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Seeing Further Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your favourite model from an army you don't otherwise like?
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>Things that are canon:
Things I like
>Things that are not canon
Things I don't like


I've considered buying a set and just proxying them for Electro-priests.
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I'm trying to switch to volumetric highlights. How am I doing?
Drill your barrel
You're on top of it today, anon
Clean your moldlines.
Sweet fresh thread! Now I can post.
Hey /40kg/! I'm making a narrative campaign system that focuses on narrative and character creation. Part of which is the customization of player driven OC's dubbed "protagonists".

Basically during your battles, not only do you get points to expand your army based on kills (and maybe objectives) your protagonist can also get xp to spend on upgrades based on the kills they get.

What I need your help with is proper pricing. What do you think each of the following upgrades would be worth point wise to maintain at least a semblance of balance?
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Reminder that you will never get spiky Admech added.
Vashtorr is a jobber and forever stuck in CSM.
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why did they make morty grime so thin now as to be pointless, its baiscly just *slightly* green water now
This just sounds like a min-maxxier version of crusade rules. Or at the very least a way to snowball a campaign via build-a-deathstar.
almost every sisters model other then the sisters themselves. sisters are boring but their vehicles and support units are really cool in that heavy metal kinda way that GW is too scared and pozzed to go for anymore outside the sisters model range
This except Emperor's Children
Are you shaking it?
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just generally really overloaded space marines with tabards/relics/badges/honors/purity seals/skulls. the more over the top the better.
just get sororitas at that point
but I hate women.
I was joking, I don't actually, just seemed like the thing to post idk. Tired today, man.
Well there are safeguards to prevent a single player from snowballing in my system. Alliances being one and army expansion point discounts being another.

>via build-a-deathstar.
That's part of the appeal. New upgrades increase your point value and make you a tastier target if killed. And you have to start back at square one if your deathstar dies. You "build" your legend instead of smacking your primarch down and tabling your opponent.
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take a nap
They keep asking me why I hate women.
Looks good, though are you intending to do it for an entire army, squad, or just a select few models?
These are great except the Judiciar which is a dogshit AOS model they recycled, it looks so out of place in this image. Those Stormcast calves make me want to PUKE.
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It's just Sergeant Johnson, but there's charm in the simplicity of it.
It's a kill team but ideally I'd like to get good enough at it to paint every model like that.
>And you have to start back at square one if your deathstar dies
Thats not a snowballing safeguard thats the literal opposite lol
I just kitbashed my own with BT upgrade bits and a reiver helmet. Never was a fan of chaplains having full-ass skulls over sculpted helms.
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>Sgt. Johnson

I get it, I do, you were born in the 2000s.

But come on, man
They even painted the glowing blood on the leaf
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Looking back on it, there are a lot of variations of sanguinary guard. Kind of dreading what a primaris version would look like, the 40k space marine design team haven't been hitting very well with their more recent designs.
how so?
Sisters have a great basic look for troops, but I get that not everyone likes how little specialists differ from the rank and file.
Primaris looks so much better than this trash lmao
Why do they wear their breastplates like a crop top over their tabard?
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Sacresants are my fucking jam
Love the shield+halberd combo
We now live in an era where Halo is more recognized than Predator.
>upper left
Weird ass knees
I'm aware of the actual inspiration for the model, but the first impression the catachan colonel seems to have is a buff Sgt Johnson.
Epicaricacy isn't a good look sir
>Thread Question:
>What's your favourite model from an army you don't otherwise like?
There is only one universal answer to this question.
Top left has a respectable kind of Romanesque jank, but look way too heavy to fly
Top right looks more at home in Custodes
Bottom left in an updated sculpt would please a lot of people
Bottom right imo is perfect except for the silly wrist-mounted guns
Man it's not just what the model is actually inspired by, it's what Sgt. Johnson himself is inspired by.

Because they're the same thing.

Actually as soon as I posted I recognize I'm wrong to say that. Sgt. Johnson definitely is more directly inspired by Apone from Aliens, rather than Dillon.
>we got 40k power wash simulator before an open world first person mmofps with realistic physics
Why don't we have a power trident bit?
>the 40k space marine design team haven't been hitting very well with their more recent designs.
I disagree. They knocked it out of the park for the Dark Angels and Black Templars.
I'm the opposite, i love the basic sisters, but the rest of the range makes me feel nothing.
BTs are the only good looking marines
I really hate how unit-specific most detachments are. Why couldn't it have been like "[Specific target of detachment] units get X ability... also all of your units get a minor Y ability" just so that it doesn't feel like dead weight to use the "wrong" units?

I'm with this anon. Girls with guns and girls with bigger guns is all I needed.
>2 people loaded to the tits
>one side dies, has to earn back points
>against a loaded to the tits opponent
>Thread Question
I dont like Custodes all that much as an army....but giving a dread a sword'n'board is a classy fuckin move. Its stupid, it makes little sense and its just perfect for 40K because of that. I love it, sorely considering getting one for my Iron Warriors and doing it up with hazard stripes.
Was about to say, Johnson is definitely not inspired by Predator. If anything, Halo took more cues from Alien.
You forgot Grey Knights
Those wings do look a bit daft.
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The ICCs look good but I wish they had some options. Like an option to carry shields, or an option to bear the old plasma burners.
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They couldn't even get Dante's deathmask right. There is no hope.
>lmao just glue it to a MKX helmet
Not to mention the switcheroo Cawl pulled with his legendary pistol. Yeah totally the same pistol Dante ;)
GKs are tainted by being faggot mary sues like custodes
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They also got the coolest termies by a mile and a half.
They killed the chances for a 40k MMO. Twice.
Weird looking Chaos Terminators
Not really. The Eldar range is full of awesome shit and despite our eldarfag complaining it's one of the most faithful to the original vision so it's full of sovl too.
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Mephiston. Really dont like BA's colour scheme, but Mephiston is a cool dude. Reminds me of Karloth Valois.
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Bladeguard, primaris jump packs, red armour, lots of gold.
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Yeah, I do love the Death Wing a lot more than the rest of the Dark Angels.
The helmet is different but the mask looks the same as it always did.
My only issue with dante is that they felt the need to stretch his false hair over over the entire helmet so that it looks like he's got an afro. Very nice model otherwise.
>diversity hires
TQ asked for 'favorite model' and not the worst model GW ever made
>lieuteneant in phobos armor
>lieuteneant in reiver armor

Aren't they the same thing? Why are they different units?
>Hoods instead of helmets.
I just cant like them, I like my troops to not be retarded.
>primaris don't suck, they look good if you cover 90% of them with robes
Interesting strategy
I think it's funny and that's why I like it.
Marines are a shit faction anyways
but all units look retarded, it's part of the charm
Honestly, that's fucking cool actually.
GW should 100% do this.
Just add more BA icons on it.
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I always wanted to make "Crossing the Rubicon" diorama, which would've just been primaris marines and characters Order 66'ing manlets and old versions of themselves. Implying no marine has been turned into a primaris marine, they've just made copies of them and passed them on as the originals while eliminating the real ones.
The appearance by itself isn't at fault, but the fact that they lost so many options is a problem that taints them.
Only ones that actually look good out of any of those are the top left and bottom right.
Rest are retarded and look like trash.
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You can give them helmets.
They all have optional helmets.
I see your point. I did include a retreat feature so you don't have to fight to the last man every game and force a reset every time. It even includes a captive feature for narrative.

So hypothetically if you're smart you can pull your guys back before they take too much damage.
faggot taste
>I only like the gaudiest shit!
Perfect! Welcome to the Blood Angels, please step into this sarcophagus.
Spamming the only couple of memes about primaris just shows you have actually nothing.
Next you'll post post the ATV image.
And Cawl is planning to do the same to Gulliman. He already has a replacement built.
He's even missing the same hand.
Cawl is secretly a devotee of Vashtorr.
All of those are just copypasted shit too.
Cawl falling to Vashtorr because he values progress too much would be interesting. But GW has already propped him up as the one rogue good guy and clearly all the rest of the AdMech are wrong and close-minded idiots.
The names are bad but basically:
>phobos dude wears a grav chute for paratrooping
>reiver dude wears a scary mask but no grav chute
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>primaris death company intercessors is just intercessors+blood angel upgrade sprue
What's stopping me from buying an upgrade sprue and some intercessors separately? Also if this is a box/datasheet, I unironically wonder why "White Scar Outriders" (a box of outriders+a white scars upgrade spure) or "Iron Hands Iron Father" (techmarine+iron hands upgrade sprue).

Seems like if you're going to be lazy you might as well go all the way and just give rules to variant units which are basically kitbashes. Or if not, I would like it if GW would remove the extra space marine chapters from their website because there is no point in having a page for the imperial hands when they have like two named characters and an upgrade sprue and that's it. You might as well merge them.

Alternately I would like it if they would add the Night Lords upgrade sprue to their website for the CSM so it can be bought separately from the KT box.
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>that'll be more than a NIB purchase on ebay plus shipping and handling
Why are people like this.
I pray that Vashtorr's appearance in the Pariah Nexus will lead to Cawl doing something truly heretekal (in public)
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Newfag, why are you also such a poorfag?
Because there are enought idiots who buy this, forgetting shipping costs and whatever.
Pricing is gonna be hard, considering the strength of certain things is going to wildly swing between mediocre to professional CBT

Fights First Psyker and Infiltrate are probably going to be your most expensive or problematic options, with straight increases to attacks probably following that up.
You don't want to let the DG player buy Psyker
Well it does seem painted quite well.
You know what else is painted well?
The Mona Lisa
Ok ok what price estimates would you reccomend? What's considered expensive in 10th ed?
>You don't want to let the DG player buy Psyker
dare I ask why?
>Trayzn's galleries
>and a giant of a man clad in baroque power armour, his face contorted in a permanent scream, to name but a few.
Is this implied to be a lost primarch?
It's implied to be a giant of a man
No, because that quote is from before he got Clonegrim, and Clonegrim wasn't wearing baroque power armour.
The lost primarchs were dealt with years before the HH and Trazyn became interested in humans.
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.
only ones that have baroque style power armor are the grey knights
>The Bio-Plasmic Cannon is able to unleash a vast ball of roaring energy, or several focussed streams of death from its multiple barrels.
I think the exocrine should get a second firing profile.
I imagine the little holes are for venting gas, like on the regular plasma weapons.
Yeah, he’s fucking cool looking. All the BA characters are pretty cool.
t. sigmarine cum guzzler, it's a dogshit model worse then the nu Termie chaplain even
He looks like he should be in the night lords, not the bas
He looks like blonde Dracula, not blonde Hordak. So I would say he doesn’t look like a night lord.
The thing to remember about Blood Angels is that they're the most offensively donut steel chapter in the whole setting. They want every gimmick, every generically cool aesthetic, and every calamitous foe to be theirs at the same time.
melt harder, tastelet
gonna shit and piss over this again? Maybe call them mary sues and throw a fit when people point out that's not what mary sue means again?
>all the rest of the AdMech are wrong and close-minded idiots.
Because they are.
Cawl existing highlights how ass backwards and retarded the Admech are.
They are moronic Cargocult that worships technology of their ancestors and then also at the same refuse to actually learn anything about and instead are content to just jack off with holy "oils" and huffing incest
mephiston's original model predates the night lords getting their vampire edgelord motif
nah, grey knights and custodes are the mary sues
>huffing incest
>They want every gimmick, every generically cool aesthetic
They're gimmicks boil down to wanting to fight in melee. They're aesthetics are space marine, space marine in sculpted armour and crazy space marine.
>every calamitous foe to be theirs at the same time.
How do you own a foe?
they're definitely way closer to being mary sues than the BA are
You think everyone who notices BA are lame is the same guy?
No idea what you're referring to, it's just a fact that Blood Angels are cringe.

>we have the best loyalist psykers!
>ooh ooh but we are also the best loyalists in close combat
>uhh but we're not perfect sometimes we get so upset about our dead dad that we go CrAaAzYyy
>also the Tyranids hate us, on a personal level
>but our Khorne greater daemon BF gets jealous sometimes so we have to pay special attention to him too :3

Which is fine, but they lean hard into shared aesthetics with 2 other chapters, AFTER said chapters had already established their thing, because cool vampire marines apparently wasn't enough for them so uh

They're cringe
They’re not vampires, they’re Hordak from She-Ra. GW’s secret to design is steal from MotU.
>What's stopping me from buying an upgrade sprue and some intercessors separately?
They are obviously a place holder kit GW made just to get people shut up about "primaris lost the marine chapter mutations shit"
You aren't as subtle as you think you are
>we have the best loyalist psykers!
>ooh ooh but we are also the best loyalists in close combat
>uhh but we're not perfect sometimes we get so upset about our dead dad that we go CrAaAzYyy
>also the Tyranids hate us, on a personal level
>but our Khorne greater daemon BF gets jealous sometimes so we have to pay special attention to him too :3
none of this but the black rage mention is accurate
Don't forget they the soul of their Primarch guarding them in the warp
You're not as clever as you think you are. You're responding to two different people right now for one, already disproving your boogeyman.
They didn’t get a vampire model or bit or head with fangs until 4th edition.
hilarious cope
>but they lean hard into shared aesthetics with 2 other chapters, AFTER said chapters had already established their thing
When? They've had all their associated aesthetics since second edition.
If you want to see cope you have to look no further than this >>93202221 "nuh uh!" response
Your space vampires are lame. Sorry not sorry.
What chapter does the strongest loyalist psyker belong to? What chapter is the only one whose librarians are powerful enough to still be able to manifest powers while interred in a dreadnought? What chapter has historically had the best melee specific bonuses as a chapter trait? What chapter had an entire plotline based around two galaxy-ending threats getting into a hissy fit over who deserves to blow up their home planet?
cope, you like Stormcast Eternals
Judiciar should have been cut alongside this trash, it belongs with them
Didn't ask for your tranny opinions
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>that time Blood Angels had the STC for their own unique predator which was superior in every way and they refused to share it with anyone
>this actually used to mean something before Cawl pulled an entire DAOT arsenal out of his ass
still one of the best looking marine vehicles
Dark Angels posters are behind Blood Angel hate.
How many Daemon Engines do you guys think are needed for use Soulforged Warpack?
Only got 4 right now, and it feels a bit low to justify using it.
That's been obvious for weeks
Lol, losing your mind because I like Blood Angels the most.
Blood Angels were always just as bad as Space Wolves and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
They're close to being cool but GW just couldn't help themselves with the wanking.
White Scars.
babby's first contrarian post
What are good counters against units with the
>fights first
abilities. Trying to make some counter abilities to them.
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>finally finished assembling hand of the archon
What a mold like nightmare, glad it's over. Those kabalites are starting to show their age and it's like they made the new sprue period authentic
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The only counter to fights first is a gun or being mechanically good at setting up a fight.

Infiltrate is your own infiltrate
Literally me.
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Next time stay the FUCK in the space marine codex where you belong!
It's ridiculous that the game is over three decades old and somehow there still aren't bespoke non-character models for each and every space marine chapter of the first founding.
Stunning and brave, wow.
>reddit spacing
>retarded lorelet take
Go back.
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What do you guys think, light or dark bases?
>state nothing but facts
>blood angel fags lose their minds
I don't get it
Shaskais, no one cares.
Light is streets ahead of the dark one.
steel legion are desert fighters make them light
I'm obsessed that a color scheme and some ornament gets you a codex while exodites are still codexless. Yes.
samefag harder
>LITERAL xenotranny melty
you love to see it
Why did they remove the khan on bike and not allow captains to have a bike option?
>finally have enough sorted storage for all my paints
feels good
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that phrase won't catch on just because you keep using it

You don't think they melt into their bases too much on light sand?
The first founding has no intrinsic meaning. The only reason there exists demand for such is due to the Horus Heresy novels.
It doesn't even quite need that, just allow units like the Assault Marines with Jump Packs to have power claws for the Raven Guard variant (if you so wish). I don't understand why GW removes weapon options that would otherwise allow you to make your army unique, while preaching a gospel of Your Dudes.
the colors should match each other, dark one seems more like the terrain you'd find kreig in
>the chapters from which all other chapters derive from have no specific meaning
based retard
the colors should contrast each other, dark one seems more dynamic and draws the eye to the model while still highlighting the base it's on
>>the chapters from which all other chapters derive from have no specific meaning
Correct. Especially given most chapters descend from the Ultramarines, and most of the first founding follow the Ultramarines' playbook.
>wood elf knights riding dinosaurs
>"No People don't want to buy that."
>An entire faction of gay edgelord space marines with angel wings.
contrast should only be on smaller details or else risk disrupting the theme present within the unit
funny timing, so am I. I think it looks more striking than the point by numbers approach we are all taught by GW and most YouTubers. My painting is pretty bad, but doing even TWO tone volumetric highlights is making my army look so much more impressive.
nobody wants more elves
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>anti marine whiner turns out to be an envious eldarfag
every time
dont make them tan bases please, just lightly lightly drybrush them sandy and keep mostly black
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How would pic related do in the 40k world?
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>Is Karandras underated in 10th? He can pretty easily charge in and demolish characters and units for 90 points. The amount of devastating wounds he gets when he takes his 8 attacks is madness.
>it's yet another eldarnig whining over marines episode
Jesus Christ, it's like fucking clockwork nowadays.
God the ones on the left suck so much
Isn't the point of a sand coloured uniform to blend in with the sand? Go light, it looks good.
Exodites are trash and they were axed from 40k for a reason, ie. nobody bought them.

GW doesn't update and support armies that sell like shit.
>noting that BA are lame mary sues with horrible writing = whining and seething
Marinefags are something else.
When you factor in the more sci-fi material armor, it's very natural to think Johnson 1st.

Also Believe is still the most kino game trailer and love all the work and detail put into it.
Not good being a simplemindet crybaby loosing a war over a personal fede with a kid over a girl.
Kill all Orks
it is, that is what camo does, but realism isn't always best for models hence my conflict.
you can try a little harder than this
Not very well since he has no connections to the existing power structures.
>nobody bought them
They have never even been in production, retard.
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Just in case you're not actually joking, that's exactly what they did.
... they only had models in epic you dunce...
When will they stop beating around the push and give them two wounds. Make them the actual elite durable infantry, contrast to the tar pitting screaming retards of arco-flagellants, and the screaming glass cannon repentia
they brought votann back because people have been screaming for squats ever since they became the basis of the phrase getting squatted
they thought they would sell well and when they didn't they immediately stopped getting any real support outside of a couple token killteams
>mary sues
>Long lifespans
>very fast and deadly
>greater levels of willpower and psykic prowess
>incredible amounts of coomer art
>unconcerned with lesser races in the long run
>have good(duchbag) and evil(psychopath) variants
>Good variants like to fingerwag
>evil variants like to raid and pillage.

Space marines are just fatter elves.
Don't have to. Deep down you know we're right. It's why you can't refute anything and instead just seethe endlessly.
Fuck that, army identity is cool. Give them T3, 1W, 3+4++ and let them be durable but not that durable. Give them a special rule that says if they are in cover they gain the ability to reroll failed saves or something unique.
except people like space marines
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>n-no YOU'RE the one who's mad
keep crying, exoditefag
I think they look to clean on the dark bases, maybe if you dirty them up it'd work better, but as they are i'd say keep them on the light bases.
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Yes but
I don't care about exodites. That's another guy.
Also why would I be mad about a faction I don't care about? Doesn't affect me one bit. Unlike you apparently.
>A massive deployment of airborne regiments that included the 998th Harakoni Warhawks, 142nd Etharic Seraphs, and Militarum Tempestus regiments the 12th Thetoid Condors and 1st Zetic Harriers, to Extremis Six after the massacre of its population by Lucius the Eternal, warbands of Emperor's Children and the Traitor Titan Legion Riotous Host. Unconfirmed reports also indicate the airborne regiments may have encountered the Daemon Primarch Fulgrim, described as a giant serpent bodied creature that annihilated anything they could send against it.
holy shit imagine being a fucking guardsman deployed without any heavy support, because these are DROP TROOPERS, against a literal fucking daemon primarch AND an entire Chaos Titan Legion
there's only a single loyalist who's that old and he's not been killed by orks yet
>I'm no longer alone in my hatred for Blood angels
Fuck off this is my endeavor to tackle.
Nobody's buying it, exoditefag
Away with you space yiff
Army identity is cool, but units that have negative identity because they just don't perform and make no sense to take is not cool. Is having a single real sister unit with the big shield, elite infantry costed as elite infantry, actually able to properly work as they are supposed to such a crime?
1w 3T just is not tough. Even the investment of getting them to 2+ saves and -1 to wound is not really justifying them. As it is right now, instead people will just take the arco-flagellants, which I avoid because I don't like them that much and would rather take mostly pure sisters, but I'm defintely avoiding the obvious thing to do.
Though, I will be trying that to see if maybe I'm wrong. But it's not cheap, meanwhile instead of doing all these acrobatics, there better armor shields and training for surviving could just be 2W. Idk, something maybe a toughness increase, maybe they just come with 2+ saves without needs an imagifier.
Blood Angels are fine though.
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Simple kit bashes but I like how they came out
Ok I added in some abilities and upgrades to balance out some of the more overpowered ones and rewritten them. Tell me what you think.
And if they had actually sold well they would've had models in mainline 40k too.
But seeing that never happened, we can intuit that they sold like shit like I said.
Don't bother trying to discuss anything with the buckbroken exoditefag, he's been given the definition of mary sue a dozen times and still can't comprehend that BA don't meet that mark
League of Votann aren't selling that bad. After the Initial hate, a lot of people looked over the fact that they are not squads and found some charm in them. On the Auspex tactics poll there where 7 armies that less people collect than Votann (being fair most of them where special SM chapters and chaos knights and drukhari)
>CSM have nearly entirely claimed lightning claws for themselves
not cool
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And a contemptor I'm working on
The Dark Angels pull off the angelic theme better than the Blood Angels which are just gay space vampires
The powerweapon in the middle looks interesting.
Probably an admiral or commander that tries to rebel against the imperium dictatorship. Joins Chaos when his son figure (kamille) is killed or suffers a horrible fate.
adorable cope, gay poemfag
It's true.
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Sorry I'm special
And the true master race reveals themselves.
They're both gay but only one of them stand in a circle jerking off and sucking on each others wrists while talking about THE blood this and that
Mega gay.
>Primarch doesn't even have wings
>Their terrible secret is being gay
And you are gay knights.

Space marines in general are gay. ANOTHER similarity they have to elves.
dark angels are literally followed around by catamites they keep as servants
this hurts my soul
clean your models
What do you expect? This general is buckbroken for marines.
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Thread appropriate version.
>make ugly tranny space marines instead of heavy exo-armour guys
>they're not even really space dwarfs as many are beardless
>limited lore
>were massively nerfed to uselessness
>refusal to acknowledge the 'squat' name in 99% of cases because 'it's too silly' in a game about space orks shidding and farding across space until they ram into space elves by accident and start beating them up
Maybe they should have had a marketing plan then.
Is combat patrol a good game mode?
It's purely for easing beginners into the game.
>gay space vampires
while i agree with that, i don't agree with
>Dark Angels pull off the angelic theme better
dark angels are just dark green edgy with feathers all over, sounds nearly like ravenguard.
Except the knightly theme compliments the Angels of Death theme the Dark Angels have while the Blood angels attempts at being both angels and vampires just makes them look like schizos
well well well look who's coping now....
its not even that, its just a overpriced false advertisement of the game.
>>they're not even really space dwarfs as many are beardless
There are enough heads in the box to have a 100% bearded team you mong
I will clean them good before I prime them. Does your soul feel better now?
>the Blood angels attempts at being both angels and vampires just makes them look like schizos
Bait used to be believable.
You HAVE ONE (1)((uno)) book to get me to change my mind on blood angels, now rec it.
Almost looks like it's too late but I admire the effort
Does this make Amuro a space marine? Or kamille a titan pilot?
Well that's hard, the older James Swallow books don't have them be complete retard vampires yet, but they're also just not very good
The new Guy Haley ones are the Twilight of 40K
The codex is pure wank
No winning here.
>telling the truth is bait now for bloodfags
exodite codex never ever
They wont blend if you keep the base light enough to have a hard contrast with boots
I'm a professional at letting my models get dusty. I get in there with warm soap water and a soft brush, they'll be fine.
good, maybe we can get bloodpact instead.
I was talking about the nubs and mold lines, not dust. Oh god.
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>Reminds me of Karloth Valois
Who is that lad then? He does look a bit similar, is he from WHFB or something?
That's not what he meant by cleaning your models.
>n-no I'm not the seething eldarfag I-I totally actually want the hipster version of traitor guard
Good. Fuck exodites, and fuck blood angels. Fuck dark angels, space wolves, black templars, death guard, thousand sons, and world eaters too.
Painting your mass-produced super soldiers another color shouldn't entitle you to a bespoke rulebook.
I know nobody reads them but I thought the short story Better Angels did a pretty good job at showing GC and HH era Blood Angels off the battlefield
uh oh contrarian melty
Red Fury.
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>Away with you space yiff
Thats not me.
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Is somebody going to match my freak?
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Red marines drool, blues rule!
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I attached the wrong image.
Ah. Well I'm not finished with them. I will :)
used to hate them, but knowing they are supposed to be greeks made me rethink my stance on ultramarines Anything is still better than red on a loyalist though.
I have around 300 points left in my imperial fists list. What should I take?
the one where gabriel seth said the lamenters weren't really sons of sanguinius because they don't wear red armour
Yeah man I'd break bank if traitor guard got made a thing. cultists are always cool.
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Would any of you lads happen to have a template for this banner? Its from the 2nd edition death company BA chaplain i think
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
I built this funny guy all the way back in april, but life and motivation kept me from painting on him for a while. Once I sat my ass down and really worked on it though, I finally got it done. God damn I love how he turned out. He was definitely the hardest model to paint and assemble even, I had a lot of issues along the way, not even including the cape, but god damn it was worth it. How's he look? I gave him a name I think fits but if anyone's got any quick adjustments/improvements I don't mind.
Exodites aren't just a reskin. There's a whole different culture and arsenal.

They're basically ooga booga elves and the ultimate enemies of the adeptus mechanicus.
He looks good, post pics of it after its been hotglued.
Just make your own exodites using AoS lizardmen sculpts
tyranidcoomer PLEASE
Captcha - GAGNO
Those beards are pathetic, is anyone in this thread capable of not being a disingenuous defender of GW's failed decisions or what?
>It's a GW failed decision if I personally don't like it.
Every single major subfaction like harlequins and exodites and red corsairs should have a codex supplement with special boy rules/loadouts for their models to ease kitbashing by giving you actual bonuses for using dinosaur elves. This is ideal.
How good are Dark Eldar?
It's failed because they didn't sell, stop shitting up the thread with trollposts already. This is not your personal dumping ground because you don't have a girlfriend.
>Blood angels attempts at being both angels and vampires just makes them look like schizos
How so?
Oh you have the detailed breakdown of sales by army?
Please do post them.
Don't expect the mentally ill exoditefag to have an actual answer
>I do not like this army. Therefore they did not sell.
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Get printing
He's a whiny elf-fag.
It's honestly impressive he's managing to write full sentences still.
NTA but I can still see their army boxes in almost all ten of the games stores I check up on from time to time, and even in the midst of the shortages nothing Votann related has sold out at all.
Bought some asphalt basing paste
Would it make sense to paint some yellow divider lines/dashes on some bases or do they not have those in the grim darkness of the far future
File deleted.
Why don't the Dark Eldar have psykers? Was reading something earlier where it was mentioned that they don't allow psykers into Common-room for some reason.
Nice dude
Call me when I can print tabletop quality without using any cancerous resin
I’m printing an Ultramarines army. I’ve only got experience painting minis, never played the game. My friend plays 7th ed, so that’s what I’m going with. I don’t want to chase the meta too hard, but what are some units that would be good to have in a well-balanced army? Also, did they just use 6th ed guard rules back in 7th ed? Looking at old codices, I was surprised to not see one for the IG.
Commorragh not "Common-room", bloody auto-correct.
>too lazy to put on disposable gloves and wear a respirator for 5 minutes
I legitimately thought you were just doing a joke about how the name sounded
Psykers attract daemons. Deldar don't like daemons.
Exodites shouldn't be their own army, they should just get a few models to throw into CWE or Deldar armies.
Like a Kroot tier update.
I like Woodrow's art but I'm not sure it's sfw.
how do you pronounce codices
Oh, yeah maybe, I'll delete the file.
This, they never leave their planets anyway. Give them a kill team and a scenario where they're invaded if anything.
It attracts slaanesh to their webway hideyhole and they don't have autism protection like the CWE.
>do all this extra cancerous garbage and fill your home with chemical fumes
Yeah no thanks
You mostly likely getting banned for this.
I'm not spoonfeeding you the incredibly simple steps to make SLA printing safe
enjoy eternally seething that your hipster elf faction will never be real
Nah, resin is cancerous and you should give yourself a vasectomy at home.
Already told you I'm not gonna spoonfeed you, look it up yourself if you want it so badly
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NTA but its a direct issue with the characters, other being the sanguinar and this piece of shit, and I guess the priest, and that faggy fucker mephiston. The upgrade sprue doesnt do them any favors either.
The whole point is tons of different xenosaurs and then they also need their own infantry, heroes etc
Oh also corsairs need some goodies.
>Be exoditefag
>mention once, maybe twice that you want exodites instead of another SM reskin.
>hypersensitive SM femboys not only declare you the cause of all SM hate in the thread but also declare that anyone else who would dare not like space marine knockoff #13241 is actually (you). I am the reason their father left them.

>Phase 2 of manipulating the monkiegh: Unite anons falsley accused of being an exodite fag as actual exoditefags against the power armored menance
>Take away all thier computers and force them to touch grass
>no profit because money is a harmful technology. Only hunting, gathering and farming.

GW should have added exodites instead of butchering the fluff by adding votrannies
Nah, unironically commit suicide.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
What, for tit-plate armour and someones arse? You see more at a swimming pool.
I want him to get remade so badly. That armour with the wings and the axe is such a great sculpt. A+ pose.
as someone with no bone in this one way or another.. what niche do exodites fill that kroot don't already?
You're so mad that people won't give you everything when you throw a tantrum lmao
Nah, you should probably castrate yourself.
everything you like about the model is the issue with it.
I'm the dude that kicked the whole thing off and I stopped replying like a 100 posts ago and have just been laughing the whole time as they continue to respond unprompted with ad hominem attacks.
The funniest part is I’m about to paint some blood angels right now.
>what the fuck, why do marines actually have flavor to them instead of being 1 same carbon shit
Elf-fags really are stupid.
>acts like a fag
>is surprised people call out his fagginess
desperately needs more purity seals
>what niche do exodites fill that kroot don't already?
None, eldarfags just piss and shit and scream when they don't get something they want
>i-i'm totally laughing bro
It’s great. Clearly Dracula inspired, the axe is also way cooler than a sword for that pose.
Space dinosaurs and laser cave elves
you have no taste, we get it
all those flavors and blood angels are still just different flavors of feces.
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>Space dinosaurs
kroot have those
>laser cave elves
literally just elves with different clothes, nobody cares
the galaxy would be a better place if the blood angels just got nom nom'd by the nids and didn't get rescued by khorne and guilliman
>Clearly Dracula inspired,
I mean I like the armor but the axe, wings, and the retarded pose is the issue there.
uh oh exoditetranny melty (again!)
Yeah i'm not a fan either. Saim-hann does the elf barbarian schtick well enough, exodites are superflous.
I actually agree with this, the whole thing got me thinking about what would actually fix them, and I recognized that I don't individually hate the different facets of Blood Angels - Flesh Tearers are cool, for instance. So it'd probably be best if the Blood Angels just died off, and their successor chapters came more into focus as being focused on each different part of their founding Chapter instead of all that embarrassing shit all at once.
I would be interested in this.
That’s because you samefagged it.
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>None, eldarfags just piss and shit and scream when they don't get something they want
Eldarfags are butthurt whiners and fags because they think their factions should be what the space marines are, ie. poster boys who get all the cool shit and the setting revolves around them and everything else only exists to be target practise.

They hate marines because they ain't them.
It's that simple.
They're elves and peak grogshit.
do I need to accompany my posts with bloodpact images from now on to not get called out.
>NTA but its a direct issue with the characters, other being the sanguinar and this piece of shit
I'm not seeing the problem. What's the issue with the sculpted muscles?
no, because guardfags are just as embarrassing as eldarfags

I don't even have to do anything! That's the beauty of it. I just have to make a half genuine argument. Some retard argues back and then another guy will step in and boom the chain sets off.

4chan is a beautiful thing.
>I-I'm not owned, I-I'm a m-mastermind!!!
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Really though, SM has plenty of models, its not like they're gagging for anything in particular to fill a gaping hole in their roster. Why shouldn't other factions get some love?
they don't sell nearly as well
>What's the issue with the sculpted muscles?

are you trying to change the topic? The topic was the mix of holy symbology and vampire traits making them look fucking retarded.
That's a great Knarloc with a giant gun on it.
Just buy kroot, fag.
They'd just ruin what you like about it.
>The topic was the mix of holy symbology and vampire traits making them look fucking retarded.
How would that make them look retarded?
>bro they'd be more interesting if we just killed them entirely
You fags are hilarious with your impotent rage and bitching over your betters.
because they get no love.
If every one of the first founding chapters had to be superceded by one of their successors as the new "face" of their geneseed which one would it be for each faction?
Black Templar obviously get Imperial Fists by default.
They didn't ruin dante or mephiston
ignore the impotent schizo
>several hqs
>several mounted models
>basic infantry
More than enough. Corsairs, CWE, and even Deldar all potentially show up to defend Maiden worlds.
They'd be ideal for forming some kind of Aeldari soup faction, if only one existed.
Kroot have a t rex. I want a tricerotops, a brontosaurus, a pterodactyl, and a velocerapter.

When will kroot be having these things?
>i was merely pretending
>i totally owned you
Imagine try being an internet tough guy on a fucking anonymous siberian beekeeper forum.
I read these threads quite a lot and I'll be honest, it really feels like Marines do the most whining, mostly about other factions asking to get some scraps from the table, after Marines have got yet more minis to flesh out their ranges.
I really don't know why it triggers Space Marine players so much when anyone else asks for anything, they always frame it as the most unreasonable request or suggestion ever to be made. Every damn time.
Do you really want 40K to end up like LI here there's only 2 factions and the Imperial and Renegade forces are exact mirror images of each other for all practical purposes?
no, they get no love because they don't sell, because they're not nearly as popular, it's always been this way
As a Word Bearer player, Should I do 5 Raptors and 5 Warp Talons for now because I want fun things to paint or should I go 10 Warp Talons because it's better for me?
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>*deals 1 MW to you*
Your fucking response?
They might sell better if there ranges were more fleshed out and have more variety, and in some cases had current models from this side of the new millennium.
If the vast majority of players are marine players, it only follows that most posts here are marine players.
This isn't what happens at all you disingenuous faggot
marines get any release at all and eldar cry and the thread laughs, repeat ad infinitum
>Having contrast in design and a jekyll and hyde type motif is retarded
Why though?
>The topic was the mix of holy symbology and vampire traits
Holy symbols and vampires go hand in hand, hell they are pretty interconnected with one another.

Have you actually even read any fiction regarding actual vampires?
Well, I'll be laughing when GW kills off the Firstborn once and for all.
Kroot are ugly, lame and gay
they don't sell because they get no love
no one wants to buy an army that gets no content
does twilight count?
explain guard selling like dogshit even in the 90s when they were getting as many releases as marines then
>Kroot have a t rex.
Great Knarloc
>I want a tricerotops
>a brontosaurus
Krootox with long necks
>a pterodactyl
There already is art of flying kroot
>and a velocerapter.
Small knarloc

Again, Kroot can and would supply you with everything.
But you elfags would rather just bitch.
lol, you just proved his post you idiot.
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You git. I'm gonna skrag you fer dat.
they looked like shit
I can see you have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old
>I really don't know why it triggers Space Marine players so much when anyone else asks for anything
Because you do keep getting new shit, but you bitch and whine anyway.
You don't deserve any of it.

Also at the same time I have zero sympathy or interest for xenos.
I would not give a half of a fuck if GW stopped updating xeno armies for an entire edition as long as they keep making cool shit for marines.
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Do you reckon firstborn marines are going to get axed or moved to resin once 11th Edition rolls around? Cant imagine they sell very many of them anymore.
The Blood Angels having their flaws discovered by the Imperium and then being censured for that would be funny and a good way to explain why they keep fighting other space marines on the table top
the models exist between AoS and 40k, just kitbash and use kroot rules. the detachment isn't even that bad.
>GW gives them their new models
>eldarfags: NOOO YOU RUINED THIS REFRESH (the sculpts are identical)
>five minutes pass
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Blood Angels already got killed off. They lost almost all their numbers and then got completely reinforced by primaris. They're ultramarine successors LARPing as vampires now. All their old wargear got sent to goodwill like old shoes that no longer fit.
too historical for fantasy fags
too fantastical for hist fags
Most of them got axed already, what makes you believe they stop now?
Damn sounds like the problem is the factions simply aren't popular even when given equal attention and thus they get less attention because they sell poorly
White Consuls, Crimson Fists, Storm Lords, Raptors, Iron Lords, Black Dragons, Consecrators, Flesh Tearers, Wolfspear
Marines were chosen as the poster boys at the very start of 40k in RT.
And it was during the time when everything was "balanced" in terms of model ranges.

Guess what? Marines still were the most popular army even back even though there was no reason for them to become one.
Other armies sell like shit for the plain reason because marines are objectively better and more interesting as a faction.
No reason too really, they dont sell so no reason to keep them around.
>make a poster boy faction
>all the advertising for the game involves them
>they're more popular as a result
holy shit who could have foreseen this??????
Marines are objectively the most boring and generic faction you could possibly have.
>Holy symbols and vampires go hand in hand
Yeah they go hand in hand because usually holy objects are whats used to fucking kill them you fucking asswipe. It doesn't fit.
>a jekyll and hyde type motif
Thats not at all what blood angels are going for at all, I don't even think you know what book you are going for here. Saying Iron warriors have some kind of metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Motif makes more sense than the shit you are spewing here.
>grrr I hate space marines in my space marine game
sounds like you need to find another setting then, troon
Only kits for firstborn, barring tanks, at this point are just the old tacticals and devastators.
Those fuckers will be out of 40k by 11th edition if not sooner.
>I want a tricerotops
>a brontosaurus
>Krootox with long necks
>a pterodactyl
>There already is art of flying kroot
>and a velocerapter.
>Small knarloc

>* childhood dinosaur autism left dormient for decades now emerges*



Most popular two xenos armies currently are necrons and nids largely because people got them in the starter boxes and decided they liked them
third most popular are orkz
what does that tell you about eldar lmao
>no you can't make fun of my heckin generic spaceman faction!!! go away and stop being such a big meanie!!!!
You need to grow up.
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>everything was "balanced" in terms of model ranges
You definitely weren't around for it then if you think that.
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Kroot are not elves.
I hope Space Marines AND Eldar get some nice new releases this year. New Sanguinary Guard and Warp Spiders will both be great, I'm sure.
Sorry, quads confirmed you're a massive whiny faggot
>Thats not at all what blood angels are going for at all
It basically is. They appear respectable but hide a terrible inner hunger.
They also don't "fit" anymore to the new looks of spacemarines and the new concept of no equipment and such. that is why they didn't even try to balance melta, plasma and such, that get's axed next time anyway.
I accept your concession, sissy.
I doubt it newfag.
Keep shitting and pissing that the game made for space marines has a focus on space marines, troon
Do you need someone to change your diaper, anon?
this reads more like deviant art angst than anything else. Blood Angels generally don't fear for the black rage either like how Dr. jekyl did. Matter of fact it was a separate personality, not some burst of psychosis.
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Connoisseurs choice.
>more impotent elf rage because they weren't chosen as posterboys instead
True primaris slopeaters.
>Blood Angels generally don't fear for the black rage either
they regard it with solemn acceptance that eventually all of them are going to lose their minds to it, it's literally the worst thing that can happen to them short of dying fruitlessly
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>the game made for space marines
Do Marine players really think this shit?
Indirectly admitting that new releases are directly correlated to a factions popularity.
Nothing much. Isn't orcs the most popular "xenos" in age of sigmar? Wasn't that also the case for fantasy?
Go on and tell me how you genuinely think the popularity or design of this game focuses on orcs and elves in space, I could use a good laugh
>Yeah they go hand in hand because usually holy objects are whats used to fucking kill them you fucking asswipe.
Anon, have you heard of the concept "twisting tropes"
Also nevermind the fact that it is not an unusual trope where the vampires are completely immune to holy stuff because it doesn't matter.
That they are still more popular than any of the supplements armies like Dark Angels or Blood Angels?
>this reads more like deviant art angst than anything else.
Gothic horror is angsty? Didn't see that coming.
>Blood Angels generally don't fear for the black rage either like how Dr. jekyl did.
They do. But the red thirst is closer to Hyde than the black rage.
>Matter of fact it was a separate personality
But actually not separate.
eldar have more regular releases than orkz
I think you'll find it focuses on the Imperum as a whole in 40K, not the bloody Marines. If you want Marinefest, play Horus Heresy.
Can we lock the marinefags up in the zoo again? It's been fun but it gets old.
wrong again, delusional xenotroon larping as a guardfag
It is close enough it's all that matters.
It is close enough it's all that matters.
It is close enough it's all that matters.
I'm not disengenous, I just don't give a shit about your autism.
Technically it focuses on humanity....so 40k is about the imperial guard.
lol no.
>Matter of fact it was a separate personality
Space Mrianes have no personalitty
I'm done if you can't just talk like a normal human rather than some degenerate from /pol/ who has to use buzzwords to articulate any thought they might have.
In terms of interesting concepts
SoB > Guard > Custodes > Marines
Now in terms of actual execution of said concepts
Marines > SoB > Guard (mainly because GW doesn't actually make models for the more interesting guard regiments anymore) > Custodes
Are you genuinely that delusional that you believe that?
No, do that to the eldar whiners instead, because they are incapable of handling a simple fact of life;
Their factions suck and are uninteresting.
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I don't know why exactly. But the Fire Prism is pretty cool.
>It's close enoug-

I get it you don't want any more non marine releases. You're programmed to say whatever it is that might get that result, but this is low in all forms. Why the fuck are you not ashamed of yourself?!
>lol no.
the eldarfag is so detached from reality he thinks orkz genuinely have gotten more releases in the last 10 years
>I don’t like them therefore they don’t sell
>anons cite polls showing multiple armies with worse sales
Votann will also probably get a second wave of releases next year
literally nobody wants exodites
there is zero appeal to them that isn't covered by another army
cope and seethe all you want but it won't change that fact
Primaris have been in the game longer than you have.
>nooo have a real discussion with my bad faith eldar dilation
maybe reddit is more your speed since you can block the heckin marinechuds when you get tired of being laughed at
Exodites and Corsairs are just kill team tier factions like beastmen, dark mech, and custodes
I don't care what you think.
Your dinoretards are not interesting or worth it to add into 40k.

You're just same as the space skaven retards and darkmech attention whores.
>so 40k is about the imperial guard.
finally someone gets it
I don't mind twisting tropes when there is some form of symbiosis with them, and blood angels did not achieve that. Hence they look fucking retarded.
>it doesnt matter
then why fucking bother bringing it in.
Jekyl and hyde were two entirely different people, when jekyl wasnt aware hyde would take over and do things that were outside of Jekyls capabilities. The red thirst and black rage are merely some form of filters, blood marine angel A is still Blood Marine angel A when he's undergoing his fit of psychosis, not some other marine.
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exodites? more like exo-donts have a model range lmao
IIRC on the auspex poll about what should be a full faction/army:
Legion of the dammed - 9%
kroot - 10%
Exodites - 15%
Ynnari - 15%
DKoK - 20%
Harlequins - 24%
Inquisition - 27%
Lost & Dammed - 28%
Unique CSM subfactions (IW, NL, WB etc) - 34%
Dark Mech - 63%
Emperors Children - 83%

Yeah exodites are only wanted by a niche subset of eldar fags
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>DKoK - 20%
>wanting the 2nd most boring guard regiment possible and not the superior elysians or steel legion
its an auspex poll anon, what do you expect. might as well be reddit.
>Trolling outside of /b/
Surprised Legion of the Damned is so low, I would have thought that with Custodes being their own full faction these days that Legion would get to be their own unique space marine sub-faction too.
>I don't mind twisting tropes when there is some form of symbiosis with them, and blood angels did not achieve that.
T. retard.
It is plenty twisted enough, ie. angelic vampire men who are noble warrior angels, who then also regularly partake in killing bunch of mortals and drinking their blood in an insane frenzy.

But who cares, right?
Certainly not you, for being a brainlet and all.
>Legion of the dammed and Lost & Dammed being that low while all the other chaos shit is on top
I really hate this place.
>exodites are on par with Ynnari
Honestly I'd say that is wrong.
Just for the sheer fact that Ynnari actually fucking exist, despite it being just 3 models.
>Jekyl and hyde were two entirely different people
I think you missed the point of the story if you believe that. Jekyll creates Hyde so that he fulfil his vices. Jekyll can't control Hyde in the same way that an addict can't control his addiction.
legion of the damned should NOT be a full army their whole thing is showing up when other imperial forces are in dire straits
NTA, but compared to Eldar? No shit they have. Let's go from end of 4th/beginning of 5th as they each had comparably large range revisions/launches at that time. It's a little further back than 10 years but I think it's the most fair comparison point (and in favor of the Eldar). We also won't be counting FW, or one-off event models (still in favor of Eldar)

>4th/5th model kit release count for Eldar: 18
>4th/5th model kit release count for Orks: 24

>6th/7th model kit release count for Eldar: 12
>6th/7th model kit release count for Orks: 9

>8th/9th model kit release count for Eldar: 14
>8th/9th model kit release count for Orks: 22

They've each received one kit apiece in 10th. Grand total comes to:

Eldar - 45
Orks - 56
>autist tactics fans are boring fags
In other news the sky continues to be blue

I’m not they’re somewhat niche really as they crop up once or twice

Lost and Dammed haven’t featured too much in shit but I reckon of you broke down the age groups oldfags would be more in favour than newfags
This place? Its an Auspex tactics poll. I get the feeling that not many CSM players post here?
>marine squad sergeants can't be given terminator armor
There's really no excusing it.
LotD should be a kill team
If you must get it, get it above the knee. Looks the best for that small tattoo and you can save your arms for something bigger in the future.
stop yapping and post models
Okay I consneed, your deviant art backward vampires are totally fine and are TOTALLY valid. link your deviant art page btw bro.
But would they be Primaris or manlets?
Same with a lot of shit relegating then to upgrade sprue and kill team is a more favourable choice than wasting time on a shitty release nobody cares about
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The fuck you mean? like half the regular model posters here are CSM players.
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There’s plenty of CSM players
THat's an ORk, not a TRoll
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Just posting the Imperial one too.
You guys don't actually play 10e, right?
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Made an attempt at it myself
I probably wont until I get my codex.
No I only play my two little armies against eachother by myself.
I make up fun little narrative modifiers to add some randomness to it.
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I played two games today. Lost both but they were close, finally took my land raider out. Had fun.
Weird melta depiction

They'd be a mix of marks
Actually based beyond belief.
If true.
Based as all fuck.
If I ever manage to find a game, I shall continue your legacy
based helmet scavenger
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I've unironically played more Legions Imperialis than I have 10th Edition games.
And I've really not played that much LI either.
>Reading the Lelith novel summary
How the fuck did Lelith survive getting punched in the chest with a powerfist? Don't those things destroy tanks?
Damn it, I cant unsee that now! : (
Mike Brooks
>They'd be a mix of marks
Sounds like awful monopose shit then.
The plot demanded it.
she popped her invuln save
Describe the scene, I almost got a chub from reading that alone.
She just flexed her abs and blocked it.
true, eldar are just built different
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>MFW Lost and Damned are only 28 percent
This aint fair bros. You'd think GW would try to milk guardfags and chaosfags at the same time by at least releasing a guard supplement on fielding chaos guardsmen, but no.
The biggest surprise to me is that Yvraine was outed as being essentially a walking corpse, shes not alive, but also not dead.
That's what the kit that already existed was
What the hell is yvraine up to anyway
She was doing something in the Stern book and then i have no idea
Literally nothing because the last macguffin she needs is slaanesh's buttplug
Yeah, but it was metal.
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Unless the disintegration field is active (and for the sake of energy conservation it usually isn't) the fist is "just" an extra large gauntlet. If it wasn't on when she was struck, she would be hurt but not much worse than if she was struck with a regularly armored fist.
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Here is the text for the scene
Are you counting Ynnari and Harlequins in there too? Some Eldar fans don't for some reason.
It might actually end up higher if you lump Dark Eldar in there as well which I know some would consider part of Eldar.
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I did count them as part of Eldar, yea.
Surprise surprise. The herald of a Death God who has soul manipulation powers is basically a Lich.
Is it actually a power fist or just a flowery way of describing a power armoured fist?
Because I initially read it as the later.
Her breasts are too small and far between to cushion a chest blow.
"Massive empowered fist"
Are marines' fists considered massive on their own?
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I just scrolled the thread and don’t know what I missed but Jesus Christ.
Post games.
>Are marines' fists considered massive on their own?
What? its a pretty decent thread.
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Posting the admech game I did. Not as fun as my Orks but I have decided not to sell them after the new update.
Yeah but it also looks unhinged.
Not everyone is as lucky as you, Sallyman. Many are here just to shitpost and kill time
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How'd I do painting fire for the first time /tg/?
I have one of those coming my way from ebay.
Its a decent job.

If it was me I'd do a wash of yellow to brighten the recesses more, but thats more personal taste.
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no more unhinged than the usual thread with the abaddon fag or the PAK dude.
hey now the exoditefag is obnoxious but he's not abaddonfag-tier
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Why does Abaddon's freedom offend you so?
I'll respond to posts from half an hour ago about why blood angels are fags if you try and start your shit again.
Who’s it written by?
Why would I care?
Better yet, just upload the story here.
Unironically, do you have any idea how sad your life sounds?
I don't like that they killed off the Knights of Blood.
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>guns behind doors
I just followed the instructions :)
>Forget the promise of progress and understanding...
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Too soothe your frustration.
Was going to get a KT game in with my buddy but getting his PC OS Transferred took longer than I'd expected.
she's beautiful
hey sally, if I was to get a second land raider what do you think would annoy people more.. mismatched doors or another with doors on front?
wait I got it, mismatched with FW DG doors
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Have any of the successor chapters been noted in any recent bl books yet?
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you could say its.. chaotic.
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Ian St. Martin. Idk what the consensus on him is but I thought it was a decent short story
found this by doing a search on 4plebs, quality is iffy but its readable
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I hear the shadowboxer lurks here.
Oh a lamenters book, that sounds nice
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>blood angels related thing has blood in the name
Wait, is there another exodite fan here?
So where is the 40k news?
Lamenters mention!
Shot story about them was the best.
post the summary of it
Vahl book release date fucking when? They recovered the cargo container from the bottom of the Red Sea, they must be ready to sell the fucking thing
>Shot story about them
"Once upon a time, everybody died"
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Got a game in at the last minute tonight, and against Orks to boot.
Sounds gay
damn orks sure love pasta sauce
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His orks are space uruk hai. I think it's pretty cool.
Thata a cool theme.
IMO he's gone to heavy on the gore and it obscures the theme. But to each their own.
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Just a lot of character in this army. It was only his 7th game, apparently, and he already has a fully-painted army. Carries it around in a toolbox he's painted the white hand of saruman onto by hand.
>by hand
Did he just paint his hand white and slap it onto the box like a stamp?
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if I ever painted orks up I think I'd do something similar, either urukhai or maghar brown orks
friendly reminder that garrosh did literally nothing wrong
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>brown orks
Might wanna reconsider that in this day and age.
and his second death was literally the only good moment of the bar none worst era of world of warcraft
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Anyone have a pdf link to that lamenter one? Curious to see if Black Library depicts them as a meme or it they're taken seriously. Apparently it's a companion piece to the author's previous Tyranid short story "Blood Harvest"?
>You cant pant orks the color of what they're based on
It's been on the backburner for a minute due to AoS launching a new edition. It will likely return next week or two when the preorders are finished.
they should be pale gremlins since they're based on football hooligans then
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Football hooligans weren't brown, my newfag friend.
nah its TOW time baby.
Post hands
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I'm angry and disappointed I can't find orks painted as picrel
>C'moooon boyz!! Start some friggin waaaahgs
AoS has good rules, i just wish their army designs were better.
New thread:
Respect the commitment to theme.

Please tell me he has magnets in their base or something so they don't just rattle around inside the toolbox.

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