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Ok so now that everyone agrees picrel is shit, what are the best ttrpgs out there?
Cyberpunk red and cyberpunk 2020
Call of cthulhu 7th ed (yes 7th ed)
>7th ed (yes 7th ed)
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Come to TODD its great!
Run around on the playground and go "U-um p-p-pretend I can uh- um- Be a super cool knight thingy. And um...-" with all your friends.

>Best friend says he is an even cooler knight

No, you have the sign of the coolest and an everything shield that makes nothing hit or hurt cuz you're so cool.

Even that is better than that slop these days. Also try World of Darkness.
You should stay in the trash pile. It's where you belong. Keep playing 5e, kiddo.
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You have to go back before you can go forward.
5e is the most loved/played game on this board. There's not even a close second if we're talking about RPGs.
Take your retarded census and shove it up your ass, schizo. 8 years of sucking 5e's micropenis is too many.
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Praise be!
8 years of obsessing about a game you don't play is too many.
wait for 5e 2024
it's going to be very huge everyone will play there will be groups for it everywhere you look, and the rules they've shown are fantastic.
Best ttrpgs for what?
>it's the most popular game on the planet
>but it's not popular here because anon iz leegun
The ones you make, because you're expected to tweak things how you want anyway.
I hope your wizards wage is worth it, dude
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D&D is a story of steady decline since AD&D
Return to tradition and you will see why the game took off
Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set by Tom Moldvay (1983)
What do you like?
I need to know what you like before I can recommend you things.
Which parts of D&D did you dislike? Knowing which parts set you off will tell me which parts you might like.
Doesn't matter. Anything we suggest in a thread like this will be shot down as you are not actually looking for a better game.
Savage Worlds
Rifts Or on a more serious note, Teenagers From Outer Space
Genuine question, what makes 7e bad? by the time I began playing that was the most recent one and don't know what changed.
DnD 5E
Cyberpunk 2020, check the thread when they start a good one lol
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You should play Dungeon Crawl Classics.
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The pdf is free
GURPS is a joke lol
It doesn't even get polearms right
Truly a system for the retard who thinks he is smart
Genesys. I don't know if it fits your bill, but you haven't specified anything, so I'm just going to shill for mir favourite system.
It's just fun.
>no monk or bard class
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Osric has a bard and monk supplement,
Supports them from1E ADnD without any conversion.

Filtered by the advanced part I suppose
>Implying is bad
Anything more than fighter, thief, wizard and cleric is redundant anyway.
Just move beyond anything other than 5e. Third edition was peak and everything else has been downhill with 5e being an abyss of failure.
Outside of D&D you can find Savage Worlds, RIFTS and Palladium stuff, Cypher variants, 500 flavors of OSR, ACKS, Pathfinder 1e (ignore 2e like you would ignore D&D5e), Beyond the Wall, Ars Magica, dozens of World of Darkness editions and subcategories, and countless d20 systems.
What is your favorite RPG?
Not a whole lot and nothing that can't be ignored like push rolls. People are just autistic. Chaosium's games rarely change all that much edition to edition and when they do people (boomers and some gen X) get mad. Pop into a Runequest discussion and watch 60 year old men issue death threats over the artificiality of the god Nysalor.

Depends on the type of game you want to play. Systems are desinged to fulfill a goal, dungeon crawling, car theft, scifi space trading sim, ect. What makes 5e a true failure is not it's underlining d20 system it's just how completely it fails at it's goal. It's not even clear what the goal of 5e was. Was it hyper lethal, grueling dungeon crawling? Or a social sim play acting? Is it tactical combat? Yes? No? All of the above? the game is pulled in 3 or 4 different directions and it doesn't commit well to anyone of them to use as a pillar to stand on. It's worthless even in it's own franchise.
blades in the dark
shadow of the weird wizard
I love Stars Without Number for sci-fi. Mutant Future is a hilariously silly post-Apoc. VtM is still wonderful if you stick to the main rulebook and nothing else, for PCs, and set it pre-WW2 (not the 30s specifically--I just mean any era other than post WW2 when the story bullshit fucked up the game so badly). The Alien RPG is genuinely great if you feel like playing a franchise game.

I'm sure there are plenty of others, but those are the ones I've played within the last 5 years or so that we've had the most fun with. But I really think that most of the D&D hate is just contrarian shitposting. It's just a rulebook and some settings. It's as good or as bad as you and your group make it, just like every single other RPG that isn't GURPS.
For a game that's "shit" it's literally the one I have the most fun in and whose one-shots and campaigns always succeed more then they fail.
There are no "best ttrpgs". But there are ttrpgs for basically every campaign idea you'd ever want to run with varied gimmicks and mechanics that add either jank or flavor.

Tell us what you want to run/play if you want constructive suggestions.
GURPS is a meme system as bad as 5e.
And if you say otherwise, mods nuke the thread. Remember, it is good because it is popular and you can rewrite what you don't like, amirte? Kill yourself.
You are repeating yourself again. Do you have like the list of approved posts or something?
Is BitD any good? It is highly praised on Reddit and such and shitted on 4chan. My impression is that you always have to negotiate what rolls truly mean to play right, but it is slow and too heavy on improv. Besides "playing by the book" looks very very pimited.
You know when someone was going around /tg/ trying to create a new buzzword "storyshitter". BitD is basically the concept that he was angry about, a game that isnt really a game, but just a way to fascilitate improv.
I see. This sounds awful.
Play whatever your friends want to play, and that's probably going to be 5e. It's really a fine system for a chill game night with your normie friends.
D&D 3.5e
Shadow of the Demon Lord/Weird Wizard
PF2e with free archetype and proficiency without level.
Is it fully playable now?
Sorry. Meant Shadow of the Weird Wizard.
It's pretty good, yeah, but it definitely is limited. It has a pretty specific kind of campaign in mibd, and it works well if that's what you're in the mood for, and not that well if you try to do something else with it.
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It's also a completely inaccurate description of BiTD which has a rulebook that is several hundred pages long, distinct phases to its gameplay, and plenty of rules and GM guidance. My problem with BiTD is that it is a bit too gamey for my tastes actually, a criticism I have heard applied to it is that it is a bit too board game like.

Burning Wheel is the greatest RPG for my tastes. It is crunchy but story focused and player driven. It supports almost any style of medieval fantasy campaign be it court intrigue or overland travel. The best dice system in any RPG, chucking dice pools of d6s which feels amazing. You can have a campaign where you never draw a sword that will be more exciting than delving dungeons in 5e.
Current 5e will immediately be seen as a misunderstood masterpiece the second OneD&D is out. If it happened to 4e, it'll happen to anything.
I hate GURPS, it's pedophilic creator (Steve Jacskon is on the Epstein logs), and it's audience with a fiery passion. But to pretend like it's even half as bad as 5E is the single most disingenuous thing you could ever say.

There are no perfect games, and best is subjective. However, there is a hierarchy; you first want a game tailored to your exact setting. If that isn't available, then you go to a game tailored to your narrative genre. If that isn't available, then and only then do you go for a generic.
For example, if I wanted to do a scifi dungeon crawl. I would first look at Mothership. But if for some reason I can't use Mothership, I'd go to Traveller. If then Traveller isn't on teh table, I'd use HERO or Fuzion. Mothership is a game about scifi dungeon crawling. Traveller is a game about scifi. Then Hero or Fuzion because tehy're generics I know and like.
Do you have any idea how generic of a name Steve Jackson is?
Generic doesn't mean common. How many Steve Jacksons can you think of who would take the Lolita Express from Austin, TX to San Diego, CA during the 3rd week of July more than three times?
Knowing the kind of people Epstein tried to court I'd bet on the mathematician over in Denton, not a fucking game designer.
A quick look on the white pages website finds 31 Steve Jackson listings in Austin. That doesn't include those whose numbers are private.

Also that is right before Gen Con which is normally the first week in August. I doubt Steve is spending his time that week banging lolis over prepping for the biggest Con of his industry.
The cope is hilarious. Steve Jackson of SJG is good friends with Matt Groening, a man who had his own suite on The Island.
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Rifts! Palladium, that Savage stuff is weak.
I really hate to crush your dreams anon but I don't think 'game designer' is a position that earns you a spot in the global elite.
>he's friends with Groening
By that logic you're a pedophile for posting on 4chan.
Sit down with your friends that you're going to play with. Talk about what kind of game you want to enjoy as a group. Find a system that matches that well and that you can all agree on. That system will be the best ttrpg of them all. Then repeat in the future to get the best ttrpg again.
As many games as you can. Just keep playing until you find a few you like.
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Sword World. (either classic, 2.0, or 2.5)
technically free.
The goal of 5e, as stated by the original designer, was to make a combat game that takes the best of each edition. That's what D&D always was. Combat. Then a lot of them left, got fired, or otherwise replaced, and we got people who think D&D is a story RPG because that's how people want to play it. It very obviously isn't if people actually read the book. 5e is actually VERY lethal, if played as intended. Actually, funny thing. For everything people praise PF2, 5e does 99% of it as well. It's just that PF2 player actually read the books, while 5e players do not. Both are designed to have 6, 8, 10 combats per day. Both are designed to have a party composition. Both are designed around action economy for monsters and players, both the CR system and Monster level system work as intended. But again. 5e players want to run Critical Roll, PF2 players actually know what their game is about. Eh, at least new D&D players who came in because pop culture or Critical Roll. Some of us do run it RAI, but we're a vast minority. Also actually finding people who want to play it like that are rare so finding them is nigh impossible.
>I don't think 'game designer' is a position that earns you a spot in the global elite.
Being friends with the right people is all it ever take, and my name isn't on the logs. His is, leaving from where he lives. Steve is a nonce, and you're a defender.
Weebs are disease. Just play the games sword world stole everything from from. Tunnels and Trolls and Runequest.

This guy is full of shit
>Call of Cthulhu 7e (plus Pulp Cthulhu)
>Pendragon 6e
>Star Trek Adventures
>FFG Star Wars
>Battle Century G Remastered
>The One Ring 2e
>Dark Places & Demogorgons
>Basic Fantasy RPG
>Retro Phaze
>Golden Sky Stories
>Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition
And literally hundreds more
Anon, it stole everything from BX D&D and a slew of early CRPGs like Ultima and Swords & Wizardry
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>PF2 player actually read the books, while 5e players do not
I recently joined a 5e game and they have a bunch of retarded house rules to fix imagined problems that the official rules already solve. Like fundamental rules such as which actions you are allowed to do during a round. That's when I realized that most people don't actually read the rules and then I became sad..
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>It doesn't even get polearms right
What does it do with polearms?
Then they'll post a jpg from an old D&D book they never read, to prove Gary Gygax approves of writing a shitload of house rules without reading book first.
Yes Im sure Mr. Epstein and the other powerful elites in the shadow banker cabal were really trying to make friends in the influential and powerful tabletop industry
>my name isn't on the logs
Given how a generic name is enough for you, I am willing to bet that your name or a similar one is in fact on the logs
>you're a defender
I expect people to prove their really weird and outlandish claims. Was Pondsmith the one to assassinate Epstein?

"What is the best TTRPG" is such a fucking idiotic question.

Decide what kind of campaign you are going to run, and then select the best RPG for it. If you need inspiration, some of the better RPGs can give inspiration, yes, but picking an RPG is about picking the right tool for the job.

This is why DnD is so terrible and why it causes so much butthurt among people who do and don't like it. Everyone is picking up the DnD hammer and smashing everything with it.
Hero System
Facebook was the most loved and popular social media platform, and there wasn't even a close second. Nevermind for right now that most of us remember a time before social media existed...
Rockabilly was the most loved and popular music, and there wasn't even a close second. Nevermind for right now that Baroque was an entire cultural movement...
Denim blue jeans are the most loved and popular garment, and there isn't even a close second. Nevermind that most of the world doesn't wear jeans and they didn't exist for 99% of human history...
Would you like me to explain what just happened here? Or do you think you've got the pattern on your own?
Redundant is the wrong word. It's that anything beyond the holy quadrinity isn't old school by definition.
Digimon Digital Adventures 1.4. Don't play 2e, it's a huge step back. If you like the new stuff but don't want to deal with the fact the new author can't balance his game because he has no experience, check the Discord for the fan-made 1.5.
Official list of patrician games:
>Traveller (Classic, Mongoose, T5, Cepheus Engine all acceptable options)
>Anything BRP-powered by Chaosium (Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, and Pendragon are best supported currently).
>Paranoia (2nd, XP, or current edition)
>Ars Magica
>Mazes & Minotaurs
>The One Ring
>uhm, excuse me, you cant steal a car in this game, if you want to steal cars you should play another game designed around that, car theft isn't a part of this game's genre conventions and everyone knows that the purpose of role playing games is emulating genre conventions. the game designers have decided in their infinite wisdom to not put car theft in this game and who am i to go against them? true happyness and salvation can only be found by strictly and faithfully following the rules they wrote on the book. if you want to change them or even just do something not covered by them then it means you hate the game, yourself, the designer and the other players and should just go play another completely different game because autists on 4cheddit told me so
Thats a very good fucking example, yeah you can't steal a car in d&d, because you can't drive a car in d&d, because d&d doesn't have reasonable vehicle rules. sure i can just make a mount with 500ft speed, but is that doesnt feel like a car at all. I doubt there are even collision rules in dnd.
>My problem with BiTD is that it is a bit too gamey for my tastes actually
I think that "narrative" games tend to become like that. As you said, they might end up having rigid game phases, generic actions that you narrate however you want but always work the same way, abstracting everything to points or traits or other rules that can make the details of the world irrelevant etc.
To me they often feel similar to boardgames too, everything is controlled by abstract rules and you just narrate things on top of them
Delta Green
>just reflavor a horse, bro
MAID RPG is the best game ever made
Okay schizo, what's the next big thing? If you say it doesn't exist yet, you have to swallow a bullet.
Well, it's probably of little help to you but they did add semi reasonable vehicle rules with collisions and all in Descent into Avernus. It's at least a place to start homebrewing that sort of thing.
works in my campaign :)
yeah i remember being excited for their rules, but their vehicles go at like 11mph and there are no steering rules. You can deal 10d6 damage by tapping someone with the 11mph infernal machines. All the rules were like someone forcing small clothes onto the biggest fattest person, and it tearing in the process.

sure thing buddy!
Do you ever ask yourself if it demonstrates mental stability to threaten to shoot random people on the internet after they crush your shitty argument on an obscure image board?

But to answer your question, there are multiple systems better than 5e at doing dungeonpunk sword-and-sorcery. I would personally go so far as to say that ALL systems are better for that than 5e, but the completely uncontroversial consensus of the gaming community could give you more than two dozen... just in this thread alone. "Next big thing"?? Where to even begin with what's fucking stupid and wrong with that question? Stay in your ghetto.
You didn't answer my question, retard. Now kill yourself.
Nah. I'll live. Without your approval. And there's nothing you can do about it.
>d&d doesn't have reasonable vehicle rules
No system should need more than a paragraph or two for this. If your system has an entire subsystem tied to driving vehicles it's bloated dogshit.
>not naming Mythras
vehicled shouldn't exist unless you have realistic and detailed simulation rules about them. if you want your modern day game to have cars go play an entirely car-based system, stop trying to force them where they don't belong :)
>Going for vanilla Mythras instead of based Lyonesse
Kids on Bikes.
Thank me later
>vehicled shouldn't exist unless you have realistic and detailed simulation rules about them
Retarded take one.
>if you want your modern day game to have cars go play an entirely car-based system
Retarded take two.
>stop trying to force them where they don't belong
Retarded take three, it's a nogames faggot!
I never tried Lyonesse. What's it like compared to Mythras?
Any system dealing with the modern world would have a minimum of 2 pages for vehicles (including all kinds of things about them and examples).
Regardless dnd doesnt have those 2 paragraphs, and its still missing many more paragraphs about many other things, which is why it cant be used in a modern setting. Idk why you are acting stupid, you know dnd is a fantasy game.

He is trolling because his fav game which isnt generic, doesnt work in a genre that it doesnt support.
Got into a dungeon for the first time this week. I had to finish right before the first mini-boss fight, but my players enjoyed it.
WH40kRP (sans DH2, obv.)
Call of Cthulhu
Delta Green

No its not. Your taste is dogshit.
Insufferable faggot.
Go back to plebbit, stay there, and kill yourself.
You still coping about people identifying you as a storyshitter, failednovelanon?
3e is trash
it's means it is. retard.
yes, retard
I see. This sounds awful.
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Yeah because if I want a car chase to be mechanically engaging for my cyberpunk game. God forbit the driver gets to have fun when the rest of the party gets to shoot out of thr car at their pursuers.
Two paragraphs.
Well they fit specific niches in a group: defence, scouting, control and support, other classes simply overlap with these.
The best system depends on the group. Everyone has different tastes.
But if you are looking to get your fill of high fantasy adventure, you want lethal combat and tons of material, and you are at least not put off by "animu aesthetics", then you can do a lot worse than playing Sword World 2.5.
It has been my groups fantasy game of choice ever aince we left 5e behind.
its a simple 2d6, class based system with a huge focus on multiclassing. It has a lot of customization options, so even if two players had the same classes, they can still have vastly different playstyles.
Its all in fan translation, so its free in english, and there are like 50 books or so translated already.
There is a fairly large and dedicated discord community, too.
I know people cry "weeb game" when you bring it up, but outside of some aesthetic choices, this is a robust and pretty old-school game with almost no "weeb shit" involved.
So yeah, go check it out.
Rolemaster 4e.
It's not fun for everyone, Bob.
>Steve Jacskon is on the Epstein logs
>Official list of patrician games:
>Any system dealing with the modern world would have a minimum of 2 pages for vehicles (including all kinds of things about them and examples).
Retarded take.
>his fav game which isnt generic
Generic systems are all pure shit though? They do nothing well.
I /broadly/ agree. What's wrong with Ars Magica and Unisystem? Where would you put Rolemaster 4e and oWoD Dark Ages?
GURPS does most things better than every non-generic system, except for having pre-canned settings specific content ready to go, running a kingdom, and making magic items.

Basic Skill & Task Resolution? Inventing Mechanics? Research? Training and Studying? Knowledge Recall? Running a Business or a Faction? Custom Superpowers? Designing vehicles / Mecha / Spaceships? 9 times out of 10 GURPS does it better than whatever "specific" system you're looking at.
>GURPS does most things better than every non-generic system
GURPS is not a TTRPG. GURPS is a toolkit to piece together your own TTRPG, except only if you're somehow lazy and dedicated at the same time. If you were dedicated, truly so, you'd make a system from scratch with good mechanics that suit the system rather than using pre-packaged shit.
>Apocalypse World in God tier
>Shadow of the Demon Lord only in Shit tier once instead of in Shit tier equal to the number of shitcantation rules
>Lancer only in Cancer tier because it rhymes instead of being in regular Shit tier
>Dungeon World not in a tier of it's own, AIDs tier
>Cypher system, a stripped down Numenever, not cuddling down in Cancer tier together
>Fucking d20 modern in the right place somehow
>Besm made the list at all
>It's an otherwise perfectly reasonable list
You're a funny fellow.

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