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>Brutus' Drive
http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1qb0_OLhDrDSmZpRWdZaGZRcWs?tid=0B20r6rsFLOg_Zk5RdVdya3hJNnc&authuser=0 (embed)

>DriveAnon's Drive
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Cx7KoDkQa9qmDfJN9_CehZ0fxXEweKOu?usp=sharing (embed) (embed)

>Jumpchain IRC Chat
http://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/?#JumpchainCYOA (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

http://pastebin.com/Gqj3iKyn (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>How to Jumpchain
http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1qb0_OLhDrDVDFBR2NpdG03S0U/view (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Last Thread
>>93165110 (embed) (embed)
OP, I'm going to embed my first in your fucking face.
You cheeky little fuck. I like you.
>Increased price for Mega Mind from 200 to 400.
>Remembered to add Canon Export.
>Slightly adjusted effects of Nightmare Works and its post-jump reward.
>Detailed inherent drawbacks of Super Speed.
>Added note regarding Pew Pew.

Kaihou Tokku Gakuen
I wonder what the range limit is on shadow clones?
Nothing. Why would there be a range limit? They're independent beings.
>They're independent beings
What do you do when they tell you they don't want to die?
They transfer information and energy back to the user after they pop, with this being used both for training purposes and for energy refills mid-battle. Naruto uses the former to develop the Rasenshuriken, and the latter to store up "batteries" of Nature Energy to maintain Sage Mode for longer during his battle with Nagato.
The only range limit would likely be if they were in a different dimension. Even that's arguable because summoning jutsus can go across dimensions.
>They transfer information and energy back to the user after they pop
If this happens instantly does that mean shadow clones are ftl?
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You know what I'm wondering? I'm wondering if I can make a seal that does this in Naruto.
Why would a seal do that? Seals seal things.
Because seals do anything the plot demands they do.
Why not? If they can make immortal zombies then why not womb tattoos?
nta, but presumebly if there was a range limit, it would be for the chakra and memories to return, rather than a range limit where the shadow clone can operate on. Though I imagine shadow clones would be a lot more worried about dispelling if they didn't think they'd become one with the original afterwards.

Personally I assume the limit would probably only be other dimensions though. Like maybe it would take some time for chakra/memories to return if you're on a different planet, but I just dont think it wouldn't do it at all.
Uzumaki clan made a seal that summons actual death
We actually know they return memories in other dimensions. Naruto had some doing sage bullshit in... it was either in the summoning realm or a sealing scroll
That would probably be more a cursed seal/juinjutsu, which can be placed on people and manipulate their flow of chakra and mind.
Edo Tensei has nothing to do with sealing. It's a summoning jutsu.

The only seals involved, are those addedd to the Kunai to seal and suprress the mind of the zombies.
nta, but that one is a sealing jutsu, because the Shinigami seals things for you.
Now I must remake my build, why?
nta, but the summons don't live in a different dimension, they just live in far away locations in the real world. Like we're straight up told Naruto could have just travelled on foot to Mount Myoboku, though it would've taken a month, which is why they did reverse summoning instead.
Specifically to mess with (You), anon.
Honest and genuine question: how do we know the Shinigami that's summoned by the Shiki Fujin is actual literal death? It's named "Shinigami", yeah, but it doesn't seem to really give a shit if people are revived, doesn't seem to be present in the Pure World from what we've seen, and it seems more concerned with eating souls than anything-and occasionally cutting its stomach open to release souls. It could just be some sort of weird spiritual demon that exists in setting...like the Rashoman Gates, or the King of Hell. Which we still have zero explanation for beyond "it's a thing which exists".

Like, all the chance in the world that the Shinigami is death, sure, but there's also a pretty strong chance that it's just sorta a weird thing that exists and happens to be NAMED Shinigami more than anything.
The rinnigan can be used to summon king yama and it eats souls too. So even if its not literally death it is at the very least one of a class of beings that devour souls and are called by the same names as the mythical figures.

What Im saying is who the fuck knows?
I hate how alien shit killed most of the mysticism of Naruto.
JUMP #0145: Hellblazer

Location: 3. New York
Age: rolled 7 +17 = 24
Gender: Male
Origin: Scholar (100)
>Mana (free)
>Synchronicity (free)
>Encyclopedic (free)
>Funds (free)
>Tarot Cards & Crystal Ball (free)
>The Dreamstone (300)
>Necronomicon (300)
>The Book of Eternity (300)
>Last Man Standing (+0)
Total: 1000/1000

Commentary: It's so not worth it to take drawbacks here. This might be my most magpie build yet. Besides studying my new artifacts this seems like a good place to lean into Jumper's divination skills. Offering accurate predictions of the future is an easily marketable skill for and among wizards. At least before I inevitably get drawn into some plot for my Necronomicon.

Also good night thread. I need to turn in early.
is there any mental or magical equivalent to the Method in Luther Strode?

As in a training program that one can undergow fairly quickly to boost themselves in those regards?
Demonic cultivation
Combine them.
Do you do your part in helping spread the multiversal drug trade?
Rolled 1 (1d3)

>1: Work on my Chain.
>2: Work on my Jump.
>3: Spend tonight gaming.
>t. Fodder
Why would I do that?
I am consuming enough drugs to sustain it all by myself, so yea
I knew it.
Nah, Im currently more interested in conquering and rehabilitating some absolute idiot alien overlords into a functional if fuedal space pantheon.

One where jaffa and humans man vast spaceborn agriculture platforms and our fleets of ships are used in tandem with stargates to provide a higher quality of life for everyone involved. Where a mortal can earn semi immortality and becoming a jaffa is more a magic ritual paying homage to the actual jaffa legions instead of actually putting a snake in your gut.
If you take sequel canonicity will it apply to your companion too?
Yes, though without any negative effects post-jump.
Rolled 3 (1d4)

Well, okay then. Where am I dragging all these princesses?
>1: Skyrim
>2: Etrian Odyssey 5
>3: Suikoden
>4: Ragnarok Online
Do you ever incorporate things which you know are strictly speaking sub optimal just because you find their aesthetic to be superior?
If you have an elemental body are you needless or you still needs to eat, drink and breath? Sorry if I'm annoying.
All the time
all the time, optimized builds are lame as fuck, I just rule that my jumper doesen't make builds, since he obviously would go for the most power with the least amount of danger.
Yes, constantly.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Borrowing this
That's like 90% of the fun of Jumping.
Aesthetics are all that really matter, anon. You know this. Besides, there are infinite permutations of different ways to acquire the potency you sacrificed for them.
Of course
Could you add an option to import items into items that grant us powers?
You'll still have needs.
And don't worry, these questions are helping to improve the jump.
Thanks for the jump, I've not seen it here before
>No Perks[+200cp]: For the duration of your stay here, you won’t have access to any perks from outside this jump, with the exception of those from your Body Mod or equivalent supplements.
>No Items[+200cp]: For the duration of your stay here, you won’t have access to any items from outside this jump, including your Cosmic Warehouse or equivalent supplements. This prevents you from fusing, combining and attaching said items with those you acquire here at the start of your visit, but you’ll get a chance to do so as you leave.
>No Companions[+200cp]: For the duration of your stay here, you won’t have access to any companions from outside this jump which you haven’t paid to import.
Maybe change this to +100CP each?
getting 600CP extra for tackling this jump like a first jump seems pretty OP, considering the setting is really low danger all things considered.
REAL OLD >>93173656
An updated version of my build.
>CP 1000
>Just an annoyance
I will be Metrowoman's sidekick
Her shady sidekick, who is "manipulating" her
It doesn't say you must be ugly, just weird
The Game[+200cp]
Superhero life
Sequel Canonicity[+300cp]
Nightmare Works[+100cp]
No Perks[+200cp]
No Items[+200cp]
No Companions[+200cp]
>I must take all of these because of my various schizofrenic rules.
CP 2600
>Licensed Soundtrack[Free]
>Journalist[Free] therapist
>Big Picture[-50]
>Untapped Potential[-100]
>Seen It[-200]
>He’s Perfect![-200]
>Comic Book Physics[Free]
>Super Senses[-50cp]
>Pew Pew[-300]paralizing, healing
>Super Stamina[-200cp]
>Mega Mind[-400cp]
>Super Speed[-400cp]
>Elemental[-500cp] plants, metal
>Adoring Fan[Free]
Yes? Why are you trying to minmax jumpchain?
Yes, because minmaxing is faggotry.
I still don't think Nightmare Works should imply that you don't see a world in it's own art style by default, but other than that this is looking like a pretty good Jump.
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>I saved too many girls and caused the apocalypse
>Hero BBS
More jumps like these? I want to start a chain about the benefactor grooming jumper to become her ideal harem hero.
Isekai at peace
There's Tenchi Muyo. IIRC, the jump actually starts throwing girls at you as a package deal with perks for free.
Like half of Ricrod's jumps would apply. FGO would also be a good place to go for that theme.
Kamidori alchemy, Eiyuu senki, most gachashit.
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That's already accounted for.
>These items benefit from the same universal rules in the item section and work consistently.
And those roles;
>All of these items repair, resupply, and return within a week unless otherwise noted. They also retain any improvements you make to them.
>You can freely fuse, combine, and attach items with each other, both ones you bring in from outside the jump and those you pick up here.

Nah. But here's a cute Braixen.
Will we get BG2&3 jumps to go with 1?
Not just perks but drawbacks. Each perk of 400cp or more and each drawback comes with at least one or more women attached.
What are some sex related quirks that wouldn't get me labeled as a villain but could still be used for hero work in MHA?
>but could still be used for hero work in MHA?
You make people orgasm on touch. The longer the touch the more powerful and addictive it becomes.
Mind Control. Duh.
How do you handle perks that are sourced from, or focused around, the worship of a god?
Aesthetics are optimization. If you can do anything you want, why not do what you want the way you want it since at it's core that (embrace a given aesthetic) is something you want to do?
Marry the god and make them a companion
Depends on the god. If they're generally alright? Keep doing what I was doing - sure prayers and offerings /probably/ won't reach em, but hey maybe they do. If they're dickheads, lie to their face for ten years and then run away while talking all kinds of nasty shit.
Nta but an extremely mild version of it was in canon subject to many jokes about it being villainous from the friends of his possessor.
>Optional Step 0: Genderswap the god to a goddess
>Step 1: Seduce
>Step 2: Impregnate
>Step 3: Repeat step 2
>Step 4: Repeat step 2
>Step 5: Repeat step 2
So on and so forth.
not well, because jumper hates gods and is having a hard time stopping his followers from worshipping him. They do it because they think he created them and keeps forgetting. He claims he keeps waking up in new settings with people claiming he owns a new town, people or nation. It doesnt help that his most loyal maid/bodyguard keeps spearheading the religion when he isn't looking. She is his more devote, but treats him like a normal person as her god demands.
If you can make function in time, just make them pretty. I like my builds to be more fun and realistic over min maxing.
something tentacle related, you are in japan after all
Is it weird that a god jumper hits up a place like Pathfinder and then starts being a cleric for another god? How would this new god react when jumper is more powerful than them?
Do you want the world to be assaulted by hordes of colossal divine beasts whose miasma poisons the land and blots out the sun?

'Cause that's what you're gonna get.
Depends on the god
Probably treat you like a contractor
Just do what Shard did and consign them all to a sub-dimension of infinite lewdity where all your divine beast children live.
>having a hard time stopping his followers from worshipping him
I imagine this is what happens when most of the original followers are dead and now the majority of people in the group were basically born into it.
I can see families becoming nobles and the like. Being all high and mighty that their ancestors were in the first group of followers, while Doug over there is only descendant of the 12th group.
He was still allowed to become a hero.
In fact, one of the teachers ignored their entire class and spent their time teaching this kid
Use the Godtuner.
Do you really think that would stop Zeus from cheating on you?
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A cock so meaty that it'd knock anyone out in one blow.
what trashy Isekai has your favourite magic system?

I am looking for an inspiration for Generic Isekai.
Is this the character being an idiot, or the author being an idiot?
nta but I guarantee it's the author. This reeks of the same sort of energy as that one writer who had Magneto say that he'd "seen this sort of thing before" in reference to Captain Marvel and her band of thugs rounding people up to put them in camps and then she told him (an actual in-canon holocaust survivor) that he was "one of those dudes online who compared everything to hitler".
This time it's the author who doesn't know shit about myths.
Based Captain Marvel?
Author. 100 percent author.
idk but I imagine their Zeus has a more family-friendly personality (I assume this is Marvel but I can't tell, DC Zeus also has a more family-friendly personality). The author is probably making fun.
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Blood magic options? Want to grab stuff for a totally not Orin the Red companion. So far got Elden Ring and WHF DElves.
>Laughs in MC of God of slaughter
>Laughs in MC of Legend of The great sage
Hmmm. Which of these medabots do you think I should choose? Im currently leaning heavily to numbers 3 and 4. Gato alpar is just so cute and actually uses guns and her head unit has a function that can drag enemies into her target line like a tractor beam.
Black Cruz
Not all demonic cultivation is bad, it often just means its not used by established sects, daolou daolou (at least I think thats how its spelled) actively has the mc getting shoved into a hell plane by his dad and forced to drink blood and fight for his life until he cultivates an aura of blood and violence for killing intent.
Awww the cat is so cute
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>Jump FGO
>Half the waifus can time travel or exist outside of the linear slow of time
>The moment you spawn in a literal army of women want to fuck you
>not all demonic cultivation is bad
>this story has the MC's dad throw him into hell for something he can get normally
I will use my average neet charisma to seduce legendary queens and warriors somehow even though I'm not trying to.
>daolou daolou
That's the one where the MC's academy is named after Shrek for no fucking reason right?
>Legend of the Great Sage
Fuck that absolute retard.
>God of Slaughter
>Martial Spirit cuck
Those are all the ones that aren't fast simple methods, and they just end up being more complicated and edgy versions of regular cultivation. You never see the guys that have to make soul flags and break through as long as they mulch enough Chinese civilians being anything other than jobbers.
Okay, Keyaru cannot be trusted when it comes to talking about how fast things are.
>The author is probably making fun.
These types have no sense of irony. I guarantee you it's meant to be taken at face value
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Chainbutt: before you begin your chain, you will find love. True, deep, absolute love. A love that inspires you to do better, be better than you are every single day. A love who you are not just wholly satisfied with, but find whole new reasons to love each and every day. The only reason it couldn't be called a fairytale romance is because you could never have even imagined something so incredible.

You might be thinking that I'm going to pull some shit like how you'll have to be apart from your love forever if you go on the chain, but no. There's no catch.

You get the love of your life and you get a chain. That's it. Have fun.
>Keyaru cannot be trusted when it comes to talking about how fast things are.
You'd think the fact that he only befriended a guy just to have an excuse to do more fucked up shit after said friend died would've tipped you off that he is a retard.
>Is this the character being an idiot, or the author being an idiot?
Neither, actually. This is from Marvel 2099, and part of the idea of that line is no one remembers anything from before the year 2000. Herc is still the original though, and he’d boasted about being the son of zeus, so Cap only knows of zeus from vague boasts.
I... don't think I'll ever find that but. Thanks anon. Its a nice thought.
In this case it was meant to be a joke. She was basically poiting out he was acting in a way his dad would approve so he was like "Oh, yeah I'm being a asshole then".
Exalted necromancy
So what your saying I have a sacrifice for my Beserk jump
Well I meant to post this last thread but I made it I'll do it now. I don't know one piece I am sure it's not a great build but what the heck.

Nubee’s body Mod.

Cleansed (0)
Greener Grass (0)
Adjustment - height 5' (0)
Sex - Female (0)
Intelligence: 5 (150)
Charisma: 5 (150)
Reflexes: 5 (150)
Coloration - Red Hair, Green eyes (0)
Endowment (50)
Rejuvenation (50)
Grooming (50)
Aesthetics II (100)
Diet (50)
Enhanced Senses (100)
Charm (50)
Memory (100)

Cosmic Warehouse: My usual
Jump # 1 One Piece (X Naruto)
Origin: Marine Captain (100)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Starting Location?: Torino Kingdom
*Nakama (0)
*Will of D. (Discount, 400) Changing my middle name.
*Hakai (600)
*Conqueror's Hakai (200)
*Combat Training (0)
*Quality Weapon
*Limbless – Missing left arm (+200)
*Hungry (+ 100)

I have no idea how this does in a nightmarish world that is a cross between Naruto and One Piece. I guess I am chasing Ninjas and Pirates. It seems like I have some decently powerful abilities if I can get some experience under my belt. I know the World Government is very corrupt but I intend to try and bring justice to the world actually stop bad people. If I see the Straw hat crew or a certain orange clad ninja I'll be sure to look the other way.
Only source from gods you're chill with. Why would you source your powers from someone who hates you?
Thanks. does it have to be someone IRL or does someone from your first jump work too?
Sounds nice, does she love me back?
So your love gets to come on your chain with you?
'Cause you didn't mention that, and being away from that kind of love for the length of a chain sounds pretty shitty.
Kill them with there own stolen power.
>Why would you source your powers from someone who hates you?
To steal them, duh.
Iirc yes

Actually you cant get it normally is the thing
First jump works too.
She does.
Your love does get to go on your chain with you.
Kinda, it was a joke but like >>93184616 said. That Cap doesn't know anything about Zeus, Herc does. She points it out in a way saying "would you dad be proud?" not knowing who Zeus is and that makes Hercules go "shit, he would be proud, I'm acting like an asshole then".
>You might be thinking that I'm going to pull some shit like how you'll have to be apart from your love forever if you go on the chain, but no. There's no catch.
Nice, good chainbutt.
You know what? This sounds nice, It sound like a nice chain. I would take it in a heart beat. I would abandon dreams of Harems and things like that and just enjoy a nice chain with a partner that I value and love and returns such feelings.
You tool.
Campione, Highschool DxD, Shinmai Maou no Testament
Powder mage has great blood based voodoo magic, though I'm not sure that's what you want
Sounds nice, I accept.
I'd be all over that. Though I feel like we'd still end up with a harem anyways. Or at least a few fuckbuddies as adventuring companions. Thanks Anon.
It's annoyingly hard to find good character art for pirate jumpers who aren't waifus or One Piece characters.
I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.
What's the problem? It's just a lizard making a bad sex pun.
The prerequisite conditions are sadly incredibly unlikely. I'm fat ugly and autistic.
>pic rel
No it's not, it's called being a switch.
It's the worst sex pun I've seen in a long time.
So what's up with 4plebs? Like it just doesn't pull up the PDFs like it used too citing that the request was too big. Any good alternatives to use in the meantime?
Desuarchive works.
Haven't watched any James Bond movies in a while?
How do you be a god of blood and not have everyone want you dead for being an evil god?
Don't be an evil god?
You're a god of blood, you kinda get slapped with the label and side eyed by everyone regardless.
Cosmic exalted jump when?
You know the rules, anon
Be a good god of blood. Do blood healing. Prevent blood illnesses. Leverage your domain of blood towards being a god of family (blood ties) or heritage (blood legacy).
>blood based voodoo magic
It's not blood based. Any tiny part of a body works. Ka Poel only needs a tiny hair to force a soldier to shoot his companion and then gut himself

Would be really dangerous to do that shedding thing humans tend to do, next to a bone eye
Have a priesthood comprised of competent medical practitioners.
Family, health, willing sacrifice, victory
What do you mean 'Cosmic Exalted'?
Blood is good for you though.
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Its a shitpost that someone actually turned into a homebrew splat.
Black Cruz if you want a remotely meta pick, Sarashina-hime/Gato Alpar otherwise. Pretty sure the three that aren't Black Cruz should have compatible frames for one another's parts so you don't technically have to settle on exclusively 1 or 2 since they'd kitbash pretty well. Not sure how well any of them would perform if you don't get a good medal to run them, though...
Honestly the strat seems like you get the part printer and just go battle-happy in hopes you can get all the parts for next to nothing if you don't have the money to just buy up normal copies of most of the common ones.
Sounds like a job for Reddit.
Should try QQ.
There are meta picks in metabots?
iirc it's on the list of that retard who claims jumps every day
Reminds me of the Darven character that got added in the Pathfinder Kingmaker game because some random guy paid the kickstarter goal and wrote his fanfic in it. The demon woshipper pirate, that is also a king and the game tries to push really hard how cool of a guy he really is and it you don't murder him you get a card at the end saying how he shows up in your kingdom from time to time and make every girl there blush when they look at him.
Yes. Short version is that if it's a bug, it's probably good - beetles in particular, because it always comes back to beetle sumo/hunting if it's a competitive sport with critter-like pals for the younguns. I think that applies to the medals more than the frames, but that sort of thing was ingrained in the early lore. May have changed with the games needing to introduce new bosses and story beats but much like Digimon it's not one of those series I really followed like that as it rolled through the GBC era into the GBA era - not even sure if it managed to make the jump like Telefang did.
Ready Go. Because she has full hands and can therefore do things that aren't fighting.

Having an adorable and easily flustered ninja-girl servant that's willing to do anything for her master is also a pretty massive bonus.
What perks allow you to ruin waifus for other men, but not for their current/potential harem sisters?
I feel shame that someone used the same name as my exalts for something so ludicrously cringe.
Relationship Modification in worm
>3 & 4: Relationship Modification - Imagine being able to make it so that anyone was your best friend, trusted confidant, or loyal servant. Well you can now, people effected by your power having their social and emotional relationship to you modified either temporarily or permanently to whatever you desire. This can either be a change in how they act, or all the way up to them suddenly having appropriate memories clear as day that makes them believe that it was always this way, although sufficient willpower can allow them to resist it or break through over time. You’re not limited to just the relationships between the target and yourself. You can make a man hate his best friend with murderous rage, leave his beloved wife the same way he’d walk away from a stranger on the street, or loyally and fervently dedicate himself to a cause he didn’t even know existed yesterday. This power can affect any number of people as long as you can directly perceive them, and you can roughly sense a person’s currently existent relationships when you pay attention.
The circumstances of walutrade' marriage. You can mind break women in the bed room and give them the best dates
Ah yes, Casa-Super-Nova. The only non Ric Harem perk that can compete at the highest level.
Much as I appreciate the compliment, I'm not really familiar with the series. I'll give it a look when I have the time, but that's the most I can promise.
I still don't get how it's a "drawback" in Sonichu to be sealed in the moon and be safe from all the insanity there.
Dont be evil, be a good god of healing and families and all the good stuff related to blood first
The biggest joke of that whole questline, aside from the fact you couldn't avoid it, was that siding with the people that want to kill Darvan (which most people probably would do, because fuck Darvan) got you literally zero reward. In my blind playthrough I sided with the hellknights to try to get ride of him and literally got nothing for it.
In Bloodborn there's a whole church devoted to the idea of blood because it can heal basically any sickness if you get the good stuff. So something like that I guess?
In the context of Sonichu, that basically means that a Canon Event's going to come along and drop a whole ass multiverse on the rest of the setting. Though from what I vaguely remember, the merge would happen a few years after the jump ends.
Meh I think I've hit a slump a bit. Trying to start a new chain but I can't really find a way to justify jumper getting any powers or useful items narratively somehow without it just feeling like bullshit to me. Especially when a lot of perks in Jumpchain are just aping preexisting characters stuff.
Are you sure?
>200 CP ‘Charm and Charisma’ - You are convincing now, Jumper. Oh you are so very convincing! It’s almost like an aura surrounds you that turns everyone around you into drooling idiots who will do anything you say, although actually it’s just your natural charm. Grizzled old politicians will sign incredibly advantageous perks for you into law, girls will drop their pants for a few shinies and a potion that makes them beautiful, enemies will monologue out all their plans to you. It’s amazing, really!
You came up with the name to represent your character’s theme. He came up with the name because he wanted to have his super special snowflakes. You are not the same.
There are gods in Pathfinder who basically act subordinate to others and some who just work with the rest because their domains align.
You obtain power either directly from your ROB benefactor or through the natural processes of the world you're being reborn is, as arranged by your benefactor.
With this perk you have to actually give girls shiny objects to get in their pants, Casa-Super-Nova and upper level Ric perks let you seduce determined enemies just by existing.
Go to SCP and find a way to make yourself into one of the Koru-teusa. Literally benign blood gods.
No see I got that bit its just still hard to justify a bit in the story in the "Okay what does this actually bring to the table in universe" in a pre existing way aside from me just thinking its "Cool" and that feels... almost to cheap. I know thats funny given its jumpchain though given the benefactors a big keystone in this.
You CP comes at a price? like your benefactor sends you to jumps with the intention of a mission because for some reason they are not allowed to enter a setting.
Would killing off Mayor Chris in Sonichu make the jump better or worse? I mean from an in jump perspective he deals with a lot of bullshit iirc, so if he's not present a lot of bad stuff can happen, but if he's alive then a lot of other bad stuff happens anyway because it's Mayor Chris.
What's not straightforward? If a Perk is an inborn ability, you were born with it. If it's some kind of skill, you received training and experience. If it's a non-canon power, it appears out of nowhere.
You are in a slump because you treat this like a shopping list. Get a fucking life.
Would mind control powers like Human Taming create problems with Shinmai Master Servant contracts?
Idk I've treated jumps like shopping lists before and never had this problem
Thank you anon, that’s very sweet of you.
Youtube randomly recommended me a video of a playthrough of the demo for Reka.

I know where to get a neat chicken house and a rapid construction system. Where do I get a flock of crows that'd help me collect resources?
It's pretty funny because you can betray Darvin to the Hellknights and he escapes the first time, you can then kill the Hellknights and Darvin thanks you and says he doesn't really get you and is confused why you double crossed him and then did the same with the Hellknights, but is thankful and hopes you can be friends. Then you can say no and attack him and he just says 'Why?'
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[Norse Myth]

Drawbacks: Wrath, Rude, Greed, Blood Oath: Odin, Enemy: Muspelheim, Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, Nidavellir (3000)

Rolled Unaheim

Mixed: Monster, God (2200)

Fireproof (Free)
Fear (Free)
Life (2000)
Growing Strong (1800)
Might of Thor (1600)
Queen of the Dead (1300)
Greatest of them All (1000)
Allfather (700)
Domain: Fate (300)
Sapling of Yggdrasil (0)
Food Tasting Knife (Free)
Pet Monster: Bolva Helsdottir (Free)
Belt (Free)
Draupnir (Free)

Odin stared bleakly into the fire, the gods gathered huddled like the cowed children most of them were around him. It had been seven days since the valkyries had fetched back a struggling soul from Midgard, expecting a fine addition to the ranks of the Einherjar.

Now, it seemed like Ragnarok was starting early.

"Allfather, Utgard-Loki has sworn blood kinship with Surtur at the river where fires yet mourns ice, and sworn oaths not spoken since the, the creation of the world" said Vili. "The jotnar stand united as one people for the first time, since they were...one person. What should we do?"

Odin poked the fire.

"Allfather, the dwarfs have been blinded by greed. They have armed and armoured the jotunns in their craft, and each day more devolve into their war beasts. It is whispered some of them even have shields that can" said Ve, lowering his voice to a whisper though they stood in Asgard's halls "deflect. Mjolnir. What should we do?"

Odin poked the fire some more.

"Allfather, even the dark elves have turned against us" said Frigga. "Partly because they grow weary of being confused with the dwarfs, but also because as the raven follows the wolf to his kill. They wish to pick through our larders after the march of the giants has passed, Odin. What should we do?"

"Have none of you noticed" he said softly, "that the giants march not to Asgard, but to Niflheim?"

He fixed them with a great glare.

"Do NONE of you remember all of this has happened before?!" he barked.

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Somewhere, the threads of fate snapped and frayed. And the Norns, being who they were, simply discarded the spare thread and wove a new tapestry.

Somewhere, the binding of impossible things that held Fenrir fast in humiliating repose shattered. The wolf reared, howling and straining, as a blow shattered the sword in his jaws. He had long grown taller than the trees, and he grew taller still freed of the binding. "I am going to find the gods" he thundered, staring down the strange bright being before him "and I am going to swallow them after their children, and bloody their halls. The saga of my revenge will echo through the nine realms"

"And I will gladly stand aside" said I, the stranger, "if you can answer me a question"

"I have been bound to unwise oaths" snarled the wolf, who by now loomed over the mountains, "so in gratitude you may ask your oath, stranger, but have a care that you may not survive it"

"And then what?"

The wolf paused.

"Then I will swallow the sun, and the moon as well. Or my children dearest will do it for me. The sky will turn dark as my fur" he growled.

"And then what?"

"All things will die! The land, the sea, the gods themselves will die!! Ruin will come to this world, for my roar will beckon it forth!"

"And then what?"

"And...and...why does it matter?" said Fenrir, faltering. "They took EVERYTHING from me"

"They will have if they make you the monster they taught you to be. You have a family"

"Some father Loki is"

"Discount him. Your sister rules the unacknowledged dead. Our other brother was cast out, not slain"

"...Hel and Jormy live?"

"If you truly end the world" I said patiently, "there will be nowhere for your pups Skoll and Hati to live. Only the Ginnungagap|void. You and yours will tumble forever in a lightless abyss without honor, without hope”

Fenrir pondered that.

Not sure how Human Taming works but mind control is generally bad for reaching the highest levels of the contract, yeah.
No net change. Better in that the local Chris isn't there to fuck things up, but then you'd have to deal with that totally-not-him as a Sneasel showing up early, and/or possibly any of the other ones that fall out of the cracks in spacetime to fill the void like some hellish analogue of SCP-682 needing to be there despite being something of a nothingburger outside of just being there passively mucking things up by continuing to exist. Given the timeline you might also have to deal with a minor dark multiverse incursion or something like that, but if that makes it through the cutoff for the jump kind of depends on whether the event matches the comic's release date and weirdness like that.
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"What SHOULD I do, then?" he demanded.

"You are a wolf that can devour gods, digest celestial bodies, and" I pointed out, as he started breathing fire, "breathe fire. I believe you get to decide that. I just wanted you to think twice about the worst choice for yourself you could make. Good day"

Later, as I crept up on the Norns, I noticed an implausibly large wolf somehow sneaking by next to me. "Do not think I missed your implications of kinship" rumbled Fenris.

"THE FENRIS WOLF! HERE? NOW? AT THIS TIME OF YEAR, AT THIS TIME OF DAY?!" exclaimed one of the Norns. And while the others were distracted I slew them, the ones that had orchestrated every divine and mortal conflict, and wet their loom with their own blood.

"They taste decrepit" complained Fenrir as he started eating one.

The Midgard Serpent was far easier. I brought him cattle, and Fenrir told him about the strange man who'd freed him, and after a lifetime of slithering around the ocean Jormungandr had lost touch with the affairs of both god and man, and wasn't really planning to start the apocalypse for any reason other than familial obligation, and came with us the long, winding, and invisibility cloak-assisted road into the realm of the dead. As we left, the wolves chasing the sun and moon abandoned their pursuit to follow their father at his bark.

It was full of mills. The goddess of the dead tried to look as serious as possible while absolutely surrounded by dead souls grinding things. Peace. Calamity. Blood. Narfi and Vali were manning one of the mills.

"Did you get the loom?" she asked.

"Of course"

"Well, well. All that follows is but a formality, then"

"What say you, Sister? This is some manner of trick, isn't it?" asked Jormungandr.

"Oh yes. But what care have I?" she said, lounging on her throne. "The dead march to war at Ragnarok. But always, always on my side"

Oh yeah I've done that before. The patron sorta set up in exchange for doing something in universe is a fun idea. And one I've done before.
Its... I'm having difficulty describing this into words a bit. I'm like... trying to think for a perk or power "What purpose does this have to the story?" Or something along those lines. I know Jumpchain doesn't need to be that complicated but it niggles at my brain.
Someone will have to explain to me how she does her Blood Magic shits.
But to answer, there's Dragon Age.
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"OPEN THE GATES!" bellowed the giants, slumping exhausted outside the underworld. The march to claim the flesh and blood of one foretold to be Fate's unspooled threads incarnate was longer and harsher than it had any right for the trueborn sons and daughters of Ymir. There had been thunderstorms as great as Thor's own. Blizzards homing in on the fire giant contingent, wildfires that started around frost giants. Dwarfs had fell to betrayal, and periodically people confused them with the dark elves.

Garmr, the guard hound, stared at them unimpressed.

It was as if Fate itself was turned against them.


Garmr received my signal.

"Very well. Stay right there, giant" he said, trotting in.

"I think not, pup! It will be Surtur's blade that tears the World Ash out by the rooOOOOOAUAAUUGH" he screeched as a tidal wave of world serpent venom mass produced with magical mills swept out from the aqueduct I'd constructed at the gates. There was an explosive geyser of steam where giant and sword made contact with the venom, and it parted briefly around him.

This was a bad thing in the long run because it meant the venom drifted off as vapour. Giant and dwarf alike slumped over in an unholy miasma of divine death.

"Open the gates, friend Hel! Enough blood has been shed, and I would gift you with recompense for our trespass" called Utgard-Loki,

"You may enter if you can answer my riddle" echoed Hel's voice from within. "and if you answer it correctly you may even walk out alive"

"What riddle would that be?" asked Utgard-Loki, smiling innocently as behind his back he twiddled his fingers and gestured for the vilest of dwarfs and dark elves to cling tightly to his shadow.

"Who is inside of me, right now?" she said.

Utgard-Loki froze, foot halfway over the threshold. "Um...erm"

"It is" grunted Hel, as slapping noises echoed from within, "a SIMPLE riddle"

I’ve been enjoying your writeups, so I know what I’m talking about. Also that whole screencap reminds me of a quote.
>Oh, yes, the Metaplot Exalted come out next year. They're deadlier than the Abyssals, more persuasive than the Solars, more numerous than the Dragonblooded, and sneaker than the Sidereals. Each of them automatically receives a warstrider free with his Exaltation. They have permanently visible caste marks made of yellow jade, and they invented thamuaturgy. Their magical material is Adamant, which has a different randomly-determined MM bonus each time you use it. They're better than your character at his own schtick than he can ever hope to be, and they're probably already seducing his girlfriend.
>Oh, and they can reflexively spend one mote of essence to destroy Gem.
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"Congratulations on your nuptials, Lady Hel. I wasn't aware that, well, I assumed the whole corpse thing was an obstacle..." he said, desperately prevaricating as he conjured genjutsu illusion after genjutsu illusion to hide his presence.

"My lover can give life to dead things" Hel said bluntly, like they were talking about the weather.

"R-really? That's...delightful..."

"Your answer, Utgard-Loki? I am generous. You shall have three tries" said Hel, pausing between the sound of meat slapping meat and rushing water. “Whose arse sits upon my throne, and in whose lap am I bouncing? Who has carved his name on my cold, dead heart-oh that’s not a metaphor by the way-and who is making me piss out some new race of god-made horrors?”

"Dyggvi?" said Utgard-Loki, racking his brains for potential corpse-fuckers, all of whom he could think of coming from Midgard. The hell was wrong with that place?

"Leave the dear sweet man alone, he's suffered enough in life"

"...Balder?" said Utgard-Loki, signalling for his forces to slink into the shadows and assassinate the queen of the dead.

"Ha! Were things otherwise, perhaps!"


No word, only the slapping of flesh and a trickle that would not cease.

Then Hel said "You were so very close"

And from several strategically placed war-mills, blasts of fire engulfed illusion and miscreant alike. And no trick nor shape could save Utgard-Loki from burning. In a final, desperate attempt the giants and dwarfs picked up the fallen's weapons and rushed through the opened gates.

Which shut behind them.


"Well met. You have arrived at the underworld, through war, poison and fire. You are, by definition, dead. And therefore, under our joint authority" I said.


They stared at the shut gate longingly.

"This was not a clever plan" said a small giant.

It's the one from Master of the Harem Guild, that lets you bind people as familiars and makes them absurdly loyal. I guess I should stick with more traditional harem perks then, the power boost from a big harem with those contracts would be absurd.
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And far away, and long after, Odin shut his remaining eye in relief and said “It is done”

“Allfather! The jotunns have been slain, broken and tasked by their new rulers to repair what they have sundered!!” said Bragi, eyes alight with mirth and hope. “Men hail the coming age as one of peace and prosperity, and hail the coming of the new god as it’s herald!” His brow furrowed. “The…the one who is said to live eternal, who descended to death and rose from it for the good of all. It seems…familiar”


“Allfather! The World Serpent and the Fenris Wolf are gone, but so are their spawn! There is…there is another World Ash upon which they have left to! There must be great bounty there, and even greater danger!” said Skadi, eyes gleaming with the thought of strange new hunts. “Also remember that enormous squirrel? I think it’s trying to bury a nut near the new World Ash”


“Allfather, where the FUCK is Loki?” asked Thor.

“Finally, a sensible question” grumbled Odin.

Odin made his way to a certain bridge on Jotunheim, where the strange runt giant that insisted he was my father congratulated me for a trick will played.

“Skol, you mad cripple” said Loki, toasting Odin. “See, THIS is why you give me a chance to pay my debts before wrapping me in my son’s entrails or whatever. I’m always good for it ain’t I? You’re welcome for rushing the giants to escalation before they could properly end you Aesir cunts”

“Skol, oathbreaker” replied Odin, toasting him back. “For your many crimes against Asgard, you’re buying my drinks for a week after I had to keep every god AND ME from going to war. Least your boy’s word is ironclad, even in another timeline” he said, clapping me on the back.

“Skol, pagans” I finished.

“Skol, Anon” they echoed

We drank to a world saved by a two-man game spun wildly of control, rigged further by being turned into a three-man game.

Where's the Norse Myth jump? I'm not seeing either a folder for it or anything under 'N' in the alphabet folders.
Based Keyaru???
(I'm almost done with the series. The jump will be arriving)
>Where do I get a flock of crows that'd help me collect resources?
Pretty sure there aren't that many places where you can get a proper flock, let alone one that serves for more than just recon... Maybe the ones from Secret of Kells or some other more obscure jump?
Shinmai Maou No Testament. The updated version in qq explicitly says that you ruin them for everyone except for you and her fellow haramettes
He sounds like someone who would use the word "sheeple" unironically.
>Secret of Kells
>they are loyal enough to listen to your commands and attack as you direct
Oh yeah, that's absolutely perfect. Thanks anon.

I was worried I'd have to go to Metal Gear Solid for Bees!!! again
Based Thor. Too bad it's Marvel but a pet Hela might be fun.
Yet again you choose to inflict your walls of text on innocent, unsuspecting anons who are just trying to have conversations. You could have used a PDF.
Holy shit. Talk about a bad case of manface.
>Oh, and they can reflexively spend one mote of essence to destroy Gem.
A threat of this magnitude cannot be allowed to exist.
In Monster Hunter, how would The Guild handle the discovery of a species of monster which is hyper cooperative and industrious to the point of excess? I'm talking something like ants building concrete skyscrapers complete with indoor farms and traps
A mere PDF can't contain Shard's autism.
Isn't that just Palicos?
We shall combine our powers to defeat them.
Palicos are capable of language which is a capacity these don't have
Or maybe the Gun Hero's shot's really are that fast.
They'd cooperate and make use of them. Monster Hunter isn't some gritty grimdark world, the humans there would 100% be happy to work together with monsters that help them even if they can't talk at all. And it won't even be exploitation, it'll be a legitimate cooperative effort since the humans will insist on helping too.
>Uncle Bullet
Is this the large black man who pounded his bussy?
The problem with that is Keyaru is still close to Kureha's level and he could barely dodge or deflect arrows moving a bit faster than sound even though he can see several seconds into the future.
Why can he see into the future? "Healing" the gaps in knowledge?
The one calling him uncle Bullet is Kureha Krylet, but yeah that's the dude.
Nah, the divine bird bopped him on the eye as a reward for completing its trial and gave him an eye that could see into the future a few seconds, though it apparently takes stamina or something to use so he rarely used it.
The Guild is an ecological organization focused on study and protection of the environment. If the monsters just exist and live in plentiful number they may hunt or capture a few for research purposes but absolutely nothing in the realm of causing population issues. If they're an active issue causing excessive harm to the environment and/or local wildlife then there may be more active hunts or even calling in backup from the wider organization.

Other people seem to be treating this as the monsters being cooperative with humanity, so if that is the case then the Guild would make friends pretty swiftly. This is generally a world populated by kind and cooperative people, at least within any given game's narrative.
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Let's ignore the "it just works" fiat answer. How would being a Psyker work in jumps that aren't the Warhammer universes? Souls in Warhammer are fundamentally portals to the Warp, and a Psyker is someone whose soul is a better portal that can draw in/shape the Warp to their will. Would a Psyker even have powers in future jumps if there wasn't a Warp? Would they be able to draw on the power of alternate dimensions like they can the Warp?
>Would a Psyker even have powers in future jumps if there wasn't a Warp?
Obviously not, retard.
How does one become a Cosmic Exalted?
Depends on their numbers and temperament, then on their apparent intelligence. As long as the monsters aren't destabilizing local monster populations too much or threatening to overtake settled territory from the humanoids they shouldn't be put under too much pressure. Just be careful not to look too stylish or set up too close to one of the expedition Fleets, and the worst you'll get is that one absolute fuckwit waging a shipping war on them because he thinks they should be hanging out with different mob monsters than the ones that usually hang out on their turf.
The Warp contains a multiverse. Despite that, Psykers only ever connect to the Warp rather than any of the worlds within it.
I accept. Please work.
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[40K: Imperium Nihilus]

Drawbacks: Everything Is Canon, The Jumper's Return, Time
ExtenderX100000000, Your
Most Charming Feature, Bounties Galore, Daemon Magnet, Perils of the Warp (2600)

Rolled Dragon's End, The Knightly World

Ordo Malleus

A Grim And Dark World (Free)
A Luxury You Cannot Afford (Free)
An Inquisitor Has Style (Free)
Human Enough (Free)
Unyielding Anvil (Free)
To Know the Daemon is Madness (Free)
Awe-Inspiring Presence (2500)
Legacy of Hector Rex (2300)
A Shadow Over Thy Soul (2100)
The Power of Faith (1700)
A Gift from the Caligari Conclave (1300)
Inquisitorial Rosette (Free)
Bread & Honey (Free)
Data Slates (Free)
Carapace Armor (Free)
Lasgun (Free)
Child Chirugeon (+500, 1500)
Bolter (Free)
Bolts (Free)
Standard Bolts (Free)
Melee Weapon: Warhammer (Free)
True Name (Free)
Hell Rifle (Free)
Shard of Erebus (1300)
Omnissiah Igvita (+300, 1300)
Spyrer Hunting Rig, Mecronid Liquidity, Mag-Lock, Vacuum Sealed, Life Support,
Inocculator, Auto-Senses, Light of Sollex (+1000, 1300)
Atalan Dirtcycle (Free)
Galaxy-Class Troop Ship (Free)
Psyker Powers: Alpha (+500, 1300)
Pyromancy (Free)
Soul Binding (1000)
Twins They Were (800)
The Starstruck Navigator (600)
The Elven Lieutenant (400)
The Tyranid Cowgirl (200)
Serpentine Queen (0)

“Good people of the Imperium! We have done it” declared the Emperor of Mankind as gold-lit ships ferried an undivided, fully actualised Imperium of Man. To the left of their flotilla, the Tau had reached levels of advancement that the Imperium might have sunk to if most Dark Age technology was lost and it were left to stagnate for millennia. To the right of their flotilla, the sleek ships of the Necrontyr were escorted by their C’tan allies. And all around them, the tamed Tyranid hivemind kept a vigilant eye on Orks interrupting this maiden voyage-which had been culled so hard, rumour had it they were starting to evolve back into Kroks.


Only 2 posts? For a 150 page jump? Seems kinda ungrateful.
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The Eldar were of course a non-issue. The Thundering Midnight Phoenix Sect (the ruling body of the aeldari people under my reign) were by and large content to carve their wonders in the Webway than contest an increasingly powerful material universe. Various client races had wrought their own wonders, from that inexplicable Thundercat subspecies to the rehabilitated Men of Iron from another timeline.

“It is the dawn of an age of peace! It is finally, FINALLY to mend the Warp back into the Empyrean it was always meant to be! It is-“

“A good start” I interrupted. The Emperor glared at me, looking put out. “What my…ESTEEMED COLLEAGUE means by that is-“

“We still have to clean out the Bigger Chaos Gods” I explained. “Also known by some as the Swimmers in the Deep. They’re entities of the Aethyric Void, which is the thing from which the Warp|Empyrean itself sprang from, and they’re the adult version of the Chaos God which no longer requires or desires interaction with the Materium…most of the time. Until they’re thoroughly culled the Warp will never truly be safe”

“Well…well, YES, but when you put it like that it makes our entire history seem like a mere insignificant speck next to this, this ridiculous higher echelon of the cosmic ecosystem…” said the Emperor testily.

“Don’t bitch. I did all the hard work for you guys anyway in the Mortal Realms, we’re just picking off stragglers. Besides it’s actually was simpler than you’d think, just gather enough spiritual/psychic power, whack ‘em over the head with it, and come up with something different to a bop on the head when they adapt. Sigmar felled one. Fucking SIGMAR, and he was so incompetent you used him as an example of why divinity is actually a curse for good men” I pointed out over the Imperial intercom.

The Emperor let out a not very imperial sigh. “What I meant to say is: Let our great crusade against the BIGGER CHAOS GODS commence”

>They didn't find the hidden coded message in the chainbutt that says the text is a lie and they've just agreed to get mega ebola and die an unimaginably horrible death
Ya hate to see it. Decryption chads stay winning.
If you're okay with them not looking like crows, Drive Imps from Pyre are basically smart enough to handle that. And you'll even have to keep bribing them with food like normal crows. You can buy them 10 for 100 CP and just breed up your own flock.
I would assume you would take a massive loss in power and recovery speed because you would have to power all your psykering personally. Like without the warp to draw on everything has to be powered by your own personal soul energy which means you run out of power very fast and have hard limits on how much power you can use without killing yourself by using up your entire soul.
Also if you used this method, you would probably have limited range, since you wouldn't be able to use the Warp as a vector to propagate effects through.
>Didn’t decode the filename and discover the truth about the hidden message
You had eyes but could not see Mount Tai.
Hmm. Not quite the aesthetic I was going for. Even if they are rather adorable

Being a witch in a large wagon pulled by Imps IS a rather fun aesthetic though, and it'd mean not having to spend twenty years in City of Heroes
Why are you giving Hel backshots?
Shut the fuck up with your zoomer slang, newfag.
You can only have the answer once you stop speaking in jjk memes.
Shard used all his autismo energy on the Norse myth jump. Also, he's done basically everything there is to do in Warhammer and defeated all of its threats several times over so no point in rehashing.
Here's the build

Monster: 1000+300 Monster Points
> Free - Classification[Amphibian]
> +100 Monster Points - Small
> +50 Monster Points - Agility(Tier 1)
> +50 Monster Points - Endurance(Tier 1)
> +50 Monster Points - Speed(Tier 1)
> +50 Monster Points - Strength(Tier 1)
> Free from Classification - Elemental Resistance(Tier 1)
> Free from Classification - Muscle Emphasis
> -50 Monster Points - Nature Beast
> -50 Monster Points - Wild Serenity
> -100 Monster Points - Behavioral Inclination(Cooperation, Training)
> -100 Monster Points - Khezu Kids
> -100 Monster Points - Molting
> -150 Monster Points - Instinctual Strategy
> -150 Monster Points - Wolf Pack(Tier 2)
> -200 Monster Points - Deceptive Dexterity(Tier 2)
> -200 Monster Points - Just A Child
> -200 Monster Points - Growth Through Adversity(Tier 2)

I call them the Lee. Can you guess why?
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Strictly speaking despite it’s nonlinearity, the Warp is the /result/ of sentient life having the capacity for emotion and stuff rather than the origin. At least, in the 40K universe; it’s tied into the creation myth of the Old World/Mortal Realms which may or may not be why it functions differently there. An “it doesn’t just work” psyker might have access to a tiny fragment of Warp energy…their own. And be reduced to like, a party magician juggling tiny specks of Warpfire or levitating pebbles and giving them a vaguely spooky vibe in exchange for no longer having the danger of exploding into a Chaos Spawn from being too horny.

I’ve said it before but Marvel is the Vegas of the multiverse. You’re a fool if you go there looking for love, but if you subjugate some locals instead of make the mistake of treating them as people with opinions worth listening to you can have a fun time.

It’s happened on occasion, mainly in relation to DARKNESS or CHAOS

I’m in favour of regulation through legalisation.
Dragon's Crown
Origin: Sorceress, F, 21

Drawbacks: Restless +100, Single PLayer +200. +300 1300
Perks: Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Basic Attack, Cooking -100, Mastication Medicine -200, Vitality Boost -100, Create Food, Extract -100, Concentrate, If It Ain't Broke -100, Cheating Ass Magic Users (Teleport) -100, Physical Resistance -400, Magic Resistance -200. -1300

I'm gonna need the Create Food spell this chain. I'm planning on just setting myself up right outside the dungeon, spamming Create Food to make snacks for the local dungeon delvers and using Teleport to run away whenever anything bad comes my way.

Origin: Chart My Own Course, Nomad

Perks: Burning Resolve, Shared Tenacity -100, Forgotten Soul, Howler Tamer -100, Until The End -200, When Stars Fall -300. -700 300
Items: A White Lotus -50, Collection of Drive Imps -50, Blackwagon -100, Flock of Messenger Imps -100. -300 0

This world is a wasteland where food and friendship is rather scarce. But I have a home of my own, a teachable spell to summon good food, and a desire to help however I can. I'll just be roaming around, teaching what little I know of magic to the locals, and sending out messenger Imps to find more people to teach.
How are vectors mediums if vectors are lines?
>Origin: ... F
And I've completely blanked on where to get witchy style potion making.
It jobs?
It has big eyebrows?
It will fail to breed by never noticing it’s childhood friend?
It has no need for sex, because it will simply produce clonal offspring via fission.
>I’ve said it before but Marvel is the Vegas of the multiverse. You’re a fool if you go there looking for love, but if you subjugate some locals instead of make the mistake of treating them as people with opinions worth listening to you can have a fun time.
Not even that's a guarantee though, the only thing guaranteed is Spider-Man's suffering.
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I keep all of my things in gem, I can't let it get blown up by ocdonutsteel exalts.
I'm pretty sure it's the only version now.
...How "ruined" are we talking?
That doesn't really benefit me, since there are easier and less riskier ways to interdimensional make money, so no.
Can we take the companion option for all our Master Servant Contracts if we get access to the power via the succubutt companion?
>Warp as a vector
Could Accelerator control the Warp?
So there are several types of magic that let you borrow power from spirits through letting them possess you which can be cool.
But dies anyone know a perk for preventing things you are sharing a mind with keep any knowledge they might learn from doing so?
>The updated version in qq
What update?
>Can you guess why?
No, but you reminded me this exists.
If he learned what the Warp was he could control vectors related to the Warp.
The only reasons to go to Marvel are to kill people, steal shit, and hang out with Spiderman.
>Shitty OC exalted themed around black holes and stars
I mean I ain't one to judge but at least my Shitty Exalted castes themed around Black holes and stars were only slightly better than solars on the fact they have a gimmick to cancel charms and PDs (if they have upkeep) by absorbing their essence invested into the charm.
If I made and exploded a hundred nuclear bombs someone on marvel earth, how many precognitives, time travelers, and other cosmic looney bin rejects would show up to stop me?
Actually they should all be compatable. All of them are female medabots, even black cruz. Only problem is gato uses a cat medal while the girls with swords use ninja medal and cruz is a weird hybrid beetle medal that blends metabee and rokusho type bots to be a bit of both.
This update.
Did your jumper ever create lewd art of Uma Musume characters?
To this day, RO OST is still peak music.
He is retarded enough to let a guy die just so he can do fucked up shit in the name of revenge instead of ya know just saving the guy then use that for an excuse for the revenge boner.
I mean, he literally let himself be raped (again).
I actually have one Mortal Heroes build that doesn’t take the Gem destiny. It’s a neat place, but if I go all in on time extensions I’d rather spend 370 years in a more temperate climate.
Not as many would just roll their eyes and fuck off to another timeline/dimension for a while.
>creating lewd art
>not creating actual lewd uma masume characters
You have no imagination in this actual imagination game.
Jumper is a boatfag.
Probably based yeah.

In retrospect, out of topic, and while thinking about it, Keyaru may just be junky of hatred and need his fill of cruelty, hatred, and sex.

Oh, and did you know there was apparently a spin off about Keyaru traveling back in time in a much better world and decide to just cook?
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>decide to just cook?
The black cock really did a number on him.
He was always a great cook, you fucking Timmy.
Based, too bad it doesn't work on girls who dislike you a lot.
Ah yes, I'm taking this perk to be be a hero. Definitely.

>Couple that with the perk that makes you dom your waifus so hard they become willing slaves even on spiritual level
Same jump?
In Konosuab Liches got a bunch of benefits like vastly enhanced magic power and immunity to all non-magical damage, status effects, spells below a certain level of power and monster attacks unless the monster itself has a lot of magical power.
But they also got a number of active skills like draining and sharing MP/HP with others via touch, or being able to inflict a random Status Effects such as level drain, paralysis, sleep, fear, curse, petrification, or instant death every time they attack with hostile intent.
What other skills do you think they could have? There is a heavy implication that there are more.

Worth noting that stuff like Necromancy are spells independent of being a lich.
Yeah, one of the 600 CP ones. Its also a very good training boost for your waifus
Oh yeah, 370 years in the middle of a desert doesn't sound like a fun way to spend a jump.
>Couple that with the perk that makes you dom your waifus so hard they become willing slaves even on spiritual level, amd they're pretty much destroyed. literally OVER
Didn't the capstone originally make waifus stronger too?
It still does and that's the main draw of the perk. That they become your slaves on a spiritual level is just a drawback/bonus.
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Why would anyone fuck a marvel woman after jumping Fate or even a Marvel jump before the twothousands?
That’s like seeing a bucket of sewage next to a glass of water and drinking the sewage.
My plan is to find some small kingdom in the East, take over with Half-Caste Solar powers, and rule for a few decades until Fair Eyes is ready to take over from me and unite the area under her rule. After that, I figure I’ve got a decent time ahead being her second in command.
Mortal Kombat
Bayonetta has a perk lets you use whatever you want as a magical focus. Feathers, hair, shadows, blood, etc. 100cp and all your magic can be blood magic with a bloody aesthetic
The Dice have made their will known and I have obeyed.


Jump 2: Suikoden 1

Trader's Life


Way Around A Deal, Rune Attachment, Runic Might (100, 900), Runic Endurance (100, 800), Rune Forging (200, 600)

Healing Kit, Leather Coat, Bag of Rune Pieces (100, 500)

Common Rune [Lightning] (100, 400), Parent Rune [Turtle Rune] (200, 200)

Full Complement (200, 0)

>Staphyla Urodela, Chiomara Timperley, Rosemary Timperley
Military Lineage, Human, Art of War, Weapon Expertise [Fists/Sword/Shield], Unite Attack, Runic Endurance
Parent Runes [Hatred and Rage/Hatred and Darkness/Falcon and White Saint]

>Anca Tkach
Shadow Arts, Elf, Light Fingers, Hidden Soul, Obliterated Presence, Unite Attack
Parent Rune [Mother Earth]

>Eirlys Moss, Astrid Kristin, Gisou Lamothe
Magical Talent, [Refused Race Change], Runic Might, Runic Endurance, Unite Magic, Rune Attachment
Common Rune [Earth & Lightning/Fire/Wind] & Parent Rune [Flowing/Thunder/Resurrection]

>Avon Olney Salford
Trader's Life, Human, Way Around A Deal, Rune Attachment, Runic Might, Runic Endurance, Unite Magic
Parent Runes [Jongleur & Cyclone]


Before anyone asks, they all from Love is a Battlefield. Jump 1 was Jumper accidentally building an adventuring party from the various princesses. That's not to say he's not a harem protagonist. Because he absolutely is. But at least he has had sex with his whole harem.

I did a little writing for Suikoden, but I'm not going to post that. It's mostly just notes.
Shard because Shard is a Westaboo coomer.
You know, traditionally the king has to die for the princess to take the throne.
I think he just wanted that one guy's cock and used "revenge" as an excuse to rape, murder, and get raped.
No need for that here, I’m stepping down so a Solar can rule.
How many miles of dick has this guy accumulated over the loops?
I've finished reading Redo. It was kinda anticlimactic because the last chapter and epilogue aren't translated, but to be honest the ending of the 2nd last volume + prologue of the final volume feels like way more of an ending.

Anything you want in the jump that ISN'T a dumb meme about rape?
I want the uncapper that can be slowly shared with sex.
I want an explanation for why this bizarre character wants to be Gohan so much.
Keyara waifu.
A Perk to headcanon my powers to do random bullshit like reversing time and copying skills.
Does all the heroes powers have some bullshit or is just the protagonist that goes from healing to copying memories, brainwashing, and all other stuff?
What perks are good for managing a huge harem?
A waifu that constantly tricks me into “raping” her as justification to get revenge on me “later”.
There's nothing I want from that property. Unless you include an option to set everyone and everything in that universe on fire as soon as I finish filling out the jump.
A Drop in origin which subverts the narrative themes of the setting by being completely different.
An acknowledgement that it's a native isekai in the jump.
>Quicksilver perks are still the meta
Its always the year 1 abilities
A deranged psycho Companion based on each Hero (and Norn).
Anon I don't mean just a small harem of 4-8 waifus. I mean a harem that's well past the Dunbar number where you might not spend time with a given waifu for extended periods.
Is there anything in the series that isn't a dumb meme about rape?
Drawback to go to this world instead so you don't have to interact with anyone>>93185969
He definitely gets the best deal out of any hero, but Flare/Freya (hero of magic) is busted too since she can cast magic two levels higher than anyone else and nuke whole battlefields.
There's also political intrigue, cooking, romance and some fighting.
A waifu (male) that constantly tricks me into “raping” "her" as justification to get revenge on me “later”.
Keyara Had tits tho, waifu (male) wouldn’t be canon compliant.
All that crazy shit the king was on.
I think there are perks for being able to maintain relationships even when separated from someone for long periods but I don't remember where.
He actually can't change someone's gender. He gave himself tits but he still had his penis.
Why not? He can reverse time.
Nta but there are men who have tits even IRL. Men can even lactate in some cases.
>Men can even lactate in some cases
It's not even a particularly difficult thing to cause. Constant stimulation of the nipples can induce lactation
The Sims 4 Aspirations perk lets you get an ingame perk that stops positive relationships from decaying over time. The jump also has this perk:
400CP Player: Those you’ve romanced will no longer become jealous of the others that you have romanced. Go ahead, start your own harem. None of your spouses will mind.
I would rather have true love in the first jump. If I have it here I might not want to leave.
This guys asking the real questions.
They come with you on the chain idiot
He can only reverse time with the philosopher's stone. He can de-age someone and revert their personal timescale, but that's near the end of the story where he's level 234 and even then he's in a coma for five days after.
>an ingame perk that stops positive relationships from decaying over time
That sounds great but I'd seems rather unreliable, given the reading of the perk.
I'll probably make it Bullet's version since he has the best deal out of anyone with it.
So this is litRPG shit (in addition to everything else wrong with it)?
Was it not obvious?
Having played the game, there's two tracks for relationships, romantic and friendship. If you have that ingame perk neither goes down unless you do something that reduces them. What more do you want or reliability?
I meant in terms of getting it, if treating it exactly like game mechanics you could declare the same goal that grants the perk but if not adhering to them like that you could get any number of potential different rewards for such a goal.
>"The Solar schtick is Unrestrained Potential. If a Solar sets his mind to something he can do it. Maybe not as well as a master of some other schtick, but it doesn't matter because he's the master of ten schticks. Twenty schticks. MORE. I WILL DEFEAT THE PACIFIC OCEAN!"
It's the opposite, Solars are the very best at their few specific Schicks. It's the Lunars who are great at a ton of different ones.
Am I misremembering or do we have a Murdered Soul Suspect jump?
Does this perk from our Dragon Age Inquisition jump actually do anything post jump if you don't also purchase the 200cp Red Lyrium item? It seems like it'd be completely useless without also making the item purchase and it's the only capstone perk (or perk period) in the jump that seems to be reliant on something else in order to do anything. I'm also curious if it's even worth it even if I do take the red lyrium item, since my understanding is that the inevitable result of red lyrium use is insanity and being turned into a near mindless abomination in constant agony.

Better Red Than Dead (600: FC) – There is no substitute for raw power. Technique is but a
funnel, a means to channel that power. You now possess the knowledge of how to use red
lyrium to drastically increase the power of any individual. Through your arts and with the
right materials warriors will become behemoths on the battlefield. Mages will wield terrible
might and near limitless mana. Oh, there may be some danger of drawing too deeply on the
lyrium and pushing yourself or the person enhanced too far. And the side effects of over
reach may be difficult to mitigate, but the power attained will be undeniable.
Nope. Welcome to Early Jump syndrome.

Also no it really isn’t lmao, the new Dragon Age trailer doesn’t even mention red lyrium
What's the level system like? And the biggatons for that matter?

I think reddit has a jump for that
Would any versions of Krillin before Super beat Namek Frieza?
So you'd say it's not worth the purchase? Because that's what I was figuring but I wasn't sure if the jump author might have said anything about it in a previous thread.
Meme DBZ Krillin would beat Frieza by strongarming him into fucking his wife
I think Fate Night had something for peoples feelings for you never lessening?
Yeah the perk does what it says and…well, you can see what it says. It’s knowledge of how to inject magical heroin directly into your veins with no way to tank the consequences.
I'm absolutely sure what I was thinking of wasn't a reddit jump.
>Fate Night
I'm looking at Stay Night and don't see anything, were you referring to a different one?
Fair enough, thanks for answering my question anon. I shall reward you with coin.
Nah I was misremembering the Sakura Viewings perk. Sorry bout that.
She looks very weird in this pic.
Hero BBS
Krillin by Cell Saga or Buu Saga probably could. It's quite a few years down the pipeline, and his big thing with Destructo Disk is that it's extremely effective at punching above its weightclass. Most major antagonists in the series have some form of regen so it's no good for them, but Frieza doesn't. Sure Frieza can remain alive while heavily chunked but he's definitely not at max power. Krillin just getting strong enough to lob that thing faster than Frieza can deal with is all he'd really need, and he's many times stronger by just the next arc.
>What's the level system like? And the biggatons for that matter?
There's two things to it: you have levels and talent values.

Levels are just typical levels you gain by getting XP, your stats go up when you level up. Talent values control the rate at which your stats grow, so somebody with a higher speed talent value gains more speed and so on, though it seems to kinda apply retroactively so if your speed talent value suddenly went up then so would your speed stat.

In terms of feats, the best damage feats are mostly from Freya. She casts spells that destroy whole armies of dudes, bust open a castle and then pierce all the way through the clouds and so on. Keyaru can eventually swing a sword at supersonic speeds, but I don't think he can run that fast, though Eve may be able to fly that fast. One of Eve's attacks is lightspeed since it's literally a beam of light and every time it's used the author mentions it's lightspeed and undodgeable. Kureha has a crazy feat where she can cut through orichalcum by slicing the space between molecules and enhancing herself with "qi" (which is something nobody else knew about apart from her, since everyone else uses mana).

The craziest feats are from the god bird Caladrius, which rains down an ever evolving disease that can kill pretty much anything. It wiped out a whole country in one night and according to Keyaru it can fly several times faster than light (or it just accelerates that fast. Either way, nothing really compares to this in the setting.)

There was also a ritual chamber in the Jioral castle which could enslave the whole continent to the king's will with the help of the Philosopher's Stone.
So some sort of ritual item/perk for scaling up spells to absurd scale?
Skip School from TSF World should let you fuck off for extended periods without issue, including going off the have adventures/romances with other girls.
Early jumpchain documents have weird stuff. Many things that only work in that one jump. Such as spend 100CP and get $5,000 cash, only one time buy.
The philosopher's stone is gonna be in there, yeah. It's pretty crazy because they mentioned that if he didn't have the philosopher's stone to cast the spell he'd otherwise need hundreds of thousands of souls to sacrifice instead.
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I want to enjoy jumping it. Considering that you enjoyed it, my promise will be fulfilled soon enough.
If we ever get a Jump for 100 Girls Who Really Love you that should have a perk for large scale harem management.
Has nobody brought up 10 billion wives gauntlet?
I was thinking more the ritual chamber or something like a perk for taking a spell and scaling it up. (Fuel sold separately)
The ritual chamber is gonna be part of the kingdom item.
No, but I don't think it actually solves the problem. It's great for getting a fuck huge number of wives but not so much for managing them or for keeping your relationships from deteriorating due to not having enough time to regularly spend some with each wife.
There's a perk in there/reward where you can just magically spend time with all your wives.
Does anyone know what happened to the guy who was making it?
Go to Invincible and get the DupliKate/MultiPaul power. You can then make as many of yourself as you need in order to be able to spend regular time with all of your wives. We also know for a fact there isn't a time limit on how long the copies last because they both live through their duplicates and have their originals hidden away somewhere and they don't have to refresh them or anything. It basically just makes another you which is a perfectly viable human in every way up to and including reproduction.

Which one of these names sounds scummiest?
Do we get to pick who this lover is, or is it up to capricious fate?
Not a town in france.

How do Daum and Bergeret compare in skeevyness?
Other than Farethere City are there any low power jumps offering strong soul protection?
First one; bonus points if it's pronounced 'GREASEcourt' instead of 'GRISScourt' or 'GRICEcort'. Cerville comes in a less than distant second for being so close to servile, and I'd suggest making them the lackey who serves as Griscourt's hype man just to really sell the idea of how cartoonishly scummy the two slimeballs are.
Nta but still Griscourt I think
GREASEcourt sounds like some kind of Captain Planet villain whose goal in life is to dump boiling grease into all the rivers of the planet for no particular reason, literally just monopolising the pork market as a means to the end of ruining the environment
I think some harem perks making it so that those who fall for you stay fallen for you but I'm not sure which ones.
For the record I am mentally pronouncing it as GRISScourt, simply because I think it sounds better.

Exactly. Dude just shows up to your sportsball arena with that other little shit slinking out of his shadow wring his hands like some sort of squirrel or cephalopod as Griscourt declares that the court's gonna be requisitioned for oil wrestling or some shit as his squad starts dumping barrels like they're drowning seals to the tune of his goon ass face. The kind of guy whose face has been in a shit-eating grin for so long there's barely any change between his grin and his fuckass mad smear when he's not allowed to relive his vivid memories of Mario Sunshine.
He definitely has some kind of catchphrase he spouts every time he makes a dynamic entry, or just dramatically walks into a room, that is both themed around grease literally and metaphorically. Like “If you CREASE the GREASE, you gonna get taken to COURT!” which he always pronounces with fervent, borderline sexual enthusiasm.

You should actually be able to see individual laugh lines deepening and his face literally flowing with sweat just from the way he says it, as if he’s becoming one with his own grease by getting in the mood.
>For the record I am mentally pronouncing it as GRISScourt
It really is the more natural way to read that, but the other one sounded funnier in the context of your question. Pretty sure that's still just sleep deprivation setting in though...
If you import a weapon that's a fusion of two others into a single weapon and then split it back into two would both have the traits of the import?
Is it morally wrong to play matchmaker for your servants and minions, assuming the resulting couples are legitimately happy together?
No, as long as "playing matchmaker" isn't forcing them to be together
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Chainbutt your benefactor is Madokami. Three things are guaranteed on your chain.
>Magical Girls
>Hope will triumph
...Given I'm a man thats going to be a very awkward chain being third wheel to a buncha magical girls. Guess every class needs a chaperone.
The healer ability being able to cure oneself and also cure mental trauma
Help the MC overcome his horrible treatment in a non-destructive fashion. Help him move on
Rolled 3 (1d3)

No, given the context it is more appropriate, I simply don't like the way it sounds.

The captain planet villain Grease Court the slimy basketballer, now that's just taking the idea and running with it in the silliest way possible.

>Bachlorette Party
>Hunter Hangover
>Archetypical Master
Reminds me of the Demon Summoner greentext.
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Now where's the slutlife document gotten to, I know I downloaded it.
Hey Gene not sure if you are still on but have a question about MAR is there any solution at all to not being able to use Guardian Arms while moving?
Exactly what I was thinking of as well there desu anon.
I don't know about the document, but there's a "playable" version on slutlife dot web dot app
Nah, there's no fun in forced romance. Besides, it's really fucking funny to see the knight and witch go from bickering like an old married couple to being an old married couple. Lots of ammunition for teasing, there.
nta but will there be a method to get the ritual chamber without the kingdom? Because I can imagine plenty of scenarios where a jumper might want the ritual chamber and just as many where they might not want a kingdom to go with it, and vice versa for that matter.
>One of Eve's attacks is lightspeed since it's literally a beam of light
Yhwach shot beams of light and everyone dodged them just fine.
The exalted one specifically or in general?
>Some sad autistic fuck collecting magical girls as daughters
So everyone here becomes Shard?
Just how catastrophic would it be for the world if my jumper actually helped Solas bring down The Veil in the Dragon Age setting? Are we talking complete inability to even live, like a normal person getting dumped in Pure Chaos in Exalted, or are we just talking about massively increased danger on account of supernatural entities being all over the place?
*Sigh* I'll hand out the enchanted shotguns to the gang then.
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Sounds good to me I am down for it.
Guess I gotta pick girl in all the jumps to get in on that action.
Considering the scope of Jumpchain, that's a very minor sacrifice.
You'd essentially destroy the laws of physics as that setting knows them and damn them to the evershifting whimsy of raw unchecked Fade where demons control what goes on in there and when, making it so that mortal beliefs and will cause endless shifting of geography, form, and material at all times and often with nightmarish consequences. You'd even end up breaking magic, since magic doesn't function properly in pure Fade. And that's just the immediate consequences of the Fade no longer having a boundary separating it from reality, since there would also be demons doing whatever the fuck they want now that the Veil is gone.

Essentially, everyone dies.
Reminder that according to modern Science, it's possible to be a lesbian man and a male girl.
It's kind of a package deal with the kingdom due to item tiering. Each origin is gonna have their capstone item (Philosopher's Stone for Keyaru, Caladrius contract for Keyaru's followers, Kingdom for evil dudes).
Did he also use the attack like 20 times and every time he used it Ichigo went "Wow! That attack was moving approximately at the speed of light! Good thing I dodged it directly without aim dodging!"?
Sorry, I ain't know what yall's was talking about. Just the regular one.
“No but muh spirits, the giant spider that literally feeds on fear dindu nuthin, man is the true oppressor”

Solas, probably

…maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that Dragon Age didn’t continue for so long, we would’ve gotten an ending dumber that ME3 with how forced the “there are two sides to everything, respect spirit rights” angle seemed when spirits are consistently, objectively, unironically the absolute fucking worst untrustworthy little shits. Literally 40K daemons but uglier.
NTA but it doesn't matter, the speed of the attacks are irrelevant, Juha Bach can see the future and also change the future directly, so he effectively has aimbot. Dodging shouldn't be possible even if it were moving at subsonic speeds because he can just say 'no, you got hit' and it happens
They are making a new abomination with the Dragon Age name.
Yes, but at half power, if applicable. I suggest finding a way to multiply your weapon instead of splitting it.
There's also the fact that people and creatures exposed to the Fade over a long enough period of time or get possessed and made into Abominations, so even without physics and magic breaking, what Solas intended to do can and would cause the end of all life eventually.
Everyone dies, but that's fine because life was always a mistake in the first place.
*exposed to the Fade over a long enough period of time explode into demons
My consolation is that with any luck, in their rush to invent their New Thing with New Characters they will cause Solas to have died on the way back to his home planet.

Also fucking hilarious how they tried to give Flemmeth of all people, if not actual in-game redeeming qualities, than something approaching a conscience.

The fact that nobody ever actually looks into that eldritch damn city that is said to be the reason why Old Gods are even a problem is also a black mark on doing anything with the spirit world.

I don’t know what Bioware was thinking even then, but between that and Allahu Anders spirits are the elf-stand in for Dragon Age. Violently otherworldly beings the game doesn’t want you to argue with.
Okay, so now my question is if that's the outcome of bringing down The Veil then how in the fuck did anyone / anything even manage to live / survive in the world prior to The Veil being raised? If it was that bad then how did anything live at all? Weren't the elves supposed to have had an entire proper civilization in that clusterfuck?
Nobody knows. It’s possible things used to be different, the “gods” which Solas and Flemmeth heavily imply were just really powerful elven wizards supposedly hung out in the material world.

But that was then, and in the here and now as far as anyone knows the Veil is a damn holding back a flood that’s bad for reality.
The dragons are also mentioned to have been very prominent then so that might have had something to do with it.
What superpower would most help Batman do his thing? No lame narrative explanations about how he'll just "lose the power" or how "nothing will change cuz evil Gotham demon" allowed.
If I finish Harem Collector there will be a perk for the in game relationship bars which lock in minimums for the relationship after certain milestones.

Also an item.
>Bag of Holding (100): An important tool for any adventurer is a way to lug around the large quantities of loot, equipment, and consumables any kleptomaniac hoarder is likely to have. This thing has an enormous capacity such that even the most dedicated loot goblins are unlikely to fill it unless actively trying, a piano would be perfectly fine to lug around in it should you be able to pick it up to stuff inside. Unlike some less fortunate adventurers (or the slaves they have do the job) this bag comes with the premium feature, auto sorting, so that whatever you’re looking for will be easy to find regardless of how much random garbage is taking up space in your loot bag.
He simply won't use the power.
Precognition, self-duplication, or regeneration.
I'm going god hunting, again, how strong are the Forgotten Realms gods since everyone seems to agree they suck?
I'll probably beat them either way. but there's a huge difference between easily devouring them and getting into a fist fight across several different breaking dimensions beyond time, again.
Varies from ruling a universe sized plane to nuking the multiverse if they feel like it.
They're rather strong but the real issue with hunting the FR gods for sport is Ao, pretty much every time he takes action is his latest attempt to force the gods to do their fucking jobs.

While I imagine he would relate to being pissed at them he would likely take issue with someone getting rid of the only deadbeats he can find to at least partly to the work assigned to them when forced.
Maybe pick up multiple bodies to make things a bit more manageable?
They're quite strong, but like anon said Ao is the biggest issue since he's always trying to get them to do their jobs and the fact he's never simply replaced them all despite being the local overpower implies he can't, at least not on short notice. So he might just intervene to not have you murder them unless you have a plan to either replace them or keep the non-shit ones alive long enough for him to find new ones to keep running the other domains so the multiverse doesn't collapse.
NTA but would Ao accept new people for the now vacant positions?
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Thank you, anon.
If they meet the requirements and can handle the strain of being a greater god upholding the core laws of the multiverse forever, then sure. Ascendant deities aren't new in FR and the only reason you don't see more inhabiting greater god positions is that it doesn't really happen often.
How many Magical Girl jumps do we even have?
The only reason he keeps them is because the DM says he has to.
How about just MLTing them, if it's just two chapters?

A good set of items, weaponz and armors, I guess? A cooking pot? I'm scratching my brain a bit there.
...How about a perk that give someone a Hero Mark once perk jump? Can't forget about the Philosopher Stone too.
FemKeyaru and Keyaru Replacement toggle.
>>93186401 got a good idea. Psycho and not psycho.

Maybe >>93187108 as well, after all, like I said, there's a spin off where he just let go after seeing that his world is different and everyone is cool.

What part of basically biomancy don't you get?
Why do Psykers need implants? The Alpha and Alpha+ don't have them, so the implants can't be there to empower them.
Outlandish biomancy that, in traditional weeb fashion, is just called "healing"
Can someone please post the 'Forgive me Zanzibart' collage, my pal doesn't believe there's that many instances of it.
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Super regen. The man gets busted up pretty fucking hard on a regular basis and it's no wonder he's basically crippled in Batman Beyond. Even better if it prolongs his lifespan and helps with fatigue, as the immortal (metaphorical or not) legend of The Batman will keep people pissing their pants for much longer. It's also a passive ability so he can't will himself not to use it beyond just trying not to get hit, which is a thing he already tries to do.
Ability to cure insanity and generally move someones alignment towards (lawful) good by punching them
They stay cuted/reformed after the beating
It'd have to be something he'd never notice otherwise he'd find a way to either not use it or give it to someone else, because Batman is kind of retarded.
He would actively become mission control for the Robins that way out of fear of taking away someone's agency.
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No, Batman is crazy. It's a very distinct difference. When he states his no-kill rule and how he's afraid of the slippery slope he'll end up on if he crosses the line he's not doing it in a naive shonen protagonist way, he's saying that because he will 100% go crazy psycho murderer on all the crooks in Gotham and this is a thing in several timelines. Batman's reasons for things that look stupid to most people are generally more rooted in him being actually fucking coocoo bonkers and knowing it. That's not counting the Barbara thing that's a thing in several continuities though, that's just stupid.
Being entirely fair, most of these don't conceal any obscure lore. The reasoning for them saying those things is generally pretty clearly laid out. It's random other shit going on in the background that's super obscure, easy to miss, or almost impossible to parse without additional context.
It's as if that was a shitpost.
Get rid of his need to sleep but let him retain the ability to do so if he wishes.

He more-or-less already has this ability in various stories thanks to insane willpower, so giving it to him outright shouldn't be a gamebreaker. And if you let him retain the ability to sleep when he wants to he can't complain about "losing his humanity" or anything like that.
a properly made super-soldier virus from Resident Evil, especially with the regeneration, would do wonders for him. Mildly superhuman strength, durability, agility and bursts of superspeed paired with regen would better enable him to do everything. However I imagine many versions of Batman wouldn't go for it because he'd need to retrain himself how to fight proper with the enhanced physical abilities and that would mean a lot of time where he's *not* out on the streets beating up criminals and super villains. You could also offer him a blood transfusion if you pick up the omega version of the regeneration power in the X-men Movies jump. The notes in that jump explicitly state that if you've got the omega tier version of healing factor that you can give the lower tier version of it (ie: x-men movies wolverine tier regen) to other people with a blood transfusion. Since it's just a healing factor it would be super helpful to him and he wouldn't have to retrain himself since there's no physical boost.

If you're wanting to give him something ridiculous though consider giving him a power ring (green or yellow) and a pep talk on how useful it would be. Canonically he'd be pretty good as a yellow lantern, he'd just need to be convinced it was worth using. It would probably be difficult to convince him though if Sinestro is around since he'd guaranteed show up to fuck with Batman if he knew he had a yellow ring and wasn't actively part of the Sinestro Corps.
>Batman somehow ends up trying to fight Morpheus on the belief the Lord of Dreams has stolen his ability to sleep for some reason
>Next big event is the Justice League vs The Endless
>a properly made super-soldier virus from Resident Evil,
Honestly the RE supersoldiers don't seem that impressive since the actual heroes of that universe are all just regular cops, spies, and special forces soldiers.
If you're talking about primaris psykers, the big-boy battle psykers the Imperial Guard have, their implants iirc regulate warp energies not unlike a psychic hood, allowing them to channel their powers more safely with the trade off of their powers being slightly weaker as a result. That's not even including the various surgeries to have warding runes engraved on their skulls (as in literally onto their skull) or other stuff like that, much less the soul binding ritual that connects them to the Emperor. High-tier stable psykers aren't rare when you consider the size of the imperial but they're still rare and valuable enough that the ones that survive the sanctioning process get heavily invested in to make sure they remain stable and useful.
This sounds a bit too close to a Lazarus Pit, which Batman explicitly refuses to use even when he's assured it won't drive him insane.
There's a reason that the +300 version of the "you crazy" drawback in Batman TAS basically describes Batman's behavior.
Thank you.
Batman is just a shitty, scared knock-off of The Shadow.
How many multiverses has The Shadow destroyed? That’s what I thought.
You can pretty easily make a super-soldier virus that gives abilities superior to what Wesker has with no drawbacks. That includes durability sufficient to tank multiple RPG hits, the speed to literally catch RPG's in his bare hand, strength to rip open metal doors, regeneration strong enough to literally come back from having a Tyrant show its arm straight through his chest, and so on and so forth. And that's just the basic version of the virus Wesker has, which can be purchased outright and then upgraded further to be even more tanky, have even better regen, and also remove the drawback about needing to regularly take a stabilizing serum.

The heroes of the Resident Evil series are all basically surrounded by several feet of plot armor, and many of them pair that with absurd nigh on superhuman skill. See Leon's motorcycle chase through the city in that one animated RE movie (the one where the bad guy kidnaps Rebecca because she looks like his dead wife) for an example of what I'm talking about. In a less absurd setting someone with Wesker tier physicals and regen would basically be a nigh unstoppable murder machine.
Were you aware that there are real life tribes in Africa that worship The Shadow as a patron deity?
No, but that's both hilarious and awesome.
Yeah, some dude went over there with some The Shadow comics way back in the day and even though the locals couldn't read them they were so impressed with the pictures (which were relatively easy to follow along with) that they basically adopted The Shadow as a tribal guardian deity.
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Has your jumper ever pulled off a move that was such a dumb ass move it turned out to be brilliant?

My jumper has a dumb ass plan to infiltrate the enemy base by just showing up and asking to see the hidden boss. Knowing him by that name makes them a curiosity and since they are unarmed they aren't dangerous. Pic is the hidden boss in question.
>hey basically adopted The Shadow as a tribal guardian deity
There are much worse choices to make.
Yes. Thanks.
He just goes to the gym. Oats and squats, anon.
There was also a tribe somewhere that worshipped one of the British nobility.
>The heroes of the Resident Evil series are all basically surrounded by several feet of plot armor, and many of them pair that with absurd nigh on superhuman skill.
>In a less absurd setting someone with Wesker tier physicals and regen would basically be a nigh unstoppable murder machine.

But in the context of jumpchain, all I'm trying to say is don't immediately discount "normal" Resident Evilverse humans, because there are more than enough perks and metacontextual bullshit to allow you to "unlock their potential" or give them hyper-accelerated training and turn them all into DC or Marvel style "Peak-Humans".
Why the fuck was he punching it?
But enough about the Irish.
Some karmic effect where every time the great detective, or his underlings, uncovers a crime or helps uncovering one the perpetrator of that crime will inevitably have the exact same thing happen to him in a real eye for an eye fashion.
The only way for Bruce to stop this is to completely step out of the buisness and leave justice in more capable hands
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What the fuck is wrong with his face.
>yeah, a guy melted into an overseer desk? an idiot trying to replace humanity with a retarded, infertile 'master race'? ring any bells?
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What do you mean?
Peter really got replaced by an Alternate, hell nah. I knew the Mandela Catalogue event was coming sooner or later.
Maybe for adrenaline reasons. Also he is in a volcano maybe punching it reduces the pain he feels from pushing it. It has to be hot.
Strange's face is my soul right now. Seriously, what the fuck is this art.
In fairness that might be a meta joke reference about that one super famous painting that was supposed to be restored by a "professional artist" who bungled the restoration so fucking hard they completely ruined the picture. I recall the face, after it had been ruined in the botched restoration, looking sort of like Peter's face in the bottom of the pic.
Resident Evil's Boulders are made or built, they are BORN like that.

Let us appreciate and pray for it's sacrifice for both the greater good and the altar to chadness of Chris Redfield.
What the fuck are those faces? Are they Altern-oh wait, jokes already made.

This is still creepy to me.
Remember that short trend of "Wanna take a break from the ads?" videos?
That'd be actually hard for him to deal with, but as it's DC it will never stick
Define "more capable hands"
A perk for Alchemical Solutions, relating to some existential nonsense regarding the daughter of a side character.
>Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free* For All/Mandatory for Exalts): Something that appears to be unique to Creation is the existence of a soul, this is unfortunate for those from Nowhere and especially those with certain powers. Parahumans with Breaker forms die when they assume their transformation, replaced by a clone by their Shard via a copy of their mind stored in its own workings. This is would obviously be a problem and lacking a soul means the wills of Nowhere’s natives also leaves them far more vulnerable to mental influence than the humans originally from Creation, mental influences such as the subtle push towards conflict from the Shards powering Parahuman abilities. You fortunately have a soul of your own, providing your will with some actual weight in the universe and ensuring that you’re still you even after some transformation, teleportation, or other such event which might normally destroy and replace you with a copy that just thinks it’s the real you. The cost for this trait doesn’t come in CP but rather in pain; if you’re anything other than a Creation human or non-Alchemical exalt you’ve received your soul through a soul gem embedded in your forehead, in addition to being a fairly obvious ornament this was painful in a way you can never forget and was extreme to the point that even someone with a strong will or the right kind of insanity to ignore most pain still can’t help but shudder or wince each time they’re reminded of it.
Does this make it morally neutral to rape and/or murder "Nowhere" "humans"?
People who don't coddle criminals.
What was that jump for the manga by the Neptunia artist? The one where the MC has power stealing kisses and is secretly his mother's husband reborn

I wanna show up to Neptunia as a Purple Heart expy and I remember that jump has leotard power armour things that look a lot like HDD forms
Judge Dredd
Iirc it was Yanada and the 7 Witches.
No, that's some other dude with power stealing kisses.
Yeah, I'll link that curse with the demons curse on Gotham. If he manages to get rid of his karmic influence he will automatically lift the curse.
This will create a paradox as doing nothing will change the status quo, but doing something will do as well and we all know actual change is impossible in DC
Date a Live?
That's the one, thanks anon
what settings have blacked jumps currently?
What's a good cosmology/metaphysics to use as a base you could say all others are ultimately built on top of in a chain?
Im a fan of wod mage setup. Either old or new. If old you get access to the umbra and can do a lot of crazy shit, if new you get the towers and supernal.
Date A Live?
Just looking at the title, and reading power stealing kisses put me on edge.
You mean Date A Live?
>Saga of Exiles
"Jumper, the [insert title] -100"

"Abaddon, the angel of the abyss. Saint Jack the Bodiless. Saint Illusio Diamond Mask.
Brede Shipspouse. Kuhal Earthshaker. Delbaeth the shape of fire.
You too get a cool and succinct title, epithet or call that perfectly encapsulates your
being, important personal details or historic deeds. You will be henceforth known and
easily identified as such. Other than just being cool this will help you let your fame precede you and sow fear, love, admiration and adoration or whatever in any group
before you arrive."

What do they call you, Jumper?
As I watched the final (?) season just yesterday I was wondering why Date A Live doesn't get discussed here. It's got waifus and powers, all the things that /jc/ likes.
It doesn’t contain any Gohan suffering, so that’s me out
Is it a roundabout way to say it has bullshit powers?
Probably too obscure and doesn't have anyone in the thread to go full autism explaining it, since /jc/ is full of secondaries.
It's just kind of incredibly bland. Literally the only notable feature is hot goth yandere and that's not enough to carry it
Sure, some of the powers are pretty bullshit, Kurumi in particular.
The first season was pretty banger and hooked me in way back when. Great OP too. The rest of it was... not so great. Also the anime came out piecemeal over more than a decade so watching a new season you'd already forgotten all the plot detail.
Anon, the delight of women, breaker of bucks
Do any jumps offer an infinite supply of Freedom2o?
There are several settings that are explicitly intended to contain all of fiction. Unsong, for example.
Gonna agree with the anon arguing obscurity. Feels like one of those series that if you hadn't tripped over back when it first aired, the threat of time investment when you remember it exists might be a deal breaker as far as whims go. That said, I've watched similar for less so might just give it a go.
>captcha: TNTJP
Not sure if captcha is weeaboo, or nuke joke.
How bullshit are we talking, other than the time ones? because I THINK that the girl with a clock in hey eye MIGHT have time powers.

>The rest of it was... not so great
That's harrowing.
Nah it was (WAS) well known as far as harem anime go, it just wasn't particularly cared for or liked. It's pretty simple, it's just not interesting.
Yes, that's Kurumi and she has time powers, including but not limited to time travel and making copies of herself. Other powers include limited omniscience and the ability to seal or unlock anything.
What the shit. How do they deal with that other than Deus Ex Machina?
She gets waifued.
Seduction. Also Deus Ex Machina. Around the end the Spirit of Origin, also referred to as Deus, fatally pops out from her chest.
that's it seriously
You know what, sure. Worst that can happen is I get yeeted to Warhammer at some point and Tzeentch briefly profits from the influx of Hope. This is not ideal, but not insurmountable.
I don’t care for its bland setting & it just make me mad because every time I see it, my mind autocorrects it to LIVE A LIVE.
The brain rot keeps getting worse in every generation
I wonder what the singularity is going to be

Jumper, the destiny of mankind
Anon it's an incredibly generic harem anime, where all the super powered individuals are women, what the fuck do you expect?
God forbid a situation gets resolved in any way other than asspulling even more power and unga bungaing through it.
I didn't know what to expect since as I implied, I never watched the damn thing.
Isn't this just that one chainbutt from forever ago but on a starvation diet?
>read series based around the MC seducing superpowered girls
>be surprised that the MC seduces superpowered girl
look at >>93188438
Fucking Timmies.
That Modding (Cheating) shit is back again.

Or just asspulling.
My friends are my power!
I fight for my friends.
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Gohan is based.
I dont understand why that faggot keeps uploading it.

He has made you sperg out for a decade now just by being a successful scholar and family man. He wins. You lose. However I bet if you killed yourself you could meet him and really show him who is boss.
Pretty bland on the surface and if memory serves the jump is one of Ric's earlier ones, so it has some old jump syndrome too.
Would "Detective Mode" style vision a la the Batman games be something you could purchase with Unusual Sense?
Humans don’t have zenkai boosts, you retard
>The brain rot keeps getting worse in every generation
People really say this shit like they don't remember Nyan Cat.
Or Crazy Frog

At least zoom-zooms and gen alphas have actual words in their memes, even if they’re “rizzler gyatt gyatt unc”
Those are not actual words you retarded zoom zoom.
Just chalk it up to all teens being awful no matter the generation and move on.
People keep saying bland but two things feel off about that. Firstly extremely bland battle harems like Campione or Sekirei do get brought up here fairly often. Second I have to question the blandness. I've watched a shitton of anime, most of it forgettable, but DAL managed to leave an impression. It starts off with a great OP, and those are insanely rare. Of the thousands of titles I've watched I've managed to gather only 20-30 items for my list of good OPs. For the first season, the production values were clearly high. There was a good balance of plot and comedy, with twists. The girls had at least some depth to them and you got things you wouldn't expect like a genuine psychopath heroine. All that fell off after the first season but at least it established itself strong.
Is Metro Man's and Tighten's telescopic vision covered by Super Senses ("wide range" "great accuracy") or would that require Unusual Sense?
>Firstly extremely bland battle harems like Campione or Sekirei
That's insulting to one one of them, but I dunno which.
The female characters are too strong and accomplish too much. There should be one or two side characters at best who are irrelevant and only win fights against irrelevant opponents.
The harem origin is just too boring. I do like how the Jump let's you take all heroines through a scenarios tho.
>20-30 items for my list of good OPs
Pls share.

If you do and I fall asleep before then, thank.
Insulting to sekirei, campione is fucking retarded even by battle harem standards.

They suck this guys dick for beating a god, oh wow, except the god basically killed himself and gave that fucker his powers.
The picture you posted is too developed to be a loli yet not enough to be a titcow. Thus the porn addicts of the thread couldn't care less about it.
Sekirei usually gets brought up by the same few people.
>except the god basically killed himself and gave that fucker his powers.
Wow, he literally did less than nothing.
Looks like there was ~50 after all now that I counted. I tried catboxing the .txt file but for some reason that makes the spam filter prevent posting so I'll just paste it into this post... except that's too many characters so here's a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/uVRLbgit
Thanks, anon. I'll look through it later.
Nta but that's a pretty fucking solid list.
...Surprised to not see Blue Bird or My War tho.

>s.CRY.ed - Reckless Fire
Any OP or ED or music in there is so fucking good anyway.
Well, they aren't really praising him for killing a god. It's more like killing a god turns someone into Superman so you either praise him or risk him getting angry and killing you.

That said, Campione is indeed retarded, and the protagonist is probably the worst harem mc I have ever seen.
The JoJofags will be triggered if they read this.
Suggest some crazy ride or die waifus for my jumper to companion.
Eh fair enough
Harley Quinn
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Any of the divinity perks/origins allow you to raise people up as "subordinate gods"? For making a pantheon.
Blue Bird just didn't hit that hard for me. My War does belong, though. That list is a recreation off the top of my head after I lost the original which also had endings (an even shorter list) to a HDD failure.
Dude's gonna put everything in his list kek.

>Blue Bird just didn't hit that hard for me
Surprising. It's often the most liked. Hakuna did nothing to me. Colors and tastes.

>My War
I'm still confused as to why they changed it by what is probably the worst OP of SnK.
I'm already reading the sarcastic "it's because the last chapters were so shit they decided to make it shit too".

>That list is a recreation off the top of my head after I lost the original which also had endings (an even shorter list) to a HDD failure.
Fair fair, sir.
If you choose the Pagan God origin in Supernatural and choose the Alpha Perk from the Monster Origin you not only become much stronger and able to command lesser deities, but can also turn humans into normal gods under your command.

Otherwise you could choose the God&Buddha species in Highschool DxD and buy the Multiply & Conquer Item, which gives you a set of pieces based on a game of your choice(like chess pieces or playing cards) that can be used to transform up to 18 living beings into gods, with the godhood stacking on top of their base species.
>Every Campione gets an autistic drive upon becoming one
>The MC's superpower induced autism fixation is just being normal
Okay but you realise you are turning yourself into the strongest version of something God himself literally described as an entire species of fall guys, right?
The more I hear about Campione, he more I want to stay away from Campione.
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Karin is cute.
At least Campione isn’t Supernatural
There was a time Supernatural was good, then it became bad, and trash.
Campione give me the feeling of being bad and stupid from the start.
The other campione's magically induced autism is as follows
>Salvatore seeks fun shit
>Voban wants to waku waku
>Aisha wants to travel
>John Pluto Smith has split personality (Yes somehow this counts as her autistic fixation some fucking how)
Campione a shit because none of girls make my dock hard.
At least it ain't Infinite stratos where the plot can be summed up as
>Tabane is a dangerous schizo who is responsible for 99% of the problems in the series and Ichika is the only male IS pilot because she made him one for shits and giggles.
>dock hard
Get better wood stoopid.
I dont care about Fortuna's cope regarding her own irrelevance.
Marvel magic god capstone, I hate that jump because I like also the human capstone and generally too many things of too many origin but it's exactly what you want.
Your Seabees are SHIT, SHIT.
So something to be away from as far as possible.

what the shit.
You don't need to know Fate for that.
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Nah, IS is honestly carried by Tabane being a fucking insane schizo. The woman literally designed a weapon system that's black boxed to ONLY be usable by cute girls in skimpy outfits unapologetically for fetish purposes and then she hacked and launched the entire world's nuclear arsenal so that her prototypes could shoot them all down and she could flex to the world's military forces about how awesome she was. And that's just the preface of her long, long list of absurdly irresponsible and often outright criminal activity.
What you are telling me is, how to NOT make a world or a light novel.
>what the shit.
Yeah Tabane made Ichika able to pilot an IS for the lolz. IIRC There's literally nothing preventing men from piloting one besides Tabane's whim. Also treats the geneva convention as the geneva to do list and teams up with terrorists trying to kill her little sister's crush.
I mean Chronos is slowly ruining his own life because of his powers even when he’s not using them, Ganesha (the Hindu god) is forced to participate in eating humans to survive, Zeus is a glorified hobo that appears to have been abandoned by every other god except Artemis, Atropos freely admits Castiel could’ve murked her if he wanted to, one of the Muses was killed by a girl jabbing her through the stomach so that she died screaming while exploding into purple goo, and Gabriel casually murders the real Loki while at a fraction of his real powerlevel from being drained by a Duke of Hell.

Just because it’s a cope doesn’t mean it’s not also a fact, based on circumstantial evidence.
No that would be telling you to watch RWBY.
Yeah. I will resaid what I said there >>93189492
NTA but why not just give yourself Plot Armor to beat everything?
Sounds like a job for a Megamind Jumper to show up, laugh at her, then make better skin tight mech, that dudes can also pilot, which are also superior due to coming with a drink support attached.

Would only dip in IS to flex on Tabane and make her mald, and nab the British Blonde Chick.
RWBY is worse.
Jumps where i can make an expy of this girl? It has to have a sword autism perk and a setting that DOESN'T have a gamer system.
It's still dead, right? God I hope so. I know the writers were trying to milk it for clout and to be masturbated as creative geniuses by their fandom but hopefully nothing comes of that.
Which is why it's a reply to an anon asking if IS is how not to write a world.
Good question. Fortuna sure didn’t think of that, even that even if you argue that logically Chuck should be able to make plot armour stronger than hers, the plot armour she COULD have out is apparently comprehensive enough to cover the Winchesters’ basic needs such as

>never needing to renew credit cards/IDs
>never needing to learn how to actually use guns/lockpicks
>surviving on an all-bacon and beer diet
>dodging dental appointments forever
>not being lactose fucking intolerant

Let me repeat that, she can plot armour you so thoroughly it alters your digestive system around the plot
Apparently from a quick search they did find potential investors to fund v10 but considering there was nothing after that I'm guessing the people in charge of approving the investments took a look at that dumpster fire and dipped.
I hate to say it, but Victim Girls or Taimainin.
Fate japan, half oni and/or Gozu Tennō sourced divinity, basically ushi gozen but not insane. Honestly frighteningly similar to Raikou.
Evil never dies, it merely sleeps.
RWBY should go public domain so all the porn becomes canon.
That's not what that means.
Barb and Arryn had/has a RWBY themed onlyfans so they at least knew that people only watched for new characters to make porn of past a point.
>squints at The Final Shape dialogue
>Apparently Nightmares are a legit manifestation of the Darkness
Well, that’s fucking OP. Initially I thought Resonance had to be barred for balanced purposes even if Embrace the Darkness is just meant to be packed at Guardian-scale, not Disciple-scale. But that’s some bullshit.

Does anyone have an objection to adding Resonance?

(Taking will not be included because the only known examples of Taking have been high level bullshit even before the Witness started Taking planets, though I should probably elaborate the description to include the full slew of what it can do and what it entails)
No objections. One minor question: if I don't get the Taking perk but get Shaped Finality, how hard would it be to develop Taking from effectively first principles?
>Barb and Arryn had/has a RWBY themed onlyfans
They really want to bank and destroy any credibility they have huh.
Wait so bad dreams are just the winnower/witness fucking with people? What is Resonance again?
Arryn did that a while ago trying to cancel onw of the Writers for Icequeendom for domestic abuse when his wife dropped the charges.
>Writers for Icequeendom for domestic abuse when his wife dropped the charges
What the fuck.
My god, RWBY should just die already and only be in Timmy's ramblings.

>how hard
Based on the Books of Sorrow, the secrets of communing with the Darkness|Deep|Winnower are either literally or figuratively inscribed on the scales of the Worm Gods. So Oryx had to kill one to make his Tablets of Ruins, then he had to use an Ogre as a vessel to talk to it. And it drew him inside itself, “pranked” him by threatening to strand him in the Ascendant Plane while subjecting him to a nightmare of his father, and him managing to think his way out let him leave with the power to Take.

So yeah, it’s a combination of kill kaiju for occult loot + Darkness-themed Silent Hill experience

…the problem with this theoretical framework is that the Books of Sorrow being filled with lies turned out to include things like the Ecumene being Darkness-users, so I have NO idea how reliable everything is supposed to be. Xivu’s ramblings seemingly confirm at least MOST of the Hive’s history is accurate, but the Witness turning out to be the original master of the Taken calls into question just how accurate Oryx’s account of events was.

(The best evidence Oryx actually did talk to the Winnower and not the Witness wearing an Ogre is that he uses the Winnower’s super laid back chill casual dialogue, and the Winnower explicitly refers to itself as “I”. That said, the Witness IS aware of the Winnower’s existence and it’s unclear how much it knows about it’s personality too if it wanted to fake being the Winnower. Quite possibly a lot though, given the Witness was created from a race melting themselves with it’s power
Interested Shard?
The worst part is that it wasn't anything recent. The domestic abuse charges were almost a decade old at that point so she was actively looking for something to cancel him for.
>Shaped Finality
Oh uh
ignore the previous answer
I dunno, couple months with determination but little to go on but wishful thinking? Probably could just walk in, go “sup Winnower” and walk out with the thing if you do have mastery of at least a single Darkness manifestation given that’s technically all Oryx had to do to get it. Walk in, then walk out.

It’s also technically necromancy; I’ll elaborate when including it as an example.

The Witness’ personal glowey golden power that does…a bit of everything, frankly.
Anyone know of a perk that would allow me to impose minecraft rules and logic on an area?
The cope is that they're fall guys for God to take the blame for all bad things.

They obviously aren't actually in a good state, but it's pretty clear that they're just a very powerful variant of monsters with limited reality warping and decent immortality.

But as far god option in the chain go, they're decently middle of the road.
I am NOT going to ignore the previous answer, because it's actually very useful if I'm not taking Shaped Finality. Which is a distinct possibility. But thanks regardless. Seems like easy-street for Shaped Finality but a good bit harder without.
I'd guess Minecraft, but if you're asking you probably already looked there.
Ah, typical mantis attitude. Waiting the perfect moment to strike, and then get debunked.
Which hurt actual, normal, woman's credibility.
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How do you maintain your comfy chain when you're in a grim, war-torn world?
Yeah it doesnt really let you imbue an area effect. Genes one has a perm that is close but requires you to do it on each specific thing
Hugs, slice of life break moments, and Superman-esque Justice/Hope Triumphant themes.
Inventory from Terraria might work, the game mode options too from what I remember but I'm not overly positive on the second. It's not minecraft itself but it's pretty close. I suppose Starbound too in a way as it's basically just Terraria in space.
You could probably do it with Bounded fields on the level of Medea's since they're really close to reality marbles. Probably could infuse an area with minecraft physic with a magic system that eventually gets to high tier reality warping.
Will check thanks

That would be a stupid and fun bounded field/marble. Imagine trapping enemy servants with a flat piece of wood and 4 metal doors.
Nope, you gotta buy it yourself to get that benefit.
How the jumpmaking? And life?
It goes decently. Got some work done on Gushing Over Magical Girls and decided on a gameplan to get it in a jumpable state sooner rather than later.

Dealing with anxiety but also have a long vacation with family starting tomorrow, so that ought to help.
What jumps have perks to make your opponent honor a call for a hug break in the middle of a fight?
Alterworld. You can make a custom MMO and then for 300cp you can grant that MMO system to others, even the world. Make a MInecraft MMO and have fun. Not every MMO has to be an RPG.
>Gushing Over Magical Girls
Still fucking weird. I do note you ain't mentioning Yukikaze kek

>Dealing with anxiety but also have a long vacation with family starting tomorrow, so that ought to help.
That's rough, I know it's some heavy bad shit. Here's hoping your vacation help!
Why would Shard be interested?
Nta but I was thinking of making a a space mmo, like star citizen or something. Maybe mix in some star wars to get knockoff force powers without retarded nucanon shit and with cooler ships and droids.
I remember the going plan was to pick her up in Attack on Titan because of a weird toggle interaction. Can't remember if the jumpmaker played along, but it had something to do with AoT getting a collab event in GBF well before the stuff about Marley and the world at large was introduced, so Paradis was just another sky island in Granblue's world or something.

>I hate to say it, but Victim Girls
You'd technically be getting the real deal there, but that one might shrink in the wash. Similarly, the version of her present in Baalbuddy is kind of in a quantum state between her usual stature and Hulk Mode so it's a bit of a coin toss which one you'd end up finding first/at all.
Why wouldn't he? He's an unnironically cultured guy, and Clock Tower is pretty big.
Many such cases
If I wasn't already determined for my Digimon MMO, I would make a Spelljammer one. Space pirates sounds fun.
Azur Lane has a good one. It won't help you in the middle of a fight, but it'll give you those breaks you need to recover.

Time For A Break (Free/400): Wars are, unsurprisingly, not a lot of fun. The extensive planning sessions and
mountains of paperwork are tedious. Then there’s the actual fighting to consider. Sometimes you could really
just use a vacation. As it turns out, this universe thinks so too. Every month or two, for one to two weeks, the
world lapses into an unofficial ceasefire as
everyone indulges in Halloween spookiness or
Christmas spirit. Or they might discover an odd
ripple in space-time and turn to exploring that
instead of trying to fire at each other. Of
course, if you decide to use that time to launch
a cunning sneak attack, all bets are off. But
why would you do that when you could enjoy
Valentine’s themed shenanigans?
Should you like this spirit of mutual
cooperation to follow you beyond this world,
you may pay 400 CP. While it will not
guarantee “events” happen every few months,
you will find one cropping up just when you
feel completely burned out. You won’t be able
to put off what is happening in the world
around you forever with this. But there will
always be time to celebrate Christmas, enjoy a
hot springs episode, or just goof around a bit.
Comfiness is a warm gun
Oh thats a cool idea.
Nta, but Minecraft is such a specific concept you'd probably need some connection to a game related god or tap into foundation of Human belief in regards to Minecraft.
Yeah, Spelljammer can be a great MMO if done right. You make your ships and crew, get classes for levels and lots of worlds to explore.
Iirc, there's a Minecraft isekai. Can't remember if it's japanese or chinese.
Of course there is
Is Shinmai Maou no Testament supposed to be in uploads?
Yes? Maybe?
There are a few. One a guy gets isekaid by a dark elf to be his slave and he gets minecraft powers, theres also a long ass chinese novel I have only been able to track down on a moonrune site flooded with asian porn adds that has a shit tons of chapters about a guy getting sent to ming dynasty china with minecraft powers.
One day there will be 40cm Penis Isekai.
There's literally an isekai called Rising of the Vibrator Hero. It sound funny, it isn't, it's retarded. And yes, it's shit just in case someone was wondering.

Insert vomiting sound.
Reincarnated as a girls panties wasnt enough for you?

Im pretty sure there was a reincarnatrd as a girls vagina manga.
There are a few minecraft manga
I didn't even knew that existed.

>reincarnatrd as a girls vagina manga
Fucking kill me.
Load up on intimidation perks so that when you propose peaceful coexistence the alternative is too terrifying to consider.
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>Apparently Nightmares are a legit manifestation of the Darkness
What are the implications of this for jump purposes?
>Spiritual Persistency of Self
As I recall, you’ve said that because of not having a soul, Worm humans don’t do anything if they pray and so can’t provide a Cult background.

>this was painful in a way you can never forget and was extreme to the point that even someone with a strong will or the right kind of insanity to ignore most pain still can’t help but shudder or wince each time they’re reminded of it.
Someone really needs to tell Autobot to make a better version.
So does Shaped Finality work by just shoving a massive chunk of Darkness inside you or does it make you some kind of Darkness based Guardian instead of "merely" a Guardian with access to Darkness?
No, Earth Bet humans are still capable of suffering. The Viator was very thorough in exploring this fact.

Bonesaw is working on that using the few people she helped grant souls since being captured/rescued/press-ganged by Taylor to improve the process.
Thank you both.

It's what the above posted.
>Worm humans don't have souls
So there's literally no reason to care about this planet of husks?
>Worm humans don't have souls
Wait what?
>Bonesaw is working on that using the few people she helped grant souls since being captured/rescued/press-ganged by Taylor to improve the process.
I’d make a joke about how since I’m going to be a Solar with a Craft specialty I’ll just step in and solve the problem in a few minutes, but these are Alchemicals, it takes a long time for Solars to pass them in crafting skill.

>since being captured/rescued/press-ganged by Taylor
Ever notice how Bonesaw always has to be redeemed?
No idea what the others are talking about, but like the one piece of wog I actually respect is that there's nothing in Worm that interacts with souls, so its entirely up to you, the author of your chain, if they have souls or not.
Its an old shitpost. Ignore it.
Oh thank god.
Earlier this thread an anon pointed out that the drive version is apparently out of date.
Which is weird, because they are made by the same guy.
In the Alchemical Solutions quest there it seems that Souls are something from a universe with essence physics. Worm being a universe that, prior to the Alchemicals showing up, didn't have that and thus Worm humans don't have souls. Their universe was a pure science fiction with supposedly no supernatural anything, thus no souls, until essence started being introduced.

>I’d make a joke about how since I’m going to be a Solar with a Craft specialty I’ll just step in and solve the problem in a few minutes, but these are Alchemicals, it takes a long time for Solars to pass them in crafting skill.
Yeah, the soul thing could certainly be an issue. The notes will include a mention that you can grant Spiritual Persistency of Self to others if you grant them a soul, so it would definitely be worthwhile to make a less traumatizing version.

>Ever notice how Bonesaw always has to be redeemed?
It's not uncommon, the Bonesaw is very useful. She's also rather high up on the list of potential Orichalcum caste members for Taylor's assembly. . .
She would probably just fall in love with you because she now finally has an intellectual Equal who also loves to do dumb shit.
>In the Alchemical Solutions quest there it seems that Souls are something from a universe with essence physics. Worm being a universe that, prior to the Alchemicals showing up, didn't have that and thus Worm humans don't have souls. Their universe was a pure science fiction with supposedly no supernatural anything, thus no souls, until essence started being introduced.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Other than quest obviously, so that answer some questions.
>Alchemical Solutions quest
The author went full retard on several other things, not sure why I'm surprised he went full retard on this as well
Sometimes people post an update but no one puts it on the drive because anons are forgetful. Also Smut has a reputation for making unpopular changes when he updates to his jumps. No idea if that's the case here but it might have led to less motivation to replace the one on the drive.
>Yeah, the soul thing could certainly be an issue. The notes will include a mention that you can grant Spiritual Persistency of Self to others if you grant them a soul, so it would definitely be worthwhile to make a less traumatizing version.
Sounds to me like I should develop a charm to grant souls instead.

It's not uncommon, the Bonesaw is very useful.
Yeah, but the other members of the nine all get wiped out without hesitation. I’m all for saving a brainwashed child, but when said child’s body count reaches four digits I feel like their victims deserves justice more.

>She's also rather high up on the list of potential Orichalcum caste members for Taylor's assembly.
I wonder what he changed.
Since when is worm related to some rando quest?
Only if you care about labels, I think that just because they come from a differently metaphysical universe than others doesn't make them less human, but YYMV, at the end it's the strongest who decides the value of anything.
Alchemical Solutions is a Worm/Exalted crossover quest
Crawler also gets rescued in this one, after being subjected to to Exalted Social Combat™.

The potential Orichalcum cast members are currently Accord, Bonesaw, Glaistig Uaine, and Ziz'd Armsmaster. . . Alexandria was on the list but Taylor is insisting she needs to "be better" before being considered alongside this stellar lineup of moral virtue.
Nta but I have less pity for the dead than for the living, killing Bonesaw won't undo her evil, mantaining her alive, with the right precautions to avoid a new rampage and keep her under control, will help much more, but I try also to help at least cherish from the nine, the rest depends on my resources.
Probably comes from the weird Worm fanon that people there don't have souls because someone asked Wildbow and he said "Souls don't come up in the story".
Nta but it's a few thread that an anon is working towards making a jump for this quest, this discuddion is born from one of the perks he posted if you follow the chain of comments.
Oh no Tayloranon is fucking a P-Zombie.
I mean as long as you’re willing to help out other members, that’s different. As I recall Burnscar is also someone who could use Exalted grade therapy.

>The potential Orichalcum cast members are currently Accord, Bonesaw, Glaistig Uaine, and Ziz'd Armsmaster. . . Alexandria was on the list but Taylor is insisting she needs to "be better" before being considered alongside this stellar lineup of moral virtue.
I see Taylor is as shaky a judge of character as ever. I’m no fan of Cauldron but I can understand their reasoning even though I don’t agree with it.
Why does some types of humans not having souls get people so ass blasted? If an author doesn't believe in the supernatural then obviously the supernatural is not going to be part of their story unless they explicitly add it in.
Shard's interest in horror settings is for mostly niche shit or Cthulhu Mythos. You'd unironically be better off asking Gene or Argent.
Like Argent's interest isn't in the most niche shit
>I mean as long as you’re willing to help out other members, that’s different. As I recall Burnscar is also someone who could use Exalted grade therapy.
Jack died at the hands of the Viator, Bonesaw and Crawler were 'rescued', and the rest of the Nine were captured and handed off to Cauldron for 'reprogramming' into useful assets against Scion.

Solar Grade therapy would definitely be better than whatever Contessa and Doctor Mother have planned for them though, which includes getting the smut obsessed Starmetal caste to root around in their brains with her mind control charm. Literally root around in their brains the charm is a metal spike to be shoved inside.

>I see Taylor is as shaky a judge of character as ever.
To be entirely fair to Taylor getting the Fairy queen on side would be incredibly valuable and they lucked into a chance to capture her, as in actually capture her not just have her pretend to be captured in the Bird Cage, when she tried to collect an Alchemical with her bad touch power.
I'm a filthy secondary, not really versed in Burnscar backstory, but from what I remember yes, he and... damsel I think? Were people I would try to help, if I have the resources.

>Resonance is now valid for Embrace the Darkness
>Added Embrace the Darkness examples
>Added more applications of Take Back What's Given

I don't want to make jumps.

"Chunk" of Darkness, similar to what the Penitent/the rest of the Witness' civilisation did when they merged into one being whilst in communion with the Veil. Just not as immediately OP in exchange for having indefinite long term growth. The closest thing to a "Darkness based Guardian" is a Taken.
I just thought it was a QQ thing but fair enough.
Shard, this will seem to come from nothing but do the drawbacks in exalted the first age and dc comics collab start when the jump start or can they change for when they are more sensical/more narratively impactful, like my jumper starting a new crisis event after being mindbroken by the DC. Regarding the first age I would prefer to do those things after having won the primordial war. And finally can aspect of the 3e, like Aurora, be used in the first age?
Slay The Princess is much less niche than Kult is. Or that random dead baby shoes jump Shard made for literally no reason than the voices in his head told him to.
Drawbacks immediately proc.

>can aspect of the 3e
As long as they don't actually contradict 2e, yes.
Hey hey hey, no jump, just talking about Clocktower since like I said, Clocktower is a big thing, or rather was a big thing.

>I don't want to make jumps.
>made a jump recently
>update a jump
Insert the word curious, but I'm not enough of a piece of shit for that.
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>more capable hands
>Solar Grade therapy would definitely be better than whatever Contessa and Doctor Mother have planned for them though
As I said to Shard the other day, pull out a combo of Instant Treatment Methodology and Mind-Soothing Anodyne and fix all their mental issues by telling them to get over it.

>which includes getting the smut obsessed Starmetal caste to root around in their brains with her mind control charm.
The fact that I sat down to write Virile Bull Style should tell you that I appreciate some horny, but even I feel concern over the person who’s a member of the Caste that’s about societal manipulation being smut obsessed.
Ok, then how difficult would you say it is to avoid the attention of the primordials while completing the various quests given by the drawbacks? how attentive were they to the mortals? I know they created the gods to do that in their place, but those drawbacks are pretty easy to notice.
>I feel concern over the person who’s a member of the Caste that’s about societal manipulation being smut obsessed.
The Alchemicals have a charm for fixing an ideal inside themselves similar to Solars, she filled one of her slots with 'Smut is Justice' with no hesitation or shame. She is 100% intending to use exalted social bullshit to ship people based on lewd fanfiction on PHO and is in urgent need of a chaperone with a squirt bottle.
Pretty fucking difficult if you have a gorillion Elemental Dragons or a mad moon Incarna kaiju thing chasing you, dude.

>to the mortals
Not very, but then again most mortals did not have a fucking Onceborn bearing down on them. And more seriously Primordials can notice mortals if they have a good enough reason to. The Genesis Lords and Lintha stand as examples of lesser beings that enjoyed a Primordial's largesse.

And then there's the Ebon Dragon gleefully stepping on bugs.
NTA but would the Onceborn be a potential common enemy that the Exalted and Primordials might mend bridges to fight?
What you're saying is that either I specialize heavily in stealth and try to make it look like the Incarna are solving those problems, almost certainly failing, or I surrender the surprise effect? I can live with that, sadly according to my chain's rules I have to take every scenario.
Forget the hands, those HEADS are a crime against nature.
The entire thing is.
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Yeah but now you will need to update the Marvel jump when Agatha comes out and retcons everything about Scarlet Witch(again) and pretends it was all there from the start.
So what is Resonance besides the Witness's main power?
I don't think Shard as made a Marvel jump yet.
I’ll have to try and social her into toning it down. Hopefully before she becomes an Alchemical, getting past such a charm would be tough. Though if I brought over a Solar jumper from an Exalted jump it could make for a funny conversation.
>”As the person who designed a special martial art that makes going into battle naked and killing people with your dick a valid strategy, I’m telling you to tone it down.”
He made MCU Part 3 and it was a thing.
What's the link to the Jumpchain discord?

This is not a shit posting attempt. I honestly thought to check it out because the discussions on this thread are so circular some days.

I'm not telling anyone to change or anything. But there's only so many times I can hear about naturo crazy eyes or watch shard sperg all over another setting he knows almost nothing about before I start wondering what everyone else is doing.
MCU part 3
Wow, my brain legit blocked that out. I even liked the jump but damn, post-Endgame MCU. . .
Darkness in the form of vibrations and wavelengths. It's seemingly based on string theory, so it's basically the Witness manipulating the substrate that makes up the universe.
Here we actually talk about jumpchain and enjoy the hobby even if we have the same discussions at /least/ once a month.
Here's some advice: Don't take drawbacks you're not confidant about clearing yourself.

With the caveat that the default state of most Primordials is viewing a human, Exalt or no, as something between an amoeba or a chia pet-yes the Lion Onceborn is enough of an abomination that an alliance isn't out of the question BUT.


That the Primordials will have massive psychological difficulties viewing this alliance as being one of equals, to the point of being genuinely perplexed at their "allies" criticising attempts to immediately subjugate them after the Lion is defeated to avoid them ever being a threat again.


Considering how many MCU things seem to be getting cancelled or reshot, I somehow doubt I'll need to change the pricing or description of the Scarlet Witch perk desu. They already wanked Wanda bigly, it'll be fiiiine

You just described literally everything we know about it.
Anon, Shard only rarely spergs out about things he doesn't know about. He mostly spergs out about things he knows too much about.
Thank you.
Resonance has been described as a "Darkness language" but we have no fucking idea what that means.
Well I won't know unless I go poke my head in and find out.

His builds and writing read like an autistic spaz fit every single time and you all know it.
>You just described literally everything we know about it.
So cutting the explanation in the Disciple perk wasn't just a meta joke?
Shard has jumped settings or engaged with setting discussion he knows basically nothing about several times and has in fact gone on autistic rants despite not really understanding what's going on.
>Here we actually talk about jumpchain and enjoy the hobby
You mean we pretend to be VSbattles and have arguments about which characters would destroy everyone in the vein of Nah I'd Win or this vague and convoluted lore means my character would win forever?
And I fully expect Bungie to never elaborate, just like how Bungie fessed up to never knowing what the Darkness was actually supposed to be for most of the game's development.

...Ironically the Witness and the Black Fleet does kinda affirm all the Darkness theories at once, it's just that the details are kind of fudged at the edges like the actual Darkness entity (the space turnip) being interested in the whole thing but separate from the Witness' chain of command
Well you're gonna learn that they hate the hobby and everyone involved with it real quick
Does taking the Scarlet Witch perk in MCU also give you female empowerment even as a man?
Not just a meta joke based on Inspiral, nope. It's big glowing waves that blast shit real good, and while I can neither confirm nor deny >>93191134 at the moment I very much doubt it's more than an offhanded in-game call because I can't find anything referring to it.

...wait, when was the last time? I mean in my memory I mostly sperg out about settings I know like the back of my hand enough to develop a hateboner for, like Fate.
>That the Primordials will have massive psychological difficulties viewing this alliance as being one of equals, to the point of being genuinely perplexed at their "allies" criticising attempts to immediately subjugate them after the Lion is defeated to avoid them ever being a threat again.
Not him, but while I do have plans to try and work with the Yozis in First Age, I also have Shepherd of the Suns from Heavens Reach, so I figure I’ve got better odds there.
Would the Influential level for a Solar in the First Age jump or the 400 CP being an Elder Solar option in Heaven's Reach be enough to let you start out knowing the arbitrary damage upgrade to World Scarring Solar Glory.
Nope! Scarlet Witch energy isn't woman energy in the MCU.


Possibly. But at least I'll know for myself. It's not like I'm leaving the thread forever because I want to poke my head in another community.
But wouldn't that be transphobic?
>...wait, when was the last time?
Shepherd of Wolves.
You should have long ago realised cunts here just auto assume they pass every drawback and scenario.
Since by now I'm already asking you question "A new crisis" from DC would make everyone my sworn enemy or can I convince Superman and other more idealistic people of my surrender and redemption?
Resonance being a Darkness language is mentioned in an article talking about Strand:

>We dabbled in a number of interesting concepts from nanomachines to visualized audio, we always tried to relate everything back to the initial Darkness language of resonance. You can see that in Stasis where you have these Cymatics-like patterns on everything, the way the crystals fester and move, all of that is to reinforce that this is from the same power suite. Strand is no different, right? So we went into this world of telekinesis.
Nta but I have noticed that often your disdain for a setting make you flanderize it, giving at least the impression you know it only by broad strokes.
No I don't, I only take drawbacks if it has jumper a reasonable chance of still surviving or not just be
tortured for a solid decade of being a scream cocknob nailed to the wall getting flattened at 4 o'clock on the dot by a 2 ton land whale. Depends on the jump really.
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You do every time you become "the other one".
This is also true. Shard tends to severely exaggerate a setting to the point of parody every time he either doesn't like it or doesn't really care about it.
I was asking for details exactly because I'm desperate about how to pass the scenarios without breaking the rules of my chain, that requires me to take every scenario, and many perks, items and companions, forcing me to take far too many drawbacks, I took 2600 CP in Megamind of all things because of how many drawbacks I have to take.
When you stop to think about it, it's kind of fucked how even Oolong had casual access to Kami's Outlook.
...also while I'm not going to stop, I also bear you no particular malice, and hoo boy. If you can't stand the way I normally write, I sincerely encourage you to maybe take

Also THAT'S what you count as a rant? That was just me trying to pull a semi-coherent fight scene out of my ass, shit I thought you were talking about me the actual person complaining about the setting

No, because you're committing cultural appropriation and taking what belongs to the indivisible nation of women.

I can't help but feel like actually asking the jumpmaker how to pass the drawbacks is a new low. Shit does what it says written in the jump, and if it doesn't that's a failure on me to make clear what it should say.

Fuckssake, it's not a dissertation.

The drawback does what it says it does. No exceptions.

In a BUILD or talking about it out of character? Because, and I'm kind of shocked I have to put it like this, Jumpchain is not an inherently serious medium and I do not feel obliged to be 100% autistically dead serious about everything all the time in my self-insert mary sue game.

If I rant about a setting and it comes off as unhinged or incorrect, fuckin' like just ask me if I know I'm fooling. I didn't make fun of Bejita in DC because I unironically think the real Vegeta would just fight King Kong out of nowhere, I did it because I was bored.

>in an article
Oh boy with how many neat Witness concepts were wasted and how at NO point was it ever foreshadowed Riven had a loving husband before the writers suddenly decided she must be redeemed I have even less faith that will ever come up again.
When making a build, I spend plenty of time working out what drawbacks are viable.
>maybe take
You didn't even finish that thought.
>Also THAT'S what you count as a rant?
I'm more referring to the whole "not really knowing anything about the setting and jumping it anyway" bit. If I were talking about actual rants, then you haven't had one of those since your last DC/Fate talk.
>The drawback does what it says it does. No exceptions.
Sorry if I'm reaching a new low but the drawback doesn't say you can't talk to them, it doesn't even say you have to succeed, if I'm asking these question is because I want to avoid to powerwank, not because I want to powerwank more.
>In a BUILD or talking about it out of character? Because, and I'm kind of shocked I have to put it like this, Jumpchain is not an inherently serious medium and I do not feel obliged to be 100% autistically dead serious about everything all the time in my self-insert mary sue game.
I'm not saying you are, I think you are at least more knowledgeable than me in any setting you post about, so I can't really judge your knowledge of it, just saying a possible reason you can give that impression.
On the one hand, I can't deny that my dumb monkey brain influences how I write for fun. On the other hand, I also take joy of mocking a setting not by totally invalidating it, but singling out the things I find most funny/annoying/generally memorable and having them interact with my even more autistic self-insert.

And on the third hand I'm still reeling from the revelation people actually think what I put in writeups 100% reflect what I think as a writer. Which don't get me wrong, there's often at least SOME overlap, but not to the point where I will just deliberately ignore canon (without a canon-ignoring drawback at least) to bullshit an excuse for X happening to Y.

I mean that defeats the fun of it for me, I like to bounce off what's there instead of deny it outright. Like taking advantage of Palpatine's massive plot armour in Star Wars with continuity drawbacks rather than just pretending the First Order doesn't exist.

Yeah kinda distracted here. Ahem.

Maybe take a break when I put the phrase Shin Megumi Tensei: Devil Survivor redux because due to Recent Events I actually plan to have my Jumper go on a literal in-character rant during that particular writeup.

>"not really knowing anything about the setting and jumping it anyway" bit
I am now even more confused about what you're upset with. I jump settings I know nothing about because it's part of the hobby and I don't actually have a supercomputer bolted in my brain. Information asymmetry is inevitable.
>I want to avoid to powerwank, not because I want to powerwank more.
Alright. I'll take you at your word. Going to be honest, until now I was getting the impression your rules were a way to justify doing what you wanted to already but hey-I'm hardly one to judge, I've done dumber shit for dumber reasons in my own chain.

>possible reason
Eh, fair enough.

Anyway yeah, the drawback throws all the supers at you and there's no hope of reaching an understanding until at least a couple of completely needless battles and extremely good behaviour on your part. Wouldn't be the first time Superman and the gang jumped someone they didn't have to.
*post the phrase, fuck it's getting late
>I am now even more confused about what you're upset with.
Not upset. I was just responding to your question. I really don't particularly care what you do. Just pointing out that you tend to jump settings without asking questions about what the setting is actually like or how it works so it makes your write-ups come of like you don't really know what you're talking about.

I think a better way of phrasing it is that it's kind of like how you asked people to ask you questions about the Destiny Darkness jump because it seemed too esoteric or referring to shit you'd have to explain out-of-jump, but you don't tend to ask similar questions for equally weird settings.
Sorry for the wrong impression, my rules only force me to take all scenario and the perks/item/drawbacks that my autism tell me I have to take, no matter how little I care about that, regarding my interpretation of the jump, I ask confirmation from you to avoid making my life too easy, and yes, obviously it isn't easy to stop a drawback worth 2000 points, just wanted to know if it was ontologically impossible to trick them until after the events to restart my own crisis events. Again sorry if I'm annoying.
>I think a better way of phrasing it is that it's kind of like how you asked people to ask you questions about the Destiny Darkness jump because it seemed too esoteric or referring to shit you'd have to explain out-of-jump, but you don't tend to ask similar questions for equally weird settings.
Now it makes more sense. Thanks for explaining dude, yeah for obvious reasons I treat jumpmaking with more formality than my written daydreams about The Adventures of Captain Tyrant and his sidekicks Princess Tardwrangler, Sidecut Abomination and The Mother of All Monstergirls where I just try to google, wikidive and maybe watch the thing I'm jumping if it looks good enough before trying to mash some characterisation together.
A Solar/Lunar Pair companion option, one of two and a half.
>A Bird and her Shiny (100): Autochthon survived the fall of creation thanks to being safe within his pocket of Elsewhere, but he isn’t the only one capable of forming such a refuge. This Lunar with a raven spirit shape built her own refuge within Elsewhere in the form of a small forest in which she’s built a manse to sustain it, she’s been a bit of a kleptomaniac ever since the event that led to her exaltation and it’s full of trinkets she’s collected, little of significant value by an Exalt’s standards but a few items are made of the magical materials or are very minor artifacts such as a hearthstone amulet. Her greatest treasure is undoubtably her Solar mate, who she kidnapped during the fall of creation to keep safe within her lodge/nest. Her precious treasure bears a necklace (collar) of Orichalcum and Moonsliver that lets her always know his location and hold’s her manse’s hearthstone, allowing him to open paths to her elsewhere sanctuary much like she can. The Lunar possesses an enhanced version of Mortally Heroic which brings her to the level of an Early Elder along with her Elsewhere Sanctuary; her Mate comes with a specially modified Collar of Dawn’s Cleansing Light, a lesser version of Mortally Heroic from being forcibly kept in the den, and a fixation on proving he’s more than just a whipped/kept man on his crazy wife’s leash. The loss of the Great Curse upon the Neverborn’s final escape into Oblivion has made her less possessive and overprotective but she’s still an exalt with age and experience ensuring she remains firmly in charge, for now at least, she does find his effort to prove himself and take charge rather cute.

Speaking of a half how hard would it be to cure a Lunar Chimaera?
I think I threw up in my mouth a little from that image. What the fuck editor let this monstrosity go through? I mean I could see if it was the last issue of a failed series and they just didn't give a fuck but this is advertising a next issue? It's like they tried to do anime but failed... hard. This image should be spoilered with a caution that it may cancer it's that bad.
No worries, just glad to clear the air. Now I've more or less been forced to actually think about the question a little more deeply, I've actually thought of exactly ONE tip about the First Age I don't mind sharing. If only because it doesn't so much nullify the drawback as delay it and recontextualise your immediate danger.

The Primordials made a point of consigning things they DON'T want to deal with underground in Creation. It's where the Darkbrood come from, they're just all the races even the Primordials got sick of and dumped underground. Now, obviously it comes with it's own dangers because it means going amongst the unsightly ugly ducklings of existence, but if you are REALLY desperate to duck out on Primordial notice? Charm clash aside, most Primordials probably want to look at Creation's deep underground even less than at most individual Exalts. Of course, you mind end up around Mindflayer expies. Or some kind of unkillable hivemind Behemoth. Really, just-no guarantees about what you might find except they're the Primordials' mistakes.
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>but not to the point where I will just deliberately ignore canon (without a canon-ignoring drawback at least) to bullshit an excuse for X happening to Y
The ever present urge to use the companion section each jump to create a new psychopathic killer (cute girl) attack dog.
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Bitch, if I just ignored canon in Fate (as opposed to rage against it with a fury that makes Captain Ahab's grudge against that white whale look like a polite disagreement by comparison) I would just ignore this thing's existence as well as the fact that CHALDEAS apparently has a clown president spawning function.
That's understandable. In all honesty, the only real issue is when people don't ask questions before jumping certain settings, which isn't specific to just you.
Thanks for the suggestion Shard, just want to avoid to mess up too much, never thought about this even if it makes perfect sense.
>Speaking of a half how hard would it be to cure a Lunar Chimaera?
First you have to remove the Wyld Taint, and I say Lunars should get that for free if there’s no more Wyld. Next you have to employ at least Solar Grade therapy, though Unconquered Sun Grade therapy would be better. Finally you have to remove the mutations, and that at least is easy.
Nta but isn't she just a dream, so inconsistent that she can be nerfed by simply imagining her weaker from Ritsuka, and so her boasts shouldn't be taken seriously?
Speaking of absolutely terrible ideas this guy.
>Envoy of the Ominous Path (200): This gaunt withered old man is a Sidereal, A Chosen of the Maiden of Endings. Despite his advanced age, both real and apparent, he remains extremely cheerful and upbeat even after the death and worse suffered by everything he ever knew; that was a truly spectacular ending after all. Regardless of his odd demeanor he’s truly among the greatest martial arts masters of creation, having mastered numerous styles of the Terrestrial and Celestial levels and even a few of the vaunted Sidereal styles. The only issue is that he’s got a great many rather questionable ideas, things that could have great benefits but seem to universally come with disastrous potential consequences he’s all too eager to explain in very intricate detail. One such example is that he has plans for a way to let Exalts other than Solars and Sidereals learn Sidereal Martial Arts, only an 80% chance to fail with a cataclysmic which repeated attempts should reduce until he gets things right. A small price to pay to spread the Blossum of the Perfected Lotus. . . and wouldn’t any failures along the way be such a glorious way for the his test subjects to go out? Everything ends sometime anyway right?

>The Sidereal companion is not under the effects of the Great Curse, he's actually just like that.
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This is one of those times where being Golden Theion has utterly, utterly backfired. In a setting that has already established the barrier between dream and reality is thinner than you'd think, especially if you have the First Magic. For those who don't know: Primordials are very good at creating things from nothing but the creative expression of their own natures. As in, bringing their dreams to life. Technically they dreamed themselves awake and into existence after all.

Suffice to say that even the triple-TYPE, Grand Beast, hokey OC cultivated bullshit that is my Fate avatar is but a single torch next to the lake of fire that is my true self, and that the power inherent in my dreams means U-ELIZA-ORT probably CAN live up to her boasting in my chain.
...is it just me or is the Alchemical Solutions jump slowly derailing into an entire separate cast of characters that can just make Taylor as irrelevant as she would've been without her Exaltation?
I'll admit the companions section is getting a bit out of hand but it's worth remembering that the only thing in the jump thus that Taylor wouldn't defeat instantly when pulling out her last resort is the 500CP companion based on that last resort.

Her familiar is the Eye of Autobot through which she can fuse with the Viator.
Good she deserves it.
>One such example is that he has plans for a way to let Exalts other than Solars and Sidereals learn Sidereal Martial Arts, only an 80% chance to fail with a cataclysmic which repeated attempts should reduce until he gets things right.
You know, I have theorized that Lunars could have Enlightenment charms made that would enable them to learn Sidereal Martial Arts. Unlike that Dragonblooded they can use CMA’s naturally, and unlike the Alchemical they can use Supernatural Martial Arts on their own.
Fair enough but this is exactly the point I made when I was saying that your flanderization of a setting, even if done in the context of your chain can give the impression that you are a secondary, even if when you're serious you can give great insight over a setting, like with the suggestion you just gave me.
>Option to lactate booze
Well. That’s utterly fascinating, and also kind of gross.
That would be one explanation for what he's come up with, though it's still a work in progress with a high chance of explosive failure.
Mushoku Tensei? Give her a custom demon race and the sword king perk.
At least a Lunar might survive exploding. Also:
>The only issue is that he’s got a great many rather questionable ideas
That’s just being a proper Sidereal.
>However...this strikes me as the kind of situation that could very easily result from a massive Sidereal 'Good Idea'.
>Sidereal #1: So. These weird, Autochthon spawned Exalts are stomping all over the place. What do we do?
>Sidereal #2: Hrm. Maybe get in touch with some of the more powerful Solar circles out there, and arm them with better training and equipment?
>Sidereal #1: That might spiral out of control quickly. Perhaps we sh-
>*A crowd of Sidereals bursts into the room, Chejop Kejak crowd surfing on top of them, and several small gods of alcohol being passed around*
>Sidereal #3: OMG Mesoamerican Robot Cyborgs!
>Sidereal #4: Release the Kukla!
>Sidereal's 6, 7, 8: Kukla, Kukla, Kukla, Kukla!
>Sidereal #1: See, that's a good plan. Solars? I mean, really now.
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UQ Holder has one of the best sword autism perks and only none person has a gamer system because that's how his specific brand of immortality works(stocks)
Any perk that lets me steal someone's place in the world? I've decided I wanna replace Zeus everywhere.
A drawback, I actually put this in unfluffed with an entirely different idea for what it would be a while ago but came up with a new one before I remembered what that was.
>Obvious Signs are Obvious (+100): There are many parahumans who are somewhat lacking in the subtlety department, Exalts are often even worse and don’t get me started on certain spirits under the Maker’s service. You share this trait in excess, being almost incapable of subtlety or even just not announcing your presence with a flashy display of powers or an iconic anima banner erupting into the sky. Even with a power well inclined to stealth you’ll be incapable of resisting an urge to come out from hiding to show off, making sure to be stealthy in exceptionally unsubtle ways that certain Night Caste Solars might see as a fun way to show off. Dressing in anything less than utterly flamboyant finery or an actual superhero costume would make you at least a little uncomfortable with your lack of sufficient accoutrements.
What QQ jumps have good harem/charisma perks?
For some reason most I checked recently are all pretty monofocused on sexsexsex...
Kill yourself retard.
>being almost incapable of subtlety or even just not announcing your presence with a flashy display of powers or an iconic anima banner erupting into the sky
Thank goodness, free points.
all of them.
Ask them
This is what the world looks like when Jumper takes too many drawbacks.
Testament is pretty good.

...Victim Girl is obviously the coomer, easy and a bit shitposty answer.
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Best, non fighting game, jumps to get a Judo/BJJ Girlfriend? (There's no nipple in this image.)
not a qq jump apparently
If you don't mind that you probably won't mind this either.
>Case 53 (+100/+200/ Powers Required): Neither Exalts or Parahumans are normal people but with you it’s very obvious, with some unnatural trait making you clearly identifiable as someone who’s not entirely normal at first glance. For +100 CP this is something that’s not too unpleasant, it may even look good despite making it hard to blend in; a cosmetic mutation, a constantly active caste mark, strong aspect markings, or a flaw in your copy of the Charm letting Alchemicals look human that leaves some obvious mechanical bits. Whatever it is it’s something that would require you to cover yourself to an extent that would look suspicious by itself to conceal. For +200 this problem gets quite a bit worse, leaving you utterly inhuman looking in an unflattering way that comes with some major issues with your daily life too such as hands too unwieldly to turn doornobs.
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What % is the jump at?
That's a good question. . . I want to say around 1/3 or 33% done. But honestly I'm not sure.
Where I come from, acting like that is an easy way to get arrested or get a something the vagina that isn't a dick or a sextoy.
I can see several possibilities with this, yeah. This seems like one of those drawbacks that companions could take as well.
Apparently, it's both.

You want to to talk about QQ, fine, but don't act like >>93191979 >>93192009 >>93192024 please.
How badly can having a harem of scarlet empresses ruin your life as a solar?
Rolled 2 (1d4)

>Trinity Wonder
>I saved too many girls and caused the apocalypse
>Shinmai Maou No Testament
>Generic Erotic Horror
>+100cp for something that may look good
Yeah this is a fanfic jump alright. Fuck off.
I've been conflicted on giving companions 600 or 800 CP and I could see letting them take a small number of drawbacks as a compromise for that.

But drawback limits are for commies and I'd feel off about letting them take them but only a small amount, a limit that would need to be there for obvious reasons.
>if you want to talk about QQ don't act like the people that don't talk about QQ
Canary is cute.
>asking for good harem perks from lewd jumps
>doesn't want shitpost answers
Do the world a favor and suck-start a 12 gauge
Do the world a favor and shut the fuck up unless you actualy have something smart, or better, valuable to say.
>Attributes: Strength 4, Stamina 4, Appearance 6
The pic is a lie, Creation’s Scarlet Empress isn’t chonk.

Say that companions can only take drawbacks that affect them personally, such as Obvious Signs are Obvious or Case 53, and if they take drawbacks you can’t send them back to companion storage for the jump.
>Please take my retarded questions about jumps that are not ours seriously guys!
>my retarded questions
Meds. Now.
Keep up the good work.

Also, was it ever explained what it was that destroyed creation? I read it years ago but I don’t remember basically anything about it.

Depends on if you want kids or not.
>asking here instead of QQ
>complaining about the sex jumps on the sex drive for the sex community being about sex
>ignoring the multiple harem perks available there anyway
>not just grabbing a harem perk from the billion harem IPs we have jumps for here
No fucking kill yourself you fucking botched abortion retard.
>Also, was it ever explained what it was that destroyed creation?
Not really, conflict among the Exalted was a heavy factor and perhaps the QM said something about it outside of the actual story (I read somewhere that it was the fault of TED, which checks out, but it was a secondary source). Blaming the Neverborn and Ebon Dragon for things is always a safe bet of course.
I'm not him, fucktards.
Having Timmies crying because people talk about QQ just pisses me off something fierce, especially when you act like all superior despite talking like monkeys.
Oh yeah ignore the rest about what he did being retarded too. Yeah it was just talking about QQ, not a retarded post overall. Nope. Fuck off.
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>Deny having kids.
>this makes her dragon blooded instincts to breed go crazy.
Good things she's a dragon blooded and can't rape like a solar.
I'm tired of porn addicts constantly asking questions about jumps not from this community.
Anon. . . shes an Essence 9 Elder with weapons that are specifically strong against Solars. There are limits to how much a Solar's baseline superiority can help here.
>I'm not him, fucktards.
Yeah yeah sure totally.
My first piece of advice was completely genuine. Ask QQ about the QQ jumps, where the authors of QQ jumps usually hang out; like how you would ask SB about SB jumps or Reddit about Reddit jumps.
I would say in this case it's fine to bully people, if you ask 'what jumps from x community(that's not this one) have this perk' then yeah you are kind bringing this on yourself. You are not even talking about a jump, you are fishing for stuff from other drives.
>Blaming the Neverborn and Ebon Dragon for things is always a safe bet of course.
>Ebon Dragon: I’ll have you know I would never destroy existence! If people don’t exist anymore, they can’t suffer, now can they?

>shes an Essence 9 Elder
Nitpick, but that’s only with the ring. She’s essence 8 at base.
>The scarlet empress mobilises the full might of the realm to hunt down Solar jumper so she can bad end him.
Strange love is such a fun perk
>Suffice to say that even the triple-TYPE, Grand Beast, hokey OC cultivated bullshit that is my Fate avatar is but a single torch next to the lake of fire that is my true self
60% of your Jumper's problem solving is using stuff from Fate.
How good of a hydroponics system do you think forerunner engineering could make? Im not one of their lifeshapers but I need to figure out how to craft a positively massive system to provide food for a space civ and I really want to take some pressure off the less advanced worlds. Hell maybe even use visiting or working on the agri hab platform as a reward for the most faithful and hard working of the farmers.
If only that guy wasn't mainly a foot fetishist.
Anyways, the human OCs in SMnT, High School DxD or Campione could fit with that at least I used those pics as reference once for a couple of them
Remember that even with that she is at best a First Age DB Lieutenant level (besides her strong as fuck Fate). She is basically just going to be equal to a decent low essence Solar. Once you breach into E5 she is mid boss in your worst day.
Not that anon but as far as the scarlet empress companions go I go with the one from Heavens reach. The basically long retired barbarian. She sounds fun to have on a chain. and theres at least a lot less political intrigue to potentially screw you over. Just two adventurers if you want that.
Helps I usually go deeb in exalted as well. So I guess thats biase on my end.
>How good of a hydroponics system do you think forerunner engineering could make?
Very. If you have human workers there, it’s only because you chose to, you could easily build systems that are fully automated.
>Remember that even with that she is at best a First Age DB Lieutenant level (besides her strong as fuck Fate).
She’s more like the Dragonblooded version of the Mortal From Hell.
>Remember that even with that she is at best a First Age DB Lieutenant level
Anon DBs generally don't live long enough to reach more than low Elder essence. First Age Scarlet might be only the equal of a weak solar but Her Redness who has being accumulating power for over 800 years? A proper boss fight for a Circle.

Ketchup Man canonically considers her almost his equal.
I don't think you understand the level of tech the forerunners were at if you think "menial labor in hydroponics" was a position that any forerunner had.
Oh Im not trying to act like I would need human workers, Im just unsure of how large a group I could provide for. The workers thing was more about giving them a reward, go see the farms of heaven that provide for the common man kind of deal, see I want to have each of the planets be able to provide forthemselves but I also want to be able to suppliment the entire shebang if some kind of unpleasantness happens. Basically I dont want my people to ever be hungry and I didnt have cp to buy into the genetic stuff.
*lack of
Fuck, I'm madfuck as fuck.
How large a hydroponics facility you could build with forerunner tech basically depends on how much resources you have.
You get one Ancilla for free in the jump. Tell it to design you a machine that can build hydroponic stations at the push of a button and you can provide for as many people as you want.
Wasn’t there a test fight that the developers set up between her redness and Ebby and she stomped him?
I would have, I would have pointed him to one of the many I know off the top of my head. He (you) are being a faggot about it is all.
The Ebon Dragon is literally the biggest coward in existence, he's not going to do well in a straight up fight with an Exalt deep into Elder essence even if she's of the weakest type.
You know what, fair enough, and that is where I sunk most of my cp into for the jump. I suppose I could just do like massive interlocking hexagonal hydroponic space stations and just add to them as they come online. Automate for never ending production of stations and the only thing slowing it down would be grow time.
I remember that, yeah. Mind you, Ebby would run away the moment there’s even the slightest chance he could get hurt.
Lets say I want to jump Naruto starting as gennin. Suggest some learning/training booster perks.
Fair enough.
If memory serves 'Childish' from Nier is pretty great.
Imagine getting this upset about people complaining about the constant QQ posting.
Your post really isn't a normal reponse to that.
The ones in the jump fuckwad.
Not to mention he was stated so badly the Empress could actually fight him let alone anything stronger.
Man it sucks that hinata died during the pain arc and was replaced by a clone. But at least it explains the massive shift in proportions between boruto and naruto.
I notice that you didn't even try to engage my point. Is it because you're so retarded that you never even thought about asking questions about QQ jumps on QQ because that's where the authors of QQ jumps are?
any reason you cant just take the child prodigy perk in jump?
Another one.
>Repeated Calibration Requirement (+100): An issue faced by the Alchemicals in Nowhere is a bit of an adjustment period for their powers, their charms having issues they normally should not have until they can spend some time sorting it out with meditation. You seem to have this same problem, except repeatedly. Periodically and especially when your powers experience any significant change, you’ll find them to start having glitches. These won’t make them overly dangerous to you or unusable but they’ll be more unwieldly to use and will often be unable to function at the level of precision or control you normally would have. Every time these issues arise you’re going to need several hours of meditation for recalibration, which will happen at least every few weeks and potentially far more often if your powers are able to change in any way such as with a power that has growth potential or changing out your Charms.
We don't have outright porn jumps I think, we do have some Eroges like FSN techicanlly, Eiyuu Senki, etc but not outright Nukige stuff. Soul Calibur is pretty safe compared to both, it's just a fighting game rated Teen.
Would a shadow clone of a person with super regen pop or heal?
>How do you know?
Naruto has super regen and his clones pop by the dozen
Replace bully with harass or dox and you'll get more people to agree with you. No one who brings up jumps from other communities should be allowed here, and letting other communities touch Jumpchain was a mistake.
Pop. You'd need to use a different clone technique because all shadow clones pop after taking a hit no matter how strong the ninja is.
Pop, regen doesn't help if the clone has popped before it could trigger.
Shit. Maybe wood clones would work better. Maybe a hybrid clone technique?

Has anyone done flesh clones where they use a ninjutsu to abuse their own regen to bud off a simulacrum? Or is that just a zetsu?
Sure you would. (You wouldn't have.)

It's as if it pissed me off. Just like I said.

You don't have a point.

...did you miss the Testament jump up there?

The more I look at it, the more I'm thinking it's really one person, because wow, retardation level is the same high. VVChaos got nothing on this shit.
For the worm jump I like the idea of taking Being Taylor is Suffering + Passenger so I'm just the power for a canon character but I also fucking hate how many Taylor alt!powers there are and refuse to add to that, so I'm going to pick someone else.

What canon character should I chose instead of Taylor?
Depends on what you want to do in the jump
Glory Girl.
Or maybe Labyrinth
In part one it would probably work, since we see Shadow Clones take multiple hits on occasions without popping, but part 2 shows them pretty clearly popping instantly even if they have regeneration as we see with the Clones Naruto made in the 4th war when he was in Kurama Mode.
The mutant ninja Shin made a bunch of his clones by growing them out of his teeth, and he uses them as spare parts for organs to give himself.
As a side note: Does anyone have suggestions for what they may want in a Exalted Dragonblooded Jump? Whacking my head at the Jump again to see what comes out.

Need idea for companion OCs beyond a air and fire aspect to. I already got those two.
You just come across as an unhinged porn addict who struggles to understand why people are tired of your crap.

>Testament jump
It's been years since I read that jump, but I don't remember any perks/items from that jump that were actually pornographic despite the source material being a ecchi LN.
If you recognise it's a bad drawback, why not change it?
Tattletale so you can constantly annoy her with your knowledge of canon.
We already have one. Unless you're Wukong doing an update.
What do you mean?
It's ironic he tells us to jerk off and then gets super assblasted over people not talking about jumps from another site
Ebby's whole thing is to run away and fuck people over. Unless he is using his actually good charms to make a clone army of pretty strong people.
In First Age you can get them to above 7 via exceptional means, and there should have been a few that had them considering that it mentions a few becoming generals for the Exalted Host.
>You don't have a point.
I accept your concession and applaud you for being brave enough to admit illiteracy on the internet
Age selection option like what the First Age jump has.
Drawback to start from childhood and grow up normally, Exalting at the appropriate time.
Both good ideas Thanks anon.
As for the age selection bit what about something ranging from the the age of the great contagion all the way up to the time the scarlet empress is supposed to vanish in regards for the timeline being able to start?

The childhood drawbacks a good one to for a minor one. I'll use that.
>One day there will be 40cm Penis Isekai.
Redo fag regularly took 40cm of black cock up the ass.
Vista. Giving a cute little tweenager a powerset that incentivises her to go full Doom Guy RIP AND TEAR would be hilarious, and she's exactly the kind of person that would lean into it.
I mean there's a series where the protagonist reincarnates as a fuzzy little guy with the power of gun and a bad case of micropenis. Wouldn't be surprised.
Let me guess, the author tries to take the premise of being a vibrator seriously and starts giving mc cheat skills tangentially related to vibrators
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Can be super fast or take centuries. it depends on the exalt and what they get up to.
Depends on the Solar, their current Essence level, the experiences they have, and so on.
Have you worked on your jump today?
Don't have any jumps currently in development, so by definition no.
You aren't. You aren't even a group. Most people don't give a shit about what you think. Hell, I'm only responding because I'm feeling annoyed today.

>It's been years since I read that jump
>ecchi LN
Good job on proving my point and not your own.

What I find ironic is you telling me to jerk off because of your own self-importance and some imaginary porn addiction I may have as cheap insult, me telling you to jerk off over your self importance, only for you to go back to step one.
The snake biting it's own tail. Pattern recognition that you can't regnognize.
I did write a drawback yesterday. At the current rate you can expect results sometime before the year 3001.
Thicc Toph expy for Earth Caste. The meme waifu one.
In setting, it takes centuries to reach essence 6. In game, you can reach essence 5 in a less than a year if your gm wants to.
He's just using a magic vibrator, that's it. That's the thing.
Also there's a Dildo Hero that is a bad guy and the MC is apparently better because he's using his vibrator "with kindness"..

Japanese brain. Not even once.
>As for the age selection bit what about something ranging from the the age of the great contagion all the way up to the time the scarlet empress is supposed to vanish in regards for the timeline being able to start?
Sounds good. The Great Contagion would be a time period that gives points if you take it, while the time period where the Realm is in its heyday would either cost points, give points, or be free depending on whether you’re part of the Realm, Lookshy, or an Independent.

>The childhood drawbacks a good one to for a minor one. I'll use that.
Growing up as a random child in Creation could be fun, while growing up as a child of a Dynast could be fun in the Dwarf Fortress sense.

I remember one anon saying they were going to make a new Dragonblooded jump a while back, was that you?
I would prefer a normal Toph expy.
No, you are just a piece of shit.
Anon, while I do understand your initial intentions at this point both sides are just reiterating the same points/trading insults. Unless you're very bored you might want to drop it or post about a different topic.
No. I haven’t worked on my jump in literal months. I keep trying to trick shard into making it but the jump is need to make to bribe him into making mine is even worse so that’s not happening either. Beyond that, I meant to work on my chain last night, but I decided to fap before posting and fell asleep halfway through because apparently I was more tired than I was horny.

Right now I’m building a god damn calculator sheet for slutxalted because…. I don’t know why. Reasons, I guess.
Just need description fluff, but since I'm the only one who's ever gonna use the jump its completely irrelevant since I know exactly what everything does.
You do a disservice to any side you take.
>calculator sheet for slutxalted
I wouldn't be surprised if that already exists somewhere, but then again I'm not up to date on the /trash/ cyoa thread.
You're right. Like I said, I was feeling very annoyed today and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'll let it go, and leave the idiots play in their shithole.
What jump?
But he had to do that because he had a plan!
>I remember one anon saying they were going to make a new Dragonblooded jump a while back, was that you?
That was me yeah. or at least I've brought it up before. I'm just easily distracted desu but Im back on a exalted kick and reading through some old books so Im trying to get build it up a bit more.
Eh, I get it. We all have days where things can set us of that we usually brush aside.
I'm at work unfortunately, try again on Monday
What are some settings that have completely pointless Masquerades or Masquerades where it would be an active improvement for humanity in general if Jumper were to tear them down and expose the supernatural to the rest of the world?
Holy fuck I hadn't realized this existed. God words can't describe how much I missed this game; this thing was a big part of my childhood.
Harry Potter
Well go find it please, last time I went over there to ask anything I got totally ignored
Neat. I remember offering a suggestion for a Dragonblooded jump before, so I thought it might be you.
A sister who tries to both kill and fuck you.
I have never seen this before but more LEGO is cool.
It's nice to see someone talking to me nicely, it actually calmed me. Thanks.
That probably would not end well.
Pretty much all of them. I'm not joking. The number of pointless Masquerades or cover up you can find in fictions is staggering.
perks to reflect dynasty charms and being able to build up a nation and dynasty and exert control over it like her Redness. For an OC suggestion how about a water caste based on pic related who isn't a fuck up?
Honestly being fair to the authors they probably know that they're not up to the task of writing out alternate history + magic and how tech would develop if we didn't really need it and not only communicate the differences between our worlds well to the audience but also tell the story that they wanted to tell at the same time.
Making it a masquerade also adds easy mysticism and "cover up" plotlines.
in game iirc e6 requires around a century, or possibly longer if the exalt isn't really pushing for it. E5 can potentially be reached in a year or less though if you're talking about a solar that's really pushing hard for it with the trade off that they wouldn't have as much development in other areas like their charms, skills and abilities because they focused entirely on attaining enlightenment (ie: a higher permanent essence score). Mechanically this would be represented by them having spent all the XP they got on raising their essence instead of spending it on learning new charms or increasing their skills & stats.
How many goats do I have to sacrifice in your name for you to actually release the jump you've made for this?
It's not a traditional Masquerade but I've always found the divide between the 'normal' side & its heroes and the magic ones in DC bloody bizarre.
Like for example, Hell objectively exists in DC land. This is easily confirmable. I feel this should be given way more public traction than it does.
A Heroic Mortal you had as a concubine exalted as a Solar and is now seeking to make you her concubine.
I dont really know what the point of the Masquerade in Highschool DxD is, but I assume Humanity could get pretty far in magic and magi-tech if it was used and studied on a much larger scale, rather than only among a handful of magic organization.
nta, but Wizards established the Masquerade as alternative to subjugating muggles. Removing it, is gonna make that the only option again, and you'll find every head of state min controlled in a few days.
Honestly, it's pretty simple, both sides, or one of them don't want to deal with the other.
Hmm the dynasty like perks could fit in well with the dynast tree. Need stuff for that part anyway.
As for the OC I like it though I'm already using a Zuko expy as the Fire aspect companion.
So many Avatar characters translate well over to being dragonblooded though. I could use Korra as a back up Expy if I cant think of anything else better. Maybe a outcaste adventurer.
Funny idea. Maybe I'll use that as a drawback.
No prob. I've been here long enough to learn how to tune out the vast majority of arguments.
Honestly it made catching up on the thread way easier.
We need more of you.
Some of the powers I've seen you post are very strong so it's probably going to be an obviously a good trade to look different to normal people for extra power.
Most supernatural threats can easily be dealt with, through mundane methods if you know the proper tools to use, and knew the proper counter measures like integrating salt lines, cold iron, silver and devil traps across architecture.
You could also just make magic a lot more widespread.
NTA, but given the constraints of the setting, I imagine it'll only be possible to buy one or two powers at most: One for an Exaltation and one for a Shard.
Didn't actually expect people to give a shit

Yeah its been a fun romp down memory lane

The jump doesn't really mention anything Lego, though I guess I can make a +0 drawback for the artstyle.

None because I'm not running a petting zoo.
Eh, I'm not immune to dumbposting.
But after what? 9 years in this thread including such idiocies as OAA and HOA shitposting I've learned to just roll my eyes and move on with whatever when I see anons repeating the same arguments for the umpteenth time.
You can only buy one power, excluding Alchemicals who are an Origin Exaltations are part of the Power section.
Alchemicals are the OTB then?
Does this means that an Alchemical could buy another exaltation too? Anyway that's too bad, I really liked some of your powers, like the Mahoraga one, but I doubt I would pick that over an exaltation.
Kind of? Honestly the biggest concern I've had when making this jump was how to balance the other origins against Alchemical.

To do this I've got a 200 CP pricetag on Alchemicals and have been making sure the other origins capstones are really good. Such as the Jack Slash based one.

Alchemicals cannot buy other exaltations, if you want multiple exaltations you'll need to have gone to multiple Exalted jumps.
They used moon sized mining ships, installation 00 was 125.5 thousand kilometres in diameter and had the entire surface being liveable, even just using the waters for massive fish farms and keeping the land as is you’d feed pretty much everyone on Earth. A covert group built Onyx at the rate of a Death Star every 5 minutes, turn that to some kind of hydroponics station and you’d feed the entire galaxy. Pretty sure they had matter to energy stuff as well so if it really came down to it you could use that. Or just take a kilometre long station designed to produce food and throw it into the time lock thing so millions of years pass in a couple minutes. Have the Ancilla slip space portal the food out while it’s all taken care of internally by lifeworker Huragok. A single Forerunner with a constructor could feed an arbitrary number of people given enough time, they can just tap into the Domain for designs that have been tried and tested over millions of years of post scarcity space fairing civilisation. You could hollow out planets and turn them into shield worlds just to use the internal volume for food if you wanted to keep it all hidden and within real space.
Heh, I'm barely 4 years in.
It's been years and I still don't understand how powerful exaltations are. Like I've literally read though the RPG book to try and get a non-wank explanation and either didn't understand the mechanics or didn't get how the numbers translate into real world effects.
However powerful the plot demands
It’s pretty much just Dragon Ball ki, when you use essence you can do conceptual shit and hit biggstons, when you don’t you can get taken out by heart disease or something mundane, although there’s probably saving throws and mitigating things you can do at the last moment
Unironically "it depends". As a baseline they're not much stronger than peak human, maybe a little bit beyond depending on specializations. When using Charms they can blow way, way past that and pull shit like parting the seas or dancing through possibilities or sundering mountains, but only for very limited amounts of time. They only have so much Essence to pull out the big dick bullshit, and they only have so much time and energy to dedicate to learning Charms in the first place so their actual capabilities will depend on what they've learned and what weird amazing bullshit they've specced into.
6 here sadly
5 not too long ago
I'm pretty inexpert too, but the reason I probably would choose an exaltation aren't the numbers, that I always downplay anyway, but the versatility. A good part of their power anyway come from lore rather than charms, like how they broke time before sealing the possibility of time travel, and from how much absoluteness you give to perfect defenses, I personally tend to go gor what makes more sense, if I use seven shadow evasion and the opponent can hit shadows I will be hit, primacy of defense or not.
Do you think giving the Eclipse Phase humanity some form of slower FTL, say Battletech jumpdrive or Archer era warp drive, would result in the ETI nuking the system? Assuming it doesn’t just bring the TITANs back or the Factors sperg out that is
Shard you'll fucking hate the idea but you could 100% float a dragon communion origin.
>100cp hunters mark/hated foe/igon/VILE BAYLE HOLY GRAIL
>200cp anti dragon item crafting? Or dragon favour like Vyke
>400cp for lightning incants including lost or rare ones such as Vyke's and Knight's spear
>600cp dragon communion, with dragon form and a nice slew of dragon incants already collected, can induct others into dragon communion
>obligatory dragon priestess wife
Pretty cool seeing people from various eras actually.
I have no fucking clue how long I've been here. Well before covid at least.
2015 reporting.
I’ve been here for seven years and while I’ve written a ton of stuff I don’t really feel any sense of accomplishment for it. I kinda wish I’d picked up woodworking or something instead.
Just think back to the earliest jump you remember being made or have memories of and add a couple months. Pretty sure I started lurking around the 200 thread mark, I know Light Of Terra had been complete before at least and the maker of the SpongeBob jump had just left as people were still making comments about them
Feels like yesterday I was stalking the thread for Black Crusade updates
My memory isn't that good, I can't remember specific jumps coming out at around the time I started following the thread.
Are you looking for OCs that are original or expys of existing characters?
To build on what >>93193259 says, the big thing about the Exalted isn’t just the raw power they can throw out, it’s that they can become superhuman in other areas just as well. Want to be a superhuman chef? That’s possible. Want to be a superhuman doctor? Doable. Want to create porn that’s better then what mortal hands could ever create? You can do it. You’re not as super as many comic book settings, but you can be super in ways they almost never are.
Either or really.
No Azula?
Azula is cringe and overdone. There's an ocean of mentally unstable girls out there, branch out a little.
Sure but I want my Azula to be a DB, other mentally unstable girls have their own Exalt types they fit into but Azula fits for a Dynast.
Judging by the replies this new jump will offer nothing the old one doesn't except a slew of expys.
It could offer a fully fleshed out items section, also fuck off if anon wants to make a jump he can make a jump.
No no I was criticising the faggots that just beg for expys constantly, not the jumpmaker.
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There are many crazy dynast girls to choose from. Personally I would go with the crazy princess from thunderbolt fantasy who fell so in love with someone's music she went yandere for them and forced the person to to battle to the death with people while they make music
>Chads that provide inspiration for expys constantly
You're lazy unimaginative faggots that contribute nothing of value.
No azula. Feel free to make her yourself though. She'd fit a dynast though. Maybe a Cathak.
Do we have a jump for The House of Flying Daggers? If not I may try to bang one out tonight. Been watching the movie with a friend. The bamboo grove fightscene was actually fucking Kino.
We do not.
Good luck anon.
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Water dragonblooded can fit something similar to pic related(who has a blood of water dragon), airhead knight which has simbling fighting over her.
Yeah but what does that actually mean? Plenty of TRPG let you take stats to beyond the human limit but figuring out what that means in practice is the hard part.

Something like GURPS has a table for everything so is easer to map to non game settings:
having Transendent attractiveness gives +8 on reaction rolls made by those attracted to your sex.
This get's an Excellent Reaction roll from NPC 37% of the time (meaning strangers will go to extreme lengths to help you and people you hire are fanatically loyal and would die for you).
So instead of being vaguely superhumanly beautiful you've got hard numbers about how strong the simpery you inspire is.
Lots of artifacts, big items section full of Jade stuff.
Much discount and stipend, DBs are the money exalts.
Old but oddly young looking scholarly sort that goes off on flights of fancy constantly. Milfy. Xianyun from Genshin looking.
Okay, here is the deal with cape settings being stupid about that. Writers want the world to be a mundane Earyh with a few superheroes and mystical stuff, but want it to stay a mundane Earth. This is why some random hero always steps in to stop super science from curing cancer or some bullshit. The writers just cant imagine a world that different or it would just be too far removed for readers to relate to. For the knowledge that heaven and hell exists would cause writers to focus on which religion is right and how if that was known, it would affect society. That sort of religious war would cause a lot of drama irl from pissing off the wrong group and even groups that dont care but want to scream and yell. So the writers just sweep the people of those worlds seeing literal gods wandering around in things saving the world as just boring and nothing to think about.
That... I can use that potentially. Some Beloved scion of a Cadet house out in the periphery maybe.
Oh definitely. One thing I wanna do for this is give it a danm good item and resource section. Dragonblood dont have power but they do have wealth (usually).
Honestly more stuff like in the 200s item section. Sometimes I visit DB just for the coffee, cigars, and notepad even if I could reasonably make them myself without touching anything Exalted.
Something to ensure our descendants exalt. A harem perk.
How good is the biological cloning in Naruto?
Is reviving at sites of grace an in-universe phenomenon in Elden Ring? Then how do NPCs permanently die in the story?
Just built different
>t. never played elden ring or cared about any lore
NPCs have lost what allows that prior to the player showing up, that whole thing about still seeing the guidance of grace? That also means no more respawn if you no longer see it.

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