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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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>get new table
Neat, I think I'll go with something standard and just make some ranger-esque mercenary with a sword and bow
>remember magic is really cooooool
Ok I should maybe make a mage then, I like casting spells and stuff...
>remember how due to mages having innate magic most GMs give the cooler magical items to non-mages so they can do cool stuff too
Hmmm maybe I should just make a regular warrior, improvise my way through situations instead of relying on magic... use poison, use potions, hope the GM gives me cool stuff to use
>but maybe that would be kind of tedious... maybe I should compromise and play some kind of spellblade
And so on and so forth

How do YOU pick what to play, /tg/ ? Do you do this ? You'll spend a few months with your character after all. So many choices
I'll be playtesting every option in every combination eventually, so that's how I pick what to play.
I mean, I typically see what the rest of the party needs. Generally if left to my own devices (assuming something fantasy) I either play conventionally heroic divine spellcasters or the more social sort of rogue.
>How do YOU pick what to play
>So many choices
There's less choices when you GM all the time and rarely get to play. I can narrow things down pretty quickly: exclude the nonmagic classes first, next eliminate the clerics and cultists, and finally remove any frontliners.
What's left is usually a fairly small list and what I decide on largely depends on what I know about the GM's habits and quirks. Is he a Howard fan that hates wizard players? I'll pick out a druid or shaman type. Does he pitch a fit whenever players use any minions or pets? Stick to blasters or terrain controllers. So on and so forth.
>How do you pick what to play?
I only play Monk. Not due to a lack of trying mind you but inevitably I find that with the right 3rd party sources you can make Monks be better versions of other classes and so I always end up just always playing Monk.
I have a character for every class in my preferred system, so unless I'm really raring to go with one of them, or the setting is unique enough to warrant a brand-new concept, I'll get the sense of the party's general composition and pick a character that fills a needed role and/or fits the game's apparent themes and demographics
>talk with group
>see what kind of campaign we're playing
>see what other people want to play
>draw from ideas I already have or come up with something new, possibly based on those ideas
I'm not going to play my spy idea when we're going to be dungeon-diving, or my barbarian idea we're playing Vampire intrigue.
>Learn what the campaign concept is
>Try to create a character who has a personal goal that is connected to the campaign's goal, and then shape his backstory
>based on the above choose the most powerful abilities or class for the character to be while still fitting the above criteria
This is my process generally
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My very first character was a cleric because I had this miniature lying around, and then past that I've just been trying every other class.

>just rolling / using a random character generator
>pick 2-3 character stereotypes, mesh together and try to replicate it within the system
Usually a mundane, direct combatant, ranged if that makes sense for the genre, melee if not, with occasional exceptions to the rule. I rarely play casters both because I don't really want to and because when I do, I usually defer to another player's desire to do so.
Party need also plays a role. Last time I played a beefy frontliner was because everyone else had made fragile types.
cute thing
I pick a cool concept and see how it can be replicated using the system. One time I made a mongolian horse archer, another I made Braum from LoL.
If you really can't decide on what to play, just roll randomly for it.

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