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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Now that Shadowrun has sort of run its course, and cyberpunk is hitting off the mark, can we finally get some gritty crime drama RPG's?

Breaking Bad Rpg?
modern d20
What do you want out of that kind of game?
If only there were some sort of generic universal roleplaying game system
Drive to the bad part of your town and use the brazenly brave cowardly language of fa/tg/uys on the chan to the people you see there.

VoilĂ ! Instant Live Action GTA Roleplaying Game. It's the best way for a moron with no imagination to rpg that shit.
Playing GTA Online with microphones
Player Classes
Armed Robber
Crooked Cop
Gang Banger
ignore this anon. It's the worst of the bunch.
GTA seems like it'd suit a pulpier system rather than something like GURPS. Maybe Everywhen? It has contingencies for modern or near modern games. I know it and Barbarians of Lemuria both have modules for gangster games (the latter via Dicey Tales).
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Or maybe
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Or perhaps
with this added
Savage Worlds without the magic kinda fits.
>ignore this anon. It's the worst of the bunch.
d20 modern mechanics actually are very close to the tone of Payday and GTA
It's just a generic system, but bad.
ps to >>93181280
I'd say that by sticking to D&Ds class and level framework as well as using other mechanical foundations from 3.X it's worse than any of the well known generic systems for this type of game.
I've always thought The Shield would be a good basis for an RPG. Gives you opportunities for roughly exactly four dudes to go shoot people together. Maybe mix in some True Detective S1.
Nah not really. It's easier for DND tards to get into than something like GURPS or savage worlds. There are like 2 rule changes from 3.5. The HP bloat is fitting for an over the top game like GTA or Payday where you battle dozens of cops.
>It's easier for DND tards to get into than something like GURPS or savage worlds.
Yeah, but what are the upsides?
>Nah not really. It's easier for DND tards to get into than something like GURPS or savage worlds.
The number one metric is having a fun game. If OP informs us that his players are in fact lobotomized, I could still change my recommendation accordingly.

>There are like 2 rule changes from 3.5. The HP bloat is fitting for an over the top game like GTA or Payday where you battle dozens of cops.
What the fuck? Just no! Do you enjoy spreading a single encounter over several sessions?
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>can we finally get some gritty crime drama RPG's?
Absolutely not. And I say that as a die-hard fan of Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, the entire Grand Theft Auto series, Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul. The reason is simple: Take a VERY GOOD fucking look at your typical tabletop RPG player. Do you really think many of them are interested in any of that? No, they are outright allergic to anything that has even a passing semblance to "modern life". The majority of RPG players are utterly devoted to settings that are as far removed from reality as they can possibly be. And that's understandable: If you're going to play a glorified game of pretend (with rules, character sheets, and dice) you may as well lean heavily into stuff that is as far removed from modern reality as possible.
we used to play as humans in oWOD in the 90s who were scumbags who hated monsters for fucking with their earning. my friend had done a full on Mr. Blonde on a vampire with de-armed, legged, shot the jaw off of, and had nailed to a cross through its collarbones. we turned into toecutters on the vampires.
the hood would crack up laughing.
so are Payday and GTA
>typical tabletop RPG player
Why would you settle for typical?
Every game needs a niche, why not one aimed at players who are worth spending time with?
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>Why would you settle for typical?
Because tabletop RPGs remain a niche hobby, and so trying to find players who "get" the genre we want to play in is finding a niche within a niche. In other words: We are as rare as hen's teeth. Even if we clear the first hurdle of finding each other to game with (which is a Herculean task in of itself), then we got to get over the next hurdle of SCHEDULING. Those first two hurdles have utterly destroyed every single game that I've tried to start up of any of the games we are talking about in this thread.
You sound absolutely bitch made. Didn't you maintain an IRL group at any time in your life? Don't tell me you're an online-only player.
>You sound absolutely bitch made.
Shut up, fag.
>Didn't you maintain an IRL group at any time in your life?
>Just no! Do you enjoy spreading a single encounter over several sessions?
It takes less than 30 minutes to run a d20 modern encounter.
If I wanted to play Real Life, I'd go outside and touch some fucking grass. Shadworun and Cyberpunk get a pass on account of having elements reality hasn't yet covered.
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Why not just use Blades In The Dark? It's exactly what it's for.
Either you've never played GTA or you are a fucking retard.
>guns, heists, car chases
The answer is unironically GURPS (Action)
Not that anon, but I never played GTA, unlike BitD.
Why Blade in the Dark isn't compatible with the GTA crime drama style?
Cities Without Number?
I second this, but not because TTRPG players want to get away from real-life, but because coming up with an engaging plot for an urban crime action/drama would be significantly more difficult for a GM to do, and significantly more difficult for players to invest in.
Why would this be the case? Real world stories are everywhere, they're relatable to all but the most autistic of players, and fantasy slop is usually meaningless and devoid of actual stakes.
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Wow this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm currently trying to build a campaign with drug cartel characters and it's super hard not to fall back to Breaking Bad characters.

Ok, then let me tell you how I get my players on board:

>Gentlemen, I am not an GM but the Director of this movie. An action cop movie on mustache wearing macho men and stereotypically acurate cuban drug dealers set in the 80s. Your mission is to bust the drug cartel without damaging the city too much. Action!

If you emphasize the action movie logic and the 80s vibe, you can get out of the modern reality lock.
>all but the most autistic of players
Yeah, about that...
Just run base nWoD without a supernatural splat.
I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip
I reject the rest of this thread. This anon is correct.
>easy to manage damage and armor system
>statblocks for typical criminals and cops

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