His lifetime goal is illegal enter an elven kingdom and marry a slampig elf to get his citizenship.
My table of 8 has 3 female players. One is my gf and the other girls have bfs too.
This is an anomaly. Most of the time I have experienced this (>>93178190
>>93178180) at most.
is this bait?
I don't know what kurosawa is, but I'm going to say kensei monk with a longsword
>I don't know what kurosawa is
Go watch this, the plot has been copied into movies and TV stories the world over, he was a god of filmmaking.
mana orbs..
Are they cute and androgynous or another theyfab?
How would you go about turning this into a lvl 1-8 campaign?

>lvl 1-4
players are recruited and need to travel around the countryside, consolidating the peasants while fighting off bandit scouting parties
>lvl 5-6
train the peasants and fortify the main village and preemptively raid the enemy base. Half the raiders were at the base, but they were the weakest of them.
>lvl 7
on their way back to the village, they hear that the main bandit force is attacking farmers who needed to stay on their farms to support the main village, and they are under attack. without these harvest, the whole contry side will starv during winter.
>lvl 8
>full out village raid where player have to dirrect peasant swarms as well as fight off the raiding bandits
>finishing off with a final boss battle. A trio of barbarians with magic items
>Want to make a Homebrew subclass for Druid
>It's Moon Druid but instead of Beasts it's Dragons
>Figure I'd limit what kind of Draconic creatures you can turn into
>Can't turn into Draconic creatures that exist because of magical ritual stuff, only Draconic creatures evolve as naturally as possible
>Also to limit some of the spells as well so you aren't 1-man arming everything
>Excuse it as "Dragons are too powerful to completely copy"
>Look to see what kind of Draconics DnD has to offer
>Not much

There's a lot of shit from 3e and 4e that are never getting ported it seems so it looks like I'll have to port them myself
There's a couple of CR's that are entirely skipped that wouldn't make the Class work as fun
Just make a custom stat block, start out as a drake

high AC
1d8 attack
elemental resistance base on dragon type

attacks ignore magic resistance
extra attack
wings (action to do a wing buffet)

-grow large
-gain reach
-attack becomes 2d8
-action to do a 30ft cone or 60ft line breath attack (recharge on a 5-6 die roll at the start of the turn, or you can use a 3rd level spell slot)

>14th level
-grow huge
-gain immunity to your dragon type
-pick an option

-wyvern's poison tail
-Frightful presence
-spell casting (letting you cast 5th level or lower druids spells while dragon shaped
I am the female player at all my tables.
But sometimes there's some other girl too who's pretty awesome.
And rarely, there are dudes bringing their girlfriends.

7 hours until the Apocalypse. Will wizards reign supreme for another 10 years?
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You guys resize your monsters to match the art right?
I don't think the class features are a problem it's just some spells, so the real balance is going to be when we see the full spell list
So you'd just be playing as a Drake the entire time then
It's not a bad idea but I feel it's too simple. I like the idea of progressing to different types of Dragons over time.
I like the elemental resistance but wanted to homebrew stat the Elemental drakes that already exist in 3e
This feels like I'd be playing a buffed Drakenwardens Drake
If you were playing a moon druid, but dragons, you'd just be playing a buffed moon druid.
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what do you think about my slopforged?
>sometimes there's some other girl too who's pretty awesome
You should ERP with her. Not necessarily at the table either, just in general. Or at least flirt in-character.
Yea, that's what makes balancing the class but still trying to get the idea across well enough is difficult
But it's fun
there's a thread for slop
I got 2. They're as dumb as people meme and focus too much on the performance part. One was even suprised to find out that performing is not part of TTRPGs, just something you can do on top.

Honestly they're fine most of the time. My main gripe with women at the table is how little effort they put into learning the rules but specially how to convey mechanics into their character themes and that if women are at the table, be VERY CAREFUL whenever you wanna have any kind of flirty or erotic situation, even if it's superficially to set the scene, because they'll chase after it like starved predators and will try to make the situation about that for a good while.
I'd have much less issue with AI if it had some sort of art direction going on.
Being able to render proportions, materials and lightning properly feels pointless if all it can convey is a random mess of stuff.
IS it a chest piece? is it part of the body? is he falling apart or he just looks like that?

It's frustrating because it's liike someone rendered a sketch in a professional manner and can't deny the skills for that but dude, it was just a sketch.
Has anybody here actually used this?
It has a wooden core and he is a bit battle damaged, but I get your point lol.
I wish I could edit and combine stuff better.
Here is another one with another model. Love the segmented armor.
nah, my characters are always designed to have zero ERP potential, typically by being old, and/or ugly, and/or having some sort of chastity vow.
The only time someone tried ERP-adjacent behavior, it went from funny to cringe and disgusting super fast.
We have a married woman and her daughter at our table.
How old is the daughter?
She's a teenager but idk specifics nor do I care.
>She's a teenager but idk specifics nor do I care.
Damn nigga, you got 19 INT.
That's WIS, not INT.
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but the meme calls for INT
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Is paladin 6/sorcerer 14 still the strongest build or has something new been discovered since I've last been here?
>still the strongest build
How is this better than a full wizard?
You should be able to solve this.
theorycrafting wise, nova paladin it technically one of the class combos that can delvier the msot damage dice.
That is, however, if he can keep stacking smite and converting spells while landing crits here and there.

It's still not "the best" class because as you implied, Wizards or other full classes can deliver more overall power through utility or spells by doing the same they do every level.
The strongest if you look at it like a Rogue that lands SA twice every round always rolling avobe average or wanna talk about dpr wankery.
Not the strongest if you actually have to play it on a table.
>Wizards or other full classes can deliver more overall power
They can't.
>through utility
And there it is.
yeah, that was my post, what are you trying to achieve with this response?
You're measuring power through the lenses of numbers and numbers alone. If that's your point of reference, yeah, Nova paladin multiclass should technically be one of the strongest if not the strongest along the classic like CBE/SS Fighter.
On an actual game, you'll be missing attacks, wasting the spell slot and doing nothing beyond being the face guy outside of combat, while other casters or even Rangers could overall bring power power to the team through utility during exploration.

If you're on a sppreadsheet table of square rooms with random mob encoutners, nvoa paladin might work. Otherwise the rest of the part will need to compensate for utility, but utility is as relevant as the GM makes it be, and msot are too brainlet to make it as such, which creates people like you who think finding a mechanical exploit is good play oblivious to the fact that if they're able to find that abuse, so should everyone else in the setting that have existed in the last thousand of years.
It's an arms race you can't win and exposes your true goals.
Strongest doesn't mean highest DPR, highest DPR means highest DPR.
Good thing the really high DPR isn't the only thing that build has going for it then.
Then what? it's not like it has much else going on beyond being a half assed Sorcerer that can smite a lot.
A full Sorc will have slightly more power through the spell you can't get acces too aswell as more metamagic spam, subclass features and capstone.

It makes up for a really solid character overall due how CAR features work in 5e but it doesn't make for the coolest or best overall character, jsut a really specialised one as most multiclasses go.
You made it for a specific combo of class features and it falls behind outside that factor, it's jsut that in 5e but specially msot tables, that factor tends to be the most relevant one.

You can argue that a CBE/SS Fighter has no reason to not just attack with the longbow as that's his msot powerful and spammable option, but the moment the fight cannot be resolved through jsut damage, then the player tends to complain this isn't how the game should work. I already had metagamers both leave and be kicked out of my tables for these reason. Hell I'm amazed at how many times I had someone play an archer and have a hard time dealing with verticality, ceilings or breaking line of sight. you'd think someone fighting at distance would be used to that.
>Then what? it's not like it has much else going on
So we're just lying now?
Well do explain how the multiclass is better in most situations than either full one.
Why are you even trying to pitch in with "advice" when you don't know basic shit?
Paladin 2/Hexblade 9/Sorcerer 9
This man is taking the bait and writing essays against a white roomer who is just taking the piss.
>allowing multiclassing
>YFW they include Sara's combat wheelchair in the base 2024 PHB
Where's the wood?
Are there still any bandits left to attack the village after you've killed over a thousand of them to get to level 8?

Considering the campaign is based on a great film, milestone might be a better option
After only playing TTRPGs with male spergs in the past (and for that table to dissolve as a result of a sperg out and being a no games for a bunch of years), coming back to D&D at a table with just my wife, my brother and his gf has been absolutely kino. The gf can’t really get on top of the rules, even after 2 years, but otherwise it’s comfy as fuck.
>male spergs

If you played with enough women you'd find plenty of female spergs too
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>Battlerager Barbarian
>Arcana Cleric
>Purple Dragon Knight Fighter
>Long Death Monk
>Crown Paladin
>Undying Warlock

Thoughts on the subclasses printed only in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide?
Which one of these would you rather have played in a campaign or one-shot?
I imagine so. I guess my point is that the absolute stance that playing with women makes for bad games is bullshit; it’s all individual dependent (as it is with men).
>battle rager
worse than 2014 phb berserker
>Arcana Cleric
>Purple Dragon Knight Fighter
worse than 2014 phb champion
>Long Death Monk
actually a very good subclass that doesn't rely on ki points for its first two subclass features
>Crown Paladin
>Undying Warlock
possibly the worst warlock subclass
Fascinating how you think it's so hit and miss. Why do you think Arcana and Crown are phenomenal? It would seem like an exaggeration.
How do you handle the fact that you've already played your best D&D and you've already had the most engaging campaign you've ever played and you'll never be able to redo the choices made or play another game where you can learn from your mistakes?
I disagree on Arcana being phenomenal, but Crown is great just for the oath spells.
Spirit Guardians, first and foremost?
>Green Ronin
It's shit.
I've played a champion several times, including a campaign up to level 10. I enjoyed it.
Not very well. It sucks ass.
the scag was largely outsourced to Green Ronin (the company who make Mutants and Masterminds and who were a major 3pp during 3.5) and is full of absolute garbage plus a couple really strong and good ideas unique to the entire game. Booming Blade and Greenflame Blade are 5e attempts at 4e style at-will powers and can be character defining, there's a reason something that new and different didn't come from WOTC. Arcana Cleric gets to poach wizard spells and is the closest 5e has to a Mystic Theurge type character.
What about the four subclasses that were reprinted in Xanathar's, as well as Bladesinger (original print with Bladesong being a short rest resource and no cantrip shenanigans with Extra Attack)?
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my b, I always get crown and conquest mixed up, crown isn't bad, but there are so many good paladin subclasses that It falls a bit behind

Arcana on the other hand is just great

>free booming blade and firebolt or any wizard cantrip
with toll, your bases are covered
>good utility spells always on hand
>chanel divinity expands your turn undead to also turn celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend and cna also banish
>spell breaker
just a very solid magical cure
>pic realted
if you get this high
Cleric subclasses have features at 1st, 2nd, 6th, 8th and 17th level, as well as domain spells at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level. Packed to the brim with good stuff throughout the entirety of 1st and 2nd tier, and then nothing at all through 3rd and one feature at the beginning of 4th. The 17th level subclass feature might as well not exist.
I love seeing this retarded edition and it’s awful culture circling the drain.
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Do you feel threatened yet?
Core. See his navel.
is 2024 PHB in the Sharethread yet?
What the fuck is his problem?
has the 2024 phb been released yet?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again; If you can't have fun playing a champion fighter, you don't belong in this hobby.
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Already confirmed
based, it was objectively better than walking and now my dm can't say "no homebrew allowed" gonna use it for every character, regardless of if they can walk or not
A mobility aid that's superior to actually walking is just power armor. If an able-bodied barbarian with peak human strength, dexterity, and constitution looks at a "wheelchair" and goes "man that would be really useful in a fight" what you've done is turn your setting into Deus Ex regardless of any claims otherwise.
git gud groundwalker
What's a way for a Wizard to turn themselves into a skeleton, accidentally or on purpose, that isn't Lichdom? Not for a player really. I'm running Saltmarsh and there's the Skeletal Alchemist, but I have no idea how the fuck he'd end up as one since he ain't a Lich, unless someone did it do him. That changes his subplot (Which I'm expanding) to either be someone cursed him, or he made himself an undead.

Contingency and Create Undead sort of works, except that CU has too long a casting time.
true polymorph
The defining feature of a lich and the entire reason wizards bother becoming one is the phylactery. Being a skeleton is unrelated and tangential at best, that's just what happens to undead who don't bother maintaining their body, sometimes you've got vain liches who keep their skin and use magic to look more alive like Erandis Vol in eberron.

A skeleton alchemist is just an intelligent undead. He became an undead through any one of a thousand means and managed to not be mindless. That's it. He's not a lich, every fucking tom, dick, and harry skeleton isn't a "lich" just because they're a skeleton. That's like saying every vampire spawn is equivalent to Orcus. It's retarded.
That's temporary until dispelled, though. It's not permanent permanent. I remember in previous editions there was a "Permanence" spell or whatever, so maybe that's a path, but eh. Also, maybe a suicide by Finger of Death.

Honestly, I never thought of it before, but there sure are a lot of intelligent undead and necromancers kicking around for how poorly explained their genesis seems to be.
>That's temporary until dispelled

No, it's permanent until dispelled.
This. He's just a skeleton dude, cult fuckery, orcus found it funny, touched by the negative energy plane, cruel mockery of a joke because he spat on a Myrkul shrine, curse of an angel for being a stupid vain mortal little shit, quaffed a few too many chemicals one night while wasted and accidentaly drank juice that makes you into a boner.

Like why the fuck would anyone overcomplicate this shit, it writes itself.

for anyone interested
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Oh, you're right. I do appreciate the thoughtful words on it, that may be useful later, but the "one of a thousand means" is precisely what I'm thinking of. He was trying to figure out longevity and inherently had some interest in necromancy and transmutation, didn't want to go full Lich but somehow ended up a skeleton. There's plenty of obvious ways to make someone *else* into a skeleton, but somehow I've missed a way to make oneself an intelligent one for years. Not even trying to overcomplicate it, just trying to figure out a specific so it ain't just "iunno, a Wizard did it" when players inevitably try and figure the shit out and be internally consistent.

Fair, that's just poor word choice on my part. I just mean that Dispel Magic would kill the fucking guy or not truly match a "permanent" transformation.
>They buffed arcane ward

my god...
Eh, she doesn't look very alive to me...
>evoker was solid
it was trash
that's not her true appearance either bro, that's her using magic to look more intimidating like the badass dragon lich lord instead of a dead half-elf/half-dragon teenager.
it was good at what it did, unless your DM hated magic missile
>no verbal compoents on all illusion spells
>25/32 illusion spells with verbal

>wizard buffed across the board
it's been a dead horse for over 20 years but man they sure aren't the Fighters of the Beach for a reason.
>all wizards now get free Expertise
>illusionists get to use spells with no verbal components so they can use spells in social situations and cast from stealth
>cantrip swapping on long rest is now core
>the 3.5 mechanic of leaving open a spell slot instead of preparing all of them so you can later fill it in with the perfect spell for a situation has been translated to 5e as letting Wizards swap prepared spells on Short Rest

there is literally no reason to ever play Rogue now. Good thing Rogue players are retarded and think being allowed to roll the same skills as everyone else in the game is an actual feature and will remain happy and oblivious.
>rules for illusions

hold onto your butts
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alright boys, ranger tomorrow!
Holy fucking shit. This is why I was skeptical about 5.5. I love Wizards and they gave martials some nice stuff, but then they go and do shit like that and just keep everything the same on a higher level, instead of leveling the playing field. Good they gave schools a stronger purpose, I guess?
you forgot the 60ft bonus range to illusion spells.
It's actually only a h handful of spells that matter, like 5
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anyone itt have experience with college TTRPG clubs?
im changing majors and the new college im going to has one
i havent played since highschool, and i always had to DM, so id like to try playing a character
I've only played one campaign ever and it was in a college ttrpg club.
*climbs up stairs*
I know he's musky. :drool:
The poor man's EB is the only reason people use to try to redeem the evoker and it's not even good.
What if the DM runs 5e instead of the new shit?
Are you having a giggle? MM and EB aren't even on the same level to be compared, and once an evoker hits 10, MM becomes a monster
What if you, hear me out, have a Hexblade 1/Evoker 10, first use Hexblade's Curse and then Magic Missile with one of your 5th level spell slots?

And then add two levels of Fighter to do the same thing once again with Action Surge
I'd rather have empowered evocation and hexblade's curse on EB and make the 4 rays hit simultaneously.
>What's the most interesting location you've had in your games?
An artificial moon made entirely of silver constructed in such a way that its orbit created a spell circle around the planet that prevented extraplanar travel and extraterrestrial demons from entering, but had a gateway called the crucible of souls guarded by death itself that ushered beings on a one-way trip into the realms beyond. Death was supposed to be an impartial Shepard but some fiends had slipped through the gate somehow and were conspiring to help more of their kin cross the borders. He also had a collection of Jars where he kept truly exceptional souls that "couldn't be allowed to be lost" to the realm beyond. An unintentional consequence of the moon was the argent meridian and the sea of tranquility: a null zone around the equator that magic failed in and prevented magical travel and communication from passing between the northern and southern continents.
That IS cool. Nice lore and consequences.
Say it's a side effect of trying to make a potion of longevity using his cursed luckstone.

I'm personally dropping the alchemist since I think it's dumb to have real undead inside a fake scooby doo haunted house plot. I'll replace the fight with a puzzle using alchemical symbols.
It worked as a fun justification for why the empire of the sorcerer kings in the South never established a lasting foothold in the lawless North. Supply lines were impossible to maintain with how dependent their infrastructure was on magic and the barbarian warlords were quick to set aside their squabbles to rebuff foreign advances, leaving them to perpetuate their endless clan wars for generations.
Great suggestion, anon. That's actually exactly what I landed on after some further searching and deciding to look at a full list of potions, since it makes sense for an alchemist. You'd be shocked how hard it was to find anything involving undead for DnD not involving a lich or old editions just googling it. Thank you.

>Dropping the alchemist because fake Scooby-Doo plot
I get where you're coming from, but I like it and wanted to expand it considering all the fucked up giant creatures around (He ended up fucking with something in the area/groundwater trying to do something growth/shrinking potions), and I like it as a double-take gotcha. Especially since the party figured it out really quickly and somehow managed to get the drop on the smugglers by acting very fast, so going from "Haunted" to "Hoax" to "OH FUCK IT'S ACTUALLY HAUNTED" is fun to me.
Druids getting their spells from nature gods is dumb. They should get their powers from nature spirits, ley lines or celestial alignments
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They don't get their spells from nature gods, they get their spells directly from nature. In 4e they had a Primal power source, and even in AD&D and 3e there were druids in settings with explicitly no gods like Dark Sun or Eberron. Literally read the fucking book, it could not be more explicit.
I go for ley lines, personally, with their ability to PERCEIVE them explaining why they’re a Wisdom-based class.
NTA and you're right, but it is funny that you tell anon to read the book but the section you highlighted literally says that a nature deity is one of the options for a cleric's source of powers
If you want to specifically have your druid get your powers through a nature deity, you can do so, but it's entirely optional and even then a druid's magic is different from a Cleric's.
Is Artificer going to be in the new players handbook?
I will be the one to say it: there just isn't enough spells to justify limiting wizard or any other caster to certain magic schools.
it's already in Tasha's which is the cutoff point for "newer" stuff it seems like, they also already get subclass at 3 anyways so they don't need changing for the new paradigm. same reason Mordenfainen's Multiverse shit isn't getting updated, it's already made for the new iteration
I think you guys are overselling being able to swap spells known out.
Maybe this is just my games but I have basically never felt the pressure to swap spells prepared out of my spellbook mid-day, its not like they're entirely knew spells I still have to have them in my book.
And with cantrips there's really not that many that you need, again maybe I felt a choice between two cantrips but not anything huge.

As far as I'm concerned the base wizard really just got "double prof bonus to one of the int skills you're proficient in".
my "they'll never do it" hope is that hunter's mark is no longer sucking up spell slots. That thing is essentially a required component of the class at this point.
>there just isn't enough spells
Fuck you. There are, if anything, too many.
>I think you guys are overselling being able to swap spells known out.
lol no, anyone who's played 3.5 or Pathfinder 1e knows how good it is to be able to leave a slot open for a silver bullet. Here they don't even need to lose a slot, they get to swap something out on short rest, that's literally something Arcanists in PF1E pay an entire exploit for the ability to do. Combine this with Wizards already not needing to prep ritual spells to cast them from their spellbook and it's just gravy.
I have to assume my DM is just more heavily signposting upcoming events than most - I've never felt unprepared for a scenario with the spells I choose for the day.
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Anyone want to give some advice on making my map more menacing? Specifically the second, ruined half.

Doing a campaign based on Wrath of the Righteous from PF. This is my map for the Worldwound region. Want to make it look more demonic/infested/menacing. Was originally a massive witch infested forest almost a 100km in length.
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"""heavily signposting"""" 8+ hours in advance is also known as "playing with kid gloves", it's one thing if you're investing resources and time as a party to do the ol' Scry and Die so you know exactly what you're up against and then literally teleport in on top of them to nuke them with perfectly prepared counters, but if you're being spoonfed every encounter an entire day in advance so everyone can tailor their lists when long resting that's playing D&D on game journalist difficulty and is far from the norm.

Pic related was a pretty important feature for prepared casters in 3.X precisely because you often *don't* know exactly what you'll be up against.
ok, Reliable Talent is now a Level 5 Feature for the Rogue (they don't lose Uncanny Dodge), still outdone by a Spellcaster?
5/5 Barbarogue can now reliably impose the grappled+prone combination on anything that is Large or smaller and isn't immune to the conditions.
it would make me try a barbarogue grapple build with a multi-limb race, thats for sure

end this meme now
tbf they are talking about the only good thing barbarogues do, which is grappling
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reliable talent on social skills is a level 3 feature for bards who also get 9th level casting and they're still not even the best caster. reliable talent simply isn't that good. being able to take 10 on almost all skills when out of combat, and some even in combat with certain features, was a thing literally everyone could do in 3.5 and it wasn't that big a deal.
a feature that's literally useless 50% of the time, and then the 50% of the time it comes up is often irrelevant, is just not that big a deal. If you rolled a 9 instead of a 10, would you have still succeeded even without reliable talent? well, you didn't need it. what if you rolled an 8? In practice reliable talent ends up only really mattering as "bad luck protection" for rolling like a 1-4 on some skill checks, and since skill checks don't fail on a 1, you could also simply use a feature that adds bonus dice to a skill check instead of setting your roll higher.

rolling a 6 but having bardic inspiration for a +6 to a skill check is better than having reliable talent turn that 6 into a 10. you can stack inspiration with guidance to mog it even harder, and the bonuses will still work even if you roll an 11.
Rune Knight with Skill Expert does it strictly better.
>doesn't need to multiclass
>better AC
>access to unarmed fighting style
>can grow large and grapple huge things
its the goon/enforcer multiclass. Its cool. You know whats cooler than Barbarogue though?
Bladesinger 6 Monk 14 multiclass. what'cha gonna do about it? complain its optimal? it comes online by level 2, the other 12 levels in Monk is cause I wanna.
That shit sounds MAD as hell.
didn't say it was the beat, just said it was the only thing it was good at lmao
yeah but, this isn't 3.5? different powerlevel, different rules. You used to be able to Charge, now not only do you need a feat, your Feat Charge is worse than "base" 3.5 Charge. 5e is just not a physically superhuman game (besides Constitution and HP as a concept), everyone is a fuckin wimp compared to myths and legends
Barbarogue can be your martial power fantasy. The cinematic action hero.
that doesn't change the fact that 1d20+1d9=8+1d4 is almost always either basically equivalent to or straight up better than 1d20, <10=10. it's certainly not worth giving up 9th level spellcasting and extra attack for.
its actually not. You have Monk Weapons so it all scales off Dexterity. The only MAD thing about it is that you ideally need to be unarmored so you "need Wisdom" but unless you have 3+ Wisdom modifier, Mage Armor is better, so its all about the Speed with this Multiclass. Its about using the Mobile Feat, in tandem with something like Shadow Blade to move 60 feat (without Dashing) all over the battlefield spamming Stunning Fist (Yes, you need Wisdom for it, but you can just dump Charisma or Strength...or both, or buff yourself with a spell or feature).
Ultimately, its about making Bladesinger as fun as possible in melee and Monk is a pretty good "makes me feel like a gish" class
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just have a fucking bard
like the only cool Bard subclass is Maestro and its 3rd party. No one else made a Bard+ subclass yet
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lore bard is the bard+ subclass and it's literally PHB. one of its main features is literally just a copy of an existing base class bard feature, Magical Secrets. The fluff is "you wander around collecting stories" which is as Bard+ as Hunter Ranger being "you're good at hunting things" or Champion Fighter being "you're good at hitting stuff"
>Open Hand

Which classes suffer the most if limited to the SRD subclass? Which classes suffer the least?
She's missing a finger, also why is she barefoot?
bard, warlock, cleric and paladin are fine with the srd subclass
fighter and barb really suffer
2014 berserker is hot garbage and easily the worst SRD subclass in the game. 2024 zerker is great though.
that is what most people mean when they say "Class+", you are correct.
But I'm fucking stubborn and to me Lore is pretty close to Bard+, since it adds "offensive" use of Inspiration, which is cool, but Maestro adds more Bardic Dice, lets Mass Inspire and adds a completely separate Conductor's Technique Musical system which doesn't use Spellcasting (always a plus in my book, if your subclass idea is just "you get Spellcasting, have fun" it ain't for me, I'm happy with Spells, but not if have to use Spellcasting)

For me Fighter+ is Battlemaster, which is the crippled, defiled, bloated corpse of DNDNext's beautiful Fighter/Martial, the culmination of all Wizards of the Coast learned from Tome of Battle and 4th edition, wrapped in a nice package

Soulknife and Thief are, to me, Rogue+. They expand on a Rogue's core features of being the guy who, even after 10 fights and no Long Rest, still has nearly his entire class online. Soulknife expands on their capability as an assassin and further buffs their Prof/Expert Skill Rolls.
Thief is just quaint, most of its features should just be base features (same with Mastermind's 30 feet range Help Action) it gives more Cunning Action features and lets you carve a niche as a non-magical Healer (among other things)
A class is at its most fun when it makes you feel important and a subclass is at its most fun when it makes you feel like you DON'T regret being anything but a Cleric/Wizard/Druid
The 3rd level feature has a massive drawback, but isn't that bad if you're good at guessing whether or not the encounter will be the biggest of the day when you roll initiative. The 6th level feature is arguable the best any Barbarian gets.
i havent kept up, are there any changes between the stuff coming out now in the videos and the UA from last year?
does anyone else feel like /tg/ is slower than it used to be
The only people who think that are covid tourists
i mean compared to like 2014/2015.
To be fair, it's less important in 5e where you don't prepare specific spells into slot. Being able to pull a situational spell when you need it is nice, but a hour for a short rest is also more restrictive than 15 minutes.
Are you talking about before the /qst/ split? Because of so, it's obviously slower as a board just for that reason.
>guys what if illusionist was just conjurer
we're going to get day 1 dlc of "expanded class options" to give us necro, conj, enchanter, and transmuter aren't we..

Is death domain and oathbreaker going to be in the DMG still? how cool would it be if necro was in there. I'm coping
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The illusionist feature is the 5e equivalent of old Shadow Conjuration/Shadow Evocation spells, which allowed you to duplicate spells from other schools as illusions by mixing them in with shadowstuff so they were partially real. Enemies would make a will save instead of the normal one, and if they failed they'd take full damage, but even if they disbelieved they'd still take some damage since the spell is partially real. It was a very popular playstyle and they're obviously drawing inspiration from it.
Is D&Done a 5.5 with a similar degree of compatibility as 3-3.5? Or did they change enough to try to get you to rebuy their modules for DONE?
>s D&Done a 5.5 with a similar degree of compatibility as 3-3.5?
> Or did they change enough to try to get you to rebuy their modules for DONE?
wotc are incredibly lazy, they're gonna be selling Curse of Strahd and Lost Mines of Phandelver for the next fucking decade still, modules require even less conversion than AD&D 1e to AD&D2e.
1e was good, then 2e was mid.
3e was great, then 4e was mid and bad.
5e is "good" (it's mid but it's better than 4e), so in eight years or so when they finally make 6e, it's probably going to be bad.
Next is going to be 5.75, then 5.875, and so on.
Memes aside, 6e will eventually be a thing but it is nowhere near sight given the current owners of the name.
>Hill Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Lightfoot Halfling, Stout Halfling, Human, Dragonborn, Rock Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Tiefling
>Berserker Barbarian, Lore Bard, Life Cleric, Land Druid, Champion Fighter, Open Hand Monk, Devotion Paladin, Hunter Ranger, Thief Rogue, Draconic Sorcerer, Fiend Warlock, Evocation Wizard
>Acolyte, Criminal/Spy, Folk Hero, Noble, Sage, Soldier

What do you play if only the Basic Rules/SRD content is available?
human champion fighter soldier my current pc
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I am trying to come up with a fluff reason as to why my fighter would have a high strength and dexterity. Nothing makes much sense though because typically a character wouldn't have a high str and dex right? I also skirt the line of fluffy stuff and being mechanically viable. However, lately, I have been wanting more fluffy and roleplaying based characters. Basically the idea I had for my fighter was that he truly wants to be an adaptable fighter knowing that fighting has never been about merely only fighting on even footing. So in a perfect world he would have a high str / dex and moderate constitution. Then I guess low cha, wis and int which seems awkward sometimes because what does a low cha, int and wis character signify to you? Absolute retard right?
Be a version of the fifth character on this list, someone who carries both a longbow and a greatsword, and can use both of them competently.
human life cleric acolyte.
I'd play him as a supportive grandpa who truly cares about the party and is out of touch with trends, but with the heart in the right place.
>mfw got a cool magic ring on my Paladin a few sessions ago that feels great to proc
Is there a better feeling in 5e than having just like one or two really cool custom made magic items per character the gm creates for his players? Because I'm digging this vibe, fellas
Half-Elf Draconic Sorcerer, Acolyte. Take all the six Sorcerer skills and lean into the benefits of knowing six different languages. Fire Bolt against single targets and Fireball against crowds, sometimes in the same turn if need be.
with 14 strength you're never gonna use that fucking greatsword especially since you're boosting dex at 4 and 6 to hit 20 , that character even has archery fighting style. if you want to stab shit use a rapier. 5e simply does not support "quality" builds, in 3.5 you needed DEX to hit and STR for damage with finesse weapons and composite longbows but that's long gone now thanks to fags whining about being MAD
Only when your GM crafts a whole arc based on your character's backstory and you complete it and the whole party now feels like more than a bunch of random adventurers
Little does. I'm currently experiencing half of that however as my GM has no concept of balance and is currently slowly ramping up threats after the second TPK of the campaign. Everyone can tell he's inevitably going to tard it the fuck up despite making items and he'll without a second of hesitation go for cool rather than any balance and craft an encounter that would get about a hundred comments on reddit stating he's an asshole in about 3 weeks, just enough to slowball us on difficulty so we get somewhere but then die when it matters.
>party is being haunted by a vengeful spirit of someone we've killed
>we've killed so many people that we can't figure out who it is
>we're apparently making the spirit angrier by calling it by a different name each time
I know the GM is trying to teach us about consequences, but it's a little funny that we just don't know. We've narrowed it down to like 3 suspects. But, with our luck, it's probably some nameless guard or goblin or some shit.
I've been workshopping some for my campaign, already gave out some, still designing the others
>fashionist archfey warlock
a rope of entanglement+climbing that also acts sentient like a mischievous puppy/snake when activated
a mirror/arcana focus +1 that allows disguise self at will, enhance ability 3/day, and mirror image 1/day. Comments on the wearer's clothing choices like that what not to wear presenter

>laconic gloomstalker ranger
a hooded cloak that allows to hide as bonus action in darkness, and become amorphous for 1min like shadow stuff?
a heavy composite bow that allows to add str to dmg in addition to dex after passing a str check?

>cleric of travel/freedom/dreams god
a book that lets you roll history to write a diary and get temporary hp after long rest - rolling a 1 causes some nightmare bad effect?
a walking stick that increases speed by 10ft, and automatically crits any prison lock, manacles, and other things keeping anyone prisoner?

>sword wood elf monk
a longsword that gives advantage on first attack in combat, warding wind 2/day and steel wind strike 1/day?
-still no second idea

I also give them a bunch of feats and spells related to quests, factions, backstories, and stuff that happens, this isnt even the whole picture
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>GM gave my character a nature's mantle as a minor magic item reward after seeing it works as a focus
probably the biggest mismatch in expectation vs reality in how strong a magic item is since that one time a force cube got rolled as random loot. this shit isn't a chinese knockoff cloak of elvenkind, it's straight up Predator optical camouflage that lets you literally vanish even right in front of people staring at you as its fully intended function.
Pretty sure the reason there's not constant bitching about this is that nobody plays druid or ranger compared to other classes.
Seeing as paladin smite was downgraded from class feature to castable spell, it's not looking so hot.

I wonder what 2014 feats let you take "smite" as a learnable spell?
It's pretty amazing, I agree.

FUN FACT: less than 25% of players know that dim light counts as being lightly obscured
>make a joke in the group chat in passing about drow being untrustworthy
>the drow player takes this personally and rats me out to the dm im privae for being racist
how many red flags is this? I already knew the drow picker in question was a bit special but holy shit
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Actually had that happen alongside the ring. I'll try to keep it short and sweet here: My in game brother got hit by a disintegrate spell and turned to fucking ash. A lot of the game's themes this campaign inadvertently have been about dealing with loss because the other players have lost family, lovers, ect over the course of the campaign. It seemed like it was my time for it. But since I'm playing a paladin, after a session of grief, I refused to let him remain dead and vowed to bring him back without violating my promises to my people or my oath. The other players liked the approach I was taking to defy fate itself both in and out of character since I've been more the party cheerleader helping them through their own character stores, so they swore to help me as well, cutting their hands and placing them on my own palm in a blood oath, and we spent months in game chasing rumors, most of them being either totally false (a dwarf city rumored to have defied death was actually just copies of memories of long dead dwarves inside robots) filled with catches (a deal with a lich that seemed too good to be true. We found out that his offer would involve sacrificing a nearby town and incurring a debt he could cash in) before finally finding out a foreign queen had a long passed down scroll that could bring a royalty member back to life in the event of an assassination. She had already betrayed us once so turnabout was fair play.
We did a boat heist as it was being transferred to the new capital and it ended up being legit. It opened a portal we entered and he was there. He said he thinks he met my god and presented a ring to me to help me continue my oath.
We were able to bring him back with us, as neither of our duties were done and all it took was about a year both in and out of character to do
>mfw the bad news was that time moved different in that plane and 13 years had passed in our home plane and boy shit is looking bad

tl;dr: tabletop is fucking fun
One of my players wants to DM and I think it's finally time
I ask him if it's okay if I play a muppetborn, someone sent me the rule years ago and I've been dying to try it out
Think it'd be fun to introduce my character with a irl puppet so I start looking around for hand puppets, sock puppets, anything that'll fit.
The only humanoid ones are too much money for a goofy DnD character or they're Jeffy characters.
I'm at the point where I might just not bother but I think the guy whose dming will love it
what was the joke?
I can't imagine being in a group where fantasy racism is frowned upon, if anything I was the one (-in character-, as a high elf of all things) asking the others to tone it down.
Then again, I play in person. I did have one guy getting mad when I misgendered his character (funnily, others often misgendered my character, since that guy and I were the only ones playing PCs of different gender than us).
that's fucking sweet dude
Every magic item I've given my party has been custom-made. And every single one has been something that has flowed directly from their actions, backstory, and decisions.
God bless you anon, that's the good shit
Did you make the joke, or did your character make the joke? Was the DM not in the group chat?
Some people have it already
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Soldier girl!
I'm planning on doing a lv 20 one shot fight with my 4 friends some point in the future. The idea is to have them fight Tiamat.

Only issue I'm having is figuring out what level of magic items I should give them. Should I say one legendary and 3 anything?

I want to keep it as RAW as possible but I might add some unique layer actions for Tiamat since I think she'll get whomped

Anyone know where I can get a high rez version of the attached map? I'd pay for it straight up if possible but its locked behind a patreon
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pour one out
1 legendary, 2 very rare, 3 rare, and 5 uncommon

Double if the item is consumable, like potion of heroism
>1e was good, then 2e was mid.
Eh, from what I read so far they just feel clunky in a way that doesn't really add all that much to the game.
Each thing has its own sub system in a way that would only eat time at the table.
There's a lot of homebrew involved, but that's kind of what you expect from a three-year campaign. They'll be level 15 soon, so I really need to start working on their third items.
Who the fuck plays that combo? why?
Any system that uses THAC0 can go fuck itself
6e will happen when 5e numbers start to fall off - so far that hasn't happened but the odds of one game keeping this momentum for another decade seems small. When we get to 2034 I'm very confident there will be 6e (assuming dnd is still around).
people like barbarians and rage, but its not particularly strong.
Paladin smites let you boost damage without needing to use spells + your aura still activates as well - hence you add paladin to your rage machine.
Smite crits? barbs always get advantage and smites weren't spells before hand.
This was nearly a year ago
>join campaign, dm wants it to be an Isekai
>tropey sure, but I am a sucker for tropes, especially ones I never got to experience first hand
>wait, he wants us to make a dnd character from a generic fantasy setting that gets isekai'd INTO another generic fantasy setting. That entire premise was fucking pointless, why not just start in the setting you-
>we get gangbanged in the first combat encounter because GM is forgets he isn't running a power scaled Naruto homebrew
>Downtime, I'm a Bard so I lean into Bard things. Nat 20 a Performance check at a tavern and the patrons are described as bored or unimpressed
>time for intrigue plotline
>plot moves at a snails pace because player ideas, even with decent rolls, are not rewarded if they don't touch on the dm's pre-planned evidence. Also there's this bullshit homebrew Exorcist Class that starts with Paladin evil sense, but the big bad is scentless of course so that's silly too.
I peace'd out, I should have done so much sooner. I treat every negative experience as a lesson in how not to run my own games.

Also, there was a text-only woman that had an adolescent perception of sexuality and joked about fucking her wolf companion. GM-booted her, but honestly it was a red flag he even let her play in the first place.
Sounds reasonable. I just don't see how they are going to evolve the system.
it adds nothing, why would someone use that way to present the attack bonus is beyond me.
I wasn't into the scene pre-2014 so this is me parroting stuff I've heard second hand, but dnd editions have usually been decently different (even if it isn't a linear process, 5e apparently evolving more from 3.5 than 4e directly).

Plus given how much tabletop games have evolved over the last decade, with there being actual recognition for systems outside of dnd/pathfinder and other ways to play, theres certainly a lot of room for "hey the tastes of the market are adapting, we should try and lean more into X".
For example, in the last few years 4e has become more and more directly influential in a number of popular-for-a-non-dnd-ttrpg titles so it's reasonable they may look back at that edition and see whats become palatable to the general audience compared to 2014.
There will be no 6e, the next version of dnd will be online only live service using its own app with a paid subscription
Touch spells like inflict wounds and shocking grasp should be dex saves.
5e needs touch AC
I agree, but for simplicity’s sake, a dex save is the closest thing we have to touch AC.
I was talking about what direction they would take on a sixth edition of the game and how would that affect the mechanics.
At its core D&D is still pretty close to its wargame roots because that still is the only aspect of the game with solid rules.
I just hope for better rules for exploration, social maneuvering and long term projects.
Welp my favorite thing about dnd is how easy it is to homebrew. See you for dnd 2024 guys where i'll have all the homebrew subclasses wotc left behind until they actually publish them!
>The cinematic action hero.
That would be Bear totem barbarian/swashbuckler build though having a good CHA will be difficult without good rolls.
how would a tabletop game be hard to homebrew?
Death will be opt-in only.
>how would a tabletop game be hard to homebrew?
If the subsystems are interconnected to the point that introducing or altering one thing leads to something else being broken.
I don't know any TTRPGs with the analog equivalent of spaghetti code but it is possible.
Ah yeah that makes sense.
Though I would say 5e suffers from that somewhat - there's enough stuff going on which connects to a bunch of different aspects in unrelated ways, half of which are grandfathered in.
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>play in dm's homebrew campaign
>young goliath that was taken from my homeland as a child and returning after a decade
>hear rumors of a prophecy that I am the lost son of the last great king
>need to prove myself by taming the fiercest beast avatar style
>maul used by my father is now handed down to me since I am the only one that can use it (too heavy for everyone else)
>improved voice of authority that lets me give allies movement before or after the reaction attack and some other effects
feels good bros
It's uncommon, but it happens. Typically when things have a lot of knock-on effects that aren't immediately obvious. 5e is particularly easy to homebrew in part because the content release schedule has been so anemic that you don't have to worry about unintentionally facilitating a particularly broken build.
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>Steel Wind Strike (V2)
>5th-Level Conjuration Spell (Ranger, Wizard)
>Casting Time: 1 action
>Range: 30 feet
>Components: S, M (a melee weapon with which you have proficiency)
>Duration: Instantaneous
>You flourish your weapon, and then vanish to strike up to five creatures you can see within range. Make one weapon attack against each creature using the weapon used in the spell's casting. The attack can use your spellcasting ability for the for the attack and damage rolls instead of using Strength or Dexterity. If the attack hits, a target takes an additional 6d10 force damage.
>You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of one of the targets you hit or missed.
How would you feel if this was the 2024 Steel Wind Strike spell?
The vast majority of 5e problems are inherited because the stuff that kept the balance was lost. like the XP chars keeping casters in check or the crafting that allowed martials to keep up.
urgh, my a5e artificer needs to come up with an invention for next thursday to show at the sharn world's fair, but a5e removed magic mouth from the artificer spell list. The only permanent spells I've got to work with are continual flame and arcane lock. I don't want to do something as lazy as casting continual flame on a wire or ice cube

why did I have to blow all my downtime?
Speaking of barbarogue, with the new nick weapon mastery, can barbarogue handle only going three points into barbarian and the rest into rogue?

>zerker for the extra 2d6
>3 rages
>nick gives two attacks
>resistance to pbs
>primal knowledge
>all rogue features come online much sooner
I swear to god you people need to go out of your way to be this fucking stupid. it's not something that happens naturally
nta but other than being a bog-standard 'martial with a gimmick' build what's worse than the other builds posted here
Chastity vows are ERP potential.
as has been repeated hundreds of times over the past ten threads, the DPR is worse that both a pure barbarian and a pure rogue, and kneecaps both classes by preventing them from using the using the weapons they need to do competitive damage
How do you think wotc would change minor conjuration or minor transmutation if/when those subclasses come out?
>competitive damage
dnd isn't an MMO, its a cooperative game. As long as you're not doing half the baseline, I think it's fine.
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just played tabletop rpg for the first time at a store group and im wondering why are many of the rules even really needed if you can just comes up with your own ideas when playing? like why do we need all these specific written abilities for a fighter or rogue to trip up or push an enemy or hide and move a certain way when i can just say my character attempts those things regardless of whats on the sheet or what class i am and then roll a dice to see if it works
i feel like im missing something
>when i can just say my character attempts those things regardless of whats on the sheet or what class i am and then roll a dice to see if it works

How would you know if it works if you don't have rules?
call them fantasy australians and imply he wants to fuck spiders
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What the fuck?
dont you just roll dice for everything you try and see if it beats the number the dungeon master comes up with for the test? that is how it felt to play the game for me so i was a little confused as to why often my actions were limited, like i tried to sneak with the rogue friend in battle and they were like your class doesnt have that ability. what? if he has legs capable of moving why cant he try it?
>and then roll a dice to see if it works
You see, the rules go on to modify that die roll, impacting your chance of success or failure.
>tried to sneak with the rogue friend in battle and they were like your class doesnt have that ability

Rogues don't have that ability either, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

do you mean attempting to hide as a bonus action?
what about it?
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WoTC is giving fantasy races zoomer haircuts
Yea, why are you surprised?
new barbarian is good enough, and new rogue sucks enough, that rather than barbarogue you should literally just go straight barbarian.
Brutal Strikes are better than Cunning Strikes, you get Extra Attack, your Retaliation can trigger berserker damage on enemies turn, your frenzy dice go from 2d6 to 4d6, and every major barbarian and berserker feature was buffed or improved in some way
im not sure what it was specifically, just one example of something i tried that sounded cool but they said i wasnt allowed to in the rules
another time i tried to trip an enemy and they said i needed a higher level subclass ability for that or anything which i also thought was strange. i was also told i could not aim attacks at specific body parts when i tried to disarm and disable an enemy i wanted to talk to first to try to get info out of them
>im not sure what it was specifically, just one example of something i tried that sounded cool but they said i wasnt allowed to in the rules
Yea, I'd also so you can't do that because I have no idea what it is you're trying to do

>another time i tried to trip an enemy and they said i needed a higher level subclass ability for that or anything which i also thought was strange.
You can also attempt to trip someone by shoving them. It's a contested athletics vs athletics or acrobatics check. everyone can do it. The problem might be that you were also tring to do damage at the same time and those are two different attacks.

>i was also told i could not aim attacks at specific body parts when i tried to disarm and disable an enemy i wanted to talk to first to try to get info out of them.
Yes. This does not exist in the rules because 5e is an incredibly simple game. with simple rules that make it easy to learn and teach which helps bring in new players. what you can do is deal non-lethal damage, which will knock out a target rather than kill it. Then you can tie them up and heal them in some manner to wake them up.

The main problem is that you didn't try to learn how to play the game.
remove from wizard spell lists and you're good to go
You're acting like the 80s art wasn't full of perms.
Art's always gonna reflect what's currently fashionable no matter how stupid it is.
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Trying to simultaneously do an attack to damage people AND trip them or disarm them or whatever is something specific abilities let you do. The reason everyone else can't simultaneously say "Okay I'm gonna stab him and trip him" is because if anyone could repeatedly do so for no cost or downside, then that's what every PC and enemy would do, you'd never make regular attacks, you'd jut always try to come up with some additional debuff and tack it onto your attacks until you got lucky.
Called shots are a bit different, the game already abstracts attacks such that when you take the attack action, your character is ALREADY assumed to be doing everything in their ability to land a hit that turn, and the results are based on your roll and then justified in the fiction, so if you hit and do a little damage that turn, it was a glancing blow, if you did a lot of damage or it's a critical, you hit them in a vital point. Called Shots aren't a thing baseline firstly because they're notoriously hard to get right, often you end up with Pocket Sand situations where everybody just keeps blinding everybody or going for one-shots to the head if the risk to reward isn't there, and since PCs need to survive 100+ battles but monsters need to survive only like 3-5 rounds on average, it again leads to disproportionate impact and every player becoming a cripple in a couple sessions, while also encouraging really gamey scenarios like summoning a bunch of small creatures who all try to bite somebody's eyes out and simply rely on probability to eventually have one succeed.

If you're looking for a free-form make-believe system, there's games more in that vein where everybody just takes turns making shit up and it's more about "the narrative", but Dungeons and Dragons is a game firmly about dungeon crawling and descends from literal tabletop wargames, so there's a greater emphasis on codifying what is and isn't a typical move to take in combat, since you don't want pocket sand fests
>the reason everyone else can't simultaneously say "Okay I'm gonna stab him and trip him" is because if anyone could repeatedly do so for no cost or downside, then that's what every PC and enemy would do, you'd never make regular attacks, you'd jut always try to come up with some additional debuff and tack it onto your attacks until you got lucky.
this is what most cantrips do, anon. nobody gives a shit about it. hell even wotc with their deranged martial hate has decided that at-will debuffs aren't a problem to hand out since many keywords provide that shit
Make it a 3rd level spell that deals 4d10 force damage on up to 3 targets. then let it up cast to 5th level, dealing an additional 1d10 damage and target an additional creature per up casted level.
i was just trying it out, the others didnt say i needed to read the book but i suppose i probably should have
i wasnt trying to do damage, just knock them over. you make it sound bad but honestly everything you listed in the pocket sand called shots section sounds pretty cool to me, like coming up with creative ideas to deal with an enemy that is also using clever ideas that can kill you easily if youre not careful. what other games are there like that?
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>this is what most cantrips do, anon. nobody gives a shit about it.
I'm all for bringing back at-will powers from 4e, but even then that's not the same as cantrips in 5e, which don't add modifier to damage and the ones with debuff effects like knocking people prone are shit like Sapping Sting which does only 1d4 damage, with no modifiers, and is also a CON save so many monsters are very likely to succeed. That's not the same as giving everyone infinite battlemaster maneuvers. If you DID want to give everyone infinite battlemaster maneuvers, that's a choice you could make, but now you're again in 4e-territory where you literally never make "basic attacks".
Unilaterally attempting to do this as a player in 5e without it being agreed upon that EVERY player and monster is going to be doing attacks with an extra effect on all their stuff for free forever is just begging for free power.

if you wanted to add extra versatility to characters and monsters, and said "I allow every PC and NPC to use every cantrip and simply reflavor it as a combat maneuver", that's something you can discuss as a table, but that's very different than rolling a regular attack to hit somebody and then saying "oh btw I wanna stab him in the eyes so he's blind now"
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>i was just trying it out, the others didnt say i needed to read the book but i suppose i probably should have
>i wasnt trying to do damage, just knock them over.
That absolutely exists. If you knew the rules, you would have been able to do it.

>like coming up with creative ideas to deal with an enemy that is also using clever ideas that can kill you easily if youre not careful. what other games are there like that?

Not 5e. I feel like a less combat centric/more role play focused game would be better for that. I wouldn't know, I don't play those games.
ok thanks, sorry for the stupid questions
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>, like coming up with creative ideas to deal with an enemy that is also using clever ideas that can kill you easily if youre not careful
The problem is every single enemy trying to gouge your eyes out every attack quickly goes from "clever" to boring as hell, since there's very few things as debilitating to a human-being, or human-adjacent creature, as losing vision.
If you want a system with more narrative focused combat you can try Blades in the Dark which is basically a heist movie game and is decently popular so finding a game isn't very hard. Dungeon Crawl Classics is a system where the fighters all get "Mighty Deeds" as a baseline feature, allowing them to come up with debuffs to inflict on enemies as part of every attack as a baseline feature.....but it runs into the problem described earlier where you often have no reason not to just LARP as Odysseus and blind every monster you fight, since being blind is worse than being tripped or grappled or disarmed or most other things you're allowed to do short of instant kills or paralysis, neither of which is allowed as a Mighty Deed
>like why do we need all these specific written abilities for a fighter or rogue to trip up or push an enemy or hide and move a certain way when i can just say my character attempts those things regardless of whats on the sheet or what class i am and then roll a dice to see if it works
Because this thing descends from a wargame and this is the result of those rules mutating into what we have today.
Also it is mostly for consistency's sake, so that every table has a similar experience when doing something mechanically relevant.
yeah i could see how it might get boring over time if there is one best strategy but i assumed things like that would require increasingly higher numbers to roll for it to work since enemies would probably be protecting themselves quite a bit too. not being able to try things like that at all was really boring to me since i seemingly couldnt do anything besides walk forward and do an attack that provoked no response or effect from the enemy besides them losing a few numbers on an imaginary health bar and doing the same thing back to me on their turn
might just not be the game for me, i never liked video games like final fantasy for the same reason. thing in the pic sounds more cool for sure
You can play a purely freeform RP with no rules except for what is logical, you can do this at improv clubs, you can do this in chatrooms where people pretend to be Sephiroth, it's fun an I recommend it.
You can also play a pure wargame or boardgame or strategy game where the rules are the rules and you can't do anything outside of those rules. This isn't really about imagination, except insofar as you use your imagination to look for unusual strategies. It's mostly about winning and losing. It's also about seeing what will happen within the rules, the rules give the game its own internal logic and the dice mean that you don't necessarily know what will happen next and this is exciting, but still it's mostly about winning and losing. It's fun and I recommend it.
Modern D&D is a fusions of these two things. The rules are clear and consistent enough that you can run them like a wargame, you don't NEED improv skills in order to play, but the gamemaster/dungeonmaster may choose to improvise if they want. And you may hear some people say "This is a strategy game where you can try to do anything that you want!", but this is more like the platonic ideal that all gamemasters are supposed to strive for, it doesn't necessarily mean that every gamemaster has the technical skills or the imagination necessary to improvise rules for every action that you might attempt. Sometimes they'll just find the written rule that is closest to what you're attempting, and use that, even if that rule doesn't perfectly represent the thing that you're attempting.
>dont you just roll dice for everything you try and see if it beats the number the dungeon master comes up with for the test?
There's a spectrum of TTRPGs, with pure wargames on one end and open-ended-improv-with-dice on the other end, and what you're talking about is a little more on the improv-with-dice side, whereas D&D is usually more on the wargame side (but of course that depends on who is running the game).
what a retarded question
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>Vuman +1 Str/+1Con
>feat: medium armor master (+1 Dex)
>point buy: 15/15/13/10/10/8
>take archery fighting stlye: +5 to ranged attacks
>take medim armor master: good at stealth and better AC
>Pump STR to take advantage of heavy weapons

Done. You can ignore raising dex past 16 since your archery fighting style acts as if you had 20 in DEX for attack rolls, making your ranged attacks and melee attacks equal (when your STR is 20) so you can be just as adept with halberds as with longbows. Cha is below average, although you can swap that for wis or Int. You're just average in mentals.
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If they relly removed summons from this edition i am not playing this.
I don’t understand the question. This is 5e, “your party caster” is everyone.
>LN Human Fighter
>LG Human Fighter
>CG Elf Wizard
>NG Dwarf Cleric
>N Halfling Rogue

Thoughts on this party?
N is the stupidest alignment
I don't really have strong feelings about it one way or another.
Summons are still there and will be "standarized" like TCE ones with statblocks that scale with spell level and can pick between 2-3 forms.

Thank fucking god they backtracked the changes that made them all like spirit guardian.
Exactly, i'm out
Are STRangers actually viable? Seems like a steep ask statwise (assuming pointbuy or standard array)
The Gloombonker

Variant human (GWM), STR as high as you can get, DEX and WIS to meet multiclass requirements, the rest in CON
Five levels in Gloomstalker, one level in War Cleric
Gloomstalker provides Darkvision for the human eyes, War Cleric provides bonus action attack and heavy armour proficiency
Well what were you expecting? they won't let yu pull stuff directly from the MM (because it's tedious and normies don't know how), and they surely won't let you multisummon due action economy.

My main complain is that classes and subs with pets or summons are all this bland. I miss PF summoners and all the cool ways to customize your eidolon.
>Thank fucking god they backtracked the changes that made them all like spirit guardian.
Those are the conjuration spells, not the summon spells, which afaik are still not summoning monster stat blocks like they were in 2014
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The summon spells are conjuration spells, though? outside the ones that summon undead creatures which are put into Necromancy.

If you mean the old ones, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Animate dead or conjrue elemental will be standarised like the TCE ones and won't ask you to choose between MM creatures but use statblocks made for them. Well actually, that's how all summoned creatures will work now, including some familiars and companions from subclasses.
And thank fucking Christ for that. I'm still disappointed that they walked back the plan to have druids use standardized templates for Wild Shape.
>I'm still disappointed that they walked back the plan to have druids use standardized templates for Wild Shape.
I'm not because I did love the MM fuckery with it, and the end result feels like a decent middle ground. you no longer get your AC fucked and forms now work on a "pokemon move" basis where you can only remember a limited amount and have to replace the old forms for the new ones you find.

Obviously I'd prefer a dedicated system for it but I'll take MM browsing any day over generic statblocks for a gimmick that's about variety.
Another feature removed for the sake of the retarded player in mind. hits new edition is looking worse at every reveal.
does they hate martials because someone shoved them into a locker when they were younger
>druid should have a dedicated system for a mostly-fluff class feature that most subclasses replace
The only relevant change actually happening is that we're losing the spells that can summon multiple monsters, which most people already banned or changed because they don't work in practise beyond slowing the game down to a crawl and fucking action economy.

for every other spell that already summoned 1 creature it's jsut getting a better statblock that does scale up.
That was pretty much Monte Cook's justification for 3rd Edition. Unfortunately, it seems like Crawford had similar issues.
don't be stupid, anon. If they'd make that a dedicated system for it then subclasses should not replace, but play with it, like opening the door to other creature species.

Why would you assume a properly expanded gimmick for a class is removed by subclasses? Do you work for Wizard of the Coast?
We had one chick, and she was kinda quiet, then we got another chick and they collectively became very loud and outwardly horny to many NPCs. The party also became a degree more incompetent, by the time I rejoined the campaign there were already two TPKs
I still can't get over their reasoning for Barbarian or Champion fighter being that fucking boring to play because it's "unfair" for people wishing to play a simple class.
How can you non-chalantly say that 1/3 of your classes are fucked because poor little timmy has a hard time tracking stuff.

Hell, in the Warlock video recently they said they gotta be careful with its spell lsit because "he always upcasts spells". ??? Yeah?? Crawford that's the fucking point? Is there even a spell that breaks the game when upscaled on a class that has TWO spell slots 90% of the time?
If anything the issue is how many spells DON'T upcast and feel wasted on them.
And this is the class you and the other guy allegedly play the most.
Bro you said you wanted to remove dips and then give Warlock Blade pact with CHA and EB at lvl 1.
Anon, wild shape already IS replaced by most subclasses using it as a resource for different features. And the fact that you can't cast spells in Wild Shape means that it's never going to be the main thing you do as a druid, since you're a spellcaster first and foremost. If you're asking for a class entirely about wild shape, with the subclasses all focused around it in different ways, you're asking for something that isn't a druid.
Crawford is infamous for his awful takes on his own game, anon. He thinks that being able to use two different weapon traits is a gamebreaking ability that should be reserved for high-level play.
We're talking about an hypothetical case where they turn WS into a dedicated, developed feature. By that I mean that it works similar to infusions or invocatiosn in the sense that the options and emchanics exclusive to the druid.
Right now this is not the case, as while WS is a feature for druids only, the way it plays uses existing mechanics (MM creatures and that's it). By turning it into a complex feature, then they shoould also make these unqiue options for subclasses. It could be new creature species, it could be new "forms" like Stars or Spores with their own set of subclass "invocations", or something else entirely that's build on the same system.
But that is also why I said that I'm okay with the current one of remembering creatures, because I know WS is not the central feature of the druid, but WS has become the central unique resource for the class, for WS or other subclass stuff.

Btw, in 2024 edition, you can now cast spells in WS starting lvl 14 and Moon druids have a dedicated spell list they can cast in WS at any level.
I'd rather add it to more classes like Sorcerer and Warlock.
Isn't that too strong? Casting this at say 9th level would have it dealing 10d10 force damage and target up to 9 creatures.

I did notice one thing that could be cleared up, maybe. Should this specify that you are teleporting within 5 feet of the creatures when you attack them? As written its not explicitly stated so these weapon attacks could be made from where you were before you attacked.
Didn't watch the wizard video. Did they manage to unfuck the Necromancer subclass?
This is a wizardchad game
Are half-elves really gone?
What is Crawford's malfunction?
but you are attacking with a melee weapon so why would anyone rule that you attack from where you cast it?
yep, they removed it
they didn't want to jsutify half elves and half orcs so they removed them both and if you wanna play a half-X just pick a race and describe yourself as mixed.
Crawford is so gay.
>starting lvl 14
So, after most campaigns end?
well technically one of the things they intent to fix with this revision is the lack of high tier play. the DMG itself will now include one adventure for all tiers.
Doubt it will make normies play beyond 12 anyway, tho.
Wait for the other half of the NuPHB, only 4 subclasses per class in this one.
Cowards, they already have enough subclasses to have included eight per class in this book.
What, are they trying to turn this shit into Dragon Age or something?
Hm, I think that's true. I suppose by changing it to a weapon attack that would be implied that you would need to be in the weapon's range to make that attack vs if it was a melee spell attack then you could interpret it to be an attack from where you casted it (since there are some melee spell attacks that are made from a distance). So yeah you're right its fine.
>they already have enough subclasses
That doesn't explain the new subclasses, like the world tree barb. Not that I mind because it's cool but clearly they lack material to fill 4 slots, let alone 8.
>Well what were you expecting? they won't let yu pull stuff directly from the MM (because it's tedious and normies don't know how)
To not have to calculate the Monsters stats when you summon it. This is a change made to push you towards VTTs
How would it work then if you upcast the spell?
No upcast option?
A whole different monster (so still the same issue because you gotta change the statblock every new spell level or juggle several ones)

A single statblock that only changes HP and attack roll bonus/damage is the simplest solution beyond not allowing you to upcast.
>To not have to calculate the Monsters stats when you summon it.
You can write down the final HP, AC and damage when you prepare the spell. It's not like it fluctuates between sessions unless you get an higher spellslot and want to upcast it.
Much easier than writing down the entire monster manual.
>use spell at new level
>HP of the monster goes from 35 to 40
>Attack bonus only changes every 2 or 3 spell levels
>this is annoying and too tedious

You sure you're not the one that should be playing on VTTs?
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Its not in the book, I get the feeling its going to be in another book alongside the other subclasses that we didn't get. In the meantime we likely are going to see rules on how to bring subclasses from the 2014 PHB/Books over to the new 2024 system. Its tough though- some stuff is getting brand new features with power increases such as Illusionist Wizard which feels different enough from its 2014 version to basically be a new subclass imo- so which you could port stuff over easily, at some point you should expect when the official one comes out some changes.

Also throwing my hat in the sand here: I bet when we see the new Necromancer Wizard it will likely have some type of feature that lets them cast "Summon Undead" without concentration so you could have multiple of them at once. Also I fully expect the Summon spells to be buffed in some way, be it more damage, hit points (please give them more hit points), damage types, or more selections with unique options.
It's probably not only him, but hasbro also demanding the game is dumbed down as much as possible.
Nah dude, most spell templates and shit for VTTs are fucking hot shit. You think this is for a VTT but god half the shit in them when you download doesn't even have stuff like Monks having correct scaling on most of their abilities or good damage calculations or anything else, its fucking stupid. You cast a summon spell at fourth level and there won't be any auto calculations solutions at all my man.
>In the meantime we likely are going to see rules on how to bring subclasses from the 2014 PHB/Books over to the new 2024 system
Why would they do that if they plan on reselling you the other classes, though?
Even when some like Wizards it's clear how one should adapt them, they won't give you any guidelines for it.
Otherwise Artificer would be here too.
>summon a glabrezu
>open the manual on glabrezu
>have a monster with the stats and abilities of a glabrezu

>summon a 'demon'
>calculate its HP, AC, hit mod
>have a meatshield that can't do shit except swing a fist
>>calculate its HP, AC, hit mod
Less time than finding it on the MM
>>have a meatshield that can't do shit except swing a fist
Except that's wrong
Whatever the source, Crawford's justification shows a total lack of passion and effort.
It could be true that he's shackled and can't do jack shit too. Like not being able to make an "advanced" set of rules with expanded options and class features because it would clearly divide the playerbase between "casuals" and "dedicated" players and that's exactly what they want to avoid.

First of all, that's not even the case with TCE summons, which already have features beyond attacking and even options to summon.
Second, the "pick a creature from the MM" is good on paper but bad on practise, as all that's gonna happen is players abusing the same creatures overs and over and GMs having to ban them one by one.
Third, that runs into the upcast problem where as you level, that specific spell becomes worthless or less useful, so you either bloat the game with lots of individual spells or have the spell specify the creature progression.
Both cases run into the issue you mentioned of having to update the statblock every now and then anyway, so no idea what you're complain is beyond not being able to summon specific stuff from the MM.
Which is fair as it's something cool but also too easy to abuse.
>Less time than finding it on the MM
2 seconds on 5e tools
What changes did they make to fighter? Is it weaker or stronger now?
>2 seconds on 5e tools
So the "change made to push you towards VTTs" was projection all along. I suspected that already but this confirms it.
>GMs having to ban them one by one
Skill issue
It's now a real Class.
And all classes are stronger, there isn't a single class that overall has grown weaker.
All classes are getting buffed and so are monsters, very few are losing features, if any. They wanna increase the overall difficulty of the game.
For fighters, more second wind uses, able to add second wind dice to some skill checks and weapon mastery for extra stuff on attacks, but that's about it.

No BM as a standard class feature because little timmy finds them too complex.
Aren't monsters losing the ability to crit and getting most of their special attacks turned into recover-on-d6?
Don't forget the Fighter level added to Indomitable saves.
Crit removal was in the first UA and pretty much removed by the next one.
In general they aren't doing any changes to the base mechanics and pretty much all is class and monster rewrite/clarification or buffs to either, so older material can be played by using 2024 classes and monsters, but they already said you should not mix and match rulebooks.

So overall an improvement, but I'll let you judge if it's enough after 10 years.
And yet they could have put Beast or Storms in that slot. The material exists, they just decided that Barb and Druid needed new subs.
There's more than enough cocnept to fill as many subclasses as one desires, because they already did so.

What they lack is intent to do it.
Subclasses make up for a single page of text as a whole most of the time, and you're taking 2 years to write this book. There is no excuse other than laziness and maaaaaaybe too much options, but we're not close to that point yet.
>ranger today
So this will be the true test of what’s actually getting fixed, huh?
Yeah, that's my point. They had some extra that they could've used, but that didn't cut it and made them make new subclasses.
Personally I think it's stupid to try to achieve subclass number parity between all classes, but I do appreciate that those classes with only one (stinky) option got some variety now.
It's probably going to be half-assed like the Rogue, but who knows maybe they changed stuff yet again without the UA process.
I'm more concerned about the Monk.
>No BM

As in, maneuvers not standard (Which they should have been instead of all this Nick/whatever Weapon Mastery bullshit), or BM isn't even a thing? I only ask because they ended up cutting some other shit.

Honestly, my opinion of this from far back seems to be holding; whole lot of rewrites and little changes that make it a pain to read and actually differentiate what's different. Not different enough to really be an upgrade, written in a way that isn't complex but annoying in that you have to flip a bunch of pages to figure out little bits and pieces, different enough that they can justify not just patching it over the original to justify selling people new books at full price. Honestly don't think it'll catch the way they think it will, since most hardcore players already homebrewed fixes and don't tolerate their bullshit, and most casual players are already used to the original and will just get confused.
Has anyone fucked with Stronghold and Followers? Got a group of dwarves and a man who they adopted to be a dwarf that are thinking of settling down in a dwarf fortress esque style thing, and I've never played with that part of the game
BM as standard for fighter or even martials.
BM are still in and part of the battlemaster, who also gets more weapon masteries
>that didn't cut it and made them make new subclasses
You’re assuming a lot about the motivation process here. I bet someone high up mandated that the book had to include at least some new subclasses—not out of any concern for if the existing options would “cut it”, but because they wanted there to be unambiguously new material in the book so that people would feel obligated to buy it for the new thing. You could have done that while also including four additional subclasses per class from the various releases.
>Honestly don't think it'll catch the way they think it will
Don't think that's the point. They're too focused on keeping casuals happy than making a proper game. As you said, msot dedicated players already homebrew the game and looking at new rules, they pretty much can keep their existing homebrew choices.

Casuals will change because new thing is cool and ofc you have to play the latest version but now it's written in a way they MIGHT also play spellcasters.
>I bet someone high up mandated that the book had to include at least some new subclasses
You would lose that bet. They have already explained their reasoning behind the choices for pretty much every subclass, and it's about cardinally opposed themes. They want each class to have very distinct options not just mechanically, but thematically too.
Am I missing something? A bardic inspiration second wind doesn't seem that exciting. Is indomitable spammable or is it just once per short rest? I was hoping for something more substantial.
I feel like I heard someone on youtube mention their might be some guidelines in the dmg for it?
That emans jack shit, it's jsut a justification, not THE justification.
Telling me that you won't give martials valid options because it scares normies is stupid. Give them tools to climb up, don't fuck your entire game system over it.

You know what I think the issue with a lot of TTRPGs is? That they refuse to use anything other than pure text to explain stuff.
Add some slight icons, use tables more often, have some degree of color coding for stuff.
You could have the dumbest, most simple system in the world, it will still feel complicated if I have to go through 5 pages of ppure text to get it.
I genuinely have an anneurism every time I read the spellcasting feature. It's like they wanted to be convoluted for one of the easiest ways to handle magic.

The guidelines will be about the content that can be used or not. They already said all feats, class, races and backgrounds from 2014 should be aviable if you use 2024. A class from 2014 and one from 2024 can play next to each other using their books but NOT mixing and matching anything.
Adventures will likely be the most compatible besides DCs since all you gotta do is check the Monsters and items on the new manual, and the rest works the same.
classes are stronger but there are still haves and have-nots; if anything the gap between martial and caster grew, not shrank. especially if the wizard spell prep hotswap feature made it live
Ah, got it. Well, that's good, then. Still a shame because it should've been standardized and they just got extra stuff, because I love them but it's a shame because it's the default Fighter option and "best Martial" because it's the one with actually decent options. C'est la vie.

Oh, we're in agreement in the point of it, I don't think they believe it's actually that much better, necessary, or artistic. It's clearly a product designed to keep people in the ecosystem and "fresh" (Read: make money). I just doubt how much the consoomers they're aiming at will actually shift on it. "New thing cool" can be powerful, but fuck, man, it's hard enough to get some players to understand how to read and write a character sheet. Casuals claim to love DnD but don't know what the fuck they're doing, and they're almost never the DM's. This will end up with the people running for those groups having to evaluate "do I want to learn all the relatively small but different enough changes and re-do this from the ground up and teach this to people?", and the casuals being confused because they already learned something different, barely. And that's before you get into the huge hits WotC's reputation has been taking.

I think the way you're thinking is how they think it'll go. I don't see it happening at this juncture, but maybe I'm just a cynical curmudgeon.
>Am I missing something?
The rest of the class and subclasses. You can check the playtest 7, it doesn't seem like they changed much between that and the new phb.
>A bardic inspiration second wind doesn't seem that exciting.
You don't expend it if it doesn't work. It's really good.
This is a really cool map.
>They have already explained their reasoning behind the choices for pretty much every subclass, and it's about cardinally opposed themes.
That isn’t in any way mutually exclusive with the higher-ups demanding that the book have something new.
Then explain why the new subclass for Fighter didn't make it out of the playtest. If it was mandated, it would've been pushed regardless, no?
Apparently the full PDF of the new PHB has been floating around some Discord servers. Does anyone have it?
Anyone who thinks martials aren't as good as casters clearly doesn't play this fucking game
Because Weapon Mastery was a more significant new thing and the Brawler was asynergistic with it. Besides, if the mandate was just for some amount of new content, that wouldn’t mean that all content had to be new. Three new subclasses would still be enough to move sales.
duhrrr I did big damage so must be good
Power peaks and can have seperations between levels and tiers, but it is an actual reality check when people realize 4 fighters are basically better at fighting the vast majority of all encounters versus the average "balanced" team. All it takes is the wrong kind of enemy like an orc skirmisher and the all mage party crumbles real quick.
It makes the DM seethe so it must be good.
damn your DM is atrocious. imagine being God, but scared of double digit numbers
They are entirely viable.
More like triple-digits, and that's before the Paladin turn kicks in. He starts to panic when the numbers go over his IQ but we love him nonetheless.
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>Isn't that too strong? Casting this at say 9th level would have it dealing 10d10 force damage and target up to 9 creatures.

upcast is 1d10 and an additional creature up to 5th level (making it equivalent to a normal Steel Wind Strike)

Take a look at conjure barrage, up cast to level 4

>60ft cone

A rather small number, but it's a huge area. Conversely, a 4th level steel wind strike hits 4 targets for 5d10. Fewer targets, more concentrated, and this is at 13th level.
And I'm with the other guy, don't give it to full casters like wizards and sorcerers. Bards, warlcosk adn druids I think it would be cool for, however.
Clearly they didn't release more classes so they can sell more books down the road
>DM said he was cool with monkey grip
We're so fucking back, didn't even impose a restriction.
>text-only woman
>didn't enter cyberspace to have cybersex with her
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15 minutes

How will they fuck it up? Will their unique spells get buffed?
Sounds like a party.
To be fair, half elves were always dumb.
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It's time.

>Beast master buffs
more pet options
>Fey wanderer buffs
who knows
>Hunter buffs
otions are switchable after a long rest
>glomstalker nerfs
no more invisibility
>weapon mastery
>spells at first level
something hunter's mark

Any other predictions?
>Ranger more than any other class is a new class

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already up on dnd beyond

>13th level
>no concentration on hunter's mark

a little late I think, should have been available at 10
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I'm just waiting till the Sorcerer drop.
>still requires concentration

fuck, read that wrong
Wow it’s fucking nothing.
bro...that level 20 feature?

1d10??!?! It's like on my marked target that I'm concentrating on?!?! it's a whole point higher than the 11th level feature paladin get!!1!!1
So many changes for high levels nobody plays at, if only they would make fucking adventure modules that get this far, or fix the exp table..
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so my predictions

>Beast master buffs
>more pet options
>Fey wanderer buffs
>who knows
>Hunter buffs
>options are switchable after a long rest
short rest change is nice
>glomstalker nerfs
>no more invisibility
retain the invisibility but less the extra attack. oof
>weapon mastery
nothing special.
>spells at first level
>something hunter's mark
it gets buffed at 13th level and all it is...is that Damage no longer threatens to break your Concentration on Hunter’s Mark. 17th always advantage is nice but that tier fucking 4.

>20th level
>1d10 hunters makr instead of 1d6

what happened to the UA version? What is this garbage?
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>be 20th level
>hunter's mark target gets out of range/is behind full cover
>Ranger loses its 13th, 17th, and 20th level class features
>unless he spends another spell slot to use hunter's mark again

I weep for the monk, any one need a huff?
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is this a fucking joke
No, the joke is at the top of the page, it's called

The pro start is the play a fighter until 10th level and then die a heroic death, then roll a ranger.
>paladin adds +1d8 radiant damage to all attacks ever made as level 11 ability
>ranger 20th level capstone on the cusp of epic level play is that Hunter's Mark, which still costs concentration and requires a bonus action to cast and move from one target to another, goes from 1d6 force damage to 1d10
behead crawford
Frankly, it would make more sense if they moved smite (with a new name) from paladin to ranger, then gave paladin a replacement feature that spends spell slots to reduce damage. That’d slot much more cleanly into the ranger as the harrier and the paladin as the defender.
sorry that's too close to 4e where ranger was actually fun
Yeah, I don't know what that guy's problem is. I know he hates Monk because he feels like it's all orientalist and what have you, but he's been shitting on Ranger since the 5e PHB, giving it a gimped design then adamantly refusing to change it out of a wish to avoid "confusing" people, which is all the more confusing given it was the most requested change of the edition.
Good. Fuck monks and rangers, they shouldn't even be classes.
If they actually cared about preventing multiclass abuse with hunter's mark it's as simple as adding a level 5 Ranger class feature saying "When you cast Hunter's Mark it no longer requires concentration", that's it, that's all it needed. If you don't want people dropping one or two levels into ranger to poach it, fine, but a five level investment is no longer a dip, anybody who goes to level 5+ in ranger is hard committed and getting +1d6 damage on attacks for five levels of investment deserves it, they could have gone five levels in Barbarian and get Rage, Extra Attack, 2d6 frenzy dice, and a Reaction attack anytime somebody damaged them. Fucking Hunter's Mark is not that impressive.
they could also simply give ranger a feature letting them concentrate on hunter's mark and another spell at once, with the downside of losing both if you lose concentration. it's not that hard to come up with something less shitty
Or even—and this one, I know, is contentious—build the class around its class features, rather than going all-in on a single 1st-level spell.
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>final Strahd session tonight
>previous session was dealing with his brides
>session begins, hear Strahd omnious taunts and voice as a shadow drop from the ceiling
>it's a rematch with a buffed up Sangzor
biggest bait on switch from the DM we already finished this campaign before, we are just doing a "rematch" at level 20 as some players couldn't attend for our regular campaign
>Level 13: Damage no longer threatens to break your Concentration on Hunter’s Mark.
> Level 20: Hunter’s Mark now deals an additional 1d10 damage instead of 1d6.
Lmao these are just literal jokes.
I'd be down

>Druid gets subclass with a pet, fighting style, and extra attack
>War cleric gets smites, fighting style, and Aura of Protection.
>Fighter gets gets a subclass with unarmed combat, bonus movement speed and martial arts, and a new resource: ki and open hand techniques
>barbarian gets somethign similar with feature from drunken master
>rogue gets something similar with feature from long death

We can also just delete artificer if it's not too much trouble.
Fuck you, loser
nah, he's right.
both monk and ranger make perfect sense as subclasses
artificer makes more sense as a full class since thematically it's distinct to all others.
Dangerously based.

DM sounds like a cool dude. tell me about the kobold
Kobold is an Inquisitive Rogue, his name is a pun which I would translate to be in english "So-What?". Kind of a shitposty character from the player, he uses that one everytime we do an improvised one shot.
Rest of the group is a Grave Cleric & a Zealot Barbarian. Last week, we also had an arcane archer fighter & Ancient paladin but they couldn't attend tonight; shit is looking a bit dire though, the huge ass goat grappled me, put me down and I'm now considered Restrained (i'm the cleric)
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Finally got to do the cool thing Monk gets to do in a campaign, pic related:
>Be me, Monk
>in crow's nest of sailing ship
>evil dragonborn swoop in from out of the sky
>party cleric casts sleet storm on us to make it hard for them to land
>my turn comes
>run along the sleet-covered yard of the mainsail, succeeding an acrobatics check to do so
>jump onto one of the dragonborn
>bash him with my rifle
>use flurry of blows to knock him prone
>kickflip off him to not fall into the drink, succeeding another acrobatics check
the party as a whole rolls so badly we all almost die and the party druid does die
Is the home brewery site easy to use? I would like to port my own subclass im working on and don’t know which site is more beginner friendly…
criminally easy

# makes a title, and additional # make it smaller, three # make a title with a line underneath
*word* makes everything inside italics
**word** makes everything inside bold
- is a bullet point
: pushes the line down

I'm currently making a ranger shitpost using home brewery
Homebrewery is generally your best bet for a number of reasons. And, yes, the syntax is fairly straightforward.
>everyone commenting on changes
does anyone ACTUALLY play raw? is anyone actually gonna change the rules they use when new books come out?
all these updates are for me just "here's some rebalance ideas you could steal and add to your own"
vidya analogy but I feel like everyone is treating this like a live multiplayer patch instead of just another single player mod
I mean, it was always dumb to arbitrarily have two mixes and no others mechanically supported - especially since one of the mixes (half orc) is just orc now.
>does anyone ACTUALLY play raw?
No, I run a horrible homebrewed abomination that is approximately 600 pages, all told. But I’m not too proud to poach any positive changes that they manage to accidentally come up with, so I still keep my eye on new releases and updates. The ranger changes here are so baffling and disappointing that I can’t help but vocalize my opinions on them.
No, you're pretty spot on, but WotC making these changes official kind of sets "the standard" that most people expect.

People have been using Tasha's rules for near four years, but WotC is treating them as if they are brand-new features either means they are out of touch or people have genuinely not been using them.
The least amount of homebrew you have to make the better. It's not hard to understand.
There are better systems to play if you plan to change it completely.
Of course not, I just love to bitch and moan and shit myself about things that don't matter as a distraction from the real problems in my life that I'm terrified to confront
>People have been using Tasha's rules for near four years, but WotC is treating them as if they are brand-new features either means they are out of touch or people have genuinely not been using them.
It's all marketing.
Ok, I’ll try to port the Song Soldier
Thanks for the help
If a company wants me to spent $180 in total then I'm gonna complain if I dont like what they're selling.
>does anyone ACTUALLY play raw? is anyone actually gonna change the rules they use when new books come out?
I mean, I don't just play in a way where I ignore what the classes say and declare warlock 5 gets double attack so yeah I kind of play RAW on this kind of deal. If this is better than default I will, if not I might mix and match.
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Would require some balancing and removing base features like fighting styles, but they essentially work like warlock invocations. This is just to start and is less of an actual homebrew and more me just trying to exercise my frustration with the shitty ranger video.

the 9th level hunter's features should probably b mutually exclusive
Fuck this gay earth. I don't know why I had any hope at all of my favorite class not being shit on.
Anon, how has the entirety of 5e convinced you that there was any hope of Ranger getting thrown a bone?
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I know, I *know*, but I can't help it.
I went with “Primal Secrets” as the name for my ranger invocations. And, man, has this debacle given me a lot of motivation to spend tonight and tomorrow tuning up my bullshit homebrew doc for my semi-annual update.
>20th level paladin feature
>the paladin gets to go super sayin and each version is unique to each paladin subclass, some get extra damage, others fly, some gain ressitance to all damage

>20th level ranger feature
Unavailable unless you concentrate on your 1st level d6 bonus damage spell
>the damage die increase to a d10
bros... I think monk and sorcerer are cooked.
Cooked as in well-done or raw?
As in dead.
I think you may be retarded.
Who cares, you'll never play at this level anyway :^)
How do I incentivize my players to use non combat proficiencies?
You know how player characters use their combat proficiencies in combat because the enemies can be weak to the effects granted by succeeding those ability checks?
You just do the same thing, but for objects, social encounters and puzzles
new monk is great, nick mastery stacks with flurry of blows and they still get to use martial arts die, they also can block all attacks not just ranged ones. Rogue is now unequivocally the worst class in the game (just like 3.X kek) since they bring literally nothing to the table
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You give them an actual list of things they can do that are IT JUST WORKS (TM) either without a roll or with a defined DC they can know in advance instead of making them get under the table and suck your dick or play Mother May I bullshit. You don't need to ask the DM how long you can shoot a longbow or how much reach a polearm has.
People will inherently shy away from things they lack information on compared to ones they do. Even AD&D has more actual guidance on using Non-Weapon-Proficiencies than 5e does.
This. I'm not going "DM may I" on shit that I don't know I cant do, I only do it on at most stuff I have a very good feeling he or she would allow. You give me options or you make it very clear I am allowed to try and bullshit this (AND ACTUALLY FUCKING LET ME BULLSHIT THINGS IN PRACTICE) or don't expect me or any of my fellow players to try anything short of the abusers who try to constantly do Acrobatics (Intelligence) checks.
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>abusers who try to constantly do Acrobatics (Intelligence) checks.
maybe for sherlock holmes montage shit where you're dodging obstacles you've meticulously memorized and so it's not about reflexive reacting but strict attention to detail and predicting things in advance. of course, better systems actually codify situations like this so you don't need to reach under the table for a handy.
>better systems
>posts Pathfinder of all things
There are a lot of things I would have agreed with, but come on.
Do you guys have any hopes about dc20 ?
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>There are a lot of things I would have agreed with, but come on.
it's just an example, don't get your panties in a twist
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You passed your Int check but not your Wis

Intelligence Acrobatics. Mental Gymnastics. I didn't say player characters, I said fellow players. The fact you then immediately went for another system while not understanding and went for Pathfinder is fucking hilarious too Anonymous.
>not using GURPS
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or Genesys if you don't like M&M
Oh, absolutely. I have expertise and a decent stat modifier, so I should be able to pass that with no trouble.
That still isn’t GURPS.
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>um actually I said players not player characters!
please don't embarrass yourself. speaking of INT substituting for DEX, hopefully in 2030 or whatever 6th edition brings back using the higher of two stats for various things so DEX/WIS/CON aren't disproportionately valuable to every single character. Even PF2E was ultra fucking lazy and kept fort/ref/will and then just gave every character four """""'free"""""" ability boosts at 1/5/10/15/20, which in practice means you just boost your key ability score and 3 save stats at every opportunity.
Gimme back 4e style Defenses, those were at least more interesting than every single adventurer being a flexible cardio bunny with good DEX and CON no matter what
God the Pathfinder stereotype allegations keep getting more and more true with each passing day,
Pathfinder players are literally the people who absolutely refused to play 4th edition and continued with a system that was 3.75, somebody explicitly advocating for a return to 4th-edition style design is genuinely the polar opposite of a "pathfinder stereotype".
zoomers are babies and newfags who think anything besides 5e is "mathfinder", they were literal toddlers when the last edition wars happened so they don't know all the insults for 4e vs 3.X.
Hell, zoomers are too busy playing gacha games and GAAS stuff so the "you're turning the game into an MMORPG!" shitflinging goes right over their heads too. Same reason AD&D people seethed at 3.X for "turning the game into Diablo!", that's just not something people say or think about anymore.
new warlock article finally up
yea, what was up with that? the ranger article was up half way through the video
>then just gave every character four """""'free"""""" ability boosts at 1/5/10/15/20, which in practice means you just boost your key ability score and 3 save stats at every opportunity.
Once you have +4 it takes two level-up boosts to go higher, so not exactly the best use of them.
>Once you have +4 it takes two level-up boosts to go higher, so not exactly the best use of them.
that's only really relevant for the final boost at 20, otherwise always maxing your save stats is literally baked into the game's math and DC expectations.
>john fighterman uses a free boost to have 12 wis at level 1
>then 14 WIS at level 5
>then 16 wis at level 10
>then 18 wis at level 15
same with CON and DEX. if you're a rogue or something with DEX already as a key ability score, you boost DEX/WIS?CON as usual but probably grab CHA for intimidate or something. still very boring and on rails.
Training level matters more to saves in PF2E than the ability mod.
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>Training level matters more to saves in PF2E than the ability mod.
simply untrue early game where training is only +2 to +4, and even when you have master and legendary saves (and almost every single spellcaster caps out most of their saves at Expert anyways), because of the game's eternal treadmill having a 10 vs an 18 will still fuck you since that's now 20% more chance to fail and 20% more chance to critically fail. If you're a wizard you're boosting int/dex/wis/con with your """"free""""" boosts, they're not actually free. in fact you need to start with even your non-free boosts in dexterity as your second main stat, since even with a 16 in DEX to start you'll be squishy.

it's a retarded system that completely misses the elegance of Defenses in 4e, much like their retarded implementation of spamming Treat Wounds and refocusing focus spells is worse than how Healing Surges and Short Rests worked in 4e. Because Jason Bulmahn is a retarded ape.
>page 10
new thread
>Retard actually praising 4E's chaotic mess of a system that needs a VTT to not drag out into infinitely long turns
skill issue
Speaking as someone who ran a 4e campaign all the way to level 30 with an in-person group, all that you need to run the game smoothly is intelligent players who pay attention to what's going on.
Needless to say, I'm never surprised that some groups have players who can't handle that.
>Man, slapping myself in the head with a baseball bat is so fun
>You have a skill issue if you don't like it too!
Whether or not it's fun isn't what's being discussed. The claim that was you needed software in order to run the game quickly, and it is absolutely a skill issue for you and your players if you can't manage that.
>The claim that was you needed software in order to run the game quickly, and it is absolutely a skill issue for you and your players if you can't manage that.
Fuck off, you know that the design was built around having the VTT to manage the constant barrage of timed buffs and debuffs constantly in use, and it's not really a point of pride to brag about having done OK with a bad design.
I'm sorry your players aren't capable of paying attention to a combat system that requires a modicum of brainpower.
>Still trying to pretend the game was good because it was your first

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