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We all know the stereotypes of adventurers.
Heck, we all know history and figures like Genghis Khan.

So how does the phenomenon of "Parties of adventurers travelling the world, stopping by towns and cities" effect the overall demographics of the world? After all, even assuming most parties have one bard... that'll change the local population a bit, don't you think?
So did he fuck that stone or did his sperm dripple on it? Or was it just his hand touching it to acquire his DNA?
He fucked the boulder
He honestly has no idea how it happened
If I had to guess:
>Bro fucked an Earth Elemental, had no idea it could produce offspring
>Bro fucked a Stone Golem
>Bro was bored at camp, went out to get some relief privately, saw a shapely rock, left, didn't relize it was a creature
I think he's like a Mesopotamian deity, and just jacking off creates life.
Bro is King Hrol
Why else do you think there are so many Half Elves? (Human adventurers visiting Elven kingdoms nearly always results in a population bloom)
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>Parties of adventurers travelling the world, stopping by towns and cities
I mean, this would only be a phenomenon in chaotic periods wouldn’t it? You don’t have bands of heavily armed troubleshooters mucking about when things are going well. An age of peace and plenty has no need for condottieri or whatever. As you implied with the mention of Genghis Khan, unfortunately a lot of the academic literature focuses on sexual violence in warfare, both as a weapon to demoralize an enemy and as a way to reward your soldiers, and I presume you’re more interested in the demographic effects of consensual relationships?
>I presume you’re more interested in the demographic effects of consensual relationships
Why would you assume that?
How widespread are “adventurers” as a subset of the population in your world?
OP here.

I am more interested in the demographic effects of consentual relationships, yes.
More specifically, your stereotypical "Adventuring Party" often includes visits to the Inn or Brothel that tend to conclude with "entertaining the locals," which led me to wonder how, in many TTRPG fantasy settings, this would effect the world.
Times of chaos fit the bill, given that adventurers are usually travelling to solve a problem or save the world.
>your stereotypical "Adventuring Party" often includes visits to the Inn or Brothel
whores do generally try and avoid getting pregnant, so probably less than you'd expect
Forgotten Realms? Common
Eberron? As per the creators of the setting, Rare.

My own settings? In eras of great magical upheaval and war? Actually fairly common, with adventurer's guilds being an important institution in most nations (save for those that are more isolated).

That's fair. I suppose the Bards/heros seducing the local populace outside of brothels would be more the defining factor.

We see the mother. All your guesses means he masturbated on/behind the stone.

Weird power!

King Hrol, father of Reman Cyrodiil.
He went mad and fucked a mountain, and it later got pregnant and gave birth.
How often do you even see random adventurers being adventurers just because they are bored? If you look closely, actually pretty few IPs actually do this

>The average DnD adventure has a box with reasons why you should care about the plot
>Bg3 has you be driven by Mind Flayer abduction and the quest to get rid of the worm
>Dragon Age Origins has you conscripted into a secret order
>Dragon Age 2 has you flee you war torn nation and try to survive in a foreign land flooded with other desperate people
>Dragon Age Inquisition has you being the chosen one by glowing mark
>ES: Oblivion has you be the chosen one because the emperor told you
>ES: Skyrim has you be the chosen one by being dragonborn and getting called by old fucks on a mountain
>ES:Online has you be escaping Molag Bal and trying to get you soul back
>FFXIV has you be the reincarnation of an ancient being who embodies travel and helping folk
>SWTOR has you be a member of FACTION who works for said faction and is pulled into larger events
>WoW has you volunteer to help your nation in time of crisis, you are a freelancer and sellsword in employ of local authorities till larger events transpire

Each and every time, you are less of an adventurer who just wanders around because lmao, why not. You are a guy on a loose or specific mission, with people, events or circumstances pushing you forward.
Don't know why I'm making decisions and rolling dice
Just tell me what happens to me next in your story
>adventurer's guilds
Back to jrpgs with you
Many of these campaigns take place over the course of months or even years, and you are not NonStop Speed running them unless your GM explicitly says something like "you have a week until the world ends, get across the planet."
In most cases then, adventurers need to sleep. Adventurers need to eat. Adventurers need to rest and especially blow off steam. Ergo, the stereotype. A few hours of fun at every stop would still fulfil the stereotype without derailing any campaign.
Guess most DnD settings from TSR and WotC (Forgotten Realms, GreyHawk, Dragonlance, Eberron) Every major Pathfinder setting, The elder Scrolls (with your choice of Mage, Fighter's or Thieve's guilds to boot!), Battletech (the MRBC), Warhammer40k (Rogue Traders/Trader dynasties/parties), and the like are all JRPGs, huh?

Bonus: Name 5 JRPGs that have Adventurer's Guilds.
So people both overstate and understate how diverse the ancient and medieval world was. Everyone moves around everywhere. The major limiting factor wasn't racism- religion was WAY more important than race in the middle ages, and race as a concept (at least how we understand it today) wasn't invented until like the 1700's.

However this was naturally limited to urban environments for the most part, and those that tended to be on major trade routes. Or areas where there's a lot of cultural crossroads, Egypt being a good example being at a crossroad between Africa and Asia, and having a lot of european influence from Greece and Rome.

So the real limiting factor was just transportation technology. The airplane largely means anyone of affluence can get a plane ticket to anywhere else in the world. Back in the day you were limited to either where a horse could feasibly take you, or a boat. Roads built by major states like the Romans and Persians certainly helped, but really you could only make travel that much easier if you built a canal and back in the day you could only build those so far.

Anyway I imagine diverse bands of adventure parties would be only nominally more novel a sight than what someone might have seen in a city like Rome, or Cairo, or even London in the middle ages. They'd be more noteworthy going out into the countryside where the populace will be more monotonous.
That does bring a good point.
If adventurers go to a relatively isolated village, have to stay there to do important things for a week-a month... that would be far more noticeable a change should they have... "engaged" the local populace. Heck maybe one of the morally stronger ones like a paladin takes a wife.

So, what happens to a dominantly isolated human village when, within a matter of a few years, their population now has a decent chunk of half elves, half orcs, and the like?
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>that would be far more noticeable a change should they have... "engaged" the local populace
The problem is that, likely, adventurers are strangers. If they’re going into the countryside, how are the honest folk of the village to know if their intentions are for good or ill? Even if the local authorities invite them to deal with a problem they’re still outsiders. So I guess the degree of engagement depends on whether the hospitality (considered sacred in many pre-modern societies) outweighs practical concerns like “how do my family and I know we won’t be robbed?” The tale of Baucis and Philemon comes to mind, where the only people in town to offer aid to two shifty-as-hell strangers was the titular elderly couple, who were rewarded when the strangers turned out to be gods (everyone else was punished).
Only trve CHIM-heads understand

[s]god I miss the tes threads on /tg/[/s]
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The practical concerns would be rather strong, I imagine, in the kind of socioeconomic conditions which lead some people to pick up a sword or a wand and venture out in search of fortune and glory (by killing things and taking their stuff). Will these be “heroes” or will they be brigands? Best to ignore them if you can, interaction is too risky.
Suppose it depends on the town's culture then. Local religion, beliefs, xenophobia level, etc.
That said, Bards do tend to have the capability, magical or otherwise, to win over people nearly anywhere, so long as they speak the same language and aren't entirely alien, and just the same, Clerics and Paladins likely would bring credibility to a party, especially if they venerate someone the town also reveres.

That said, this then brings up a good point. HIGH FANTASY settings seem more likely to have demographic chantes due to adventurers, whereas LOW FANTASY settings are likely to mirror the more xenophobic reality of our world history.
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Ok, thats some Zeus cucking here!
I think that was kinda what the lore writers were going for.
They wanted their world's lore to FEEL real, so they put in some of the crazy, insane sexual stuff that you find in Greek and Egyptian Mythology.
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How real?
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>Human adventurers visiting Elven kingdoms nearly always results in a population bloom
That's retarded, elves don't accept mutts.
Half elves are born from elves adventuring outside rather than the other way around.
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Well my wife plays an orphaned daughter of an adventurer and a local woman. The adventurer moved on and never returned and the mom died when she was young. So her motivation to take up adventuring is to find his dad. (It's made more interesting that she's playing a tiefling which is exceedingly rare to see)
I love my wife, she is my best player.
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Depends on the elves.
Ignore my esl level proofreading pls
More like depends on the DM's magical realm
In your setting, maybe.
> Abandoned by dad, mom is a dumb whore
Latin American maybe?
You're telling me that elves, who tend to isolate, be extremely emotional but curious will full on wandering phases, who in many settings are aligned with the feywild and a more chaotic nature, and yet simultaneously somehow keep cities to themselves... wouldn't go for it?
I'm sorry, but if a Human party stops by an Elven city for any more than a week, a WHOLE lot of half elves will mysteriously appear about a year later.
> No, no, my fetish is the canon, anything else is just some rare edge situation
So do you have a fetish for Mexican orcs?
> If a Human party stops by an Elven city for any more than a week, a WHOLE lot of half elves will mysteriously appear about a year later.
That's retarded, even if the elves whore themselves, they'll just magic away any pregnancy. Why the fuck would they be irresponsible enough to go for a random fuck, but also moralfag enough to want to keep a pregnancy?
Retarded fetish fags.
your fanfic of about elfs opinions on other races is not universal to all settings
> Implying anyone likes 5e "art"
>but also moralfag enough to want to keep a pregnancy?
Elves are chaotic good, not chaotic neutral or chaotic evil
the only fag here is you
also morality about who you have sex with is not related to the morality about killing unborn babies
*shrug* I guess the same as any other town.

I guess you're going to have a mix of the racists and non-racists. Like I live around Appomattox, you know, where the civil-war ended. Most of the boomer class here are your old-school racists (hate black people, but you know, aren't the straight up Nazi's you see nowadays). Here most of the fat white women (and there's a lot of those because it's the south) get scooped up by the black men and have mixed race children, and I can tell you the white grandparents are NOT happy about it. But also- you know. Nobody is stabbing each-other. Pretty normal small town. The teens are as about liberal as any other zoomer.
I could see maybe there's a ritual for a party of adventurers to do if they're gonna stay in town for a while. Like nothing grandiose, just like a small party for everyone to get to know each-other, have the town leaders get to talking with the party to make sure they are on the up and up. Maybe give them a tour of the town (including the jail for a subtle 'here's what we do to fuck-ups' hint).

By the way- another thing that's very glossed over in our day and age. No newspapers in the middle ages. So you got your news from travelers and that's one of the reasons why sacred hospitality was a thing. Life was fucking boring for a peasant, so a traveler stopping in your house wasn't just an excuse for a party, it was also a place where you could get news on the rest of the world, and in addition: get some entertainment if they were a good storyteller.

So in this case- the more 'diverse' or strange the party member that strolls into town, the more entertainment they have to offer. So if there's an elven clown assassin or something strolling up to an isolated village- well the villagers will likely figure not only does he probably have some good stories to tell, but he's a window to a world they're not gonna get a good look at for most of their life.
Did someone take a photo of their screen to get this pic?
>They'll just magic away the pregnancy.

Point to the spell that does this in D&D, Pathfinder, GURPS, and a fourth system of your choice.

If there is not one of each, you cannot assume this.
>Why do you think there are so many Half Elves?
Yes and it’s a picture of Reddit to boot
This is an incredibly good point, and I'm stealing it for future use with lower tech/lower fantasy campaigns.
The elf is legitimately just jealous that so many random thots get to lay with the bard.
The bard is a fucking moron that thought the elf was a guy the entire time.
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women rather sleep up then sleeping down, and humans kind of suck
>humans even being allowed into an elven city
hohoho, no
You seem to imply men enjoy sleeping down?
To be fair, TSR era adventurers guilds are very different from the modern interpretation.
In TSR era, what few books describe them describe them more as small scale merc companies where each member happens to be elite.
If I remember right one of the FR books even says they'd be more accurately called adventuring companies because you go to them for a job that needs doing and they do it A Team style.
If we're going by Forgotten Realms, the one elven state to allow lesser races in collapsed under the weight of unrest caused by too many refugees (also yugoloths).
None of the others let non-Elves in, and in the areas where they border non-Elven lands (Yuir, Evereska), the nearby areas tend to see dramatic drops in human populations for an increase in half-elven populations.
I guess one could count Dambrath too, but Dambrath has had at least one retcon per edition at this point, so I find it unreliable to talk about.
In D&D nararoot, tastes like licorice, 100% effective contraceptive.
Doesn't abort but would be extremely common in any wooded land.

Cassil is the tasteless version uses by men to temporarily reduce sperm count.
Men typically sleep with whatever they can get.
>women rather sleep up then sleeping down, and humans kind of suck
All the half elves are from young male elves who leave their enclaves to go adventuring, and then return to their homelands to never allow any lesser races there.
Has this ever been the case anywhere outside of Warhammer Fantasy?
Because from Norse myth, to Lord of the Rings, even down to AoS, it's mostly human men and elven women.
Octavia from Pathfinder has that exact backstory elven adventurer ditched town after knocking her mom up
Shadowheart's mom was luckier because her elven dad stuck around
Vex and Vax (pictured above) have an elven dad who likes to remind them they're filthy mudbloods and will never be true elves
>then why the hell did you put your dick in a human woman?
also Lodoss War has like one half elf called Leaf (iirc; I'm not sure if she's like the only half-elf) and her dad was an elf
Norse mythology didn't really favor elf female - human male relationships over elf male - human female.
> Högni was a hero in Thidreks saga, born to a human queen when an elf visited her while the king was away.
Either way, the point was more that human males visiting elves and getting a bunch of elves pregnant isn't really the case in fantasy in general either, it's more about either adventuring male elves going outside their lands, or an actual monogamous female elf / male human couple where either the elf ends up abandoning her lands to be with the humans, or the couple ends up tragic in some way with the kid being seen as "unique", whether they grow with elves or with humans.
and I forgot Drizzt had a child
also if you meet a half-drow there's like a 99% chance the dad was the drow
and the Bretons, all of them, who can trace their ancestry back to horny aldmer knocking up their nedic slaves
Why would a female elf even get pregnant from a lesser race unless she was truly ~in love~?
Elves are intelligent and magical, if female ones are going to whore around, they sure as hell will take precautions, likely the magical sort.
Male elves instead will surely see it as an act of kindness to bestow their seed upon a female of a lesser race, as their seed would improve said race.
shit like the female elves in LotR or Deedlit picking Parn in Lodoss are just for the sake of self inserting as the human male.
It is kind of funny that for someone who talks to drow they wouldn't likely know drow are a matriarchy, since drow see talking to non-drow as about on par with taking out the trash.
Let the male drow handle it.
Would you ever save a pic from Reddit?yxw8d
>as their seed would improve said race
Half elves are a psyop made by racist elves to introduce more humans to elven genetics to slowly outbreed them and make them more susceptible to their elven overlords
Think about it, the number of half elves has statistically increased in the span of several years will continue to rise
And while the elves don't let humans into their cities they're happy to send out their young males to seduce our human daughters!
>Why would a female elf even get pregnant from a lesser race unless she was truly ~in love~?

You are thinking as if elven women treat getting pregnant as the same load that human women do. Length of pregnancy and the time it takes for the child to mature to independence would influence how problematic getting pregnant would be to them. A 9 month pregnancy and 15 years to independence is different for someone who expects to live to 400 than it would be for someone who expects to live to 50. Taking care of a child for 1/25th of your life due to an affair is different than taking care of a child for 1/3rd your life.

I wouldn't be surprised if "elven purity" is more about male elves restricting access to female elves due to male elves have a "musth" period while female elves have a more constant fertile period.
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The concept of being an "adventurer" has been rotted. Time was being an "adventurer" was a rarity. Adventurer wasn't a fucking job. And you certainly wouldn't see them in large quantities. Typically if one guy claimed to be an adventurer he was some hobo with his friends that nobody took seriously till he did something heroic in their hour of need. And typically your party shouldn't be defined as blanket adventurers as much as they were people who managed to stumble into a quest for whatever reason. To be sure there are certainly mercenary troupes and things like that but that's sword for hire shit usually under some banner or doing some such work. If adventure calls it usually means something big is happening beyond the scope of randos. There shouldn't be just random adventurers.
>An age of peace and plenty has no need for condottieri or whatever.
History disagrees with you. Besides, there's never an "age of peace and plenty" in the history of the world. The world lives in more relative abundance than at any point in history and we aren't any less likely to have conflict. If it weren't for nuclear weapons we'd have another global conflict today.

Now in addition to the contempt and avarice of men with power, go ahead and add in fantasy races with their own competing motivations and monsters. The only setting in which this actually doesn't make much sense is in whatever cosmopolitan "we're all equal" bullshit slop that WOTC comes up with. Even then you get dragon cults or nazi wizards or whatever.
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What's his name, /tg/?

Adventuring often referred to anything from campaigning for your crown, going on crusade, going out to explore or caravan with traders, going on pilgrimage, going raiding, or something else. It was often quite nefarious. RPG conceptions of adventuring are reasonably plausible. Especially if you ad "monster hunting" into the mix. You are correct that "bands" of adventurers or mercenaries would likely be more popular than small "parties" (who are probably more inclined to be highway thieves).

Completely depends on the setting, no? Would be nigh unheard of in LOTR (as it was) and quite scandalous. But it's ubiquitous in Faerun.
Men are extremely pathetic (see /vt/) and will gladly simp for fat whores that hate them if those whores put out once in a blue moon.
Women also have lower sex drives and are more prone to delusion, so she might not be able to get chad but she'll wait her entire life for chad and then wonder why she's alone at 60.
>But it's ubiquitous in Faerun.
In Faerun, birth control is extremely cheap and common.
Yet a ton of people just don't use it
just like irl
Elves see a child as not being mature until they're over 100 years old.
A half-elf child is doomed to never be able to learn enough to actually exist in the world as a person in elven society.
Promoting more that they're something dumped on humans.
> All these mental gymnastics to justify a fetish for impregnating elf sluts.
If 15 years are nothing (elves are only considered adults at 100 in d&d btw), then there's zero reason for the elves to give a damn about pursuing 15 minutes of pleasure.
>Yet a ton of people just don't use it
Given the amount of wild sex in Faerun, it seems like they use the contraceptives pretty commonly.
Irl the ones that don't use it are either retards or religious.
Elves aren't retarded, and FR religions have no hangups about crazy sex shit.
No way to justify an elf just getting pregnant from a random hookup and keeping a mutt child for the funsies.
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>What's his name, /tg/?
Tariq Nasneed (formerly Buck)
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Landsknecht. Now that is bigger than the average adventuring party today, but especially in older editions you had like 12 PCs plus a retinue of servants and hirelings.
That sounds like those men are sleeping up if you ask me.
Needs more codpiece
Oh right, I wanted to check this out. I remember having just one problem with the premise, that being that the kid took Drizzt's "legendary sword" Twinkle, when Icingdeath is considerably more notable a blade. Twinkle he got from some literally who banshee no one even remembers; Icingdeath he got from the dragon Icingdeath, and he used it to banish Errtu, and overall it's just a - no pun intended - cooler sword.
The show did him dirty, but I'm not surprised given the immense daddy issues present with Beau in their second campaign. They basically took what was a somewhat cold man who could have been a better father, and dumped a whole heaping bucket of asshole in there for the animated show.
>Adventuring often referred to anything from campaigning for your crown, going on crusade, going out to explore or caravan with traders, going on pilgrimage, going raiding, or something else.

I'm aware it's a general catch all term the same way dungeons means any stinking hole in the wall full of monsters. But my point is that we've started to take these terms too literally rather than just using them as a place holder for lack of a better term when needing to explain how the game works. Your "adventurer" can be anything from a knight trying to save a princess to a mercenary paid to kill a bandit but my point is that when put into a context of the game world the knight or mercenary should be more prevalent than just calling yourself an adventurer.
She was indeed a half elf. I think there were a few nameless ones here and there but she was the only one who mattered really. But I think that was less a rarity thing and more of we just didn't have many named ones the same way we weren't exactly drowning in dwarves thing. But I haven't watched the TV series in a while either.
Whatever happened to the artist?
Life, I guess. No passion lasts forever. I think he's ok, he just stopped uploading.
Load of rubbish. Greeks and Romans were writing for centuries about how little they thought of other races.
It doesn't and deviantart-tier memes have no bearing on actual play.
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>Greeks and Romans
Greeks were massive jewaboos and egyptophiles. The Romans are famous for allowing citizenship in the Empire to everyone of any ethnicity, with Roman Emperor's including Gauls and Arabs.

You don't create an empire by only invading people who look like you.
the word barbarian comes from the Greek going to Germania and all they heard was
>laber rhababer barbara's bär bar
and all the Greeks got was
it's like Pokemon speak when all they say is their own name
The missing link is cyberpunk.

I wanna run a game like this:
Adventurers are Robin Hood types in a pseudo-Roman world. Their existence is illegal. They operate under cover. They get leads from a vast network of agents and informants.

Reasons for being an adventurer? Disdain for the ruling order. Promise of fortune. Wanting to protect the weak.
That's how you get a Paladin, a Thief and a Cleric in the same party. The Cleric hates the rulers for outlawing worship of his God. The Paladin wants to protect the innocent from evil that corrupt legionnaires are too incompetent to deal with or are even in cahoots with. The Thief wants to get rich off the back of a sucker baron he has zero sympathy for.

Basically, when you run it like this, there's no question of why is the motley crew of a party together. This world has made them. "Society creates the crime, the criminal commits it."
It wouldn't. Cross-species breeding is a mistake.
It's an irregular verb.
I am an adventurer.
You are a sell-sword.
He is a shiftless vagabond.
where I come from we just call them mercenaries and when you think about it, aren't adventurers just mercenaries without an organized workers union?
>except when you're some retarded paladin who does it 'to better the world' or some shit like that
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Romans are also famous for declining thanks to that policy.
Romans are famous for declining for any given reason that just so happens to align with whoever's speaking's views.
The Minotaur has nothing to do with Zeus.
Neither do the centaurs.
Why does the rock girl have a visible cameltoe?

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