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Barlowe Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>Scattered rules/files from the Discord

>Trench Compendium

>Previous thread:
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Slow threads, almost as slow as miniature shops.
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>Barlowe Edition

Btw Mike Franchina has stated in the discord that if the kickstarter makes enough money he wants to commission Barlowe for at least one piece of artwork for the official rulebook.
I wanna build a faction but I want all six out so I can choose first. Honestly, I think it's really just choice between the hell factions desu.
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For me, I'll probably collect at least one warband of each faction eventually, before starting on variants. But Trench Pilgrims are probably going to be my main, especially something like the Sacred Affliction. Currently looking around for bits to convert up my first one.

Iron Sultanate I also think I'll end up playing a lot of, but I want to wait for the official models for those because their designs seem relatively unique and hard to replicate with scratch-building and third party (I don't have a printer).
As someone who just learned about this setting, what's the appeal? It seems neat as fuck with the aesthetic, I'm always into super grimdark shit, but does the ruleset seem fun to play with? I glanced over it, but I have no one to try it out with that doesn't want to just stil to Killteam or 40k.
Where is the Iron Sultanate and its wall?
Ruleset is pretty fun desu. It's a lot like Mordheim.
Way better than most warhammer rules.
Sold, when's the kickstarter go live?
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Sultanate of Rûm, aka Turkey somewhere, around the city of Iskander, which is might be the city of Iskenderun or Eskisehir.
Dunno, but the rules are out, and everyone's just converting their models anyhow. You can get all the stuff you need for a game already.
I think we might see it go up this coming month of July, it can't be far off now.
It's /comfy/
Not just a lot *like* mordheim, the designer of the game literally designed mordheim
For me it was between the Heretic Legion and the Sultanate. But if all the Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent designs are as utter fire as the ones shown so far, that will change.
the best part about this game is that it has a kick ass aesthetic, yet they also got the rules fiarly balanced, concise, and best of all fun without being super stompy like mordheim can be sometimes
Having all rolls be d6 but not do it like warhammer is its biggest strength, no traditional health either means that some tough models can go out in one shot while some wimpy ones can not get killed with maximum blood markers all game (though rare scenarios)
The biggest thing holding it back right now is that its still early in developement and there arent a billion warband options with a trillion warband variants (also some of the early variants and the early warbands are not as interesting as the later ones)
>The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.
genuinely awful writing. who came up with this? like their name and what they look like
I'm just screaming ideas out into the void as a nogameser who just likes it for asthetic so go ahead and tell me why my ideas are awful in excructiating detail. The thread is slow enough that anything to talk about is a blessing.

>Limited run pieces of kit that'll tie into some trivial little bit of lore for anyone who honestly buys into the game instead of doing 3d prints,

This isn't the 20th century. We can ledger our sales and certify somebody as owning a specific piece of kit so why could the devs not whip up a bunch of fake saints (or just the real saints desu) and then distribute little fragments of those saints to players by mail like a shinbone in 'this' order, a lock of hair in 'that' order which you give to your guys to make em a little bit special.
Same principle can apply to the demon factions as well with some other knick-knack gimmick like Idk collect satan's nail clippings.

Players could meet up and play with relics as the prize or trade them with like a goal to complete a saintly/demonic voltron as the devs play story maker trying to make little stories about it as canon.
Yeah. They could try to explain it away as in Universe propaganda for why they would eventually denounce the Templar.
>who came up with this?
Mike Franchina and Tuomas Pirinen.
>Sticking in fake relics
I like this idea, wouldn't be too hard or expensive to do and would be a great feature to make the kickstarter unique.
We don't know if these are the same Knights Templar from the real world or just another group that took/was given the same name in this alternate timeline. All we know is that they found a demonic vaults under a temple in Jerusalem. They might be named after that for all we know.
Dude, don't bully the chuds, he obviously wanted you to post a picture of the pink hair, minority race, crt studying, third wave feminist t-girl named Goldstein. Why the fuck else ask for name (like they're not slapped all over the game) and ID photo. You happy? now the catholic fascist kid is crying.
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I chuckled
It just an explanation. If they want to have the Templars around immediately they can. Their world, their rules. It's not a historical game, the world has already been affected by demons and hell before the knights do anything.
Yeah I'm really curious about what the magic system is gonna be like.

I will say that trophies for tournaments that are designed like reliquaries would be neat.
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Right? And as for the gates of hell opening and the centuries of war...it never happened. It's a common misconception. These guys clearly did no research at all.
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Wait... I don't think the Catholic Church had a space program in 1899 either...?
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Nope. It's a meme that was going round on facebook. Even my mum fell for it.
Anon also failed to mention that Jesus could not be cloned at the time he was in the lore. First cloning happened 2003, and setting takes place in early 1900's.
What an eyewatering lack of professionalism.
more like snore crusade, aimirite?
you know I am. this game does not deserve a general
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Female Frostgrave limbs fit perfectly to WGA historical (ww1 russian in this case) bodies. Maybe that bit of knowledge is interesting to some of you
Confirming kittbash compatibility is always of use. Cool lad, what faction is him'st gonna be a part of?
I have the idea to have a heretical special naval landing force, inspired by the gas mask wearing japanese naval troops of ww2.
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Oh sick. Of you’re looking for something more heavily armoured for your lads, the Fukuryu (kamikaze divers) existed, with cool ass explosive lances.
I now know what to make my Anointed Heavy look like.
How did you read all the posts mocking the irrelevancy of your point and still consider it worth doubling down.
So what does the world map even look like?

We know that the heretic armies hold Jerusalem and the surroundings but how far to they extend?

What happened to Mecca?
They might just change it to a group of crusaders or a cult who thought they could use the demonic relics for the betterment of the crusades, or something.

I agree though, using "the templars done the thing" is such a overused trope in fiction that it's lazy now.
Japs at their worst were pretty heretic core fighters, impaling people to spikes. Not to mention japanese squad 731. Good inspiration.
Even worse, the lore forgot that Baghdad and its house of Wisdom was destroyed by Mongols in 1200. Not to mention Order of Assassin too. This alternative history, its fiction core. Absolutely made for small brains.
The Mongols would be fighting through several times the people who've been hyper-militarized for over a century between the migration and demon siege. THAT is not an issue.
Nah the templars doing it is based, fits how they were responsible for the creation of baphomet in real life
It hurts the historical accuracy though.
It's called a "Point of Divergence" for a reason, things changing after said moment is the purpose of such writing. The Templars are a problem because they're different BEFORE the supposed PoD.
How historically accurate are these "points of divergence"? Can't find them in any history books.
...Trench Crusade is alternate history, not historical fiction. It is not a story set in the actual WW1, it is a tabletop wargame setting made out of mythology and mysticism dramatically altering the course of history in the late 11th century. Events at the start of the 13th century have no assurance of occurring with Jerusalem annihilated by very literal Hell breaking loose followed by constant siege warfare against the residents.
>It is not a story set in the actual WW1
No way! By the way where is ww1? To be historically accurate, it should be beginning. But the world does some inaccurate fantasy battles.
>The Templars are a problem because they're different BEFORE the supposed PoD.

The point is that the premise is not an aimless alternate universe where anything goes, the event that's supposed to kick off the changes is predicated on an unrelated change without explanation. The "Alien Space Bat" is meddling in events before it actually shows up.
Thinking of using uruk hai models as a base for a force. Maybe New Antioch or Trench Pilgrims.
You might need to go 3rd party sculpts because the MESBG ones are tiny.
The templars being heretics is a huge reason why since the Catholic Church has been against any and all secret societies (outside of their own lmao). And up until like the 1870s to talk about heresy and its effects in any capacity the Knights Templar would always be one of the first things you would mention as they were literally one of the richest organizations in the world and they were completely dissolved for it.

Imagine if Amazon or Apple just got literally banned and removed from society and everything mentioning them just got deleted today. That is the kind of shit that happened in 1300s Europe when the Church dissolved them.
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>The Knights Templar didn't exist before the EDGE even started.
The history diverts long before the Crusaders took Jerusalem. At some point, demons got to earth and did something that left artifacts, and said artifacts were buried under a temple in Jerusalem. Could have been hundreds of years ago. For all we know these Templars have existed for a long time.

Get over it. At this point that's all anyone can say. It literally doesn't matter.

Glad I could help. Fukuryu are such an awesome concept. Suicide sea lancers. Badass.

>So what does the world map even look like?
One hasn't been produced yet but
>Old Antioch has fallen
>Alamut is besieged
>Iron Wall is in Turkey somewhere
>Heretics are said to have conquered most of the Levant
>Byzantium is destroyed
So they own large swaths of the middle east and turkey.

>Heretics repulsed from Wallachia
>Heretics conquered Rijeka
>God destroys Argos
So they've got a front open in the Balkans and likely several eastern Greek islands.

>Rijeka started a conquest into Europe
>Gibraltar is captured by Heretics
>Cordoba is shelled to hell by Heretics but they are halted from advancing
>Heretic fleets assault England and destroy at least one major fleet
So there's a Spanish front as well. Gibraltar's capture also mentions that it's the first time they had access to the Atlantic so they can't have conquered Africa entirely either so there's an African front of some kind too.

So, in my rough estimate, see pic for areas under Heretic control.

Could be good. I don't see many MESBG minis used in conversions because they're all monopose and rather iconic designs, but if it works it works. Give it a shot.
>So, in my rough estimate, see pic for areas under Heretic control.
Oh, I should mention, that's my prediction as the minimum territory they should have.
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You made me spit my drink you fucker.
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Surely they could afford to comission him to do just one piece of artwork now, it would be at most a thousand dollars right?
Is there anywhere to buy the Barlowe hell artbook, or a website that has a good high resolution of his artwork?
buy an add
Add what? What are we adding?
I would, but game and minis are not out yet. There's no additional material to buy.
They're not tiny, they're just 25mm without GW's scale creep.
At some point this year Inferno was supposed to be reprinted, though whether that happened already and all of the reprints were scooped up or that got delayed I can't tell, since trying to find any copy that's not $350 still seems difficult.
Yeah, my plan was to get a 3d printed design to have more variety and a larger size. I know there are a bunch of mesbg stls out there and uruk hai are an iconic design so I imagine they'll be available somewhere
I know this is /tg/ but holy shit dude you're a dweeb.
>So the Demons just squat in a empty patch of desert? The Arab world somehow survives despite being ground zero for Doom III?
Iron Wall, hence "siege".

>Yet a fucking Demon invasion unleashed by a historical group that didn't even exist yet gets a free pass.
The demon invasion is the "Alien Space Bat" mentioned in >>93194555, the group that did it not existing then ISN'T getting a free pass as mentioned in the VERY SAME FUCKING POST.

There was no awareness of a landmass remotely in sailing distance to the West at the time save MAYBE a handful of Scandinavias party to the Iceland and Greenland locales as intermediate stops, and the blind hope would be rather unlikely to reach the Americas from more southerly places given how much less capable the ships were. Remember, Cortez thought he reached Asia, there is VERY little expectation for such things to go well.

To say nothing of the heresy executions for any movement trying to hide away enough resources for said blind hope to reach an appreciable chance and the lack of moral authority fragmenting to the Protestant Reformation.
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Why didn't the church send 2 or even 3 paladins after the big grail monster? Then they wouldn't have lost a paladin. Like what were the other 11 doing that was so important they couldn't help prevent the end of the world?
I think its half "we didn't know it would be that bad" and half "if it is that bad, and we lose two instead of one, then we are so much more fucked"
I think it's some combination >>93202923 along with each Paladin being in a constant state of fighting world ending horrors or recovering from battling them. I doubt the Church has the luxury of sending out more than one on any particular thing.
Realistically? Logistics. They are fighting a multi-frontal war and overland travel takes time even for superhuman Jesus clones. If we assume they have a Paladin deployed to ever major front and 1-3 held back in their most important defensive positions, they're pretty spread out. Pulling 2 Paladins off their position to aid the other leaves 2 very big openings to get your shit pushed in.
The forces of heaven are pretty clearly the good guys in the setting - they do fucked up shit but everything they say about hell is so much worse and the christian forces have much less mutilation and mind control.

This is like people who got mad at Darkest Dungeon 2 not having crusader despite having two religious heroes who are the least evil out of the character classes.
It's more than that - the Paladins are rarely even deployed on Earth. They are designed specifically to go through gates into Hell to take the fight to the enemy. While they are there, there is no way to communicate with them, or send them help to relieve them, since nothing else on the Heavenly side can even survive in Hell, not even other fucking Paladins because each one has a bespoke suit of special armour designed to survive a particular circle of Hell each of which has some different kind of horrific atmosphere inimitable to life. So while they're away on mission, the Church literally just has to wait and pray they come back.
Makes sense to me. You don't need a superhuman monster to hold the line, you need it to invade enemy territory.
There's lot of stuff like that. Somehow Christian forces have guns, but I don't think silk read exists because of demons. So they couldn't get gunpowder invented by the Chinese. Christian forces should only use melee, and bows and crossbows being only ranged option. Poor research from the writers. The realism, its gone. I switch to some fantasy wargame.
>Mwahahaha! I, Lucifer, have secured your tumeric shipment! Where is your "god" now?
This whole america discussion is moot because the devs have confirmed theres trade between the americas and europe - just no wide-spread colonisation as we understand it since they were unable to amass enough forces and get them across the seas (which demons have control over). Which is why the forces have potatoes and tobacco and chocolate and stuff.
Why do we care so much about south america thats the place without the demonic warfront who gives a shit.
It's the same handful of people coming into nearly every thread pretending to be new while bringing up the same handful of talking points each and every thread (Jews, Aztecs/South America, Knights Templar, Discord, etc) which give them away immediately.
>You're retarded.
It is you who is the retard here, though I did somehow misremember who the fool that blundered into the Carribean was. The point is that it was a very unexpected thing because the accurate calculations showed it a very silly thing with MUCH better ships and provisioning than the 11th century held.

The Silk Road still reaches the Sultanate from its east side, and simply moving the last leg to Europe northward until it avoids demon territory isn't much more risk. The resulting delay and nearer to "conventional" siege conditions would quite well explain the Sultanate's artillery advantage, but it's hardly going to completely stop the travel of high-value goods.

The forces of Hell knowing there's other landmasses over there would make for quite the priority to emphasize "blue water" naval development, and they were pretty much handed North Africa for free by the retreat of Dar Al-Islam to what seems to be mostly Arabian Peninsula territory.

Instead of obsessing over every single possible "but AKSHUALLY", maybe try suspending disbelief for a few minutes. We're not talking multidisciplinary historians laboriously working forward step by step here, we're talking something that started as concept art years ago and has backfilled from there by mostly amateur work.

What makes you so confident 11th century people who's every religious expectation is that this is "The End Of The Entire World" and "The Ultimate Test Of the Faithful", at the same time, are going to throw large sums of wealth into something that all established knowledge indicates is a fool's errand and only barely worked by a fluke with centuries of bettering shipbuilding?

They have a quite accurate calculation of the Earth's circumference and know how long their ships can sail, there is a REASON Columbus was a laughing stock until he actually came back with news of land!
>complaining that an alternate timeline is not historically accurate
>complaining that a WIP setting is not fully fleshed out
I hate what this board has become.
>The Arabs shouldn't even exist anymore
Anon, if the things we see in the lore invaded Earth at the time of the First Crusade, EVERYONE should be dead. One Arab state survived by the same means that the rest of Christendom survived: divine intervention.
People who aren't going to play the game, like the setting, or paint minis have problems with game.
Few threads ago it was ''nobody plays the game'', but then batreps were posted. ''Nobody paints any minis'', and then minis were posted, and they went silent. Few threads ago it was the ''vibe'' of the game. People claiming thing that contradict the lore. Saying that slavs, celts and finns don't exist. While polish faction has been more or less confirmed, and molotov cocktail description tells about finnish front, and Eire rangers have celtic berserkers (clear reference to celtic hero Cuchulain). This tread its ''realism''. Next thread they have new gimmic.
This, plus there is one guy that posts bait when thread sinks to last pages. He's okay, since its very transparent attempt to keep the thread alive.
It would actually be based for Aztecs to be demon worshipers, if only because you can have them as the foil to a coalition of non-Infernalist native civilizations.

Hebrew Knights with Kabbalah shit would be cool too.
for me it's the whole
>read material for unfinished setting
>hurrr but what about xyz that wasn't mentioned more than once
use your fuckin imagination
Ah yes, because as we know, Thorfinn and Throvald single-handedly depopulated the Americas.

Without the actual concerted effort to afflict and destroy the people there that happened later, the natural spread of disease alone would not serve to kill everyone.
>I've stayed out of this because this is beneath me, but by and large, European Monarchs weren't utter religious fanatics past 1200 AD.
Were they being invaded by Hell?
I think you're somewhat brushing off the magnitude of something like Satan invading Earth. Any political norms in history at the time are going to be completely shattered at that point, and the idea that things would proceed in any way as normal for standard history is ridiculous.

Remember, this is no longer just 'religion' at that point. It's something present in the world, something so threatening and so urgent that it demands basically all attention.
Bruh, the people of South America didn't just implode at the touch of three or four guys. They had to have constant contact with huge numbers of people flowing through major trade circuits. Even this needed to be combined with the effects of wide scale armed conflict.

To be frank, there's also probably a way better understanding of germ theory and infinitely superior medicinal technology in TC, as Europe has has to contend with actual hell plagues. If they can combat the spread of the shit the Black Grail spits out, I doubt they even still have stuff like smallpox around.
Anon it's like you haven't even read the lore at all.

The reason the demons barely made any headway is because they're all spending 90% of the time fighting each other. Every once in awhile when they manage to chill out and form temporary alliances and work together against the forces of Heaven they do unspeakable damage, but it never lasts very long because they're so prone to infighting and backstabbing.
>because invading Arabia would be Islamophobic
...But they did? There's like one Islamic state left, the rest of the Arab world is gone.
>These things apparently never even reached mainland Europe
And it took the combined strength of basically all of Christendom + the remains of the Islamic world + divine intervention to slow their advance to this extent. It's not like the rest of the world was just sitting there watching. Most of the actual Arabic world fell quickly, and it's the response of the rest of the continent that slowed the tide.
>DOOMED! DOOMED, I say, to an eternity of wrong-tasting curry! Your lives are worthless!
There's no way that map is fully correct. The Iron Sultanate's lore states that basically all the Islamic peoples went on a giant migratory pilgrimage to upper Turkey, where the wall manifested. Most if not all of Arabia has been abandoned to the demon forces, unless a bunch of other people just... came in and took over there, somehow.
>So it took these demons centuries to conquer North Africa
With the entire world leveraging all their resources against them. That's kinda the point. Europe does not have the the spare manpower for an age of exploration like the one we experienced, though IMO there'd still be a lesser equivalent.
>And they ignored Arabia for some reason
Yeah, that's incorrect. We know there's only one major Islamic nation left, and it isn't there. Arabia is part of demonistan now.
literally 95% of islam is confined to one city and that one city's forces because the rest got btfo. This is even deep lore its the first paragraph of one of the five existing factions.
>one city
Bro are you retarded? It doesn't say that anywhere. The LANDS of the Iron Sultanate refer to a whole empire. I don't know what part of the name "The Invincible Iron Wall of the Two Horns That Pierce the Sky" didn't tip off for you that this isn't some normal fucking wall around a city, it's a megastructure like the Great Wall of China crossing vast distances.
Why are you quoting the same post twice. Did you miss a different one?


No specific mention of it has been made in lore, but as far as we know the Levant and most of the Arabian Peninsula is dunzo, so it's probably gone. Or the important stuff got moved. Wouldn't be the first time the site of prayer has been moved in Islam, they used to pray facing Jerusalem. Also, as far as I can tell, literally nobody but you has mentioned Mecca.
>Are these demons Islamic converts now?
What kind of retard question is this? The human forces of the Heretic legions are drawn from across their territories, which include some formerly Islamic ones.
>If not, update your shitty map.
Not my map, looks like something somebody randomly cooked up.
>Yet the Demons get bogged down in the Sahara..
There's no mention of this in lore. Though, it does make sense that fighting through the Sahara would be fucking awful.

You seem to mostly be inventing things to be mad at.
It's not one city, it's a big chunk of Turkey.
underexaguration for comedic effect, but I get that in this thread it's indistinguishable from just being an idiot
>The history diverts long before the Crusaders took Jerusalem.
Eh, this is a stretch.

Every other complaint I see here about history is pure idiocy, especially the stuff where people claim that a literal Hell on Earth wouldn't disrupt normal European goings-on, but the templar thing is a big deal and should be fixed. It can literally just be any crusader order instead.
>This game fucking sucks obviously
It kicks ass dude, have you played it? Or even read the rules? Tuomas knows what he's doing, this is the culmination of everything he's learned designing games for 27 years.
Has there been any indication of which factions would be in the initial kickstarter? I've been testing playstyles out with the local club, and I feel like I lean way harder toward New Antioch and the Iron Sultanate... but I can't help but think the logical two initial release factions would be Trench Pilgrims and the Heretic Legion.

There any chance that four factions will be getting funded in the first wave?
All 6 starting factions will be released with the launch. That's Trench Pilgrims, New Antioch, Iron Sultanate, Heretic Legions, Black Grail, and Court of the Seven-headed Serpent.
>chase off the main playerbase
They didn't, the main playerbase is on the fucking discord, posting models and games and fanfiction and cosplay and rules homebrew constantly. All that got chased off were twittertards who couldn't contain their power level and started politics posting the second the joined the old discord and got themselves banned because obviously discord is full of woke troons. The game designers themselves aren't agenda pushing fags though, they're just neutral and focus on what matters, which is actually making the fucking game instead of getting bogged down in retarded culture war shit.

Reddit had nothing to do with any of this, again there's no official reddit for the game, all the drama went from twitter to discord.
I saw a guy word for word say "I hate the arab immigrants" and he wasn't banned because he was told to shut up and he did since he was derailing the discussion with being a cunt.

Anyone who got banned from the discord shouldn't be in any community since they can't behave themselves.
People are always gonna explore, but if resources and attention are being eaten up by a several-century long super war for the fate of the world against Lucifer himself, it's not going to be a shadow of what we imagine based on our history. Also Cathars wouldn't run, too based.
>The moment a mariner sneezes it's over
There seems to be some weird doublethink going on about this here, where on the one hand you're making it clear that death on the scale we saw in history required sustained contact with an immense, thriving trade network, whereas on the other one handshake will kill the continent. Which is it?
Oh shit, okay. That's fucken rad.
Yeah, and the full game has room for way more factions after that, like the Crusader Knights have already been mentioned as the likely 7th one they would do, and potentially a Hebrew faction as well, but that is dependent on how well the game does during/after the Kickstarter. The full long-term plans are to expand beyond skirmish into larger battle games with tanks and shit too.
>You can see signs of this proto-Machiavellianism in the 11th Century with kings such as William the Conqueror and Harald Yingling who played fast and loose with religious observance.
A few outliers are not going to change the tides of "all hands on deck, Literal Demons are invading". Things are by all reason going to go hard in the other direction as the spiritual becomes the temporal.

>And they would look westwards over the Atlantic and wonder.
>Would the East Indies lie that way?
Then the guys who have the antiquity reckoning of the circumference of the Earth will respond "we can't reach them that way, too much ocean to traverse". And be right with how close a call it was for Columbus setting forth centuries later.

They'll be getting terribly few sons back telling them it's entirely literal Hell on Earth making it quite personal, and the excommunications will FLY for anyone fucking with the war effort by such blatant dereliction of duty to God.

Bruh, it's the critics it making up all that shit.

Banning posters of Prussian uniforms because the Iron Cross on it was used by the later Nazis is an inexcusable level of historic illiteracy for moderators of a WW1-keyed wargame.
Dont think they've confirmed exapnding into larger scale battles, just that they think it'd be cool and its on the "shit we would want to make after this main thing" list.
I said it's dependent on the success of the game, yeah, but if they make enough money they have said that's what they would do next.
>Banning posters of Prussian uniforms because the Iron Cross on it was used by the later Nazis is an inexcusable level of historic illiteracy for moderators of a WW1-keyed wargame.
The initial discord wasn't even really designed for Trench Crusade, it was a general shared server for 28mag, and it was not a secret that a bunch of the people who came in during that big wave after that one twitter post went viral were dogwhistling /pol/acks looking to start shit. They should have done a better job of hiding their power level.

On the new discord that was made specifically for the game things aren't so strict, one of the devs mentioned that only 8 people have been banned since it was launched and most of them got a warning first and were just too stupid to listen. They didn't have good intentions, they were culture warrior troublemakers. I say this as someone right-wing. I don't agree with the politics of the tranny mods that run the place, but I don't go into someone else's house and just start being an abrasive fag to them, I ignore them and talk about the game.
'slavery didn't happen' comes from where? If you mean the atlantic slave trade then yeah I figure that if the entire planet has had a different few centuries where north africa and much of the middle east became the domain of demons and hell then there wouldn't be as many ships travelling there from europe.
>Demons that couldn't even invade stone age Africa
You haven't read the lore and you're not even reading the thread because these arguments have already been destroyed.
Yes slavery is a thing in the setting
Holy shit you are so fucking retarded, can you read?
What does cuck stuff have to do with the setting? Admitted what? Are you having a stroke?
Yeah you, since you are incapable of having a real conversation about the lore (which you admit you haven't even read) and are just posting a bunch of retarded memes thinking that we're going to get "offended" as if it wasn't right-wing anons who started this fucking general thread.
Centuries of naval development are not replaced with running from demons. You need ships that will actually reach a good harbor, and they didn't. Period, the technology was not there.
>Eh, this is a stretch.
Demons visited earth prior to the gate being opened, made artifacts, and they, or people on their behalf, constructed a vault underneath a temple to hide/contain them. That didn't all happen in the microsecond where Jerusalem switched hands. It is not a stretch, it is canon to the setting.
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>So it took these demons centuries to conquer North Africa. And they ignored Arabia for some reason.
>The Demons only control Granada so
Anon, as I said in the follow up post (>>93196781), this is only a guess at the minimal territory they should have based on what's explicitly stated by the modern day. Keep in mind that they technology in the setting, while advancing fast, didn't immediately turn into a WW1 setting after the gate was opened and everyone had tanks. It was still humans fighting humans who had to walk everywhere. There's a lot that's left unmentioned, and will probably be revealed later as more factions roll out and they push it up from Skirmish to a full Wargame.

So far as North Africa is concerned, I'd say it's probably likely that the Christian Zagwe dynasty kingdom or the smaller pagan/Islamic states (likely all three of them) stalled their advance the same as other places have across the world. If the Arabs can get the Iron Wall, then whose to say that the Zagwe didn't build a Stone Wall a la the Monolithic Churches they constructed?

The setting isn't fully revealed, so of course there are gaps of information. If that's unacceptable for your type of autism then come back in a year.
>bloody 'ell this whole demon thing 'as gotten out of 'and
>yes me dad was eaten by demons and me mam was raped by demons and then eaten by demons
>but now me chicken tikka tastes funny
>let's find another route to India
>yes we know the demons are outside
>but we want a proper tikka
Heretics have a naval supremacy, but this universe has planes. House of Wisdom rules say that Sultanate has a fleet of airships. So trade is possible through the air. Seeing the setting, India propably has a Vimana or two keeping the skies and ground clear of rakshasas.
To have colonialism really is important to you, but why? What does it add to the setting?
>Because it's logical here
To open new fronts with civilizations that more than likely have their own mythological fighters and powers? In time they need allies after all? Doesn't sound very realistic.
Even ISIS attacks other muslims more than Christians or Jews. They are after the heretic, not the infidel.
Don't engage him.
Cool thread. Anyway, do you guys go for quantity or quality when starting out? Is it worth springing for a "big guy" early or should I just spam bodies?
This thread is unusually awful, don't know what so many chose to sperge out at the same time. Normally it's just one for a few posts.


Usually starting bands are like 8 models, usually half split between specialists/elites and regular mooks. You've got room to fit a larger lad in there if you want. Nothing's stopping you from going big dude heavy though if that's what's calling you. Black Grail has some nice monstermash fellas you can make a whole list out of.
I started with quantity, with infantry armies. If you want to bring out absolute units from the start, go ahead. They have survivability, so its not waste of ducats. You can have House of Wisdom homonculi army, or just choose the biggest guys from any list.
>Heretics have a naval supremacy
Do they? They have subs and trash a British navy, but I don’t think it’s stated that they have naval supremacy anywhere.
Them doing costal raids and invasions speaks for their ability to transport troops across (or beneath) the sea without bigger problems, while at the same time, the church does not seem to do those things, which can be interpreted that they lack the naval strength.
Priest (154)
- sword, nades
- heavy armour, shield
- gas mask, helmet

Chorister (134)
- sword
- heavy armour, shield
- gas mask, helmet

Trooper (2*42)
- BAR, bayonet

Legionnaire (2*78)
- BAR, pistol, club, nades
- gas mask, helmet

Annointed (172)
- machine gun, polearm
- gas mask, helmet

Is this a decent enough starting roster?
I don't know where you got this attitude from but you should leave it there.
It is mentioned that England is under constant raids by the heretics. In naval battle heretics killed Nelson and won. Submarines manage to sink merchant vessels in the seas, causing a famine in Europe. And apparently all ships sending aid to New Antioch are under threat of heretic naval power.
They're not sole rulers of the sea, but they have the upper hand.
I see no issue. Bar and pistol could be just combined into semi-automatic rifle. I'm assuming pistol is there because of the ASSAULT keyword. Not that it matters much, its just smaller inventory of stuff.
And this is the reason why nobody is allowed to see the body beneath the paladin's armor.
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>And this is the reason why nobody is allowed to see the body beneath the paladin's armor.
Pistol is there so the +1D for ranged attacks can be used in melee.
Had a couple games with a buddy - I went for quality he went for quantity. Quality models can absolutely smoke other models in a direct fight (where the objective is just Kill) but if the fight has objectives like controlling spaces then quantity just has more bodies on the ground and crushes.
Jokes aside, have they revealed any more paladins alongside this female one?
I really like the designs for them, they look cool.
I know there's that one other male paladin with a shield sword, but I don't remember seeing any others.
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Ah, good thinking.
Not sure, but I think pic related is supposed to be one of the paladins.
Is a cool art piece.
Also I keep hearing that there's gonna be a full release for TC?
I guess it's when they release alm factions and models for them? Does anyone know when that is?
I keep hearing a formal game Kickstarter might be coming out in July, but I'm not sure how much of that is wishful thinking or rumor.
No, she was a sword saint that got killed, totally different. More like one of the war prophets or stigmatic nuns, faithful that were blessed by god with extra powers, presumably so she could wield that giant fucking BERSERK zweihander.

>Also I keep hearing that there's gonna be a full release for TC?
>I guess it's when they release alm factions and models for them? Does anyone know when that is?
There's a full kickstarter coming "soon". I speculated July but we don't have any real word on when "soon" is yet, except that it's definitely this year.
>a lot of jews were wiped out by Hell on earth erupting in the middle of Israel
There weren't that many Jews in Jerusalem during the crusades. Those that were were mostly wiped out by Christians or Muslims depending on the circumstances. At the time most of the Jewish people lived in Ethiopia, Egypt, parts of Europe, etc. The historical expulsions are basically all marked to have started happening in the last 1000 years which makes them unlikely to have happened at all in the TC setting
Fuck, I love these old monolithic churches so much man
Yeah that sounds fine Anon.
Ordered some Wargames Atlantic sprues (2x Raumjager, 1x Einherjar, and a Death Fields upgrade sprue). Gonna try making a few Heretics and some New Antioch.
Sick. Raumjager seem underrated compared to their other kits. Everyone seems to go Les Grognards or Bulldogs over them. Don't know why.
Les Grognards are just krieg with different heads so a lot of people want them for proxies
Or using them as Vostroyans.
Raumjäger kit suffers from being literally WGAs first kit, so the poses are stiff, the faces look kinda wonky and there is generally a lack of anything in this sprue.
Compared with their other "not-40k" sci-fi infantry kits, they are just not as good. (the recently released heavy weapon STL set for the Raumjäger fix some of the issues i have with them btw. Hopefully they will do an upgrade in plastic some day).

Also, they are supposed to be proxies for Steellegion (being just sci-fi Fallschirmjäger), and they do not work as nicely as the Grogs work for Krieg.
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So there are female paladins? I thought they were all implied to be clones of the meta-christ?
And theres a traitor paladin, which is really fucking cool
I don't know if it's ever stated they're clones of the meta-christ, rather they're the people who's blood is replaced with that of the meta-christ and are enhanced with sorcery, miracles, etc, to become like that. Like communicants on crack basically
I believe she's not a paladin - just some sort of sword saint.
Paladins aren't clones of the meta-christ, they're people who have undergone some crazy process to become ageless nigh-immortal super beings. Unfortunately the process has been lost to time and so they're limited in number.
No, the meta-christs are clones of christ, the paladins are just the purest communicants, there are both male and female.

The sword saint is this one >>93210464, the paladin is this one >>93209901

Just go to Franchina's artstation, all of this stuff is spelled out in the descriptions of the art.
So to any with a theology background, how heretical is it to clone and torture cloned jesus?
Dead game
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posted it again award
>dead game
>isn't even out yet
I literally watched three live matches tonight, a few hours ago. It's more alive in pre-release beta testing than any other tabletop game on this board except Warhammer.
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Reposting my homebrew demonic faction - Legion of Tubal - which is based on mecha-demons and 'upgrading' your units.

Would appreciate any thoughts
Very cool. Do you have any models assembled yet?
Where did you get that mini? Looks great.
It's from stationforge. I forget which, one of their grimguard guys
I feel like a bunch of demonsmiths would have more Elites since they would probably just rip failures apart for the working bits and want would want to show off their work more.
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Brazen Bull with should be almost done.
Very nice. Speaking of the sultanate, does anyone know a good torso that could be used as alchemist armor? Or models that could be made into alchemists?
How do you want him to look?
Like the official artwork, or more like a robed scholar?
I'm mainly looking armor that reminds the one in the artwork. I think robed scholar is not hard to kitbash.
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You could try one of the perry knights? Agincourt or later ones might work. Painful as it is for me to recommend, the torso of a Stormcast could work too.
>be me
>trench crusade player
>"oh boi I can't wait to play my grimdark ww1 game"
>see someone in the local club/lgs playing some shitty "historical ww1 game," maybe it's even hex and chits
>grab him by the jaw and start slamming his head into the table over and over
>"games are not simulations, boyo!" I say as I show him my exquisite trench crusade miniatures and abstract rules
>I shoot him in the fucking head

Total Historical Death
Could work, just needs to add the sigils. That armor looks like it can be used on antioch and heretic minis too, which is a plus.
The Catholic Church flat out condemns cloning in general, so we're not off to a great start.
Assuming you could get around that, there's the question of what cloning Christ even means. It's not like Christ's divinity is genetic, it comes from him being as a person being God incarnate, so a purely genetic copy of Christ would presumably just be a regular person. Such a person could arguably function as an icon in Orthodox theology if we reach enough.
The lore seems to imply that the meta-christs are themselves divine and able to perform miracles of their own will though, so they aren't just regular people who happen to resemble Jesus. The most sensible solution in my mind would be that all of the meta-christs are incarnations of one single person, the son of the trinity, who is present in all of them at once (kind of like the eucharist) which i guess wouldn't necessarily be heretical. The alternative is that in addition to cloning his body, they're also adding new cloned persons to the godhead, which is nonsense and heretical. The third option is that Christ's power doesn't come from him being the one God, but genetically from christs being a race of people who have superpowers like Thor from The Avengers, which is heresy and also gay.
>a purely genetic copy of Christ would presumably just be a regular person.
It would be a genetic clone of Mary, right? But it's not like God picked Mary's name out of a hat, he presumably chose her for a reason.
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If you're open to some more out-there suggestions, Eyros Slagmyst or Doctor Arachnos from Necromunda would probably convert well as Alchemists.
The problem I have with trench crusade is its just trying to be Warhammer with differnet iconography. It is literally Warhammer for contrarians, not WW1 fiction. Shit, most of the models you see are just 40K models with some dirt slapped on them, they arent even trying to stick to the WW1 aesthetic even anymore.
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>blaming the setting/system for hobbyist's lack of effort
>trying to be Warhammer with differnet iconography
How exactly?
Also, are you surprised that most popular wargame's bits works as a base for kitbashed models?
I wanna proxy an army with these guys. The idea of funny little fellas with guns fighting the armies of hell sounds fun.
How the fuck do I equip a New Antioch Lieutenant?
Trying to build one WYSIWYG and don't know if I should go sword, pistol and shield or if I should ditch the shield for a two handed gun.
You can kitbash the models to use them in Warhammer, why act like painting a model a differnet color makes it part of a different setting. It wouldnt be so bad if it was actually trying to stick to WW1 aesthetics, even the official models look like they are just bootleg Warhammer models. Shit, just take any chaos models, change the iconography to that in Trench Crusade and you have your army. Its not even trying to be WW1 in most of the models and imagery you see.

Yes. Theres even "chaos gods" and an "emperor" of mankind.

I WANT to like this project but its getting dangerously close to just aiming at being bootleg Warhammer and not its own thing the more I look into it. The setting is getting lost in just trying to BE Warhammer, not specifically WW1 but heaven and hell are real.
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>Theres even "chaos gods" and an "emperor" of mankind.
I admit there are similarities. The writer is old GW staff, so its expected there is little carry over.
Not sure about the emperor. Closest thing to that is Satan, who isn't tied to a throne, and is very active. Godly factions are very divided. There are demonic patrons, and they hate each other, but so do God aligned factions. In wargame you need to have all factions able to go against one another.
I see the setting as different enough.
About kits, Warhammer has everything, demons, fantasy creatures, heretics, space knights etc. Again, similarities are expected. I agree that ww1 is better aesthetic, I would like the fantastic elements take a step back. But that's just my taste.
>Yes. Theres even "chaos gods" and an "emperor" of mankind.
It's almost as though 40k was heavily influenced by Abrahamic religions, Christianity in particular. Were the demons, hell, saints, inquisition, messiah figure, crusades, and nuns not a big enough clue?
Not just by Abrahamic religions, but gothic medieval Europe. A theme shared by Trench Crusade.
Thats why Im complaining, I dont want it to be bootleg Warhammer, the initial concept is great, they need to try and stick to it and not get too lost in trying to be unique and lose sight of the premise.

WW1 but heaven and hell are real. Not "sci fi universe where demons exist", like a lot of the armours youre seeing in their own official models are stuff from WW2 and is too modern. Stick to the creepy uncomfortable looking gasmasks of WW1, stop trying to make space marine helmets out of them etc.
This is a bit like saying hotel transylvania is a bootleg twilight because both films feature a vampire falling in love with a human.
Nah, that would be sharing story elements. Trench Crusade and Warhammer share aesthetics and atmosphere, to an extent at least.
The +2 to both Ranged and Melee makes it a pretty good idea to go with a two handed [ASSAULT] firearm and a sword in my opinion. That gives you good range for shooting and the synergy of shoot and charge. Every conversion/kitbash I see of them seems to agree, they all have a holstered sword and an SMG or Automatic Rifle in their arms.
>even the official models look like they are just bootleg Warhammer models
You could only think this if you believe that knights, WWIish soldiers, and religion are 40K things.
>Yes. Theres even "chaos gods" and an "emperor" of mankind.
Wait, what? I really don't see either.
The whole cloning jesus thing is just making communion literal. And occasionally a communicant goes all x-men and gets mega powers. They're not growing vat jesuses and throwing em in super armor, they're making Jesus steak to feed to everyone and see if they go sicko mode
Communion is a tricky subject because its supposed to be a miracle during Mass where the wafers and wine become the body and blood of Christ, its not supposed to have any man-made process. Cloning Jesus for communion steaks sounds like algorithmically writing prayers based on bible machine learning.
Yeah it's like the setting is a little insane and heretical all around, eh?
>The whole cloning jesus thing is just making communion literal.
Communion is already literal.
I rememember seeing some news article about scientists analyzing the communion wafer, seeking the moment it turns into blood and flesh of the Christ. So using it is not maybe too far fetched. We might see church do some wacky stuff with body parts of saints, or alledged remnants of Christ. If cloning or other type of technology becomes more advanced and available.
that would be an ecumenical matter
I get the ironic undertones, I mean its supposed to be Crusaders who fucked everything up to begin with right?
The point is that both takes are equally stupid.
But it doesn't give you mega holy avenger powers, does it? So go get the shroud of turin and gin up some holy hotdogs and try those next mass
Thanks Anon,
I see the appeal that way.im leaning SMG and Sword. Any reason to go for sword + auto pistol instead?
An extra attack seems nice but the reduced range and -1D on damage rolls seems like a big downgrade.
yeah I mean it's clearly made to sound cool and shit, so don't fuss about it. In this world you might get random biological/metaphysical breakthroughs when you chomp on some blessed bologna, which ye olde transubstantiation doesn't do.
>Any reason to go for sword + auto pistol instead?
I can't really see one. When making two melee attacks with two one handed weapons you have to select one of the weapons to hit with -1 too as per the rules on page 8, and realistically you'd want that to be on the pistol instead of the more useful sword, so it's functionally a both -1D and -1 Hit second attack. Not likely to ever do much and not worth the sacrifice on range.
Tha's its own christological rabbithole, but I always assumed that Jesus would have his own genetics with the Y chromosome being either created by God directly or talen from somewhere (probably Joseph). The alternative would be that his body is somehow not governed by his genes, which arguably threatens his humanity.
Aren't the meta-christs supposed to be proper clones of Jesus? They aren't just pieces of meat as they can talk and personally pick out people to revive and perform miracles for.
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no, it's literally right there in the text. the meta-christ program clones jesus and feeds that to people. if it takes, they become communicants and get super powers. if it takes really really well, that person is a paladin. so the paladin who revives other retards is just a dude who happened to get mega juiced when he had a lil munch on some grilled jesus bits and can do magic now.
I know reading comprehension is hard but just take notes if you get confused :^)
The flesh of a meta-christ can be eaten, yes, but they're also implied to be agents of their own.
I think they regenerate, so it's them pulling bits off to feed to people
This is so fucking delusional, what a retard.
>WW1 but heaven and hell are real. Not "sci fi universe where demons exist", like a lot of the armours youre seeing in their own official models are stuff from WW2 and is too modern
Dipshit, ALL of that stuff is from Mike Franchina who is the original creator of the entire concept and setting. He never said "it's WW1 but heaven and hell are real", you are putting that shit in his mouth. He just drew art that he thought looked fucking awesome and attached little tiny blurbs of vague, incomplete lore to it dark souls style, and from the very beginning it had elements that were more modern than WW1, or more archaic. It's his fucking creation, he can do whatever he wants with it, and all of that existed before the other two guys even got involved and started adding to the lore and piecing it together into something coherent.
>stop trying to make space marine helmets out of them
Where the fuck do you see space marine helmets you goddamn moron?
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hes right about the official model designs.
that's what i said. paladins are meta-christs. communicants are meta-christs. the meta-christ program is using cloned jesus to make meta-christs. a paladin is a person. human. individual. they just happened to mutate into a super-duper man instead of a regular superman, so of course they still have personalities and are still people.
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No he isn't you stupid fuck, it looks exactly like the art, nothing was changed.
>paladins are meta-christs. communicants are meta-christs.
No. You are wrong. These are different things.

Meta-Christs create the communicants. They are not communicants, communicants are not Meta-Christs.

Paladins are technically communicants, but are super apex ones and the different processes used to make them are unclear. But they still aren't Meta-Christs.
You arent listening dumbass, my complaint is that it looks straight out of 40k, not WW1, I am complaining that the designs all look like they are just spinoffs of 40k, whats the fucking point of this when 40K exists, you can just kitbash these models and actually use them in a game people are playing. Is the setting just grimdark sci fi-warhammer- or is it grimdark WW1, which is the interesting part of the concept, its literally called TRENCH crusade and mentions WW1 all over its descriptions but in reality it is just 40k for people who think they are above 40k.

You mean the guy that literally makes official concepts for 40k? Say it aint so that the guy who draws official 40k art draws things that look like they are from 40k, almost like the designs could just be dropped into 40k...
>my complaint is that it looks straight out of 40k, not WW1,
There is no rule that any of it needs to look like it's out of WW1, which I already explained to you, you fucking newfag. It was not conceived as a WW1 setting - THAT is a change that was made later on, and all it really is is a date, which doesn't matter much because all of history and technological development diverged centuries ago. And no they don't just "look like they're out of 40k" either, you're just the fucking boss baby meme guy seeing his second ever grimdark setting and thinking that something which draws on the same real-world source material as 40k did is stealing directly from 40k, because you are filthy uncultured swine.

>You mean the guy that literally makes official concepts for 40k?
Mike Franchina has never done concept art for 40k you total fucking moron.
Name one piece of that heretic soldier art that was posted which looks like something in 40k but not like any generic World War thing.
meta-christs are made by mendelist order, in the meta-christ program. they are fed to people to make smaller shittier meta-christs known as paladins, or smaller extra shitty but still superpowered meta-christs called communicants.
Cloning god is really hard, but feeding slices of cloned god to make holy warriors is way easier. It's just a way to make cheaper knockoffs by spreading the mutation via consumption and random chance vs super difficult super secret biological jiggery-pokery
Stupid question: does the new rules update mean that if you want to charge, you only get a single shot with assault weapons? One to-hit, one injury roll, one blood, etc? It seems like a dramatic change but that's what it reads like to me.
>they are fed to people to make smaller shittier meta-christs known as paladins, or smaller extra shitty but still superpowered meta-christs called communicants.
No, those are not meta-christs. You are literally just making shit up that isn't in the lore.
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Shows what you know, heres a public release one.

These designs can be dropped into 40k, they are indestinguishable, THATS MY PROBLEM, its not taking inspiration from real life, its taking inspiration specifically from 40k. My fear with Trench Crusade is that its just trying to be Warhammer with differnet lore. Make no mistake, I want to like this setting, the lore is interesting and the premise is cool, but all I see is Warhammer in its designs, not "historical inspirations", the conversions can just as easily be used for 40k.

The masks just look way more advanced than the setting suggests, it looks like its from something like Jin Roh or a fucked up Combine from Half Life. These are the models people convert from what Ive seen of conversions where they swapped the weapons out for appropriate ones and just painted them up to look dirty and rusted.
Pretty sure that's not a new update, it's been like that. But yes. Most weapons don't even have multiple shots anyways though.
And those designs plus trench crusade fit right in to a Road Warrior/Mad Max miniatures game. Its all an archetype of militant edgy dudes.
>These designs can be dropped into 40k
Anything grim can.
>they are indestinguishable
Nah. They are definitely not the same as your standard guardsman type unit, sorry. Yeah, they look similar to Kriegers, but only because Kriegers are explicitly the WWI faction.
Even if you believe in transubstantiation you got to admit theres a difference in eating a wafer that transmutes into Jesus and straight up cutting off meat from a guy and eating it.
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>Shows what you know, heres a public release one.
A video game based on 40k is not the same as 40k, dumbass. Mike has never worked for Games Workshop.

>These designs can be dropped into 40k, they are indestinguishable
No they're literally not. 40k doesn't use real world ars goetia sigils, or inverted pentagrams, and almost all the other shit in that art is just WW2 gear. When you take out all the distinguishing features until it's stripped down to its most generic form, and then put it up against super generic 40k cultists that have totally different weapons but ignore those and all the Chaos sigils, and say "this human with a gas mask and helmet looks like another human with a gas mask and helmet" you are a fucking retard.

>The masks just look way more advanced than the setting suggests
The art predates the setting, the art IS the original setting before they started making a game out of it. The Heretic Death Commando is in some kind of bizarre advanced hellish power armour shit and its one of the earlier pieces on his artstation. You literally don't even know anything about this game or the process by which it was developed, you are just an underage retard who has only ever seen 40k before.
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Trench Pilgrims buff and variant redesigns + a new third variant all incoming. Rejoice, faithful!
Please, I beg of you, make Cavalcade actually good.
I lost all interest in miniature games a while ago. What RPG system would best fit this setting? I want to play solo.
Tough to say, although the devs have expressed interest in maybe releasing an official system for it at some point, way off in the future.
they're explicitly said to be the purest shit the meta-christ program can make. they're little meta-christs because the changes they've undergone have made them more like god. meta just means after/transcending, so everything they're doing with christ to make new shit is a meta-christ.
I was thinking Never Going Home might fit, but I haven’t read it yet myself. I’m sure fans will be making systems in the mean time, anyway.
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I suppose, I guess Im just dissapointed its not closer to WW1 in aesthetic then, I dont want to play something that looks like Warhammer. The WW1 inspiration part was the part that took my interest. I liked the idea of using WW1 themed models outside of very niche historical games, but it seems its not really that. Its just not for me I guess and Ill leave it alone.
It's explicitly miniature-agnostic. You can just use ww1 models.
I like the idea of WW1 as well because of the terrain possibilities. Sometimes you could get a cool 40k fortification map and the Siege of Vraks stuff was cool if you could find people taking it seriously, but I've always wanted that feeling of having forces go out between trenches and start fighting eachother by chance in meeting engagements having to use older abandoned fortifications, tank barriers, craters etc as terrain.
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Dont tell people that, I do not want people showing up with fucking historical models, the game is distinctly sci fi/fantasy, if the models dont even look the part then dont bother.
>one side is grotesque and uses unique custom designs to get across the setting and mechanics
>the other is just WW1 guys
Agnostic just means theres no official models for the game, not that you can just use WW1 models, there is a distinct aesthetic here, at least convert them.
what are you talking about, you can absolutely just use WW1 models, at least for their appropriate equivalents. black grail might be a bit much, sure, but for shit like NA yeoman and engineers and what-not they'd work just fine. people can use what makes them happy. also there are absolutely going to be official models for the game, so that's not what that means at all. it means you don't have to use them, but rather can use other models if you want to. like, say, WW1 models, since this is a WW1-themed game.
As someone who enjoys the more fantastical factions like Black Grail, I actually would be completely fine if my opponents dropped down a bunch of WW1 minis across from me assuming they were going New Antioch. I find the contrast makes my monsters look more monstrous and the regular dudes trying their best more heroic.
The blood flowing through them is the purest thing the meta-christ program produces, which is coherent with meta-crists being distinct things that flesh and blood are taken from. What are the numbered meta-crists under your reading? Also communicants?
I agree, but like you said it's ONLY New Antioch that can do this. Any other faction they're just being lazy faggots.
not that guy, but it's more the model than the faction. I wouldn't really care if WW1 dudes were supposed to be azebs or heretic troopers or something. if they said their little mortar cannon was supposed to be a brazen bull, then yeah, that'd be pretty weird, but even then I might just ignore it to get a game going. I sadly have to imagine it's not going to be very easy finding games at a local level.
Sweet. We know that Greece still up and running at least. He say when the Serpent faction was dropping, by chance?
Not specifically but he said 1.4 should be out next week, I think they might be included.
Cool. Fingers crossed lads, I want that trench magic.
>These designs can be dropped into 40k, they are indestinguishable, THATS MY PROBLEM
Ah yes, the icon crucifixion of Jesus from Warhammer 40k. Strange GW hasn’t struck down Trench Crusade for stealing it from them wholesale.
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Classic Christian special numbers are 7, 10, 12, 40, 777. Capital letter Meta-Christs are numbered with number seven mentioned so obviously it's some pick n mix from Christian numerology. Lower case meta-christs paladins (communicants+) are numbered with 12 like the disciples because lol numbers. 2 are dead or whatever so you get 10, another special number. One more went bad because Satan was a fallen special guy (we're being very clever you see) and it' a convenient way to get the number of paladins to match the number of circles of hell. Communicants(not paladin tier) don't get hard numbers because they're actually playable in game so you know, just use that little imagination of yours and pick a number that sounds appropriately mystic.
It's such a vague and undefined setting, it's retarded to sit around and argue how shit that's mentioned like twice in passing works.
They clone jesus in the project, and feed those to others within that project to make fighting dudes. Who the fuck knows how many meta christs have been made. Who the fuck knows how they do it. It happens because the author said it happened. It literally doesn't matter. Crack open another franchise that just grabs stuff from Christianity that looks cool and causes fanboys cook up esoteric nonsense and go bananas.
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Forgor image like a dingus
For the last fucking time, communicants and paladins aren't meta-christs.
I'll be honest, the only 40kism I see in the game is calling satanists 'heretics'. Heresy refers to someone who practices incorrect doctrine or dogma for a religion, while practicing or claiming to practice a religion. If you're a christian then maybe catholics are heretics, maybe protestants, but muslims are not heretics. 40k fucked it up by making it so that the heretics are the guys who worship a whole different set of gods and this game inherited that
>I'll be honest, the only 40kism I see in the game is calling satanists 'heretics'.
This game, any of the -28 games, and anything that uses Blanchitsu are magnets for spergeout retards. Some people really, really, really, really hate all of the above with an autistic passion, and will bend over backwards to come up with reason to spam about how much they hate it.
>who worship a whole different set of gods
No, they worship demons, aka fallen angels. There are no "other gods" there is one God in this setting, it is Biblical. Satanism is technically an Abrahamic heresy, just a very extreme one. You are the one seeing things through a 40k lens and translating mentally the devils as "Chaos gods", but they aren't.
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>40k fucked it up by making it so that the heretics are the guys who worship a whole different set of gods and this game inherited that
Do you think the OG GW staff intended to imply for the Emperor to be just be another Chaos God hence why followers of the other chaos gods are heretics. And that just got totally missed by the fanbase for 40 years
anon you missread his comment, hes talking about 40k there.
Your idea that Satanism is an extreme Abrahamic heresy is just one interpretation. Other Christian thought teches that Satan does not 'led' or 'rule' hell but was just the first denizen to be punished there. Therefore devils and demons are just other sinners not supernatural and powerful in their own right. But theres lots of contradicitons and hyprocrisy to choose from to make a setting
No, what happened was they created a vague background event called the Horus Heresy just because it sounded cool with the alliteration, that wasn't really intended to ever be fleshed out but just vaguely alluded to in one little bit of lore to make the universe feel bigger. Then Adeptus Titanicus used it as the explanation for mirror matches, and then when the Chaos Gods were added to the setting in the Realm of Chaos books they made the heretics worshippers of Chaos and at that point it didn't really make sense anymore but the name was already locked in.
I'm not the other anon comparing them or anything, I'm just annoyed by how 40k misused the word to the point of people using heresy to just mean 'thing i don't like' half the time
Just saw this thread, this is a really cool idea for a setting/game. Kinda wish there were more things like it.
>anything that uses Blanchitsu are magnets for spergeout retards
tbf you're half right
Nah it looks like 40k in aesthetic and definitely spiritually. Creatively bankrupt garbage by creatively bankrupt gw fans with no original ideas (just like the franchise that inspired them)
>They added the setting later
How in the fuck do you do that with a coherent setting and idea? Why even make it WW1? Literally makes no sense. Other than if you were afraid you might get sued for the original one.

Creatively bankrupt shilled garbage.

>Concept art
>No minis
>Exact 40k aesthetic with Jesus tacked on the shield

Creatively bankrupt shilled garbage.
Doesn't really belong to this thread, but yes. Lorgar thought Emperor is a god. During heresy religion was banned in the imperium, but imperium fell to emperor worship afterwards. Traitors fell to chaos worship. So now imperium sees chaos as heretics, while to chaos Emperor is a promethean/luciferian figure who stole from the gods and went against them.
Its not well executed I think, but that happens with many writers doing the writing.
WWI soldiers with a bunch of kitbashing could be Trench Pilgrims. And stuff like Azebs could actually be represented by different historical stuff.

The only issue is when you have things like warwolves.
You're just mindbroken by 40k stealing all the thunder away from your retarded niche game and are now hating on indie games that vaguely resemble some 40k tropes because it reminds you of how shit your favorite game is. All this tantrum boils down to is you not liking a popular thing likely because it means no one wants to play the shit you like.
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What exactly do you like from it that you feel is missing from miniature gaming?

>Exact 40k aesthetic
Ah yes, the iconic WW1 from 40k. Strange GW hasn’t struck down Trench Crusade for stealing it from them wholesale.
Legitimately one of the most retarded posts on /tg/ right now
I see he's back from being warned for all the buck breaking spam. Don't engage him.
Trench Crusade is not WW1, its crusades that never ended, people keep thinking its WW1 because "trench" is in the title. Still waiting for that WW1 game.
We're talking about the aesthetic here Anon, specifically the aesthetic sans the religious iconography.
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It doesnt look like WW1 at all either. It is closer to "modern crusaders" than it is to WW1 in aesthetics.
New unit for the Court. I'm guessing it's one of the 0-1 Elite choices from this bit of lore.
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Sounds awesome. Fleshcrafing makes sense as a type of magic, especially for Heretics.

I like his foreskin hoodie.
Ok, they're cool. Very cool.
So are the hunters of left wing path humans who gave decided to survive in hell's wilderness? Or are they demons.
Left hand*
Goddamn media and whatsapp groups have scrambled my brains.
Demons, obviously. This entire faction is demons, there aren't any mortals.
True, even hellknight's lore mentions if they were human, they have attained demonhood. Still, it will be interesting to see their rules. Hunters do rituals in the wilderness, knights have sigils on them etc.
>Bitching about how muh heckin WW1 religious game isn't really about Perry minis and a different ruleset
>Doesn't even know history
The absolute state of the Trench Crusade A-logs
Quoting someone anon, there are people that think the setting satire on religion and its followers. Thats where were at I guess.
Neat. I like the concept but I'm not sure I like the "premade" lore for them. He always has a cloak of eyes and an arm-bow? Well, what if I want to equip /mydudes/ differently? I think some of the Hell designs, while strong, don't leave enough room for customizing.
It seems like the /yourdudes/ for this game are the trench pilgrims/heretic troopers. Otherwise the specialists and elites often fall hard into GWification strategy of making them very distinct so they read easily on the table.
The part about their gear says their arms often take the shape of bows, which leaves plenty of room for other hideous meat weapons, and even the cloak bit isn't written in a way to imply a hard and fast "they always wear these at all times."
I'm really not seeing that at all. Hell for the Sultanate we just got a build your own homunculi system.
I haven't played a ton of miniature games to answer that question in a way that's anything more than what I specifically like about it. There could be other games that do these things, I'm not sure. But I just enjoy the hopeless vibe of it and the setting story appears to be decently thought out. Essentially a mix of 40ks grimdark but the idea of a true constant century of warfare locked to a singular planet and based in our real world is a lot more palpable to conceptualize to me, just artistically at well it seems it's something I'm going to enjoy making terrain/decoration for
Are we sure about that? It feels like actual demons should be way too powerful to comprise a whole faction.
Yes, completely sure, you didn't read the lore for the Hell Knights or the Pit Locusts that were posted already?

This is the "elite dudes that are bigger and better but more expensive than everyone else" faction.
I read them, I just assumed a lot of their stuff would be weaker human servants to make up for how obviously gigapowered their shown units are.

The descriptions of these guys make them sound like they should be able to rip apart smaller Pilgrim or Antioch warbands on their own. Like, I'd expect a Hell Knight to be equal to four or so elites of other factions... and warbands only get so big.
Hell Knights seem to be their basic line infantry, actually.
>Its not well executed I think, but that happens with many writers doing the writing

Yeah, the sad truth is that when you have an IP that has been around for decades and has been given to dozens of writers, the lore just inevitably becomes a mess. Just pick and choose what you like, or make up your own head cannon.
Where and when can I buy models?
Kickstarter this year, Soon (TM)
I see the old kickstarter, will they be doing another one?
That's what I just said
Yeah they are. That's the one that'll have the rules and models - both physical and STLs
There are no rules and no models, this entire general is nogames losers
>There are no rules
Retard the mega is literally in the OP
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Does no one else find this weird?

>meet Arashadriel
>a fallen angel, he is a being of immense cosmic power
>though limited by the finite form he has been squeezed into, his ageless power is beyond that of any mortal
>eldritch madness and unspeakable horror await all who look upon his true face
>his armour and weapons are forged in the pits of Hell
>imbued with terrible Goetic magic, they are capable of deflecting mortar rounds and rending through solid steel
>he bears the festering sigil of the Archdevil ASHMEDAI, prince of lust and ravager of brides, who has personally spat in the face of Archangel Michael
>he is roughly equivalent to Steve from Swindon
>Steve is an out of shape, underfed peasant
>he got caught tugging out a watery rope by his local preacher, and so he was given a big metal hat and a gun, and sent to the front
>when not dying of trench foot or shooting wildly at nothing, he enjoys fasting, praying, and screaming at his own cock
>he has a badly maintained rifle, sometimes
They are clearly not equivalent though, I already stated, this is the elite expensive faction.
Yeah, and I'm saying the lore gap seems so vast here that they shouldn't even be in the same category. Hell Knights sound like they should be chopping up most of the Faithful elites we've seen statted in droves. They can't be THAT elite in game, because warbands aren't really very big in general.

Don't get be wrong, I don't care all that much. The factions looks and sounds cool, it'll probably be my secondary. It's just kinda funny that Steve even has a chance here.
But Steve is not an elite, he's a mook. Faithful elites include things like super-human Communicants, and Prophets blessed by God with supernatural powers, and Assassins that can bend time and teleport and have weapons made out of poisonous metal harvested from the blood of supernatural creatures. So no, I don't think Hell Knights should be carving up THOSE sorts of units in droves.
I don't think I've seen a statted Faithful unit that sounds like they should be remotely as tough as an actual demon noble squeezed down into human shape, not even the assassins. It's the difference between a guy in mechanized armour or a guy with some nice biomods and an ancient being of evil divinity.

Let's put it this way: if you were to turn these creatures into enemies in an RPG, Communicants and Assassins sounds in their lore like something you fight midway through the game. Hell Knights sound like they could be the final boss. In many wargames I'd expect something like a Hell Knight to be leading my whole army.

I'll drop this here though.
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>a few snippets of random miscellaneous "rules"
Are you retarded or trolling?
Nigger the file called TRENCH CRUSADE in all caps is the full fucking core game
He’s just baiting you Anon, don’t take the bait.
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I'm dissappointed in how generic and baisc the body armour is. The crotch skull and metal discs with runes are great, but the actual armour just looking like a shaped muscular man is quite lame and brings down the rest of the design. I think they should look to dark souls more exotic types of armour to get something far more alien and bizzare looking
Nothing's forcing you to keep to the original aesthetic. As long as you're open as to what counts as what, then no one should care. And if they do, then kill them and eat them.
I agree they could have done a bit more here, it feels like they're rushing out some of the Court of the Seven-headed Serpent designs just to have the faction ready to play with the next version update of the game, but the Pit Locusts were amazing and there are still 4 other units to go so I think/hope the really exotic and crazy stuff is still to come.
we dont really know the full lore of these guys
The Hell Knights mentions they are either (very powerful) mortals who were promoted to being a sort of demon, or a lesser angel which was demoted into a sort of demon - both of which have reason to be not a super high ranking demon.

We know that arch-devils are crazy strong but we dont have a clear view of what shit-heel demons are like (if we say that stuff like the witch and wolf dont count as demons and just demon-made-fellas).
The lore blurb mentions
>The silent battalions of Hell, summoned to serve when the Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent seeks sport, are composed of Hell Knights.
>Their ever-burning banners stream as they march to war, carrying out the bidding of their masters.
>They are the bannerets of the High Lords of the Court, champions who respond to foolish mortals daring to challenge the hunting parties of the Serpent's nobility, who embark on hunting excursions beyond the Gate for their amusement.
So they're jobbers, guards essentially.

>Heretic Priests whisper that these infernal warriors were once lesser fallen angels or mighty mortal champions elevated into devilhood, but then cursed by their liege lords for some slight, real or imagined.
>Cast out from the burning palaces of the Pit, the alabaster architecture of their bodies is now bound, twisted and folded upon itself a thousand times and encased in a tomb of their once-splendid armour that is now their eternal prison.
>It is said that to glimpse the body inside is to gaze upon the sheer horror of divine flesh warped with glaring eyes of light, mouths uttering blasphemies and pulsating inner organs that gibber and shriek, crushed into a space barely tenth of their original form.
>Despite a reduction in stature, they retain their inordinate pride and brook no insolence from the wretched mortals that serve them.
And they've been cast out, so even then they're probably not all that hot shit to ones still in direct service to a demon.
I assume we haven't seen the full Hell lineup as Hell Knights do sound a bit strong for basic troops unless full mortal free Hell armies are going to be a handful of crazy strong demons. I'm guessing we're going to see some kind of court chaffe unit that Hell Knights use to not just eat 10 machineguns and mortars at once the moment they pop into no man's land.
I think the court will be little above average in the tabletop. Troops will be expensive and the magic replaces the cannon fodder somehow.
His new book is printef in chins, SUPER small. So doesnt do the art justice.
I am luckily in Europe and got his book 10 years ago for 150€. It helps when its multiple languages and the guy is less onown. Was still hard as fuck and had to hire an antiquarian to hunt it down.
Very based, I hope there is a Kickstarter soon. I need cool infernal shit.
"There shall be among you lying teachers who shall bring in sects of perdition"

The Templars were adherents of Christ before they opened the portal to Hell and placed the false Gods before Christ in their faith. They were not infidels (adherents of a different faith). they are heretics in a Catholic dogma definition as despite being once members of the faithful they fell into the lying teachers who place false idols above the Trinity (or God for the Iron Sultanate).

Infidels and apostates are those that do not believe in the same God (to include Abrahamic faiths that do not believe in the Trinity or vice versa those that do not accept Muhammad as a Prophet)
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So what is the Court of the Seven-headed Serpent? Is seven headed serpent just another Arch devil or is it the court of all arch devils. Their forces are for when they 'hunt' in the mortal world, and happen to have the most elite and powerful beings following them rather than be an explicit military force
>Is seven headed serpent just another Arch devil
It's Satan himself, but the warband is basically just one of his lower-level nobles bringing a few of their retainers and huntsmen to go have some fun in the mortal world.
ah okay, so the warband lower level noble is an arch devil or is he below them?
The Cult of the Black Grail is the warband of Beelzebub who is an Arch devil right?
It's not specified but the term "Arch-Devil" seems like it refers to creatures that are WAY too powerful to ever be statted and playable on the tabletop so I don't think it can be that. Definitely below them.

Consider the Hell Knight lore says before they were punished they were about 10 times that size, and those were just regular low-level demons.
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Ahh okay that makes sense. It's kind of craxy how powerful hell units seem to be, even their grunts from the Heretic Legion have to walk towards Gates of hell that burn their bodies and if they make it they get powerful armour and weapons. The Trench pilgrims seemlike they'd have to have double the units to even have a chance
Keep in mind the Pilgrims basic troops are jobbers, but they have stuff like Stigmatic Nuns and the War Prophets who are blessed by God with super powers, not to mention Communicants.

The really low-level baseline humanity faction is not the Pilgrims, it's New Antioch.
I keep hearing about using nail art charms as decoration, little crosses and shit like that. Anybody have a go-to set they like?
Check the facebook community group, that's where the idea was first posted I think
That thing is legitimately disturbing. I love it.

Exactly. YOUR problem.

Kitbash your own troops so you like them better.
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I actually disagree with this and its why I want the official models to come sooner. Convert 40k models, Ill just say it outright, do not convert historical trite, if youre doing it right the models will look closer to 40k than to historicals, and historicals are just not the aesthetic Trench Crusade is going for. At least what he posted would work as a good base for any faction, just buy some different guns, crosses and melee weapons to attatch.
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If youre doing it correct it will look something like this...
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Not this.

Hes right in the regard that 40k stuff is at least way closer to what you should be aiming for and can better use as a base, not just "historical soldier painted drab with some dirt on them and gasmasks".
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That makes sense actually, thanks anon
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Not this.

Warhammer stuff is just way better for conversion because the end result should look similar in that its bombastic and out there, hisotrical stuff is far too mundane as a base, and I have yet to see a good conversion using historical models compared to anything Ive seen using Warhammer models.
you know, you dont have to ape some artworks.
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Its not really "apeing" when its more "doing it right". Imagine showing up for a game and the oppositions models dont even look like they are from the wrong game. I would actually challenge people to make historical stuff look good for this, they are just too "normal" looking as a base for a setting that is pretty far from normal. New Antioch is the only faction youd be making stuff for too.

No really, just take warhammer models and swap the iconography for crosses, the bare minumum effort, and it will look better than any amount of effort applied to converting historicals to this setting.
>"doing it right"

Are you that dense? You cant do it "right" or "wrong" in a game where kitbashing is encouraged.
And has official designs and models coming out...
The game has an aesthetic and sticking to it is "right".
Careful anon. They might ban you like the other anon giving mild criticism. Like Reddit.
these guys would work just fine if they were painted differently. for certain units, anyway. for weirder shit like communicants and what-not then yeah you want something a little more fantastical.
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I dont think they do honestly, they look way too normal, you would have to do so much work to them that you may aswell just use a different base. Again, I would like to see someone actually try and do something with historical models, almost everything I see is warhammer conversions
I'm not really sure what you mean by "too normal." a lot of the units are just human guys in WW1-ey and/or crusadey outfits. there's also no reference for what regular troopers look like with armor on, so relatively unadorned armor doesn't seem like a problem to me. they're not holding guns, obviously, but you could just strap some to their backs or whatever. some people prefer that kind of look. it's not my cup of tea personally, but I'm not gonna fault them for it.
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Ehhh not really. This is what they look like.

Heres an example I found just slapping guns onto the historicals, its not that they look bad, its that they just do not look like they are part of the setting at all given the official art we have and what official models exist, and compared to the other conversions shown in the thread. It looks way too mundane for the setting in my opinion.
those are trench pilgrims, default trench pilgrims would look like that
Communicants and Castigators obviously wouldnt look like that
But the basic dudes are more or less historicals with guns
they do look like they're part of the setting though. they're not one-to-ones of the artwork but this is a miniature-agnostic game, the whole point is they don't have to be.
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Dont trench pilgrims look more like this? The one thing that all the official designs and artwork does is hide the face with strange helmets, I would go so far as to say that strange helmet designs are a key part of the desgin phylosophy at this point.

I get that, but in light of them releasing official models and designs they are trying to create a certain aesthetic, this stuff just doesnt look like it belongs to me.
And yet helmets aren't mandatory.
>official art
>no no, they don't look like that
>unofficial, random kitbash
>this is what they look like canonically
There is stupidity on display here that truly boggles the mind.
Fresh Bread
I could get into the nitty-gritty about how you don't have to give your dudes iron capirotes (like >>93248319 says) and how there's even a trench pilgrim subfaction that requires you not to use them, but I think our disagreement is a broader difference of interpretation. You think (or seem to, correct me if I misunderstood) that certain interpretations aren't Franchina enough to "be" Trench Crusade, especially historical ones. I think you're being too strict. A line that subjective really only exists in your head, and could easily be very different for a lot of different people. If it was clearly a Space Marine or something, that'd be different, but as long as the models are concretely the thing they're supposed to be, I can't really fault an interpretation based on "but look at the shape of his hat."
Its like saying 40k ork boyz or sm scouts look to mundane because some megaboss or fancy terminator chaplains exist in the same army.
Of course the low base troops should look mundane..

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