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BRP is simple, fast, and elegant, using a skill-based percentile system. Combat is fast and deadly, and with a strong focus on non-combat skills that some game systems are challenged to support. Players roll percentile dice against the Gamemaster-led opponents, or even themselves.

At the core, most Chaosium RolePlaying games use a variation of the Basic RolePlaying System, which started with RuneQuest. Call of Cthulhu, StormBringer, SuperWorld, and others followed. Once the Basic RolePlaying System was released as a stand-alone product, more worlds like Mythic Iceland and Magic World were introduced.

>Did you run a game with BRP using a setting other than Lovecraftian 1920s? Please tell details.
Why not just play D&D
because D&D lacks flexibility in a bad way
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Runequest is one of if not the greatest RPG system and Gloranatha is one of the most fully realized fictional worlds ever created by man. I pray it never get popular because I KNOW Choasium will make it cringe and faggy, and streamline the shit out of it. Mike "The Cuck King Mearls" being the new head of the RPG Division has honestly robbed me of sleep a few nights.
It's just a roll under system. It is also based upon multiples of 5, so you are essentially using a d20 roll under system.
Does it work? Yes. Is it good? Not really. By the very virtue of being a roll under skill based system your characters will just outright fail shit constantly because you didn't invest in a certain skill among dozens.
Savage Worlds, Genesys, and GURPS are better systems.
Could someone explain to me the differences between Heroquest, Runequest and Myhtras? Mythras is setting-agnostic one, correct? How many editions of Runequest/Heroquest exist and are there any major mechanical differences between them?
heroquest is its own thing but is kinda like fate
Mythras is just rebadged runequest 6e
Alright so as far as I understand it, RQ was made by Chaosium and due to copy right fighting it's setting of Glorantha while made by the same guy Greg Stanford was owned by another company. (Glorantha was used first as the setting of a board war game that took place in the Hero Wars) They had a deal where Greg could use it with the system known as Runequest. Now RQ has 3 editions with the third being developed by Chaosium but produced by Avalon Hill. Eventually for reasons unknown to me after RQ 3 the setting of Glorantha was pimped out to other RPG companies and systems. This is where Heroquest comes from. Eventually the company that owned Glorantha went under and Choasiun bought them and the rights to Glorantha and now we have a new RQ edition RQ4 or otherwise known as Runequest Roleplaying in Glorantha (RQG). Also here is a link to more information. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/role-playing/systems-versions/

If you wanna start playing then RQG is really fun despite all the old men that bitching.
Strike Ranks are gay, convoluted (Unless you turn your brain off and just wing it, which is the most common advice.), and are a huge waste of time.
Initiative rolls are just better in every way, no reason to reinvent the will with some backwards action point abortion.
No games confirmed.
>It's just a roll under system. It is also based upon multiples of 5, so you are essentially using a d20 roll under system.
Skills are percentile meaning you can have a skill at a rating that isn't a multiple of 5 and they increase at usually 1d6 rolled per experience checked not a flat 5.

>Does it work? Yes. Is it good? Not really. By the very virtue of being a roll under skill based system your characters will just outright fail shit constantly because you didn't invest in a certain skill among dozens.
What are Complimentary Skills and Category Modifiers? Skill minimums? You seldomly have under 30% is a skill with a well stated character unless it's some really arcane bullshit like Tibetan rope making. Even then it's a RPG game your character should not be good at everything.
Sorry you ate a brainlet. The only real issues with SRs is when you play with minis like I do and have to realize that movement SRs should just be factored Into the attack SR and isn't racked on a separate dice. I do admit that there is a few cases where the SRs and actions made certain things impossible but as long as it's resolved in SR order it really doesn't matter.
What's the best way or system to intoduce new players to BRP?

CoC? Delta? RQ? or just use the generic system?
Yeah, the whole problem is that the game cannot be played without quantum bullshit involving the movement rules, and to make it work you have to just kind of mentally gloss over it. That's why I said that the most common advice with dealing with the system is turn your brain off and just wing it, because it doesn't make sense if you try to actually use the movement rules.
I like playing combats on a grid, so that blows. The whole draw of playing something like Runequest is that it has fun simulationist aspects, but if the simulation breaks down and you have to just kind of asspull things on the fly, you may as well just be playing make believe. Or just cope and wish you were playing with something that didn't have obviously fucked up rules.
If I run it, I'm honestly just going to fucking axe movement SR modifiers completely. When it's your strike rank, you can move 12 meters or 24 if you're not making any attacks. Solved.
But I shouldn't have to solve shit when the rules for a 40 year old game ought to just fucking work out of the box.
I first played in a star wars one shot based on the mythras conversion for star wars i think. Shit was cool
What's the point of d100 if most stuff is just done with 5-point bonuses?
anon, you can use a later edition of the game like rq6/mythras that has initiative and it just works. All the ditions are so close that their rules are basically interchangeable which is so cool and it feels so different coming from a decade of dnd.

Yeah a system isnt perfect and you might have to work a little to fix your small grievances but otherwise it just works fine for a slower simulationist type game.
Also if you want players not to suck at things just give more points or something but make them spread it so you start out a little better.
My friend had the idea of starting with a blank +10 on your culture and profession skills and not have assignment restrictions or at least increase the limits.

it isn't though. At least not in every version of the game.
Mythras has criticals happen on doubles if you pass your skill and critical fails on doubles if you fail. If you have an influence skill of 46 for example a 22 is a critical success while a 66 is a critical failure.
Bonuses and penalties are percentage based as well giving or depriving based on your ranks.
You also don't progress linearly in increments of 5.
The extra granularity is there for the ones who prefer it.
Also percentages are very simple and they personally feel better than a d20.

If you want a roll under d20 that simplifies this and goes with that idea Dragonsbane or smth came out from free league and it's basically a d20 roll under skill system with not dnd as the flavour so it can definitely be done.

Heck if your players are such dndrones they cant escape the d20 you could easily convert the entire system to a d20 roll under if you wish
>anon, you can use a later edition of the game like rq6/mythras that has initiative and it just works. All the ditions are so close that their rules are basically interchangeable which is so cool and it feels so different coming from a decade of dnd.
I don't have Mythras, can you give me the downlow on how initiative works? I might steal it.
your initiative bonus is the average of your int and dex scores.
At the start of combat roll 1d10 and add it to your initiative. Encumbrance like from heavy armor decreases your initiative.
Afterwards you take proactive action in sequence from the highest to the lowest till everyone has used all their action points.
When everyone has acted if people still have action points they can go again.
Then a new initiative round starts.

My group has changes the roll to 2d10 because we like some more randomness but you get the gist
meanwhile my group uses fixed initiative and that works fine and dandy too
and even though heavy armour users are now much more likely to go last in sequence armour is still really good because it's DR
it's a post apoc mythras game and we use the gun combat rules
fixes initiative is cool and i would use it for something less heroic
how does mythras gun comabt work for you?
Seriously thinking about using mythras to run a dying earth (genre, not series) game. Seems like it covers everything pretty well.
No, you are just lying to make your system of choice seem like it has fewer flaws than it does. Chaosium's system is up there with d20 in terms of how shit it is.
There is a firearms supplement on TDM’s offical website for free
ANY amount of firearms damage that penetrates armour has the capability to incapacitate an opponent if the drop foe combat effect is chosen by the attacker and the defender fails their roll of endurance
Honestly really good for Star Wars as a lucky shot can still incapacitate a stormtrooper if you get through their armour

There is also the combat effect to pin down your opponent behind cover which forces a willpower roll and works even if the shot does not deal damage and gets eaten by cover

Combat drugs, immunity to pain, or bezerk/frenzy abilities may block the drop foe combat effect which came up a decent bit with my post apoc shit
Stim injector pens in the game I ran may not heal any damage but players saw their usefulness in recovering allies downed by hydrostatic shock or pre stimming before taking incoming fire so you could shrug off a single shot that would normally incapacitate

There was also the berserk inhaler that I gave them which granted temporary immunity to the effects of serious wounds and a melee character in the group did use it but on the whole the group was more cautious in its use as the character affected could not act defensively and had to rush towards the attack

They haven’t discovered other shit such as the painkiller stronger than morphine that is neither a sedative or stimulant but may cause tinitus with prolonged usage
Or the jelly made from winged snake venom which is a local anaesthetic that allows a single location to ignore the effects of a serious wound at the cost of touch sensation

But that’s enough about weird shit spesfic to the game I’m running I created for mythras
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Anyway hope this thread is still up in the morning imma head to bed
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BRP's Great
Not sure what you posted tough
Where is the pdf of the newest edition? Not reading that old head shit.

Apparently such a beloved system yet nobody has cared to upload the newest version to the share thread.
>name is literally BuRP
Mythras Imperative is a free download and has all the basic rules.
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I want to create a low-magic generic fantasy system similar to the atmosphere of Middle Earth / Against the Dark Master. Perhaps changing the Sanity to Shadow mechanic from The One Ring.

I don't care about minmaxxing or getting a crazy smooth system experience, I just think it would be a pretty neat game.
I'm afraid I don't understand your post. You phrased it as a statement and not a question. If you are wondering if BRP can be used as a based for this low magic games of yours then the answer is yes.
They embed account metadata into the PDFs. Meaning people are less likely to share since to do so safely requires sending the PDF to the cleaners and that's an extra step most people won't bother with.
Well then asking for tips or ideas to give that Hobbit - 1st book of Fellowship vibes into the system?
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Bumping for you anon
>the hobbit
>low magic
there's a magic talking wallet
Isn't BRP the base for Call of Cthulhu?
>players get 100%+ on a skill
>uhhh just start artificially reducing their sklll percentage as a "roll adjustment" f you don't want them to succeed every time
Then what's the point?
Yes it is.

You don't though. I mean you can but usually difficultly is set the "full value" of whatever the skill % is needed. And even then applying flat negative % to a roll is used for situations like using a visual skill while your face and eyes are covered in paint. And even that isn't commonly used since degrees of success are tied to how far under your full skill value your rolled. Some GMs might just stack -% but that's mongoloidic and a sign of a bad GM or one your doesn't fully understand the system.
In my experience when your skill gets that high you're applied a negative % but if it's middle or low it isn't. That's why it feels so artificial. It's like level scaling.
>My GM/GMs do a shitty shitty thing
>This is a fault of the system.

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remember Space Cowboys?
weird space western powered by BRP
it's done
it's pay what you want
go nuts bucko
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I keep having intrusive thoughts about crossbreeding Runequest and Dark Heresy. Help.
you can limit it to 75%
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you're a faggot and this ain't how it works
the world just doesn't level up with you dumbass
when you've gone over 100 you don't even roll much anymore, automatic successes are clearly defined
I miss the old cover
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me too but the Weaver estate wanted me to include a metacurrency
gotta stand on my principles man
No problem. By the way I think the Max HP by hit location and the speed chart might be borked in 1.0. Page 27.
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BRP mogs GURPS niggers so hard its unreal
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y tho?
Isn't higher CON-SIZ better than lower? Why go down as it increases? And the Chargen example sidebar places 70 as Speed 2 but I think it should be Speed 3.
you're right about HP, i reversed the columns
speed is correct tho, lower speed is faster
thanks homie
No problem bro. Lower speed is correct but the example chart just cites the wrong derived score for the 70 result. All good. Best of luck on your game.
nice catch
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is the new book worth getting if I already have the old big gold one?
the SRD is literally the text of the book and it's free
short answer: not really but it has passions and reputation and stuff that are worth looking at
if you're writing for brp it's great b/c the whole thing is open text
I was just thinking that BRP needed a sci Fi setting and I was heavily debating on making my own but some one has beat me to the punch it seems. Is it worth a read?
Oh shit, cool to see youve finally published. Is there going to be a POD? Because I will spend money on that.
it's free and i worked on it for four years with over 50 playtesters. if you like weird wild space action, yeah.
yeah, i'll have a softcover on dtrpg and a hardcover on lulu, but it takes about a month for the proofs to arrive.
Good shit anon, I'll be sure to pick of a POD copy.
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here is an old version of the firearms supplment back when mythras was called RQ6
the new one is 98% the same
What's the gameplay about?
also star wars supplument which works with the firearms supplment
blaster shots can drop characters in a single hit regardless of the damage if the drop foe effect is selected and they fail their endurance
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well as long as they penitrate armour anyway
>Mike "The Cuck King Mearls" being the new head of the RPG Division
You missed that announcement a few weeks ago? Yeah. Like the other anon, I have concerns. I don't actually know his history outside of DnD 5e, if I was an optimist I would hope that being in a different company with different incentives and focuses, working on different games gives him a chance to work differently. Maybe they'll just put him on 7th Sea and keep him away from the BRP games.
That announcement was the first time I heard of him and since then I see people complaining about him. He can't be that bad... right?
Mythras or Runequest?
Mythras for homebrew settings. Runequest for Glorantha.
As a relative newfag to RQ, what's the opinion on that it should've never left Chaosium? Just feels like it ruins on consistency. Also didn't Greg found Chaosium specifically to release White Bear and Red Moon? Anything Glorantha is basically his
Base skill rolls are against average difficulty. When you have a skill of 100% or more you aren’t rolling to see if you succeed in an average situation. You are rolling to see if you achieve a critical or special success.
For combat skills over 100% you become a terror because you can split your attacks and you are less hampered by repeated uses of things like dodge. I’m not certain if that’s how new BRP handles it but it was present in many previous versions including RQ, BGB, and Stormbringer.
Avalon hill is the best publisher of the game by far and if i wanted to play in glorantha i would use that no questions asked
Professionally, it doesn't look like he's done much outside of D&D 4e and 5e, but he managed to be a Senior Manager, Lead Designer, and Creative Director over the franchise, so your opinions of those games is largely what you think of him. I think it's safe to say BRP players of all stripes don't want their games to look anything like D&D mechanically, nor do they want their games pimped out in an effort to quickly grow the customer base chasing D&D's market share. He's Executive Producer at Chaosium, hopefully that just means he's getting teams the resources they say they need, but it probably also means he's also deciding to sap resources from something less popular to feed CoC, or feed not-directly-game-related projects like movies/comics/vidya. It could be picking new games or settings to work on too. Basically we're all deeply concerned that Chaosium will start to behave more like WotC.
There's also an ethical component about how he dealt with specific allegations against Zak Sabbath at WotC, I've heard allegations and don't believe I've seen receipts, but it's commonly said that Mearls gave full emails and identifying information to Zak from people accusing him of abuse who had contacted Mearls in confidence. There were petitions demanding that Mearls be fired over it. That really tainted his image with a lot of people, and now it taints Chaosium for some.
the company that owns the name chaosium hasn't really done anything remarkable since RQ4, one of the most beautiful books ever made and probably the worst version of runequest (chargen starts with your grandma's occupation, not even meming)
this nigger knows what's up, rq3 is the only one that does movement correctly within the strike rank system
>the worst version of runequest (chargen starts with your grandma's occupation, not even meming)
I fail to see how that makes RQ:G the worst version.
merely a symptom. the version goes all in on glorantha, so much that it would take a lot of work to play somewhere else, at which point just play mythras.
also stat inflation bad i guess
but it's seriously gorgeous. jeff is a bloated prick, but he hires good artists
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BtN bros, we eatin good
Nah, the Z*k stuff has been proven to be total bullshit. As for his tenure at WotC, I'm willing to give the dude the benefit of the doubt, because it seems like a combination of executive fuckery and design by committee bullshit seem to be thick at WotC for the entire time he was there.

Pre 4e he did Iron Heroes which, while kind of borked in execution, is an honest attempt at a pure martials sword and sorcery version of 3.5, and has some cool ideas.
Congrats my guy
>merely a symptom. the version goes all in on glorantha, so much that it would take a lot of work to play somewhere else, at which point just play mythras.
Personally I'd rather the edition go all in on its setting than not. Besides like you said there is always Mythras or BRP to run non Glorantha but still RQesqe games. As for Jeff I'm uncertain how I feel about him, be he clearly cares about Glorantha and wether or not it's the exact type of caring the old hands want, at least Glorantha and RQ Bby relation has someone who cares that much after it's original creators has passed.
BRP is my go to game. I have strayed and I've had sordid affairs with other systems, but I always return to the warm, soft bosom of d100.
Chaosium's BRP has to play second fiddle to Mythras now, but it's still good.
I will forever hate Mearls for his gutting of 4e and especially for canning the Nentir Vale Gazetteer after it was already printed and waiting to be shipped for no fucking reason.
nobody cares about your containment game edition shit in this thread
It's just evidence of being a shithead and now he's an executive shithead for BRP stuff.
oh man just started reading it the vibes are really cool. I want to run a firefly style game with this
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are humans obese in the future?
High gravity world?
i live in america, i assume this is average weight
>BRP has to play second fiddle to Mythras now
What makes Mythras superior?
>no glorantha duckfaggotry
>action points are better than strike ranks
>handles defense better
>>no glorantha duckfaggotry
That's a downside
>>no glorantha duckfaggotry
To me the Duruz are a selling point.
>>action points are better than strike ranks
>>handles defense better
Interesting, I'll have to look into it.
hey all, I played a couple of sessions of Call of Cthulhu but we never engaged in combat. At this point I feel like I am very familiar with the game but also missing half of it. How is it different than normal skill rolls? Does it use a different system with d20?
For 7e it goes like this (it's been a while since I last played) one PC and a monster. Whoever has the highest DEX goes first. Let's say the monster does. The monster attacks with a claw and in its stats it's rolled with its Fighting/Brawl skill, The player can choose to either to evade with the Dodge skill or retaliate with their Fighting Brawl skill. Now the difference between the two is that it's easier to get the evade than retaliate because if the monster rolls a normal success then it takes a equal or greater degree of success to evade it. But you have to always roll a higher degree of success to deal damage to the monster on the monsters attack. So if the monster rolls a normal on its attack then you need a normal success or higher with dodge to evade and a hard ot extreme success to retaliate. Bows and spears can be dodged and bullets can not be but you can opt to take cover. There is also a party system when fighting with a melee weapon with someone else who has one, but that's a bit rare out side of running Dark Age CoC.
honestly there isn't much stopping you from running a glorantha game in mythras, and if you want a bit more you can put in a tiny bit of work to port shit over
a few people have and prefer it over RQG, as mytrhas is generally more grounded compared with RQG's bleeding magic out the arse
if you know nothing about the system just stfu.
Thanks, sounds fun.
Which runequest version should I learn and play?

RQG looks overcomplicated, but it has the most comprehensible stuff, like starter sets and adventures.

RQ2 is much simpler, but how do I start? Are there recommended first adventures to run to a group?

its the simplest and most relatable
>Which runequest version should I learn and play?
RQ3 (avalon hill one) is the best edition for combat and movement rules
Mythras is second place
RQ Classic is ok but there's a lot more stuff in 3
RQ:glorantha (new one) is way too far up its ass on chargen and worldshitting for a game as lethal as RQ
Whats the best way to get 3rd edition?
Do I need to get old scans or is there something like mythras but for it?
scans or pay 60-80 bucks for books
>handles defense better

Unless they fixed it, the shield rules are fucked
i don't use shields, i like girls
What's the difference between Runequest and Mythras?
Mythras is rebranded Runequest 6 after Chaosium got the license back from The Design Mechanism
>no glorantha
>action points instead of strike ranks
>more autistic special moves and crit fx
>RQG looks overcomplicated, but it has the most comprehensible stuff, like starter sets and adventures.
It's not so much that the game is complicated but there the rules can get vague in some areas. Also there is just a lot to learn if you are new to BRP systems. There is like 3 separate magic systems in RQ:G.

>RQ:glorantha (new one) is way too far up its ass on chargen and worldshitting for a game as lethal as RQ
A game that's main selling point is the world of Glorantha is bad because it, a role playing game gives your more rules and options to roleplay and lore to experience Glorantha. You boomers and Gen Xers need to hurry up and fucking die. RQ:G is far from perfect but it will suck you in like nothing else on the market. It's borderline a second life.
>compared with RQG's bleeding magic out the arse
Isn't everyone being able to access magic always been a selling point for Runequest
>You boomers and Gen Xers need to hurry up and fucking die
we make our own worlds, like greg did. you're just a consumer.
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>Isn't everyone being able to access magic always been a selling point for Runequest

The issue people have is that RQ has always been tied heavily to Glorantha's world mechanically. Mythras is easier to de couple, while BRP is like an all you can eat buffet where you pick and choose what mechanics you want to use in the game you plan on running. BRP requires more work in some ways than just readying a rule book. Since you have to pick rules to ignore or not.

I understanding tweaking Glorantha or being more concerned with hitting the broad strokes of the setting over all of the small detail, but that's still doesn't make the family background generator and the mountains of lore a negative. Your assertion that choosing to run RQ with It's intended setting and not your own home brew world is a sad and pathetic attempted to cover you retardation. Cope and seethe more boomer.
You know Zak sued him when he tried to apologize publicly about what happened.
He sued him because he was removed from the credits of 5e, which you can view as valid or bullshit, but the whole "secret emails thing" is a bunch of conspiracy nonsense of which there is zero evidence for.
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What is the best way to play a pirate game with BRP?
>It's borderline a second life.
That speaks more to your psychology than the quality of the game.
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Same with GURPS. Characters with a skill over 100 can take higher penalties.
I don't play BRP, I'm just checking the thread, but I do play Harnmaster which is a strikingly similar 1d100 roll under. If you have 120 in a skill, you can take a -40 penalty and still have an 80% chance, while a guy with 60 will only have a 20%.

Again, same thing could be said with the 3d6 curve in GURPS. What's the point of going over 15 in a skill?
any low fantasy brp settings that are good?
>voodoo guy
I'll just play RQ2
You all keep fighting. RQ2 is the most straightforward and most fun to play
I praise RQG for going all in Glorantha tho.
Nice, thanks anon.
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BRP's great.
Not sure what you posted tough.
That's okay, I crossbred GURPS, a d100 game, aces&eights and hackmaster. Go wild anon
Avalon Hill RQ sucks, man
Avalon Hill RQ rocks, man
Chaosium's RQ (formerly Avalon Hill), seeds and feeds
Nice work
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There's also Monster Island (something between the Lost World, Skull Island and Treasure Island), adaptable to any setting. Meanwhile, pic related expands maritime life in Glorantha
>something between the Lost World, Skull Island and Treasure Island
Interesting, thanks anon.

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