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If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans then they are reduntant and human cultures should be used in their place.

That includes for example, a hairy short mountain dwelling race that specializes in blacksmithing and mining and enjoys drinking.
Since humans can be all those things, there is no reason for them to be anything else
>b-but they live longer
When was this important? Is lifespan enough to separate them from mainline humanity?

Similarly, your raiding nomadic enemies can easily just be humans with a culture centered around warfare. Want to make them feel like they are an unfamiliar threat? Just make them a different ethnicity and have them wear spooky masks for an additional effect. They can be everything your stereotypical orcs are but way less stupid because now it would make sense for them to want to subjugate and rape other humans since they are of the same species. Instead of half-orcs they could just be half barbaric nomad and have the same effect.
Goblins? Tribal short humans.
Gnomes? Short humans with a magic-centered culture.
Halflings? Do I even need to say it?

The other intelligent species should be completely different from what a human is. They should be capable of doing some things humans cannot, and incapable of doing some things that humans can. Like having wings or reproducing by ejaculating on eggs.

Pic related made me think of that. There is nothing about those guys that makes them distict from humans other than their gray skin and tusks. Oh they like falconry and riding horses? Guess what.
>If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans then they are reduntant and human cultures should be used in their place.
Humans can't appropriate Mexican culture without getting in trouble.
Which races, in your mind, do something that can't be done by humans?
luv me dworfs
luv me elves
luv to ate orcs

ate contrarians
ate self-conratulatin subversion
ate shite threads

simple as
If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by elves then they are redundant and elvish cultures should be used in their place.

That includes for example, a hairy short mountain dwelling race that specializes in blacksmithing and mining and enjoys drinking.
Since elves can be all those things, there is no reason for them to be anything else
>b-but they live shorter
When was this important? Is lifespan enough to separate them from mainline elfkin?

Similarly, your raiding nomadic enemies can easily just be elves with a culture centred around warfare. Want to make them feel like they are an unfamiliar threat? Just make them a different ethnicity and have them wear spooky masks for an additional effect. They can be everything your stereotypical orcs are but way less stupid because now it would make sense for them to want to subjugate and rape other elves since they are of the same species. Instead of half-elves they could just be half barbaric nomad and have the same effect.
Gnomes? Tribal short elves.
Fey? Short elves with a magic-centred culture.
Humans? Do I even need to say it?

The other intelligent species should be completely different from what a elf is. They should be capable of doing some things elves cannot, and incapable of doing some things that elves can. Like having wings or reproducing by ejaculating on eggs.

OP made me think of that. There is nothing about that guy that makes him distinct other than their gray skin and faggotry.
>hairy short humans
>pointy earred humans
>green humans
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Beastmen races, especially the non-mammal ones are an easy pick.
Alternatively races that inhabit completely different planes of existence like demons
>If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans then they are reduntant and human cultures should be used in their place.
But i dont want human romans. I want dwarf romans. So i´ll ignore your opinion and make roman dwarves. And you know why? Because it feel like it. I want roman dwarves.Thats it. Thats all the reasoning i need.
If your race looks gay and faggy, it shouldn't be in the game. Done.
Humans not getting anything special compared to other races is extremely lame. They are obsolete in fantasy.
>Hairy short people who are more hardy and long lived than any human. They can lift thrice their impressive body weight on average and they stagnate as to not lose their long remembered past and craft.
>Ethereal beings who never really die just return to a higher plain to await new bodies that their souls can inhabit. In every discipline they set their minds to they will be the absolute best and won't stray. Yet some of them are very much aloof as they don't feel the passage of time.
>Anti civilisational force designed or created to end all others. They are the epitome of what a human should not be. They fight, conquer, then when all is dead they fight themselves into the dust, and the cycle starts anew
so what? that's supposed to convince me to abandon tradition, that and impressing me with such OC as
>people that can that fly
>people that cum on eggs
what the fuck
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Humans can't raid, rape, and pillage?
I specified non-mammals for a reason
>If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans
Okay, sure, let’s go down my list.

>survive for extended periods with minimal food and water due to symbiotic relationship with plants in their wool
I’ll give this one a half-point, since it isn’t biologically feasible for humans, but is just a survivability question.
>breathe underwater
Full point.
>extend a patagium and glide through the air
Full point
>be on fire
Humans can do th—
>LIVE NORMALLY while being on fire
Full point.
>annually molt a protective carapace, also grow throughout their lives, becoming stooped and bent almost double in old age
Half point, since humans do “molt” skin cells and hair and just getting bigger may not always be meaningful.
Full point
>acute memory, verbal mimicry, good at jumping
Zero points
>short, live underground, durable
Zero points
>perceptive, dwell in hot climates, fast
Zero points

All in all, five points for nine nonhuman races. Not great, not terrible.
The problem isn't that races aren't different from humans. The problem is that people still insist on including humans when they have other races.

Human-lovers should play human-only games.
And that changed what exactly? Mammal or not they aren't doing anything a human couldn't do
Okay, but my players want to be non-humans, so I put them in my world.
can humans fly or lay eggs?
>Since humans can be all those things
Can a human live underground for their entire lives with no health problems?
It takes a special breed of cow to take shits in my TW3 provinces as massive as the beastmen do.
I honestly prefer when humans are the nothing special, just perseverant and the underdogs. What do they have? undomitable human spirit, it gets better the more powerful the other races are
Reddit. Humans are cowards who kill themsleves when they run out of funko pops to buy lol, elven master race!
I thought this was going to be a thread about if a race can do everything the setting's humans can do, it's not a very good race.
Not OP, but off the top of my head two D&D races that are by nature extremely different from humans are Warforged and Changelings, at least in the context of their original setting of Eberron.
With sufficient ultraviolet light from non-solar sources and sufficient vitamins and minerals, sure.
>humans but retarded

also orcs aren't evil
>It's another low fantasy humans only episode
Your Game of thrones inspired super grounded realistic campaign is fucking lame and nobody wants to play it, Justin
So no, they can't. Thanks for conceding.
People get really annoying about fantasy races and this is on both side of the isles.
>le human spirit!!!!!
As if the will to live and survive is uniquely human.
>can humans fly
With tools, which we naturally produce
>or lay eggs?
that's literally how we reproduce. If you mean externally, that's what a menses is.
i hate most fantasy axes with such a burning passion. fuckers always treat them like unga bunga weapons when thats not how they actually work, thats how maces and clubs work.

anyone whos actually used an axe know they're actually closer to swords, just a top heavy sword, as blade alignment still matters significantly like with swords, and requires a level or training and skill to get proficient at. they also do not at all need to be so oversized or thick. even the non-combat axes made to split giant logs are all things considered not that large, because metal is heavier than people seem to understand, aswell as doesn't need as much weight as people think too. thickness also is actually a detriment to cutting ability, actual battle axes were pretty thin.
and my god double headed axes? absolutely retarded.

but the absolute WORSE sin in that particular image is making the blade pointed. axes work so well specifically because of the physics behind a rounded edge making the vertical blade alignment less of an issue. if you're gonna make a pointed axe, may aswell just have a war pick.

now theres a godamned fine fucking axe. actually respectable, thank you anon.
>If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans then they are reduntant and human cultures should be used in their place.
And what if I want the aesthetics of nonhuman appearance while emphasising certain traits common to sapient humanoid mammalians? Not to mention the many magical and mundane abilities that humans dont have either.

In this case, its tusks, green and gray skin, and a passionate personality.
Or in another of being stout of frame, quite hirsute, and a tradition bound culture of craftsmanship, warfare, and originating from deep underground with all the ways that changes their outlooks on things.

Gnomes by your requirements get a pass, as their ability to hold conversations with animals and naturally cast illusions, along with their odd proportions and inhuman coloration, are all things humans cannot do or have naturally. Although, another look at dwarves reveals darkvision, the explicitly magical ability to see in complete darkness and thus something humans cannot do. Elves get a pass for their inhumanly long lives, "darkvision", and complete lack of sleep and dreaming.

>but the absolute WORSE sin in that particular image is making the blade pointed.
Its a call back to an earlier editions picture of orcs with one wielding the same type of axe. It likely an orc cultural axe design, inefficient but symbolically important.
>Its a call back to an earlier editions picture of orcs with one wielding the same type of axe. It likely an orc cultural axe design, inefficient but symbolically important.
then orcs are a stupid, inferior race that does not deserve the land they reside on.
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They likely also have standard regular axes. And don't think humans haven't had weird cultural inefficiencies with regard to weapons and tools either. So the humans also dont deserve the land they reside on. And dwarves, despite the pic you liked, are known for having weird geometric shaped tools and weapons, so obviously dwarves dont deserve the land they reside in and on.

Also, its fucking fantasy and looks neat, take your weapon autism elsewhere.
i will not.
also you are correct that one is also bad, but not as bad. a flat blade is more of changing the type of weapon in an inefficient way, over necessarily being a direct detriment like the other one.
still bad, but not really offensively so. its closer to what you should try to get out of a balance of 'viable' vs 'cultural'.
that said the dwarves always needing blocking aesthetics is dumb in and of itself, unrelated to the topic of axes. you would think they'd have more an eye for weird and strange shapes actually, considering they're supposed to be the gems and ore and mountain people, and none of those things really make me think of perfectly artificial squares and sharp angles.
>abandon tradition
Why do you care about a D&Dism in the first place? This isn't holy tradition from centuries and millennia ago. Why do you care about a "tradition" that is only a few decades old?
nta, but why does the time matter?
traditions had to start somewhere. all traditions at some point were only a few years, then a few decades, old. nothing wrong with starting up a new one, they'll always be traditions and they all have to start somewhere, afterall.
They're just fucking Saiyans. If they were a playable race, why would anyone choose to be human?
Elven Romans/Byzantines >>>>>>> Human?Dwarven Romans/Byzantines
You do know that most fantasy worlds have a little something-something called "magic", right?
Tradition has no inherent value. There are only functional habits and nonfunctional habits. Things that remain functional for long stretches are "tradition". Everything else is masturbatory.
well, for one, thats shifting the goal post.
for two, i highly disagree, but this is the wrong board to delve further into that.
That’s a cop out you could literally use for anything relating to general fantasy subjects, also you are presuming that his world has that type of magic, which it probably doesn’t.
D&D never had a good explanation for why other races haven't completely outclass humans.
>In the AD&D game, humans are more motivated by ambition and the desire for power than the demihuman races are. Thus, humans advance further and more quickly.
>Demihumans can attain significant levels in certain classes, but they do not have the same unlimited access. Some players may argue that the greater age of various non-humans automatically means they will attain greater levels. That can present problems.
If it has dwarves it probably does. If it has humans who are supposed to be stand-ins for dwarves, it also probably does.
>If your races don't have anything about them that can't be done by humans then they are reduntant and human cultures should be used in their place.
>That includes for example, a hairy short mountain dwelling race that specializes in blacksmithing and mining and enjoys drinking.
>Since humans can be all those things, there is no reason for them to be anything else
>>b-but they live longer
>When was this important? Is lifespan enough to separate them from mainline humanity?
>Similarly, your raiding nomadic enemies can easily just be humans with a culture centered around warfare. Want to make them feel like they are an unfamiliar threat? Just make them a different ethnicity and have them wear spooky masks for an additional effect. They can be everything your stereotypical orcs are but way less stupid because now it would make sense for them to want to subjugate and rape other humans since they are of the same species. Instead of half-orcs they could just be half barbaric nomad and have the same effect.
>Goblins? Tribal short humans.
>Gnomes? Short humans with a magic-centered culture.
>Halflings? Do I even need to say it?
>The other intelligent species should be completely different from what a human is. They should be capable of doing some things humans cannot, and incapable of doing some things that humans can. Like having wings or reproducing by ejaculating on eggs.
>Pic related made me think of that. There is nothing about those guys that makes them distict from humans other than their gray skin and tusks. Oh they like falconry and riding horses? Guess what.
ok... soooo who asked?
Humans are not oviparous and menstruation is not laying or spawning. Why would you write something so stupid?
You don't know what those words mean. Good effort though, champ.
If, as you claim, I didn't you should have congratulated me for using them correctly despite not knowing I was doing so. Apart maybe from "write". The person was probably typing but as we would usually say this forum conveys written information I'm sure I can be excused the colloquialism. Now I'll ask you, why would you write/type something so stupid?
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You can have your races be whatever they are, but their culture and spread must be directly related to how they differ from ordinary Humans (which are usually just described as flexible).
If the above average strength of your orcs isn't represented in their denser homes, heavier tools, and their fame as fierce combatants, you're not world building well enough.
If your elves aren't known for being frail smartasses that favor finesse and high quality craftsmanship, then why did it matter that they have on average better intelligence and dexterity? Also, since they're frail (-CON) but smart, it's very reasonable to assume that they invested time to make up for their weaknesses, so expect better medicine and healing there.
It's kind of obvious, but your culture spawns from your capacities, that's enough to differentiate races, and also should be enough to make it clear that anything that ISN'T ordinary and expected should have a good reason and should be very interesting narratively (Like smart, studious orcs, strong elves, uncharacteristically charismatic dwarfs, etc)
>that art again
>pointless argument presented combatively
kill yourself
Conan is mostly humans as well
>absolute word salad
Go back to your ESL classes before posting again please
>humans but with superpowers
I honestly agree but disagree on some points.
I hate the way generic fantasy treats elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. They just feel like humans+. But goblins and orcs fulfill a different idea.
Goblins are vermin, they arent short humans, but are more like slightly more intelligent monkeys. Their stupidity and cruelty is the point.
Orcs (i dont include them usually) are monsters created for war (like urukhai from lotr, or orcs and gnolls from dnd). They arent like humans in anyway.

For my setting i usually make dwarves extra pale and suffering from the sun.
Elves are inherently magical and are plant people (like nymphs in a way). They live forever yes, but most of their life is spent being tree parasites.
I dont include gnomes or halflings.
>it's a furry
Always. Every time. Just bugger off back to riding your knotted dildo and leave our hobby alone you fucking freak.
because it's a nice classic framework and contrarianism for its own sake has zero value
human polymorphs to X
human can do everything that X can do
including spitting fire, lying eggs, and flying like a dragon.

So yeah, magic does not count unless (nearly) everyone of the race can do it, e.g. fairies with their innate magic, Dark Sun's psionics, changelings, some demons, etc.. Depending on the setting, also elves.
>dogs are just humans but with fur and constantly four legged
>amebas are just humans but very small and without limbs, features or brain
woah, insigthful
>[on radio] Two Actual, this is Two One. Who the fuck is shooting at us?
>Fuckin' LAPD cops from Delta! They fucking love shooting Mexicans.
>It was Alpha, Gabe. Alpha. Mistakes happen.
>[on radio] Two One Actual, what's your status?
>Everyone likes to shoot Mexicans, even Mexicans.
DnD design is so putrid
I really hate to be "that guy", because I honestly like what you're tossing down and on any other day would love to agree with this conceptually, but "races" implies they're the same thing. If anything, stuff like D&D races should change themselves to better reflect that humans and dwarves and elves should all just be flavors of the same creature. Stuff like Warforged or Changelings should actually be different "species" not races. That is to say, I both agree and disagree with you. Elves, dwarves, and humans should all be able to interbreed and should all just be different "races" of the same thing that is separate from the stuff that is clearly well removed. The biggest difference between "races" should be cultures. But they aren't going to do that stuff, because it violates the original vision of the series. They'll just label EVERYTHING a different "species" eventually and be fine with it.

I liked how Dungeon Meshi did it. Forgive me for dragging anime into this. They had Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Half-feet (Halflings), and Tall Men (Humans) and they were all labelled "Humans". Which was a way cooler way to do it, in my opinion. If you want Dwarves and Humans to be different species, though? That's fine, too. In that case they should be more clearly different, you aren't wrong. But being a different "race" is a real hair splitting thing.
Your birth was a mistake.
The kind of people that push for humans only always come off as pretentious and insufferable wannabe novel writers.
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For being engineers, this is surprisingly garbage axe design. I'm so sick of art deco dwarves
The magic isn't necessarily under humans' control. For example, in the Forgotten Realms the Underdark is permeated by magical radiation called faerzress. The main effect of it is to make teleporting in the Underdark very risky, but the faerzress is also used to handwave away why creatures that normally need sunlight for their Vitamin D aren't all dying of deficiency.

But it's not something that humans (nor even drow or mind flayers or any of the native Underdark inhabitants) control, any more than humans control the sun on the surface.
>I'm so sick of art deco dwarves
Im not, and I don't think I ever will. It just fits so well for them. The problem is that when people use art deco for dwarves, they don't use the entire catalog of design elements for them, sticking only to hard geometric shapes, sharp angles, and basic forms.

Take for instance this picture of a "meat bar" in Paris, its art deco style. But have you ever seen a dwarf really live in such a style with all these organic shapes and curved lines? No, but they should. Nobody has really tried to do art deco dwarves well.
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>Take for instance this picture of a "meat bar" in Paris, its art deco style.
Sorry to have to tell you but you need a dfferent picture because you're dead wrong about that one. That's showing La Salle 1900, the interior of what used to be La Fermette Marbeuf. It was around for the 1900 Paris Exposition and has been registered with the Ministère de la Culture as a monument historique for 40 years. It's Art Nouveau all the way.

My races do what can't be done by OP, which is not being faggots.
>non-humans are so unrealisti- ACK!
>Wild MAN
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What are orc accents like in your setting?
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Depends. Is "dumbass" an accent?
Oi, listen up, ya gitz! If yer races ain't got nuffin' 'bout 'em dat can't be done by orks, den dey are useless and ork kultures should be used in dere place.

Dat includes, fer example, a hairy short mountain dwellin' race dat specializes in blacksmithin' and minin' and enjoys a good swig.
Since orks can be all dose fings, dere's no reason fer 'em to be anyfin' else.
> b-but dey live longer
Since when's dat important? Is livin' longer 'nuff to separate 'em from da mainline orkdom?

Similarly, yer raidin' nomadic enemies can easily just be orks wif a kulture centered around warfare. Wanna make 'em feel like dey are an unfamiliar threat? Just make 'em a different clan and 'ave 'em wear spooky masks fer an additional effect. Dey can be everyfin' yer stereotypical grots are but way less zoggin' stupid 'cause now it would make sense fer 'em to want to subjugate and krump other orks since dey are of da same species. Instead of half-grots dey could just be half barbaric nomad and 'ave da same effect.
Grots? Tribal short orks.
Snotlings? Short orks wif a magic-centered kulture.
Gretchins? Do I even need to say it?

Da other intelligent species should be completely different from what an ork is. Dey should be capable of doin' some fings orks cannot, and incapable of doin' some fings dat orks can. Like 'avin' wings or reproducing by spittin' on eggs.

Dat pic made me fink of dat. Dere's nuffin' 'bout dem guys dat makes 'em distinct from orks other than their grey skin and tusks. Oh dey like squig-huntin' and ridin' warbikes? Guess what.
By Valaya's beard, hear me words! If yer kin ain't got nothin' 'bout 'em that can't be matched by a stout-hearted Dawi, then they're naught but a shadow of our grandeur, and it's the ways of the Dwarfs that ought to stand in their stead.

Consider, fer instance, a bunch of bearded mountain-dwellers famed fer their smithin' and minin', not to mention their love fer a deep draught of ale. If a Dwarf can embody all these traits, what need have we fer any other race?
> But they live longer, ye say?
Since when did the span of one's years weigh more than the weight of their deeds? Is a lengthy life enough to set 'em apart from the steadfast Dwarfen folk?

And what of yer marauding, nomadic foes? They could just as well be Dwarfs with a culture steeped in the art of war. Wish to cast 'em as an unknown menace? Then mark 'em out as kin from a distant hold and garb 'em in grim helms to add to their fearsome mien. They can do all that yer run-of-the-mill Orcs can, but with far greater cunning, for it stands to reason they'd seek to dominate and best other Dwarfs, being of the same stock. Instead of half-breeds, they'd simply be of mixed heritage, with the same result.
Goblins? Just call 'em stunted Dwarfs.
Gnomes? Dwarfs with a penchant for the arcane.
Halflings? Need I even speak it?

The other races of intelligence should be as different from a Dwarf as the sky is from the stone. They should have abilities beyond the ken of Dwarfs, and lack some of the capacities that Dwarfs possess. Mayhap they have wings, or they bring forth their young by laying eggs upon the anvil of creation.

That image ye showed me? It brings to mind naught but a pale imitation of Dwarfenkind, save for their ashen hide and fangs. They fancy ale and mining? Well, guess what.
Brothers, heed my transmission. If thine adversaries possess not a single trait that cannot be emulated by the Adeptus Astartes, then they are but shadows and echoes of our might, and it is the Emperor's chosen who shall stand in their place.

Take for instance, a race of short, hirsute beings who dwell in the mountains, masters of the forge and the mine, and who find solace in the depths of their ales. If a Space Marine can embody these virtues, then there is no cause for these lesser beings to exist.
> But they endure through the ages, you claim?
Since when has the span of life been the measure of a warrior? Is mere longevity sufficient to distinguish them from the Emperor's own?

Likewise, your pillaging, nomadic adversaries might simply be humans with a culture forged in the crucible of war. To render them as an alien threat? Designate them as a distinct chapter and adorn them with intimidating helms for added terror. They can fulfill all roles ascribed to the typical Ork, yet with far greater intellect, for it is logical for them to seek dominion and to challenge other humans, as they are of the same flesh. Instead of half-breeds, they would merely be of mixed lineage, achieving the same end.
Gretchin? Diminutive humans.
Ratlings? Humans with an affinity for the mystical.
Squats? Must I even articulate it?

The other sentient species should diverge wholly from what it is to be human. They must be capable of feats beyond human capability, and lack certain faculties that humans possess. Perhaps they take to the skies on wings, or propagate their kind by casting their seed upon the spawning pools.

The image you have shown? It conjures thoughts of nothing more than a pale imitation of humanity, distinguished only by their pallid skin and protruding tusks. They delight in purging the heretic and praising the Emperor? Well, consider this.
I certainly hate it when it's applied to things like weapons and armor
Right we should come up with a name for these sort of humans. How about Humanoids?
The Basajaun article literally links to the wild man article. And yes, for our purposes, a basajaun is a wild man.
What do those beastmen DO though, besides have fur/feathers/scales and make your dick hard?
Harken to my words, for they carry the wisdom of both elvenkind and humankind. If thine races boast naught that cannot be mirrored by the half-elves, then 'tis our blended heritage that should take precedence.

Consider, if you will, a race of diminutive, hirsute beings who claim dominion over the mountain's heart, skilled in the crafts of smithing and delving, with a fondness for the hearty brew. If a half-elf can rise to such stature, then there exists no necessity for others.
> But their lifespans stretch beyond the norm, you argue?
What import is the length of years if not coupled with deeds of equal measure? Is the mere extension of days enough to set them apart from the lineage of half-elves?

Your marauding, nomadic adversaries too, could simply be half-elves whose culture is deeply rooted in the art of war. To cast them as an enigmatic threat? Simply mark them as kin from a distant land, cloaked in enigmatic garb to heighten their mystique. They can embody all that your typical orcs represent, yet with the added depth of intellect, for it is plausible for them to aspire to rule and integrate with other half-elves, sharing common blood. Instead of half-orcs, they would be but half of the nomadic warrior, achieving the same effect.
Goblins? Merely short-statured half-elves.
Gnomes? Half-elves with a predilection for the arcane.
Halflings? The answer is self-evident.

The other beings of intellect should stand in stark contrast to what it means to be a half-elf. They should possess capabilities that half-elves do not, and lack certain abilities that are innate to us. Perhaps they are born with wings, or they multiply by casting their essence upon the fertile ground.

As for the image you presented, it brings to mind nothing more than a pale reflection of half-elven essence, save for their greyish hue and prominent tusks. They take pleasure in falconry and the thrill of the ride? Well, ponder upon this.
Embrace eternity, for the words I offer are born of the asari's long-standing wisdom and unity. If the species of your galaxy lack qualities that cannot be paralleled by asari, then it is our enlightened society that should replace them.

Ponder upon a race, small and robust, who claim the mountains as their sanctuary, masters of metallurgy and excavation, with a penchant for the fermented fruits of their labor. If an asari can embody such traits, then there is scant need for others.
> But they are long-lived, you contend?
What significance does the span of existence hold if not accompanied by a legacy of achievements? Is the mere passage of centuries enough to differentiate them from the asari's own?

Your warfaring, nomadic adversaries might well be asari whose culture is deeply ingrained with the strategies of conflict. To portray them as an alien threat? Distinguish them as a unique matriarchy and adorn them with veils of mystery for added intrigue. They can fulfill all roles ascribed to your conventional krogan, yet with the superior intellect of the asari, for it is logical for them to seek to influence and assimilate with other asari, being of the same essence. Instead of half-krogan, they would simply be of mixed cultural heritage, achieving the same end.
Pyjaks? Simply diminutive asari.
Elcor? Asari with a distinct philosophical bent.
Hanar? It is clear, is it not?

The other sentient beings should diverge entirely from what it is to be asari. They must possess abilities that asari do not, and lack certain faculties that are intrinsic to us. Perhaps they are born with the ability to communicate through bioluminescence, or they propagate their lineage through the harmonization of their essences.

As for the depiction you have shared, it evokes nothing more than a vague semblance of asari grace, distinguished only by their pallid complexion and pronounced mandibles. They delight in the art of aviculture and the mastery of the equestrian? Consider this, then.
Welcome, fellow Tabletopper. If your world's beings lack our unique traits, then our culture should guide them.

Imagine a race of lore-loving folk, masters of narrative and ancient lore, with a love for fine brews. If a Tabletopper can be such, others are unnecessary.
> Ancient lineage?
The value of age is in the saga, not the years. Is time alone enough to set them apart from Tabletoppers?

Your foes could be Tabletoppers from forgotten campaigns, clad in rare gear for mystique. They can be like orcs, but with strategy, seeking to unite with other Tabletoppers. Instead of half-orcs, they're role-players with a barbarian flair.
Goblins? Short Tabletoppers keen on scenario mischief.
Gnomes? Arcane-loving spell-slingers.
Halflings? Clear as a character sheet.

Other species should differ from Tabletoppers as LARP differs from digital games. They might have virtual reality powers or reproduce through storytelling.

The image? Just Tabletoppers in thematic gear, enjoying narrative and mounted tactics. Roll for initiative and consider this.
>They had Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Half-feet (Halflings), and Tall Men (Humans) and they were all labelled "Humans".
Isn't that just "your creature type is humanoid"?
No, because there were non-human humanoids. The distinction was they had a different number of bones and no possibility of interbreeding, even of sterile offspring.
Isn't this how it works in Elder Scrolls. Most of the races are Men, including Orcs. The exception are the beastmen like Argonians

I think in Middle-earth Elves are literally different from Humans who are literally different from Dwarves, though. Even if Elves can interbreed with Humans, that just means they're biologically compatible, not that they're the same thing - Elves are metaphysically different from Humans, and a Half-Elf must choose whether to be metaphysically Human or Elf.

Races are a social construct anyway. We're all homo sapiens. It's neanderthals that were a different "race" from us.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Hobbits are metaphysically Human.
Ignore the Elder Scrolls comment, I just remembered Elves are in fact Mer and not Men. I got it confused with Mer and Men being more related to each other than either are to the beastmen.
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Humans-in-green-paint or humans-made-smaller-with-special-effects are in of themselves not very compelling fantasy races for games, especially when you aren't limited by 1960s TV production technology. As much as I enjoy Tolkien, it is a shame that his euhemerization became the absolute default.
I like Symbaroum's much weirder reproductive cycles, and I've done something similar for non-human races in my game. My main exception are Skaven, who are an obvious stand-in for a certain extant human population that you're not allowed to notice (Skaven don't exist, after all).
Nah probably not. Mine doesn’t, Tolkien’s doesn’t, warhammer fantasy doesn’t. Literally no setting that has dwarves has that, that I know of
Why are you like this?
Indeed it begs the question. Why is he so based?
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>savage and barbaric people
>little to no civilization to call their own, focus on raiding
>low impulse control, prone to violence
>difficult to assimilate into more civilized cultures
>innately leans into chaotic or evil alignment
>frequently enslaved by a more civilized race or evil overlord
Everyone knows that any fictional culture would be based on a real life one. Even stuff that is meant to be alien can only be "otherworldly" by the lack of information given to them. As to give more context to fantastical culture is draw upon the wellspring of humankind and the history of humans.

Even the physical appearance is rooted in drawing from that same wellspring of what we look like as a people, because it is familiar. You can deviate that, make something that looks otherworldly, yet even cthulhu himself still borrows from the human form.

You can only become "alien" so much in physical form and in culture before the audience starts not feeling connected to it.

Its why orcs, halflings, gnomes, dwarves, and elves are such staples in fantasy for example. Precisely because they are familiar to what we are as humans.
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Yep, this. The less human your non-humans are the less people will care.
That's racist.
And accurate.
When people say they want non-human characters, they rarely actually mean it. They just want stuff like elves, or twileks, or human form dragons.
You weirdos are all the same. You can't be satisfied with an elf or something like that, you need all of your games to have a race selection like this:
>Jumping cactus
>Fire elemental
>Giant intelligent friendly talking spider
Your pasta is as stale as the boring shit you champion.
there should be a game that doesn't have humans in it at all
>You weirdos are all the same. You can't be satisfied with an elf or something like that
Didn't read, tumbleweed.
I want humans with better stats, to min-max with
>That art

Who made this absolutely despisable cartoon? It's like forcefully trying to kill everything I love.
I hate this modern politicaly correct D&D. Guess I'll keep playing old MERP.
NTA, but you just proved his point.
You are probably one of those faggots who think orcs are an analog for black people.

The races described by that poster are clearly from Tolkien (And are the basis for all modern fantasy concepts).
Tolkien's orcs were literally the embodiment of evil.
I'm black, by the way.
>1800s mexican orcs in dnd
>purple hair
>a bull dyke
Jesus christ, this slop is distilled libtard brainrot
cope chud
>When was this important? Is lifespan enough to separate them from mainline humanity?
I can tell you from experience that the longer you're going to live the less pressing concerns become.
Because you can just wait out each new Hitler as he's got at most an 80 year span for your 1000.
These are V-tubers aren't they? Who's the spider? I only know of the moth.
I tried doing what you said and changing my non-human races to feel meaningfully different in cultural, behavioral, and physical ways. I told my players about the changes in session 0, and all but one of them chose to play non-human races.
They all just played them the same way they played them before. Acting just like "humans but X".
I gave up on the idea after that. I realized that it was entirely masturbatory and nobody else was interested.
In-group preference is natural and healthy.
What if he comes at your doorstep?
>t. nogames or brains
every non human race has something about it that humans can't do : be a member of that race. obviously. fucking retard.
I'll do whatever I want in my game and there's nothing you can do about it.
So yes, they can. Thanks for conceding.
take a shower
why are you making a tradition out of a poorly designed game?
Nothing about it is nice or classic.
Yes, retard.
sorry you have terrible taste
no they shouldn't
that would be a decent start, sure.
>anxiously waiting for the next Hitler
This is Schrodinger's anon. You won't know if he's based or cringe until you check if he's circumcized.
waiting out, not anxiously waiting for. learn to read.
That was a long winded way to say that you've had a part of your genitals sheared off by a mohel, anon.
Your first sentence is both wrong and retarded so I'm not going to bother reading the rest of your post. Seethe, cope, dilate, etc.
we're going to keep flooding your nations with brown savages and there is nothing you can do about it :)
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I'm black, by the way.
Hi black, I'm blue.
I take it you completely missed the superman parallels anon?

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