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can you guys help me with some fantasy maps, or just any maps in general?
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Garbage, it’s just a square, like tamriel. Tamriel at least has some character to it. Morrowind looks cool, so does the imperial isle.

i just felt it was worth posting
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I'll dump some of my stuff
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dunno if that can be considered a map but I'll include it
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and that's about it
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I grew up on city island and its really weird you made it Gangrel territory. Coop city being autarkis is cool though. Looks like I currently live in Camarilla territory though.

I have to say though the idea of vampires claiming huge sections of the city seems weird to me. Most vampire clans don't eat random people off the street and don't need hunting grounds. The most powerful don't maintain a gang like presence on the street and instead just have nice pent houses or at most control a single block where everyone who lives there is "down" (like modern gangs). I can't imagine a toreador "patrolling" some random shitty part of staten island to maintain his turf against a gangrel who just took the bus there for at 2AM to find some shmuck to eat.
Your maps are evocative and enjoyable to examine. I've seen you post them before.
I went in to some of my old campaigns to find the maps I had draw but they original files, wherever I hosted them, don't exist anymore.

So, have this random VTT board I made in tabletop simulator as compensation. I was proud of this one, the water, lighting and trees are animated.
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forgot picrel
thank you anon
Forgotten Realms predates Tamriel by decades. Also, nothing in that map suggests any kind of character.

This one's a bit better I guess but there's nothing really in it that appeals to me more than the Realms.
Anybody have any good apps or programs for map making? Especially cities, trying to design a megacity canpaign so the map is basically everything.
This one is lovely, anon
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man, if only tts had:
>move others' cameras
>easy way to make pop-ups (for sheets, handouts, etc)
>easy way to make UI counters/tableaus
it would be better than any other vtt
those things are achievable but I have some unity bundle experience and there are great tools on the workshop for counters. There are 'DM ZONE' type tools where you can hide and reveal things.

Pop ups is INSANELY easy, I can make a new token or import a pdf in less than 5 seconds.

There might actually be camera tools, I never looked into them.
I mean, built in, I know you can achieve a lot of things via scripting pero honestly there is soo much they can add that'd improve the base experience a lot.
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I agree, its learning curve is high but imo its the best VTT I've used.
Looking at this map, the first thing that strikes me about Venus is nowhere is particularly far away from somewhere else. If Venus was inhabited, there wouldn't really be any truly isolated peoples like what happened on Earth with the Americas.
i don't get the criticisms, this is a good map
What do you need help with?
These are really nice. 10/10 would play. Thanks for sharing
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This is a map I made for my Braunstein-style game. You play as a Duke, Chancellor, Baron, etc. It's generally set in a succession crisis. Occurs over 2 years (eight seasons) divided into 20 minutes per season. Wheel, deal, fight, poison, lead armies, or.... betray Kassia entirely. Do what needs to be done. repair the southern defenses before Rumoia invades and crown the King!
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kek. Fair.
was this before /jp/? I started browsing in 2011. gaiafag metropolis? Damn over 10 years on this site and I'm still a newfag xD
Ah yes, the real olden times. Before there was "go back to rebbit" there was "go back to gaia"
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>posting the fake map
off to a bad start OP
Is it referencing gaia online?

I have a horrible confession: I had an account named xXkakashi_servantXx or some shit. Luckily, I'm on anon and no one will ever REALLY know except the girls I played with in 7th grade who really liked Naruto.
The real OG.
why wouldn't you also take over Newark tho?
Idk if you've ever been to Newark, but it's empty. I mean actually empty. I had a job there as part of a news crew 6 or 7 years ago and we had to drive in circles for like 20 blocks to find a store that sold coffee and it was like a borderline homeless kitchen canteen. An unfurnished, empty building with some coolers and a propane stove set up making Bacon, Egg and Cheese and selling coffee and drinks.

No prey for vampires, except maybe desperate fringe crazy ones. And they don't really "take over" so much as "barely survive".
>West Ocean
>On the East
Dumb barbarians.
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Funny, I kind of did this once before.
mega folder of a bunch of asoiaf / got maps
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator will literally build an entire fantasy world for you. All you have to do is set the parameters and it will randomly generate a world for you. And not just places and nations either, it'll make city maps, religions, ethnic/cultural groups and even military dispositions of each kingdom. And everything it generates can be edited in case there's something you don't like or want to change.

It really does take all the work and thought out of coming up with your own map/world.
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I like the way you do the forest tree representations.
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I don't think it was that hard to understand, I've been to Newark. It's an uninhabited wasteland devoid of even crack heads. What did you mean?
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I know people hate this map, but I like it. Putting Anatolia next to Britain and having the Turks and Anglos be at each other's throats is a neat alternate history idea
Nah, it's full of jews.
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Map of relationships.
Any advice for creating more like these?
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this one is a favorite of mine
For serious relationship maps?
Come up with a faction or organization, figure out their purpose, goals and values. Now think of what kind of people would vibe with that. Now you have members and allies.
Think of the people that would oppose those people and values. Now you have opponents and competition. For fun, think of the people caught in between.
Example for a setting I'm working on for a game:
>desert planet with semi-strict laws
>booze is officially outlawed, but there's a lot of places to hide in the desert
>network of moonshiners, runners and speakeasies that sell illegal booze
>government officials that catch wind of this usually take a bribe
>menial workers love having some respite from their shitty lives via getting plastered
>lazy town guards love the free money and alcohol
>religious zealots hate the immoral influence
>higher up officials hate the un-taxed revenue
Now all my players have to do is decide is who they want the support of and who they wanna fight
>Joke maps
Chancellor Darkbad is the loyal and trustworthy servant of King Cuck McPoisoned
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and a different version that might be easier to read
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Here's a frontier US based map for an 1830s fur trapper/river pirate sort of game. This one is the regions and the next is the towns.
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The little flags and characters do it for me. It's very evocative. Great for campaign maps because it instantly gives players more detail about who or what lives there, the character of the land.
>Senator Rapestab Mcgenocide
That's me. Now, my esteemed colleagues, I would like to introduce this bill to declare war again and invade the remainder of the elvish forest.
You tesggots seriously need to check out other settings.
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dropping a recent one
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Does anyone have any advice specifically for maps of large islands or island chains like Madagascar or Japan please?
Rather than make my own thread, I'll ask here

What do you guys use to make your maps? I'm looking for something that can do decent battle maps of all sorts, and ideally could do world maps as well.
I usually use DungeonScrawl because its free and "good enough" to do some basic room layouts, but I'm looking for something better. Its also very fiddly if you want to do anything more interesting than flat rooms with walls.
I've played with Inkarnate but I found that the free version feels extremely limited, and there is no way in hell I'm doing a subscription model for a mapping program.
Dungeondraft looks good, and I've heard people say it can do world maps in a pinch, but ideally you'd buy wonderdraft for that which ups the price to the point I'm a little dubious. Just Dungeondraft's price is fine, but adding wonderdraft to it is a bit much. The nicest thing about Dungeondraft is it looks simple enough for me to actually use. I've never done digital art in my life, so I get very overwhelmed with layers and shit, which doesn't look like too much of a problem with this.
I've heard people mention Dungeon Alchemist before, but I haven't looked up enough about it to tell if it would be good.
Are there any others? I don't like using premade maps or random generators.
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This is a WIP of a map I started making in Wonderdraft. It's loosely based on Warhammer Fantasy and a fan-made spinoff setting. On my first try, some anons pointed out the importance of climate zones and the equator so I started again. There is still room in the south-east and south-west corners, but I don't know if adding landmass for the sake of it is a good idea.
So far only pens and paper, Gimp, Azgaar
With a few things I looked up on youtube I can make pretty functional "multidimensional" maps on Gimp.
Anyone got any good maps loosely based on the real world, or at least advice for creating said maps, please?
Tamriel's west is pretty good. Skyrim would be better with more islands and some wider bays around Solitude and Winterhold. As is the Nords don't look like they'd be the naval power they are supposed to be.

Morrowind is good, but Black Marsh being all, well, marsh is pretty bland. Maybe some tropical islands or some such could be added.
'ere be one from a certain game from over the salt.
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This map threads need more pseudo-Mediterranean maps.
This is honestly my favourite map I've ever saved from one of these generals. I can imagine a Conan styled protagonist bouncing around this entire sea pissing off different people and fleeing to the next town before the triremes can be sent after him. Though on checking the scale of it it'd be more like bouncing around one tiny corner since it's fuck-off humongous as far as I can tell.

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