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Previously >>93185315

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thoughts on the Duskmourn reveals and the first look at the plane itself?
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Alright, /edhg/,

>W Creature / Spell
>U Creature / Spell
>B Creature / Spell
>R Creture / Spell
>G Creature / Spell
>Multicolor Creature / Spell
>Colorless Creature / Spell (Artifacts count)
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I’m actually more disappointed than I thought I would be. I knew I was going to hate the 80s clothing, hair, and tech, but I didn’t imagine that they’d actually do anything cool with the rest of the world. That just makes the garish details even more galling.
I think that most of the set will focus on the monsters, the human survivors probably won't get that many cards.
fuck white
fuck blue
Archfiend of the Dross
Bearer of the Heavens
Ghalta lol
vanilla shit like Marvel Yargle & Multani
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
War's Toll

>Thoughts on the Duskmourn reveals and the first look at the plane itself?
It's somehow even worse than I expected.
The setting seems cool, with all the Nightmares, Horrors, Demons, ghosts, killer toys, killer trees, crazed cultists, and slasher villains.
I like that we're getting more Enchantment creatures as a major theme, and that in the process we're also getting Delirium back.
are red players the lowest IQ?
no, they just hate playing the game
>Thoughts on the Duskmourn reveals

Gay as shit. The entire plane seems like it's designed by Reddit. As expected Magic is dead.
The plane itself doesn't look like it was designed by Reddit, but the human survivors do.
>tough creature battles in entire midgame
>lose everything, down to 4 hp
>ringbearer burn takes me down to 1
>"haha guise, let me just eat that food token here"
>survive another round of ringbearer burn damage, down to 1 again
>eat a food again
>"haha anon you funny guy, we will kill you last"
>build some more food, tutor treebeard onto the battlefield with rocco
>ur dragon kills other two players
>my turn
>"guess I'll eat my remaining 4 food haha"
>get 24 counters on treebeard because ur dragon had primal vigor out and swing for lethal
Where'd the art from the top right come from?
It looks like it was designed by reddit when stranger things first came out.
>doomsday card
>hehe cycle fractured sanity
nta, but The Entity from DbD is an otherworldly presence that abducts beings from across the multiverse, in order to feed.
It's a little bit more nuanced than that, however
>The Entity isn't sealed - as far as we know - while Valgavoth is
>The Entity feeds off of emotions, and those slain in its realm are brought back so they can continue to be fed upon. No idea how Valgavoth feeds
>The Entity doesn't directly act, rather it employs Killers (Human, and otherwise) to feed it through a videogame-y sacrifice system, that stokes emotions (Despair, fear, anger). No idea how active Valgavoth is
The comparison is certainly there, but I think the better comparison is AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, because AM, for all his power, is still trapped on Earth. Valgavoth, for all his power, is still trapped in the House. He doesn't seem to NEED to torment people, he just WANTS to because he can't do anything else with his life. Also seems to partially be a sort of revenge against the family that sealed him in the first place, much like how AM hates humanity for creating him in the first place.
Serra Avatar, Worthy Cause
Stormtide leviathan, arcane denial
Gary, Victimize
Tauren Mauler, seize the spotlight
Craterhoof, open the way
Baleful strix, debt to the deathless
Wandering archaic, Not of this world
Mind unbound
Remote isle
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>How to win a game with a few edicts and a sneaky Shapeshifter
Thanks for the cards, nerds.
Neighbourhood Guardian, Winds of Abandon
Ethereal Forager, Leadership Vacuum
Vindictive Lich, Living Death
Thermopod, Lightning Bolt
Arbor Elf, Blessed Respite
Judith the Scourge Diva, Master Warcraft
Sowing Mycospawn, Not of this World
Dark Depths
>Thoughts on the Duskmourn reveals and the first look at the plane itself?
It's somehow better than I expected
I have 2700 hours in the game. There is effectively no real similarities unless you're trying hard to find them.
>Thoughts on the Duskmourn reveals and the first look at the plane itself?
I enjoy that it sends magic boomers into a seething rage because they cannot handle seeing any tech made after the neolithic era.
It is a little dbd-y but also its like incredibly inspired by the winchester house. There's a really cool detail in the article that describes the last living original resident of the house who is sheathed in a bubble of unreality so the house looks normal to her and she has no idea what a fuckhole it is. I imagine somehow people will pop that bubble and she'll shrink the house someway so the demon is trapped again.

If she didn't have power over the house why would Valgavoth keep her alive.
I think the guide wasn't quite clear on it but that last survivor is implied to have been part of the family that originally trapped him there in the first place. The other planar natives are just people who were from the plane when it got swallowed up (or descendants of them more likely I suppose).
Yeah the other natives and residents of the house are that, but i was mostly just theorizing about this:
>The last surviving member of the Vendrell family continues to live in the House—sort of. For reasons yet unknown, she is encased in a bubble of warped unreality that transforms the House wherever she goes so that she only sees a normal world, not the horrific environment it's become. It's unclear how much Marina is aware of the truth, if she truly believes the world has been restored, or if she's willfully allowing herself to be deluded so that she can ignore the worldthat she, in part, created.

my thought is that Valgavoth needs her alive because the house is magically tied to her existence and when the house wasn't the whole plane he would deceive her with this veil of illusion over her to make her build the house more and more just like the winchester manor.
It's not clear if he had the house actively just built bigger, or if he more just warped space to make the "house" more and more of the world. Seems to be more implied he did the latter. She's probably alive because I imagine there's some weirdness with Valgavoth's binding that makes him unable to snuff out the Vendrells or something, but he can't just let her be free and rally people against him, etc.
>There is effectively no real similarities
I acknowledged there was deeper nuance to it, and that the original anon's reply was based on a base-level conceptualizations.
>Seems to be more implied he did the latter.
It's outright stated
>Unable to break the binding, he found a way to work around it instead by redefining and expanding the boundaries of what counted as his prison.
What are some cool doomsday combos in B or WB?
There has to be interaction with exile in this set otherwise this card is dogshit
It's clearly meant to be a mill card. I think you're missing the point.
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Who should I use for a Pantlaza Dino Tribal + Cascade/Exile Matters deck?

+ Poops out wolves
+ Impulse card advantage
- Ability is clunky and inconsistent
- 2/2 wolves are pretty wimpy even when there's half a dozen of them

+ Can get pretty big
+ Free impulse
- Chumped by a 0/1
- Dies to removal (at least Faldorn leaves her wolves behind)

+ Dino
+ Makes more dinos on turns I can't play any, for Pantlaza triggers
- Costs a lot of mana
- A lot of dinos don't have trample (only 10 of my 36 creatures before lords/garruk's uprising)
Laelia is the best of these 3 cards, the downsides you listed for her aren't even downsides.

If she gets chumped, you still draw a card, and dying to removal is still a 1:1 exchange which isn't good but its a removal spell not pointed at your dino wife. You obviously caught the design in cycles autism wotc has and wanted two negatives and two positives for each card here because you didn't give "dies to removal" to quartzwood. Don't worry I've fallen into the thought process too when designing gods for a dnd game LMAO it happens

Don't psych yourself out of laelia please that card is fucking good.
Thanks for the feedback. I like Laelia and I've been using The War Doctor in a similar fashion (rack up counters with a cascade then start nuking things). I guess the only reason I've been iffy on using her is because she's less reliable, even though they both play similarly and have the same strengths (and weaknesses).
I have Faldorn in the deck currently but I've never seen her perform.

>you didn't give "dies to removal" to quartzwood
It poops out dino tokens which is why I didn't mention it. Laelia gets targeted when she becomes a problem, then dips out and leaves me with nothing. No one's targeting Faldorn the turn she comes down. Someone might target Quartzwood when he comes down but if they don't take him away immediately then he'll at least leave some stuff around if they take him out later.
>Laelia gets targeted when she becomes a problem, then dips out and leaves me with nothing
Except with card advantage which is something! Don't downplay the card she draws you right away even if its your land drop or something
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True. Alright, I'm convinced. Thanks.
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>Coral Eel / Rite of Replication
>Robber Fly / Gratuitous Violence
>Massacre Wurm / Peer Into the Abyss
>Ramunap Excavator / Noxious Revival
>Nekusar, the Mindrazer / Emergent Ultimatum
>Walking Atlus / Trailblazer's Boots
>Phyrexian Tyranny
>Halimar Depths
The people seething at duskmourn make me laugh
I personally find it a little jarring but I'm sure I'll get used to it. They seem to be going for less "these are just literally CRTs and whatnot" and more "these are magitech things that just superficially resemble CRTs".
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It's fine to find it a bit odd.
I'm laughing at the ones screaming MAGIC IS DEAD OMFG HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN because there's a chainsaw in the game now.
Literally no one is saying that, Rosewater. Your failed attempt to damage control is too obvious, try harder next time.
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Who did you partner for the pride event at your LGS, /edhg/? Mine was Ferrous Rokirick x Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot all multicolored cards tribal.
Magic has died with every set.
Mine is tomorrow. Magda+Magda high power/cedh pod, Nekusar/Seizan for mid-high power pod, Brago/Ranar for precon+ pod.
That's pretty smart I like my lilah deck and my ferrous deck. But alas I am not partaking in an event for fags where I have to pay for entry
>etb/token spam deck for precons
Kinda cruel desu
>spend nearly 2 and a half hours playing games where I didnt do anything
>mana fucked on omo
>get vandal blasted as satya and have no draw

Goddamn, I cant tell if my curve is too high or what, but that really bummed me the fuck out
I've always wanted a plane with tech in Magic. In an infinite (or at least staggeringly large) multiverse, doesn't it make sense that at least one plane would figure out that miniature handheld cannons are more effective than swords and bows?
Cowboys of Thunder Junction was so retarded having a bunch of yee-haw ride 'em cowboys cowpokin' around the ranch with halo energy sword magical wand guns.

>but tech and guns can't exist in magic, magic is about magic
There's a whole cyberpunk plane. Shut up.
I like some of the new art like of the monsters and spirits but the times I see the tech stuff is quite jarring. Feels too techno-y and modern especially that special alt border.
Next you're gonna say something like
>by the way i'm running 36 lands and 12 pieces of ramp lol i can't imaaagine why i'm missing land drops
>mana screwed in Omo
You should have fuck tons of "any land" tutors, and you can make a jank urzatron or big cloudpost with extreme ease.
Don't listen to this retard. You need more card draw.
>use basic searchers
Omo is going to run all of like 4 basics. The entire point of her is using non-basic lands. You put in a cultivate and kodama;s reach and you're going to get a dead card.
I would like to retract my answer of neighborhood guardian and give the answer aven mindcensor instead
>Omo is going to run all of like 4 basics. The entire point of her is using non-basic lands.
Maybe on Planet Retard
Congrats on somehow making a precon worse than the stock list
People have said that for 20 years now
The precon runs all of 7, which still makes basic searchers shitty.
But that's still fairly recent and just another example of a break doesn't mean much. It can be interpreted that the spirit of magic had already corroded at that point. It's not a pro or con argument, it's just a statement
Doing the typal strategy is extremely fragile because it requires her to be out to work. The land based strategy can work fine without her present. You don't run 15 basics in a deck wanting as many utility lands as possible. And you certainly aren't running shit that can't fish out your fucking thespians stage, dark depths, vesuva, etc. Why would I run cultivate over hour of promise? To save two mana in a deck that can produce 30+ a turn?
Winota and geist of saint traft
Basically took my cedh winota list, removed the off color fetches then replaced the fast mana with mld/stax pieces. I won 3 games with it then switched off to play a goofy progenitus/child of alara list
Wow you sound like a fag anon.
Wow you sound based anon
My 7 year old wants to try out magic. What would be a super basic commander and strategy that I could build for her? So that I can then crush it with stax.
just buy the dino precon and hope she doesn't end up a furry
I like this card the most out of all the new ones
is there anyway to build it that I am missing?

white life gain
Eight and a Half Tails / Swift Reconfiguration
Minn, Wily Illusionist / Sudden Substitution
Massacre Girl / Bolas’ Citadel
Fumiko the Lowblood / Disrupt Decorum
Thrun the Last Troll / Krosan Grip
Sydri Galvanic Genius / Fractured Identity
Colossus of Akros / Soul Foundry
Nesting Grounds or Crypt of Agadeem
Give her Ghave and tell her to go infinite by dinner time or she goes to bed hungry
>Mentor of the Meek/Wrath of God
>Venser, Shaper Savant/Capsize
>Blood Pet/Living Death
>Goblin Chieftain/Lightning Bolt
>Grothama, All Devouring/Fog
>Baleful Strix/Lightning Helix
>Wurmcoil Engine/Sensei's Divining Top
>Solitary Confinement
>Nephalia Drownyard
i have a sliver overlord what deck am i making
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If I can only run one, which one should I run?
I mean it's Ghave. She'll be well fed.
Spirit protects you from all opponents, can't get punked by extra combats, and gets around shroud/protection.
That's actually really cool. Probably could have just been double black for the cost though.
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>Giant Killer / Swords to Plowshares
>Brazen Borrower / Time Warp
>Death's Shadow / Snuff Out
>Broadside Bombardiers / Boom//Bust
>Woodland Bellower / Natural Order
>The Gitrog Monster / Bring To Light
>Sundering Titan / Trinisphere
>Blood Moon
>Mystic Sanctuary
I ran nadu tonight and got bullied by the table. It's not fair birdbros
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post memes
Didnt draw any. I too decked growth spiral and whiffed.
win the game cards being printed will ruin commander format in a few years.
change my mind
>1BB Get a free Nontoken sacrifice target for your engines you don't need to invest any further resources into, and it can block/attack when it matters.
This card will cause extreme levels of seethe when played
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They're cool. B]
Add this for continuous cats. Put in a Felisa deck for all the Inklings.
This is actually fucked.
Yeah you need more card draw
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coming back to the game after not playing in a fair while. This was one of my favorite decks, but it was never very strong and it seems like the average powerlevel has crept up to where it won't really get to do much most of the time.

Any cards that have come out in the past couple years, or just general upgrades I guess, that you guys think could make it a bit more competitive?

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This card is so fun.
what can I add? I thought I had a bunch with titan and melody and rhystic and the wizard
this plus a fractured identity on a card draw doubler
Okay looking through cut:
>Darksteel plate
>Trailblazer's boots (you have tons of wipes and trample enablers do you really need a worse form of evasion than all of those?)
>Court of ire
>Archon of Coronation (you could even cut protector of the crown, dawnglade regent, or skyline despot these cards all all just too slow)
>disrupt decorum
is probably better as take the bait or master warcraft
it doesn't look like you're going very wide maybe im missing something but you seem low on creatures

I like the pariah angle you got going on.
>court of ardenvale
gets back your commander to cast again without tax or recurs him/other shitters if you are the monarch. There is also court of embereth and garenbrig but these cards are less impactful for you i think
>Kami of false hope or Spore frog
probably worth considering just to loop it with the previously listed court of ardenvale
>Cathar Commando/Haywire Mite
same reason you can loop it with the previously listed enchantment
>legion leadership/stump stomp
land or good spell
>Shalai and Hallar
Maybe. Normally when jared takes damage he takes a lot of it at once and its a board wipe meaning they're dead lol.
>All will be one
This is another option similar to shalai and hallar but its expensive!
>mithril coat
if you don't mind UB this is better than darksteel plate now
>Razorgrass ambush/bridgeworks battle/sundering eruption
Lands that are also spells yay

you probably want at least one way to exile artifacts or enchantments i see a lot of the fuckin one ring and that shit sucks hard.
Genuine question how are you making her start with commander? Do you play 1v1?
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Yosei, the Morning Star / Cosmic Intervention
Sakashima the Impostor / Mind's Dilation
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed / Grave Pact
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker / Ruination
Eternal Witness / Open the Way
Halfdane / The Kami War
Codie, Vociferous Codex / All is Dust
Mind's Dilation
Grove of the Burnwillows
Fellow Grove nigga hell ya. I own all three but this is the one I play in my gruul deck
I just can't get enough how pretty it is. I really want the OG foil, but as of now, the only foils I have of it are the FtV and the expedition one, neither of which hold a candle to the original, even if they also look relatively good. Too bad the og is pretty expensive.
Yeah, we would just play 1v1 to start with. If she gets used to it and wants to continue, we'd expand from there.
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I want to cum inside Elesh Norn
i bought out all the copies of this in australia. time to make money next week trading them for fetch lands.
i might too but i need more convincing anon
>he needs convincing to compleat mommy norns pussy with his glistening oil
>Thoughts on the Duskmourn reveals and the first look at the plane itself?
I like everything about the set except the 80's costumes/tech.
what's with the shitty art recently
They started using artists that aren't drunk shitters from 94
>Archon of Emeria / Winds of Abandon
>blue is le cringe
>Grief / Thoughtseize
>Worldgorger / Cursed Mirror
>Collector Ouphe / Recycle
>Azra Oddsmaker / Fire Covenant
>Ornithopter / Oketra's Monument
>Greater Good
>Dryad Arbor
Gay Bolas
i meant more pics. nevermind then.
>Blue is cringe
>Posts black handrip
discard is based
yeah and they started being correct around 5 years ago
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To the cucks in the "Official" Rules Comitte, Unban Crusade. Along with the other cards banned with it for non gameplay reasons. Especially now that we're getting Templars in the Game now!
Rule 0
>Idk they're all kinda lame, maybe Puresteel Paladin
>Bruvac the Grandiloquent (just love that flavor text)
>Lord of the Pit
>Grand Melee
>Idk fucking Craw Wurm or something? I don't like green
>Rakdos the Defiler
>Dingus Staff
>Graven Cairns or Tournament Grounds
>Ancient Gold Dragon/idk Teferi's Protection I guess
>Ancient Silver Dragon (Honorable Mention: Tidal Barracuda)/Stifle
>Ancient Brass Dragon/Bitter Triumph
>Ancient Copper Dragon/Return the Favor
>Ancient Bronze Dragon/Krosan Grip
>Nicol Bolas/Assassin's Trophy
>Eugene/Tamiyo's Journal
>Temur Ascendancy
>Breeding Pool/Homeward Path
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Oh shit, how can I forget about fucking Rocket Powered Turbo Slug?
Honestly I wish Super Haste was an actual keyword. Imagine the degenerate shit you could pull off with it
I got you anon
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>Hero of Bladehold / Clever Concealment
>Inkwell Leviathan / Psychic Spiral
>Grimdancer / Go for the Throat
>Hostility / Burn at the Stake
>Questing Beast / Chord of Calling
>Arcbound Revenger / Cranial Plating
>Quest for Ula's Temple
>Windbrisk Heists
bluefag spotted
>W elesh norn, grand cenobite/swords to plowshares
>U jin gitaxias, progress tyrant/see double
>B archon of cruelty/living death
>R goblin welder/scrap mastery
>G vaultborn tyrant/eldritch evolution
>multi seige rhino/eerie ultimatum
>colourless matter reshaper/all is dust
>enchantment greater good
>land phyrexian tower
>W Creature / Spell
Mirror Entity // Path to Exile
>U Creature / Spell
Invisible Stalker // Fact or Fiction
>B Creature / Spell
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni // Sudden Spoiling
>R Creture / Spell
Feldon of the Third Path // Wheel of Fortune
>G Creature / Spell
Elvish Visionary FNM print // Life from the Loam
>Multicolor Creature / Spell
Goblin Anarchomancer // Pest Control
>Colorless Creature / Spell (Artifacts count)
Metalworker // Skull Clamp
Maze of Ith
commander is a real hard place to get into and learn the game, i'd recommend a few (actual) Jumpstart packs
Underwear that cute on a girl like her makes for such a fun contrast.
Super haste, or some kind of equivalent would be cool. Like a pact but in creature form. It's not as useful but I'd like to see how last strike would play out in the game.
It's honestly kind of weird that they haven't done some form of last strike yet. Some of the set mechanics in the last few sets have really been scraping the bottom of the barrel.
>36 lands on a lands matters deck
>Tribal shit
>Only a few counterspells
>No Hour of Promise, Crop Rotation or Titania's Command

Anon, are you trying to fits more eggs in one basket or are you blindly following edhrec? Pick Changeling Tribal Jank or Land Rangelings. Don't do both. No wonder why you got mana screwed.
>calls RC cucks
>let's some cucks he never met dictate how he plays the game
>he is still such a bad player he actually thinks lands matter decks need more lands
there are plenty of win the game cards, Thassas Oracle is probably the only one that sees regular play and actually does win you the game relatively easy
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I hope you can answer to this anon without Omo out.
what would be the benefit of last strike?
seems like a complete brainfart
Lol well you see wotc so dumb xD
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Anyone tried building him yet? Elesh norn seems like an obvious include, but what about any more secret techs?
I mean, if you're running Norn anyway...
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You can try going wide and adding this
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I made this
Spirit let's your opponent's attack each other, which is better for you.
Why wouldn't you just run Ghostly Prison?
lol, why would they print this?
Bubbling muck on turn 3 and you can cast this, even earlier with Dark Ritual
All you need is to mill one extra card from your opponents and its gg
And its not like there are cards specifically who fetch demons, along all the other tutors
Why wouldnt they? It is objectively a dogshit card, hilariously bad actually
>play this
>deck yourself before your opponents die or deck themselves
>turbo this out t3
>game is over 3 turns later because no one can do fuck all
>chances are whoever played the card actually loses first too
this card is dumb enough in standard but thinking its playable outside of some nigger-tier chaos mindset in commander is hilarious. Its NOT a doomsday pile! You dont get to pick your last 6 lol you just lose your entire library
>All you need is to mill one extra card from your opponents and its gg
Did you miss the fact that you draw cards twice as fast as they do while this guy's out?
Spirit is better in multiplayer, but they can pay for one or two most of the time. I do like how the rhino just shuts a player down though.
Flicker deck. Also, if you flicker the spirit twice, they'd have to pay 4 correct? Two separate triggers.
If it's a blink deck and you're confident you'll always be able to reliably blink then the rhino is better. Much much better, you just blink it on each opponents upkeep, even that's not required you can simply blink it twice on your turn targeting each opponent once with his ETB
This seems pretty damn good to me. You can easily dump four flying bodies onto the board for four mana. With Kudo that's eight flying power at a good rate. Springjack Shepperd also looks good on rate if you're gunning for pure widemax.
The 80s were 40 years ago
Hydra weeny tribal X is always 0
Why is this thread so much less angry than the other mtg general? It's not just about the casual gameplay either.
Sure there is critique and complaint here, but the other is usually filled with high-intensity seething about wizards, other players, commanders, modern, Reddit, tumble, Black people, women, trans people, Jewish people, Mark Rosewater, Gavin Verhey, the color white, Simic, Ari Nieh, the rules committee, Planeswalkers, the lore, rotations, the lack of blocks, standard and so on.
Why do you think there is such a difference?
better not be hot gluing that anon. you better give it cuddles and kisses not degen shit. or ill find you.
There isn't. You're just a retard who has a limited scope. This thread is far worse than the mtg general on this board. People here suck and 80% of most threads are filled with useless whinging.
I think that Commander players just tend to be more chill about things since unless they're CEDH players they mostly just play whatever they want, while Modern/Standard/Pioneer, etc players are more affected by everything WotC does.
redpill me on this guy. what are his commander specific winning synergies?
You don't win. You throw every group hug draw effects you can into it the. You throw down zurs weirding and no one has fun.
>Why is this thread so much less angry than the other mtg
ill tell you why. Commander is the format for casual people who like to have fun and aren't toxic. its not like the other mtg formats. its not like yugioh or the pokemon tcg toxicity.
i see dudes who are genuine people after their work or job, they have kids and a wife or gf, they like to sit down and play magic and use fun decks and laugh and have a yarn.
commander was created 10+ years ago yet we have only started seeing commander products by wizards since 2020 with Commander Legends set and Precons becoming better.
2024 is like 2021, its a happy year, sets are good, everyones positive.
I think commander will grow larger and be 10x bigger than it is now in a decade. We are in the golden era for commander right now.
Just enjoy it while you're here anon. You're apart of it before it gets ruined and becomes competitive toxic faggot central like the other mtg formats and othet tcgs are.
Speed up the game to get heavy hitters and control cards
is this the greatest card printed in the last year or more? its kino.
Nadu is a good example. My playgroup all just agree that Nadu is not fun so nobody plays it, same way nobody plays Edgar Markov or Urza, Lord High Artificer. But for Modern, if you wanna win you gotta play Nadu.
And yet there is more bitching in the EDH community about Nadu than in modern lmao
You are genuinely all delusional. Any given day you can go here or /mtgg/ and this thread will always be whinier
dr who was a success
warhammer was a success
lotr was a success
fallout was a success
ub is based
>commander was created 10+ years ago yet we have only started seeing commander products by wizards since 2020
Bruh the first Commander products were released in 2011
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i meant the set of cards and better precons
>Bruh the first Commander products were released in 2011
true but who remembers them?
magics been dead since bradywalkers

long live picklerick : the tcg
every single part of this post is incorrect.
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maybe australia being a smaller MTG hub its not as cancer. im sorry you like in america or europe then.
MTG in australia is prob 10x smaller so its not toxic as fuck i guess. at least not my LGS.
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>redefining and expanding the boundaries of what counted as his prison.
touhou ub teasing?
even if they are just normal crts i don't see where the problem is
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I'm going to keep saying enters the battlefield
I'm all over the place. I still say 'comes into play' often. I do say 'enters the battlefield' and 'enters' often as well.
that sounds gay
that sounds cool
Precons were printed every year starting in 2013. If you don’t remember Commander product releases before 2020, that must be because that’s the year you started playing.
Where did you get this sculpt?
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idk why but "ENTERS" just feels so weird, like those times when people were revealing new characters in smash bros, also, it's a terminology thing, but you can also think about "entering" the graveyard or exile, so idk
That's what the card is built for anon. If you wanna play beaters there are commanders for that, you're not cool or interesting for building a commander in an objectively correct way
>turn 1 sol ring
>infinite combo
You didn't beat the game
Correct I didn't beat the game because the game isn't something to beat. What I did do though, was kick your ass
Three-syllable terms with repeated sounds are simply more aesthetically pleasing than two-syllable terms
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I'm gonna say it
I'm going to say Tribal instead of Kindred.
Do you know what a syllable is, anon?
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I've been saying enters since before it was official.
Yes and pluralizing a word adds a syllable anon.
No, it adds a phoneme, but not a full syllable.
Witch vs Witches. It adds a syllable youre an idiot
why do you keep saying that? whatever, I meant the commander legends card set and thats also when precon quality went way up.
but keep cherrypicking i guess?
It does sound kind of like the ENTERS meme a bit but I just checked.
The only time "enters" appears on cards is when followed by "the battlefield." The later two words are redundant.
>cherry-picks an example that adds a vowel in addition to the s
>proceeds to apply it to all pluralizations
So, man is one syllable and men is two syllables?
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>Aven Mindcensor / Path to Exile
>Vendillion Clique / Time Stop
>Gray Merchant of Asphodel / Withering Boon
>Humbe Defector / Arcbond
>Captain Sisay / Izzet Charm
>Stonecoil Serpent / Umezawa's Jitte
>Descent Into Avernus
>Yavimaya Hollow

R8 and H8 lads
Literally no ones calling it Kindred in real life. Same as manlands and no one using the strixhaven colleges over the guild names.
This thing is legit fucking stupid. People that co tonue to say W isn't good are immense retards.
>1 spell that protects your stuff
>meanwhile blue has 10000 counterspells that do what this does
I'm still using mana pool and fat pack.
I hate the border on this version of burnwillow but man the art is great
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>Grand Abolisher / Eerie Interlude
>Archaeomancer/ Forbid
>Viscera Seer / Tragic Slip
>Stigma Lasher/ REB(Lightning Blast)
>Eternal Witness / Constant Mists
>Obzedat / Merciless Eviction
>Scarecrone/ Altar of Dementia
>Parallax Wave
>Kor Haven
Goodluck counterspelling my supreme verdict.
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Love it. Very cute. You got more shots of it?
Same. Unfortunately I don't see it as part of anything but joke cards, but maybe something can one day come of it.
It's better than most Counterspells, because it still let's whatever spell/ability that is getting pushed through to hit your other opponents things.
This but unironically
Do you use a collection tracker? Does it not suck ass or charge you a dumb monthly fee? What the fuck is it please tell me.
I use moxfield for cards I own since that's where i keep all my decklists, I also have a separate list for cards i want to buy/trade for
it's not bad but i haven't tried anything else if i'm honest
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I actually prefer this, but they're both good.
I just keep them in binders.
>at the beginning of the next end step
Come on, guys, it’s not THAT amazing.
how do i make a fun stella lee deck

Oh yeah because there are so many Cleric payoffs. What religion does this Swan belong to?
I call this absolute bullshit.
I've played MTG for 22 years.
I've played in casual and competitive scenes, on multiple formats.
EDH (casual) is probably the highest source of spitefulness, rage, and tantrums I've ever seen in this hobby.
The amount of times I've had to pull someone's ears (figuratively) because they started to act like a spoiled brat because I dare to even interact with with one of his cards.
The "I play for fun not to win" is probably a he highest red-flag, as those are the biggest ragers.
Still you find bad apples in every format ofc, but I expected this sort of behaviour in environments where there is some sort of actual prize.
cEDH I saw a lot less of that, though I only ever played in casually, have no clue if in a tournament seen that would change.
I still miss the old Modern...
Based free thinkers
Literal sheep
Anon said he has said enters since BEFORE it was a thing which means he is the freest thinker of the bunch you tagged you fucking stupid nigger
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IIRC that was made by sculpting over some random anime girl figurine with polymer clay or similar material.
It's a really cool card, but unless you need non-token stuff specifically, Ophiomancer is probably better. The cat is an auto include in Felisa decks, though.
Seems fun. I'm interested to see what the big bad demon responsible for the entire plane being fucked is going to be, hopefully a cool card
>The "I play for fun not to win" is probably a he highest red-flag, as those are the biggest ragers.
That mindset is completely backwards. It should be "build for fun, play to win."
Do we know anything about the storyline yet? Aren't we still getting spoilers for the furry-plane? How are we already getting cards for further sets already?
I literally look like him
The basic storyline is that Duskmourne was previously an unamed plane with relatively modern technology, where a really powerful demon resided. Someone bound the demon to a single house, so the demon got pissed and expanded the house until it encompassed the entirety of the plane
Help, I need 32 cuts. Got rid of everything that isn't on-theme, but now I have to find stuff that is worse at doing its job than other options

Nope. It makes him a retarded sheep still. Can't even finish a sentence kek. Babby raised on facebook
I don't understand why these two effects are on the same card.
The ground blew up so they're stumbling/falling and can't block
Isn't it the moth guy that's the face commander for the Rakdos precon?
Because a ghost quarter effect isn't worth a card, and neither is making a bunch of grounded creatures unable to block, but odds are one of them are useful enough to be worth having your mountain bolt you occasionally.
>monsters look cool
>clown subtype returns
>survivors are troonwalker, le genius math magic black girl, le genius reality weaver black girl, and a handful of shaved-head reddit dykes
>shaved heads in an 80's aesthetic
You know punk was pretty big back then?
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I'm gonna make audible chainsaw noises every time I put a rev counter on chainsaw
Don't be a fag, just make a bunch of different chainsaw sounds on your phone. Then hook you phone up to a Bluetooth speaker and blast it at full volume.
That's actually kind of neat.
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>le kooky 80's horror plane
I wonder what its like waking up every day, getting angry at everything despite none of it mattering, and then going to bed dreaming of tomorrow so you can wake up, and be a grumpy loser yet again
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>le funny clue plane
>le random cowboy plane
>le furry eldraine plane
The only important cut for you is your wrists UBfaggot.
>horror themed plane
>no mill precon or support despite being a perfect thematic match
We’re gonna starve millbros…
They're all bad except the redwall plane that is based
Imagine being this guy.
>every other release is now a licensed crossover or a blatant Temu rip-off
Are all corporate business models just money laundering fronts now? How do so many consoom than get excited for new thing?
the temu rip off shit started when they began doing

>Historical culture....THE PLANE!
Paypigs are gonna paypig.
>Bubbling muck on T3
T4, you need one land to cast muck and 3 more to get 6 mana
They're just shortening the phrase so they can jam more WORDS WORDS WORDS onto the cards they are definitely play-testing adequately.
OG Kamigawa slaps. Even Amonkhet and Kaladesh has some semblance of soul compared to this contemporary schlock.
>thread pic
>nightmare supported creature type
Nah you’re good
They've tried it. Apparently Last Strike would require a complete overhaul of the combat step rules, not worth it for a drawback mechanic that wouldn't support a huge number of cards. So MaRo found a home for it in an Un-set
>Oh yeah because there are so many Cleric payoffs
This but Unironic
>Apparently Last Strike would require a complete overhaul of the combat step rules,
I'd forgive this guy horror themed set if my boys made another showing
What? How much have see seen so far?
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I don't understand what this image is trying to convey.
First Strike actually works by including an entirely different step of the combat phase, so either Last Strike needs one as well—meaning you have to renumber everything and scour the rules for anything that keys off the current structure of the phase to update it for the new step you’re adding at the end—or you’ve figured out a way to structure the rules in such a way that First Strike no longer needs its own step—in which case you have to remove that step, renumber everything, and so on.

It’s not impossible by any means, and would probably take no more than an hour or two to draft up an initial pass of all the changes, but that’s time being spent on restructuring the game solely for the sake of introducing a pure-downside mechanic. Is that really where you want those resources allocated?
there are actual cleric payoffs. clerics are all about lifegain, and they usually play into that space. there are cards like doubtless one and profane prayers that care about having a lot of them, and cards like orah, taborax, relic vial, and rotlung reanimator that care about things dying. there's also a decent crossover between clerics and angels, so you can play a bunch of weenie clerics and then angels as your top end beaters. the tribe isn't terribly strong, but there is enough of a thematic identity to them. i just hope they are willing to expand on them in the future.
what website do you guys use to put pictures of cards next to each other? im not doing it myself in paint
T1 sol ring arcane signet of course
I believe the initial idea was "Hey look the artist snuck in/ripped off Kroot for a Magic card and here's some proof," and then a second person came in and dumped the schizo text everywhere for schizo reasons.
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Would this trigger from effects that say "creatures enter with a +1/+1 counter"?
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danke friend
posting my gay commanders for pride event today
>im not doing it myself in paint
i feel like using a third party app is more difficult, no?
Yes. Entering with a +1/+1 counter triggers abilities that place counters. Otherwise hardened scales wouldn't work with half the shit that uses it.
Depends a lot on the app. Photojoiner just has you drop the files in and it lines them up and resizes them. No need to fuck around with the canvas size and scaling them yourself. I’m the kind of autist who puts together shit like pic related, so I can say with relative confidence that I know which tools take more effort than others.
>put this in my modular deck
>a lot of people don't think much of it because it triggers once per turn
>they don't realize it's once per creature
>have a steel overseer
god it felt good. tap overseer, grow the board, draw 4+ cards. MUH DICK.
well, the website anon gave me
>get pictures from scryfall
>drag to desktop
>upload both to website
>click 'combine' and save image
>get from scryfall
>drag to desktop
>open up paint.net
>drag 1 image
>double canvas width
>put other image
>manually place
>really like alara
>really like bant as a plane
>hmmm I'll make a deck with Rafiq
>toss in some angels, little weenies, exalted stuff
>realize rafiq is just voltron with the swords and you just want a super low curve abusing blue's counters for protection and green fast ramp
>exalted is actually a trap and doesnt really matter for the deck
>scrap decklist
>repeat once a year
>drag to desktop
>open paint
>go to scryfall
>right click image, "copy image"
>open paint
damn tech illiterate zoomers, this is literally preschool level.
this is easier thoughever
wah wah faggot
You still need to resize the canvas and move the second image. And that scales really poorly if you’re combining four or more images.
>drag to desktop
you shouldn't be doing this, you absolute mong. the fact that BOTH of your solutions having you do this shows how retarded you are.
to upload to the website you have to save it first thoughever
i mean you can copy link and paste that into your explorer but it wil take forever to upload
you are kinda gay and retarded, i dont full screen my browser so there is literal blank desktop space next to it to quickly save to desktop then delete after
gay and zoomberbrained
anger seeker
its also just literally ergonomically easier/faster to save to the space next to my browser and drag than to right click and meticulously find the copy image button
yes i am literally THAT lazy
holy fuck, those take two seconds. it takes just as long and as much effort as using a third party and uploading them. jesus, the future is grim.
why are you trying so hard to shart yourself in raw anger?
the fuck is wrong with you?
Faerie tribal, based or cringe?
supremely based
>download pic from scryfall
>resize to 50%
>use dpad to line them up accurately
Easy peasy
>one mouse click to drag the image onto the desktop
>vs two to right click and copy
You aren’t actually more efficient even from the get-go. And, again, opening the edit image menu, changing it to percent instead of pixels, and changing the canvas size before pasting the second image, then clicking and dragging it off to the side—even if fast—is still more steps and more time than just highlight both images on your desktop, dragging them over the browser window, and dropping them.

No, it isn’t difficult to combine images in Paint. That was never claimed to be the case. Just that dragging and dropping into Photojoiner is easier and faster. Does that make it better? Not necessarily, no. But “better” is a nebulous criterion and not one that was requested.
Oona is based. Anything else is cringe.
The most stereotypical autist at my LGS played Oona Faerie tribal and wondered why no one got as mad at his milling, so it will always be cringe in my eyes.
Got anymore of these?
Played this twice today

Had a developed board (a creature, commander, and automated assembly line/decoction module) on turn 5. Ate vandal blast, lost 3 mana rocks. No card draw, couldn't recover with land top decks.

Countered. Everything bounced/countered. Out counter spelled fluster storm.

I don't know if Jeskai is just cursed colors for me, but I can't get this deck to actually do anything. It builds momentum and just gets shutdown and can't recover.
I didn't look but you probably need more card draw and recursion
>What religion does this Swan belong to?
vague good religion of light. one of the two most common fantasy religions, the other being evil entity-worshipping religion
That time could be spent on coming up with more fat queer xim/xers of color to show up the chuds
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is he fun?
A simic commander with a unique idea who doesn't just draw cards or place lands. He's pretty kino, but anything with that much combo potential it will be extremely easy to optimize away the fun.
In my experience he's fun for about 5 games before he just eats nonstop removal until playing him is either not worth it or you've buffed your opponents into outscaling you. Go with Agatha's Soul Cauldron for a significantly better version of this.
They're just bad at Magic; windmill slamming on curve without playing around removal and hoping the "social contract" gets respected so they can win without interacting.
>8 sources of card draw
>1 source of terrible recursion
>28 lands
ya, fix your deck. Not everything can just be value im sorry anon! You need more reliable draw, you need more lands, and you need some recursion. No shit you'll run out of gas if you can't get back key targets ever, you sit around hoping you draw into an untapped land and youre topdecking most the time
He's got 35 lands
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I need a Duskmourn Chensoman Universes Beyond Secret Lair tyvm
dragging to desktop and then opening the pic with paint works better
>35 including MDFCs
MDFCs do not count as a full land, and he doesn't have many mana accelerants. this is not enough considering 1/3rd of his deck is 4+ cmc, and there are a ton of activated abilities that require mana. this is not a deck where you want to skimp on mana, it wants to chug mana like moses after 40 years in the desert wants to chug water.
damn, is there a good video or something for this? I really just don't know what to add or remove to be honest
Don't ever talk to me again.
No not really, there are some channels that kind of talk about the deckbuilding aspect of edh but off the top of my head I can only think of Salubrious Snail. Decide what you want your deck to do, try not to have to many things you want it to do, 2 or 3 tops. Look at your cards and ask yourself if they help you get to those 1-3 things, you can obviously be a bit looser with that question when. It comes to draw and removal but when those two can be synergistic with your deck it's all the better. Just be honest with yourself and don't be a bitch cheers
Not really. 6cmc deck that relies on commander and is extremely fragile. It would be cool if it wasn't for the fact that it was babby's first combo deck back in the day. It's a combo deck that completely relies on the commander in og terms, but lacks the power Momir Vig used to have.
If we ever get a chainsaw man collab, it's gonna be in like 4 years when the manga is no longer relevant. If we get a manga UB, it's gonna be like Fairy Tail, D.Gray-Man or Death Note. Though the last one probably has too stong identity, so maybe replace it with SnK.
>used to have
Momir vig only gets more absurd as creatures do too. I have an all creatures list which with even that "restriction" it can accomplish alot. I just don't like playing it cause tutoring five times a turn is a nuisance
>mono W flicker
>b/w voltron aristocrats
>g/w lifegain voltron
>sphinx tribal
>mono black goodstuff
>toski flyers

What am I playing tonight?
Monoblack, tell us how it goes
Literally the only anime/manga thing that's likely to get a UB product ANY time soon is Dragon Ball and you know it.
it's no longer relevant NOW. already, it has been fallen by the wayside. people will get on the train again once the anime drops. unless you are one piece or berserk, very few people are going to care about your story. anime is what makes things "relevant," manga is too much work to consume to be able to hit the mainstream (in the west).
My friend's commander is Treebeard. He gets huge fast and trample makes him always a threat to win with commander damage. The ward is surprisingly annoying.
I want this card so bad, I wish I bought it when it was $25
Momir Vig has been powercrept, even if there's no Simic commander that does the same exactly. I haven't seen a deck since with him after like 2016. I suppose Vannifar is sort of similar.
Ok and?
I just want to go back to like, 2013, and brew an Esper cEDH deck with modern day sensibilities (Maybe Sharuum Labman), and then take it out pubstomping.
He's no longer playable. Boogieman of yesteryear is bargain bin garbage, just like contents of your closet.
Who does what momir does better? Genuinely curious who you think the simic legendaries are that can replace him
We need UB Fate/Stay Grand Order
buy a LOTR bundle, it comes with the card and is cheaper than just buying the card
This isn't standard, lower power stuff is always viable
Where can I buy them from?
Avoiding the question doesn't help your case here anon. Momir is as good as the card pool he's literally just a tutor on a stick and one without retarded conditions like vannifar
I already stated Vannifar. Both are extremely linear decks generally, but Vannifar is more consistent. Tutor commanders get really boring, but I suppose Momir can be built in a more toolboxy way rather than combo.
He costs too much mana and is too slow for what he does, also he has no ETB ability
Today I made a the mistake of joining a pod with one guy who had a lot of decks but they were all super powerful and had no budget
Why would you not have multiple power levels so you don't just pubstomp
>more consistent
Absolutely not, genuinely a retarded opinion
Vannifar is a 4 drop he is a 5 drop, she needs to tap, only sorcery, and needs a creature on board. Realistically they will be activated in the same turn cycle as the other. You are retarded as well
Both Vannifar and Momir are trash commanders and that's why you see neither being played. If you want to whack off and optimize, you're playing Nadu or Kinnan anyway. EDH is for fun so just trust your luck and play trash rares you think are cool which you draw in your draw step.
this deck is actually one of my highest win rate decks.
Most of my wins have been by using those "Whenever you draw, people mill" cards then casting Enter the Infinite.
I have however killed myself with it because I forgot I had Teferi's Insight out haha.
So yeah win cons are just drawing your deck or milling people out. Add in a bunch of group hug to "pretend you are harmless and helping others" but at the same time run a bunch of counter spells to stop being from going TOO crazy with all the cards you are giving them, then sneak out a win like a sleazy bastard.
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Based heart of the cards enjoyer
The survivors are the only miss on the entire plane of Duskmorne. Everything else HITS. I knew it would be my set of the year but I really didn’t think it would be this good.
You got a list?
We literally have Like ten cards spoiled you fucking moron, we know nothing else about the set yet at all
The bats are the only miss on the entire plane of Bloomburrow. Everything else HITS. I knew it would be my set of the year but I really didn’t think it would be this good.
I read the planeswalkers guide and the lore has got me hype: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/planeswalkers-guide-to-duskmourn
The Assassin's are the only miss on the entire plane of Assassin's creed. Everything else HITS. I knew it would be my set of the year but I really didn’t think it would be this good.
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There is no E in Duskmourn. Where are people thinking there is one from? It's like people calling MKM "Murders at Markov Manor" all over again.
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because their brains are associating it with bloodborne and adding the e after they forced their brains to accept the e in bloodborne when most of them think that it is an unnecessary/stylish e (lots of people don't realize borne is a real word, had to explain it to someone with borne up a wind)
Compared to what? It's pretty fucking amazing, dude. But please skip on it when it's cheap so I can buy 4x copies for every Aristocrats deck when it becomes a pushed staple in all of them.
What's making Phlage a $50USD card at the moment? Like he's good, but not that good.

Is he being played a lot in other formats?
i think he is being played in the PT right now. anyways, i'm mad. i want one for a cube i am building.
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The earth trembled in it's destruction. It's not even the first time they're done this sort of thing either, newfag.
Or that 1B create a zombie guy
Nether traitor and bloodghast are both better and can be triggered much more. Both are legal in modern so and edh so not sure what the playset is needed for
In hindsight, Danny feels like WotC was testing the waters for Nadu
Testing the waters for what exactly? A creature giving others abilities? It's not new
Giving other creatures abilities that only trigger a maximum number of times per turn, but trigger on a per creature basis.
How does this combo work? Won't End The Festivities be exiled before you can cast it? Or do you cast it in response to the Worldfire and stack it so it resolves after?
It's a stupid zoomer there is no combo. Maybe if you had a flash enabler. Better combo is worldfire and fanatic of mogis both suspended with jhoira.
>native isekai gacha series
No thanks
no, dingus. better combo is world fire with kroxa in the command zone, floating mana to casta kroxa after worldfire resolves.
I'm finally getting my box of MH3 and the lands precon coming in tmrw
Lightning helix is playable in modern. phlage is lightning helix stapled to a 6/6 body that reanimates itself. You shouldve seen its potential and got yours for a tenner at release like I did.
I just want to suck a big fat, thick black cock all the time.

Which commander should I run?
Oh I can see why it's a good card, just not $50 good. I would have thought it'd be around the $20-30 range tops.
Hell probably settle down towards 20-30 after the pro tour if he dosent have a strong showing.
Anything selesnya, if you also think you're a woman try simc
that guy was my first commander, and my list absolutely sucked balls. im talking 17 tapped lands, in a mere 2 color deck. i never saw any of the cool janky combos. but this was about 6 years ago, a lot has changed since then. maybe i should give him another shot wiht my now not-so retarded deckbuilding skills
WURG has plenty of good commanders for you.
Markov Manor was literally just self-censorship for ad revenue.
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what UGx commander will let me copy silly cards like pic rel the most?
No, that was just the Professor being weird. The ad revenue stuff would be affected by the "Murders" part, anyway. People just fucking called it Markov Manor.
retards here told me this was bad lmao
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If I donate this, and then it dies, do I get it back or the controlling player?
It doesn't say "under its owners control" so it'll return under the control of whichever player controlled it when the death trigger went on the stack.
Complete scrub here, would you lads know of any good commanders that function off bulk? I already have Zada and Talrand and they're both pretty fun
you can build marwyn on like 50 bucks and still play with a bunch of decks that are in the 400-500 dollar range. if you bump your budget up to 100, you can even eke out a win here or there against some 1k+ decks.
>he listened to the balance opinion of general that regularly cries about ur dragon being op
Nah I called people retarded for that and I am now gloating at being correct.
Based and me too
Xenagos + whatever timmy fat fuck dragons/hydras/beasts/etc you have laying around is easy
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Need help with my first time mtg player commander deck.
Posted a few days ago, took some advice, got some cards.. check out the considering list as well! I still don't have many cards and depend a lot on what my friends have to give so I'd appreciate some broad advice.

A few specific questions:
1) Opinions on changing my commander to Bartolomeo?
2) Do I have too many destroy/exile spells? I'm getting Cast Down tomorrow, thinking about switching it instead of Fierce Retribution
3) Is commanders sphere worth slotting in and instead of what
4) I can take a assemble the players, should I slot that in?

Bart wants to go tall while Aron wants to go wide, you would probably want to change some cards to help him hit people
You can always swap out the commander as is and test it for a couple of games
Your removal count is fine but is nearing the point of too little
Assemble the players gives you a 1/5 chance you can play your top card so I would say no
i've never even seen this commander before, that gives you based boy points.

if you want to run Bartolome you need to take your deck in a different direction, he is a free sac outlet and is a good enabler for more of a Aristocrat and combo playstile, maybe with some Voltron pieces sprayed in.

How much removal you need is definetly dependent on your playgroup meta, you just need to playtest that. but you should definetly swap at least two for two boardwipes, maybe even more. You are in Orzhov, perfect Reanimation colors, which mean boardwipes will never hurt you as much as they hurt your opponents - definetly put in Damning Verdict.

Also, don't forget your Ramp and Carddraw, these just make your deck work, even if they aren't as exciting as syngergy pieces
I'll get kaya's wrath tomorrow and will slot it in instead of a removal. Or maybe instead of Runed Halo or Rally Of Wings

I like RoW for the untap, little value from the +2 to flying creatures

I really don't think Runed Halo is good for me because I can't recognize potential threats that well but friend who helped me with the deck says I need it.
runed halo is pretty good when you are playing against a buffed up Voltron commander. you can always pick an annoying pinger as well, never undererstimate them, they add up quick
reminer: mh3 sorin is just as good as oko because he can make food
I see you have never tried using youtube in your entire life.
That recentish mono black phyrexian lady that lets you turn your creatures into 1/1 copies of themselves when they die. Not high power by any means but abusing etb/ltbs is always strong
Don't worry about hitting the right targets all the time right now with your removal. You'll make mistakes and realize it when you remove the wrong thing and get pummeled by the right thing, comes with time
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I feel like Omo is the best designed precon they’ve made in years
In terms of power, or what? I have it coming in the mail next week but I was likely just going to scrap it for parts.
Easily the best of the 4 MH3 precons.
I wish they did more 2 color and less tricolor decks
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If he hates the eldrazi, why do all his cards serve as enablers for them?
He's colorless cause he's transcended whereas they are just set apart from it but it's hard to implement that mechanically
He doesn't really hate them, he just has this very broad view of "they're destroying life, life is good, so we should just keep them contained". Ugin's entire thing is being a mysterious bastard who doesn't answer any questions directly and whose motivations boil down to "THE BIGGER PICTURE".
umm he's best friends with them?
don't you remember he's the one who didn't want them destroyed
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>krenko player drops coat of arms
i baked
Those still have conditional hoops needed to jump through. Bloodghast requires a land drop to do, which in 90% of decks and applications is going to be once per turn and can whiff. Traitor is the most repeatable given board state, but still requires mana to bring back. Neither of them can be used to block, either. In a single turn cycle, you can get up to 4 death triggers off the cat the turn it comes down for absolutely free and reliably with no further investment outside the initial mana cost. None of the others can realistically provide that, and is the best sac target in slot for decks that can provide additional counters to creatures.
Xenagos is the most braindead autopilot deck in existence, but fits the bill.

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