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What completes the unholy trinity of garbage shovelware?
B/X compatible.
3.5e OGL or Pathfinder.
OSR for sure. The games barely differ yet they're presented as innovative instead of another helping of dirt added to the same pile.
I want to say FATAL, but that's not shovelware.
Solo Journaling "games"
Upon consideration, I think the OSR and NuSR "movements" (more like bowel movements lmao gottem) get an honorable mention for churning out so much shit and convincing so many retards that they can just slap "OSR" on any piece of shit they make.
>5e compatibile / 5SR
>PbtA / FitD
>nuSR / yet-another-b/x-derivate
There, 90% of the shovelware on drivethrougrpg, itch.io and related kickstarters
i am sorry but the unholy trinity of garbage shovelware is
Do you meas actual OSR stuff or grifters on Drivethru abusing a name?
one and the same

Does WOD have its own open license? What do people even make for it?
no. they have shoveled enough settings supplements and secondary games, all completely trash of course, themselves to qualify in my mind
Why are you giving 5e a pass? It's more widespread and so a bigger problem than those three combined.
because i had to pick only 3. 5e or 3e ogl is definitely number 4 and 5
I see.
>System Agnostic
aka totally untested useless garbage.
Covers all the 'osr' and 'nusr' shovelware that's just a zine with 1" margins and a D10 table per page, 5 room dungeons with
>lol just make it up mr. dungeon man
and shit like that.
The Basedware Trilogy
I'd say Savage Worlds if it were more popular, but it isn't.
>t. Anon making a Savage Worlds setting
Now you've got to share your own shovelware fren
Nah say what you want about owod it was for those fuckers by those fuckers abs had soul. Nwod though...
>What completes the unholy trinity of garbage shovelware?
take your pic of any of a number of garbage OSR clones, then you've got the slop holy trinity of mainstream garbage, theater kid garbage, and boomer 3d6 down the line garbage

but at least it gets people 1 creating and 2 out of dnd
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Genesys system for using proprietary dice. I regret buying the books.
Forged in the Dark
fitd or yze
The modiphius 2d20 games don't quite qualify, but man, are they right at home. Just endless identical licensed garbage that you might play once if you really like the property, and then never again.

They're not total trash though. The Dune game seems alright.
This is the purity spiral in action, and why /tg/'s osr cult is the laughing stock of the retro-TTRPGs. No matter what you claim, your behavior shows that for you osr is more about failing to gatekeep the name than it is about actually playing games.
Mork borg
Roll with an app, I have never owned any physical dice nor do I ever intend to.
>"purity spiral"
This is some laughable delusion right here. Reminder that /osrg/'s definition of what OSR is hasn't changed in nearly a decade, and closely matches that of the K&KA forum where the OSR was born.
Your lack of self awareness would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
This is the purity spiral in action.
>you're making a purity spiral! I'll go make my own true and good thing
>proceeds to do exactly the same shit
Nerds are terrible hipsters.
It's good that they love the disgusting pics yellow, makes it easier to avoid.
The splinter threads are just as pathetic as /osrg/ is. The entirety of /tg/'s retro D&D community only wants to argue about what is TRVE and FOE instead of talking about games. Learn some goddamn reading comprehension.

Borg isn't big enough. The third piece of the grifter trinity is OSR/BX Compatible.
>it's a spiral!
>no I can't say how it's getting any worse
>because it's not
>but I'm gonna keep saying it's a spiral because I'm retarded
Fuck off, clown
Lmao kys retarded fuck
These things are good, in theory, but the OSR community gave rise to SWORDDREAM and similar cancerous "RPGs don't have to have rules or dice or a point" avenues of faux-creativity. Faggots who like the hipster quirkiness of calling themselves game designers, but hate RPGs in the first place.
Its weird when tourists come here and think that anons here give a shit about what other parts of the internet think.
That was a lot of bandwagon jumping from the collapsing indi scene as well. They had to have a new grift instead of collab games about minotaur feelings or writing letters to shakespear because we got tired of that shit.
jewish cock is bigger

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