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Emperor's Children Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

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>Thread Question:
Which Space Marine Chapter has the best lore, and why do you think so?
because they're /mydudes/
Lamenters. Because the universe shits all over them, like space marines deserve
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Summary of Leith's novel.
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How do you gro from that to...
Kek remember when people thought Dread Mob was the shooting Ork detachment lmao
If you say anything other than Black Templars I will think you’re fucking around.
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to THIS?
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>wanted to play 40k with a friend
>got massive diarrhea
Nurgle pls
>ctrl+f Lucius
>0 results
Not interested.
White Scars
Rhymes with Bee Dress Glee
I dont really care for space marines, I guess if I had to pick it would be the death guard or world eaters because they both fucking hate their Primarchs.
Beautiful women in fiction are haram and offend the troons in the hr department
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>people shit on tzaangors
>regular cultists now also look like awful AoS shit
>Tzaangors are cooler
You got 7D chess'd
eat better, anon
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Why are like half of these threads EC or slaanesh editions?
Can someone remind me why Mortarion turned traitor again?
Stinky boy was stinky and didn't like big e killing his necromancer dad, because he wanted to kill him himself
Dunno ask /hhg/
Trooder makes all the threads, he collects Slaanesh(both AoS and 40k) and Blood Angels so that's what all the threads are about.
Erebus and Nurgle corrupted Typhon, and Typhon in turn corrupted Mortarion
World of Warcraft tier lore lol
>Chaos backstory is space AIDS
Truly gay
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Idk which one has the most Orks?
Shit model. Cool paint job.
I like Steel Confessors a lot. Iron Hands successor that Mars founded secretly and is their privately owned chapter in all but name. James even had a huge apocalypse game at one of their events featuring the whole chapter in minis and made the outcome canon
>They lost lmao
I mean there’s a bit more to it (Typhon set up the perfect torture scenario to force the Death Guard into worshipping Nurgle)
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This is why you don't speak his name.
I like the model, to be honest. It's perfectly orky to have an exosuit for a mek, and I'm surprised it wasn't done sooner.

His statline is unforgivable though. He's a much worse SAG that costs more points.
He liked Horus more than the Emperor.
i painted some models today :)
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps I was a bit more harsh
What was it about Typhon being xenos or something?
>perfect torture scenario to force the Death Guard into worshipping Nurgle
What was it?
Crimson Fists
Good job, anon.
Now paint the rest of them.
That came way later.
>TL;DR trying to get this color scheme on Skarbrand's skin, but the more I look at it the more my brain hurts, could use advice from someone better at painting
If anyone remembers/cares I'm the guy doing chaos demons with Godzilla paint schemes. It's coming along great, but I'm finally about to tackle my first big model.
>Black prime
>1 part vallejo black 2 eshin grey for base coat
>eshin raised musculature
>Layer 3/4th with eshin 2 part stormvermin 1 part
>Cover 1/2 with eshin 1 part stormvermin 1 part
>Cover 1/4th stormvermin
>Edge highlight celestra grey 1 part stormvermin 1 part
>Nuln recesses
Well then they're the most interesting. Admittedly Orks are the only reason I care about any of the lore. Necrons are cool too but are on thin ice.
>Which Space Marine Chapter has the best lore, and why do you think so?
I like the Ultramarines the best. They're the archetypical Space Marines where almost everything cool about Marines originates. I feel other chapter typically get a thing and then run it into the ground.
Wrong. Typhon was corrupted back on his homeworld.
According to Mort, he manipulated Typhon to being them to Nurgle so he could make himself and the legion immortal safe from harm.
A combination of mental illness and Horus being his best friend.
space aids
i'm trying to
my pile of shame has ballooned to the point that i've moved all the boxes out of sight so i don't have to look at them any more
>What was it about Typhon being xenos or something?
He was a half breed between one of the alien Psyker nobles and a human woman on Barbarus. Hence he was a Psyker as well, but hid it from his best friend Mortarion as he has a hate boner for all things psychic
>What was it?
By taking advantage of Morty’s trust in him & prejudice against Psykers, he planted evidence on the navigators to have them killed and convince Morty to let him guide them home, when in fact he dropped the Death Guard right at Nurgle’s doorstep. After being infected with just about every disease known to man, the Death Guard were able to resist thanks to their altered biology but were in immense pain. After what felt like aeons Mortarion couldn’t stand to see the rest of his brothers suffer and accepted Nurgle’s gifts to spare them
Typhon was a half-breed.
He stranded the Death Guard in the warp and infected them with Nurgle's plagues to shatter their ego by making them submit to the boundless agony.
That’s fine, Orks are one of my favourite depictions of orcs in fiction
I agree, GW really nailed it with space orks.
Agreed. I never was a fan of orcs from any fantasy setting but then Orks came along and changed the entire game. They're so unique and loveable. While every other orc is just the same boring and flat "warrior coming from the ground and mass-produced no personality" stand-in enemy.
Good self descriptor
>Typhon was corrupted back on his homeworld.
Nurgle whispered to him, it wasn’t until Erebus “enlightened” Typhon that he sweared fealty to Chaos
>According to Mort, he manipulated Typhon to being them to Nurgle so he could make himself and the legion immortal safe from harm.
It appears he was talking out of his ass to save face
Orks are the only fun ones to RPG as well. Ork one shots are lots of fun.
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It's been two weeks since I touched my models, not really making any progress with the painting lads.
wrong opinion.
I haven't touched my models in 15 years
Because we live during an era where having attractive sexy women in fiction or media is a cardinal sin nowadays.
Look at most of the AAA game shit or tv shows or cartoons.
Shit happens, I only just finished two Arbites I started over a week ago.
So what's the best depiction to you, anon?
Cry about it
>Nurgle whispered to him, it wasn’t until Erebus “enlightened” Typhon that he sweared fealty to Chaos
WRONG. One of the Overlords talked to him about their lord Nurgle and Typhon learned dark lore and sorcery from his homeworld.
>It appears he was talking out of his ass to save face
his word vs Typhus'
>assembly line

Try mixing it up. When I started out I stuck entirely to assembly line, and would burn out. I'd be able to paint 5-10 minis up to a certain step, then get sick of it and leave them alone for months, and seeing them half painted just made me upset.

A few years back I started aiming for completed minis at a time. The payoff of a slowly growing collection of 100% painted minis seemed to motivate me better, and I can keep up a much more consistent pace than I used to.

It might not work, I think it's just a matter of which one keeps you working more consistently, but you won't know which is which until you try working that way.
That guy is dumb, ork exoskeleton mech boss is dope.
Random question: does Gulliman know about the Grey Knights?
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Mass painting kinda works because when I got say Lupercal Green on the palette, I can just paint everything in green without having to worry about cleaning my brush and paint all the models, then apply a 2nd coat the same way.
I think I'll just focus on the acolytes for the time being.
Don’t need to repeat it
>One of the Overlords talked to him about their lord Nurgle and Typhon learned dark lore and sorcery from his homeworld.
Volcral said he saw Nurgle’s touch (the aforementioned whispering), and offered to teach him, and Typhon killed him instead
>his word vs Typhus'
Your headcanon vs the internet
>his word vs Typhus'
Not really when we've seen the actual events themselves how Morty fell to Nurgle.

Typhon just killed the Navigators and then told Morty he could guide them home instead, after which Typhon deliberately goes out of his way to fuck up the Warp travel journey so they all get infected by Nurgle's diseases.
And due to their DG biology all the marines and Mortarion didn't die of all th disease but were in horrific pain and despair.
And after who knows how long this goes on for (remember they are inside the Warp), Mortarion then pledges his alligeance and soul to Nurgle to save his sons and himself from the suffering.

Mortarion 100% got duped into becoming corrupted by Nurgle.
If he and DG had never gotten stranded in the Warp due to Typhon's fuckery he would have never fallen.
>without having to worry about cleaning my brush and paint all the models
Make sure you're cleaning your brush regardless anon. You don't want paint to dry in the bristles.
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If burnout is the issue, I find changing up the models I’m working on helps quite a bit. When I get tired of painting power armour, I switch painting tyranids or something with lots of skin and textures.
Are they ever going to do anything with him? I mean now that Fallen aren't really a thing anymore, what the fuck is his deal?
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But they're so cool looking :(
He will forever live in the shadow of the A and O, like the loser he is
Nah, his whole point is to be mysterious.
>Volcral said he saw Nurgle’s touch (the aforementioned whispering), and offered to teach him, and Typhon killed him instead
You ignored the delving into the dark lore.
>Your headcanon vs the internet
Wrong. Chris said he wanted to create an alternative interpretation of the event so that Mort doesn't come off as an idiot.
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>physic powerhouse known as the magus
As much as the video is really well prepared, all the Magus does is casting her 3str autopistol. She should get a Psychic attack, maybe not on the level of the Benefictus but the model is pitiful in-game.
>You ignored the delving into the dark lore.
Abloo bloo bloo
Third times the charm, bucko
>Chris said he wanted to create an alternative interpretation of the event so that Mort doesn't come off as an idiot.
Mortimer wasn’t an idiot, and Chris (and by extension you) is an idiot for thinking he was
I used to think mydudes and named characters haters were autistic faggots but 3 years into the hobby I realiz that's the proper way to army build and play.
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I have to admit that I'm greatly disappointed that GW still hasn't produced an official GSC pimp-wagon limo vehicle yet. If any faction should be swanning around the hive city in a limo with blackout windows to hide whats going on inside then its GSC.

GW should embrace the light-hearted side of their own creations a bit more.
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i know the feeling. i need to get working again on my EC. need to have 2k painted in 2 weeks. doable but sometimes i just don't want to pick up a paintbrush.
Indeed. They haven’t even retconned Jokaero
>Indeed. They haven’t even retconned Jokaero
what happened? i missed this.
You don’t know about the space orangutan?
>I have to admit that I'm greatly disappointed that GW still hasn't produced an official GSC pimp-wagon limo vehicle yet.
I'm not.
>GW should embrace the light-hearted side of their own creations a bit more.
They shouldn't. Take that retarded baby shit and go play Trench Crusade or something.
What does Vect have against Yuri love?
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"If they aren't yourdudes, then why are you collecting them?" is my opinion on the matter. You've gotta love what you're pouring your heart into.
So far major characters confirmed to be gay/LGBT:
Anyone else to add to this small list?
lol, you realise what game you're playing right?
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Wargaming exclusive has what you're looking for, just FYI.
>They shouldn't.
Yeah but what's that got to do with this?
>>According to Mort
>It appears he was talking out of his ass to save face
Anon with half the facts argues over fluff with anon with none of the facts.

It was the Remnant, a daemon, that explained the circumstances of the Death Guard's corruption. Mortarion never explained his version of events to anyone. Mortarion's inner narration seems to corroborate the story, but he was not present for the Remnant's account of what happened, so since he didn't hear it or comment on it or give his own independent account, there is no "according to Mort" or "talking out of his ass". He never said a thing about it

And what the Remnant explained wasn't even that Mortarion had some grand scheme or that he was cleverly manipulating Typhon in any way. What it alleged was that Mortarion had recognized Typhon's corruption for what it was shortly before they were trapped in the warp, and he chose to not act on it, knowing that Typhon would be a vector for the rest of the legion to become corrupted. He had no idea about the when, where, what, or how things would go down.
>What do you do?
>I tank.
That paintjob is slick.
Always like the comic book/borderlands style.
Sick model. Where can I find the rules for it?
I just want an anniversary model of the fat Patriarch on throne.

I'd prefer a MTO of the actual original, but I have 0 expectations of that ever happening so I'll take what I can get.
I suggest reading the part where Morty explains himself to the Death Guard character and implies it was all part of his plan.
>Wanted to play 40K with my friend
>Three days constipation
Ironic. He punishes me with what you need.
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Jokaero are easily the single silliest part of 40k, and the fact they haven’t been retconned yet means GW still has a sense of humour
That’s why I said “appears” because that anon was rattling off headcanon
Could've worked as a belt-fed version of the vindicare stub sniper
>Where can I find the rules for it?
I want it for Necromunda personally.
Primaris were a mistake.
Man this movie absolutely fucks if you skip through all the bullshit
It works perfectly as a Goliath truck. An armed transport.
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I only ended up doing one, its such a paint in the arse to get right, thought it would be quick, but nope, you've got to get that black juuusssst right.
Sure, drop your ao3 link
Cel shading in the case of Borderlands. Fucking hate the new graphics
Someones done one, but I'm still none the wiser on where it came from.
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the problem is that genecults are now way too entrenched into their theme of hijacking mainly the working class, so high-echelons limousines aren't really thematically fitting in the current range

the limo could work in an expansion of the range that builds upon the corrupted guardsmen, making perhaps a corrupted officer, corrupted police and then general-politician, there a limo makes sense, but it needs a sort of progression

basic bitch brood scums and muties would also be cool additions to make up the various masses that aren't the more "privileged" hybrids, but it's already impressive that the genecult as a range managed to grow this much, I'm not expecting even more

the most reasonable compromise would be just 1 special character for a wandering demagogue figure that somewhat justifies breaking the normal theme for something more extreme

anon once suggested crossing over into the saudi oil magnate theme, that would work
I only go on there to read about Rogue Traders railing water caste diplomats
Glad you found the light brother. It's a shame the 1d4chan homebrew builder tables are seemingly lost in the ether.
>Completely different sizes
>Completely different weapons
Printfags be tarding
Yeah ok. Still gonna try it one day.
You got it right.
>so high-echelons limousines aren't really thematically fitting in the current range
I dont think so, the drivers of those upper class limos have got to be a standard working class citizen, theres no reason why he couldnt get inducted into the Cult and then just not turn up for work one day and takes the wheels with him.
Though its more likely that the GSC would want to recruit him for their access to whoever his boss is so they can start to work their way up through society.
It'll be close enough in size. It's the hover variety sculpt so you can use its base to make it the right height (and the base can be a rectangle thats correct footprint)
It's got two big gatling guns on the front. That's close enough to twin auto cannons.
No one's going to have an issue with this.
>too entrenched into their theme of hijacking mainly the working class
Only models-wise
Fluff-wise there is a shitload of options even within official schemes.
Butcher GSC
Big Pharma GSC
etc. etc. etc.
And the base acolyte attire is pretty neutral so that with just a bit of elbow grease you can push it into a different direction
I'm not a smoker but whenever I do I get the urge to take a dump soon after. Try smoking a cigarette or two.
Both vehicles are nowhere the shape of a stretched limo
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This is no laughing matter
>the problem is that genecults are now way too entrenched into their theme of hijacking mainly the working class
That's not the GSC theme, that's just how the variety that is the GW default sculpt is because the production minis need to have A coherent theme.

But GSC are as locked into being working mine labourers as guardsmen are locked into being cadian clones.
Indeed. Blueberry romance ho!
>there is no "according to Mort" or "talking out of his ass". He never said a thing about it
I think it was Warhawk where a DG legionnaire awkwardly brings up the topic, and Mortarion more or less says he planned it all, not Typhus. Even then, the legionnaire has his doubts. It comes off as Mortarion heavily coping with the fact that he’s lost control over his legion to Typhus, which is cemented after his defeat by Jaghatai when the DG firmly split their loyalties between Typhus and Mort.
It's narrower but longer, it's close enough that it'll be a non issue.

Counts as just needs to be reasonably close, it doesn't need to be an exact duplicate otherwise what would be the point
that's disgusting
does he not know that tau women have sideways vaginas?
It's not close. Get tae fuck
>Here's my cultist, he's a stand in for a blightlord terminator, it's close enough :)
Nice dude. He looks cool.
I turn 90 degrees and pump away
surely you understand why releasing a random limo for a range of guys with mining equipment isn't the most linear thing to do for that range
So you guys never read Warhawk? Fucking idiots.
Just think about all the stages of approval these went through at GW
That actually has merit. Nicotine can stimulate your stomach nerves for some reason. I..
I guess I'll go to the corner store and pick up some Marlboros?
You've kind of pointed out the problem. Of course lore wise not every part of the GSC is based on mining industry, but the miniature range needs consistent theme for a strong visual identity, which the limo breaks a bit.

To use your own example, the Guard range being Cadian clones - no one wants to have just ONE squad of Kriegers in a sea of Cadians, and people were annoyed at the throwback design of the new rough riders being too specific to another regiment as well, because having them mixed in with Cadians destroys the army's visual identity.
Those look like shit too.
You think I give that a pass just because it's primaris?
Nah he means they're sideways internally.
NTAB you are stupid and that’s a shitty strawman
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A recipe for birthing hips
I’m not the one pushing fan fiction, anon
See >>93198772
Unfortunately, GW has no idea how to move forward with that plotline, so DA are still stuck going after Fallen as their top priority in 10e. Yes, even with the Lion around, they still capture and torture Fallen with the primarch’s silent permission according to the codex. It’s pretty stupid.
>Conveniently placed loincloth
James is a coward. Show us the cock
>see the source directly disproving my claim
Well done anon. You’re really showcasing your subhuman intellect
Do it, and drink plenty of water.
Based on the belt feeds and the ammo box things the belt attaches to, they are very likely from the start of the primaris "era".
Ie. the time when GW was revamping the marine range and experimenting by throwing whatever shit it could at the wall to see what sticks. (Omnis, jump pack gravis with giant plasma pistols, etc.)

There's a reason why we haven't seen any new Omnis or jump pack Gravis marines or phobos at all.
No one likes those, not even primaris fans. It's also the reason why GW is constantly adding shit like suppressors in whatever bundle kit they can because no one buys them.
How does it disprove my claim, pray tell.
So is there anything special about angrons geneseed
It's extra angry
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Not really? That's like saying
>surely you understand why releasing a random biologist for a range of guys with mining equipment isn't the most linear thing to do for that range
GSC infest and occupy all classes of society simultaneously and they all work together
A noble parading his pimped out H.R. Giger comissioned limo wouldn't be any more out of place than biophagus himself, it all depends on the visual ques you use for the noble's attire and the limo itself. See the GSC codex art page from the previous edition, its absolutely stunning and the GSC noble there is front & center
Mortarion says it’s all his fault in order to pretend he had control of the situation, which he didn’t, Typhon did
Post more art of red marines dying.
>Only models-wise
And models are what matter, not fluff.
40k must not matter then
That's your fanfiction. Chris deliberately created an equally valid reinterpretation of the event which is as plausible.
You okay, buddy? It's seeming more and more pathological
It is not.
I might like primaris but Desolators are terrible.
When I said "I want missile launcher primaris" I meant like the actual shoulder fired missile launcher in the devastator kit.
Not retarded Nerf gun looking belt fed? gatling? micro missile? (seriously how the fuck does it even work?) shit with extra tubes on top.
Aren't omnis just gravchutes instead of full jump-packs?
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Someone post that Night Lords series excerpt where Talos cuts a Blood Angel out of a dreadnought to bully him and it all seems weirdly fetishistic
Chris sucked his own dick like a gay ouroboros to fix a problem that didn’t exist, then you followed his example and pretended you weren’t, faggot
Are you incapable of headswaps, anon?
>I meant like the actual shoulder fired missile launcher in the devastator kit.
Sounds like you want actual devastators and not primaris. Primaris inherently means being retarded with the designs of their guns changed for no reason, always for the worse.
They have the same foot things that the Inceptors (jump pack gravis) but yes they have the grav-chutes as well.
Omnis is on the suppressors, you know the marines with assault cannons.
I'm a 2024 newfaggot but what exactly is the problem with the Primaris aside from the lore?
Take a fiber supplement like flaxseed. If you are slightly lactose intolerant drink a gallon of milk. Smoke a cig and drink strong black coffee. Go to taco bell. There are many solutions to your problem
a lone hero is not the same as a vehicle
It’s Mike Brooks, there’s always a token lgbt character in his books. The Alpharius novel had a lesbian couple with a kid, who Alpharius empathized with because he is also gene-modified. The Lion book had Fallen heavily implied to be gay for each other, and the Ork books always have pronouns being brought up.

Black Library writers aren’t great, but Brooks takes a step further and very transparently projects his own beliefs in nearly everything he touches.
Didn't they make Yriel gay too?
Or just fix your diet. Eat leafy greens and some beans, or drink some coffee. Don’t give yourself a nicotine addiction just because you gotta shit.
No I don't want desolators because I don't care about them, if I wanted desolators I would've already bought fucking years ago.
Pay it no mind, it's just autistic retards bitching over if vanilla or french vanilla are the better ice cream.
Meh, ADB can’t write antagonists without flanderizing them to be assholes. He’s improved a bit, but it’s super apparent in his earlier stuff.
Hey all.
Anyone know any good Centerpiece models for a Farseer or similar?
Best I've been able to find has been picrel.
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I don't even the Marines but just want to know about the whole commotion. I remember back in 2018 when Vermintide 2 was hot, I thought of getting into tabletop Warhammer but everyone was bummed about Age of Sigmar being shit and getting rid of the setting so I decided not to and just content with reading some Gotrek & Felix novels. I got into tabletop 40k after getting hooked up on Darktide this time but I guess the people would complain regardless.
>Imagine than someone paid 45 bongland dollars for this garbage
ADB can't write any character without flanderizing them to hell. All his protagonists are insufferable mary sues. All his villains are mustache-twirling saturday morning cartoon villains.
It's a strange thing because he has underlying talent and his prose IS (mostly) solid. It's just that he uses it to make the most absolutely fucking braindead narrative choices.
Any model on a 25mm is going to struggle to remotely qualify as a centerpiece
It's not true of every Primaris model, but the line often has aesthetics and rules that run counter to the established lore.

Rules example: the existence of specialized units like Hellblasters and Desolators. Space Marines are supposed to focus on tactical versatility and absolutely detest units that overspecialize in one thing.

Aesthetics example: There are almost zero elements of the model for the Invictus warsuit that look like they belong on a Space Marine unit like that.

Both at once: the general obsession Primaris vehicles have with stubbers, which mechanically violates the lore that bolters are supposed to be preferred because they are superior and aesthetically leads to models absolutely festooned with guns Space Marines should object to carrying.
I will properly admit that this WENCH'S BREASTS are HEAVING!
The lore is the biggest problem, what with the whole sudden appearance thing and being bigger and better for no reason. From a modeling perspective, they took away a lot of the bits and bobs of customization. Primaris are bland compared to the marines of old, with very little in the way of kitbashing. Even their rules discourage it, whereas before every model in a unit might have a different weapon, primaris are only allowed to carry uniform loadouts with maybe the sergeant getting a choice between three melee/pistol options.
>Lion book had Fallen heavily implied to be gay
That's just standard Dark Angel shit tbf
>dark angels
>chapter named after being fags
>have a gay character
Some models have tokens as an indicator of once per game abilities, which you remove after using that ability. If you don't have the said token, are you allowed to use that ability rule-wise say if you were playing at a tourney?
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You know that shit is just a meme right
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look no further than one of these two niggas
Explain why it's bad coherently and concisely.
No you didn't lmao
the token is a placeholder with no rules you can use the ability without it.
Eldar hierarchy is dictated, or at least indicated, by breast size.
It's as a one-off model for an important game NPC. Extremely ancient Eldar Farseer and Warlock, body half turning to crystal. Sung heavy metal before the fall.
Hence I want something relatively dramatic and feature-ish.
The token is a suggestion to help keep track of the ability use. If you don’t have a formal token piece, just use a dice or coin or whatever, it’s no big deal. You’re not gonna be banned from a tournament if you don’t have one.
No it isn't you coping DAfaggot
The Fallen are a metaphor for being in the closet
So in the future Toasters are incredibly dickhardening for the Adeptus Mechanicus, but they know how to manufacture Gyrojets?
the dark angel is literally a poem written by lionel johnson about being a closeted gay
The reason why Firstborn marines aren't mentioned in 40k anymore is because most of them died during the primaris process.
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Bestgirl Macha is the only acceptable 3rd party female farseer
stop getting your lore from reddit and youtube
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Convert an Alarith Stonemage from Lumineth. You can't really go wide on a small base model so go tall instead with a levitating Farseer.

nigga they’re sterile and have no sex drive
>and being bigger and better for no reason.
They were specifically made to be superior to the old generation, that is the reason.
Guilliman literally ordered Cawl to do that.
You only survive the process if you're cool and have a name
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Today I will remind them.
phobos FUCKS
These boys looking fresh as hell. Grogs can't handle kicks this clean
I like it.
I get the distinct impression they are trying to rewrite or spin the Drukhari somehow to make them more marketable with broader appeal, but whatever it is they're working towards I really don't see it.
So historically, Space Marines are the best selling miniature range in 40k, by a country mile. In that whole time, GW has experimented with trying to avoid what they perceive as lost sales by not just selling new versions of the same thing to that particular consumer base. This has resulted in Space Marine ranges becoming continually larger and larger with more specific things (like different chapters, the Space Wolves vs. Blood Angels each with unique aesthetics they can sell) to the point where they already dwarf several other factions in the game combined. Any layman could look at this and understand this wasn't sustainable, and GW would have to find a way to cannibalize the Space Marine model range to continue this.

Well, that's what they did, but they did it in the most shallow and consumerist fashion imaginable. This whole setting is about the loss of progress and advancement, socially and technologically, but for GW to have an excuse for why Space Marine players need a whole new range of miniatures to rival the old bloated one they needed a reason for the new in-setting technology to exist when the setting as a matter of course *doesn't make any*. So they didn't really try, they invented a mary-sue character who just acts like the last 10,000 year history of the setting didn't happen, and makes "newer better" marines en masse. Marine fans in general, being what they were, coped in the extreme and bent over backwards to excuse why they should rebuy their entire armies just to have the new toys, while some die hards hated how they looked and the shitty lore excuses GW made to try and grift them.

During this affair, btw, GW insisted that primaris marines were "just a new thing" and were never going to replace older marine ranges, this was just yet more bloating and expanding of what was there. Anyone with eyes in their head knew that this was lip service, and sure enough 2 editions later most of the old marine range has been culled.
>three paragraphs to explain why you're throwing a tantrum over barely different armor
A painted one
>Stop getting your lore from reddit and youtube.
There is an actual skull called REDDITUS.
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Thats pretty sick my guy.
That really works. Super unique, but also super eldary.
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Eldar and Lumineth kit bash pretty well in general, so long as you don't mind some obviously metal armor bits here and there which the Eldar don't normally use.
>coherently and concisely
Rey Skywalker
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>>During this affair, btw, GW insisted that primaris marines were "just a new thing" and were never going to replace older marine ranges, this was just yet more bloating and expanding of what was there. Anyone with eyes in their head knew that this was lip service, and sure enough 2 editions later most of the old marine range has been culled.
Yeah this shit is fucking funny I know. I can still taste the seeth when GW culled assault squad and old sternguard.
The avenger conversion is pretty cool too.
>if you just ignore 90% of everything looking wrong and clearly not fitting it really works!
Are you saying Drukhari aren't just pallid Gerudo with a lot more male warlocks running around?
I have never owned and never will own any Space Marines. This is purely from the perspective of someone who has had to put up with the last 20 years of Marines-first GW policy, and how hideously transparent they are about it.
Destroy the Tau.
Murder the Tau.
Obliterate the Tau Empire.
Fuck the Greater Good.
Fuck those lying Blue-Skinned no-melee bastards.
Fuck their flat-chested women.
Fuck their gigantic Battletech-rip off Robots.
Fuck their stolen Marathon logo ass.
But Lelith is an old character.
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>Fuck their flat-chested women
If you insist
New sterngard are just the same thing though? There isn't even keyword locking anymore so it's not like your firstborn characters get cucked out of leading them either
I wish this guy wasn’t going for $300 on ebay.
>tertiary throwing another tantrum that they're not as popular as marines
>I got into tabletop 40k after getting hooked up on Darktide this time but I guess the people would complain regardless.
They always do. It's reason why people joke about the "true hobby" of 40k being just complaining about all the shit GW does.

Primaris got made for a very simple reason.
People spend the most money they will ever spend when they buy a new army, whether starting for the first time or expanding. Votann being the latest example.
Releasing new armies is always a huge injection of profits short term and sometimes even long-term if the develop enough popularity.
Releasing a new unit for an existing faction with a big player base is the second most profitable option, and marines have the biggest player base by a large margin.
The least profitable option is releasing an update of an existing unit, because half the existing player base for that faction won't even go out and buy it because they already have a lot of copies of the old one.

These profit incentives are the reason Primaris Marines exist, and not just a true scale update even though Space Marines are the most popular army. And time has proven it was the right decision for the company economically since they were dying and almost bankcrupt in early 2010s. Same reason cult legions are being billed as NEW armies rather than expanded options of CSM or simply refreshed berserkers/plague/rubric Marines.
Even if GW had made updated tacticals with better propotions most old marines players wouldn't even bother since they probably already own like 20-30 tactical marines anyway which they have lovingly painted and converted.
Especially if they have the same rules and everything.
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>tfw no noseless blueberry gf
Got clapped by them last game, did we
>GSC skull servitor
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Lelith was always a Mary Sue from her first big lore dump. Fights naked to show she has no scars because nobody has ever been able to land a blow on her and is obsessively beloved by all who behold her and is the most beautiful woman in the galaxy in ten thousand years and only fights with two small knives?
Her initial gladiatrix concept with the Trident was way better.
>tactical marines anyway which they have lovingly painted and converted.
Haha good one
Interestingly, tau females can have pseudo-noses. This probably means tau think humans look feminine
This faggot really thought people hadn't seen these exact models a hundred times before
I like primaris but I'm still baffled that someone at GW thought that power capris and sneakers looked good.
Also the asymmetrical shoulder pads just look dumb.
Hey, you copy pasta'd my explanation from yesterday. Glad you found it concise and insightful enough to reproduce.
But how does HH fit into your equation?
>But Lelith is an old character.
How that change the fact than Brooks is bad writer?
The semi noses feel relatively recent, now that I think about it.
>>During this affair, btw, GW insisted that primaris marines were "just a new thing" and were never going to replace older marine ranges
>ever believing the lies of a faceless corporation
You honestly deserve it.
Anyone with an actual brain knew that manlets were on borrowed time once primaris were shown off.
Is there anything about her character that sets it apart from any other SoB?
She's just Joan of Arc, mate.
Holy fuck read like 2 sentences after the quote anon
I dont think you know anything about Joan.
>And time has proven it was the right decision for the company economically since they were dying and almost bankcrupt in early 2010s.

No other factors there, nope. Not an increase in production of models across all model ranges, not just Space Marines. Not an increase in selling smaller scale games with cheaper initial investments that bring in customers that will eventually scale into their mainline systems. Not a global pandemic that lined up perfectly with a new edition of their biggest system so people with a lot of free time on their hands suddenly could put in the effort for a time-consuming hobby.

And there certainly isn't evidence to suggest that the snake oil concept of old hobbyists that don't want to rebuy their old collections aren't the majority or even a significant portion of their consumer base. No, they definitely don't still update old models in other ranges on the regular, they definitely didn't come up with an excuse on two separate occasions to sell upscaled old marines en masse.
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Do SoB even worship the Emperor anymore? Seems like all they do is jerk off saints (who are usually also SoB) and they barely ever talk priests and other members of the actual Ecclesiarchy.
Just a containment game for old marines going forward.
It is the reason why GW axed all the Horus Heresy stuff out of 40k and shoved it all into legends.
It's GW's very subtle way of telling you as to where to go if you want your old style marines.
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Didn't she have a book coming out? I feel like they announced it twice over like six months and the. Went completely silent on it. In that time period a DIFFERENT sisters of battle book was announced and released.
Anon was joking all the copies go lost at sea or something.
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Warhammer already has a Joan of Arc. 40k doesn't need one too.
She's one of the Lords of Terra. But that doesn't really play into her on the tabletop.
Why don't they include bugeye helmets as an option in new kits
Ain't Celestine our Joan of Arc?
Joan of arc in 40k would be chaos corrupted.
>She's just Joan of Arc, mate.
You'd be correct if it was a female marine.
She's just a random slag in a nundam, nothin' special.
Is the GSC Boarding Patrol worth €105 if I have two of the old Combat Patrol boxes?
It gives you the 2 cool characters right? yeah why not.
>Space Marines are supposed to focus on tactical versatility and absolutely detest units that overspecialize in one thing.
Not really though. It's not like space marines never used things like Hammernators or Gravdevs before.
It fits well with those, yea. The biggest struggle for collecting GSC is finding better prices on Acolytes, and the boarding patrol is one of only two box sets they've done to have more than just 5 of the things (the other being the new combat patrol).
commander farsight is the 40k joan of arc.
does something unorthodox
helps win the battle
get's hated by all
seems corrupted but isn't... maybe
The Watchers are actually the ghosts of molested children.
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More acolytes/metamorphs, an abominant to buff a unit of Aberrants. Kellermorph looks awesome as a model.
Or like you've said, I can get the new box that also includes 10 acolytes/metamorphs.
Im going to get a fucking aneurysm if someone calls a custodian a joan of arc
When you think about it all space marines are grooming gangs who groom young boys to procreate
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Not quite. We don't know much about Celestine's life before becoming a living saint other than she had been a Battle Sister, fucked up, became a Repentia, then was killed and came back to save Imperial forces a bunch of times.

A Joan character would, like Repanse, be from a poor, untrained background who manages, by some miracle to lead a resistance against Chaos and save her homeland/planet. Then gets killed by the Inquisition because they're a bunch of tosspots.

It can be done easily in 40k but none of the current named characters, particularly for Sisters really fit the bill.

More Repantsu art because I have that folder open. At least Repanse got a happy ending. Made a duchess and was still riding to battle at over a hundred years old.
Constantin Valdor is Joan of Arc
the only character is jakle alpha (the bike leader)

if you have the old boxes it's a good addition having bikes, different character more metamorphs/acolytes (that are extreamly expensive alone but you need quite a few of them) and the ridgerunner
Is Warhammer 40,000 popular with the Asians?
Custodes are from too noble of a background to be a Joan character.
So popular that recasting it accounts for half of their GDP
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Repent while you can, heretic.
It probably would be if it wasnt so overpriced over there.

sry my bad "boarding patrol" not combat partol.... i overread that.
Vulkan is Joan of Arc
>Verification not required.
Would be kind of funny if GW did add a female custodes named Joan into the fluff as a reference.
It doesn't have to be 1:1. Macharius is suppose to be Alexander the Great but they're not exactly the same.
Cato Sicarius is Joan of Arc
Ursula Creed is Joan of Arc.
Fabius Bile is Joan of Arc
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If only...
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So what is the liklyhood that the Emperor's Children codex is full of Slaangors?
lol wonder how well she sold
seriously wtf is with the fat woman craze at GW? It it not actually ESG but an architect on the team?
Minka Lest is Joan of Arc
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They're British, of course they like fat old women
In the 40th Milennium, the House of Windsor is gone.
All that remains is the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
>aberrants lost second hypermorph in units of 10
>10th codex instead of fixing it just removed the hypermorph
>every other unit gets restricted to what comes in a box
Why does GW hate Aberrants so much?
I saved it as well, it's a good write up.
you aren't getting a codex lmao
Omg! Cadia-written-the-wrong-way-on-her-chainsword-chan!
Gravis Suits have this atrocious awful mold lines on the tubes on the back of their legs. How do you remove them without damaging/bending the tubes.
What the hell are you talking about
very gently scraping and using plastic cement
Autism, what else?
Mold line remover or the back edge of a knife if you're poor.
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I know this is bait but the mold line remover wouldn't be able to get between the segments
>mold line remover
paying extra for an inferior tool is the epitome of being poor
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How did i do on this one? It is a second hand from ebay so the glue is shit and bolter is weirdly assembled. Also post models
The text on the chainsword is written the wrong way up. A bit like when people paint things with drips of dirt or whatever in the current orientation of miniature, like its a statue not a moving thing.
Tick tock combat patrol box
Going by the codex fluff she's pretty stereotypically an Argent Shroud sister. Taciturn, deliberate, and active. Obviously that's not a detailed description but it's all there is until she gets a novel about her.
It's the covens' turn
Everyone here giving you recommendationa for poisons. Drink lots of water, eat apples, drink yoghurt, eat more veggies.
Apples and yoghurt alone will make you shit like a broken sewer pipe.
You keep posting it and every keeps not caring.
Damn, that's how you know it's gonna be. Combat patrol.
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Can someone explain why the Bladeguard veterans come with shields but you can’t select storm shields as a wargear option in the app?

Because you can't play them without the shield
It’s not actually an option, they all have a shield. They just rolled it into the invulnerable save
Ah, thanks. Sorry for being stupid, it was unclear
Gently with a knife.
Shouldn't be too hard as long as you don't have the hand coordination and dexterity of chimpanzee.
No worries, shit happens.
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leaning to bicep frankly
Should get it on your pecs.
>inb4 this turns out to some obscure symbol for some gross group
Still though, good luck with it.
Both are cringe. As someone with a few tats I can tell you never get a gaming or hobby tattoo. Get something you'll be happy with for 100 years.
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Rockso seems more like a clown the laughing god is actually slaanesh
>lamenter's glaze paint was discontinued
Even in the real world, the universe hating them is canon.
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EC release hype.
>A bastard with hairier legs than me
I never thought I'd see the day.
Arms tattoos are better than leg ones. Something about leg tattoos seems a bit gay.
Nah. 2025 or 2026
>this turns out to some obscure symbol for some gross group
It is, it's the World Eaters emblem
Har har.
are you that hairy homo who recently posted nudes in /wfg/
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I would love a character on a bike.
can you actually fuck the elf or is it all muh spiritual connection let's meditate together shit
The second one
Sigh, a fish is fine too.
Question. I made a terminator ancient conversion out of the terminator captain from the starter set, but I don't know if they increased the size of all terminator HQs, or if it's just the captain. What's the actual size of the terminator HQs?
Both of your examples are loadouts of flexible units that can be equipped differently and both use gear from the common gear list. Primaris don't do any of that, they have specific squads for specific loadouts and the gear of those squads is unique to them. You won't find plasma annihilators outside of hellblasters but you will find plasma cannons in a dozen places other than devastators.
Sadly the latter, since she's scared shitless of attracting Slaanesh.
Which is understandable, but still sucks.
it doesn't matter, anybody that complains about a few mm difference in a proxy made from a first party model isn't worth playing against
>Both of your examples are loadouts of flexible units that can be equipped differently
Or you could take them mono-load out as most people did, because there was no general splitfire before Primaris.
Yeah, me too.
I swear to god you people must do it on purpse. No one is talking about mixing weapons. No one has ever talked about that.
>No one is talking about mixing weapons.
Then what's the problem?
>Rules example: the existence of specialized units like Hellblasters and Desolators. Space Marines are supposed to focus on tactical versatility and absolutely detest units that overspecialize in one thing.
A Hellblaster is just a Marine that has picked up a Plasma gun. Being modular and versatile and allowing them to go from Phobos->Tacticus->Gravis is the point of MkX.

9E allowed this; Hellblasters could take different types of Plasma to better fit the situation. Of this this confused and irritated the average retard so that's gone
me too
Can you not see the difference between devastators having 5 different weapon options coming from the shared wargear list (the space marine way) and hellblasters having only super special plasma annihilators that you can't find anywhere else in the entire game (the eldar aspect warrior way)?
>No one is talking about mixing weapons.
Anon, if squads don't mix weapons there is no functional versatility. Your plasma dudes aren't more versatile because they could be heavy bolter dudes if you built them differently.
>the general obsession Primaris vehicles have with stubbers
I never noticed that but you're right, it's weird to see marines with stub guns
NTA but yeah - one is LARPing as versatile because it has the option to do a thing you won't do (and won't change) while the other squad is accepting what 99% of people do and making that choice more fleshed out. The latter is better.
My plasma dudes can get meltas without having to use a completely different unit, most likely with different armour, base size and unit size.
If you can't see how it's a complete paradign shift in both unit design and how they fit with the rest of the roster, that's on you. But it's a big change. One that only increases the already ridiculous bloat in the space marine roster.
>Can you not see the difference between devastators having 5 different weapon options coming from the shared wargear list (the space marine way) and hellblasters having only super special plasma annihilators that you can't find anywhere else in the entire game (the eldar aspect warrior way)?
No, not really. The Primris paradigm get around the rule of three better, and would work more easily with a force org chart but that's about it.
In-universe sure it's fine that the marines CAN use any weapon, but it's stupid that there's a whole squad all using the same specialized weapon, and it's a gyp that they're sold that way
>My plasma dudes can get meltas
>it's stupid that there's a whole squad all using the same specialized weapon
So it is about mixing weapons?
>Being modular and versatile and allowing them to go from Phobos->Tacticus->Gravis is the point of MkX.
Ít's pretty stupid because marines were already modular and versitile before that. They were more modular, in fact, because they didn't lock most of their guns to a single specific unit.
>Can you not see the difference between devastators having 5 different weapon options coming from the shared wargear list
Which of people only ever used monosquads anyway.
You are mad GW took away options, options that you never used anyway.
And what's funnier people like you just ate up the HH shit where they sell 80$ of tacticals and if you want any of your special dudes, devastators, etc.
You're forced to shill 47$ on top of that for an upgrade and depending which box you might have shill another 47$ because all of the heavy weapons aren't included inside a single kit.

Have fun.
I see you have the reading comprehension of a toddler.
>Which of people only ever used monosquads anyway.
You still don't get the point. It's not about mixing weapons.
>You are mad GW took away options, options that you never used anyway.
That's completely stupid and demonstrably wrong.
>You're forced to shill 47$ on top of that for an upgrade and depending which box you might have shill another 47$ because all of the heavy weapons aren't included inside a single kit
And yet it's overall cheaper than both the alternatives.
>lmao if you don't want to do this bad thing, you're forced to do this other bad thing
Why is assembly so much more entertaining than painting?
You're mechanically minded
>My plasma dudes can get meltas without having to use a completely different unit
Cool. and now they've fleshed it out rather than Bog standard marine with ____ gun. Boring shit that made the firstborn line a fraction as popular as primaris are, despite the wailing
harder to fuck it up
Are you against a singular squad using one variety of special special weapons or aren't you?
nta, but painting is much easier to fix if you fuck it up tho
It is easyer, you see greater and faster results, you have more of the feeling to create something then to "pretty something up",
He's arguing there's something inherently different about having the choice to give a squad all plasma or melta versus there being plasma marines vs melta marines.

Of course the choice is fucking pointless and having squads that specialize is way more interesting, with "versatility" at listbuilding is functionally no different, but autism gonna autism
I guess those all make sense.
I am ashamed to have a pile of grey though, so I will continue to suffer through the painting stage.
I unironically like the Black Templars and think there should be more Space Marines which openly worship the Emperor instead of skirting around the issue of the Emperor's divinity so that they can pretend to still be following the imperial truth while still screaming about heresy and heretics like any other religious fanatic in the imperium
>and think there should be more Space Marines which openly worship the Emperor
And this already points out you don't understand the setting or marines as a whole.
>And yet it's overall cheaper than both the alternatives.
It is not. it's far from it.
>And this already points out you don't understand the setting or marines as a whole.
Tell me what fundamental principles of 40k I am breaking by wanting more of the ultra fanatical supersoldiers to be actual religious zealots instead of religious zealots in all but name
I play GSC only in Necromunda anon, a limo would be perfectly acceptable for Ash Wastes vehicle battles.
Because they aren't ultra fanatical supersoldiers who aren't religious zealots.
Like I said you don't understand anything, and you're not worth it to explain.
1.7 grand?
What. The. Fuck.
Cool, they're like the Scout from TF2!
It's overpriced but not far off from the going rates for other well painted models
Serious? Damn. I wonder how long it takes to paint and then sell a kill-team like that?
Granted that does sound like a lot but have you considered From £82.54 per month for 24 months with PayPal Credit*?
For the next two years I can not buy 2 whole killteams per month!
>they aren't ultra fanatical supersoldiers
how exactly would you describe space marines yourself then?
what's stopping me from just not paying after I receive them?
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Okay masterbaiter I'll bite.
Source on Yarrick?
space marines calling their enemies heretics is like when you call your friends fags, it's just what you say, nothing to it. Just a bit of banter.
Alright I've seen this style enough, and now I want to give it a try.
Is ivory or beige cream coloured paint a good jack of all trades paint to be used to mix for lighter colours?

Has anybody ever attempted this kind of painting style? Is it more simple than it looks?
>The equivalent of combat patrol every month for two years for ten hybrids, and two characters painted to look like a cheap video game
What a bargain!
There isn't one, it's just a meme that got started years ago where anon made it up to bait retards into getting angry at GW over something that never happened.
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Space marines don’t believe in the divinity of the emperor because that would be weird. He’s their grandpa and they believe that he was a great man. It would be weird to worship him. Read more.
So becoming a space marine completely removes their previous belief in the divinity of the Emperor that they would have had prior to their ascension?
They have magic brainwashing machines, yes.
>Space marines don’t believe in the divinity of the emperor
>read more
I already know space marines don't view the emperor as divine, what's your point? I was saying many space marines in the 41st millennium treat the emperor like a god in all but name despite all that and many marines are even just as likely to scream about heresy this and heretic that as an actual ecclesiarchy zealot despite not viewing the emperor as being actually divine.
Okay so when the Imperium orders a new founding the specifically give the newly made chapter a brainwashing machine that causes them to no longer believe in the core tenants of the imperial faith?
That seems counter productive
The imperium knows about the marines beliefs. They begrudgingly tolerate it the same way they do the Mechanicus
The poster making a very public post about how you screwed them out of some very specifically painted minis?
The Imperium is not the same thing as the Adeptus Ministorum.
>that they would have had
Is belief genetic? Because Space Marines command their own worlds and are exempt from all manner of things. Like Marines have fought off the Ecclesiarchy when they've tried to come and spread the word of Space Jesus to them. There's no reason a child brought up on a chapter homeworld would be super religious, let alone people in places like Necromunda (where IF recruit from). Not to forget all the years of conditioning that Marines go through to get rid of that gay shit.
Go bright, brighter than you think is reasonable. You need some really good high-pigment acrylics.
>Why do adults not hold the exact same set of beliefs they did when they were eleven years old?
To be fair, that's usually the case in the Imperium
Okay but what's stopping them from just giving the new chapters the same indoctrination machines that the black templars use?
Whats this "pain glove" I keep seeing mentioned in memes about Dorn? What is it? Just like a glove with needles on the inside of it or something?
it's like that brazillian tribe that has a mitten with fire ants in it that kids have to stick their hands into to become men
So what does he do with it? Just put it on for the craic or something?
keeps ya focused
Bullet ants, not fire ants. Way worse.

It's like a religious meditation where you break through the pain
They do. The techmarines and chapter enginseers program them. They all get the same computer but they play different videos on it
So he has like a kinky side? Does he put it on for a crafty wank?
No, he has a separate pain tenga for that purpose
Sure does. Jorking it with a power fist is pretty great, too
I just don't understand why they would deliberately allow the creation of new chapters that have a different belief system than the rest of the imperium when they're in a position to do otherwise
>This hurts real bad. I'm gonna stick my dick in it
We're such a weird species
I didn't mean put it on his knob! I though maybe he could whap it on and it makes his hand go numb with pain, so its like someone else is cranking his rod.
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Most obvious fit for a Dark Eldar GF in the entire galaxy. She doesn't even have to ask him to put on the pain glove.
Cause it's more trouble than its worth. Most chapters maintain their own cultures and nobody in the Inquisition is happy about it, but they're loyal ENOUGH. Nobody wants to fuck with the system that's held the line for 10,000 years
masturbate before posting
1. They have marines from existing chapter around to train them, and Marines would not like to see their rights infringed upon.
2. It doesn't suit most of the Imperium to give the Ecclesiarchy space marine attack dogs.
Masturbate while posting
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I'm trying to switch to volumetric highlights. How am I doing?
barrel not drilled / 10
Trying to build out a 1000 pt Tyranid list and I need some suggestions for a tough anti-infantry monster since there’s so many to choose from.
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why do the BTs get a pass
I know 40k doesn't really think about science all that much but I just thought of a cool little story where the defences of the Sol System are triggered by a bunch of massive flashes and explosions amongst the stars and the Imperium gears up for an incursion into the Solar System only for it to be revealed that the explosions and flashes were in systems some 15,000 light years away from Terra and had likely occurred during the Men of Iron rebellion
Wheres her muscle anon?
She's got two big lumps of muscle right there. Eldar are 0% body fat, remember? They just have some weird muscles.
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Why do Warhounds not have close combat weapons? You'd think that of all Titans they would be most likely to get into a brawl.
But no no, instead the Imperium gives its big Titans CC weaponry.
The magical part of it is that it prevents the wearer from ever adjusting to it; getting through that pain is truly an achievement
Well that's fuck all use, what's she going to do, flex her pecs at you threateningly?
>upper left and lower left
reek of edgy fantasy elf, but could work.
>upper right.
>lower right and bottom
Oh shit nigger what are you doing? Limbs do not pose like that. Put them out of their misery.

50% at best.
But why does he even need it? If it just exists to be sore, what's the point in the damn thing?
They came to their philosophy by their own will, and actually predate the Adeptus Ministorum.
Clearly that's where she stores her venom glands.
Warhounds are scout titans and are designed to fight large targets like light mechs in battletech while smaller targets can simply be shot at with impunity or stomped. Larger titans cannot disengage as easily and therefore have uses for melee weapons.
You must rearn disciprine
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>what's she going to do
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when's the redacted codex being revealed
What's the point in any religious ritual? What's the point in doing anything at all? Why not just go to sleep and continue sleeping until you die? At what point will you be satisfied with the answers you receive?
what is the point of morty grime now? the new foruma is so thinned out that its fucking nothing, may as well just use agrax instead
>Why not just go to sleep and continue sleeping until you die?
God I fucking wish I could
>Why not just go to sleep and continue sleeping until you die?
Don't threaten me with a good time
Not soon.
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I hope negavolts are eventually released officially as dark mech cultists just for the petty schadenfreude of these posts, like the copium of people claiming primaris were stormcast kitbashes.

Yeah survival instinct is pretty hard to fight against, I feel it too. Remember, the way we live now is unnatural and forced upon us; our current suffering can be remedied through societal change -- what benefits others also benefits us.
Black Templars?
I didnt know he saw it as some religious thing, I thought he was just doing it for a laugh.
The majority of the Mechanicus are Asexual and/or non-binary.
Seeing how Ive been with world eaters for 20 years and am in the top 5 players in the world for them in addition to being the shadowboxer
How the fuck did Lelith survive getting punched in the chest with a powerfist?
Lots of extra padding to cusion the blow.

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