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MH4 will fix this edition


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What would you like to see in MH4?
Dryad Harbour.
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>in response, Kellan pumps Amalia
Master Pyromancer. The next evolution of Young/Seasoned Pyromancer and a resurgence of mardu pyromancer.
More cards that want/need pumping.
>it was gooning summer all along
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>a-at least we aren't yugioh
Here to stay lads.
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Arcane Teachings
>Ruby Storm
Lands broken enough to rotate shocks.
>judge gives big dice
>ignores it and use the small one
>judge removes it
>he takes it back
sexo con Benavidez
>Chord of Calling gets banned instead
Im officially done with this game when it happens.
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There were actual anons who were celebrating because they thought a cheap deck was the top dog of the format.
I'm wondering what the green leyline from BB will do.
Ward 1 on all your permanents.
What a semen slurping combo
Very nice of the Mardu player to let the Nadu go off to piss everyone and hate Nadu even more and guarantee its getting banned.
So if Mycosynth Lattice was banned for "not being fun" (even though they said they wouldn't ban things for that reason). How will Nadu survive?
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>Get to watch oppokd0manent play solitaire for 10 mins
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Those are the best.
The entire meta in the coming weeks will be ppl bulding decks to beat bird.
such joy
Duskmourn has the Leylines, not Bloomburrow.
>only deck with a winning percentage against nadu is "more nadu"
how long until shuko gets the sacrificial ban
I'm to blame, but I don't feel guilty.
Eli Kassis is actually a cheating motherfucker. Everyone constantly has to point out slipups that all advantage him.
>"This deck looks amazing when it's doing it's thing!"
That's one way to put it Baumeister...
Commentator with a lisp... kill my ears please
COMMANDERfication of modern will continue until morale improves
The irony here is that the Nadu decks we see now are just level 1. It can go way deeper.
if you think Shuko is the problem, you haven't been paying attention.
Nadu is the card that will eat the ban, theres so many angles you can break it and will only lead to the same boring, uninteresting play pattern that everyone hates.
Shuko is just the low hanging fruit combo to do but you can add so much more shit to it since the combo is so easy to assemble and you have so much room to add more support.
Yeah people forget that even PT Eldrazi Winter wasn't the final form of those decks.
Nobody thinks shuko is the problem. They're saying shuko is what will get hit with the ban.
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>they don't even know about flicker nadu
Banning Shuko barely does anything to Nadu, it would be an even worse look on Wizards to ban a shitty 0 equip cost draft chaff and just have Nadu play something else and still be a horrible 60% winrate deck
Is this your first time here? Of course it'll barely do anything to Nadu, that's the point.
it's exactly because it's shitty draft chaff that's only played in nadu that will get it the ban over a chase rare of the set at least for a little while.
The jeskai control deck looks pretty cool at least. I like it a lot and it's pretty cheap outside of Phlage.
wonder how this is going to go compared to the last couple tries at core sets
from my point of view, this essentially solves the "pioneer horizons" situation since they can just print whatever they want into it without worrying about how it fits a standard set
yes, and how many cards got sacrificed to the altar of the gaak again?
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Pioneer Horizons within the year the said it wasn't something they where thinking about doing just yet. That sounds awesome. I'm totally not going to jump the format before that happens.
This, so much this.
Post some cards you'd like to see reprinted that are,
a, not legal in pioneer
b, they are fun and functional on their own
c, they wouldn't warp standard around them
Apparently the core conceit of Foundations is basically just "what would a set called 'Magic The Gathering' look like" and it's gonna be weird when Lightning Bolt isn't in it.
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>The only deck with a positive match up against 3 color Nadu is 4 color Nadu
pls stap i can only get so many pillars in my format
Why would Lightning Bolt be in it? It's been rotated, old man.
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>60-70% of the top 8 is going to be Nadu and only because Nadu is beating other Nadus

lol lmao expect dead bird is next banlist
Lightning Bolt is too good for Standard, they've maintained that for a long time now. I dunno if they're gonna break that even with Foundations bringing back 4-mana wraths and Llanowar Elves and Omniscience.
>Lightning Bolt is too good for Standard
Lightning Bolt has never historically been too good for Standard.
>they've maintained that for a long time now
They also maintain that Magic doesn't have technology in it.
And when Nadu is gone it's going to be Necropotence vs RWx shells
>Mechanical decisions for balance reasons are exactly the same as flavour things actually
Question: With the knowledge they have now if the PT was next weekend how you think the meta would change? I mean obviously they all would be going bird hunting but can you hate him and keep in check Eldrazi, Storm, Jeskai and Necro?
Wait what the fuck did that Bart guy do? Cheating on camera against Javier? Someone here must've seen that match.
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and Garruk Wildspeaker
i think people asking for nadu bans are not really aware of how horrible will be the meta after him, grief and ring piles dominating the format whitout any opposition. fags at pt didnt know the extent of bird or simple were unprepared...
Wow dude what an insight! It's almost like we've been saying for years that Modern is problems on top of problems.
It's time for the Final Standard
>Lightning Bolt
>Summer Bloom
>Swords to Plowshares
>powercrept Goblin Guide
>1 mana Invisible Stalker
>the biggest, greenest giga-nigga of all time
>a new super Thalia
>Unholy fusion of Sheoldred, Graveyard Trespasser, and Vein Ripper
After banning Shuko they'll be forced to ban something from Necro and Tron.
Lightning Bolt would be perfectly fine in Standard, and would have been so for quite a while now.
>Ban ban ban ban ban
Gave his goyf a wicked role when it shouldn't have died.
Everyone knows it'll be a shit show but that's no reason to leave Nadu running rampant
Lightning Bolt is still king in the best format
Yes, Modern has needed extensive bans for some time.
Yeah it sees tons of play in EDH.
>3 toughness creatures shouldn't get to exist actually
Here's the clip of it
*twitch url goes here* /magic/clip/RoughMagnificentBeanRickroll-b7CZds4zUTV-mcE8
Oh so it was just the role thing that the commentators mentioned earlier.
>creatures shouldn't get to exist
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>Can combo through multiple thoughtseizes due to all the redundancy and tutors
>Doesn't care if you remove Nadu or Shuko, will combo anyways
>Bristley Bill and Nantuko and Teferi let it stall the game out if they get a brick hand or don't have the necessary protection
>Deck has enough room to add shit like the One Ring or counterspells if it wants to
>Ends the game with a piece if string and a horse shoe despite all the combo pieces and redundancy
wtf is this deck
>Every deck in the top is costs a grand except gruul prowess
SSS, manamorphose spikes soon.
While watching the game it seemed like a mistake. Should still get a match loss, but a DQ is easier for pairings I guess.
Meanwhile Eli Kassis doesn't even get a warning despite constantly making errors to his advantage unless pointed out.

>Oops haha sorry I thought I hadn't targeted anything yet silly me wow that would've given me an extra 4 Nadu triggers thanks for pointing that out :)
Jews get away with everything
I really hate the guy casting with Riley purely because he plays along with the pronoun bullshit. Riley hasn't played the game once.
This deck is the Amalia of Modern the only fucking difference, a huge one, is that the fucking deck has no hate for the interactions between combo pieces. Fuck this absolute trash.
What are they supposed to do to beat Nadu
Burn isn't fast enough, and they can run life gain anyways
Mill doesn't work, they run endurance
Counterspells don't work, they have so much redundancy as well as multiple copies of endurance
They literally don't care if you remove their creatures
They don't care that much about you removing shuko because they have outrider and multiple ways to tutor shuko
They're best choices are either play Nadu themselves, or hope their Necrodominance deck nutdraws 4 soul spikes in all of their nadu games
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The guy is a known cheater

So fuck him, good riddance hope he never plays competitively ever again

I'm happy to see that a deck has finally made Endurance as broken as the other evoke elementals :)
who the fuck uses it/its pronouns. thats some serious mental illness and enabling that insanity is fucked up
So glad I don't play modern, jfc. Premodern? Now THAT'S a format.
Modern? Not even with a 10th feet pole.
I will remain with Pioneer and Standard.
Creatures have been just fine through Fatal Push, Cut Down, Strangle, and a million edict effects.
You really think he'd try that shit on a stream like this with 14k people watching after being known as a cheater already? It honestly looks like the guy was just shortcutting the Goyf dying and returning, and forgot that NDAA hitting the bin would pump the Goyf beyond Phlage range. The potential advantage to be gained from a role token is nowhere near worth the risk of one of the many MANY people watching the game spotting what you've done.

Meanwhile Eli Kassis "forgets" his Nadu creatures have already been targeted until a judge points it out. How many times has he done that off camera without a judge eyeballing him?
>Creatures have been just fine through Fatal Push-
They really really haven't since Fatal Push made almost all 3/4 mana creatures unplayable overnight and kickstarted the snowball of creature powercreep.
So by this logic, if creatures are now powerful and crept enough to deal with a 3 damage instant spell, then Bolt should be fine "now", correct?

Lightning Bolt is fine.
We used to use that as an big insult to people
Pioneer is about to get horizoned and everyone is pretending to have the same level of dementia Biden has.
I haven't argued against Bolt in Standard in this thread and think Bolt should be legal in Standard at all times. Standard cards should be designed around the existence of a handful of evergreen cards.
The zesty Pole is on camera again.
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>he thinks a cheater cares about being on stream to thousands of people when they can push small "oopsies" to their advantage and just pretend

if it was truly just that instance it would have been a warning because it seemed like an honest mistake but since he was outright just kicked out of the tournament it looks like it wasnt the first time in this tournament
specially since that guy has played with tarmogoyf before so he is familiar with how it works.

my guess is that in some other game he correctly took into account a card resolving pumping his goyf but in this case he just happen to "forget" and let it die to get the extra points of damage
The Fundations will be reprints anon what are you talking about
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>it has SORT OF changed
Wouldn't it just be easier to refer to everyone as they/them by default and have that be that? Some people have hard enough time with names already, adding preferred pronouns on top of that seems excessive.
reminds me of someone i used to know...
>if it was truly just that instance it would have been a warning
It's far more likely that the judges used his history against him rather than treating this as an isolated incident as they should have done.
Nadu is just eggs with creatures and made retard friendly.
>ok we will let you in the tournament, but you fuck up once and you are out

too bad
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digits of this caliber cannot be ignored
that is true
also, anyone that uses it/its pronouns (or other similar grammatically ridiculous bespoke pronouns) is a narcissistic fucking psycho that should probably be locked up
Meanwhile Nadu players have been getting free extra triggers all fucking weekend lmao
Not all will be reprints.
I find it ironic that guy uses It/Its when those ilk hate that because its dehumanizing or something. I guess when everyone's trying to be a unique they/them there's only so much you can use that isnt made up pronouns like xe/xem since it went out of fashion 5 years ago.
They've already shown unique cards
I don't like them giving every enchantment the enchantment creature border. I know people like them in general, I do too, but it's just furthering the "when everyone is special, no one will be" nature of card frames in 2024. Still isn't as jarring or annoying as the legendary border I guess.
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Deck names then
>The Deck
>The Rock

Deck names now
>(centerpiece card/color combination) (archetype/main mechanic)

What went wrong?
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for me, its tinfins
>"I have no pronouns. Refer to me by my entire name"
as soon as Suicide Zoo had it's name changed because some troon was reminded about his failed 41% attempt i knew we were heading into the dark times of WotC

Now even Tribal is apparently a "problematic" word
Actually, deck names now are like
>>(centerpiece card that has been rotated out by the latest Horizon set release but still sticks ) (archetype/main mechanic)
More bangers
>Cephalid Breakfast
>The Rock
>Red Deck Wins
>Ponza (unironically saw MtgTop8 refer to this as 'Land Loss's today)
>Deadguy Ale
>Jund (yes it's still soulful)
>Solar Flare
>Next Level Blue
>White Weenie (seen this as Weenie White because I guess they can't handle the BWC)
An awful lot of cheating seems to go on in Javier's games.

>Depraz playing an extra land yesterday
>The Nethergoyf role token
>Not exiling his Lorien Revealed after it eats a Force of Negation when his deck runs Phlage so it's very relevant
Lantern Control goes kinda hard tho
So will Tomasz be dq'd for his play there too?
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For me its PandaConnection / Hand-in-Hand
At least we've still got a little soul with stuff like Hell's Kitchen and Hammer Time. But generally it reflects a preference towards more utilitarian names because no one knows how to have fun anymore. Probably because the game itself isn't fun anymore.
>Dralnu du Louvre
>what went wrong
I believe it has to do with the rate of turnover in the meta and how fast the new decks spring up. When MH drops and several new archetypes are born overnight there isn't time for the community to develop actual names for the decks so they are just referred to by the key card or strategy.
didn't see any nadus at fnm last night, not my problem
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Speaking of the poll, here's the results going into the last Swiss rounds. Looks like you were completely off the mark on Ruby Storm.
Who can forget boat brew, zoo, and pickles
Don't your opponent's triggers resolve first? You target Nadu, its trigger goes on the stack then Mentor's trigger goes on the stack, meaning you can't actually do shit without Mentor killing you. Caster doesn't even play fucking Magic.
Damn that was hot. Gruul Prowess is pretty hype.
If RG Prowess decks had the representation of Nadu this tournament you'd be seeing the same level of domination from it. SSS is a fucking wild creature.
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Its ogre
>Nooooo Nadu is too much ban it ban it!!!
>One hate card
>Nadu Destroyed
Anons? Maybe the so called Pros simply were not really prepared?
Nadu decks should be called Diarrhea because it involves shitting out your entire deck and it's about as fun to watch
Prowess was a brave soul that the field didnt expect since Ruby Storm, Nadu, Tron and Black Scam were on everyones minds
This means that according to /mtg/ Nadu is now perfectly fine because any time you don't draw your sideboard silver bullet you're just bad at Magic and it's your fault you lost.
look at this dude
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I told you all the format had the tools to deal with it. No bans necessary :^)
>Jeskai Control

There's 4/8 of the top 8 slots.
(in Modern)
4 more nadus please so we can end this charade
this is the first we have a 2cmc anthem with no downsides,(outside to be in green lol) right?

Bolt the Bird? No, Mentor the Bird
*dismembers ur harsh mentor*
*T3feris ur harsh mentor*
*otterwaras ur hardh mentor*
I never thought I'd be rooting for a red aggro deck in a tournament...
How about rooting for a friend?
More or less. Most have some restriction, like a particular color or tribe. Pic related is close, but being legendary itself is technically a downside.
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Wew! Premier draft is actually less stressful than quick draft because you only need 5 wins to go infinite. Just have to be ready to pick cards quickly.
Prowess bros...
you think I'd get banned from arena for naming my Elves deck "Knife Ear Tribal"
It's prowover...
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get fucked retard
I hate to break it to you anon, but elves aren't real, so why would they ban you?
Not gonna lie I hate how this guy runs out SSS on T2 instead of Plotting.
desu I'd be more worried about the "Tribal" part with JOTC
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wtf dont do that
Holy shit lmao
Oh right, I didn't think about that. Almost like changing the name of something after 30 years is kinda weird
SSS unironically works better as a threat or removal bait so you can play something else than an actual card on board half the time
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either way WE LOSE
If Pardee goes down to 6 he gets BIRD'D when he passes.
My human Aggro deck in Midnight Hunt standard was named 'White Green-g Death Squads" so probably not.
Question is whether Brian runs out SSS with Strobe to bait out the Nadu block.
You either die a villain, or you live long enough to become the hero
Nadu needs a Teferi here but can still technically win through beatdown
That's why I hope a tron deck wins, if there are any in the top 8
they're not going to ban nadu; he has too much potential as a support player in other decks. They'd ban shuko because it's extremely narrow and only usable in nadu-focused decks.
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if nothing is win, then everything is lose
Quick cancel the harsh mentor orders.
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>Bloom burrow is printing more bird support
Are you ready to kneel before our avian overlords?
>nadu would've won through the t2 mentor
jesus christ, kill the bird already
I'm not sure prowess can win from this position
For the record, at PT Oath, 6 of the top 8 were Eldrazi decks.
nah, rat support
>Harsh Mentor counters Na-
>removed the Harsh Mentor

It's so over
Brian's best draws are three Lightning Bolts in a row
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>he drew another soul scar mage
>just ban shuko lol

absolute fucking retards
His best draw, as usual, is SSS.
>the combo deck has better topdeck possibilities than the aggro deck
endless fucking dryad arbors lol
Have you forgotten that this game started with a bunch of Nadu triggers off Shuko?
nobody's calling for a shuko ban because they think it's the problem, they're merely expecting it because JOTC aren't about to ban the shiny new card that they're still selling in packs.
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>modern is a good format
Redbros... not like this...
>birb vs birb
where have i seen this before..
fug :-D
Nantuko is so fucking disgusting
Wtf were they thinking with that card
nadu player winning without nadu on board
Prowess is out. Shit top 8
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The absolute state
What a fucking disaster of draws, the dude didnt lose, the fucking deck betrayed him.
Actually this desu, nothing but lands and 1 drops.
>aggro deck has a bunch of dead draws on turn 8
yeah that's how it goes
>Nadu deck casually accepts taking 6 damage from mentor just to get value
>wins through secondary combo pieces
>Eli Kassis gets top 8, says the deck is just broken, it will get banned so just play it while you can.

i believe him, theres literally no reason to play any other deck other than Nadu since only Nadu loses to Nadu
Imagine if two of those Soulscar Mages had been Lightning Bolts.
What could he have even drawn to win? 3 lava darts in a row?
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the scrolls weren't lying
Kassis has been cheating all weekend by forgetting he's already targeted his creatures.
Slickshot into Scale Up
the meme is real but in reality it isn't funny
He had a dickshot meme OTK in game 2 and a harsh mentor turn 2 game 3
If he hadn't drawn that mentor in his opening hand he would have been dead without a fight
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>bloomburrow birds are probably flash flying tribal
Hitchcock was right, birds are horror.
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They should've reprinted Ankh of Mishra into Modern.
>If he hadn't drawn that mentor in his opening hand he would have been dead without a fight
All that means is he drew like absolute shit considering the deck he was playing.
*sideboards in ghost quarters*
You just can't hate nadu out of the format. Not going to happen
This one goes out to everybody who laughed it off when somebody said "third impact is coming"
>goes to 1 off necro
>goes back up to 13 from Soul Spikes and March

Man this shit is whack
Desu I feel like if this tournament was exactly the same but Shuko and the Ring were banned it would've been kinda kino. A lot of these matchups are more interesting than I thought they were going to be. Javier's Jeskai Control seems like an actually interesting deck because it's not just slamming value engines, you're just playing spells like the days of old, albeit those spells are powercrept but the play pattern is soooorta similar.
Dies to boseju
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>"he only draws a modest 5 cards"
Pioneer/explorer is pretty fucked
>try roots
>BO3: 20% WR
>try ensoul artifacts
>BO3: 25% WR

Unironically most unbalanced format I've ever experienced. You just get absolutely shiton by Phoenix
Jeskai Control

2 more slots to fill.
You post this thread after thread and you know what? No one cares about your shitty performance with good decks...
But you guys told me Necro was a bad card in Modern!!!
Based Neo Necro dabbing on the bird
Don't look at me, I thought it was dumb.
Did some pro cheat this pro tour or what are people screaming about?
Well I was having fun watching PT until we got the Nadu mirror. Guess I'll go outside or something
Already less oppressive than Eldrazi
She looks like she fucks teenage fairy boys
>good decks
mtgg is bad at magic, casual fnms aren't real representations of the meta
A known cheater was DQ'd for something he did on camera which quite frankly looked like an honest mistake that both his opponent and the judge missed. The player he did it against is now in the top 8 as a result of the DQ.
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Oh it was that guy lmao please tell me they finally sack him out of the game completely cause he can't keep getting away with it years on end
>why are tier 2/3 decks not dominating
really nigga
Tier 2/3 used to mean something, not "barely outperforming 60 lands"
Dude it was a genuine honest mistake. His Goyf was a 2/3, his opponent Phlage'd it, he hit it with a black flicker spell, but didn't catch that the flicker spell would've pumped the Goyf to 3/4 so it shouldn't have died and returned with the aura. Do you seriously think that a known cheater who's come out and owned up to cheating in the past would do some petty shit like that on camera at a PT in front of 14k people? Fuck off back to R*ddit.
I just want to point out that we've seen games where Nadu keeps like a 5 card hand doesn't combo and still manages to win some how
Don't panic, Pioneer Foundations; 1 will fix this.
How is it going Bart? Can't stop old habits?
Rolled 1, 5, 1, 6 = 13 (4d8)

1 - We're monitoring the situation
2 - All macro archetypes are seeing play
3 - The meta looks healthy and diverse
4 - Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate
5 - We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event
6 - We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta
7 - The format has all the tools necessary to deal with it
8 - There's plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed
cheaters are mentally retarded people, so yes, he did it on purpose
>We're monitoring the situation
>We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event
>We're monitoring the situation
>We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta

Yep, sounds about right
ALT: Javier pushed for a DQ based on the guy's history

Javier kept a card in his graveyard that should've been in exile in his final match when his deck runs Phlage. Javier also played against Depraz day one who played two lands in a turn.

Bart was burned at the stake for his history even though both Javier and the judge missed it too. Also Eli Kassis has been cheating Nadu triggers all weekend and is now in the top 8.
Nadu? More like nah do NOT REDEEM the game lmao
Jeskai Control
Plus whatever Simon Nielsen was playing
Literally just ban Nadu who the fuck is this guy anyway he wasnt even in the Amonkhet storyline, he's a made up character with 0 lore for commandertards
Damn boomer Budde is back
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> Pro Tour so bad it makes Kai Budde die of cancer
Damn now i'm sad.
Seems like Kai's last pro tour might be bombing out 1-5.
man decklists still aren't back, I want to know how nadu is doing in legacy and vintage
Nadu has fair deck potential so they're going to keep him around and let people ancestral recall off of a ephemerate
>Nadu killed Budde
This is unforgiveable
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dubs for "the format sort of has changed"
why not wait until he's actually dead to do this though
>Challenges, RCQs, Leagues and Store tournaments where those deck tops
>mtgg is bad at magic
Yep you are the living proof anon.
yeah feels a bit weird giving him this eulogy while he's in the room
>Player of the Year award is now Kai Budde Award

This will be awkward if it ever comes out that Kai harassed a woman or said something racist or whatever breach of liberal etiquette that is in vigor at the time
That shot of Reid Duke tearing up got me.
Nadu gives Cancer
Gonna need a gif of Reid crying for reaction purposes
the prodigy
Seriously? Announcing that someone has terminal fucking cancer on a broadcast like that? What the actual fuck? Does Kai Budde not respect his own privacy or something?
If they're doing this chances are it might be a very aggressive cancer that's likely to get much worse soon
He is getting the honour of a prize named after him...
A gif of Reid crying next to Tarmogoyf's current price would be kino.
Chances are he's dead at that point and doesn't have to deal with this kind of shit anymore.
Ego. Comes out and says lmao I won this trophy named after me 4 times beat it fags
I'm just shocked that he's only 44!
I thought he was in his 50's
You don't have to announce that someone has cancer to name a trophy after them. There was literally no need to announce his cancer during all that. Just saying here's Kai Budde, he's fucking awesome, we're naming the trophy after him. Done.
but then it'll be a bit weird at the next pro tour when they announce he's dead
They mentioned he approved the move, he could just be that type of guy
I would rip one of my underground seas in half to see those boobs one time
I would assault her just to watch you do it
It's far more respectful to announce he'd had terminal cancer for a while after dying than to pull something like what they just did.
Wasn't Jon Finkel's track record overall slightly better?

The whole thing was awkward as fuck.

> Here's Kai Budde. He has terminal cancer. Let's name a prize after him.
genuine autism
no empathy at all
Accusing others of not having empathy when you're crying bitch tears and begging for it is beyond pathetic.
I think normally when this stuff happens, the person announces they have cancer on some private channel/account, and then there is some event where they're homaged if they were important to something

In this case it's weird that the announcement AND the homage happened at the same time. Kai may have agreed but I wonder if he did it for his friends but would otherwise have wished to keep it private
Honestly got me tearing up. Been playing this game for 25 years. I used to jam Budde's WCD on the kitchen table back in the days, and reading about players like him in Sideboard magazine while on the shitter. Never thought modern WotC would do something this honourable, thanks Huey. Fuck cancer.
They all look so fucking awkward standing around waiting for the top 8 announcement lol
It's ultimately his decision, I don't see the point in getting mad about it.
the chudde vs the finkcel
If it's his decision then he's an attention whore. BYE.
It's kind of awkward. It's just announced a respected public figure has cancer and then they're supposed to remain excited for playing cardboard with cartoon birds drawn on them.
This place is so biased, bitter and spiteful that even a sad new that Budde obvious Death is enough to trigger autism or the mental illness of some faggots.
Sure, that might be the case.
Fellate a shotgun until it climaxes.
Is LSV still fucking Gaby or whatever her name was?
So it seems like the winning strategy against Nadu is to present 20 damage from hand
Because every time I've seen Nadu fight a beatdown deck or a value deck they win anyways
bros im dying
What trophy do you want naming after you? Do you have a patreon?
hold still while i scam you bro
The other part is having accomplishments of note
Skill issue.
That guy always rubbed me the wrong way. Sleazy dude
>greet the opposing player in top 8
>claim they misgendered you
>get a free win
>combo deck that wins on the spot if you dont kill it over 1-2 turns
thats almost exactly how combo decks are supposed to work
good job figuring it out anon
>dude I'm dying
Well he was marrier to a swamp monster hoter cleaner from some jungle and had a kid with her but he dumped her and started a new family with Gaby it seems. He has this weird charisma about him
You want to win against Nadu? Forget about Storm, Tron and Necro and pack hate bros.
No way?
you think the guy who abandoned his wife and child for some twitch floozy is sleazy?
>Have one family
>Swap it out
Says a lot about him. He just has some underlying nasty thing about him. Always root for him to lose when he's on camera
That fucking high five!!! LOL!!!!
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>He has this weird charisma about him

Maybe he just has a big dick.

Leaving his wife and kid behind would normally be a total scumbag move, but given how much of an upgrade Gaby was in both looks and finances (bitch is fucking loaded after getting divorced from the owner of the biggest Harry Potter fan website) compared to his former troll wife, I can't blame him at all.
i'm targetin you with no fugg after al
Imagine all the Koreans and Japs watching that stupid announcement and wondering what the fuck is going on lmao
And his previous wife seemed to have been really insufferable.
The real MTG couple that's in danger is Brian Kibler and Olivia.
If their commander show wasn't bringing them in money they would've broken up already.
Last time I watched MTG that one goated jap player got banned for marking tron lands. Anything else happened since then?
>all those pronouns
Imagine Kai Budde getting a DQ for misgendering someone right now.
Not every combi deck can just play through hate pieces, not every combo deck can play through hand interaction, not every combo deck
I've only seen Nadu lose to disneyland scenarios
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> Sam Pardee sees this weird Asian tranny thing
> literally nopes the fuck out and runs to the other side of the row
lol is that legit?
Kibler finding out the grass isn't actually greener on the other side
>herr judge!
I fucking noticed the same and laughed
Subtle transphobia is the best transphobia
Well That many Nadus is enough to ban the card? Or they will come with "MONITORING"?
The only thing they monitor is how many boxes of MH3 have been sold. If its enough they will dump on the card and if not they will keep and eye on it until they can push the ban button after enough sales
You already know the answer to that
the b&r is in august, I'm 99.9% sure they are not doing anything before that
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>Top 8
>ruby storm has a 30% winrate vs bant nadu and a 0% win rate vs 4 color nadu
Reminder: WotC justified not banning Nadu by claiming that Ruby Storm counters Nadu.
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So they push simic because its the most popular colors lately? Every set just has 1 bomb simic card that pushes the sales
It's revenge for decades of being the shittiest pair across all formats.
>front rolls on stage
I-I kneel...
Two things have always been true:
1) I would never let my wife or daughter be anywhere in LSV's vicinity for any reason or circumstance.
2) Take LSV's advice when it comes to drafting and around corner cases (playing to your outs).

Some things never change.
Reminder that when Oko was printed everyone said he looked okay but wouldn't see play because there wasn't an UG deck to slot him into.
Ruby Storm's problem is Nadu is just as fast, but Storm eats shit to all the Damping Sphere's people brought this weekend in fear of Tron.
Simic most popular? In the realm of White, Black and Red? Are you crazy anon?
Apparently they decided Simic had paid for its sins long enough and it was time for a new wave of sinning
Lightning Bolt was the first ever card to put 32 copies in the top 8 of a GP and warped standard around it. WotC said outright that it was too good for standard after letting it rotate.
Everything WotC says is bullshit. I'm not going to argue over that point.
They’ve banned the shiny new card before with oko, beans, hogaak, dig through time, etc. they’ll do it when forced to and Nadu is pretty clearly a forced to situation.
That was doubly dumb because by that point simic already had a resurgence (at least in standard) thanks to growth spiral, krasis, and reclamation/nexus. WAR Nissa was basically a simic card too.
I don't think nadu is nearly as good without shuko. The deck needs a whole bunch more shitty cards that do nothing without nadu on the board if it doesn't have it + it won't be able to urza's saga for it.
I love that video of Seth (also known as SaffronOlive) playing Standard Bant against Modern Jund and fucking dumpstering it. I think that was after the Oko ban too.
Those people were idiots. Oko was such an obviously broken card from the start.
Jeskai has been able to just jam enough interaction to power through Nadu but it’s the only one.
Easy to say in hindsight. The card only raised eyebrows in the same way Gurmag Angler raised them.
The one ring is more broken than nadu but no one's talking about banning it, why is that?
>More Broken than card that completely dominated the competitive scene
Anon, I...
Because it's the one thing letting a control deck exist in the format
nadu play patterns fucking suck
Why are UB cards allowed anywhere but in a goofy anything goes format with unsets?
anyone else suprised they actually like Duskmourns lore so far? It’s surreal in a way i haven’t really thought Wizard would go, even the 80’s stuff being part of the “ancient precursor civilization with unimaginable power” seems a weirdly funny way to integrate it. Maybe i’m just a sucker for Piranese / superstructure things

are the micro plastics in my blood finally acting up? am i becoming a coonsumer?

probably not gonna buy it though, just play for free on arena.
You're right, we need to get the unsets into modern. Stickers for everybody.
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I like Duskmourn and i'm not afraid of say it.
Nah, he's 100% right. Roots and Ensoul ARE unplayable dogshit, that's why nobody plays them.
the spider doll sold me on it
Half of it is solid, the other half is dogshit.
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Reminder that Oko, Uro, Growth Spiral, Hydroid Krasis, Wilderness Reclamation, OUaT, FotD, Ugin, etc. were all supposed to be in Standard at the same time. Then you go Bant to throw in T3feri and Dovin's Veto and we're off to the races.
Everyone should've dropped this broken ass game 5 years ago. We all should've known it was only going to get worse.
I'm still trying to figure it out but i want to believe that card can lead to some crazy combo somehow.
it more renewed faith in me that they can deliver strong flavor through mechanics for the setting
I like duskmourn because I was antecipating horror and graveyard mechanics and we got that
I do not care for the whole 80's stuff, wish it wasn't there, but the stuff I enjoy is still here which puts it miles above any other standard set from 2024
There are 5 Decks running Nadu in the top 8.
There are 7 running The One Ring.
But sure it's not an issue.
They're leaning too hard into the gay 80s shit. It completely ruins it. It could've just been a horror monster plane and it would've been fucking fine, no need for this ghostbuster shit.
I like Duskmourn already just because of this card. He will become my best friend in few months.
i do find it funny that there was a 40k old ones style precursor civilization, except instead of being hyper futuristic they just figured out 80’s level tech, but they’re still treated as ungodly advanced.
Everyone knows One Ring is an issue, just like Bowmasters and Grief and shit. Nadu is just the new hot thing to complain about. People can complain about more than one broken thing at a time.
I was saying it the day after Oko was spoiled. Food tokens didn't even need to have an ability for him to be abusrd.
This place used to love modern, pioneer, and standard.
Some of us still wait for better times (most left). If you like to be treated as trash by the company then be happy about the "Fear of missing out" and other in your face jokes about the consumers.
You can love the game as you want but don't try to say to others what they can or cannot do, faggot.
Yeah... Fuck that card
>his place used to love pioneer
no it didn't
I was here when /mmg/ and /pmg/ were 2 different generals, the first one hated pioneer with a burning passion and the second one had like 5 dudes posting tops
pioneer was never loved by anyone
Bowmasters and Grief are fine and actually help keep degenerate shit in check they just feel bad to play against.
The One Ring is just generically too powerful and goes in practically any deck it's way worse of an issue imo.
Someone please make a webm out of this, lmao

Fake and gay. People said he probably wouldn't make simic return to standard (after the bans and rotation) but most recognized how strong the card was and plent said they would test him in modern and other formats.
Cute not-spirit creature blocks your way
>Bowmasters and Grief are fine

Funniest shit I've heard.
Bowmasters is completely fair, just don't draw extra cards
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>Bowmasters and Grief are fine and actually help keep degenerate shit in check they just feel bad to play against

Even if you believe this, it's just demonstrating how deep the sickness goes
>invalidates thousands of cards just by existing
lmao even
After war of the spark and MH1 there were at least 20 anons posting about pioneer. And after MH2 people started to post about pioneer daily, even discussing the meta more. Modern died and pioneer became a refuge to its former players.
bowmasters would be fine if it was a green card
I suscribe this anon. In fact i believe Oko and Fury were fair too. Unban when?
MH2 destroying Modern vastly increased enthusiasm surrounding Pioneer.
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>anyone else suprised they actually like Duskmourns lore so far?
The core premise of a demon bound to a house, so it expanded that house until it encompassed the entire world is cool but ruined by all the obnoxiously retarded 80's shit slapped over it.
Having incredibly modern tech like chainsaw's and TV's right after we got the "nooo we couldn't possibly do guns in the cowboy set :)" also rubs me the wrong way.
Scam grief is a fair midrange strategy and one of the only things that can (kind of) play into Nadu
This was an inevitability of Universes Beyond shit diluting the brand. The moment they greenlighted the Walking Dead shit, this was where we were going to end up somewhere down the line.
It's literally the opposite of fair. THAT'S WHY IT'S FUCKING CALLED SCAM.
Honestly I do dig Impending as a mechanic for that reason (you don't see the horror directly, but its effects are still there until it suddenly catches up to you, etc.), though it's apparently ONLY on that mythic cycle, which feels a tad restrictive.
On the topic of mechanical fits, I would be VERY surprised if Undying doesn't show up for the Razorkin guys, given the Planeswalker's Guide explicitly called out them doing the slasher villain thing of seemingly being killed and then just getting up anyway.
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After Pioneer horizons what is there left for standard cards that have rotated?


(sorry about the rudy video, I forgot to unsub)

Well magic may be healing. Hope MaRo retires too.
Pioneer 2 is coming in 2029 when Foundation rotates.
honestly im going to be suprised if Judith doesn’t show up in the razormaze somewhere. maybe looking for new acts, or just going on vacation?
Televisions aren't technology but flintlocks are.
We have to deal with unfair cards. Is the nature of this game. Grief, Ring, Bowmasters, Nadu, Invert Polarity, Ral, Ugin Labyrinth and whatever new shit comes are also fun and make profit to fucking WOTC. The same happens in other formats.
TCGs with nothing but fair cards?
They're trying to turn Standard into some sort of fucked up semi-rotating format. It's bizarre. I wanted core sets back, but fuck not like this.
Play standard
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Absolutely robbed.
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>Pioneer Masters

isn't this like too much in too little time?
Just consume bro its not that hard
jumpstart 2025 is confirmed for december too
and we should get 3 anthologies on arena in late july
also assassin's creed is coming out dont forget that
>anyone else suprised they actually like Duskmourns lore so far?
It's maximally generic. The Omenpaths plot hole is so severe it negates its entire existence. We're repeating OTJ's marketing plan of "Just print broken shit and hope it compensates for trash flavor."

It's going to be awful.
Papa Hasbro says he needs money
They are trying to turn Standard into some sort of Modern and meanwhile generating collateral damage in Pioneer with this "Not!Horizons" JOTC ultimately attempt at scam people
>tranny changed pronouns from it/its to she/they
Alright he's doing this on purpose now.
He'd deal with the One Ring btw.
Oh fuck, is he actually trying to do the pronoun mistake meta?
Disqualifying your opponent IS a legitimate way to win.
100% win rate, in fact.
>Hi, I'm Jason Ye (any pronouns except he/him, slight preference for it/its). I'm aro, ace, and agender
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Two types of people
>Disqualifying your opponent IS a legitimate way to win
Just ask Javier who got that Dutch guy DQ'd over a genuine Goyf p/t mistake.
>if someone invades your house, just nuke the house
>Pioneer Masters
God you got me worried for a moment.

Hopefully they don't rush the development of Pioneer Horizons...
Unban Oko to deal with One Ring
Unban Uro to slow the format down
Unban Lurrus to give small creature decks a chance
Only the sins of 2019-2020 can save Modern now.
100. Percent. Winrate.
Why is the one with a mask using a kimono? He looks like a retarded.
Dramatic people is telling Foundations will be Pioneer Horizons, i will save my opinion until see those "new cards" that they are making in the set, because you know, is Standard set.
I give it 50/50 the "Lord of Pain" is actually just Judith (it wasn't ALWAYS her but she took over from the last one, it's gonna turn out to be a continuous identity thing or some shit).
>Punishing Fire

Basically everything that isn't some combo piece or burst draw. The format can handle it by now.
>Lurrus is banned in modern but not historic
What? Why? Both have similar card pools
The Korean Gigachad (Necro player) vs The virgin Asian American of unidentified genre (Nadu Player)
Is like life itself. All my support to Noah destroying the birds is his sacred mission
Wasn't Judith on the run from Massacre Girl by the end of Karlov? She just might show up now.
We've only seen two cards. A basic anthem for WG and Nine-Lives Familiar, a 3 mana 1/1 that has to die 9 times before it dies properly. Nine-Lives Familiar could certainly be part of SOME nonsense, but it comes back on end step so it's not like Cat Oven nonsense.
because historic is the lowest maintenance format in existence, they simply don't give a shit anymore
even vintage gets more attention
The implication was Massacre Girl actually just fucking killed her but it was left ambiguous.
>he doesn't sideboard his pronouns
Prowess got kicked out so I'll be rooting for Noah
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Explain to me how is possible One Ring, Nadu, Bowmasters, Necropotence and fucking Bowmasters/Grief are "fair" woth staying in the format cards

But Pic related, Twin, Yoribro, Faithless Looting Shaman and Dark Depths are "TOO STRONK BRO"
Well what's the best way to abuse Lurrus then?
Just can't trust WotC these days.
>But Pic related
Lurrus is the most powerful Magic card ever printed and it isn't even remotely close.

>Twin, Yoribro, Faithless Looting Shaman and Dark Depths are "TOO STRONK BRO"
Yeah those would be fine. Likely unplayable desu.
>Basically everything that isn't some combo piece


idk I think lurrus decks are shit, I only play colorless ramp with chalice
How has nobody made a good deck out of this shit yet? I had such high hopes but it was a complete nothing burger
Lurrus is cancer and deserves to stay banned, but more generally WotC just doesn't care about reviewing the ban list. You could probably unban 1/3 of the Modern ban list and it would have minimal to zero consequences. I'm not even sure why they unbanned Preordain.
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>What are they supposed to do to beat Nadu
Nadu is fine, you just have to be faster, so just wait until Wotc make something even more broken
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I don't think being able to copy artifacts was that big of an upgrade
God, they're such fucking clowns
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Side me bro.
At least 3 copies bro.
I can deal with the bird bro.
>Plays 2/2
>3/4 bird hits you while it sits there doing nothing
>3/4 bird hits you while it sits there doing nothing
>3/4 bird hits you while it sits there doing nothing
>You realize your hatebear is doing nothing so you try to remove Nadu
>Nadu triggers and ramps them
nothing personnel, kiddo
>Chord of Calling X = 3 for a Skyclave Apparition
Splinter Twin? Too strong
Nadu? Storm will keep it in check
*does literally nothing*
So he can block SSS and kill Ajani with ease
A-at least he made the Nadu player wait until turn 4 to win instead of turn 3
Duskmounr will not only release one month earlier than Stranger Things seasson 5 but there will also be "Skin" cards in collector boosters using the faces of the actors of the show. Some of the "ST-Skin" cards will be themed around RPG character of the cast, this include not only the 5 teenagers but also sherif harper, will's mom, bobby (the dungeon master and fan of rock guy from seasson 4), and many others. There will also be a few non creature cards in this line and they will feature the characters as they are seen in the Netflix Series.

The cards will be standard legal. There is a Pioneer Masters set that is digital only (reprint of cards).
Pioneer Horizons would be releasing cards skipping standard and at a premium.
I meant the ability to sacrifice the token anon, you'll trigger an ETB.
Bro do you know how hard it is to get a green AND a blue mana on turn 3? Imagine you do that and you only get a singular land drop or a card to hand if the bird was bolted once it hit board if it was t3
If the nadu player had good pulls off of his nadu trigger he could have removed the mentor and comboed off that turn lol
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And barring that it's still a copy. Take pic rel example, it's an infinite loop right? You could probably improvise these two cards out turn 3-4
>isn't this like too much in too little time?

Hasbro needs to whore out WotC more and more each year because they keep catastrophically failing in pretty much all their other shit.
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>Unban Lurrus to give small creature decks a chance

> Energy Boros/Mardu with Lurrus
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Get new material.
I saw a spoiler for bloomburrow for Frog Druid. Have any other frog cards been spoiled?
Twin, Yorion and Ponder are fine unbans.
Looting and shaman should stay banned.
Depths should only be unbanned if wasteland or another maindeckable land hate card gets printed into modern.
And now with meltdown in the format they could easily unban the artifact lands.
Also unbanning Jitte would probably be fine.
I'd love for Astrolabe to get unbanned again.
5 color jank piles are my guilty pleasure.
Watching Dominguez play is stressful. It's like the dude downed 3 cans of RedBull and hit the pipe immediately prior to the match.
the the it/its thing really flip its pronoun at one point to it/they

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