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Was Horus right to overthrow The Emperor and establish a dictatorship where he would be the regent?
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Was it a good idea for Horus to trust the gods of chaos so much?
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Wasn't Big E also a woman?
Single mom
Raises maladjusted monsters

Sounds about right.
I dunno, ask /hhg/
What killed the hype?
I dunno, ask /hhg/
No, because he was high out of his mind on chaos powers and would have plunged the whole of the Imperium into a nightmare from which there could be no awakening.
Female custodes
>Cringe gay porn
>pointless non-questions
Youre all losers
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There are only two left
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I want to fix Konnie
Oh. Did you miss the big lore?
The Primarchs weren't scattered because the Chaos Gods decided that the Great Crusade was a threat to their power.

Instead, the Primarch's genetic mother who is also a perpetual did a Fury Road and wrote "Our Babies will not be Warlords" on the wall and psykered them all into space. The Emperor was just kinda like "Ughhh... that's annoying" and went to find them while Primarch mommy stayed on Terra.
You mean 3.
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she ain't broken
>sons spirited away by single mom
>all become trannies
Many such cases!
Wonder what art cnmbwjx3 will make after he finishes his Femprimarch series. If I was him I would make more female primarch art of them at varying times or just funny art drawings of them.

I know some of the female primarchs have been made into 3D STL sculpts of varying quality, but how should one react if a 30k player pulls up one of those models and puts it on the table?
>Wonder what art cnmbwjx3 will make after he finishes his Femprimarch series.
The lingerie version and the loli version of most femarchs are still missing
He killed Ollanius at the height of his power with no remorse. That act alone told everyone there was not a shred of goodwill within Horus
>Bratty Warmaster in need of Correction
What terrible writing. Nothing about modern 40k is salvageable.
No, that was the last lore update. The more recent one says that the Emperor was always trans, that xi impregnated xirself with forbidden warp magic (but it's OK because xi is the designated protagonist and could never do anything wrong) and xi raised the primarchs to all be wonderful allies in xir fight for equality across the stars. It mostly worked pretty well because xi was a perfect parent. The problem was that about half of the primarchs were evil straight white men who sided with the Dark Gods and Russian Bots of Chaos and fled to their new homes in the Warp where they sit and seethe impotently forever. The game rules are being rewritten to focus mainly on raising awareness on social media and organising demos with Femperors black lesbian legions of diversity. Oh, and it also specifies that this has always been the lore/game and anybody who disagrees with it is just evil and shouldn't play the game.
Brapditional Games?
I bet she has SO many piercings on her burly ladycock~
>horus girl is not bald
Yeag it's the problem with all of them. Konrad has no grease. Angron barely looks pissed. Lorgar's tats are miserable.
Why the fuck does everyone who make R63 images squeeze out every unique trait the character has?
am I really going to coom to the Warmaster?
Do it anon.
obviously not
however dubious the emperor was horus objectively made everything worse
this is a flimsy pretense to make a primarch with tits thread
Sigmar is no longer canon in the context of 40k.
And the Orks were always socially conscious social justice warriors whose Waaaaugh!! is just their culture expressing their pride in their nontraditional sexual orientation and gender identities. They were never violent just mostly peaceful cultural enrichment of the Imperium.
Chubby horus owes me a lot of sex
Did this guy do any art for Alpharia yet? The Alpha Legion is my favorite.
Does anyone have the image with the RPG systems each one would play?
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Only one
nu41k is not canon regardless of how much you want it to be
>he says in the HH trannyslop thread
HH is directly responsible for the direction GW took nu41K, retard.
Lowest effort threads in the board's entire history.
lurk more. Traditional games are not a required topic to post on /tg/
Whats happening in the bottom half?

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